The Drifter, Part 2 free porn video

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It was a couple days before Anna could gather herself enough to return to the saloon. When she did, she had Clint by her side for support. The girls were very understanding as was Sam, the barkeep.

"You just take your time, Anna. Me and the other girls can keep the place running till you are ready to return," Sam said.

"That's just it, Sam... I'm not sure I can come back. I mean, I might be able to serve drinks downstairs here, but I don't think I can go back up there anymore," she said, looking up the staircase.

"What are you saying, Anna? Are you quitting the saloon?"

"Well, it wouldn't be fair to the other girls if I took all the work down here and left them to deal with the pawing and groping upstairs. Besides, there's a fair amount of it that goes on down here too! I think I need to take some time off and think about what I want and get past what happened. I love you all and I loved working here, but what happened..."

"I understand, Anna. We will miss you around here, but we will be okay. Of course, you are welcome to stop by and say hi anytime, and I want you to promise that if you ever want to come back, you will."

"Thanks Sam. I will stop by and if I do decide to come back someday, I will be sure to let you know," Anna said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

She left the saloon with Clint and they walked in silence back to the boarding house. As they climbed the steps of the porch, Clint spoke.

"Anna, tomorrow I have to run to San Antonio for some supplies for Miss Kitty. Want to come with me? I think a change of scenery will do you some good. We will be gone for a couple days, but I think it would do you good to get outta town for a spell."

"I'd love to go with you, Clint. And now that I don't have to work at the saloon anymore, I can."

"Good. We'll leave at first light. It'll take the full day for us to get there."

"I'll be ready," she said.

The next day Clint pulled up in front of the boarding house with the buckboard a little before daybreak, when it was just getting light enough to see. He helped Anna up on the wagon and then took a seat himself. A slap of the reins and they were off. The horses pulled the wagon easily and they made pretty good time. Anna had packed a lunch for them and around noontime, they stopped along the trail to rest a bit and to eat lunch. They pulled up under the shadow of a big oak tree and Clint let the horses graze while they ate lunch themselves.

Anna had brought an old blanket that she laid out for their picnic lunch. They sat and ate the lunch that she packed and then laid back on the blanket to rest a bit and let their lunch settle before moving on. After about an hour's rest Clint sat up. "Well we'd better get going if we want to get to San Antonio by nightfall."

He helped Anna get back up into the wagon and they headed on down the trail. It was a long, hot, dusty ride but they made San Antonio just after sundown. They stopped at a little hotel on the outskirts of town.

"We can get a room here for the night. Tomorrow, we'll pick up the supplies as soon as the store opens and head straight back. I'd like to get back home tomorrow evening - I don't like being so far away from the other girls." Clint said.

"That'd be fine."

Clint went inside to make the arrangements and then returned to the wagon a few minutes later.

"They only had one room left, Anna, so you take it and I'll bunk with the horses for tonight."

"Don't be silly, Clint. I can't let you sleep in the stable with the horses. You can sleep in the room with me... after all, it isn't like we just met or anything!" Anna said, looking down shyly and blushing a bit.

"Yeah. We haven't had a minute to ourselves since I rode into town!" Clint said. "And now that we are so far away from anyone we know..."

"Yes," Anna said, smiling coyly.

"Well we will have to go in as a married couple - otherwise they won't let us stay together in the same room."

"Why Clint Roberts! Are you proposing to me?" she said, giggling.

"Is that what it's going to take to sleep in a bed tonight?" he asked, playing along.

"Well, I don't know... I am a lady now you know! I've given up on my sinful ways!" Anna said, with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Yes I know... and a right pretty one too!" he said.

"Okay, that got you a bed for the night!" she said, kissing his cheek.

"Well if that got me a bed..."

"Clint!" she said, feigning shock. "Sugar, you don't gotta ask..." she said, taking his hand. He helped her down off the wagon and they went in together to secure the room. Once they had the room and he had settled her in it, he went to put the horses away for the night in the stable behind the hotel. Then Clint came back into the room to find Anna already in bed waiting for him.

"Come here cowboy!" she said, pulling the covers back for him. Clint smiled and proceeded to get undressed. He slid into bed next to her and she wrapped her arms around her beau and they kissed and cuddled, enjoying each other as they hadn't in a long while. Exhausted from the long ride on the rough buckboard, the two fell asleep in each others arms, happy to be in each others company and alone at long last.

The next morning came earlier than either would have liked. Clint was the first to arise and dressed quietly so as not to wake Anna any earlier than necessary. He slipped out the door and went down to hitch up the horses to the wagon. When he was finished, he went back upstairs to wake his traveling companion. Anna was already awake and dressed when Clint got back to the room.

"I see you are awake, sleepyhead!" he said.

"Well I did sleep very well last night thanks to someone keeping me warm and safe!" she said, smiling.

"My pleasure ma'am! Are you ready to get a bite to eat?"

"Yes, I'm starved!"

"Let's go then. After breakfast we need to get down to the general store and get the supplies so we can get started back home." They went downstairs and ate a good breakfast, knowing that they wouldn't eat well again until late that evening. Anna packed them a lunch that they could eat on the way home like they had done yesterday. Then they rode down to the general store and began the process of loading the wagon.

Loading up the supplies went smoothly, although it took longer than Clint would have liked. He was anxious to get started back home. He didn't like being this far away from the boarding house and the other girls. He was responsible for all the girls, not just Anna, and he wanted to get back so he could watch over them too. He took his job and his responsibility seriously and being a full days ride away from home made him "twitchy".

Once the wagon was loaded, Clint and Anna headed out of town. The ride back was a little slower because of the loaded wagon, but they still made decent time. They stopped for lunch under the same old oak that they had lunch under on the way to San Antonio and arrived back in front of The Yellow Rose. They pulled the wagon around back and unloaded the supplies, storing them in the boarding houses' large pantry until they could be put away properly. Once the wagon was unloaded and the horses put back in the stable and fed, Clint and Anna had a chance to relax in the living room for awhile before turning in to bed. Anna had gone into the bathroom upstairs to prepare for bed when Miss Kitty called for Clint downstairs.

"You called for me, Miss Kitty?" Clint asked, coming downstairs.

"Yes, Clint. Come with me into the office. We need to talk," she said, leading the way to her office. Once inside she shut the door. "Clint, I didn't want to say anything in front of Anna because I didn't want to worry her, but while you two were gone, a couple of the McClintock boys were in town sniffing around and trying to find out what happened to their brother, Billy. Now these McClintock's are not ones to give up easily. They'll be back, and when they find out that you were with Billy when he fell out the window... well there's bound to be some trouble."

"I see. Well there's not much I can do about it. Billy is gone and the McClintock boys will just have to accept that. It was an accident - even the sheriff said so. He was upstairs attacking Anna. I did what I had to do. I didn't throw him out that window. I just hit him square on the nose and he backed into the window. The sheriff took my statement and said it was an accident. And if anything, Billy is to blame for attacking Anna in the first place!"

"You don't have to sell me, Clint. I know you didn't mean to kill Billy. But I'm not the one you got to convince."

"Yeah, I suppose. Well, I'll keep my eyes peeled for them. And if they show up, I'll just have to explain."

"Be careful Clint. Those McClintock boys are a might irritable!"

Clint left Miss Kitty's office, mulling over what she had said. Clint would have to keep an eye out for these brothers. He went on upstairs and went to bed, tired, but glad to be in his own bed again.

The next morning, he rose like usual and took the girls - minus Anna - to the saloon. It was strange not to be walking with her and all the other girls felt the same. Without Anna, their little group was missing something and the feeling of loss was evident to all of them. No one spoke of it until they got to the saloon. Clint dropped the girls off, said his howdy to Sam, and turned to leave the saloon. He got back to the boarding house and was about to begin chopping some wood in the back yard when he heard a commotion from out front. He came through the house and just as he was about to step out the front door, Miss Kitty stopped him.

"Clint, don't go out there! The McClintock boys are outside waiting for you. They say they want to talk to you, but their idea of talking always leads to someone getting hurt."

"Well, I can't just hole up in here and let them stay outside shouting and raising hell in front of your boarding house, Miss Kitty. I gotta go out and face them and try to talk some sense into them."

"Clint Roberts don't you dare set foot out there!" a voice from behind him said. It was Anna - she had come downstairs upon hearing all the noise and Miss Kitty talking.

"You are NOT going out there to face those troublemakers. That's what they want you to do. There are three McClintock brothers left and they are all out there looking for the one who killed their baby brother."

"But I didn't kill Billy... he fell out the window on his own! And if he hadn't been upstairs there doing what he was in the first place..."

"That's poor comfort when you are shot full of holes, Clint. I have plans for you mister, and they don't include burying you!"

"Well I have to do something!" he said, and he turned to go outside.

"Clint!" Anna screamed again "Stop! please! I love you!"

Clint stopped upon hearing those words, but started for the door again. He went outside and down the steps to face the three McClintock brothers.

"Are you the one that pushed our brother out the saloon window?" one of them asked.

"I didn't push him. I hit him in the face because he was all over Anna and she needed me to get him off of her. But I didn't push him."

"That don't make no nevermind. You hit him and he fell out the window. The way I see it, you killed him. So we are here for you."

They took up a stance, ready for a fight when the upstairs window opened and Miss Kitty leaned out the window with a rifle in hand. Next, the sheriff and the deputy came around the sides of the house and stood there ready. Lastly, Sam from the saloon came up behind the boys toting his bar shotgun. With the three boys seriously outgunned at this point, they relaxed their posturing. As they stood there facing each other, the door to the boarding house opened up and Gramps, the old man boarder that kept to himself and was rarely seen outside, came shuffling slowly up to the McClintock boys.

"Brett, Travis, and Jude...You boys know who I am. I was your fathers riding partner for most of his life. I was there when each one of you boys was born, and I helped bury your dad when he died. I seen you boys grow up. What do you think your father would think of all this? And what do you think he would say about Billy and what he was doing in that saloon that night? Now you three turn around and leave these people alone. What happened to Billy was a terrible accident, but he should have never been up there to begin with. I don't want to see anymore people getting hurt over this, and I don't want to see anyone go to jail neither," Gramps said.

The three McClintock boys turned then and walked away peacefully, after the sheriff warned them the next time they came to town to start trouble he would arrest the lot of them - no matter what the Mayor had to say about it! Gramps turned to go back to his room again, walking past Clint and patting him on the shoulder.

"Thanks Gramps," Clint said.

"You just keep looking after my girls," he said, as he walked past. He went back upstairs slowly and Miss Kitty met him at the front door of the boarding house to help the old man back upstairs to his room. The sheriff and his deputy returned to their office, and Sam went back to the saloon to check on the other girls. Clint stood where he was until the McClintock boys had gone out of sight. Anna came running out of the boarding house as soon as the McClintocks had put some distance between them and Clint.

"Oh Clint! Oh I'm so glad you are safe!" she said, running up to him. He put his arm around her as they watched the troublemakers disappear in the distance. As soon as they were gone, Clint turned to his Anna.

"I don't think we'll be having any more trouble with those McClintocks anymore," he said.

"I hope not," she said, holding onto his arm tightly. The pair then turned and walked back inside.

* * * *

It was about a week after the run in with the McClintocks. Anna had been looking for work and had talked to a couple people about going to work for them. She had inquired at the General Store, but they didn't need any help at the time. She had inquired at the Post Office, but again they had all the help they needed. It was dinnertime at the boarding house and everyone was at the table except for Gramps - he always took his meals upstairs since it was so hard for him to get up and down the stairs anymore. The girls had set the table and dinner was ready.

"How is your job hunt going, Anna?" Miss Kitty asked, as they sat down and began eating.

"No luck so far. I have asked around a couple places, but no one needs help right now. I have a couple more places to look yet though," she said. "I want to check and see if maybe the school could use someone and I want to see if the bakery needs help. After that, I don't know what I'll do."

"Well I hope you find something Anna," Miss Kitty said.

"So do I."

Late that night, there was a tragedy at The Yellow Rose.

The still night air was split by a woman's voice. "Clint! Oh Clint, come quick!" Miss Kitty called. Clint was up in a shot wondering what was going on now. He rushed into the room where the screams were coming from.

"It's Gramps... he's... dead," she cried. He looked at the old man's body laying on the bed in the room. Some of the girls, hearing Miss Kitty's cries, came running and Clint headed them off before they got in the door.

"Don't go in there girls. It's Gramps. He's passed on. Tracy, go get the doctor. Lisa, you go fetch the sheriff," he said, taking control if the situation. The two girls went off to their assigned tasks, while Clint used the bed sheet to cover Gramps body. Miss Kitty took the other girls went downstairs to the living room where Clint joined them once Gramps was taken care of.

The sheriff arrived first, since his office was closest. Clint took him upstairs and he examined the body and the room, but found nothing out of the ordinary. The doctor came in as the sheriff was wrapping up his investigation and determined that Gramps had simply died of old age. Clint went downstairs as the two men finished their work. He sat with Miss Kitty at the dining room table, making arrangements for the funeral.

It was two days later that the funeral for Gramps was held. Clint was surprised at the turn-out... apparently Gramps had quite a few friends in town despite being a shut-in since Clint had known him. The McClintock boys showed up, but they were well-behaved. The ceremony was beautiful and it went smoothly. The procession led out of town to the cemetery. Once they had laid old Gramps to rest, Clint, Miss Kitty, and the girls hosted the wake back at the boarding house.

The day after Gramps funeral, things slowly returned to normal. Anna went on trying to find a job with no luck. The school didn't need any help and the bakery was doing fine as well. Anna was at a loss.

"Clint, I don't know what I'm going to do! I can't find a job anyplace in this town. I may have to go back to working at the saloon!" she told him, exasperated.

"Well, don't worry Anna... something will turn up," he said, reassuring her.

That something was already in the works. Unbeknownst to everyone in the little town of Medina, a letter from back east was working its way towards them that would resolve Anna's employment woes. The letter arrived about two weeks after Gramps funeral to the boarding house, and was addressed to Miss Kitty. When she got the letter and had read it, she called everyone at The Yellow Rose together that night.

"I suppose you are wondering why I have called everyone together tonight," she started. "Well, I received this letter today from my sister back in Philadelphia. It says that my father is ill and that I should try to get back to see him... before..." she said, looking down.

"Oh Miss Kitty!" Maria said. "I'm so sorry!"

"Thank you Maria. I will be leaving for Philadelphia the day after tomorrow on the stage. I won't be coming back. Once I am there, I will be staying to take care of my father and God forbid, his estate should he not get well."

"Oh no, Miss Kitty! Oh that's just awful! What will we do without you here?!" Paula said, visibly distraught.

"Well, I have thought about it. Not just lately, but off and on for some time. And a lot more since Gramps passed," Kitty said, "and I want one of you girls to take over running The Yellow Rose."

"Who, Miss Kitty? Who could run the place like you do?" Tracy said.

"Not me!" Maria said. "It's way too much for me to handle!"

"I don't think I could do it either," Lisa said. "I've seen some of what you do and it's more than I can deal with too."

"Well, I agree with you Maria," Miss Kitty said. "You are the youngest of the girls, and I couldn't ask you to be saddled with such a big obligation. And Lisa, love you like I do, you are just too scatterbrained to deal with such responsibility, girl! Why you have a hard time deciding what to wear every morning!" she said laughing.

"Paula, you haven't been here that long and you wouldn't know how to handle all of the affairs of running The Yellow Rose, so I can't ask you. And Tracy, well you could do it, but you already have a job at the saloon that you enjoy," Miss Kitty said.

She turned to Anna and Clint. "So that leaves you, Anna. And I am hoping that you will take over running The Yellow Rose. You and Clint could run this place without much trouble - hell, Clint already does more than his fair share around here. All this place really needs is a woman's touch to keep it looking nice. Clint here does all the manual labor and you, Anna, know all about how the business part works. I would really like you two to take over running the place. I don't know if I will be coming back this way again, so I will give the place over to you. I don't need the money - I've got more money than I know what to do with. So if you will agree to taking over, I will have the papers drawn up so you are the new owners."

"I... I don't know what to say!" Anna said, dumbfounded by this news. She looked at Clint for direction.

"Miss Kitty, we would like a little time to discuss this before we give you our decision," Clint said.

"Of course. This is sudden I know, but I just found out today myself. I won't be leaving for a couple days And I will draw up the papers just in case you decide to go ahead. If you decide it's not for you, I will have the bank take over ownership and whoever wants to can buy the place from the bank. But I am hoping you and Clint will take it so I know it's in good hands. This place has been good to me, and I want it to go to good people."

"Miss Kitty, I have been here for almost five years, now, and I have loved every minute of it. You are like family... all of you... and I have never been happier than I have here. I don't know what I'll do without you, Miss Kitty. But us girls will make sure this place stays just like you leave it and Clint here will help with the man work," Anna said.

"Thank you, Anna. And I know you girls will do a good job helping out the new owners - whoever they may be. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do to get things in order," Miss Kitty said, hugging each of the girls and then Clint. With the tears wiped away, the girls returned to their rooms while Clint and Anna went outside to sit on the porch and discuss Miss Kitty's offer.

"What do you think, Clint?"

"Well it would sure cure your looking for work! I don't know Anna, do you think we could pull this off?"

"I have seen Miss Kitty do her books and how she takes care of the place. And you are pretty handy with a hammer. We have the other girls here that would help out some too, I am sure," Anna said.

"Yeah, and we don't know what a new owner would do to the place... or if we would even want to stay if they changed things a lot."

The pair talked about the offer Miss Kitty made for three or four hours before reaching their decision.

Clint and Anna called everyone back together to break the news to everyone. Once Miss Kitty and the girls had gathered together in the living room, Anna stood up to speak.

"Miss Kitty, Clint and I have talked it over and we have made our decision. With the help of the other girls, we would be happy to take over the running of The Yellow Rose," she said.

Clint then stood up. "With one condition..." he interjected. He turned to Anna. "Anna, it wouldn't be right for us to take over the running of The Yellow Rose and live here together the way we have been. It sets a bad example to our tenants. So.." he knelt down on one knee as the girls all gasped, realizing what he was about to do. "Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife? I would like to get hitched while Miss Kitty is here to see it."

Anna was flabbergasted. She looked down at Clint and then over to Miss Kitty. Miss Kitty smiled broadly clapping gleefully.

"Say yes, silly!" Tracy said, finally breaking Anna's stunned silence.

"Yes, Clint! Oh yes!" Anna said.

Clint and Anna made arrangements for a quick western wedding. And two days later, Anna became Mrs. Clint Roberts. Later that day, Clint and all the girls bid Miss Kitty a fond and tearful goodbye as she boarded the stage to head to Philadelphia with promises to "write when you get there!".

So The Yellow Rose changed hands and with the help of the other girls that lived there, the boarding house prospered and grew, adding rooms in the back to double in size and take in more boarders. Clint and Anna lived together happily for the rest of their lives and eventually built their own house on property that went with the boarding house. They had three kids - two boys and a girl - and life in their small Texas town was good.

The End

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The Lady and the Drifter

The Night Before: Jason Gold was just a little drunk, broke (although he did not know it yet) and still savored the sweet taste of victory. His left eye had begun to swell and discolor and his fly was open. He lost his shirt, had it ripped off his back, in a fight against two of the Venice locals who mistakenly thought the pale skinned, mild looking stranger would be easy pickings. It was their last mistake of the evening. Full of beer courage, they followed Jase out on the beach where he left...

3 years ago
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The DrifterChapter 17

Oh, the wayward wind is a restless wind A restless wind that yearns to wander... “Joss, I have never had as much enjoyment on a trail drive as we’ve had on this one. When we get to Cheyenne and deliver this herd, I’m going to take some of my winnings and put all of us up for a night at a hotel. John told me he was buying steaks for everyone with some of his winnings,” Mr. Charlie told me. On my map, it showed to be about two hundred and fifty miles or so from Deer Trail up to Cheyenne. Mr....

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The DrifterChapter 3

And I was born ... the next of kin - The next of kin to the wayward wind “Joss, you need to take some of your money you’ve gained by working here and go outfit yourself with three or four suits of tough ranch working clothes. Get some boots too, instead of them gol-danged ugly-ass lace-up shoes you wear. And for damn sure, buy yourself a hat! You’re gonna keep on working out in the sun bare-headed and end up with a half-baked brain if you’re not careful.” After promising Polk that I’d stop...

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The DrifterChapter 15

Oh, the wayward wind is a restless wind A restless wind that yearns to wander And I was born the next of kin The next of kin to the wayward wind... It was almost sundown and we still had not seen any sign of Enrico. I was getting worried that maybe the girl he met was a young one and her folks didn’t want her to leave with a drifting vaquero. We came to a small lake with plenty of grass around it and I decided to spend the night here. We were setting up camp and making plans to ride in...

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The DrifterChapter 12

And the wayward wind is a restless wind A restless wind that yearns to wander... We never went to bed that night. The only sleep I got was when I wore them down. We slept in the barn on a blanket spread over some hay with another blanket covering us. That was the way we awoke at daylight. I was ready for some more, but Ruby, Jonnie and Jamie were too sore to go again. I showed them more about how I was taught to caress a woman’s body and touch her in places to make her enjoy our lovemaking...

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The DrifterChapter 14

Oh, I met her there in a border town We vowed we’d never part... There was no place to get a meal and no place to get a room. Following the store owner’s directions for the best place to make camp, we made our way out to Amarillo Crick. Backed up against the eastern bluffs along Amarillo Crick, we set up camp. Indira was not much help with her feet in such bad shape. I managed to find a safe place where I could hobble Red, Blue and the one horse I’d kept after selling the other one at the...

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The DrifterChapter 7

And the wayward wind is a restless wind A restless wind that yearns to wander... When we rode up to the front of the house, there was an older man who walked across the barnyard to take our horses. I told him I’d have to unload my packsaddle when I found out where I was staying. “I’m called Nettleton ... Boss done told me you’d be in the foreman’s shack. There’s a rope pulley back there, I’ll lift your packsaddle off and put it on the porch so you can unpack it before I take it to the...

2 years ago
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The DrifterChapter 16

And I was born the next of kin The next of kin to the wayward wind... “Joss, sometimes a man has to do what he feels is right, at the time – and a lot of times, he has no time to think it over. I’d have done the same thing had it been me back there in place of you. You’re learning fast and you make good decisions even faster. Those men would have killed all of you, took your horses, money and cattle – had you given them the chance ... or even hesitated,” Mr. Charlie told me when I sat down...

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The DrifterChapter 4

And the wayward wind is a restless wind A restless wind that yearns to wander... I swear, the women in Kansas have to be the prettiest in the world. Mrs. McBrand looks as young as her daughter, Emily. Both of them are smiling right at me. I hope I don’t make a fool of myself. Damn, Mrs. McBrand is Mrs. McIntyre made over, in her bosom anyway. I wonder if she’s wearing her bindings and she’s still this large? What will I do if she wants to hug me? Seems to me women like hugs more than I ever...

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The DrifterChapter 2

And the lonesome sound Of the outward bound Made me a slave to my wandering ways... I grabbed a big sponge off the shelf in the tack room when I come back, and then walked over to Red. I still wasn’t sure just how he was going to take this, since he was really excited. I rubbed his nose, patted his neck, then rubbed down his side, as I made my way back to his left flank. His cock was already extended about six inches when I patted his belly. He stepped wide, with his hind legs apart when I...

3 years ago
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The Drifter Ch 4

Before leaving the ranch I cleaned up my messy truck. This meant clearing the littered passenger seat and floor of several paper coffee cups, candy wrappers, a crumpled potato chip bag, doughnut crumbs and the classified section of the newspaper with the circled ad I answered—also, a few old cassette tapes which I put back in the glove compartment.l parked next to the barn and hosed the truck down to wash away the grime. I had a cab on the back of the truck where I slept and crawled into it to...

Straight Sex
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The DrifterChapter 11

And the lonesome sound of the outward bound made me a slave to my wandering ways... “Mr. Merle, if I’m ever going to grow up, learn to be a man and take on some responsibility, I reckon now is as good a time as any to start. I have never taken over anything, but if I’m to take over being the man of this family and the head of this ranch, I need you to teach me what it is I’ll need to do, during this next month. Will we still have talks like this so you can help me? I don’t know shit about...

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The DrifterChapter 10

Oh, the wayward wind is a restless wind A restless wind that yearns to wander... I’d just come back from tending Red and Blue, and had taken a seat in a rocking chair on their front porch when I heard horses coming into the barnyard. I’d never taken the time to sit in a rocking chair before and I was still just a rocking when I looked around to see two riders step down from their horses and walk them over to the water trough. They took their saddles off and tied the horses next to Red and...

5 years ago
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The DrifterChapter 9

Oh, the wayward wind is a restless wind A restless wind that yearns to wander... Darla saw me looking down between us and smiled as she raised up just a little. I put my hands on both her hips and pushed her up. She knew what I wanted and raised her body with her feet pushing down and her breasts mashed against my face. When I had her dress down far enough, I hooked my right boot in it and pushed as she wiggled. She kicked one foot free then the other until all she had on was her drawers...

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The DrifterChapter 13

And the wayward wind is a restless wind A restless wind that yearns to wander... Looking at my map, I figured four days to Wichita Falls, with Red and Blue stepping it off faster than when we had the women with us. I made Decatur around noon the next day. Once there, I sold the three horses and the pack mule to the livery man for a hundred and forty dollars. By the time I had my horses fed, watered and stabled, I was hungry and I knew I needed a hot bath. I decided to spend the night and...

4 years ago
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The DrifterChapter 8

And I was born ... the next of kin - The next of kin to the wayward wind... Alina was still laughing as she sat astraddle my belly and started unbuttoning my shirt. “I like your laugh, Alina.” “I like you all over, Joss Wayward. You could help me do this you know, like you told me you wanted to.” I reached up to her neck and started loosening the buttons on her dress. By the time I was four buttons down, I knew she was naked under that dress and that big wonderful bosom was made up of...

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The DrifterChapter 6

And the wayward wind is a restless wind A restless wind that yearns to wander... We were only a few miles from town when Maggie pulled her horse over to ride alongside me really close. I looked up to see Kane, Jo Anne and Emily riding on ahead and off to the west at a fast gallop. This is it ... I hope I can be half as calm about this with Maggie as I was with Juanita last night. Just the thought of Juanita sitting on my belly and taking my cock inside her, made me smile. I looked over to...

2 years ago
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The Drifter Chapter Seven

When we walked into what was once Dot’s Cafe, I was surprised the restaurant did not smell moldy and guessed it was because of the dryness of the desert. I stood in the entrance and looked up at the huge spider webs covering the circular fan, light fixtures, and the ceiling in the corners of the room. The restaurant was filthy with thick layers of dust and debris. Old newspapers were piled in a corner by the door. Dirty jars, coffee mugs and various dishes and bowls were stacked in dust on a...

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The Drifter Chapter Four

Before leaving the ranch I cleaned up my messy truck. This meant clearing the littered passenger seat and floor of several paper coffee cups, candy wrappers, a crumpled potato chip bag, crumbs and the classified section of the newspaper with the circled ad I answered—also, a few old cassette tapes which I put back in the glove compartment. l parked next to the barn and hosed the truck down to wash away the grime. I had a cab on the back of the truck where I slept and crawled into it to clean...

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The Drifter Chapter Eight

We didn’t speak in the police car. When we arrived back at the trailer, the awkward, tense silence between us continued. I grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and wished it was a beer, but gulped it down. I was lost in my thoughts and relieved that the charges had been dropped, but also uncertain what I was feeling about Carla. Hiding from the police had a certain excitement, but it also brought complications that I didn’t need or want. I knew I needed a change and wanted...

3 years ago
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The Drifter Chapter One

I could not believe my eyes when the black pickup truck drove up to the farmhouse and their granddaughter hopped out. I was standing by the barn, hitching up the hay wagon to the farm truck, and had to stop when I saw her run up to the porch to greet her grandparents. They told me she was coming to help with the haying for the weekend, but I had no idea she would be so hot looking. She had dusty blonde hair, tied in a pony tail that fell below her shoulders. Her cowboy boots came just below...

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The Drifter Chapter Six

As I drove along Route Sixty-six past various stores, restaurants, and billboards, we were both quiet, lost in our thoughts. I knew Avalon was about forty miles from the Black Mountains and that we’d soon be there. I saw a sign that announced we were entering Death Valley. Carla held my map on her lap while we drove past the sparse vegetation, mostly Joshua Trees, sagebrush and odd shaped cactus. Dusty bronze colored hills rose from the flat land. They created deep valleys and basins that...

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The Drifter Part 2

It was a couple days before Anna could gather herself enough to return to the saloon. When she did, she had Clint by her side for support. The girls were very understanding as was Sam, the barkeep. ‘You just take your time, Anna. Me and the other girls can keep the place running till you are ready to return,’ Sam said. ‘That’s just it, Sam… I’m not sure I can come back. I mean, I might be able to serve drinks downstairs here, but I don’t think I can go back up there anymore,’ she said,...

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The Drifter Chapter Two

When we entered the house, Carla’s grandfather was just finishing his sandwich and washed it down with a bottle of beer. Her grandmother, a tiny, thin woman with gray hair tied in a bun, sat next to him at the round oak table with a cup of tea and half a sandwich on her plate. I noticed she didn’t eat the crust. Our ham and cheese sandwiches on white bread were waiting for us on pale green plates. A pitcher of lemonade sat in the center of the table and next to our plates were two empty mason...

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The Drifter Chapter Three

At dinner, Carla looked scrubbed after a shower. Her hair was slightly wet and tied in a pony tail. She wore a simple white, flowery sundress that came just above her knees and was cut low, revealing her tan shoulders, bare arms and a little cleavage. She looked angelic with tiny silver earrings and a bracelet on her wrist. I noticed she was barefooted when she walked in from the kitchen carrying a bowl of mashed potatoes in one hand and a smaller bowl of peas. Her grandmother, wearing the same...

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The Drifter Chapter Five

When I woke up, I wanted to make an early start, but was surprised that despite our tense situation, Carla had other ideas and was stroking my cock, letting me know she wanted a good wake-up fuck. “You really are insatiable aren’t you?” “Yes, and I know you like that. You’re already hard.” She crawled between my legs and started moving her tongue slowly up and down my hard cock, delicately licking, while her devilish blue eyes watched me writhing. She took my cock in her mouth and bobbed...

4 years ago
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The Drifter Chapter Nine

While driving north on Route One, we were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic around LA. The so-called expressway was slow and crowded with cars, trucks, motorcycles and buses. Horns were honking and exhaust was rising from cars that moved a few feet and then would not budge for five or so minutes. I thought about the people who drove this expressway everyday to work and then back home and imagined the number of hours they spent in their cars sitting in polluted traffic. This is insane. I bet...

2 years ago
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Drifter Chapter 1

I grew up in a pretty normal family, we went to church every Sunday, my father was a state worker for 23 years and counting and my mother was an elementary school teacher. We weren’t upper class by any means, but we never went without. I might not of had all the newest stuff like the other kids did, most my clothes we got from Goodwill and yard sales but that didn’t bother me to much. I was taught at an early age the value of hard work and saving money. When I was eight years old I started...

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Drifter Ch1

Kali woke to the sound of movement from downstairs. Rolling over she checked the time, squinting her eyes at the bright screen of her phone. 3:24.Frowning, she pushed herself into a sitting position and listened again. The house should be empty apart from her. Her parents had left earlier that day and wouldn’t be home until Sunday. The noise came again, and she swung her legs over the side of the bed, padding to her door she opened it and called out.“Misha?” The sound came again, a soft thud...

Love Stories
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Date With a DrifterChapter 2 Tough as Leather

Matt followed her through the door of the bar, the stink of cigarette smoke and booze immediately stinging his nose. The dingy room was lit by yellow lamps, casting their dull glow through the hazy atmosphere, almost like smog rolling in over a city as it lingered in the air. Flickering neon signs pierced the gloom in bright blues and pinks, advertising different brands of beer as they hung above the bar. Their light reflected on silver taps that lined the counter and the shelves below them...

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Date With a DrifterChapter 3 A Fleeting Moment

Matt patted her shoulder to indicate that they should turn off the main road, and she drove them down a winding dirt path through the forest, more suited to a dirt bike than her motorcycle. The way was lit by the yellow beam of her headlight, the bright moon now obscured behind cloud cover. His house lay at the end of this back road, his parents had owned the property for about as long as they had owned the diner. It was out of the way, perhaps half a mile through dense woodland and built in...

2 years ago
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Date With a DrifterChapter 4 Into the Night

Matt stood beside the bed as his guest emerged from beneath the haphazard pile of blankets and pillows, watching her as she stretched her arms above her head and yawned widely, rubbing her eyes as she looked up at him. She was still nude, her body hidden beneath the sheets, and she had a case of bed hair that made her look like she was wearing a wig made out of bird’s nests. The pair of thick curtains that covered the window made the bedroom gloomy, the light beyond casting its shadows on the...

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Date With a DrifterChapter 5 Turning

Matt was woken by Smoke’s whining. He blinked groggily, resisting the urge to turn on his phone’s screen to see where the dog was. He pulled his earbuds out, listening to the Husky grumble and whimper. He was somewhere over by one of the windows in the living room. “What’s wrong Smoke?” As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw the dog scratching at the wall below the window and whining as he looked out beneath the curtain. His ears were up and alert, tracking something. This was the...

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Date With a DrifterChapter 6 Once Bitten

“Matt! Matt!” He opened his eyes as the biker shook him vigorously, rolling over to face her. They were in bed together, buried beneath the ruined sheets, the mattress covered in claw marks and stains. She seemed alarmed. Her eyes were wide, and she looked as if she had been about to burst into tears. It must be morning, sunlight was bleeding in through the curtains, and he felt movement at the foot of the bed as Smoke glanced up at him. Memories flooded his head as he struggled to wake up,...

2 years ago
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How High a Price Contributed Conclusionsby the Drifter

After a long pause, with Susan trying to say something a couple of times, but each time failing, Early finally said, "You and John Stickner, your lover, have destroyed the marriage we had. It was based on love and trust. Since you and he have destroyed the trust completely there is no longer a marriage. I will always be wondering if you are in his bed again when I can't reach you. I can't live like that Susan. I think you knew that, yet it didn't stop you from showing your appreciation...

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Drifters End Ch 02

Tom Hayden hauled the last bag of firewood down the path and dropped it on the ground near the front door of the cabin. He stretched his back, taking another look at the scenery around him. The sun was almost set in the early summer sky, a splashes of elusive coloured light were filtering in through the trees around him. Despite the warm weather they’d had earlier in the day, the air was rapidly growing cold and Tom shivered in his duffel jacket. He breathed in a lung full of air and...

2 years ago
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Drifters End

It was Monday evening and Jilly was even livelier than usual, giggling like a school girl on the other end of the line as she tried to relate the past few months of her life to me. It had been a long time since we’d spoke and I was looking forward to seeing her again. I brushed my blonde hair across one shoulder and shifted the phone uncomfortably against my ear, absently trying to place the name. ‘Drifters End? I’m sure I’ve heard it somewhere before.’ The computer screen in front of me...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

4 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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