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Chapter 1 Tom Tom. I've been lying in bed intermittently looking at the time display on the wall for nearly fifteen minutes now and cannot avoid the inevitable any longer, its a school day and if I don't get up soon I'm going to miss breakfast. "Tom breakfast is ready," I hear mum shout from the kitchen. "I'm nearly ready mum," I shout as I slip from under the covers and go over to where my school clothes set in a neat pile on the old ottoman, I smile at my mum's consideration as she's put both a pair of trousers and a skirt out for me, I'd worn a skirt a skirt many times over the years but until recently had never really taken to them I then thought of Graham my best friend and how he'd recently started wearing a skirt on a more regular basis. "Oh why on earth not," I said as I removed my pyjamas and put my school shirt on over my vest then stepped into the dark blue knee length skirt tucking my shirt in just before using the side zipper. I pulled up the long blue knee high uniform socks and as I did wondered if I should ask Dad to buy me some tights in time for season change, shoes next. As was cleaning my teeth I noticed my my fingernails, they looked good, my brother and I had done each others nails last night and he's done a wonderful job of mine. After cleaning my teeth I headed along to the kitchen area of our habitat. Boris my big brother was multitasking by putting on his makeup, eating his breakfast and reading a magazine at the table as I entered. "I see you're wearing a skirt today Tom, nice; wanna try some lip balm?" he said as he passed the tube of balm over to me, it was slick and tasted a little of cherry as I applied it. Mum came over and smiled at me. "Scrambled egg on toast, Ingoberry juice and your medication." I took the three pills and swallowed them whilst gulping down the slightly bitter but refreshing juice then placed the small soluble tab on my tongue which dissolved almost immediately. "I've put the rest of your medication in your lunch bag Tom, please don't forget to take it just after lunch." "I won't mum I promise." I shuddered as I remembered what had happened to Edgar Johansen in the year below me last year, he'd deliberately stopped taking his pills and by the time his parents had noticed symptoms of infection it the disease had taken hold of him and he very nearly died, perhaps it would have been better if he had died as after his recovery one arm and both legs and his left hand had been replaced with prosthetics. My breakfast was just as good as it always was and as I picked up my blazer mum started fussing over me attacking my hair with a brush and much to my initial irritation she added two small clips to keep my hair out of my eyes. "Oh you will have all the girls fussing over you soon enough dear." "Think so mum?" I asked sceptically "OH I know so son you're just so damned cute," she said as she picked up her handbag and car keys, "I'm going shopping today do you want me to pick you up anything at the trade station shopping complex?" "No mum really I'm okay at the moment." "Come on we'll be late, do you want me to pick up Graham or is he still being really shy of other people?" "He's still feeling really self conscious mum, I don't know why as you could hardly see his training bra through his top and nobody else even seemed to notice." "It affects different people in different ways son I remember when your father's body started to develop, he thought his world had ended and locked himself away in his room for weeks and yet I still thought he was the cutest boy at school. Four years after his intervention we were a married couple and he gave birth to Boris your brother 11 months later, I'd already had Christine by that point of course and had just gone back into education." I watched as my mum negotiated the busy streets of our community with our vehicle on manual and looked at her subtly made up face. 'Will I soon need to learn how to do that?' I wondered before smiling to myself and remembering that I'd spent some time at my friend Graham's house a few evenings ago experimenting, applying mascara and nearly poking my eye out trying to line my eyes with the makeup his dad had bought him just after he and his mum had taken him to be fitted for his training bra. "Mum?" "Yes dear?" replied my mum. "When I go for my first real bra will you take me?" "Wouldn't you prefer to go with your dad?" mum enquired. "Err well Dad sort of likes more utilitarian stuff mum, I um think I would like something pretty, I hope that doesn't sound too weird?" mum took her foot off the dead man's pedal putting the vehicle into auto drive, smiled and turned to me. "Oh no it doesn't sound weird at all dear not at all, I'd love to take you when you are ready, maybe we could make a day of it and your dad could come too?" "I'd like that mum, a lot," Mum laughed. "Your dad has the mind of a scientist Tom everything needs to be functional to him, he's never really embraced his feminine side I think he just classed his intervention as a mild irritation and his pregnancy as an interesting biological experience." Mum and I continued chatting until we slowed by my friends house, I liked talking to my mum. "I polled Graham's home when we left ours Tom, he should be out momentarily." Mum and I sat in silence as we waited and soon Graham appeared, he was in school uniform as I was but was also wearing dark opaque tights and a pair of penny loafers in line with the Schools uniform code, he looked sullen and was holding his workpad tightly to his chest as he walked towards us. "Oh dear your friend does look really uncomfortable in his body at the moment Tom, be kind to him today and compliment him on his looks." "Mum we're not in the 22nd century you know, of course I'll be nice to him he's my best friend." Graham got into our vehicle and restrained himself. "I love those tights Graham," I said noticing the cute unicorn embossed on each ankle and making conversation. "Got a rash on my leg, sister loaned them to me, puked up in toilet this morning feel awful," he said without much emotion or enthusiasm. "Oh Graham that is perfectly normal, you just need your new dosages adjusted that's all," said my mum. "Mum's taking me to medical centre after school, thinking of getting procedure one done, she says that'll help with the sickness." I looked over at my mum and frowned, I knew that Graham's parents were not particularly wealthy but healthcare was free so why was he only having procedure one done? My mum spoke to the back of the vehicle "It will help with the morning sickness Graham and it will reduce the medication you need to take. "Don't want procedure two yet, want to see what it's like without Testicles first before they hollow me out," he said, Graham wasn't really a one for conversation in the mornings or really any other time but he was a good friend. "Well that is your choice dear, are they being gifted?" "Dad tried but I have a genetic anomaly or something so they can't be used." "Don't worry Graham you can still have children if you want, that is provided you do want them?" "Dunno, Dunno what I want Toms mum everything is just happening too fast for my liking." I noticed my friends lip start to tremble so I spun my seat so that I was facing him, leant over and hugged him tightly it was curious but I had absolutely no reservations about my own intervention and just couldn't understand Graham's apparent misery over it. Graham had recovered by the time we arrived at the education centre and as mum's vehicle pulled away I heard my work pad start to ping inside my bag. 'Oh not another schedule change' I thought to myself as Manfor one the red giant star 6 light month's away caused the world to dim a little as one of our moons obscured it as it sometimes did when it crossed the giant sun's occasionally, eclipses were quite common and nobody really paid them much attention. Manfor two was the brighter sun and provided us with most of our daylight it only being a few light minutes from us. "Uh oh Looks like I've been summoned to utility hall two, wonder what for?" I said whilst standing next to Graham in the front forecourt "If it's anything like what happened to me it'll be to tell you that your balls are defective," Said Mr cheerful as he hugged me then kissed me on the cheek before leaving me outside. "Yea okay then Graham, see ya later mate." As I entered the main atrium Mr Wiseman was standing watching over the students entering he was wearing a white skirt that went almost to his ankles and I could only just see the tips of his toes and the points of his heels beneath the hem, his top was a tee shirt that accentuated his waist and chest, it had a cute picture on it of a cartoon dragon. "Morning Mr Wiseman, I really like your tee sir," he smiled at me revealing his pearly white teeth and his bright red lips. "Thank you Tom my wife bought it for me, oh did you get the message to go to Utility hall two?" "Yes sir." "It's nothing to worry about son, it's just a couple of vids and a talk, you must be coming up to eighteen are you?" "Yes sir next week." "Ah that explains it then, off you go; good luck." Chapter 02 The Unexpected History class "Hey Dan, Marty, you going to this thing too?" I said as I caught up with a couple of my classmates in the corridor "Utility hall two?" Asked Marty. "Yea." "Probly gonna tell us bout growin boobs Tom, bit late for me though Innit?" Dan poked at his chest causing his quite substantial breasts to jiggle, I laughed. when we entered the compact lecture hall I noticed that the indicator panels on the learning stations were lit so I found the one with my name on and sat at it. I was joined a few seconds later by Mary Cranton I leant over and hugged her. "Oh Tom you're wearing a skirt today, you look so cute it really suits you," I smiled, I really liked Mary, she was the same age as me but nearly three inches taller. "So what did you do wrong to end up here with me then?" I asked she giggled. "I chose to be here silly." "Oh." "You'll see soon," I was a little confused, I then looked to see that every boy had a girl sitting next to them it was then my mind finally realised. 'Oh god this is it, it's the talk.' I then realised that that today was not just any ordinary day today could be the day that everything changed for me. The headmistress entered through the doors I'd entered through only moments before and almost immediately the lights started to dim. "Good morning Students," The entire room then greeted her as one voice and afterwards she rested against a sturdy lectern and said. "Some of you already know why you are here and some of you will just have realised, some of you have already noticed changes in your bodies whilst others have not. Unfortunately a boys puberty cannot be delayed indefinitely and as you are all coming up to your 18th birthdays it is time for you to make choices about your futures, so without further ado Mr Whitworth would you start the presentation please?" just in front of the headmistress an image started to form becoming more solid as it did until a narrator's voice could be heard. Nearly 1300 years ago seven generation ships left our home planet and started their long journey to find a new world to colonise, each ship had a crew of 150 men and women assisted by many rudimentary Ai controlled machines, these ships travelled from Earth and through the depths of space for nearly 600 years with the crews working their entire lives to protect the valuable cargo's they held. We should always remember the many generations of crewmembers who lived their lives aboard these ships and kept them functional until the on board computers finally found a suitable planet for habitation. I dropped my head I'd read about the space crews who'd piloted repaired and maintained the massive generation ships and how by the time the generation ships finally reached their destination the ships were mostly being run by automated systems with very few surviving crew members. The presentation continued. Finally the surviving two generation ships arrived here at Barynun4 or as the first colonists would one day call it 'Home' Over the next sixty seven years settlements were built by automated construction equipment on selected sites on the surface of the planet with the two surviving ships staying in orbit until the first population facility was built. It was only then that the first colonists to be were shuttled down to the surface in heavily shielded and cryogenically frozen containers, the colonists were of course stored embryos which when de-frosted were placed into waiting incubation banks within the population facility. Once the first bank of new colonists were born the cycle started again. The babies were nursed and as they grew were taught by the facility's AI's and some of the surviving humans until they could themselves become productive members of society, this took twenty years for the first 400 and then every seven months after that until eventually the viable embryos would run out. Meanwhile in orbit above the planet the huge generation ships were slowly dismantled with the materials being used as the basis of our original industries along with construction materials. With the new population rising due to the constant influx of colonists from the population facility and the fact that they themselves had now started to procreate the population grew and become very healthy with a good genetic diversity. Unfortunately at some point due to a reactor accident aboard colony ship one and it's resulting explosion as it was being slowly decommissioned all further embryo's were destroyed and the resultant electromagnetic pulse rendered all but the most screened of Ai's to be reduced to dumb automatons. Fortunately we are a resilient race and soon things started to return to normal and our society quickly began to thrive once more. The presentation paused for several seconds followed by the title Patient zero Three hundred and seventy six years ago an explorer by the name of Lance Trent returned from the Northern polar region half way through a six month research assignment as his daughter Lucy had taken seriously ill with Martalls disease. When Lance Trent finally reached his home however his Daughters fever was breaking much to his relief but unknown to him or anyone else he was himself infected and in turn infected his recovering daughter with a new and previously undiscovered virus he'd acquired in the polar region, the virus was weak and dying as it could not find suitable cells to infect in it's original host body however when the virus transferred to his daughter on his breath the dying virus as virus's do attempted to latch on to and infect a cell unfortunately for us it found the retreating Martalls disease pathogen and managed to infected it. Lucy's immune system fought the disease off as she now had antibodies that could now deal with Martalls but unknown to her or anyone else she had now become a carrier of a new mutant hybrid virus that could easily be transmitted to humans and who's incubation period was nearly six months. Lucy had not yet reached puberty so the slowly multiplying virus lay dormant for several months until one morning she noticed a red mark on her arm. Over the next week the red mark became a blister, the blister burst as the school nurse lanced it releasing the virus into the atmosphere. Lucy recovered and never showed another symptom, unfortunately the nurse who was now infected and also a carrier had a steady throughput of pupils over the next few months and almost every pupil she came into contact with became infected, passing the new disease on to their parents and friends. The first cases of the new disease appeared about a week before discovery day, all the cases were male and all cases were fatal. It was quickly established that females could catch the disease but the symptoms were very mild and went within days of the first symptoms appearing, it was also noted that the disease did not seem to affect pre pubescent boys or girls. Scott's remedy. Doctor Calvin Scott noted that after a blood transfusion one of his dying patients condition improved slightly, Analysis of the blood showed that it contained quite high levels of oestrogen the donor of his blood having been a female. Dr Scott then administered Oestrogen to his patient in the hope that it would help but he died, meanwhile a research team in colony six discovered that in the same way that the flu virus infects by attaching themselves to cells in the nasal passages and throat the new virus attached itself to mature Leydig cells converting Testosterone into a toxin that caused massive irritation the rupturing of skin cells, severe blistering and scarring causing further transmission of the disease. Almost immediately several patients in a test group were injected with chemicals that would eradicate their testosterone, the test subjects quickly started to improve, their sores and lesions started to heal but they all remained infected and potentially contagious with the virus only dormant within their cells. A brave decision. After several days and with the first wave of contagion building to pandemic levels two of the volunteers opted to have their testosterone permanently removed. The operations were a success and the two patients started to recover very swiftly resulting in most of the other seriously ill patients reluctantly opting also to have their testicles removed. Patients with mild symptoms who had not yes developed lesions or sepsis. were given Testosterone suppressing drugs. The medical profession needed to find a cure or at least stall the disease until they could find a cure so initially all men were placed on high doses of testosterone suppressing drugs and male children about to enter puberty were given drugs to inhibit puberty's onset. Knowing that they were working against time our scientists set out to find a permanent cure for the pandemic but with the limited research resources available at the time it was a struggle. The first vaccine that became available worked for nearly three years but soon a new mutated more virulent strain of the virus emerged and due to it's long incubation period and that it could now be transmitted by touch as well as in water vapour had already widely dispersed throughout our planet before the first cases once again began to show in males and teenage boys. The disease had also changed significantly and once symptoms showed the disease progressed with frightening speed, androgen deprivation therapy helped with symptoms if administered soon enough but scarring, organ and tissue damage was usually quite severe even if the disease was caught in it's early stages. Once again all prepubescent males were placed on puberty blocking drugs whilst all males from puberty onwards were given androgen deprivation therapy. The governing body of our planet met with scientists and fertility experts to discuss the disease and it's implications. Within a year and with growing discontent amongst the population and after a marked decrease in pregnancies several options were offered and a referendum of all citizens was carried out. As a result of the referendum and in an attempt to save future generations with great sadness it was decreed that. All men over 45 would would be offered the chance to have their testicles removed thereby cutting their risk of the disease progressing by 99.9981%. Men who wanted to have children could give samples of sperm and bank it in several storage hubs and either continue with deprivation therapy or have their testicles removed. Male children would be kept in a prepubescent state until they came of age when they would be allowed to decide for themselves what happened to them. All of these decisions were made in the hope that scientists would soon find a cure. It did not take long before the flaws of this system started to show especially with the older males, some of whom started to show similar symptoms to the female menopause including bone thinning and osteoporosis. A control group of five hundred older males was offered hormone replacement therapy of the type usually reserved for older women and with few exceptions the group was pleased with the changes in their lives, this quickly became the go to therapy and all men over 45 were offered the treatment following their castration. Tom. After a while I half listened half watched the history video as it droned on. I'd already watched this video several times before and I started to let my mind drift until I felt a vibration on my work pad and when I looked at my screen there was a message from Mary. 'I'm to be your mentor cool eh?' I turned and smiled at her whilst the history vid continued to drone on in the background. 'You have just got to have the cutest smile I've ever seen Tom,' she messaged. I felt myself blush which in itself was a worrying sign as self consciousness was one of the first signs of impending puberty. Mary herself was fully mature, her puberty had not been delayed as their was no need as females only produced very small amounts of testosterone and the testosterone that was produced by her body was quickly metabolised into Oestrogen. It was a curious thing but our education system actually worked really well immature boys did not really go chasing around after maturing girls as there was no need so there was no real tension at school and everyone just got on with the job of learning. Chapter 03 The intervention Tom. Finally the history lesson ended and the head teacher once again addressed us "I am now about to read out a list of names, could these students take their bags and head down the hall where Mr Jenkins will be waiting for them." I listened as she read the list, I don't know why but I felt really nervous and was quite relieved when Mary slipped her hand into mine. "Don't worry Tom It'll be okay I promise," she whispered. The headmistress finished talking and waited until the last of the students filed out of the room before then saying. "Now this next list of students is to meet with Mrs Pelma just outside the lecture theatre, she will escort you to the waiting medical transports." Amongst the names called was my friend Graham's, he frowned a little and as he left the room he smiled weakly and waved hesitantly at me. "Graham is your friend isn't he?" Asked Mary, I nodded. "He's going for stage one and Hormone treatment and Orchidectomy, he'll probably get stage two next year," I felt myself becoming increasingly nervous now as there were only six students left in the room. The headmistress smiled at the remaining boys each with their mentors sitting beside them some boys seemed happier than others. "As you are probably aware boys, very few males are able to produce viable sperm due to the long term side effects of your delayed puberty and other environmental issues. Of those few most have genetic anomalies which unfortunately precludes them from the population growth program." The headmistress smiled once again. "Fortunately this term we have six viable students and you have been found to be suitable, you have all been allocated mentors to advise you and if you decide to go ahead with the program they will help you to adjust." Adjust I knew exactly what that meant as my dad had also been lucky enough to be offered the same deal. I smiled a little weakly as I realised the implications but also I felt pride as I could in theory become a base father to hundreds if not thousands of future children. The headmistress continued. "We have already called your parents in from their duties and they are waiting so that you can discuss your wishes with them and your mentors, we will however require a decision within the hour though as the medical transports are already waiting." One by one each of us left the hall with our mentors and as I exited I could see my mum and dad, my mum looked happy but was close to tears and my dad was weeping into the small handkerchief he usually kept tucked up his blouse sleeve. "Oh Tom I'm so proud of you, and Mary is your mentor too," my mum hugged me tightly to her chest before my dad came over and hugged me. "Tom lad this is wonderful news, I couldn't be happier for you." He too hugged me, it was curious but my dad rarely showed his emotions in public but he was weeping tears of happiness, I turned to my mum. "It looks like I may be needing that training bra a little sooner than I'd expected Mum," I said confirming without words that I was going to go through with it. Mary pulled me towards her and hugged me tightly and as she held me I felt a stirring in my loins, making me more than certain that I was doing the right thing and by the feelings in my nether regions the sooner the better. I took my work pad, quickly opened my mailbox and signed my consent form. "There all done, I suppose I'll be seeing you in a few weeks then?" Mum and dad hugged me once more, Mary took my hand and as she gently led me away I could see mum and dad standing watching me, they were holding hands and they looked so beautiful together. "That could be us someday Tom, if we find that we are compatible with each other," said Mary a little tentatively, I smiled I'd known her my entire life, we used to play football together and go adventuring in the wildings before she started to mature and had lost interest in more childish things. I was both nervous and excited as I boarded our transport to the global medical centre. The transport had all six of us and our mentors aboard along with three medical staff a pilot and a security officer. The transport left the front area of our school going vertically up into the dark blue sky before turning and heading south as it gained altitude. After a while one of the medical staff came over to see me. "Hello there Tom I'm Toni, Nervous?" she asked as she placed a strip of diagnostic tape on my forehead. "A little, it doesn't hurt does it?" I asked. "No not at all, afterwards when everything starts to work you may experience some growing pains and possibly a little nausea as your body adapts but no pain," she paused a little and then smiled broadly "I remember being nervous too but my mentor was by my side the entire time ,we've been married now for seven years." "We could have a huge white wedding if you wanted too Tom," said Mary with a wry grin. "I think I'd like that," I replied imagining myself walking down the isle with my dad by my side. "Ooh now look at that?" Said Toni "Looks like we caught you just in time, another two percent increase in testosterone and we wouldn't have been able to use you, she reached into her bag and took out a dermal patch and placed it on my upper arm "We can't have that can we, this'll keep you down at safe levels until after induction," Toni patted me on the head and left me with Mary. "I think Toni likes you," she commented. Chapter 04 The pyramid The Global medical centre is in the equatorial region and as our transport dropped below the cloud base the large building came into view below us, it looked somewhat like a pyramid with it's top chopped off and is set amongst many hundreds of hectares of manicured parkland, lawns and gardens with a high perimeter wall and beyond it the massive equatorial rainforests stretched seemingly forever into the distance, my ears popped a little as the transport equalised the cabin pressure with the outside pressure as the transport slowed to land on the large flat roof of the massive complex. Mary and I were first to leave the transport and were ushered quickly towards a decontamination corridor where we were bombarded with UV light and a mildly antiseptic mist before entering a changing room. "We have to take all of our clothing off now Tom then go down the next corridor where we'll be provided with new sterile clothing, I couldn't help as I removed my shoes, socks, skirt, shirt and under shirt sneaking glimpses as Mary removed her own clothing until she noticed. "Underpants too Tom don't be shy now," she said without even a hint of embarrassment as she unhooked her bra allowing her beautiful breasts to hang free, I felt myself blushing as I removed my underpants whilst Mary unhooked her stockings and carefully rolled them down her lovely smooth legs. I stood covering my crotch with my hands as Mary removed her own underpants. "Sooo cute," Said Mary as she offered me her hand,"Oh just let your thingy dangle I'm not embarrassed," she said to my hesitance to take her hand. I took her hand and we entered another corridor where we were again bombarded by a similar Blue light and then sprayed with a pale green slightly sticky liquid until completely drenched, a voice then informed us to rub the green liquid into uncovered areas. Two or three minutes later we were rinsed and finally large air blowers were activated to dry our skin and hair. Once dry the glass doors barring our way into the next room retracted into the wall and after Mary and I had entered the next section and the doors had once again closed we dressed in new clothes that had been provided for us, Mary dressed in what must have been her own clothing and I in quite baggy trousers and a tee shirt the only saving grace of my clothing was the underpants which were made of a soft silk like material, I slipped my feet into a pair of loose clog like shoes whilst Mary put on trainer socks and a pair of sneakers. "It's going to take me ages to brush my hair out after that hurricane dried it Tom but then your hair doesn't look any better than mine." To our side another smaller door opened and a female wearing green scrubs entered "Hello there I'm Eileen Prendergast I'm a doctor and I will be preparing you for your surgery this evening. "This evening? Wow that's fast my mum had to wait nearly three days to get her ingrown toenail seen too," I replied "Yes well ingrown toenails don't affect the survival of our colonies but what you have to offer does so we treat you very seriously indeed." I was taken aback by what the doctor said and was about to apologise when she smiled. "Just kidding, we've been preparing for your surgery for nearly six months Tom, would you like a look around our facility." I nodded and felt Mary's hand slip into mine once more. Just over an hour later I was sitting on a bed in what I assumed to be my room but I was soon to find out was actually the one that Mary would be staying in for few days whilst wondering all the while if this was actually what I wanted. "You look distracted Tom," noticed Mary. "I know what is about to happen to me Mary but I can't stop wondering what it will feel like afterwards, I mean will I feel really different it's weird." Mary moved over to my side and as she stood in front of me she took my right hand, guided it up into her skirt as she pulled her pants to one side then placed my hand on her own genitals." "It's so flat and oh there's a ridge wow this is cool, so I will be like this soon?" "Yes exactly you'll be exactly like a female with one exception your ovaries will not initially carry any eggs, that's what I'm for and your old genitals will reside in the collection bay in a completely sterile environment and will provide sperm hopefully for many years to come." "And do they reslly keep my bits alive?" I asked. "Yes like the doctor said your testicles and associated tissue will be given a nutrient rich blood supply then once they mature they will be milked once a day by the application of a small electric charge." I winced a little. "Sounds awful, but I have to admit your genitals do feel pretty cool." "They are trust me and you'll appreciate them all the more especially once you've learned how to drive them." Mary pushed me back onto the bed and straddled me then holding my hands against her breasts sighed. "You are going to love having a pair of these too, can be a pain sometimes but overall well worth having." Mary and I lay looking at each other on the bed for ages 'I could never get sick of looking at you' I thought as she smiled back at me. I must have dozed off as I was woken by the sound of someone at the door. Dr Prendergast entered with a tray, she placed it on the bed and said, "It's time Tom." "Oh already." "Yes do you have your gown?" "Yes I think it's." I turned to see Mary who was now looking quite serious holding my surgical gown for me. I undressed completely as instructed and slipped into the gown. "Okay take this pill with a little water," I did as instructed she then placed what looked like flexible metallic bracelets around each wrist, I felt them close and then felt pressure on my wrist. "They are just introducing small tubes into you so that we can administer anaesthesia, medication and nutrients into your body, the other fixtures and fittings will be inserted when you are anaesthetised. "Whooooaaa I feel a bit funky Doctor." "That'll be the relaxant kicking in, rather pleasant isn't it?" "Oh yeaaa," Mary held my hand to steady me and as my sight started to go she kissed me on the lips. What happened next I have no recollection of. Chapter 05 The Surgery Mary. I watched with some sadness as Tom who was now completely unconscious and had been lying on his back on my bed was lifted onto what I believe is called a gurney a sort of padded stretcher with wheels by two orderlies. Dr Prendergast looked over at me. "You really like Tom don't you?" she commented, I nodded. "I've known him almost all of my life Dr." "And how long have you been in love with him?" "Does it show that badly?" I asked, she nodded. "Uh huh, so how long then?" "Virtually from the first day I met him, I used to get collywobbles every time he talked to me." "Now there is a good old fashioned word." "I'm an old fashioned girl Doctor, if you knew Tom like I do you'd love him too." "I'm sure I would, he seems like a sweet young man now do you still want to be with him and watch his conversion?" "I do but I can't guarantee that I won't sob all the way through it though." "Sob away love, I cried for days when Josh my husband to be was in the healing tank. I used to take a seat and just watch him floating as the cells coated the scaffold in his groin, this disease has a lot to answer for," The doctor said. As the doctor attached electrodes to Tom's head and chest I asked, "May I hold Tom's hand Please?" Dr Prendergast smiled broadly "Oh most definitely, in fact I insist." I took Tom's hand and looked at his limp unconscious body and felt sad for him. Tom was wheeled along several long colour coded corridors and through a sterility curtain into what appeared to be a waiting or reception area. "I'm going to scrub up now Mary, once Tom goes into theatre if you just go through that door over there and follow the corridor around it will take you up into a watching area, you'll be alone so you may cry, shout, weep or just generally be as angry at the injustice of the disease as you want," She then held my other hand and with a beautiful sincere smile said "I'll be with him all the way Mary, he won't be in any discomfort I promise you," I squeaked a quick. "Thank you." Before turning and leaving through the side door just as the tears started. Karruchefski's disease is it's official name the disease that robs males of the chance of ever being men, I've watched archive footage of how men used to look, some even had hair on their faces. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your perspective no one living can remember now what our world was like before the disease when men and women lived together or in some cases women and women along with men and men. It's still a world with genders but they are more graduated now, our governing council would never force corrective surgery on anyone and in some rare cases allow males to refuse treatment completely once they reach eighteen, this always ends badly. Some but still a small number also opt for the most minimal of treatment involving the removal of their testicles at on or around their 18th birthday. Others have their testicles removed and take female hormone supplements to stave off complications in later life. There are many many options that males can take with all medical costs paid for by the council. Tom is one of the very lucky few and I say that with reservations as tests on his DNA and the results of a microbiopsy on his testicles have shown him to have almost no genetic degradation, his testicles once they mature will be producing sperm for making babies for many many years to come, it is just so annoying that they will not be attached to his body as that would be fatal to him. Looking down I see Tom being wheeled into the operating theatre and as his almost naked beautiful child like body is connected to various tubes and wires I notice on the viewing screen streaming the news that our application to have our planets quarantine status relaxed had been denied again. Looking down I see Dr Prendergast issuing instructions to one of the theatre nurses to adjust the lighting on Tom's groin area. Looking back at historical information I knew that male penises grew in size during puberty and that testicles enlarged but Tom's was still in a childlike state and it saddened me. I being a girl had grown up as nature intended, my body started to sprout hair my hips widened, I grew breasts and my periods started but Tom has been denied his natural development because of that damn virus, instead of his natural development he has been in a state of developmental suspension since four days after his twelfth birthday when his father did his daily spittle test and the indicator paper turned blue indicating the presence of testosterone, within two hours he was taking the first of his puberty blocking drugs, I cried for him for days. For a while we remained good friends but as I developed and he didn't I just couldn't get over the guilt I felt over my luck at being born a girl and the rotten deal he'd been dealt, so I reluctantly drifted away from being his best friend and observed him from a distance. A tiny pinprick of white light emanated from the Doctor's scalpel as her hand approached the sterilised skin of Tom's crotch area, his long thin legs were now in stirrups and Dr Prendergast was between them along with two surgical robot assistants, I looked away as wisps of white smoke started to rise from Tom's crotch before being sucked away by the ventilation system. "I can't watch this," I said to myself as I leaned over and picked up a thick folded paper bag bag in case I vomited. "Pull yourself together Mary," I said reprimanding myself. 'Tom is going to make a beautiful husband.' I thought "But only if he agrees" I thought then said out loud correcting myself myself as I sat down. I watched in horrified fascination as Doctor Prendergast made a very large circular incision taking in Tom's entire crotch area virtually up to his belly button and a fair portion of the upper part of his thigh she then started to slowly peel back his skin. "You okay up there Mary?" Asked a voice from a transducer above me on the ceiling, I nodded. "Probably better if you speak as I'm not looking your way," she added. "Yes I think so." "You are probably wondering why I'm making such a large initial incision aren't you? Well I need quite a lot of skin with it's underlying tissue to both ensure the viability of the donor testes and penis and also some left over to um colour match Tom's new genitalia." "Oh," I continued to watch half in horror and half out of an almost morbid curiosity as Dr Prendergast assisted by the two surgical robots cut into Tom's flesh eventually removing his penis testicles and what seemed to me to be a massively excessive amount of surrounding tissue, the large lump of flesh was then passed over to two other medical personnel who took the skin coated bright red lump containing his reproductive system and started to work on it on an adjacent table. "My colleagues have to work fast Mary, to connect the tissue to new blood supplies to prevent it from dying it will then be held in suspension in our repository and within a year should be producing viable sperm, both you and Tom will have unlimited access of course and the remaining Sperm will be either frozen or used to fertilise compatible mothers." I however was looking at the bloody gaping hole in Tom that the Doctor seemed to be eagerly attacking with her light scalpel. "Mary are you okay, you've gone really quiet?" "Are you sure Tom is going to be okay Doctor? Tha, that wound looks awfully large." "It does doesn't it but it has to be this way, I'm currently removing Tom's Prostate gland and will shortly graft the new distal urethra to his Bladder, I'll then pass over control to the surgical robots who will make a suitable cavity between his bladder and rectum for the seeded reproductive scaffold to be inserted, I'll then tether the proximal end of the urethral graft to the tether insert a catheter and he'll be taken to the healing chambers." I watched a few minutes later as the surgical robots inserted a soft pliable grey mass into Tom and anchored it in place. "Almost finished Mary, as soon as Tom's ovaries have developed sufficiently we'll harvest about two thirds of your eggs, a third will be introduced into his ovaries and the other third will go into storage as agreed, Theoretically you could both become pregnant together if you so wished; once he's matured of course." In my mind I could see in my mind an image of Tom and I with large bellies lying together on our bed in our own home, it made me smile. Chapter 06 Recovery Tom looked awful with tubes coming out of his body mostly from his wrists but now there was one coming out of his peehole and another from his bottom. Once the surgical robot's had finished their job Tom's comatose body was gently slid into a soft transparent flexible chamber, the chamber was slowly filled with a liquid that was slightly beige in hue until his entire body was submerged. The chamber was then sealed, leaving only several tubes going out of it from a flexible manifold at the top. "If you are wondering what we are doing Mary we've submerged Tom in a hyper sterile liquid similar to amniotic fluid, it will prevent infection and it's nutrients will assist greatly with the new cell growth on the scaffold, within a few days the blood supplies and capillary's should have established and soon afterwards the cells will start to grow out on the scaffold forming his new uterus, within a week or so of the capillary growth the area should start pinking up and then the skin should start to form permanently sealing it into it's new home and giving him an aesthetically pleasing shape." "Tom he's in no pain is he?" I asked with concern. "None whatsoever in fact at the moment he's totally oblivious to anything at all, the nerve block will also ensure that he remains unstressed until in a week or so when we will allow him to start dreaming again as dreams are healthy and will help with his healing." "If I don't look at where his surgery has been he does look peaceful Dr." "That is the whole idea Mary, like a baby in the womb, he'll be lovely and warm in his chamber it is also quiet and combined with the nerve block his body is completely unstressed which will also assist his healing." "Thank you Doctor," I hugged her tightly ignoring whatever protocol I was supposed to be adhering too, the doctor however held me gently and rubbed my back. "It was a pleasure dear it really was." After Tom's operation I was escorted back to another room, a larger more spacious room which I would spend the best part of summer term in. I visited Tom twice every day, the flexible chamber he had been slipped into was no longer flexible and was now vertical with Tom floating suspended in a foetal like position within the liquid. For the first week or so the large ugly cavity between his legs upset me as it looked dark and red and completely ugly with only a single small pipe exiting it but as time went on I started to see structures forming within and even noticed the skin at the edges of the wound starting to move towards his new genitals ever so slowly. Tom looked peaceful and his lovely fair hair flowed very gently in waves sometimes if I visited during a fluid replenishment cycle and if I ignored the gaping ugly cavity in his groin he looked quite beautiful in a boyish way. As Tom slowly healed and as his body recreated itself I noticed that his fingernails were starting to get quite long as was his hair but of course they were as that is what they normally do, sometimes I'm such a dullard. It was well into the third week of Tom's recuperation when I noticed one morning that his eyes were moving slowly behind his eyelids so as I left the recovery room to go to a study session I mentioned this to the technician who was monitoring several other chambers from his desk and after bringing up Tom's chamber on his mobile screen he told me that he had just started dreaming again as his anaesthesia had been reduced and that it was perfectly normal. On Tom's sixth week of recovery I observed with a smile that the newly formed skin had now just about reached where his mons pubis would soon be and that extra tissue was forming, this according to Dennis the friendly and rather matronly technician was a layer of fatty tissue cells that would give Tom a classic feminine pubic area once his new hormones started to kick in. The second thing I observed later that week that initially shocked me was an occasional red discharge from his forming vagina but after talking to Dennis once more he assured me in his words that "it's just his uterus practising, nothing to worry about." Day by day Tom healed, he still looked like the boy I'd known all of my life with the exception that his genitals were now flat just like mine, one morning as I sat near Tom as he floated in his chamber whilst doing school work on my workpad Dennis approached me. "Tom is almost ready to have eggs implanted in his ovaries Mary, are you still willing to donate?" I nodded. "Yes Dennis anytime I'm needed I'll be ready," Dennis smiled at me. "Sometimes we get mentor's that change their minds and they are entitled too but I had a feeling that you really wanted to give this gift to Tom." "You can tell?" "Oh yes, you spend a lot of time here dear, he must mean a lot to you." "He does, I've known him forever," Dennis then whispered. "If you go really close to his chamber and talk he will be able to feel your voice through the liquid," Dennis left soon after presumably to complete his rounds on the other chambers, I did exactly as he suggested and after seemingly talking to myself for two or three minutes Tom's body started to twitch a little and he seemed to start smiling a little. Three days later approximately during a very quick, simple and entirely painless procedure 150,000 oocytes were removed from my ovaries 100,000 of which were implanted into Tom's new and now fully developed ovaries, whilst in recovery Dr P informed me that Tom's old genitals had responded well to their new home and had now matured enough that they were starting to produce small amounts of sperm. I was in what could only be described as a pensive mood over the next few days as I thought about the implications of my donation. The doctor had not removed two thirds of my eggs as we had agreed she'd only removed just over a quarter but said that what she'd implanted into Tom with would last him more than a lifetime, I found myself wondering if Tom would actually want to be pregnant at some point and if he did what method of impregnation he would opt for. In the early days after the second pandemic, artificial insemination was used to ensure pregnancy where eggs were harvested and introduced to sperm in a test tube, the resultant fertilised eggs were then either frozen or implanted into the female's womb. Men were non too happy about this approach as it removed them entirely from the birth equation so after a short but very effective battle with the medical authorities a method of self insemination was introduced involving a prepared syringe of semen in artificial seminal fluid that the female's partner could inject as a stream into his partners vagina when she was at her most fertile, sexual stimulation was optional but did enhance the experience and many many innovative devices were produced simply to enhance the experience. I felt myself blush as I remembered finding a package just inside my bedroom door and then finding within the package a personal massager on my fifteenth birthday, I thought my mum had left it for me but it was actually my father. I often wonder if our ancestors enjoyed the act of sexual reproduction or if they did it as a matter of some crazed animal lust. I've seen the history books of course and watched old vids but I've always wondered what it would be like to procreate the old fashioned way. Tom was now entering the final stages of the healing process and his newly regenerated skin had just started merging with the now almost complete outer vaginal canal. This evening as I sat on my balcony on the 43rd floor doing some prepared school work I noticed the storm clouds gathering in the distance to the east in the twilight just after sunset and soon after watched the clouds light up as a lightning storm started to build up within them, I was just collecting my work pad and taking the chairs indoors when the balcony lighting started to flash amber. "Ooh looks like we are getting a big one tonight" I said to myself as I touched the panel to close the balcony doors, once the doors had closed safety interlocks could be heard engaging followed by a heavier storm screen that slid across the entirety of my balcony, with the storm screen locked in place I could if I had wished have gone back onto the balcony and watched the storm in safety but I instead opted to dim the inner doors and relax a little before retiring to my bed. I slipped out of my dress and removed my bra, panties stockings and belt, then slipped into a golden silken gown and as I looked over at my clothing I smiled; I really liked dressing femininely, I liked soft silky fabrics next to my skin, I suppose I take after my father in that respect as he also likes really feminine clothing my mum is the practical one in our family and usually dresses smartly but casually. My brother Francis is only ten and basically wears what the hell he wants at the moment, he does however seem to prefer dresses, not skirts and tops but full dresses, for the simple reason it's just one thing to put on when he gets up in the mornings the lazy lad. My sister flora is just like me, we've always liked being different and we looked through loads of historical movies and books before we perfected our looks. Stockings are a remnant of a bygone age but I think that they make my legs look really good, they make me feel different and trust me when I say that feeling different in a world where the gender line is as blurred as ours is is absolutely essential. I don't think that Tom is a particularly girly Teen but I hope he will grow to appreciate feminine clothing as much as I do once he's completely recovered that is. Even with the storm screen and the balcony doors closed I could still just about hear the storm which now seemed to be raging just outside the medical Pyramid so I decided to bathe and then retire for the evening. 'Bathe', such an old fashioned word but most appropriate in my case as my room has a bathroom attached with an actual bath in it so this evening I would bathe in water instead of just standing under a shower of high pressure cleaning mist. Of course I've bathed before (almost every evening since arriving!) and my great grandmother actually has a real bath at her home but our home being one of the more compact habitations only has pressure mist. Letting my gown slip from my body I dip my toe into the ceramic bath, "Mmmmm just right," I say as I step down into the warm water allowing it to envelop and surround me until I'm almost weightless with the stiffening nipples of my breasts occasionally peeping above the surface as though coming up for air. Water is still quite a precious commodity on our planet, Rainwater is mostly okay and is relatively clean but the sea water is still quite caustic and will blister skin if you stay in it for too long which is also not recommended due to several unpleasant parasites that are plentiful in the waters of almost any coastline of our planet. Chapter 07 rebirth Tom. For a while I thought I was dreaming still as sometimes I think I can hear Mary's voice, I'm not sure as it sounds distant and muffled but this morning as I heard the voice again I opened one of my eyes a little and even though my vision was a little blurred I recognised Mary standing not a metre from me, 'has she been visiting me regularly?' I thought to myself and caught myself smiling as I did, I even attempted unsuccessfully to wave at her. I seem to be in some sort of tank filled with a warm liquid and I feel oh so comfortable as I bob about, I can't really move as I don't seem to have much control of my body but occasionally I feel little electric shocks all over my body that seem to make my muscles contract, it's not unpleasant just a little odd. One of the other weird things about where I am is that I'm not breathing, my lungs seem to be saturated in the same fluid I'm currently bobbing up and down in and I'm not breathing, I hope I haven't forgotten how to breath as that would be really unfortunate. Oohh I can feel myself going again it must be sleep ti... "mmffnngg ndghhs dnnenn," I wake to hearing the muffled tones of Mary and open my eyes as wide as a can to try and see her, she quickly comes into focus, she's holding her workpad onto the tank wall. She's smiling but I can see tears too, I look at the work pad. "Welcome back, you look wonderful," I open my mouth as though to speak but there is no voice just a discharge of slightly discoloured liquid, Mary reaches up and places her hand on the tank wall and I attempt to do the same but am unable too due to seemingly invisible tethers holding me in place, I close my eyes to rest them and when I open them again Mary is still there but she's changed her top to a blue one and she's plaited her hair into pigtails, it takes me a moment or two before I realise I must have dozed off for a while. 'Oh heavens she is beautiful.' I think as I look at her looking at me, it is then I notice the two orderlies approaching my tank with my Doctor. Within seconds I hear a dull humming sound followed by a 'clunk' as something below me is released, a wave of nausea then hits me as the world outside starts to tilt and for a second I think that something has gone horribly wrong. Soon I am laying on my side still floating in the warm fluid and Dr Prendergast places Mary's work pad against the wall of my tube for me to see. 'Don't do anything, let us do all of the work Tom.' says the screen in large bold characters, I nodded and simply waited. Soon there was a humming noise above me and I hear a dull gurgling noise as I realise that the container I was in had been breached and the fluid was now emptying quickly. As the fluid drained past my eyes my vision once again became blurred and the world became noisy but still muffled, I also started opening and closing my mouth like a panicked fish trying in vain to breath. "Tom you don't need air to breath at the moment so stop trying, your blood is being oxygenated remotely," Said the doctor in muffled tones as I felt something going into my mouth and snaking down my windpipe. "It's just gentle suction and a chemical to clear your lungs, this may be a little uncomfortable." 'UNCOMFORTABLE! The understatement of the millennium' I thought as I could feel myself wanting to cough but instead I felt myself forcing up great slimy globs of fluid and could hear muffled gurgling as the liquid was expelled from my lungs and I managed my first breath before coughing and coughing whilst still lying on my side. Someone injected a fluid into my ears and soon after my head was moved followed by a slurrrrrrrrsh sound as liquid drained from my ear canal, this was repeated on my other ear and I could soon hear between coughs Mary, she was sobbing. "Mary?" I heard myself croak. "It's okay please don't cry." "Tom?" I then heard The Doctor say, "it's okay Mary, it is a little unpleasant yes but it will soon be all over with, you can come over and hold Tom's hand if you'd like?" Within seconds I felt Mary's hand slip into my wet and slimy hand, I could not see her though as my vision was still blurred. I felt someone move my head and heard. "I'm just going to remove the contact lenses Tom don't make any sudden moves." I felt my eye being opened and then a suction like device touch my eyes surface followed by a warm liquid and then what must have been the lens being removed, the other eye followed soon afterwards. I moved my head and could see Mary, she was red eyed and her makeup was streaked but she was smiling. "Hello again," she said warmly, she looked really pleased to see me. Whilst I was lying I felt something being pulled from my bottom which seemed to take forever to be pulled out. "Just removing the colon irrigation and cleansing devices Tom, your urethral catheter is next." Sure enough I felt a gentle tug a few moments later but did not recognise where the tugging was happening, had I really become a complete girl? "Fortunately you now only have a short urethra Tom so that wouldn't have been too unpleasant for you, Okay now if you could manoeuvre Tom to a sitting position we'll release the rest of the umbilical connections. "C, cold," I said as I felt myself shiver after being moved by two technicians or orderlies. I quickly felt a soft and very warm blanket being placed over my shoulders. "Is that better?" asked one of the orderlies. "Yes th, thank you." Within minutes I was released from all of the remaining pipes and tubes that had been keeping me alive and comfortable in my lovely warm quiet tank and was sort of wishing I was back there as the room was now awash with clear crisp and sharp almost painful noises rather than the dull comforting ones I had grown used too. After a while I was helped into a wheelchair and the Dr came into view. "Everything seems fine young man, Dennis will take you and Mary to your room where I suspect you will want to bathe, now only the very softest and airy clothing for you for the first few days and no makeup at least until tomorrow." I nodded and smiled then offered my hand to Mary once more, she eagerly took it. By the time we'd arrived at my room my hair was starting to dry and felt awful as the fluid I'd been submerged in had started to harden, my skin also felt a little odd, I would be glad to get into the shower and wash. "There you go I'll leave you here," said Dennis, Mary hugged him tightly and thanked him, she then took control of my wheel chair and pushed me into my room. My eyes bulged slightly as we entered as the room was huge compared to my own room at home, it had giant windows that led to a balcony looking out over the rain forest. "Is this really my room?" I asked "Our room Tom," Said Mary correcting me. "Ours?" "Yes silly I'm your mentor remember?" She then pushed me through into another room where there was a large double bed. "Where's your room is it through there?" I asked pointing at a door to my left. "No that's the bathing room, you'll be sleeping with me on the big bed Tom at least whilst we are here," she replied with more than a hint of nervousness in her voice. "I think I'd like that," I said, Mary then wheeled me into the bathing room where to my complete surprise there was an actual bath and it was full of water, Mary helped me to stand and guided my wobbly legs over to the bath and held me until I was once again enveloped in warmth. "May I join you Tom?" she asked. "Err yea if you want to," I replied unsurely, I watched as Mary removed her top, skirt and underwear then as she slipped into the water of the large sunken bath, she looked beautiful. Mary then took a soft sponge and started to rub my skin ever so gently to remove my now quite sticky coating. "Would you like to do this bit yourself, she asked as the sponge came closer to my groin area." "Um," Was all I could say 'was I scared to find what was now down there, no not scared curious but what if I didn't like it?' I thought but Mary gently parted my legs took my right hand and guided it between them. "Welcome to the new Tom," she said as I gasped *** "Is that really me?" I asked in amazement as I felt nothing but soft smoothness and a slight ridged vertical dip where my new vagina was hiding. "If you are careful Tom you will be able to part your lips a little and touch the hidden stuff, Mary guided my hand and gently opened my vagina for me. "Down towards your Anus that is your new vaginal canal, if you move your finger up a little that is your urethra, that is where your pee comes from now and a little further up the little nub of flesh that is your clitoris, I found myself gasping a little as my finger brushed past it as it was very sensitive to the touch. "Am I just like you now Mary?" I asked. "Yes but your body is still very immature, Doctor Prendergast told me that you are now producing hormones so you could get a small fever in a week or two as your body will be also be producing very small amounts of testosterone along with massive amounts of oestrogen." "Testosterone but I thought." "Girls produce Testosterone too Tom but only tiny amounts, the amount's are so low that your immune system should be able to cope when the virus attacks though," I looked at Mary and smiled. "So I'm just like a girl now?" "Yes in almost every way, in fact as you carry eggs you can if you wish register to be classified as female, not that it makes a lot of difference anymore." "And I can have children just like my dad and mum?" "Yup, but your body will still need to develop first though," I looked at Mary, she was sitting still holding the sponge and was smiling at me, I loved how her petite body curved and how her firm boobs seemed to defy gravity and felt a smile growing. "I think I'm going to like being feminine Mary." That comment earned me a hug, Mary then washed and rinsed my hair which made me feel wonderful. After helping me out of the bath and patting my very sensitive skin dry she passed me a pair of soft white panties with small blue flowers embossed into the fabric along with a short pleated skirt and a vest like top, the underwear and the top were really comfortable as was the skirt, I managed to put the little anklets on myself and the slipper shoes. Mary then Guided me out into the balcony where the colours and smells of the rainforest canopy almost overwhelmed my senses. "It's so beautiful Mary, look out beyond the walls at all of those colours, oh and the noises all of those wonderful noises and smells," She sat me down and asked, "Juice or drink?" "Drink please if you wouldn't mind?" "Not at all," I sat in a shady spot on the balcony and looked out over the nearby jungle canopy as though looking through the world with brand new eyes. After a moment I felt a gentle breeze and watched with wonder as goosebumps appeared quickly on the still sensitive skin of my arm. A few moments later Mary placed two mugs on the table and sat next to me. "I made tea, hope that is okay," she gently placed her hand on my arm, her hand was warm and comforting, I turned to thank her for the tea but she was already looking at me, her large brown eyes and her smile mesmerising me, I placed my free hand on top of hers. "Gosh you look so beautiful Mary you're giving me butterflies." Mary's smile broadened. "That deserves a hug Tom," So that's exactly what she did Mary hugged me ever so gently which was wonderful it was like being hugged by an angel, an angel I'd known all of my life but was only now recognising. Hugs from my mum and dad were wonderful and frequent at home but with our cheeks touching and her body ever so gently pressing into mine I realised I never wanted this particular hug to end so I wrapped my thin arms around my beautiful friend and pulled her closer. Mary's clothes were freshly laundered, I could smell the freshness of the fabric but I could also smell something else Mary had a beautiful natural scent she smelled fresh and clean and was making me feel quite giddy, I could feel my breathing become laboured and weirdly my chest started to feel funny, my little nipples were becoming hard under the fabric of my top. It was Mary who finally broke our embrace, her face was quite flushed and her breathing was ragged just like mine, I looked at her in surprise. "Oh wow Mary that was wonderful, I feel like laughing and crying at the same time, what on earth?" "I feel the same way Tom," she replied breathlessly. then I felt a smile appearing on my face. After a second or two Mary moved closer to me bringing her face really close to mine causing our lips to touch momentarily, Mary watched the look of confusion on my face as I brought my fingers up to my lips and touched them, 'Why on earth were my lips tingling and why hadn't Mary done it again?' I thought as she gently nibbled at her lower lip. "Mary what the hell?" I said in surprise. "It's perfectly natural Tom your body is waking up, you're becoming aroused and as your new hormones are now kicking in you will soon need to learn to cope with new feelings and emotions." "I like this feeling Mary I really like it." "Oh I'm so happy for you but these new feelings come at a cost and can easily become overwhelming at least to begin with as your hormone levels stabilise but know this I'll always be here for you I promise." A little later as we were sitting reading on the balcony I had a familiar but also foreign feeling. "Mary I think I need to pee." "The toilet is through there Tom but don't forget to press the girl button as the attachment is different, it may feel a little strange at first," I looked over at Mary. "Err can you come with me please?" Once when I was younger I'd accidentally pressed the wrong button and had experienced a moment or two of discomfort until the toilet had discovered my mistake and corrected it. "Of course Tom," Mary took my hand and led me to the toilet. After pulling up my skirt and lowering my panties I leant back against the buttock plates on the wall and pressed the coloured button marked with an X on the console to my side whilst Mary held my other hand and smiled warmly, I'd always used the Y or the brown button until now and was curious what the differences would be. I felt the toilet slip between my legs and widen causing me to become slightly bow legged, the display then scanned me and the toilet gently parted my new vaginal lips followed by what I knew to be a very soft and sterile urinary gasket that sealed the gap between me and the toilet with a gentle suction. "When you are ready Tom just let go and the machine will take your pee, to help it along you could use the vibrate function." "Vibrate the boy one doesn't have a vibrate facility." "It doesn't have post wash either, this is far more civilised," curiosity got the better of me and I pressed for gentle vibrate. "Ohh, Ohh, Oohhhhhh, that feels nice," nature then took it's course and I started to empty my bladder. "It feels a little weird Mary." "It probably does at the moment Tom but you'll soon get used to it, don't get up afterwards though as the toilet will need to dry and sanitise you." "Really?" "Yes infections down there can be a bugger to clear if you were to get one." "Oh," after a few more seconds I felt my genital area becoming moist then the toilet started to hum and I felt a warmth followed by release of the gentle suction, I instinctively stood and the toilet started to retract below me. "Well that was not at all unpleasant," I said slightly self consciously as I eased my panties back up and allowed my skirt to drop back to it's normal position. Chapter 08 News from home Mary and I returned to the balcony after my toilet adventure and we sat looking out over the forest whilst I caught up with my correspondence including several messages from Graham who now seems a lot happier after his Orchidectomy, he was also placed on a modified regimen of Female hormones and last weekend had gone bra shopping with his grandfather and his cousin, I couldn't help but smile as he described the anguish that he had gone through trying to pluck up the courage to ask Susan Blakelaw out on a date only for her to say. "Took your time to ask, course I will." I turned to Mary and commented. "I've missed so much whilst I was in that tank Mary but it looks like Graham is feeling better about himself now." She smiled and replied, "Yes I've just been looking at the school social page he attended the monthly prom with Susan from 'Tyneman' he looked so happy with her, he was grinning from ear to ear." I thought for a second about his usual deadpan expression and commented, "He probably had wind!" At that moment I noticed four bright lights in the sky high above us and watched as they started to leave flaming trails behind them as the friction of our atmosphere heated them up due to their speed. "Is that the monthly supply drop Mary?" She looked up. "Looks like one of them." After a minute or two there were several loud bangs causing a lot of the wildlife on the jungle canopy to take flight out of shock as the sonic booms of the cargo drop containers reached us. "Hopefully one day we'll be able to rejoin the rest of the universe Tom and this awful disease will be cured, I mean I'd love to travel to some of the other planets in the system wouldn't you?" I thought about it for several seconds, I wasn't actually sure as some of the planets we were in contact with seemed to be in a state of perpetual turmoil whereas our planet had very little dissent by comparison but really that was out of necessity. We watched as the drop containers dimmed and vanished over the horizon and I leant into Mary. "Thank you for being my mentor Mary." Mary put her arm around me and held me close. Mary and I sat together in the warm shade with a gentle breeze keeping us cool until we heard a 'Pling, pling' noise back in our room "Ah that'll be food, you stay here I'll get it," said Mary as she got up and headed back into our room. A few moments later she shouted through, "Foods up." I got up from my really comfy chair and slowly walked into the living area where Mary had set a table for us and there were two covered plates. "I have Quilley steak and veggies but unfortunately you only have some prescription stuff to kick start your digestive system," I sat opposite Mary at the small table and took the insulating lid off my dish only to have my sense of smell assaulted by a vaguely medical smell disguised by the smell of bananas along with a cloud of steam that finally revealed a sort of greyish porridge with what looked like a dollop of fruity jam in it's centre. Fortunately my food tasted quite good and certainly filled me up although it lacked the pleasure of eating a full Quilley steak, Mary smiled as she cut small chunks off her steak and ate them. "It won't be long before you are back to normal and eating proper food Tom I'm sure," she reassured me. That evening as I prepared for bed I slipped my nightgown over my head and gave an involuntary shiver as the fine silken material slipped past my new softer skin. Of course I'd worn nightshirts before but this was completely different from the nu-cotton ones I had worn previously I wondered for a moment if this was a medical fabric designed to stop skin irritation but when Mary appeared wearing an identical nightgown I realised that she must have chosen it for me. "You like it?" she asked as I smoothed the fine silken fabric over my torso "It's lovely did you choose it?" Mary smiled broadly at me. "I did I'm really chuffed that you like it." 'There she goes again using old words' I thought as I sat on the large bed. "Are you sure it's okay for us to be sleeping together Mary?" I asked innocently. "Of course it is silly it'll be just like a sleepover, besides which you're 18 now and a girl so it doesn't matter anymore." "Oh" 'sometimes I'm a complete dullard' I think to myself as remind myself of the rules. Chapter 09 Emotions In childhood it is perfectly acceptable for both Boys and Girls to socialise up to and including sleepovers and pyjama parties but once the female starts to mature and grow Girls are discouraged from engaging in sleepovers or other such activities with other non maturing girls or non mature boys, this is to allow the maturing female to appreciate the changes happening within their own bodies without the additional embarrassment of younger siblings or friends asking potentially embarrassing questions. Boys are very curious by nature but due to their delayed maturation they can be quite immature so it became quite normal for girls entering puberty to drift from their male friends at least until the age of 18 or when the boys had started to enter their own induced puberty where genetic girls very often re establish their friendships and help their friends though their own transition into adulthood. Mary had volunteered to be a mentor to Tom nearly four years ago and had undergone the mentor training with enthusiasm, she may outwardly show great confidence but as Tom slipped between the sheets of the bed she was very nervous indeed. Mary turned off the lighting in the room only leaving the bedside panel on and then slipped between the sheets herself, Tom turned onto his side and smiled at his pretty friend. "Is it okay if I hug you Mary?" Tom asked, Mary smiled and shuffled a little closer to Tom causing her own nightgown to ride up her legs a little. "Of course you can Tom." She slipped her left arm under Tom's body and her right arm over his chest and gently drew him closer, Tom sighed "This feels really different from when we used to do sleepovers Mary... Much nicer, oh god you smell lovely," Mary could feel Tom's heart beating hard in his still flat chest, 'God he's just as nervous as I am.' she thought as she kissed him on the lips. Mary knew not to take things too fast or too far as Tom was still both emotionally and physically immature but as they both drifted off to sleep several minutes later she was now completely sure that Tom was the man or woman for her. Tom. I woke about 10 minutes ago as my bladder was urging me too so I used the toilet and returned to our warm bed, Mary has rested her head on my shoulders and her arm is across my stomach with her hand on my groin, Mary's hand is lovely and warm but I fear I may have to move it as I feel damp down there and am wondering if the toilet had fully completed the drying cycle. I am also feeling tingly down there a bit like pleasant pins and needles, I hope I haven't broken anything. I decide to leave Mary's hand where it is and try to get back to sleep. I'm awake again, I woke this time spooning into Mary with my hand cupping her boob! 'Should I remove my hand?' I wonder to myself, before deciding just to leave it in place and pretend to be asleep as it felt nice. When Mary woke I must have once again been dozing, I had still had my arm draped over her and she sort of sighed before getting out of the bed. I opened my eyes a little and watched as she donned a fine silk gown and fastened it, she then vanished into the toilet area before returning with a glass and an indicator strip along with two pills. "Morning sleepy head," I opened my eyes fully and smiled back at Mary then attempted to get up only to feel a little woozy. "Steady on tiger you'll probably feel a little nauseous so I've brought you some anti nausea medication along with a 'cycle strip'" "A cycle strip, what on earth for?" I asked a little confused. "To tell whereabouts you are on your cycle silly." "Oh." I opened my mouth and Mary placed the thin plastistrip on my tongue and I closed my mouth. "Ten seconds should be okay now let me see," She pulled the strip from my mouth and passed me the two pills. "These will help with your nausea now let us see how far along you are shall we?" Mary smiled as a line appeared on the graduated strip. "Oh now that is a little unexpected you are just leaving your ovulation phase and are about to enter your Luteal phase so about day 14 or 15 of your cycle, there is now probably an egg bobbing along one of your fallopian tubes on it's way to your womb as we speak." "Oh so does that mean I'm going to have a period soon?" I asked nervously as I gulped down the remnants of the water in the glass. "Nope not just yet but towards the end of it you may start to feel a little sad and need a hug or two which is why I'm here," I smiled at Mary but didn't really know why as she was telling me things I didn't entirely understand and to be quite honest was a little worried about the whole monthly cycle thing. Of course I sort of knew the biology of what was happening to me and I knew that my new hormones would at some point play havoc with my moods but was I ready for it and would I recognise what was happening when it happened? Today when I dressed Mary offered me a very pretty summer dress very similar to the type she normally wore, normally I rarely wore dresses, skirts occasionally when the weather was hot but not dresses. Today however I accepted my wonderful friends offer and slipped it on over my still sensitive skin and it felt wonderful. Mary and I held hands as we left our room together after breakfast and headed toward the transport shaft that would take us down to the ground level, in my spare hand I carried a wide brimmed sun hat. We watched for two or three minutes as transparent walled transport cars passed by the doors to the shaft until one was allocated to our destination and stopped. Inside we sat on one of the wall benches as the doors closed and the car made it's way down the huge pyramidal building in a mix of diagonal drops and forward movement. As I sat watching the building go by with occasional glimpses of huge open spaces, shopping areas, laboratories and other more mundane areas, I felt a little nervous I didn't know why but it disconcerted me. "Nervous?" Asked Mary, I nodded. "Perfectly normal, don't worry it's just a short walk out in the gardens before the Ten O clock sun spike I'm not going to let that gorgeous fair skin of yours get burned." "But won't there be people there too?" I asked. "Oh Tom you're nervous about people seeing you, that is just so cute," Mary turned and gently held me then kissed me on the cheek. After a while the car made it's way onto the outside surface of the building and for the last twenty or so floors we were treated to spectacular views of the gardens and jungle beyond, when the car finally stopped we exited then after walking on the wide concrete forecourt away from the building we entered a small section of the garden area. It was lovely to feel the sunshine on my skin again and the feel of a natural breeze on my face, I couldn't help but smile as my senses were awakened to the smells and scents of the flowers along with the beautiful colours. "I think I was in that tank for too long Mary, the world seems so different to me now." "In a nasty way or a nice way?" "Nicer I think," Mary said nothing but I could see her smiling. After a while we came upon a large ornamental fountain and we sat at it's side I dipped my hand into it's clear inviting water, the water was cool to the touch, I then noticed several other couples in the garden too and wondered if some of then had also undergone the same procedure as I had and if they also now had their old reproductive organs stored in a high security sterile facility. Mary must have seen me frown as she asked, "Are you okay Tom?" "Yes I think so I was just thinking about my old parts." "Do you miss them?" "I, I'm not sure," I paused as I was not sure what to say next "I mean I had them for a long time an I was used to them and mostly ignored them but now, now that there gone." I could feel my lower lip start to tremble and it felt like I was about to cry but I wasn't really that upset why did I want to cry? Mary pulled me into a gentle hug and for the next few minutes I bawled my eyes out without really knowing why I was doing it, Mary gently rubbed my back. "Oh you poor thing those new hormones are hitting you hard aren't they? Maybe coming outside wasn't such a good idea." 'Hormones? If this was what hormones did to you I wanted nothing to do with them' I thought but almost as soon as I thought it I started to become calmer it was weird Mary's touch was starting to calm me. After a minute or two more Mary released me and passed me a tissue, I looked at her in surprise as I took it. "What on earth was that all about," I said as I mopped up my tears "Your emotions are a little out of control at the moment that's all, don't worry it's just puberty hitting you like a brick it's perfectly normal." "That did not feel normal Mary that felt awful." "I know I've already been through puberty remember?" "I think I preferred it how it was." "Oh Tom the highs are much better than the lows trust me the lows are bad though I'll admit," Mary then moved forward and kissed me full on the lips it felt absolutely wonderful but she didn't stop kissing she continued and wrapped her arms around me cupping my buttocks in her hands as she did. Slowly I opened my mouth as we kissed and allowed our tongues to touch, the feeling was electric and the feeling quickly extended to my groin area and strangely my chest area, Mary broke off our kiss after a few seconds smiled and asked quite breathlessly. "Feel better now?" I just looked at her in shock. 'What the hell?' I thought as I could feel my heart pounding in my chest I was breathless and I so wanted for our kiss to continue. "Yes but what just happened?" "Your body is just waking up Tom it's been asleep for too long, we will need to take this bit slowly I'm afraid." "Oh wow," Mary took my hand and we continued our walk whilst I wondered what had just happened and why I could feel dampness in my panties I just hoped I hadn't had an involuntary micro pee! That evening I retired to bed early and even though I'd done very little I was quite exhausted, I suppose that was the effect of spending several weeks floating in what was essentially artificial amniotic fluid with no exercise. Chapter 10 Growing pains Tom. It's now been just under two weeks since I joined Mary in her room and it's fair to say that it hasn't all been plain sailing. Sometimes I wake happy sometimes sad and sometimes I wake happy and after a moment or two run to the wash basin in the bathroom and vomit. My opinion of hormones is that they suck big time (to use a very old expression) Mary however has been wonderful and has patiently talked me down from my highs and up from my lows, her patience is almost limitless. Yesterday I woke up and my hips ached like hell and today it was my shins and my stomach but one small pain tab on my tongue and my symptoms all but vanished I'm currently in a commerce class at the medical facility Mary is sitting next to me, The lecturer is talking about our planet's main exports namely Lithium, sodium and potassium, all of which are extracted from our oceans in great quantities and hoisted into orbit before being irradiated to sterilise it as part of our trade treaty with two of the three great corporations, in return we are supplied with technology and raw materials delivered by drop containers on a bi weekly basis. Removing reactive metal salts from our seas is of benefit to our planet as it will over many many hundreds of years decrease it's alkalinity and hopefully encourage the re-emergence of marine life. I start to take notes on the quarantine pact but after a while the tummy pain I had during this morning started to come back not only that but I had a weird feeling of dampness down below as though I were very sweaty. I looked down at my cute lilac shorts and suppressed a gasp as I noticed a tiny red stain in the crotch area. I looked around the class to see if anyone else had noticed and after a moment plucking up courage raised my hand. "Yes Tom," asked the lecturer. "I'm sorry but I need to go to the wash room." "Can it not wait, the lecture only has another five or so..." She must have realised from my face that I could not wait but before she'd answered me Mary had placed her bag over my crotch and said. "I'm sorry but Tom really needs to go now," as she tugged me out of my seat and I followed her to the nearest rest room covering my groin area with her bag as I waddled whilst trying to keep my legs together. "Oh I am so embarrassed," I said as Mary led me into the privacy of one of the stalls where she lowered my now badly stained shorts and underwear as I placed my buttocks onto the pads activating the toilet. "Press the button twice in quick succession Tom it will do a hygiene cycle and clean you up, meanwhile stay here whilst I get you some clean clothes from our room." I sat whilst the toilet cleaned me for nearly ten minutes until Mary reappeared with a new dark skirt and clean panties along with what looked like a long thin handkerchief. Okay you should be clean enough now, press the button once to start dry cycle then slip these panties on. I did as I was told and as soon as I had Mary slipped the long thin handkerchief looking piece of fabric into my panties covering the entirety of my genitals. "It is just a super absorbent pad similar to what nappies (diapers) are made of, you are going to need to use them for about a week or so." "That was gross Mary." "Yes I know mine will be along any day now but I use a cup device to stop leakage it's an oldie I know but I'm a traditional girl," She smiled as I pulled up my skirt and zipped it, she then took my hand "I think ice cream is in order don't you?" Mary was correct ice cream was the perfect foil to my misery and I appreciated it immensely. Over the next few awful days I learnt first hand about feminine hygiene and the products I could use to make my period less awful and messy. pads which were what I was wearing seemed to be as old as civilisation itself, tampons which could be inserted or cups which also needed to be inserted, I however was more interested in the once monthly tongue tab which effectively stopped both ovulation menstruation but which I wouldn't be eligible to use for at least 18 months possibly longer depending on my rate of maturation. One unexpected advantage of my period was that I became much closer to Mary and we often cuddled into each other. When my first period was over with I noticed one morning that out of nowhere four thick dark hairs had sprung up seemingly from nowhere on the silky smooth skin surrounding my vagina. "Mary do you have a moment?" I asked as I looked at the new invaders to my body, when she entered the bedroom I said, "Look I have hairs." "Oh yes; well it looks like your pubic hair is coming in now, soon your armpit hair will start to grow too." "But I don't like them I like the way that you look." "Don't you want to at least try having a little bush down there?" asked Mary, I thought for a few seconds wondering what it would look like then asked "if I did would it affect how the toilets work I mean they use a little suction don't they?" "No not really the toilets adjust but it will be a little messier when your monthly visitor comes to stay." "Messier how could it be messier? Ew." "Well I don't like hair down there so I used my hair removal pen to remove my hairs as they grew I couldn't regrow hair there even if I wanted now." "And do you prefer it that way?" I asked. "Yes I think so I've never really had a proper bush down there as I like to feel clean. I actually have a couple of merkins at home which i've used on occasion just to see what I would look like." "A merkin?" "Yes a pubic wig I have one that gives me a Brazillian which looks like a strip of hair and another that gives me full coverage." "Really! But why?" I asked. "For fun in bed of course, you have to remember I've been sexually active for quite a while now and sometimes my partner and I play games, roleplay and..." "Your partner you have a partner?" "I've had three or four Tom didn't you know?" I felt a little hurt that she hadn't mentioned this before but then why should she have I mean I had been stuck in a sexual limbo and in a child like state until only relatively recently and only in the last few weeks had I started to mature. "None of them were boys though," she said calmly. "But," Mary's cheeks reddened a little and she looked into my eyes. "I wanted you Tom and I was prepared to wait, you now have my eggs in your ovaries and I can't wait to be impregnated with your sperm I want us to have children together I want us to be pregnant together I want us to grow old together. I love you Tom I think I always have." Mary then moved over and pushed me back onto the bed. "Let me show you one of the things my friends and I used to do to each other to relieve ourselves, Mary then gently parted my legs and moved between them. As I lay on the bed sometime later with Mary snuggled into my side I couldn't help but smile. I think I may have just had an orgasm I'm not sure in fact I'm not sure what the hell has just happened, 'maybe being a girl doesn't entirely suck after all?' I thought to myself. The Beginning? © Kyorii 2021 Note. if you want this story to become a series... leave feedback if you thought that this story sucked... leave feedback and tell me how I can improve. If you liked the story... please leave feedback and let me know.

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

4 years ago
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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

2 years ago
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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

3 years ago
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Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...

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Ethel 1921

Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...

3 years ago
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Katherines Style

Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...

2 years ago
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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Changeling

The war had been long between the changelings and the Ventari, the origins of the war were from concern that the changelings were breeding out their species as they had done to the Clemon on their homeworld centuries earlier. The changelings were a genderless race that should never have been evolved or increased in numbers to the level they did. How they evolved is unknown, perhaps they were made as a genetic experiment but noone knows. They live for hundreds or thousands of years barring...

Mind Control
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Absinthe Seduction

from my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...

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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

2 years ago
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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

2 years ago
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Theresas Deportment

"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in...

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Esther III

Esther III ? by: TamarainRubber Even though we knew we were going to be late for Lisa's party, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. For the next hour or so we grabbed each other like wild cats in heat. Her breasts heaving and her lungs gasping for oxygen, Esther still found the energy to warn me not to cum. At some point she did pull my cock out from behind my rubber bloomers and shoved every inch into her mouth. The clothes she had dressed me in only made me harder and,...

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Katherines Style Part Two

The next day I was in full Katherine mode from the moment I unlocked her door. I greeted Sunshine just like Katherine did, using the same tone of voice and gestures. Of course Sunshine reacted just she would with her female owner. As soon as I took her for a short walk and fed her, I went straight to my bedroom, well after the prior day I felt so much more comfortable there, I wanted it to be my bedroom. I took a shower and shaved everything again. I didn't know how I was going to...

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Esther IV

Hope you like Esther's latest installment! ESTHER FOUR By TamarainRubber I obediently followed Esther down the long narrow hallway that led into an enormous room filled with the sounds of clinking glasses, soft whispers and a bevy of leather-clad women and men dolled up as maids, rubber babies, and crossdressing sluts like me. Strangely enough (and very much to my pleasure), there was little if any evidence of the S&M parties I had only read about, but never...

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Katherines Style Part 3

The front door opened and again Frank came in, a little less dramatically than the day before but no less intimidating to me as I felt timid and weak dressed in my mother-in-laws things. Frank was half expecting me to be dressed as my normal slouchy male self, ready to put a stop to all this, but he was happy when he saw I didn't have the fortitude to do that. He actually smiled at me, "There's my little wife. That dress looks nice on you." I smiled back not knowing what to do, it...

4 years ago
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Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Caroline dumped her books so loudly on the table that it caused Mike to look up momentarily from his laptop.“Hi, Caroline, I take it the tutorial didn’t go so well?”Caroline slumped onto the chair opposite him.“The pompous bitch basically told me to start again.”“Look I know nothing about art, I don’t even know what I like, but I do know that you know your stuff. Why don’t I get you a drink and we can talk about something else.”As Mike placed the two pints of beer down on the table, Caroline...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Esther stone

Esther sat on the side of the road, freezing, she feared that if she didn't find a place to stay soon, she probably freeze to death.Lately life had been pretty fucked up for Esther, both her parents had die before she could barley talk, and this year she had run away, because her foster parents were abusive.She had no one now, and was stranded on the side of the road. Esther picked herself off of the ground and started walking again, until a huge house came in sight. "Warmth." She said, she was...

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Esther Stone part 2

When Esther had woken up the next morning laying next to Romeo, she almost freaked out, but the all of the memories from the night before flooded into her brain."Oh god." She sat up and looked at Romeo's sleeping figure next to her, his teal hair was tossed about the pillow, and he chest heaved up and down, Damn he is so hot, she thought, I acted kind of crazy last night, her face burned, ugh, what the fuck was wrong with her these days? She felt Romeo's body shift a little and her heart sped...

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Esther II

Esther II By TamarainRubber I had found the woman I had been dreaming about, hoping she would be my lover for years to come. Esther was the first real lady I had encountered who actually seemed to be honest about wanting to share my passions. I prayed that I would not be disappointed. From how she reacted, I didn't think I would be, but I was the planet's biggest skeptic. For the past four hours, Esther made me try on an incredibly sexy collection of female fetish wear that...

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Athena Goddess of Wisdom

Chapter 1 – The Birth of a Goddess Zeke cracked his knuckles and spread out his fingers. They touched the black glass in front of him and the desk lit up. A white keyboard appeared and he started to type on the touchscreen desktop. His fingers bounced around the screen, typing across the keyboard of light. You see, Zeke was a genius beyond his years. He was currently eighteen and in his second year of college. His masterful mind crossed with a youth of video games made him into one of the...

1 year ago
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Theresas Deportment

"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said. ..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in this country...

3 years ago
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Athena Ch02

“You ready sweetie?” He blinked, as if coming out of a stupor and looked back to her, to Athena, her expression playful, but her body language pressing. It hadn’t been so much of a question as it had been an order. Meekly he looked back at the window, looking through his own reflection to the street outside. They didn’t have far to go, but the short walk from her limo to the Hotel’s lobby was lined by an eager group of camera-toting men, the dreaded paparazzi. “But… The photographers,...

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He stood hugging himself tightly, not that it helped keep him warm anymore. The cold had long since seeped so far into him the only thing that kept him from running to find somewhere warm was the fear that, should he leave his spot, he’d return to find it taken and his chance of seeing her, Athena, gone forever. The singer Athena had caught the world by storm, nobody a year ago, the young woman had taken to the celebrity lifestyle like a duck to water and was now breaking records with her...

2 years ago
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Mathew and Beth part 3 Trip down southquot

It was a warm night in Georgia when I arrived for a very special meeting, This was not about business but it was very important to him as he was coming to meet for the first time his internet “friend”. Shannon his friend was a very subservient women who was proud to be just who she was and although for this first meeting they had something a little different in mind to give her master a new experience. What she didn't know was that I had a surprise for her as well, he was a bit of a romantic...

4 years ago
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Athena 1

Athena - 1 "Look at that stream! We should stop and go swimming!" Athena exclaimed as we barreled over a small bridge in the work van. I stop the van and put it in reverse and stop again, this time on top of the small bridge. I peer out of the window and gaze upon the stream. The water was crystal clear and as still as glass. I could see an almost perfect reflection of the trees on it's surface. "but we don't have bathing suits..." I responded. My response was flirty in...

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Hypothermia can I survive 3 cold women

Hypothermiaby oggbashan © Copyright Oggbashan April 2003 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.****************I have a fantasy of sharing a bed with two attractive young women preferably naked. Most adult males would share that fantasy. I never expected it to happen or if it...

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Athena Ch 01

There was something very special about Athena. I knew it right away from the moment we met. It was more than the fact that her hair framed her face like gilt around the most perfect of portraits. It was more than the fact that she took life as a game and played it. She was carefree without being spoiled. She was innocent without guile. She was unique. It was remarkable, really, that she was so enchanting, so child like, so incredibly unselfish. She had been born into wealth. Her father had...

2 years ago
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Clothesline Leather in Lawnville

Clothesline[This story is part of the Leather in Lawnville series.]   Clothesline By DuskPetersonYou can tell a lot about a guy from where he shops. Take my friends, who have specialized tastes. Some of them spend their time at the hardware store, while others take an interest in our town's fabric shop, which has needles and pins that make them drool. Still others hang out at the department store, eyeing the cutlery collection. Somehow all of us end up rubbing shoulders at the town's jacket...

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