Shrewswood TerraceChapter 3 free porn video

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It caught Pete completely by surprise when three years later Mr. Minotas walked into his small plumbing company office in Novato.

"You weren't all of that hard of a man to find Pete, but I respected your privacy and excellent reasons for your departure. I had demanded far more from a man, any man, than was possible. I have since accepted that my eldest daughter is quite lost to me and I have moved on with my life as best that this old man can."

"So, what has happened to Katharine?" Pete enquired, rather surprised that he actually cared at all about the answer.

"Pete, I do not blame you or even your unfortunate brother for what happened after you left. As I understand the facts, it was Kate who sought your brother out, attempting to spite you and get revenge on you that way, by throwing herself at him. After the party her drinking became worse, uncontrollable even, and at length I ejected her from the family house until she could behave. Instead she went to Rennie and the two of them only fueled the other's angers and thirsts. I do not think they loved, or even much liked each other, but their rage at their families was strong and they clung together out of spite. Both were arrested at least twice more for drunk driving and public intoxication and I let them stay in jail, at the mercy of the judge. He was not strict enough with them and they only paid fines and each received a suspended sentence, and the judge forbid both of them from drinking. Not long afterwards she caused a bad auto accident while they were both drunk that severely injured a young high school couple and they both were sent to jail for their parole violations."

"I'm very sorry to hear that news Sir."

"Don't be. She deserved her punishment. She served twenty-two months in prison and will be on parole for another three years still, forbidden to drink and with her driver's license permanently revoked. A just sentence in my opinion. She has a little apartment of her own and works at a dry cleaner that belongs to a friend of mine that owes me some favors, but she doesn't know that. She has not tried to contact me since her arrest and I'm allowing her to enjoy her freedom."

"Do you know what became of my brother, by any chance?"

"He served a short sentence for his parole violation, but then he was shortly rearrested after his release for another DUI and driving on a revoked license. I believe he is still in jail, but I think he might be eligible for parole again in a few months or so, if you care?"

"I'm frankly not sure that I do." Pete sincerely replied.

"Nor do I, but I do find it interesting that your brother did recently complete his journeyman plumbers certification while in prison. The prison jobs program contacted me and asked if we would hire him upon his release. May I do so?"

Pete nodded. That was interesting to Pete. He had completed his own journeyman certification under his father's tutorage right before going off to college. Rennie had never even completed half of his requirements and their father had long given up the hope that his oldest son could be a useful part of the family business. This was one of the final last straws that made Pete's father beg for him to leave school early and return home to help with the family business, along with the promise that Pete, not Rennie would receive his controlling shares in the business. If Rennie was now sober, and had finally completed his long overdue education ... and was willing to work, then Pete didn't see how he could say no. Perhaps his brother had begun finally to grow up and accept responsibility after all!

"What I am here for today," Mr. Minotas continued, "is purely business and business alone. I have had a small rather minor stroke recently and my doctor says I have some health weakness now and must rest more. I need you to come back and be my strong right hand again. The rest of the board is in full agreement that no one can do the job better. I need someone who can hold the reins firmly in my absence and stay the course and not make sharp turns unless necessary. You are that man Pete! Please, and I do say please ... come back to us!"

Well, he did say 'please' twice. Pete just nodded his head and the two partners shook hands again like old friends reunited.

The small plumbing business in Novato was just a minor little enterprise Peter had started to keep his mind and hands busy. He'd recently completed his own Master Plumber certification and worked jobs out of the office at least three days a week, and found he liked it. The business pretty much operated on a break-even basis and Pete soon found a young master plumber willing to buy the business for just the price of the equipment and the value of the outstanding accounts receivable. No extra cost for goodwill. A good deal for everyone and soon Pete was back down south in the coastal valley as the acting-president of Alliance, which had indeed prospered while he was gone. Even his original existing stock from the old merger had nearly doubled in value in the last three and a half years, not to mention the additional stock Mr. Minotas had given him years earlier, but Pete had never cared much for just making money.

Oddly, it was like Pete had just left three days ago, rather than three years. Nothing much had changed of importance at the company, so he had little trouble getting caught up to speed with current plans and projects.

It was after-hours when Pete realized that his life had been indeed stuck in a rut for those years inbetween. Bianca was more than a little miffed that Pete had just left from her life without saying much of anything other than a brief phone call goodbye at the time. They gradually got to become good friends again, but it seemed that their time as lovers had quite ended. Bianca was very hot and heavy now with a new very serious boyfriend and there was some anticipation that he would be proposing soon. At this stage, she was keeping her affections exclusive to him, but Pete had a slight hint or two that she missed some of the fun that they used to have together.

Pete wasn't quite sure why he wanted to reinitiate contact with Katherine. It was just a subtle internal nagging that kept suggesting that he should toss some old dirty shirts into the back of his car and pay a visit to that dry cleaners and then act 'surprised' to find her working there. At first he thought that this was rather too bold and potentially embarrassing for her, to be caught working a near minimum wage job, but a quick investigation of her current habits showed that she worked her job and went right home every night. If she went to the grocery store it was usually late at night and she avoided restaurants and didn't often go to the movies either.

Katherine's previous need for constant amusement and fun had certainly decreased somewhat over the last few years. Maybe she was finally starting to grow up as well. Maybe also, he was privately admitting, there was something about their confrontational relationship that he missed. He had been firm in their previous relationship, but now it seemed that he had some greater confidence within him now that he had previously lacked. Kate by all accounts was still a bitch and an utter shrew, but for some reason he thought she was worth taking one more try at!

"Hello Katherine, you're looking well." And Pete thought she did. Her face and skin looked much better than it did back when she was regularly drinking and her eyes didn't quite have the look of focused deranged intensity that they used to have. Oh, the animated spark was still there behind her eyes, but the furnace of rage had been banked down well into the range of civilized behavior now and it appeared that she was even capable of smiling at times now.

"I am. Doing alright these days. Not drinking, not even on any happy pills at the moment. Just me, myself and I ... together, and mostly getting along with each other." She said with a smile. She had been not at all surprised by his sudden re-appearance, so Pete suspected that someone had forewarned her. That was alright, as it seems that she was quite in the mood to be friendly.

"I'm very glad to hear that, Kate. I think I would like it if we could become at least friends ... with no pressures."

"I'd like that too, Pete. Father had certain ... ideas and plans for us, and he was quite beside himself when you suddenly left. I know that I didn't fulfill at all my end of the bargain, and that a lot happened that I now regret, but I can't change it." She shrugged.

Pete didn't think some parts of her wanted to really change at all and now years later there were just different sorts of regrets; that once she used to be able to have fun and now she couldn't. The harder most obstreperous of her will was now becoming quite visible in her eye, and in the setting of her jaw.

"Would you then like to go out to dinner with me this evening? Casual, I could pick you up here after work or at your apartment. We could go to Marconi's ... but if you still don't care for the place, you can pick another restaurant." Pete could see the old irritation growing on her face so he sputtered out the invitation a bit faster than he would have preferred. It was sincere, but Kate declined, probably just out of sheer willful stubbornness.

"Oh no, I couldn't tonight ... sorry." She quickly stated, with a bit a sharpness in her tone. Just seeing him again was starting to awaken old bad memories for her and here and now was the chance for just a tiny bit of comeuppance. Pete shrugged, collected his laundry ticket for his three shirts and then left without a look behind him.

Katherine was sure that he would ask about another night, and eventually come to her begging — that if she played hard to get that this would just make him fight harder to win her once again. It was only a few weeks later that she suddenly realized that Pete wouldn't play that game with her; that in fact he hadn't (and wouldn't) even returned to collect his laundered shirts. It was cheaper, and less frustrating, to buy new ones.

As Pete had once said, 'words mean things'. Telling 'No', meant just that, no. Not, try again tomorrow when the answer would still be no, or the day after that, until she eventually 'forgave' him and said yes. She realized that she wanted to be pursued by him, but that by playing emotional games with him once again, right from the start of their new attempt at a relationship, that she'd punted it all away once again.

As the weeks turned into months, Katherine sadly realized that Pete had no need for her or her emotional tricks whatsoever and that he could find at least a thousand other women that were better behaved than she was, and just as pretty. He was handsome, strong, intelligent and good natured ... and rich entirely of his own doing even without her father's assistance, and late one evening, alone as always, in her bed she realized that she was indeed the queen of fuckups and that she had screwed and thrown away, twice, the best possible man who had ever entered her life! Feeling that her best chance for redemption was now forever lost, Katherine's world began to grow darker and more constricting until soon she was dependant once again upon her anti-depressant drugs to get through each day, let alone be able to get the ambition to get out of bed in the morning at all. How she avoided starting to drink again was a miracle that she never quite figured out.

To Katherine's delight a few months later, the notice of the engagement of her sister Bianca opened the door to a partial reunion with her family, and although Kate kept her small apartment in town, she could and did now spend some weekends at home with her family again. To her growing delight, she discovered that Pete was often at the family estate, bringing her father paperwork, discussing business options or even helping Bianca a bit with the growing wedding plans. Sometimes there are indeed third chances in life, she decided.

It would be honest to say that Pete hadn't quite forgotten about Kate either, but in practicality he had quite written her off. He'd seen that last look in her eye, and it more than hinted of annoyance and growing outrage. Kate didn't need a husband — she needed a lion tamer completely with a chair and a whip. The part that Pete was finding most disturbing was that sometimes now he had rather strong fantasies about wielding that whip. He wanted her, naked and at his feet, broken and obedient, her will now only to serve his. He started to have these thoughts often now, whenever he saw her, envisioning her nude with his whip in her mouth, eagerly begging him to wield it mercilessly upon her and then ravish her helpless obedient body afterwards. These thoughts never failed to make his cock as hard and thick as a redwood tree, and more than once he caught her eyes fixed upon his hardon, bulging down the side of his pants.

Pete had never been a wimp, even as a boy. He had lived in a house where he had had to fight for nearly everything. He'd usually lost, but he'd gained the quiet respect of his father in the process, and he'd learned how to fight harder and smarter with each and every defeat. Unlike his father, Pete had decided that he was going to firmly rule every single bit of his own life and now that he had found great success in business, ruling over the Alliance board room with ever-increasing confidence and determination, he must also keep control over any domestic realms as well.

To his eyes, always kept apparently focused upon something else other than Katherine during his visits, he still found himself remarking upon her beauty. Increasingly at night he remembered the time he had her across his lap as he paddled her ... and how that vivid memory made his cock rampant and rock hard. He had no shortage of casual girlfriends, but none had the combination of both angry pride and submission that stiffened his cock and his increasingly exotic erotic fantasies.

In their convergences, they exchanged not much other than hello's and goodbyes' for the next three months until the time of Bianca's wedding, but with this welcome event, both Pete and Katherine privately determined that they'd make the most of this singularly auspicious opportunity.

Bianca had received no shortage of masculine attentions over the years, and had a few alleged female lovers as well, if rumors were to be believed, and she had usually fairly successfully juggled at least three beau's at a time, not to mention her extra occasional flings with Pete. Once she met Oscar Tracy Bailey however, her heart went seriously aflutter and she dropped all of her other boyfriends and part-time lovers and had eyes only for him. Frankly, no one other than Bianca saw anything at all in the guy.

Women tended to be attracted to strong alpha male types that were tall, ruggedly handsome, smart, funny and filthy rich ... men a lot like Pete, but Oscar frankly had none of those things. He was a short skinny balding junior bank manager who dressed and acted a lot like an accountant, both in and out of a suit. Pete had gone out for a beer with him a couple of times and tried hard to get sort of friendly with the guy but it hadn't amounted to much. Oscar didn't even have any discernable interests in sports or even topless dancer bars, nor did he even like beer much. That made any male bonding considerably more complicated, and the bachelor party a rather boring bust when Oscar suggested a bowling alley for their party. The best man, a rather flamboyant burly gay bear, complete with black leather jacket, pants, chains and biker hat, was frankly the most interesting and liveliest person at the party, but still Pete was thankful when the evening was over.

The bachelorette party, the next night, true to Bianca and Katherine's wilder tastes and inclinations, was much more exotic and interesting. The girls and the bridesmaids were going to take the family private jet up to San Francisco and indulge in some serious partying at the famous (or infamous) strip clubs on Columbus. Most of the other bridesmaids had made their own pickup arrangements after the return flight home, but Pete agreed to be there to pickup Bianca and Katherine from the county airport and see that they got safely home.

To say that this return trip home was educational, would be an understatement, as Pete discovered exactly what Bianca saw in Oscar!

Pete had expected to pickup the girls at about 1 a.m. or so, at least according to the original plan. All during the evening, Pete had received regular updates from Bianca about how much fun the seven girls were having and how they would go to just 'one more club' before taking their limo back to the San Francisco airport. This continued all night until at last at about 3 a.m. they announced that they were finally on their way to the airport and home.

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These Clothes Feel So Good

These Clothes Feel So Good By Vivian Bird "Hello, Barbara, this is Claudia. I have something important to tell you. Since you have been so successful feminizing Charlie, I have finally decided to feminize Michael as well, starting as soon as possible. I know that you now refer to your husband as Cherise, He looks so cute in his dresses and heels. So much like a woman. He seems to really enjoy all the changes you have been able to make in his...

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Joe BradyChapter 2

On the drive back from Pat's place Joe had quite a bit to think about. First and foremost was Pat herself. Pat was somewhat unique as a woman in that she had a muscular body but at the same time she was very feminine because of her flat stomach, small waist and firm breasts. She was an excellent lover who was not embarrassed to freely express herself when they made love. Joe was still a little bothered by how she said good-bye but if she was in a hurry to get to the White House that could...

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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 44

XLIV ‘A birthday to remember’ The rest of the day was spent as idyllically as I could have hoped. I wandered about the house and grounds, watching Gina’s fucking class, or looking at the girls watching the porn (I felt little need to watch the actual porn films themselves, my life having turned into one), or simply enjoying the topsy-turvy world in which you first of all fuck a girl to unimagined levels of ecstasy and only later do you chat her up. Still something of a slave to societal norms...

2 years ago
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NubileFilms Scarlett Alexis Scarlet Skies One Night Stand Oops

Scarlet Skies is preparing for her friend Scarlett Alexis to come over and introduce her new boyfriend. Scarlett thinks that the new guy may be the one, and Scarlet is excited to meet him. As she’s getting the house ready, though, she can’t stop daydreaming and having flashbacks about the one night stand she had the previous night. Her mystery man rocked her pussy so hard that Scarlet can still feel it. From licking her pussy to fucking her nice and hard, he gave her everything with...

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A Slut and Her Tentacle Monster Pt4

About 5 in the afternoon I heard the front door slam. I pulled my penis from Mommy’s throat, letting her breathe again as my little sister called out that she was home. The last two hours had been wonderful. After getting Mommy pregnant with my lover’s c***dren (I knew they were his, not mine), I’d spent the rest of the time getting her as full of my semen as possible before trying to cover her with it. I’d been pretty successful, too. The bed was slick and smelled of our juices, Mommy’s hair...

1 year ago
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Caleb 29 Consultancy

I had been asleep for about four hours when my phone buzzed. Very few people had my number, and most of those that did were within arm’s reach, sharing our bed. I considered ignoring it, but it buzzed again; somehow, I heard the reality that it wasn’t going to stop buzzing until I answered it. It wasn’t a new psychic superpower. It was just healthy pessimism. I couldn’t reach it over Jules and Amanda, who were between me and the side table where it was sitting on the charge pad. My TK took...

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Shemale Stewardess Seduction

Please note that this story is not written by me! It was stored in my computer for a long time now and decided to share it with you. The author's name as well as the site I found the story are not known... My introduction into the sultry, steamy world of shemales came (and I mean came!) at 35,000 feet, on a plane flight to the Northwest. I had been working myself to the bone, staying until ten or eleven at night, coming back in at six o'clock in the morning, and I guess the stress...

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GirlsDoPorn 19 Years Old E486

She’s an absolutely stunning 19 year old amateur with big dark eyes, long dark hair, and she’s going to school to become a lawyer so don’t trust that sweet innocent look of hers lol! She’s trying to make ends meet with those law school tuition bills so she’s here to make some extra cash and have some fun at the same time making her very first adult video, and of course it’s for Girls Do Porn! I mean, you guys probably already figured that out when you saw how...

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Julie out on her own ndash with Mike ndash CDTVTS MM

Julie out on her own – with Mike – CD/TV/TS, MMLiving with my folks was OK, but when I finished college, like most k**s, I got a decent job and was eager to get a place of my own and taste more freedom … and COCK! (Well, most k**s want to taste opposite gender genitals, but you know what I mean.) Several of my friends had moved out earlier than I did, having not gone to college for a full four years, some not having gone to college at all, yet getting decent jobs through what they knew and/or...

3 years ago
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The Homeless Peeper II

Tracy was pretty wild in bed and was very open-minded. There wasn’t anything she wouldn’t try twice. We had done sex in every position imaginable, I’d fucked her ass (she’d never done that before she met me and turns out she was a natural). I had been very innocent and na? when we first met; every new act we tried was always a first for me. It was for that reason that I was not overly shocked at Tracy’s latest proposal. We had just had a wonderful time one afternoon. It hadn’t been...

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My work colleagues soft and shiny tan stocki

This is a recent and real experience I wanted to share with you...My colleague is in her late 40's and is extremely fit for her age. She has been divorced for a number of years and recently rejoined the dating game. At work she dresses rather conservatively and doesn't wear too much make-up but we've been out for after work drinks on a few occasions and for those nights she dresses up a little more. She is extremely attractive in my opinion with dark hair, decent size breast and long legs. She...

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Ramesh Makes Innocent Village Belle His Sex Slave

Ramesh is a rich young man who completed his college life and wanted to take a break before taking over his company. He has a bungalow in a village with lots of farms and great views. Ramesh reaches this place to chill for a couple of months. The heroine of the story is Keerthana. Keerthana lost her parents in childhood and is living with her grandfather Rangayya who is the caretaker of Ramesh’s bungalow. Ramesh takes a tour of the village and when he reaches the pond he sees from a far...

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Car Wash

I was out washing my truck one early Saturdy morning. The Florida sun was already beating down at 9:00 am, sweat was already working down my face as I pulled into the vacum station. As I continued my work, I noticed a silver Accord pull into the automatic wash. As I was finishing up, I went to the vending machine to get a new air freshner, the driver of the Accord was having a difficult time lining up the vehicle. I was walking over to lend assistance, the driver, a very nice 35ish lady, let...

1 year ago
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Sex with my sisterPart 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Raj aged 29 now. Thes story is about me and my sisters relationship when we were young. At that time i was 22 and she was 18.Talking about rani, rani was full of womanhood. although she was average in built. she was sexually so intimidating whenever she passes through. I always used to think about her when i am jerking off. we are a family consisting of six members and we used to have 2 rooms to sleep and we were often close to bed. One time...

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Double Dating With Brother

Bob Randall was an average guy with average intelligence, who was just trying to raise his two kids without their mother being around. There had been a messy divorce when the kids were two and three, at which time his wife had decided that she didn't like children, but liked doing what made them... with lots of other men. Custody hadn't been an issue, since she wanted nothing to do with her son, Mark and his older sister Cindy, even though she had insisted on those names. She had disappeared...

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Alicia Ch 07

Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. * Mike O’Reilly made his way through the dimly-lit, smoke-filled atmosphere of the Pink Flamingo, over to the long bar, and ordered a Jack Daniels. He’d been coming to the seedy strip joint for more than two weeks now, and he still hadn’t found a single clue as to Alicia’s whereabouts. He was quietly beginning to despair! ‘That will be...

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Parents Vacation

Parent's VacationChapter 1 – You win some, you lose some        Stan and Jim sat in the glad of trees 200 yards from the home of the Andrew's family. Military buddies the two men were master's of camouflage and were invisible from the house.?How much longer till the parents leave?? Stan muttered, careful to not allow any breath vapor to give away his position.?Their flight is in 3 hours and it's a 45 minute drive, so I say within the next 15 minutes? Jim replied.The Andrews had won an all...

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Der Geist von Halloween

Vorbemerkung: Ich schreibe keine Geschichten, ich erz?hle nur von meinen Phantasien... Heute versuche ich mich erstmals, etwas in meiner Muttersprache zu schreiben. Ich versuche zeitnah eine englische Version nachzulegen. Inspiriert wurde ich von folgender Comicsequenz 504719679, habe allerdings auf Grund pers?nlicher Pr?ferenzen die homosexuelle Komponente entfernt. Wer Schreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten. Ich gel...

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A Life Ever Changing Part 18

"Strange fascination, fascinating me..." -- David Bowie A Life Ever Changing #18 Ch-Ch-Changes By Angel I was ready to go home... I walked out with Grace's help and waddled my way to her car. Anyone who saw me now would see Rachel and not Ricky! No, Ricky only existed within me and for all other purposes Ricky was shelved for now. A new beginning was here. I was a sixteen-year-old infant girl. I needed to learn and learn quickly. I would do so at a pace I could handle though...

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First time trying bbcs

Hi I'm mad my hubby is Paul I've told this story before so I hope I am not boring everyone. We tried swinging but it was so - so. My husband wanted to share me with another guy and I was a little suspicious and said no....several times. Then we were at a nudist resort in Caribbean I had a it to drink and we smoked a lot of herb and I was around naked black men for the first time in person. Simply said I was turned on by them and they seemed to be attracted to me. A couple of guys in particular...

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Sweet Revenge Chapter 7

Aren't you going to do my legs too?" She asked.Once again I poured a rather generous helping of lotion and began to rub it up and down and finally on the inside of her thighs. Obviously she'd been waiting for that, and as I moved up the inside of her leg, close, but certainly no where's near touching her sex, she closed her legs tightly together effectively capturing my hand.She began to move herself against me then, making sure I was well aware of her heat and the moisture that I suddenly...

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Fit To Be TiedChapter 10

Laurine simply lay on the floor for several minutes. She was hot and sticky and tired. And she felt as if she'd been robbed. The dancing had been hard work for her. She'd poured every ounce of her sexuality into it--and what had it gotten her? She finally stood and sought out her panties. She slipped into them and found where she'd tossed her skirt and blouse. Robbed was the only real emotion she felt. She went to the door and opened it and was amazed to find it didn't lead into the...

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Once a Slut

Nothing could have adequately prepared me for what I saw. I watched as the sexy woman on the screen was undressed by one of three men within the camera's view. The men all wore gold chains around their necks. The woman stood naked and smiling, breasts jutting out, as the first man began to paw at her body. The other two men circled in closely and began touching and rubbing her while the intro music played. The words "Workin' on the Chain Gang Bang" flitted across the screen. The startling...

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The big sofa

My wife and I have been married for 10 years. In all that time, we have never cheated on each other. Sure, we have talked about different things to spice up our sex lives, but that was it, just talk. We never actually did anything about it. Until tonight. Our daughter was sleeping over at a friend’s house for the night so we decided to have company over for dinner and drinks. My wife Kelly invited her friend Karen over for dinner. Karen showed up with a couple of bottles of wine. Dinner was...

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Retreads Part DeuxChapter 9

We had decided to consolidate and regroup, before chasing down the remnants of the Halim. Ships needed repair, and new crews needed training. Some of our personnel would be transferred to bases in the systems that had been liberated. Most of the replacements were being obtained from the thousands of volunteers from those same systems. By modifying our training aids, such as the sleep learning process, it was moving along nicely. The first new group was almost ready, when the alarms went off....

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Five Times First Time

This is the first of five accounts I’d like to share with you about my experiences between 2008 and 2016. The first couple of stories are fairly tame, but they are true stories and they occurred when I was a lot younger and less outgoing than I am now. October 2008. I was sixteen years old, newly enrolled at college, a bit of a geek, and I hadn’t yet had a serious girlfriend. Look, there I am, sat on the bus beside my best friend, Martin, sharing a pair of headphones and listening to Nine in...

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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 45 The Fair Competition Cont

I was still a bit in shock from the butt plug release as Lilly motioned for Lois to come close. Just that quickly I realized Lilly was inserting those Bag Balm greased fingers up my rectum. She must have had a gaping hole to fill. Fingers didn’t feel much different than the plug even given the fact she was using three fingers or more to do her work. Her fingers had probably just fallen it on their own before she stuck her whole hand in. There was a new hush in the audience and even a little...

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