Shania, Pt. 2 free porn video

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I unlocked the door for her and pushed it open. Shania strode in as if she owned the place. She walked straight to the window, placed her clutch on the sill next to the two glasses left from earlier in the day.

Without a word, I grabbed the glasses and carried them to the kitchen. I rinsed them under cold running water, swiped them out with paper towels and grabbed the bottle. I returned to the living room to find Shania standing as I had left her, looking out the window into the street. I uncorked the bottle and poured two fingers into a glass for her and held it out. Her delicate fingers wrapped around it. She held it, waiting for me to pour my own portion. When I completed that task, I set the bottle on the low coffee table.

“To new beginnings,” she said, in a voice barely above a whisper.

I held up my glass. “To new beginnings.”

Shania seemed to magically shrink three inches right in front of my eyes. Then I realized she had stepped out of her heels and stood flat-footed on my floor. She actually smiled at me, a half-sad, half-brave smile, then tilted her glass and drank half the contents in one gulp. She looked at the amber liquid remaining.

“I hope you’ve got another bottle of this.”

“Actually, I don’t. If you want more than what remains in this bottle we’ll have to go out to get some.”

“Let’s finish this one,” she suggested. “Then we’ll see if we need another.”

“You were marvelous today,” I said, taking a seat on the sofa behind the coffee table. “I couldn’t have been prouder of you than if I were your Uncle Eric.”

“I don’t have an Uncle Eric, you know.”

“Well, then,” I smiled gently, “I’d be pleased to fill the bill.”

Shania stepped back to the sofa and sat next to me. “I neither need nor want an Uncle Eric from this point forward. You’re just Eric.” She took another sip from her drink.

“So tell me,” she said, leaning back against the sofa, “what did you think of Jerry’s pals?”

I waved my glass noncommittally. “An eclectic bunch. Some better than others.”

“How about the one who wanted me to be his bitch?”

I chuckled. “Him I wanted to clock,” I admitted.

“Were you jealous?”

My guts twisted. Presented that way, I realized that jealousy had been among the various emotions I was experiencing. “Pissed off,” I nodded. “Offended, mostly for you.”

“And jealous,” she said, emptying her glass and holding it out for a refill.

“Maybe some,” I admitted, pouring a generous helping from the bottle.

“You want me to be your bitch?” she asked, in more of a statement than a question.

I shook my head. “No, sweetheart. I don’t think you need to be anybody’s bitch.”

Shania took a long pull at her refreshed drink.

“You’re right, Eric. I’m never going to be anybody’s bitch.”

She held up her glass and examined the liquid remaining.

“I like this. I don’t usually drink, but this I like.”

“You better go slow,” I warned her. “You’re going to have a hell of a headache tomorrow, or maybe even tonight.”

She stuck her nose in the glass and inhaled deeply. She tilted it up and took a taste.

“Won’t be tonight,” she said assuredly. “I don’t intend to stop tonight.”

I looked at the blond beauty on my sofa, her legs encased in the black stockings tucked neatly under her. The desire of my heart was to gather her in my arms and simply hold her until all the hurt had gone away. I wanted to let it all flow into me and out of her so that the pure beauty of her would simply explode, engulfing and surrounding us both. Yet, as I studied her, I recognize that the aching was mine. It wasn’t apparent in her appearance. Surely, it was there, I reasoned. My own pain for her, my empathetic reaction to her nearness testified to its presence. Yet, perhaps my agony came from a different source. Surely not, old man, I argued internally.

“What do you intend to do?” I asked, half afraid of the answer she would give.

She picked up the bottle from the table. “I intend,” she said, with just the tiniest bit of a slur beginning to affect her speech, “to finish off this bottle of your very fine whiskey. Then I shall either accompany you to the nearest package store to replenish our supply, or root around in your cabinets for another source of numbness.”

I chuckled, not at her desire for numbness, but at the image of her rooting around in my cabinets.

“There’s a bit of gin.”

“Uck,” she replied quickly.

“Some rum, a little vodka, and an untouched bottle of tequila,” I completed the inventory.

“Tequila, huh?” she said, smiling slyly over the top of her glass. “I’ve done some pretty bizarre things under the influence of tequila.”

“Shania, while you have every right, I’m quite sure bizarre behavior would lead to regrets tomorrow.”

Her eyes grew wide and she looked square at me. “Say my name again,” she commanded.

“I’m sorry? What?”

“Say my name, Eric. Say it.”

“Okay, okay.” I looked at the table where the now-empty bottle of bourbon sat.


“No, dammit,” she said vehemently. “Look me in the eyes and say my name,” she demanded.

I looked at her. “Shania,” I nearly pleaded.

She stared at me. “Holy shit!” she said, finally. “No.” She took a sip from her glass. “That’s not…that can’t…” She stopped.

“What is it? “What can’t?”

“I have to go,” she said suddenly. She unloosed her legs and planted her feet on the floor. “I’ve imposed on you all day. I can’t continue…” She cast around for her shoes, akimbo on the floor next to the window.

“Stop,” I said as firmly as I could without sounding mean, standing up next to her. “My time is my own. I set this day aside for you. You may have as much or as little of it as you want. Sit down. I want you here. You need the presence of another human right now, especially another human who will make no demands of you.”

The raw bourbon was starting to affect her reasoning abilities, I could tell. She stood there between the sofa and coffee table in her stocking feet, looking up at me. The processing of thoughts was inhibited by the effects of alcohol. Finally, she sat back down. I sat back down on the sofa next to her.

“You’re not my Uncle Eric, are you?”

“I’m not,” I admitted.

“You’re just Eric. You’re the guy who lives in 2B, the quiet one; the nice one.”

“I’d like to think so.”

“I buried my husband today and you were there to help me get through it.”


“If I hadn’t buried him I would have divorced him.”

“You told me that,” I admitted.

“He was a selfish, hateful son-of-a-bitch.”

I sat silent, realizing that confirming her statement would be callous, especially in view of his youthful and tragic passing.

“So, I was going to leave him and be all alone. Except he left me first.”

“I know.” I was trying to be calm as her intensity seemed to be climbing. “And, even so, it hurts.”

“I was thinking I was going to be all alone.”

“Not for very long, I’m sure.”

“No, I’m not, am I? I’m not going to be alone at all. I can always call on the nice, quiet guy in 2B, just like I did when Jerry got killed.”

“Easy, baby,” I said, trying to calm her. “I’ll be here. You can come to me anytime you need to.”

“No, I can’t,” she said with a shake of her blonde curls. “And you know why I can’t? Because the nice, quiet guy in 2B is a hypocrite!” She nearly screamed the last word.

I was astonished. “What? What in the…How did you come to that conclusion?”

“Say my name again!” She slammed the directive at me.

“Fine,” I said, my own voice rising in dispute. “Shania!”

“I asked you to sleep with me tonight and you told me you wouldn’t!” she shouted in triumph.

“Okay,” I chuckled. “Maybe you’d better back off the booze. You’re not making any sense.”

“Oh, no, Mister nice guy in 2B,” she sneered. “I heard you. You said my name like it was some sort of jewel. You said it, and I heard you, you hypocrite. You really want to be with me. But you won’t comfort me when I need you. What kind of love is that?”

She sat back triumphantly and crossed her long, lovely legs on the coffee table.

“Hold on there, little lady.” My belly was tumbling with what was essentially embarrassment at the discovery. “That’s quite a leap, there. I’m just a neighbor helping out another neighbor. Nobody said anything about the ‘L’ word.”

“Bullshit!” she spat.

“Sure, I think you’re gorgeous, but you’re also about half my age.”

“That doesn’t matter, and besides, it’s not half. Maybe fifteen years.”

“Maybe a little more,” I chuckled. “And, truth be known, I do care. But that’s more about hating to see you in such pain.”

“I heard you. And, I was wrong. You say my name like it was velvet.”

“Shania,” I protested gently.

“See?” she said. “Velvet.”

I shook my head.

“No, I think you want to love me. But, why won’t you let me stay with you, sleep with you?”

“I told you earlier,” I said, trying desperately to remain calm. “You’re very, very vulnerable right now. You hurt a lot. I’m in a position to take advantage of that, and I’m not going to do it.”

“But I need you,” she whined, “and I want to stay with you.”

“You can stay for as long as you like, but you are not in the best condition to make any decision about sleeping with somebody.”

“You love me,” she accused. “You wouldn’t hurt me.”

“I care about you,” I countered, “and that’s why I won’t sleep with you.”


“Tonight. I already told you I won’t sleep with you tonight.”

“When will you?”

I laughed, in spite of the incongruousness of the situation. “I don’t know. I don’t know if ever. In a couple of months you’ll probably find somebody closer to your own age and fall madly in love. You’ll move on without a second thought about me.”

She sat back hard against the sofa. It looked a lot like a pout. “Fuck.”

“Shania,” I reproved her with my tone. “Honey, you just buried your husband today.”

“Yeah.” Her forefinger tapped her lips, “but the marriage has been dead for more than a year.”

“That may be,” I replied, somewhat amazed at my own clarity, “but you’ve been emotionally ripped wide open and are a mass of raw nerves.”

She sat silently. Finally she said to herself, “Eric, the nice guy in 2B loves me.” She nodded. “That could be the best new I’ve had in years.”

“Stop it. Stop saying that.”

She picked up her glass from the table, drained it, and held it up to me. “It’s empty.”

“I think we’ve both had enough.”

“You want me to switch to tequila? I do fucked up things on tequila.”

I shook my head.

“Then let’s get some more of the warm, brown stuff, Eric,” she suggested.

“Please, baby,” I said in almost a whisper.

“I don’t hurt right now, Eric, and I like that. I don’t want to get drunker. I just want to stay where I am. But I can’t if I don’t have more.”

I sighed. “All right.”

“You need money? I’ve got a shitload of money coming from Jerry’s insurance. About ninety grand after the funeral expenses.”

“I don’t need money. But I don’t think you should come with me. What with your condition and those heels, you’ll be staggering around the street.”

“Fine.” She reached for her clutch and took out a business card. I recognized the logo of the funeral home. She flipped it over, dug a pen out and scribbled down a number. “While you’re gone, I’ll go to my apartment and change out of this dress. Call me when you get back.”

“You want me to walk you back to your apartment?” I asked, standing up and retrieving her shoes and handing them to her.

“That would be very gentlemanly of you. Thank you.” Her slurred words made me smile.

“Might also keep you from slamming into a couple of walls.”

“I’m not that drunk,” she protested, snapping her clutch shut and taking the shoes from my hand.

“Nobody’s ever that drunk,” I chuckled. I led her to the door, through it, and locked it behind me.

“You’re going to have to give me one of those.”

“One of those what?”

“Keys to your apartment.”

“Uh-huh. We’ll talk about that later.”

I helped Shania up the two flights to her floor. She stood in front of her door and fished for her own keys. She found the right one and twisted it in the lock. She turned to face me.

“I want you to know that I’m really grateful for what you did today.” There was still a tiny touch of slurring from the bourbon.

“Anything to help out,” I began. Shania put a finger to my lips.

“I know. You love me.”

“Shania,” I began to protest again. She replaced the finger on my lips with her own lips. They felt like they were the temperature of molten steel, yet made of the softest satin. She tasted like bourbon, lavender, and violets. Her arms, hands holding the clutch in one and the shoes in the other, wrapped around my neck. My own hands rested lightly on her waist. She pulled away slowly, her tongue flicked across my lips.

“Hurry home, darling,” she whispered. She spun around, pushed the door open and disappeared.

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Docs Complex 28 Living Together

Doc's Complex 28 - Living Together by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 28 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex," in which Alice proposes to Doc that he and Keela they Live Together for 90 days, but be back in time for dinner. Doc has a different proposal. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. -------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 28 -...

4 years ago
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After the Reunion Ch 15c

Saturday night, Sept 23, 2028The beautiful, black woman, Ashanti, smiled and began to unbutton her blouse. Yeah, she knew how to take her clothes off, slow and seductively. She had just started to crawl up the bed on top of Jonah when he turned his head toward the door. My wife stood in the doorway, completely naked. “Jonah, I’m sorry I blew up at you. I know what you’re doing.” She paused, then went on, “I’m so fuckin’ horny right now. Can I stay and watch?”Jonah motioned toward the chair next...

Wife Lovers
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The Island5

Lucy was a proud woman, she liked to do things on her own and for herself. It had been eight years since her husband had left her for that whorish little vixen and she was determined never to let anyone treat her like that ever again. Her two kids were fully grown up and had families of their own now so Lucy had a lot of spare time on her hands when she wasnt working. This Christmas Lucy's children would be staying with their father and as her own parents had passed away a few years back...

2 years ago
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The Letter From England

The letter arrived from England this morning. It contained a brief note ‘Gabby married so and so on such and such a day.’ It was posted by her mother. I called her Aunty Doris. At one point, I even called her mum as she treated me like a son. Two photos came with the letter. One showed Gabby in her wedding dress smiling shyly but beautifully at the camera. The other showed Gabby, again in her wedding dress, standing by her handsome bridegroom who was dressed in top hat and tail, in front of a...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Papa Lucky Echina Sex Luck

Hi this is Krishna again.. Na previous story ” owner ki echina sex rent ” chadhavandi nachithe share your comments to mail story Loki velthe, edhi nenu intermediate lo undaga jarigindhi. Nenu putiperigindhantha tirupathi lone, rent house lo undevalam. Ma floor lo 2 houses untay ma neighbour thana name lucky (name change chesa) thana amma tho untadhi .. Valaki provisional store undhi adhi thanu vala amma kalisi chuskuntaru .. Vala Nana thana sontha village lo Edho agriculture cheskuntnaru.. Na...

2 years ago
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Lesson of the day Lesson 2

Bill awoke the next morning with his usual morning wood, and smiled thinking about what he was in for as the continuing education of his twin sisters. Anna and Louise had really gotten into it yesterday and he felt like it would be better today. He tried to compose himself and went to the shower to ready himself for days adventure. Anna and Louise awoke with a yell from their mother that breakfast was almost ready and for them to get up and get going. The girls looked at each other and...

3 years ago
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From Swapping to Jamaican8217s 12 Incher

Hello ISS readers Myself Diya I m a 27 year old married girl from Delhi. I’m a software techie I was married to my husband 3 yrs ago! The story I’m going to tell you is real life incident that happened to me from past 11 months my husband is in USA for work.You can mail me at I visited my husband 7 months back in USA there he took me to Vegas,In vegas he asked me to get dressed well up and took me to a club it was a wife swapping club I didn’t know it was a wife swapping club when I went there...

1 year ago
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A Man and a Woman

The crowd surged towards me and I experienced a momentary sense of panic as I felt myself carried along with the momentum. Everyone seemed to be shouting, and ahead of me I could see massed ranks of men dressed in long brightly coloured robes, their faces covered in coloured paint. They were brandishing swords and as the bright light of the sun caught them, they appeared ferocious and intimidating, the grinning faces taunting me as I was swept nearer and nearer. Suddenly out of the corner of...

3 years ago
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AZ hot tub fun

Back when I was a teen, my boyfriend and I went to visit his parents who lived in a motor home park a few hours away. We arrived and talked for a while before going out to dinner with them. We didn’t have much money as we were both in school, so we planned on staying with them in their motor home.After dinner, we went back to their place and they suggested we all go for a swim. This sounded like a great idea as I love the water. So we all went to the pool and swam for about an hour until the...

2 years ago
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Der Brautraub

Die achtzehnjährige Braut Mandy sitzt nach dem traditionellen Brautraub in ihrem weißen Hochzeitskleid zwischen ihrem ehemaligen Verehrer Mirko und ihrem älteren Bruder Peter eingekeilt auf der Rücksitzbank eines auf einem unbeleuchteten Parkplatz geparkten Autos. „Ihr müsst mich gehen lassen“, kichert Mandy atemlos. „Mein Ehemann wird mich bei der Dunkelheit doch niemals hier finden.“ Der zwanzigjährige Mirko grinst sie frech an. „Bevor wir dich gehen lassen, musst du mir aber erst einen Kuss...

1 year ago
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Gina the Girl Scout and Pitbull PeteChapter 3

Poor Gina was disconsolate when her brother had to leave for military service. After all, it was only recently that they had discovered the joy of sex together that seemed so right even though the Good Book told them it was wrong. Actually, it was Gina that found all those references in the Old Testament about brothers and sisters doing it and it not being sinful after all. It was her that convinced her brother to allow her to take him into her lot little mouth and eventually to get him to...

1 year ago
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Caught getting fucked from my roommate

Caught getting fucked from by roommate!Ok for those who haven't read my previous stories some quick background info:I live with 2 roommates a guy "Sam" and a girl "Nicky"I have a girlfriend "Sue" who doesn't live with me but is always around. Recently me and my girlfriend started trying out new things in bed which led me to become a bottom for Sam and Nicky became my mistress, also Sam sleeps with my girlfriend from time to time with me sometimes watching.It's a pretty long story but it was the...

1 year ago
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Me And My My Basketball PlayerOut Treat

Hi ISS Readers,i m a 19 yrs old guy with average height ,fit body and has fair complexion.I study at an university in Chennai and stay in hostel as i m from Andhra Pradesh.During evening times,I along with my friends used to play ,sorry watch basketball match(because we don’t get chance to play). I met him during one rainy evening and he is a basketball player.He is also from my hometown and we gradually became friends and he is my junior too. One can assume as a basketball player,he is little...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Kids From FoldenChapter 15

Garth and Red sat alone in the room bound to their chairs. Fletcher had gone into another part of his 'ship' for some reason. "Well, Red what do you think we should do now? Ol' Mr. Fletcher clearly has something wonderful planned for us and everyone else in the Orbit Stations as well." Red struggled fiercely against her restraints. "Arrrgh!" she growled, "I can't stand this much longer. If I get out of this and get my hands on him..." "You'll what? What are you going to do to...

4 years ago
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And Baby Makes ThreeChapter 18

"I want to go back to work." "Why not?" "My six months will be up at the end of September or the beginning of October, depending on how they count. The weddings are a week apart, September 30 in South Australia and October 7 in Queensland. We could fly to Adelaide around the 25th, to Roma on the 2nd or 3rd, and home on the 10th. I could start work on Monday the 16th." "You got it all planned out, eh?" "Except for one part." "And that is... ?" "Pat. No creche will take a...

1 year ago
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Private Mary Rock Masseuse

Mary Rock is one of our sexy masseuses in Private Specials, A Massage With… and today she’s come to treat the lucky Tommy Cabrio to one hour of hot and oily action that you simply won’t want to miss! A handjob, a blowjob, and a wet and slippery 69 serve as the perfect warm-up for this sensual brunette as she gets the fun started with some hot POV action. Then watch the rest of the session on as Mary goes on to enjoy a phenomenal gonzo fuck on the massage table, riding, grinding...

3 years ago
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Transformation From Lesbian To Straight ndash Part 2

After a good session with my aunt it was time to get to her daughter Paru, so the very next day I went to their house after uncle had gone out. Discussed a few things with my aunt and then went to Paru’s room and we both chatted a bit to get us comfortable, then I knew that she was ready for me, but before I fucked her I wanted to know what kind of pleasure she was expecting . For that I needed to know her lesbian experiences.Here I’m going to narrate the experience she shared with me.Hi people...

2 years ago
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Lovely Time At Mami8217s Place

It’s a story that is similar to thousands of love stories but the only thing different is that it’s difficult to say love was one sided or both or if at all it was there. It was the time of summer vacations and I was asked to visit my maternal uncle’s house to spend a few days with my mami since my uncle had passed away. She had a daughter Smriti, appearing for her board, and the sole purpose of my visit would most certainly be to train her in maths. I was studying college . I had started...

3 years ago
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Mote Lund Ka Ehsaas Karaya

Hello mere sabhi garam doston aur pyaasi unchui kanyaon aur garam bhabhiyon.. Mera naam asim hai main asansol ka rehne wala hu meri body atheletic hai aur proper shape me hai iski wajeh ki main football player hu…,. To ab main apni kahani per ata hu ek baat to aap logon ko batana hi bhool 8 gaya main bahut hi hot aur sexy hu aur mera lund avg se thoda mota hai……. 0 to ye baat 8 din pehle ki hai main job ki 1 Talash me delhi gaya tha per kuch jama 7 Nahi aur paas rakhe paise bhi khatam 1 Hone ko...

2 years ago
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The pleasure of watching

This guy gets married for three times in his life but as he find out later he is not meant to live with a family, he has the addiction of watching women in action and that is what turns him on!I was married 3 times. Now I’m single. If you are interested I can tell you the reason.My first wife loved me much. And that was the main reason to marry me. But probably together with the love feeling she was sure that I belonged to her. She was sure that she was the only one woman who had rights for my...

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Broken Little Thing Episode 2

After a while, she didn't shake anymore. She was still hugging me, her face snuggling comfortably on my neck while I remained lying on top of her. With my weight pressing her against the sofa, I could feel every single movement of her little body. For the first time in a long, long time, I felt like staying that way for as long as she wanted to. I kissed the top of her head once, and she snuggled even tighter against me. I could feel her enjoying a blissful moment, being completely accepted...

2 years ago
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Introduction: Ive been away for awhile. Had some spare time-am verrry horny and decided to redo My Daughter My Domme My wife died six months ago leaving me with our, now thirteen years old, twins: Nikki and Nick. Since her death my sexual activity was strictly internet and Rosie. Nikki had an unbelievable ass for her age, new, just over a mouthful breasts, sexy arched feet and hot legs. Raven colored hair and green eyes. Nick had a swimmers body: great ass, chest, abs, legs&hellip,. He was the...

3 years ago
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The gift that keeps giving

I had taken a step to the dark side a few months ago when my husband got me a present that Will always be my favourite ever. Another man. The man who was the present was broad, muscular and looked good enough to eat. The sleeve of tattoos on his coco coloured skin, were some of the sexiest inkings i had ever seen. His arms were toned and huge and I wanted to be wrapped up in them at all times. It was my husband who introduced Me to this fine specimen of a man.My husband is a sensible man, with...

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Be quiet

We rent an hotel for the event, i was trying my best but we got beaten early in the competition and really got nervous of him getting angry at me saying we had now no choice but to win the loosing bracket to make it back in the finalsIve been playing with him in the pro gaming circuit for the last 2 years, he had been good at the game and nice until 2 month his gf quit him , he would get upset in training and seemed a bit odd with mei would always remember him once in the hotel roomhe thrown me...

4 years ago
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Job HuntChapter 8

When he was finished sending his men out, Howard told me, "I have to call the FBI in. They are the ones who really have jurisdiction. We have a relationship with your agency because of people that go through the unemployment process, and it is our responsibility to protect federal employees and property. Some of them could be people we are looking for. Did you see the posters down by the counter? We have a stack of posters near each counter for your people to look at. It's surprising how...

2 years ago
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I looked down at my morning erection and felt sorry for myself. 30 days without sex was the longest I had gone since my high school days and it was driving me nuts. “Fucking Coronavirus,” I shouted at the top of my lungs before taking a long drag on my cigarette and then began to jerk off furiously. I came quickly and unloaded on the plants below the terrace, leaving strands of cum hanging from the leaves and slowly dropping down onto the poor ants below. “Sorry, guys,” I mumbled and walked...


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