Accounting 300Chapter 3: Debt Collection free porn video

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Ravencroft tried to be warm and relaxing. The walls were painted in pale yellows and bright blues. The lights were bright and the staff in their clean white coats tried to be as friendly as they could. Ravencroft failed. It still smelled like a hospital. The steel bars on the windows and the heavy locks on the doors intimidated. Dr. Ashley Kafka's heels clicked as she walked alongside Dr. Miles Warren and Mr. J Jonah Jameson. Kafka's purpose here was as a healer. She was a psychiatrist and neurologist. Her compatriots were here for other purposes.

Dr. Miles Warren was among the best geneticists in the world. His papers that she had read were quite groundbreaking, astonishing and frightening. Dr Kafka noticed a clear clinical detachment in the man. She understood him professionally but was quite opposed to him personally. She inferred that he was unhindered by ethical concerns. She suspected his brilliance could be downright nefarious. She would have preferred to work with Dr. Connors. Regrettably, Kurt had left with his wife and son to Florida. Ashley was stuck with Miles. She despaired her patients could be in more caring hands, however she admitted they could not be in more capable ones.

Jonah visited his son John at least three times a week. His gruff demeanor, short temper and caustic vocabulary were forgiven in light of the care he showed for his son. She had suffered his spitting vitriol several times. Healing takes time and even then, the chemical damage to John's brain was likely permanent. Despite the newspaperman's periodic conniptions, Dr Kafka wished most of her patients had someone who cared half as much as Jonah did. John was calm today thanks to light sedation.

"He's doing better, but not well," Dr Kafka explained. "He continues to work himself into a frenzy whenever he's lucid. I've prescribed sedatives twice daily. I had hoped to cut back to once daily, but..."

"Yes, thank you doctor," Jonah grumbled off waving away the psychiatrist. He glared at his son. John sat in a patient's gown playing checkers with a giggling gaunt redheaded man.

"You said you have an answer to Spider-man?" Jameson turned towards Dr Warren after Dr Kafka set off to perform her rounds.

"Indeed, Mr Jameson," Dr Warren opened a steel bound folder that contained highly sensitive and dangerous information. Jameson took it out of Warren's hands and chewed on his cigar. The orderlies always confiscated his matches whenever he visited.

"How am I supposed to figure out what this data means!" Jonah startled several patients when his voice carried through the sound suppressing windows.

"It means, sir, that I believe I can reproduce the Spider-man." Warren said calmly.

"And? You want to add to the plague of masked madmen wreaking havoc?" Jonah snarled.

"No, I believe I can create a proper foil to the Spider-man. One who can unmask him and bring him to justice."

"Yeah? So why don't you?"

"Such a process would take considerable resources," Warren said smartly, "A positive media response, and a subject willing to undergo the operation."

"Money, you people always want money!" Huffed Jonah. "It'd be easier just to put up the money as a bounty on the insufferable webhead's head."

"There are several benefits for your own position, Mr Jameson," Warren continued, "First you'd have on the ground coverage for your newspaper, secondly you'd be known as the man who stopped the Spider and finally, this operation may provide more insight in how to restore your son."

"I don't take kindly to those who would use my family against me." Jonah warned. "Or worse, a snake oil salesman who thinks he wave some miracle cure as some means open my checkbook."

"Of course not. And I cannot promise you a cure. I just believe that this will give me some insight into the cause of the damage in your son's brain. Science is not an instantaneous process."

"Excuses, excuses." Jonah grumbled, "You're going to help my son. We're going to put a swift end to the webhead and I'm going to celebrate." He smiled darkly around his cigar stub. Miles Warren and J. Jonah Jameson shook hands.

Spider-man yawned. Tears of drowsiness were forming under the eyepieces of his mask as he made his Monday morning swing to M3. Spring Break had been the most confusing time of Peter Parker's life. He had broken curfew all week trying to chase down a stray Cat. It was a tiring and fruitless effort. Making sure he was there to say goodnight to Aunt May and then swinging out the window for some late night street sweeping. When he caught a criminal he couldn't even post the pictures, as he was supposed to be in bed.

Pictures. He had a set of alluring Mary Jane Watson poses and a set of heart-stopping Black Cat candids. Redundant passwords protected both, though MJ knew of both. He hadn't seen her all weekend either. He dropped down into the Midtown parking lot and discreetly changed out of sight. Sighing, he walked to school.

"As I live and breathe! Peter Parker before the morning bell!" Harry Osborn greeted his best friend on the front steps near the iced over fountain. Harry was looking tan. His green eyes and bright smile returned to him. His winter coat hung open, a cup of coffee warmed his hands.

"Hey Har," Peter smiled back. He settled himself on the steps next to Harry. His old friend was being personable and looking well. He was also talking to Peter. Could life be taking a turn for the better? With the Parker luck? Pshaw! "How was the trip?"

"It was good." He slurped on his coffee, "Gwen and I couldn't get into any of the wild beach parties but I really doubt they were her scene. Saw the sights, had some great food, hit a few beaches and bombed around at Disney World for a day."

"Sounds like a blast," Peter couldn't imagine a better week. It had everything to do with girl.

"It was. Plus mom really needed it." Harry nodded. "How about you? Anything exciting?"

"Not much," Peter immediately thought of Cat and tried to underplay things. "A lot of Bugle and ESU lab work."

"Bo-ring," Harry sympathized. After one last loud drink, he threw his coffee towards a nearby garbage can. It rebounded off the lip and onto the walk. Back to good ol' Harry athleticism. At least his buddy was still off the Green.

"Your trip?" MJ appeared almost out of thin air. Peter flinched but smiled at the redhead. If only his Spider-sense was good for warning him about women.

"No, Gwen and I had a great time," Harry stood up. "Peter was just telling me about his break."

"Well I don't know how he got boring out of it." MJ apparently had a look as well. It was nothing so cutting as classic Gwen. Peter squirmed nonetheless.

"Oh, you guys didn't hook up, did you?" Harry misread the signs. He seemed genuinely happy. Like the face he had been wearing was carefully constructed and this beaming smile cut through the crap.

"No, not quite," MJ said with a small laugh, "We did have quite the memorable night though." Peter was about to comment when she kissed him warmly on his cheek. His speechlessness and goofy grin locked on her backside as she swayed inside.

"You'll have to explain what she's talking about later." Harry slung his bookbag over his shoulder. "C'mon Pete, I'll show you what class looks like when you arrive on time."

Peter! Liz Allan had watched the warm exchange with a twisted grimace. Last night had been the first night where she had made it through without crying. You play around with my brother and now you took my boyfriend! And I was worried about Gwen! Don't let me catch you alone you redheaded, boyfriend-stealing, two-faced--

"Liz!" Sally's voice cut through the not quite feeling like spring morning as she pulled her best friend into a hug from behind. She had been trying to force feed Liz a replacement boyfriend since her breakup and Liz just wasn't ready. "You'll never guess who's single!"

Rand Robertson followed his meddling girlfriend and the dejected Liz. He wisely kept his mouth shut.

"Mr Jameson," Betty Brant pulled her light jacket closed over her breasts, "Mr Gargan to see you."

"Thanks doll," Gargan oozed with a wink. Betty watched him go into Jameson's office as Robbie came out. Robbie made certain to close the door behind Gargan.

"What's that grease stain doing back here?" Betty scowled at the man's back.

"He's been begging and pleading to finish that assignment Jameson gave him." Robbie shook his head, "He's no use to anyone if you ask me, but Jameson has some scheme up his sleeve and Gargan's just lowered his rates."

"He's a disgusting little insect," Betty tried to be a nice person. Looked for the best in people. Didn't judge people by their looks. She believed that everyone had something worthwhile inside them somewhere. Mac Gargan was her crisis of faith.

"I couldn't agree more." Robbie and Jonah often had their differences. When it came to the paper, Jonah listened. When it came to Spider-man, Jonah did not listen.

"Robbie!" Jonah came out of his office with Gargan in tow, "I want to see some hustle out here. Mr Gargan and I are off on a side project. I expect the best!" The directions came without a hump as Jameson led Gargan out to the elevator.

"I'd never give you anything less," Robbie declared.

"I know, so get to it." Jameson's smile was disconcerting as he disappeared behind the elevator doors.

"Betty," Robbie turned to the secretary, "You may want to send Peter a text. You're friends, right?"

Betty's cheeks flushed as she had already pressed send. Robbie gave her a squeeze on the shoulder before he turned to the city desk and took the never-ending battle to Foswell.

"That's just great." Peter slumped into an empty cafeteria table and dropped his undercooked french fries and not-quite-fit-for-prison-inmates burger down in front of him. "A warning about a crazed psycho. At least this time it's my boss. Is it too much to hope for a friendly message or a sext or something?" Peter's grin turned up imagining such a message from Betty. Gwen and Harry set their food down across from him.

"What's wrong Peter?" Gwen asked, her vacation induced tan was not nearly as dark as Harry's. She brushed her hair behind her ear and flashed a worried but orthodontically perfect smile.

"Nothing, just a message from work." Peter growled.

"Pictures you need to take?" Harry asked. There was something damning in his question.

"No, Jameson hired some goon to follow me to find Spider-man," Peter explained, "I was kind of thinking that was over and done with."

"Oh," Gwen mumbled, "I can talk to dad about it if--"

"No, don't," Peter shook his head. "I can't really afford to lose the job."

"That's no reason to accept harassment!" Gwen reproached Peter, "Besides there are other papers and—"

"And if its money problems, I can always help out." Harry rolled over his girlfriend. Peter watched Gwen quiet up and felt a little angry. "Better than having my friend follow after Spider-murderer."

"Harry," Peter started feeling immediately uncomfortable. He really couldn't accept money from Harry and continue as Spider-man. He didn't want to nor did he think he should give up the Spider. Gwen would have been dead or worse without Spider-man. Spider-man wasn't going away anytime soon. He covered his sympathy with drive. "I got to do what I need to do. If that means snapping pictures of people you don't like so be it."

"Fine, but don't get yourself killed in this foolishness." Harry's worry was dripping in anger. Gwen interjected a new subject.

"Mary Jane says you helped her get the modeling gig?" Gwen looked brightly, "I'm still blown away by that."

"Yeah, it was crazy all right," Peter admitted. His mind turned to Roderick Kingsley. The man had wanted the specs to mass produce Rhinos. The man had taken over Oscorp. The man was dangerous. He worried for MJ.

"How'd you help her?" Harry asked. His fries had gone cold but that didn't stop him from mindlessly chewing on them.

"I shot her folio," Peter said, "They said she needed a professional photographer and I was in her price range."

"Sounds a lot better than Spidey pics." Condemned Harry.

Peter's mind flipped through his mental album of dirty Cat pictures. "It's close." He admitted.

"You've got the experience with The Bugle," Gwen said, "And the in with MJ, why not see if they'll hire you?"

"In with me where?" MJ appeared sans lunch and sat down next to Peter. She sat close enough that he could smell her shampoo and feel her thigh resting against his. He inhaled discreetly.

"At the modeling agency," Harry responded, "Congrats by the way."

"Thank you," She gave a short little curtsy in her seat.

"We were suggesting to Peter that it'd be a lot more fun and safe to shoot pictures of you rather than of Spider-man." Harry continued.

MJ's dirty smile told Peter she was recalling the Cat photos as well. "It'd be close."

The words raised Harry's eyebrows before they furrowed.

"I'm sure it'd be a weight off of May's shoulders too." Gwen piped in. She wanted to say how much she worried, but things with Harry were shaky, especially with him recovering from his addiction. She tried to be as discreet with her feelings as she could be. She wanted to say that chasing after supervillains and vigilantes was no way to look after a recent heart attack patient.

"I'll think about it. I am still on contract with the Bugle." He had signed it pretty quickly because of how much he needed and wanted the money. Now he was worried at how tough it would be to weasel out of. Of course, there was also the fact that if a Bugle reporter had to disappear because of a major battle downtown he was earning his paycheck. If Octopus started on a tear through Times Square, a fashion photographer might not have the same leeway.

"Well it can't hurt to talk to them," MJ nudged Peter, "Besides you'll like Vaughn-Pope. She's a total nerd."

"You know I also happen to like popular people too," He elbowed her ribs back and the pair shared a laughing smile. Gwen looked down at her shoes and held back a frown.

"Good morning, Dr Twaki[1]," Dr Miles Warren watched as four men entered his workspace. Dr Twaki had not been expected. Of course, Warren knew of the man by reputation, a brilliant biochemist, and of the three brilliant men who had put together the research initiative that is Tri-Corp. Dr Twaki greeted Dr Warren with an impersonal nod and was followed by a courier in a grey cap and green coveralls[2]. The courier pushed a hand truck carrying a Tri-Corp emblazoned trunk banded in steel.

"Are we ready Warren?" J Jonah Jameson had entered first and was already pacing around the laboratory while his disheveled companion poked at the glass of the spider display. His lab assistant, Debra Whitman, was busy with her masters classes and his high school interns were not due for hours. He could see no trouble, but he did not answer until the courier had left.

"We can begin provided Mr..."

"Gargan." Grumbled the man looking up from the spiders.

"Mr Gargan is prepared for the procedure." Dr Warren opened a fume hood where he had already measured and balanced the injections. He loaded the first vial into the needle gun.

"Excellent!" Jonah rubbed his hands picturing the capture of the webhead. "Not having cold feet are you Gargan?"

"You know me, boss," He shrugged out of his duster, "Anything at anytime when the payday is right."

"First we are going to inject you with a--" Miles began explaining the procedure in his academic tone but Gargan waved him off.

"I ain't need to know what's in it to make it all work do I?" He scowled.

"Of course not, Mr Gargan," Dr Warren readied the needle gun on Gargan's muscled forearm. The man's heavy jacket and mild slouch really disguised the sheer power underneath his skin. An excellent specimen.

"I must admit," Dr Twaki interrupted before Warren could depress the trigger mechanism, "I find this experiment to be highly unethical."

"How so?" Jonah growled, "Gargan knew what he was stepping up to. Lawyers even drafted the paperwork covering your, Warren's and my collective asses. Besides it ain't like no one's been doing this crap before. Only now we know that the end result isn't going to be some crazy villain but an upstanding hardworking flesh and blood New Yorker." Miles Warren shook his head when Jonah attempted to light his cigar. The newspaperman let out a strong growl. "You get to test your suit, Warren gets to find my boy a cure and I get to deal with Spider-mask once and for all."

"I'd like to add--"

"No need Dr Warren," Twaki raised his hand, "I was just making sure my misgivings had been stated and acknowledged. Proceed."

"About damned time," Mac Gargan muttered something about bickering housewives and eggheads. He seethed a quick inhalation as the first needle punctured his wrist. Warren followed with two others. He pocketed the nanotech control robots. There was no reason to consider Gargan a long term investment.

Since Warren had augmented Kravinoff, he had significantly improved the process. Kravinoff underwent gene treatment for weeks before the effects were visible. Gargan only had enough time to wince at the needles, turn to Jonah and laugh about the easiest two grand he ever made. Gargan convulsed, gripping his chest and kicking his legs out. Jonah was excited and angry but not panicking. Twaki's eyes widened and he stepped towards the door. The serum was arthropod, but due to Jonah's specifications it was centered around the aspects of one of nature's deadliest. Gargan felt his muscles release and contract as he howled. The muscle he carried had been bulky and it quickly slimmed into thinner, leaner, harder versions. His full height was obvious as he flexed and struggled back onto his stool. Sitting tall he was at nearly six foot two, a whole three inches taller than his natural slouch. His eyes had taken on a greenish quality from their natural brown. His hair was pasted to his head by sweat.

"How are you feeling Mr Gargan?" Warren asked when the man's breathing steadied.

"I'd kill for a milkshake and a steak," He grumbled, "And several dozen beers."

"That's your body demanding more protein," Warren explained. He left out the alcoholism, "Eat heartily for a few days."

"Will do," Gargan nodded with a wheeze. He steadied himself on the edge of the work bench, but his fingers sheared through the particle board and laminate. "Shit."

"A side effect," Nodded Warren, "Scorpions have vicious pincers and you'll notice your own grip having similar qualities."

"Well I'll have to get hookers more often now," Gargan announced. Jonah snarled.

"It's not over yet, Gargan!" He growled and pushed Twaki forward.

"Yes," Dr. Twaki reset his glasses upon his nose. "You are aware that Tri-Corp's weapon development has surrounded on body armor and weaponized suits. It was our prototype that was stolen and implemented by The Shocker and our Jupiter Suit that--"

"The man's not paying me to fail another class, Doc. Just suit me up."

"Of course," Twaki decided he was betting on Spider-man. The suit was contained in four parts. The first three were armored clothing, a shirt with sleeves and a hood, a set of gloves and full pants with boots. The final part was a segmented tail. It connected to the pants and was wired through the shirt to the hood. Sensors at his right shoulder and the base of his spine would accept signals commanding the weapon. The tail itself was extrapolated from Otto Octavius's work. Powered by a Megalo-Pak, it should hold out for nearly four years before it needed recharging. It was made to swing like a sledgehammer and implemented with a pick for extra destructive power and it carried a reservoir of compounds that could be expelled as an acidic blast. Dr Twaki attempted to help Gargan into the armor but the private dick pushed him backwards. Twaki managed to stay upright with Jonah's help.

"I can put on my own clothes, Doc," Snarled Gargan as he stripped down to his disgustingly spotted boxing shorts. The pants fit like a second skin, impressive because of how his muscle mass had changed through the process. The shirt was only slightly looser but when he pulled the hood up around his hair it hissed and clung tight to his body. He snagged on the gloves and tested them. They kept him from ripping things apart with his hands. The tail was a two man job. He snarled at Twaki, so Warren connected it.

"You going to be ready for Tomorrow, Gargan?" Jameson demanded.

"Be there with bells on boss," He grinned. Warren sighed. Gargan's excitement destroyed the edge of one of his work benches with a blow from the tail. Jonah was mad-eyed and giddy. Gargan was feeling powerful for the first time in his life. Twaki was quiet and reserved. Warren was looking forward to Gwen and Peter arriving so this mess could get cleaned up.

The Vault was New York's answer to supervillains. It was centered in the deepest parts of Riker's Island penitentiary. Specially designed cells to handle any of the supercriminal element that had been popping up in the city. Rhino lay in his cell, snoring despite the aggravating electronic voice that responded to any and all stimuli with the threat of tranquilizing gas. Liz Allan was glad, she didn't like Rhino's eyes on her when she came to visit her brother. Her eyes were red, she had been crying on the cab ride over and she hadn't managed to mask the fact by touching up her makeup. One guard carried a steel chair, one of the ones wrestlers battered each other with. They arrived in front of Molten Man's cell.

"Please stand back from the door or suppressing foam will be released to detain Allan comma Mark." The voice declared.

"I know," grumbled Mark. He had been pacing, he had little to occupy his time in prison. He had access to books and exercise equipment, but not the general population. He always imagined that it would be better to be left alone in prison. Two guards a day and whoever delivered his food and reading materials were all the company he could guarantee. It didn't matter that someone else controlled his superpower. While he was a supervillain, he was alone. Liz's visits were the only thing keeping him sane. One month down, only one hundred and nineteen left.

The guard set up the chair in Mark's cell. Liz Allan took the guard's offered hand as she stepped up over the door seal and settled into the chair. He gave her the standard warning about leaning too far back because she'd get her pretty hair full of extinguisher foam. She smiled politely, the guard was friendly in his condescending way. The door shut behind her and the computer voice assured all parties it was closed.

"I know," The Allan siblings mumbled together. It had become a shared joke with them and Liz really needed to smile.

"You look like you've been crying, Lizzie," Mark reached out and brushed her cheek. "You still hung up on Peter?"

"I saw another girl kiss him today," She said like a knife in her chest.

"He was never good enough for you anyway," Mark reiterated, "You deserve the best."

"I can't believe that's what he said when he broke up with me!" Liz growled. "I know it was to get with Gwen. If I'm too good for him, than what the hell did she do to be so foul!"

It wasn't enough that Gwen was smarter and more interesting than Liz. No, Gwen was beautiful. She had hid it for years under heavy sweatshirts and baggy pants. Her beautiful eyes tucked away behind thick glasses. Her gorgeous hair wasted in a utilitarian ponytail. Why couldn't the nerdy bitch have an acne problem or something? Liz slumped down.

"Don't go comparing yourself to Gwen," Mark would hug her but there were strict no touching rules and he already pushed those to the limit by rubbing her cheek. "Besides she's still with Harry, right?"

"Yeah," Liz mumbled, "But this was worse. Now Pete's all touchy feely with Mary Jane Watson."

"MJ?" Mark narrowed his eyes. He was still pissed that his lawyer couldn't get her in to see him. Not that conjugal visits were a right of unmarried, underage supercriminals. "The fucking bitch. It's been four weeks! That--"

"Voices will be lowered or suppressing foam will be released to contain Allan comma Mark." The voice rang.

"I know," Mark and Liz seethed, but more quietly.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure she slept with him over spring break." Liz growled. "You can just see the difference in how Peter moves like that."

"You never slept with him, right?" Mark asked, it was fearful and forceful.

"No," Liz sighed. She would have, had he made their dates or tried anything. She and Flash had been hot and heavy all sophomore year. "You and MJ?"

"Yeah, pretty much every opportunity we got." Of course he's going to brag about it. Liz was starting to hate MJ. She had never been this angry at anyone other than Mark. His gambling had destroyed his life and she saw it coming. But that was a hot worrisome rage. The kind of anger you can only have when you can't help someone from making a terrible mistake. The anger she had for Gwen and for MJ was seething with envy and hurt. The anger she held for Peter was the only way to keep herself from going back to him.

"She any good?" Liz had to ask something. Sex was an odd topic with her brother but so long as they didn't discuss her problems Mark never thought twice about it.

"Yeah! She's as hot and fiery as her hair." Mark's reminiscence was bittersweet. The thoughts of fire brought him to his predicament. Maybe he should have busted out when the goblin lighted him up last time. Now Osborn was dead and he was stuck in a ten year sentence. He longed to hug Lizzie, but that foam was terrible and they'd spray him if he made any attempts to hold her.

"Well, I'm glad for you," Liz said. "Has mom or dad come to visit yet?"

"No," Mark fell back against the wall. "Haven't seen them since the trial."

"I'll talk to mom again. She wants to come," Liz was quiet.

"Yeah but dad says I'm not worth saving." Mark sneered.

"Miss Allan, times up." The guard appeared at the door and rapped it with his truncheon.

"But! There was no way that was ten minutes." She pleaded.

"I'm sorry, miss, but time is time." The door was opening and the guard had his right hand resting on his stun gun.

"I'll see you in a few days, I promise!" Liz reached in and gave Mark a quick hug around his shoulders. The guard stated "No Touching." but without enthusiasm. Liz said goodbye once again and Mark just nodded. Liz walked off, thinking on their little conversation. When she got into the next cab, her face was stony and her eyes were dry.

Peter Parker woke early for a Tuesday. Last night's Spider-manning had been a bust. No street crime, no supervillains, exhausted and bored he called it a night by nine. It was a hard decision, part of him wanted to stay out all night every night until he found Black Cat. After settling in back at school, talking to Harry and Gwen, being around MJ, part of him hoped he could put Cat's crazy fling behind him. Aunt May was up and about preparing in the kitchen. Dr Bromwell had said she was fit as a fiddle but Peter still fussed whenever he saw her hard at work. The thick smell of bacon and eggs told him it was about to be a delicious duty to perform. He heard the paperboy dropping the Bugle on his doorstep and opened the door in his undershirt and boxers.

"An Invitation to Spider-man. The Daily Bugle Wants You to Tell Your Side of The Story" The two line headline was less hard hitting than Threat or Menace! Peter shook his head. What kind of idiot did Jolly Jonah take Spidey for? Betty's text message yesterday and this obvious trap today. Good news all around. Peter was starting to feel like a Parker again.

"Good morning Aunt May," Peter greeted his aunt warmly. He had the Daily Bugle under his arm. He sat down and turned to the funnies.

"Good morning Peter," May said with an ebullient happiness, "I didn't expect you up for half an hour. Breakfast isn't quite ready yet."

"Speaking of which, bacon isn't entirely heart-smart." Peter turned down the corner of the Bugle and gave a correcting look to his aunt.

"I know Peter," May laughed, "The bacon is for you. I made myself a healthy breakfast, although it wouldn't hurt you to try eating a little more healthfully."

"I'll have an apple with the eggs, bacon, cheese and biscuits." He promised.

"Oh, Peter," She shook her head smiling.

Liz arrived at Midtown with Rand and Sally, Flash and Sha Shan, and Kenny and Glory. She watched with envy as the three couples laughed and talked and touched. She cut away from her group as soon as they passed the courtyard. She watched them walk off ungratefully as she settled down onto the fountain's lip. The cold stone bit through her green and black skirt. Her leggings were drawing the eyes of many the school's young men but she didn't see one. Mary Jane Watson had arrived.

"MJ!" She waved the redhead over to her. Green eyes looked with surprise and interest at Liz. Shrugging the redhead walked over and sat down next to her most recent boyfriend's sister.

Same as Accounting 300
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From Debt to Pet

I awoke in the early morning, to a dorm room that wasn’t mine, a sour taste in my mouth, a pounding in my head, sore hips and a heavy, unfamiliar weight across my torso. Glancing down at my chest I noted that said weight was attached to an arm. A very large, very muscular, arm. I turned my head to the right and was met with the back of someone’s head. Close cropped dirty-blonde hair did not give me much to go on. I tried to see if there were any distinguishing marks that would give clue as to...

3 years ago
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Wife whores out daughters to pay off gambling debtPart 1

The past six month’s things have not been going very well in our household. Our sex life has been poor. Krystal seems distant, and disinterested in sex. There is a feeling that something is wrong. Nobody seems to talk with each other, we seem as strangers in our own house. I have been really busy with work the past year, our company has put in some new products, and I am the main salesman for the Midwest region. I am also a computer geek. I got some state of the art web cams, and a...

4 years ago
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Paying off his debt

One of the best and worst nights of my life has just happened. It should have been a good night. It then escalated into a terrifying ordeal and ended up sexually fantastic. Here’s the gist of what occurred.I was just out of the shower and had finished drying myself. After applying a copious amount of body moisturiser, I started on doing my hair and make up.My phone rang in the middle of me applying my mascara. I picked the phone up and Tony spoke.“Hi sexy! Are you all ready for me yet?”“I’m...

4 years ago
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Rachels Debt Chapter 4 Rules of Engagement

-Hey -Dont have this phone number, who is dis -It’s your dear old uncle Along with the text, I included a picture taken from our last session. I doubt Rachel had even noticed the cameras I had installed several years earlier at my late wife’s request. She used to love watching herself when I fucked her. This picture showed the young blonde with her hands bound behind her, her face against the ground. Not evident from the picture, but she had been busy licking my cum off the floor at the...

4 years ago
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The farmers daughter pays his debt

Within a month of loosing her mother, she was taking her place in her father's bed. Her father was a hard working man and very strict with his family. He was also a very horny man. He had fucked his wife or had her suck him off almost every night and sometimes also in the morning before she got up to make breakfast so he could go out for a hard day's work on the farm. Now it was Tabby that had to satisfy his sexual desires. Her mother had been on birth control pills so her father just...

4 years ago
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the Drug debt

The d**g PaymentMichelle had been partying to hard of recent months, like a fool she had gone out a few months ago with her mates. It was in one of the numerous party bars that she met up with her daughter and son in law.It was pretty obvious her daughter Kate was off her tits on the gear (Cocaine), at first Michelle was pissed off, but Daz the son in law calmed her down and moving mother away from daughter Daz convinced Shell to give it ago.Ten minutes later like daughter Kate, shell was...

4 years ago
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Repaying a Debt to Goddess Danielle

REPAYING A DEBT TO GODDESS DANIELLEI live on a very large and secluded estate in Costa Rica, though I can't say that my life is easy, or that I'm sitting in the sun sipping a tall cool drink.  Quite the opposite actually. I had run afoul of the IRS and was $200,000 in tax debt. I was facing heavy fines and probable jail time which I was not prepared to serve. The only choice I felt I had was to call and ask a very wealthy acquaintance named Danielle, living in Costa Rica for help. I explained...

4 years ago
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The Debt


2 years ago
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Wife whores out daughters to pay off gambling debtPart 3

FROM THE BEGINNING I knew about the Indian casino, but not the after hours casino run by racketeers(the same ones that the movie Godfather was made about). The Indians would sell the debt markers to the racketeers, and they would encourage the person in debt to come to their casino to win back their money. I found all about this at a later date. Krystal went to the Indian casino with her girlfriends, and she got in way over her head with her gambling. It appeared that the Indians encourage...

3 years ago
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Debt and its high price parts 17

Introduction: Please note I dont condone real rape or slavery. this is parts 1-7 for those of you that want to read it all. I am currently working on part 8 ———–Part 1————- How did I get myself into this? Jerry thinks as he sits there staring at the envelope in front of him. He hasnt opened it yet, but he knows who its from. After a while he picks it up and looks at it some more, turning it over and over in his hands. It looks just like all of the others. Plain white, regular stamp, and no...

3 years ago
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Debt Sex Debt

My name is Kathy Summer and this is my story about my life after my divorce and getting into debt and then my confession to my boss Mrs Collins. (Mrs Angela Collins and her husband Geoffrey Collins)I was in deep in debt both financially and in debt emotionally to Angela and Geoff. I need to keep my job and my boss Mrs Collins knew about my problems. She invited me to her home and together with her husband Geoff. She seduced me into having sex with Geoff her husband and then also with Angela in...

3 years ago
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Paying off a Debt

Paying off a Debt By: Rachael Free Richard was a down to earth husband who liked to dress up with his wife now and then for some fun. He is surprised one night and transformed into a sexy slut. Trixie and Mindy find their way to happiness as they experience the seedier side of life. ....................................................................... I was preparing for a nice restful night after some pretty frisky sex when my wife, Sarah, shook me, telling me she heard...

4 years ago
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Rhaan Debt of Honor one

HUH! Here I am jumping ahead of the full story, wanting to start in the middle than the beginning where I should. So, let us start with two of the main figures, central to this spectacular series of sensuous events… These first two are my mother, and her friend Linda, who is a worker at the town’s great library, just like mother. Each is a contrast in their appearances. Just by looking at them, it’s dead obvious… Mom maintains a healthy, lush brown tan that sets off her fully...

1 year ago
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Damsel for Debt

Introduction: When a dishonest Norseman is unable to repay his debts, he must find other means to repay . . . Note: This is a fictional sex story based off of a character from the TV show Vikings. Please do not comment about the inaccuracy of the women, once again, it is fiction. Thanks. The land was full of violence, violent weather, violent hierarchies, and violent men. In this respect, she should not have been surprised by the way her life changed. Astrid had always known that her land was...

4 years ago
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The Lesbian Debt All Chapters

LAURA AND ERICA Her girlfriend's cunt tasted as good as ever. Laura lay in the top position of a nude 69, her short fringe of pink hair hanging over her eyes as she lapped at her lover Erica's pussy. She loved this position. She loved the feel of her large tits being splayed out to either side of her lover's trim stomach; she loved the feel of Erica's boobs against her own midriff. She loved Erica's head between her thighs, loved knowing she could clench her knees together and trap it...

4 years ago
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Birthday Debt Peak Oil Story of Sharon Fox

It was a warm evening, around 7PM. Sharon Fox was watching television with the lights off. Life was depressing. She had been jobless for six months now and had to borrow money to support herself and her 15 year old son Josh. Her son was over at someone else's house. What made her more depressed was that she was now living at the time of peak oil. Deep down she knew it just wasn't going to be bad for just her and her son, but for the entire country. She knew that many people won't have...

1 year ago
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A Debt Paid Ch 01

This story involves some gender bending, so if you are uncomfortable with that move along, this is not your cup of tea… The following story is based on the results of a DNA reshaping nano-robotic technology designed in China for making perfect workers, soldiers and prostitutes. The mob just bought some of the prostitute nano cocktails on the black market. In short it can transform any human into a nubile sexpot, in addition to the outward body changes, there are sinister changes to the...

1 year ago
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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 40 Freedom

FREEDOM Laura woke up one morning and checked her email. She didn't immediately understand what she saw. She thought it must be because she was a stupid lesbian bimbo, so she read it again, and again, until she realised it was real. === To: Kitten Tits the Lesbian Slut Re: Debt Just writing to let you know that we consider your debt paid. You are worthless, of course, and have not remotely returned the money you owe. But gambling sites are ony a small part our interests. We...

1 year ago
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Husband Pays off Debt with his Wife Blacken

My name is Richard and I work for a large brokerage firm in Atlanta, Georgia. I am the chief financial officer and make very good money. No matter what they paid me, I would still be in debt. I have a bad habit. I gamble. I not only gamble. I lose. I should have been putting money away for retirement, but we are in debt up to our eyes. I have been working here for the last 10 years and am a very trusted employee. Thank God, I had enough sense to put the house and car in my wife's name. A little...

3 years ago
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Time To Pay Off My Debt

**********Time to pay off my bill. No matter what I had to do.******** I had let a bill I let get pretty high and I was told I needed to pay. I asked for more time, but It was long over due and needed to be addressed. I asked, "but what if I don't have the money"? I was told that, "I would figure it out". "Shit"!! "I'm in trouble"!!! Later that day, I get a knock on my door. It was him and he brought back-up, just in case. I was asked to sit down on the couch. "I don't have the money I owe...

2 years ago
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More Sex and Debt

My name is Kathy Summer and this is my story about my life after my divorce and getting into debt and then my confession to my boss Mrs Collins. (Mrs Angela Collins and her husband Geoffrey Collins)I was in deep in debt both financially and in debt emotionally to Angela and Geoff. I need to keep my job and my boss Mrs Collins knew about my problems. She invited me to her home and together with her husband Geoff. She seduced me into having sex with Geoff her husband and then also with Angela in...

2 years ago
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A Debt To Diana

1. The Deed. The oppressive pounding of my pulse around my head was loud against her silence. It seemed that I would die for what I had done, yet what I had done was right and my determination more than matched my fear. Apart from those all too few moments with my love I had never felt so alive even when death looked certain to make my untimely acquaintance. Coldly, slowly and with deliberate hushed tones she began the rhetorical inquisition. "I can see it was you that let her go" she...

2 years ago
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Looming debt

Alex Young had always thought of himself as nothing short of exceptional, believing, for no reason in particular, that he was better in every regard than the average man. By his mid 20s he had always envisioned himself living in a mansion, married to some smoking hot super model or European tennis player with millions in the bank from professional gaming or perhaps investing in stoke. Instead, at 24 years old, he is living alone in a shitty apartment, unemployed and 383,042$ in debt. The debt...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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My Debt To Society

My Debt To Society By Katharine Sexkitten "Defendant will rise!" I stood up. My court-appointed lawyer rose with me. I didn't actually know his name. The Judge looked at me sternly, over top of the rims of his glasses. "Young man," he snarled, "this is the second time you've appeared in this court, much to my consternation." I thought, oh boy, this can't be good. "A third time will result in a sentence of considerable penalty, in a federal penitentiary. Do you...

3 years ago
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Rachels Debt Chapter 5 Poker Night

Swinging into the grocery store on my way home, I bought two jars of salsa, several bags of chips, a bag of pretzels, and two cases of beer. I had a kegerator in my game room, but after a boozy month in which I tried to drink away Amber’s death I hadn’t refilled it again. I made it back home about twenty minutes before my guests would start arriving. Technically, cards didn’t start for another 50 minutes, but Derek and Jeff were almost always a half hour early. I brought the beer in first,...

4 years ago
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Repaying a debt with interest

Recently, I was contracted to install the electrics in a house being renovated by this woman. I was about half way through the installation and she came to me one day and explained she was having a few problems with some money that she was expecting. “There could be a bit of a delay in my next progress payment which was due at the end of the month. I could pay about half on time and the rest should be available by the time the next monthly payment was due. “ I had doubts about this woman a...

Straight Sex
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Repaying a Debt to Goddess Danielle

I had been acquainted with Danielle through an ex girlfriend of mine for 3 years, but we were never close friends, but kept in touch and occasionally got together when she visited Los Angeles. She is extremely wealthy after inheriting over a billion dollars of family assets. Danielle is 31, dark haired and very curvy with beautiful facial features, a stunning ass and large natural breasts. Danielle is also a lesbian with multiple lovers whom she flies down to visit her or employs on her...

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Taking Lizs Pussy for a Drug Debt

I had been looking for him for a few weeks and finally caught him at his girlfriend's place one night. They ordered a pizza and the guy at the pizza place was one of my customers who knew I was looking for him and tipped me off that night in return for an ounce of weed. He called me after they ordered and told me her address. I figured I had some time to get Ed and Jimmy and get the drop on them. We rolled up to her place and staked it out. Liz lived alone in a small apartment complex...

3 years ago
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Debt and its high price part 3 A walk down memory lane

"You and I have a few things to discuss, but for now I'm tired and need my rest. I'll see you in the morning." He walked to the stairs and paused for a minute. "And Jerry," He waited till Jerry looked his way. "You should have thought about the consequences before you made that mistake." ---------- Jerry was taken to a room on the other end of Kalona's massive dungeon. Unlike Kali's room Jerry had nothing but a bare matress in a rather cramped room. His escort...

2 years ago
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Paying Your Debt

A stupid SUV comes sliding by and spraying my car in water so bad I can't see for a second and my heart is racing by the time I see the car in front of me. I slide into the bumper and it appears neither car is damaged but I sit there as they sit there. Guess I will get out of the car. I take off my silk jacket to try to save it from the storm and reach for my umbrella behind me. It is dangerous to get out in this weather and I have second thoughts and throw the umbrella in the back seat...

4 years ago
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Leah Pays Her Debt extreme

Leah grunted with each thrust as this unknown assailant slammed his dick into her ass to the hilt each time. With her hands shackled behind her back she could not brace herself and her breasts rubbed across the hood of the car she was bent over with each thrust. Dawn was just breaking, and Leah was now thankful for the leather hood that hid her identity. She thought of her beautiful hair that was gone, again felt the pain in her nipples from the chain holding those sensitive buds tightly, and...

2 years ago
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Wife Pays Debt Blacken

My name is Tommy and I'm 41. My wife Christine is 42. I think it would be best if I describe us first. I'm 6'2"; short brown hair; clean shaven and in good shape minus a bit of a belly. Christine is 5'8"; long brown hair; hazel eyes; 36c; great shape even after a few pounds and two k**s. She has always need extremely shy and conservative.Well I have been taking some photography classes so that I could make change in my life. Wife was impressed with my photos even though some could be a little...

2 years ago
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Muslim clears husband off debt

Hafsah had noticed that Osman, her husband was acting in a peculiar manner. Although she did not feel sexually attracted to him anymore she still was worried about him. Osman would spend time looking at his phone in anguish and he would be constantly peeking out of the windows of his house. Hafsah asked Osman 'What is the matter Osman I always see you constantly worrying?' Osman responded and said 'Nothing is the matter is there not anything you can do?' Osman was frustrated by Hafsah's...

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Wifes third and fourth debt repayments

It seems ages since I submitted my last story, but we have been very busy of late. Kelly and I have our own business, and it takes us into Europe fairly regularly. We are just back from a spell in Berlin and Milan. In the present economic climate we are happy to be kept busy. It wasn't all work though. Kelly added two more gang-bangs to her extensive collection. A German four-cock session, and an Italian/Arab six-cock party on the beach! I will tell you all about them in the future, but now...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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My Debt Solving

I have a problem. Like almost every girl, I love to shop. I mainly shop for shoes, skirts, bags, especially hot lingerie, but I won't bore you with the details. I'm 20 years of age and live alone in a rented flat. I'm a student and I work part time as a waitress. At work I have to wear a short black skirt, and a white shirt, which with my 34DD boobs, they really fill up the shirt making my bra noticeable when wearing one. I have long brown hair, green eyes and full rosy lips with pale,...

3 years ago
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Collecting the Debt

;dh;wdf;ja; Collecting the debt?? Part One Stephanie Zarich sucked in hard as she lit another cigarette. Her passenger Julie Fleming instinctively wound down the window of the Lincoln convertible and breathed in the fresh though breezy air from outside.? Sorry Hun but cant do without my ciggies?.Stephanie Zarich was now getting slightly concerned. They had been driving for miles without seeing any signs for there intended destination Hobbs, New Mexico.?Can you check the map again...

4 years ago
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Paying My Debt

Tonight the boys are coming over, it's our weekly poker game tonight, and I've been on a unlucky streak the past two weeks, so I'm looking forward to turning it around tonight. I've got to get even with them for what happened last week and the week before. The first week was horrible, no matter how good my hand was, someone always had a better one. Hell, I even thought I had a high stakes hand, until my bud Joe laid out his royal flush, I was crushed. On that hand, that key hand, I had run...

2 years ago
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Mum Helps Son Get Out of Debt

Early one Friday morning when I was sitting down having my breakfast I heard my mail come through my front door, so I got up and went to pick the post up, and there in my hand was what I had been dreading, my bank statement. I opened it up to see what I already knew, I was again over my overdraft, this time by £300, how am I ever going to get out of this bloody mess that I myself had gotten into? So here I am a single bloke of what 35, nearly 36 living in my own place, never been married,...

3 years ago
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Paying a Debt

Dave and Seth had been friends since high school - doing everything together, including dating and eventually marrying within weeks of each other. Dave married Anne, and Seth married Kelly. All four had attended school together. They purchased houses in the same street, and the two couples were frequent visitors at each other’s homes. Things went along beautifully for the first five years of their marriages. At the age of 25, Anne left Dave ... for another woman. Dave was devastated and...

1 year ago
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Gretchens Debt

Gretchen had just finished her shift when the page came in on her PDA. God if her husband had seen that! O my god and sometimes he looked at her PDA when she was in the shower. She made up her mind she'd have to say something to her gorgeous young black stud. These types of messages were dangerous. He had become very lax about the whole thing as if he wanted her husband Roger to to find out. Gretchen noticed the deeper she got in debt to him the bolder he got about contacting her whenever he...

2 years ago
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The Debt Collection

I guess it’s my turn to add to this novel. What would a threesome be without a third writer to write it? Patty and Vickie both tried to write this final chapter and gave up. I’m not sure why, but I’ll share my guess later. Hello, I’m Charlie. It’s a bit embarrassing to be addressing this to you. You’ve already read much more about my personal life than I ever share with people I haven’t gotten to know and trust. Much of what I’ve told these ladies in confidence came out in their contributions....

3 years ago
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The Debt Collection

I guess it's my turn to add to this novel. What would a threesome be without a third writer to write it? Patty and Vickie both tried to write this final chapter and gave up. I'm not sure why, but I'll share my guess later. Hello, I'm Charlie. It's a bit embarrassing to be addressing this to you. You've already read much more about my personal life than I ever share with people I haven't gotten to know and trust. Much of what I've told these ladies in confidence came out in their contributions....

2 years ago
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The Debt Collector Part 1 reposted

community not too far from the city limits of Las Vegas. The lawn maintenance van we had stolen the night before worked perfectly getting us past the guard gate. That dumb rent-a-cop didn’t give Freddie a second look. I was hidden in the back with Tyrese. Being 6’6” tall, black, and weighing about 280 lbs, he usually proved useful as my muscle for any jobs I did. At 24 yrs old, he was an ex-football player that was banned from playing college sports for gambling and placing bets against...

3 years ago
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The Debt Collector Part 1

community not too far from the city limits of Las Vegas. The lawn maintenance van we had stolen the night before worked perfectly getting us past the guard gate. That dumb rent-a-cop didn’t give Freddie a second look. I was hidden in the back with Tyrese. Being 6’6” tall, black, and weighing about 280 lbs, he usually proved useful as my muscle for any jobs I did. At 24 yrs old, he was an ex-football player that was banned from playing college sports for gambling and placing bets against...

2 years ago
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The Debt Collector Part 1 reposted

Introduction: This story is pure fanatsy. After reading stories on this website and being impressed with the basic ideas, but disappointed with the lack of description, I decided to mix a few together with some of my own ideas. I also tried to be a little more descriptive. I encourage more people to do the same. For anyone who doesnt like the themes listed, such as incest or rape, please dont read any further. For everyone else, be thankful for the 1st Amendment. I hope you all enjoy! It was a...

4 years ago
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The Debt Collector Part 1

Introduction: This story is pure fanatsy. After reading stories on this website and being impressed with the basic ideas, but disappointed with the lack of description, I decided to mix a few together with some of my own ideas. I also tried to be a little more descriptive. I encourage more people to do the same. For anyone who doesnt like the themes listed, such as incest or rape, please dont read any further. For everyone else, be thankful for the 1st Amendment. I hope you all enjoy! It was a...

3 years ago
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A debt repaid

A week later, I was at a card game trying to make up for the hole I was in and was down $2,500 to Rocco; things were not going my way. The door opened, “You mother fucker!” I knew I was dead; Angie looked ready to kill me on the spot. Rocco talked to her a little bit, two guys grabbed me and brought me into the bathroom. I pleaded with them. Angie told me, “You have until the end of the week to get me my $7,500, you have until the end of next week to get Rocco the $2,500 and your going to...

2 years ago
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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 24 Ericas Promotion

ERICA'S PROMOTION Laura didn't really know what to do with herself once Amy had gone. She wasn't allowed to get dressed, and she couldn't watch TV. She thought about using her computer, but then remembered she would be naked and that her neighbour Ranjit could now see into her office from his backyard. The lounge room was the only room in the house screened from the outdoors, so Laura decided to sit there. At first, entirely without thinking, Laura sat on one of the regular,...

1 year ago
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The Debt

A tear was rolling down my cheek, but I wasn’t outright crying. I pulled my bonnet off, releasing my hair down my shoulders, and dropped the hat on the glass table of this living room. I pulled the hair back to straighten it. What the hell was I thinking coming here? I unbuttoned my red coat. I know what I was thinking. I was being brave. I was being resolute. I was doing something crazy to make up for past sins. I was sacrificing for my dickhead of a husband. I nodded to myself as I pulled off...

4 years ago
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The Debt

When the sleek limo pulls up outside my apartment, I know there is no choice that the men I owe money to will take another IOU. Business had not been good the last few months and I was short on my payments. Sighing, I resign myself to my fate and walk towards the waiting car. The door opens from the inside and the most handsome man I have ever seen looks back at me. I stop halfway to the car and just stare. What the fuck is this? I had heard stories of warning about what happens when you don’t...

2 years ago
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wife tricked into paying a debt

before i get into this true story i want to explain how this came about my wife had been promising me a threesome for almost two yrs and hadnt delivered i had been in this porn site and got her to join she did saying this would be good practice for her to get used to the idea of have sex with other men but i noticed she would only have sex chats while i was home every time i asked her why she hadnt had chats its was always one excuse or another and 20 months later i was no closer to getting...

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