- 4 years ago
- 32
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Chapter One
Stormhellion Castle
Eighteen Years Later
‘Cane? Are you in here?’
The graunch of metal rings scraping across the curtain rail filled the room at the same time as a bright, warm light shone against Canaar’s closed lids. His sister had snatched open the library drapes without a thought or care for his comfort. He let out a protracted groan. ‘Give me peace, Winnie. It is not time to rise.’
‘It is almost midday…oh for heaven’s sake, Cane. What if Mother had come in, or Ertha?’
‘No one uses the library but Morg, and I paid him to stay away.’ Unmoved by Winifred’s exasperated tone, Canaar stretched and yawned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes with balled fists, then gently shook the slumbering, naked form prostrated across his chest.
‘It is not time to wake, my lord,’ the stable hand mumbled into his neck in protest.
‘Your future queen decrees otherwise.’ The prince shook him again. When he refused to move Canaar brushed the ruffled fringe from his face to make sure he understood him. ‘Tibald, the hearth is cold. The time has come for me to leave.’
The young man squeezed his eyes shut. ‘No, I do not allow it. Oh!’
Winifred’s patience had run out. Seizing the lad by the wrist she hauled him from the sheepskin pelt on the floor in front of the dead hearth and with a sharp slap on his pale, bare rump pushed him towards the library door. ‘Go on, you’ve had your fill of him. Leave a morsel for his family.’
‘My clothes!’ the slender boy exclaimed, cupping his crotch.
Spying the creased shirt and breeches spilling over the arm of a chair, Winifred snatched them up and tossed them to him. ‘Such modesty would have been better applied last night. Now get out.’
Tibald cast Winifred a sour glance and slouched out of the chamber with his clothes pressed to his groin.
‘Heartless,’ Canaar remarked without feeling, sitting up with his arms slung around his raised knees.
‘On the contrary,’ Winifred responded, casting her brother’s shirt at him. ‘I just saved you thinking of an excuse to get rid of him. I know how contemplation drains you.’
Canaar caught the wad of linen before it hit him in the face, and dropped it in his lap. He rubbed the faint shadow of stubble on his jaw. ‘It pains me you think so little of your favourite brother.’
‘I love you, as well you know, but Mother is going out of her mind making sure every detail of your departure is organised. The twins are feral enough as it is—-if you turn up late she’ll have kittens. And god knows what Ertha thinks of you.’
‘My wife is untroubled by thoughts or feelings of me.’
‘How can you claim to know her thoughts when you spend most of your free time wrestling on the floor with boys rather than talking to her?’
‘Winnie…’ Canaar warned. ‘We can’t all be as fortunate as you to marry for love.’
‘My husband was chosen for me, as your wife was chosen for you.’
‘Are you denying you love Garig?’
‘Of course not, but our happiness didn’t just happen over night. It took effort. If you put more effort into getting to know Ertha and less into seducing your servants, you might find yourself in love too.’
‘Love comes from the seed of a man growing in a woman’s womb, as grows in yours. I will never know that, and so I will never know love.’
‘Don’t be ridiculous. Many people love without bearing children.’ With a faint smile she smoothed a hand over her slightly swelling belly. ‘It is an added bonus if the gods bless the union with children. You haven’t even given Ertha a chance. She’s a very nice girl. You do like girls, don’t you?’
Canaar gave a noncommitted grunt. Casting his gaze to the narrow window Winifred had exposed, he tilted his head to the side, bird-like, assessing the light. ‘I wish you’d let me sleep another hour.’
Winifred crossed her arms over her bodice and glared at him. ‘If you don’t get up now I’ll send Garig in to rouse you. He’ll be far less gentle.’
‘All right, all right.’ Grimacing, Canaar got up and tugged his shirt over his head. ‘Are you going to watch me take a piss as well?’ came the muffled question.
‘I ought to, but no, I have better things to do with my time. Just have a care and ready yourself. Mother and Father have prepared a farewell breakfast for you.’ She regarded him with open curiosity. ‘I thought you were excited to go? You’ve made all our ears bleed yammering on about your blessed commission for long enough.’
‘I am. But that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy my last moments at home. It will be a long time before I have my creature comforts again.’
Winifred shook her fair head in disapproval and pointed at the door. ‘Go on. Get to your chamber and dress.’
‘Do you order poor Garig around like this?’ Canaar asked, pulling on his breeches.
‘Poor Garig is a man, not a child. He doesn’t need to be ordered around.’
Canaar caught her outstretched hand, pressing it with ironical chivalry to his lips. ‘When I’m far from home I shall miss the tender love of my sister most of all.’
‘Save your charm. I’m impervious to it. Oh!’
Canaar had grabbed her about the waist and begun tickling her.
Winifred doubled over. ‘Stop!’ Crying and laughing she tried to push him away. ‘Stop it!’
‘Tell me you’ll miss me,’ he ordered, continuing his assault.
‘I’ll be glad to see the back of you. Argh! All right! I give in! I’ll miss you!’
He pulled away laughing. ‘The ticklish heir of Anteran. I hope your enemies don’t learn of your weakness. It would save them a fortune on ammunition.’
Winifred swiped at him and missed as he darted out of reach and jumped on a chair. ‘Pig. I hope the dragons take you.’
He bounced up and down on the chair and held his hands wide. ‘If they do I’ll tell them my sister is the Winifred the Great of Anteran, the fiercest dragonlady in all the realm, and not to be trifled with. They’ll worship me.’
She snorted on her way out the door. ‘They’ll find you as ridiculous as I do and roast you on the spot.’
Canaar staggered from the chair and collapsed dramatically on the floor. ‘It burns! It burns!’
Winifred hesitated in the doorway and shook her head, not quite able to suppress a smile. ‘Fool.’
‘You’ll miss me!’ he called to her.
* * * * *
Lena couldn’t believe her fortune. Junen was smiling on her today! Her heart beat faster as she gazed at the old buck a few yards upwind. The magnificent brute stood at least fifteen hands high. The rest of the band couldn’t help but admire her for bringing him down. No more campfire teasing that she’d have trouble catching a cold.
Her fist tightened on her spear and the six-inch iron tip quivered in sympathy. She couldn’t bring him back to camp on her own, but at least Eula was nearby, and one or two of the other women. Between them they would manage. Her scalp prickled with anticipation as she slowly raised the spear.
The stag’s shoulders tensed, the thicket of antlers lifted and his flanks shivered and then the behemoth was gone, crashing through the undergrowth.
‘Bloody moons,’ Lena muttered, then winced and looked sheepishly skyward. ‘Sorry.’
As the sound of thrashing branches and snapping twigs diminished into the distance she slowly lowered her arm, unsure whether to feel relieved or vexed. She knew at the crux of it she didn’t want to deliver the great beast to his maker, but at the very least she felt baffled. Was that really a man’s voice calling out?
Cocking her head, she listened, but only the sound of the breeze rustling the leaves came back to her. A shiver rippled up her spine and snagged between her shoulder blades. She made the sign of Junen in superstition. This part of the forest was neither close to local villages, nor was it a thoroughfare for strangers, but she couldn’t help feeling she was being watched.
Just when she thought her ears were playing tricks on her the cry came again, fainter this time. Still, there was no mistaking the pain and fear in the tone.
Reacting at once she waded into the bracken off the boar track she’d been following when she happened across the stag. Tiny, unseen creatures skittered away into the leaf litter. Using her spear to scythe through vines and thick undergrowth, she stumbled abruptly into a clearing at the centre of which stood a band of men. Her heart gave a squeeze of shock and began to thud.
They were Faerie-men, she knew that by their pointed ears. They were dressed in varied shades of green and brown suede, wearing a diverse range of weapons—-from longbows to spears to hunting knives. They stood gathered around another lying prostrated on a circle of flattened ferns. Dark-haired, bare-chested and soaked in blood, she knew at once the man on the ground was not one of the flaxen-haired band. That he was considerably out-numbered stirred her sense of decency. ‘Hie there!’ she called without thinking. ‘What goes here?’
The Faeries all looked around at Lena, cold-eyed and disdainful.
Something about them brought goose bumps rising over her skin and she shivered. She had seen such folk before when she was a small girl and they had passed through Caldey, but such a sight was rare. They mostly kept to the ley lines hidden in the forests, avoiding contact with people.
They were all fine-faced, and lean. As she got closer she saw the workmanship of the embroidery on their tunics was second to none. ‘What mischief is this?’ she demanded.
The one she took to be their leader regarded her with a curl of his lip. He was a little taller, a little more handsome, and his bearing was a little more noble than the others.
Her vulnerability was suddenly visited upon her when he took a step closer. The others regrouped behind him with their weapons aimed directly at her. She swallowed hard and clutched her spear more tightly. Though her knees were nearly knocking together she drew herself up to her full height, at least a foot shorter than him, trying to ignore all the stories she’d heard about their magical weaponry. Their arrowheads were said to cause insanity-inducing pain in the unlucky recipient. ‘You shouldn’t be here.’
A blonde brow arched. Eyes the colour of a mountain stream flecked with gold penetrated her confidence. ‘On the contrary, mistress of Junen, it is you who is misplaced.’ He pointed the tip of his bow over Lena’s shoulder.
She looked slowly around and her heart sank to see several yards behind her the trunk of the Great Oak, which marked the boundary between her territory and theirs. She hadn’t even noticed it in her hurry to attend the source of the cry for help. When she looked back at the Faerie she tried to mask her fear by puffing herself up as much as she could. ‘It will not go well for you if your mischief is discovered. This man is not so far inside your territory as to warrant a death sentence.’
To her embarrassment the Faerie burst out laughing, joined by the rest of his band.
Her cheeks burned but she squared her chin and remained silently steadfast.
At length the laughter dried up. ‘Brave heart,’ he announced with a rueful smile, ‘we had no part in his demise. We found him like this.’
‘Demise? He’s not dead is he?’ She peered around the Faerie to see the wounded one was no longer awake. He looked as though most of his blood was staining the crushed bracken upon which he sprawled.
Her alarm must have shown for the Faerie put a hand on her arm. ‘He breathes yet, but his time in this world draws to a rapid conclusion.’
‘Bloody moons!’ Lena pulled her arm from his disturbing grip and brushed past him, dropped her spear and bag and sank down next to the man on the ground—-habit overcoming caution as she examined him, her deft fingers running over his head and chest, his arms and legs. The scent of death and decay overcame that of the crushed plants he lay upon. There were countless cuts and grazes on his naked torso—-crusted and oozing—-a terrible lump on the back of his head, he was dehydrated, and exhausted. But the worst of it was a broken arrow jutting out of his thigh, bandaged with a bloody, twisted tourniquet. She gently patted his bearded cheek. ‘Can you hear me, sir?’
Dark-fringed eyelids fluttered open, as though with great effort, and his pained gaze zeroed in on her.
Lena almost flinched back. She’d been so busy assessing his wounds she hadn’t thought twice about touching him, but now she felt a shiver of apprehension. She’d never seen such vibrant blue eyes before, even more vivid in contrast with his grimy, hairy face and matted, black hair.
He stared, and for a moment she felt transparent, naked, with no place to hide. ‘You look bad, sir.’ She didn’t know what else to say after the shock of coming across him and her altercation with…Lena glanced over her shoulder to find the small clearing empty. She looked back at the man on the ground. The nape of her neck tingled. She hadn’t heard them leave but she didn’t for one moment believe they had vanished entirely.
‘Drink,’ the man rasped.
Lena reached at once for her pouch. Pouring a little water into her palm, she trickled some against the chapped corners of his mouth. ‘Who did this mischief to you, sir? Are they abroad?’ Being so near the border she often heard talk of skirmishes between Anterani and Cathasian soldiers, but none this close to home.
His tongue flickered out and caught at the beads of moisture and he groaned—-whether in relief or agony Lena couldn’t be sure. She gradually wet his lips again and again until he was capable of taking in more fluid, but the closer to consciousness he drew, the more aware he became of his pain, and the discomfort was soon etched deep in the lines on his face. She’d seen people near death before, eaten up from the inside by diseases of old age, or contagions, but he was in the worst state she’d ever seen a person who in every other respect should have been hail and hearty. Her every instinct cried out to help him, but to do that she would have to move him back to the camp and what would the others say if she did? Any time would have been bad, but Moontime?
He groaned again and his jaw trembled as though he were cold.
Shrugging out of her tunic, she draped it over his bare chest hoping the warmth imbued in it from her own body might stave off a chill. Without realising she’d made it, her decision was clear. ‘I have to leave you for a short time,’ she told him, lightly touching his arm.
His eyes flickered open registering alarm. He tried to speak but in his haste only managed a harsh grunt of protest. He gripped her wrist, but with the strength of a kitten.
A little jolt of static tingled up Lena’s arm. She snatched her hand back and curled it into a fist, resisting the urge to rub it. Assuming his concern was for the band of Faeries, she sent another quick glance around but saw only trees and vines. Then again, she sensed if they didn’t want to be seen she would have no hope of spying them. ‘I doubt they’ll return. I can’t carry you on my own. I must get help. I’ll be quick.’ Before the haunting helplessness in his eyes could detain her she scrambled to her feet and set off, not pausing to collect her belongings.
It wasn’t long before she found Eula filling a water pouch at a brook. ‘Thank Junen,’ she exclaimed. ‘Is anyone else near?’
‘Karina and Merryl, I think.’ Eula’s eyes narrowed at Lena’s appearance, wearing only her thin vest and breeches, now stained with blood. ‘You’re not hurt are you? Or have you brought something down? Where’s your kit?’
Lena waved a hand. ‘I’ll explain later. Show me where the others are.’
They found the other two women in a clearing bent over the eviscerated carcass of a fallen deer. Giving them only enough time to wave the gathering flies away and drape the animal across Merryl’s
broad shoulders, Lena led the curious party back through the woods.
Merryl stopped short next to the Great Oak. ‘I’m not going in there,’ she said, nodding to where the trees grew closer together casting longer, deeper shadows. ‘That’s Faerie-land.’
‘Please, it’s not far,’ Lena begged. ‘I wouldn’t ask if it weren’t important.’
Karina shivered. ‘It’s creepy. Don’t you feel like someone’s watching us?’
Lena fired a desperate look at Eula.
Eula gave Karina a nudge. ‘Come on, how often does Lena ask anyone for anything? And we’re always going to her with our gripes and sicknesses. She said it’s not far and I trust her.’
After a few seconds the other woman grumbled something under her breath, but moved on, which seemed to prompt Merryl to go along as well.
When they arrived in the clearing Merryl heaved the deer onto the ground with a thud and looked in amazement as Lena crouched down next to her patient. ‘Is that a man?’
‘Please,’ Lena urged, ‘he’s very badly hurt. We have to move him.’
‘Move him?’ Karina echoed exchanging a dubious sideways glance with Merryl. ‘Where?’
‘Back to camp so I can treat his wounds.’
‘Camp?’ Karina repeated, staring at her. ‘Are you mad?’
‘If we don’t he’ll die,’ Lena said, with increasing impatience.
‘So?’ Karina fired back. ‘He’s obviously got into a fight with a Faerie and come off second-best. What’s one less man in the world?’
‘You sound just like Nerris. Remember without men none of us would be here,’ Lena retorted. ‘Now, give me whatever you have to make binds.’
Karina’s eyes widened. ‘What’s got your goat? You don’t know him, do you?’
‘Of course not,’ Lena muttered, focusing her attention on finding suitable branches to build a stretcher. ‘I just don’t like seeing anyone in pain—-man or woman.’
‘You’ll be the one in pain if you bring a man back to camp,’ Karina warned. ‘We all will.’
Lena took Karina by the arm and led her a few yards away. ‘Kari,’ she began, keeping her voice low, ‘remember when you came to me sick from eating too many goja berries and I gave you medicine to help you feel better? Did I tell on you for taking more than your share?’
Karina coloured and her expression grew sullen. ‘No.’
‘Don’t we abhor greed in the Priory?’ Lena pressed. ‘If the Elders found out, you’d be mucking out the animals for a month.’
‘Fine,’ Karina grated through gritted teeth, ‘we’ll help, but if there’s any trouble—-and there will be—-you’re on your own.’
Merryl opened her mouth to protest but was silenced by a gesture from Karina. She groaned and set about helping gather wood.
Between the four women—-Merryl strong and capable carrying the deer and her share of the stretcher as if she was out for an afternoon stroll—-were able to lift the man free of the bracken. Despite Lena splinting the leg it shifted and he cried out and lost consciousness. Lena made no effort to bring him round, reckoning he’d be better off asleep for the jolting, half hour journey back to camp.
With the swift descent of the sun the woods grew dark and cool around them, but even in her vest Lena hardly noticed. The thought of what she was doing was enough to bring a flush of nervous anticipation to her skin. She was just relieved to be back in mortal territory.
By the time they arrived at camp, the pale sky above the clearing was streaked with pink and violet in the west, and the encroaching indigo of night and flickering stars in the east.
Their entrance caused an immediate buzz. Soon
surrounded and fending off demands for explanation, Lena refused to stop until she could lay the stretcher as close to the central fire as she dared. It hadn’t long been stoked and fresh logs cracked and spat boiling sap.
Lena kept silent until approached by her mentor, Josta, who wore an expression of intense disquiet—-her greying brows knitted together.
She drew Lena aside and bent her head close to the younger woman’s ear. ‘What is the meaning of this?’
‘I found him,’ Lena replied, keeping her shoulders back and her spine as rigid as possible in the face of the hostile regard directed upon her from nearly every other woman in camp. ‘He’s wounded. He needs help.’
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This is a long story about how we got started with my wife being a slut.If enough people comment about it I will post another about my wife.I never thought about my wife fucking another man until we were married for over a year. But let me tell you about my wife first. She was 24 at the time and she has a nice body on her. She has C cup tits that are large and with nice nipples on them. Her butt is great and round and her measurements are 36-28-36. Karen weighs about 125 and is 5'9'' tall. So...
I’ve known Lily for a fairly long time now. We met online, exhanged stories and flirted outrageously. So much so, ‘online only’ became we desperately wanted to meet each other. I met her once in 7 months, not enough and that was a fleeting encounter but we were so desperate for more to live out our online fantasies. We discussed it and I booked a hotel close to her so we could spend the whole day together. I waited patiently, aroused, heart beating hard. Not nerves…adrenaline and sexual...
Hi guys, I’m Shiva this is my 1st story. It’s an incident which happened a few years ago. Without further ado, we shall get into the story. I was an athlete. I’m good at 400m hurdles, 800m, 1600m, and high jump. So I had to maintain my physique. I am 5.10 feet tall. As I said I have an athletic body. When I was 20, I was studying 2nd-year mechanical engineering in a college 8 km from my home. I have a cute adorable sister. Her name is Sudha. In simple narration, she looks like Aditi Rao...
IncestHer tired eyes glanced up at him as his shadow moved over her. Her naked body flinched noticeably as he reached out and removed the long slender wooden yard stick from the wall. He poked it hard at her left small tit. Digging the splintered wood into her breast and twisting it about, he smiled lasciviously. He liked them flat and skinny and this one truly fulfilled his fantasy.“Morning my sweet little slave slut.” He said softly.Her tape smothered moans made his erect cock twitch about in his...
Becky said, "That sounds like a pretty easy password. What if somebody figures it out?" "It's not like it's going to be there forever," I told her. "I'm planning on having all the permission slips by day after tomorrow and then I'll take out the password." "But then anybody will be able to get into and change whatever they want to." "Beck, it doesn't work that way. There are different levels of protection. This one is so nobody sees it until your parents say it's OK. My...
Introduction: More adventures of my hot New Step sisters and New Huge Boob Step Mom More adventures of my hot New Step sisters and New Huge Boob Step MomRecap of previous Story - Went to prison for a year. Got out on parole. Went home to find my Dad got remarried. He is out of the country on business. My new Step Mom is super bodacious. Her two daughters turned out to be real big nymphos. They came home from private school. They put on a naughty fashion show. One thing lead to another and I end...
Part 1 Sweat glistened in the candlelight. dripping from her forehead onto her breasts and on again to the floor, she breathed the musky odour of coal dust and sweat and heaved again at the tram with half a ton of coal she had to drag back to the pit shaft. Her harness chafed but she was proud and would not be beaten and slowly she dragged her load to its destination. "That's it pet, all done for now, till night shift come on, get thee head down lass, and her trainer Ernie...
I approached my neighborhood I began to think of some of the negatives related to the decisions I had made. If Melissa and I wound up in Pennsylvania I would have little face-to-face contact with my kids. I was sure they were mature enough to handle the ramifications of their parents’ divorce but I would have less impact on their future development. If we wound up in Atlanta I would have more contact with my kids but life would be tougher on Melissa. My co-workers all knew and liked Joan, it...
Chapter 1: The Indian InternI had been working this shit job at a downtown law firm for quite some time had been considering quitting due to a wealth of “Busy Work” and my asshole of a supervisor Mr. Kumar. He was this Indian fuck who had started out six months ago in a satellite firm overseas and transferred into a management position. He was a big fan of cramming as much shit into an eight hour work period as humanly possible. He would watch the clock when you went on break and even come and...
For an answer he stepped over and kissed my cum filled pussy. Grabbing him by the hair, I pulled Jim Bob up and kissed him. Our lips met and ignited our bodies in flames. Our lips and tongues danced to each other’s passions. Laying back, I pulled him on top of me. A Quirk of fate again-IIIShane’s Turn Part-2-of-2 As Jim Bob continued to stare at my hairless pussy, I said, “You do plan on fucking me, don’t you.†For an answer he stepped over and kissed my cum filled pussy. Grabbing him by the...
Cheating Wife...continued...yes, there's more peeing...Saturday afternoon my neighbors threw a bbq/party, last days of summer I guess, and had a bunch of their friends over. It sounded like they were all having a great time from all the laughter and shouting going on. They have a small hot tub which they didn't use right away with all the people there. Things soon turned differently by that evening.By around 10pm most of their friends had left, probably due to the fact they started partying around noon. I...
No matter where I tended to end up for the night, these little rituals kept me grounded, gave me a little bit of homely quality to counteract the tedious sterility of hotel rooms. I set my diary onto the nightstand, put the small pink cushion into the bed and hung up my black original Japanese kimono on the wardrobe. While I did this, I slowly disrobed and took a guilty pleasure in dropping the discarded items of clothing wherever I stood. The city lights were visible through the large glass...
ExhibitionismWhen I was in 15th, I decided to take coaching in Math and Statistics. I went to a teacher called Dipti who was an expert in Math. My friends told me about her being very strict as well, in that, she was very particular about time. I went to her place at the decided time. She was wearing a red saree with a red blouse, very fair in appearance with luscious lips. She had huge boobs and a nice navel, both of which were visible and she had left her long black hair open. She was around 39 and her...
A masseuse, Mona Azar, is behind in rent and worried about making ends meet. She’s soon met by one of her regular clients, Lee Bone, and sends him to the private room to get ready. But before she can join him, a charming stranger, Clarke Kent, comes in and wants an appointment on the spot… That’s when Mona realizes she can get DOUBLE the bookings if she secretly massages them both at the same time behind a divider! Mona sneakily sets them both up and then strips down. She...
xmoviesforyouI arrived back home via airplane from DC, then airport taxi service from the airport. I was in the Downtown House about forty five seconds before I unlocked my gun safe and put the .38 shoulder rig on. I felt better with some kind of self defense capability. The fat chick had impressed on me that I was not indestructible by any means. If someone turned me into scrap there was no guarantee they could or would salvage the computer and give me new life. I would be just as dead as the flesh and...
Hello indian sex stories friends, Mera naam rohit hai. Mai aapko batane jar aha hu ki kaise maine . Bat kuch mahine pahele ki hi hai jab mom or mere bich ye sub start hua. Muze bahut bura lagta ye sub karne k baad but jab karte hai tab to itna excitement raheta ki mai apne aap ko rok nahi sakta. To ye sub ki suruat 10th k baad hui jabse maine internet pe porn dekhna start kiya. Dhire dhire muze achi achi sites milne lagi jisme mom son wale bahut se videos the muze nahi pata tha aisa bhi kuch...
I had built my factory in a place that was about 60 km outside of Bombay along the Mumbai-Ahmedabad Highway. In the 10 years since the factory went through ups and downs but over the last 2 years it had doubled production and tripled revenues. Most importantly it had provided employment to a lot of people around the villages in that area. The men in these villages normally went far off to Thane, Mumbai, Pune ,Kolhapur apart from Vapi, Silvasa and Daman. The biggest challenge for me in the early...
My wife Kelly and I first met back when we were in varsity. She was 19 and in her first year and I was 20 in my second year. Soon after meeting we went on a few dinners and parties and soon we were dating. The first 6th months of knowing each other had past and it was nearing our exams, when we decided to go for a weekend away together after a long year of studying. I booked us into a quiet 2 bedroom farm house which was a near 2 hour drive away for the weekend after our last exam. Her last...
I am Rocky, working in MNC, living in well maintain apartment.Due to long distance, I went to office through metro, it was time saving and I got seat from both side every-day.I am regular user of drink and smoke as well as pussy cats. I still fucked my maid, office colleagues, nearby bhabhis and paid escorts.I visited gym on daily basis. I have muscular body which is naturally cleaned means no big black hairs. I am bald also. My dick is 9” without erection with pink head and heavy balls who...
As Lori sat in the diner booth, reading the menu again, she swung her feet back and forth beneath the seat. Her sandals clicked against her soles as she tried to alleviate her boredom. How long had it been since her mother excused herself to the bathroom? How many times had the waitress come by asking if she was alright and if she was ready to order? Glancing at the kitchen, Lori saw the waitress pointing her out to the hostess. They were obviously discussing the young girl who was all by her...
Miles Sloane nearly dropped from exhaustion for the moment, having been used for sex by his wife, Pamela, and his daughters, Angie, Paige, and Margot, for the better part of the hour since supper (a supper that had been delayed despite their intentions due to the sexually charged atmosphere among the group). The girls took turns, swapping and using his dick and mouth repeatedly between the four of them, though they mercifully let him lay down while they rode him in the cowgirl and reverse...
Pramila was born in a remote village not having even road and electricity. But at age of 4 she came with mother and other co brothers & sisters to an Industrial town. Though father was very handsome, mother was also voluptuous but Pramila was not worth looking 2nd time. She grew, passed through convent school and graduated from women’s college. She was fortunate, immediately after graduation she got married to a handsome man, Vinod . He was engineering graduate and very lively. He was so...
My wife and I had been married for eighteen years when this incident took place, We had a typical marriage two k**s boy and a girl. After so many years of marriage we had sex maybe three or four times a month and only the missionaryposition nothing spectacular but we were satisfied, we had never tried anything out of the ordinary other than oral sexwhich was only done rarely when we were both feeling a little hornier than usual.My wife was a dish water blond and stood five feet four inches tall...
Daisy Stone is playing the piano in the living room. She’s playing her husband’s (Jay Smooth) favorite song and is hoping he’ll hear it from the other side of the house. When he walks into the living room, he’s got a big smile on his face and a bouquet of flowers that he’s hiding behind his back. It’s their anniversary today and he’s got a special surprise for her. He hands her the flowers and tells her he booked a Nuru massage for her. Daisy has never...
xmoviesforyouHands grab me from behind, pushing me up against a cold brick wall….His right hand is holding my hair in a scruff like a cat’s neck, his left hand is on my left shoulder, keeping me firmly against the wall. I gasp. Startled. A little shocked, a little scared, and more than a little excited. I struggle between the cold bricks against my face and the hand holding my head in place to turn just a little, straining my eyes to catch a glimpse of him in the darkness, but he holds my head in place and...
Trick or Treat! Samantha stood in front of the mirror admiring the costume she’d bought months ago in preparation for this night. It was October 31st , the night of her company’s big Halloween masquerade ball. Samantha worked for one of the biggest Fortune 500 companies Nicrosafe that produced internet surfing software. She was an executive IT tech. Her job was interesting enough. But because of it she was always classified as a nerd or geek. But tonight she planned on showing everyone that...
I stared at my ceiling and let out a sigh. I had woken up at 5:30 AM, and tried to go back to sleep, but to no avail. Now it was almost 7. It's Friday, and I only work, Monday-Thursday, so I can stay in bed however long I want, but I got so frustrated from just lying in bed trying to go back to sleep. I had been craving a good, greasy fast food breakfast, so I decided to get up and get dressed, and go pick some up. I would most likely be back before Tyler even woke up. It's summer...
This story is purely fictional and although its a fantasy I would love for it to come through. I am married with no kids but my wife and I have a large family with lots of kids and young teenagers.I am someone who is a hard worker and I am very careful when it comes to getting my groove on outside of my marriage which I only did once in 15 years of marriage.My wife is a very down to earth woman and is open to my needs.On a few occassions while we would have our usual drinks on a late...
They say in this generation, dating is almost nonexistent. Which I almost agree with. This is because we are blunt and we know what we want. However, I don’t even know what the hell to call my relationship with Daisy. Is she my girlfriend? Are we fuck buddies? I do know one thing. I love when she calls me “Daddy.”It was mid-afternoon on a Saturday when she called me via FaceTime. “Hey, daddy,” She said.“What’s up, baby girl?" I responded.“Getting ready for work, you?"I cursed to myself. I...
MoneyI thought fast. I had forgotten about the microphones when my testosterone level rose. As quick as I could, I said, "I'm afraid you fell for my plan. I had found the three bugs in the house, the two in the van and the one on the phone. I hope you enjoyed our performance." "You did not know at all." "Then tell me how I knew how many bugs there were? Do you want me to tell you exactly where they are? Now that your blackmail bolt has failed, what do you want?" "We will talk about it...
I'm sure you all know how tomorrow can turn into a year, but better late than never, right? Sorry for the delay! We didn't get to tape the finale of Veronica's session with the crossdresser with two cocks. That was a shame because it was a rare and unbelievably hot scene that will never be duplicated. But I certainly couldn't deny the woman her "pussy time" to get more tape! She was completely satisfied except for what she had planned for me. I did talk her into getting more tapes so she...
Becky and I had celebrated our eighteenth anniversary in April...if you want to call it that. There wasn't much of a celebration. We had grown so distant that neither one of us seemed to care anymore. She had submersed herself in her work. I was between jobs looking for employment in another town not really caring if I had to commute or even relocate. We had little time for each other. Little did I know, it was all about to change dramatically. Her birthday had come and gone...
Love StoriesI met David at the Driver's License Bureau. He liked to drive, and loved getting head.I first met David when he had just recently graduated high school but was still without his driver’s license. I graduated a couple of years before him. I had lost my wallet so I needed to get my license replaced. David was applying for his temporary license at the same time I was getting my license replaced. We were sitting right next to each other at the license bureau waiting for our respective number to be...