Chapter 5: Mother Opens Up To Me In More Ways Than One free porn video

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“How did you know I was queer, I asked her.”

“I wasn’t sure but I suspected it,” she went on, “I saw how close you and your sister were.”

“As we were about you and Aunt Susan,” I replied with a smile.

We were sitting at my kitchen table, naked, sipping our tea. Mom leaned over and smiling stroked my hand and wrist. Normally this would have been the only physical contact that would be between family members. Now for me as we had ‘gone all the way so to speak,’ it took on a whole new meaning. We sipped our tea in silence for a few minutes, still looking and smiling at one another.

After some time I asked her, “Do you like being a lesbian mum?”

“Oh yes,” she replied rather eagerly, it was like she wanted to explore this further and I’d opened the door so to speak. “After your dad was reported missing, I cried a lot and prayed he would come home. Of course it was a false hope, but you never want to accept the truth at times.”

“There were a lot of others like me in those days,” she went on, “We still had those feelings you know,” she said with a wistful smile. “Some women turned to other men to satisfy their feelings, but I couldn’t do that to daddy.”

“As I told you it was with Mrs. Crawford I had my first experience with, it just felt so natural to me. She was about twenty five years older than me, yet it didn’t seem to be that much. After all we had similar tastes and got along so well, and we were both missing the person we loved the most at that time.”

“Tell me more,” I said.

I saw the tears in her eyes and kept silent, waiting till she composed herself. “The next morning I made us some tea, and brought it into the bedroom to drink. You girls were not awake yet, thank goodness. I wanted to talk to her about what we had done.”

She sat up in bed and I sat on the edge of it, and for a few minutes sipped our tea in silence. Nothing was said for the longest time, and then quietly I asked Cindy what had come over us.

She stared into her cup for a moment, and then finally said in a whisper. It was as if there were others who could hear us. “I’d often wondered what it would be like to make love to another woman, and I’d fallen in love with you.” You were so compassionate, and when we were together I just couldn’t help myself." 

I couldn’t think of an appropriate reply, so said, “Well now you know.”

Now with tears running down her face, she finally looked me in the eye. “Yes and I loved every minute of it, and if I never do it again, I’ll always cherish last night.”

Her confession kind of startled me in a way, she had been so open and honest in expressing her feelings. She put her cup down, and excused herself to go to the bathroom. When she returned she picked up her knickers, and went to put them on.

“Do you have to go yet,” I blurted out without thinking.

“Well no,” she replied, “It’s just I thought...”

She didn’t finish saying what she thought, just sat on the side of the bed. “You know,” I admitted to her, “I got a lot of satisfaction from ‘it’ to.”

“You mean that,” she asked?

“Yes I’d like for us to do it again, as long as we don’t hurt anyone, what harm can there be?”

“Well none I suppose, it’s not like we’re seeing other men.”

“Before I could say anymore, you were at the bedroom door. I was surprised I hadn’t heard you get up, you usually call out to me when you awake up

I felt relieved she was telling me about her first experience, I could tell by the look on her face she enjoyed telling me about it. I told her about me and Rachael, how it had started on the sofa and from there we went all the way. How excited we both were in discovering our sexuality, and how it led to a true love relationship.

Next I told her about Jennifer, and how frustrating it had been not being able to lie down together. How it began, thanks to a rainstorm, and how we found more than shelter in a doorway. She laughed when I told her how we would leave our bras and knickers off, that was the best we could do to accommodate one another.

“Ah yes to leave one’s underwear off, better to facilitate loving one another in doorways. I loved the good old knee tremblers with daddy, there was something naughty about doing it that way.”

“Were you not scared mum, you know, about getting pregnant?”

“Well yes it was a worry, but it just felt so good I couldn’t say ‘no’.”

I smiled at her telling me this, it was just how I’d felt being intimate with my sister.

Now smiling at me she said, “You know you were conceived out of wedlock.”

Now it made sense how she had used daddy’s being in the military as the excuse for the hurried marriage between them.

“What are we going to do today?” she asked.

“Whatever you like,” I replied, “As long as we can do it together.” I saw the look on her face change, smiling she leaned over and placed her hand behind my head. Our lips met softly at first, then with a little more force. I offered her my tongue, and she clamped her lips on it and felt her suck it.

“Let’s make love to one another,” she said as took hold of my hand. She helped me out of my chair, and then with an arm around my waist led me back to bed. “Lie on your tummy,” she said.

I did as she asked, then felt her take hold of my ankles and spread my legs apart. She knelt between my legs, and ran her finger nails up the backs of them. So light just enough to let me feel her caress, lingering for a moment up and down on my thighs. She caressed my buttocks with one in each hand, over and around I felt her thumbs come together at the crevice. Now down to the inside of my thighs, my pussy was tingling in anticipation.

I felt her hair on my back, and then moments later she placed a kiss between my shoulder blades.

“You have the most beautiful body,” she whispered.

I felt her lips slowly kiss their way down to my waist, a hand moved between my legs and up to my tummy. I lifted my torso to accommodate her searching fingers, feeling the heel of her hand against my pussy. Spreading her fingers, she made scratching motions over my pubis, then move down around my labia’s. Gently she pressed upwards, and I pulled my knees under me to raise my rear end up.

She kissed me all over my bum, her fingers found my opening and slid into me. I let out a moan, she was in no hurry as she played with my pussy. I let out a cry when I climaxed, making an effort to stay still and not collapse.

“You liked that?”

“Oh yes,” I replied, “Who wouldn’t.”

I raised myself up on my elbows, and looked underneath my body. I saw her turn onto her back, and place her head underneath my pussy. Now her arms came up around my arse, and she pulled it to her lips. She lapped at the juices flowing out of me, sucking and nibbling on my clit. Soon the stars burst over me, as I had a second powerful orgasm.

I collapsed unable to move, her face was trapped under me. After a moment I raised myself back up, and she began to wiggle herself up under my belly. She paused to suckle my tits on the way, and then continued till we were face to face, only now I was on top. I wrapped my legs round her waist, locking my ankles together to hold her tight. Her face was smelly and shining from my pussy juice, and how I loved it.

We kissed and rested holding on to one another. Nothing was said, we just lay there catching our breath. I remember thinking, she may be my mother, but she’s also one very randy lady. It would be a challenge to match her enthusiasm, but I was eager to try.

We lay there for quite a while, lightly petting and toying with one another. When I felt ready I gently pushed her onto her back and she smiled up at me in anticipation of what was to come. I placed a knee on either side of her body, and then taking hold of her wrists, lifted her arms up over her head.

The pleasure on her face was evident, I leaned down and kissed her face. Her forehead then her eyes and cheeks, and finally settling on her mouth. We French kissed, burying our tongues deep into each other’s mouths.

Her squirming underneath me got stronger, but I had a firm grip on her wrists. I held her tight, making her wait till I felt ready. Her voice was hoarse and I saw the pleading in her eyes. It said please do me, fuck me, make me cum. I loved the feeling of the power I had over her, to touch her meant letting go of at least one wrist. I didn’t want to give up the feeling just yet, so leaned on my elbows and pressed my knees between her legs. She willingly opened them wide, so now I could lay my body on top of hers.

She started moaning and whimpering, “Fuck, I give it to me! I want you, I need it.”

Now I pressed my clit to hers and began to hump her, she raised her knees and placed her feet on the bed to match my thrusts. I kept a tight grip on her wrists, she began to shake her head from side to side. Almost drooling from her mouth as her passion mounted, she lifted her legs straight up and she stiffened. With a scream she suddenly collapsed, l felt her twitch and waite,d letting her enjoy her moment.

We rested for a couple of hours, until the need for nourishment brought us back to reality. We decided to go out for lunch, and after just spent the rest of the day together chatting. Later we had an early night, and made love again before falling asleep.

The next day we did the tourist thing, we visited the tower and the museum. I marvelled at mother, how the day before she had been so randy. Now she was dressed as before, very conservative and prim and proper.

Occasionally she would reminisce about happenings at home, and now she was more open with me. I marvelled at how she had pulled the wool over our eyes, when she would arrange for her excursions to visit her friends. Rachael and I never suspected a thing, as to her more personal reasons.

She told me she wanted to purchase some new apparel, and on the Saturday we went shopping in the more ‘risqué’ lingerie shops. She was excited to be able to browse the more exotic styles, and I was surprised at what she was interested in procuring.

She purchased some open crotch bloomers, they were silk of course and I thought terribly expensive. Not only that, but some of her tastes I thought were rather ‘tacky.’ By that I mean the colours and designs, and bright red merry widow outfits trimmed with black lace.

We went to the ‘adult’ shop Linda had taken me to, where they had every conceivable ‘accessories’ for sale. Monica, one of the staff I’d gotten to know smiled and said, “Hello.” I could have died, here I was with my mum and she looked at her as if waiting to be introduced.

Mother saved me the embarrassment, stepping forward and offering her hand. “Pleased to meet you, my name’s Shelly, what’s yours?”

“Monica,” she replied, if there’s anything in particular you’re interested in just ask.”

Now the embarrassing moment was passed, we spent some time browsing the accoutrements that were available. Mother was quite fascinated by what was now available, and took her sweet time looking at all the exhibits. Of course she offered to buy me something, “To add a bit of spice to one’s wardrobe.” She said with a smile.

At that I was forced to admit that I already had a few novelty items for entertainment purposes.

Looking at me a little shocked, “Really” she said.

I realised she was just teasing, causing me some slight embarrassment.

She showed a particular interest in the latest strap-ons that looked like a replica of an erect cock. In those days there weren’t the soft silicone ones that you can get now. Still although it was made of rubber it looked real. Molded with the ‘bobby’s helmet,’ (head) and the artificial veins, and slighted curved just like the real thing.

Of course they were more expensive that the normal ones and she bought two of them. One was for her and the other was a present for me. She also purchased some other items as well, and I asked her about why she bought so many devices.

“Picking up some items for friends back home as well, living where we live we don’t get to shop for novelty items like these.”

Now you should know that mother and I had the same first names, ‘Sheila’, but her friends always called her Shelly. So when I asked her about the incident in the shop, she smiled and said, “I want you to call me Shelly too when we’re here. It could save some embarrassment, especially with other women.”

We went home with our purchases, then took a bath and got dressed for the evening. I had told her about the woman’s club I belonged to, and she expressed an interest in going there for the evening too. I knew it would take an effort on my part to introduce her as ‘Shelly’ to my friends. After all ‘Mum’ and ‘mother’ was so ingrained it would come out automatically.

Mother wanted to wear some of her new purchases. She picked out a bright red and black ‘Merry widow’ outfit, and a pair of red French bloomers, the ones with the open crotch. Then with a pair of black stockings, that was most unusual for her. Of course this was all covered up by the rather conservative dress she put on.

I commented on her choice of attire for the evening, and smiling at me and said, “Ah yes my dear, this is London town, and you are my date for the evening.”

We had a wonderful time, and no I didn’t screw up and refer to her as ‘mum or mother.’ In fact except when I introduced her to friends as ‘Shelly,’ I don’t recall ever having a reason to call her anything. She danced with quite a few other ladies that night, in fact we both did. With her being a guest, a lot of women were interested in getting to know her.

In fact with her making herself so popular, there was perhaps a bit of jealousy on my part. However the evening went off without a hitch, and we went back to my flat holding hands and happy to be together. She did seem more mischievous and daring than normal, but I just assumed she was enjoying a night out in a strange city.

Once indoors at her request, she had me light a couple of candles to a bit of atmosphere to the room. We were in no hurry to go to bed, so she poured us both a glass of wine.

She removed her dress, then mine. “So as not to risk spilling any wine on them she said.”

We sat on the sofa and linking arms, as we both sipped our drinks looking into each other’s eyes.

“You’re gorgeous” she said looking into mine.

“And you’re beautiful” I replied, at that we kissed one another. Just a gentle kiss at first, then we smiled at one another. Our knees were touching, and automatically I placed a hand on her knee. I loved the feel of her nylon stocking, the smoothness of it. My hand travelled up to the top, and under the leg of her bloomers. I felt the softness of her bare skin under the material.

We were in no hurry, we just exchanged kisses in between sips of wine. Just the closeness in itself was erotic. I smelled her perfume, the wine on her breath. She nibbled on an ear then kissed my neck, her tongue traced its way back up to me ear. It tickled making me raise my shoulder, she took a moment to place her glass on the table, then took mine from me and did the same.

Getting up she went and retrieved her purchases, and removed the strap-ones she’d purchased for us. She handed me the one she’d bought me, smiling and whispering at me. I held it while she pulled my knickers down, and had me step out of them.

Of course I knew what she had in mind, she helped me strap the harness on, snuggling the end of the dong against my pussy. I must admit I liked the feel of it, there was a bulb on the end that fitted nicely against my vagina.

Taking me into the kitchen she turned one of the chairs around, and had me sit on it. There was a butter dish on the table and she took some in her hand and smeared it over the dong. While this was going on I could sense her excitement, she had been thinking about this all evening she said.

Now straddling me, she placed the head of the dong into the opening in her bloomers. She held it for a few minutes, rubbing it against her pussy. Then once she had the head inside her, she placed her hands on either side of my head. Slowly she settled down onto it, a little at a time till with a sigh she had it all the way home.

Reaching down she started French kissing me, slipping her tongue into my mouth. I felt her move slowly up and down, I placed my hands on either side of her legs. I loved the feel of the silk, rubbing them up and over her bum. She started fucking herself faster and faster, bobbing up and down on my ‘cock.’

She stopped kissing me to concentrate on what she was enjoying. Her face was one of pure ecstasy, her hair flying as she shook her head from side to side. Her moans got louder and louder, finally she stopped moving and settled down.

She popped her tits out, after all her merry widow outfit did little to conceal them. By now I was as randy as she was, and started to kiss and suck them. Soon clutching my neck again, the rhythmic bobbing up and down began again. My hand on her hip moved round to feel the dong, to move it around inside her as she fucked it. She began her moaning again, low sounds from her throat as her breath quickened. Then with a cry she collapsed against me, her orgasm taking control of her body.

I slipped my hands inside the waist of her bloomers, I loved the feel of her skin as I waited for her to recover from the intensity of it.

“Thank you,” she whispered in my ear as she placed a kiss on it. “Now I’m yours, you can make me do what you want to you.”

At that we got up, and headed for the bedroom. Here was my mother, the woman who I thought was the most intelligent, sophisticated women in the word. She was always the lady in public, a modest dresser and so conservative and polite. Now in private with me, she behaved like a trollop.

Her bobbing up and down on my dong had brought some pressure on my pussy. It heightened my need for satisfaction, and as if reading my mind dropped to her knees. She gave me a moment to unbuckle the device from around my waist, and then removed it from my buttocks altogether.

Now I spread my legs wide, presenting my pussy for her attention. She raked her nails gently over my tummy and upper thighs, smiling up at me before bring her lips to my nether lips. Licking my labia’s with her tongue, I held her head against me. I pulled her face into me, her tongue pressed between my labia’s. It took only a few moments to complete my arousal, before I convulsed letting out a cry as I climaxed. Automatically I clamped her head between my thighs, and locking my ankles behind her head. For me it was the most exquisite feeling, as she licked the juices from my cunt.

We slept late the next morning, finally making ourselves get up and have breakfast.

She had planned for us to drive down to the coast, and spend a few days together. Afterwards we dressed and packed a few things, then loaded up her car and left. We both felt relaxed and happy, enjoying the drive through the countryside.

We checked into a Bed and Breakfast, for the three days we would stay there. It was a nice quiet time; we spent each afternoon on the beach. The weather was perfect for the time we were there, and we put on bathing suits and spent each afternoon sunbathing and talking.

Mother brought up the subject of sex again, asking me to tell her about my time with Linda. I told her how we had met, and how compatible I thought we both were.

She seemed very interest quizzing me for the details. Suddenly she asked me about other women, like had we even played with others or had sex in front of others.

I felt by this time there was no point in keeping any secrets from her, and told her about our time with Sylvia and Janet. She seemed amused by this, and took a few moments as if to gather her thoughts.

Suddenly she said, “You know, back home there are a few of us who like to get together for fun.”

I sat up at this and gave her a puzzled look, and that made her continue to tell me more about her life at home.

She explained, “This is why Sue and I often spent weekends in Norwich, and other places too. After you and Rachael left for university, we did our share of hosting the parties at our house”

For the lack of anything to say I asked, “What did you do there?”

“Oh we’d often play games, cater to one another depending on one’s interests.”

“Interests like what?” ITo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Thangai Priyavai Sex Seitha Semayana Kathai

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil urangaum thevidiya thangaiyai naan eppadi oothen enbathai ungal idam pagirugiren. Ithu oru kudumba kama kathai enbathai therivithu kolugiren. En peyar Pragadeesh vayathu 22 aagugirathu, naan oru boys collegelil padithu varugiren. Enaku oru thangai irukiraal aval peyar priya vayathu 20 aagugirathu. En thangaiyai patri sola vendum endraal aval oru super figure, iru mulaiyum perithaaga pazhuthu iurkum. Soothum miga sexiyaaga pazhuthu irukum, neengal avalai...

2 years ago
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Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole

She has been my slave and she loves it. I torture and train her to my liking. The night is right, Amber gets her tight little bald slit licked by dog tongue, her dog’s tongue, she goes wild for it, feeling it tonguing her so deep with her ass high in the air wiggling non-stop, her sweat glistens, it’s such a sight for me to witness, to be a part of. Her chest flat on the floor, only a black dog collar with dog tags on it around her neck to show all, but mostly myself she’s mine...

4 years ago
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Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole

Introduction: Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole Amber is 18 now as of this writing. She has been my slave and she loves it. I torture and train her to my liking. The night is right, Amber gets her tight little bald slit licked by dog tongue, her dogs tongue, she goes wild for it, feeling it tonguing her so deep with her ass high in the air wiggling non-stop, her sweat glistens, its such a sight for me to witness, to be a part of. Her chest flat on the floor,...

2 years ago
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Story Of Young Pathan And College Boi

Mera naam Amjad Aala hai…aur mein Nawabshah-Pakistan ka rehne wala hoon…parhne ke liye mujhey mere parents ne Karachi ke aik college mein daal dia tha….aur mein idher hostel mein rehta tha….mere gher walley tau bahut door rahtey thay…..mein iss waqt first year inter science mein parhta hoon…..meri age isswaqat 18 saal hai….. Mein 5’8″ lamba….dubla patla larka hoon….meri class walle muhe “chikna” keh ker chairte bhi hain….Ek din mein humare kooch doosto ke saat unke gher birthday party per gaya...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Nanbanin Thangai Nandhini And Reshma 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, en peyar Ashok ippozhuthu thaan vayathu 20 aagugirathu, naan diploma padithu varugiren. Naan padikum kalluriyil enaku nerungiya nanban oruvan irunthaan avan peyar arun, en vayathu thaan aagugirathu. Avan thangaiyudan eppadi kama thodarbu eer patathu enbathai indru tamil kama kathaiyil pagirugiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. Oru naal engal kalluriyil stirck seithu irunthaargal, appozhuthu enaku engu selvathu endru theriya villai. Athanaal en nanban veetirku andru sendru...

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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 33 Thanksgiving

November 25, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “The board approved the budget with consulting, rather than full-time staff,” Dave said as soon as I’d said ‘hello’ when I answered the phone. “Excellent!” I said. “Did the budget request cover both programmers for the whole year?” “It did. They did approve an additional position, but that’s for supervising the computer operators and managing the Prime Computers, not for programmers. That’s exactly what Mr. Forster had in his original budget...

4 years ago
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Pathan Gand marai

Yeh bilkul sach story hai jab main sal ka tha aek din main bus main ja raha tha aek pathan mery peechy aakar kar khara ho gaya bus main kafi rash tha aksar bus ko jhatka lagta wo pathan ka lund seedha meri gand par aa lagtakafi der pathan rash ka faeda authaty hooy apna lund meri gand par pherta raha kuh der baad pathan nay mujs say poocha tum kahan jati hai main nay main sadar watch khareedny ja raha hun pathan kaha hamra watch ka dukan hai hum tum free mai watch day ga tum hamary saath chalo...

4 years ago
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‘Hi’ my name is June. My dream has and will always be to become the best teacher the world has ever seen. When I finished school I decided to first gain some hands on experience as a private tutor at a school in my neighborhood. I was excited that day. I really wanted to make an impression on my students. So, I wore my favorite black dress with pink straps and with a pink bow under my boobies. My friends always say I look young and cute in that dress. Hopefully, this way the students would feel...

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Mother Son On Honeymoon

Our family as 4 members, a middle-class family from south India. It’s all started during my sister’s marriage, let me introduce my family.My father shiv Narayan 56 years old,My mother rani 42 years old,My sister Divya 24 years old,And myself rathode 22 years old.My sister’s marriage was fixed to one of my father’s friend son, he is good at earning and he is in good position in his work, marriage as taken place very grandly all of our relatives were so happy to see my sister’s marriage, my...

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Mother Son On Honeymoon

Hi, friends this is another story from rathode. Our family as 4 members, a middle-class family from south India. It’s all started during my sister’s marriage, let me introduce my family. My father shiv Narayan 56 years old, My mother rani 42 years old, My sister Divya 24 years old, And myself rathode 22 years old. My sister’s marriage was fixed to one of my father’s friend son, he is good at earning and he is in good position in his work, marriage as taken place very grandly all of our...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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The Rape of Persephone

Deep under the earth, in the realm of gloom, and death Hades sat contemplating his predicament. There on his thrown, sitting next to his three-headed dog Cerberus, was Hades clothed in dark robes, waves of silk black hair to his shoulders, a beard like most Greeks which showed his intelligence that was achieved over the many centuries, weaved with the muscles of a true male god, and the face of a warrior who has had to live an existence in the darkness far too long....

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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Boris meets Goddess Persephone

And yet, Boris always believed he was in control. How fool of him, and to that he could only agree, bound and sweating as he was, on the floor in the men’s bathroom of the night club, eyes closed so he could pretend he was not anticipating the moment he’d be finally pimped out in real life by a woman he had never met in the flesh before tonight. *** It all began with a simple click, as it always does, doesn’t it? Your usual ?Follow? button on twitter, one of hundreds accounts of dominant women...

2 years ago
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Ghazzi 8211 Pathan Bachcha

Its true story , around 8 years ago I met this boi name Gazzi….at that time he was 18 years, very cute handsome , slim , very fair white complexion . He is about 5’8″ and 115lbs very sexy looking and very girlish boi. He is Pathan from Peshawer and newly migrated to Canada. His family is rich and business people. Let me introduced myself ….I was 25 years of age at the time of this story (now my age is 33 years) , and I was a university student, doing my masters degree in sciences. I am 6’2″...

Gay Male
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Ghazzi Pathan Bachacha

Its true story around 8 years ago and I met this boy name Gazz at that time he was 18 years, very cute handsome slim very fair white complexion. He is about 5’8 and 115 lbs very sexy looking and very girlish boy. He is Pathan from Peshawer and newly migrated to Canada. His family is rich and business people. Let me introduced myself and I was 25 years of age at the time of this story now my age is 33 years and I was a university student doing my masters degree in sciences. I am 6’2 tall and...

Gay Male
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Keerthana 8211 A Homely Tamil Girl 8211 Part 3

Hi guys! I’m back with the continuation of my story, KEERTHANA – A HOMELY TAMIL GIRL-3. To understand the story, please read the first part, having the same title. I’m working in an IT company and living in chennai city. Any girls, aunts, widow aunts or divorced or secret relationship girls aunts contact me for chat, fun, etc… at: Part-II completes here…. I went to hall and took my lap. i took my pen that was in my packet. I REMOVED THE PEN COVER. I INSERTED IN THE USB DRIVE. YES, THAT IS A...

3 years ago
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Sex Slave MotherChapter 5 Mothers toilet training

Next morning, Susan stood by the kitchen table, topless, she only wore the bottom half of a sexy thong bikini that barely covered her ass crack. The tiny stripe of the bikini may be holding some object in her asshole. With hands behind her back, subservient as she looked at the floor like a shy little girl, a faint flush on her beautiful face as she waited for her sons to finish their breakfast. A slow grin spread over her lovely face as she recalled the powerful thrusts of her young sons'...

2 years ago
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GoddessChapter 2 Persephone

WHEN PERSEPHONE RELEASED ME SHE turned her face up for a kiss, her lips soft, warm and inviting. She didn't move away, and after our second kiss I was breathing hard and I'm sure she could feel my heart pumping, even through her leathers. She certainly could after she put her hand on my shirt. "Hey, sweetie, what's up?" I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out. I must have looked like a stranded fish. She laughed. "Cat got your tongue tonight, Sam?" My lips moved once...

3 years ago
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Bethanys Sins

Bethany's Sins (Pride and Greed in too great a measure) Bethany knew beyond doubt that she was the best. Today, she had waltzed outof her low-paid job with the DeMoeira Investments Company with a cool halfa billion dollars to her name (or rather, names, for she used several to claimit all), and to really prove how good she was, she even managed to carry tenmillion in notes right past the security men. Not all the hundreds of millionshad come from this one operation, of course: she had pulled...

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To Break a Wishbone

To Break a Wishbone By Robyn Thanksgiving. Not my favorite time of year certainly. For most it is the time each year one gets to share the company of friends while eating a grand meal. For me too, Thanksgiving is the one day when all my family gets together from all over the country to celebrate together. Aside from being a time of turkey and talk, though, it is also the time of criticism and comparison. You see, I was born a twin. The "older one" as I'm constantly reminded of....

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MotherInLaw Sex Pt 2 Grandmother Love

After our first encounter, that very pleasant sex together in the bathroom, I guess both of us were unsure how to behave in the days after, especially when my wife and sister-in-law were there to again make us into a Family of 4. I decided to try and be as natural as possible, though perhaps my wife wondered why I didn’t attempt love-making as often as previously, her rebuffs so constant these days and nights that I truly did promise myself I would become celibate! Well, celibate with my...

3 years ago
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I Love You Stephanie Mahoney

I fell in love at an early age. Really early. I remember it clear as day, seven years old, like a bolt of lightning. Her name was Stephanie Mahoney, and she was a sixteen year old goddess assigned to babysit my precocious little self. I told her within minutes of her walking through the door that I planned on marrying her, and bless her, she didn’t laugh, just smiled and said she liked younger men, but she expected to be kept in a certain fashion when we did get married. My parents were in a...

4 years ago
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Mother Opens Her Legs For Son8217s Dick

Hi guys, my name is Abhishek. This is an incest sex story of me and my mom which happened when I was in my B.Com 4th semester. Let me give you all some details of my mom’s figure. My mom is extremely fair, 5.7 feet height with 40-30-41 body measurements. She was 42 years old at that time. My father works in a bank. He comes home tired and falls asleep as soon as after having dinner. So it was obvious that mom was upset with his behaviour. I have never thought of my mom in a wrong way. I used to...

2 years ago
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Nanbanin Thangai Anusha 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, en nanbanin thangaiyai eppadi usar seithu iruvarum mater seithom enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam solugiren. Vaarungal kama ulagathirkul selalam, en nanbanin peyar muthu avan ippozhuthu thaan veli naatil irunthu uuruku vanthu irukiraan, aanal naangal ethirchiyaaga santhithu kondom. Naangal chennaiyil vasithu vanthu irunthom, naan finix maalil aadai eduthu kondu irunthen. Andru en nanbanuku pirantha naal enbathaal call seithu pirantha naal vaazhthukal sollinen, pinbu...

4 years ago
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Nathans Birthday Present

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you are below 18. This story takes place ten years after the events of Project Phoenix. It's not a direct continuation, but readers unfamiliar with Project Phoenix, may want to read it first to get a better grasp of what's going on. Finally, I'd like to thank for the encouraging comments on my first story. Thanks a lot gals & guys :) Nathan's Birthday Present By...

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Shift Happens Lionel

Shift Happens: Lionel by Kaitlyn Autofield It had been such a long Friday, and Lionel was eager to get home to his apartment and rest for once. ?He walked up the two flights of stairs just as Silvia was on her way down. ?She flashed a smile at Lionel which sent tingles down his spine. Silvia was obviously dressed for a night out with her friends, making her quite a lovely sight for Lionel. ?Secretly, he wished he would sum up the courage to ask her out, but living...

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Guy Opens The Door For His Mother And Wife ndash Part

I was in standard 11 my first terminal Physics and Math paper were out. I was not the topper but for all the problems I had a different approach also since I come from a very poor family I did not have a calculator both my math and physics teacher called out my name and appreciated my approach. That terminal I was the second topper in class.Once the results were out a guy named Ari came to me and extended his hand for friendship, he was a sincere biology student preparing for his medical...

3 years ago
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Nathaniel Janet Stickney [email protected] Nathaniel is 15, a frustrated teenager who is unable to find any solace to his dilemma. He was average in everything. 5' 6" tall, 130 pounds wet, brown hair, green eyes, an average student that did not like sports and did not join any clubs in school. Nondescript and unassuming, he had managed to hide himself from the world, yet stay in plain sight. As his mother, I am worried about him because I could not figure out why he was so shy....

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