The Competitive Edge Playing The Game IIIChapter 41 Tournament Time
- 3 years ago
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Erin, Alex, and I were sitting in a booth at a twenty-four hour truck stop up on I-75. We had ordered hotcakes, eggs over easy, grits, honey-cured ham, huge amounts of hash browns, orange juice, and coffee. Lots of coffee. There were still a lot of people at Jack Hammer's when we left, but it was late and we felt like acquiring some nutrition. Nothing caps off a night of drinking and dancing quite like a truck stop breakfast.
The girls had their cloaks back on, and they kept them closed around them in an effort at modesty as we sat in the booth.
Erin set down her coffee cup and looked across the table at me.
"Tell me what you're thinking, Sean," she coaxed.
I shrugged. "I'm just a little in shock, I guess."
Alex peered at me over her cup. "Does it change anything?"
I thought about it for a minute. "Probably not," I said. "He's my roommate, he's my friend. I'm just wondering why he couldn't tell me about this first."
Alex shrugged. "Again, does it change anything? I mean, so what if he's gay. Did he ever come on to you?"
"Your roommate from last year. He's Catholic. He ever try to get you to go to church with him?"
I had to bark a laugh. "The only church Westy is a diligent member of is the Church of Lustful Intent. And, yes, he tried to get me to join that one."
"Okay, bad example," said Alex. "How about your friend Eric."
"What about him?"
"Did he ever try to turn you black?"
"What? That doesn't make any sense," I said.
Alex shrugged again. "Makes about as much sense as thinking knowing Spencer is probably gay is going to change anything. Some people are gay the way other people are black, or Hispanic, or Jewish, or female. Sometimes you're born that way, and that's how you will be until the day you die."
"Yeah, okay," I admitted. "So I guess it doesn't change anything. I just wish he'd told me."
Erin laughed. "Do you tell him about your love life?"
"Well ... no," I said.
"You'd better not," murmured Alex, but she was smiling.
"So why should he tell you about his?"
"Case closed," said the future lawyer.
Alex dropped Erin off at her dorm. I walked Erin up to the door and gave her a kiss goodnight while Alex waited in the car. Alex then dropped me at my apartment, and I leaned in through the driver's side window to give her a kiss, too. With a wave, she drove off.
I was tired to my bones. It was nearing dawn, and I had to meet with Eddie at noon to go over film of our next opponent, West Florida. It was all part of my employment package for the year, instead of working the concession stands. It was a much better deal for me, though right at that moment I wasn't thinking in those terms. I was thinking more of sleep.
I opened the door to my apartment. The light in the kitchen was on.
"Sean?" Spencer sounded hesitant and depressed, a lot of emotion packed into one word.
"Yeah, it's me," I replied.
Spencer came out of the kitchen, holding a cup of tea. He looked a little scared.
"Can we talk for a minute?" he asked quietly.
I looked longingly toward my bedroom, and then nodded. I slumped down in the recliner and rubbed my eyes. Spencer took the couch. He set his cup of tea down carefully on the TV Guide on the coffee table.
"Look, I'm sorry about tonight," he began. "I should have told you before..."
"Wait," I said. The girls and I had talked about this, and I had been thinking about it since seeing my roommate at the bar. "Before you start, let me say something. Please?"
Spencer shrugged and sat up, his shoulders hunched. I knew he was expecting the worst.
"Okay," I began, "here's where I'm at. First of all, I don't care if you're gay, or you're just experimenting, or you're straight and you were in there on a lark."
I could see him visibly relax. He reached for his teacup, his hands shaking just a little.
"Just for me, what is the story, Spence? I mean, if you really don't want to tell me, that's fine. But I wouldn't mind knowing what's up with my roomie."
He wouldn't meet my gaze. I had the feeling this was a question he had been asking himself quite a bit lately, and to verbalize it to one of his best friends was going to make it real. I was sure it scared him. "I guess ... yeah. I'm gay." He took a deep, shuddering breath.
"Okay," I said nonchalantly.
He looked up at me in surprise. I didn't know what he was expecting, but obviously it wasn't immediate acceptance of the fact.
"You're okay with it? Shit, Boss, I'm not sure I'm okay with it." He took a sip of his hot tea and set the cup back down again.
"You want to talk about it?" I asked quietly.
"I don't know what I would say," he replied.
"Well, when did you first think you might be..."
"Queer? You don't have to mince words with me, Sean. You couldn't call me anything worse than I've called myself."
"I wasn't going to call you any names, Spencer."
He sighed. "Yeah, I know. I'm a little defensive right now. And a little nervous."
"If it's any help, you don't have to be defensive with me. Or nervous. Hell, Spence, we've known each other a long time. You're one of my best friends. Bi, gay, straight, they're just tags. They're nameplates for somebody else. That's not how I think of you. It's not how I will think of you. You're Spencer. That's all. That's enough."
"Easy to say now," he muttered.
"When did you first think you might be gay?" I asked again.
He shrugged, not looking up. "Maybe I've always known," he said quietly. "I don't think it really entered into my conscious brain until last year."
"What happened last year?" I prompted.
He gave a short bark of humorless laughter. "Cynthia happened."
"You remember her. Little Japanese girl I went out with last year?"
"Sure," I said. "I thought she was cute."
"So did I, actually. Then, one night we were at a place in town, disco night at a hotel. She was in a mood, feeling wild. We got a little drunk, and she picked up another guy. Took us both up to our hotel room." He looked chagrined, even gazing down at his forgotten cup of tea. "I discovered I liked being with the guy more than I liked being with her that night. That pissed her off, believe me. But it kicked off a period of discovery for me."
"That's when you broke up with her?"
"Right after that, yeah. I stumbled around and found a couple of places I could ... hang out at. Tried to figure out what the hell I really was." He snorted. "I found out, all right."
"Okay," I said. "No big deal. Anybody special?"
"Nah," he said. He finally noticed his cooling tea. He picked up his cup and took a sip. He made a face and put it back down. "Cold," he said. "Anyway, I fell in with a group, we kind of pal around together. A few guys, a couple of girls. We kind of mix it up."
"Friends with benefits."
"Yeah. No pressure, we can bring along pals and nobody hits on them, just a bunch of friends going out for good times."
"I understand."
Finally, he glanced up at me. "I know you do. Alex and Erin."
"You know about them?" I really wasn't surprised, even though I tried to keep my confusing relationships with them to myself as much as I could.
Spencer smiled for the first time. "Yeah. Even on a campus as big as UF, the gay community is like an extended family. We all know what's going on."
"That's a little frightening," I said.
He looked at me with his head cocked. "You're right to be a little scared. You're in deeper than you think."
"How so?"
"You've got a great girl at home you're trying to keep," he said. "But she's got some competition neither Kayla nor you know about, right here."
"Alex and Erin."
"Alex is really into Erin, Sean."
"Yeah, I know."
"But what you don't know is Erin is more into you than she is into Alex."
"Oh, man," I groaned. "I don't need that complication."
"She's not in love with you like Kayla is, dude. She likes Alex but she likes you better. She's always been more into boys than girls."
"How do you know this shit, Spencer?"
He laughed again, sounding a little more at ease. "Like I said, it's like a big, extended, dysfunctional family."
I got up and stretched. "It's too much to think about," I said. "I need to get some sleep."
Spencer got up, too. He picked up his teacup. Without looking at me, he said, "Thanks, Sean."
I held out my hand. He looked up, saw me standing there, and he reached out and grasped my proffered hand.
"One thing," I said, smiling. "If I'm playing up from you, you're not checking out my ass, are you?"
He laughed, a friendly and relaxed sound after the tension he had put himself under. "You wish," he said.
Before letting go of his hand, I said, "Seriously though, Spencer. This conversation goes no further, as far as I'm concerned. I won't say anything to anybody. If you come out, I'm beside you all the way. Until then, this is just between us."
He pulled me in and gave me a hug. "That's why you're the Boss," he said, his voice rough.
"Goddammit, will you cut that out?" I said.
He was grinning as he let me go. His eyes were shining. "Not a chance," he said.
Those were big words, but I still found myself tending to avoid my roommate over the next week. After practice, I found several excuses not to go back to our apartment, opting instead to study at the library, or meet friends by Lake Alice, or hang out over at Alex's.
We were playing a home game the next weekend against West Florida. Lightspeed had picked up a lot of the nuances of our movements over the two weeks of practice, and having Spencer as a mentor really helped him out. We were able to cut the tethers, and he followed instructions from the field generals. Bryan, Jesse, Eddie, and I had begun talking about how we could exploit Harlan's incredible speed, and we designed some plays off throw-ins and free kicks that could take advantage of the quickness we had acquired up front. We took the best of them to Pick, and he began to incorporate some of them into our practices to see how they worked. It was tougher to see when we were doing intra-squad scrimmages, though, since everybody on both sides pretty much knew what to expect. The real test would be against a quality opponent.
An opportunity came early in the first half of our game against West Florida. The referee whistled a blocking foul against our opponents, and we quickly set up with Frenchy and Lightspeed side by side. Lightspeed feinted at the ball and took off downfield as Frenchy, following on his heels, took the kick and dropped a picture-perfect pass over Lightspeed's head, leading him by a few meters. Harlan picked up the ball in stride, and within about three-tenths of a second he was across the midfield line and into attack mode. He juked a very good defender, making him look flatfooted, and angled in toward the goal. He took one step too many, however, and he got cut off from in front by the stopper, and from the side by a midfielder, boxing him back out toward the sidelines. He tried to knock the ball against the shin guard of the stopper and out of bounds, but the Argonauts defender was too quick. He leapt out of the way, and the ball squirted out of bounds for a West Florida throw-in.
As we reset, he looked over toward me and shrugged. "Next time," he said.
I nodded. "Keep working it," I encouraged him.
"Will do, Boss."
A few minutes later, we used an old junior rec team trick against the Argonauts. We had a throw-in on our side of the field, near the midfield stripe. I picked up the ball and gave a quick hand signal to Harlan. He trotted up near me, as if he was going to take the toss, and one of the West Florida midfielders came up to defend. As I cocked my hands back over my head, Harlan took off down the sidelines, leaving his defender in the dust, and I heaved the ball down the sidelines ahead of him. I had to throw it hard to lead him, but it worked. Lightspeed picked up the ball before another defender could get to him, and he carried it all the way down toward the corner. He managed to buy himself enough space to loft a crossing pass. Bryan was in position in front of the net, inside the box, and he jumped up to head the ball. Instead of trying for a goal, he wisely guided the ball to his left, where Jeremy was set up. Jeremy took the ball on his knee, popped the ball up, and side-kicked it into the net with a powerful snap for our go-ahead goal. The entire series took about fifteen seconds from throw-in to goal, and it gave the coaches over on the West Florida sidelines quite a lot to think about.
As we trotted back to reset for the kickoff, Harlan held out his hand. I slapped it lightly.
"Nice cross," I said. "Good assist."
"Nice throw," he countered.
I slapped Jeremy on the back and congratulated him on a highlight film goal. He smiled.
"Thanks," he said. "It was nicely set up for me."
"You can thank Bryan for being generous," I said.
"Oh, I will," he said. "And, Boss? Thanks."
"For what?" I asked, but he just smiled.
At the end of the game, after going through the greeting line and congratulating the Argonauts on a good effort, we gathered up our stuff and walked toward the doors to our locker room. Bryan and Dan had stopped to be interviewed by a sports reporter from the Alligator, the unofficial campus newspaper. I was walking by myself, watching my feet as I was thinking about how we could have improved on our 2-0 win. I felt somebody come up beside me and drape his arm across my shoulder. I glanced up to see Spencer at my side.
He smiled. "I took your advice and checked you out while you were playing up," he said softly. "You know, you might have a nice ass if you weren't so damned skinny."
It caught me by surprise, and I couldn't help myself. I laughed out loud. I laughed so hard I couldn't walk. I had to stop, lean over, and support myself by my elbows on my knees. Spencer was on the ground, infected by my laughter, clutching his stomach, and we gathered a small crowd of teammates who began smiling and chuckling from watching us.
"Hey, Boss, what's so funny?" asked Sugar.
I was gasping by then. I waved at him as I tried to catch my breath, tears streaming down my face.
"Private joke," I managed at last.
Finally, I was able to compose myself enough to put out my hand and haul Spencer to his feet.
"You are a real piece of work, my friend," I said.
"We make a helluva team," he replied.
We do indeed, I said to myself. What tension there had been between us was shattered and crumbled into dust, scattered to the four corners by our laughter at ourselves.
A couple of weeks later, we were scheduled to travel to North Carolina State for a weekend game. On Tuesday, Coach called a team meeting before our scheduled practice. It was nasty out, rainy and very windy. A tropical storm had formed off the Bahamas and moved toward the Florida coast, and it was moving north and staying just offshore. We were getting a lot of backlash weather off it inland, heavy rains and strong winds.
"Fellas, this storm is turnin' into a hurrycane, sure as shit. It looks like it's gonna miss Florida, but eventually it's gonna make landfall. Prolly South Carolina, maybe North Carolina. Either way, we ain't takin' a bus up into that thing." He favored us with a tight smile. "Looks like you boys got yourselves another bye week."
And it turned out the decision was a good one. The tropical storm turned into Hurricane Diana by midweek. It continued to skip up the coast, threatening but never quite completing a cross onto the mainland.
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We finally disentangled, but I still wouldn't let Kayla go completely. I kept my arm around her and pulled her with me back to my chair. She sat down next to me, pulling her chair close so I could keep my arm across her shoulder. She leaned in to me and put her hand on my thigh, wanting and needing the physical touch as much as I. I looked around the table as Eric and Keisha got settled in. "Were all you guys in on this?" I asked. Jesse smiled and nodded. "Yep. Everybody except for...
Kayla came to me then. I shifted over on the bed and held the sheet and blanket up for her in silent invitation. She sat on the bed, her back to me, and used the remote control to switch the television off. She turned to me, and even in the darkness I could tell she was smiling. "I don't want you distracted by the TV," she said. She giggled softly as she slipped into bed beside me. There was no way any television show was going to take my attention away from my luscious angel, but I...
The shit really hit the fan on Wednesday after Homecoming. Fortunately, it was blowing in a different direction than at me. Westy and Jason, along with everybody else from their pledge class, got summoned to their fraternity house that evening after dinner. They left the dorm thinking it was just another pledge hazing, joking a little and complaining about the short notice. They returned to their rooms three hours later pale, very quiet, and still sweating. I watched Westy rummaging around...
Greek Rush started the next Monday evening. I had promised Bryan I would go to the open house at the Phi Kappa Phi house, so after a long day in class, and a long day on the practice field, I put on some actual dress-up clothes. I was standing in front of the tiny mirror in my dorm room, trying to remember how to tie a Windsor knot, when Westy came in from taking a shower. "How come you're all duded up?" he asked as he toweled off his hair. "Rush," I answered. "I'm going over to the...
Gezinsthe****ute Mirthe is de vervanger van B en een bloedmooie blonde vrouw met lang krullend haar van ongeveer 48 jaar. tijdens de huisbezoeken laat ik altijd mijn ogen over haar lichaam glijden met de hoop dat ik een glimp van haar bh kan opvangen.Op een dag kwam Mirthe onverwachts op huisbezoek. Ze belde aan en ik maakte open. Ik zei,"Goedemorgen, hadden we een afspraak?" "Nee hoor, maar ik was in de buurt en dacht dat we misschien een evaluatie gesprek konden houden,"zei ze."Kom binnen,"...
I awoke to find myself in a soft bed, a thick, comfortable blanket pulled over me. The walls around me were wooden, but looked very solid. Sunlight washed into the room through an open window. I could hear children playing outside. My body felt sore and complained as I tried to move. "Rest," an enchanting female voice said to me. Another elf woman stood not far from the bed, wetting a cloth in a bowl of water that sat against the wall. I laid back down, heeding her instructions. "Where...
George Foster was determined to make this evening memorable. It wouldn’t be his final night with Sylvia, physically at least. It would be their final after-school evening, and he had run out of excuses. He would have to tell her tomorrow that he had decided to take the job in Canada. It wouldn’t be their last night in the same apartment, their last night in the same bed. It probably wouldn’t even end their sex together. Sylvia enjoyed that as much as he did, and it wasn’t as if he was...
Sylvia Jennings thought that George was utterly transparent. Intelligent, yes, but she could read all his thoughts from his actions. She soaped herself slowly under the shower and thought about him. For all his talk about ‘celebration’, for example, he wanted morning sex. He thought that spoiling her the night before would get her in the mood this morning. And, of course, he was right. Not that getting her in the mood took as much effort as he put into it. She enjoyed the sex, and she didn’t...
Flowing cotton as thin as a vapor flips in the breeze. Her slight form clothed in the softness, two long slits run up each side of her skirt to expose her bare thighs as the fabric whips between her legs. Bare feet propel her up and comfortably astride the sleek back of her mare. The flowing breeze causes her blouse to settle open. The creaminess of her skin variegates into the white flowing cotton. The gentle crevice between the valley of her breasts is exposed. The look of innocence clouds...
I wanted to experience those feelings again, but I didn’t know how to make it happen. I didn’t want to try to meet woman at bars, and I certainly didn’t want to pay for sex. So, for some time my main sexual release was my own hand as I watched porn on my computer in the privacy of my house. One day, as I tended to Mary’s flower gardens in our back yard, I noticed my neighbor, Casey, sunning herself in the next yard. I had never noticed what a hot body she has. She is about 5’6” with...
It was August, so it was already starting to get chillier at night. Me, Debra, and my friends Patty and Connie were waiting outside the theatre alley, amongst the screaming girls. Patty made some comment to me about how annoying the younger fans were. But there was one thing on my mind: the lead singer of the band the Mockers, Brian Storm. Previously Patty and Connie and I, friends since elementary school, were waiting in the alley the past three nights after their concert, amongst the...
Hi readers I’m krishnapriya , hope you liked my introduction part of the story. From this part ,I’m talking about my real my friends miss used me to became their slut and how that relationship changed me in to a sex hungry bitch. Please comment your opinions in kris Let me start the story. As you all know I agreed with Susan and Rakhi that I would be their worthy dog who obeys everything.we went to the class. It was the period of geography. The teacher was taking the lessons...
LesbianAs I moved into the kitchen, lightning crackled outside, silhouetting her curves as she stood at the kitchen window, enthralled by the storm seething outside. I knew how it was affecting her because it affected me the same way. The raw fury of the wind and rain combined with the blinding lightning and deafening thunder caused our blood to rush through our bodies, filling each part with heat and energy. I came up behind her, knowing she knew I was there. I wrapped both arms around her, one...
"Let's review," shouted the upperclassman with the bullhorn. "The Green Team has won one event and the Gold Team has won one. In higher education we call that a tie. So here's the deal, we will play one more game. Winners will be considered very, very cool... losers... oh my... losers will have to be initiated. I can't tell you too much about the initiation, but just think mud pit... over there... yes, that one. Keep mud pit in mind as you play. Also think indentured servitude. History...
Damien was driving home from another uneventful day at the office. It was a very snowy December evening and he knew it was going to be a night on the couch with a beer, alone, again. Maybe he'd catch a game, find a movie, then go on the computer for a bit. Tomorrow would probably be the same, especially with the harsh snowstorm expected to arrive soon... It was days like this that he almost wished he wasn't divorced. Not that he really missed his ex-wife, that cold-hearted woman... but at...
Love StoriesThe wipers swished back and forth, not even making it to the end of their travel before the heavy, wet snow once again obscured the view. If anything, it was starting to come down harder. As he had climbed higher into the mountains, it first seemed that the snow was becoming a little thicker, less mixed with rain and more with sleet. But, then again, that may just have been his imagination. Now the snow was definitely harder but there was still a lot of sleet and freezing rain. Anyway he looked...
I was born and raised in Minnesota, and was lucky enough to find a job near my hometown after college. I progressed quickly in my career as a mechanical engineer with my company. My wife Sue and I and our two kids enjoyed a great lifestyle there. We were active in our church and had many friends that we had known since we were in elementary school. This meant that we were very conservative in our dealings with friends in our community. We also had a conservative sex life and had only had sex...
I was born and raised in Minnesota and was lucky enough to find a job near my hometown after college. I progressed quickly in my career as a mechanical engineer with my company. My wife, Sue, and I and our two kids enjoyed a great lifestyle there. We were active in our church and had many friends that we had known since we were in elementary school. That meant we were very conservative in our dealings with friends in our community. We also had a conservative sex life and had only had sex with...
Bisexual-- Storm -- I was a happy man. While my sons were still a mystery to be solved, I had at least gotten my daughters back. I can’t believe my amazing Crystal. She had done everything in her power to save her spirit friend even from himself. In my mind, that made her an exception wizard, and I wished I could give her a box she truly deserved. As for Sable, I took great delight in contacting Bron and telling him what his amazing son had done for my daughter and me. If she wants to marry him,...
Mike realized his mistake as soon as it happened. Upon walking out the main entrance, they had stopped long enough for Beth to bid farewell to Asterion. The group all stood at the edge of the reflecting pool, their shortcut back to the house. When Beth rejoined them, Tink counted down from three and they all jumped in at the same time. That’s when Mike remembered that the magical shortcut would take them all to the downstairs closet. Not until the water soaked through his shoes did it occur...
My brothers house Donald Dentley 2017 When my twin brother goes on holiday I go to house sit for him. He has a fantastic house but I’m not going to describe that. It’s the garden that is important for this story. The place is situated halfway along a farm road. So pretty isolated. There is a another house almost opposite. Although he has a very small front yard the back garden is enormous and is surrounded by tall beach hedges. This means that the house, and especially the rear garden, are very...
“Will ya give it a rest?” Phylis says, the look of utter impatience on the old elf’s face. Without access to the well, she ages like fruit. Elves are known for their near-immortality, but that’s only given to those who can afford it. The well of life may be sacred ground and is limitless, but it still has a price. At least to the Supreme Counselor, and Phylis can’t afford it. Most of the low born elves can’t afford it. That’s life under the Supreme Chancellors rule. I don’t know how things...
To every gentleman in need of female companionship and affection…your dream doctor. Literally. ***Dr. Angela Starr: The Hypnothe-Rapist*** SS36: STARR SCORES VI—’Avenging Forthwith’ *** 36 stories, six (square root of 36) now belong to this series. averaging out to one of each of these six ‘Hypnothe-Rapist’ stories for every six of the Smokey Sagas thus far. Just a coincidence. Absolutely nothing to do with this actual story itself, however. Another coincidence: this is going to appear...
To every gentleman in need of female companionship and affection…your dream doctor. Literally. *The Hypnothe-Rapist* STARR SCORES III: ‘Return Of The ‘Jed’ Guy’ *** April 30th, 10:27 a.m. ‘Hi babe! How’s she lookin’?’ Angela casually asked Paula, the ‘she’ in question being the daily docket of patients. ‘Pretty good, Starr,’ Paula answered. ‘Full schedule, you’ve got one every two hours today. ‘S see, you’ve got…a new visitor, Mr. Ray Reynolds in three minutes, he just got here, and...
To every gentleman in need of female companionship and affection…your dream doctor. Literally. ***Dr. Angela Starr: The Hypnothe-Rapist*** SS44: STARR SCORES VII—’Divorce Awakens’ *** January 16th, 3:23 p.m. HEY HEY STARR! LAST CHERUB OF THE DAY HAS JUST LANDED AT OUR DOOR. NEWBIE: MR. SEAN MCMANUS. FILLING OUT HIS FORM RIGHT NOW. ID AND INSURANCE XEROXED, JUST NEED YOUR O.K. TO SEND HIM BACK. THANKS, NICE LADY!! JUST FINISHING UP WITH MR. BROCKWELL RIGHT NOW, SO AS SOON AS HE COMES...
To every gentleman in need of female companionship and affection…your dream doctor. Literally. *The Hypnothe-Rapist* STARR SCORES II: ‘The Impotence Strikes Back’ *** February 12th, 4:02 p.m. Angela put the finishing updates on the file of her 2:00 returning patient, deposited it in the appropriate section of her cabinet, shut it, and pushed herself off it to roll her chair back across the office to her desk. She held down the intercom button. ‘Hi Paula! One more today, right?’ Paula’s...