Inspiration Ch. 05 free porn video

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Any and all erotic asphyxiation displayed within these and all MY stories are highly recommended for those who are truly experienced in the breath play fetish. Please, educate yourself and your partner before attempting this fetish and, always, use caution and precautions. Education and safety are a must within this realm of fetish!

‘I’m meeting him at his place.’ Rosangela’s voice shouted as she darted about her bedroom gathering up a pair of black vinyl heels.

Atop Rosangela’s bed was her cell phone and from the speaker came Stew’s voice, ‘So, another date night with the old guy, huh?’ His voice chuckled.

Rosangela sat on the edge of the bed, worked on the spiked heel. She snipped, ‘Fuck you!’ she giggled, ‘He sure in the hell doesn’t look old.’she grinned, ‘And, damn, doesn’t act like it.’

‘Ew,’ Stew’s voice continued to chuckle then he asked, ‘So, how many times you two fuck?’

Rosangela glared at her cell phone then said, ‘Wouldn’t you like to know, you pervert!’

Stew agreed, ‘Yeah, I wanna know how many times you screwed an old guy.’

She grabbed the phone then stated, ‘I gotta go.’

Stew protested, ‘No, come on, details!’

She laughed then said, ‘Bye, Stew!’ She tapped the pad of her thumb ending the call. She shook her head as she giggled and thought, Stew was such a nosy bitch.

She rose up off the bed, stepped to a full length mirror to check her appearance one last time before the cab arrived. She turned to the side, her hands smoothed down the somewhat simple but flattering wrap dress. She aimed her backside to the mirror then peered over her shoulder.

Her bright red lips grinned, knew exactly what she had hidden beneath the dress. Her thick black lashed eye winked at her reflection then she sang, ‘Damn straight!’

Near eight o’clock the yellow cab rolled up to the curb just outside the large once factory building.

Rosangela got out of the cab then handed the fee to the driver through the passenger window. She chimed, ‘Thanks.’ then she turned and peered up at the old historic building. She stepped towards the large double steel doors.

At the doors she eyed the row of names on the call box. Her blue eyes spotted author’s name then she pressed and held her finger against the white button. She hummed as she held her finger firm.

From the call box came Victor’s voice,


She giggled then sang, ‘Hello, Mr. Hardway, it’s me!’

Victor’s voice commented, ‘No shit.’

There came a buzzing and the double doors unlocked.

Rosangela again giggled then shoved open one of the heavy doors. She strutted through the somewhat lobby headed for the old elevator. She stepped into the elevator, pulled down the gate then pressed the top floor.

She stood in the elevator while chewing her bottom lip and slightly bouncing with excitement. She was actually going to be inside Victor Hardway’s apartment. She was going to have a candlelit dinner with author Victor Hardway.

She frowned. Yes, perhaps the dinner was all her idea but it was a dinner date any way you looked at it.

The elevator came to a stop, there was a sound of classical music playing. Her eyes peered through the gaps of the gate. His apartment was wide open to the elevator, obviously occupied the entire top floor of the narrow building.

She bent down and lifted the gate. Her heart excitedly raced. Once the gate was up, she took a slow step forward, her eyes shifted side to side wondering where her date was. She took another step forward, listened to the soft piano music then heard the distinct sound of what she knew was dinner being made. She could even smell it, all the fragrant scents of oregano and other Italian spices.

She called out, ‘Hello!’ She aimed the open toes of her heels in the direction of the sounds. She slowly stepped in the direction she assumed was the kitchen. She loudly sang, ‘Mr. Hardway!’

His voice called back, ‘In here!’

She shrugged and thought, where was here?

She moved around a dark brick wall and discovered a very open floor plan. The kitchen was within on massive room.

She smiled and continued his direction where he stood at a separating island and greeted, ‘Hi!’

He was much more casually dressed, no suit, just a simple v-neck sweater with the sleeves half rolled. Yet, she admired, he wore his signature fedora.

She commented, ‘So, just a guess, but you have a fedora for every kind of occasion.’

He paused midway slicing the Italian bread. His head slightly lifted and he peered at her from within the shadows of his fedora. He smirked then replied, ‘I guess so.’

She giggled then stepped up to the island and praised, ‘Smells damned good, Mr. Hardway.’

He continued to smirk as he finished slicing the bread then stated, ‘Better be, especially after cooking it nearly all damned day.’

She slyly tilted her head and eyed him. She sweetly said, ‘Thank you.’

His smirk faded into a simple smile, he glanced at her then lifted his hand and tilted his hat to her in a welcome gesture. He delivered the bread to the dining table, candles and everything just as requested. He set the platter at the table center then pulled the chair out.

He looked to her then asked, ‘Shall we?’ He gestured to the chair.

She gave a nod then giddily scuffled to the table and eagerly took the offered seat. Her wide and bright eyes scanned the traditional Italian dish looking positively delicious. She praised, ‘It looks amazing!’

He took a moment to light the two set candles. He simply smiled.

Dinner went on.

Rosangela discovered that the fabulous Victor Hardway was also an artist when it came to Italian cuisine. Yet, she was somewhat disappointed in herself because during the dinner she was silent, not as chatty as she had hoped.

Perhaps there was guilt, she thought, because she seemed to push him out his comfort zone. Had she taken advantage of the situation, his need for inspiration?

She set the fork down and glanced over at him. Her brows frowned, questioned herself not him. She could have been like the other inspirations and taken the money and let him have his way. But she wanted to be different. Sure, she could have used ten thousand dollars but there was so much more she needed that seemed more important than money.

He sensed her stare. His eyes shifted and looked into her eyes, they were directly aimed into his but seemed distant. He frowned then asked, ‘Something wrong?’

Her eyes blinked then she realized he was looking at her. She spread a smile over her lips then shook her head and denied her thoughts and concerns, ‘No, everything’s fine.’ she awkwardly laughed then, changed the subject and complimented, ‘You’re an amazing cook, Mr. Hardway, a man of many talents.’

He chuckled then leaned back against the chair. He tucked a cigar between his lips and lit it up. He replied, ‘Thank you.’ then he relaxed, an arm crossed over his chest then suggested, ‘Lets relax for a little before dessert.’

She leaned forward, rested an elbow atop the table then with a curious lift of her brow, she inquired, ‘What did ya whip up for dessert, hmm?’ She truly wanted to set aside any of her concerns or perhaps guilt.

He grinned then coyly answered, ‘You’ll have to wait, won’t you?’

She gave him a brief glare then perked up again and stated, ‘I’ve got an idea for dessert too.’

His brows lifted with intrigue then he couldn’t help but ask, ‘And what is that?’

She gave a mocking laugh then denied him, ‘I ain’t telling you. You won’t tell me.’

He took a lengthy drag from his cigar then agreed, ‘Fair enough.’

She snidely smirked then hinted, ‘Bet my idea for dessert is better than yours.’

His grin broadened as his brows frowned with question. He rose up from the chair, g
rabbed his wine glass then suggested, ‘Lets move this conversation to the sofa, hmm.’

She smiled and nodded in agreement, grabbed her glass of wine then rose up. She sauntered in direction of the sofa with a cocky sway about her hips, knew what secret was hidden beneath the dress. She was damned determined to shift that evening into the right direction, under her dress.

At the black leather sofa, she turned and sat down on one end as he took a seat on the opposite end. She crossed her legs, her black stocking covered thigh exposed by the wrap dress slit. She took a sip of wine, her eyes quickly looked to the array of framed images she recognized as the covers of each of his books.

She smiled then asked, ‘Those are the originals, aren’t they?’

Firstly his eyes were on her lovely and purposely exposed thigh then he glanced at the paintings but again looked to her, gave a nod as he took a drag from his cigar.

She praised, ‘Wow, the book covers don’t do them justice.’

Her eyes shifted back to him and she complimented, ‘You are truly an artist. They’re beautiful.’

He thanked her praise, ‘Thank you.’ then he had to hint, ‘And I’m hoping an eighth will shortly join them.’

She giggled with a little roll of her eyes then stated, ‘Not sure how well that eighth will look up there with them.’

His eyes again frowned with question, did he hear a bit of self consciousness within her comment? Was she quite possibly not as confident as she portrayed?

Her silence during dinner and that latest statement gave him a hint that perhaps his typically feisty inspirational muse had underlining confident issues. He studied her with his frown tensing those defining brow lines. Perhaps, he hoped, there was much more to explore beneath her unique exterior. He grinned with thought, of course there was a true woman inside her and all women have hidden self conscious issues. His grin softened into a smile as he thought, he would be the one to diminish those issues because her potential was far more superior.

She felt a bit odd having said what she had. Her eyes shifted from him, his study of her made her feel slightly exposed. Her eyes scanned about the large apartment as she took a silencing swallow of wine. There were many other indications of the author’s talents. Throughout her view there were many framed photos of various other poses of each of the past inspirations.

She reached and grabbed a framed photo off the oval glass coffee table set before the sofa. Her eyes widened as they focused on the truly beautiful photo which depicted an intricate display of bondage. She studied the photo, more so studied how obviously beautiful the woman was. She silently thought, they were all beautiful.

He studied her, she was again silent which seemed to be a theme for that evening, unlike her previous demeanor from days before. He noted, more indication of that somewhat undesired vulnerability. He broke the silence and asked, ‘What do you think?’

She blinked, looked at him then asked, ‘Of what?’

He gestured with a nod to the framed portrait in hand then stated, ‘Of the photo?’ He took a drag and exhale from the crooked slant at the corner of his mouth.

She slightly forced a smile as she set the photo back down then replied, ‘She’s beautiful.’

His questioning frown remained then he reworded, ‘No, not just the woman, what do you think of the photograph in all?’

She again looked at the portrait then basically repeated, ‘It’s beautiful.’

He questioned her, ‘Beautiful? That’s all?’

She slightly shrugged and reluctantly looked at him. What else was she to say? All she could think, the woman was beautiful. All she could ask herself, was she even remotely as beautiful as that woman or the others?

His head slightly tilted as he understood more and more her newly displayed alternate demeanor. He took a lengthy drag from his cigar, held the smoke for a moment then slowly exhaled from his nose.

She felt awkward by how he stared at her and asked, ‘What?’

He commented, ‘You’re different tonight.’

She was a bit surprised but then again, she understood what he obviously observed. She slightly confessed, ‘Well, tonight’s different.’

He quickly asked, ‘How so?’

She somewhat huffed then explained, ‘Well, this isn’t my place, this is yours.’ some of the truth confessed, ‘It’s like an animal in a new environment.’ her eyes again awkwardly scanned that new environment, ‘I’m out of my usual habitat, I guess you can say.’ she again reluctantly looked at him, ‘I’m in the predator’s territory now.’

His lips formed their naturally slanted smirk, loved her perfect metaphorical interpretation of the situation.

Yes, he always was a type of predator, always on the hunt for his muses, but in no way was he a vicious hunter. He loved to play with his inspirational prey first then devour them if permitted. Yet, he was currently on a whole different path of his typical predatory instincts because of the prey, her.

He agreed with her, ‘Yes, you are.’ but he added, ‘Yet, the prey has the control at the moment.’

She grinned in response to his statement then coyly asked, ‘The prey does?’

He gave a slow nod then stated, ‘Yes, she does.’ he suggested, ‘And perhaps if she reveals her idea for dessert, her control just might increase during her invasion of the predator’s territory.’

She loudly giggled, loved his wording, a true writer. She uncrossed her legs, set down the glass of wine then slowly rose up from the sofa. Her eyes focused on him, perhaps that little tidbit of metaphorical word play was the boost she needed.

She asked, ‘So, the predator doesn’t mind the prey’s invasion of his territory?’

He slowly shook his head then confessed, ‘Not at all, in fact, I believe this predator is definitely enjoying this invasion.’ His large dark eyes watched as she stepped closer heel over heel as her fingers toyed with the bow at the side of the wrap dress.

She stepped before, faced him as her fingers pinched the wrap dress belt. She needed to ask, ‘Why me, Mr. Hardway? Why did you choose me?’

She wondered constantly from the very beginning why chose her. She truly was a bit confused what made her exactly what he needed as inspiration when his obvious past muses were far from, well, her.

His grin held firm as he answered with a question, ‘Why not, Rosangela?’

Her lips softly puckered as her eyes focused on him with a slight narrow of suspicion. She sang her observation, ‘Well, I am by far not even close to any of your past inspirational prey, Mr. Hardway, not a one.’

He agreed, ‘Exactly.’

She smirked, still thought it odd he chose her and had to ask, ‘What makes me so damned special, hmm?’ She slowly drew the bow loose.

His eyes locked with hers then truthfully he answered, ‘You are unique. Everything about you is unique, different.’

Her head titled with curiosity and she inquired, ‘Why’s that?’ She drew the bow undone but kept the dress wrapped with a press of her hands.

He took a moment to snuff out the smoked cigar then again locked his eyes firmly with hers. He replied, ‘Look at you.’ his eyes scanned down her lovely and curvy figure then returned to hers, ‘You’re gorgeous, beautiful, and you’re the first of my prey to ever have control and that makes you beyond impressive and unique.’

Her brow lifted with intrigue then she asked, ‘The first, huh?’

He nodded.

She gave a little laugh then, took the lead and announced, ‘Time for dessert, you ass kisser!’ She pulled back the wrap and swiftly allowed the dress to drop to the floor.

His eyes firstly darted to the prominent fleshy mounds of her breasts firmly lifted and hugged by lovely slick black vinyl. Down his eyes shifted, studied the nearly wet shine of the vinyl corset as it hugged around her curves beautifully and enhanced them so remarkably.
His eyes paused at the low hem of the snug corset where the nakedness between her curvy thighs was quite nicely exposed. Stretched from the corset hem were garters attached to semi sheer black stockings.

Her hands pressed against the smooth vinyl about her waist then she stated, ‘I bought this a while back and only wore it the day it arrived.’ she enjoyed his detailed study of her body cinched within the corset, ‘This sounds pathetic but besides myself, you’re the second person to see it.’

His eyes dragged upward, took in the reversal image of her glorious curves. His eyes again found hers then he commented, ‘Thank you for that honor.’

She nearly shyly giggled then shooed him with her hand and said, ‘Stop kissing ass!’

No matter how hard she tried, she knew there was plenty indication of all those years being alone within her little erotic world. Yet, because of him, that little world was expanding to nearly unimaginable girth.

He was perplexed by her, one moment she oozed confidence then the next it seemed faded. He recognized easily those hints of her inability to see her true worth to him because of those underlining issues. Again, he thought, he would pluck away those issues and open her up to shine.

He questioned, ‘You don’t believe what I say?’

She shrugged, her fingers nervously fidgeted against the slick vinyl.

He lifted his hands and brought them against her cinched waist. As he peered up at her, he slightly nudged her forward between his knees. He urged her, ‘Rosangela, believe what I say and have said, please.’ then he stated, ‘I speak nothing but the truth.’

She lowered her eyes, felt somewhat awkward again.

With an encouraging tone, he asked, ‘Where’s that feisty creature from yesterday and the night before?’

She finally looked him in the eyes then answered, ‘Oh, she’s around.’ It was the truth, that mouthy and blunt woman was right before him but somewhat being held back by another small side that lingered from the past.

He chuckled then firmly asked, ‘Well, what in the hell do I have to do to make her show herself, hmm?’

She laughed then quipped, ‘What ya wanna do to make her?’ Yes, he had the ability to seem to trigger the reemergence of the side of her she more so desired to be around twenty-four seven.

His hands slid back against the vinyl then lowered down against both her bared ass cheeks. He continued to peer up at her, saw that spark of mischief within her blue eyes. Oh, yes, he praised himself, he most definitely was a man of many talents and one was pulling forward from a willing shell, a confident woman.

He confidently stated, ‘Oh, there’s plenty I can do, that I guarantee.’ And, yes, there was plenty within his large fetish erotic repertoire to make her shine.

‘Well,’ she chimed, ‘Then do plenty, Mr. Hardway.’ She wanted plenty, needed plenty, and wanted and needed that plenty to come from him.

He rose up from the sofa, kept his eyes with hers. His imagination started to weave those lovely images that she so perfectly inspired. He kept both hands firm against her ass, tucked his fingers beneath the tight garters then nudged her against him.

He neared his lips to hers then stated, ‘Then plenty I shall do.’

His lips lightly grazed against hers. He felt the smooth labret against his lips as he very gently suckled her soft pierced bottom lip and tasted the flavor of her red lipstick mingled with the sweetness from the wine.

The gentleness of his kiss was remarkable, every subtle motion of his lips against hers was as electric as his firm aggressive kiss. Her breaths heightened, pressed her tits against the snug corset bodice. She instinctively brought her arms up and around his neck, pressed both hands back against the wavy length of his dark hair just below the brim of his charcoal gray fedora.

He dragged his hands upward, curled his fingertips into the flesh of her milky ass. Upward against the sleek vinyl his hands trailed then shifted, moved over the snug heave of her vinyl coated ribs. He could feel the building heat of her body through the thick vinyl as his hands slid upward then stopped and molded over the under shape of the vinyl cups.

He indulged in the distinct heave of her chest as his lips continued a tender ritual with the tip of his tongue ever so slightly exploring the soft crease of her mouth.

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The Witness Protection Blues

Psst! Hey you! Yeah... over here. C'mere. You look like a decent guy. I gotta tell you something. NO! Don't look around like you feel guilty. Just come over here. I have to tell somebody about what's happened to me cause it's driving me crazy. Yeah, just sit down, like we're chatting. You're waiting for flight 802, right? Yeah, me too. It's been delayed getting in from Buffalo, so we have a couple of hours to wait. No, I'm not selling anything. I just have to get this off my chest....

3 years ago
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Pussy Duty

--------- "So, here's the key, here's the instructions I've typed up for you, and over there is the cat food. Any questions?" Mike grabbed the key and instructions, took note of where the food was placed, and said "You'll be back next Saturday, right?" Steve responded with "Yep. I'll pay you when we get back, okay?" "Sure, no problem." Just as Mike spoke, Steve's daughters came bouncing down the stairs in all their heavenly glory. They were 12 and 13, but still a...

3 years ago
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My Uncle Henry and My Incredible Life

How to describe my uncle Henry? He was a complicated chap. He was really as crooked as anything, yet he would never do anything to wrong another person. Make no mistake, if someone tried to take the piss out of him, he would be an implacable foe and would deal with them accordingly. In general, he did not, to use that age old expression, ‘sail close to the wind’ at times. What he would do was get a ruddy huge steamboat and sail wherever the fuck he wanted. Our family originally came from the...

4 years ago
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RebelChapter 84 A Lady

They called her the "princess" and "duchess" but she really should have been just Lady M-- since her husband was Lord M--, one of the peace commissioner's aides, down from Upper Canada so we were told and parlaying with men from our much-depleted army and from the slow-poke Congress in Philadelphia. They arrived, the finicky lord and his luscious lady did, unannounced, asking to see the camp and talk to some of the officers. Someone obviously forgot to tell us they were coming which was...

2 years ago
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Angels TaleChapter 4

"Ok, Angel." Lena was saying. "Now think of going to the pool tomorrow. Good. Now think of eating breakfast next Monday. Good. Now think of starting school. Good. Now, think of waking up next Christmas morning. Good." "What the heck are we doing, anyway?" "One of the ways you sort out the 'meaning' of mental images is how and where you represent them. We're finding out where you put the past and the future. With that, we can put things there. We won't really change your memories...

3 years ago
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Fun in the spa

Wow! What a fabulous day! We’d just been away for a long spa weekend while we had the chance. Now, we always took every opportunity to enjoy each other’s gorgeous, sexy bodies, but little did we know what chances we’d have to have some fun. We were often quite daring in public. For example, in a crowded pub in Leeds, I once got Tigs as hard as I could for as long as I could, then dared him to go to the toilets, make himself cum into his hand, return to his seat, and let me lick every last...

1 year ago
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Davids incest story with his Mother

Note: None of this is real, it is merely fictional, NEVER try anything depicted in this story, besides fantasy is always better than the real thing. David was 18 years old, about 5'11" tall, and around 160 pounds. David like most boys his age was extremely interested in sex, and engaged in masturbation at least once a day, normally more. David used programs like Kazaa Lite to download porn, and traded nude pictures on various internet messaging applications, and was active in posting pictures...

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My First time Part 20

This story is what happened before that and my first experience with sex.. I began my sex life early and I only have my Daddy to thank for it. I had just reached puberty and I was growing hair and my titties were beginning to get bigger. I was at home alone with my father – My mother had gone away for the weekend. I think my mother had another boyfriend as my Daddy was very angry with her sometimes and called her a slut – whatever that was. I had just had a bath and he followed me...

4 years ago
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Its therapy sweetie

I spent a couple of days with Lucy and her mom and then I went home and spent the weekend there and then on Sunday afternoon Cait texted me and asked 'Where are you?' and I wrote 'Home. You feeling better?' and she wrote 'Much but I miss you' and I wrote 'Want me to come?' and she wrote 'Not without me there' and I sent 'LOL' and a smiley face.So I packed my bag and mom said “Are you leaving again already?” and I said “Yeah, going to Cait” and mom said “How is she?” and I said “Better I think”...

3 years ago
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A young teacher returns to the town

“Hey Jenny, you made it!” Cara exclaimed as I walked through the patio gate towards the gathering of other women near the pool. Even though I had known Cara for years, I was still pretty nervous showing up as the only straight girl attending a hot summer day pool party with a group of her lesbian friends. Cara started introductions and everyone was very nice and their greetings took some of the edge off my being uncomfortable. I had gone to school with Cara and knew she was gay,...

2 years ago
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Surprise Guest Ch 2

As I lay there on your chest, I can still feel your hard cock against my wet pussy. You here some one pulling in the drive way and a panicked look comes across your face. You start to buck up trying to get me off of you. I look up to make sure your hands are still hand cuffed to the bed posts and reach for your blind fold and put it on you. ‘What are you doing? Let me go, my wife is home, you have to hide!’ You see a smile come across my face as I place the blind fold over your eyes. ‘Shhh…...

1 year ago
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DarkFyre Chapter Five

Silmaria was on her hands and knees in the drawing room on the west side of the Manor, scrubbing at the wooden floor with a soapy rag. She was not particularly in the best of moods; some idiot had tracked dirt into the room, which was made all the worse by the fact that no one ought to really have been in here in the first place. Of course, given how downhill the upkeep of IronWing Manor was these days, it wasn’t even noticed or addressed until several days later, when she got to be the lucky...

1 year ago
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Broken UpChapter 12

"Danielle Sabrina Mayer!" The name boomed out over the football field. Nobody was clapping by now; they were only a little of the way through the M's, but 1500 people were graduating today with their various bachelor's degrees, and no one had the strength or interest in applauding every single one of them. I think we'd break our fingers if we tried. She shook the president's hand with a smile, accepted the diploma folder—there was only a vague placeholder picture in it; they'd be...

3 years ago
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Filling in for Beth Part 6

Filling in for Beth - part 6 "Without further ado! I'm proud to present! Coach Hannover!" speakers announced from all around the stadium. The college president, a short, impeccably suited man with graying temples swept a hand toward Tom and stepped out of the way. They shook hands, the athlete and the academic, and Tom stepped to the microphone. I'd picked up the gray suit from the dry-cleaners the day before and pressed the shirt this morning, so he looked sharp. Seeing my...

2 years ago
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A New Style of Education part 14

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 14 "Years one and two in the front coach," instructed Mr Hobson. "The rest of you are in the second coach." All our concert clothes were taken on special racks and would travel with our instruments in a large truck. I'm sure that Paula wouldn't have had trouble carrying her flute, but my French horn got very heavy after being carried for a while. The rest of the luggage had been placed in the entrance hall on big trolleys and the...

2 years ago
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Wes Stops by for a Little Get a LOT Part I

From about July of last year till early March of this year I shared my wife and her girlfriend with two other guys. With weekly meetings and any of us being able to meet one and two on one during the week, there was plenty of cock and pussy to go around. Then both of the guys left town in pursuit of better jobs and more money. Our last party lasted long into the night and the girls made sure they would not be forgotten.Wes had owned the house next door to Suk, the girlfriend, and was fortunate...

3 years ago
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Return From The Dark SideChapter 21 Two Women

Josie Maxwell yawned as she stood in line for the immigration inspection. It had been just her luck! She had been seated just across from a famous football player, his ex-model wife and their two hyperactive children. For the first time in years, she had not brought along work. She had been planning on getting some shuteye during the flight. It was not to be. The stupid anorexic bitch had allowed her brats to drink two or three glasses of Coke. The kids had chased each other along the...

1 year ago
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Adam slowly opens his eyes to the dim light of a gray rainy morning casting a glow into the room. He senses the heat of the naked body lying next to him and turns to absorb it. Eve is lying face down on the bed, curly black hair covering her face and neck. Her arms curled above her head exposing the soft curve of her breast. The covers are pulled down to just above her waist, the shadows hiding the delight he knows is there. He is immediately aroused. In his eyes she is perfection. Her toned...

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PART - 48 PHOTOS AND FUCKING It was a beautiful Saturday morning here in beautiful Switzerland. Although both of us, I and my husband loves to be naked at home when we are alone. But, not that day, even it was holiday. The reason was that a cute girl Melina, about 13 / 14 years old, beautiful and the only girl of our businessman neighbor, was at our home. She used to come frequently in our house to play with our son Raju. Raju was only 7 months old, but he started recognizing...

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The Girl on the Train part 1

First of a multi-part, disjointed but semi-sequential tale I started some time ago. Here's the first part, just a bit of gentle exhibitionism to get started :) Worth pursuing? Comment and let me know!The Girl on the TrainPart One of ???Sitting alone on the train, she yawned and checked her watch. It was just before 4am. She'd had to rush to catch this one actually, having finished work at the studio only 20 minutes earlier.Not many others were up and about at this time, in fact the carriage...

3 years ago
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Master PC Reality Check

Copyright© 2005. All rights reserved. Brad sat at the desk in his study with his face in his hands, trying to hold back the tears. There was a heavy weight on his chest. He could feel his heart laboring and he found it difficult to swallow around the knot in his throat. Brad almost wished that his heart would stop; the pain was too much to bear. He knew that committing suicide was the coward's way out. His cherished son, Carl, might have understood, but would surely have much preferred he...

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Intense Anal with Friends Little Sister

Introduction: 13 year-old redhead gets her ass plundered! Jake and I always had a pretty lax relationship. It was definitely something that was for monetary gain, hed pay for the movie tickets, the tacos, and all that, and he also had a car. I had the advantage of being pretty good-looking and having a good personality, charisma, intelligence. But besides money, there was something else that had always kept us friends, and that was his sister. Jakes sister, Kaitlyn, was the only redhead in...

4 years ago
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Box That Dirty Talk

“Get your cute little ass out of that business meeting now!” I directed him through the phone.“Do you know I’m blowing off work right now because I’m just so horny for your body?” I begged.  “I’m so fucking horny for you that I’m dressed for work but sticking my hand down my panties.  Do you know how wrong this looks?  A professional woman frigging herself to exhaustion in her best business suit?  Fuck, my clit is so aroused.  I can’t stop touching myself, all dressed up for work but thinking...

Quickie Sex
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Turnabout By Mr 20 Inch Biceps He waited in the alley. He waited for the one he had chosen. She was plain, a brunette, but with all the curves in the right places. He'd taken his time to find her. Today marked a year of his 'fishing' for new partners to dominate. He'd had many partners; perhaps too many to recall; but today was special. It marked a year of his prowling the streets of the city looking for that someone who'd gone without; who was vulnerable and perhaps just a little...

2 years ago
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Cumming for Christina

I love you and will see you Friday night I told my wife as I hung up the phone. My heart began pumping big time as I hung up from my nightly call and the familiar ring of a new text sounded off. My cock stirred just seeing it was from Christina. The message read that the rendezvous was on for 10:00 with a room number and hotel. I cleaned up nice and fresh grabbed the condoms and lube and headed out. My stomach was in knots as Christina answered the door. I quickly entered and stood frozen...

3 years ago
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Story Eight Cum Slut White Holes for Black PolesChapter 4

Just before 7pm, we pulled into the alley behind Danny's bar. "Do as you are told and Danny will take care of you. I trust him so you should too. I'll pick you up a little after he closes." I nodded to Bernard and got out of the car. As I approached the back door to the bar it opened and Danny waved to Bernard before licking his lips and pulling me in through the door. We were apparently in a little kitchen. I could hear music in the next room. There was a young black guy working over a...

2 years ago
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Aunty Let8217s Stop

Hello folks and I am Rohit name changed from Delhi height 5’11 and having good circumcised dick and this true incident is about me and my neighbour aunt. Well I am 22 year old and aunt is around 35 year old still with lust and sex on her mind she is awesome with height 5’5 body stats of 34 D 33 38 and ass to die for and the way she moves and the way the ass cheeks shake can make any men dick salute and her name is Reenu. All mature women and girls from Delhi can contact me Enough of the...

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A journey from good girl to slut part 2

Jan expressed total satisfaction with her first 3some and was ready the following weekend for more action. I asked her preference and she said just surprise her. I had something in mind but this would be a test of Jan’s limits. It was with another couple about our ages the catch was Jan said she was not interested in being with a woman and Ted and Ellen were open to what ever happened.Jan came over about 3 on Saturday and we had a glass or two of wine and I shared that Ted and Ellen were...

1 year ago
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Amandas Little Woman

AMANDA'S LITTLE WOMAN You know women are the oddest creatures, if you accept that my wife is typical of the gender that is. Take what she's done to me, would you believe she turned me into a woman, no don't laugh, I'm serious, she turned me into a damned woman. But that's not the best part, particularly not for me, though I must admit I'm adjusting to it. The best part is her reason for doing it, she decided she wanted to have sex with another woman, but because she wanted to remain...

1 year ago
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Papa8217s bitch

Hi everyone I’m a new reader of iss jus a month before got to know bout it through a friend of mine let come to the point I’m Tina Sharma from Mumbai I’m now 18years old graduating from a reputed college of Mumbai as I’m the only kid of parents they love me n provide me everything that I need n wish for, it happened when I was 15 dad was 40 n dad is very found of porn movies my room is next to there once I got up in almost middle of the night for piss when I reached near to there room I noticed...

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Dante The Male succubus part 2

I look around, im laying on a red couch in what i believe is a living room. A flat screen tv mounted on the wall across the room, a coffee table with well coffee on top of it and a note. I try to make my way over to the table but i stumble and fall but befor i hit the ground somethin catches me. " Careful darlin you might get hurt." I turn my head and see Dante holding me up. " Wh...Where did you come from?" I ask stunned by his sudden appearence. "Really love, I figured this would of...

4 years ago
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Band ParentsChapter 4

As if the incredible sex of the night before hadn't been enough, Lily woke me that Saturday morning by teasing my cock to hardness with a combination of deft handwork and a wet tongue in my ear. When I, and it, both were awake, she kissed me deeply and then dived under the covers to suck on my dick for a little while. I was hoping it was what she calls a good luck kiss before sex, but when she came up for air she reminded me that we were chaperones for the marching band's trip to a...

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A Spiders Web Ch 06

The characters in this story are property of Marvel comics. I have used them in honor of the comic series and admiration for the characters. This story is original and is in no way tied to any of the canons of the Marvel Universe (to save myself the grief of working with time lines). This story contains adult material of a sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to view such material, turn back now. This work is copyrighted to the author. Do not post this on any other site or use it for...

1 year ago
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Is It True IIChapter 5

I had my seventeenth birthday, just three days before the start of my senior year of high school. We had a quiet celebration, just my parents and me, with a birthday cake my mom had made. I was spending my free time, which I had a lot of, getting my head ready for the new school year. I was hoping that my senior year would be a vast improvement over my junior year. If I could just manage to keep from having any girl troubles, I'd be more than satisfied that I'd succeeded. I had decided...

2 years ago
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Pretty Liars Pants on FireChapter 4

Synopsis: The clique falls apart after the leader of the group, Alison, goes missing. One year later, the remaining estranged friends are reunited as they begin receiving messages from a mysterious villain named “A” or “A.D.”, who threatens and tortures them for the mistakes they have made before and after Alison’s death. At first, they think it is Alison herself, but after her body is found, the girls realize that someone else is planning on ruining their lives. The disappearance of Alison:...

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