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Richard and I got married a month after graduating college. We struggled financially at first. He was working as a technician for a medium sized security company. His days were spent installing security systems in homes and businesses.

I landed a job with a small accounting firm. I worked mostly on commercial accounts, data entry and helping prepare for audits. We saved our money religiously, but we just didn’t seem to be getting ahead. We were falling well short of our goals, both short term and long term.

Still, we were madly in love ... and lust. Our sex life was as fresh and exciting as the day we were married. We both worked hard at keeping it that way. We expended the mental energy to think of new ways to surprise each other with various sexual situations.

I remember coming home after a particularly difficult and stressful day at work. Richard knew it well in advance because I’d sent him several texts telling him I’d be late and that I would be exhausted when I got home. He simply asked me to let him know when I was leaving the office. I did, telling him not to worry about supper for me—that we’d ordered in at the office.

When I walked in the door of our small rental house, he met me just inside. After welcoming me with a wonderful hug and kiss, he began undressing me, right there. It was then I noticed a trail of rose petals leading toward the master bedroom. I remember thinking “Oh damn, he wants sex and I’m exhausted.”

When I was totally naked, he led me along the path. In the master bathroom, the tub was filled with water and bubble bath. There were several candles flickering about, eliminating the need to turn on the light. When I was submerged in the hot water, he gave me a soft kiss on the lips, and then he left, closing the door behind him.

I lost track of time, but I think it must have been somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty minutes, he returned, helped me out of the tub, and dried me thoroughly with a warm towel that must have just been taken out of the dryer.

After drying and brushing my shoulder length black hair, he wrapped a fresh towel around me and led me into the living room. I stopped in my tracks when I saw a rather large black man standing in the middle of the room. He was wearing a white t-shirt with some kind of logo, and white shorts. Behind him was a portable massage table.

Realizing what it was and why he was there, I didn’t resist when Richard led me over to the table, removed my towel, and helped me onto the table. I was more than a little embarrassed to be naked in front of this strange man in my home, but I’d had massages before, so I got over it quickly.

Again, my husband gave me a tender kiss, “When you’re done, I’ll be waiting for you in the bedroom.” And then he left the room. After a wonderful thirty minute, very relaxing massage, I resisted the urge to cover up while letting Brandon out. After all, it wasn’t like he hadn’t seen and touched almost every inch of me already, still, I found it very erotic to be off the table and totally naked in front of this man.

Just as he’d told me, Richard was waiting in the bedroom. He was lying on the bed in his heavy dark blue robe, his arms behind his head, his ankles crossed, and a wide smile on his face. Once again, there were several candles flickering about.

“Do you think you can sleep now?” He asked me as I approached the bed.

“Yes”, I said with a wide stretch and yawn, “right after you make passionate love to me.” I added with a silly giggle.

He raised an eyebrow, “Oh, did the massage get you going?”

I shook my head as I slowly crawled onto the bed toward him, “No, it was wonderful, but it was you that got me going.”

It wasn’t long before I was on top of him, his cock buried deep inside me, and his hands roughly kneading my C cup breasts. When I came, I was half afraid the neighbors could hear me. Afterward, Richard teased me by loudly howling like a wolf into the air.

My husband wasn’t the only one who went over and above to keep things exciting between us. I knew he was having a tough week, so I encouraged him to play golf on Saturday with his buddies. “Call me when you’re on your way home” which was not an unusual request from either of us.

I was ready when he called. I had everything planned out. Fortunately, we weren’t heavily invested in the neighborhood. We didn’t really even know our neighbors. The neighborhood didn’t have parties, or potlucks or anything like that, so I wasn’t too worried about what they might think of me.

When the garage door opened, I was waiting inside. I walked out straight in front of his car so he couldn’t pull inside. I was totally naked except for a small waitress apron that covered my lower half—in front. I had a serving tray balanced on my hand with a glass of Jack Daniel’s and Coke—his favorite drink.

When he shut off the engine, I opened his door and helped him out. He was glancing around nervously, but I was oblivious to everything and everyone but him. I handed him the drink. “Are your clubs in the trunk?”

“Uh, yeah.” He stammered.

“I’ll get them.” And I took the keys from his hand. He just stood there and watched as I opened the trunk. I struggled to retrieve the heavy bag, but I managed. When I walked past him, I said, “You can go inside if you like. I’ll put these away and then pull your car inside.”

He followed me into the garage and watched me store his golf bag in its usual place, and then he watched intently as I slowly walked back out, closed the trunk and then got in the car. He stepped aside as I pulled it inside.

Once inside the house, I didn’t even have time to close the garage door before he grabbed me. After a passionate kiss he said in a deep voice, “I need a shower.”

“No, you’re fine. You smell manly.”

And with that, he lifted me onto the kitchen table, dropped his golf pants, and began fucking me with a furry. All in all, I knew my little exhibitionism had served its purpose.

Eight years into our marriage, something major happened. Richard had been becoming very frustrated with the lack of potential for upward mobility in his job. Even though it made me extremely nervous, I supported his decision to quit his job and take one with a small construction company that offered him a much lower salary, but commissions that had the potential to earn him much more.

Richard did very well in his new position, and three years later, we were able to buy a beautiful home on a cul-de-sac in a very nice neighborhood. It had four bedrooms, three and a half baths, a formal dining room, a huge master bedroom, and best of all, a nice pool.

Four years after that, my husband was doing so well, I was able to quit my job and stay home full time. It was a mutual decision from the start not to have children. It wasn’t that we had anything against them, but neither of us felt the need. We were happy with our lives the way they were.

A tree grows slowly. One can’t see the difference from one day to the next, but at some point, you realize “Damn, it was so small when we planted it, and look at it now.” Well, it can be the same in a relationship. One day I just woke up and realized that our sex life had faded to practically nothing. Our love hadn’t faded at all, just our physical expression of it. We’d been married for twenty two years by then.

We were very normal people physically. I’d let my body go to a degree, my hips and thighs, my tummy, the tight tone replaced by flab in all the wrong places. Richard was balding a little, and he had a substantial beer belly. He simply wasn’t fit at all. I hate to admit it, but I knew those things had more than a little to do with our barely existent sex life.

I decided to do something about it. I cleaned out one of the spare bedrooms and turned it into an exercise room. I bought a universal weight machine, a tread mill, a stair climber, and installed mirrors covering every wall.

At first, Richard blew off my dedication to getting in shape. I still cooked him his favorite meals, but I tried to make them a little healthier without him noticing. I went totally healthy with my own meals, cutting down the portions, more fruits and veggies—but still enough protein to help me build the muscle I knew would digest fat and provide me with energy. I got the recipes straight out of Larry North’s book, “Living Lean”.

It took a lot of encouragement and a little blackmail before he finally gave in and began working out a little. When he started seeing some difference in me, he finally got more serious about it. Six months later, we were both looking and feeling a lot better. Our sex life also improved, I think because we had more energy, but it was still a fraction of what it had once been—and what I longed to experience again.

The best laid plans of mice and men are sometimes no match for fate. Richard came home from work one day and laid a bombshell on me. “My sister called today. She’s in a really bad place and needs some help pulling herself out of it.”

I’d only met Jana a few times—at our wedding, at the funerals of each of his parents, and at one family reunion. She was a lot younger than him—twelve years younger.

“What does she need?’

He shrugged, “A place to stay for starters.”


He looked deflated, “We could give her money, but it might just go up her nose.”

“What did you tell her?”

“That I’d have to talk to you.”

I could see in his eyes that he wanted to help her, and he wanted my blessing. “I won’t stand for any drugs in our home.”

“I know that, Hun, and so does she. She’ll be getting out of rehab in a week and doesn’t know where else to turn.”

“Not permanently, right?”

“No, no, just until she finds a job and gets on her feet.”

I didn’t like the idea at all, but then again, I didn’t really like Jana either. I had always considered her a free-wheeling brat with no regard for the consequences of her actions. I could see that it was important to Richard though, so I reluctantly agreed.

From the minute Richard brought his sister home, she seemed different—nicer, very appreciative of our generosity, and very contrite about her past decisions and behavior. I was impressed, but guardedly so.

I was struck by how young she looked. She was only thirty-three, but she looked even younger than that. Every time I’d seen her in the past, she’d looked much older than her years—presumably due to the drugs and an unhealthy lifestyle in general.

As I appraised her over supper that night, after she’d gotten settled in to her new room and after a refreshing shower, I realized how pretty she was.

“Oh my gawd! I can’t tell you how wonderful that shower is.”

We did have great water pressure and a quick recovery water heater that provided an endless supply of hot water. “I love the water pressure too.” I told her.

“Oh gawd yes. It’s wonderful, but it’s not just that. I was actually in there alone without a bunch of old women gawking at me.”

Richard spoke up, “Oh, you didn’t have private showers?”

Jana chuckled, “Yeah right, like ten of us in there at a time. It reminded me of High School, showering with ten other girls. The only difference being they were all my age back then ... and they weren’t looking for a way to score with me—or at least if they were, they weren’t so obvious about it.”

“Oh” I said with a half gasp, “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

My sister-in-law looked me right in the eyes, “No reason for you to be sorry. I brought it on myself. You didn’t put me in there.”

I could feel my attitude toward her soften instantly, “Well, you have your own bedroom and shower now.”

All of a sudden, her eyes got puffy and tears began running down her face. “I’m ... I’m sorry.” And she got up and ran out of the room.

I looked at my husband, questioning him with my expression. He just shrugged and finally said, “We might have to get used to some of that. She’s been through a lot.”

I started to get up, “I’ll go talk to her.”

Richard grabbed my arm and pulled me back into my chair, “No, she has to learn to deal with her demons and emotions. The best thing we can do is pretend it didn’t happen.”

“Reluctantly, I agreed and finished my supper.”

“How are things between you and Richard?”

Jana’s question took me by surprise. We were enjoying an afternoon swim after she returned from a job interview. “What do you mean?”

She looked right at me, “He’s not cheating, is he?”

I was totally shocked, “NO! Why would you ask something like that?”

Treading water a couple of feet in front of me, she said in a very mater-of-fact tone, “You’re working out two or three times a day, working your ass off—sweating your ass off to get in shape, there must be a reason, and if it’s not to win him back from some younger woman, then why?”

I let her words soak in for a few moments, and then I answered, “Because I love him ... and because our sex life has taken a little dip, and I’m hoping to get it back. There is no way he’s cheating.”

“Okay. I’m not saying he is. I think you look great for your age. I was just curious.”

“For my age?” I asked, more than a little indignant.

Okay, at 45, I wasn’t a “hard body” anymore. I knew that. But especially over the last few months, I’d managed to get some of my figure back. I’d managed to tone my arms and legs and butt. I couldn’t do anything about my breasts sagging some—not terribly, but more than pleased me.

I had to dye my hair and use a lot of skin creams, but appraising myself in the mirror, I knew I was looking better. Richard was trimming down too. His chest was growing thicker, his belly getting smaller, and his legs more toned and less flabby. I was very proud of him. Still, something was missing. I just wasn’t sure what.

“Jana, my hope for you is that one day you will understand what we’re going though. Before you can feel that, you have to find someone you can love as much as I love your brother.”

That said, she came to me and we shared a loving hug.

The following morning, after a quick trip to the bathroom, I went downstairs, started some coffee, and took some things out for breakfast. Before I started cooking, I sensed that Jana was already up. I peeked out the patio door and saw her floating in the pool.

“Jana!” I screeched upon realizing she was totally naked, “The neighbors! And Richard can see you on his IPhone.” I said, pointing to the security cameras.

She acted as if my concerns were of no consequence whatsoever. “Have you started breakfast? If you have, I’ll be right in to help.”

“Just starting it now.”

“Okay, I’ll be right there.”

What the hell was she thinking? Since we lived in the middle house of the cul-de-sac, the neighbors on our left and right couldn’t see into our back yard because of the angle, but all of the houses on the next street over were two-stories, and they could all see over our fence from their upstairs windows. It wasn’t like our previous neighborhood. We owned this place. We knew all of the other people in the neighborhood ... and they knew us.

She entered the kitchen with a towel around her body and acting like nothing had happened. It was only after we were sitting across from each other eating our egg whites and toast that I questioned her, “You know the neighbors can see over our fence, don’t you?”

My sister-in-law looked right at me, “Hey, their husbands are working, bringing home the bacon, their kids are in school, and the wives are home alone. They don’t care to watch.”

“Richard can watch everything on his IPhone”

“My brother?” She laughed out loud. “Like he wants to see me naked.”

“He might” I answered honestly.

She laughed again, “If he does, just enjoy the results.”

Perhaps I was being naïve, but I didn’t get her meaning, “What?”

She looked me hard in the eyes again, “If seeing his baby sister naked gets him all hot and bothered, would that be such a bad thing for you?”

I considered her question for awhile, and then I had to admit, “Maybe not”

That night, and after a particularly hot sexual romp-especially for what we’d experienced for the last several years, I asked him, “Wow, what caused all of that?”

He shrugged off my question, “Nothing, why?”

“Uh, I’m not sure. It just seemed like you were a little more ... inspired tonight.”

Again, he shrugged it off, “I’m not sure. I guess I was just a little horny today.”

“Okay”, I said, pretending to accept his answer.

It was two days later when I finally got a chance to talk privately with my sister in law. We were in the pool. She was naked again. I wasn’t. “We need to talk about something.”

She swam over closer to me, “Okay, what would you like to talk about?”

I steeled myself, “You were right the other day, he came home all horned up. I don’t know if it was seeing you on the cameras, but I can’t think of any other reason.”

She winked at me with a giggle and a naughty grin, “You’re welcome. Glad I could help.”

I became a little defensive, “I don’t know. It could have been anything, but I just don’t know.”

She moved within inches of me, “If it was me, would that be a big problem for you?”

I couldn’t answer, so I just shook my head slightly.

“Okay” she said as she turned away and swam off. And then, from across the pool, she said in a low, reverent tone, “Gail, I don’t really even know him. He’s just another man to me.”

Jana and I were in the kitchen getting things ready for supper when I heard the garage door begin to open. I looked out just in time to see Richard turning into the driveway. “That’s odd.” I said to my sister-in-law, “He’s early. I can’t remember the last time he came home this early.”

She let out a chuckle and bumped hips with me. “Maybe you should go wait in the bedroom.”

“No, you don’t think ... do you? Really?”

She laughed out loud and bumped hips with me again. “Go on. I can handle dinner tonight.”

I pulled off my apron and hurried to the master bedroom. I pretended to be rearranging some things in the closet when I felt my husband’s hands slide around me and cup my breasts. He kissed me on the neck.

“Wow! You’re home early.” I said without looking around.

He didn’t say anything. He just turned me around and began kissing me passionately. When we broke that kiss, I showed him a questioning look. He grinned and began tugging my t-shirt over my head.

Seconds later, I was totally naked, lying on my back on the bed, my knees in the air, and my horny husband eagerly eating my pussy. Way too soon, he stood up and began removing his clothes. His better than average sized cock was already fully hard and waving in the air.

I wanted very much to get my mouth on him, but before I could make a move in that direction, he was between my legs and guiding his throbbing cock into me. That wasn’t at all like him. He was always a slow and patient lover.

A short ten minutes and one fantastic orgasm later, we were lying side by side and gasping for air. When I could, I said, “Whew! That was intense.”

Without responding, he slid to his feet and helped me out of bed. Minutes later, we were in the shower. I wanted to ask him what had caused him to be so horny, but I was fairly certain I already knew. I wasn’t quite sure how I was supposed to feel about that. I finally decided I didn’t care what caused it as long as I reaped the benefit.

I had to suppress a giggle when I remembered Dolly Parton saying the movie ‘Best Little Whore House in Texas’, “You shouldn’t care who feeds the cow as long as you get to drink the milk,” or something to that effect.

Later, during dinner, Richard seemed to be oblivious to the slight grins and winks shared between me and his sister. I could tell it was taking all of her restraint not to burst out laughing.

I was having my coffee when Jana came into the kitchen the next morning. Richard had just left for work. She was still pouring her coffee when she said with a chuckle, “It sounded like you two had some more fun last night.”

I gasped, “You ... you could hear us?”

She laughed as she was taking her seat across from me, “Not really—at least not until I put my ear to your door.”

I was shocked, “Wh ... what?”

“Don’t be mad. You two went to bed very early. I just wanted to confirm that I was reading the mood right. I only listened for a few seconds.” And then she turned more serious, “Gail, does it bother you that I might be the reason he’s more ... attentive?”

Her question was reasonable and I appreciated her caring enough to ask. I pondered it for a few seconds before answering, “Those were great steaks last night.”

“Uh ... yeah, so? If you don’t want to talk about-”

I cut her off, “Jana, it didn’t even cross my mind to question who fed the cow. I still enjoyed the steak.” And then I raised my eyebrow and showed her a wide grin.

My sister-in-law burst out in a fit of laughter. I began laughing with her.

When our laughter subsided, I told her, “I’m not sure how the camera thing works. I know the ones in front and back have motion sensors. When either of them detects motion, something pops up on his phone. It’s supposed to work on mine too if I turn on the app. He showed me how to use it right after he installed them, but that was a long time ago. I’ve never tried to use it.”

“Why do you want to use it now?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know. I guess I’m just curious about how clear the image is ... and the angle.”

“Yeah, I’d like to know that too.”

It only took us a few minutes to figure out how to turn on the app and set it to pop up and beep if one of the cameras detected motion. We wouldn’t know if it worked until we tested it, so we walked to the back door. I stayed inside while Jana walked out, strolled nonchalantly around the pool and then came back inside.

“Wow!” I exclaimed.


“Those must be some great cameras. It’s really clear. When you had your back turned, I could make the image large enough to read the patch on your back pocket. And when you were coming this way, I could count the buttons on your blouse. It shows the whole backyard, but you can make any part of it as large as you want. I don’t know why I’m surprised. He was a security expert for years.”

When I looked up at my sister-in-law, she was grinning ear to ear, “What?” I asked her.

“If you can zoom in on a button, then...”

I got her point and we both started laughing.

“I want to see it.” She said even before we stopped laughing.

“Okay, but we don’t want to be too obvious, “Maybe I could carry some towels out for us to use later.”

“Works for me.” She said with a giggle.

I went to the closet and got two large beach towels. When I returned, I handed her my phone, “When it pops up, just hit VIEW. Then you can use two fingers to make something larger and pinch them together to get a wider view.”

“Got it.”

I walked out and placed the two towels on the chairs on the house side of the pool. Then I got the net and walked around the pool, pretending to scoop up some leaves.

“Oh My Gawd!” She practically shouted with a silly giggle, “You’re right. Even when you were on the other side of the pool, I could zoom in on your nipples poking through your shirt. This must be turning you on.”

Her words made me blush, “Well, it is different.”

“Wanna give him a show?”

I considered it, but then shook my head, “Girl, I’m still sore from yesterday. Let’s give it a rest.”

That caused us both to break out in another fit of laughter.

The next day was Saturday. Richard had just come in from his weekly golf game and was in our bedroom, presumably in the shower and getting ready for supper. Jana and I were in the kitchen, her chopping lettuce for the salad and me stirring a mixture of small chunks of chicken in a skillet with onions, garlic and small bits of green and red peppers.

When the concoction was almost ready, I told her, “I’ll go get Richard.”

I was shocked when she grabbed my arm and stopped me, “Let me do it.”

“He might still be in the shower.”

She giggled on her way out of the kitchen, “I hope so.”

I couldn’t imagine what she had planned, but I was curious to find out. I tried to imagine her walking in on him while he was dressing, or worse, still in the shower. Would that be worse? I didn’t know. After all, I was sure I didn’t have anything to fear from her, and it just might spice up our bedroom time later. I finally just shrugged and started loading up our plates.

When she returned to the kitchen no more than five minutes later, she was laughing out loud. “He was still in the shower.”

I knew she couldn’t have seen him clearly through the fogged shower door, “Did you tell him dinner was almost ready?”

“Not right away. I waited for him to turn off the water and open the door.” And then she slapped me on the butt with a giggle, “He was slightly surprised to see me standing there.”

I gasped, “You didn’t!”

“I did.”

“What did he do?” I asked, still shocked that she’d actually done that.

She chuckled, “He hid his cock with is hands and almost shouted, ‘what the fuck?’ so I just said, ‘dinner is ready’ and then I just turned and walked out.”

“Oh my gawd!” I said with a laugh.

There was almost no conversation during dinner. My husband barely glanced in his sister’s direction. He had a constant blush on his face and neck.

“You’re very quite tonight.” I said to him, teasing without letting him know I knew what had happened.

He responded simply, “Just tired, I guess.”

I let it drop, but I was secretly laughing inside. I was afraid to look at Jana, fearful I would crack up laughing.

“When I came out of the shower, she was just standing there gawking at me.” Richard confessed later when we were in bed.

I loved him for telling me about the incident, but I didn’t want to let him know she’d already told me about it, “She’s your sister. I’m sure she’s seen you naked before.”

“Uh, no. That has never happened. She was ... very young. By the time she reached puberty, I was already gone.”

I still played dumb, “Well, I’m sure she’s seen plenty of naked men. I doubt it will scar her for life.”

He finally chuckled, “It might scar me though.”

I rolled over and began teasing his chest hair with my fingernails, “You just wish the roles had been reversed.”

“What? No way. She’s my little sister.”

“So, you wouldn’t enjoy seeing her naked? She has a hot body. I’ve seen it. She never wears a swimming suit in the pool.”


I played along, “Yes, really. She loves being naked in the back yard, and I’ve been tempted to join her. The only reason I don’t is the neighbors. Who knows what they would think. I don’t want to start the gossip machine running in overdrive.”

My husband semi shrugged, “Fuck um. If you want to go skinny-dipping, I don’t give a shit what the neighbors think.”

He never once let on that he had been watching his sister in the backyard, so I didn’t let on that I knew he’d been watching her ... and that I knew that’s what had been making him horny.

Finally, he rolled over to face me and began kneading my breasts. He was back to his slow and patient lovemaking. When he was fucking me that night, especially after things got needy and urgent, I couldn’t help but wonder if Jana was listening from just outside our door. I must admit that I was a little more vocal that night, just in case she was.

It rained for the next several days, and then it was the weekend. I wouldn’t let Jana go outside nude then because the neighborhood kids weren’t in school. Monday was a beautiful sunny day though. I’d already made up my mind to join my sister-in-law for a swim without a suit. Just thinking about it, which I’d done all weekend, made me both nervous and excited. At first, I’d passed it off as doing it simply to keep my husband’s interest, but in truth the idea was turning me on as well.

Jana was already in the pool when I walked outside wearing a robe. When I reached the lounge chairs, I took a deep breath, took off my robe, and immediately dove into the water.

I’d never really been skinny-dipping, and I loved how the water rushing past my body seemed to bring it to life. When I surfaced in the middle of the pool, Jana was giggling and clapping. “It’s great, isn’t it?”

I had to agree, although I wasn’t sure if my body was tingling more because of the water or because of the idea of being so naughty and not knowing who might be watching.

After swimming for a few minutes, we were sitting in the shallow end just talking. She shocked me by saying, “By the way, nice body.”

I chuckled, “For my age?”

She turned to look right at me, “No, not for your age. You have a nice body, period.”

“I’ll trade you.” And I wasn’t kidding either. She was in great shape. She was an inch or so taller than me, perhaps five eight or nine, and I put her weight to be somewhere around a hundred twenty five. Her entire body was well toned, and her breasts were incredible ... at least D cups, heavy but still firm.

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But now they had to get going to the main event of the trip, the wedding of one of Trina's very best friends. Bradley was dressed and ready to go to the ceremony - well, except for his tie that he'd need Trina to tie for him. "Trina, you almost ready?" Bradley called toward the bathroom.  A moment later the door opened, and Trina emerged. She looked stunning, her beautiful face framed by her head of thick brown hair, her fine figure encased in, amazingly enough, a pretty good looking...

4 years ago
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Accidental Experiment The Experiment BeginsChapter 7

Dan didn't know what he was getting into, when his friends talked him into breaking into the big RV. He and his buddies had done it before, but usually they made sure no one was in the rig. This time when they saw several people leave, it was voted that Dan go in first, this time. Then they saw the mother and daughter come back Dan tried to tell his buds to wait or choose a different rig. They didn't want to. One of the 'friends' decided that if Dan could get in, he wanted in to see if...

3 years ago
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Come Monday Part 2 of 2

Claire watched him fade into the horizon and already missed him. His handsome face, his loving kisses, his arms around her, his cock inside her, her body reaching places it had never been before. And her orgasms, oh God, the orgasms. They were like earthquakes in her soul.----They both spent the following week thinking about each other. Lonnie was there the next Monday and the sex was even better, even more uninhibited for two naked people on the beach. They did their first sixty-nine, and...

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Craft Faire LoveChapter 19 Home and Beyond

The days Sandy was here were really fun. The girls let her decide what she wanted to do and when she wanted to do it. She definitely spread herself around a lot, but I think when she took off to go back south, she was looking forward to some rest. For me it was almost like the old days, but there were times when it wasn't all that pleasant. She and I talked about a lot of things, but we could only do that when the others weren't around. It wasn't difficult, we just went for walks in the...

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Christmas Changes Come In Threes

Christmas Changes Come in Threes By: Alexis © 2007 Wolf-Pup Publishing Prologue Bill looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. 30 years old and alone again on Christmas Eve. Not just alone, he was dressed up in women's clothing. He was wearing plain cotton panties, such as one's mother would wear, tan pantyhose that looked strange on his unshaved legs, and a 48C bra with empty cups. Bill...

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Of Our Hell and HeavenChapter 2 Living in hell

It's an obsession; I'm obsessed with my lover, Sophie, who is also my biological mother. I just don't care; I'm in love with her and I must find her. I tried to make contact with her; I send e-mails to her, but they came back labeled 'Unknown user', she must have changed her e-mail account. I looked up the Buenos Aires yellow pages and found her phone number. I called her home, answered by a maid the first two times. I didn't understand her and she didn't understand me. It was late...

1 year ago
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Jijaji Ke Mami Ko Choda

Hi dosto mayra naam jamal hai may andaman & nicobar island may rahata hu iss ke site may 99.9% story may koi girl friend hai nahi pucha jata hai kue ya to sab ek dosra ka copy kartay hai ya phir unko or koi idea nahi melta fake story leknay ka. Aapna comment jarur bhayjay mayra mail id hai or koi friendship karna chata hai to wo bhai mail karshkta hai ok then aap logo ko jyada bor nahi karty huay apna story pay aata hu ok then aap logo ko jyada bor nahi karty huay apna story pay aata hu. Yea...

4 years ago
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To SIr With Love

To Sir with? LoveJames Maynard stared out the window, idly watching the drips of rain running down the glass. The older James got the easier his mind wandered. Tonight was the night ! His once-every-two-months visit to Mistress Kelli. Mistress Kelli was a young single mother who lived on the local council estate. At about 24 she was a lovely dark, powerful West Indian woman. In 10 or 15 years she would probably run to fat, but at the moment she was at the very peak of feminine sexuality. Young...

2 years ago
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My first time being dominated and having multiple

This is a true story, however it happened a long time ago, so some minor details have been created to bridge the gaps in my memory.Back to school – it was the first day of my 3rd year in University. I spent the day before pampering myself. I had a full body wax, mani / pedi, and bought myself some sexy new outfits to start the school year fresh.It was a crispy September morning. I was wearing tights, little black tank top and a short blazer. On the walk to class, all I could think of was how...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Jaycee Starr Up Close And Personal

The beautiful redhead Jaycee Starr, talks about her experiences in the adult industry in a short interview before showing us her sex skills, she shows us her beautiful small tits and her big ass and her meaty pussy, to start sucking and lick Alex Jeet’s cock to arrange her pussy to be introduced very deep while groaning and screaming in excitement, then Alex licks her pussy to excite her more, and puts her in the doggy position and continues to diving his cock very hard for a long time...

2 years ago
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The drive home

Introduction:Steven and Laura bond after a partyThis wasn’t the type of party Steven would usually find himself on a Saturday night, but he was having a good time so far. He spotted his brother across the patio and excused himself from his conversation with the group of old guys who were giving him golf tips. Steven walked across the patio, past the pool, past the group of adults laughing hilariously, past the old banker with a bottle of wine in each hand, filling the glasses of everyone he...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 121

The next days were busy. New Years Day came and went in a blur. The gym was busy, but the tanning booths even busier. First it was the gift coupons and then the weather turned evil and nasty. There was cold, wind, snow and blowing snow. That started the exodus of those that could afford the immediate vacations to southern Florida, the Gulf and the islands. Of course no one wanted to go looking pale. When the word spread that men could get a tan here as well and that the girls running the...

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Sexy Red

The Sexy Red motel suite is decorated in red, with lots of tiny red LED light bulbs. A round bed and handcuffs on the headboard. They come in handy for the slutty stuff I have in mind.After a relaxing, foamy bath in the tub and a few drinks, I put on the slutty panties I bought at a sex shop along with other little things I intend to put to good use throughout the night. My panties are in black lace, with a string of rhinestones. The important detail: they have an opening, a slit allowing my...

Oral Sex
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Annas Affliction

Anna's Affliction, part 1by Abe?How old are you, Anna?? asked Uncle Wilbur.?Sixteen, almost seventeen,? she replied.?You are no older than our Kate, but you are dressing like a lady.  Your  hair is up, your skirts are down, and it looks as if you are wearing corsets.  Our Kate is still a girl.?  He was looking at Anna with intense interest.  She was striking, with blue eyes, porcelain skin, coppery hair, and a bosom to waist to hips ratio that was the height of fashion, the image of the fertile...

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The Grantham ClinicChapter 20

They chatted during the drive back to Joanna's home with Angela revealing many of the salient details of her relationship with her previous partners. As they neared their destination, Angela felt herself tingling with excitement and the temptation to tease Joanna more became almost irresistible. "Let's try the leather on you one more time," she urged. Joanna reluctantly changed into the outfit, happier now that the two of them were alone. She watched as Angela closed the curtains before...

1 year ago
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Private Katy Rose Anal Addict

Katy Rose has come to Private Specials, Cuckold’s Fantasy ready to get down and dirty with her husband’s friend Erik Everhard, who has spent years in jail and is looking to make up for lost time. What better way to be welcomed back into the world of sex than with a fuck with this horny brunette who wastes no time offering up her pussy for a taste before returning the favour with a sloppy blowjob. Then watch on alongside Katy’s cuckold husband as she unleashes her nymphomania and...

2 years ago
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Sarah and me On a date at last

Sarah and I were on our first date. Strange really, since we had already had a couple of fantastic sexual encounters, which had come about after finishing work and going to the pub together. I’d been anticipating this Saturday night for the past five days which was when I had asked her out and she had agreed to accompany me to the new Italian bistro that had opened in the city centre. I’d dressed smart casual for the evening with a new pair of chinos, polo shirt and loafers. Sarah, when...

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Dire Wolf and FangChapter 23

For the next 3 weeks, things were like they had been the last year. I had gotten permission from Clint for Doug to join us, Both so he could meet most of the Paladins in the area, and to let them know what all he could do to help them. But there were several noticeable absences that weekend, including Bohica and Carol. But that night Doug said everything had gone well and had appointments from 3 different Paladins to come in and see him. And he had a surprise for me that night, and unusually...

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On the Beach Part I Halo saga

This is a fictional story (obviously) based on the tragic romance between Cortana and Master Chief (John 117) that thrilled all players in the Halo saga. But not tragic as the real history heheThis story was not written by me all credit is given to: FuryanJedi13 in, I just adapted a few words to be appropriate for a porn site.INTROIt was in the late spring when things finally started to warm up, and there were many people who chose to take advantage of this. One in particular was...

2 years ago
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Masquerades 101 Chapter 5 Contradictions

Victor Great. Just when I thought I did a good job at evading Madison this morning, Nicole wants us to go visit her now. I feel like I barely got by last time. "Do we have a game plan?" I asked Nicole. "Are we just going to walk up to her and tell her we swapped bodies?" "No," she replied. "If she's the cause of this, I don't want her to know it worked or give her the upper hand." "The upper hand?" I replied, confused at where she was going with this. "I thought she's one of your...

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A Widow8217s Story

I have been searching for an experience as hot as mine but have not come across it. So I’m sharing mine. I’ll appreciate if you write to me with your feelings and fantasies. My name is Swati. I’m 26year old widow with one girl child of 4years. I got married to Murty about 5years back and lost him one year ago. Murty worked as carpenter in our city -Salem (Tamil Nadu). We were a happily married couple. We had satisfactory sex. He used to fuck me in different positions and arouse all my sense...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 147

King Arthur was in Merlin’s laboratory where the great wizard was showing him his latest creation. It was a chastity belt, except it had a rather large hole in the most obvious place which made it basically useless. “This is no good, Merlin!” the King exclaimed, “Look at this opening. How is this supposed to protect my lady, the Queen, when I’m on a long quest?” “Ah, sire, just observe,” said Merlin. He then selected his most worn out wand, one that he was going to discard anyway. He...

1 year ago
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Love Old West Style

The morning sun rose over the mountain, I stood near the willow tree as the faint glow of sunlight began to filter over the town of Lonesome. Today was a new day, and new people set to arrive for another day in the tourist hot spot of Lonesome, Montana. Once a western movie location the town had been revitalized by the owner, Edward Brilliant, a self made millionaire he bought the old west town and wanted to bring it back to its glory. He also wanted to make money at it, so he made it into a...

2 years ago
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Parting Ways Part 1 Jaimies Surgery

Chapter 1 The week before Memorial Day weekend brought all seniors at Winnisimmet High School together for the school's annual awards night. The seniors knew this was the big moment, for many borderline yet still academically gifted students this was the one that would decide who went to college and who had to seek employment. For the 14, "Finn Family" seniors it was just a formality as they had their college paid for by John Finn as well as shrewd investments by their parents and...

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The Storytellers Ch 18

Chapter 18 Bill Opens Up We returned to Pennsylvania the next day. No mention was made of Beatrice or Lizbeth, except for Dennis’ comment that I would have enjoyed her pussy. I shrugged him off and changed the subject to baseball. The Series was down to the seventh and final game. We found a tavern and settled in as the third inning started. The Dodgers had gone ahead 2 — 0 in the second, knocking out the Yankees ace, Spec Shea in the process. From there on out it was all Yankees. They...

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Harder Honey

Relaxing against the wrought iron railing of the sundeck,I gazed down at the U-shaped swimming pool below.A gentle breeze rippled the crystal clear water and reflected the moonlight in a pattern of pale,dancing lights.I was savoring the realization of an idea that had come to fruition soon after the termination of my first disastrous marriage: my own apartment-house,built to my own specifications.A week ago the last building inspector had given final approval on the entire six-unit complex,even...

2 years ago
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The Shower A Sequel to The Meet

I briefly wondered if I should be doing this. I’m a married woman. She’s a tempting stranger. As the hot water cascaded off our breasts, I could feel her hand explore between my legs. We kissed in the billowing steam as her two fingers easily slide between my swollen lips and into my awaiting vagina. Curling her fingers inside, then firmly gripping me, she pulls me into her mystical world of sex. She first poisoned me with her lust, which now courses through my veins. Seduced and then...

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You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE. - Rod Serling The Book - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Mark Faylor had an ongoing vendetta against his sister, he wanted to dig up dirt on her and make her life miserable at home with their parents. He thought he found just what he was looking for, when he...

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Cousin Sister Ki Chudai 8211 Part II

Hi friends Mera naam sonu hai aur meri umar 23yr hai .main iss ka bahut bada fan hoon .main ek middle class family se belong karta hoon.aur aaj main apke samne apni ek sachi story pais karney ja raha hoon .yehe meri pehli story hai asha karta hoon ki apko pasand aayege. Yeh story aaj se teen saal purani hai .hamari family main mere mammy -papa,hum bhai behen aur merey dadi rehti hai.ush samay mere exam chal rahey tey.aur ghar ke sabhi logo ko mere mama ke ladke ki shadi main jana tha.ishliye...

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First fictional story with names of real people

The excitement of the evening gave me a definite buzz as Danielle and I drove to the party. Danielle is one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid eyes on. Puerto Rican and Black, with long, wavy black hair, the darkest brown eyes I've ever seen, and an amazing smile, she had my attention the moment I saw her. We met one day at TGIF, where she was bar-tending. Since it was lunch and I was by myself, the bar seemed to be the best spot. I ordered a turkey burger and a beer and this gorgeous...

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Payel as the

Payel schooler homework e mon dite chesta korchilo. Tar kache math tough ekta subject. Mon tao tar valo nai. Du chokhe jeno rajjer bishonnota jomat bedhe ache. Matro 3 mash age road accident-e payel tar baba-ma ke hariyeche. Kishori meyeti ekhon sompurno nishshongo. Dur somporker ek chachu take nijer kache ene rekhechen. Suhan chachu payel ke khub-e valobashen. Kinto majhe majhe payel-er mone hoy chachu ektu beshi-e ador koren. Chachu shobshomoy take kole niye joriye dhore ador koren. Payel-er...

2 years ago
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Trails WestChapter 4

“Trail to Silver Moon Canyon” Ryan Corcoran was nowhere to be found when Jeremiah escorted Kellyanne to the corrals where their horses had been penned, once they were unloaded. He took one look at her English style, ladies riding saddle and shook his head. From the man at the livery next door, he made a deal for a pack mule and bought Kellyanne an American made saddle. “Kellyanne, I don’t mean to be personal with you, but do you have clothes more suited for riding in this rough country,...

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The Sensual Forbidden Union Part 1 The Seduction

Hi friends just got to know of this site IndianSexStories.Net when I was searching for an appropriate site to narrate this wonderful Incest relationship of mine. It gives me immense pleasure in writing this experience of mine for many likeminded people to read and pleasure themselves. Since this is my first narration of a real experience of my life so excuse me in case of any mistakes. This is a long narrative so read completely and patiently. WARNING: This is my real life incident and hence I...

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Libbys Night Time Adventures I

Introduction: This is my first story, any advoice is welcome. Hope you enjoy it. Libbys great night time adventures (1) – Libby and Tiffany Libby was 12 years old when she had her first great night time adventure. Her friend Tiffany had told her how she and her older sister had their own adventures and all the neat things they learned on their excursions. The one adventure Libby was especially interested in was of Tiffanys mommy and daddy and the games they played at night. Tiffany didnt want...

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My Wife Goes Dancing With a Friend Part 1

When I invited John to go dancing, it was as a friend. I thought it would be fun to go out dancing at the club with a male friend, since my husband hates to dance.I could tell John was into me the moment we met. He is a handsome man, about six-feet-four-inches tall, with a muscular build and smooth dark skin; but being married, the thought of us hooking up didn’t even cross my mind.   I shook my hips as John started grinding on me. I was so excited to be out on the dance floor, I didn’t mind...

2 years ago
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First threesome pt2

Three becomes four. The beat of the music still played, the smell of our recent activities lingered, we were sprawled out on the bed, Stu lay on his back his cock still at half mast. Megan seemed like she was falling asleep, I was still horney.Robb was stroking his cock, he'd obviousely gotten horney while watching the show, he stared at me while masterbating, I couldnt take my eyes off him, my pussy still craved fucking, I moved over to the other bed, crawled between Rob's open legs, it was...

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Wendy and Clair The New Gurl

Wendy and Clair - The New Gurl Following our memorable night together (see Wendy and Clair, Parts I- III), Wendy and I went back to our usual webchats most evenings. I needed some time to process my feelings about having Wendy force me to reveal and act out my darkest desires before we got together in person again. And I was still sore in many inconvenient places. I couldn't take such vigorous meetings on a frequent basis, that's for sure! Some days it felt that I still squished as I...

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Gothic Amy And Me Part 11END

Introduction: A Twisted end to the series…thats why my name is Psycho AUTHORS NOTE* SORRY I HAVENT WRITTEN IN A WHILE IVE BEEN REALLY LAZY I KNOW IM SO SORRY BUT IM BACK. Im sorry to say&hellip,this is the end of the series. I have an idea for two series but I dont know which one im going to do first. This is going to be a P.O.V Story SO REJECT AND SHEJECTS THE FINALLY (SAD) FINALLY OF GOTHIC AMY AND ME! 11 A TRAGIC END OR THE TESR OF FUCKED UP LOVE I woke up to the sound of Amy humming some...

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Anushka8217s Saga Begins

Hey readers, this time I am going to tell you a true story of a girl anushka and a boy abhi. I’ll tell you the story on behalf of abhi. I am 5’10 feet, brown color, black eyes and a dick reading to 8 inches . you know how boys are. Boys need sex. We are starving for sex. This is what led me to a beautiful sex with my cousin anushka. Lemme tell you about anushka. She’s 5’7 feet, fair toned, black eyes, her sizes are 34-28-36 She has a really stunning body. I have always thought of her being with...

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Jack and JillChapter 102

It was Thursday. That meant swim meet. This week was at home, which made it nice. Sara and Chris were in the stands as was my sister, which was a surprise to me. The meet went well, our team winning five of six. Only a couple of weeks left; we'd probably place somewhere in the top five in the state, as long as we didn't fall apart. I got elected to drive everybody home. After my shower, I headed out to the parking lot. The three of them were standing near my car, talking to a girl I...

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Oral Utopia

You've taught me to be a good girl. You've trained me to your perfect liking. I’m not just a good girl; I’m your good girl. When we met, I was a shy, willing girl. I was one who wanted to be blossomed into the perfect submissive. You saw so much potential in me, and took me on as yours. I barely had any experience with men, and you liked me that way. You told me, it would help mold me into exactly how you saw fit. Three years later, we’re dating, and of course, I’m your perfect submissive....

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Slutty Selena Gomez

It was a bright, beautiful, sunny, Sunday morning, when Selena Gomez woke up horny. She had just dreamt of fucking Demi Lovato, and was horny, her pussy was drenched in pussy juices. She had small tits and a tiny ass. She got out of her bed and hoped into the shower and turned the water on and started fingering herself. -- image removed -- She pictured herself and Demi Lovato in the middle of a shopping centre fucking. She squirted everywhere, finished her shower, got the shortest denim shorts...

3 years ago
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Sexy Sportscaster

(This story is true, but I must hide certain facts like names) Hello, I’m writing from Indianapolis, which from this point on, I’ll refer to as Indy. I am a 41 year old marketing executive for a large corporation that deals in sports apparel. We have a contract with the NFL, so I travel to numerous games during the year.  This past weekend, I was in Honolulu for the NFL Pro Bowl. On Monday morning, I boarded a flight from Honolulu to Indy for the Super Bowl. I always fly first class, It’s much...

4 years ago
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Meri Cousin Ki Chudai Ka Show

Hello dosto main 18 sal ka hu, meri ek cousin sister hai mere aunty (Papa ki bahen) ki daughter, wo mujse umra me badhi hai. wo 26 ki hai.maine kabhi unhe buri nazar se dekha nahi aur unse kafi lagav tha. Hamare ghar main sab log use bahot bholi aur honhar student manete the. Main bhi unka bahot sanaman karata tha par ek din maine unko uss hal main dekha ki mere hosh udd gaye. Main apko meri cousin sis ka introduction deta hu. Uska name hai Hiral. HIral dikhne main badhi bholi aur sanskari...

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fantasy fulfilled

New experience   Where to begin?   I’m sixty nine years old male, feel about forty, am still working and keeping fit. I’ve had a varied life, done the wife swopping and been to a number of swinging parties. I have watched my wife having sex with up to four guys at a time and also with two women. The most I have had, was two women at the same time.   Well my wife and I parted company about six years ago.   We are still friends, but not for sex. Over the past couple of years I have been...

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The Six Pills of DominationPill 4

The reality of having sex with a teacher lived up to the fantasy. Fortunately, things got better. It took the weekend to get over the high of being with Miss Malone, but on Monday morning, my first thought upon waking up was 'Next!'. I stood outside the school before the first bell scanning the packs of kids searching for a girl that would jump out as my next choice. Someone put their hand on my arm and I turned to face them. Michelle was standing behind me with a wide smile on her...

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Whores and Soldiers

Among the citizens of LakeCross, there had always been three constants in life; patriotism, honor and justice. That ended at the hands of the Legion. And yes, they fought. And it didn’t take the Legion three months nor did it take the Legion three days to storm the outer walls to the city. It took only three hours. This is the story about two dredges of society, leeching off what had been heralded as “The last Free City North of the Snake River.” Lily had enjoyed her life as a whore or how...

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Uncle Takes Over FamilyChapter 8

Russel, being an engineer, knew some of the faculty at the university. When he inquired very discreetly about Spencer Patterson, he found out it was rumored that he had a propensity for teenage girls, and that he had a mistress with a teenage daughter on the side. The rumor was that he was banging them both. Cynthia Stevens was an extremely beautiful thirty-six-year-old woman with dark-brown hair that hung down below her shoulders. She had pretty brown eyes and a sensual mouth. Her...

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Hot Sex with My BIL

Two weeks back my husband’s younger brother had come to see him and they were sitting in the guest room, having drinks. I waited long for him to come in the bed room and have sex before sleeping. But when he didn’t return, I alone went to sleep. In the morning when I woke up, my husband had already left for his office. I usually sleep absolutely naked and enjoy roaming around in the house without wearing any thing as we have not allowed our servant to enter the house. Since I was feeling...

1 year ago
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HerLimit Angie Lynx Got Fired

Angie Lynx treats you to hot onscreen blowjobs as she wraps the dick with her fine lips to start the scene with a hot foreplay. A visibly horny guy takes Angie on a bumpy ride as he drills her wet pussy. The drilling fills her perfect ass hole, where she receives additional stoking that nearly pushes her to the limit. She moans unceasingly as streams of squirts gush out of her wet pussy while the big cock pounds her asshole. She receives a memorable fuck that she won’t easily forget and...

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Family Camping Trip

Introduction: 2 friends want to spent the summer together and this get discovered Abigail flung her bag onto Olives chair and threw herself down onto her best friends pure white bed making her long black hair spread out around her head. She locked her beautiful green eyes onto Olive as she exhaled sharply I just found out that instead of staying home like we do every summer my dad planned this camping trip, we are going out to a family cabin somewhere in the middle of nowhere. You have to come...

4 years ago
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A nice surprise under the shower

That afternoon I came home early from office; I was really very exhausted from a long day dealing with my slutty Boss Barbara.The day had been warm and I really needed a relaxing shower.Once at home, I passed by the bathroom and heard the shower running. I got fully naked in the alleyway, intending to surprise my beloved husband there in the shower. It looked a little bit strange to me he would be at home so early, but I presumed he had the same idea of leaving his office due to the warm...

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