Accounting 300Chapter 2: Gross free porn video

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Hobie Brown volunteered at the Lincoln Dynamic Youth Center. He loved it. He loved working with the kids, he loved organizing and participating in their events, and he loved making a visible difference. The Lincoln Dynamic Youth Center kept kids out of gangs, off the streets, away from drug dealers and in touch with people who cared and listened. The Lincoln Dynamic Youth Center was doomed. It was ironic and sickening. The philanthropic act by the world's greatest criminal boss was to keep kids away from lives of crime. Tombstone's mask was shattered. The world new L Thompson Lincoln was the Big Man of Crime. The ATF, FBI, NSA and a half dozen other acronyms were watching him like a hawk. His assets were frozen, much of it seized. Putting him away would topple a criminal empire from the head, it'd be a great headline and everyone would celebrate. Everyone but the volunteers at the Lincoln Dynamic Youth Center and the 340 kids who needed the place. No more funding. Rent, power bills, cable bills, equipment costs, food costs. They only had til the end of September. You can only have so many bake sales, car washes and fun runs with underprivileged kids. The bills were just too high.

"It's not fair!" Hobie complained to Glory one of the other volunteers.

"I know Hobie," Glory gripped Hobie on the shoulder, "The best we can do is our best. Help who we can help while we can help them."

"The streets are crazy! We've been losing kids in dribs and drabs since the Goblin and--"

"I know you're worried, Hobie. But if you care that much, know you will make a difference."

Hobie deflated. While the Youth Center stood, there was still work to do. Glory handed Hobie a mop. He turned and entered the front door.

Steven Levins left Rikers with an unenthusiastic slouch. He didn't have very much. There were seventeen dollars in his pocket along with the three condoms and two cigarettes. He was wearing the clothes he had been arrested in: a grungy green shirt, a pair of baggy black jeans, dilapidated running shoes and unwashed socks. The pumpkin mask had been confiscated as evidence. He pushed up the glasses that were slipping down his nose. The only thing he had ever gotten from his father was a name and from his mother he had his Korean heritage and some valuable life lessons. He had flushed those down the toilet by his third stint in juvenile detention. Steve was feeling pretty pissed off.

Prison hadn't been kind to Levins. He had been a guarded and cautious crook, until he had become the first of Goblin's pumpkin-headed army. Then he had been locked away in an island fortress with dozens of guys still loyal to the Big Man. His turned coat had cost Levins his cool head and three broken ribs. He was low man on all totem poles. The one chance he had to climb out from under heel earned him a kick in the face from the goddamned Spider-man. Now he was out. Five and a half months, two weeks early parole. The Big Man was down. Silvermane had no teeth. Goblin had died on his own bombs. The city was just waiting for her King.

He was walking across the bridge to Queens. Anger flooded his thoughts because neither his buddy nor his girlfriend had bothered to come get him. The wind off the East River knew spring was just around the corner and was doing its damnedest to get in what winter in it could. He was determined to spend his money on what he had been craving for his entire incarceration: the greasiest cheeseburger he could find. It was a long walk home.

The bus rides cut into his pocket change but Steven finally made it to the Bronx. It was just after eleven am and the sun was making the weather almost tolerable. Teeth chattering, he pushed into the dive he knew his buddies lived at. It had been some time, he'd been jailed since October, his two accomplices getting several hundred hours of community service. The Goblin made me do it! Please! I'm so sorry! Defense only seemed to work for young women with fake tears and goons whose fathers could afford actual lawyers. He was about to announce his entrance, as he pushed into apartment 6 but the sound he was greeted by shut his jaw tight.

She held her own ankle with whitened knuckles. She had torn one of the pigtails out of her red and black hair. She was still wearing her sleeves and dress. The hem was hiked up and bunched up over the tops of her tits. A pair of jeans still hung off her left leg. Steven's best friend plowed his girl. He was the one making noise, a gruff furious grunt, and sharp words that told the girl just how much she liked it. Steven closed the door behind him with a slam.

The girl jumped and his friend looked over his shoulder reaching for the piece in the track pants around his ankles. She covered up, crossing her legs over her sloppy red sex, his friend just waved his cock around as he recognized his old buddy.

"Steve! You're out!"

"You knew damned well I was out today," His eyes ignored the girl as she scrambled to get dressed and decent. "I had to walk from Rikers!"

He looked around at the sty of the studio apartment. The ratty green couch was still there. The battered plaster was still picked away from the red brick walls. The rest was changed. His friend's bed, which had been more of wire and spring cot under a soiled mattress, had been replaced with an unmade king-sized bed. The sheets were pulled off at the right shoulder. The pillows mostly tore up from friction with the chainlink headboard. The handcuffs hanging from the wires told an interesting story. Their old TV, a shitty sixteen inch plasma with more dead pixels than screen had been replaced by a giant fifty two inch hi-definition flat screen with a massive sound system all around the room. The floor was still unswept but the moth eaten rug was gone. A pair of six hundred dollar spike heeled boots were kicked off in its place. Poster's of hot punk looking chicks with guitars and bare breasts adorned the walls. An interesting compromise between the two tenants. The desk, where they usually kept schematics and blueprints for their next job now had a massive gaming PC. Steven looked back to the friends. The girl was dressed again, shoving out her jaw uncompromisingly. Her eyes were full of fear. His buddy was adjusting his pants, making sure his hand cannon of a pistol didn't fall down his ass crack.

"Where's the money coming from?" Steven kept an unimpressed icy glare in reserve for the chick and directed himself at the guy.

"Goblin--" The girl immediately began but the man shut her down.

"Dude, you're on parole," The guy said in a strong and steady tone. "You can't get too close yet. We'll cut you in once you've got a routine you can fake well enough that."

Steven punched his friend in the face. He bulked up almost fifteen pounds in prison. He had been in shape beforehand, but now he was intimidating. The little fat he had was burned away in favor of slender, stiff, wiry muscle. He wasn't too much bigger, except around the chest, but he was stronger. The friend had been expecting the blow and had braced for it pretty well. He staggered back a step and collapsed as his senses rebooted with a quick flicker. The gun at his back hit the floor first and he grunted in pain as his piece forced the entire fall onto his tailbone.

"You fuck my girl. You leave me to rot. You find yourself rolling in green and I'm going to back off and wait until you're ready to give me a chance?" Steven sounded very calm but the girl could tell otherwise. His friend had known Levins since the third grade. He was thinking of grabbing his gun. "Where's the money coming from?"

"We were working for the Goblin!" The girl shouted, ignoring the bloodshot look of death from the man on the floor. "Spider-man attacked when we were moving a truck for the Goblin. He," She indicated the man on the floor, "Managed to get away from the docks without being webbed up for the cops. He stashed away an eighteen wheeler of the Goblin's arsenal. Spider-man had been pounding every crew of pumpkinheads he could find. We figured it was time to get out of the game. The money we got was from selling off Gobby-tech to other gangs."

"What's left?" Steven turned his gaze on the girl. Her motormouth picked up speed.

"A little over half the truck. Two big things, several cannons. Couple drums of gobweb and all of the pumpkin bombs." She took a panicked breath. Her cough made him smile.

"We're not selling anymore." Steven turned to where his friend was considering whether standing on his own two feet was smart. "We're taking over this city."

Peter Parker signed off his email. He had just sent the gala pictures into the Bugle. On screen were the many shots he had gathered of Spidey vs Cat. He was appalled, giddy and very very sore. An hour ago he had lost his virginity. He had memory stick full of photos to prove it. The distance had left a little to be desired, but the new camera he had purchased had so much detail he could count the freckles on Cat's left breast. Two. Peter began with the photos at the gargoyle, cropping and clipping so he had the best of the best. Twice he alt-tabbed over to the more adult sets. His scratches itched as they healed.

The self-satisfied smirk on his face battled his uncertainty. What did this mean? What did Cat want? It couldn't be love, they had left their masks on. Could it be love? He never felt for Cat what he felt for Gwen. He never felt for Cat what he continued to feel for Liz. The Black Cat was the most beautiful woman Peter Parker had ever laid eyes on.

The scratches all over his body stung. He had washed them out in the shower, but they had already scabbed and begun to heal by the time he had swung into Forest Hills. That trip home had been painful. His wounds had kept reopening from the tension in his arms. He must have misted an entire street with a trail of his blood. His spider suit was in rags, he had two spares, but the thermals he had worn underneath were going to be hard to replace.

Money. There'd be some for the photos he had taken with Ned but choice Spider-man pics paid the best. He scrolled back, out of the pictures that showed off Cat's glorious body and into the precursors where Spider-man was taking a beating from the Cat. Jameson did pay more for photos of the webhead's defeats. He knew he could make money hand over fist with the pornographic ones. There were too many reasons why that wasn't an option. Cat didn't know she was being photographed. Peter was unable to take advantage of any woman like that. Also, his aunt's heart would break if Peter became some shameless pornographer. There were legal reasons too. The boy in those pictures wasn't eighteen. How old was Cat? She was a real woman anyways, and totally hot. Maybe he should stop being so proud of himself?

Uncertain and confused, Peter winced as he pulled his undershirt on over his wounds. It ended up on the floor before he could get his elbow's through the holes. He fell backward onto his bed. Well, Peter, He thought to himself, It has never felt so good to be hurt so badly.

Steven and his two friends arrived at the stashed semi truck. The girl was wrapped up in an expensive fur lined winter coat. His buddy was still in his old rough and tumble wear. Steven's windbreaker was little use against the cold. He stomped his feet as his friend opened up the back doors. There were lights along the ceiling and the girl walked around to the cab to turn them on. The arsenal was big. Sixteen munitions crates of pumpkin bombs were on the left. Six of seven gun racks were empty. They stood behind four boxes of magazines and rounds. The drums of Gobweb were labeled with dozens of frightening labels. Steven climbed up and walked around checking on the things they had. At the back, there was the parts to the flying machines Goblin had outfitted his Gob Squad with. Two inhibitor cannons were in a green steel crate.

"I'm going to need our old B&E gear," Levins declared coming back out. His friend was fidgety, thinking about the gun in his belt, "Plus a decent toolbox." He had one of the Tri-Corp rifles over his shoulder. A magazine full of spiked munitions balls was jammed into the breach. "We'll take your car."

"Steve," The friend pleaded, "We've got a great thing going. We can make a killing with this. Enough money to keep us living like kings for years. We start using this shit and we'll have cops crawling up our asses until we're either dead or in prison."

"And then we run out of money, and we fall back into the same piss-ant, petty theft, knee-breaking bullshit squalor we've been stuffed in for three years." Steven sneered, "There's only one way to get respect in this city anymore. You need a costume and ambition. Adrian Goddamn Toomes was respected in the joint. The bloody vulture was a myopic old bat without a success to his name. Fight the Spider, live forever. Someone's got to pick up what the Goblin left for us. We're going to the top. And the only way there is through Spider-man."

"What? Spider-man! You're fucking crazy. No, I'm taking--" The laziness with which Steven dropped the gun and fired was written across his face. His friend's voice rattled as he fell over with a wound in his chest. The girl watched on, all color drained from her face. Steven turned to her and said, "Get the car. I'll take care of him." She nodded as Steven threw his buddy's body into the truck. A box of pumpkin bombs was dumped and he shoved the corpse into crate. The buckles closed and he stepped out to where the shell shocked girl was driving the car. He was wearing his friend's coat, the zipper still slick with blood, but it had been opened and dirty wasn't damaged in this cold weather.

"We'll need to pick up some cleaning supplies too." Levins said as he closed the semi's doors.

"Mr Gargan to see you Mr Jameson," Betty spoke into the intercom as the private detective ogled her. He made her skin crawl, but she did her job and sent him in to speak with her boss.

"Much obliged, young lady," He tipped his imaginary hat to Betty and walked in through the frosted glass doors to J. Jonah Jameson's office.

Robbie Robertson was standing behind his boss's chair to the right. They were sorting through Peter's latest pictures for the next scoop. Jameson had too excellent shots that both showed off Black Cat and diminished Spider-man. Robbie had talked him out of the headline: Trouble In Paradise.

"There you are you layabout!" Jonah put down his pictures and looked up at Mac Gargan. "I sent you after that Parker kid 7.3 weeks ago and I expect results."

"Uh, actually you hired me last Thursday and--"

"I want results Gargan! Not excuses." Jameson growled. "He clearly went after the webhead."

"He, uh, left the gala with the Osborn kid and their girls," Robbie narrowed his eyes at Gargan's tone and body language, "They were at a fast food joint. All of the sudden, the police fly by and he's off on foot after them. I followed, but lost him around two alleys."

"You lost him? One high school kid on foot?" Jameson's anger was outweighed by his disappointment.

"He's a fast runner and he's much smaller. The street was full of people." Gargan floundered.

"Enough of your excuses!" Jameson stood up and slammed his hands on the desk. "You want your next paycheck? You find out how that Parker kid is getting these Spidey pictures. Until then, I don't want to see your degenerate face in my office. I don't want to see you in my town! Get out! Get out!"

Gargan slipped off. Jameson sat down but didn't calm down. Robbie couldn't stay silent. "Jonah, we've got a half dozen capable investigative journalists. If you want this story why not put one of them on it and not some hack P.I.?"

"Parker knows our staff," Jonah scowled, "He's bound to notice if a familiar face is tailing him. No, I'll leave it to Gargan for now." He picked up a picture of Black Cat kicking Spider-man across the jaw. "Run this one."

Spring Break brought visions of morally suspect college girls in sandy places getting more liquor and even more regrets. Spring break from Midtown happened from just before St Paddy's day through the beginning of spring. Harry took Gwen with him down to one of those tropical Gomorrahs. It was a let's-get-away-and-try-to-have-a-moment-to-ourselves-trip with his mother. Peter wondered how George had allowed that to happen. No Pete! Harry's in a bad place right now. He needs Gwen. Besides it's not like he's going to go Spider-man on Black Cat the moment they're out of sight, now is it? Visions of Gwen in Black Cat's catsuit caused his web swinging path to take a more erratic path than his usual smooth flight. Black Cat. That's why he was out tonight. The third night in a row hunting pussy. Hunting Black Cat. He swung by their usual hangout. The gargoyle was empty. Than he just followed his gut making random swings around the city. His camera had a handful of new Spidey pics and the NYPD had a dozen or so web-wrapped presents waiting for them on assorted lampposts and fire escapes. Another busy night. It was only 9:30 but he decided to make his way home.

What the hell? Peter was panicked to see his bedroom light on when he landed in the denuded tree in his backyard. Worse. There was a fiery redhead in his room! What now MJ? And why was she wearing the top to his spare Spider-man costume? Peter than noticed that nothing covered her legs. Eyes up top, Peter! What am I going to do? He quickly swung out of sight to think.

It was about ten minutes later, dressed in his civilian threads, that Peter walked into his home with a half ton of icy butterflies in his stomach.

"Hello, Peter," Aunt May muted the flamboyant television chef she was watching. "Mary Jane came by, I let her go up to your room." Aunt May's smile suggested that Peter's secret was still sequestered to his room.

"Uh, what did she want?" Peter delayed a moment.

"Well, you'll have to ask her dear," May smiled, in a little too knowing way. Peter suppressed a shudder as his overactive imagination recalled Black Cat's costume that time. "There's a plate of chocolate chip cookies cooling next to the stove. Why don't you bring those up to her?"

"Uh, sure, Aunt May," Peter took the opportunity to go to the kitchen and grab the plate of cookies. They were still oven hot. Peter delayed the length of time it took to eat two cookies and drink one glass of milk. His death march upstairs was accompanied by his mental rendition of the Imperial March because it was close to the funeral dirge he was trying to think of but couldn't quite recall. He took a deep breath. He caught himself before he knocked on his own door. He walked in.

MJ jumped when he opened the door. She then caught her breath and gave Peter a stunning smile. Peter quickly closed the door behind her. The cookies he set down on the edge of his desk.

"Oh, Hey Pete," MJ seemed oblivious to the fact that she was dressed in Peter's Spider-man uniform. She actually wasn't naked from the waist down. She had on a short skirt and socks. "I was hoping you can do me a favor."

Not like I can say no now that you know MJ. Peter's heart sank, Well at least you're a good looking blackmailer.

"Oh, um, sorry I looked in your closet," MJ said following Peter's eyes to her chest. "But if you want to come over to my place and put on my hot vampire dress, we'll call it even."

Peter laughed, relief flooding. Wearing his own costume at the Halloween carnival had been done out of laziness. It had saved his secret identity twice now.

"I think I'll take a pass on that, Red," Peter said collapsing into his office chair and grabbing a cookie, "What do you need?"

"Excellent!" MJ's green eyes lit up and her smile seemed less leonine and more genuine. She grabbed her own cookie. "I went down to Kingsley's talent offices today..."

Mary Jane Watson was doing her best to sit quietly and wait in the hard office chairs. The old woman at reception said they were busy but would get her in shortly. That had been at 9 am. It was closer to 11 now. She was looking her best, Aunt Anna had helped with her makeup. Her eyes looked stunning, her lips were hypnotic. Her hair was still straight, but it framed her face perfectly. She wore her best fashions. Her legs were in knee-high leather boots with small heels. The black of the boots contrasted the pale white of her thighs. Her skirt was ruffled, and had cost so much that her father had gone ballistic when he had discovered that she had bought it. She was wearing a smart white blouse, trying to look good and professional, under a soft pink sweater that accentuated both femininity and girlishness. Every man she had passed that morning had looked a third time. She had felt unstoppable, now she just felt bored. Her manicured nails drummed upon Lily Hollister's face. The Magazines here showed off the models but were staffed with hackneyed writers. MJ had run out of interesting reading material some time ago. She looked up at the old receptionist. Good things come to those who wait. She told herself for the umpteenth time. Fortune favors the bold, she countered, loud enough to listen to this time.

"Excuse me," MJ smiled prettily for the old woman and kept her voice pleasant, "I was hoping you could tell me if I would be seeing anyone anytime soon."

"It won't be long now," The woman said, not looking up from the Daily Bugle's crossword.

"Spider-man," MJ said.

"Excuse me?" The woman raised her face.

"Twenty-nine across." MJ pointed, "The biggest threat to New York today. It has to be Spider-man."

"Spider-man's a hero, darling," The woman said, in a polite condescending tone.

"Well seeing the headline on the front page is 'Webbed Murderer Is The Biggest Threat In New York'. I figured the Daily Bugle might be carrying some sort of grudge." The receptionist unfolded her paper and looked. She took a second look at Mary.

"You certainly got the face for the gig, darling. But there are better places to take that brain of yours."

"Ha," MJ was warming up to this old woman, "Maybe, but I can't just overstep an opportunity when it's laid at my feet."

"How do you mean?"

"Mr Kingsley told me to come down." MJ picked his business card out of her purse and laid it on the table.

"Really?" The woman's face turned a little cold.

"And Ms. Hollister said she'd vouch for me."

"You could have named dropped their interest earlier," The receptionist looking up.

"I was hoping I wouldn't have to," MJ admitted, "I like getting things done on my own merits."

"But now..."

"I'm not so proud as to ignore help when it's offered." Mary declared, "And I had them back pocket for when I hit an obstacle."

"Way too smart for this circus," Laughed the woman at the table. "I'll go back and scare you up somebody."

"Thank you," MJ smiled warmly. Mary took her seat once again as the receptionist phoned back. After a heated, but civilly volumed, argument. The receptionist flashed MJ a one sec gesture and went through the green doors to the back offices. It was about five minutes when she reappeared and held open the door for MJ. The redhead smiled her thanks. "Give 'em hell," prodded the receptionist.

The back room was five offices and a picture studio. Earlier she had learned she was to look for a woman name Vaughn-Pope. The office was one of the two on the left, the big ones. MJ knocked, and was given a terse "Come in."

"Hello," MJ stepped into the office looking at the blonde behind the desk. "My name is Mary Jane Watson. I--"

"Am here for a modeling job," Vaughn-Pope nodded, "Of course." She was an attractive woman of perhaps thirty years of age. Tall and very fit. She was dressed in a smart and feminine suit. Black jacket over a lavender blouse and a long black pencil skirt. She had several dossiers heaped haphazardly on her mahogany desk. A vase of flowers was opposite her computer monitor. The bookshelves lining the far wall were filled with steel binders and chemistry textbooks. MJ pulled out one of the blue arm chairs and Ms. Vaughn-Pope indicated MJ could sit down.

"May I see your portfolio?" There was a tired feeling in the woman's voice. She skipped all pleasantness, neither introducing herself or providing MJ with her full attention.

"Portfolio?" MJ asked surprised. The sigh Vaughn-Pope gave was old hat.

"The pictures you've done to show that you photograph well. Usually from your previous experience."

"I've never modeled before," MJ explained.

"How old are you?"


"That's fine," Vaughn-Pope's voice took on an even more condescending property. "To work for me." She stopped herself. There was a harder edge in her voice when she continued, "To work for Mr Kingsley, you'll have to prove yourself. Get a professionally done picture set done. You should be photographed in several different outfits. A few shots in lingerie or swimwear would certainly help. We want to see everything: hands, eyes, shoulders, legs, cleavage. You'll want to be shot from all angles."

"Can't we just give it a try in the studio?" MJ suggested, "I'm willing to try right now if you'll let me."

"We can, but I'm going to ask that you pay the photographer for his time." Vaughn-Pope reclined and looked over the girl in front of her, "We pay our photographers very well and if we just gave every girl off the street a free session, we'd be out a lot of time and money."

"I'm not really off the street," MJ responded, "Mr Kingsley suggested I come down."

"And if he had sent word to expect a teenaged redhead I could make exceptions," Vaughn-Pope clearly did not like Roderick Kingsley. "But for now I must ask that you bring in a portfolio."

"How much will it cost?" MJ was feeling defeated.

"For one of our boys, you're probably, looking at around six hundred dollars and two hours of your time." The older woman responded. "You're welcome to use someone else, but it'd help if the photographer was known. There are a lot of professionals out there who shouldn't even shoot a wedding."

"I do know one great photographer," MJ's lips turned into a smile for the first time since Vaughn-Pope had ripped the one MJ had carried in from the receptionist off her face. "Peter Parker."

"Really?" Vaughn-Pope did not know the name, "And who does Peter Parker shoot?"

"Spider-man." MJ declared triumphantly.

"So you're saying I get six hundred dollars?" Peter took another cookie as MJ finished her story.

"You know I can't afford that, tiger," MJ laughed, "But I really need your help if I'm going to get anywhere with Ms. Desiree Vaughn-Pope."

"Well you're certainly prettier than Spider-man," Peter looked MJ up and down with affected lecherousness. "But I wouldn't want him getting all jealous."

"Ah, poor Spidey," MJ condescended, "But there's plenty of Peter to go around."

"Well..." Peter delayed a moment longer. It's not like he'd say no but he just liked the attention MJ was giving him. Plus she filled out that Spider-shirt in ways that aroused, confused and embarrassed Peter.

"I'll owe you so much forever. Please! Please! Please!" MJ fell to her knees in front of Peter. Her soft hands were cold around his. Peter could do little to stymie his imagination.

"OK, OK, fine." Peter couldn't help but smirk as he pulled MJ up onto her feet. "Just take off my Spider-man shirt before Aunt May comes in and I have to explain this."

"What? Don't I look good in it?" MJ laughed twirling for Peter. The shirt was taut around her chest but hung away from her slender waist. She was just taller than Peter so it lifted and showed a thin circle of skin above her waist.

"You look great. Now take it off." Peter pleaded.

"In a hurry, tiger?" MJ teased, but she acceded. The spider-top came up and off her torso before she threw it at Peter's closet door. She was wearing a lacy green bra but no shirt. May knocked.

"Just a second Aunt May!" Panicked Peter, MJ strode to the windowsill where her previously unseen t-shirt was waiting. May didn't take her usual time waiting for Peter. The girl in the room had unbalanced the equation. Peter blushed and felt his tongue swell up when May watched MJ rush into her top from the doorway. There was a stern look on May's face but the twitch in her lip suggested she was hiding a smile.

"Mary Jane, do you mind heading home?" She asked sweetly, "I have to have a talk with my nephew."

"Of course," MJ was as red as her hair, "I'll see you tomorrow, Pete?"

If I'm ever allowed to see the light of day again, Peter thought worrying about being grounded. "Sure, MJ, good night."

"Good night, May." MJ left the room and hurried out the front door. May walked across the room and sat down on Peter's bed. Peter took his computer and sat across from her. The quiet and waiting was killing him. It was barely a full minute but it felt like a decade.

"Mary Jane is a great girl and I am very happy you found someone you like." May began, "I was your age myself. I know how important love and even heartbreak is to growing up. You've always had a good head on your shoulders, Peter. I trust you."

"Thanks, Aunt May," Peter said, this talk wasn't going like he had expected. Ben had handled all this before and he had been comedic but serious. May was sentimental.

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Mera naam Monika hai. Main Kolkata mein rahti hu. Ye ek real incident hai jo 1 saal pehle ka hai. Aur real hone se story long hai. Ye story Sonu jo mera slave hai uski help se uski hi language mein likhi hai. To story dildo sex ki hai. Hello dosto main Sonu hu, meri age 22, height 5’8 ft, fair color, lean body hai. Main college mein padhta hu. Mere ghar ke upar rent pe ek family rehti hai. Family mein uncle aunty hi hai. Uncle mere papa ke old friend hai. Aunty ka name Monika hai. Woh school...

4 years ago
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In my childhood days, I used to stay outside the town limits of Hasnabad, in a small cottage with my mother and pishimoni (my father’s cousin sister, who was about 4 years older to my father) there was no concrete constructions around our cottage. A few village huts existed only beyond about half a kilometer in radius surrounding our cottage. I had a bicycle which I used for going to school/tutions or procuring articles from Hasnabad. My father was in the defence, posted at Lilabari, Assam. He...

3 years ago
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Account of an Aussie Orgy

Dave, I’m happy to contribute the below details of the meet (unfortunately now that autumn is here – the speedo concept / pool party is likely to be put on hold until we hit spring again). The names and exact location are changed so that the group and members of the group are not identified. The afternoon went as follows… As the host of this little gathering, I sent an email to all the guys who had confirmed their attendance to the Speedo Party on the morning of the meet. Proceedings kicked...

3 years ago
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Account Of An Aussie Orgy

Last year, pre-covid of course, one of my members reached out to me asking me if I'd like to attend a gathering that he has regularly with a bunch of guys at his place (he mentioned a beautiful pool).  The group of guys are are 'speedo friendly' and he thought I would fit in. Yes, it is a regular Speedo Pool Party / Orgy. It is only a couple of hours from my house but I couldn't make it (I was in Colorado at Kip's place, having my share of Speedo Hottub Parties / Orgies). I asked the host,...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Account of Courtney Jeremy

(Ed Note. The Immersive Text starts by clicking on Follow Courtney, then Follow YOU. Thank you,) Courtney Jones stood nude and wet from a shower in front of the mirror in her bed room smiling. Her long strawberry blond hair was pulled into two long pigtails that made her look younger than her eighteen years. Her C-cup breasts stood proudly from her otherwise lithe frame. Her mother and father always claimed she had a smile of an angel, and she had enough compliments that it was probably true....

2 years ago
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Account of an Aussie Orgy

Last year, pre-covid of course, one of my members reached out to me asking me if I'd like to attend a gathering that he has regularly with a bunch of guys at his place (he mentioned a beautiful pool). The group of guys are are 'speedo friendly' and he thought I would fit in. Yes, it is a regular Speedo Pool Party / Orgy. It is only a couple of hours from my house but I couldn't make it (I was in Colorado at Kip's place having my share of Speedo Hottub Parties / Orgies). I asked the host, 'K',...

2 years ago
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Account of an Aussie Orgy

Last year, pre-covid of course, one of my members reached out to me asking me if I’d like to attend a gathering that he has regularly with a bunch of guys at his place (he mentioned a beautiful pool). The group of guys are are ‘speedo friendly’ and he thought I would fit in. Yes, it is a regular Speedo Pool Party / Orgy. It is only a couple of hours from my house but I couldn’t make it (I was in Colorado at Kip’s place having my share of Speedo Hottub Parties / Orgies). I asked the host, ‘K’,...

2 years ago
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Campus Life Spring BreakChapter 5

Saturday afternoon and evening--Tylea and Lee. The glamor shot picture-taking event had been interesting. The four 'interns, ' as the students from Middlebury College had been dubbed by Deuce for the rest of the engagement, were driven to an upscale photography studio near Boston University just a few blocks from Fenway Park. Clothes, makeup, and jewelry were there in abundance as part of the glamour shot business for which this studio specialized. There were even two stylists on...

3 years ago
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The farmer down the road

So when i was 16 and in the prime of my masturbating years :p i suddenly started watchin different types of porn than your usual male/female. I first watched tranny porn and loved watchin huge black cocks rampaging dudes. I was absolutely hooked on these for a few months and then after a while i found myself moving from tranny porn onto gay porn, i had literally no attraction to men and i would never look at a man and say "oh hes hot" but i was obsessed with dicks! So anyways i always...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 402

Joke # 1 Sent for Vetting Sept. 10, 2020 ✧ ✧ ✧ RETIRED HUSBAND After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to WalMart. Unfortunately, like most men; I found shopping boring and preferred to get in and get out. Equally unfortunate, my wife is like most women - she loves to browse. Yesterday my dear wife received the following letter, from the local WalMart: Dear Mrs. Xxxxxx: Over the past six months, your husband has caused quite a commotion, in our store. We...

1 year ago
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First Time Sucking 2

Here i am at home again all dressed up and just about to jerk off when mary (soon to be ex fucking bitch. What could i do but get on hands and knees and pull up my skirt. Wife then tells mary to come here and we will put this crazy. Then she came with a big shutter and colapsed on the bed. Then mary turned to me and said get over here and clean her up i did what i was told. I was enjoying my self when i felt her at my ass. She shoved it up my ass and started to pump me for all she was worth. I...

1 year ago
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Aunt Robyn

Robyn told John that her niece Amy was coming by for the weekend. John sighed, but Robyn told him that Amy was hawt, and liked to party, so who knows where this could go. John’s face lit up, he’d always wanted a 3-way, and hoped it would happen.Upon Amy’s arrival, she had an over night bag and a 4 month old black lab named Spunky. Amy hugged Robyn and Amy hugged John, as John awkwardly hugged this cute 20 something cutie. Robyn showed Amy to her room and John petted Scooter who seemed...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Tamil Mami

Hello indian sex stories dot net friends. This is manish currently from chennai,with another incident of mine (do read my previous story. You’d love it if you are a tamil). This is about how I drilled by mami(aunt). Most of the conversations in this story will be in tamil for the ease of tamil reader. Talking abt my mami ,her name is kavitha (obviously name changed) ,she is in her early 40s ,mother of two and her hubby is a shift worker. You can’t really predict when he is at home. Sometimes he...

3 years ago
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Walking through Manchester one sunny day I cut through the back streets to an Adult store I visited regularly. I'd got to know the guy who worked there, Alan; he was happy to pass on the more hardcore uncensored stuff to me. I browsed the shop but I wasn't buying, I explained to him that I was flat broke. He offered me a leaflet off the counter."Try out for that," he said: "they're auditioning for a porn film. You tell them what you're willing to do and they pay accordingly."The audition...

2 years ago
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Housemaid in my 50s Part 6

HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES By Monica Graz PART 6 CHAPTER 16 Monday morning, two weeks later... I was sitting in a back seat of a public transport bus on my way to attend Miss De Laurentis housekeeping seminar. I very much tried to keep to myself, avoiding any eye contact, holding firmly my hand bag on my skirted lap. I was modestly dressed in a blouse and skirt outfit, light green shiny cotton blouse, and dark green...

4 years ago
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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 33

2016 And it was goodbye and that for a goodly period of time? Did I think about how she’d broken her promise to me? Did I think about how Selena was seeing things now, especially me? Of course I did. And, was I angry? The truth was that I wasn’t sure. I was very worried having my kid know about her mother, yes me, I was worried. I was worried how it would affect their relationship. I was soon going to be dead and forgotten. But, the bunch of them would have to go on. Shit what a mess. I’d...

1 year ago
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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 10 Somerset and cider

“It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Colonel Greenaway. I am Ivan Crossley, Senior Magistrate and deputy Lord Lieutenant of the County of Somerset. Welcome to Taunton.” He rose from his desk and held out his hand. I had no idea I would be shaking the hand of Sir Boris Crossley’s brother, and brother-in-law of John Stafford, when I had left Coleman Hawkins in charge of seeing the regiment into their billets while I made myself known to the ‘civil authorities’ in the great hall of Taunton...

2 years ago
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ChallengeChapter 6

I did the morning chores while Josey prepared breakfast for the others. Monique took a long time to get ready and helped too. Josey finally said, "Okay, we'll take the Suburban, but we won't do this every day. We pay taxes for the bus and should ride it. Finish and get ready so that we're not late for school." The kids could tell Josey was pissed and were trying to look busy and ready to leave. They could have made the bus, but Josey had already said they would drive. She told me,...

4 years ago
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24 Hour Record

We were late to the wedding "Shit!" I yelled as I heard the squeal of brakes, followed by a crunch and clatter behind me. "Shit, Shit, Shit, just what I fucking need!" I looked in the mirror on the drivers side, nothing. The passenger's side mirror didn't reveal anything amiss. The rear view mirror showed nothing either because of the giant box in the bed of the dump truck. I pulled on the emergency brake and hopped out. Stepping around to the rear of the truck to see what had run up my...

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Momrsquos Tiny Tits

Fbailey story My thirty-five-year-old mother hates being flat chested but I just love her tiny tits. Mom is really pretty, tall at five feet ten inches, and only a hundred and ten pounds. She is tall and thin like a basketball player. She wears size one and two dresses and wears a 32-A padded bra. She really doesn’t need a bra but she likes to wear sexy lacy bras anyway. She likes the matching panties and almost all of her panties are thongs too.Mom got worse when dad left us for a...

2 years ago
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Morning Rush Hour

Karen swayed along to the jostling and bumping of the subway, her hand tightly gripping the silver pole. Memories of the previous evening were playing and replaying in her mind. She couldn’t believe her boyfriend had dumped her by text! At 24, she was a tall woman, with long dark hair and 36C breasts. Her best assets were her long legs, which she loved to accent with short skirts and knee-high boots, such as the ones she was wearing today. She suddenly felt someone pressing up behind her and a...

2 years ago
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2000.08.29 -- Updated - 2001.01.10 I sit silently on an old fieldstone wall, concealed by a centuries' growth of green, watching the gray furred forms moving slowly past the trees a hundred yards ahead, as they chat with their daughter. 'Damn!' I think to myself. Sure, the Smittes are a sweet elderly couple, but they're utterly clueless ... which is fortunate for me and my 'special friendship' with ... oh, wait, there he is! Samuel's ears perk up as one of his acute senses detects me....

1 year ago
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Stephanies Mom

“Janelle?” I heard Rachel, Stephanie’s mom call up to me. “Yeah?” I called back down, walking down the stairs to meet her. “I have to drive Steph to soccer practice… Will you be okay by yourself for ten minutes?” “I’ll be fine,” I smiled. “Have fun at soccer practice, Steph!” I shouted down the stairs to her, as she left. “I will, bye!” She shouted back. Rachel was one of the hottest moms I knew, who, lucky for me, was a lesbian. I had turned eighteen a month ago, and on my birthday, she gave...

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The Cure Mfteen Fvoy inc cons rom

The Cure by SpectreOfHell Nina sat down on the sofa in her parent’s living room and crossed her legs. Across from her sat her father in his favorite tattered easy-chair. His eyes were riveted to her nylon-clad legs. Smiling, Nina hiked the hem of her short dress up an inch. Her father’s eyes met hers for an instant, and he smiled broadly before returning his gaze to her legs. She felt a shivery thrill run through her. She hiked the dress up another inch, exposing alabaster skin above the tops...

4 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 82

Wednesday I worked out hard in the gym after I spent several hours with Andy and Robert, then spent my daily hour at the firing range. My MP5, my Glock and M16 got a workout each day and a good cleaning after. Another thing I did was to make sure all the buckles, straps, and attachments were in good shape on my military grade body armor. With so much riding on the outcome of both France and Mexico, I was going to be there. I worked with Ching Lee, Vicky and Frank Hammonds on the Oklahoma...

1 year ago
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The Pageant Part 2

Long story yet again, but enjoy. I really loved writing it and I hope you all love reading it. Love to hear your feedback, so let me know what you thought. The two weeks had come and gone. Tomorrow was the pageant. All of the new inmates, including myself, were nervous with no clue as to what was going to happen tomorrow, but the look on the other inmates faces wasn’t very gratifying. Tyrone took me by the hand that night and pushed me down onto his bunk. “Let’s see how far you’ve come sissy,”...

1 year ago
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Chasing Megan 3 REDONE

Introduction: So after rereading the old version I also felt it was a little…lacking so I went back and fixed it. I hope its just as good as the first two or maybe even better! College was hard to deal with since the one person that I wanted to most was still in high school and in classes while I had nothing for the day. All through my math class I kept thinking of how her breasts looked so fuckable in the baby-top tops that she would wear when I was around her. Or how I just wanted her to fuck...

2 years ago
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Cheleke Jouno Sukh Dilam

NAME : Rira Basu MAIL ID: Prothomei bole rakhi…eta kono banano golpo ba uponnays noy….eta amar nijer jibon er sompurno sotti ghotona….ISS e ami bohu din dhore royechi…kintu r age ami konokichu likhini…etai amar prothom lekha. ISS ke sotti osonkho dhonnobad…karon ISS er incest lekhaguli porei ami amar jiboner ei sotti kotha guli ekhane bolte agrohi hoyechi…..lekhar ageo ami onekbar vebechi je amar jiboner ekanto goponiyo kothaguli sobai ke janano ta thik hobe kina…emonki amar cheleo amay...

2 years ago
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Turned On MomChapter 3

Anna reached down and scooped up some jizz that leaked out from between her slackened cunt-lips and used it as a lubricant to rub down her still-aching labes. Chet paced back and forth behind the couch as Greg lay on the floor. "I think I can trust you two," Chet finally said as he stopped walking back and forth and leaned on the back of the couch. "Why not?" Anna wondered out loud. "Well, what I'm going to tell you isn't exactly approved of in the Navy Regulations," Chet began....

1 year ago
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Private Anya Krey Clea Gaultier Orgy At The Salon

Anya Krey and Clea Gaultier are part of the sexy hairdresser team in Private Specials, Happy Ending Hairdressers and today they’ve come to ready to go the extra mile and give their lucky clients, Alberto Blanco and Sam Bourne, the ultimate experience. Watch these horny stars strip off and get the party started with a couple of deepthroat blowjobs as they get everything wet, ready and warmed up for the main event… An incredible orgy with some anal for Clea that has both girls...

2 years ago
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My fy

She had lived with her parents all her life in their very small apartment. They had only one bedroom so they all slept in the same bed. Every night since she was a baby, she had sucked her moms tits. Some nights she would suck one while her dad sucked the other. She had always watched her mom and dad fuck each other even tho at the young age she did not understand what they were doing. She loved watching her dad put his cock in her moms mouth and the mom suck on it till the dad screamed and...

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Art Class

I was trying to imagine what his dick looked like. Was it one of those that was long and thin? Or perhaps short and fat? Or perhaps long and fat? Was it circumcised or not? I wondered if it was wrinkled, the way it was sitting inside his bathing suit. Art, the model, had been posing in front of our art class for nearly an hour, and I had finished drawing his face and chest. I was working my way down, and for some strange reason I always had the most problem with legs. Both mens' and...

3 years ago
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Vacation at the BeachChapter 8

Finally us kids weren’t prevented from talking to each other. That didn’t mean our conversation was very coherent. There was a lot going on and everybody was processing it at different levels and speeds. Of us all, I think Tawny was the calmest. You’d think it would be otherwise, but when you’re that young you tend to think your parents don’t make serious mistakes. Yeah, they can be a pain at times, but you still think of them as being better than other adults. Or something like that. If...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Chloe Foster Dungeons And Dragon Dick

Chloe Foster is super into the world of fantasy. Dungeons, dragons, and all that jazz. But when she talks about dragons, she is not referring to huge mythical beasts. She is talking about her dildos! She has been training for a long time to take the biggest one, which she calls her dragon cock, and she loves showing off all her progress. She sticks them in one at a time until she finally penetrates her tight young pussy with the special dragon toy! After she sleighs the beast, our stud shows up...

2 years ago
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Shooter Bitch 2

Introduction: Sierra… Shooter Bitch stories. I like this premise. Here is a story about another girl I know that was a Shooter Bitch and what happened to her. I know it is similar to my other story but as I say I enjoy this premise. The only part that is exaggerated a bit is the sex. It is mostly true. Please enjoy. The names are changed. Sierra was a Shooter Bitch at a bar in the central United States for about four months. The smoke and drinking lifestyle got to her and she had to quit. She...

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Wedding Gift

Doug and I had been best friends since the first day at school. Who knows why you choose your first friend? It could be that your mothers push you together. It could be because you turned up at the school gates at the same time. Or it could be because on the first day you sat down next to each other. All I know is that Doug and I were friends from the first day to, well right up to today. Through the first few years we were always in the same classes. We spent holidays at each other’s houses...

1 year ago
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The Two Detectives

Police Detectives George Smith and his partner Police detective Charlie Foley wait outside of their boss's office. After they had been sitting for a while Charlie to his friend and he Said "George did the police chief tell you why he wanted to see us"? George looked at his friend and he shook his head no, after a short nerve racking and irritating wait they were finally able to speak the chief of police. After some small the Police chief got down to business. "Gentleman your probably...

1 year ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 17

I awoke to the sensation of a naked form pressed up against me on either side. I looked and found Lillian on my left and Janet on my right. I was not sure how long I had been asleep but based on the sounds coming from the forest around us, it was close to dawn. I tried to remove myself from their embrace, but that only served to awaken both as a result. I watched as both women stretched their aching muscles and enjoyed the delightful way their breasts jiggled with each movement. I saw the...

3 years ago
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Page SixChapter 9

Page Six Last seen: The aforementioned Josie Paterson last heard having an argument with her mother in the dressing room at Bendel's. Sources say her mother was pretty riled up to see how trashy she looked in the Page Six of Monday. The gals, Emma, Amanda, Elizabeth, and Nicky, gathered at Bendel's to shop. They grabbed tons of Dolce & Gabbana, Ralph Lauren, Oscar de la Renta, Prada, and Les Best dresses, claiming they had somewhere fancy to be that weekend. As Emma stripped to her...

1 year ago
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The Time MachineChapter 3

Walter stumbled onto a method to freeze time while trying to design an anti-gravity generator. He had turned on the power to his anti-grav unit for it's first full blown test and had been severely disappointed when it failed to affect the weight of his test load. He was about to turn it off when he noticed that the test clock was not ticking. He also found that nothing changed in his entire measurable universe except him. He could find no set of known criteria that explained it until he...

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A friend in need of help Part 2

After the school year was over we all were happy to get out of high school and looked forward to collage. Me and a couple of my friends (including Jasmine) decided to attend collage at the same time. During our break I ended up getting a 2 story hotel room with 1 bathroom, a living room and kitchen, dining room and one gigantic master bedroom. Me and Jasmine had always talked about being roommates and now we were. We were able to pay for it without much struggle since I was now promoted to a...

1 year ago
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My Hubby 8211 My Slave Puppy

Hi friends my name is Soniya. I am from Mumbai. I am 27. Me n my hubbies Amit have been married for 1 year now. I am a reader of this blog and both me n Amit enjoy reading those hot sexy encounters… Like all newly married guys we enjoy our sex life also and love to try all different things. The best thing that both of us enjoy is role-play. We like to have sex domination and he loves me to dominate him in bedroom and treat him like my slave. Like all those stories i would also like to share one...

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Crystal PassionChapter 12

Polly Tarantella hadn’t always been the great custodian of Crystal Passion’s legacy nor always the music’s greatest champion. In fact, I first heard of her when Olivia—one of the few original band-members I still keep in touch with—e-mailed me a link to a Rock Music website I’d never have discovered otherwise in which Polly Tarantella lambasted Crystal Passion with a vehemence that was bizarre given the many years since the band had broken up. In those days she was known as Sally Tyrant and...

3 years ago
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Caught In The Act 4

When we got off the elevator and walked down the hall, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her sexy ass. As soon as we entered the room, the bags hit the floor and Jill was in my arms. She started kissing me while taking off my shirt. In just a matter of a minute, she had my clothes off and started on hers. I watched as she removed each piece, exposing her sexy body. Then she walked back to me. She said, “It's time, I have to have your cock. I want it right fucking now.” Jill took my hand and led me...

2 years ago
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A Whole Lotta WomanChapter 4 End of the beginning

"I've been studying aromatherapy for over a year now" I informed her, lighting a candle as she sat on the bed pouring another drink. "Really!" she blurted out in total amazement, looking up to scrutinise me closely. "No kidding" I replied, looking down and taking a hefty swig of the vodka with a nod of thanks. "You're full of surprises" she stated, pouring one for herself as I put down the glass to walk around the bed and light another candle which flickered opposite the other...

3 years ago
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Revenge With Friends

I met Kat at work two years ago. She was 22, 18 years younger than I, but we had a connection from her first day. I was the owner at a small ad agency, and she enjoyed flirting with, and later dating the boss. She was so pretty and alive, with an amazing body. She didn't dress slutty, but her curves were never hidden in the sundresses she wore all summer or the sweaters she wore in the winter. Things moved fast, she had moved in with me after four months, and I married her 6 months after...

1 year ago
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For Starters 4

Part 4 - You should read the previous 3 parts in order to understand me better. I would love to get comments, is the first time I’m writing something.I started to have the feeling that something was changing in my relation with George. Sex was almost as good as at the first days, I couldn’t get tired from having my cock in his mouth and fucking him 2 or 3 times each day that we met, normally every Saturday, either in his office (most of the times), in the inspected building after he assured...

3 years ago
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Shes All That Laney Boggs Meets Taylor Vaughan Again

It had been a few years since Laney Boggs graduated from Torrance High School. Now, she was a junior in college but in that long a time, things had changed irrevocably. College wasn't anything like the way she remembered high school. Almost everyone was from out of state and few people came from her old institution where she had a reputation for being unpopular. Even if the situation was different, it wasn't likely anyone would believe she was a geek in high school. She'd long since...

1 year ago
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cunts Poker Duties

The cunt’s Owner had friends that came for poker once a month. This cunt would have to get to the Owners house as early as possible Friday evening and make sure the house is neat and clean for guests and make snacks to serve the the guests. As soon as this cunt ever entered the Owners home it would remove all of its clothes and place them in a box just inside the front door, the cunt would put its black leather collar on. The cunt would get everything ready and then kneel with knees spread and...

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Kissing Sister

My sister backed away after our first kiss. I mean, real honest-to-god kiss. Not a sisterly peck. Full, wet, even a bit of tongue. Me, I’m just hanging on to dear life. My soon to leave for college sister is kissing her sixteen-year-old brother in a very intimate way. She said it was ‘PRACTICE’. Me, I’m Rick, Richard. Don’t call me Ricky ... unless you are a girl. Then you can call me anything you like, ‘cause at least you recognize I exist. At least at that moment. Now understand, I don’t go...

1 year ago
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EchoChapter 6

Originally he had planned to knock her out, but now with his id in firm control, any thoughts or feelings of guilt or remorse were currently a very hazy memory. Something inside of him wanted to her to hurt. It wanted to see her pain, her suffering. The mere thought of it stoked a fire burning inside of him that would have disturbed him had he been his usual rational self. All those years of repressing his emotions and dark desires had built a mental dam that burst in spectacular fashion as...

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Brood Emperor

"All hail Emperor John XVI!" A hall full of female voices chant as you step forward in your ceremonial robes of office. It was some cycles (Earth years becoming antiquated in 2485) ago that you were born, you father's genetic modification sensing his bodies fading vitality issuing the only male child of his 211 cycle reign. Your father's father's father, John XIII, was the first emperor after the purge. The purge wiped out all male life in the galaxy, apart from the emperor. Genetic...


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