Counting LivesChapter 2 free porn video

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My first impression of Walter Forester's apartment was that I had expected it to be messier. The front door opened into a short hallway, leading to a large living room. The right wall of the hallway had a large painting of a brown frog. African tribal masks hung on the living room wall. Silvery gray love seat, couch, and chair formed three sides of a rectangle around a nondescript coffee table in the middle of the room. The couch faced a large entertainment unit domineering one wall. A remote control and a closed blue folder lay on the coffee table, both with sides precisely aligned to parallel the sides of their surface. The apartment smelled of air fresheners, coffee, and pasta with meatballs.

"Forty five seconds," I said. "Not bad." I pulled my lock picks out of the keyhole and carefully slid them under the straps of my pouch.

"Pitifully slow," said Constance. "You mock the fine art of burglary." She strolled confidently into the living room. Our voices were barely whispers.

"You do it next time," I suggested.

"As if."

I got up from my knees and stepped across the threshold, closing the door behind me and flipping the lock. The hallway closet door squeaked as a I pulled it open. It sounded like a siren in the ominous silence. Walter Forester's gentle snores from the bedroom took no notice of it whatsoever, which didn't surprise me. I had made more noise around sleeping clients before. Except ... the man in the bedroom wasn't a client. There was something invasive and villainous about being here. It made me nervous.

His closet was an interesting window into the man's character. One pair of white sports shoes stood beside six pairs of polished dress shoes. He had four swede executive jackets, all of them brown, two cotton coats, one brown and one gray, and what looked like a men's fur coat in a off-white color. There was no leather and no synthetic fibers. Nothing smooth to the touch. Nothing fun. A few furry scarves lay folded on the top shelf. A black umbrella stood propped in the corner.

"Here we go," I heard Constance's voice from the living room. I closed the closet, wincing at the repeated squeak, and walked on to join her. She crouched beside an open cabinet with a photo album. "Look here," she said.

She flipped the album back to the first few pages. They were old photographs; I guessed, of the auditor's childhood. His father was a skinny, tanned balding man, with a trimmed mustache. He looked Arabic and about 15 years older than Forester's mother. She was definitely not Arabic. Tall, blond, and very shapely. The woman could have done posters. They had two sons.

As the picture quality improved, the parents aged. The father's mustache became white and the mother's freckles turned into wrinkles. The two boys changed as well. One became tall and dark, with his father's complexion and his mother's good look. The other boy got the opposite set genes. He was short, pale, and pudgy, with his father's face and his mother's skin tone.

The owner of the album was clearly the latter man. Unlike the others, there were pictures of him outside his family circle. However, just as surely, there was a theme: every two pages had at least one picture of the brothers together. One tall and confident, the other short and awkward – laughing. Then, with shocking abruptness, the album came to an end. One page was incomplete and, when Constance turned it over, on the other side, there was a picture of a funeral procession. It was a close up of the pudgy owner of the album, dressed in solemn black, helping to hold up a coffin. The picture had a large X drawn over it with red marker. It smelled of spilled coffee.

That put everything in perspective. The coffin in the picture had been empty. I knew this for a fact. I had driven Constance to scatter it's would be occupants ashes into the sea not three months earlier. His last picture was in a password protected folder on our hard-drive back at the studio. Crap. And crap again.

"Any others?" I asked.

Constance shook her head. "This is the only one in these shelves. There may be more in the bedroom." We were silent for a minute. At last, she looked up. "What do you think?" she asked.

"No choice," I said. "We must talk to him. But if he is in grief, he might be bitter."

"Yeah..." she agreed. Neither of us was really sure what we would do if the man refused to cover for us. We couldn't cast a mind spell that complex on the unwilling. I was half afraid I'd have to stop Constance from murdering the man and half afraid that I wouldn't bother. And not really sure why I thought I should, too.

I had no particular compassion for his life. What was the point in acting on a morality mere moments before the reason for it was destroyed? The practical problem no longer bothered me. I had worried at first, thinking about the possible consequences of an investigation. However, upon discussion, Constance and I had agreed that there were four easy ways with which we could make the death look like either accident or a suicide...

We would kill him if he didn't cooperate and try again with the auditor who replaced him. I was fairly sure of that. And yet, I didn't know why it mattered to me, but the thought made me guilty.

"Alright then," Constance said, rising gracefully to her feet. "Let's go say our hello." She led the way to the bedroom.

Walter Forester slept in white pajamas with green stripes. His king-sized bed dominated the room. Constance strutted past it, barely giving it notice, heading straight for the window. The curtain rings jingled as she yanked the curtain aside. The gentle snoring stopped. Pressing the tab, she pulled open the window.

I blinked. "What are you doing?" I asked. Constance spun and flashed me a manic grin.

"Wha..." Walter Forester sat up groggily. Constance's grin switched to him.

"Constance, don't..." I started to say.

"Hello, Walter," she said. She grabbed his collar and leaped out the window.

I followed, hissing 200 year old Islamic obscenities through gritted teeth. Walter Forester's terrified shriek echoed in my ears.

She moved fast. Perhaps not as fast as I'd ever seen her move, but faster than I could keep up. She arrived back at the studio well near a minute before me. She sat pixie-like, legs crossed, on the checkout counter as I burst through the door. Walter Forester groveled at her feet. His body shook in relieved spasms. He was making out with the floor, not quite willing to acknowledge that the source of his recent terror sat innocently less than a meter away, her boots dangling above the ground.

"Are you insane?!" I screamed. Forester froze. Even if he couldn't quite deal with the contradiction of Constance, he recognized the power behind my rage. Sensing a threat nearby, he cautiously begin to survey his surroundings.

Constance and I ignored him. She brought a finger up to her lips, flashing a mischievous grin from behind it. "Shhh. Descent in the ranks undermines one's negotiating position."

"So do acts of hostility, you moron!"

"Not always." She hopped off the counter, landing in a crouch in front of Forester's head. "Hi, Walter," she said, her voice bright and jovial. He blinked at her in incomprehension as if not quite seeing her. She nodded approvingly. "I'm Constance," she said pointing at herself. She pointed at me, "That's Sal. We own Death by Vampire Studios. You've been auditing us."

She reminded me of a cat with a rodent. And she was ignoring me like some kind of fucking bellboy! "This is no way to ask someone for a favor!" I snapped. I grabbed her elbow and dragged her up. Constance hissed, but let me pull her along. I dragged her out of the main showroom, until we were out of casual hearing distance.

I stopped in the hallway just outside the main bathroom. I held her close by her elbow so that she would have to tilt her head back. "You are a complete idiot," I growled.

Constance growled and my world spun. Before I knew it, I stood with my back pressed against the wall, not sure how I got there. She stood a full two feet away, hands on her hips, scowling. "Unlike you, I was not a penniless beggar when I was turned," she said. "You don't ask for a favor, Sal. You demand it!"

"This is a partnership, Constance. You will not kill him without my consent!"

Constance reached forward, grabbed the collar of my jacket, and yanked my face to her level. I resisted and the clothe should've ripped. Except it didn't. It pulled me along. She put her other hand on the back of my neck. Her palm tensed dangerously over my spine and held me from drawing back. Her eyes narrowed. "I will kill who I like."

I grabbed her by the shoulders, trying to push her back, but she wouldn't budge. "So, what?" I growled. "One crisis looms and you're the guy with the boulder! Everything we've done here, everything we've built, what we've found – that's all out the fucking window! No thought, no rationality, no principle. Just a big rock and a monster to throw it?"

"Yes." She shrugged uncomfortably under my hands. "No. Both. You simplify beyond measure, Sal. No artist feels nothing nothing as his work is burned in front of his eyes. No mother stands idly by while her child is attacked. No governor sits back while his lands are being ravaged. Morality without perspective and context is impotent madness."

"We choose our contexts. We chose this one. That choice is paid for with the adoption of principles. Those who promise to fight, fight. Those who don't must resist it as they would any bigotry. If the bonds of our honor are betrayed at the first convenience, we cannot co-exist. That was true when we were human, it is doubly true as what we are now."

Her face softened and her grip on me loosened. Her hands flowed over my skin, caressing my neck and scalp, until she was holding my face between them. "But you make a fallacy, Sal." She let me rise to my height. " I didn't say I was going to kill him. Please, please trust me. I promise you'll get your say." She shrugged, a corner of her mouth curling ironically. "I'm just ... scared." I glared, a bit touched, less pissed, and not sure how to respond.

"You're a manipulator," I said. "And that doesn't resolve the issue."

Constance smiled without showing teeth. Letting her hands fall away, she stepped back. "No. No, it doesn't," she agreed. Her smile grew into a full grin. "And you're right, yee of little faith. I am a manipulator. There may not be an issue to resolve."

I frowned. I still wasn't happy, but if she was working with a plan, I'd be just as happy not to have to stress over the issue further. Constance studied me. She nodded triumphantly, spun, and headed back to the showroom, her ass swinging playfully as she went. I sighed, and followed. Of course, I was also a putz for letting her lead me around into letting her have her way.

Forester was still on all fours as we reentered the showroom. He stared beseechingly at the exit.

"Hello again, Walter," Constance said. His head spun around. He looked at us like a deer in the headlights. Unable to think of anything better to do, I crossed my hands over my chest, and mutely leaned against the wall by the hallway. "Sorry about the interruption," she went on. "We needed to talk some things out. Sal," she jerked her thumb back at me, "thought I was planning to kill you outright. Let me assure you, Walter, if I wanted that, I would've just dropped you out your window." She smiled and batted her eyes innocently. "So, do please get to your feet."

Constance took hold of his elbow and pulled him up. Forester stood awkwardly, slumped forward as if ready to go back to all fours at moment's notice. He kept looking around, seeming unable to account for what he was seeing, or maybe unwilling to look directly at Constance.

"Now then." Constance held out her palm. "My name is Constance." Forester looked at it. He looked around.

"Walter!" Constance's voice was reproving. Forester's focus snapped to her. Constance nodded. "Shake my hand," she said patiently. Forester's hand twitched. Tentatively, he brought it up. He touched Constance on the shoulder. She raised her eyebrow. His shoulders rolled uncomfortably. He looked down at her hand. His shaking hand hovered beside hers for a moment. Finally, their palms touched. Constance curled her fingers around his hand. Forester curled his around hers.

"Introduce yourself," Constance told him.

He gulped. "Walter... ?"

Constance smiled. "That's right," she said, shaking his hand.

Forester grunted dumbly, his hand shaking.

"I'm a vampire," Constance said. "So is Sal."


"And you're auditing us."

"Oh." Constance held his hand and visibly waited. Forester gulped. "I'm only doing my job..." he started to whine. Constance shook her head, frowning playfully. She looked like a big sister giving cues to save a younger sibling from getting in the muck with his parents. Forester paused. He looked at her for a long moment, thinking it over. "Yes," he tried.

Constance nodded. "I know," she said, leaning in conspiratorially. "It's like looking in the mirror, right?" I groaned. Constance flashed me a smile. Forester looked at me ... for directions. I shrugged.

"I think," Constance said, finally letting go of Forester's hand and stepping back. "That you need a stiff drink, Walter." Forester nodded cautiously. "And we have much to explain to you tonight about what we do here and what we are asking from you. I'm afraid we don't have much of a selection. Sal and I are not avid drinkers..." I barely suppressed my snicker. "We have no tolerance. But I think some bourbon on the rocks will do nicely."

"Uh ... yes," Forester agreed.

"Excellent. Follow me, then." Constance led the way out of the showroom. She gave me a smug look as she walked passed, as if to say See, I told you so. I frowned.

Forester paused in front of me. He held out his hand. "Uh ... Walter," he said.

I sighed. "Saladin," I said, taking his hand. Forester's eyes widened slightly. He examined me carefully for a moment. Was he searching for my namesake, I wondered, looking for hints of some shared nobility? In response to the weight of expectation, I flipped on the light in the hallway. Walter smiled gratefully.

Arming him with a bourbon, we gave Walter a tour of our studio. Death, photographed, shrunk, enlarge, and decorated with Photoshop, hung upon every wall. Constance talked. She described our clients, telling him what she knew of their stories, and described the experiences that we organized for them. She kept little back. I added details, every now and again. Walter edged closer to me when he could, and farther away from Constance.

At last, we brought him back to the living room. Walter sat heavily on the black leather couch. I sat on the couch across from him. He stared at me thoughtfully, saying nothing. His heart pumped smoothly. He seemed to have exceeded the human capacity for shock early on in the tour, reaching some sort of enlightened state of introversion and resignation. He was still afraid of Constance and more comfortable around me, but, besides that, I hadn't a clue what he was thinking.

"Thank you," he said, as Constance brought him another bourbon. She nodded, setting it on the coffee table in front of him, before hopping down on the couch beside me.

"Alright," she said. "So, you've seen the sights. Now here's the last of it." She waited as Walter tipped back about a third of the glass in one swallow.

"Go on," he said.

Constance leaned back. She crossed her legs and rested her palms over her stomach. "Imagine," she murmured. "Imagine what it was like in the old days. No electricity, no street lights, so the nights were blacker than death. It didn't take a vampire to kill you. You could walk into a wall, jerk back, trip over a barrel, and break your neck, just because you couldn't see where you were going. The nights were terrifying. So, as the sun set, to a one, the human populace of the small towns and villages would get indoors, and hustle of civilization would pause, until the next sunrise.

"And imagine now that you were a vampire. Once human, now awake, alive, only when the whole of civilization had so disappeared. Century after century walking through these ghost towns of darkness. Night after night of loneliness, as if God had snapped his fingers and all of humanity had disappeared, leaving you all alone.

"Except for the hunger. That is your only contact with your once kin. A violent monstrous thirst that needs to be satiated before any other transaction. A thirst that drains the human body of its life fluid, leaving it a dead shell.

"Imagine this overlaid on sweet memories of warmth and family. Imagine also needing to hide every morning, fearing to let yourself be known, lest they hunt you down in the day and slaughter you in your sleep. Unable, thus, as self preservation, even to make a nightly acquaintance. Always moving. Always alone. Seeing the glint of light through the shutters and hearing the voices of children protesting sleep, and realizing that your only connection to them, even to the children, is death.

"Imagine this kind of experience, night after night, week after week, month after month, year after year. Century after century. Its maddening. Its depressing. You remember what you once were and realize that for all your immortality, what you are now is nothing romantic. Your existence is reduced to a parasite. A killer of the unlucky. And nothing else."

Constance took a deep breath. She leaned forward, putting her palms on her knee. I was holding my breath. Walter's hand was wrapped around his glass, which stood motionlessly on the table. His body was as still as humanly possible. He stared at Constance with complete concentration, drawn in by her words.

"Imagine now," she went on, "the modern age. Bright streets with people, all awake long after dark. At some point, you start to think you've made it. You can have some of it back! Those bright, smiling, familial faces, shining with scolding heat from your memory. You think it for a day, for a year, however long it takes you to realize that nothing has changed. You heard them through the walls before, you see them in the streets now. Thousand year old habits hold you in your place tighter than any old pair of manacles. You're still only a killer walking the streets. You're something else. Alone.

"But then, suddenly, you have an idea. What if you were a charitable killer. Or, better yet, a merchant plying your trade. What a thought! What if you could be what you are and yet be a part of that mass of humanity for which you've so longed. What if you could be what you are and give something back, instead of taking away. Provide a compassionate service so to speak. What a wonder of the modern age that would be!"

Constance uncrossed her legs. She rubbed her face and blew out a long breath through her nose. "We are what we are," she said. "We've found a way to co-exist, of a sorts. A way to do no harm. A way to do a little good, of a sorts. To give the one the thing that we have to give. To sell even - and how much more human does that make us?

"You, Walter, you can kill what we have here with a flick of the wrist. You have an absolutely awesome amount of power. For the first time, over the likes of us." She opened her hand, and waved it before her, as if offering reason on a platter. "We can't let you."

For a while, no one spoke.

"And?" Walter said at last.

Constance nodded. "And, we'd like you to make your audit go away peacefully."


Constance raised an eyebrow. "I should think I'd made that abundantly clear," she said. Her eyes glinted with amber. "We'll kill you."

Walter took a carefully sip of his bourbon. He brought up his other hand to the glass to steady its shaking. "What ... about my brother?" he asked.

Constance smiled. "Ah. We come to that, then," she said. "He was one of our clients. He had his reasons. He had a really beautiful fantasy." She shrugged. "It was an honor to be with him in his last moments. We took his picture. Would you look to see it?"

Walter shook his head. "No." He took another sip. He looked at me. "Will you participate?" he asked.

I couldn't quite meet his eyes. Instead, I leaned back and stared at the ceiling. What a question! It made me hesitate. Why, I wondered. I wasn't shy of killing. No. I had killed thousands over my span of nights. Dozens of thousands, if I was counting. Not all had been purely practical deaths either. There had been times of exploration, such as every vampire had, I assumed, when I'd killed more loosely than my nature demanded, when I had slaughtered the beautiful and the infant for the sheer sadistic joy of proving to the world that I could.

Was I tired of it then? Was this the first act of some weariness of the ages that would, over time, drag me into oblivion? Was my hesitation an unconscious play at a suicide? Morbid thought.

An old memory flashed through my mind, triggered I knew not by what. It was from my childhood. My parents had hired a music teacher all the way from Istanbul to come give me lessons. He had been famous, I thought, but I couldn't recall his name. I remembered the day had started with failure. Some intricate composition had eluded my fingers as they chased after it desperately over the harp strings. I remembered sitting, shamed and afraid, staring up at my teacher's bearded face glaring at me with disapproval. But then he had sighed and relaxed.

"Perhaps today is not the right day for that," he had said, nodding toward the harp. "I shall teach you something far more important instead. This will sound like a simple question, Saladin, but think about it with care. Are notes necessary to make great music?"

I was confused. "Yes," I said.

"Very good. And what are notes?" Eagerly, I started to list off music theory, but he shook his head. "No, no, no, Saladin. You are not answering the question I asked. I did not ask, what are the notes. I asked what are notes. What is a note, Saladin?"

I frowned. "A sound?" I ventured.

He nodded. "Very good. And why do you think one sound is a note and another isn't? What is the difference between the sounds you make playing the harp and the sounds a camel makes when it spits?"

"The harp is pleasing," I said.

He smiled. "Some Bedouins are quite fond of the sound of their camels spitting," he teased. "Try again." I was flummoxed. He took pity on me. "Remember what I tell you, Saladin, for it can teach you much if think of it often. There is no difference between the sound of a harp and the sound of a camel spitting. Great music can be made with any sound, but, and this is what you should learn, it cannot be made with every sound. A long time ago, we imagined a boundary between the sounds from which we make music and all other sounds. Every man since who has tried to make music has been limited by that boundary. It is the challenge of that boundary, which he strives to overcome, that leads him down the path to great music. All music, all art, is inspired by the boundaries that limit the artist."

I couldn't recall what my teacher said next, but that was enough. Memory led to inspiration. Perhaps I was thinking poorly. Perhaps I was not tired of living - I did not feel tired – perhaps I was just bored. Existence had boundaries too, after all. In becoming a vampire, I had traded one set of boundaries for another. I had lived with the limits imposed on me by my vampire nature for longer than any human could ever aspire to. Then, out of the blue, Constance had come into my life, with her bright idea, offering me, not in so many words, yet another set. A new instrument, a new music theory ... what marvelous existential music we were making, Constance and I! Of course, I didn't want to give it up.

Had morality always been an attempt to make an art of life or was I deluded? It didn't seem to matter. The analogy served.

The whole chain of thought flashed through my mind in an instant. My lips curved. I met Walter's eyes. "Probably not," I said. "But I would have no barriers to taking revenge in the afterward."

Walter frowned. He looked down at his lap. "I-I would like you to," he said quietly.

I blinked.

"You would like me to, what?"

Walter took a deep breath and tipped back the last of his bourbon. He made a face and hissed at the taste lingering in his mouth. His heart beat faster. His muscles were tense. He stared into his lap. I could smell his fear rising. Oh shit, I thought, he's going to stand on principle. But there was something else ... As he looked at Constance, blood began to flow into his cock. "You do an excellent job at intimidation," he said to her. "I..." he looked back in his lap. "You are really quite terrifying and intimidating." He snorted. "It's a pattern with me, actually. You're merely the high point. All my life I've been intimidated by women. My mother was something else! And every woman after her. But my brother never was." Walter looked up at me.

Now I was well and truly lost. Did he want Constance to sleep with him? There was a thought! Maybe this whole thing could've been resolved a lot more smoothly. Fuck! Too late now.

"Okay," I said, noncommittally.

Walter seemed to take it as some sort of blessing. He rushed on. "I always wanted him to teach me how. My father was from Kuwait, you know. He wasn't very traditional, but I grew up on the mythology. There is something in the culture. To really dominate a woman. I always wondered what it would be like. My brother had the knack for it." More blood was rushing to his penis. It seemed less likely that he wanted to sleep with Constance though. If she terrified him, that was the inverse of his fantasies. Did he want to sleep with me?

He looked at Constance again. "You shocked me. You are very intimidating. But as you were giving me your tour and you were talking about all the fantasies you'd fulfilled, I realized I wasn't afraid. I want it!" Oh shit, my mind screamed again. The pieces fell into place with remarkable ease. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! The bastard had just flipped the tables on us. His gaze switched back to me. "That's my fantasy," he said. "I want to find and dominate a strong woman with my brother. I want ... I needed him to lead and show me. I'm too meek on my own. But if ... once, just once ... he died a year ago. I guess that's the crux of it. I should've started with that. I haven't had a whole lot of fun since then. But if I could ... just once ... that would be a good beat to die on. Yes. That would be fine."

This was brilliant! I tried not to burst into laughter. Or start crying. The man had come up with the one counteroffer we absolutely couldn't accept. And, simultaneously, he had all but nullified our threat. Great, just great!

"So, you propose a trade," Constance said calmly.

Walter nodded at her. "Barter. You want to be mercantile. I want this! I'll settle your audit as payment."

"That's un..." I started to object. Constance's hand closed over my wrist with near crushing force.

"I think we can accommodate you," she said. She grinned into my quick look of protest. "I think this'll work fine for all involved.

I lent Walter my jacket for the trip back to his home. I rode in the taxi with him and picked his lock for the second time that night. He talked excitedly, explaining to me again why it would take a week to close our account with the IRS. I nodded assurances and fled the moment he stepped through his doorway. He never saw me disappear. When he turned, I was simply not there.

Constance waited for me in the living room. She lay on the couch, her fingers crossed over her stomach, her head propped on the arm. She grinned smugly as I arrived. "Am I good or what?"

"You're wiz."

She could hear the lie in the pulse of my blood, if she couldn't see it in my face. Her eyes narrowed. "What's wrong?"

I sat on the couch across from her, where Walter had sat some hour or so previous. I leaned forward, bracing my elbows over my knees and twining my fingers. "As a solution, this is dangerous," I said. "The death or disappearance of an IRS auditor is no matter for pickles. You know it was a last resort from the start. Try again with the next one and hope to survive the investigation. There will be questions. As his last case, we will certainly be investigated. Only, this time, we might not see it coming."

Constance winced and scratched her neck. "You know, Sal," she said. "You're usually not that stupid."

My real smile crept out despite my best efforts at seriousness. It had been a long night; bantering with Constance felts like a homely return to the norm. I raised my eyebrow. "Really?"

"Weeeell, a wee bit less..." She smiled too, nodding. "Seriously," she went on. "You've been so preoccupied with your moral tangles over the man's death that it's all you can see. Wrong script." She pivoted into a sitting posture, leaning forward, mirroring me. "After the account is settled, we can simply make him forget about us. You saw him, he isn't all that strong minded to begin with. He'll be on with his work and nothing to remind him about any of this. It's as neat as either of us could've hoped for." I sighed and shook my head. She frowned. "What?"

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Count on Me

The Boko Haram terrorists had struck again in an unfortunate African nation on the cusp between the Sahara and the jungle. They burst out of the treeline at dawn and seized control of a small village. This time, their objective was very specific. Rather than targeting Africans who had fallen under the poisoned influence of Western ideas such as science, education, equality and democracy, they aimed their deadly mission at the purveyors of such filth: the Westerners themselves. There was a...

3 years ago
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Count Not the Years

Aelfric held his elbows pinned to his sides, his face impassive. As king, he could never show weakness, never give such succor to his foes. Worse, it would worry his wife and shame his son. He would be strong for them. Flete walked ahead, leading Aelfric’s horse by the reins. ‘Not much farther.’ ‘In distance-‘ Aelfric gathered his breath against the fire in his gut. ‘Not… not in time, not at the… pace you keep.’ ‘If I had known a little spear poke would quench your boasting, I’d have tried...

3 years ago
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Count of Casualty

This had been a church once, although to what god Aiden wasn't sure. The roof was shot through with years of abandon and months of shelling. It was night outside, but there was a strange orange glow that passed through the gaps in the roof and provided just enough light for the statues to loom out of deeper shadows, hands outstretched. Aiden wanted to just get this over with. Behind him, Jor flicked his light on. The church was less frightening and more pathetic when lit, but the beam didn't...

2 years ago
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The Life of RyanChapter 18 Some of Ryans Secrets

If they did care to have more sex later that night, Ryan had decided to leave Matt and Amber alone in Matt’s room, because Amber had to leave the next day. Instead, he spent the evening in his own suite with the video feed to Matt’s room up on the big screen by his bed. He had a couple projects to work on, and kept any eye on the screen for when things got interesting. Ryan sat there with his laptop and researched more on the internet about the lady in the house across the inlet. It appeared...

2 years ago
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How I Became a Cuck

I work a lot and my precious 36 year old wife is very understanding, especially since that working lifestyle provides her with a substantial spending budget that she enjoys frivolously. I come home late, usually 8PM or so and typically leave in the mornings around 7AM, so when I say I work 60 hours a week, I'm really serious unlike some of my wanker friends that pretend to work long hours to make time for their mistresses and golf games. I very thankful that my wife, Kim, has her closest friend...

1 year ago
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Give Me Life Pt 3

Without warning his gray eyes flash to the brilliant vampire-light blue, his fangs sinking instep. I gaze into those illuminated blue eyes, hypnotized. Curiosity took over me, making me tilt my head slightly to invite him to drink from me. But he didn't bite. With his vampire agility he penetrated my womanhood. And before I could cry out in pain, Shadow sunk his teeth in my neck and began drinking my life force. Shadow laps furiously at my neck, draining me further than I'd ever thought he...

1 year ago
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Nude Dares2

I was scared that when we woke up next morning Saanvi would freak out about being naked, and everything we’d done, but I’m happy to report she didn’t. I watched her with my eyes half closed while she lay on her back and stretched, and she did a sly move where she dipped her fingers between her legs, then passed them up over one titty, and finally under her nose. That made me smile. “Hey,” I said, doing my own stretching, and my own sly move. “Oh. Good morning.” “Sleep OK?” “When I finally...

2 years ago
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Sakamoto Realties Part 2 Akiko

Akiko went over the numbers again. They came out the same as they had the fourth time she'd run them; her business wouldn't last through the month. She slammed the ledger close in disgust and cradled her head in her hands. What was she going to do? All of the guys at the old real estate place told her she couldn't make it on her own. They'd said that there was no way a someone could get an agency up and running in this economy. That had only fueled her on. In the end, it looked like they...

2 years ago
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Movies Plans Fucked 8211 Part 2

Hello horny readers. Thank you for your response to part 1 of the story. As promised, this is the conclusion of that fateful night that had an eventful start. We moved out 10 minutes before the movie was supposed to end. I put her panties into my back pocket and used her jeggings as a scarf around my neck. We were kissing and feeling each other on our way to the lift. As we entered the lift, my right hand found its way to her ass crack. The softness and smoothness of her ass were making me go...

4 years ago
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Raping Jacelyn

Raping Jacelyn I didn't really mean to do it.It's not as if it was something I was planning to do, or anything. I wasjust presented with a possibility and then all the pain, anger and shit juststarted to explode me. Anyway, I was trying to cool off when I went frompissed to furious in about 2 seconds – all the time it took for meto see her and mistake her for who I thought she was. Hell, maybe I had actually'planned' it; it just didn't turn out quite the way it was supposed to. Iguess you'll...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Sex With Teacher Priya In Goa

I am Aryan and I would share my first encounter of sex with my teacher Priya and I am an average looking guy 5’9′ feet, Asian look, and an average middle class boy, with an athletic body. I used to shake my Lund by taking various names and thinking about them. Many were from my relatives and other known to me. I used to masturbate twice a day. Till this happened with me and it was our last year in college and last trip with my college friends. We had a planned a Trip to GOA a land of Beautiful...

2 years ago
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Chronicles of Darla Ch 07

In her dream, she heard the door of her apartment close, and the sound of his footsteps walking into the living room. She was waiting in the position he had instructed her in- in front of the couch, in the middle of the carpet. With the exception of the silk scarf that covered her eyes, she was completely naked, on her knees and sitting back on her heels with her knees stretched familiarly wide apart. Her hands were clasped loosely behind her back leaving her firm up-tilted breasts with her...

4 years ago
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The Husband

Kate was young and beautiful. She was in an abuse marriage that she sometimes was confused about. She was dirt poor when she first met Ron and he swept her off her feet. He bought her clothes and jewels. He was a lot older and very rich. He married her when she was young and the sex was good but rough at first then it got to be brutal. He loved to degrade her calling her names and abusing her body. He was generous with money and gifts but she did pay for it. He had complete control of her. Last...

2 years ago
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The Succubus For Better or For Worse

The Succubus' For Better or For Worse Part Two of The Succubus Bride Trilogy A fictional story, written by REIF DISCLAIMER: This is adult fiction with heavy transgender elements, if you find that in any way offensive then stop reading NOW. No character in this story is meant to resemble any actual person living or dead. This story is presented as part of a trilogy, the author highly recommends the sections be read in the correct order. (TSWN -> TSFBFW -> TSV) All rights are...

2 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 1 Words And MusicChapter 18

"Are you still on the team?" I asked as I slipped my arm around Robbie's back and cupped her breast. "Don't know. Don't care. Feel good." I had a feeling that she wasn't talking about the hand that was gently toying with her already erect nipple. "We got the job done," she elaborated. "Did Parker say anything?" Tami asked from my other side. We were sitting on Robbie's bed, our backs leaning against her headboard, and I had a tit in each hand. The stereo was playing something...

3 years ago
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best friend everpart 2

over the next few weeks my friend started telling me his fantasies about watching me fuck his wife. it was something i thought would never happen but it gave me plenty of jerk off fantasies, especially with the hot pics of her he provided me with. the three of us went out for a few drinks to celebrate his birthday, my wife was sick so she stayed home. my friends wife looked super hot in a new summer print dress which helped show off her lovely tits. she has great calves, which is one of my...

1 year ago
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A New Favorite Memory

I always remember the first no matter how many times I get to watch. Every time I see her fucking I remember seeing that first cock push her lips apart, hearing her initial cries as it slipped inside her horny cunt. Seeing how wet she was, seeing her juices coating his entire shaft. Remembering how she had sucked him first, looking at me as she took his cock in her mouth, stroking the wet shaft while she sucked his balls. How she lay down for him, pulled him on top of her. Seeing her legs...

2 years ago
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Pretty Pink Package

You walk into the bedroom, you have on a slip, yes a slip! It is pink and has a wide lace border around the bottom and just long enough to cover your panties. The slip is just thin enough that I can see the outline of your panties under them and I can see your bra straps on top. The slip is so soft against your skin, it clings a bit and accentuates your curves. I am setting on the edge of the bed, I have on my sloppy old t-shirt and under that, just what I was born with. You can see that your...

1 year ago
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The Orgy Room

I had been working at a small company for the last couple of years. There was myself and 3 others in our little group. Diane was our boss who had just turned 40 last week. She was a great boss who was happily married with three children. She just had celebrated her 15th anniversary just last week. Diane was a few pounds overweight but had a great face and body in my opinion. Mia was a 25 year old who had just started working with us in the last year. She had a very petite body and was a very...

3 years ago
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My Fall To Grace Chapter 32

Chapter Thirty-two The past few days must have caught up with me for I fell into a deep sleep. When I awoke, Grace was sitting at a small table by our window overlooking the ocean, sipping a cup of coffee. There were muffins, fruit and juice spread onto the table where she'd obviously called for room service. Grace was dressed in a short red skirt and lacy white top, beneath which I could see she wore a red lace bra that showed through the thin white fabric. She had on black high...

2 years ago
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Big Dick Small Chick

Everybody who reads my stories knows they are 100% true because they are actually the times I have had sex, blah blah blah u know the drillI met this chick one day while she was walking down the street. She was a cute skinny white girl about 5"3 with brown hair and a nice set of legs on her. Usually I wouldn't go for her type because she didn't have big tits and her ass didn't look big. It looked nice but not big. So anyway I happened to bag her number and call her. We started to talk and come...

4 years ago
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PCSS7Chapter 2

Course description (NOT TO BE SHOWN TO ANY CONTESTANT BEFORE THE CONTEST. ANY CONTESTANT WHO SEES THIS IS IMMEDIATELY DISQUALIFIED, LOSING HER ENTRY FEE.) We expect the course to take about four hours to complete, averaging 10-15 minutes per stage. Some stages will take longer and some will be much quicker. However, some contestants will be slower than others and there may be some delays. What’s worse, any contestant who is slow on any particular course delays everyone behind her as no one...

1 year ago
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Two can play the gamethe dance

As I sat before my computer keys stroking, I recall my few encounters with a hot young white doctor. it was a friday night and being single it gives me the many chances to explore the club scene. being 24 years old, tall, black with a well toned body, derived from spending 6-7 days at the gym, I decided to head down town the beautiful city of montreal. After getting all dressed up, making sure my dreadlocks were perfectly styled, I hit the train, thinking of what the night was going to offer....

3 years ago
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A Muse for a Sadist

Let me paint a quick picture. She’s not even five foot, weighs 110 pounds, looks barely 18 even though she’s 26, has dark brown hair and equally dark brown eyes, loves Lamb of God to an obsession, and her favorite show ever made is either X-Files or Star Trek TNG. But she’s also the most gifted and depraved masochist I’ve met thus far. When I first met Rikki, I hadn’t fully reconciled the darker desires and fantasies I had. I still felt guilty for some of the things I wanted, still hadn’t...

3 years ago
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Dubb The Big Booty Masher Toccara

Toccara is this thick girl I fucked from a country town in Texas. While I was with Jeanie for two years, this was one of the girls I cheated on her with. I recall where she’s from because I drove all the way to far out to the country to hit that. Toccara was a sexy big ebony thick country girl with a big monster huge butt (not sloppy), and nice large tits. I remember she was on my dick from the first time we met in front of Jamal’s house. She was wearing a denim outfit with all of her nice...

2 years ago
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Bua Shows Me The City As I See Her Assets

This happened about 6 years back when I had come to stay with my Bua in Mumbai. I was about to start an internship with a prestigious car company in the suburbs of Mumbai. My Bua stayed about a 20-minute drive away from the company office and hence my family who stayed in Lucknow sent me to stay with Bua till the internship was over. My Bua, Madhu was a 47 years old woman married to Sudhir, who was 52 years old and had a son who was 21 years old, studying for his MBA in Pune. Although my Bua...

4 years ago
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It All Started on a Bus

To be honest, I don’t know what I was thinking that night. I didn’t have a particular destination in mind nor was I meeting anyone. Instead, just out of compulsion, I decided to go out that night. I wanted to look cute, experience some single night life, and enjoy myself just because I can. I’ve never been out at night for fun by myself before, but there was a first time for everything, so I thought that I should try it at least once. At the time, it seemed like a pretty good idea. Scavenging...

3 years ago
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Hot Massage To My Officemate

HI girls and aunties I am back with my new story for u all I got good response from u for my pervious stories. This is Kiran from Hyderabad if any girls or aunties want to meet me they can and it will be confidential within us only and my mail id is or I will be always online for you all . Every one in this site write only fucking stories like hw there fucked aunties or girls in which position they fucked and all , this is total a new story for all I think so if u like my story comment me and...

3 years ago
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AelinorChapter 4

Now, what? Aelinor has been so intent on getting some money and killing the alien rulers in Newberry that she was at a loss for what to do next. They had been so successful so quickly that she had not planned far enough ahead. Even Armor was caught short; he had not expected their success to be so complete so soon. Armor finally realized that it had been so long since the Glaxoi had faced any opposition that they simply were not prepared for it. However, Armor was sure that they would react...

1 year ago
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Paralyzed version 2

Walking around to her head, he positioned his dick right in front of her lips and used his fingers to pry open her mouth. Once it was open, he placed the head of his dick on her lips and slowly pushed himself into her. There was no resistance, and he bottomed out before slowly sliding in and out of her face as he slowfucked her mouth. He loved the sensation of giving himself a blowjob on those sexy lips of hers, and he moved her hand up to hold his cock as he darted his swollen member...

1 year ago
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The Trap Part 2

Reaching down, I pushed two fingers into Sue’s wet pussy then pulled them out. I licked one finger then kissed Sue, letting her taste her sweetness. I then walked back to Abby and let her lick Sue’s sweetness from my other finger. Afterwards we dressed, I dared not ask about my being sexually satisfied. I would attend to that later at home with my vibrator. My husband was out of town for the week on business.  Sue said that this arrangement will stay as is. The three of us will get together...

2 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part X

A sissy called Jezebel Part X - Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission, has both a lunch and a show, featuring none other than our sweet victim Jezebel. Is there a method to this farce? The Headmistress hands me a green lace catsuit, with peacock feathers that attach to my butt plug and a crotchless opening for my chastity, surrounded in feathers as well. It's an attention grabbing outfit that concentrates said attention...

1 year ago
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TikTok has been taking the world by storm. It’s, therefore, no surprise that there are a bunch of girls on the platform trying to get famous by showing off their nude bodies. Well, TikTok is very vague about its rules - it can only be compared to the Wild West right now when it comes to its content. People are posting anything and everything to the damn platform, and you can catch a glimpse of TikTok thots a fair bit when you’re on there. However, to make your life easier, so you don’t have to...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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SilasChapter 2

This has been a deathly quiet week with Jim at orientation. I'll be glad when he and his sister are home Friday evening. I have thought about what my son said. I am more prepared. I have prepared a list for him and his sister. I don't know if it's practical but a woman who fits those criteria and is willing to go out with me would be someone I can at least have an interesting conversation with and whose presence I would enjoy. I wrote up the list and printed it out for them in...

4 years ago
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Stephanies New Friends

Stephanie's New Friends By Susan Day This is a story of a chat over tea in the parlour with Penelope Primrose, usually known as 'Auntie'. Stephanie is one of Auntie's girls, who comes to visit regularly for tea. Today she is telling Auntie's maid how she became Stephanie. Stephen tried to convince the shop assistant that he was looking for lingerie for his wife, but the shop assistant knew better. Before...

3 years ago
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EyesChapter 10 Learning How to Vacation

Morning found me awake early. I went to the bathroom, peed to reduce the usual morning wood, showered, shaved and brushed my teeth before going to the kitchen. I made coffee and took a cup to the front porch to enjoy the refreshing morning air. I was surprised to find a city newspaper on the porch so I sat in a rocker and read the paper while sipping my coffee. I was on my second cup when a couple came jogging by. She only had on socks and running shoes. He had on the same but also had a jock...

1 year ago
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Hilda the BBW Pinup

The sun peeked through the calico curtains, and Hilda's nose twitched. Oh, let me sleep another half hour, she thought, wriggling her bountiful bottom into the feather mattress, and accidentally kicking Rex, her little white dog, who snorted and rearranged himself, then went back to dreams of chasing pussycats. But it was no use; the old stove had gone dead hours earlier, and the cabin was too chilly to allow further sleep. She stretched her arms above her head, savoring the last moment of...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Woman

She is quite the beautiful woman! The erotic pleasures she delights in providing drives me wild with desire. How she looks up at me, with her fingers wrapped around my rigid cock, the head between her warm lips, her slippery tongue playfully exploring every part, the lust in her eyes, just for me. I love how she wants to explore every aspect of her sexuality. She surprised me when she stopped licking and reached over for the lube, dripping it along the head of my cock and slowly working it...

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Watching My Wife With A Young Guy

My wife Bridget and I have been married now for over 20 years and in that time had a fairly normal and quiet existence. The c***dren are now 22 and 20 years old and both recently left home, leaving us with lots of time on our hands together. For many years I have fantasized about watching her have sex with another guy, and more recently this has developed into watching her have sex with a younger guy, she is now over 50 of course. I have raised this subject with her in the past (usually after...

1 year ago
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Hot Doctor Aunty Made Me Sperm Donor

Hi all this is Raj from Bangalore sharing you my real incident happened in my life. I am average guy with well built body with 7 inch cock that can easily satisfy any women. While coming to my experience this has happened 1 year ago in Bangalore. Before one year I got an interview call of a corporate MNC. I went for the interview and attended and for my luck I got selected from the hr department and started to work. As am new to Bangalore I got a single room apartment from the company itself....

3 years ago
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Vacation on RehomeChapter 45

At home, Susan mentioned to her parents, "Mom, I have been invited to go meet a boy at his home tomorrow after school. There will be adults there to keep an eye on us, so there is nothing to worry about. They will see that I get home safely, too. "A boyfriend, Sue? This is new, isn't it?" "Yes, Mum, but he is not my boyfriend, at least not yet. This is just a first time together. It was arranged by my friend Peggy. Peggy has spoken to a lady from the farm where he lives, and that lady...

1 year ago
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Sex Experience With Rani

Hi.. This is Prasad from Chennai. Nice to meet you all here. I am a regular visitor of this site and many of the stories reflect my life which inspires me to share my experience with you. If the maid in our house is sexier in your view, it will always reduce your sleeping time and increases your dreaming time. It is true in my life. I have been enjoying the sexy smell of maid’s right from my 9th standard. This is a story about our maid Rani. During my 1st year vocation, I went to my aunt’s...

2 years ago
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Diary of Lust

Welcome to the Diary of Lust. Please choose a character and tell us her story, which is of course filled with sexual adventures at every turn, be it consensual or not. Now let's start by choosing your heroine. Disclaimer : The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this story are fictitious. Nobody in this story, and no outfit or corporation is based upon an actual person or outfit in the real world. PS : If this story turns you on please hit the like button, it would really...

3 years ago
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Aunty Betty Part 5

My name is Caroline. I am a striking tall golden blond girl staying with my beautiful 19 year old cousin Amanda and my very strict Aunty Betty during my summer school vacation in England in 1979. I am well into week five of my stay and my behavior and attitude have improved dramatically thanks to some very sound and well deserved thrashings from Aunty Betty. In fact Aunty Betty was so impressed by the improved conduct from both myself and Amanda that she has relaxed her previously harsh regime...

2 years ago
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IncomingChapter 8

They were only about a third of the way through the boxes; it was taking longer than it should as they found themselves discussing the pros and cons of each pistol as it was unboxed. Carol was strictly into the autoloaders, and greatly admired his collection of 1911s and Browning Hi Powers. Doug also had a half dozen revolvers, running the gamut from an original cap and ball .44 Russian conversion to a matching set of Taurus snub-nosed .357 magnums. There were amiably arguing the merits of...

3 years ago
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The Bike Fall That Started It All pt2 Guest Starring Barbie

The Bike Fall That Started It All pt2 Guest Starring… Barbie For the next 2 and a half years, the events of that day played in my head. Mental images of my tongue playing with my little daughter Cassadys most sensitive female inner parts flashed through my mind, especially when I least expected them to– idle standing in the supermarket check out line, during staff meetings at work, while massaging my balls in the shower (could I help that one really?)– she was always in the forefront of my...

4 years ago
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A Bad Day Turned Good

Jen had a bad day at work, she’d been texting me all day andfrequently complaining about having to stay late. Sadly, it was nothing new and it was happening more often than ever. Usually I’d resent her having to stay behind, but this day it was quite good fortune. It gave me time to prepare. I’d decided several days before that I needed to cheer her up and treat her; now it had fallen into place quite well. After work, I’d made the trip into town to get the necessary supplies when she’d text me...

3 years ago
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Daddys girl has been naughty

        This is a TABOO story. It is a true story, as ALL of mine are. They are just me writing about that weeks experiences. The young lady in this story is actually 11 days OLDER than me. Her pics are below. She has daddy issues, as ALOT of you ladies do. Nothing wrong with that, just be safe, respectful, and communicate well; all will be good. Enjoy the read, and any ladies that do a cum tribute while their partner reads them my story, (AKA long distance Cuck), I will give access to HUNDREDS...

2 years ago
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Family ReUnions

“So how does this look?” Aoife turned toward her husband, one fist on her hip, posing like some clothing model for a cheap mall store. The lacy white tank top and skin-tight white shorts showed off her petite figure. Rick’s eyes lingered as they studied her, then he smirked. “Like you’re planning to blind everyone on the beach.” “Hey! I actually have a tan, thank you very much.” She pulled down on her shorts just enough to expose a very faint line between creamy pale skin and slightly darker...

2 years ago
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Dad spoils me and my best friend then her sister Part 2

Dad honored his request to take Nicole, Samantha and I shopping. As we drove, dad questioned Nicole and Samantha about if they had any second thoughts or issues with keeping the relationship we created going. Neither had anything negative to say and we adamantly agreed they were 100% into our little pact that was created pretty much out of thin air! We all made plans on which day we would go and what time we would meet. When the day came and after we arrived at the mall, we left dad and...

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