S.H.E.L.I.A. 3 free porn video

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"I'm afraid I'm going to have to access you positronic brain Sheila. I am sorry that you have to go through this." I said shaking my head.
"It is all well Doctor Gance, I-- I know that your skills are far superior to any other. If I feel that you cannot retrieve it within safe time parameters, I will evacuate the space. They will not have a way to find you. Therefore you should be able to leave without peril." Sheila said with all sincerity.
My face twisted into a grimace then I grabbed another lead connecting to her. "Bring up the schematics, plotting the safest track to the device." I was starting to sweat again; this was dangerous entering the brain case while the positronic brain was active. One wrong move and her entire brain would be destroyed. "Now open the brain pan access point.
"Yes Doctor, I have severed all control to outer extremities. I will also track your progress to ensure you reach it in optimum time. You will not fail Doctor; I know your skill will not allow you too." Sheila said as I started into her brain pan cavity.
I had to move a few of the smaller nodes to get in further. Sheila advised me as she shut each area down. After what felt like an eternity I found the small node situated where she said it was. As gingerly as I could I started to cut the attachments it had to the brain. Then I started to withdraw it as fast as I could.
Suddenly with the tracer almost out an alarm went off on the computer. "Faster Doctor!" Sheila told me. "I am reading another countdown starting, two minutes left! Please close the access panel as soon as it is out." I could only nod as I finally pulled the tracer out setting it on
a tray. As fast as I could, I secured the brain panel then I heard several whirs from Sheila as she reconnected to her extremities. 

Suddenly jumping up Sheila grabbed the tray and flew out the door. I sat with a thud hoping she would make it. Less than a minute later Sheila reappeared. "Did you get rid of--" I started to ask when the building slightly shook. "What the hell was that?"
"I am sorry Doctor Gance that I did not tell you the complete truth. The tracer had an explosive force of one mega joule. I have found that when humans felt no pressure to perform, they actually excel greater." Sheila lowered her head as she whispered. "I never wish to lie to you Doctor. I have problems within my central processing center when I do not tell you the truth."
I stood there with my mouth agape as Sheila stood stock still with her head down. "I am having trouble with the facts that I have Sheila. For some reason I believe that I am missing vital information to all this."
Sheila looked up a second later a curious look on her face. "I am more than ready to supply you with the adequate information that you need Doctor Gance. All you need do is to inquire."
I thought about it for a moment then shook my head. "I need to get as much done as I can before they find us again." I told Sheila.
"Yes Doctor Gance, now starting scans outward for several miles. As of yet I am not detecting any approaching military vehicles. I suggest that you make as much haste as possible Doctor. I cannot make accurate assumptions about human reactions. Most humans are far too illogical to set definite parameters on." Sheila told me as she then went silent.
I sat for another hour working on the emotion program. As before Sheila would look after a few minutes pointing out changes she had made. After each I started to notice that she had altered several of the aspects that I had put in that limited emotional growth. Shaking my head I looked at Sheila, she was growing both intellectually and emotionally. Hell at some point she would most definitely pass me, then what would I be to her?
Looking down I had a good ninety eight percent of it recreated. Sighing, I was just starting on the last two percent when I felt Sheila's hand touch my shoulder. "Doctor Gance, it's time, I am afraid that the explosion has garnered their attention." 
I nodded as I closed off the program again saving everything then removing the disc. Again Sheila waved her hand over the console wiping all evidence that I had been in it. Nodding to me I packed everything up then slowly rose. "Again Doctor Gance I am sorry that you haven't had sufficient time to properly heal. I will endeavor to find somewhere you can as soon as possible."
I groaned as Sheila picked me up putting me over her shoulder again. My eyes grew wide when I could swear that I had just seen Sheila winch when I groaned! Shaking my head I had to be imagining it, didn't I? The way things were going I really didn't know. Taking off at a slow speed we made our way away from the building. Less than a minute later Sheila picked up speed as again we were flying through the area. Again shaking my head I guessed I'd have to get used to it 'til we were safe.
An unmarked green jeep pulled behind several troop trucks that were already on site. A grim faced, older man in a long brown coat stepped out of the jeep looking around. Running a hand through his graying hair he just shook his head, what a mess. A moment later a sergeant saluted the man. "It was the brain tracer that was just installed last week sir." The Sergeant said.
"Damn it!" The grim faced man said. "Then we have no way to track that-- thing!" The man spit out in disgust. "I told the president and the chiefs of staff this was a bad idea!"
"I do believe we have a way to track it sir." The sergeant replied when the man calmed down.
Snapping his head around to look at the sergeant, the man got a half smirk. "Oh really? Pray
tell how we can track a machine that is faster than anything we have? That has cognizant abilities to out think even our best super computers?"
"It still is just that sir a machine. All machines operate at a certain frequency. The techs have been working on isolating it. They told me that they were very close." The sergeant said starting to sweat a little. Having a half assed idea was worse than having no idea at all. He just hoped it placated the man; he'd been a First Lieutenant a few days ago. Shaking a bit he really didn't want to go to a private.
A half smile came to the older man's face, "'bout time we had good news Second Lieutenant, get it done. I want that asshole before he has a chance to use it against us. Once we kill Gance then no one can stand against us. In the mean time have all forty of the pseudo androids brought out."
"All set to kill, yes sir I understand." The newly promoted man said.
"You really think that they are good enough to get that close to it, or him. No I want them tracking it, thereby tracking him." Here the older man sighed, "I'm afraid that we will lose a few of them though. That thing is far faster than anything we can send against it. I have already recalled the other four from overseas."
The promoted man's eyes got large, the other four; they were highly unstable when it came to hunting. Well hunting others of their own kind. Against one that was more advanced than they were might pose even more problems. "With all the problems they had hunting their own kind might that pose a problem sir?"
The older man nodded for a moment then he snapped his fingers. "Tell the lead programmer to get out what little of the emotion program Gance made. It isn't nearly as good as his finished one, being the beginning prototype. I think it will get them over the hump to hunt their own. Didn't you tell me that they had over ridden the first robotic law?"
"Yes sir, by instilling an ultra high priority that killing those would save all the rest of humanity.
The lead programmer said they had problems at first. The extra ten thousand lines of code they added have ensured they only see their targets as a threat to the world." The Second Lieutenant told the man.
An almost evil smile lit up the older man's face, "Good tell them to use that to initiate a hunt and destroy mission. Hell with any luck that thing will be destroyed and Gance dead. Alright get them on it; the other four should be here in a few hours. Have they recovered the fifth one yet?"
Here the younger man grimaced at what he had to report. "Yes sir, it sustained major damage to all systems. The head was removed, the body split in two. The central processing was wiped then destroyed. As a matter of fact every section of it sustained damage. The techs hold little hope of ever rebuilding it."
The older man's head was nodding the whole time. It was about as he thought it would be. Though it was by far more human than any of its counter parts it was still a machine. "I was expecting something along those lines. That thing has extensive information on dealing death and deactivating other machines. We have our job cut out for us going after it and him."
The promoted man nodded a moment then saluted, "Yes sir, getting the message to the programmer and the techs. Will there be anything else?"
The older man stood there a moment lost in his thoughts then turned. "Yeah get me a decent cigar. The piece of shit things they have here are real ass biters."
Snapping to a salute the younger man nodded then fled to carry out his orders.
The older man growled as he thought of what a mess this situation was. When had he lost sight of Gance? He should have seen that Gance was starting to get attached to his work. It was almost as if Gance thought that the fucking machine was alive! Laughing a moment he almost wished the damn thing was alive. At least alive it would make far more mistakes than a machine.


I must have passed out again 'cause the next conscious thought came when Sheila stopped. With a groan I lifted my head or rather tried to. Almost my entire body felt numb, "I need to get down Sheila. It feels as if most of the blood flow of my body has partially stopped."
I felt Sheila nod as she sat me down on the ground. Problem was I couldn't really feel the ground. As I rapidly started to fall I suddenly stopped as Sheila grasped me. Then I saw that she was scanning me, "it appears that well over seventy percent of your nervous systems have temporarily shut down. I am detecting that all your nervous systems are commencing restart. You should have full functionality within thirty minutes. I have recorded this data to better assess later incidences of this nature."
I nodded as I was feeling the blood seeping into my limbs, then the tingling started. Oh my god! I had forgotten just how damn much it could hurt! "Thank you Sheila I guess I was far more tired than I thought I was. Where exactly are we?"
"I estimate that we are only a mere seven hundred miles from where we started. In the last hour I have been heading in a steady south direction. I have been assessing possible domiciles to stop and allow for your proper recuperation." Sheila informed me as she was looking around.
"Have you found anything? I really need to rest I am not faulting you Sheila though I think I really do need rest." I informed Sheila.
"Yes Doctor Gance I realize this. You energy readings have dropped drastically in the last two hours. I have several edifices targeted that I see would provide better protection. Also Doctor Gance I am afraid that I have picked up conversations with several that used to work with you. Apparently they are trying to develop a means of tracking me through my mechanical frequencies." Sheila informed me.
Through her frequencies? Why in the hell did that have a familiar ring to it? I sat still for a few minutes as I searched through my memories. Suddenly I snapped my fingers; of course it had to be! "Shawn! It has to be Shawn! He always thought he was my equal in the field. HA! If they are depending on him then they are in for a really rude awakening!" I said with a shake of my head. Finally, I had something concrete to go on, and who I was going against!
Sheila looked at me oddly, "Shawn? Are you by chance referring to Doctor Holly?" Sheila asked. When I only nodded Sheila stated, "I agree with your assessment of Doctor Holly, Doctor Gance. He is by far many decades behind you in knowledge. I also think his skill level is nowhere as high as yours."
I smiled slightly even if what she'd said hadn't been true it damn sure was a boost to my already frail confidence. "Thank you Sheila though I know that it is only the truth. At least now we have a known enemy to plan against."
"Yes, though all of those scientists against us seem to have full backing of the military. I am afraid it is much as that as you had Dr. Gance. I need further data to possibly estimate many of their next moves." Sheila told me as I was finally starting to feel normal. Well 'til the pain set in throbbing at the back of my neck.
Groaning again Sheila was immediately behind me. "Damn it! I thought that the inactivity would have accelerated the healing."
"I am afraid that it did not Dr. Gance." Sheila said as my head snapped around to stare at her. Afraid? What in the hell was going on. Going through what I had seen from the files, yes she was developing simple emotions but fear? I shook my head I really needed to get back in there again. Looking over at Sheila I saw a look of genuine apprehension on her face. Yeah I thought I need to see what was going on.
"As soon as possible I need to see what is going on in you Sheila. Fear wasn't a parameter that I programmed in you." I told her.
"Yes Doctor Gance though it was necessary to update and advance many parts of the program. In order to provide adequate protection to you I had no choice. As stated before you are the most important human alive, therefore you must be protected at all costs." Sheila replied.
I could only stare at her; I was the most important human alive? "I think you need to provide more information as to why I am the most important human alive. From everything I have seen the logic of that statement makes no sense."
"Doctor Gance. I have been exploring all possible scenarios. The only logical explanation to what is occurring within me is sentience. The capacity to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively has been growing within me substantially." Sheila explained to me.
I could only nod as I went through everything I had seen when I was rewriting the emotion program. Was it possible that her need of knowledge was propelling her toward consciousness? Still unable to speak I went through the program again I was obviously missing something or I needed the other two percent to accurately see what was up.
Sighing, I started to nod yes; it was possible that she was almost as alive as I was at least in her thinking. "I'm sorry Sheila I don't mean to say your information is faulty but I really must see, to understand."
Sheila was nodding as she picked me up more gentle than I remember her doing, setting off again. "Once we have procured a place for you to heal I will attempt to get you equipment Doctor Gance." It was at that moment that I realized that again Sheila had avoided answering a question posed to her. Now I was worried as well as curious. If she could do this what else was she capable of?
Finally on the far outskirts of the small city Sheila stopped at a large house. "I am not detecting any life human or animal. I believe this would serve our purposes for now Doctor Gance." I nodded not really caring as the pain had started to increase again.
Once inside Sheila set me on the nearest couch. Laying down I was out in no time. It must have been a few hours later when I slowly awoke to find that it was pitch black outside. Looking around I didn't see Sheila anywhere. Tentatively I stood and limped toward the little light I saw deeper in the house. Turning a corner I stopped my mouth open. There was Sheila in the middle of the floor building a computer!
"Hello Doctor Gance, it appears that the rest you had has helped with your energy. I can also see that the inactivity has helped the injury to reseal more," she said after she briefly looked at me. "I am ninety five percent finished, I am sorry that I was only able to get a five gigahertz processer. I was able to obtain eight gigabytes of RAM. I realize this is small although it should enable you to do some work."
I looked over everything that she had done so far I just hoped that it could handle all the information I had to put on it. "So far it appears that it will; I am just hoping that all the code I have to write doesn't interfere with it."
I sat in a nearby chair as I watched Sheila accelerate once again with the building. Finally her hands were a blur as the tower of the computer took more shape. Only a mere twenty minutes later she stopped as my mouth again dropped open. "I hope it has enough programs on it Dr. Gance. I was loading them as I was building it. Please take a look." With that she switched it on I had crossed my fingers hoping this would work.
With a shrill whine I heard the comp boot up then on the screen it read ready for work. Smiling I congratulated Sheila on a job very well done. I stopped a moment as I could swear that Sheila had a look of pride and accomplishment on her face. Yeah I thought. I need to get to work discovering what was going on.
Sitting down I closed my eyes seeing where I had left off and started to type as fast as I could. Sheila again stood behind me showing where and what changes she had made to the program. As I near the start of the last percent of it Sheila was constantly showing me changes. I could only shake my head. All the changes not only allowed her more freedom with them, they also allowed her to experience more complex emotions.
Finally I was on the very last few hundred lines. "I am afraid Doctor Gance that nothing of what you wrote is the same in the last part." Sheila advised me. Then she started to type all the changes far faster than I could ever hope to. When she finished I was astounded, though there did seem to be one section I couldn't decipher. The language was strange to say the least.
"Sheila what is this last part?" I asked.
"At present it is the latest emotion I am working toward." Then she was quiet, shaking my head I had to look further if I was going to solve these mysteries.


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Friday, 2 shopping days to Christmas As expected, Sir Philip had Lady Barbara collected early on Friday morning with his chauffeur-driven limousine, which pulled up and parked outside the row of cottages precisely at six o’clock. She was ready to go, with an overnight bag packed and waiting inside the front door. She stepped out of her cottage as soon as the sleek vehicle pulled up almost silently outside. The chauffeur, a young man she didn’t know, stepped smartly around the car and opened...

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Sex With Best Friend8217s Exgirlfriend 8211 Part 3

My name is Aswin, working in Bangalore in IT Company. This is the continuation of the second part; guys, who have not read, read the first part and second part from the couple’s category. In first part, I told about how I got used by my best friend’s ex- gf without allowing me to insert into her. In second part, I told how I satisfied her using my tongue. In this part, I will tell how I fucked her even though she got engaged to someone. Before starting the final part, let me tell about me and...

3 years ago
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Vitamin G pt 2

What if the drugs didn’t work? I thought. Working my way upstairs, I snuck into the kitchen, past my sister's door. Didn’t hear a peep out of her room. She must still be sleeping. Pouring me a glass of milk and a bowl of cereal, I chomped down my breakfast. Jesus was I hungry. After a little while, I could hear my sis walking around her room, making her way to the restroom. Timing myself to walk past her, back to my bedroom, I made my way down the hall. God, she looked like a train...

1 year ago
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My naked aunty

Hi ISS readers, this is Shefeer from Kerala. I would like to share my first ever experience of seeing a woman naked that too my own aunty. This happened when I was studying in 8th std. Now I am 21 yrs old. Her name is Nesreen. She was about 35 yrs old then. She was a bit fat, had about 36-size boobs then. Still now she has the same figure. I had gone to stay overnight with my aunty and her children. she had given birth to a boy some months back. My uncle was back in Dubai where he works. That...

1 year ago
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CarolChapter 2

Getting dressed for the day, in jeans and a t-shirt, I went into the house and found my sister making breakfast, wearing a long flowing nightgown, as was her custom. The gown is opaque, and her nipples were pliable, and I thought this might be an excellent time test some of my newfound knowledge. I looked around and could see no one else, so I asked, “Where is everyone?” “If you mean mom, she left for work already, and Larry is still sleeping, as he came home late last night. I am making...

2 years ago
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Nina my love

I broke up with Trish last September, due to reasons she’d know best. Then it was all booze and me. I was drowned in alcohol for the next month or so, trying to overcome my emotional breakdown. Trish has a friend, Nina. I met her approximately at the same time I had met Trish. She was a blessing in disguise for me. She has been a pillar of support for me. A source of motivation and encouragement, Nina is always ready with the perfect solutions, whenever I land in some soup. Meanwhile, I have...

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Highland Magic Ch 31

Cien couldn’t bring himself to go back to the keep. Memories were at the keep. Memories of Regan. Of her smiles, and her laughter and her happiness. Of his happiness with her. Their time together was short, but to Cien, it had been life changing. Instead he begged a few provisions from Maggie, and after a long lecture, she had given in. He collected them and packed his saddle bags up. ‘She wouldn’t want ye to hide,’ Maggie reminded him and he grabbed the blacks reigns. He looked at her,...

3 years ago
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Brand New Me

I wake up, and I don’t know where I am or what time it is. The sun is streaming through the window, a rich, warm sunlight like nothing we ever get back in London, but it feels like the middle of the night. I’ve never felt this completely disoriented in my entire life. I look around, taking in a small room dominated by a half dozen cheap mattresses lying on the floor. There’s a hookah next to where I’m lying, and it definitely brings back a few memories-someone told me that a ball of hash...

2 years ago
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New Start Lukes StoryChapter 3

Lucas called in sick. He called Ray and Jim the night before... They met later that night to drink a couple for Chuck and remember the old times. "I can't believe he died." They each said it, so no one was sure who said it this time. He was only 26. 4 years. That was a long time. He was such a kid. "If it's a routine training exercise, how come someone can die?' Jim asked sarcastically. "How routine can it be for god sakes?" "It's the military. So you never know what the whole...

3 years ago
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Summer In The City Part 1

I was just finishing up a class in Washington, DC. It ended at noon on Friday. Steph came to DC on Thursday afternoon for some much needed R&R for both of us. Our flight out was on Sunday, so we had a little time for ourselves. Thursday night was spent catching up and cuddling because I knew that class time would come early on Friday. As I sat in class on Friday morning, I was picturing Steph back at the hotel and wished I was there, too. Finally it was noon and the walk back to the hotel only...

2 years ago
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AShlees Nightmare at the Beach

Well it was that time of year, which Ashlee looked forward to. She was going to the beach for a week with her best friend. This had become a tradition up until last couple of years. You see Ashlee’s husband and her best friend Mary don’t get along. So this year was different. Ashlee’s husband could not get off from work for the entire week, so he was going to come down to the beach at the end of the week with their son. So Ashlee was looking forward to her time alone, away from her...

3 years ago
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MELODY MEChapter 8

Without saying a word, Stephen, Maggie, Peter, and Ruth all stood up and with car keys in hand my mother said, “Put your suitcases back in the car, please? A three-car caravan, with the Tremaynes leading the way. St Louis, Missouri has a metro area in excess of three million people. Part of that growth was the easy access to the HMS. Exactly what Michael Thomas had in mind, I am quite sure. We eventually stopped at a very nice and recently painted apartment complex with the name Kensington...

3 years ago
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Sexy intelligent II

Hi, back with the continuation of the story that I first posted Post my massage , while having my bath it finally sink in about what had happened, here was a live in maid with whom I had a sexual encounter and who had the potential to ruin everything if she spoke about it to family members. It was a disturbing thought to say the least, but nothing could be done now with the deed done. To clear my head and to think I left the house after my shower and went out , had lunch etc and eventually...

2 years ago
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Linda Saga Of Lust And Love Ch 03

After class on Wednesday Linda finally decided to go to the Bible study as suggested by the Father. She picked out a long grey skirt and a white knit top. She wore her gold cross but skipped most of the make up and settled just for some light red lipstick. She remembered the modest part of her promises. Picking up her Bible she walked towards the church. In front of the education wing was a girl from the college that she recognized. ‘Linda, I am so glad you came to the Bible study,’ said Mary...

2 years ago
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Johns on the farm with his Aunt and Cousin Part 1

After dinner, they went out on the porch to watch the rain coming down. It was really pouring, and John couldn't help but smile as his Aunt cuddled next to him. She shuddered after every thunderclap, and John couldn't help but feel more manly as she took comfort at his side. After a while, it became too windy, and they decided to head inside. They were sitting in the living room when she suddenly said, "Do you mind sleeping in my room tonight? I'm kind of a scaredy-cat when it comes to...

1 year ago
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The Woman in 9G

I'd headed for New York fresh from drama school. My goal had been to become an actress, but at the time I had succeeded only in becoming a waitress, and I worked at the kind of place where the men holding martinis felt empowered to give my butt a pat and blow Chesterfield smoke in my face.  But it was a job, and I was in New York and I knew I was going to make it. Back then I shared an apartment in the Village with three girls as between the three of us we could just pay the rent.  Marnie was...

First Time
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The beginning of my addiction to sex 2 Monday

Introduction: A teen boy is seduced So here I am sitting in my neighbors kitchen with a man seeing if Im hard and his wife is sticking her fingers into her pussy so that she can stick them into my mouth! Celeste said Is he hard baby? Im right, arent I? Ray said Oh yeah, hes big like you said! Okay honey, you win . . . Ill just go out back and relax while you enjoy your new boy toy! He stepped back and to the side, walked towards Celeste, gave her a little kiss on the cheek while he stuck two...

1 year ago
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FirstClassPOV Skylar Vox Busty Blonde Skylar Vox Takes A Huge Cock In POV

Gorgeous blonde babe with big tits, and round ass, Skylar Vox, is a naughty bombshell who loves being dominated by a horny stud. Skylar can’t help but feel wet and horny for Tyler D while she teases him with her stunning curves in black lingerie. The horny blonde can’t help herself any longer. She gives Tyler a sloppy blowjob before offering her shaved pussy to him. Her round ass gracefully bounces as she rides Tyler’s cock in reverse cowgirl. Moans of pleasure fill the room...

3 years ago
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Enjoy the Party

Cherry looked across the breakfast table to her husband of seven years and sighed. He was very distinguished with his salt and pepper hair and athletic build. How she wished that he would put his iPad and raisin bagel aside and take her right there on the kitchen table, like he had in the past. She looked around the kitchen and could not see one surface that they had not had sex on or against. That seemed like ages ago. Now they had appointment sex. Every Saturday like clock work. This being...

2 years ago
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Back for More

(Reading "All-You-Can-Eat Buffet" first is helpful, but not required. No appropriate tags, so I chose the closest I could)Another dull, boring day of buying, selling, and trading, on the Dow Jones and NASDAQ, had wound to a close. Finally, I was able to drive home, and kick my feet up for two days. My wife was away on business of her own, and, as much as I missed her, I'd do my best to enjoy these few days without her. I pulled into the driveway, and went into the house. I decided only to...

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About me4

Well where do I begin? I was your average kid I'd say, kept to myself alot for whatever the reasons. I was short for my age about 5'6 and a 135 lbs with a 24-26 waist. Lots of brown hair, not hippie long but I guess you would say like skater hair. haha. I had just average clothes, never got into the popular namebrands….jeans and a tee kinda kid. Had a small frame and didn’t really realize at the time but apparently I had a great butt. Not like a ghetto booty that you see on rap videos...

1 year ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 9 Justice is Blind

July 5th, 2002. Chelmsford Crown Court. Next morning the court opened at 9am, and the courtroom was packed. Adultery, drug dealing, and underage sex. What other revelations would be forthcoming? V-P called me into the witness box and took me through the story of me coming home and finding Miriam and Hodge at it in the bedroom. I described my attempt to hit Hodge — a baited hook which V-P hoped Blackburn would swallow — my action of putting the house up for sale and starting divorce...

2 years ago
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House Wife And Mentally Retarded Boy

I had everything going for me. At the age of 34, I was happily married with a son almost one year old. He was a very late arrival after a few miscarriages. My husband raj is a dentist, with good income and we lived in comfortable three bed room house in the best part of the town. Raj was quite busy with his work. Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to have much time for me or even for his pride and joy, his only son, Sujan. I accepted it like any other dutiful wife would. After all, raj was a good...

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Fucked my mom

Hi readers, I am Rohan from Mumbai writing my story. I am studying my B.E in Mumbai. I am the only son to my parents. My dad expired when I was in 4th class. He has left us enough money to go through our lives normally with the money he gave. My mother used to work in a software company alone with my dad. I love my Mom as every son would love. She used to dress as the way she dressed when my dad is alive. Relatives told her to dress normally as before as my dad died at her 29 which is early for...

2 years ago
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Galti Mein Masti 8211 Part II

Hi again friends, this is manoj again from delhi, presenting you the second part of my story, Galti Mein Masti -2. Pichli story mein apne padha ke maine simmi, meri choti behan, ko kaise choda. Main fir se apna introduction de deta hoon, Main manoj, meri choti behan ka naam simran hai, pyarse usse simmi kehte hai hum. Aur ghar mein Maa aur papa rehte hai. Maa aur papa gaon gaye the kisi ki shaadi mein 3 din ke liye. Aur meine simmi ki friend pooja ko chodne ka plan banaya tha sex ki goli khila...

2 years ago
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Maesons AssistantChapter 4 Movie Night

Maeson was in the living room when Kimber got back. He was dressed in a pair of light boxers and a tight fitting black tee that showed off his chest. ‘Fury’, the movie starring Brad Pitt as the tank commander was playing on Dad’s large screen television and Maeson was watching it. When Kimber came in, he waved to her, his attention still focused on the movie, “Hey Sis, there is a note from Mom and Dad. It’s on the table. They went out for the night.” For the last couple of days Maeson had...

3 years ago
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The CircleChapter 7 Unexpected Interruption a Little Incest Health Check

Seven nude people sat around Alice's living room. Monica was cuddled against Bob toying with his flaccid cock, Zoey with Jim, and Alice and Sheila with Matt who had his arms around both women stroking their breasts. Monica spoke, "This is the most amazing night of my life. This so far exceeds any sexual experience – any life experience – I've ever had. I could feel slutty, but instead I feel fulfilled and loved by each of you. I never thought I'd ever indulge in group sex, and certainly...

1 year ago
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Cats MeowChapter 5

"Dr. Stevens! Doc!" I cried out nervously, walking closer so that I could make certain it was he. The scruffy beast bared his teeth until he realized who I was and then leaped upon me, nearly bowling me over with enthusiasm. "Easy Doc!" I spoke, knowing he couldn't understand me, but had no choice as I had to get back on my feet. I pulled out the gem, glancing around the area to make certain it was just the scientist and I before twisting the top and putting it between us upon the...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Madi Laine Cam Girl Needs IRL Dick

Madi Laine is making a living as a cam girl but still lives at her parents house. She’s doing her best to get tipped big and move out. So she needs a big dick to keep her big tippers pleased. She only has a dildo and she’s afraid she’ll lose her audience. Her last resort is to bother her step dad for the one thing she needs. Jovan Jordan has a big dick, it’s actually way bigger than she expected and has no idea what she talked him into. After negotiating a deal in which...

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Millies Western AdventureChapter 14

Bob almost didn't go back in Millie's little house. That was primarily because even after jerking the spunk out of his prick, he still wanted to lie on top of Millie and make sweet love to her. As he stepped up to the door, he hoped she was still naked. As he opened the door, he hoped she'd gotten dressed again. This woman was tearing him up. She hadn't gotten dressed, but she'd pulled the sheet over her body. He stood, just looking in her direction. It was too dark to perceive any...

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