Serving My Markus
- 3 years ago
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After I told my story about Fabienne and my mother, the others seemed to respect me a little more than they had before. They accepted what I said was true and not a fabrication. The tale of Fabienne beating my mother into submission had sounded almost unreal to me when I heard myself tell it to them for the first time. Yet, they all nodded and agreed that it was not only plausible but a very likely outcome for such an unruly wife.
I had never seen or heard my Father mention whipping my mother before. Yet, the others told me that many men did whip their wives and daughters to keep them in line. Carmen told me a story about how she and her sister came to be at Canard’s tavern. They were living in Gascogne with Esmeralda’s husband. He maintained a remote farm in Tarn-et-Garonne.
“Sabine and I were penniless after my husband was arrested for petty theft. I thought it best to live with my sister. My brother-in-law Matthew was a miser whose looks were less than engaging. He used to beat my sister every week. I must add that every week a horse’s kick had deprived him of his masculinity (ability to bear children/get erect) three years before. Esmeralda could not get used to this forced chastity,” Carmen said.
“I had no wine, no cock, and no fun,” Esmeralda started with a laugh. “Even a small dick would have been a welcome sight,” she held her fingers apart only a few centimeters. “I could have a little fun with a little cock,” she smiled. She lifted her skirts and the table and showed us her extended clit hood buried under her thick mane of dark cunt hairs. It was almost as big as a small penis when she had it fully extended. “I played with this when I couldn’t find a suitable cock,” she admitted churlishly.
We chuckled and drank while Carmen continued the story.
“Matthew was unable to please my sister. Any man within her reach was good enough. Inspired by her example, it didn’t take me to long to imitate her, and I participated in her carnal pleasures,” Carmen said.
“Tu plaisantes! Sister,” Esmeralda insisted her sister must be joking. “Do you remember the time you suggested we fuck the Blanchett brothers? How many were there? six?” Esmeralda asked her sister.
“Seven if you count their sister,” Carmen smiled wickedly. She told us how they went swimming in a stream near their farm and left their clothes hanging from a tree in the hopes they would be discovered. The wicked sisters set the clothes out as bait. When the Blanchett boys discovered the clothes, they stole them. Naturally, Carmen and Esmeralda pretended to be virtuous and insisted they give them back and then reluctantly agreed to have sex with them to get the clothes back,” Carmen admitted, obviously proud of her plan.
“If you wanted to have sex with them, why didn’t you just ask?” I asked.
“What would be the fun in that?” Carmen and Esmeralda both smiled and agreed.
“In any case, when Matthew found us, we were getting our brains screwed out. I was standing over my sister while they fucked us in every whole and diddled their sister. Matthew couldn’t believe this was happening. He said he could never have peace as long as we were up to this kind of scandalous mischief,” Carmen explained.
“He whipped us both in front of the Blanchett boys, and they joined in pulling and smacking us around. Then when he was finished, he tied ropes around our necks and dragged us back naked to his barn. He hung us by our wrists from the rafters and whipped us all afternoon,” Esmeralda told the story while fingering her clit and squeezing it. She said that now that she was pregnant it had become like a button she could press to give herself satisfaction. “If only I had this when I was with Matthew but he could not get it up to impregnate me!” she lamented.
“We returned to our duties around the house and the pursuit of our fornication and wicked pleasures the next day. Do you remember that tavern in Beaumont-de-Lomagne? What was the name of it?” Carmen asked her sister while pinching her nipple playfully as she asked the question.
“Auberge de la Gimone? They had a very fine stable boy there! He wasn’t much older than Jacques. He knew how to fuck, though. He could leave us both breathless,” Esmeralda admitted.
“Speak for yourself, sister!” Carmen humped her chair a little to indicate she had the energy to fuck all night before continuing the story. “Matthew worked all week. In the evening, when he came around, he didn’t have the strength to punish us. On Sundays, he made us pay for the good time we were having without him. He tied us up naked in the barn and beat us every Sunday whether we had done anything bad or not,” Carmen said sourly.
“We had usually done something wrong, though,” Esmeralda admitted.
“Oui, but the fool didn’t always know what we did,” Carmen explained. “We were defiant. We ridiculed my husband as the biggest cuckold in Gascogne, even in our screams of misery. He wanted to give us a real fire in our ass, and he often did. It was then that meddling old perverted priest Patenaude got involved,” She cursed his name.
Patenaude entered the barn because he heard their cries and insults. “Old pig, it is easier to beat women than to satisfy them,” Esmeralda was suspended by her wrists and kicking her feet as her husband beat her.
“Oh, Father, do you hear this slut? This Puttanna (Whore)?” Matthew implored the Father for sympathy.
“What is that priest of doom doing here?” Esmeralda asked her sister.
Carmen was hanging from the same wooden beam. “Ugh, probably begging for money. Unless he is here for us?” she implored her sister to stop hurling insults and eavesdrop on them.
Matthew and Patenaude discussed the fate of two women hanging in the barn-like they were livestock. Their ample well-whipped buttocks were still dripping with sweat from a long beating.
“Don’t get worked up, Matthew. Finish your work and offer it to God in appeasement of his rightful wrath that is crushing because of the crimes of these two women,” Patenaude demanded with stern condemnation in his voice. He heard the sisters were brazen hussies with no morals from many of the jealous wives in the region.
“All of my parishioners think that the great dry spell that we have been suffering for the past two months is a consequence of the crimes against nature and God committed by your wife and sister-in-law,” Patenaude said.
“It is quite possible!” Matthew was gullible and pious to a fault. He had no reason to doubt the priest’s word.
“I suggest you have them locked up in the convent. In your case, it won’t cost you anything,” Patenaude said.
“If it doesn’t cost anything, then I am all for it,” Matthew the penny-pincher said.
“You must watch them closely. It will take me a month to make the proper arrangements,” Patenaude said. He gave Matthew instructions much like Fabienne’s Devoirs Des Femmes notebook; only the focus was on religious atonement and flagellation.
“Matthew was stupid, but he feared God and his wrath. He felt any good Christian would make these sluts expatiate their sins instead of waiting for others to do it for us. It was for this reason he strained his wits in order to inflict the most amount of tortures on us according to his instructions. He believed that was the only way the Lord would pardon him for his negligence towards keeping us in line with more frequent beatings,” Carmen said.
She gave an example of a crude wooden structure resembling a catapult that Matthew made. He tied Carmen to the main wooden beam with her legs and arms bound on the sides. Then he chained Esmeralda to a platform and made her beat Carmen across the tits with a cane while he watched on a stump. The sisters had to take turns beating each other in plain sight of Jacques and Sabine until sundown.
“That wasn’t the worst of it. The troll did not let us out of his sight. He made us sleep in the barn and bound us like barnyard animals. He would have made us grunt “Groin-groin” like a pig if he had your imagination!” Esmeralda laughed. She described being tied up in the mud with a turnip or carrot shoved up their ass and the hungry cows trying to pull them out by the leaves. “He treated us worse than swine. He fed his hogs and cared for them. We were made to shit in that dung-infested barn and eat scraps even the animals found hard to eat,” Esmeralda’s expression was that of someone who smelled a stinky fart.
“Then Matthew got tired of wasting his time torturing us,” Carmen told us that he hung them from a pole outside the farmhouse in nothing but a ratty skirt.
“A piece of bread day after tomorrow should be enough! When you don’t work, then you eat less. Your are fat enough as it is bitches,” Matthew sneered. Carmen and her sister were very shapely and were well-endowed, so they were able to live off their stored belly-fat.
“He got satisfaction from starving us. He said that in the convent, we would have even less. We would have really liked to run away, but since the Priest’s visit, he kept us tied up all the time. Jacques even helped him keep an eye on us,” Carmen look sourly at her nephew.
“What choice did I have? He would have beat me as well,” Jacques shrugged. He had a sadistic streak to him. I knew he probably enjoyed watching them suffer.
They held no malice towards him now, or if they did, they didn’t show it. It was probably water under the bridge now.
“When the priest came, we were ready to say anything for mercy. He asked us to repent, and we did. We let him flog us while he marched us barefoot and topless all the way to the Église Saint-Jean-Baptiste. He marched us through Beaumont-de-Lomagne, Auterive, Gimat, and Avensac.
In each village, he made us stop and gave a speech about loose women. The people were invited to throw rotten vegetables and laugh at us while we received a flogging. We had to piss in the street in Auterive in front of a throng of jealous wives who all suspected we fucked their husbands,” Carmen said.
“We probably did,” Esmeralda laughed. She pinched her huge clit while her sister described the shameful parade they had to endure to be locked away by the church. Patenaude told them they would be locked in the basement and receive the Sacristan. Once they were in shackles, they were to be given a single bowl of soup.
“Never have I thought a sour bowl of warm brown water was more delicious than that day,” Carmen said. She described the cuts on the bottom of their feet and the whip marks on their buttocks and tits from an exhausting march in exquisite detail.
“The Priest’s handyman was very unattractive and lonely. It was only a simple matter for us to take out his cock and implore him for mercy. He called us temptresses, and succubi come to test his faith. We agreed and asked him if we had. He let us suck his cock and fuck him all night and promised us freedom,” Carmen said.
“Yet, it should have been no surprise that he left us locked up naked in the cellar. In the morning, when he came to get us, he said that the local villagers implored the priest to allow them to rough us up. He told us not to worry though because Petanaude had calmed them down,” Esmeralda said with a wintry smirk.
“Yeah, by promising to inflict a public punishment on us in front of the church in Avensac!” he said.
They were each strapped to a wooden stock that was modified from a broken spinning wheel. It was much like the Spanish Horse that Fabienne had purchased. The entire village showed up to watch the women receive two hundred strokes of the cane delivered on their bare asses.
“Our asses are plump, but even they did not offer enough padding. It hurt like there was no tomorrow,” Esmeralda admitted as she rubbed her buttocks just thinking about that memory.
“Then, to finish our disgrace, we had to listen standing up with irons as our only clothing to the announcement that we would be ex-communicated. This was followed by a homily by Patenaude, who thanked his parishioners for returning to the tradition of punishing loose women and making examples of them,” she said. They believed they weren’t even going to be permitted to stay at the convent after that. “It would be prison for us,” Carmen assured us their fate was sealed.
“Yes, but who saved you?” Jacques smiled glibly and put his thumb to his chest.
“We sucked the handyman’s cock until he passed out on top of us!” Carmen said that they freed themselves.
“Then it was me who offered myself to Petanaude to keep him distracted,” Sabine added. She claimed the pompous ass took her virginity.
Esmeralda and Carmen told her that despite her youthful appearance that they knew that was a lie.
“Okay, but he thought he was taking it anyway,” Sabine snickered mischievously.
“Yes, all of that was necessary, but it was me who stole the key and Matthew’s cart. It was me who rescued you! Just like Tom Sawyer would have done,” Jacques smiled proudly.
“Who the fuck is this Tom Sawyer you keep talking about?” Esmeralda said. Carmen and Esmeralda had no interest in stories about American Heroes in the frontier.
Jacques recited many of the tall tales I had told him about Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn to a very disinterested Carmen and Esmeralda.
“Ach, you are killing my erection,” Esmeralda let go of her erect clit-head and sniffed her fingers before licking them clean.
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Hey friends, Ankit here, after the overwhelming response I got from my last story, I decided I will share a more recent story that happened last year, to recap, I am a 19 years old guy with a very good body and not such a tall body. Last year after my semesters in December got over one of my cousins, my favourite cousin, her name is Ruchi(name changed), she came over to stay with us and she often does come over to stay with us and have a good time away from college. She is a very beautiful fair...
IncestI don’t know why, but my husband has ALWAYS had this HUGE fetish of watching me with other men, especially the fantasy of me being with a Black Man, unprotected and getting knocked up by him? Ever since I found out, I have dressed up, and played out the fantasy for him with various black dildos and different shades of them. It just turns him on so much, and sometimes I get into it myself to tell you the truth, because it turns him on so much to stand there and tape it then splice it all...
CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 13 HIDE AND SEEK TWO YEARS AGO... Dave watched the raindrops roll down the windowpane and morph into one another before they dripped away. Outside, it was pelting down so hard that it looked like the rain was coming up from beneath. He watched people scurry down the street with umbrellas, newspapers, and briefcases over their heads to protect their precious haircuts. It was dreadful weather. However, he was safely inside a nice warm caf? with a cup of t...
I had texted Justine, the athletic blonde that I had met outside Taylor's appointment , hoping to catch up with her again. "I'm sorry. I am up in Beverly Hills this week for work, but my morning is free. Do you think we could meet for breakfast? I would LOVE to see you again!" she had texted back. So here I was, driving nearly two hours north just to have breakfast with her. I made my way to the address she had sent me. It turned out to be the swanky Beverly Wilshire hotel. I...
I agreed to the meetup at my place and after class, he followed me home. We went into my bedroom to view my television. As he played the video, he sat down on my bed next to me. We were both still in our workout gear and he began narrating what was happening in the video. About 10 minutes into the video he was pointing something out he placed his hand on my leg to gain my attention. I looked at him and he turn towards me for a moment while he talked. Then this sexual tension began with his...
My wife, June and I have been married for 5 years and there are times I can’t believe how lucky I am. She is beautiful with long brown hair, big blue eyes with a fantastic 32E-23-34 figure. Her breasts are naturally firm with large brown aureoles and she loves having her nipples rubbed, bitten and licked when we have sex. When we first met she seemed to be quite shy about her figure, but she would get really turned on during sex when I would tell her how many men we knew that wanted to touch...
Group SexOctober 10, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “A toast to Barbara!” I exclaimed, raising my glass. “We’re glad she’ll still be a part of the family, even though she’ll be nearly 2,000 miles away!” “Hear, hear!” Dave and Cindi said together as a raucous cheer went up. “I also have an announcement to make,” I said. “The bank approved the financing for our new building!” More raucous cheers went up from the NIKA staff, my housemates, and the friends that I’d invited to Barbara’s going-away party....
Iqra woke up to the noise of her sister banging on her room door"Wake up It's already past noon" She shouted"I'm up" Iqra shouted backShe finally opened her eyes and got out of the bed. It had been a rough week and it everytime was like when she had her periods but this time it was different as because of those stupid periods she couldn't have sex so it made her even grumpier than she would normally be but it was about to change today as her periods ended. She was pissed that they continued...
Irene, on her back in the middle of the superking-sized bed, planted the soles of her feet firmly on the cotton sheet. Gazing up at the whirling ceiling fan, she inhaled slowly and deeply. With the expansion of her chest, firm breasts rose impressively and brown nipples pointed majestically skywards. Irene drew her heels back towards her buttocks, allowing her knees to fall sideways and so spreading her soft thighs wide apart. Another silent, deep breath and she wriggled, getting comfortable...
CuckoldMy wife is a prude.This is really all her doing!Honey, I need sex!Oh John I'm too tired and to busy you know that. My job is very demanding. Who do you think makes all of the money so we can live like this?Who do you think pays for my daughter Helens college and our daughter Debbies private high school?You do, you do it all but I still need a fuck.John you know I hate that word. Can't you take care of yourself in the shower or find someone else to have sex with?You're telling me I can fuck...
A smile from jantrevor The Satnav I have a little Satnav, It sits there in my car A Satnav is a driver’s friend, it tells you where you are. I have a little Satnav, I’ve had it all my life It’s better than the normal ones, My Satnav is my wife. It gives me full instructions, Especially how to drive “Its sixty miles an hour”, it says, “You’re doing sixty five”. It tells me when to stop and start, And when to use the brake And tells me that it’s never ever, Safe to overtake. It tells me...
Sara is a young woman who is just beginning to experience the world around her. She has a small frame, but has a lot of energy. She grew up in a loving if not a little bit sheltered family. Her most telling features is her black hair and dark eyes. Things go a stray when the family business has been shut down, Sara’s parents were blacksmiths, supplying the king with various items needed for his army. But the king decided to simply take the smithy rather than continue to pay you family. As a...
FantasyJim's Gran A continuation of a wonderful relationship In the first chapter of this story, I only got as far as my Gran wanking my off. I will now continue with some more of our loving that night. * After I had my shower and cleaned up, I put on my PJ's and went downstairs to join Gran for dinner. Gran reassured me that I shouldn't be embarrassed because of what had happened, and asked if I was OK. I just nodded and replied "fine" in a husky voice. We sat on the lounge watching a...
Incest“You look much better today,” her husband said as she greeted him by the door, giving him a peck on the cheek and taking his coat and briefcase. “Dinner is almost ready,” she smiled and went back to the kitchen. Crushing the sleeping pills carefully with a teaspoon, she removed the top layer of his lasagna and drizzled the white powder onto the tomato sauce before putting the layer back again. She was trembling a little now, but taking a deep breath, she managed to reclaim her composure...
Almost there! After this, there's only one more to go! Remember, if you hate the wait, I've got it free up on and you can see the first half of my next story Slut High up on ! Enjoy! Warning, this chapter includes the second person, topless waitresses, ironic reveals, resets, rollbacks, coffee, anger, justice, mercy, vengeance, truth, confrontations, further hard decisions, mysterious benefactors, opportunities, and a bright light shining...
I woke up on Sunday in an empty bed. Erika's bedroom glowed with sunlight. When I walked out to the corridor, I heard Wayne's deep voice downstairs in the living room. When I looked into the living room, I saw Erika, who was still in her pink pyjamas. She was trapped in a tiger's cage. She held the metals bars with her small hands and tried to break them. Her efforts were futile. A giant crate sat about ten metres away from the cage. This giant crate, I knew, contained the big hairy...
When Mike had finished at university, he was due to start work in his chosen profession with a top law firm working in the city. He had passed his law degree with a first and because of this, he had found that he had first pick of most of the positions being offered to graduates. He was going to spend his first year working as a trainee lawyer while Debbie would be finishing her degree at Warwick University. They were still very much in love with each other and had shared a flat during Mike's...
SpankingMonty came to see me in the morning. He’d flown the drone north yesterday, and he had video for me to look at. He’d taken the drone straight up our valley and through the pass, and then flown it about the plateau, looking for signs of Winslow and his men, and the Horse People. Then before turning the drone back around and flying it home, he’d taken it back down our original valley to see if he could spot any sign of the Hilltop people. I quickly found out that Monty had good news and bad....