Reginald's ChildrenChapter 3 free porn video

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Freda was offhandedly blasé. “Whatever suits you, Fiona, but don’t talk to Reg about it. He will tell you that there is a mathematical framework for packet switching networks. I happened to mention queueing and almost got a lecture, for apparently packet switching is the basis for the Internet’s structure.” She went on to switch subjects without a break. “What is Reg doing now?”

Frances said, “I left him in his study. Why?”

“I just wondered, as I am off my birth control, so if he is free...”

Frances frowned at her. “It doesn’t work that way, Freda, as you very well know. Take your turn, girl. On top of that, we have to fit Jessica into Reg’s baby-making schedule. How the hell am I going to work that one out, when girls start to get pregnant?”

“Not quite that awkward, Frances,” Prudence corrected her. “Once a girl is pregnant, she doesn’t have to forego Reg’s lovemaking, surely? How would YOU like it if you caught during this month, and were denied Reg?”

Frances halted her thoughts about scheduling problems and conceded, “I see what you mean. Yes, you are quite correct, Prudence. I should have thought more about the facts of pregnancy. Well, we have the four wives, plus Fiona and now Jessica – at least until she catches, not being a wife. The permutations will depend on whether Reg can service three women per night, or we drop the frequency and put it as two per night. At the moment it is two girls one night, three the next, and so on, and he has not demurred as yet.”

Erika came in at this point. “Frances, would it not be bad manners to banish Jessica from Reg as soon as she gets pregnant?”

“Explain your reasoning, Erika,” demanded Frances, frowning at this challenge.

Erika elucidated, “She may not technically be a wife, but then neither is Fiona as yet, and we don’t restrict Fiona for not being an official wife yet. If Jessica is going to have a child, or maybe children, by Reg, and live with us, isn’t she being treated as if she was a wife? I know that she is still married to her obnoxious husband, but for all practical purposes, she will be a wife to Reg. Shouldn’t we acknowledge that status by giving her lovemaking privileges? I know it might affect how frequently I get to fuck Reg, but it is a matter of principle, I feel.”

Frances saw that she was being pushed into a corner, and tried to deflect the pressure by passing it on.

“What do the rest of you think? At what point does a female get to be fucked regularly by Reg? This is OUR husband we are talking about, girls, not some theoretical problem. Whatever conclusion we come to, we have to live with it in the long term.”

Prudence wanted to know, “On that point, Frances, doesn’t Reg have an input into this equation?”

Frances partially conceded, “We could bring him into the discussion, as it is a family decision, but I would rather we girls came to a consensus that we could present to Reg as a sensible solution. He then only has to decided whether he can physically cope with such a regular demand on his sexual energy.”

Erika went back on the attack. “You are neglecting another possibility for the future, Frances: your cousins, Carol and Holly. At the very least, they want Reg to take their virginity, but they might want a lot more after that, if they like his love-making. We are potentially looking at a considerable amount of demand on Reg as time goes on.”

“Problems, problems,” Frances argued. “Why presume future problems at this time? We can look at these possibilities as and when such questions arise. When a wife gets very gravid she may want to reduce or leave off love-making, as too problematic for her. We should stick to the present numbers for now.

Be practical, ladies. That is my opinion. What do the rest of you say?”

The others reluctantly concurred that it was best to sort out the present, and leave the future for when such matters actually arose.

Frances gladly accepted this verdict, as it had coincided with her view, and declared,”I had better go and advise Jessica of her new status.”

Prudence told her, “The rest of us should go see Reg, and let him know our verdict, just to confirm he will go along with us.”

Fiona said, laughing, “What? Tell him he can fuck more women regularly? You actually expect him to refuse, Prudence?”

“No, but it is only right that he should genuinely have the opportunity to decline, which I don’t expect he will.”

They split into the singleton and group, and made their way to each destination. Frances got to Jessica first. She was still in her room, sitting pensively, for Sidra had left.

Frances knocked on the part-open door. “Jessica, can I speak to you for a minute?”

“Yes, Frances. Sidra has already been to inform me, so thank you for all your help; I am appreciative.”

“No problem, Jessica, but that was not what I came to talk about.”

“Oh? What, then?”

“The wives of this family have discussed our lovemaking schedule, and came to the conclusion that you can be part of it for the foreseeable future. You get to fuck Reg as if you were a wife, even after you happen to get pregnant, if that is what you would like. We feel it is the only fair way to treat you. I will fit you into my rota for being with Reg at night. You may have to share Reg with a couple of other girls, but I think you can live with that.”

Jessica’s mouth opened as she exclaimed, “Oh. You would do that for me? All of you?”

“Yes, we all agreed. You will act as if you were a wife of Reg, with all the privileges that entails.”

“And all the responsibilities, too, I hope?”

“That wasn’t mentioned, but I expect so, Jessica.”

“What if?...” she paused before continuing, “What if ... I fall in love with him, Frances? Is that a no-no for you?”

“Again, not discussed, as no-one thought about that at the time. We looked at your need of wanting children, and we long ago decided to treat all Reg’s children as OURS, so we looked on you as almost a wife. We did not consider the possibility that you might feel that way, about wanting to formally become a wife to him.”

“I am not there yet, Frances, but the more I get to know Reg, the more I think I WILL fall in love with him – if you will allow me that privilege, Frances.”

“Come and see me if and when you get to that stage, Jessica, and we can talk further about your relationship with us. It can get complicated, I have found. O.K.?”


Downstairs, the others had found Reg, and started telling him about their decision. He looked surprised, so Erika asked him, “Did you not expect this, Reg?”

He reddened slightly. “I expected someone, but not an almost full complement. I suppose Frances is the delegate to Mrs Sadaf? I had best start calling her Jessica all the time, if we are going to be intimate on a regular basis.”

“Yes to all that, Reg, but the main question is: are you happy to go along with us on this?” Prudence queried. “We need you to be on board, or it all lapses if you don’t approve. You are important to us, Reg, so your opinion is a vital element in this plan.”

“Prudence, when I Committed to you all, I committed to being and doing everything that you wanted, within reason. This proposal is within reason, so I have no cause to complain. In fact, I will be happy to have Jessica included in our nightly frolics; she feels very nice to fondle, has a nice body, and she is very affectionate. All you have to do is give me a chance to recover between women; you can tire a man out with your enthusiasm!”

Freda informed him, “If you feel you have plenty of energy, Reg, then please get on with clearing that back garden grass! You made a start, but didn’t get far before you diverted to tree pruning.”

Reg came up with an excuse for his laxity:”The weather has not encouraged me the last few days, Freda. Either the grass was damp, or it has been very cold and uninviting out there for the short time between getting home and it getting dark. Anyway, the grass hardly grows at all in the winter. I’ll get back to the job as soon as possible, love.”

Freda squeezed past the other females to reach him and give him a kiss. “Thanks, Reg.”

Later that evening, Jessica sought out Frances to ask, “When do I get Reg to make love to me, and do I get him to cuddle all night? I am new to all this, Frances, so I am unsure as to what you might find acceptable or disagreeable.”

“Jessica, I am stuck in the middle, between you needing a reassuring cuddle at night, and all the other girls who want Reg lying beside them; quite aside from who is making love, and when. Looking at the question, adult to adult, what do you think is fair?”

Jessica screwed up her face as she contemplated the challenging scenarios, and accepted the inevitability of an adult decision on her part. “I can’t expect to have Reg to cuddle every night; that would be wrong of me. If you can allow me one night a week with him to cuddle all night, Frances, that would be nice. The lovemaking – that does not take long, I suppose, so I’ll come to his bed whenever it suits him.”

Frances’ eyes widened. “Not take long? What are you talking about?” Then it struck her. “Jessica, what have you been putting up with all these years? Reg is not the ‘wham-bam, thank you, ma’am’ type of guy. He gets you off first: we taught him to do it that way. Anyway, he is the kind of man who respects his partner, wanting to do what suits HER, before getting his rocks off.”

Jessica was astonished. “Gets me off first? What do you mean? I usually frig myself to get an orgasm. My husband ... he whom I refuse to put a name to ... he never paid any attention to what I might want. Lovemaking, for him, was getting to fuck me; that was it.”

“Oh, you poor woman,” declared Frances. “I think I should allocate an hour for Reg to make love to you tonight. You will sleep better afterwards, I promise.”

Jessica seemed confused by Frances’ reaction and promise, and shook her head in disbelief.

Leaving Jessica, Frances headed directly for Reg. In his study, a couple of the girls were still with him. He was sitting facing outwards, with Freda on one knee and Erika on the other. He had an arm round each girl while he kissed them alternately, or they kissed him: it was not clear who was the instigator.

Frances cleared her throat to get their attention. They all looked at Frances, surprised that she should interrupt them. Reg asked, “Frances? Is it important?”

“An important piece of information, Reg. You girls should note this too, for it is something we should all be aware of.”

“What information?” Reg asked.

“Jessica has spent years being fucked by her husband, and never, never, NEVER, did he make sure SHE got an orgasm out of it; it was all about what he wanted from sex.”

“Good grief!” exclaimed Freda. Erika just gaped. Reg simply frowned, not understanding. “But surely...”

“No, Reg; not all men are like you. We trained you to think of the girl when you made love. Jessica’s husband never thought of her needs; the swine!”

“So she never got to properly enjoy sex?” Reg queried in astonishment.

“You’ve got it, my love! It was all about HIS needs, and never about hers. That is why I want you to spend an hour with her tonight, showing her what a girl can get out of lovemaking if the man puts his heart into it.”

“Well, of course, darling! That is what I always do with my girls. It is what you showed me was the proper way to make love. I have never thought of any other way to proceed. Jessica has never experienced that?” He shook his head in amazement.

Frances told him, “Never, Reg. That is why I want you to put more effort into making love to Jessica tonight. Go to her before you lie with the other girls on your rota tonight. Jessica is your first priority, my love.”

She stopped to switch to another matter.

“Oh, in addition, she has agreed that spending the whole night cuddling you, cannot be an every night arrangement. I have allocated her to spend a night with you once a week; perhaps with a wife on his other side: I am sure she will not object to that. Sounds reasonable, everyone?”

The other two girls nodded. Reg just accepted it as a family decision. That was usually the best reaction from him.

Tonight, Prudence and Frances were in Reg’s bed when he finally arrived, wrapped in his dressing-gown, after his stint with Jessica in her bed. They pulled apart from their kissing to both ask, “Well?”

He grinned, “One happy woman is now sound asleep. She was rather noisy at times!”

“Good man!” declared Frances, while Prudence asked, “Do you have anything left for us by now?”

Reg swung his dressing-gown open, to reveal his erect penis. “I think little Reg is still keen to meet you girls tonight!”

Come morning, Reg was up and showered before his wives, so he went downstairs to see if the twins had managed to be up and make breakfast. They were, so he got a ‘Welcome, Reg’ kiss from each of them. Carol wanted information.

“The rumour is that you were going to teach Mrs Sadaf about lovemaking last night. Is it true?”

“It was true. She had suffered many years of deprivation, so there was much to show her. She was very happy with my attentions, I admit. And, girls, she is an exception to our general rules. Her needs were paramount because of her previous bad treatment, so don’t try to use her as an excuse to ask for something for yourselves, girls.”

“But Reg, what did she not know about? It just seemed odd, what you said.”

“Girls, you are old enough and clever enough to know about female orgasms when making love with a man. Her husband, throughout their marriage, only concerned himself with his own gratification.”

“What? Never for her?” Holly exclaimed in horror.

“Never. The man was – is – a damn fool. He was never worthy of being Jessica’s husband and Sidra’s father.”

They heard footsteps coming towards them, then Mrs Sadaf walked in, slowly. She saw Reg, and her eyes lit up.

“Reg Robertson! Frances underplayed your abilities, if anything. That was wonderful, last night! No wonder your wives love you.”

Reg was suddenly coy. “I simply treated you the way I treat my wives, Jessica. After all, they were the ones who taught me, so it all ultimately comes from them.”

She was not to be put off so easily.

“Only now do I realise what I was missing for all these years. I can never ever consider going back to that man ... that Neanderthal!”

Reg determined to slacken her enthusiasm. “You got a special treat last night, Jessica. Frances allocated me an hour or so for our lovemaking, which is a lot more than my girls usually get, due to numbers and time.

So, don’t expect so long for lovemaking in the future, Jessica. Frances was saddened by your lack of helpful knowledge, and wanted you to have the best chance to enjoy yourself. I hope you did.”

“Did I not! You took me to the gates of heaven, in so many different ways; I felt so great for so long; over and over again.”

Holly and Carol were staring, open-mouthed. Their gaze switched between Jessica and Reg, and back again. Holly came out with, “But you are so old; how can you have such a great experience?”

Reg glowered at them before Jessica could say a word. “Girls! A woman can enjoy sex into old age; it is not just a young person’s game! More importantly, Mrs Sadaf is NOT old; she is not even middle-aged. She is only early-thirties, so she is in the prime of life.”

“I am?” Jessica stared back to Reg, then relaxed as she gained some confidence from his words. “I AM in the prime of life, girls. Just because I have a teenage daughter, doesn’t make me old, except in the eyes of teenage girls that are too young to appreciate good lovemaking.”

Holly admitted, “We don’t really know about good lovemaking, Mrs Sadaf. Reg refuses to make love to us, even though we’ve asked. Don’t you agree he is depriving us of good life experiences?”

“Delay is not the same as deprivation, girls. I would have LOVED to have delayed getting married, but my parents insisted, as it was an arranged marriage to suit their social, financial and cultural norms.

I never got a choice; never had a chance to refuse to accept HIM. I was only seventeen when I was married; far too young and completely a virgin!

Your parents have been generous, allowing you to choose a future partner by yourselves, so choose well, once the time is right. Don’t rush into marriage, girls; or motherhood for that matter. It is not a good idea.”

Holly and Carol turned to look at each other. Neither wanted to admit they were so young and inexperienced themselves, so they shut their mouths and said nothing. They went off to finalise the packed lunches for the family to take with them today.

The day was dull and overcast, conducive to knuckling down to work at the university. The only bright spot was fixing a date with Tom Hancock for the Commitment ceremony joining Fiona Prentiss to the Robertson family group. They agreed it should be a Saturday, with several options for Tom to check against his diary. The Robertsons were fine with any of the dates, they told him.

That evening Reg was reminded of the garden work, so he rushed his evening meal and hurried to clear more of the long grass and weeds that festooned the back garden. He found the lawnmower and set it to its highest level, for cutting long grass. That enable him to cut a swathe through the longest of grasses, matted though they were in places, though the motor stuttered in complaint at times before roaring back to normal when he angled the machine to allow grass clumps to be spat out, clearing the blades.

He was able to complete the cutting of all the level ground before the light faded. He had been forced to empty the mower’s hopper several times, dumping the cuttings in a far corner where there were signs of an old compost heap. He piled his material next to the old mound of soil. The heap was by now no more than a low pile of overgrown foliage, topped by what looked suspiciously like dead potato shaws or haulms; the top growth of the plants. As no-one had been planting for several years, this might be the result of a few small potatoes growing inside the compost heap and flourishing. It might be worth digging through the heap to find out if there were decent potatoes inside, he concluded.

As he walked back towards the building, he thought one small patch appeared lighter in tone than the rest of the grass. He would have a look at that again in the daylight. It might be an area of poorer soil, perhaps a waterlogged dip in the ground, perhaps even a former garden fountain. He would see, but for now, he wanted a soft chair and a chance to relax. He was not used to exerting so much physical energy in such a brief time, apart from sex.

Ah, sex. He LOVED the sex! It was great to be able to leave his wives satisfied that way, and it gave him a real sense of achievement when he managed to bring a smile to their faces; well, except for the times in the darkness where one could not see anyone’s face. They sounded satisfied, at least.

Life for him had altered for ever, back when Freda and Erica astonishingly persuaded him to have sex with them. He had been aware of his internal urges to do something with one of them, indeed any of the three, but the reality had been much more than he could ever have believed beforehand. Now with five wives to satisfy, life wasn’t all that different, for the girls had helped him immensely in so many ways, teaching him a multitude of new experiences and approaches to life with other people. Their love for him was what helped him to love them.

Funny – he was now thinking of Fiona as a wife in his musings. It was certainly time to give her that status. With her pregnancy, she had shown her commitment to the family. He should possibly have pushed harder about investigating her stepmother’s background. He should deal with that task very soon.

And Jessica; now THERE was a different woman entirely. She had an unusual experience of life that none of us have had; albeit much bad experience. She understands that life is not a bed of roses; why a bed of roses? Roses have sharp spikes called prickles on their stems, so why should a bed of roses seem desirable? He must look it up.

Getting to the back door and stepping on to the mat there, he carefully wiped his shoes while thinking that he ought to buy a pair of boots for gardening and other heavy jobs.

It startled him to be thinking BUY; he was now viewing the concept of spending money with equanimity, now that he had his own cash resources. Previously, when the girls or their parents provided finance, he could never see it as him spending money, but now the ‘buy’ concept was percolating through his soul.

Once he was sure that he would not trail mud or other sticky substances on to the carpets, he padded through to the study, and accessed his computer; HIS computer, not THE computer; he was indeed settling into family life where everything belonged to everyone. The family computer was also his computer now.

He then remembered about the term ‘bed of roses’ and with an initial search got the idea that it was based on the rose being a symbol of happiness. He suspected that it might also relate to the delightful display of a rosebed in full flower. His Google search quickly showed him that ‘bed of roses’ came from a Christopher Marlowe poem published in 1599. The term was clearly meant to mean a soft life, rather than physically lying on roses. Roses represented happiness and contentment. That may have been the rationale of the rose representing the great houses of York and Lancaster; the Wars of the Roses, the great symbols of the white rose and the red rose. Not much happiness found there, he concluded. Much more could be found with the poet Robert Burns: ‘my love is like a red red rose’, he declared in his song.

Now, back to his own loves, and report on his gardening efforts.

He bumped into Prudence first; literally bumped into her as he stepped into the corridor and she lost her balance, held up only by the wall.

“Oomphh! Reg, you idiot: watch where you are going!”

“Sorry, my love,” he apologised, as he helped her up to a standing position. As he did so, he looked carefully at her body, and remarked, “Golly, Prudence. You are much more padded now. You look great.” He ran his hands over her more prominent breasts, and added, “You feel great, too.”

She smiled with the compliment but pointed out, “Lying in bed, my breasts don’t show so much, darling. You should spend more time fondling them while we are sitting up, and you would notice them more. Are you satisfied with me as I am now, or do you still want me to put on a few pounds?”

“You are absolutely perfect now, Prudence; at least until you produce a baby bump. It would add a few extra pounds, but that would still leave you looking deliciously perfect, my darling wife.”

She pushed her lips forward as she closed with him, and kissed him passionately, pushing her breasts against him. “The sooner the better, my darling husband.”

Reg took the opportunity to run his hands over her bottom, and savour its newer curves. “I’ll do what I can, Prudence; I’ll do what I can.”

“Hey, you two: get a room!” declared Carol as she came along the corridor. “Or is there space for one more? One little one?”

Prudence glanced at the teenager and laughed. “Some day, perhaps, Carol, but not for a while at least. You may yet change your mind about wanting Reg.”

Reg smiled benevolently at this exchange. He didn’t have to speak, fortunately. His wives knew the score. Then he thought to ask, “Were you looking for me, Carol?”

“Yeah. There was a phone call while you were busy in the garden, so I said you were not available, but would call him back later, once you were clear. He left his number.”

“Oh? Who was it?”

“No idea, but he said to tell you, ‘the sergeant’. Does that help?”

“It does. Thanks, Carol my sweet.”

Carol went off again, a smile on her face at this endearment.

Once he had informed the family that he was back indoors, and had carefully locked up behind himself, Reg went back to his study to make the phone call.

He was put through immediately. The constables by now knew his voice.

“Mr Robertson?” said Sergeant Phillips.

“Reg,” he corrected.

“Okay. Reg, we have made a few discreet enquiries based on what you said to me, and have got a result.”

“Excellent! What did you find, sir?”

“One of the companies that makes explosives admitted to being asked about a deal to make a new powerful explosive to the specifications of an unnamed researcher who claimed to have invented the substance. The man making the enquiries was a lawyer, or so he told them. Apparently he was acting on behalf of the so-called inventor.”

“That does sound like our friend Fitzgerald’s activities. It is the sort of approach that fits his profile, I think you would agree.”

“I do. The next step is to look into this lawyer; see where he is based, what work he normally does for clients, what reputation he has; that sort of thing.”

“I understand. I wonder if other companies have been similarly asked, but don’t want to admit it? Mind you, it is probably the one guy asking them all. If you need an additional hand in that set of enquiries, I have a father-in-law who is a top lawyer in London. He would be able to ask around, to get a feel for this character.”

“Hey, that is not a bad idea, for your relative would have no known links to the police, would he?”

“Not that I am aware of, Sergeant.”

“Leave it with me. I have to clear it with my superiors. They may have already committed themselves to a particular legal bod that we have used often before. I’ll get back to you, Reg.”

“Thanks for the update, sir. It is appreciated. Bye.”

Hmm ... Reg thought to himself. Looks like Fitzgerald has worked out the bugs, to make the powerful explosive easier to handle, and simpler to deploy. His attempts through the criminal community showed that while it was easy to get them to use it, they were pretty incompetent in applying it correctly in practice. He has probably redesigned the detonator so that it won’t go off unless the settings on the detonator are fixed for the intended application – quarry or ground excavation, mine clearance, building demolition, underwater operation, or opening a stuck metal door, e.g. rusted shut. Setting the detonator should display the required explosive force, enabling the necessary quantity of explosive charge to be established. The size of the necessary explosion will therefore vary according to the intended result. Alternatively, a software app could produce the same data results, allowing the detonator itself to remain simple.

Dammit! If he has simply designed a new and more effective detonator, or detonator app, he could sell that quite legally and make a fortune.

Then Reg reflected on what he had just thought. IF Fitzgerald had NOT designed a better detonator, then Reg himself had just done the basic theory for such a device. Fitzgerald may not have developed things thoroughly enough in his mind, but simply envisaged a cash windfall through selling his stabilised explosive to a commercial company. In such circumstances, there was scope for Reg to design such a detonator and get a patent for it.

He pushed the idea to the back of his mind, for when he had time plus peace and quiet to work on it further. Tonight he had to go over the workloads that his ladies had home from university, to see where and if any of them needed help to see their way through. In a few cases he might need to have a read of their textbooks to see where the particular course was heading. Often he could work out what the essay or other assignment required, simply by noting the textbook’s next step in the course. To the lecturer, there was a generalised outcome that he or she expected from the students, so working towards that outcome was half the battle.

There would be a simple tick achieved for every point that the examiner was looking for, so providing these points in the assignment was the target. Of course, understanding this part of the course was essential for the future, but that was not the object of the assignment. The assignment was to show that you understood specific points that had been covered in the latest lecture.

Reg was more interested in learning the course than completing assignments satisfactorily, but the rules said these had to be done, so done they would be. Such assignments were more for the benefit of the lecturers in assessing how much their students were taking in from the lectures than what benefit the students were deriving from the course. The system was set up this way in preparation for later exams.

Frances set the rules at home, for which wives he slept with each night, and these rules he abided by, as he trusted Frances implicitly. He was still amazed at how she had picked him out of all the university students as a possible tutor; a newbie and a loner. In truth, he wouldn’t have picked out himself, were he in her shoes.

She had a perspicacity that still amazed him; and how she was unfazed at Reg being taken over by her two friends as a lover before she could do so; she just added herself to the love-in, and took it from there. Prudence had later insinuated herself into the group on a similar basis to the others. Their recognition of her as a fellow reject in the eyes of most males made it rather easy to add her to the mix.

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ReginaldChapter 5

“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...

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ReginaldChapter 6

Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...

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ReginaldChapter 7

“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...

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ReginaldChapter 8

“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...

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ReginaldChapter 10

He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...

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ReginaldChapter 11

Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...

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ReginaldChapter 12

“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...

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ReginaldChapter 17

Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...

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ReginaldChapter 20

Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...

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Her First Story

I asked my wife to tell me about the time she went to a management retreat at Wrightsville Beach, NC with her hospital management team.JC was 33 at the time and managed the local hospital's process improvement office. JC is 5'3", 125 lbs, blonde hair blue eyes and size 34B breasts. We watch on occasion some interracial porn and she liked the contrast of skin colors, and feeding on that began a journey that would eventually lead her to take multiple black lovers over the coming years. At the...

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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 15 Anyone Up for a Foursome

“So ... do you still wish you were paddling your way down that river somewhere or do you prefer it here - pounding my rhino horn with your rhino horn?” Keith opened his eyes momentarily on a downward thrust into Gemma’s warm body. Her legs were up and around his legs and her arms were hanging on tightly around his back. Keith was experiencing that wonderful surge within his hard penis moments before a man knows he is about to blow his load. He could feel his foreskin being dragged back and...

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Cajun Ass Queen Part 1

Cajun Ass queen Part 1By lilguy [email protected] Plump ass Women fight over a man, a Wife vs MistressCajun Ass Queen Part 1Author Note- This was a commission I did for more info was sitting in her boss office typing some form. Caj was what most people called her. Her name was Cajun for short and she had the most perfect ass in the office. It was big and plump. She was sitting in a comfy seat that was extra size to fit her round...

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My Evil Twin Chapter 14

The bus started moving and I got naked as soon as we were out of sight. I made my way to the front, knelt beside old Joe and took his big cock in my mouth to suck. I knew everyone on the bus watched me degrade myself. Here I am a young 14-year-old girl, sucking on an old man’s hard cock while naked and in front of all the others from school. How low will Mandy make me go? I sucked on his big cock as he drove. He would stop occasionally to let others off and when they left the bus, they had...

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James Takes Lilly In The Barn

James Takes Lilly In the BarnThis is a sexy tale I wrote together with a friend on the fly, both in the moment. We had fun with it. The flow may not be perfect or the grammar but it is what we felt at the moment and I wanted to keep it that way. I hope you all like it as much as we did.James My Beautiful woman, you have surrendered to me, your mind body and soul. I take you, and will treat you with respect that you deserve your body, mind and soul will be filled with pleasure and care. I...

1 year ago
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Mom Tries a Black One

100% fiction! I grew up on a small farm in Tennessee where we grew tobacco. As I got older, I had to help my mom and dad with the chores. I quit school to help out and thats when things started getting good. My name is Billy and my dads name is Bill and hes in his fifties, same as my mom. Moms name is Ann and she's very sexy for a farm girl with a medium build and big boobs. She has long brown hair with streaks of gray and wears glasses and always wears skirts or loose summer dresses. I've...

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Wagons Ho The Early YearsChapter 7

"Is that little vixen of mine bothering you?" Pris asked. I had to laugh. "She is coming on a little strong, Pris. I love her though, so I don't mind. My wives and I agreed we'll let her kiss and cuddle all she wants, but we won't let her do anything more until she's fifteen. Maybe by then she'll have completely forgotten about me." "That's not gonna happen, Jase," Pris grinned. "That girl has it bad for you. If you said the word, she'd have her drawers off and her legs...

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Tickle Torture

Jake and Kevin sat together on the floor in Kevin’s dorm room, working on their calculus homework. They were in the same class, though Kevin was a year ahead of Jake, a mere freshman. Kevin put set his pen on the floor next to him and rubbed his temples just beneath his shortly cropped black hair. “I really don’t get problem number six. I’ve tried it ten different times and I keep getting a different answer.”“Let me take a look,” the younger blonde said, holding out a hand. The sophomore handed...

Gay Male
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The Librarian Part 3

My mind was blank. My body was covered in sweat, with a college student's semen slowly seeping out of my pussy. There was also cum on my face. I'd sucked Carter's dick right after he came inside me, needing to make sure there wasn't any trace of his thick, intoxicating cum anywhere in his penis. I wanted it all to myself. Laying on my bed, I tried to process the past few day's events. I met a boy at my job, flirted with him, went to lunch with him the next day, had him over for dinner that...

2 years ago
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My First Apartment

First, a few comments: I apologize to the readers and fans of my unfinished story -"Surprised". I have, as they say, been "experiencing technical difficulties". My original intent was to do a series. Several things occurred which stopped me dead in my tracks. First, this is a format I just could not keep up with. What with Computer problems, a semi-major car crash, but most significantly, a story by another author which I felt was not only going where I had intended my characters...

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Alien amusements

My birthday has come yet again..... I expect a large amount of new lust slaves for my harem.... As I get out of my bed I see a note from my sisters that tells me my harem is occupied once again. That 4 rooms contain a new female specimen from Earth!

3 years ago
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A Con Game Interrupted

"Oh god baby, that's it, like that, oh yes, oh yes, push baby, push it in deeper. Come on lover, fuck me hard, fuck me." Her raven black hair was spread out in a fan across the white pillowcase; her legs were spread wide and her feet, still in her high heels, were pointed straight up at the ceiling. The man, his name was Dave, was ramming his cock into her as hard and as fast as he could go. She was clawing at his back and her nails were leaving red marks on his skin. "Yes baby, yes, fuck...

1 year ago
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Private Little Caprice Massage And Sex

If you were wondering what was going on at the Caprice-Marvello mansion, don’t worry because you’re about to find out in Private Specials, Little Caprice Homestory and of course it doesn’t disappoint! Watch this incredible girl in action once again on as she gets massaged and warmed up by the pool by her lucky husband Marcello Bravo before being treated to a passionate fuck. Enjoy the sight of that tight sexy body being put to work as Caprice fucks in all her favourite...

2 years ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 25

“Who by the Gods are you?” I heard as I walked through the corridors of the Great Pyramid, seeking out my chosen victims. “We are Nosferatu,” I told the guard in question, one of the many Unsullied guarding the palace, indicating my nest. “Excuse me? What does that mean?” the guard insisted. “Look at me. What is your name, soldier?” I began to glamor the Unsullied guard. “Horse Tail, ser,” the eunuch soldier responded. “Well, Horse Tail, we are Nosferatu, as I have said. That is our...

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ReflectionsChapter 14

"My poor boy, I can see where you feel conflicted and confused. Torn between your love for your wife and the need to maintain your dignity and self respect." "You know a cuckold relationship can be a beautiful thing. Let me tell you a story, but first there is coffee in the kitchen. Why don't you get us some. I'll take mine black. Fixings are next to the pot so you can do whatever you want to yours." I got us coffee and Peggy continued her story. "As I told you, my husband got...

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Jalandarwali Pataka Bhabhi

Hello friend, I am Nabeel here and I am writing down my best sex experience and this is my first sex story as well any feedback or comments will be appreciated. This story is on how I fucked a horny bhabhi who got attracted towards me ! Let me tell you a bit about myself. I am 22 young and open minded guy, I stand quite tall 5″11. This incident happened in december 2015 when I was in jalandhar for 2 weeks. Jalandhr me mai apne frnd k ghr pe ruka hai which is a 2 storey building aur hm upar...

4 years ago
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The March of the RoseEpilogue

Aaron and his mates settled into their new home easily enough. All of the staff had asked to stay on and Aaron was quite impressed with Thanos' running of the castle. True to word, there was a teleportation platform off of the main hall behind a secret door that they used to move back and forth between the castle and the palace in Cumbra. Interestingly enough, there were no sightings of the Thangdaemon Knights and Aaron concluded that they must have returned to their graves when Velen...

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Bei den Mathehausarbeiten

Bei den Mathehausarbeiten hatte mein bester Freund Marco immer Schwierigkeiten und rief mich regelmäßig an. Gerade in der letzten Zeit, in der wir uns beide auf das Abi vorbereiteten, paukten wir oft zusammen Gleichungen und Parabeln. So auch vor ein paar Tagen. Marco bat mich, doch bei ihm vorbeizukommen und ihm mit einer besonders fiesen ganzrationalen Funktion zu helfen. Es war ein heißer Tag und eigentlich hatte ich keine Lust, mich heute mit Mathematik zu belasten aber schließlich war...

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Lost Sub Finds Stable

On one evening Mi Lady Karen brought me home, I already knew she was dominant and expected her men to be submissive, but still was shocked when there were two women there waiting for her. She ordered me to strip and so I removed my clothing except for my underwear. She asked if I wanted to join her stable, and if I did I would be treated as the peasant she considered all men to be. I told her yes and she slapped me and reiterated that I was to strip. Unaccustomed to being nude, let alone in...

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Those Darn Kids

My sister Diane called me, and started talking about how she and Stu were planning this 10-day second honeymoon. Puttering around the Caribbean on one of those boats so huge you see a picture and immediately think How the hell doesn't that just sink?!! She actually called it a marriage rejuvenation cruise. "That means were gonna fuck like bunnies," she tittered. "Really? With the kids in the next berth over?" "Well, actually, that was why I was calling..." "Well, actually," I sort...

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Harry Potter Ginny Weasley and Cho Chang

The two witches practically pounced on the wizard. Cho’s lips found Harry’s mouth in a hungry kiss as the Rider tore her workout pants from her lower half. Cho wasted no time in guiding the mage’s prick to her slick opening. While Cho was a virgin she did not have a hymen given how much time she spent on a broomstick recently. The Ravenclaw slid her tight snatch down around Harry’s dick with one fast move of her hips. “Ugh…you’re so bloody big, Harry,” Cho gasped.Suddenly a vial of potions...

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The Joanny Saga

Joanny Morales was waiting for the bell to ring, ending her day at school. Joanny wasn't really paying attention to the teacher, she was mostly trying to talk with her friend in class and when she couldn't get away with that she was passing notes. She is fifteen years old and a little bit overweight, but she is not fat. She is big boned and there is only so thin she could get without looking sick, but she didn't worry about her weight anyway. She doesn't have many friends, but she...

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The Missing Cargo PlaneChapter 7

Karen started feeling much better and wanted badly to go on our trip to try out the armed Humvee. She did make one concession, though, and asked me to drive. She figured that she could handle the forward gun, but was reluctant to venture cross country as the driver. That was okay with Jane and me, so that was what we decided to do. We drove out of the bunker the way we had come in. We headed south simply because we had headed north on our last trip. Very soon after leaving Miami, I turned to...

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A Night of Firsts pt 3

We all took a sip of our drink. Catherine, Anna and myself, presided over by Lauren. I felt like a new gurl at this party. I bit my lower lip, I wriggled in my seat for my dress giving an accidental glimpse of way too much upper pantyhosed thigh.I blushed so deeply. Lauren must have sensed it as she leaned in closer and told me that I was a flirty gurl and those legs of mine might get me in trouble. I lowered my eyes and she giggled when I didn't meet her gaze. I fumbled for conversation until...

4 years ago
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My Sexy Officemate III

Vathsala avoided me for the next few days after that incident, and I was getting rather upset about the whole issue. ‘What have I done wrong to her?’ I always wondered. But not until I caught that knowing smile of hers accidentally that I realised that she was playing her old trick again with me – she was trying to arouse me more by pretending to avoid me. “You are a sweet bitch, darling,” I told myself, and I was determined to out do her. This day, Vathsala wore a very daring dress. A...

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Double Impact

I am a 30 year old guy who has been married for last five years. My name is Akash and friends fondly call me Aki. I work with a multinational and my wife also works with a multinational. She is good looking with nice set of assets that can give hard on to anyone. Her figure is 36-26-36 and the story goes back to last year when we moved to another city after she decided to change her job. My wife, Anu, joined the company and started enjoying her new office. I have flexibility of working from...

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Only One Time Didi

By : Clinton Clutch Hi friends () I am a continuous story reader of ISS I don’t know whether story which are posted here are true or fake but seriously friends who cares I just enjoy reading it. Now here I’m myself Rohit from Mumbai and I a normal guy not a dude or handsome type just a normal average looking guy. This story is about me and my sister Rupsi she is 2 years elder from me. I’m 18 and she is 20 luckily our birthdates are same anyways now about her she looks fair and her boobs are...

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New jerk buddy

I was chatting with one crazy girl on facebook , who i have see first time 06.06.2012.So we have talked about all , i dont know how have we become to that theme , like i said crazy girl.So we have meet each other and come by my house and talking.She had no much time from 10:00 to 11:30.So we have kissing each other , and before the meeting we have talked on facebook to jerk me off.So after kissing , i asked her did she want to do something now cause we have speaked about that.She told me yes i...

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womanly experience 3 NYE

It's not a secret that I have a fetish for pads. By my 22th birthday my father gave up on punishing me for menstruation simulation so I "had" my period each month. I still have the menstruation calendar I use to track my periods so I know when will the next come. And buying tampons and pads also helps keeping my sex change more real and believable.It was spring and I just passed 22 years that winter so I was really enthusiastic about my newly earned freedom (at least in this). It was Friday and...

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One Summers Day Part 2

(I'm gonna get rid of the terrible lisp next chapter. I'm getting just as sick of writing it as most of you are of reading it. Lol.) ------------------------------------------------ Bikini Beach: One Summer's Day By: G.K.S Chapter 2: The Not-So-Wonderful Wizard of Oz Dashing across the hot pavement with Heather in tow, I made my way towards the office just outside the park. My mother kept up with us easily and kept a ways behind us, not wanting to smother us out. Nevertheless,...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 04

Bright and early on Monday July 1st, 1861 the doors to the barn are opened and the four wagons move out. Yesterday afternoon was spent cleaning up the barn and stables and now they’re leaving after several weeks of living there while getting ready to go west. Three of the wagons are fully loaded and the fourth is mostly loaded, they’ll finish loading it when they reach Columbus, Ohio, where they plan to buy a great deal of salt. Nellie is at the reins of the lead wagon pair with Heidi in...

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Es begann als reine Fantasie

"Bist du mir treu?" flüsterte sie ihm ins Ohr während sie sich liebten. "Bist du mir treu?" "Ich bin dir treu!" entgegnete er flüsternd. Ihre Lippen trafen einander und in völliger Exstase küssten sie einander, als ihre liebenden Körper miteinander verschmolzen. Sie liebkoste seinen muskulösen Brustkorb und fragte ihn endlich, was ihr schon lange durch den Kopf ging. "Ich... ich will sehen, wie du und eine fremde Frau..." "Bitte?!?" Sie bat ihn erneut: "Ich will sehen, wie du und eine fremde...

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The BootleggerChapter 7

The very next day I had bags of river gravel loaded onto my small trailer and even a few bags loaded into the back of my truck. I also had four twelve foot 2”x4”boards loaded on the trailer along with the river gravel. It sounds like a lot more shit than I really had loaded. I didn’t want to blow the tires on the small trailer, or the burn up the clutch in the old truck. Lucy jumped right in to help me lay gravel in the 12’x12’ greenhouse floor frame. The flat loose stones would be the only...

2 years ago
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Change to Live III

Copyright 2001 by Madeline Bell. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. All rights...

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caught wearing flatmates tights pantyhose

When i was in my mid 20's i was still living at home and working in a large office building with different departments. I was good friends with an older guy who worked there called Ken and we had a good laugh about football and other stuff. He was good at giving advice and i always enjoyed talking to him. He was engaged to a lovely lady and he lived with her in her house but he also owned his own 2 bedroom flat in a nice part of town which he was renting out to one of the females we worked with...

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Dont you dare cum

This is a true story. A few years back, before uni - there was this girl I used to fuck semi-regularly and exclusively, although it was more fuck-buddies than anything else. We used to hang out, go to movies, go to McDonalds, and fuck. Being A-level students we both lived with our parents so it was difficult to get privacy, especially as I had family almost always at home and shared a room with my brother, but she just lived with her mum who worked full time so usually I went to hers when her...

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Futa Warfare

(This is my first original story after a few years on this site. Feedback and comments are very welcome. ) (Edit: Comments help me decide what to focus on when writing so if you like a particular chain that can help it get continued. Plus contributions are always welcome.) It's always cold when you wake up. You're not sure if it's because the ship is conserving power or its captain just likes the temperature low but you know its soon to be time for action again. The Code of Conflict was written...

4 years ago
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Danny and JennyChapter 10

"Wow" I lay back feeling like the cat who'd got the cream, on each side of me, a naked woman lay curled up in my arms, their heads on my chest gently kissing each other, their passion for each other still to be assuaged! "You're not so bad yourself Danny" Karen laughed as Jenny got up to see if the champagne was cool enough to drink yet. "Thank you sweet lady" I caressed a breast as she stroked my still limp penis and she said quietly, "I think you are both very, very lucky to...

2 years ago
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Dream Cottage part one

“The question you’ve got to ask yourself is. Do you really want Edward, or are you prepared to start over again? But make sure you’re not making your choice out of spite or revenge. Because the second time around, things will be harder with two young children, and the chances of finding a good man won’t get any easier.” “But even if I wanted to keep my marriage together, and I give him another chance, what’s to say I can ever trust him again?” “It comes with time. I know what he’s done must...

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Bound Part Two

Bound Part Two By: Light Clark Warning: This story involves some mental manipulation which I know can be disconcerting to some readers. It's also set in the Whateley universe, but doesn't require you to know any of the characters or plots from that universe. It only borrows some basic world details and thematics. Chapter 18 - Day 25 - Wednesday Crashes and explosions buzzed out through laptop speakers as images of some epic action scene flashed along the screen. I didn't see...

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A Cats FancyChapter 14

By the middle of the week, Sylvie can no longer deny being away from her brother. She has had to keep up appearances of going out with her friends for Spring Break like she always has. Their parents have been home more regularly since that night, but today they are gone for a few hours. After seeing him with Missy, she finds that she is interested in having him in her ass as well. She found herself jealous that he shot his cum into the cat, but not her. She cannot fight it any longer. She...

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