Best Party Ever? free porn video

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It was the d**gs first, a syringe into each cheek of my ass and then one
more in my arm, everything started from there...

Well, in reality everything had started the week before when I had been
invited to one of my boss's high society parties. She had told me that if
I didn't mind helping her to set things up then I could join in the fun
later. How could I resist? Mel's parties were legendary in the town.
Everyone who was anyone was there and I'd heard about all the business
deals that had been struck there and the marriages that had their first
kiss there. I'd heard rumours about the other party too, kind of a party
within a party. It was supposed to be a sex party for the ultra wealthy
and looking at Mel I can understand why the rumours started. Even if
they weren't true someone would have to start them; Mel was tall and
curvaceous with jet black hair and a wicked smile. She looked like a
fifties pin-up with the eyes of a dominatrix and I'll be the first to
admit I had spent many evenings with my cock in my hand and a head full
of sordid fantasies. If only I had known how tame my imagination was
compared to the reality.

I had turned up to Mel's mansion at midday, just like she had asked. I
always called her Mel; she hated being called Miss Cross, she said it
made her sound like a character in a c***dren's book. She was wearing a
black satin pencil skirt and a cream blouse and she greeted me with a
warm kiss on each cheek.

"Darling, how wonderful you could make it! Yes, I know exactly how you
can help me. Come on, follow me now." I barely had time to murmur a hello
before I was following her down the dark, wood panelled corridor, my eyes
fixed on the swell of her perfect ass in satin. She stopped at a large
pile of cardboard boxes and turned to face me. I quickly moved my eyes
upward to meet hers, hoping she hadn't seen me staring. She smiled again
and passed me the smallest of the boxes from the pile, one just larger
than my head.

"Take this one for now. The delivery men just dumped all these here,
wouldn't put them where they belong and quoted 'health and safety' or
somesuch nonsense. Now be a good boy and bring that one, I'll show you
where to take them."

"Uhh... Okay Mel, no problem. Gee, they're pretty light what's in them?"

"Just supplies for the party, sweetie. They need to go into the cellar,
come on!" She set off again at a pace, following a route down the
corridors, her high heels clicking rhythmically on the wooden floors. We
went down a flight of stairs in the servant's quarters and into the lower
portion of the mansion before she pushed open a door and ushered me into
a white room. I looked around, still clutching the box. The room was
pretty empty, just tiled floors, three white painted walls and a massage
table in one corner. The fourth wall was completely mirrored. Mel
turned to me and gestured to the floor

"Anywhere down here is fine darling. Now you just head back and get the
rest of the boxes. Let me know when you're done and I'll get you a drink.
We may even be able to start the party a little early!" She winked at me
and swept out of the room again. Did she just come on to me? I put the
parcel down and made my way back to the stack in the hallway, my erection
straining against my pants as I tried not to think about bending Mel
over that massage table and getting myself a promotion.

It took almost a dozen trips with boxes of varying sizes before I had
transferred the pile to the mirrored room. I was just wiping the sweat
from my face when Mel reappeared carrying two drinks. I could hear ice
tinkling in the glasses and see the condensation rolling down the sides.

"My you have worked hard, haven't you sweetie? Here, have a gin and tonic
to cool yourself down. I hope you don't mind but I had one a little
earlier. If I'm honest I'm already starting to feel a little loose." She
licked her beautiful red lips as she handed me the glass, her fingers
briefly touching mine and lingering for maybe a moment longer than was
necessary. "Well, bottoms up darling!" She smiled and held out her glass
to me. I took the hint and gently clinked mine against hers before taking
a long drink.

"Cheers Mel and thanks again for invit..." The world seemed to fade out
from the edges. Blackness rushed into my vision and the last thing I saw
was Mel's smile as she gently took the glass from my hand as I
crumpled to the floor.

Then it was the shots, like I said, two in my ass, one in my arm. I was
lying face down, staring at the ground with my face wedged in a hole; the
massage table. I tried to protest but my mouth was held open by
something, I couldn't speak properly. I ran my tongue over a soft,
silicone ring that was wedged between my teeth. As hard as I tried I
could barely move the thing. I tried to get up but found I was held in
place by some kind of straps. I was stuck.

"You're awake sweetie? Oh goodie, well I guess I should explain."
Mel's voice, and she sounded excited. "You've heard the rumours about
my secret parties, right? Well tonight you get to see how true they are.
And you're going to be the main attraction!" I moaned into my gag,
succeeding only in drooling onto the floor.

"That's right sweetie, you're going to love it! And if you're a good boy
tonight I can make sure that your career path is much easier. In fact I
hear there's an opening for a management position on your level." I heard
footsteps and saw just the toes of a pair of black PVC boots in my field
of vision. "The shots you've just been given will help you get in the
mood, ecstasy, viagra and a little something to prevent you resisting
while we put you into your party clothes." I felt a finger rubbing
something cold and slippery against my asshole then it pushed inside me
without any resistance. "Looks like the muscle relaxant has taken effect,
let's make our little pet all nice and pretty."

I felt the straps being loosened before I was rolled over onto my back.
Staring upwards I could see my captors; Mel I already knew although
she was now wearing a black PVC corset that pushed her beautiful round
breasts up high on her chest. The other was a young woman in a white lab
coat. Where Mel was curvaceous with jet-black hair, the other woman
was slim and delicate with a short, blonde pixie cut.

I groaned and tried to ask them what they were doing to me but all I
could do was make soft grunting noises into the gag. Pixie leaned over
holding a bottle of something and sprayed it into my mouth.

"Quiet Bunny," she said, smiling as she put the bottle onto a medical
trolley. I wanted to tell her to go fuck herself, even if I had to gargle
the words I was going to make her understand it. But the cold feeling in
my throat made me think again. I summoned up all my strength but all the
sound that escaped my throat was a pathetic high-pitched 'mew'.

"Oh that's much better, well done Carly." Mel reached down to take
my nipple in her hand and squeezed it roughly, the pain made me want to
cry out but all that I could do was moan and mewl in a high, breathy
voice. What were these bitches doing to me?

Mel held out a thin sheet of some shiny white material, laces dangled
from the thing and when she spread it over my waist I realised it was a
corset. The material was cold and clingy, as it was wrapped around my
torso, squeezing me from my hips to my chest and forcing the air out of
my lungs. Mel tugged on the laces, squeezing me tighter and tighter.

"Do you think that's enough?" She asked.

Carly shook her head and grabbed the laces. For a delicate girl she was
incredibly strong, she squeezed me in tighter than I would have dreamed
possible. Then she tied off the laces and did something to them with an
instrument from the table. There was a hiss and a smell of burning then
the knot fell away, leaving the laces perfectly joined together. She
smoothed a cover piece over the corset and fastened it down, hiding the
laces and leaving the corset completely smooth.

"Perfect! Padding next, I think. Yes, Carly?"

"She needs to be the right shape after all and that waist deserves wide
hips and a big round ass to go with it." Carly reached into one of the
boxes I had unwittingly transported and retrieved something large and
white that flopped over her outstretched arms obscenely. She looked over
to me and held it out for me to see properly. There, dangling from her
hands were the pure white hips and thighs of a woman. She must have seen
the confusion on my face.

"It's synthetic flesh, the same stuff they use to make sex toys. And it
was very expensive, you should feel privileged."

She stepped to the end of the table and with Mel's help pushed my legs
into the cold, slippery flesh. It took a good deal of tugging and
squeezing before the shorts were all the way up and then I felt them
being secured to the corset, leaving me with an outrageously exaggerated
figure: a tiny waist with enormous thighs and a huge, rounded ass. And
yet I was still exposed. The crotch of the outfit was cut away, leaving
my cock free and the cheeks of the prosthetic ass had a hole cut in them
that left my own hole exposed.

The next step in my bondage was apparently gloves. Tight white mittens
were rolled over each of my hands, leaving my fingers completely
incapable of movement. Strangely I found this reassuring. If they wanted
my hands immobile then my weakened state was unlikely to be permanent.
Mel leaned over me, her beautiful cleavage inches from my face and I
began to pant. Despite being trapped in this bizarre bondage, my head
felt fuzzy with lust and I could feel my cock stiffening.

"Ooh, the V and E seem to be kicking in," giggled Carly.

"Mmm, they should keep you on a nice, sexy high for the rest of the
evening. Trust me, you'll love it." Mel raked her fingers over the
exposed flesh on my chest and giggled as I moaned into my gag. "See? You
love it already you little slut. Mmm and now comes the really fun part."
She looked across at Carly and my eyes followed her gaze to see Carly
standing holding a pair of footballs in the same soft, white flesh.

"Can't you work out what they are, Bunny? They're your sexy new titties!
Aren't you going to look adorable?" Carly grinned to Mel as she laid
the heavy breasts over my chest, something cold and slippery was coating
the backs and it made my skin tingle wherever it touched me. Carly
pushed and squeezed the things against me and I could see her counting
under her breath as she pressed them down onto my chest.

"There, those should be nicely stuck now. Nothing but the release agent
will shift your hooters now, Bunny." I looked to Mel who was
practically bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Is it time for the best part yet?" she said, looking at Carly with a
hopeful expression.

"Oh yes, it certainly is! Would you like to do the honours Mel?" She
nodded enthusiastically and disappeared from my sight before reappearing
holding an enormous, candyfloss pink rubber dildo. I tried to shake my
head and object but the d**gs in my system were too strong. She was going
to **** me with that thing and I wouldn't be able to resist. I mewled
with fear, the noise sounding more turned-on than genuinely frightened.

"Don't worry Bunny, I'm not going to fuck you with it!" Mel laughed,
turning the dildo to show me the wide hole in the base. "This is another
part of your outfit. And it looks like you're just desperate to wear it."
She positioned the tip of my penis at the hole and eased the rubber dildo
down onto me until my entire cock had been enveloped by it. Then Carly
attached a rubber bulb to a tiny hole at the base and began to pump. I
could feel the vacuum forming inside and my cock throbbing as it expanded
to fill the hollow dildo. Mel was licking her lips with anticipation
and as soon as Carly had finished pumping and disconnected the bulb,
Mel opened her mouth and stretched her lips around the bulbous head of
my obscene pink rubber cock. I had fantasised about getting head from
Mel before but this was infuriating, the rubber walls of the dildo
were so thick I couldn't feel a thing. I knew her hot, wet mouth was
sliding over my cock but I couldn't experience it and I found myself
mewling with frustration again.

"Aww, the poor little Bunny's getting frustrated. Don't worry sweetie
we'll have you fully dressed and ready to play really soon!" Carly
giggled and winked at Mel. "Time to put the blindfold on, I can't wait
to see his face after this next part." Mel loomed over me with a black
silk scarf in her hands and I almost managed to turn my head away before
the blackness came.

"Lights out sweetie, time to get you dressed."

In the darkness my head was swimming, the d**gs coursing through me made
my head so fuzzy. I should have been terrified by what was happening to
me but it was so hard to concentrate with my cock aching in the thick
pink dildo. Even my skin had become strangely sensitive, I just wanted to
run my hands over it but I could barely move.

I felt Mel and Carly moving my feet, there was a feeling of
tightness and cold down there as my feet were pointed down and shoved
into something rubbery. Then the feeling began to travel up my legs as
something rolled over my skin. I was lifted off the table as the jerking
tugging sensation reached my comically enlarged rubber hips and then
there was a strange muted feeling of my cock being manipulated and pushed
through a tight opening. Whatever suit I was being put into Mel and
Carly clearly had difficulty with the next part, I heard heavy
breathing and grunting as I was pushed, twisted and rolled around on the
massage table.

Finally, my arms were stuffed into long, cool rubber sleeves. My useless
mittened hands came to rest at the ends. I was rolled onto my front, the
fake breasts squashing beneath me and my stiff rubber cock refusing to
lie flat. My knees were pushed up and my legs bent to stop my whole
bodyweight resting on my cock. Instead it left me kneeling down, my face
against the table, my ass high in the air. Then there was a gradual
tightening of the outfit running up my spine from the top of my ass to
the back of my neck.

"He needs his little pussy arranging properly, do you want to do the
honours Mel?" I mewwed into the gag again as I felt something thin and
squashy pushed slowly into my ass. There was a brief pause before a
hissing noise and the thing in my ass started to inflate! I drooled from
my gag and managed to twitch my arm back by half an inch to try to stop
them doing whatever they were doing to me but I was still too weak and
soon my virgin hole was stretched wide.

"There, look at that cute little rosebud. Who could resist fucking my
little Bunny now?" Sophia's voice again.

"Why don't we try her out? Pass me the lube, I want to see how many
fingers I can get inside before she feels it!" Carly, I was starting to
really dislike that bitch. I felt... something, so far away it was almost
like having the inside of my ass tickled with a feather. It gradually got
more insistent until it almost felt like I was being stroked and I
started to drool again.

"Oh my God, Carly! How are you doing that?" Mel laughed. "Those
d**gs are amazing, I never dreamed we could make him so pliable." I found
myself mewling again but this time with pleasure at the faint sensations
inside me. They kept going, moving back and forth, in and out of me until
Mel untied the blindfold and pulled it away but kept her hand over my
eyes. "Nearly done now Bunny, I promise." She took her hand away and I
managed to blink once before something was pushed over my eyes. I could
smell the thick cloying scent of latex as some kind of hood was pushed
over my head and tugged into position. I nearly gagged as I felt fingers
push a thick rubber tube between my lips and I again heard a hiss as it
inflated to fill my mouth.

Then, suddenly, a blindfold was removed from my eyes again. I blinked in
the light and stared ahead of me. I could see Carly and Mel standing
behind the massage table. Sophia was holding the black silk blindfold she
had just taken from me. She was laughing and looking flustered, almost
excited, while Calista... Calista was fisting a doll. It was ridiculous,
some bizarre rubber creation, a rabbit but with enormous breasts and the
figure of a pornstar. Its belly, feet and paws were white while the rest
of it was candyfloss pink. It was lying face down on the table, breasts
squashed beneath it, its thick, clumsy looking paws by its side and its
ass held high in the air as Calista pushed her delicate fist in and out
of it, her wrists glistening with lubrication.

I blinked, staring into the big cartoon eyes of the fuckdoll before the
realisation hit me. That was me! Somehow they had dressed me as some
warped cartoon fuckpuppet! I couldn't understand how they had done this
to me. I stared at the head of the doll; it had long, pink ears and big
blue eyes. Where its mouth should have been there was a tight rubber 'O'
and I saw the puckered pink rubber at the centre glistening with
lubrication. I mewled and watched it pulse and twitch. This thing, this...
fuckhole was what Sophia had pushed into my mouth and inflated. I was
trapped in this body and helpless to stop anyone who wanted to fuck my

It was obscene. I was obscene. I was a rubber bunny doll.

My cock twitched within its thick rubber prison and I realised that I was
getting turned on staring at my new body. The exaggerated proportions and
the slick, shiny rubber skin coupled with the d**gs flowing through me
sent me into a spin. I found myself pushing my hips back against
Calista's hand, trying to speed her up so that I could at least feel some
release in this suit.

"Looks like she's getting her strength back. Just in time, the party's
going to start soon!" Carly pulled her fist from my rear fuckhole and
wiped herself clean with a towel. "Are you ready for the last step of
your transformation Bunny?" She picked up a silver collar from the bench
and stepped in front of me, holding it out. On it, in large letters was
the name "Bunny-Slut". "Thats you for tonight sweetie. You're a fuckable
rubber Bunnyslut. Our guests are going to make good use of your holes and
that impressive rubber cock. And you're going to let them, soon the d**gs
will have you so horny you won't be able to think of anything but how
much you need to fuck."

"Here, give me a hand and lets get her upright." Mel grabbed one of my
rubber paws, I tried to grip her hand but I couldn't move my fingers. The
paws were nothing but decoration. Carly grabbed the other and they
helped me to my feet in front of the mirror.

As I stood, the enormous breasts attached to my chest sagged a little,
pulling me forwards and I stumbled before realising I was standing
strangely. My feet were encased in strange rubber boots that looked like
paws, I was standing on the tips of my toes inside them but they somehow
felt completely natural, making it look as though my knees bent backwards
like a rabbit.

I blinked and realised that if I could stand then I must be able to move
again. Movement in the tight rubber was hard but I managed to hold up
both my hands in front of my face and saw the mirrored doll do the same
with its clumsy looking paws. I touched my big round breasts and squeezed
them together. They felt so real despite looking entirely fake.

Then I looked down and saw my cock or, rather, the doll's cock. It was as
obscene as my breasts. Thick, pink and glistening with lubrication, it
jutted out from my feminine body, it must have been almost eighteen
inches long. The base of it appeared to be pushed out from between two
huge, fleshy labia and I mewled again, my cock twitching within the
rubber as I saw the doll's cock twitch in time with my own. Behind me,
twitching and moving in time with my ass, was a soft, rubber bunny tail.
While I stood it pointed down and covered the fuckhole that was now in
place of my ass but I knew that as soon as I got back onto all fours
again it would raise up and I would 'present' myself to anyone who wanted

I heard a click that brought my attention back to Mel. The collar! It
was locked tightly around my neck, sealing me into the rubber prison.

"All done!" Mel smiled at me and held out a long rubber leash,
clipping it to a D-ring at the front of my collar. She began stroking my
rubber cock, the faint sensations driving me wild. "Now sweetie, I can
see how horny your new body has made you. So I'll just give you a few
instructions. You're not a person tonight, you're just my little pet.
You're a cumhungry rubber fuckdoll and I expect you to act accordingly.
Of course the d**gs will help with that, won't they Bunny?" I nodded,
eager for her to keep stroking me. I could see it in the mirror and I
could almost feel it, I was sure I could feel the warmth of her hand. If
she just kept doing it then maybe I could get a little release.

There was a tug at my collar and I found myself being pulled forward. I
followed Mel and Carly through the cellars until we got to a
staircase. Looking up I could hear the noise of a party and I turned to
Mel, mewling softly.

"If you want to cum, and I know you do by now, you have to go up there
and play nicely with my guests. If you don't... you get to stay down here
as my rubber slut for a long, long time." I looked at her then looked at
Carly, both looked back at me with a with a knowing expression.

My cock ached in the suit and I knew I badly needed release. The d**gs
were making it so hard to think; the viagra had me constantly hard and
the ecstasy just made every touch seem maddeningly erotic. I knew I was
making the wrong decision but it was like my body wasn't under my control
any more. My mind was filled with pink fog and all I could think about
was finding someone to make me cum. Someone to make Bunny cum. Bunny
needed to cum so badly and who would know?

I slowly sank to all fours, my tail lifting into the air and exposing my
rear fuckhole. I padded slowly up the stairs, my large rubber paws almost
silent as I headed for the party, in search of someone who needed
release. Bunny was going to the party and Bunny ached to be fucked.

Carly and Mel smiled to each other as they saw Bunny reach the top
of the stairs and heard the gasps of the partygoers followed by a round
of applause. She was going to be a very busy Bunny tonight.

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Bestiality School Lesson 1 Cat Sex

I was an exemplary student. Always had, always would. I had managed to remain at top of my class for my entire student career and now that high school was over, I retired undefeated. Most people thought I would go on to college and become some big shot lawyer or doctor, but the truth was I had no idea what my future held. I had always been so focused on my schoolwork that I had never taken the time to get to know myself. And now that the time had finally come to decide what to do with the...

4 years ago
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The Best Bachelor Party EVER

The Best Bachelor Party EVER!Life was like a fast pace, well that’s the easiest way to describe it to me. I was twenty six years old. I didn’t go to the clubs that often, only when it was basketball, football or soccer season. I didn’t go out with any women, I didn’t have time. That was always my excuse, but I couldn’t use that excuse on the night of my friends Bachelor party. I know that guys keep their best friends secrets, and since I am a loyal friend, I will change names. October 16th ,...

Gay Male
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Bestiality School Lesson 1 Cat Sex

Introduction: A young woman loses her virginity to a cat! —Prologue— I was an exemplary student. Always had, always would. I had managed to remain at top of my class for my entire student career and now that high school was over, I retired undefeated. Most people thought I would go on to college and become some big shot lawyer or doctor, but the truth was I had no idea what my future held. I had always been so focused on my schoolwork that I had never taken the time to get to know myself. And...

1 year ago
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The Reverend

THE REVEREND Joseph wasn't the sharpest pin stuck into that weird little tomato shaped sewing accessory. He did however find an interesting niche to take advantage of in the current situation. He worked for the reverend, a scary small-time gangster that nobody would ever go up against. The reverend was small in stature but had none of the so called "small man syndrome," There was something in his aura that reeked of true power. There were bigger fishes but the reverend had an aura that...

3 years ago
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More Big Black Cocks For Beverly

This is a continuation of a story called ‘A Big Black Cock For Beverly’ its not imperative you read that first but if you wish to get the whole story then I suggest you take a look at it. Once again thanks to couple4hunghung for the inspiration. check out her pics and give them a thumbs up! The butterflies were racing around Beverly stomach as she watched the clock tic by. Today was the day she had waited for, the day she had ached over arriving. Today was the day she was going to meet up with...

2 years ago
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A Big Black Cock For Beverly

Big thanks to Couple4HungHung[/username] for providing the inspiration for this story. If you haven’t already then please check out her beautiful pictures and give them a Thumbs Up!Beverly’s heart raced and her palms were sweaty on the wheel of her car. She stole a quick glace sideways at the man sat beside her in the car. God he excited her, she could already feel her crotch itch and the lubricating fluids prepare her for what she needed.She forced her eyes back onto the road and as she looked...

3 years ago
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Best Served Cold Chapter 7 Party Confessions

The following night, Linda was stretched out on the sofa, tapping away at her phone. In my head, I imagined her and Michael making out in one of the vacant offices at work, his hand under the red dress, fingers deep in her pussy as they kissed. Then it was Linda on her knees sucking him, greedily taking his semen in her mouth and down her throat as she had with her past lover, Jordan.I sat across the room and stared. She wore another of my presents, a silky pajama set with roomy shorts and a...

Wife Lovers
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Best Party Ever Part 3

When Joan get dressed up after our first time, i realized Joan did not fully closed the door, and her mum caught us. She was so shocked but i gave her a wink and gestured for her to keep it secret. After Joan got dressed, we kissed before leaving the rrom, into the party. I went straight to Joan's mum. "Hi, aunt, i know, it's incest and... but... it's awesome..." I whispered with my head hung low. "I want to know what happened..." Karen whispered back, "In my car, NOW." And she left for the...

First Time
2 years ago
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Bestfriends Forever

This is a true story Shizz and I have been best friends for 11 years. We’ve been through everything together. We’ve gone from friends, friends with benefits, dating, lovers, relationship, back to friends with benefits. That’s where it pretty much stopped. I don’t think we can ever go back to just being friends. Probably because he’s still in love with me and I’m still in love with him. I’m looking forward to seeing him this Christmas. I am so excited. I haven’t seen him since he moved to North...

4 years ago
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Bestfriends Forever

This is a true storyShizz and I have been best friends for 11 years. We’ve been through everything together. We’ve gone from friends, friends with benefits, dating, lovers, relationship, back to friends with benefits. That’s where it pretty much stopped. I don’t think we can ever go back to just being friends. Probably because he’s still in love with me and I’m still in love with him. I’m looking forward to seeing him this Christmas. I am so excited. I haven’t seen him since he moved to North...

Straight Sex
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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 2 The HMS Beverly

I was on the return leg of a cargo run to some obscure star system when the distress call came in on the FTL communications system. I was totally alone on the Zeus because the two ladies I took on the outbound leg found male friends at the port on the planet and asked if they could stay. I can handle the return leg on Zeus myself, so I paid them off and let them go. This was not that unusual an occurrence, since long haul trips often are taken by people who are trying to forget someone or...

1 year ago
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Best Party Ever Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! As soon as I enter the house, I found the house to be very noisy and I could not contain my sexual excitement. So I gestured Joan to follow me into an empty room at the end of the house. When I saw her coming, I went inside the room and hid behind the doors, waiting for her. Then she came in, she was surprised to see that the room was empty and I suddenly jumped out, grabbing her two C-cups. She gave out a soft yelp before enjoying my "massage". I took...

3 years ago
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Ragini Bhabhi Ki Expert Chudai With Dever

Hi dosto mai Ajay ek baar phir se hajir hoon ek nayee story ke saath ee story ekdum real hai jo ki mere ek dost ne mujhe bataya hai ki usne meri story padhi hai aur wo bhi apni story share karna chahta tha isiliye Uske request pe mai uski story jaisa ki usne bataya tha likh raha hun aur ab mai aapko usi ki words me aage bataunga jo iss prakaar hai. Mera naam Ravi hai mai Mumbai me apne bade bhai Rajan 35 bhabhi Ragini 32 and mai Ravi 30 Saath rahta hai mere bhaiya ki shaadi 6 mahine pahle...

4 years ago
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My Cousins Birthday Party

Jason!" shouted his mother from the foot of the stairs. "What?" he shouted from his bedroom. "I need to go into town to get some things for Cindy's Birthday party on Saturday." "OK, see you later," he shouted back. A moment later his mum shouted, "Come on, I haven't got all day." "Why can't I stay here?" he asked. "No, you have to help me choose a nice birthday present for her." "Mom," he moaned, "I'm busy!" "Busy playing that play station thing," his mum retorted, "now...

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Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex Part 03 Troy and Beverly

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never write a story longer than one part. I have had many requests to do so. This may be my only time and as far as I’m concerned each part will be a standalone story. That way I can end it anytime that I want too without annoying you readers too much. Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 03 = Troy and Beverly Well, I had heard about a group being formed where they go on just one date a week. The date starts on Friday whenever the two people can get...

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The Bachelor Party

DEDICATION This small story is at once a dedication to, and an indictment of, the bachelor party that my youngest son roped me into organizing and funding. I honestly think young men expect their fathers to provide a wild last hurrah, complete with babes and free flowing booze. As a responsible parent, I did help to make it quite a memorable night, but alas, not as wild as he might have envisioned. The Bachelor Party By Ashley ...

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Wife of the Party

Wife of the Party by captv8tdChapter 1The man and woman stood side by side, motionless other than for the slow rising and falling of their chests as they breathed.  Another woman slowly circled the pair, running her eyes up and down their bodies and taking in every detail.“You performed well last night, Steve,” commented Monique as she reached down and cradled his erect cock in her palm.  The naked man blushed slightly.  Even though he had been owned for over two years, it was still...

4 years ago
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The Fuckerware Party

The Fuckerware Party ? Chapter 01by Tappy McWidestanceEven now I can't believe I'm in the situation I willingly, no compellingly, put myself into. How long as it been? 15 minutes? 30 minutes? An hour? How much longer will I have to wait before I can cum? Will she show up to help me or was she just teasing me? Who is she? What does she want from me? Why is my body so out of control?My name is Tina. I am 26 years old. I have been married for three years to Jim, also 26 a salesman at the same...

2 years ago
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Tesss Transformations Life of the Party

Tess's Transformations: Life of the Party By Julie O. Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 "So, do you have your costume picked out yet for the boss's costume party, Jack?" asked Chris Washington, a tall muscular man with short black hair. He was thirty-two and was the department head for thirty employees at Chambers Industries. "It's still a week away," replied Jack Easton as he turned around in his chair to look at his supervisor who had just entered his cubicle. Jack was...

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Summer Job with The Reverend

A friend told be about his hot time, and now here it is for you! The ReverendIt was summer and I had just finished my first year of college. I knew I was gay and had played with some of the guys in my dorm. I loved to suck cock and guys would often compliment me on my ability, telling me that I must have sucked a lot of cock. I hadn’t, it was passion for cock that showed, not experience. I loved to look at cock, play with it and of course feed on it. I needed a summer job and my dad suggested...

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Party Time

I was loading the boot of my car with shopping that I had purchased from the supermarket and was bent over the boot of the car. The back of my short skirt was riding up so that the beginnings of my ass cheeks were on show as I only had on a small thong under my skirt. Just then a red classic corvette convertible pulled into the parking lot. It looked like one of those cars that guys spend so much time on. Engine sticking up out of the front of the cover and bright polish silver trim and pipes...

2 years ago
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The Halloween Party

The Halloween Party By Vivian Bird Robin and Erica Green had been married for three years. Erica is a practicing Gynecologist and Robin is a technical writer and primarily works from home. Both of them had been satisfied with their marriage and careers, but Erica was starting to feel dullness creeping into things, especially their sexual relations and she wanted to do something to liven it up a bit. "Robin," said Erica, "You know that Halloween is...

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Bachelorette Party Recruiter

A true story as told to Fred Lake by his wife Tiffany© 2018 Fred Lake About twenty years ago, when living in another city, Fred and I were active swingers and had been for a decade. We had a lot of swinging friends we partied with, some of whom we had become true friends with and saw occasionally for non-swinger events. We also had non-swinger friends, and some of them knew each other without knowing that some were swingers. Sometimes the two worlds collided. The events of this story are taken...

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Claires Sweet 18 Poo Party

100% fiction! Part 1 - The Party "Mum, mum..come look what I did" said soon to be 18 year old Claire Bishop excitedly, as she proudly marveled at the solid brown log resting on the kitchen bench. "Wow honey that’s a nice one, that will go perfectly in the casserole I’m making for dinner," "Yum!!!" said Claire, "your the best mum ever." What came out of the back passage was something to be celebrated and enjoyed in the Bishop household, which consisted of Claire's mum Carol and her 18 year old...

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The Bachelorette Party Video

This is a story of a bachelorette party my wife attended that ended up on the internet at a XXX site. My wife and her friends didn't know that the entire party was being recorded. (M+F+, Cheat, Anal, Oral, Intrr, Inc, d**g)My wife Sandra's best friend Sabrina was getting married in a couple of weeks. Since my wife was the maid of honor it was her responsibility to have a bachelorette party for Sabrina. Sandra had been to a few of them but she never had to organize one. She called around to four...

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CadeChapter 17 Party Time Again

Cade continued to teach Callie how to drive, and as it turned out, her unauthorized trip to town had taught her volumes about driving. Now she was leaps and bounds ahead of where she had been. Cade made inquiries and learned that she could get a driver's license by passing a written exam and taking a road test, so he got a copy of the driver's handbook from the DMV for her to study. Callie was afraid of the tests, but Cade encouraged her and reassured her, and told her that she could always...

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Pretty party drinks

I love a party drinks all kinds mango peach sangaria , watermelon margarita , vampire kiss martini , they are so pretty in a pretty glass so devine to look at so great to taste, fun little party drinks , strawberry margarita put a slice of lime or fruit its a party in a glass , so fun to drink so pretty to look at its a party in a glass. Your very own private party make a pretty drink slice of apple or a lemon wedge or an olive and you have a party in a glass . pretty party drinks sitting on a...

Erotic Poetry
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An XMen Party

Jean If one were just to look at me. They would see me only from my outer shell; the pretty little red-head with the green eyes and killer smile. If I were to walk out in public, you wouldn’t notice anything about me that was different. I stand at about five-five, five. No real identifying marks. I’m twenty-eight now, a far cry from when I first knew the Professor, meeting him at eleven, after all the trauma with Anne dying in my arms. I’m living in the boat-house with my...

4 years ago
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The Bachelor Party Chapter 1

Things with James and Donna had never been better. With her working now at the club, and the trucking company James worked at doing better, money was no longer the specter it used to be. Now they could check the mail in peace and not be afraid that they wouldn't make the bills. In fact, things were so good that James and Donna had started planning a long-awaited vacation.It had been about nine months since James had found out, rather unexpectedly, about her working at the strip club. And while...

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Game On After Party

A quick note to everybody: This is the next Game On story. I have decided to not go nuts on more than 1 maybe 2 types of games per story. I am also going to declare this as a new 'universe', so anyone that wants to write stories for Game On can do so as long as it some how revolves around a magical and/or sci-fi game. Once again, please feel free to e-mail me ([email protected]), or send me an instant message through ICQ (247193981) I will be happy to receive your comments and...

3 years ago
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Accidental Slut A Halloween Party

Hi! My name is Mollie and I'd like to tell you all about the Halloween party at my brother Jake's house.Wait...Let me back up a step or two.Picture a gorgeous 19 year old with huge 36D melons and a perfect bubbly ass and gorgeous green eyes and the whitest blonde hair that naturally curls all the way down to the top of my butt.At least, that was what I was going for. The original costume. Before I lost the blonde wig that would have covered by straight brown hair that comes about half way down...

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Wife fills in for Bachelor Party

My Name is Derek and my wife is Kristy. We have been married for eight years and are both in our early thirties. We had just opened a Party Store where we sell party supplies and put on parties for various groups of people. We have catered parties for local dignitaries, weddings, fundraisers and even the occasional bachelor or bachelorette parties.The business had been very successful so far. We were trying to build a solid reputation as a place you can count on for a great party. We are...

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Bachelor Party Surprise

My Name is Derek and my wife is Kristy. We have been married for eight years and are both in our early thirties. We had just opened a Party Store where we sell party supplies and put on parties for various groups of people. We have catered parties for local dignitaries, weddings, fundraisers and even the occasional bachelor or bachelorette parties.The business had been very successful so far. We were trying to build a solid reputation as a place you can count on for a great party. We are...

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Bachelor Party Surprise

My Name is Derek and my wife is Kristy. We have been married for eight years and are both in our early thirties. We had just opened a Party Store where we sell party supplies and put on parties for various groups of people. We have catered parties for local dignitaries, weddings, fundraisers and even the occasional bachelor or bachelorette parties.The business had been very successful so far. We were trying to build a solid reputation as a place you can count on for a great party. We are...

4 years ago
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Corporate Party Turns Wild Sex Orgy

Passed around as if a whore, a prim and proper wife is used, abused, and gangbanged. ‘Let me go! No! Stop! Please don’t! No!’ The drug was wearing off and, no longer feeling horny, she could see what was really happening around her. Surrounded by men, so many naked men they were either waiting to have their wicked way with her or already had their wicked way with her. Pinned down against the weight of one man licking her pussy, while she sucked another man, she had a cock in each hand. For a...

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Besties A man is struck by his girlfriend's best friend's appearance one day. He becomes obsessed with that vision, and it takes him to unexpected places. As I sat down, I caught a glimpse of her dress in the mirror. It was lilac with a subtle flower pattern on it. The dress was sleeveless, but with a boat neck so it did not show cleavage. It was soft and flowy, landing just above the knee on her (a woman three inches shorter than me). Between the hips and the knee, the...

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New Year8217s Eve Party And Fun

Hi all, today I am going to narrate yet another incident which took place recently. As many of you know, I am Ramya 18 years of age and 32 24 32 are my stats and 5feet 6inches in height. So the story is about what happened on new years eve 31-12-2016. Its a long story so dont sleep off. I woke up in the morning feeling all excited. It was a saturday and I had school until 2pm, so I wanted to finish everything soon and get back and prepare myself for the party. So morning started with yoga class...

1 year ago
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House Party Game

How many times have you been at a party where you don’t know anyone? Assuming your lame ass has been invited to a party at all, if you’ve been in this kind of situation, you know how shitty it can be. You don’t know anyone, it’s nothing but small talk, and you’re walking around with a raging boner hoping to fuck some strange. It’s usually a no-win situation – that is, unless you’ve been to one of Eek! Games’ house parties.If they are anything like the house party in its appropriately named...

Free Sex Games
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Tricked and Treated at a Halloween Party

My whole life has been somewhat of a planned activity. Everyday I had the same routine; go to school, stay after for soccer, go home, clean up and do homework, hang out with friends, and sleep. I didn't have time much for anything else, let alone a girlfriend, hell I was too shy to even approach a girl I wasn't already friends with. Don't get me wrong I watch porn and masturbate a lot, so I have some visual experience, unfortunately I have noone to use it on. This little tidbit of...

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Woman Partner Chapter Thirteen My Coming Out Party

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 13 - My Coming Out Party) This work is copyrighted to the author ©2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

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Girlfriend with Testing Device Part 15 Partying is Such Sweet Sorrow

Author's Note: Hello again! I've only got two chapters left to write at this point, so I figured I'd try to increase the pace at which I'm posting these here in an effort to catch up. I have several more chapters of this story posted at and at Warning: This wham-episode chapter includes, but is not limited to, a reality blind protagonist, short skirts, exciting plot twists, boobs, body swaps, strap-ons, clothing swaps, oblivious swap...

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Lonely Wedding Party

Jenny was busy sucking her boyfriend Jimmy's cock in the den of her parent's home. Her hair was being held to the side as Jimmy watched her lips slide up and down his hard cock, her spit oozing out to coat her hand that was cupping his balls. Jenny looked up at her boyfriend, his eyes slightly rolled back in his head as he luxuriated in the feel of her practiced mouth. With a quick glance Jenny checked the clock and realized she only had about 10 minutes before her mother would be home from...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Bachelor Party Surprise Part 1

My Name is Ray and my wife is Kristy. We have been married for eight years and are both in our early thirties. We had just opened a Party Store where we sell party supplies and put on parties for various groups of people. We have catered parties for local dignitaries, weddings, fundraisers and even the occasional bachelor or bachelorette parties.The business had been very successful so far. We were trying to build a solid reputation as a place you can count on for a great party. We are usually...

4 years ago
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The Chauffeur 37 Time For A Party

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 As the rest of the week wore on, Mom went into high gear prepping for our FBI party on Saturday. She had both Bobby and Sammy sitting down multiple times with her going over the food list, making changes each time she sat with them. At some point, I just told them privately that it’s her first west coast party and she wants it to be a big success. The chefs were both cool about the whole thing saying that they completely understood. Anita showed up...

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