Indian School Sluts free porn video

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A little adventure of me and my classmate with the slut of our class and with the daughter of a horrendous teacher
here goes Indian lovers

physics lab
visitng it aftr a year n it feels like v hd jst left ystrday
frm kirans table on the right 2 the 4 long wooden table,2 the almirahs holding lab intruments on our left....everythng lukd d same
i steppd inside the empty lab...u behind fishin out ur celphone n clickin pics at random (that ws wt u did most of the time)

i lukd up at d dark room...olways lockd(keys in kirans table) containng relics of thrmacol models n xperiment that slowly faded 2 dust in the dark confines of the room...
i moved furthr inside the room sliding between the frst 2 tables
u hd lagged behind...i knew wt u vr up2...surfing thru the attendance register n seekin out tel numbrs of grls...
sound of rufflng of pages behind me confrmd it...

the skool ws unnaturally quiet...the windows were shut n the othr door 2 d lab ws lockd 2

it ws winter vacations i reminded myslf as i movd 2 d teachrs table
when clutter of footsteps nd a surprised female voice came from behind me "raunaq..!!"
i turned round just in time 2 c a girl in ful sleeve sweatr n jeans run up 2 hug u....she stood on tiptoes to hv hr arms round ur neck

surprise n shock enmated from ur face as u patted hr awkwrdly on the back
she let u go n noticd u lukin at me in utter confusion...

"sushant" she said as she flew 2 me n seconds later i hd huge quantity of hair on my face n a sweet smell round me which cn only be a girls..i 2 huggd hr back bt nt 2 tightly...jst modest enf
she let go..."hey nc wassup" i said....stil tryin 2 figure why v vr lukd as if she hd lost us in a kumbh's mela n nw hd found us again

xcitd n out of breath she replied "nthng...its jst so gud 2 c u both"
"yeah v 2" u said as u came round
"n wats with d hug" i said
she promptly huggd us both with each arm round our waists
"jst missd u guys badly"
"yeah v 2" u said again...i saw tht ur eyes vr olready on hr breasts...sizing thm...typical u...

"so wt r u both doing" she askd..."alone"...she giggld
"oh cummon nc"i said"u knw v r straight"
"yeah" u said..stil eying hr breasts

"v vr jst lukin around" i said "u knw old memories"
"oh rite" she eyes distant as if she ws remmbrng smthng
"hey ron u remmbr v stole those lenses frm here"
"yeah" finaly u took ur eyes off n saw in the direction i pointd
"nd the screw.."i said
"screw??" askd nc naughtily
"screw gauge" i completed making a mental note tht apparently nc ws in 2 much heat 2day
"n u remmbr"she said"pointng 2 d table"ths is where kiran fucked us in viva"
"yeah i remmbr...the othr teachr ws gud though" u said
"nd there that whore kiran kept our prac files...calling us everyday n irritating n insultng us"i said
"yeah...fuck her" u said
" asshole" nc concluded

it ws surprisng 2 c tht evn aftr a year our hatred fr tht teacher had nevr waned...
"n thats where she kept our files aftr she tore much hardwork wastd" u said
"cummon lets check thm out" i said

so v opend the door 2 d aluminium cased room directly opposite 2 the dark room
nc went frst follwd by u n me...
suddenly u turnd around
a maniacal glint in ur eyes....nd a smile...which usualy came before u broke smthng
bt ths time i knew wt u vr thnkng...
i hd been thnkng on the same lines ever since i saw nc entrng the desrtd phy lab with jst u n me in it
i knew it ws dream cum true fr seriusly wt v imagind wasnt at ol possible no matter hw bold v get

"i knw wt u r thnkng" nc said sudenly...jolting us physical n mentaly both....i lukd past u n saw nc facing us, hr hands holdng the edge of the granite shelf
"i read those msgs" she said ina serious tone n face
"wat msgs" i blurtd..."wt u tokin" u said..equaly shockd n scared
"the msgs u both xchngd abt hw u both wantd 2 fuck me in ths vry room...i read those stories"
"how?" i said sinking within myslf
"i intrcptd ur both msgs...hackd ur numbrs"
"bt y" u said
"cuz i knew u both vr big tharkis n olways usd 2 peek at my legs n my boobs"
dumbfound we lukd at each othr...scard,confusd...
"nd most imprtntly"she said...incredibly she ws nw smiling "ur stories did turn me on" she said

v both cudnt thnk of nythng 2 say...everythng blank...we stood where v statues
n as if in a paralysis mode we cud jst stare as she came frwrd 2 u
she put hr palms on ur chest n with the othr reachd down 2 hold ur bulge
2 shockd 2 evn move u cud jst c as with a knowing smile she slid down

hr face level with or jeans zip
my mouth hung open as she unzipped ur jeans n took out ur floppy penis(apparntly u vr stil 2 shockd 2 get hard)
with a mock dispointd luk she undid the rest of ur jeans n slid thm down
"lets c ur massive thng" she said with relish
she started caressing ur organ smoothly
i noticd ur cock ws taking the aerial route fast
n soon she had it in her tender small lips round ur hardnes
u gasped as she moved hr hand...rubbing it with growing intensity

"mmmmmmmm" she ws making sounds while u gasped...
she then moved away n wiped hr lips with the back of hr sleeves
tucking the wisp of hair behind hr ear
she again took hold of ur penis with both hands n startd 2 peel the skin back..
"oh shit ma..n" u gasped
"yeah i luv u...u b**st" she saiid as she licked the exposed flesh part
a shiver ran up ur spine as u held hr ponytails n started maneuvering n pushing hr head 2wards urself...
gettin ur dick deep in hr throat...mmmmm she moand n thn pushd hrslf away n startd lickin ur nuts...
"ow ronny....u hairy b**st" she said n thn she noticd me
"oh cummon sush...didnt u say u like to feel my breasts"
i nodded dumbly
"thn wt r u waiting fr...cummon" she said as she ws silencd again by ur cock

i got closer 2 hr n kneeld down
i reachd out n squezzd hr left breast from outside the felt soft n chubby
i fingered hr collar n thn sliding my hand slowly upon hr warm chest till i reachd hr softie breast frm undr hr bra...
she wasnt able 2 speak much apart frm the constnt hr breathng ws becuming lethargic n labourd
i squeezd hr soft breast once...i hd nevr felt smthng so tits vr bigger than my hand bt stil i splayd my hands on hard nipple poking my centre of the palm... n thn i felt hr erect nipples..they were sligtly harder thn rest of breast nd squezzing it 1ce made hr say mmmm with an increasd volume...

i circld my finger 1ce around hr nipples n thn slowly retracd my hand back sweatr had an unusual bulge on the left side...mab i hd taken out hr left tit out of the cup
my own penis ws vry hard now n ws ws startng 2 gt painful
i removd my shirt...i wantd 2 do it nicely

i stood up 2 remove my jeans whn suddnly i heard commotion outside
alarmed i saw through the top glass of the sum1 entered the lab thru the far door...

immediately i pushd u down...u fell like a crumpld heap upon nc n she cried "what" loudly...i immediately shut hr mouth with my hand
sshhh...i motiond with my fingr...I ws alarmd n scared..if u vr didnt show on ur face...u vr stil in trance...cant blame u whn a beauty sucks ur hardon with hr virgin soft pink lips..nd makin delicious mmm sounds.....nybody wud go in2 trance

i saw thru the crack btwn the door n saw many studnts in skool dress...sum grls sum boys...they vr putting thier prac files on the table 2 get checkd...
nc cry ws loud enf 2 b audible 2 d people outside yet no1 hd seemd 2 hear thm...apart frm 1 pair of legs which had startd coming nearer nearer 2 the door...i cudnt c the face of the incomer bt it didnt matter

if ny1 found 2 guys 1 pantles n the othr shirtles n a grl who hd been termd slut by wudnt take a genius 2 realise wt v vr up2
n i didnt wnatd 2 get caught
wierd scenes of me in court flashd infrnt of my eyes
as i saw the pair of dark legs cumng closer n closer

n thn suddnly it stopped
sum grl studnt shoutd "hey sn u cumin"
so this ws sn...i it didnt help...getin caught by the worst teachrs daughtr ws a frightng prospect...
"no u go wait fr my mothr"
"fuck" ron whisprd behind me...nw he ws outa hs trance finaly
v vr trappd like mice i realisd

bt thn sn's feet stoppd n she movd outa my field of vision
v waitd fr around 5 min...with baited breaths...we evn didnt dare 2 move 2 dress up
"i thnk shes gone" whisprd nc aftr round half an hour
"yeah v agread
n v simultaneously got up 2gethr
n across the glass seperating us
v saw
sn sitting on the hands on hr mouth nd a horrified xpression
nd thn she boltd fr the escape...

sn ran 2 the far door...
without thnkng i 2 bolted aftr hr bt i headed fr d nearer door
opening the latch i blasted out of the door
i lukd 2 my left n saw sn running 2wards me
she saw me n terrified, she immediately turnd round headng fr d staircase between chem n phy lab
i ran aftr hr
nevr hd i imagind in my wildest dream tht i wud b runng shirtless in my own skool...
bt i hd only 1 thng in mind...if she reachd d authorities(hr mum)...v vr done
so with a single mindd devotion i ran aftr hr 2 d staircase
i knew ahe ws an athlete bt ws definitely nt fastr than adrenaline n testosterone level pumpng my legs as i closd d distance btwn us

she ws on d 2nd landing n i jumpd d last 4 steps n landed ontop of hr shoulder
the combind wieght ws 2 much fr hr tanned athletic lega n she slippd n v both tumbled down anothr flight of 4 steps in crazy heap of limbs and much screamng by her

the hard cold edges of the steps had bruisd my back
i got up n saw sn lyin stil
dead?? i worried as i saw a tricle of blood oozing frm hr scalp...
i quickhly checkd hr pulse under hr neck...i marvelld at d smoothness of hr skin

fast n definitely nt dead
i lukd around quickly...sum1 mst hv hd heard hr...
i quickly gathrd hr n liftd hr....gosh she ws i startd walkin back 2 lab
one of my arm ws undr hr neck while the othr ws undr hr soft thighs...
she ws in fr a nitemare...i thot as u hurried frwrd n v both carried hr inside d lab

"quick"nc whisprd
"in the dark room" she said
v quickly went inside n usng the keys v lockd ourslvs in complete darkness
i laid sn on d cold ground as v yet again sat silently...waiting
footsteps outside announcd d arrival of sum1 as he checkd round lab
then sound of the door of the door bein lockd

"fewh" u said..."cummon lets go"
"dnt move" i said in2 d darkness..." vl stay here fr nothr half hour n thn go"
"so i dnt thnk v shud waste tht half hour"said nc"back 2 business ron"
i cudnt c nythng
i ws sittin on d ground n in frnt of me lay sn n beyond hr sat u 2
i herd in darkness the sound of unzipping n slight russle of clothes as u both movd
"thats my nose...stupid" said nc giggling
"yeah i felt the holes smaller" u replied....ah u gaspd
"easy girl"
thn i heard the monotonous mmmmmm....mmm pause mmm pause mmmm....ahh she said as she drew back hr head 2 draw breath...there ws odd squelchng sound...mab ur dick ws pretty much wet nw
"oh boy...u said soundng outa breath....ohhhh...u bitch...ohhh its fun...
mmmmmm she acknowldgd
"oh man....suck it girl...suck it...ohh...ah shit..." u vr definitely nearng the climax
pull up pull up...u cried suddnly soundd like u hd finally ejaculatd
"u mothrfuckr"cried nc"its gone in my eyes 2"..
so u hd givn hr a faceful
a relievd sigh came frm darkness..."it ws gr8" u sighed
"u taste awful" nc complaind
"yeah ur mothr said d same thng 2" u said as v 3 laughd

"i thnk v shud move out" i suggstd
"wt v goin 2 do wid hr" u said
"punish hr"said nce"fr wt ol crimes hr mom did 2 us"
"m finishd"u said
"il do it" i said

nc pickd keys n unlockd door
v squintd in light n thn carried sn behind dark room
i saw nc n hr face ws wet n covered in white hair 2 vr stuck
"wash ur face" i suggstd or else itl stick like chewing gum 2 ur hair"
"hey u b**st"she calld u"hlp me whipe my face off ur muth"

as u both went 2 d sink
i draggd a teachrs table behind the dark rrom
i unbuttond hr shirt first
takin it out
marvelling ast d white sphegti...i liftd thm 2 n saw B cup bra
i got a knife n cut d straps off d sphageti n hr bra
hr tits vr dark like d rest of hr...nd hr nipples were like choco chips
i cuppd my hand round them n jiggled thm
wow so soft n felt like water baloons
my penis ws burstng
patience i said
as i i undid hr skirt belt n slid the skirt down hr black v shape panty ws luin gr8
i slippd 1 fingr undr d elastic n felt hr dense pubic hair
amazd i pulld d panty n saw hr dense bush in a v a natural miniature panty made of hairs

i rolld hr round n found my slf face 2 face with hr round chocolate brown ass
round n perfect
i slappd thm 1ce n she shook like a 6 ritcher scaled earthquake
she moand
surprisd...i turnd hr round...she ws slowly suming round i realisd
i took hr shirt n quickly tied it ovr hr head
nxt i stuffd hr panty in hr mouth like a gag

i liftd both hr arms up
hr b**sts became a bit flatish as they were exposd in thier ful glory
i tied hr wrist with connecting wies n thn covrd the cords with packing tape
i idid d same 2 hr ankles
hr smoothn fuller thigh surroundng hr bush
i ran my finger down frm hr neck
inbtwn hr boobs
traveling ovr hr navel n finally entering the dense jungle
i found hr slit...n it ws wet
i lukd up n saw hr nipples slowly erecting n she ws shakin hr wrapped up head
so nw she hd definitely come around

i flippd hr round as she ahe startd 2 struggle...
i slappd hr hips vry hard...
mmmm...she moand as the hips shook
i noticd hr hips vr vry cold nw...having sex on the granite floor especialy in wintrs isinta gud idea

i flippd round again...n she immediately punchd my head with hr tied hands
swearing i heaved hr body up as she shook hr legs n screamnd muffld 2 a large xtnt
i droppd hr on the wooden table
stil squirming like snake she nw tried 2 remove the cloth off hr head with hr elbows
i grabbd hr arms n pinned thm on the table ovr hr head

nxt i dropped my pants n removd my undrwear nd climbd up on the high table
i knew tht it ws hell of a risk standing up naked on a table with a bondagd girl struggling btwn my legs
i cud hv easily been seen by ny1
bt d thng abou tharak is tht until u hv orgasm...everythng else becums matter of no importance

i sat down on hr
my buttocks on each of hr soft thighs...nd with the othr hand i pinned hr arms ovr hr head
"wow" said nc as she saw me naked
suddnly i became self aware that i ws naked n 2 people stood near the table fully ws an embarrasmnt tht sumtimes i dreamd at nite...dreamng myslf naked while othrs round me vr clothd
"go on" u said sensng my uncmfrtblty

i held my erect penis with my free hand n directd its vector 2 hr hairy pussy
mab sn sensd my mind n she startd contractng an attempt 2 make it tough fr me to get my penis inside hr cunt
she wsnt strugling nw
mab hr ful concntration ws 2 hide hr hairy cunt frm me

smiling at hr futile efforts
i drlld my cock between hr soft brown chubby thighs
she panickd n buckld hr knees
fr a second due 2 hr buckling i fell forwrd n she had unwittingly dropped the guard around hr cunt

with a thump
i fell ovr hr
my face between hr flatish boobs(hr arms vr stil stretchd upwards)
the skin here ws xtremely smooth n soft n warm 2
bt wt amazd me ws tht i felt warm around my penis
the warm flesh round my penis ws so softr n warmer thn i hd evr imagind
i thot codoms gave the feel of inside a womens vagina
bt a condom ws nowhere near the warmth n softness i felt on my dick

i lay in the same position fr sumtime...lckin hr erect nipples with my tongues tip
n thn i pushd myslf back in sittin position ovr hr thighs
i lukd at my penis...1/4 of it hd dissapeard in the tropical rain forest like pubic hairs
i pulld out my dick a little n thn smoothly n slowly i pushd it back inside the warmth
i lukd at chest ws heaving with shallow breath
i repeatd d to n fro movmnt slowly...
everytime i pulld out she wud breath out in relief n everytime i pushd in she wud suddnly stop breathng
i again went in
n out
nw i ws gettin the tempo
the movmnts strts becuming fast
n so did hr breathng
n nw she hd finally startd 2 moan...cry rathr...mmmmmmmm
like heartbeat recording hr each mmmm depictd my motion

i increasd my tempo
breathng wildly i came in n out faster nw
hr mmmm...mmmm....mmmm ws slowly changng 2 a constnt mmmmmmmmm
hr vagina contractd nw n i cud feel a bit hardness surrounding my me more traction 2 heat hr nw wetness ws acting as a lubricant in btwn 2
"oh fuck" i said as i movd faster
nw shaking the tits jiggling up n down as if they vr nothng bt water baloons
i smackd thm with my free arm ...
mmmmm she waild
i leant frwrd n suckd hr nipples
i noticd hr fingers scratching the table in utter deperation
n hr toes curling n uncurling

i fuckd hr hard til 5 or 10 hadnt cummd
i movd back extractng my wet penis out
hr breathng slowly easd
mastubatng ws easy i least there wasnt ny liquid stuff that deprivd me off friction
i got down frm table
flipped hr back n pulld hr by hr bound legs to the table edge
nw the legs nhr hips hung down frm the table...while the rest of hr ws face down on the table
kinda doggystyle..i thot...remmbrng that doggystyle ws the best way 2 get the dick deepst
"time 2 feel the ultimate" i said
i cud c hr hairy twat in frnt of me where hr hips partd 2 reveal it
holding hr waist like a pro

i entrd it with full force...pushing ol of my 5incher in hr wetness
mmmmmmm she screamd as she bangd hr fist on the table
i spread my legs in a stand-at-ease position n thn starting doing hr
i increasd my speed quickly this time....pushing ol of my inside n taking out half n thn putin it back in
she ws screamng at top of hr lungs cuz hr muffld mmmmmmm ws vry loud
hr hips vr acting like airbags against my abdomen
i smackd hr hip as i suckd hr raw
evry atyachar hr mothr did 2 us....gave me energy 2 fuck hr deeper n painfuly
i didnt c u cum round
bt u 2 startd slappng hr jiggling ass
nc came on othr side n slappd hr palm hard on hr othr hip...making it dark red
u both smackd hr continuosuly while i fuckd hr non stop
soon hr hips were red felt hot 2
then u startd slapping hr bare back expanse
nc droppd low n bit hr on hr thighs
nc mst hav bit hard n long cuz sn reely soundd terrified n hr buckling more vigourus
thn nc went round d table n bit hr upper bangd hr tied fists on table in protest
whn nc movd back i saw deep teeth marks

mmmmmmm...muhu...muhu....mmm..muhu muhu...she cried muffld
"shit man...m gona cum i said
"cum inside ths bitch" said nc with relish
"let hr mothr take hr 2 abortion n face humilation"

i increasd d tempo bt nw i knew the moment wasnt far...everythng startd 2 blur out n feeling off gr8 happines spread through me...i ejaculatd inside hr
my penis jerkd 1ce...2ce...3ce...pumping my semens in2 hr
n thn the tempo n speed lowered drastically as i fel back on the stool behind me

"fhew" i said wiping the sweat that i hadnt noticd before
i ws suddnly getin aware of the lethargic feel n cramps
my penis ws dropin down...throbbing...last few specks of semen stil stuck 2 it
i startd 2 shivr frm ws decmbr aftrol
thoroughly tired
i dressd myslf
u both vr silent n watchng me in awe
n both silently set 2 work removng sn's ezualy tired n limp body frm d table...she ws sobbing nw

i got dressd slowly...takin in deep breaths...
whn i finaly got dressd i locatd u both in the dark room
sn ws tied 2 hr moms table...face down spread hips vr stil hot
sumhow she ws unconsious n nt movng much bt jst breathng

"what" i said as i noticd tht u bth vr silent n vr lukin at me as if i ws ET
"nthng"u said
nc ribbd u with hr elbow.."well v jst wantd 2 say ...u vr gr8"
"gr8?"i askd
"yeah u said
"u fuckd hr like mad...i hadnt seen in ny of the porn movie...ny guy fuckin so hard...i thot she ws gonna die"
"yeah u vr like a drilling machine..."said nc"i surely wana hv u inside me 1ce"
"yeah sure" i smild weakly

i movd 2 d door...unlockin it
while u wrote on sn's stomach."not virgin" circling the o round hr navel n pointng an arrow in2 d wet bush below

"so wats d nxt move" askd nc as v lockd dark room...left d keys in the lock n movd out
"dunno m hungry" i said "lets go 2 ur house n eat smthng...i hope no1s there"
"house empty fr 2 days" u said "vl hv food n make luv" u said pating nc's shouldr
"yeah i hv a car...v cn drive there...n i want pizza...n colddrink.....n then i wana hv ron fr least hel b smooth like icing on cake" she said
"dunno...u said...hvnt done it before"u smiled
"plz ron b smooth" she said in mock cry clingng ur shirt
"ok ok" u said
....v hardly lukd like people who had a*****d,beaten,m*****ed n ****d a girl....v vr criminals as i said d gud thng abt sex is it frees u off the mental matter hw serius
"lets get outa of the third gate" i said in a business like tone as v headd fr d ground

sat at the back of the car alone as nc drove us 2 ur home..
she drove slowly n carefuly givn tht it ws hr fathrs car
"hw cum ur dad gave u so much freedom" u askd "wt hpnd aftr d avi incidnt"
"well my dad isint a villian...he jst didnt want 2 c me doin thngs in public...uknw he caught us smoochng n obviously ny parnt wud gt angry"
"yeah" i said "nd nw hes gone so he thnks u r safe 2 b left alone"
"sumwhat yes...he jst feard i wud loose my virginity with hm"
"yeah n 2day m gona snatch it frm u" u said patting hr boobs
mildly surprisd she said "wt r u talkin....i lost it ol a year back"
"what" v both jerkd straight up
"yeah she said matter of factly
"so u n avi did" u askd disapointdly
"no nt tel u everythng"

"my dad hd fear tht i wud get fuckd by the day he spied on us n found us smoochng he got 2 worried
he slappd me...beat me n lockd me in my tv,computr, contact...i spent 3 days in my room sobbing...he hd hit realy hard n those slap marks vr stil there evn aftr 3 days....i refusd 2 eat evn...n thn aftr 3 days my dad came....he ws sympathetic n stilled my sobbing...fed me food with hs hands like he usd 2 whn i ws k** ws so cute....n thn he gave me a dildo"

he gave what" i intrptd

"he gave me an electronic vibratng dildo...he said tht if i evr felt sexual desire...i shud use ths n nt gt fuckd by sum1...he said it ws a mattr of family pride that he didnt want me 2 stain....i agreed...aftrol avi hd gone 2 canada n my dad easd out a bit....i didnt knw hw 2 use the dildo...i 1ce set it 2 ful vibratng power n stuck it inside vibratd like hel...n torture n brain felt wuzzy n so disorientd tht i cudnt figue wt 2 do xcpt scream at top of my lungs...sumhw i managd 2 pul it out....sum1 ws bangng the door...i lukd down n saw blood...lots of it frm my pussy...alarmd i washd it away with showr...i ws stil feeling faint...i stumbld nakd 2 d door n opnd it n fel in2 my mothrs arm....she nursd me back 2 health...i got up in evng...i thot i wud recieve a scoldng frm parnts bt they actd as if nthng hd hapnd...i ws happy.....frm thn on i usd 2 mastubate daily in the toilet....startng with slow powr n thn gainng 2 max...i ws careful nt 2 scream again else my b*o wud knw....sumtimes in the middle of the nite i wud get tharki so i wud take it stick it in me n cover with bedsheet n keep it on until i cummd..."

"who do u sleep with" u askd
"my b*o"
"didnt he evr knw...i meen its so bad of u....hes ur lil b*o n u r doin such thngs...he may hv seen u...imagine wt effect it wud put on hs young mind"
"r u crazy" she askd laughng"hes much mature thn u hd got me laptop 2 surf porn 2 hlp me mastubate n i 1ce caught my b*o shaggng his litle thng watchng my laptop...n u knw wt i actualy laughd at hm frst...hs cock..rathr chicken ws so small tht hs hand hd hiddn it completely...he beggd me nt 2 tel mum...i thn i caught hm again tryin 2 put my dildo in hs ass....ths time i told mum...cuz i ws worried my b*o ws becumin a gay...frm tht day she hs stoppd ol his class mate boys frm coling hm....funny na?""

"so here v r" she said as she stopd beneath the buildng

v both vr 2 dumbstruck n surprisd 2 say nythng
as v got out n climbd d stairs

v got 2 ur home...ordrd came in 20 min ...meanwhile u n me watchd tv while she checkd hr facebuk accnt...v ate d pizza...hd drinks

"n nw its time fr my desrt" said nc "as she jumpd on u n u both tumbld down off the sofa"

there was a loud thud,a loud cry of pain,as i punched her in the jaw a moment later and i climbed up the sofa full of rage,u dare to try this on me after what you called me i'll tell you why i abused u back...coz im sick f u,ur emotional instability,ur thinking f urself as a queen or something,treating others like vermin,being d biggest tharki showing ur legs in the class n the nclaiming that others r tharki,n wat u did to poor vipul and that abhishek hu was our senior,u use boys 4 ur own advantage be it money,gifts,even crackle u bitch and in this case 4 ur pleasure,
nt respecting any1,and above all how dare u abuse me that day when i tagged u,it was a mistake u bastard n i was always ur frnd...
you were shocked with a biscuit half hanging 4m ur mouth...the tv blaring "main baarish kar du paise ki,jo tu ho jaye meri" on mtv...
i continued "till that day of course.all this will end,2day,the hard way.all of ur arrogance will be taken away...

she started sobbing i went over 2 her,grabbed her hair 4m behind,and delivered a tight add to the bruise on her jaw,now she had a cut to her lips...

she turned over to you and plead save me 4m this mother fucke....SLAP...another 1 as she fell down eagle spreaded....i jumped onto her 4m behind and ripped apart the sweater....pinning her hands...her bra was torn open next as the pert tits were exposed...see i said to u..they were never as big as she tried to show by puffing out her chest...

you came over,now resigned to the fact that i wasnt going to end this torture on her...
she plead again please susha...THUD.....aah....the knockout punch had been delivered...she had fainted...i turned over to you and you shrugged as if to say "if you must"
an hour or so later when we were finshed,i dragged her to the bathroom and immersed her head in the bucket...cough cough...she spluttered....i let it in for 5 more seconds,relishing the torture before throwing her on the floor...

i said ruthlessly "get up and take a bath,wash away all the blood and the juices and do it fast.suck clean my penis while u r at it".i sat on the toilet seat,with my penis loosely hanging

she got up with a groan examining the bruises on her thighs and the many on her tits...there were red marks all over her...
she was too shocked to do much so i turned on the shower and let the water flow over her ever soft skin,tracing the curves around waist and ass....
withing a few minutes i asked her to come over me and clean my dick...she stood rooted....
with a smirk i threatened that if nt then i'll mail the nude pics to her dad,and he wud be happy to beat her up again...
she came over to me with the mug and i kicked it away...adding "without water"

i picked her up bringing her in the drawing room where you were checking out the pics which we had just clicked....
i had been aroused back in the bathroom and was wanting more...
i put her down on the floor and climbed 4m behind,immediately she cried "oh not my ass please i beg of you,it hurts a lot when i put the dil...." slap....
"if i force it in u,it'll hurt calmly open ur hole up.."
"ok then let it be the hard way"
i looked at you and pointed in the mouth...
you got the signal immediately bringing out ur organ...
"u 2 sushaaaaaaaaaaa"
her plea was cut shot by me pulling her hair back on the point of uprooting them 4m their roots
u entered her screming mouth even as i inserted it 4m behind...u must have seen her eyes widden in horror as u started pumping in her mouth
gagging with her hands pinned behing i started drilling 4m behind...
within a few minuted u shot ur load in her mouth and she had no option other than to swallow....
i followed a few minutes later and she started to writhe badly
u dropped back as i prepared to cum in her....she was really crying hard now...
"help him masturbate" i ordered her
she shook her head and i pulled her hair back even further "else the pics go up on various porn sites as well,only urs mind u,with u holding a big penis near ur face,we have clicked it in various them to her sush"
it took only a minute for her to resign to her fate as she took ur penis in her
she chocked and gagged as i held her head still as u came a 2nd time in her mouth,her weak attempts to push u away failing
"and now for ur fav. part" i said as she fell to the ground,froth coming out f her mouth...
i brought a cutter out of hte drawer and as u held her,inscribed the word slut on the very same wrist where she had written avi a year or so back....the lights dimmed around her as she fell fainted again,what with the constant pounding,banging,bleeding etc...anyone would....

Same as Indian school sluts Videos

2 years ago
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Indian GF Videos

Looking for real user submitted amateur Indian girlfriend videos at IndianGFVideos? There are many different porn sites that you can check out and they all have their little niche to them. Now, there are certain themes are more popular than others and it comes as no surprise that the Indian niche is one of the most popular ones on the internet. The reason being is that there are just so many damn Indians out there and you won’t be able to get away from them and their needs when it comes to porn...

Premium Indian Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Indian wife turns a slut

Me and my husband have been married for a few years. We have a decent sex life but was not a extremely hot one. He was good in bed but I always felt it lacked heat. He was a business man.. decent built and good last long in bed but was soft and loving. People have had a notion about indian women that they are a little conservative, but once you get them going they can rock your world. I was going to do something like that myself. We moved to a new city a few months back. We bought a luxury...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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Indian girls are innocent

Indian girls are innocentStory codes : : M/f, M/f+, f-self, MF/f, enema, exhibition, fisting, incest, spanking, teen, toys, D/s, B/D, bondage, chastity belt, real, slow, romantic, reluctant, humiliation, nc, SeriousSynopsis : An overseas Indian man marries a beautiful Indian girl who was born and brought up in an Indian village. He has to teach her the basics of sex and its pleasure. He then gradually imposes restrictions on her and corresponding punishments to preserve her obedience and...

2 years ago
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Indian Babes

Reddit Indian Babes, aka r/IndianBabes! Ah, Indian women are stunning, when they have a throbbing schlong shoved down their love holes until a wave of thick goo splatters all over their face… if you agree, then welcome to a fantastic subreddit dedicated to the hot Indian sluts. Reddit overall is a free website, so you are welcome to browse as much as you want.Have you heard of Reddit?First of all, if you do not know what Reddit is, then you must have been living under a rock because this place...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Indian Teens

There are loads of gorgeous Indian girls who are in the mood for something naughty, and they all decided to post their naughtiest crap at r/IndianTeens/. I think the subreddit basically explains all that you need to know about what to expect and all that crap. So, there is probably no need for me to actually go balls deep into the description, but that does not mean I cannot give you the gist of it all.Let’s also not forget that this is just one of many subreddits. Reddit is a free website...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Indian Princess Learns From Couple

Esara was 22 years old at the time and living in the bid city Jhb for 2 years now after moving in with her fiancé Anesh who was 24 and both in love with each other. However, she was introduced to drugs, namely khat, a month back by her white girlfriend Anneline and her husband Jacque who were a 42 and 46 year old married white living in the plush suburb of Sandton after she went home to their flat one evening to stay over from the work function. She remembers in detail how she knelt down on the...

2 years ago
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Indian Wifes Transformation

When Priya came home from her evening classes that day she sounded quite happy and excited. She told her me that she had made friends with a new girl in her class. Her name was Jenny. Priya said that Jenny was a really sweet girl and they even went to have a coffee. I was really happy for Priya as she had finally found a friend in her class.Priya was like any other typical Indian housewife settled in US. She was incredibly beautiful and sexy lady but just like any Indian wife she was quite...

3 years ago
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Indian Fighters On To CaliforniaChapter 7

It was during this bitter struggle to get through the desert that they met their first Navajo war party. They were battling a steep sand hill when they were hit by surprise by a shower of arrows falling on the men wrestling with a heavy wagon as they struggled to push it up the hill. No one was killed, but 3 men were painfully wounded and would be out of action for days. Both mules were injured badly enough that they would have to be put down once the Indians were dealt with. The Indians had...

3 years ago
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indian girl become bbc slut

"kasem, are you seeing that little indian girl again tonight?" mumtaj khan asked her eighteen year old son. "Yup," he replied while combing his hair, "I think we'll hit a movie and stop off for some burgers after the show." mumtaj leaned against the bathroom door jam while admiring the build on her only son. Solid as a rock without and ounce of fat and handsome to boot! "Don't you think it's time you brought her around to meet me?" she asked casually. "Not yet, mom," he replied softly. "Maybe...

3 years ago
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Indian Fighters Cock CutterChapter 2

Abigail retrieved her rifle and went back to check on Abe. He was doing better than Abigail had feared, so she left her rifle with him while she set out after the third Yaqui. She reloaded her pistol before leaving; you never knew when you might need a bullet. The third Yaqui had been a bit more cautious than the others. He had made some half-hearted effort to cover his trail, but Abigail had no trouble following him. He must have been the naturally cautious type because he headed for some...

4 years ago
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Indian Gem

Indian GemSo I walked into our local newsagent to pick up a copy of my favourite wank mag "Titty Slags". The shop closes at 7:00pm and it was now 6:45pm which is the best time as the shop isn't busy and Mrs. Singh the owner is getting ready to close. I had just picked up my mag and was headed toward the back of the shop to pay when I see a new Indian girl sitting behind the counter. God, she was gorgeous. Wearing typical indian style clothing she had long, silky black hair that I could tell...

4 years ago
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Aurora School for Sluts

Located in the remote prairie, shielded from the prying eyes of civilization by mile upon mile of evergreen trees and undulating farmland, lies a very special school. The Aurora School for Sluts. She is singular in her mission, an institute of education dedicated to producing fresh, fuckable twenty year old girls for society to enjoy. Aurora takes in the rejects of the normal schooling system, and turns them into functional and productive members of society. Every year, eighteen years olds from...

Group Sex
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Indian Fighters On To CaliforniaChapter 8

They found the 3 Indians in this attack and Abigail did her usual surgical procedures. Abigail had taken to putting the severed nose in the Indian's mouth and the severed cock in his ass hole. Jim confirmed that the Indians were Yaqui, so that bit of doubt was removed, though that was hardly the kind of news to make the people feel any better. The guards were kept hopping as the wagon train was sniped at more than once every day. The arrows were all marked as Yaqui, but this was no...

4 years ago
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School of Sluts

Welcome to Slut School. A school where sluts train to be prostitutes, escorts and the like. This school is exclusive to the sluttiest of girls. I'm talking the cheerleaders who fucked all of the football team, the coach and all of her male teachers just to keep her grades up. And that's exactly the type girl who we're following. Sarah Valentines was THE slut at her school. She even slept with the head teacher to stop her from getting expelled. If there was a place she was going to thrive, it...

3 years ago
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Indian Fighters Cock CutterChapter 3

Three weeks later, Two very pampered males were helped onto their horses as the next patrol of Shiply's Troop set out to hunt marauding Indians. This time, it was a very determined Abigail who rode point. She was intent on smelling out any ambush attempts before they could happen. Abe was afraid that she would take foolish chances in trying to protect him and the rest of her friends, so he made a point of sticking to her side almost like a cocklebur. Abigail knew exactly what he was doing,...

4 years ago
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Indian mom ready her daughter for fuck with black

I was in my mid thirties, divorced and had a 20 year- old daughter and an 18- year old son. Struggling to make ends meet, I prostituted myself out sometimes to pay the bills. With only a high school degree I managed a corner market store. Living in a mostly black subdivision of town, the few men I slept with were mostly black. Not low life but working type men who wanted to rut with a sexy female. It seemed that they enjoyed dominating a young indian hindu woman and got off ramming their black...

3 years ago
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Indian Fighters John ShiplyChapter 8

Shiply and his fighters had hardly gotten themselves situated on the roof when the first arrows came flying in. John said, "Don't waste yer ammunition shooting when they're out of range. Wait 'til ya kin be shore of yer shot." About a minute later, there was a boom from down below as one of the hide hunters fired his .75 caliber rifle. Two Comanches actually fell to the ground from this one shot. There was a lot of cheering from within the shed and on its roof as this remarkable shot...

3 years ago
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Indian Volleyballers Part I

They Got More Than A Lesson In Sport Rick was a 22-years-old university Senior. He stood six foot one inch tall, and he had a well tanned muscular body. He had blond hair, and blue eyes. He looked like the typical well tanned southern California surfer, except he wasn’t in southern California. He was the captain and star player of an Upstate South Carolina university’s men’s volleyball team. Rick had indeed grown up playing volleyball on the beaches of southern California. When not in class...

3 years ago
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Indian Summer

Indian Summer -- June 1876 We were riding west out of the Dakotas and into Montana Territory, myself and Yancy and Sedgie, about a day ahead of the Seventh Cavalry Regiment and Colonel Custer. That was General Terry's advance guard and it was all about gold mostly, any other reason you might have heard was nonsense. "I hear tell they got nuggets the size of your fist jest layin' there to be picked up," Sedgie was shaking his head and he was an old corporal who'd lost his thumb at...

4 years ago
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Indian Fighters John ShiplyChapter 6

It turned out that the woman was an accomplished seamstress, so she thought that she could make a decent living with that after her nest egg ran out. Her husband had been a prosperous merchant in Philadelphia, but, as a Quaker, had wanted to escape the turmoil of the big city. Unfortunately, they had run afoul of the Comanches. John helped them find a boarding house, and the militia left on patrol the next day. John had found the woman attractive, but knew that there was no way they could...

2 years ago
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Indian paying guest girl used as a surrogate mothe

Dear friends, this is Nalini (changed) with my new story of my college friend Lavanya, and thanks for your comments on my previous stories, and please don’t forget to comment on ISS too, and male readers stop asking about my personal details and don’t invite me on hangouts.Girls and Ladies can mail me at [email protected] am a newly married housewife aged 26 years with a 34B-26-36, enjoying and satisfied with my husband’s love making in bed, but still yearn for a...

4 years ago
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Indian Fighters John ShiplyChapter 1

"Damn! Look out, boys, here they come, again! Let the bastards git close enough ta be sure yer shots count. We don't want ta run out of powder afore we run out of Injuns! "Captain" John Shiply (the title was honorary, bestowed by his men) kneeled, ready to fire his Dragoon Colt when the Comanches got close enough. It could make a nasty wound beyond 25 yards, but no man could say he could reliably hit his target beyond that range. The .44 caliber bullet would make a nice hole in whatever...

4 years ago
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Indian Milf at the petrol station

It had been a hell of a long day at work and as usual I was horny as fuck whilst driving home. My job involves dealing with members of the public which I sometimes hated, but my work has the unusual knack of attracting sexy younger sluts and hot MILF types so dealing with those customers always made the day go quicker and was a guarantee to keep me horny till I could finally get home and let of some steam. I wont say what my job is but it involves harnesses so you can imagine the nice sights I...

2 years ago
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indian mom and black priest 3

A few days later, my grandfather came to visit us. Dad was a copy of his father. It was granddad who taught dad how to be a macho man and how to keep mom under a tight leash.I also knew that grandfather disliked niggers but I never knew why. I guess if Father Tyrone wasn’t a priest, dad wouldn’t let him inside the house also. But unlike granddad, dad was a devout religious man who dearly respected clergy no matter their race.When grandfather arrived, mom and the black priest were already in...

3 years ago
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Indian Wife taken in

Neha and Shashank Deshpande had been living in Los Angeles for last 3 years. Shashank had got a job offer from an American MNC as sales manager and since then had got a green card. After they had arrived in U.S. Neha also had got job as a secretary in a company. Their life had been good. They had been married for 5 yrs now. Neha was 25 and Shashank was 28. Apart from the fact that they hadn’t had a c***d, their life was pretty good. Their sexual life was also great. It was only marred by one...

4 years ago
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Indian Fighters John ShiplyChapter 4

Now that Shiply's Troops had the rescued slaves, what were they going to do with them? If the slaves were left to fend for themselves, they would be killed or recaptured in only a few days, so the militia was duty bound to stay with them until something better could be found. John negotiated with his Indian allies and got 12 horses for the slaves to ride. He figured that his best course of action was to take the slaves to the Army and let them work out what to do. Therefore, they mounted up...

1 year ago
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Indian Slut

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am married to an indian businessman for last 8 years. I will not say my sexual life with my hubby, Ajay, is very satisfying. He is highly busy in his business, he is a share broker. My name is Alpana and I am 32 years old, fair, attractive, curvy female and my friends say I am very sexy. My vital stats are 35C-29-36, 5ft 6”, fair, clean-shaven and never wear bra and panty. I stopped wearing them since a very early age. I have to find out my own...

4 years ago
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Indian co worker

I knew nothing could ever happen between my coworker Jasmine and I, but that sure didn't stop me and many other guys from checking out her sexy body whenever we could. You see, Jasmine is Indian, and because of her strict upbringing, she would not get involved with any guys that weren't also Indian. What a shame because the body on this girl was amazing. Standing at only 5'1'', weighing probably less than 100 pounds, her tiny frame featured large firm tits and a curvy little butt. Her ample...

2 years ago
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Indian couple

I have not long moved to Slough and I was amazed at how diverse the culture is.I have fucked all over the world and now decided to settle down.I have the whole world in one place preference is Indian or Paki Aunties,mature and preferably big belly and ass.i was sitting on a bench in town yesterday and there was an Indian gent next to me.i saw this Indian aunty bending down in a saree lookin at something in the oxfam window,i said to the guy,look at that ass mate I bet her hubby is a...

3 years ago
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Indian Mom Gangbang

It was 2 years back. I was 20 at that time. We are a family of 3. We live in an apartment in Chennai. My father works abroad and comes once a year. So, it is just me and my mother staying here. Our apartment has multiple blocks. Each block has 4 floors. We live in the 4th floor of our block. Each floor has just two houses. The doors of the houses will be facing each other and there is a lift between the doors.We are a brahmin family. My mother's age was 41 when the incident happend. Her name is...

4 years ago
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Mind Controlled Mothers Club Chapter 5 Creating MommySluts

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Five: Creating Mommy-Sluts By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Ulrich thrust into his mother's pussy. She was bent over the break room table for the shipping department of the Institute of Apotheosis. Ulrich was one of the young men who worked there, all devotees of the new god, Henry Archer. They had formed their own Mother Fuckers Club, Ulrich's mom, the supervisor of the shipping...

4 years ago
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Indian Fighters John ShiplyChapter 5

The patrol was nearly home when they encountered 17 Comanches leading 3 captives. The captives were all adult women who were naked and being led with ropes tied around their necks. Shiply's men figured that the women had all been raped multiple times and looked like they were barely able to walk. The first thing the militia had to do was to get the Indians holding the ropes to the captives to cut them loose so they wouldn't be injured as the fighting began. Fortunately, the militia was...

2 years ago
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Indian Fighters John ShiplyChapter 3

They finished their first circuit of the county, and John turned in his report. Sheriff Silas Gillespy was suitably pleased with the report and gratified at the result of the patrol. "Congratulations, John, that nose croppin' is a bully idee! It marks the bastards so nobody can mistake who done the deed. Yessir, a bully idee!" "Thanks, Silas. When do ya want us ta make our next round?" "Take a couple of days off ta let the boys have a little toot. Ya know? Drink some beer and visit...

2 years ago
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Indian Fighters Cock CutterChapter 5

Cassius' wound was bad enough that he had to be left at home when they started their next round. Of course, this made Cissiee happy, but Cassius felt like he was letting the team down. John assured him that his presence would be missed, but they would get by. They had hardly gotten into Mexico when they saw a plume of smoke off in the distance. This might be some of their business, or it might just be somebody who needed help. Whatever the reason, they felt compelled to investigate. They...

1 year ago
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Festival Sluts

Reddit Festival Sluts, aka r/FestivalSluts! Having a party girl for a girlfriend is an extreme fucking sport. These babes are free-spirited, energetic, and have a zest for life that few others can keep up with or even begin to understand. They live for the moment, and you might find yourself single before the festival season. Don't take it personally; it probably was never meant to work. But if you don't mind dating one, be my fucking guest. Let's see if you still have a girlfriend before the...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Converting the Family 1 MindControlled CumSluts

Chapter One: Mind-Controlled Cum-Sluts By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: An anonymous fan commissioned this story and allowed it to be shared. I merely penned this individual's outline. Billy Purvis I gripped the modified remote in my hand. Weeks of being closeted in my hot, stuffy bedroom had finally paid off. I was ready to use it. I'd resisted busting out my device all day, struggling through college, suffering. I wanted to use it so badly, my dick hard, begging for satisfaction....

3 years ago
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Indian Student Cheating on Boyfriend

Hi Again! Wow! What an amazing reaction to my last bit of writing. Thanks for all your lovely comments and words of encouragement. I really wasn’t expecting quite so much interest in my sexual encounters but it seems like you naughty boys and girls want to hear some more! So let’s fast forward from my first experience of cock which you can read in the other post. This happened a few years after the last story. I’d finished my A levels and got into Uni. I was away from home but still in the...

3 years ago
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Indian girl in London got gangabang

Guys plz suggestion me in pms what should I write next. If you interested in writing let's do Collab ---- by your favourite Indian slut !! Plot Everything started with her death of our main character anusha's parents. She was very open minded and caring person in mind and heart. She may look like a typical Indian girl but in her mind she can be dirt bitch . Get quick temper and get emotional quickly . Then she felt lonely and depressed after her parents dead in accident. But somehow her...

4 years ago
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As. Previously mentioned Daughter Christina,s best friend is Oona Khan of Indian ancestry though born in England. A very attractive twenty two year old when we got together. It was at a party hosted by both Oons and Chris at the house they rented together in east London. They,d invited a few friends as well as wife Sarah and me and with the exception of the Khans and us the rest were in their twenties. Oona,s parents were the first to have had enough and now it was only my wife and I who were...

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Indian fertility clinic

A few years ago I accepted a foreign assignment with my company. I was to spend the better part of a year overseeing a construction project in Chennai India. The company put me up in a staff house in a nice part of town. At first the novelty of being in a strange land kept me occupied but over time i found myself with more time on my hands than I knew what to do with as a single guy. I decided to take up golf with a passion as there was a course I had often driven past on my way to the job...

3 years ago
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Indian Couple Vacation in Goa

I'm Kevin, 29 years and my wife is Nisha, 26 years. We are a marred Indian couple, staying in India. We have been married for five years now and in those years sex has been mind blowing. Nisha loved to fuck, anytime and anywhere and she was never ever shy in admitting it. But, I was my desire to expose her in revealing clothes to other guys and also see her getting fucked. One day, I spoke this with her and after bit of hesitation, she agreed. But, she had a few conditions. One of her...

3 years ago
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Indian Neighbors put on Window show

It is late. Mom used to say, "Nothing good happens after midnight." This story proves Mom was wrong~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With the recent upsurge in summer heat, I went for my evening jog later than usual. I started at 11:15 and since it was my six mile day I wound up jogging into our quiet little dead end street about 12:20 a.m. I walked down the sidewalk drenched in sweat, heart pounding and a ton of endorphins flowing through me making me feel like anything was possible.I stopped at a...

4 years ago
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Indian guy sucks a BBC on Miami Beach

This is a real story.A little about me. I am a 27 year old Indian guy. Decent looking. I live in San Francisco. I am str8 but have always wanted to please good looking white or black guys.This happened I went to Miami in Sep 2013 with a couple of other Indian friends. The very first night we all went to a club and got pretty drunk. I slipped out of the club and went to the beach. It was very dark and I started walking on the beach. While walking I saw a black guy sitting all by himself next to...

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Indian sikh girl finds an Arab muslim cock to fuck

I had just moved to Bay Area, California for my new job. I was pretty lonely, so I posted an ad in the personals section of Craigslist. In a few hours, a girl named P. Kaur (withholding her full name) sent me an email. We exchanged a few emails and I sent her my pic and asked for hers. She told me she is from a very conservative family, so she is reluctant to send a pic. She said she would instead meet me at a bar that evening in Dublin.I was a little late for our date, so when I reached the...

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Indian Actresses In Porn

Hello, My Dear Readers. I always wanted to write stories based on Indian actors. was my first attempt on the same. We have all imagined how our hot actresses will look in extreme erotic sequences. And with this new series, I am trying to portray our beloved cum-queens as professional adult stars, acting in porn movies. I will be adopting a template similar to galleries in porn sites, to write down this story. I will try my best to explain the sexual acts in detail, but also not drag them. So,...

2 years ago
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Indian Wife Gangbanged For Greencard In The USA Part 1

Sriram Iyer had dreams of moving and working in the USA since he was young. He grew up in a conservative Brahmin household and only studied while growing up with no social life. His hard work paid off when he was able to get engineering seat at IIT Madras and succeeded well getting his degree. He applied for colleges in the USA for masters and was able to get a good college in New Jersey, USA. He worked hard finished his masters and got an IT job in North Carolina, USA. When he started his job...

3 years ago
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Indian Traveller In Nepal

I was browsing internet searching for websites to meet gay guys. I stumbled upon an Indian chat site and registered myself as “bottom_nepal22”. I always had loved Indian men and the idea of being fucked by an Indian man excited me. I talked with few guys on the chat site and there was one particular guy “ramesh80” who was traveling to Nepal in a couple of weeks. We then shared our Kik contacts and started chatting over there. He was 37 years old, married, and been with a couple of guys. I told...

Gay Male
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Indian Mom

I dont know how many of you love i****t or have tried it out..but for those who have had a chance to try it out..i should say its awesome..its the best thing you could do on earth before you could hit the grave.So here is my one time true experience with my mom...My mom is one of those typical Indian women who always d****d themselves in the traditional saree and there is nothing better an Indian woman can wear.My mom was the average kind of woman..not too fat but not on the skinny side...

4 years ago
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Indian Student Goes To UK For Studies 8211 Part I

I was lucky enough to be sent to UK for higher studies by my parents. Before I could enter university I was required to attend the language school to get certification in English language. This was the first time I had actually been away from my family and had celebrated my 18th birthday before leaving India. My accommodation was arranged by the language school as a paying guest in a private house which was about 15 minutes’ walk from the language school. The house was old style built around...

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Indian Summer pt3 TRUE STORY

The week was over and while k**s were leaving school running home to go to parties and the mall we teenagers were interested in lol, Karithy and I rushed back to her place and eager for a hot steamy wild fuck session. We waisted no time , we pushed our horny bodies close together and kissed so passionately as we ripped our clothes off each other, we were completely nude as we kissed i pushed her on her bed and sat her on her back , she spread her legs exposing her puffy pink wet pussy to me i...

4 years ago
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Indian wife discovers lesbian love1

Always, in the evening, I love to hold my beautiful Indian wife Anita in my arms and gently caress her soft and smooth body. She is 34 years old and very feminine. Her body is naturally curvaceous – with generous breasts and nicely rounded arse. But she looks after herself, exercising regularly and keeping her stomach nice and flat and her legs well-toned. Her hair is deep black and her skin dusky – its richness set off by her red lipstick and the golden bangles and necklaces she loves to wear....

1 year ago
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College Sluts

Reddit College Sluts, aka r/CollegeSluts! Is there a more perfect time to get pussy than in college? There’s something about bitches in college that makes them infinitely hornier. Maybe it’s because they’re not tied down at home anymore, or perhaps it’s because they have instant access to cock – all they have to do is walk across campus and go to a dorm room. Hell, nowadays all they have to do is hail an Uber, and they can get dick anywhere in the city where mommy and daddy are nowhere to be...

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Indian Fighters White DeathChapter 9

That trip back to the North farm had reminded me how much I hated the Comanches, so I wanted to start back to hunting them right away. My wives (that sure sounds good to me) were happy when I said that I would be gone all day. They had a lot of things to do on the house to turn it into their idea of home, and I would have just been in the way. We kissed goodbye as I left to go hunting: Comanches or outlaws, I really did not care which one came up first. I headed for the Comanche camp and was...

4 years ago
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Preeti And Her Mom Party Sluts

By : Preetikul Hi! Hello friends again this is Preeti Kulkarni from Aurangabad bringing you a treat of reading as we (Preeti and Swati) were used as party special sluts. I remember that day, it was 2nd Saturday of June month was raining heavily so sitting in the balcony with my Mom (as it was her ½ day and didn’t changed). As the chatting was on my mobile ranged Zara Zara touch me touch me, must be Ronit so rushed to grab my handset to see who is calling? Ronit: SP (sexy pussy), what’s on? I...

2 years ago
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Catfighting Sorority Sluts

Catfighting Sorority Sluts. Catfighting Sorority Sluts. By GabbyLez ([email protected]) Story Codes: F/F, F+/F, humiliation, reluctant, nc, BDSM, lactation, w/s, urination, toys, costumes. Summary: The vicious rivalry between two snotty sorority houses heats up into a sadomasochistic orgy of catfights and BDSM sex. Lots of preppy outfits, strap-on dildos, panty-gags and kink.  INTRODUCTORY NOTE: When this story was originally posted, the readers may have missed the fact it was supposed...

3 years ago
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Sissy 101 Intro to Sissy Sluts

Sissy 101: Intro to Sissy Sluts One week before my freshman year at college, I received a letter saying that my class schedule changes had been approved. That struck me as odd because I hadn't requested any changes. Without explanation, I had been un-enrolled from two of my general studies classes. I was now signed up for SISGEN101 and SISHYP161--whatever that meant. I went online to the university's website. These classes weren't even listed in the general course description...

3 years ago
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Claras MindControlling Tweets Chapter 10 Santas Size Queen Sluts

Chapter Ten: Santa's Size Queen Sluts By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by n1one and the story was crafted by fans on his discord server. “Who is next on my list?” Clara purred as she sat in her bedroom. She was in a festive mood. She had loved what her tweets were doing. All the chaos her lies were causing. Everyone was so despicable that they believed them. “So who's next...?” I smiled. “Bianca and Natalie.” Always talking...

3 years ago
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Money Can Buy You Sluts

Hi all, this is my first story here, this is completely fiction, idea is to write erotica on different aspects of it, which helps the arousal around, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect girls, I do. Bangalore promised a lot more to me from my childhood, me being from hubli, a small town, bangalore was always the stuff of legends, big city, its freedom, its debauchery, had heard money works in bangalore, and I had it in plenty, being a single son from a rich family, everything came easy to...

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