Ed BiggersChapter 3 free porn video

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Uncomfortable in hiking boots, Ed followed behind Albert as he slipped through the woods. While Ed was proud of being an outdoorsman, the Ranger was amazing in how quietly he could move through very rough terrain. Ed was no match for him. Poor Howard, following behind the two men, was positively miserable. After years of not wearing regular clothes, the khaki cotton jeans rubbed him in all of the wrong places, the shirt felt confining, and his hiking boots were rubbing blisters on his feet.

Coming to a sudden stop at the tree line, Albert pointed at a small herd of deer at the tree line on the other side of the meadow. Howard shouted, “Wow. Look at all those deer.”

The moment that Howard spoke, all of the deer took off into the woods. An irritated voice from less than fifty feet away shouted back, “Who’s the idiot that scared off the deer?”

Grinning at Howard who flushed from the anonymous comment, Ed answered, “That would be my intern, Leroy.”

A feminine voice called out, “Is that you, Ed?”

“Yes, it is, Ling.”

The three men stepped into the meadow as Ling and Leroy stepped out a short distance away. Ed studied Ling and liked how she was dressed like a Forest Ranger without all of the insignia. He had never pictured her as an outdoor type and this was actually a nice look for her. Leroy called out as he approached, “Is that a Ranger with you?”

“Yes, it is.”

“No wonder you found us out here in the middle of nowhere,” replied Leroy. The Rangers were famous within certain circles for their tracking ability.

Howard decided that the group was going to stand around and talk, so he sat down on the ground to relax. He didn’t understand what they were doing there in the middle of nowhere. After a few minutes, he started itching. Looking down, he realized that he was sitting on an ant pile. Jumping up, he shouted and slapped at himself trying to brush off all of the ants that had swarmed over him.

While Ed and Albert were amused, Leroy was not. He shouted, “Be quiet! There won’t be a deer within twenty miles of here by the time you’re done.”

Ed interrupted the tirade that Leroy was about to launch. “Leroy. We are here to hunt monsters and not deer. A Ranger’s body was found not too far from here.”

All thoughts of deer fled as Leroy turned to face Ed. Shocked, he echoed, “A Ranger’s body?”

“Yes. Albert came out here to investigate and I came with him,” answered Ed. He pointed to Howard and said, “This is Howard. He’s my intern from the College. He has little to no experience in the woods, so forgive him while he learns.”

Mollified somewhat, Leroy asked, “So is he learning anything?”

“Yes, he is,” replied Ed. Considering that they had only been out here for three days, the kid had learned a lot about moving through the woods.

Albert said, “Let’s get over to your camp and pack up so that we can move out. We’ve still got about four hours of daylight.”

Grinning at Albert, Ling replied, “No need. We’re already packed up and ready to go. We’ve been following that herd for the past four days.”

Relieved, Albert pointed to the north and said, “We need to go that way to the site where the Ranger’s body was found. I’m sure that all clues have been disturbed, but there might be something.”

Ed asked, “Would it be faster to go back to where we left the car?”

“No. The car is a two-day hike from here and the site is a day’s hike. We’ll be able to get a ride to pick up the car.”

Howard, having spent three days tramping through the woods, asked, “So how come it took us three days to get here?”

“We didn’t know where here was. I had to track them down.”

“Oh,” replied Howard. The idea that Albert had no idea where he was going seemed odd to him. After thinking about it, he asked, “So how did we end up here?”

Even though Leroy hadn’t been with them, he knew exactly how they had been found. He looked at Howard and said, “He tracked us. He went into the woods looking for signs that we had been there. Once he found them, he followed our tracks. It’s a pretty impressive feat.”

“How difficult is that?”

“Leroy and Ling were somewhere over there. Why don’t you find out exactly where they were by looking for signs of where they had been?” suggested Ed with a smile.

This digression irritated Albert who was ready to go. Perturbed, he said, “Let’s go. I don’t have all day to waste here.”

Holding up a hand, Ed replied in a firm voice, “A student has asked to learn. We teach him.”

The rebuke brought Albert up short. He remembered the number of times that he had wasted time helping his students learn more about woodcraft. Lowering his head, he said, “I’m sorry. There are only three dozen of us and the loss of one hurts me more than I thought possible.”

Nodding, Ed replied, “Believe me. I know how that is. When a Druid was killed by organized crime, we put a lot of effort into taking those responsible down.”

Howard had wandered towards where he thought Ling and Leroy had been. He walked around trying to see something that might help him determine where they had been, but it all looked like grass, brush, and trees to him. He was about to take a step, when Albert shouted, “Stop.”

One of the things that Howard had learned over the past three days was that when someone shouted stop, you froze in place. He did as he had learned. Albert walked up to him and said, “Set your foot down.”

Howard did it looking around for whatever might have caused Albert to shout at him. There wasn’t a snake. Albert knelt down close to where the young man was about to step. Pointing to the ground, he asked, “What do you see here?”


“Look again. Look at the grass and compare it to the grass around this area.”

Howard squatted and looked where Albert was pointing. The grass looked like grass to him. He followed Albert’s finger as he pointed out various blades of grass. Albert said, “Do you see how these blades of grass are all bent in this direction while these others are standing straight up?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Look at the pattern that the bent blades make. What does it look like to you?”

Howard examined the area that Albert was pointing at while trying to figure what it looked like. After a minute, he said, “I guess it looks like the front half of a shoe.”

“Good. Now look back here. Do you see how the ground is indented a little and a few of the grass blades are broken?”

“Yes, I do,” answered Howard. It was clear when pointed out to him and he realized that was the result of the heel being set down. Excited he said, “That’s the heel of the shoe. Whoever it was, was walking towards me.”

“Right,” replied Albert pleased that the guy was taking the clues and putting them together to tell a story. He said, “Knowing that, where would you look for the previous footprint?”

Howard looked around the ground and then said, “It should be a step back from that footstep.”

“Find it.”

The grass was slightly bent about eighteen inches back from the step that he had been examining. Pointing at the spot, he said, “There.”

“Who do you think was walking?”

Taking a guess, he said, “Leroy.”

Recognizing the questioning tone in his voice, Albert asked, “Why?”

After thinking about it for a minute, the answer came to him. Smiling, he answered, “The length of the step.”

“Exactly. Now there are several secrets in tracking that will help you find signs that someone has been through an area. One is that people and animals tend to walk in a straight line unless there is an obstacle in their way. The other is that you never step on sign that you have already located. You walk off to the side and behind, close enough to spot the next sign.”

Taking a few paces over to the side, Howard moved forward slowly looking for the next footstep. After a few steps, he saw where the entire area was matted down. Stopping, he pointed and said, “That is where they were lying when we came along.”

Albert had watched Howard follow the tracks of Leroy back to the spot where they had been watching the deer. Nodding his head to confirm that Howard was correct, he said, “That’s right. Now look at the area and tell me where Ling was.”

For a full minute Howard looked at the area and decided that it was right in front of him. He pointed at the spot and said, “Right there.”

“Okay. So where did she walk when she left?”

The question was easiest to answer by visualizing them laying there and then standing up to walk over to them. After a second, he said, “About where I’m standing?”

“Exactly. Of course, you wiped out all trace of her sign by trampling all over them.”

Embarrassed, Howard looked down at the ground and said, “I didn’t know.”

Grinning, Albert said, “That’s what makes tracking hard.”

“I had the advantage that I knew where they had been. You didn’t know, so how did you find their sign to begin with?”

Albert gestured for the others to follow them. As he led the way towards his destination, he answered, “There are all kinds of methods to use. I had a good idea of where they would be. I’m sure that you didn’t notice that we made a very circuitous path the first day and a half as I was searching for some sign of them. I came across a set of tracks yesterday afternoon.”

“Oh, I didn’t notice,” replied Howard as he thought about how much his feet hurt.

As the pair walked towards the site where the Ranger’s body had been found, Albert would stop and point out things for Howard to notice. Ed, Leroy, and Ling followed behind the pair. For Leroy, much of what Albert was saying was old news although he did learn a trick or two from the Ranger. For Ed, tracking in the woods was an entirely new topic and he listened with his full attention.

After an hour, Ling broke the silence when she said, “Ed, I bet you could show him a thing or two about tracking in the desert.”

“I don’t know about that. He’s pretty observant,” answered Ed.

Laughing, Leroy said, “Out here, he knows what to look for and how to interpret it. In the desert, you know what to look for and how to interpret it.”

“Maybe,” replied Ed in a voice that expressed lots of doubt.

“You find a cactus with a nip taken out of it. There is still moisture around the nip. When was the nip made?”

“Less than ten minutes before you found it,” replied Ed automatically. Cactus was tight with water and healed itself very quickly.

Leroy smiled at Ed and didn’t say a word. Noticing the look that Leroy was giving him, Ed nodded and conceded the point, “You’re right.”

Albert had heard the exchange and asked, “Who would have thought that a little nip out of a cactus meant something. What would have caused it?”

“A bird, but you would have to see the exact type of cactus and the kind of nip to know what kind of bird it was,” replied Ed.

Looking over at the student beside him, Albert said, “You may feel that you are the least knowledgeable amongst us, but we are all students. Every minute out here, we learn new things about the way that nature behaves. When I’m given the opportunity to see some new sight, I take the time to watch it. It doesn’t matter if it’s an insect that I’ve never seen before eating a leaf or the mating ritual of a pair of birds.”

Thoughtful, Howard dropped back to think about what he had learned. The courses on biology at the school had not prepared him for the lessons that he was learning out here. Although he had not felt that he had learned much the first three days, he had adapted to the new environment in a fashion that would allow him to learn more over the next few days. It was true that his feet still hurt from the boots, but Albert and Ed had made sure that he changed his socks frequently, put powder inside the boot to reduce the rubbing, and took care of his sores.

Ed, uncomfortable with the continuous weight of the pack on his back, shifted his backpack and looked over at Leroy. With a grin, he asked, “Why would you possibly want to carry this stuff when a horse would do that for you?”

Laughing at his husband’s obvious discomfort, Leroy asked, “Did you pack your cast iron cook set?”

“By the Gods and Goddesses, no! I’m not that stupid,” replied Ed to the laughter of Ling and Leroy. He added, “Of course, I haven’t had a decent meal out here. That aluminum cookware just doesn’t have the same effect on the food.”

Albert allowed them to catch up as he added, “Ed has burned everything that he’s tried to cook.”

Shaking his head in disgust, Ed said, “At least the steaks came out good.”

Exchanging a glance, Ling and Leroy both know how important food was to Ed. Ling said, “We’ll let Leroy cook tonight.”

“Speaking of tonight, we had better camp early and near a stream. We’ve got to wash our clothes and some fresh fish would be a real treat,” said Leroy.

Looking a little irritated, Albert was about to reply that he hated to waste daylight. However, a moment of reflection reminded him that Leroy and Ling had been out in the field for at least a month. He had seen how they had harvested food along their path, making occasional detours to get food. Taking a more gentle tone, he asked, “How are your supplies holding up?”

“They are okay. We’ve been grazing as we traveled,” replied Leroy.

“I’m sure that you are tired of eating roots and leaves.”

“You can say that again,” replied Ling. She wasn’t going to be able to face a tuber for months after getting out of here. There had been the occasional rabbit and squirrel, but even that was getting old.

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Home coming has never been so good

100% fiction! My name is Steven. I have been living in my own crappy apartment for the past eight years. Ever since I turned eighteen. Now it's my little sister's birthday and I am flying over from Canada to L.A. to go and see her on her very special day. I went from job to job for the better of the last six years, I finally caught my break two years ago when I applied for a job as a computer repair man, I've always been good at working on computers and now I finally found my calling and I'm...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Kenzie Reeves Kiara Cole My Best Friend Is Obsessed With My Brother

Kiara Cole and her friend Kenzie Reeves are drawing in the kitchen as Kenzie chats to Kiara about how she’s heard that her stepbrother’s dick is really big. She even draws an informative comparison. At a bit of coaxing, Kiara admits that she’s seen her stepbrother’s dick and it is, indeed really big. Kenzie suggests that Kiara should try to get in on that action. She points out that Kiara’s stepbrother, Damon Dice, is in the shower right now and if they’re...

2 years ago
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The Secret Manor of TransSupremacy Part 3

PART 3. TS.MISTRESSES TRAINING THERE SUBS TOO STRAP-ONS...As one of the Manor Houses beliefs is in Sexology that came from Medieval times in sexual methods by Mistresses... Everyone should receive Anal with Thanks gracefully at all times, she says to the room... She forced me too take the Twister as she screwed it in then pulled it out over and over agian as I was in stocks bent over with my arse positioned that she could comfortably use my Pussy arse for her Sadistic desires in Fucking me...

1 year ago
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Gay Experience With a Stranger Cross dresser Sex2 Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

This is the second part of my previous story. I will write about how I had rough Cross dresser Sex with him. Please continue to read the story, I know it’s a bit long story but I wanted to put in all details of my Gay experience. Ok, let’s move on to the story. We reached his place by a Cab. As we entered, he locked the door and grabbed me by surprise and pulled me closer. He planted his lips on mine, and I gave in too as we kissed deeply. He parted lips and walked me to his...

2 years ago
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French MaidChapter 9

It was about 9:30 one Monday morning when I was asked to go to a room on the top floor. I was told it was for some dictation, and I was to take a notepad and pencil. I found one in the office and headed upstairs. Entering the room I found a man in his early forties wearing a three-piece suit with shirt and tie. He had brown hair, fairly short and a pleasant face. He was medium weight and in the suit looked really good. "I need you to take some letters for me." He said ushering me into the...

2 years ago
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The DateChapter 3

"You don't know how good I can be...", she whispered in his ear before licking it gently. Jeff felt that tug of need in his lower belly as she continued to lick and kiss his ear and neck. His arms went around her and with one hand on her mid-back, he caressed her butt with the other. She tensed slightly and pulled her head back to look at him. "Um, we are in a public place. Don't you think we should be someplace more private?" "Not yet, darling. And why shouldn't I play with your...

1 year ago
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Ganga Kama Kathaigal 8211 Part 1 Ilam Vayathu Unarvugal

Vanakam makale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en siru vayathil irunthu 40 vayathu varai nadanthu varum kama kathaigalai thaan indru ungalidam naan pagira pogiren. Enathu kathaiyai padithu neengal anaivarum rasithu enjoy seiveergal endru indru en kathaiyai ezhutha aarambikiren. Vaarungal tamil ulasa kama kathaikul selalam. Enathu peyar ganga naan 1981 aandu piranthen, naan salem gramathil thaan piranthu valarnthen. Ippozhuthu enaku 40 vayathu aagugirathu oru magan irukiraan, en kanavar kalamaagi...

2 years ago
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The life coachpublic

It was Saturday morning and I like everyone else in the world was glued to my t.v waiting for “The Guru” to announce who he had chosen to be his replacement. It came as a shock to everyone when he announced his retirement last month. Then he announced that he would be taking applications from anyone and everyone which was surprising. Not just anyone could do what he does but that wasn't going to stop me from putting my name in the pile. The month that followed was full of constant debates about...

Mind Control
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My BBW Wife And My Friend

Most stories about wife sharing/cuckolding seem to start out with how classically sexy the woman involved is. Slender, great figure, nice tits and so on. Let me tell you up front that isn't a description of my wife. My wife, Kay, is a wonderful woman; she has always been a good wife and mother. She has also always been a bbw. To be honest that was one of the big attractions to me, those full hips and well rounded bottom. It didn't matter to me that her breasts were on the saggy side. Those...

3 years ago
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Take it All My King

Welcome to this written document. I thank you for wishing to read it, but there are some rules. 1. If you know the content of this story is not of your tastes do not read it. 2. If you are not certain on whether or not it is, and read it, then decide you Do not like it, do not give negative comments like fag or saying that whoever reads it and does like it is sick. Other people DO like it, and By you saying negative things, you are harming their feelings. And when you Harm someones feelings,...

4 years ago
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Slut MommieChapter 13

"God it's muggy outside," I moaned after opening the sliding glass door. Our back yard was bare and not well taken care of. Ever since we decided to put the pool in it seemed everyone lost the desire to do anything with it and we all waited for the construction to start. Unfortunately the construction company was busy because of the summer season and could not start right away. We were forced to wait before they began. I quickly closed the sliding glass door loosing the desire to go...

1 year ago
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I had been reading lots about rabbit vibrators and how much good they do for women around the world and how many women still prefer them over other conventional sex toys and I knew I had to try out the most popular one there was and give you my 411 on what the fuss is all about even all of these decades later.I had read a lot about combined orgasms and whilst I had dabbled in this sort of play before I don’t think I had ever tried it with all in one type of sex toy. I was aware combined orgasms...

3 years ago
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The Saga of Marcus C Elliot 1

by Vegan Brie Chapter {One} Roller-Coasters of Emotion It was a bright crisp day in May, and the clocks were striking eight. Marcus Elliot, his chin nuzzled into his breast in a effort to escape the vile draft, slipped quickly through the windows of what was his modest apartment in "Albany Park," the glass barely keeps the dust at bay. The hallway smelt of freshly cooked breakfast; playful scents luring one to the source of its aroma. Marcus's lady greets him as he enters the...

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Affair With The Lovely Neighbor

Hello to all the readers of ISS. This is Mr. K writing again from Bangalore. I am working in an MNC in Bangalore. Thank you for the few good responses for my previous story. Get ready for another interesting story that I am bringing for you all. I will move to the story without wasting time. There was a lady next door in our apartment building. She is married but separated from her husband. So she stays with her parents now. She goes to work in a nearby location. She goes by 9 and comes back by...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 180 On The Lam

Tuesday, May 3 to Friday, May 6, 2005 Vanessa's paranoia about being followed was a good attitude for me to emulate, so when I was out of Corvallis I did a similar test, turning into a side road, driving a mile or two, then pulling off the road and killing my lights just after I'd gone around a corner that blocked visibility. There was no sign of pursuit, so I returned to the main highway, and just went north. When Vanessa had first talked about me going on a road trip until Friday, I'd...

3 years ago
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DaisyChapter 18

Christmas holiday came. Amy opted to stay with Brian. Daisy left the two of them in each others good hands and headed home. She glowed as she drove; They'd had an extra special session the night before. Daisy greeted her folks and then slipped off to the barn with Bobby first. His big cock was just what she was aching for. Her tight pussy was what he wanted. Next she went over to Lilly's and they thoroughly reviewed all lessons several times. Finally she went to dinner with Phil and...

2 years ago
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My Cousin Sister My Dream Whore

Guys Karan here again. This is the real story happened on 11th and 12th march 2016. My cousin sister name navya have been happily married for 5 years to a big businessman. She is having two children one is 4yr old other is just an year old. It so happened that she needed to visit the famous gynecologist in my town. On 10th morning I got a call from her husband vivek that both are coming to my home I was happy to hear this because her husband always gives me handful of money on his every...

4 years ago
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Pool Pictures

Pool Pictures I have always enjoyed taking nude and sexually explicit pictures of my girlfriends and myself and have compiled quite a collection over the years. The relevance of this will come into play later. Several years ago while working at a bank I met a girl named Angela and we became fast friends. It started out with taking our lunch together and progressed to her hanging out at my house whenever she wasn’t with her boyfriend. Over the next several months Angela and I became closer...

2 years ago
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Cuckold shared with another man

Wednesday, June 19, 2019I've promised several people a story. We have had many experiences worth writting about this past year. Last night's is one that I hope our followers will enjoy.We have been trying to find a fourth person to video us. We utilized Lucy a while back, but she keeps making excuses to not do it again so we moved on. I found a gentleman that lives realitively close. After screening him I relayed the information on Randy to both my wife Agness and Brett her Bullfriend. The...

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Shamus JournalsChapter 45

I was right. Doris gave me hell about spending that much money on someone I didn't even know. I didn't say anything until we pulled up in front of the steakhouse they had chosen to eat at. I turned in the seat so I could face Doris and still be able to see Sandra and Jimmy as I spoke. She opened her mouth to say something and I just held up my hand for silence. "You been giving me hell since I left the music store. This time you shut your mouth and let me speak. I bought the pair of...

3 years ago
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Drugged Into SinChapter 10

The policemen stood over Jimmy, a light was shining in his face and they were throwing questions at him so fast that he found it difficult to answer even one. His mind was not clear as to what had happened. He remembered being hit on the head and thrown behind the wheel of the getaway car and he knew that they were driving him somewhere and then they left him. The next thing he remembered was that he was being handcuffed and taken to the 17th precinct on the east side on 53rd Street. He...

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Sexually Tortured by my Devil

I’m a married Women. Born & brought up in Hyderabad. It was a long cherished dream to write this page, so that those who could wet themselves while reading my true sex story. To start with, let me tell you something about my husband. He is very handsome, with 5’7” in height, slightly tan colored, rugged look on his face with thick mustache. He looks really majestic & very sexy, with the kind of built he has. He calls me by the name ‘Sandy’ (name changed). We had a kind of a deal between us...

1 year ago
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The Lonely Salesman Ch 03

Ch 3 – Holidays are for hearts. My alarm went off at 7 AM. I reached up to hit the snooze button and felt her warmth beside me. Connie’s sleepy eyes opened and she half grinned at me. I pushed the snooze and wrapped my arm around her soft shoulder and pulled her tighter to me. Connie sighed and just snuggled in closer to me. Neither of us wanted to get up, both of us wanted the warm comfortable feeling of waking up in your lover’s arms to last forever. A new day was dawning, and with it a...

1 year ago
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Luck By Chance Is True

Right from the beginning, Eve had persuaded Adam to have the forbidden fruit despite objection from God. And it’s not strange, when we think about the actions committed due to persuasion. This can come in any form! I too had some persuasion which resulted in the matter why we all are, here for and hence would like to pen down the incident. This happened while i was 18, and was a time when i used to jack off at least three times a day. The reason, i was scared to take any initiative approach to...

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Best Served Cold Chapter 3 The Past Dark Confessions

Sex had never been a problem for us in our past. At first it was usually vanilla, sometimes with whipped cream and a cherry on top. Linda had never been shy about what she needed, but was more comfortable showing me than telling me. I wasn't much different - until that night years ago when we had returned from our anniversary dinner at a new upscale restaurant. We went to bed early after just a little too much wine, and for the very first time, I had asked for her fantasies."Um, I really don't...

Wife Lovers
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Bisex With A Stranger And His Girlfriend 8211 Part 2

Hello Everyone, Here your Ravin is back. I am big fan of Indian sex stories. This is second part of This story. I think you are all like my previous story “Bisex With A Stranger And Her Wife”.(Title was mistake, Actually It was like “Bisex With A Stranger And His Girl Friend“) If there any other mistake I am sorry. Those who didn’t read my previous story read it first. Before going to story, This story was full of fake But “I really truly Badly want it became true”. All characters are fake...

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