The Spanking That Flipped My Switch free porn video

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My name is Kayla Margaret Nichols. I’ve always been the girl who makes the decisions, calls the shots, and seals the deal, so to speak. My brother used to call me Take-Charge Marge, which I hated. But I found that I was good at taking the reins and it served me well throughout high school and college. Now I have a great job and a top position in the company that I work for. I guess I have to admit, being Take-Charge Marge still comes in handy sometimes.

Even in my relationships with men, I have always been the aggressor, the initiator, the one at the helm, telling my partner what to do to me and what I would do to him. Guys actually seemed to enjoy that, most of the time. So, I would be the dominant one in the relationship until I got bored and moved on.

But lately, outside of work, I can’t deny that I love a good spanking, probably more than most women. I love the thud of a paddle, the smack of a crop and the sting of a flogger. I guess sometimes I just need a break from being the decision-maker. So, when Dave suggested to me that we go on a BDSM weekend getaway, I was all in.

But let me back up a bit. When all this started, we weren’t really dating, just enjoying hanging out and some occasional fuckery. Then, one night, I was feeling kind of bitchy from a hard week at work. I joked that I probably just needed a good spanking to get me to behave nicer. He was more than happy to accommodate me.

It was real casual at first. Just some fun swats on my ass. Then one night, he gave me a good hard spanking. My ass stung like a bitch, but I came so hard afterward that I didn’t mind.

He said his hand stung too, so he bought a paddle and read up on the fine art of paddling. He got really good at it. Then he asked me to be his girlfriend. Why not? I was enjoying myself immensely.

Next, he brought out the big guns. I let him experiment on my ass and tits with a crop and then a flogger. To his credit, he began to exhibit true expertise. We had our whip Kayla’s ass and tits session and then we fucked like rabbits!

One night he appeared so serious, I was afraid he was going to propose. I was having fun, but I wasn’t ready for that. But he surprised me, instead, with a contract. He didn’t want me to be his wife, he wanted me to be his slave. Just in the bedroom, of course, and on weekends.

I was so relieved that he wasn’t asking me to marry him that I said yes without giving it much thought. I agreed to a three-month trial period, signed my name on the dotted line and got undressed, expecting our usual tomfoolery.

He put a blindfold on me and told me to call him Sir. It was arousing and I obliged him willingly in this game. I let him tie me up, stick toys in my pussy, put clamps on my nipples, and spank me till I was crimson. Then we’d fuck and suck just like usual.

So, as I said, when he suggested the BDSM weekend, it sounded like good hot, kinky fun.

On the drive to the resort where this weekend of debauchery was being held, Dave said he had some rules to go over with me.

I laughed until I realized he wasn’t kidding. He seemed irritated at my laughter, and the vibe in the car became awkward.

I listened intently as he told me that I was to call him my Sir for the entire weekend. If I slipped up and called him Dave I would be punished. He said that we would be having sex with others, which I didn’t mind, but that I would need to be submissive to anyone who fucked me, and I had to ask his permission first. So far, none of this seemed unreasonable. I didn’t mind playing along. I signed the contract after all.

Then he said that there would be a surprise experience at the event and that I would be required to participate. The mysterious sound of that excited more than scared me. I was aroused and reached for his crotch.

He grabbed my wrist and told me there would be none of that type of behavior during the weekend. I was his slave and I needed to show the others I knew how to behave. He said if I embarrassed him by forgetting my place, I would be punished.

I was taken aback, but I realized half of the fun of this weekend was to remain in character. So, I placed my hands in my lap, looked downward with my eyes and told my Sir that I was sorry.

After we checked into the resort, we went to the room to unpack. We still had a couple of hours until the actual start of the event, so Dave said he had time to spank me to get me aroused and ready.

My pussy started to tingle at the word spank, and I agreed wholeheartedly. His mood improved greatly when I obeyed his command to get naked and bend over the desk in the room. Interestingly enough, he kept his clothes on.

He gave me ten good hard swats with the paddle and had my pussy dripping. He instructed me not to move and I figured he would fuck me in this position.

Instead, he slipped a blindfold over my eyes and put my hands behind my back and handcuffed them. I felt him lift my upper body and slide a pillow under me so that my head and tits were laying on a soft surface. Then he slid a ball gag into my mouth, and I realized that I was enjoying this game more than I thought I would. I decided that I would embrace being his slave for the weekend. I would be obedient and submissive and enjoy some fabulously kinky sex.

I felt him tie each of my legs to the legs of the desk chair, which exposed my pussy along with my ass. I could feel my juices start to trickle down my inner thigh and couldn’t wait to have Dave’s, or rather, my Sir’s big thick cock sliding in and out of my wet, needy cunt.

Instead, I heard the door open and several voices I didn’t recognize.

I heard a man tell Dave that he would show him how to use the implement properly and that he was smart to ask for assistance if this was the first time.

‘The first time for what?’ I wondered.

I couldn’t see and I certainly couldn’t ask. So, a little panic rose in my stomach, while my pussy kept dripping, deciding this was really fucking hot.

Until I felt the first bite of the cane against my ass.

I screamed despite the ball gag in my mouth and heard a woman tell Dave that screaming meant he was doing it right. Before I could let that thought register, I felt the crack of the cane again, this time making contact with my pussy. I screamed again and felt tears welling up in my eyes under the blindfold. Three more harsh smacks brought me intense pain. I heard the man’s voice again telling Dave that I needed a few marks on the backs of my thighs as well if he didn’t want to appear to be a novice.

The cane came down harshly on first the right thigh, then the left, until each leg had received three strokes as well. I was sobbing, but I don’t think I had ever been this aroused before. My pussy was like a faucet at this point.

The woman told Dave she would take care of it. Suddenly I felt a delicate tongue lapping softly at my cunt. She licked and sucked until my legs started to quiver. Then she inserted two fingers inside me while she focused on my clit. It was like experiencing the most exquisite pleasure after having endured the harshest pain. I came in waves and fed her my sweet nectar as she devoured my juicy pussy.

Then the couple must have left because Dave untied me and told me what a good girl I had been. He told me to take a shower and then rest while he went to sign us up for different activities.

I stood under the hot water and cried softly, barely able to stand the feel of it against my sore backside. I looked in the mirror and saw that I had red lines across my ass and the backs of my thighs. For some reason the sight of these marks on me seemed erotic and I became aroused again. I debated on whether I had time to masturbate. But he said I should rest, so I toweled off and curled up in the bed, eventually nodding off.

When Dave came back, he told me to get dressed in something sexy and not to bother with panties. When I was finished getting ready, he told me I looked stunning and that he was lucky to have me as his slave. He reminded me that I needed to behave, and that failure to do so would cause me to experience the cane on my tits. I assured him that wasn’t necessary, that I would make my Sir proud in public and that I wouldn’t embarrass or disappoint him.

There was a cocktail hour, followed by a sit-down dinner. Some of the slaves had collars on. When Dave saw this, he whispered that he would be buying me a collar as well. I nodded obediently, keeping my gaze down.

There was a couple at our table for dinner whose voices I recognized. When I winced as I sat, the man chuckled. The woman gave me a wink and a sexy little smile. She must have been the woman who treated me to such delightful oral pleasure.

That fact was confirmed when she put her hand on my thigh, leaned over, and whispered in my ear, “You’re a delicious little slut! I want to play with you more tonight. Be sure to ask your Sir if he will share you.”

I resisted the urge to kiss her (Where did that come from? I’ve never been into women before!) and smiled meekly with my eyes lowered.

“You’ve trained her well,” she remarked to Dave. “She will be perfect as the guest of honor.”

I wanted very badly to ask what she meant by that, but I knew that would be out of character for the submissive role I was playing. So, I said nothing and was happy to see that the salads were arriving. I picked up my fork and hesitated. Something innate told me that, although my contract said bedroom only, Dave was counting on me to ask his permission for everything this weekend. It seemed harmless as I was certain he wouldn’t let me go hungry.

So, I asked and was granted the right to eat my meal. Dave beamed at me and even silently mouthed, “thank you,” to me. It made me smile. I enjoyed making Dave happy.

It turned out that the couple, Chuck and Marie, were both dominant and they had discovered that using a submissive together was a great way to handle that. At this point, Marie kicked my foot gently with hers and mouthed the word, “now,” to me.

I sat there, confused for a second, before realizing this was my cue.

“Sir, would you consider allowing me to be submissive to Marie tonight?” I asked, hoping I was getting it right.

Dave smiled and said, “Yes, my little slut, but not just to Marie. You will be submissive to all three of us.”

My pussy loved the sound of that, and I could feel myself growing wet at the thought.

Chuck must have figured out how aroused I was by the look on my face. “My dear, I bet if I reached under your skirt right now, my fingers would be drenched.”

I blushed. I seriously couldn’t wait for dinner to be over so I could let the three of them do anything they wanted to me. What the hell?

Over dessert, the three of them discussed how the rest of the evening would go. None of them addressed me directly, instead talking about me as if I wasn’t there. It was strangely erotic.

“I’d like to get her on the cross tonight, Dave, so that tomorrow at the Guest of Honor Ceremony won’t be her first time,” Chuck said, grinning.

Marie agreed, “Yes, you don’t want it to appear as though she has never been strapped to one. That would give away your novice status to the others and that would mean she’d be ineligible for that event.”

Dave nodded, “I really appreciate both of you helping me to prove I am an experienced enough Dom to have my slut be involved in the more advanced scenes.”

Chuck laughed, “Well, after seeing her take the cane like a good girl, I hardly think the novice activities would do much for her. We are happy to help you take your dominance of this slut to the next level.”

Marie smiled, “I think we should also show you some different ideas for breast and nipple bondage. Your slut enjoys spanking and flogging, and she’s sitting here after taking the cane, so I think it’s safe to assume that she handles pain well and even craves it.”

I felt like a piece of meat being discussed like this, but she wasn’t wrong about me craving pain. My body started to hum at the thought of her clamping my nipples.

She was quite astute, whispering in my ear, “You little vixen, your pussy is dripping at the thought of me wrapping straps around your lovely tits, isn’t it?”

I keep my head lowered and nodded. I was pretty certain I was leaving a wet spot on the chair.

After dessert, Chuck and Marie took Dave and I to one of the rooms labeled Private Bondage. Once we stepped inside the door, Marie’s sweetness disappeared.

“What’s your safe word, slut?” she demanded.

“Safe word?” I asked meekly.

“You need a safe word, something you can say if the pain becomes unpleasurable. The purpose here isn’t to inflict pain, my dear, but rather to see how much pain still causes you to be aroused. As long as your pussy continues to drip, I will continue to push you further. But I don’t know your body’s capabilities and will rely on you to use your safe word to let me know I’ve reached a stopping point,” she explained.

“I can make you stop?” I asked, confused.

“Well, of course!” she said, seeming a little surprised. “Dave, have you not used a safe word with your slut? It’s important that she feels safe. She is a slave, yes, but this is consensual. She needs to have the right to say, no more, if she really means it.”

Dave looked irritated. I had embarrassed him, and I needed to fix it fast.

“Oh,” I said, backpedaling. “Yes, of course! My Sir told me to say the word 'pineapple' if he is hurting me too much. I didn’t realize it was called a safe word. Please forgive my ignorance, Mistress.”

Marie looked dubious, but she nodded as if accepting my fib. Dave looked grateful. He asked Marie and Chuck if he could have a moment alone with me before they began the session. They nodded and stepped out.

Dave looked at me and said, “I know this is probably a little more than you signed up for, but this is important to me. I appreciate you being so accommodating. You will enjoy this, Kay, I know you will. And it will help me be a better Master to you. I want us to do more than some fun spanking. I want to own you sexually, with your consent of course!”

I let that sink in for a moment. He wanted to own me sexually. He wanted to own Take-Charge Marge’s body and use it for his pleasure. I should be screaming, “Fuck no, you bastard!”

Instead, with my body firing on all cylinders, I said, “Okay, on one condition.”

Dave beamed! “Anything, Kayla. Name your price!”

“I want to be allowed to have a least one orgasm. It can be before, during, or after a session. But I need to cum and I want you to reassure me that I can have that. If so, I can agree to you owning me,” I said, holding my chin high so he would know I meant business.

Dave smiled and pulled me close. He kissed me softly and said, “I have a condition as well. If you can agree to mine, I can agree to yours. I want to own you full-time. Not just in the bedroom and on weekends. I want you to be my submissive sex slave from the moment you come home from work till you leave the next morning. I want you to move in with me so that we can make that fantasy a reality. We can negotiate specifics when we get home Sunday night, but I’ve been thinking about this for a while. I know you need this too. You make a million decisions at work every day. When you come home, let me make the decisions for you. I will take care of you well and you will serve me as your Master.”

“That’s more than one condition,” I said, feeling a little sassy. “But yes, we can try this out. I have two more months on the contract I signed. For the remainder of my contract, I will agree to be owned by you outside of my working hours. I will submit to whatever you desire, within reason. I’m not licking your boots or anything gross.”

Dave smiled and hugged me tight. “Thank you, Kayla, I love you so much!”

I realized that this was the first time he had ever said those words to me.

“I love you too, my Sir,” I said. “Call them back in, I’m ready to prove that your slut is well-trained and that you are a good Master, my Sir.”

I felt Dave’s cock harden against my body. Then he pulled away and went to open the door. But he stopped for a second, saying, “Hey, slut, if Marie and Chuck don’t let you cum during this scene, I will make sure to take care of you in the room tonight. I promise.”

“Damn straight you will!” I said. Then I took off my clothes quickly and got down on my knees, put my hands behind my back, lowered my head and said, “I’m ready to please your new friends, my Sir.”

When Chuck and Marie came back in the room, she was delighted to see me presenting myself for use. “You are such a good girl!” she raved.

Chuck took me by the hand and walked me over to the large wooden object that looked like a giant X. “This is the cross we were referring to at dinner,” he said matter-of-factly. “Your Master has indicated that you have no experience on such a device. So, for this session, he will be observing while Marie and I work together with you to help you feel familiar with it.”

Chuck turned me so I faced forward, my back against the cross. He secured my ankles and wrists, so I was unable to move. Then he put a blindfold on me and said, “It’s more fun when you don’t know what’s going to happen next, my dear.”

I nodded as he finished getting me ready for Marie by adding what he called a bit gag. “It’s better than the ball gag because you can bite down on the bit when the pain is a little too much, but not enough to use a safe word,” Chuck explained. “It also makes it possible for us to actually understand your safe word should you need to use it. This one is brand new, and yours to keep my sweet girl.”

Marie didn’t waste any time as she picked up the crop and, without any warning, brought it down harshly on my bare mound.

I bit down hard on the bit and feel a scream escape my throat, but I also felt instantly aroused. I waited for the next strike and was slightly disappointed when the next contact from the crop felt like a series of love taps. What I didn’t realize then was that Marie was trying to relax my body so that I would not anticipate the next crack of the crop, this time directly on my clit and labia.

This was followed by several harsh slaps on my inner thighs and an additional swat on both my mound and my clit again. I stood, stoic, but inside I was desperately aching for that soft, skilled tongue of Marie’s that had soothed my pussy earlier in the hotel room.

She slid the crop up my tummy in a slow, continuous teasing move. I moaned softly when the leather reached my left breast and then screamed through the bit, when I felt the sting of the crop on my nipple.

“You should let me pierce these,” she said to Dave. “I can pierce her clit for you too, if you’d like me to.”

I froze for a moment, not at all sure that I was okay with that. Marks that would go away were one thing, but holes in my private parts were permanent.

I relaxed when I heard Dave say, “Thank you, but I will need to wait until we revise her contract. Something that permanent should be consensual.”

“Of course,” she replied. I sighed, feeling relieved that he was still thinking clearly. Then the crop cracked down on the other nipple. Holy fuck that hurt! I sunk my teeth into the gag bit, realizing now that Chuck had been entirely right about the pain being too much, but not enough for me to want to stop it.

A series of short, sharp slaps on the tops of each breast had me holding my breath, but when she brought the crop down hard on my mound and then my clit and labia, alternating in rapid succession, I felt my whole body shake with desire.

There was a pause in the action, then I felt a new sensation. This time it was Chuck with the flogger. I discovered quickly that his bark was worse than his bite. He seemed to really be into dirty talk and name-calling. Each time the flogger came down on my body, he shouted something obscene or derogatory at me. “Do you like that, you fucking slut?” he asked as his flogger made contact with my mound. “You’re just a dirty little whore to whip and fuck!” he shouted as he gave each breast a harsh whack. He continued this for a bit, calling me a cum receptacle and piece of flesh with three holes to please men while he flogged me. For the most part, though, his turn was much easier to handle than Marie’s had been.

Another pause in the action had me wondering several things. Was Chuck as aroused as he sounded? Was Dave’s cock hard from watching this display? Would they give Dave a turn, or if he would be relegated to continue observing?

Marie’s voice broke the silence, “Ah, look how her pretty pussy glistens with arousal! Chuck, help me turn her around so I can give that delicious ass some attention.”

I felt my body tense up. My ass still hurt from the cane marks they had insisted on putting there earlier today and I wasn’t entirely sure I could take more abuse there. Chuck must have sensed this somehow, because he said, “I think maybe her front needs a bit more color to match her lovely backside.”

I panicked again. What if he meant that she should cane my pussy and tits? I was totally not ready for something that intense.

Chuck continued, “Dave, what do you think? She’s your slut after all.”

He couldn’t see my eyes pleading with him, so I was just going to have to trust that he knew what I could handle.

“I think her pussy needs to be redder and I think the paddle will do the trick,” he said as I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Of course,” Marie agreed. “To paddle her pussy properly, we’re going to want to get her into a different position. "Dave, help Chuck tilt the cross back a bit so we can get a better angle.”

I hadn’t realized that the cross wasn’t actually on the wall but, rather, up next to it. I felt it move away from the wall and felt myself leaning back as they adjusted the tilt. It felt a little like falling, so I gasped. Dave touched my arm and whispered, “You’re okay. I won’t let you fall. Are you enjoying?”

I nodded. Then Dave let go of me. I heard him tell Marie, “The paddle is her favorite. She won’t disappoint us.” There was such pride in his voice. Like I was a prized possession. It was disturbingly erotic!

Marie said, “Your Master says you enjoy the paddle. That it makes you so aroused that you beg to be fucked and agree to almost anything to get a cock in your pussy. I look forward to watching you turn from an obedient slave into a wanton slut, begging to be used. Chuck, remove the bit gag so we can listen to this little slut beg.”

Chuck removed the bit gag and wiped my mouth with a towel. “Thank you, Sir and Mistress,” I remembered to say.

As soon as the words were out, the first smack of the paddle landed on my mound. I moaned loudly. The next smack found my clit and labia as its target. “Oh, FUCK!” I shouted. The sting was the perfect combination of pleasure and pain. I surprised myself when the words, “More please, Mistress,” fell out of my mouth. I heard her chuckle softly.

While Dave had used the paddle on my ass numerous times, he had never done anything like what was happening now. Each time the paddle landed on my cunt, I felt more and more aroused. I needed to cum so badly! Then it stopped.

“Please don’t stop, Mistress! Please give me more!” I begged.

Marie laughed, “Your cunt is dripping with need. I believe you can be made to cum with the paddle. Is that what you want slut? Do you want your fuck hole spanked bright red till your juices squirt everywhere?”

“Yes, please Mistress, I want to cum with the paddle!” I pleaded.

“And what will you do to earn this?” Marie said, seductively. She asked Dave, “What is one thing that you want from your slut that she has said no to in the past?”

David hesitated for a moment and said, “I want to try to put my fist in her pussy. But she always says no. She thinks it’s too big, so she won’t even try.”

“Well, let’s see if we can get your slut to beg for you to try, shall we?” Marie said wickedly.

When the paddle connected with my pussy again, it felt amazing; my need to cum more was more desperate than ever!

Then it stopped again. “Please, Mistress!” I cried. “Please don’t stop! I need to cum!”

“We would love to let you cum, you dirty little whore, but we need to hear you beg your Master to try to fist your cunt,” she replied.

Then the paddle came down twice before it stopped. I was on the verge of orgasm and was denied again. ‘Fuck it! I will beg,’ I thought.

“Yes, please, Master! Please, I want you to try fisting my pussy,” I said, needing the paddle to finish me off.

“You don’t sound like you mean it, slut,” she admonished. “I think we are done here.”

“NO, PLEASE!” I cried out, “Please don’t stop.”

The paddle was back on my pussy and Marie said, “Now let me hear you sound like you want it, and your needy little cunt will be spanked till you spray us with your cum.”

“Please, Master, I want you to work your fingers into my pussy, I want you to keep trying until you get them all in my cunt. I want you to fist my cunt hard, Master!” I was begging and moaning and writhing. I felt like my whole body would explode if I didn’t cum soon.

“That’s a good girl!” Marie said as the paddle came down again down, again and again, striking my clit in such an exquisite way that brought me to the brink of orgasm again. Then, one final hard smack had me squirting and screaming, “OH, GOD, YES!!!”

The spanking continued as waves of orgasm rippled through my body and the paddle had my juices splashing everywhere. When I could take no more, I simply went limp and the spanking stopped.

Marie removed the blindfold. She kissed me deeply on the mouth and said, “You are so fucking delicious! I knew we’d have an amazing time playing with you!”

Chuck knew that was her signal that she was done, so he took Marie by the hand and said, “You two will need to clean up on your own. We are going to go fuck like animals. We will see you tomorrow at the Guest of Honor Ceremony.”

Once they were gone, Dave came over to release me from the restraints and he took me into his arms. He sat down on the couch and held me, stroked my hair and said, “You were amazing!” He lifted my chin so he could kiss me softly. I knew at that moment that something in me had shifted. I wasn’t playing anymore. I wanted to be his.

Once we had cleaned up and were back in the room, Dave said, “Hey, look, I don’t expect you to really let me put my fist in you. I mean, I’ve got really big hands and I don’t want to hurt you.”

I smiled, “I begged you to try. If it doesn’t work, then at least you had the chance to try, right?”

Dave grinned. Then he looked me in the eyes and said, “If you want me to try, then hell yes, I would love to! But listen, you really don’t have to be my 24/7 slave. I know you are a woman used to calling the shots. I just really appreciate you humoring me this weekend. Tomorrow we can stay for event, or we can just go home. I will let you decide. But I should tell you that it will be a lot like what we did with Marie and Chuck, except it will be in front of a whole big crowd and it will be just me spanking and whipping you. It’s my chance to demonstrate that I am worthy of joining their club. But it’s really fine if you don’t want to. You’ve already made me so happy with everything you’ve gone along with. I love you, Kayla.”

I looked back at him and said, “I love you too, Dave. I have to admit that I started off this weekend just playing along because it made you happy. Then I realized, I really do enjoy making you happy. When Marie was paddling my cunt, I kept thinking about how much I wanted it to be you.”

Dave smiled, “It was me baby, Marie handed me the paddle and I used the techniques I learned from the videos on their website. I wanted to see if I could make you cum with it, and holy fuck, baby, did you ever cum!”

“That was really you?” I asked as an odd, but joyful feeling came over me. “You did that for me?”

“Yes, baby, I love you! I also happen to LUST you. I’ve done so much reading about the Master/slave relationship and I probably got more carried away than I meant to by signing us up for this weekend when we really weren’t ready for it yet,” he said. “I do want to pursue this more, but I understand if it’s too much…”

“It’s not too much,” I interrupted. “And who says we aren’t ready for this yet? I love you too, and I’ve never in my whole life wanted to make a man happy the way I want to make you happy. I want it all, Dave. The whole nine yards. When we go home, I want to renegotiate the contract to include so much more. I’m ready.”

“Ready?” he asked inquisitively.

I got down on my knees and lowered my gaze to the floor, saying “I’m ready to leave Take-Charge Marge behind or, at least, at the office. I am ready to be whatever you want to call me and to serve you and to be owned by you, Master.”

Dave lifted me up to stand in front of him and said, “Are you sure? You always seemed to enjoy what we did, but when you were done cumming, you were back in control. Except today. What changed?”

I looked him in the eyes for a brief moment, so he could see the sincerity of my words. Then I lowered my gaze again and said, “Master, something about the way you spanked my pussy must have flipped my switch!”

"Then let’s stay and finish out the weekend. Let’s show this crowd what a good girl you are, then when we get home, I will reward you by allowing you to choose how you want to cum. After I attempt to get my fist inside your cunt, you little slut.” Dave chuckled.

My pussy tingled with lust, “Yes, Master.”

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The Bare Bottom Spanking and Wedging of a High School Senior

The Bare Bottom Spanking and Wedging of An 18-Year-Old High School Senior with a Hard-on For Bullying The Bare Bottom Spanking and Wedging of An 18-Year-Old High School Senior with a Hard-on For Bullying? 48385 Word Count ??????????? It's payback time for a sexually-harassed, high-school senior co-ed who partners with a male principal to discipline a male high school senior who is not only embarrassing her in public but also bullying kids on the bus with painful and demeaning wedgies.? Is...

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Sarahs First Spanking

Sarah’s First Spanking Sarah Blackwood is 20 years old and is coming to her final term in collage in Manchester and is ready to embark on a career as a chief. She is in her student digs a few miles away from the main campus packing up her stuff knowing that in final few weeks will be full of parties and heavy drinking. She is also single, as her boyfriend of 2 years David had dumped her for another woman in America so she was looking forward to go to a few collage parties as a...

2 years ago
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Spanking Club Ruse

Lisa glared at the granny aged woman and demanded, “Stop. I need to check what’s in your bag.”The older woman did stop, blushing, turned and looked at Lisa, and stood still.Lisa was the nineteen-year-old manageress of the lady’s clothes department in the retail outlet. She was dressed for the hot summer weather in a short-sleeved white blouse and dark blue skirt with bare legs. Right then she had a very stern look on her young-looking face and her eyes blazed.The older woman looked in her...

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The Spanking Agency part 1

1: Bottoms for Hire.Thirty-two Winchester Road sat just off the main bypass heading into the West End of London where small businesses and retailers of all shapes and sizes went about their trade. Today was the 20th of November and a steady drizzle fell from leaden skies as the huddled masses of the grand old city went about their daily routines.Inside number thirty-two, the man and his new client walked into and looked around the empty first-floor room. The woman turned to the Estate Agent who...

4 years ago
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Mrs Denvers Double Spanking The Aftermath

Elizabeth Carson sat in the car. She was far from comfortable she had to be acknowledge to herself. The 36-year- old was suffering the effects of the 24 fierce red lines across her bottom given courtesy of Mrs Denver’s senior cane. She got herself as comfortable as possible before driving off. She drove carefully as the stinging distracted her but thankfully got home without incident. As she drove she reminded herself she suffered the humiliation of being spanked and caned to prevent her...

2 years ago
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Carol Learns About Spanking

Carol Learns About SpankingChapter One:  Carol?s First SpankingCarol could not believe her ears.  Her Uncle Ray had just sent her a text stating that he wanted to see her in his study tonight at 8 PM about her $400 cell phone bill.  And, she also knew that he was still mad about her bill from last month.  Last month it was more than $200.  Now it was more than double.  When she talked with Uncle Ray then, Ray told her that if it happened again she would have to pay the consequences.  And, she...

3 years ago
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Ryans First Spanking

This starts the story at the beginning, that is how Ryan was spanked for the very first time by his Aunt when he was 16 years old, and his Mum had to decide if she was going to continue spanking him when he returned home –   “Hi Sis, how has my Ryan been?” asked Audrey.   Ryan, Audrey’s 16-year-old son, had been staying at his Aunt Lizzie for four weeks whilst Audrey and Jeff were away on a break.   “Hi Audrey, he’s been fine” then after a...

2 years ago
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The Spanking Club

Dale was so surprised to see the flyer posted through her door looking for new members of a local spanking club. She had suffered being spanked and caned several times now, all her own fault, and knew that she hated it each time. On the other hand, she also knew that, afterwards, without understanding why, she was always aroused as she felt her hot sore and stinging bottom and always gave herself a massive orgasm. So, wondering whether she might get some experience of giving someone else a...

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Ninas Discipline Spanking

  “I don’t ask three times my girl and I don’t suffer rudeness” Mum snapped. “Go to your bedroom and stay there until I take you to the spare room where I will give you the discipline spanking you have earned.”   Mum was right. I knew the rules. She will ask twice but never a third time. I had had a hectic day at the office, but a successful one. My team had secured a great new contract and I was brimming with happiness. I half heard Mum ask me to clear away the dinner...

4 years ago
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Our Spanking Ritual Part One MF

Our Spanking Ritual M/F This story is written from two points of view. Usually you only see the story from one perspective; this gives you the whole picture. Our Spanking Ritual M/F How I see it: Lately I have been putting in a lot of overtime at work. This has meant that when I finally get home, I eat late, and I don't get to spend very much time with my lovely wife. I usually call her on the phone about one o'clock to let her know if I will be arriving home on time, or if I need to...

1 year ago
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Ninas Discipline Spanking

  “I don’t ask three times my girl and I don’t suffer rudeness” Mum snapped. “Go to your bedroom and stay there until I take you to the spare room where I will give you the discipline spanking you have earned.”   Mum was right. I knew the rules. She will ask twice but never a third time. I had had a hectic day at the office, but a successful one. My team had secured a great new contract and I was brimming with happiness. I half heard Mum ask me to clear away the dinner things but I was...

2 years ago
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Gwen Gets A Spanking And More

It was now several months since Gwen Mitchell's husband Tom has passed away and the fifty-eight-year-old Gwen was now having a couple of drinks in the pub with her longtime friend Mavis Tompkins. They had had a couple of drinks when Gwen said, "Do you know what I miss most with Tom gone?""Getting shagged?" asked Mavis."No, I do miss that but mostly I miss getting spanked," announced Gwen."I never knew Tom spanked you, Gwen," said Mavis who was very surprised at that admission."Often, but I...

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Bottom EporationsThe Intimacies of Anal Enema and Spanking Book Two

Oddly, Gloria had slept with them and Roy and she had sex for their very first time. She’d loved it, reveled in it, Dad was pretty big, a fat eight inches. She’d only had sex twice, one time each with different high school boys and it was, to say the least unfulfilling. Last night was anything but; her little pussy had been stretched accepting Dad’s big tool but she had, he’d gotten it all into her. It had hurt a little bit but it was sure worth it, he’d made her feel like a real woman. ...

3 years ago
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The Spanking He Was Begging For

The Spanking he was begging for.Ben was always telling his wife, Lori about how he wanted to be spanked long and hard. He wanted his bottom so sore that sitting would be hard to do and he wanted the last part of the spanking outdoors. Lori would occasionally give him a playful spanking but never a hard one.Sometimes Ben would convince his Lori to spank his balls and she would pat them for a while. A few times Lori would squeeze them enough to make Ben squirm and almost make them hurt.Ben would...

2 years ago
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Another Fantasy Spanking from Peter

Another Fantasy Spanking for Jennifer from Peter. I had just turned 18 and was so looking forward to this vacation to Amsterdam but things were just not working out. First the Airline misplaced my luggage so the only thing I had to wear was a short thin sun dress and then the Hotel I was supposed to stay at had overbooked so I had no place to stay so as I wandered down the street I sat down on a bench and started to cry. I had no idea but right across from me was a business called “Peter Pans...

1 year ago
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The Spanking Couples

The Spanking CouplesChapter 1, The First MeetingWe were both nervous.   Two middle-aged, married lovers who finally had decided to try something new.   He always had a fetish side.   She was always a pure vanilla.  His name was Bill, hers Debbie.  Both were in their mid 50s, and had been happily married for over 30 years.  One day about six months ago, after a long argument about Bill spending too much time on internet porn sites, Bill acquiesced.  In a fit of passion, he finally yelled, ?Well,...

4 years ago
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Spanking session

Demetra was a nice lady. She spanked me on every week at Saturday. I took the spanking without any noise. On every Saturday, she asked me after dinner to get ready for the spanking. She make a list of my naughtiness and then decide how hard spanking I need. After spanking, I slept with her nakedly and she had no problem. I cradled my face against her warm breast. We were living together for the past eight months and for the last 6 months, I am getting spanking from her. In the gap of every...

2 years ago
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Ninas Office Related Spanking

This continues the Nina series. The 38 year old has a new intern and she turns out to be a friend of Ella’s who now threatens to spank her stepmother for wrongdoing at the office as well as for misconduct at home. Nina’s bottom was really sore as she walked in to her office. Ella had given her six strokes of the cane before work. 38 year old Nina had to go to the kitchen, fully naked, knowing she was going to be given six strokes of the cane. Six strokes while naked, whilst her sweet but no...

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A Well Deserved Spanking

Marlene and Henry Schofield had been married more than forty years, having married when they were both in their late teens. The marriage was not one where a pregnancy had brought it forward because they were very much in love but two children did arrive when the Schofield's were in their early twenties.Like most marriages, they had their ups and downs over the years, but they were generally happy although, in more recent years, disagreements had become arguments and sometimes the arguments...

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The Spanking Couples Femdom Spanking Poker Party

After their initial introduction at the Spanking Party, Bill and Debbie quickly became friends with Ron and Marion. After all, they all loved spanking games and bisexual sex. For several weeks, the two couples took turns hosting each other for private, bisexual spanking parties. Bill and Debbie both began to love the taste of both cock and pussy — even when forced to "Clean-Up" partners of both sexes. Bill, like his friend Ron, was becoming addicted to the taste of male and female cum juice...

3 years ago
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Doreen and Maureen The Spanking Shopkeepers Spanking Fantasies Sometimes Do Come True Part One

It was the day after my eighteenth birthday in late June that year when Doreen Hannah cheerily announced to me that I would be receiving my birthday spanking during the stock take that would take place that Thursday afternoon when the store was closed for its weekly half day. I had smiled at this comment, seen as I had accepted a monthly spanking from the two sisters months back. Although their punishments hurt and left me feeling their efforts for days afterwards, I did enjoy having my bottom...

4 years ago
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Strange Way To Arrange A Spanking Part II

“So how is your bottom after Friday?”This was the first question Sophie asked when we sat down for coffee on Monday.“After been beaten by my merciless Mistress, do you mean?” I replied.“Well, something like that.”“After receiving three times more strokes than we had agreed it is OK, thank you for asking.”“I seem to remember you agreeing to the extra punishment so you could see me stripping in front of you.” Sophie was smiling in her reply.“It was worth the extra pain, certainly. It was one of...

1 year ago
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I Love Spanking

I Love Spanking! I was about to ask if you share my enthusiasm for hard whacks and loud smacks, but I have the feeling you wouldn’t even be reading this if you weren’t into it. (Of course, if you’ve stumbled accidentally into this kinky corner of the internet and would prefer something a little more vanilla to crank off to, I’ve certainly got you covered here at ThePornDude!) Spanking’s a reasonably common fetish, so you’ll find a lot of light butt-slapping sprinkled throughout random porn...

Free Porn Download Sites
2 years ago
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Looking for a Spanking FM

Looking for a Spanking By [email protected] I was on Spring Break, I was spanked for squirting water on women by the beach, and then seeing their naked breasts as they shook off the water. The spanking taught me to give women more respect. But now I was back in Minnesota in college, and I was getting back to my old way of thinking. Women were quickly becoming just sex objects to me, and I thought another good spanking would get me back into the proper prospective.So I looked into an...

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Carol Attend Her First Spanking Party

Chapter One: Their First Party Before leaving after a night of spanking and sexual fun, Debbie told Ray and Joy that she would love for them to join their spanking club, and that their monthly meeting would be the coming weekend at a hotel located nearby. She explained that check-in begins at four, cocktails at five, but most members don't begin arriving until seven or eight. She said that she and her friend Marion usually get there between eight and nine PM, and always rent a room at the...

3 years ago
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Asking for a spanking

My Aunt Liz was not really my Aunt, but an old family friend, who had taken me in when I was 10. My parents had gone off travelling, and she had decided that I should stay with her, much to my annoyance at the time. But now, 11 years later, she was actually more of a maternal figure than my real Mum. Aunt Liz sat cross-legged on the kitchen chair, showing off her long legs, balancing one of her black high-heeled shoes on a toe. “ I am sorry, Mike, I just never know what to get you for your...

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Our Spanking Ritual MF Part 2

Our Spanking Ritual M/F Part 2 This story is written from two points of view. Usually you only see the story from one perspective; this gives you the whole picture. Please give me feedback! Our Spanking Ritual M/F Part 2 How I see it: As I said before, I usually have to work late, so I value the time that I can share with my wife. But today, it looks like I should be able to arrive home on time. So about one o'clock, I call her to let her know that I should be home on time. "Look in...

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The Spanking Couples Bisexual Spanking Party

The Spanking Couples:  Bisexual Spanking Party        Chapter One:  Bill Discovers his Dominant SideBill could not believe what he was experiencing.  He was pounding his big cock into the ass of his friend and fellow Femdom submissive, Ron.  And, he was enjoying it.  Almost 24 hours ago he and his Femdom wife, Debbie, had won a Cocksucking contest, and were now enjoying the victory.  The prize was that their Femdom friends, Marion and Ron, both had to submit to 24 hours of sexual slavery to he...

1 year ago
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Reddit Spanking, aka r/Spanking! Are you a fan of spanking? Well, there is a subreddit dedicated just to that fetish, and everyone is welcome to check it out. So, take your time and explore everything r/Spanking/ has to offer… it is a free subreddit after all. Or you can just continue reading since I shall pretty much explain all that you need to know about r/Spanking/ and Reddit.There isn’t much to be said about this fetish, or so to speak to be fair. You are either into spanking or not, since...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Spanking Party

Jack Lake had been looking forward to the party for several days. He even carried the advert and his ticket around with him so he could take them out and look at them whenever he felt the urge. That would be whenever he was by himself and had a hard-on. Jack had always had a, "Thing," about spanking. He had always imagined himself across a woman's lap being spanked by her. It was a long held fetish. It wasn't just the pain though. He always imagined the woman giving him a blow job afterwards....

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Laura Takes a Spanking

I was quaking as Ifaced Jason’s Mother who was really annoyed, fuming, and her anger was directed at me.“Well Miss Helm? I asked you why you spanked my son?”I knew it was wrong. I teach music, to the sixth formers, a nice enough group although they find it all too easy to lose concentration but then if music wasn’t your thing then that is almost expected. Jason is one of the naughtier boys. He is newish to the school having joined at sixth form level and had not gone through the lower school....

4 years ago
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Spank Sister Spank Doreen and Maureen the Spanking ShopKeepers Strike Again

Doreen Hannah, the eldest of the two ladies who ran our local village shop where I worked part-time, wasted no time in planning and preparing for my next spanking. She had been unsure about how I would react to her note that she had placed in my trouser pocket after that first spanking from the sisters but had been delighted that next morning when I had told her that I had read her note and agreed to be spanked at least once every month by both Maureen and herself.It was in those years before...

3 years ago
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Spanking You

I arrived promptly at 6:00 pm, just as you said. One thing about me is that I am a stickler for time and keeping appointments - especially where a beautiful woman is concerned. A knock on your front door and you open it, your soft smiling face peeking out from around the door. "Hi! C'mon in," you tell me warmly. I come in and you take my coat, hanging it on the coat tree by the door. "Make yourself at home. Would you like a drink?" you ask me. "Sure, thanks," I respond and I walk into the...

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The Aftermath of a Good Spanking at Middlesex High

It was Monday morning and Bob Perkins, the dean at Middlesex High, was happy to return to work. He had a very busy weekend. Bonnie draining him Friday night, and the girlfriend, sensing something was taking his mind off her, putting him to work all day Saturday and part ways into Sunday. He was the one walking with the strange gait now, but when duty calls...Bonnie, the strict principal of Middlesex High, had been turned on watching the dean spank her very sexy secretary, Julie. Julie, panties...

1 year ago
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Sent For A Spanking III

The wife continues the tale.“How is your bottom after your punishment yesterday?” I asked my husband after breakfast on Saturday morning.“It is very sore,” he complained.“Oh well, you only have yourself to blame. If you behave this week your next punishment will not be so bad. Could you also lend me your credit card as I want to order some punishment implements. Mistress sent me a great link to a website. I think we will also need a gag for you. You do get noisy under punishment, and we have to...

3 years ago
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The Spanking Agency part 4

Blimey. There are just some weeks when a hot and horny little sexpot just doesn't know whether they're coming or going. And that was most certainly the case for twenty-eight-year-old Melanie Sykes, one of the Spanking Agency's favorite girls who was making her way towards her next appointment.It was her third that week and even though she was worn out physically, inside she was flying as high as a kite on a sexual wave of pure naughtiness. Her poor well thrashed little bum and well-poked...

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The Spanking Agency part 2

2: Anal Annie and Her Amazing Anus."THE LUBE, MR BAXTER," yelped Annie in alarm, "USE MORE LUBE!!"The young woman grabbed the white pillow at each end, scrunched it up, and buried her grimacing face into it as she felt the man wriggling around above and behind her searching for the plastic bottle of green goo.Good grief. This is ridiculous.  That thing was never going to fit inside her bum no matter how hard they both tried to force it in. Her client's equipment certainly gave "taking a fat...

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A Holiday Spanking

A Holiday SpankingI have a wood shop in the basement and I am very good at making things out of wood. My wife knows this and told Kathy, a friend of hers that I would custom make her something special for Christmas. Now Christmas has passed and my wife gave Kathy a phone call to see if we could come over to her house and I could measure her house and find out what Kathy wanted made.Kathy had other plans later in the day, and this would be a wonderful time to come over. I told my wife that...

4 years ago
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Carols First Real Spanking

Carol is in for a surprise! Carol and Sam had been friends for almost twenty years now, both sharing a fondness for history, a love of animals, and both were athletic. Carol had met Sam at a cafe those years before, and an immediate friendship grew which they found complicated, because he was a black man. Carol's mother had warned her as a teen to stay away from those "black bucks" as she had called them, and Carol had, for the most part. Sam was the first real black friend she had ever made....

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Salon Spanking

Salon Spanking        ‘It’s a bit weird don’t you think’ hissed Marina conspiratorially. Louise bit back the temptation to reply that this was a bit rich coming from Marina. To be fair, the gothic work-experience girl who had arrived a couple of months earlier, and immediately been nick-named Lisbeth after Stieg Larsson’s heroine, had become, well, a little less weird since the stylists at ‘Cutz’ had been let loose on her.And it was strange, really. Middle aged men didn’t often venture into the...

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Spanking Day

The twelve chimes of the clock tower heralded the top of the hour. It was noon, and a large crowd had gathered in the town square outside the courthouse. A crowd this big could only mean one thing.Today was Spanking Day.A large wooden platform about three feet above the ground had been erected in the town square outside the courthouse. Judging from the number of cushioned mats that were brought out with the horse, it looked like about a half a dozen women would be spanked today. William...

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A Teenage Tale of Love and Spanking Part 4 Alls Well That Ends Well

‘Hi, Kate! I’m home!’‘Oh, no. Mum’s home! Quick – get dressed!’Kate and I quickly separated, and hurriedly put our underwear back on, and tidied our school uniforms. Then we heard her mother calling again. This time sounding very cross.‘Kate! Kate! Come down here this minute!’Uh oh…Giving me a wild look, Kate hurried out of the room, and I quickly followed.‘Hi, Mum – this is…’‘What’s this, Kate? How did this happen?’The broken pieces of plate – Mrs Milton’s precious hockey trophy – lay on the...

3 years ago
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Carol Learns About Spanking

Chapter 1: Carol's First Spanking Carol could not believe her ears. Her Uncle Ray had just sent her a text stating that he wanted to see her in his study tonight at 8 PM about her $400 cell phone bill. And, she also knew that he was still mad about her bill from last month. Last month it was more than $200. Now it was more than double. When she talked with Uncle Ray then, Ray told her that if it happened again she would have to pay the consequences. And, she had an idea what that meant. She...

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INTRODUCTION TO SPANKING bdsm lifestyle and slave

POSITION & POSTURE One of the factors that sets spanking apart from other forms of swatting is the deliberate and sometimes ceremonial positioning of the participants. While some spankings are haphazard, I prefer spankings that include the ritual of positioning.Both the spankee and spanker adopt positions that facilitate and enhance the spanking. These positions generally work to the advantage of the spanker and the disadvantage of the spankee.The spanker enjoys the following advantages...

4 years ago
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A Holiday Spanking

A Holiday SpankingI have a wood shop in the basement and I am very good at making things out of wood. My wife knows this and told Kathy, a friend of hers that I would custom make her something special for Christmas. Now Christmas has passed and my wife gave Kathy a phone call to see if we could come over to her house and I could measure her house and find out what Kathy wanted made.Kathy had other plans later in the day, and this would be a wonderful time to come over. I told my wife that this...

1 year ago
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Spanking Day By Scott Darth

The twelve chimes of the clock tower heralded the top of the hour. It was noon, and a large crowd had gathered in the town square outside the courthouse. A crowd this big could only mean one thing. Today was Spanking Day.A large wooden platform about three feet above the ground had been erected in the town square outside the courthouse. Judging from the number of cushioned mats that were brought out with the horse, it looked like about a half a dozen women would be spanked today.William...

4 years ago
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The Spanking Party The Aftermath

Abbigail had been at the school for a few weeks now. She was sitting in Jack Lake's class knowing that even though she was the teenage school girl and Jack the adult teacher it was she who had given him three discipline spankings over the last ten days for one misdemeanour or another. They were in addition to the pre-planned spankings and were real no nonsense discipline spankings that had reduced Jack to uncontrolled tears. Abbigail and Jack had only been able to be together at the weekends....

2 years ago
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Spanking on the Ranch

I grew up dirt poor on a small farm that never did well. My daddy was a good man who taught me to work hard and get more out of life than he did. Sometimes he taught me by what he said and did. Other times, he taught me by taking me over his knee or put me over the bed and gave me his belt. Through our church, I got a position at a large and very profitable ranch. In those days, boys would apprentice at such places and, if they did well, be given a position. I was a strapping boy of twenty,...

Gay Male
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Jodys Spanking Video

Jody’s Spanking Video        ‘I bet they’re just pop socks,’ Adam said to Neil, as Jody sashayed past them in the corridor, oblivious to their presence. They turned their gazes to follow her, auburn hair bobbing and glorious arse swaying slightly from side to side. As always she wore trousers (how they longed to see her in a skirt), which hugged her figure tightly until they flared a little below the knee. She wore flat black ballet-pump shoes, and as she walked, there was a tantalising...

1 year ago
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Goddess and Axe Spanking

Goddess was working while Axe was home alone and bored to tears. He turned on the laptop to sync his work “outlook” with their combined calendar. He scanned the page she had up on the screen. When he saw her favorite chat sites listed he was stunned. He looked at one site and couldn’t believe his eyes. He moved the cursor and clicked on the site. Within a moment he was in a ‘spanking’ room, feeling confused and shocked. The host seemed to be personable, as she asked his ASL and welcomed him....

2 years ago
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My First Spanking cont

Continued---- She then took out other types of rattan cane and started thrashing my buttocks again. I am crying out with pain but it does’t affect her. She only tells me repeatedly, I am inviting extra stokes for moving out my position. My face was streaked with tears and I am not thinking about how much it hurt not the consequences of moving out. At last, she told me that I have invited 4 more strokes for moving out my position repeatedly. She asked me put my legs together as she is...

1 year ago
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The Perfect Bitch Part 2 the Spanking

She said, “You clearly need more discipline. Get your clothes off and get into the living room. Now. I so should’ve spanked you last night.” Half sitting upright and still tangled up in my sheets, I stared at her, my mouth hanging open. My mind was thinking Just say no and run away, but something much deeper inside my heart couldn’t resist her, couldn’t stand that I’d angered her, that I’d disappointed her. She turned and walked out of my room; she’d changed into gray sweats, but her ass...

3 years ago
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Spanking at school

I thought I’d start with a little bit about myself. My name is John Wilson, I am 6ft 1ins tall, with a slim athletic build. Short dark hair and a clean shaven face. Whilst not a Brad Pitt contender I am fairly hansom with a rugged non nonsense look about me. I taught science for many years at a private school before starting my own business in the form of a book shop. I’ve always loved books and when a local shop came up for sale I jumped at the chance for a lifestyle change. I ensured I...

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