"Ohhh...Mommy," I Groaned free porn video

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He deflowers sister, impregnates mom
"Do you think they've been doing it?"

"Doing what?" her mother asked.

"Cathy and Bobby. Do you think they're ...well, you know...having sex?" she asked blushing.


"What? Look at them mom...she's all over him."

"They're far too young."

"Gina thinks they're doing it. Her sister was in their class this year."

"He's still a virgin," the mother insisted as she watched her son Bobby and his girlfriend Cathy kissing through the kitchen window. "When did you see Gina anyway?"

"She got home from school on Sunday. She says her sister told her that Bobby's the hottest guy in her class. All the girls like him."

"That doesn't mean he's sleeping with anyone. Cathy's a nice young girl."

"She's a cheerleader, a blond."

"So that's why you're mad," Patty's mom said laughing. "Gosh, you're the prettiest girl in town and you're jealous of your little brother's girlfriend," she teased her daughter.

"I'm not...it's just he's having sex and I'm still..."

"There's no hurry sweetie," her mom said as she put her arm around her shoulders, "you'll find Prince Charming one of these days."

"Yeah right, like when I'm a thirty year old 'old maid'."

"Stop complaining, you've got more boys chasing after you than any of your friends."

"I know ma," she sighed. "But I still think those two are screwing."

"They're not! And your vocabulary certainly hasn't improved since you went off to University."

"I'm going to ask Bobby."

"Don't you dare."

"And I don't think Bobby's that little...I mean it was just something Gina said," Patty replied, blushing again.

"What'd she say now?" her mom interrupted.

"Do you think Bobby's big? You know...his penis."

"That's disgusting! Talking about your little brothers penis."

"I know... its gross," she said with a grimace. "Still, Gina's sister told her that Bobby's got a reputation. A beeeeg reputation," Patty added grinning as she held her hands a foot apart.

"In my day girls didn't talk about boys penises."

"Hah! You had me when you were s*******n. You must have known something about them back in the old days," Patty answered with a big grin.

Blushing back, the tall, dark haired thirty-six year old mother answered, "Not enough. I was pregnant before I knew what was happening."

"Yeah, but look, you had me," her daughter smiled in response.

"Luckiest day in my life," her mom laughed, hugging her daughter tighter.

"I love you ma. Gosh, I really don't want to go back to school next fall...I missed you so much this year."

"I missed you too Patty...at least we'll have the summer together. Now come on, let's have lunch; it's time to leave the lovers alone."

"So you don't know if he's big," Patty persisted as they turned away from the window.

"I haven't seen your brother naked since he was about eight," her mother lied. "And it was teensy then," she laughed as she wiggled her little finger. But she knew she'd never forget the image that was burned into her brain. Her son, asleep, naked on top of his sheets, his blood filled cock thrusting angrily upwards.

"I don't think it's that size now," Patty answered laughing.

"His dad... your dad... was big," her mom finally admitted, still thinking of the recent morning when she'd found her son's door open when she went to wake him. His huge erection had mesmerized her for minutes before she'd finally slipped away.

"What? He was? How big? Mum."


"Hi Mrs. Coursey, hi Patty," Bobby's girlfriend said with a big smile when she and Bobby came into the kitchen fifteen minutes later.

"Hi honey," "Hi Cathy," the two women answered.

The three women talked for minutes as Bobby hovered in the background. And he couldn't stop the thought that came to him as he watched his blond girlfriend standing between his mom and sister. It was an idea that had insidiously invaded his conscious mind when he'd first become aware of females as sexual creatures years ago. It was a thought that had never left him completely since. Simply stated it was an acknowledgement that he found both his sister and mother more exciting than any other woman he'd ever seen.

He'd hoped that maybe with Patty away at school, and that with his recent sexual explorations, that his sexual desires, shit, his lust, for his mom and s*s would fade. But just watching Cathy next to them, even as he remembered the ecstasy he always felt when buried deep inside of his girlfriend, he knew she simply couldn't compare.


"No date tonight?" Bobby asked his sister when he entered the den and found her curled up under a blanket on the sofa later that night.

"No...I'm just going to watch a movie. You see Cathy off?"

"Yeah...they're gone. Where's mom?"

"She went over to see Millie, said she'd be back by midnight. Are you all packed?"

"Yup. Watcha watching anyway? You mind me joining you?" he asked as flopped down on the sofa next to her.

"Sure, c'mon on," she offered as she lifted the blanket that was covering her.

"Sexy...very sexy!" Bobby said with a whistle when he saw his sister was just wearing a low cut tank top that reached down to just cover her waist.

"Yeah right. Miss Sexy with no boyfriend," she groused as she nestled comfortably against her brother, her full breasts leaking from their thin cover.

"Poor girl," he answered as he tousled her hair, his eyes watching the movement under her shirt.

"You'll miss Cathy a lot, won't you?" Patty asked her brother wistfully. The Coursey's were leaving the next day for their annual four week vacation at the family cottage on the ocean.

"Not so much," he finally answered softly. "Besides, I'll have you and mom all to myself for a month. What man could ask for more," he teased.

"Yeah sure....Bobby, do you two do it?" she asked timidly.


"You know."

God, had his older sister had just asked him if he was having sex. He could feel the blood rushing to his cock, could feel Patty's breast against his arm, could feel her leg curled against his.... "Yes," he finally answered, whispering in her ear.

"I knew it," she mumbled almost inaudibly. "God, you're so young."

"I'm eighteen. I'm a man," he insisted as he put his arm around her and hugged her.

"Yeah right. How long have you been..."

"Doing it?" he interrupted. "A while."

"Do you like it?"

"You must know," he answered as he caressed her arm, his eyes furtively sneaking more looks down her top. His cock was rock hard as he caught a glimpse of her nipples, thick, hard, dark stubs so unlike his girlfriends. "So?" he asked when she didn't respond.

"I'm a virgin," she whispered.

"Liar," her stunned brother spat out.

"I am," she insisted.

"But what about all your boyfriends...Johnny, Ricky... Sid? Christ you two went out for months. You're almost twenty."

Seeing her slowly shake her head he added, "We all thought you were the hottest girl in school...everyone..." he sputtered.

"Who did?"

"All my buddies. When we were sophomores and you were a senior...they were always asking about you...who you were sleeping with...what you looked like nude...had I ever..."

"Those perverts! What'd you tell them?"

"Bobby!" she insisted when he started grinning.

"I may have exaggerated, made up a bit," her brother finally said chuckling.

"What'd you say?"

"Oh...that you walked around the house in your bra and panties... that I'd seen you in a little skimpy yellow lace bra...that I saw you making out with your boyfriend...that I'd seen your breasts, your nipples...that I saw you naked after a shower...your hair, down below," Bobby answered grinning, ticking off each of his points on his fingers.

"You pig!"

"They loved it. You were the most popular girl in the whole school for my friends. They always wanted to hear my latest story. They were always staring at you in the cafeteria or when they saw you in the hall...wondering."

"How'd you know what my underwear was like?" she demanded.

"I checked...from time to time," he admitted blushing, but with a cocky grin.

"You went in my drawer? You touched my underwear?"

"I didn't say that," he answered but she knew he had.

"You didn't show anyone...do anything with them, did you?" And then, after not getting any answer from her brother, added, "You're horrible." But even as she said the words she wondered if he'd ever put a pair of her panties on his penis, rubbed it, put his cum on them. Felt a little shudder between her legs.

"Was it Cathy's first time too? When you did it for the first time?" she finally asked. What?" she added when he didn't answer.

"Cathy wasn't my first," he answered hesitantly.

"WHAT!" Who was?"

"Just someone. You probably don't know her," he said, not wanting his sister to know his first had been one of Patty's best friends.

"So you've slept with two girls?" Seeing his blush deepen, she demanded, "More?"

"Three," he finally admitted.


"I can't say...it's a secret...I promised."

She could see his cock straining against the front of his shorts as he talked. Yearned suddenly to put her hand on it, grab it, milk it, suck it...Jesus...he's my brother, she thought, then begged, "C'mon Bobby, tell me...please."

For seconds he hesitated, then finally admitted, "Cathy's mom...it's why I'm glad we're getting away from them for the summer."

"CATHY'S MOM? Mrs. Brown?... oh my gawd...that's disgusting!" And yet as she said the words she felt a jealousy for this woman who'd seduced her brother. "She's like forty."

"Thirty-eight, she's just a little older than mom."

"And you seduced your girlfriend's mother? What about poor Cathy?"

"It was sorta the other way around," Bobby said blushing.

"That's revolting. sleeping with her daughter's boyfriend. Does Cathy know?"

Shaking his head he said, "It's been driving me crazy. I'm tired of both of them. I'm afraid Mrs. B's going to tell Cathy. Christ, I got so I was scared to even go over to their house. You won't tell mom will you Patty?"

"No. I should though. You've become a pervert."

"They're not even that good looking."

"Cathy's nice, cute...but yuck, not her mother."

"You're much better looking than Cathy. Whenever I see her with you, like today in the kitchen, I wonder what I'm doing with her."

"I'm not. Besides I'm your sister."

"You and mom. You're so beautiful. Your hair. Your legs. Your smiles. Your breasts," Bobby said admiringly.

"What about my breasts?" she asked. "You've never seen my breasts...Bobby!" she screeched as her brother put his hand on her top and pulled it away from her body.

"Your nipples are much nicer than Cathy's...or her mother's," Bobby said grinning as he let her top snap back. "Your breasts too."

"You're sick," she accused as she shuffled back from her brother on the couch. "Why are they nicer anyway?"

"They just are," her brother answered, his eyes intently watching the thin, white panties now exposed to his eyes as her tank top rose up her thighs. "You're beautiful."

"I'm not," she protested, then saw where he was staring. Blushing, she stammered, "I'm going to bed...goodnight."

"Night s*s...do I get a kiss goodnight?" he asked as she started to stand.

When she bent to kiss her brothers cheek she saw his eyes drift to her now fully exposed breasts, then realized she didn't care, in fact she wanted him to look...wanted him to desire her. She quickly kissed his lips instead of his cheek, then looked down and saw his shaft clearly outlined.

"I'm glad you're home Patty," her brother said to her back as she hurried confused from the room.

She dreamt of her little brother's prick all night. His big prick, and she was now sure it was big, penetrating her. Tossed and turned as images of her deflowerment raced through her mind. What does it look like she wondered? What would Bobby's cock feel like when it was inside her?

Bobby stayed in the den after his sister had fled, simply sat and fondled his thick cock as he thought of what had just happened. "God, I saw her tits," he mumbled out loud as he moved his hand up and down his shaft. Could Patty really be a virgin? She must have seen his penis tenting his shorts...she really didn't seem that angry when he looked down her top.

I'll be her first, he finally realized just as he felt the first tightening in his balls. I'll have all summer to seduce her, seduce mom too he suddenly thought as the fist string of sticky cum blasted outward from his bucking cock.


It was a two hundred mile drive to get to the five acres of land that sat isolated on a remote barrier island and faced the Atlantic Ocean. It was a drive the three of them had made together for the last eighteen years.

It was ten miles from the nearest town and only accessible by an old wood bridge that spanned a wide creek that separated their spit of land from the rest of the sandy island. It had been in the mothers family for two hundred years but the only building still standing, after a fire had destroyed the main house twenty-five years earlier, was a small sleeping cabin that had escaped the conflagration.

They spent every summer there. The mother of course had spent her c***dhood summers there with her parents. With cousins and aunts and uncles all crowded into the big house. Now the land was hers, and since the fire she had returned each summer with her c***dren. Just the three of them.

They had electricity on the island and after the fire she had converted the three hundred square foot sleeping cabin into a small cottage, one with a small washroom, an open, tiny kitchen, a small sitting area and a bed the women now shared.

Bobby had finally been exiled to a tent he had set up thirty feet from the cabin when he as f******n, giving the two women their privacy and he his freedom.

The front of the cabin faced the breaking waves of the ocean across a swath of white sand. A small covered porch ran around the front and south side of the cabin, a place the three often congregated in the early evening as they b-b-q-ed their dinner.

They'd always been happy there. It was their true home. They swam and fished, read side by side, played board games and cards at night, sang old songs and even danced, talked easily. The three had formed a bond in their summer isolation that was perhaps the essence of their lives. They'd always been comfortable together and, though popular and with many friends when at home in the city, the quiet comfort they found in each others company reflected their true nature.

There had always been a physical casualness between them. And although they wore bathing suits during the day, shorts and summer tops at night, there had never been any embarrassment about their bodies. When young the c***dren had often swum and played naked on the warm sand, and all three had seen each other naked under the outdoor shower that sat attached to the north east corner of the building.

It had only been in the last few years, as the c***dren had matured sexually, that the easy near nudity and casual physical contact they'd always shared, had been slowly lost.

They arrived late on that Saturday afternoon but within minutes were comfortably ensconced, their lifetime familiarity with the place making the transition from city person to seaside resident easy. And they all felt the happiness that seemed to envelope them the second they got out of the car and smelled the ocean all around them.


"Will you spot me?" her brother asked her after breakfast their first morning at the beach.

"I want to swim...then Mom and I are going to town to shop," Patty answered impatiently, her body, clad in just a skimpy yellow bikini, almost irresistable to her horny brother.

"We're not going for a couple of hours honey," mom interjected. "Help your brother."

"I'm in my bathing suit."

"Pleeeease Patty," her brother mock begged, sinking to his knees in front of her.

"Oh, all right."

He led her over to where he had set up his bench and weights on the north side of the sleeping cabin, a site protected from the hot summer sun by the shade provided by the large banyan tree his grandfather had planted fifty years earlier.

"You've got bigger," Patty couldn't help saying admiringly when Bobby had peeled the sweatshirt over his head and stood standing next to her in just a pair of shorts.

"I lifted all winter. I want to get stronger for football season."

"Your chest, your biceps...they're nice...so big," she said as her fingers lightly traced his pecs and then ran over his nipples.

"I'm a man," he boasted, then flexed his arms and chest in the classic weightlifters pose. "Feel my biceps," he ordered.

"It's not fair. I used to be much bigger than you. You were just a shrimp," she said as her fingers tried to circle his bulging muscle.

"Hah! Anyway, you're pretty tall...for a girl...much taller than Cathy," he said as he put a hand on top of her head. "She's only, like five-two, a midget, I prefer someone taller, like you. You're what....five-nine?"

"Yes," she said proudly, her sparkling, dark eyes staring into his.

"And you're pretty big yourself," he laughed as he cupped her breasts, squeezed once and then jumped back.


"Well, you touched my chest," he said, a broad grin on his handsome face.

"Pig," his excited sister replied.

"They're much nicer than Cathy's," he said as he lay back on the bench and looked up at his sister hovering above him.

He was wearing a pair of those thin, school grey, cotton gym shorts that come with an inner mesh that keeps a man's cock and balls from spilling out and down his leg. But as he lay on his back, repeatedly lifting the heavily loaded bar up and down above his chest, her eyes continually strayed to his groin, to his thick penis that was clearly outlined each time he arched his body off the bench to lift the weight.

He touched my breasts! My little brother touched, gosh, squeezed my breasts, she thought as she watched him. Her skin was still burning where his fingers had been, she could feel her nipples straining against the thin cloth. Don't look at it, you're becoming a slut, she continually admonished herself as she imagined putting her hand into his shorts and seizing his manhood.

As he pressed the heavily laden bar up from his chest he looked up at his sister standing above him, her hands ready to catch the bar if he needed any help. Her legs were spread and as he strained to lift the bar his eyes were continually drawn to the small patch of yellow cloth that sat at the juncture of her legs just inches from his eyes.

He could see her little slit outlined under he thin cloth, felt himself getting harder and harder as he watched the three or four rogue, curly, dark black pubic hairs that peeked from under the cloth.

After twenty-five minutes of heavy lifting he finally stopped. "You're sweaty," Patty grimaced even as her finger traced Bobby's six pack stomach.

"C'mon...lets go swimming...I'll carry you," he announced, then lifted her effortlessly in his arms and started running towards the breaking waves.

"Bobbbbby!" she squealed in protest even as she put an arm around her brother's neck and leaned her cheek against his muscular chest.

He threw her out into the surf and then as she surfaced coughing felt him pull her against him. Felt his cock hard against her mound. "Don't!" she ordered as he lifted her and again tossed her into the swirling sea.

She surfaced six feet away from him, laughing now, knowing a breast had slipped from its cover, then watched as her brother's eyes latched on to her dark, hard nipple. She took her time covering her jiggling orb, even stretched her nipple before slipping it under the yellow cloth.

"Much nicer than Cathy's," he finally said.


A powerful thunderstorm blew in off the ocean late their second night at the cottage, one of those summer storms that can deliver a deluge of water in just minutes.
"Poor Bobby," Patty said to her mother as they lay side by side in the one bed in the cabin, a queen size brass bed that dominated the small space. They'd both woken when the thunder had started to roar.

"I'm going to check on him, he may be drowning out there," her mom answered, hopping out of bed just as another peal of thunder crashed overhead.

Her daughter, clad in just a thin t-shirt that barely reached mid thigh, quickly followed her mom out the screen door and joined her on the covered porch. They both peered through the darkness and the pounding rain towards the little clearing where Bobby had set up his tent.

"Oh my god! He'll drown," Patty shrieked when a bolt of lightning lit up the area and the two women saw the pond of water that was forming around the tent.

"BOBBY....BOBBY!" his mother yelled, her breasts moving under the thin cloth of the short nightgown she wore.

"Ma?" they finally heard and when the next flare of lightning hit they saw his head peering through the flap of his tent.

"Come up to the house. You can't stay out there," his mom ordered. Five seconds later they saw him again, momentarily lit up by another flash from the sky, moving towards them, naked, water dripping from his muscular young body.

"Patty, go get Bobby a towel, he's naked," her mom directed, but for seconds her daughter waited, waiting for the next illuminating flare.

"You're soaking," mom almost scolded when Bobby finally reached the haven of the porch's overhang. "You should have come in earlier."

"I thought it was okay...just raining...I was asleep...then I woke up...there was water everywhere...my sleeping bag...my clothes were all soaked," Bobby gasped as he stood dripping in front of the two women.

"Towel Patty," mom ordered as she ran her hand through her son's soaking hair.

"Yes ma," Patty answered as she rushed inside, then was back seconds later with a small bath towel.

"Patty, he needs a beach towel...something to cover himself," her mother complained, but the eyes of both were hungrily locked on the shaft swinging freely between his legs as he dried his hair with the small towel.

Eventually another couple of towels were found and Bobby was escorted into the small cabin, and ended up sitting on the couch, surrounded by the two fussing women.

"I'm okay. I'll just sleep on the couch...you guys can go back to bed," he finally told them.

"No, you'll sleep on the bed...with us. There's lots of room, isn't there Patty?"

"Yes ma," he daughter agreed, her whole body tingling in excitement from what she'd seen.

"Put on some shorts, then come to bed."

"Yes ma. I gotta go pee first though." God, they were both staring at my cock, he thought to himself as he held his streaming hose over the toilet. Felt himself hardening as he thought of their thinly clad bodies that would be lying next to his. They'll have to feel it tonight, he thought.

The two women were lying in bed when Bobby returned from the washroom, and they silently watched when he let the towel fall from his waist and then moved to the clothes closet where he finally located a pair of boxers. They couldn't help but notice how his penis had hardened, and then, as he pulled the shorts up his legs, saw it momentarily caught before Bobby shoved its straining length under the cloth.

"Here, sleep between us," mom directed as she patted the bed between she and her daughter.

"You don't have enough room ma," Bobby said as he snuggled between the two. "I can take the couch."

"Don't be ridiculous. It's three in the morning. Let's just get some sleep," his mom answered even while feeling her son's hardness touch her thighs.

"Do you snore?" Patty asked as she snuggled her breasts against her brother's back.


"Ohhhh, I'm tired," Patty muttered when she finally woke the next morning.

"You're finally awake," mom sang out from across the room.

"What time is it? Who...," she started to say as felt the body against her. "Bobby?" Then remembered the night before.

Lifting her head so she could see over the muscular chest just inches from her mouth, she saw her mom across the room standing at the stove. "He hogged most of the bed," she complained, but even as she spoke she was aware of something poking against her stomach.

Jesus, she thought, as she looked down between their bodies and saw the long pole sticking out from the fly of Bobby's shorts.

"He takes a lot of space doesn't he? When I woke up I was almost on the floor," her mom answered in a clearly happy tone of voice.

"Well, I guess it wasn't too bad for one night," Patty answered as she watched her hand move of its own will towards the waiting shaft. Don't, she mumbled to herself, then felt the smooth hardness of a man for the first time.

"What honey?" her mom asked.

"Nothing ma," she answered, lost in the feelings coursing through her. She slowly ran her hand up his cock as her insides opened, lightly fondled his balls as her nipples tightened in desire.

She felt him stir but still held him lightly in her palm, then saw his eyes pop open but still was reluctant to release him. Slowly she finally let her fingers open and pulled her hand back, and then in a complaining tone said, "You're finally awake. Now at least I can escape."

"Are you awake Bobby?" his mom shouted across the room. "C'mon you two, get up, breakfast is almost ready."

"I'm trapped," Patty protested, then started to climb over Bobby's body. Half way over him she suddenly felt his hand between her thighs, momentarily cupping her mound through her damp panties.

"What're you cooking ma?" Bobby asked as she hovered for second after second on his hand, then he lifted his head and gave her a quick kiss on her lips. "Morning Patty," he cooed in her ear.

"Let me out," she ordered, then slid her body slowly over his. "Do I have time for a swim mom?" she asked as she headed to the washroom.

"No. And you get going Mr. Lazybones," she directed at her son. "You've got to hang up the tent and organize all your wet stuff once you've eaten."

"Yes mommy," he laughed as he jumped out of bed and hugged his mother.

"Get on with you," she smiled. "And put some pants on...you're not very modest like that," she said as her eyes dipped downward.

"Whoops," he laughed when he looked down and saw his semi-stiff prick sticking out of the fly.

Christ, he mumbled to himself later as he hung the soaked nylon tent on the clothesline, I showed mom my cock. And Patty touched it! How long had she been holding it he wondered as he hung up his wet clothes? She let me touch her mound, feel her slit.


It was a beautiful day, and after their late breakfast and after finishing their chores the two women prepared for a day tanning and reading on the beach.

"Are you going to be late?" Bobby's mom asked him as he grabbed the car keys.

"The game's at one...I probably won't get back til six or so," he answered, eager to go.

"Drive slowly honey," her mom ordered as she gave him a kiss before he fled out the door.


Patty was surprised when her mom unsnapped her bikini top and let it fall to the sand.

"What?" her mom asked when she saw the surprised look.

"Nothing...I forgot, we used to swim topless all the time."

"With Bobby growing up the last few years I thought I better not," she said laughing.

"They're so beautiful mom," Patty said as she undid her top. "Big and round, soft..."

"They're starting to sag," her mom complained as she put her hands under her full breasts and lifted.

"Yeah right mom. I wish mine were like yours," she said in admiration.

"Mine used to be like yours...firm and high...proud..." she said remembering.

"Yours are bigger."

"Just a bit...they got bigger when I had you two," she said as she moved so that the two women's breasts were just touching. "See, your nipples are above mine, your breasts stand up more."

"Yeah, like a quarter of an inch," Patty laughed. "Our nipples look exactly alike though."

"We both have long, fat ones don't we?" her mom asked laughing as she moved her breasts so their nipples touched. "I used to get so embarrassed when I was young and they'd pop out like this."

"Me too," her daughter answered. "Everyone knows when I'm cold...or...," she laughed.

"Here, put some sunscreen on my back honey," her mom asked as she handed Patty the tube and turned.

Patty slowly oiled her mom's back, then moved around and started on her front. "What's it like mommy, when you're full of milk, when a baby sucks on your teat," she asked as her hand caressingly applied sunscreen to her mother's full breasts.

"It's nice, you'll like it honey," her mom promised as she took the tube from her daughter and squeezed a big drop into her palm.

"Gosh, no ones even kissed my breasts yet; I don't think I'm going to have a baby anytime soon."

"Here's a quick preview," her mom said as she dipped her head to her daughters left tit and then enveloped her taut nipple between her lips.

"MOMMMMY!" Patty squealed as her body arched towards her mothers mouth.

"Now the other one," her mom giggled and then ran her moist tongue over Patty's other engorged nipple. "You have puffy nipples just like mine," her mom said when she finally released her squirming daughter.

"They feel like they're ready to burst...oh god, what'll it feel like with a man?"

"You'll find out honey," her mom laughed. "Now c'mon, lets go for a swim."

Fifteen minutes later the two tall women, both with long, thick black hair, and looking more like sisters than mother and daughter, emerged dripping from the ocean. Before lying on her beach chair Patty bent and pulled the wet panties from her legs.

"He won't be back for hours...we're all alone, they're so clammy," she rushed to explain to her bemused mother.

"I agree," her mom answered as she quickly shucked her bottoms.

"We look alike there too," Patty said as she looked at her mom's full, but trimmed pubic triangle.

"God, I'm glad you're not one of those girls who shave everything."

"I tried it once. I looked like a little girl...I prefer some hair."

"Me too," Bobby's mom answered.


They read silently for twenty minutes, both of them luxuriating in the feel of the suns rays on their bodies, before Patty finally said softly, ""I saw it this morning."

"You saw what?"

"Bobby's thing. It was poking me when I woke up. It was hard and he wasn't even awake," she said with a question in her voice. "Sticking right through his fly."

"Boys...well men...they often have erections in the morning...even when they're sleeping...he woke me up too...it was poking my bum," her mom laughed. "My nightie was almost at my waist, he was right against my bare skin."

"He did?"

"Uh huh."

"It's gross."

"Oh, it's not that bad."

"They're sort of ugly aren't they? ...And how does he get it all inside of Cathy anyway? She's so small."

"We don't know he and Cathy are doing it."

"He told me," her daughter told her mom.

"He did?" Seeing her daughter's insistent nod she added, "Well, they usually fit honey, somehow."

"He's big though, isn't he? I mean, what's normal anyway?"

"Well, your brother is definitely full sized Patty, in fact we could probably call him an extra large."

"Is it better...when it's bigger?"

"Yessss," her mom answered, a big grin on her face, remembering what Bobby's father had felt like.

"I touched it...with my hand...it was different that I thought it would be. Hard...but smooth. I know I shouldn't have, but it was just sitting there, I couldn't stop myself," she hastened to explain to her now laughing mom. "Bobby woke when it was in my hand."

"I think I'm getting horny mom."

"Oh Patty," her mom said as she hugged her daughter.


"WHAT'S THIS? Nude day at the Coursey's," the two naked women suddenly heard shouted from behind them.

"BOBBY!" Patty squealed as both women's hands flew to cover their bare thighs.

"What are you doing home?"

"They cancelled the game. The other team couldn't get here, apparently the storm last night washed out a road," the excited teen said as he sat at the foot of his mother's chair. He'd actually been watching them for the last ten minutes from a distance, drinking in their naked beauty.

"Don't look," Patty ordered, trying now to cover her breasts with one hand and her pubic pelt with the other.

"Why not? I sorta like the look," Bobby said leering, "and just think of how much you're going to save not having to buy clothes."

"Bobby," his mom warned, but she couldn't hide the amusement she felt. Nor not feel the excitement.

"You could be Patty's big sister mom...or her twin," he said as his eyes roved over her nudity.

"Yeah sure," his mom responded, but he sensed the pleasure she got from the compliment, and couldn't help but notice that his mom hadn't covered her breasts like Patty had.

"You two are so beautiful...so sexy. Patty and Chrissie, two beautiful twins, naked sirens trying to lure lost sailors to their shores," he teased.

"Hah," Patty interjected, but she did let her hand slip away from her breasts. Both women's nipples were straining outwards towards him.

"Well, Chrissie does have slightly larger breasts," her son finally admitted as his eyes flicked from one to the other.

"Bobby!" his mother warned again, then added, "And you shouldn't call your mother Chrissie."

"I told you you're breasts were bigger, better," Patty complained to her mom.

"No one said mom's breasts were better than yours my dear sister. In fact I must say your breastworks are simply magnificent. Extraordinary in fact. One in a million," he enthused.

"You're crazy," his suddenly beaming sister said.

"And I gotta say, you two have the biggest, longest, most exciting nipples I've ever seen."

"Whose nipples have you seen anyway young man," his mom asked, but her preemptory tone couldn't mask her obvious excitement from her son eyes.

"So, anybody want to go swimming?" Bobby asked as he stood and dropped the shorts he was wearing.

"What are you doing?" his sister asked as the two women stared at the three quarters erect penis just inches away from their eyes..

"I sorta like this idea of a nudist colony," he laughed, posing for seconds in front of his mom and sister, then turned and ran laughing into the white-capped surf.

"He's impossible," Patty said smiling at her mother. "And I still don't know where it all goes. It's huge!"

"Bigger than his father," his beaming mom agreed.

"Does it get you excited too mommy?" her daughter asked innocently when Bobby slowly emerged from the ocean. He was fully erect as he slowly toweled himself off fifteen yards down the beach from where they sat. He could feel their hungry eyes on him.


"Did you ever smoke mom?" Bobby asked after they'd eaten their bar-b-q'ed fish dinner later that night and were sitting in the small cabin, Bobby and his mom on the couch while Patty lay stretched on her stomach on the bed. Their mom, who believed in introducing her c***dren intelligently to alcohol, had uncorked a bottle of white wine with the meal and the three of them were perhaps just slightly high. The radio was playing oldies softly in the background.

"It's a disgusting habit. No, of course not. And if either of you," his mother started to warn.

"I mean a joint...you know...marijuana."

"Bobby!" his sister said angrily.

"I just wanted to know. Chrissies not that old...everyone tries it at least once."

"I didn't," Patty protested.


"Well, maybe once or twice," Patty admitted.

"Have you Bobby," his mom asked, a clear concern evident in her voice. "You're so young," she started to add before Patty interjected.

"He's not too young for you know what."


"Did you mom," Bobby asked again.

"Just because I did something once upon a time doesn't mean you should do it," his mom answered blushing. "Okay, yes, I've tried it."

"Mother!" a scandalized Patty interjected.

"I never really talked to you two about d**gs...I probably should have. You guys aren't doing anything bad are you? Ecstasy or that awful Oxy stuff?"

"God no. That's for losers. Once in a while at a party we might smoke up...not often...it's better than getting drunk," Bobby admitted.

"Patty?" her mom asked.

"Once in a while. It's around at school. I did it maybe three or four times this year."

"Me too," their mother said.

"What! This year? You're a mother...you're not supposed to," Patty protested even as her mom and brother broke out in broad smiles. "You two are impossible."

"I've got one...a joint," Bobby blurted, "maybe the three of us could..." he said, his voice trailing away in invitation.

"But mom's here," Patty protested again, a protest that probably produced her mother's next words.

"Yes maybe that's a good idea Bobby. Better than doing it behind my back. You're adults now."

"Bobby isn't," his shocked sister muttered.

All three of them were nervous when Bobby reappeared with a fat joint in his hand.

"Maybe we shouldn't," Patty said as her brother struck a match and inhaled deeply. "Oh god mommie," she protested when her mom took the roach from her son and drew a lungful of smoke deep into her lungs.

Still, she took the proffered smoke when her mother passed it, inhaled, coughed, giggled, pulled another lungful, passed it on.

They were all feeling pretty mellow by the time it was down to a half inch long butt.

"That's a song from my day," Mom said as another oldie came on the radio. "I used to dance to that one with your father when I was fifteen or sixteen," she said as she swayed her body to the music.

"I took you for more a rapper, maybe goth...or dance hall," Patty giggled as she mimicked her mom's slow moves. "Not this."

"Yeah, but at the end of the night, when we wanted to close dance," she said, then stood and took her daughter's hand in hers, "then we played these slow ones. Do you want to dance handsome?" she asked her son, holding out her other hand to him.

"Really? Oh yes mom...I mean Chrissie," Bobby said as he jumped to his feet and took his mom's hand.

At first they danced conservatively, their bodies apart, Bobby's left hand extended and holding his mothers right.

"You're a good dancer mom."

"You sound surprised. I was like the best dancer in my high school young man," she said as she dropped his hand and put both her arms around his neck.

"You fit me...Cathy's so short," Bobby whispered as his mother nestled her head between his shoulder and neck. And when he'd put both arms around her back and gently moved her so they were lightly touching from breast to groin, he added softly in her ear, "you smell so nice mommy, so nice."

Suddenly he felt her lips on his neck, hungry, wet bites that sent blood coursing madly up his cock, and then he moved his hands to her firm bum, pulling her against his urgent need. They danced two dances plastered together, swaying as one, his prick proudly poking his mom....

"My turn," Patty demanded as the second song ended. Chrissie conceded her place to her daughter but Bobby could see the reluctance in his mother's eyes, and for a second had to fight the urge to simply throw her on the bed and have her.

"Can you dance big sister?" he finally asked Patty as she moved into his arms.

"Noooo, of course not, I'm just dumb Patty," she pouted as she melted against her body.

"You're beautiful," he whispered back.

"Don't make fun of me."

"You've always been the one."

"I have?"

"I'll be your first," he promised.

"What?" she whispered liquidly in his ear, of course knowing exactly what he meant.

"Your first man. In you, filling you...this," he said hoarsely as he grabbed her hand and forced it between them, forced it under the elastic belt of his shorts.
"Don't Bobby," she protested as she tried to pull her hand away. And over Bobby's shoulder she could see her mom watching them from the couch. He held her wrist for seconds, not allowing her to withdraw her fingers. Slowly her resistance faded, then tentatively she started to move her hand up and down his length, exploring, arousing, caressing, promising....

"Gosh Bobby, it's so big, so hard, so long," she whispered in his ear. "It'll never fit."

She stroked him for two dances. Gasped when he slipped his hands under her shorts and cupped her firm butt. Moaned when his finger caressed her anus. Almost melted when his finger pushed into her pussy.

The three of them continued to dance for a couple of hours. Their bodies made clear promises to each other that didn't have to be articulated in words. They all knew what the future held. The women finally staggered to bed around two...their son and brother passed out on the couch. All three dreamt of forbidden pleasures.


"You know Patty's a virgin?" his mom asked as she and Bobby watched his sister swimming in the surf as they sat side by side on the beach the next day.

"Are you going to stop us? Only you can," Bobby said as his eyes searched his moms.

"I don't want Patty hurt."

"You know I'd never," he protested.

"I know honey," his mom answered as she put her hand on his thigh for a moment.

"I have your permission? To make love with your daughter?" Bobby asked.


"To marry her?"

"Oh Bobby, you can't," but then conceded, "Yes honey."

"You too. After," he promised, his eyes ordering, beseeching.

"I'm your mother."

"I love you. Want you. Do you want me Chrissie?" he asked as his hand cupped her head and drew her towards him.

"Yes. Yes baby," she cried, then felt his tongue penetrate her mouth.

He's kissing mom, Patty gasped as she looked up and saw her mom and her brother intertwined. Oh god I love him, she thought as she watched Bobby finally break away from her mom and stand. Mommy wants him as much as I do, she suddenly realized.

"Ya coming swimming?" Bobby asked his mom as he stood over her.

"No, maybe later," she laughed, "go swim with your sister. Bobbbbby, leave your suit on," she tried to order him as he slipped his suit down his legs and turned toward the ocean.

Will he really want his older mother after he's had Patty, she asked herself as her eyes followed his tight, muscular bum as he ran toward his sister?

"God, you are a pervert," Patty accused as Bobby splashed up to her and stood just feet away from here in the knee high water.

"You're the one looking at her brother's penis."

"Well, you've got it flapping up and down so much...how could I miss it? Anyway it's an ugly little thing...men aren't nearly as pretty down there as women," she said.

"You liked touching it the other morning, seemed to like it last night too," he teased.

"I'd never seen one before. Or touched one. I was just checking."

"Wait til you feel it tonight...in another place," he laughed as he lifter her in his arms.

"I won't. You're terrible."

"Your breasts are beautiful."

"Hah," she said as her face lit up in pleasure.

"Will you marry me? Have my babies?"

"You're crazy," she laughed. I won't have to find anyone else she thought as he lifted her and then tossed her out into the deeper water. My brother's the one I've been waiting for. "Yes," she yelled when she surfaced from her dunking. "If you really want me."

"Yesssss," he yelled back, knowing that the two women on this beach were his only future.


"I'm going to sleep in the tent tonight," Chrissie said at about eleven that night.

"What? Why?" Patty asked.

"I want some fresh air for once. Bobby can sleep on my side of the bed."

Patty understood immediately. She knew her mother was okaying this union of her c***dren, not only okaying but also giving her blessing. There would be no hiding, no lies between them ever.

"No," she shouted just as her mom reached the door. "I want you here," she said as she felt both their eyes on her.

"But," her mother started.

"I want you with us mommy," she insisted, "When we make love," she added, letting them both know she understood.

"Bobby?" she asked as she turned to her brother with open arms.

"You're trembling," he said as he felt her shiver against his chest.

"I'm scared."

"You don't have to be."

"I know...but I am," she said as her soft hand found and seized his surging manhood.

"I'll be gentle," he promised as their mouths meshed together.

"That's not what I want," she panted when she finally pulled her lips off his. "Be a man, all man," she demanded as she stroked him.

He marveled again at her beauty after he had quickly stripped her top and shorts from her body. He pushed her back onto the bed and saw the moist, pink gash open between her dark curls. Then spread her knees even farther apart and brought his round cockhead to her gates.

"Bobbbbbby," she gasped as he split her engorged sex in one, long, hard thrust. Oh jesus, she thought as she wrapped her legs around her young brother, it's so much better than she'd ever imagined. She felt impossibly full.

Nothing had prepared himself for this overwhelming sensation of completeness that hit him as he felt her ankles digging into his buttocks. Every nerve in his cock was somehow being awoken by his sisters tightening insides. He was in heaven. Her pussy was the promised land. His other women had been nothing like this.

"Pattty...I can't hold it...ohhh...ohhh," he yelled as her insides clenched his suddenly erupting cock. He looked up as he felt his penis flooded by their combined juices and saw his mother sitting on the couch, naked, her fingers moving urgently on her mound.

"I love you Bobby," Patty whispered as her brother started to move again inside of her.

"I'm sorry," he started, "about how quickly..."

"It feels so good," she answered as she put her finger on his lips to quiet him.

"I'll be better," he promised.

"It couldn't be any better than this," she cried as her body started to spasm in orgasm under his urgent, pounding, thrusting hardness.


"Let me kiss him," she said when he finally pulled out, his cock coated and sticky.

"Later," he answered as he turned her over on her stomach and then lifted her to her knees.

"Again?" she asked as she felt his cockhead run along her ass.

Just as he shoved his prick into his sister's oozing channel he saw his mom stand and move toward the door.


"I'm just getting some air...I'll be back," she said softly, then slipped from the cabin.

He rode Patty hard this third time, holding and squeezing her breasts as he pounded into her from behind. She was noisy now, yelling, screaming her pleasure as her brother's penis quickly transformed her into a writhing slave.

"Ohhhh god," she finally moaned, her whole body thrashing as her womb orgasmed her acceptance of the first explosive delivery of sperm. They were so tightly interjoined that she could feel it as his cum started up his long shaft, had a second of anticipation before she felt it burst liquidly inside her. Then could feel her insides draw his seed deep inside, sucking it down to her centre. Then she sensed the next load of sperm starting up his shaft.

Again and again his bucking cock discharged.


"Where's mom?" a panting Patty finally asked after their fourth frantic coupling.

"She just went out to get some air."

"Go get her Bobby...she shouldn't be alone."

"When you're asleep honey...I'll go then," he promised his wife.


"Are you cold?" he asked when he saw his mom standing naked at the edge of the sea.

"Bobby. Why aren't you with Patty?" his mother asked as he engulfed her naked form from behind in his arms.

"She's asleep. I brought you a blanket."

"It's warm out here," she said as she leaned back against him.

"I'll warm you," he whispered in her ear as his hands moved to cup her full breasts.

"Honey...don't," she moaned even as she wiggled her bum and captured his hardening shaft between her ass cheeks.

"I love you Chrissie," her son insisted as he slowly moved one hand across her stomach and towards her sex.

"You won't be able to...you'll be too tired," she protested even as she pushed back against him. "Ohhh Bobbbby," she groaned as he slipped a finger inside of his mum. She arched her head back and turned her face to meet his as a second finger penetrated her slippery channel.

Their lips clashed together in a hungry lust and then their mouths opened as they tried to force their tongues together. "Oh baby...yes," Chrissie moaned as Bobby moved his lips to a quivering breast and sucked a taut nipple into his moist mouth.

"No Bobby...noooo," she cried as he slipped to his knees and brought his tongue to her sex. He had to hold her ass cheeks in his strong hands or her trembling body would have collapsed under the onslaught of his tongue.

Her cries of pleasure seemed to echo around the island as he moved back and forth between her erect clit and her increasingly moist crack. She wailed a long, whimpering, "Bobbbbbbbbbby," when she finally shuddered and discharged her orgasmic juice onto his lapping tongue.

"Now baby...now...please...fuck mommie...hurry," she demanded as she slid down his body and lay panting on her back on the blanket, her moist thighs splayed open in urgent need.

He simply marveled to himself as he pushed inside his mother, was actually trembling as her vulva closed around him and squeezed his throbbing shaft. I grew in there, he thought, as he repeatedly thrust his burning rod towards his mother's womb.

Again and again he thrust inside of his mom, and each time felt how her body rose off the blanket to eagerly meet his probing penis.

It lasted and lasted. His time with Patty had taken the urgent edge off his lust. He made love to his mother unhurriedly, again and again bringing her to the edge before backing off.

Loved it when she finally erupted under him, orgasming her need of him even as he continued to move his swollen shaft inside her engorged pussy.

"Please baby...hurry, hurrrrry," she cried. "I'm commmmming!"

He put her heels on his shoulders when her first orgasm had passed, and then when he started to deep fuck her he knew he was reaching places no other man had ever been with her, knew from the almost supernatural wail that was escaping her lips that she'd never want anyone but him.

It was only when she'd slipped into a state of continuous orgasm that he felt the tightening in his balls and the first strand of cream rush up his penis, knew somehow that it was she and not Patty who'd have his first c***d.


"You're crying!" he said as he watched tears falling down both her cheeks.

"I'm happy...oh Bobby," she cried as he licked the salty drops from her skin.

"I love you mommy," he said as he started to slowly pull his still hard penis from her overflowing sheathe.

"No...no honey...leave it in...please baby."

He pushed back in, deep, right to the hilt, felt his sticky cum everywhere. "I'm full...full of my baby," his mom laughed as he turned her so that they lay on their sides facing each other.

"I don't know how I ever got out of there...or Patty did...when I was born...you're so tight," he said as he felt his mom's birth channel clench even tighter on his engorged cock.

"You're so big baby," she teased and then licked wetly in his ear.

"Ohhh mommy," he groaned as his whole body arched in need.

"It's never been better Bobby...no one...ever. You're the best man, the very best...I never dreamed I'd feel this," she told her son as the two of them moved sinuously in a slow sexual rhythm.

He understood immediately. His mom was telling him he'd surpassed his father, that he was now her man. He continued to move his big cock inside of her, her only sounds now urgent pants of primal need, then felt the start of her orgasmic opening of her womb as he shot strand after strand of hot sperm inside of her.

"I want to have your baby," his mom said as he kept his penis in her, plugging his seed deep inside of her.


"Wake up honey," penetrated his consciousness as a hand gently shook his shoulder.

"Mom?" Bobby asked as he slowly opened his eyes. "What time is it anyway?" he mumbled as he peered into the darkness.

"The suns just coming up sweetie," his mom answered then said, "I love you baby," after she'd given him a soft kiss.

"Luv you too mom," he said as he arched his body in an awakening stretch. "Can't we sleep a little longer though?"

"I don't want Patty to wake up alone. C'mon," she said as she stood and grabbed his had, "you can sleep inside."

He followed his mom towards the cabin and then yelled, "Hey wait!" just as she reached the porch.


"This," he said as he bent and lifted his naked, sticky mother into his arms.

"BOBBY!" she squealed as he carried her towards he door.

"You're my wife now," he said as he carried her across the threshold.

"You'll have two wives, Patty and me," his mom whispered as he let her slip down his body and onto her feet.

'You won't mind sharing me?"

"You're my husband. I love you Bobby."


"Unh...what...what is it?" Bobby mumbled four hours later.

"Patty, I think our little boy has finally awoken."

"Mom?" Bobby asked as he opened his eyes. There was a long tongue flicking over each of his nipples.


"Hi," his sister said and then kissed him gently.

"What time is it?"

"Almost eleven. Mom's been giving me lessons," his sister said with a grin.


"Un huh, like this," Patty said as she licked across his chest and down across her stomach.

"Jesus Patty," he groaned as she moistly thrust her tongue around his belly button.

"And this," she giggled as he felt her tongue lick over his cockhead. "Mommy, help me," she demanded.

"Oh god," he moaned as he felt and saw two sets of hungry lips meet at his cock.

"Do you like this baby brother," she asked as she ran her tongue from the base of his hardening cock to its tip. Then, as her mouth moved over him, each lick, each suck, each little nip from his sister was answered by one from his mom.

"It's too big," her mother warned Patty as the young girl opened her mouth and popped Bobby's fat, round cock between her lips.

Pulling off for a second she answered, "I want to try," and then dipped her head again.

As he hardened and lengthened in his sisters mouth Bobby grabbed his sisters legs and pulled her so that her hips were positioned over his mouth.

Her mouth stuffed full, Patty's only response when her brother's tongue found her pink clit was a muffled groan as she tried to take even more of him into her throat. As his tongue probed inside his sister he suddenly felt his mom's tongue on his balls.

"Ohhh mommy," he screamed, his cry of ecstasy muffled by Patty's pussy, as he shot explosively down his sister's throat.

They didn't dress that first day. Nor often in the following four weeks. Naked together, touching, they slept together...made love morning, noon and night...


They planned their future! They all knew they'd found what they needed, found what they wanted. Why look for something you already have? Something never to be replicated with anyone else. They were hopelessly in love.

Two days later, with the three of them naked and wearing wild flowers in their hair, Christine, standing ankle deep in the warm ocean, held a bible in her hand and married her c***dren, blessing their union. Then Patty took the bible, the minister's place, and married her mother to her brother and now husband.

And Bobby's first baby started to grow in his mother's womb.

Patty transferred to the local University that fall. She refused to leave her husband or mother.

Bobby didn't have to break up with his girlfriend; Cathy's mother told her over the summer that she had slept with Bobby.

Bobby graduated the next spring. One month after his daughter Stephanie was born.

Of course they summered the next year again at the ocean. Patty and Bobby both drank from their mother's milk laden breasts. All three made love endlessly.

Patty missed her period that July.

They didn't return to their city home that second fall. Instead, the three of them moved to a new town, a smallish Midwestern town half way across the country. A town with a good university. Where they weren't known. They became just a normal family – a man and his wife, living with her mother, a baby...more to come...and perhaps not so strangely they lived happily ever after...


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MommysGirl Syren De Mer Jill Kassidy Teach Me To Be A Lesbian

Growing up isn’t easy for any of us. I’m certain that we’ve all had our issues when it comes to knowing how to speak to our first crushes. Jill Kassidy hasn’t gotten over her teenage jitters yet, and it’s starting to become a real issue. She just can’t figure out how to talk to girls. On the other hand we know Syren De Mer well. She’s always been the strong assertive type and she knows how to get what she wants! It seems like she should be a godsend to...

2 years ago
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Twin Pleasure Part 2

My name is Ruby, I am eighteen, and a sexy redhead with a body made for sin. Although I haven't always been a sinful person engaging in risking sexual activity with multiple partners of both sexes, I used to be a sweet innocent girl. There was a time when I would daydream about a guy's dreamy eyes, but now all I fantasize about is sex.Miss Davis was one of my favorite teachers in high school, not because she was a good teacher, but she had a lovely ass. The woman was gorgeous and was one of...

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179 SANDY AND THE LINCOLNSHIRE TRYSTThis is a late entry, sent to me by the ex-husband of this lovely lady who at the time I write of was engaged in being cuckold to the k9 population of this country, his pretty wife was not only keen on k9 sex she was keen to advertise her services to owners at that time, our man driving her to the trysts, and assisting as he could. Anything he could do to keep his wife happy he would do and she usually sending me her scribe the bones of the story for stories...

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Christopher and Laura

The burning wood in the fireplace crackled pouring light and warmth into the vast room. Walls floor to ceiling lined with books and shelves. The glow of the fire made everything in the room look like burnt sugar and honey casting about a calming sense of feeling. But on the contrary an infuriated man hurled a large thread bound text against the wooden wall in anger letting out an estranged growl in doing so. He let his gaze linger on the dent in the wall. He rubbed his palms over his face and...

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Slutty Helenas dirty video

My sweet wife had flown to Buenos Aires, in a quick trip to visit some friends and relatives there. I was busy at office and had declined to join her.On Friday, I came home exhausted after a hard week at the office.I got a relaxing warm shower, a light meal for supper and poured myself a glass of Irish whisky. I was feeling a little bit horny and home alone, missing my sensual Ana’s wet cunt; so I began watching some porn. I found a new hot site there on the net…It looked interesting, showing...

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Divorced middle aged black mature

Fictional account.....My name is Sean, I'm a 28 year old young black man with an attraction for older women. I've dated a few and even carried on some casual flings with a married one, or TWO. There's something about making a older woman feel lively again. To make her feel as if she's the Apple of a man's eye once again. I guess some older men, husbands boyfriends or what have you tend to slip in the romance department after a certain age all the while their older counterparts begin to feel as...

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Me And My Friend Fucked My Girlfriend Laxmipriya Odiya

Hii friends, aunties, sisters and my best bodies. Am introducing myself. Am Mahesh. Am a b.tech student near phulnakhara, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Here am writing the story how me and my friend miklesh fucked my girlfriend laxmipriya. Am a guy of height 5.6 and slim figure and have a long straight penish of near about 6 inch. My friend miklesh is of height 5.4 and have fat penis of near about 1.5 inch. Lets come to the heroine of the movie that is laxmipriya a sexy beauty who has a attractive...

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I had recently watched Ros blowing my man while I had two men pleasuring me, though she had never even laid a finger on me, so the thought of her providing sexual pleasure for me has great appeal. And perhaps me pleasuring her in return. My man and I have never seen her naked, something I am looking forward to. I am Julie, I am blessed with a high sex drive. My man Charles and I are in our early forties, we are both bisexual and we enjoy an open relationship with an extra man or woman on a...

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Mutual Benefits Chapters 15

I would have traded anything in the world for another life, one where I wasn’t known by everyone as nothing but a nerd. People kept telling me there were going to be all these benefits later on in life – “think of how easily you’ll get a job,” “you’ll get to be the boss of all those people that bullied you,” “you’ll be set for life.” What the hell kind of life was I set for? They say that high school shapes you and these four years make you who you become later in life. I was on a perfect...

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ME AND PRIYA PART-2 Anil Hi folks I am back with the uncompleted story of Me and My Priya-1. After finishing our 2 session we both hit the bed and were lying down naked I could see Namratha the daughter of Priya was putting her fingers in her pussy and trying to arouse her self. I did not know what had hit me and Priya. WE just dozed off .Suddenly I could feel something near my mouth and I just took my hand and tried to shoo it away thinking it to be a mosquito but it was more than that. I...

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The First SuetoniusChapter 3

'Captain' Harry 'Hap' Arnold rode atop a truck that had improvised armor plate welded to the sides and front. Behind, it towed a trailer upon which was mounted a short barreled howitzer. Behind that was another carrying ammunition and, behind that again, one carrying a cluster of dusty fighters. In the truck, itself, the unlucky soldiers were forced to ride inside with only the open hatches providing ventilation. Those, like Hap, considered themselves fortunate to find perches on the...

2 years ago
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Journeys West Chapter 17 The Search Begins

Chapter 17 - The Search Begins By Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Proofread by: Qmodo Liz sat quietly, her arms wrapped around herself, knees pulled up on the chair. Even though the doctor had reported that things looked good for Samantha, she was still worried about her and probably would stay that way until she was able to see for herself. "How long have you and Samantha known each other?" Leslie asked, doing her best to keep it from sounding like an interview. She asked...

4 years ago
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He watched her as she strode around with the man by her side, watching as he seemed to manipulate her. He grabbed her ass a couple of times and bent forward to whisper in her ear, he saw the wedding ring on his hand, but noticed that she wore none. He saw the grimace on his face as he reached for the pager on his side, then he whispered something in her ear and left her with a rejected look on her face. He saw his opportunity, but held back to see what transpired. Several men came up and hit on...

1 year ago
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Home Alone Finally

Here’s a true account of how I made do with a little bit of time to myself! To be honest, I never really got any time to myself, even at college. When I got home for winter break, things were always the same. People wandered in and out. This made it hard to find time alone, luckily though I finally found some time this morning.  My cravings had been growing stronger and stronger after two weeks without a single finger in my pussy. Also as a college student, with a roommate, I found myself...

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My cousin gets lucky

100% fiction! On sunday Dara went to her cousin Liams house, Before she could go the 19 year old had to get ready. Her mum called her "Dara hurry up im leaving in 5 minutes." Dara ran downstairs when her mum saw her left breast hanging out. "Ehem, pull up your top please and lets go." Dara gets in the car and puts on her ipod. She was listening to her favourite singer Nicki Minaj and she was jaming along to her tunes when her mum told her to get out the car, they arrived at her cousin Liams...

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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 25 Paul Packet III

The BS&O message read, “Legal outdoor fun. Interested? Text me at [phone#]” –PP3 My response: interested –Z3 20 minutes later I received, “For $200 Visit Packet Island History Museum any MTWTh let me know before you come.” My reply, “Today in 1-2 hours taking the bus. OK?” “Thank you. Ask for Paul in the snack shop.” The time was 14:30. Fran would be home in an hour. I left a note for Fran to call me and walked to the bus stop. Fran called when I was waiting to transfer buses. My...

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Morrigans conquest of the Marvel Universe

Morrigan Aensland, succubus and Demon Queen of the Makai, slammed her hips against Dmitri's one last time as an eruption of sperm spilt into her vagina. The sensation, far from merely arousing and deeply satisfying, fueled her demon spirit as it drained energy from her partner. Dmitri, demon and long-time adversary of Morrigan, shuddered in exhaustion and pleasure as more life flowed from him into his bitch-queen, Morrigan. Dmitri had fought nobly against Morrigan, holding the Succubus at bay...

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my wife kelly

My naïve wife Kelly This is the story of my ex. she was in the army and left me when she got out. she cheated a lot and I want never admitted to what she did. I want it to flesh out here. So basically she can do whatever, cheat, not cheat etc. If she does cheat I want consequences for her actions. she can stay in, fuck around her unit, with locals on deployment or whatever. she can get out and try to get a job acting or modeling. its very open so take her where you want.

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Marvel Erotica

Excelsior, Welcome to a new line in the Marvel Comics Multi-verse, tailor mind for all the adult mind can enjoy. We have quite the developing series of how a normal and familiar marvel world has been altered to have all the people with less inhibitions and more lust filled hormones. Enjoy the Father of it all, The Uncanny Sex-Men for your viewing pleasure, and stay tuned for more comic series to go alongside it. Like the Sextacular Spider-Man, The Assvengers, and Fucktastic Four.

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Something Old Something NewChapter 2

There are things about your parents that you should probably never find out. Never in a million zillion years would I have believed that something like that happened to my own mother on her wedding day ... and what happened after that, too. This is also when I learned what all those different hair colors of my uncles meant. "You're kidding!" I moaned, for perhaps the tenth or twentieth time. "No," she insisted. "Your uncles are, in reality, my HALF brothers, though nobody ever called...

2 years ago
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I Strip Vandal

All characters and terms including boy and lad refer to people age 18 and overI see this lad vandalising a bus shelter in Poplars Road. Proper scally he is. Just like me. He’s drawing cocks and balls and writing stuff like Sutton Green Boys Suck Cock and Sutton Green Scallies Take It Up The Arse. Fuck me, he’s got some balls, this lad. I mean, the Sutton Green estate where I live, it’s only a five minute walk away and here he is slagging us all off.I sneak up behind him.“What the fuck you...

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Family Harvest Replanting seeds within the same soil Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Super Mom After this sexual incident between us, Miriam became pregnant. Not only that, but she also had a major make-over; including dropping down to 180 pounds, removing most of the wrinkles from her face; changing her eye color from brown to blue; changing her hair color from black to blonde; reducing her nose size; increasing her breast size to size D; changing her facial complexion; and changing her skin...

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Forward to the Stars Ch 02

After everything had been squared away in the bunkhouse they took Brianna to the main house for supper. As Brian walked to the door Tina hollered ‘Where you going?’ Brian looked over his shoulder, ‘Deal with Leo, we’ll piggyback Brie back to the bunkhouse after supper.’ As he noticed the confused looks on Tina, Brianna, Michelle and Laria’s faces, He sighed, ‘After you are through working horses, you give them rub downs and check for sprains or scratches that have to be dealt with, if they...

2 years ago
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I Knocked On Her Back Door

I suppose it even happened to cavemen. You come home from a hard day of hunting dinosaurs with a club and find your woman in the back of the cave getting boinked by another caveman. Of course, being a sensitive, considerate caveman with a tiny dick, what else can you do except sit out in front of the cave and let them finish. It wasn’t the first time a girlfriend had cheated on me. But I didn’t think Mary would. And not in my own bed. I was twenty-nine, she was twenty-two. She’d had only one...

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Time Manipulation Mind ControlChapter 4 Transforming His Busty Mom

Aurora Pritchard I shuddered as I lay on my bed, feeling my Master’s cum drying on my sixteen-year-old titties. I became a sex slave today. Justin Sampson, my Master, hypnotized me when he stopped time. I didn’t know how he could freeze time, or how his suggestions, whispered into a person’s ear, could rewrite their minds. I didn’t care how any of it worked. It only mattered that he made me into his slut today. His sex slave. He fulfilled all my secret, kinky fantasies. I was the head...

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Michelles New Boyfriend Ch 4 part 2

Saturday I was up bright and early, dressing in my best cowboy duds, boots, hat, shirt and so on. When I looked in the mirror, I thought I looked like a downright handsome cowboy! I hoped Trisha would approve. She did and yummy did she look beautiful when I picked her up! She reminded me of the song, "Baby's Got Her Blue Jeans On". I received a very friendly welcome kiss at her door. Mmm, she smelled nice too! I could envision guys drooling all around us later! I asked her if she’d been to the...

Wife Lovers
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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 43

Sitting up in bed and wiping the sleep from her eyes Bern, startled by the noise coming from the other room, had forgotten about the visitor she had staying with her. Throwing a dressing gown around her, she walks into the kitchen. Why her head felt like it had been hit with a hammer was no mystery, counting the empty bottles of wine on the table it was obvious. The rattling of the pots and pans by Bridget made her eyes blink in time with every metallic bang. "Oh good you are up I've made...

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Childhood Friends1

As far as friends and girls go Amanda was the best. There was no game or sport that she could not participate in. We liked all the same music, movies, TV, she we always managed to make each other laugh. Our bond was so close there were times when we could communicate with our minds. All we had to do was look at each other and we knew what the other was thinking. We interrupted a lot of classes with our laughing because someone would say something and when we looked at each other we were...

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The BetPart 5 How to train your slave

The next few weeks were a period of adjustment. Since Sandy insisted on continuing to be my slave, I started reading up in the BDSM forums, to learn what sort of things a 'slave owner' should do and how to treat Sandy, as my slave. Frankly, there were things I found that were just ... Well lets just say I wasn't going to do THAT to MY little sister, and leave it at that. But there were a few tips and things I found useful. I already knew that Sandy had gotten a little excited when I was...

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Melissas RiteChapter 30

"Uhhn ... please stop..." "Shhh. No need to worry, you're safe." Melinda squirmed in her mother's lap as her pussy throbbed. "I d-don't want to be safe! I ... uhh! ... stop it ... s-stop ... uhhhn..." "Quiet now, Melinda," Penny whispered. One hand softly stroked her daughter's wet folds. Another slowly fondled a breast. "You need to stay here with me." "H-Heather..." Melinda gasped in the throes of her orgasm. "Mom ... Heather's i-in trouble ... you...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Athena Faris Judy Jolie 18 Year Old Daughter Orgy

It is Athena Fariss eighteenth birthday, and she is totally bummed because her boyfriend broke up with her. Her concerned stepdad wants the gloomy girl to cheer up, so he calls her bestie Judy Jolie for some help. The cuties happen to share the same birthday, so they celebrate together, enjoying some scandalous presents from their dirty dads. The girls try on the lusty lingerie gifts, and their dads cannot help but get horny. They swap daughters and penetrate the eighteen year old teens tight...

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The Adventures of Calvin Michael JohnsonChapter 5

Sunday, July 4, 1976 Luna Base. Meanwhile, on the dark side of the moon in a hidden base, the Agents of Chaos are assembled. “I don’t want excuses. I want results,” called out the voice from the empty chair. The voice was eerily calm and quiet, measured even, no ranting or shouting. No one interrupted him. “Now, how is it that the young man is still alive? I was informed that the auto accident had been successful. And now, I have reports stating otherwise. Who is to blame for this?” “We...

1 year ago
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First Lady

I did the morning and evening paper round every day before and after school. I had to earn money to pay for my hobbies. I got an allowance from mum and dad but was not enough, so hence the paper rounds. I had turned sixteen last month, had a great party, two in fact. One at home with all my relatives, you know the ones, and another one with my mates, great fun. I’ve always been randy, ever since I discovered I got boners by looking at the opposite sex - I loved it. I jerked off every chance I...

First Time
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TwoWay MotherChapter 5

The next morning Donna was on her hands and knees, trying to straighten up the mess beneath the kitchen sink. Everything had been tossed under there helter-skelter, and she never could find any cleaning supplies until she removed almost every can and bottle there. She had half the contents out, and was leaning her head in and reaching. She didn't hear her youngest son come in, and didn't know he was standing there, looking at her. Donna was wearing a house dress again. She liked to work...

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Swingers Date Club aka SDC Swingers aka SDC.com! Not every website that you visit in order to feed your endlessly lustful appetites has to be an orgiastic smorgasbord of whores and porn and all-out fuck fests with anal gaping and deepthroating and double penetration galore. Consider for a moment that you might take some time out of your day to become a little more enlightened about sexuality. Have you ever stopped to consider that possibility? That you might educate yourself on the nature of...

Hookup Sites
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Twenty Four Hours

Barb checked her watch again. She was where she was supposed to be, although she had arrived ten minutes early. For the umpteenth time, she wondered how she lost the bet that put her in this position. She didn't regret making the bet, but she still couldn't believe she had lost. She checked her watch again. In two minutes, it would be noon. If she truly went along with the terms of the bet, in two minutes she would become his plaything. In two minutes, she would have to do as he commanded for...

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Dont judge I F27 fooled around with my brother and my husband

First off, I’m not using any names for obvious reasons, and also please excuse any typos - I’m usually pretty pedantic about grammar, but I’m typing with one hand. A minute ago, I was sitting at my desk to write this, but I ended up clicking on the file of pics we took on the night, so now I’m on the bed with my knickers down around my thighs, half-teasing myself, half typing, and really battling the temptation to just give in, open the pics again and relive the night. So, apologies if I write...

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Reality and the Ring

Reality and the Ring By Cleo Kraft My Uncle's collection of old junk in his attic included a few odd trinkets and rare artifacts of mysterious origin. Of these were a series of rings in small velvet ring boxes packed one on top of the other and side by side inside a large oaken jewelry box. There were a few hastily written notes on a tattered old document inside, including how to remove one of these rings should it become stuck on your finger. Each ring was magic and could change...

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The Ultimate PlayboyChapter 7

Saturday morning I managed to drag myself back to my apartment to shave and shower. Then Saturday afternoon I got a phone call I had not been expecting: Kaia was asking me out on a date. I was a bit surprised, but at her request I told her I'd be there at nine. Kaia told me she had everything planned, but didn't mention style so I stood in front of my closet for a few minutes trying to figure out what to wear. I was still transitioning from High School geek to College stud and my wardrobe...

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A Dream of Acceptance

A Dream of Acceptance I started to cry with an emotion I never felt before. I thought it would take the whole month to change. That I would have a bit more time to adjust, but now it was done. There was nothing left of the boy I had once been. I shivered uncontrollably as fear and joy rocked me to the very core of my being. I slowly started to cry harder as my head spun with sixteen years of fear. Sixteen years of boyhood that could never be gotten back. I cried in almost a...

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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 52

By the time we got out to the limousine waiting for us, the girls had quieted down considerably. I could see it in Kim and Heather's eyes, Lisa and Lori's face — Daddy's probably dead and we're laughing and squealing. I said probably because I had not had the chance yet to tell them what I knew. By the time we got into the car, I had a very somber group on my hands. The seating arrangements, as usual, sorted themselves out in the car by that mysterious method my girls used. The...

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dennis the ceramics shp helper part 2

After Dennis had worked with us for a month, we asked him if he could join us at a convention in Florida. He freaked out and was so excited. I said he needs to get permission. After he got permission, we made our plans and reservations and prepared for our trip.We got loaded and ready to go. We had rented a large van with an extended roof and loaded it up.We decided to drive straight through and then hunker down for a day or two before setting up at the convention hall.We took turns driving. I...

2 years ago
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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 2 Jackie

Two days ago my parents held one of their famous family meetings. I sat at the dinner table with Mom, Dad, and my sister, Mo. After the usual "how's school going" talk, Dad dropped the bomb. "Girls, Mom, and I have agreed to let your cousin, Jonathon, live with us for a while," Dad said. "He and your Aunt Sarah will be here on Saturday." I was stunned! Why was my cousin, someone I didn't really know, going to be moving in with us? Just as I was about to pose the question, Dad...

4 years ago
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Sexually Arousing Indian Sex With My Darling

Hai all. I’m Keerthi from Chennai. I’m a housewife. After reading this story please send me your feedback to: This sexually arousing story is between myself and my sweet husband. I’m 26 and my husband is 28. He is working in an it company. The most important thing is “we got married just 30 days back. This story is about how we got into our sexual life in a way that we couldn’t forget throughout the lifetime. In my house, in a deep village near Coimbatore, there were 5 people. My dad, is a...

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