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Perhaps I am feeling a little jaundiced at people that commit crimes and blame their inner demons and get away with murder. As in the case of the idiot that went into the movie theater in Colorado, shot the place up and plead 'insanity',

I reply, to wit, man up.

This story, as always, is true. I definitely changed the names just in case. I found, in a very old box, full of very old pictures a nude I took of the subject of my story. It is in my gallery, a public picture. The pic is entitled the same as my story. I took this picture n the summer of 1987 in the front room of her house she lived in at Tahoe Park in Sacramento, CA. . She loved showing off her nude body to me. Of course, it was not bad to look at. Then again, I will let you be the judge.


After Molly and I split over our difference of opinions on how my career should unfold, I swore I would never, ever look at a woman the same way. Well, that vow lasted about a year and ended in the oddest of places, work.

I have often heard people say, "Never fish off the same dock you work on." In this case, it worked out. At Aero Jet, a rocket motor design and prototype company, the halls and offices were full of geniuses. Just having a B.S., made me low man on the totem pole. One such 'little person' (in the eyes of the PhD's) was the receptionist called Chris (not her real name).

Chris, like me had a Bachelor of Science in Math/Statistics, yet, managed to latch on as a receptionist. I was in prototype testing; translated to laymen's terms, I made sure the wires that went from one black box to the other made a connection. Brain dead work, but I had a foot in the door. Aero jet also had an astronomy club which meet weekly on Friday night and a rocket club. Rocket club was fun, as we got to blow things up.

Chris stood out to me at the Astronomy club. Most of the people in attendance had home built telescopes. After all, everyone had access to state of the art manufacturing equipment and telescopes larger than four or six inches were not readily available in retail shops; without a huge price tag. Remember, this was 1986 and the internet was virtually unknown.

I sat with my two inch scope, looking at Halley's (pronounced Haw-lee) Comet and Chris approached me and mentioned she remembered me from my internship days. That was three years prior, I either made an impression or someone fed her information.
Monday at work. Chris paged me to come up front at my break time. I was expecting a telegram from Molly, I figured Western Union had delivered to where I worked. Chris said, "Hi, I wondered what you were doing after work?"

"Nothing much, I'm just going home, maybe do some homework because I am working on my Masters. Why?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go out for some coffee?"

I readily agreed.

We met and had a lot in common. Both working on Masters Degrees, a little over qualified for jobs we held but holding out for something else. Chris was also an only c***d, had little extended family as most lived back East. Her parents were deceased so she was on her own, so to speak for only a couple of years We agreed to meet again.

We did.

Before I could recall the pain I felt as I saw Molly the Manager hop on that airplane and move to Switzerland, we started 'hanging out." Chris went to Church, a nice place. Their College/Career age group was large a mixture of pared up people, singles but the ratio of guys to girls was like the congregation I attended when I lived downtown. When I introduced myself and told everyone where I worked, someone quipped in the background, "Another genius to make the rest of us look dumb."

Before you know it, we were going to movies, I fixed her dinner and we just enjoyed each others company. By the time Thanksgiving rolled around, Chris asked something like, "Do you think we are exclusive?" I mentioned I had no intention of 'asking' anyone else out, and if I were asked out, I would decline. "Well, then we are exclusive. So here is my plan."

Chris's plan was to invite several of the people from Church over with similar circumstances (single, maybe paired up or family a long way away) and have Thanksgiving. Well, it was her house, I agreed to help. The night before, Chris walks in with a turkey, she has no roasting pan, let alone a pot big enough to boil the ten to fifteen pounds of potatoes. A quick trip to the store and asking people that looked like they knew what they were doing and the day was a success. Also throw into the mix a 'hunter' (a Church friend), that brought a wild boar ham and no one left hungry.

During that time of initial courtship before we had relations, I took things slow, waiting for her to make moves, as I was not wanting to open old wounds. During that three month time period, I acted like the Grand Inquisitor, asking mundane things like favorite color, least favorite food. I figured if this was going to work, I wanted to know just about everything I could. I shared the same things with Chris.

We were not intimate. Oh, we did some heavy petting and a little second base; rubbing over clothing, I did not try anything else. As Christmas approached, Chris admitted she wanted, for the first time in years to have a tree. Chris commented, "I can put myself under the tree and you can open me up." As we shopped, he held hands, giggled and kissed. Finally, we found the perfect tree. We got the tree home and she pulled out some very old ornaments, salvaged from her parents. Chris pulled out a box out of a bag she had stashed in the corner. It was a new box and handed it to me. It was a Hallmark Ornament; "First Christmas together."

"I bought this yesterday. I was thinking wonderful thought about you. I wanted you to put this on the tree," Chris said with a smile.

As I placed the ornament on the tree she finished the event by saying, "I hope we have many, many more."

We went to Church on Christmas Eve. Even though this church was a newer one, the lights and the candles (candle light service) made the whole scene look surreal. When we arrived home. I turned on the television and was watching something mundane. Chris said something like, "Well, I can think of nothing better than you waking up together on Christmas. I certainly hope you are spending the night? " With that, Chris walked over to me on the couch, picked up the remote and turned off the television, sat on my lap and kissed me. Her kissing soon started something wilder as before I knew it her sweat shirt was off and soon her bra. I had never gazed upon those nice tits before. They were firm and hard.

Chris unbuttoned my shirt and as we kissed, she ran her hands on my chest and stomach. Chris has seen me "topless' before and was always fascinated by my six pack stomach and my chest. Soon her tongue was moving down my stomach and she got on her knees and was unbuttoning my Levis. I gave her a little hand and before long she was stroking my dick.

"Am I doing this right?"

"You can't do it wrong, why?"

"Well, I've only had sex once, it was not very memorable, but I want to remember this Christmas Eve for the rest of my life."

She noticed my dribbling pre-cum on the tip of my penis and asked if I had already cum. I told her no and explained that was leakage of pre-cum. Chris did not try giving me a blow job but after a few minutes of jacking me off she said, "I have a bedroom. Take me there, I'm yours."

We arose together, I picked her up. like a groom dragging the blushing bride across the thresh hold. Chris was 5'2 and about 118 pounds, I towered over her so the both of us probably looked odd as of the size difference.

I gently laid her on the bed and laid beside her. I really did not know what she wanted next. I lay next to her and just massaged her tits and we made out. Her breathing became deep and soon she was pulling off her pants, revealing to me her wonderful pussy. Like all 1980 girls, she did not shave, and her bush was more a forest. Soon, I found her clit and started at first, a gentle massage. Her breathing became more forced and she said, "Oh, God, that feels good. Keep doing it. I don't know what you are doing, but it feels good."

Before long she started shoving her hips into my hand, and started saying, "God, that is good.....God, don't stop, keep doing it, keep doing it." With one big gasp, her hips fell on the bed.

Chris said, "I think I orgasm. I don't know. I have never had an orgasm before. What does it feel like?"

Well, it's not like I have a long list of lovers and I have never actually sat down and asked what an orgasm feels like."

"God, I was hoping to try intercourse again. I've only done it once, it was not very good for me."

With that thought, I told her to hold on, as I wanted to get a condom.

"Are you afraid of getting me pregnant? I'm not going to try and trap you, you are too nice a person."

Famous last words I thought to myself.

"Well, the way I feel right now, if I try anything, i won't last too long. I want this to be special."

I retrieved my wallet and put on a condom. Soon she started stroking my dick with the condom on and started sucking on the tip.
Since she had come down at that point, I started to bring her up again. Before long, my massages of her clit and vagina and the sucking of her breast were having an effect. I asked her if she wanted to be on top or bottom.

"I don't care, lets just do it. God, do it!"

As I got ready to insert I made sure I used plenty of her flowing juices and rubbed it on my condom. I found her vaginal opening and started to insert the head in. Chris let out a scream and said, "Ouch, God, that hurts!" I pulled it out at once. I asked if she wanted to try that again and she agreed. Same reaction. Chris started to cry. I said, "I did not mean to hurt you," "I've only done this once, it hurt too. God, I am so sorry." I told her there was nothing to be sorry about. I told her I was in love with her, not her vagina.

Chris said, "Well, this probably was not very memorable for you. I know guys get worked up and just want to finish off." With that she reached down and took off the condom and started to masturbate me. Her soft hands and her kisses from her warm lips, maybe even the Christmas music playing in the background (Silver Bells) lent a certain atmosphere to the situation. It was not too long before I came.

Chris wanted to watch that. She claimed she had never seen a guy cum before. Remember, gentle reader, this was still before the age of the internet, porn movies on line and piped in Playboy Channel; let alone Emmanuel movies on Starz.

I quickly cleaned myself up. Chris and I got semi dressed and we went into the front room. I poured us some Egg Nog and sliced a couple of pieces of fruit cake and we sat on the couch. Chris came in from the bathroom and said she was bleeding, not a lot but bleeding none the less. Despite her high education, I guess she fell asleep in the Health and Hygiene class as she asked if it was possible for her hymen to grow back.

"Well, hymens are like adult teeth, you only get one. Maybe the time you had intercourse he did not get in all the way or you have a particularly thick hymen. They don't grow back. Nor is a absence of a hymen 'evidence' a woman has had intercourse as some women don't have a thick one and it may break doing something as innocent as riding a bicycle or running. "

"God, if sex hurts all the time, what is so enjoyable about it?"

"Chris, my love, once things get going, you will forget all about it."

Chris did not bring up trying intercourse until New Years Eve. We spent it alone. Since I had put a great TV antenna on her roof, we were watching an San Fransicko Bay Area channel that was showing a very old re-run of Guy Lombardo doing a New Years Eve show from 1955. Chris, usually a light (if at all drinker) had five margaritas. Feeling particularly tipsy, she said she was going to take a warm bath, as maybe the heat would make things a little better. I did not know what she meant until she exited the bathroom wearing, well, nothing. Chris said, "Let's try again. Do you want to make love as I want to feel you inside me."

I did not have to be told twice. Since she was already undressed for the occasion, I disrobed and joined her in the bed. My usual foreplay kicked in. As I got her to a certain level, I thought, I decided to go down on her. Chris at first, giggled. I thought a strange reaction. Soon as I started to suck on her clit, she moaned in passion. Her hips were starting to bounce up and down in the bed. I stopped and asked, "Ready?" She said she was. I suggested to her we try doggy style as I could control my entry better. She got on all fours and I moved her over to the edge of the bed. She was a little short so I had to adjust myself.

I reached around the front and soon was massaging her clit. with the other hand, I separated her vulva and found her vagina and slowly put in my penis. Once again, she said, "Ouch." I was ready to pull it out but she said, in between the rapid breaths, "Don't stop, I want you to put it all in, I thought the bath and the alcohol would numb things. It has a little, don't stop." I inched my way in, with every thrust, she breathed in and out and her vagina contracted. Soon, I was all the way in and started pumping. With each thrust, Chris said, "God, that is sooooo good."

Chris was very tight. Almost to the point it hurt me, my inventory trick was not working and I could feel the welling up of my orgasm. I started to tell Chris I was coming and she said, "Go ahead, pump some more, give it to me.....give it to me." As I exploded, Chris screamed "God, I feel that. it is a great feeling." I kept it in, wanting to savor the moment and I could feel her vagina contracting. After I pulled my penis out, Chris collapsed on the bed and said, "God, that hurt a little, but once I got past some of the pain, the feeling was great."

Once again Chris said she was bleeding a little, but not as much as before. In retrospect, Chris had one of those hymens that was particularly thick and it took about three more sessions of intercourse, before she stopped saying ouch when I inserted.
Once we got thing loosened up. She was almost insatiable. Insatiable, for those of you who attended public school means not being able to be satisfied or desiring a constant stream of stimulation. Chris would call me at my area and ask something like, "Want to do a quickie for lunch?" Or, she would say, "Come right home (we were not living together and never did), I need a fix.
Chris loved "Girl on Top." It worked out for me as it gave me unfettered access to her tiny, but hard breasts. I also enjoyed the look on her face when she cum as she would tilt her head back and just let out a yell that I am sure the neighbors three doors down could hear. She loved oral, not as much giving as receiving. She would get out of the shower, lay down in bed and call me in and say, "Eat me!" Sometimes I would go for an hour or an hour and a half, just sucking and licking away. That made us late for Church more than once.

Rim jobs. She liked those too. I never tried anal, I did do the Double Penetration with my index finger when we were doggy style, that was more for me than her as the first few times I did that, she did a loud ouch, but got used to that feeling and she would just breath a little faster when I put in my finger.
We, in April, had a long talk, as I felt we should take things to their next logical step, maybe even get engaged. We looked at rings. She picked out a couple that she would like, but left the decision up to me.
I planned the engagement party in secret. The gathering, I held for the surprise, was just a Spring B-B-Que. with a few friends over. I told all the invitees to keep quiet on my little secret, as I did not want Chris to know. I enlisted my hunter friend to be the cook, as he was honored to serve as the chef at such an important occasion. Chris went through the entire day, up to the point I picked, not knowing what I had planned.

At a point, I gathered everyone around, got on my knee, pulled out the ring and asked Chris to marry me. Chris said yes, I placed the ring on her finger and everyone clapped and cheered. It was an engagement party to remember. Things were not that stable, as I soon discovered.

We picked a date the following July 1988. She had enrolled in the Teaching Credential program at Sac State and she would not be working, but had a six week break in classes during that time frame.

In August, after a particularly riotous romp, which included sucking and fucking and sucking some more; Chris rolled up in the fetal position in the bed and started crying. I asked her what was wrong.

"We are sinning. All this is sin. I never used to masturbate until you came along. Now, I do it in the morning, I go to my car or the bathroom at work. What would the Baby Jesus have said if he was to come back and seen us? Would he have taken us with him in the clouds."
Chris was never a particularly 'religious' person. She attended Church, as did I. To her, it was a social outlet. I told her, "Well, if you want to stop making love to sort of give our wedding night a special occasion to remember, we can stop. I don't have a problem with that."

"It's not just that. It's everything. I feel that I am losing control. Spiraling downward and I just can't stop."

I failed to understand what she meant. Chris told me that she had also applied and was accepted into the program at her Father's Alma Mater, Yale. She was leaving next week.

That was beyond a dagger in the heart, that was more like a pallet of bricks on the head, a dagger and pulling out all my teeth. She never told me about applying or moving out of state
"So, where does that leave us?" I asked. "Are we going to get married, do you just need time alone?"

"it's not you. It's me. I still want to get married to you. I just want to do this."

Chris still considered us engaged as she left. I cleared out her house, taking her clothing and putting it in boxes and her furniture was early American garage sale so I gave it away and hauled some of it off.

Chris called me a couple of times. Then the calls stopped. I did not know what demons were in her head (I make that statement in retrospect as to what I learned later). Thanksgiving and Christmas came and left. I did get a Christmas card from Chris with a long letter saying she had dropped out of school but was going to return start back up in January or maybe she was going to come back home, but she had not decided. She claimed she missed me and was sorry she left me alone for the holidays, but she hoped some day I could understand.

The first weeks of 1988 rolled in like a banshee. Storms and rain and a knock on the door. It was a government official that was looking for Chris "X." I told the nice man we were engaged, she did not live here but I could get ahold of her as she was back East. I asked what this was about. The nice man said, "Well, I guess I can tell you. I regret to inform you that "Donna X" her sister has passed away. She killed herself last Tuesday. Since Chris X is the next of kin and is listed as the only family member, we need to notify her of the death and want to know how she wants the body disposed of."

I was numb. Chris told me she was an only c***d. My curiosity was aroused and I asked where she was when she died. "A mental institution called XXXXXXXXX. Evidently, Chris X moved from her house on Brad Street and we got your name and address from Aero Jet."

I gave the nice government man the last address (from the Christmas Card) and phone number that I was given by Chris. About two hours later, my phone rung. It was Chris in tears. In-between the sobs, sniffles and outright crying, Chris gave me a flight number and arrival time and asked me if I could ferry her about as she had "no one else that understands' to help her. I did as she asked.

Back before oBama Bin Laden, one could go to the gate at an airport and meet loved ones. I met Chris at the gate, gave her a hug and we left. Chris just had the carry on bag. I did notice she was still wearing our engagement ring. Not that I though I was going to claim any conjugal rights, I thought maybe there was still something. I also decided to let her tell me why she failed to tell me about an older sister.

When all the arrangements were done, Chris and I had dinner at a real dive in the city where the hospital was located. Chris said, "I need to come clean. My sister at age 14 tried to burn down the house and hang herself in the back yard. She was also a cutter and had five attempts to commit suicide. My parents had her committed and the bulk of their estate was block granted to the hospital to care for my sister." I was speechless and Chris went on.

"My father, after my mother died, just did not sit and die from a broken heart or some sort of illness. My Father killed himself. He put a gun in his mouth and holding a very old family picture, he shot himself."

I was speechless, once again. "Why didn't you tell me about this?" I asked. "This certainly has caused you some pain, wouldn't it have been nice to maybe discuss this with someone you loved?"

Chris then told me about some of the 'problems' she was having, that started at age 19. She was on regular meds to help her 'focus' as she put it. She never shared the name of the med.

"I went off the meds shortly after we started hanging out as you were making me feel much better. I know that was wrong, it did not take months I started noticing a change in a couple of weeks, but somehow, being around you made me feel better. You were my cure. "

"Why, if the meds were keeping you focused, go off them?"

"I don't know, my meltdown of early August had been brewing for a while."

I, as I was always good to do, changed the subject and we went on with her day. Chris did not want to see her sister's body. Maybe that was her method of closure.

Her return trip was in five days. I let her sleep in my bed, I took the couch. I tried to re-kindle nothing, During her stay, we went to Church, everyone was happy to see her and my hunter friend was happy Chris was back to stay, as we made a 'cute couple.' "The Hunter" (Gregg) had become an acquaintance. I later told him a couple of weeks later, the reason why Chris had returned, he was flabbergasted by the revelations I had just discovered.

I offered to go or drive her back East. Chris said she needed to do this 'alone.' planned to return to Sacramento. Chris called me when she arrived. I spoke to her a couple of times, I called her. Our conversations were pleasant. At the end of each call, Chris said, "I love you. You probably deserve better than me," and she would hang up. I called one day and the number was disconnected. Mail was returned with no forwarding address.

I moved on with my life. Lisa, the daughter of the Pastor of a Church I attended and I finally looked at each other and decided we would be 'exclusive.' We were married in 1991.


Like a bad 1960's television show, there is an Epilogue to this story.

At the end of August, 1993, a nice government man knocked at my door on a warm Saturday afternoon. I was asked if I was "Mark Andersen," knowing I was in no trouble for anything, I said yes. He asked me if I knew a Chris "X". I said, yes, at one point we were an item but she moved out of town and I had not seen or heard from her since February 1988. The government official said, "I am sorry, I regret to inform you that Chris "X" is dead. According to the information I received from the agency and the person whose name is on the piece of paper I handed you; you were listed as "Next of Kin" and as an "Emergency Contact." If you want any more information, you need to call that number.

I just stood there, not moving, afraid I would pass out. I thanked the man. He did not even get past the stoop as Lisa asked, "Emergency contact? Next of Kin? Just how into this girl were you. I know you were not living together, you told me you 'Popped the question,' but she up and disappeared so you moved on. I could tell in your voice, six months later, you were hurt by her. "

I told Lisa the whole story, as I knew it. I never wanted to tell her, as it was not relevant to our life together. In addition, we had a policy of not discussing past loves.

I called the number on Monday as I had the day off and Lisa was also on vacation.

Evidently, Chris was committed into a mental hospitals, several times from 1988 until her death. The person I spoke to gave me several different diagnosis based upon the paperwork he had received from the various institutions, all contradictory from what little I knew about mental health issues. Evidently, she finally had enough of life, as the line between genius and mental illness is a fine line.

To take that 'final trip," Chris took a hand full of Tylenol 3 (30 mg of codeine), drank a half quart of Gin, tied a bag around her head and hung herself. I guess she wanted to die. She had already been buried, as, according to the voice at the other end of the line, they were having a hard time finding me. That was a lie as I lived in the same house and had the same phone number since 1987. The date Chris picked to kill herself harkened to me from her cold paupers grave in Scranton Pennsylvania; July 17, 1993.

Chris and I picked July 17 as our wedding day.

I was in a bit of a daze for a couple of days. I pulled out my old phone book and called a couple of people that she was friends with at Aero Jet. They were surprised as they thought she had a lot going for herself and were amazed she took off on me, as I could have been easily the "Catch of the Day," or so they said. I told them it was never about me, she had problems. They probably did not, nor did I, understand the demons in her head.

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Who are you

Who are you?We were on the bus on the way back from the first away game when someone finally said it. It had been hanging in the tension filled air that completely bewildered the new members of the band. "So who wants to play 'Who are you?'" called an anonymous voice in the crowd and everyone sophomore year and up looked around with eager looks on their faces, me included. We were under the cover of darkness, so the camera couldn't see us. The band directors were all in their own car, leaving...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Afternoon at the movies

Well after i was at the movies today with some friends and i saw this hot girls in this lil sundress that only just covered her. I was remembering about some times i had been to the movies with a old bf from my swim team when we went to Sydney and the fun time i had.Well i was going out with brent (not his real name) and he was older then me and on the swim team he was the cool older boy that all us girls wanted to be with and he picked me. it was not long before we were having lots of fun...

2 years ago
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Being More SocialChapter 19

I had always tied the normalization of seeing things growing to the end of the school year. I felt like it was fitting to feel freed from the shackles of school just as everything started growing again. It was summer’s saving grace to me. Or at least late spring’s. A week to exams. I felt like I may as well have blinked and second semester flew by. If I was any more ignorant, I would have presumed this was what it was like to grow old, on a much smaller scale. It wasn’t that time was getting...

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Carins continuing adventures February

So I haven’t been able to tell you all about my adventures lately, mainly because I’ve been having so much fun I haven’t had time. But you should all know that I’m enjoying my new found sexual energy. My best friends Dawn and Darren have been expanding my horizons, and I have been less stressed and more willing to let them teach me than I ever expected.It might have something to do with the fantastic orgasms I get from the two of them. Together, they can get me to pass out from the excitement,...

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A sex story about a plumper lady and her dog

This is a story about Nikki who began at an early age to like a good K9. She grows older as her doggie side is forgotten, but not for long. She winds up with two big dogs as she enjoys each one. My name is Nikki and I am a 42 year old woman who is into K9s. You might call me kinky but I have been into K9s for some time. I am a married lady with a grown family. I have a wide ass on me and plump thighs, though I think of myself as fat, I am a little on the plump side. I keep my pussy shaved and...

2 years ago
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From German Teacher To Class Slut

I am a German language teacher at a local class in Thane (Mumbai). I am 23 years old and know up to C1 level of the language. I come from a Sindhi middle-class family and I have never had a boyfriend or a relationship. I have never been intimate with anyone and have never thought much about sex or masturbation and all. It all started when a lady from the class called me asking to teach a batch of A1 (the first level of the language). For me, this was like A, B, C, D and I agreed. On the first...

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A Wife for the Making Part 4

As you're doing that I smile to think that it was my mother who started me down the road to becoming this girl in the mirror, and now you're finishing the job she abandoned. I watch us in the mirror as you begin to fuck me, my breasts hanging heavy and low, my earrings and my pendant all swaying in time to your thrusts. I lower myself onto my elbows so that as my breasts swing back and forth beneath me my nipples are just barely rubbing against the bed cover, sending little jolts of...

2 years ago
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Iss Reader Shipra Satisfied

I recently wrote my first story at ISS and it was met with positive reviews so I bring another real story. After writing story I got an email from a girl on my Email ID: that she want to watch Hate Story 2 with me. I knew these encounter was going to be great as Hate Story 2 is Erotic Thriller. The girl booked 2 tickets at PVR Director’s Cut at Select City walk. As you guys know I am from Delhi and like to help satisfy the lust and sexual needs of sexy Aunties, Bhabhi and Young Girls too. So I...

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Pates evening out

Pate was in a really slutty outfit, no bra or panties for our evening meal in a restaurant We sat in a booth and I would take the ice from the drinks and slide it into her pussy and one into her asshole... Then sit back for a few minutes and watch her squirm. As she squirms I can see her nipples get erect as can the waiter who is ogling her magnificent tits. We order some wine and I spill a little while helping he drink which stains her blouse, we look around and I ask if she wants to please...

3 years ago
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I couldnt help myself

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. My 18 year old not daughter had been drinking all night. She was dressed in a short red Christmas dress with white fluffy trim, with a cute Christmas hat to match. She even had on turned up red felt shoes with a fluffy pompom on the turned up points. The dress was too short, especially for a f****y gathering, and I could feel every man’s eyes on her, every pubescent boy’s, even some women whom I had always suspected. My daughter’s a flighty girl...

4 years ago
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The BlizzardChapter 8

I pulled into our drive and saw my mom’s car parked beside the Odyssey. I parked behind the van so as not to block her in. Inside I found her and Andrea sitting on the sectional with a pile of shopping bags on the coffee table that Walter had made for us. “We went shopping for maternity clothes,” Andrea said, “now that I’m starting to show.” “I told her to enjoy her second trimester” Mom added. “I am feeling so much better now that the morning sickness is gone. I feel pregnant but not TOO...

4 years ago
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Sensual Bondings

He reminds me, I am to remain silent. He tells me any noise, will result in punishment. I say I agree and he smiles, so slightly. I had spoken. He places his hand across my mough and gently shakes his head. He reaches to his weekend bag, and pulls out a gag. He fits it to my mouth. I can taste the rubber on my tongue, and I twitch it over the insert of the gag. I keep watching his eyes. He puts his legs out straight and pulls a few cusions over his lap. He motions for me to lie across his...

1 year ago
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How I Fucked Neighbor Bhabhi

Mera naam Arun hai aur mein Rohtak se belong karta hun, meri age 27 yrs. hai aur mujhe married ladies or girls ka saath sex karna bahut pasand hai, dikne mein average hun aur lund ka size 7 inch lamba aur 3 inch mota hai. Hamare ghar ke saath mein ek family rehti hai bhaiya aur unki wife Neha, bhaiya ki age 35 hai aur bhabhi 29 yrs ke dikhne mein bahut sexy bhara badan size 36-32-36 mast gadraya badan..Phele toh meri bhabhi ko leke koi sex ki intention nahin thi, par last week bhaiya kiss kam...

3 years ago
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Hugo Chapitre 15 La pice au bout de lescalier

Chapitre 1 : La pi?ce au bout de l'escalier Samedi 1er Mars. Prologue. ?a n'?tait plus possible. ?Hugo, repose ceci imm?diatement, et calme toi.? Cela faisait presque 10 fois qu'elle devait r?p?ter cette phrase. ?Je ne veux pas ranger ma chambre! C'est HORS DE QUESTION! JE NE VEUX PLUS T'OBEIR! GROSSE PUTE!? Hugo avait 12 ans. Ses yeux verts lan?aient des ?tincelles, et ses jolies boucles n'en ?taient pas moins venimeuses. Il causait grand soucis malgr? son jeune ?ge. Col?rique, capricieux, agr...

2 years ago
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My Hotwife has a date with our friend

This happened a couple of years after we had met Eric ( Mr Thick) as some of you may know he is a friend I share my wife with on occasion she calls him that because well he has a thick cock and she loves how he stretches herIt was in the middle of the week when I got a message from Mr Thick letting me know he would be in town for 1 day not his usual 2- 3 day stay for business. He said I have a favor to ask, its ok if you have reservations about it and say no but I was wondering if I could have...

3 years ago
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Honey and CreamDay 4

They lay together, spent and sweaty, as the dawn broke. When they finally arose and dressed for the day, he admired the chain about her waist. Helena asked, at last, what the Dancer's name was. "Nandi. You should feel honored; she rarely gives such a gift." Helena looked down, "I wanted to give her something but I have nothing so fine..." He kissed her then and striped off her shift. "Sire! What..." she was mortified when he stuffed it into his pack, "Sire, no! 'Tis old and worn....

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Amandas Nightmare

This event shook me up so badly that I'm not to sure where to start. The story that you are about to read might have been true if it weren't for the nightmare. I came so close to doing what you are about to read. Anyway, here's the story. The computer was shining in her face like a giant light bulb. She had been trying for several weeks to find an interest in her new toy. So far nothing she found interested her very much. At first she looked at the site's that contained information on...

3 years ago
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How It All Started with the MIL Chapter four

How It All Started with the MIL Chapter fourBetty was standing just three feet away from Joy and I as we sat in the chairs and listened to her rant about what she believed had occurred in the last hour or so. I was beginning to feel a little sick knowing someone had discovered our nasty secret and I’m sure the look on my face left no doubt in Betty’s mind she had a clear understanding of what Joy and I had been doing.“Joy I just can’t believe you would do something like this with your Son...

1 year ago
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The Yellow Book Fantasies Ch 13 Shes Getting Married

I still had her panties. They started my collection. They were purple. I still felt their softness as I thought about her. I still had her number too. I missed her. I missed her beautiful face. I missed seeing her on Facetime. But I learned something recently: Fuck love, and all that comes with it. Despite being a giant horn dog, I am a giant romantic. This story is about dreams and hearts broken in the form of three words:“I’m getting married.”Remember Amber, from my very first encounter? I...

4 years ago
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A Meeting of Maids Part2

I ran back to my house and breathlessly filled a bag. I packed my two favorite uniforms the black and the pink PVC. I selected a couple of sets of underwear and a couple of pairs of shoes. Because the bag was not very big I had to be selective. I wondered if I could get Roberta to come to my house for a dress up session, maybe in the future I hoped. Packed I hurried back to Roberta's house. Roberta ushered me in and we went upstairs to the spare bedroom, this was where Roberta kept her...

4 years ago
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Earning her tuition

I was only nineteen and my world was over! One little clerical error and I was no longer eligible for the student loan I needed to get me through my next semester. I didn’t even have family that could help me. My mother was a waitress living paycheck to paycheck, and my father died when I was six. I had been in a daze of disbelief when I left the college’s office, where Mrs. Banks had broken the bad news. I had known the moment I walked in and saw that she was smiling at me with a look of...

3 years ago
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My first black BBW

I had joined one of those adult friend finder type of hookup sites when it all happened. I was your typical white guy wondering what it was like to be with a black female. I found a black female with a really cute pic an decided to message her. She lived about 30 miles from where I had lived at that time. We sent mesages back and forth for about two weeks before she gave me her phone number. She was a really cute black bbw about 5"6 240 lbs or so with eyes that screamed fuck me. She sent me a...

2 years ago
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Taking the Class Part 4Chapter 11 Sunday Afternoon 103PM

“I really needed this,” Mom said. She swallowed the first bite of the overflowing, disgusting pizza slice seemingly without even chewing. Will stared across the picnic table at her, the slice in his hand forgotten. The remainder of the slice in Mom’s hand followed just as quickly, and she sighed in contentment. “That hits the spot. Tony always makes the best pizzas—I think it’s the cheese blend he makes. And he put scotch bonnets on it for me! Looks like he gets to stay on my holiday card...

2 years ago
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Made Love To My Dearest Mausi 8211 Part 3 Showing Her Porn

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. AUTHOR’S NOTE- This part is a continuation of the previous part. For a better understanding of the story and to enjoy it to the fullest, kindly read the previous parts. In the video, now the son had started fucking...

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Emilys First Solo Holiday Part 02

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 02 DAY 03 ****** I woke as dawn was breaking, the air was warm, but fresh, the balcony doors being wide open. I looked beside me and saw Luke next to me still fast asleep. I smiled as I vaguely remember us fucking. I decided to wake him by giving him a blowjob and was pleased to see his morning woody when I...

3 years ago
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Anything For An Interview Suit

Anything For An Interview Suit William's Crazy Trip by Ann Michelle Copyright 2019. All rights reserved. For mature audiences only. All characters are above the legal age. Don't read this story if you are under the legal age or anything you see herein is illegal where you live. Don't try any of this at home. Introduction by Ann --o-- Hi Everybody, So many of you wanted a sequel to my story over at Amazon "Anything For An 'A'", so here it is! (This is a stand-alone...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 29 SisterinLaw Conflagration

Julie was mostly quiet over dinner. Alice noted that Owen, Dave, Pam, and Heather had all noted that she was braless. She wondered whether her father had noticed, but assumed he hadn’t otherwise he would have admonished his youngest adult daughter. After dinner, Myron and Elsie opted to head off to the motel that Dave had arranged. He explained that all they had to do was stop at the desk to pick up their key cards; everything was paid for. They were surprised and frowned when Julie opted to...

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Lizzie Moving InChapter 3

Friday August 5 I can't remember when I slept so well. Of course I got scared to death when Grandma woke me up. After losing a year or two of my life and after screaming my head off I gasped, "Grandma? How did you get in here?" "Easy, I have a key." "How did you get a key?" I asked shocked. "They came with the house." Grandma replied. "Oh, d'uh." Then I smiled. "Isn't this place great!" Grandma smiled, "Yes it is." "I'm surprised the Rents didn't know about it...

3 years ago
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Making Love For The First Time

Sitting on my couch, I glanced over at him and he grinned. He's so attractive and sexy I knew he wanted more and I think I did too. I leaned over, pressed my lips against his, and started kissing. He kissed me back, his hands traveling down my back and rested on my ass. I stood up, gesturing him with me to my bedroom. He pulled me closer with his hands on my hips. As his lips pressed against mine, he sat on the bed and pulled me by my thighs on his lap. God, I love when he grabs my thighs. My...

First Time
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The MistyChapter 3

There is an old, old saying. "The best laid plans..." I can't remember the rest, but it means that you plan for something, trying to cover all eventualities, but then something comes along and cancels out all your preparations. I had planned on departing early this morning, but a warship of the People's Union (or "PU") broke out of hyper and threatened to destroy any ship that was moving in system other than those that were already on an inward or outward track. I frowned when I heard...

2 years ago
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The Best Present Ever Pegging my Man

I was working from home, stuck with a sick c***d, when my whole world changed.My work laptop died and I realized I'd left the plug-in charger at work. Still having research to do for tomorrow, I went to my husband's office and grabbed his, as my sick c***d wouldn't let me leave him alone and go to my office and use my desktop.I logged in and went onto Chrome. As I started a search, I was surprised to see the archival searches that popped up when I started typing the word praxis.PegPeggingPegged...

1 year ago
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Slayer Girl

Dawn raised the stake and slammed it down into the vampire's chest. It exploded into a cloud of ash. Before the dust had settled, she was up again, fighting the next. She'd taken down three of them already and there were only two left: one currently operating under the delusion he could take her and a female that was circling her, looking for a way in."You won't survive as a slayer."The voice came from her right and Dawn spared a fraction of a second to look over.Her dance partner took his...

3 years ago
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Anna Kournikova at Marineland

Besides being a world-class tennis player, nineteen-year-old, Russian born, Anna Kournikova was also in great demand by the sportswear companies. Her supermodel good looks made her the top choice by them when they had in mind for the female clientele. This made her tennis competitors envious and jealous of her financial success because she was so much prettier than themselves, yet not as good a player as they were. This time it was a swimsuit company that had hired her good looks to promote...

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The God Sim

This is the Beginning. In the Beginning, there is nothing. Like the mysterious time before the Big Bang. An empty space, devoid of laws, rules and all life. You will be creating reality. The pawns you place will be your creation. The laws you make will shape their destiny. Create a fantasy world where the only currency was semen. Create a role playing game where the hero must fuck to earn experience points and loot. Load in reality as we know it. Change how the world works. At any time, you can...

4 years ago
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The Collar Around the HeartVery Early Sunday Morning

The night air was cold, and the wind had whipped the dark clouds overhead into tattered streamers. The car park was around the corner, five minutes walk away. After only a moment's hesitation, I slipped off my jacket to put it over Penny's shoulders. Mrs. Jones noticed out of the corner of her eyes and even in the dark I saw her raise her eyebrows at me. Penny just grinned in thanks and pecked me on the cheek. "Hey, the old clichés are the best," I explained. "I'm not complaining —...

3 years ago
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A Story Of Colleagues Ch 03

I looked at Lana… “How about you next?” She smiled, and began taking off the rest of her clothes. “You said you had taken it in the ass before, Lana… did you enjoy it? If so, did you want to do it again?” She looked up at me as she released her bra, freeing those gigantic orbs on her chest. I reached for them and took them in my hands as she thought. “I enjoyed it, but the guy was smaller than you. If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not.” I looked up at her as she responded, and placed...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 405

More mileage about Chasity Belts, here is one from Dorsai A knight went off to war with his king, but before he left he put a chastity belt on his wife. A few hours down the road, one of his fellow knights remarked to him “I don’t know why you put a chastity belt on your wife. As you well know, none of us find her at all attractive ... and even you have said you don’t particularly like lying with her either!” To which the knight replied, “Yes, I know that. But when I return, I’ll be able to...

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A New Succubus

A New Succubus. By Kachakali See more captions and stories on my hobby website http://fantasyspiroscaptions.blogspot.mx/ I used to be a boy in an orphanage. A kind old man adopted me. But he was anything but that. He was an evil warlock in disguise. I thought I was finally going to have a home, but when he took me to his palace, I was locked in a room. It has plenty of things inside for me to do and read. But I've been locked up before. I traded one cell for another. But I am not one...

1 year ago
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Lonely in London

Internet.By day I am a working professional but by night you will come to realise I am quite the sexual deviant. This is my story of a recent experience I had. My name is Suzie and I live and work in central London and have done for about 3 years now. Moving here on my own was a challenge in itself but also very difficult to make any decent friends. This is when I came to realise the wonders of the internet. Passing countless hours either chatting to strangers or browsing through the copious...

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It Begins With the First

This story is the first of it's series, there will be more depending on the reviews I receive from this one. So please leave comments. And suggestions on what you would you think should happen to other girls in future stories :) Enjoy It begins with the first. My name is Sarah and I am about to be the first victim of a brutal and humiliating rape. This is my story. I was camping during a long weekend one summer with some friends miles from the city. We rented a small...

2 years ago
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The Cuisine ClubRed Meat

I've since gone to a strip club or two in my day. You get a certain erotic charge of anticipation when you ask a girl for a lap dance, and she grabs you by the hand and leads you to the back area. I'm sure it's all part of the show, a way to maintain physical contact and forge a connection that makes you think with your dick instead of your wallet. And you know what? It works. At any rate, once Aaliyah took my hand in hers, she could have asked me to cluck like a chicken, and I would have...

2 years ago
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Ok you are a naked male or female. You are either seen naked in the bathroom showering, lost a bet, lost a strip game whatever the case my be. You could be naked and some one is bound to see you and your privates rathere male or female private part. There can be only cfnf,cfnm,cmnf and cmnm allowed in the story. So have fun with adding your story. No lesbian or gay sex allowed in the stories please.

3 years ago
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Jimmy Olsen Girl Reporter

JIMMY OLSEN - GIRL REPORTER by Victoria Crane This humble piece of fan-fiction is based on TG drawings by Fraylim. I went looking for more inspiration in the form of photos of redheads and I found a page of Lindsay Lohan pics. Several of them directly inspire the outfits our "heroine" wears in this story. (Hey, maybe Miss Lohan will play Jimmy in the film adaptation of my story!) I've tried to stick to the story as presented in the drawings, but obviously had to embellish....

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Fuck me in my cunt for Crissake

Alun knew that he was onto something by the looks she gave him. He hadnt set out to get together with a woman. He had just gone out for a drink at his local and met his friends. One of them, Vicky , had introduced him to Liz and they had got on like a house on fire, but Alun recognised that the fact that she was 15 years younger so he had enjoyed the interest and flirtation but held out little hope that it would grow into something more. That didnt really matter because he was enjoying himself...

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Im a bit of an unusual girl Part 02

by Vanessa Evans Part 02 The Full Brazilian One evening when we were sat eating in a cafe, a girl in a bikini came round handing out leaflets about a new bar that was opening on the outskirts of the town. At first we all had a laugh at the name of the bar, ‘The Full Brazilian’. Then there was the drawing, quite realistic actually, of a naked girl complete with curved lines and big dots for tits and a line representing the girl’s slit. The leaflet promised cheap drinks and sexy games. ...

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