Counting LivesChapter 1 free porn video

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Her mattress seemed stiffer then usual tonight, she thought. Her blanket must have slipped off her body. She felt chill. Groaning, she rolled to her side. Her left hand patted the bed around her, searching for the blanket. The sheets were strangely crumpled. Had she been thrashing in her sleep? Had she had a nightmare? Odd. She didn't feel like she'd had a nightmare. She recalled only the barest hints of her dream. Even so, she felt it had been the sweetest dream since Philip died.

It really was chill. She mumbled in annoyance and opened her eyes. Nothing changed. She was still half sleeping, Mariana decided. She closed her eyes, shook her head to clear away fog, sat up, and opened them again. Darkness. Her heart beat faster. Had she gone completely blind in the night? She squeezed her bed sheets ... and felt them give. Her fingers slid through the sheets! The substance inside was cold, and soft, and kind of sticky.

She raised her left hand and brought the palm in front of her face. In the dark, it was no more substantial than it had been pressed against the bed, but somehow the action served to lend definition to her sensations. The stuff inside the mattress had stuck. Her fingers felt grainy and there was an uncomfortable pressure under her nails.

She moved her feet, looking for the edge of the bed. The hard surface below her seemed to extend forever. Mariana whimpered. On hands and knees, she patted around her, searching for clues. At last, her fingers hit a familiar shape. "Oh, thank God," she whispered.

Reverently, she traced it with her hands. She turned it the right way around, sat up on her knees, and slipped the glasses over her eyes.

The sound she made wasn't quite a moan or a scream. It was something in between. It was a sound of a frightened animal – a sound the human language had long since forgotten.

What she saw wasn't anything she recognized. It lacked any definite shape that her brain could describe. She saw that the darkness was incomplete. A few splotches of light glinted around her. They hinted at color and gave a sense of depth to the black. All she could tell was that there were shapes, like ghosts, all around her.

Mariana had toyed with belief in the supernatural for most of her life. In college, she had cast love spells, giggling, and dreamed of fairies and dark seductive strangers coming for her. She became more practical when Philip was born and even more so when his father never came home one afternoon. Still, in some deep corner of her mind she had continued to believe. All the while she had told herself it was metaphors and projections of fantasy. Her belief had been in the hedonism and the psychology behind the fantasy, never the thing itself. Recently, she had learned better, but that had been a practical thing, a financial transaction. Living in the city, ever illuminated by street lamps, Mariana had never understood why the darkness had spawned so much legend.

She understood now. Inside her, the instincts of prey awakened. She knew that she would see her death coming, yet never be able to distinguish its shape, never have a clue how to defend herself. She realized now why Philip had been afraid of the dark.

"Shhhhhh..." a voice whispered soothingly. Mariana sought the sound. "Shhhhh..." there was gentleness and sympathy in the tone. She found the source: two amber but otherwise human-like eyes. "Shhhhh..."

Everything made sense! Mariana heard the wind rustling through the trees. Her fingers brushed over the ground, caught and traced a stalk of grass.

"You," she whispered.

In answer, something glinted just under the amber eyes. She squinted and could just barely make out a set of human-like teeth, but a little sharper, with two vicious fangs. The creature smiled. "Shhhhhh..." One amber eye winked. Eyes and teeth disappeared.

Mariana started to shake. She had to grip the ground to steady her hands. "Oh God." She knew where she was. She knew what was happening. She had hired their services, after all. Now that it was imminent, the fact of it was more terrifying than she could have imagined. She almost wished she could take it back, except she didn't know how. It was too late for regrets. She pushed herself up to her feet.

She reached out, grasping at her surroundings like a mummy. She took a step forward and her fingers touched a hard, rough surface. It was a tree trunk.

"Shhhhh..." the sound came from behind her. Mariana spun around fearfully. Her head hit a branch. She gasped, covering the spot with her hands. She blinked tears away from her eyes. When she could look, she saw nothing behind her. Her heart beat faster, pumping excited blood through her veins.

"Shhhhh..." this time it came from her right. As she turned, she reached out with her hand to make sure she didn't bump her head anymore. She saw no amber eyes.

The next sound came from behind her. It was a growl. Mariana bit her lip. She didn't dare turn toward it. Another growl followed shortly after the first, this time closer. Grasping for obstacles, Mariana stumbled away from it.

Growling pursued her. As her senses adjusted for the darkness, she moved more assuredly. Her stumble turned into a slow trot. Her breath became quick and hoarse. Every once in a while, when she would glance to the side, she would see amber eyes in the distance.

She knew something was about to change when she realized the trees were becoming more visible. A moment later, Mariana burst into a small clearing. It spanned only ten or twelve feet across, but sufficed for the moonlight reach to the ground. She knew, somehow, that if she wanted to live she had to look down as she ran. She made it maybe half way across. But she had to look up before she reentered the forest. No, she was honest enough to admit, temptation was the real reason.

Temptation did not disappoint. She lost her footing. Years of judo probably saved her from breaking her neck. Mariana rolled into a crouch, her gaze riveted by the nude woman amidst the trees.

The woman stood mostly hidden in darkness. A patch of light cut across her upper chest, revealing a skinny yet muscular frame, apple sized breasts, with eraser shaped nipples. The skin was flawless. In the dim light of the moon, it took on a grayish hue. Above that, another ribbon of light fell past the left side of the woman's face. It disclosed curved cheekbones, delicate ears, a hint of long thick black hair behind her, and a large glowing red eye. It's sister shone out of the darkness where the right side of the woman's face would've been in good light.

The glowing red eyes brought it home. The naked woman in front of her wasn't human!

She didn't know how she knew where to look next, but somehow she did. Mariana looked to her right at the man standing at the edge of the trees. He was perhaps an inch under 6 feet, with short brown hair, a curved nose, and ears that looked slightly large for his head. His naked body was lithe, with well defined muscles. His eyes glowed amber as well, and his hard cock pointed toward Mariana.

The man stepped toward her. Cold hands touched her neck, making her turn. The woman knelt beside her. She was just as beautiful as Mariana remembered. The woman caressed her face and leaned forward to kiss her. Mariana closed her eyes and accepted. She hugged the woman to her.

Another mouth began to suck on her breast. Mariana gasped into the woman's mouth. The man's hands went around her. She grasped for him with her hand. Finding his cock, she began to pump it. She slipped her tongue into the woman's mouth and felt it skewered by the woman's fangs. The pain made her tingle. She whimpered around the kiss, unable to draw away. There were hands on her face, caressing her soothingly. The pain in her tongue started to numb. She could taste her own blood, and could feel as the woman suckled her tongue. It caused more pain, but she didn't mind.

The woman drew back. Before Mariana could open her eyes, her mouth was captured by the man. He kissed her passionately, sucking at her tongue like the woman had. There were fingers on her clitoris. Hands were everywhere. She felt a mouth close around her left nipple. Her hand was lifted away from the cock. She missed it for a moment, but then they moved and she felt it splitting her cunt lips. The woman was kissing her way up from Mariana's breasts to her neck. As the cock slid inside her, Mariana's first orgasm hit. The world faded away, leaving only ecstasy in her mind. When that faded, nothing remained.

"Constance, I'm serious!"

"Mmm-hmm." Mortal ears could not have heard the murmur from beneath the covers. She tightened her lips around my semi-hard cock. Her tongue flicked over the head. The sensation threatened to overwhelm me. But this wasn't the time!

"Constance, we need to talk about this!"

"Mmm-hmm." I felt her warm tongue trace a line down my cock. Her lips pressed against my balls. She licked. I dug my hands into the sheets, taking care, despite myself, not to puncture the mattress. It was all I could do not to grab her head and force it down over my growing erection. She felt as unsure about the situation as I did. I knew, and she knew I knew. I could hear the subtle fluctuations in the flow of her blood. This was her way of deflecting.

"Constance, stop it!"

"Mmm-hmm." Her lips parted and closed over my balls. She cocked her head, pulling playfully on my ball sack. Her tongue jingled my balls lovingly, moving in slow repetitions over the underside of my pouch.

I groaned. Unable to help myself, I parted my legs to give her a little more room.

"Mmm-hmm." Her voice vibrated across my groin. She sounded feline: self-satisfied and gleeful. I gritted my teeth.

"Damn it, Constance, we're being audited!"

My balls dropped from her mouth. She traced her tongue up over my cock and onward. I felt the covers lift from my torso. I couldn't see her in the absolute darkness of our bedroom, nor could she see me, except for her eyes, like two embers in the middle of nothingness. "You know, Sal." Her voice was matter-of-fact. "Back in the old country, we had something of a tradition. We'd wake up and start each morning with a pint of sour milk. Or maybe a bit of goat cheese. Didn't matter what it was, as long as it was white and salty." She paused. The embers winked out and the edge of the cover touched my chest again. "And I've tried so hard to cling to my roots all these centuries," she murmured. Her fist closed over the bottom of my hard shaft, lifting it away from my stomach. She licked the head. "And if you are cruel enough to deny a willing las like me her heritage ... Sal ... there are other ways..." Her lips locked around my shaft. I felt the points of her teeth press against my flesh. A game. A warning. A provocation.

I reached for her head.

My fingers tightened around her hair. She let go of my prick, permitting me to force it all the way down her throat. Her tongue flickered where and when it could, tickling me and giving me as much pleasure as she could manage. When I came, she held my thighs tight, gulping eagerly. Even when my grip on her hair relaxed, she kept my cock in her throat, feeling it soften.

Finally, she pulled her head away from my crotch. She squirmed up past the covers to give me a soft kiss on the lips. "Thank you, Sal. Now, that wasn't so hard, was it? Come on, we'll talk in the shower," she added, the door of our sanctum open and her body gone from mine before the last words reached my ears.

"Constance, we kill people..."

"We don't kill people, Sal." Steam from the shower felt like a gentle, warm caress all over my hyper-sensitive skin. I leaned against the wall, out of reach of the water. Constance stood between my legs, one hand holding a barber's razor, while the other lathered shaving cream over my face. I hadn't bothered with grooming too much in the last years of my mortal existence. The immortal consequence of that turned out to be an exaggeration of every modern man's regular chore. Every evening I woke with a beard down to my ribs. Whatever her twisted reasons were, I was just as happy Constance enjoyed shaving me.

"No? Funny coincidence how they all end up dead after we are through with them."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. But we don't murder them."


A dainty, pale fist closed around my beard just under my chin and yanked my head back, exposing my neck. "Hold still," she warned. With a gentle tug pulling my hairs taunt, she drew the razor between her hand and my chin, severing most of the beard. "Honorably," she said. "We provide a service to those who seek their own death." The razor's blade brushed up my neck. "They find us and we arrange for them one last experience. A brilliant taste of the erotic and the mystical. They die not with a itchy rope around their necks or a disgusting pistol wound at their temples – hold it ... there! - but in the passionate embrace of a vampire. They die touching magic, Sal. Through us they attain an aesthetic suicide." The blade tickled my cheek. "Legally, we only photograph specters of death. No different than your average blockbuster, only prettier."

"And how do we explain that all our models are unaccounted for? Or the extra money?"

"The models are not our or the auditor's problem. The money comes from photography consulting. I've added fake receipts to the books. The identity of all our clients is private." She shrugged. Her blade flashed past my other cheek.

"Even supposing it all checks out – and auditors are trained to look deep, Constance – the message says an afternoon interview. That's a problem!" I stretched my neck and felt my smooth chin.

"That's why we have a lawyer on retainer, Sal," she said. "Harley will field the auditor and keep us insulated." She sounded confident, but I could hear her blood. She had as many doubts as I did. Believing in our lawyer's prowess against the IRS was a little like believing in Santa Claus. Still, we both desperately wanted to believe. Or, perhaps, if not believe, procrastinate on the doubt for a little longer...

Constance raised her arms, as I poured soap over my hands and started to spread it over her body. I could never stop marveling at her beauty. Raven hair framed a porcelain frame, with small breasts, long pointed nipples, and a set of legs and an ass that could make a vampire believe in Santa Claus after all.

She closed her eyes and sighed as my hands roamed across her. A soft meow escaped her as I pinched her nipples. Her hands went around my neck. "My turn," she murmured, pulling herself closer. Her lips parted for me. We kissed passionately, desperately groping each other. Our tongues caressed.

I was hard again. She pushed me against the wall. Her hands tightened around me. Draping one leg over my waist, Constance hopped forward so that her cunt hovered over my cock head. Hot water beat against my cheek. It fell between us, slithering in tiny streams into the cleavage made where her hard nipples pressing against my chest.

My hands went to her ass. I squeezed. "Fuck me, Sal," she breathed. "Fuck me please ... badly ... I need it now..." I thrust forward, pushing her ass into me. Her cunt was slippery. It's lips parted, inviting my penetration. Only when I had sunk all the way in did the muscles clamp down around me with vampiric strength. I gasped. Her lips pressed against mine again, silencing me.

I pushed away from the wall, positioning us right under the water. Her other leg came off the ground, winding around my waist too. Her palms pressed against my chest. Her face draw away from mine. Her legs tightened, the tips of her toes pushing off against my calves. Her cunt rose along my shaft, dragging and grinding with each millimeter, until it griped no more than my cock head.

We stared at each other, each breathing deeply. I thrust, hard, pulling her ass down, slamming my groin against her groin and taking back all the space she had vacated. The slap echoed. She gasped. I gasped.

Her body tensed, pulling her cunt back up. I pushed her down.

Our rhythm quickened. We stared into each other's eyes, fucking with an urgency, and a lunatic passion that we hadn't unleashed since the first months of our partnership.

When we came, it was understood. She wrapped her arms around me and her teeth broke the veins in my neck. My teeth went into her. My cum shot into her and her cum gushed all around it. I draw her into me and felt her draw me into her. Blood flowed between us. Our hearts beat with the same rhythm. I wanted her so badly ... I wanted ... blissful unconsciousness chased away all possible thought for a moment, as the instinctive drives of our bodies took over.

A little later, as we were toweling off, I asked "And what if he finds something the matter?"

Constance frowned. "If there's a problem," her eyes hardened, "we'll just explain our situation and ask politely." She folded her towel over the rack.

"But we don't murder," I said, stopping her at the door. She looked at me. I could hear the uncertainty in her blood. I could see it in her eyes. I had felt it during our union. This was a new rule for both of us, a change after all the centuries. We were doing something different, Constance and I. Our self-imposed morality had been devised to protect the business, but we had both come to recognize it in each other too. We had been searching for it. Perhaps not that particular rule above others, but a foundation for a code. Death by Vampire Studios grounded us in the world. In our own ways, we had each grown tired of the lonely anarchy of the night that dominated the lives of our kind. What we had here was our first moral dilemma, wherein the preservation of the moral could destroy the very foundation of the code.

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A World of Color ch 2

Joan braced herself, her hands on the headboard, as Paul pounded her pussy. Her legs wrapped around him, Joan tried to meet every powerful thrust by raising her pelvis slightly. She knew she would have trouble walking later, but the feeling was so incredible; all she wanted was more, more of his cock, more pounding. She wanted his cum. The intense look on his face told her he was close. So was she. “Fill me, Paul!” Joan opened her eyes. In that hazy existence between dreaming and waking, it...

Oral Sex
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Ms Sangeetha My Wild Dream Which Eventually Becam

Well my name is Varman from Malaysia and today I will be sharing a truth incident happened in my life at the tender age of 20. I’m an average looking guy with moderate fair complexion but absolute muscular build up as I was very much active in football. Now I’m 36 years and the wonderful experience still stays fresh in my mind. This is the story of me and an attractive, gorgeous and sexy lady – Ms. Sangeetha. She was my close friend Anil’s mother.Anil is my age and his mother was 39 years at...

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Accidental Cousins

It seems that all stories like this begin when we are young. But probably not now you are thinking. I have 2 female cousins on my mom’s side, Tina and Cara. They are 2 and 4 years younger that I am. When I was 9 my parents moved from the Mid-West out to California. I saw my cousins for the last time the year after we moved. So the last time I saw them they were 8 and 6 and I was 10. When I was 13 my folks got a divorce and we lived with my mom. When I turned 18 I joined the...

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NobleChapter 25

'Brandi' Why is this happening to me? I am scared and don't know the languages that are being spoken. One minute I was singing on stage at a beach party. Then I feel a punch like impact on my hip, suddenly my whole side goes numb. It was strange my left leg, my back and left arm all went numb. Of course I fell to the stage as the rest of my body went numb. There was a ringing muffling like sensation as I blacked out. When I wake up my wrists and ankles hurt really badly. I am nearly naked...

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The MissEducation of Bruce Carson

The Miss-Education of Bruce Carson By Serena Lawhead Chapter 1: The Last Straw. Nik was short and scrawny; he never managed to get dates with the girls and to top it all off he was a dweeb. No not dweeb, he was a nerd, for all his lack in physical build and stamina he was one of the smartest kids in his school, a 'brain'. And this is what was the cause of some of his problems. One person in particular always seemed to have it in for him, Bruce Carson. Bruce was one of the...

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Bare Paw RanchChapter 2

The next morning I got up early and took a walk. When I returned about 7:00 am, DE and KC were taking showers. I made coffee and set out the cereal and fruit. The girls came rushing into the kitchen both wearing skirts and sweaters. I was shocked that DE would wear a skirt to work, she usually wore jeans. KC wore skirts a lot at school. After breakfast, KC headed to Wichita and we drove to work. DE came to my desk mid-morning and ask if we could go somewhere for lunch. I agreed to meet her at...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 68

Andy kissed a slumbering Regan softly on the forehead before rolling out of bed. He watched her as he pulled on a pair of boxer briefs and the khaki slacks he'd planned to wear to the after-party the night before. His current wardrobe was severely lacking, he decided. Regan missed the comfort of the warm body beside her and patted the mattress where Andy had slept. Not finding him, she probed farther away and still came up empty. She opened her eyes and spotted him pulling on his...

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A Weekend At Miss Mulligans

Seven weeks had passed since Peter Mitchell had been caned at the FCI for pleading guilty to being drunk and disorderly. He had recovered from his experience and his girlfriend Joanne had carefully massaged and applied cream to his bottom every night for a month until she was satisfied that his bottom was fully healed from his sentence, which had been laid on at full-force by her friend, Kelli Seagrave. Joanne Wilson had promised Peter a proper punishment once he had recovered, to teach him who...

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Sissy to Be Chapter Eight

Sissy to Be ? Chapter 8 ? By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me Robert, now called Rosie! Wendy My twin sister. Angela Our younger half sister by my mother?s second boyfriend. Doris My sad working mother who lets everybody walk all over her. Aunty Janet My mother?s pushy domineering sister. Harriet Our friend from the next farm. Aunty Margaret Harriet?s Mother Jessica Harriet?s older sister Charlie My New found clubbing friend Sally Charlie?s...

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Municipal BlondesChapter 29 Unexpected visitors

IT’S WAY PAST TIME to get back to my studies. I’ve moved. I have a new office. I have an assistant. I have no clients. Lars reminded me on Christmas that my thesis is due in just three weeks. It’s almost done but I really have to focus these next two weeks. I’ll have Cinnamon proofread this again when I’ve finished this time. On retainer About 10:30, Cinnamon knocked on my door and asked if I could take a visitor. I didn’t even think about not doing it. I should probably consider having...

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1 Stormy MondayChapter 10

Ron Harris winced in the darkness of his bedroom, as the telephone next to his bed shrilled like a lance into his recoiling ears. Having just finished a fifteen hour day on the job, it felt like he hadn't slept at all. Looking at his alarm clock, he could see that he really hadn't slept at all. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, hoping that before he was fully awake, the phone would shut up and leave him in peace. No such luck. It went on and on, refusing to die. He eventually resigned himself...

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Sister Wants a Baby1

I began to undress as I climbed the stairs to the bathroom. My shirt was the first to go, then my shoes, and I was unbuttoning by jeans by the time I walked into the bathroom. To my surprise, my twin sister was standing in front of the bathroom mirror with a soccer ball under her t-shirt. “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked, shocked to see her like that. “Don’t you think I would look hot pregnant?” “Krista, you are only 17, you should not be thinking about being pregnant,” I...

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Antons TroublesChapter 5

Helen Widener thought it wise to get her version of the story out first rather than chance looking like she was covering her tracks when Detective Haldeman came looking for the boy. The morning after moving him to her cabin, she called the police department to report one of her charges missing, saying he must have slipped out some time during the night. Young people under her care rarely bolted, but it wasn’t unheard of. In this case, since the reported missing person was deemed to be...

2 years ago
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We all stared open mouthed at the two girls. Our little village had never seen such... beauty. The eldest, who could have been no more then sixteen or so had long blonde locks, that seemed to cascade over her shoulder. The second was a sharp contrast, with jet black hair and pale skin but her eyes were a vibrant blue and danced with excitement as she stared at us all. They were both modestly dressed and smiled politely at us all, occasionally saying 'good day' to those who said it to them. All...

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Tammy Meets Her Lover

John had been waiting for this day for months……and the day had finally come. The day Tammy had promised to meet him at his hotel room at the edge of town. He had played the scenario over and over in his mind several times, and each time the fantasy became more detailed, more elaborate—–more naughty——until it had gotten to the point where her name couldn’t pop up on the Messenger or John couldn’t look at her photo without feeling an involuntary spasm in his jeans. It was torture, and the waiting...

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Hadrians WallChapter 4

I spotted Amy walking down the aisle between the tables, a tray in her hand and her eyes scanning. I stood and waved. When she saw me, a cute little smile appeared on her face, and she made her way over, sitting down when I made room for her. Jamie, who was sitting on the other side of me, got up and gave her a quick hug and whispered in her ear. They exchanged smiles and Jamie moved back again, just winking at me and returned to eating. The easy conversation flowed around Amy, or so it...

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The Blue Pill part 1

After a normal long week at work came Friday evening and the enjoyment of a 3 day weekend as Monday was a day as we both took a personal day, it was for all intents and purposes like any other weekend with an added day on the backend, however who would have thought the enjoyment and that we discovered while deciding to try the little Blue Pill, after getting home from your parents house and assisting them getting into bed etc. you arrive to find me laying on the bed upon entering the room we...

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NubileFilms Martina Smeraldi Make It Up To You

Raul Costa knows he’s fucked up with Martina Smraldi and that he needs to apologize, pronto. He goes all out, buying Martina flowers and getting down on one knee to beg for forgiveness. Martina is initially unwilling to hear Raul out, but after a while she finally relents and softens towards him. Raul isn’t finished with his apologies. Rising up from his knees, he captures Martina’s lips in a gentle kiss. When Martina responds with enthusiasm, Raul knows just what he has to...

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Mothers Little Helper Her Mothers DaughterChapter 2

Mother's Little Helper Chapter Two "Hey Gina." Gary smiled when he opened his door. "Uh, hi," I said and this time I didn't have Jilly with me, thank God. That helped a lot, but I was still very nervous. "Come on in," he said. "How are you doing?" "I'm good," I nodded. "Uh, great ... Except I'm out of pills, those, um, green ones." "Already?" He chuckled. "Here, sit down. Come on, it's okay." I let him guide me onto his sofa and Gary sat down next to me. His...

2 years ago
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Overacting Mom And How I Fucked Her 8211 Part 4

There she stood with her nighty half torn, exposing her boobs in her bra. Her mangalsutra was seen in full glory, gliding from her neck and ending inside her deep cleavage. Though I see it often, that first sight is still fresh in my memory. The nighty exposed her milky, white navel. It barely covered her panty with the torn half hanging over to the floor. I thanked my luck. I held her navel and pinned her to the wall behind her to the side of the bed. I played with her navel looking into her...

2 years ago
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My hot cousin

Hi this is Raj from Pune. This is a story of me and my cousin who lives just next-door. I am a regular visitor & reader of ISS and like the stories very much. Today I write story of my own sex experience with my cousin Sunita. Sunita is 19 year old Girl. She has a great figure 36-26-36 which is why she attracts me very much. I always wanted to have sex with her. Sometimes I kept staring at her breasts and when she looked at me, she smiled. My dick would go up to its limits. On Saturday no body...

2 years ago
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Small Town Wish Chapter One

This is my first attempt at writing. Feedback is much appreciated.It was getting late, but we didn't want to leave each other. We had been going out for a while and it was the first time we'd really got to be alone. You see we both went to different schools in different towns. Lame. It's like that out in the country, everything's at least a hour drive from everywhere.Michelle was a varsity basketball player. I was the cool guy from Seattle. She had the tightest body. I had a good build because...

First Time
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Box Shaped HeartChapter 21 Happy Fpping Everyone

Sleeping next to Aron was the best thing ever. Especially since the guy now had a signature way of waking him up, with slow kisses and caresses. “Hey,” he smirked, as he stretched like a cat into the man’s arms. “Hey back,” Aron chuckled. “I hate not being able to cuddle some more, but I need to go to work early. They’re sending someone over from New Entertainment, to ask us about a new motivational book we publish. Apparently, these guys like to wake up with the chickens.” “Why do you...

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TheTrainingofO JoJo Kiss Submissive Young Slut JoJo Kiss Endures Deep Anal Training

The beautiful young perky brunette JoJo Kiss arrives chained to the ceiling and fully tied up in restrictive rope bondage. Her mouth is gagged with fabric from her torn pink shirt. Her perky tits bursting out exposed for her master and ready for training. When Tommy arrives she is allowed to sit up straight and begin her brutal obedience training. This slut has a lot to learn and it starts with the flogger. This submissive slut is made to lift her fucking whore head and open her mouth to do her...

1 year ago
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The Life of An Dult Teenage Girl Part 1

Most of this is not fiction, it follows events that actually happened although I've kinda altered them a bit. I am a pre-op transsexual but already consider myself a girl. The life of an adult teenage girl Clare Nicole sighed as the charges were read out to her. She knew she would at least get a hefty fine or possibly even jail time this time. If only the judge could understand. She'd been held in the local nick all weekend for smacking some chav in the pub...

2 years ago
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My Busty Aunty

Hello XHAMSTER readers... I am NAREN 23 years old living in CHENNAI. I always had fantasies of fucking older woman. On the contrary, I remain as usual, always looking for and fantasizing about woman. I always desired for at least one woman in my life for sexual desire. My eyes always look for a woman with good assets. I always fantasize woman sucking their nipples, licking their navel playing with their pussy & screwing them hard. Today I am going to narrate you my real and wonderful...

3 years ago
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To Heaven With Aunt 8211 Part 2

This is continuations to the first part “To heaven with Aunt”. The link is on top. Before I continue the incident, I thank for all the comments you gave. Thanks Anita for the love you have shown. Will miss anaya too ;) Comments are welcome at and would love to hear more from aunties out there. I increased my visits to their home. I always kiss her whenever my uncle is not around and caress her ass. She felt good with these small things and showed more love on me. She loved to play with my...

3 years ago
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Jenny and Sam Chapter 1

Jenny had dried herself after her shower and was enjoying the freedom of walking around naked. She knew her relaxed and casual attitude was a real turn-on for Sam and enjoyed his eyes caressing every part of her as she went about her beauty chores. Jenny didn't really understand 'body-modesty' and wasn't shy at all. She couldn't comprehend those women who try and hide themselves with a false modesty and can't enjoy being seen naked. Most of all she detested the 'hip-wiggling' and tacky attempts...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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TeenCurves Maria Jade Stuffed Crust Surprise

Maria Jade is an expert cammer. She knows exactly how to get the guys to go wild, which means more tips for her. She shows them her ass, and the money starts flowing in. Then, she takes off her top, and she can pay next months rent! But when the pizza guy arrives at her door, her voracious audience prompts her to take the action up a notch. They dare her to go to the door completely naked, and she simply cannot resist the temptation. She opens the door showing off her hot teen bod, and then...

4 years ago
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Free MagusChapter 2

I reached out to touch the mirror and noticed someone in the reflection whom I hadn’t seen since waking up. No, it wasn’t Greta, though I did wonder why she hadn’t mopped up the floors with these guys yet. It was Rho. Standing behind Walker in the reflection, she shook her head, “no.” What was she trying to tell me? That I wasn’t allowed to do this? That I wouldn’t be allowed to enter the vault due to the situation? What? I looked back toward Walker to look directly at Rho, but she wasn’t...

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