RendezvousChapter 7
- 4 years ago
- 30
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a/n: Wow, I’m finally back into the swing of things. Apologies for the first two chapters being absolute shit and any inconsistencies – I had just wanted to jump into the Sylar/Emma relationship too quickly, and didn’t think carefully about the realistic process of them (with their past and emotional baggage) getting there. However, I don’t want to edit the previous chapters yet because I’m just going to get stuck editing and not writing.
I promise to be more careful now that I’m taking writing more seriously again. On the good side, it means this story will be longer? Hope you like how this story is going Always appreciate comments!
Emma squealed as Adam quickening steps broke into a run down the hill. The thundering sounds of the street construction swept past her, it seemed like the roads in San Francisco were always broken. ‘Watch out,’ Adam slowed down to watch her, and tightened his grip on her hand as she skipped over a chunk of cement that had been cracked by a nearby tree root.
‘Adam,’ she laughed as she stumbled straight into his chest. Her nose smashed against his front pocket, and she inhaled his scent – their scent – the smell of Irish Spring and the fresh undertone masculine smell that was uniquely his. A tingle rushed from her heart and expanded to the rest of her face as his arms came around her. The tip of his chin rested on the top of her head, and she resisted the pull to kiss his Adam’s apple.
Instead, he pulled back and kissed her forehead, causing her to break out into a smile. Here he was… she thought as she reached up and kissed his cheek, and he was now hers… a dark spark dampened the joy when she realized that Sylar had inadvertently brought them together, but Adam tugged her down the street, washing those thoughts away again.
He had seen her forlorn face when she had come back from work the day Sylar had yelled at her. ‘What happened,’ he asked, rushing to her side as soon as he saw her collapse against the door.
‘I screwed up at work.’ Emma was shaking, and she wasn’t sure from what. ‘I screwed up and Sy – the actor yelled at me for wasting his time… and – th -then he said I… wasn’t cut for the job.’
Adam’s chest constricted as Emma started crying. She was such a hard worker, but this was an inevitable bump in the road for her. ‘Sh, stop,’ he pulled her away from the door and onto the sofa. Her arms came around him, seeking comfort, which he gladly gave. Anything to stop her from crying. ‘Emma. Emma, listen to me.’
She hiccuped and looked up into his kind eyes. But she was still unable to shake Sylar’s voice from her head. Not the one that was frustrated with her, the one that frightened her sexually, but the one, that on a professional level, was furious enough to try and get her fired. The one that from then on would not only remind her of her incompetence… but also…
Adam broke her mind of the obsessive labyrinth she had been starting to build to protect herself from Sylar. One that she got lost in whenever he simply gave her a look. She desperately wanted to apologize to him, ashamed that she had struck so low …all out of fear.
She jolted. It was too easy to get lost in the maze she had created for herself. ‘I’m sorry I’ve been a whack job all week,’ she said, burying her head into his chest. She knew her tears were staining his shirt, but she rather that than have him watch her cry. Even her voice couldn’t hide her insecurities. ‘Work’s just been stressful and today was the straw that broke the camel’s back.’
She held tighter as Adam laughed. She closed her eyes, reveling in the feel of his calloused hand in her hair.
‘I know, but you have to remember: You’re not perfect, Emma. You’re not Super Woman, and you can’t just handle work this intensely without having a small mistake here and there. Was the mistake that bad?’
Her ‘No’ was muffled into his chest. It hadn’t been as bad as Sylar made it out to be, but the way his green eyes blazed as he shouted at her. She hadn’t seen it coming until it was too late. He had humiliated her, for no particular reason the rest of the crew reassured her, all while telling her another story in his eyes. He was incensed, aroused, and – the worst of it all – falling apart with every word he spat at her. She felt at fault for not only the simple production mistake, but the reason he couldn’t preform up to standard.
Adam waited her to finish sniffling and watched as she wiped her nose with the edge of her sweater. His heart clenched when her big eyes looked up at him, teary.
‘It just makes me feel… so useless.’ She curled up, her butt nestled in his lap as her tiny body fit completely on top of him. Emma was not aware of how tempting her position had become, putting pressure in the right places. Her head dropped back down to his chest.
‘Stop pretending that you don’t make mistakes.’
She wrinkled her nose, ‘I don’t.’
His eyebrows went up before he saw the twinkle in her eye dim.
‘I mean, not ones that deserve scolding in front of the entire team,’ she finished lightly. She was glad that Adam was here. Having him physically present was much more satisfying than calling him on the phone or crying alone. Without thinking, she reached up and pressed her palm against his cheek. She ran her fingers over his growing stubble before, very quickly, kissing him on the cheek.
‘I’m so glad you’re here… when I need you.’
Shit. Emma didn’t dare look up after what she just did. Her kiss was simple but so bold. But… here he was, Adam. Her first kiss and the only boy she had wanted since then. She couldn’t describe the joy she felt when he continued to be her friend, even through the fumbling and awkward attempts to get his reignite their drunken flame. No matter how childishly she handled their relationship, Adam always made sure they stay on track.
Her breath caught as she felt fingers on her chin. They redirected her gaze, very gently, from the floor to his burning brown eyes. She might not be able to get lost in them, like an endless ocean or a depthless sky, but she could see very clearly what he wanted. She let her breath slip as Adam bent down and took her lips.
It was soft, teasing at first, as if he were resistant. When Emma felt him slowly back away, she found new courage rush from within and grabbed the edge of his shirt, pulling him down to take his mouth for her own. All the aggression, the pent up frustration from the past week – the past few years since she had known him – came pouring out in that one kiss. She couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped her throat.
Desire took control. Her movements felt foreign for her first time, but her actions were familiar as her body mimicked what she had seen in all the videos she worked on. Their mouths were still connected as Emma raised her leg to straddled Adam properly. His large hands held her face, pulling her closer as he invaded her thoughts. All her thoughts… until she felt his hand slip underneath her shirt and his tongue in her mouth.
‘Shit,’ he said as Emma jerked back. ‘Emma, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t – ‘
Emma felt her world crashing around her as she anticipated Adam’s words of regret. She didn’t want a repeat of her first kiss. The scene of Adam apologizing for taking it away, for not making it special – the implication that she was a mistake.
‘I don’t want to hear that your dick got ahead of you, and that if this had been a normal circumstance, you wouldn’t have ever done this.’ She felt the tears welling up in her again, for a completely different reason, as if the first cry she had for him over four years ago had not been finished. ‘How is that supposed to make me feel – ‘
He silenced her with another kiss. At first she resisted, but Adam would not relent. He nipped and pressed his lips against her until she
opened up her mouth to him.
‘You talk to fucking much when you’re worried. No, let me finish first. First… fuck,’ he looked away and rubbed his hand through his hair. ‘I’m sorry I was your first kiss. Yes, I’m apologizing for my mistake four years ago. I was an asshole. I knew you liked me, and I just wanted to kiss someone so bad that night and you were there.’ His hands drilled into her waist when she tried to move away.
‘I’m not finished. I didn’t like you then, Emma. Not that way necessarily, and not the way you wanted me to, but mostly… I think… because I didn’t deserve you. I would’ve hurt you.’
‘And now?’
‘You mean, this?’ He paused, his eyes flickering as if he were sorting out the words before they came out in full sentences. ‘I don’t know what I’m feeling right now, other than the fact that I want to protect you. I want to be with you.’
She nodded, unable to contain her happiness. Her dreams, her wishes, her fairytale ending was coming true.
‘So… What do you say?’
He searched her eyes intently, wanting her to put a definition to this new door they had opened. Emma wouldn’t look at him, her chest rising and falling, until he bent down and nipped her neck, begging for an answer.
‘I’ve loved you even before you kissed me, Adam.’
That was all he needed to hear. He ignored the shyness in her voice and the seconds she had hesitated, chalking it up to nerves. He hugged her like he had never hugged her before. His cheek rested against her hair as he mumbled, ‘I love you, too, Emma. Maybe not as strongly as you do for me, not on the same levels. Not yet. But I hope that’s enough for now.’
He felt her nod and tightened his hold, glad to have finally straightened out this one mess in his life. Now that she was his, things felt right. He could probably get the rest of his life back on track… before he had to leave for the tour.
Never had he imagined that he would see Emma this way, rather than the timid and cute bird he knew from college. She was now a fully fledged sexy being. Where did she learn to move like that? Fuck, he thought as she bounced slightly, causing him to grip her tiny waist. He closed his eyes, trying to think of anything to keep himself calm. Dead babies, clowns…
‘Yeah,’ he exhaled loudly as she wriggled on his lap.
‘You’re still my first kiss.’
She felt him freeze as he pulled back, brushing her hair out of her eyes. Suddenly she was aware of how her crying must’ve made her look. All the snot and tears running down her face, the salty taste of their kissing had been all her – god, it had only been a week and he witnessed her crying almost everyday. Feeling embarrassed, Emma tried to get off his lap, but he wouldn’t let her turn away as he leaned in and kissed her again.
‘I’m glad.’
After a few more minutes of making out, Adam begrudgingly pulled a subdued Emma off his lap. She went to take a shower while Adam flipped through a take-out menu for dinner. By the time she had come out, dressed again in his t-shirt and boxer, he was watching a movie. Emma came over, smelling of fresh and masculine, and he pulled her close, causing her to giggle before he made her sit down so he could rest his head in her lap. They had done this many times before, but finally… it felt right.
Just as right as her hand found his, Emma smiled, recalling how perfect her relationship with Adam had turned out. She couldn’t have wished for a more fitting way for them to finally discover their feelings for each other – or rather, his feelings for her. Sure it had taken four years, but now, no longer having to ask Adam to come to bed, to have him crawl in with his own volition, was worth every second she had pined for his heart.
‘Here it is,’ he exclaimed as they finally found the brunch spot he had been wanting to take her since he saw in on the Food Channel. They were deep downtown, and the first time he mentioned it, he didn’t fail to see Emma balk at the location. But it was a Sunday, and he reassured her that they wouldn’t see anyone from work.
They put their name down as the hostess told them to expect a minimum of an hour wait. Emma gave the hostess her number so that she could explore the city with Adam.
They walked along the water front, enjoying the sea view, nice breeze and warm sun that came rare to the city. Emma felt like a giddy school girl as she pointed out little things to Adam. This was her dream come true – so many times she had come back to San Francisco, seeing things here and there that she had wanted to share with him, and now she finally could… except that he seemed less interested in the sights, and more with watching her.
‘Stop staring at me.’
‘Why?’ Adam’s arm came around her waist to hook her beside him.
‘I don’t know.’
‘Is it because you’re used to doing all the staring?’
She blushed. Adam was not shy about bringing up her old school crush on him over the years. When she complained, he countered that it was all fair in love and war. Bringing up moments of her adoring gaze was his way of reminding himself how stupid he had been to miss it all. ‘You’re missing the rest of the city. It’s a beautiful day for once and…’ she laughed as he bit her hand.
‘But I’ll be… I rather spend that time with you than looking at buildings.’
Emma smiled brightly and quickly kissed him on the cheek. She felt satisfied as Adam was unable to contain his happiness. He didn’t return her kiss, but he kept her close to him, their hips swaying together, occasionally knocking into each other and causing them to tumble a little. Yes, she thought, they were different from the traditional couple. She already knew everything about him, and he her, the only things left to learn about each other was the present and… she sighed, remembering their kisses, he would teach her the carnal stuff.
They wandered back to the cafe an hour later, just in time for their seats. And after the waitress got their order, Emma watched Adam stir sugar into his black coffee. She remembered how much he hated coffee in college – especially black. It used to be simply whipped cream filled frappuccinos and caramel macchiatos for him. She wondered how much had changed since he graduated.
‘Hey Adam. When did you decide… that you lo- lik- wanted me?’
‘Well that was subtle.’
She kicked him underneath the table as he laughed.
‘Okay, okay.’ He looked down at his cup and stirred.
Emma watched him as she began to realize that there were gaps of his time that she didn’t know about. Since graduation, he had worked hard with his band, and that meant a lot of time on the road. He had forgone a cell phone to make sure they could get from one gig to the other, and those times they traveled, Emma didn’t hear from him. She just assumed he had forgotten about her, the way most people do when you no longer see them. Now she just wanted to hear that he hadn’t, that she wasn’t an afterthought, and this thing between them… was real.
‘I’ve always missed you, you know?’ Adam’s smile didn’t quite reach his eyes until he looked at her. Her heart bloomed as she realized how true those words were. ‘When it all first started out, it was easy to keep in contact with you, like nothing had changed, but then things started building up and you and I were so busy. One missed phone call became three, and then no return calls and I stopped having a cell phone plan. When we were on tour, somehow just picking up the phone and calling you didn’t seem as natural or as … it wasn’t the first thing on my mind as it used to be.’
They were interrupted by their food, which Adam was grateful for. For the pause to carefully hash out his words so that they didn’t reveal too much about his time away. He slowly drizzled the syrup over his pancakes, methodically cutting them up so that he could give a little to Emma.
‘And t
he times I did think about calling you, I got angry. I got angry because I felt like I always had to maintain the relationship. When I stopped calling, you seemed to forget about me.’
‘But that’s just – ‘
‘I know. Just how you are. I remember that now, but fuck me if it doesn’t piss me off at times,’ he laughed. He looked up from his food. ‘Hey, after I’m done with this confession, you’ll tell me how much you still love me right?’
Emma laughed. ‘I’ll tell you what I like about you.’
‘I’ll take that.’ He sipped his coffee. ‘So we weren’t supposed to get two months off, we were supposed to keep touring, but then Chester had to go to rehab… for alcoholism and drug addiction.’
‘To be honest, I don’t blame him. We worked so hard and alcohol was the only way out. It’s just funny how after the success, he couldn’t kick it. But our managers demanded that he get clean before we started the tour. So while Chester is in rehab, we get two months to do almost anything. And I was going to head home, but before I got my tickets, I don’t know, somehow I saw this movie Like Crazy and thought of you. Next thing I knew, I was on a plane to San Francisco.’
‘That depressing movie made you think of me?’
Emma’s face contorted in disgust as Adam laughed.
‘Well, not just you. Us. The whole long distance thing and how it doesn’t work. I came to visit you cause I missed you, but I guess it wasn’t really until the whole club incident,’ he looked down and missed the way Emma stiffened, ‘that I realized I didn’t like it when another guy was interested in you. That I… I knew you better than anyone else.’
She reached over the table and grabbed his hand.
‘You do.’
He gave her hand a slight squeeze, and chuckled.
‘So wow. Uh, heavy for a first date, huh?’
Emma shrugged, her eyes flirtatious. ‘It was a’ite..’
‘Now it’s your turn.’
‘Hm?’ she looked at him innocently. ‘My turn for what?’
Adam realized how much he had wanted to hear her admit it. Admit that he hadn’t lost her in all this foolishness. He hadn’t shared everything, just the basics and what the media has probably already told her, but he would be damned before she knew about the strings of one night stands he had before he remembered her. Guilt swarmed his insides, he couldn’t admit the first of the real truth. The truth that even through missing her – he had forgotten about her, that he had only seen that movie because the girl in his bed had played it on demand.
He relaxed visibly when she stroked his hand.
She meet his gaze once or twice during her confession. Starting from his voice to the little things he did to make her feel protected – wanted. Emma didn’t miss the way his eyes grew stormy as she whispered how she liked his arms around her, in bed, on the street, anywhere, because they made her feel safe. How his scent and eyes reminded her that someone out there really cared about her, not just in a way that friends felt obligated to, but because he genuinely did. The conversation was so delicate and private for such an open area, but no one took notice of the couple completely enamored with each other. Although one more than the other.
‘Honey, you have the glow!’
Emma’s eyes bulged as Greg pinched her cheeks and pulled her face towards the light. She allowed him to squeeze and manipulate her face at will, the huge smile never leaving his face. His voice boomed throughout the studio, catching a few curious ears before he settled down.
‘Tell me, what have you been doing this weekend?’
She had the audacity to turn away and blush, confirming all the dirty thoughts in his head. If only he knew that the further Adam and her had gone was his tongue in her mouth. It was all she felt like doing because the moment Adam reached for her breasts, she shied away.
‘Oh boy, a boy, am I right?’
Greg clapped his hands together. He crossed his legs and waited for Emma to spill every detail about her orgasmic night when he noticed her smile fade into a lost expression. Tracing her gaze, he followed it to the other side of the room, where Sylar was walking out of the dressing room in nothing but a towel. ‘Oh my god,’ he said, drawing a connection, ‘did you – ‘
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The Lamb and Lion Middle Eastern Restaurant was candle lit at every table. The various patrons’ conversations were a dull background buzz. The wait staff uniform was tuxedo without the top coat, giving the venue an upscale atmosphere. The clientele were a mixture of groups: a few couples seated in romantic seclusion and elsewhere parents accompanied by teenaged offspring ostensibly along to get some exposure to dining etiquette and table manners. Apparently, that was a mixed bag of success. ...
Dana hated him. At that moment when he entered the room he rubbed her in a way that burned her and she didn’t like it, if it wasn’t for her dad she would’ve walked over and slapped him. She didn’t fall for his looks or his body like all the other females who buzzed around him and she thought it was pathetic. Anger boiled through her as her dad made introductions. ‘Dana this is Derek,’ the boy smiled raising his hand towards her but she made no move to take it, he was her dad’s new wife’s son,...
It has been a few months since my last adventure and I apologize for the delay. Not much has been going on and because of that, I started to get the itch. You know - the one that says you need to get some. And online porn was simply not going to cut it. So I reached out on everybody's favorite anonymous hookup source - Craigslist - in the hopes I would get lucky. It's always a longshot, but ya never know; I have had fair success meeting fun and sexy and real people on CL. Of course, I've...
Leigh was feeling underdressed. The maitre’d didn’t say anything to her–perhaps the restaurant didn’t have an actual dress code, or perhaps she slipped by the standards, after all, she was wearing a dress she’d picked up on sale at Bloomingdale’s. It wasn’t like she was wearing cut-off jeans and a T-shirt. But walking into the restaurant and looking around, she felt suddenly certain that the average patron of the establishment (she was sure they didn’t use words like ‘diner’ here) probably had...
The next morning, while AJ slept, Frank Jr. rode out and found two more steers. He was pretty sure one of them was one of the ones they'd already had, because it walked right towards him when he saw it, and followed him back to the wagon, instead of having to be driven. Bella and Becky did mending, sitting in the shade of the trees. They were quiet for a while, and then Becky said "Can we have that talk now?" Bella nodded. Becky waited a long time and then said "Well?" "I thought...
- Thursday, Jan. 31 John Anderson sat at his desk and wondered what he was going to do about Amy. Amy was his wife of six years, and lately she had been behaving very strangely toward him. It seemed that she had her mind on something, and he couldn't figure out what it could be. For over a month now, ever since Christmas, she seemed to be lost in thought almost every evening. Their conversations had deteriorated to simple sentences. They used to have long conversations over the supper table,...
A Devious ThreesomeWhen they heard from their friend that had helped them break into the world of threesomes, they were quite surprised. Not only because it was just after midnight, but the fact that it had been well over a year since they had really heard from him and he had since gotten married. Even though his wife had said she didn’t mind if he was involved with them it was still kind of surprising. They had since moved onto different jobs and really didn’t see much of each other anymore....
Namaste aap sabko aur ayie mere 3rd part of story mein. I hope ki aapko pehle 2nd part pasand aye honge. Aur agar nahi padhe toh please padh le toh ek si link set ho jayegi. Yeh sari stories tab ki hai jab sare bache bade ho gaye hai. Toh aab main aata hu sidha story pe. Jaise ki apne 2nd part mein halki si jhalak li ki Sonu aur Bhide chudai kar rahe the apni bedroom mein jab Madhvi nahi thi. Toh ayie dekhte hai ki kaise in dono ki sex life ki shuruat hui. Toh ek din hua yuh ki Sonu ke 12th...
Billy and I ran to my house as fast as we could. It was Friday and school was out for the the three days. We got inside and thru our backpacks on the floor and got to the kitchen. We sat on the bar stools and I placed our prize on the counter, it was four blue pills. An older boy sold them to me for twenty dollars. He promised me that if we put one pill in a drink and give it to a girl she will have sex with us in twenty minutes. And she would not remember anything the next day. Billy and I...
**Author’s note: This is the first thing I wrote – and actually completed – a few years ago now. I was sorting through my files and came across it and thought ‘what the heck’ I’ll post it on the net. Hope you enjoy it, but it is quite a slow going story, with the action coming later. I shall try and post a chapter a week if anyone does like it, and thanks as always for reading me.** Chapter one (A meeting on a train) Hell! ‘That train wasn’t supposed to leave for another ten minutes’ ‘I...
The drive west on Interstate 10 was long and at times a little boring. The starkness of the land was quite a change from the greenery you would see driving in the Midwest. Off-setting that were the picturesque hills and buttes which do not exist in the Midwest. Without pushing it too much Matt decided to stop for the night in Tucson, Arizona. He registered for a room at the Holiday Inn. Across the street was a Denny's restaurant and behind it a Wal-Mart. He could get something to eat and do...
'I reckon that if we ever split up; you and Rachel would be really good together.' 'Huh' I replied, rolling over and raising my eyes at my girlfriend.'I'm just saying; you're both into the same kind of music and films, and she's really quite hot.''I honestly can't say I've ever thought about it Chloe', I replied, lying slightly.'Well I have, and I think it's true...' she rolled back onto her side, ready to fall asleep. '... but don't go getting any ideas though.'How could I not get any ideas? I...
"So what is your idea with me and the boys from the garage?" She asked. "Let's have a sandwich and I will explain it to you." Sebastian told her that she should invite Seth first. She should wear something sexy, sit him in the living room and give him a rum and coke. Then put on some music and dance sexy in front of him. Sebastian told her between the alcohol and her sexy outfit and dance, he probably will be ready to cum. All she had to do was show him some tit, undo his zipper and...
I had done some thinking and made some calls. To make sure that the Union Representatives heard the message correctly, I asked Craig to fly in to show them how serious we considered the meeting. This only dealt with one port, but all ports have unions, so we expected that at this meeting, we'd be setting a precedent. It was the beginning of 1983 when the minimum wage was $3.35 an hour or just under $7,000 annually. The median income was just under $21,000 a year. We were paying our drivers...
Tuesday October 25 I’d been afraid I would wake up and hurt from yesterday’s activity. While I could tell I’d pushed my limits some, it was more a good hurt, the kind you get from working out and not the sort from being injured. Today, for the first time, I felt like I would eventually be okay. Duke heard me awaken and jumped on my bed for me to love him up. I must have found the right spot because he stretched out his neck and his back leg began to jerk back and forth like he was scratching...
Ugh. Today is Monday. That means getting up early, that means going to school, but worst of all, that means no sex until both my sister and I get home after school. Ugh. But it's well worth the wait. I have something special planned for today, something that I've set into motion this morning before leaving the house. Right now, my lithe little sister is lying face up on her bed again, an impish grin on her face, and her nipples already slightly hardened in anticipation. In anticipation of...
Zoe Clark just moved into town and she is looking to get a room near her college. She finally finds a great room and she goes to meet her landlord Eric John . The room is just perfect but the price isn’t . Zoe is determinated to get this room to any cost. Watch Zoe Clark getting down on her knees and pleasure her Landlord Eric John. Than Eric bends her over for some old good doggie style. This young slut loves to ride a fat older man cock until he cum all over her pretty body. I guess Zoe...
xmoviesforyouI wonder if she realized that it was her hat that caught my attention. It was the hat which she was wearing that sealed the deal for me. It was the summer of eighty-two and I was working at a private beach and tennis club in the Hamptons. The club was open for members only on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, from May through September. During the week the facilities were available for the small staff of us who worked there. I had spent the morning this Wednesday on the main tennis court with...
ExhibitionismHis eyes bored into mine as he could see the realization in them that my discipline was to get even harsher yet. “You will get 12 strokes with this riding crop. You will count the strokes out loud. After each one, you will thank me and ask for the next. If you lose count, we will start again. If you keep count, and sound appropriately grateful right to the end, you will get a reward. Do you understand?” My brain raced – twelve, and I had to be grateful and ask for each one. What else could he...
She said she was going to take a lover. We were sitting at the dining table for dinner when she told me. I did not even hesitate before I answered. I said “OK.” This is a story of someone who finally had enough of the social climber world heaped on him. I am Jack (short for Jackson) Walden, 34, married for 12 years. I am a very successful inventor and technical writer. I own a small manufacturing plant. That stuff doesn’t mean much to me. Money is just a scorecard, and I ain’t playing the...
When Kate woke up, she found herself not in her own bed in her own room, but in what could only be described as a cell. Four barren walls and a door. Off to one side was an opening that led to a washroom. She woke up on a large, raised platform in the middle of the room, a makeshift bed? She was confused and frightened having no idea how she got here. Or even where “here” was. Scooting off the platform, she went to the door but found no handle, no way to open it. She pushed on it with all her...
CHAPTER FIVE: ANAL“Anton … have you ever … I mean, have you … I mean, would you …”We were on our way back to the compound from a visit to one of the tribes close by to our small village. This village was only a half-day’s journey away and a mild illness was moving through the people. The medicines we had accumulated brought relief to them. Along the way back on the trail, I reached out to stop Anton. The two of us had taken our relationship to a level that the other sisters smiled at us as they...
When she was wiping my body from the front she marked the bulge on my jeans. I tried my best not to show it to her but it was visible & I saw a naughty smile on her face….She told me to open my shoes & be comfortable & went to kitchen. I was seating in her drawing room watching the TV..I had no interest in TV by then as I was so much excited that I want to masturbate. After 5 mins she came & sat just next to me. I was still controlling myself. She asked me the normal questions which girls...
WHAT DO I DO NOW? PART 2 @ @ @ @ Sam had a night he would never forget, a lifelong transvestite he had taken advantage of his wife's supposed absence to venture out for the first time dressed as his alter-ego Samantha. He was in a gay bar enjoying himself when in walked his wife in the arms of what appeared to be her girlfriend. Devastated at finding out his wife was a lesbian. He took to drinking to help deal with the reality of the situation. SAM's story. He slid off his...
I stood on the landing, looking at the “C” in brass on the door for a few moments. I hadn’t had anywhere near as much bourbon as Shania had, but felt my head swimming. This was not a good situation, I thought. Still, maybe she’d go inside, fall into bed and go to sleep. That way I’d be spared any further emotional havoc this particular day. As I moved away from her door I shook my head to clear it. This had all been a bit much. As I reached the landing to my own place I decided I might as well...
The contest was now nearly over and Drake was still standing, but it had been tough competition for him and our local boy looked more than a bit the worse for wear. At least it wasn’t one of his ears that was now decorating the moll’s jacket. He and another survivor from this sand ring made it to the center arena and climbed upwards just as a meager selection of small weapons appeared out of seemingly nowhere and scattered themselves widely across the final upraised combat stage. “Hah!” Leo,...
This is fiction. No part of this story is true nor do I wish it to be true ... If you are not 18, you should not be reading this. If you believe this is real, you should not be reading this. It all comes from an overactive imagination. Friday was relatively uneventful, well except for the normal things; at least what had become normal in her new life. And despite her misgivings of the previous morning, she again awoke Jon sucking on his cock. It was worth the guilt she felt. No requests...
In late October the plans were well in hand for the Thanksgiving Party at the U.S. Embassy in Kobek city. "With respect, it's very simple, Ambassador. We have a list of all the invitations you have received in the last twelve months and we simply invite all of the Ambassadors who sent them." "But I haven't been here for twelve months yet," Sharon objected. "Not you personally, the U.S. Ambassador receives invitations, even when there is nobody in post," the Head of Protocol...
They say everyone remembers their first kiss. I guess that’s true and in my case that was with a girl. Despite what you might think, I was quite a late developer and didn’t experience my my first cock until after I had turned 17. I was a bit of an odd one out in that respect and I was well aware that my friends had been experimenting before me. I had quite a strict upbringing you see and while a lot of my friends were messing about, my parents kept me in to do my homework. Several years later,...
LesbianThis may sound a bit warped to the male readers (and maybe some female as well), but lately I’ve discovered a new way of getting myself off. It all started by buying an inexpensive video camera and one day, while in a particularly horny mood, I decided to videotape myself. It took very little planning. I basically perused through a folder filled with naked girls, which obviously got my six-inch cock up and running. That took all of ten minutes before I decided on which one would be the lucky...
Hey guys this is shubham back with a story submitted by one of my followers. It might be a bit slow but i bet its worth it. Enjoy. All these years, my abode was my dad’s apartment. Being the only child, the apartment belonged to me by default. But life changed a lot in the last five years. I’m thirty five and still single. Since my mother died eight years ago, dad was a lonely ape needing a life partner who could stimulate him intellectually and physically. This restless ape’s mentee turned out...
"Damn!" Janice rolled onto her ass once more, one arm draped over her face. It was going to be a long, long night. Chad had made her cum violently, with a passion she hadn't known for a long, long time. But now, as she lay naked on her bed, the sheets having been kicked off long ago, the brunette thought once more about looking for the dog. It was nearly midnight. Her sister wasn't home yet. That dance must have been quite an affair. Janice laughed a little bitterly, again imagining the...
Although she had been doing it for past two months, still her limbs went weak, palms got sweaty and her heart rate shot up whenever she thought about it. Sitting in the living room, intently waiting to hear the click of the door closing, she rubbed her hands against the jeans, took two or three deep breaths, and thought how lucky she has been. Kathy was well aware that if caught it would not only ruin her relationship forever, it would also put her in an extremely bad situation, but her mind...