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This incident of mine refers to the wife of one of my “hanging out with often” friend’s. I have not been in touch with many friends from college, but this particular friend of mine (lets call him Ajay) surprisingly kept in touch with me till now. I never thought too much of him during our college, as he was neither too good with studies nor was a generally smart. But to my surprise he did really well in life and is now on a pretty good post in one of the leading MNC banks. We used to hang out with each other and some common friends in parties and also kept visiting each other’s places as well. I was pretty much well known in his family and vice a versa.

The difference remained though is that he got married to a beautiful woman, while I chose to remain a bachelor. His wife’s name is, well, lets call her Sangita for the obvious reasons. How do I describe her? She is not your drop dead gorgeous looking girl, but she has 3 things going for her, at least according to me. Her amazingly naughty eyes, gigantic boobs and very healthy pair of thighs. She is about my chest height, so that would be about 5’ 4”, not bad for an Indian woman. A little plump, but I like women to be that way too. She was and MBA and heading an HR department in one of the private limited companies, doing quite well in her career.

Now both Ajay and Sangita was a happily married couple and I did not think too much about them initially.
However, due to my frequent visits to their place and their visits to my place, we grew a little closer after their wedding. Ajay didn’t share too much earlier with me, but suddenly, he started sharing quite a few of his daily life and problems with me, to my surprise. Sangita was also very friendly with me and we talked on various topics whenever we spent time together. I liked to hear her out about the kind of people and situations she had to deal with, in her job. She liked to listen to my experiences on my travels, about different places, people there and business problems. Overall, the 3 of us usually had a good time with each other. I liked Sangita and was growing fond of her, and I guess it was the case with her too.

Till now there was no sexual attraction between us. I was in a way content with how things were, us meeting often and hugging, or pecking on cheeks once in a while or teasing each other I on how she landed with a guy like Ajay, and she about my bachelorhood and what I had been missing in life. Days went by and things got busy for all of us. Ajay had his share of stress that comes with a bank job and he started remaining away from home for more time than necessary. That started playing on Sangita’s mind and she would often talk to me about it. I too asked Ajay a few times to pay heed to Sangita’s advise and needs and he always said it was just temporary and he would be back to his earlier life style soon enough. I didn't push the matter.

However, this phase of his lasted too long and once Sangita called me and asked me if I could meet her in one of our favorite hang out. I agreed and we met up for a coffee. She explained to me that Ajay’s absence at home has started creating a havoc in their life and their sex life had taken a beating too. We had always been that open about things in life and it was not at all surprising to me that Sangita was talking about such private matters of her life to me. I understood and offered to help as best as I could. Back home, I kept thinking about what Ajay up to was ignoring a wife like Sangita I mean and she came very close to being a perfect wife – beautiful, voluptuous, dedicated, educated and very smart and open – what else does one need?

The more I thought about it more I started thinking about Sangita and her loneliness. Once or twice, I really thought of helping her with her sex life by filling Ajay’s shoes, but then I liked Sangita too much to be doing that. One day, I had invited a few friends over dinner at my place and I invited Ajay-Sangita too. But Ajay excused himself saying he has some important meeting to attend and could not make it. I said, fine and ask Sangita if she would like to come alone, but she also did not want to come without Ajay. I was ok with that. However, on the same day while going back home in the evening I spotted Ajay with a girl in a café and the way he was talking to her, I realized there was something fishy about it. He was supposed to be in a meeting at that time and this was definitely not the official meeting happening.

I got suspicious. I had a couple of other friends working in the same bank and I called one of them to ask if he knew anything about Ajay. That guy being a good friend, I could ask him directly if he thought Ajay was going around with someone. He immediately said, almost the entire bank thought he was going around with a colleague of his and they had been going out after office since many days. I immediately figured out what the problem was and I was really furious with Ajay for doing what he was doing to Sangita I wanted to slap him the next day when I met him, but I didn't say anything and kept quiet. I didn’t inform Sangita about it as well, thinking it may hurt her too much to know the truth. I somehow felt even warmer towards Sangita and wished I could do something to ease her pain somehow.

I kind of started staying a little away from both of them for the fear of erupting someday and spoiling their relation forever. A few weeks passed and one day Ajay called me. He told me he was promoted and the hike in the salary deserved a celebration. So, he was throwing a party for his office colleagues and friends and that I had to come. I reluctantly said ok, but did not feel like going. Anyhow, I did land up in the party that night. It was in a farm house kind of a bunglow and I must say Ajay’s tastes had changed quite dramatically and ofcourse, for the better the ambience was too good, music nice and comfy and food was excellent too. I greeted Sangita, who surprisingly looked happier and hugged me a wee bit too tightly. I thought it was because we had met after a long time.

I also saw Ajay’s girlfriend in the party, but did not do anything, as I knew Sangita did not know about it. Party went on and alcohol and music started doing its job on the people. From 50 odd guests, we were now reduced to some 15 – 20 friends only as most of them had left. It was quite late and most of us were getting high by now. Sangita came and asked if we could dance together and it was then that I noticed how beautiful she looked. She had worn a silk shirt and a short skirt, about 4 inches above the knees which accentuated her figure her boobs, her thighs and her really silky, strong legs. Her naughty eyes seemed naughtier today with mascara and that little dose of happiness. Hairs were left open and a dark maroon lipstick, which made her pout look even more desirable.

I seemed to get lost in that and just then she asked me again if I’d like to have a dance with her. I immediately looked at Ajay, who looked busy with his girlfriend. But he did look at me, smiled and waved at me as if saying “go on mate, what are you waiting for? I thought, Okay, why not ? Sangita held both my hands and we started dancing. She maintained a safe distance from me initially, but I guess the alcohol and the smell of my huge boss made her to come a little closer, just enough for her boobs and thighs to touch mine. Just when I thought I was feeling them, she turned around and kind of pressed herself on me as if leaning against me. My dick touched her buttocks and the first time, really, for the first time, I felt I wanted her. I wanted her right there and then.

She leaned against me, lifted her face, took both my arms and put them around her waist and started swaying. I did what she ordered me to. I smelled her shampoo and cologne and was getting into the mood. Hey guys, please excuse me” Ajay startled me with these words. I saw his girl alongside and he said “Guys, Preeti (his girlfriend) is not feeling well, I will have to go and drop her home. Hope you don’t mind – I will be back soon – you guys carry on please”. I looked at Sangita thinking she is not gonna like it. But she was all too happy to let them go “sure honey, take your time.” I was flabbergasted.

Here is the woman who thought her husband was not giving her enough time and she happily lets him go with another girl who half the world knows to be his girlfriend. Thanks honey, I’ll be back soon. See you guys! Ajay said, and left with Preeti. I looked at Sangita, who nonchalantly closed her eyes, wrapped my arms around her waist and started swaying with eyes closed, as if to take back the atmosphere again in her mind. I shrugged and did so too in half an hour’s time, all the people left. I was the only one in the house with Sangita and I realized she was now a bit too high for her own good. She wished everyone a good night and after the last guest left, just slammed the main door shut.

I was sitting in the sofa and I could see her struggling to make it to even sofa. I stood up and just when she was about to fall, grabbed her and helped her regain her balance. Rahul, I am not feeling too well, can you please help me till our room? Before I could say “yes”, she closed her eyes and collapsed in my arms. She was breathing a little heavy I thought but I held on to her. I tried to wake her up a bit, but she seemed asleep of alcohol and there was no way she was going to walk up to her room. If Ajay was definitely going to drop Preeti home and come back, it was still 2 hours before he would be back, I thought and I could not leave Sangita on the sofa for that long.

I decided to lift her and take her to the bedroom. I somehow managed to bend till her knees while keeping her standing and with a bit of a struggle, lifted her in my arms. I looked at her face in my arms and felt like kissing her, but no, she was my friend’s wife, a very respectable woman and not in her senses. Not the time, I said to myself and walked towards her bedroom with her in my arms. While lifting her, her skirt has gone up a few notches and my hands were touching the bare skin of her silky legs and I was finding myself really struggling to keep myself from kissing her. Slowly, I walked to her bedroom, and slowly put her on the bed, legs first and then her head.

While keeping her head on the bed, my lips were pretty close to hers and I could smell her breath. I was losing my control looking at this angel but thought I could not do it to her. I put her head and was just about to get up, when she suddenly grabbed me from my collars and said “so, you lied to me? I was shocked, scared to an extent with this sudden reaction of hers and her question what did I lie to you about? I asked. She held my face close to hers and looked into my eyes and said “about Ajay and Preeti”. I didn’t know what to say. You knew it all along, and chose to remain silent? Why? She asked hey, I didn’t want to hurt you” I replied. “Do you think I am less hurt now, by your not telling me?

I don’t know Sangita, I just could not see you unhappy, and that’s it” I said. “Then, can you make me happy, since my husband can’t? Sangita asked how? Come closer, to begin with” she said. I bent down a bit more, and now our breaths were meshed up. We could smell each other’s breaths. I waited for a couple of seconds, waiting for me to take the lead and on realizing that I wouldn’t, just pressed her lips on mine. I was taken aback, but obviously liked it. I parted my lips just a little bit and felt her tongue immediately invading my mouth as she pressed my face from her both hands. I tried to withdraw, but it was too good a feeling for me to let go of. I remained there and started doing likewise.

She moaned gently “ummm come closer, Rahul, I moved her a little bit more on the center of the bed, and adjusted myself next to her. I looked at her full body, the silk shirt, the skirt looked even more shorter now. Do you like what you are seeing? She asked hey Sangi, you are beautiful I said. “Why don’t you see more of me? And before I could say something, she opened the first button of her shirt and I could see the beginning of a nice, deep crevice there giving me an outline of how big the boobs would be. I kept staring there, when she helps my hand and put it on one of her boobs gently and started playing with her own boob, with my hand. I really could not believe this. I knew I wanted her, but I never knew she too wanted me.

How does it feel? Amazing Sangi so, will you proceed further, or am I to do everything? She winked. I slowly opened the next button, then third and then the fourth. I could see her black bra, covering about 2/3rd of her assets and her stomach and navel. My hand started slowly roaming around on her flat tummy and her bra covered boobs and she responded with a lifting her body a little bit. We kissed again, this time a moment too long. I finally could not take it more, inserted my hand in the crevice of her boobs, and slid the bra below both the boobs. She had dark brown areola and her nipples were already erect. The boobs were also popping out but held firm against the base of the bra. I went down and started sucking on one of the nipples, which drew out a few “aaaaahhs

I took off the bra and the boobs fell a bit sideways, and with only a skirt below to obstruct my view of this beautiful body. I took my time playing with her upper body, kissing her on both the boobs turn by turn, kissing on her navel and generally kissing all over her upper body including her arms, neck, cheeks and lips. She was shivering with excitement and pleasure. It was something she had not had for a while I guess and I was cursing Ajay for what she was not paying attention to. She held my head when I was kissing her just a centimeter below her navel, signaling she wanted me to spend some time there. I obliged. I moved a little sideways to have a look at her body again, with the skirt, one last time and then, lifted her skirt and inserted my hand between her thighs.

Oooohhh Rahul, what took you so long to come here? I don’t know, and I regret it too I said I started playing with her inner thighs with my hands, and with her right boob with my tongue and teeth. She was now getting really, really hot. She ordered me to remove my shirt and trousers, which I gladly did. She said come over me, I want to feel your broad chest, I climbed over her and hugged her and started kissing her neck my chest on her boobs and I could feel the softness of her boobs as well as heat emanating from her. Slowly I went down, and fumbled while finding her skirt buttons. She helped with it and off it went. She was there with just a black thong panty on. It was the first time I saw her shying a little bit, trying to close her legs to hide her private most area.

I held both her legs in the air, and started kissing the back of her thighs to which she responded with some louder moans aaaaaaah, Rahul, you are naughty. You’d be surprised at how much” I said this made her horny as well as relaxed and she gradually opened her legs. I started kissing her inner thighs, moving gently towards her pussy. I could feel her excitement as she her grip on my head got tighter with my every ascent to the pussy. I touched her pussy over the panty and rubbed my hand there a bit. She let out the loudest moan so far “ooooh, fuck Rahul, what are you doing keep watching I said rubbing there a bit heated up so much that she herself spread her legs wide open. I got the signal, and gently removed her panty too. To my surprise, the pussy was clean shaven, just as I like it. It also gave me a thought that may be she planned all this. I looked at her, but she wouldn't. Her eyes were closed and she was gyrating by now. I kissed her inner thighs again and took a dip. She pleasantly surprised me with one more thing. So far, all the Indian pussies that I have seen did not have the gland type of wall. They all are smooth skin diving inwards. This girl, had her pussy with the butterfly wings, something I have wished to see and enjoy. I went mad. I touched her wings, spread them apart and saw a small pink clit coming out at the top of the meeting point. I just pressed my lip to it and she let out a scream yeaaahhh baby, right there I held both her thighs in my hand and slowly took the entire clit inbetwen my lips and started sucking.

She went so mad, she started gyrating crazily. She pressed my head not only with her hands, but also with her thighs. I kept sucking until with one sharp jerk, she just stopped and let out a wild scream “fuck, don’t stop, don’t stop yes, she came. I played there a few more minutes, before she just took my head in her hands, pulled her body back and sat up. She looked at me and said, I want you Rahul, I want you badly. Before finishing the sentence, she had started unbuttoning my trousers and within seconds, pulled out my throbbing dick. Looked at it, held it for a second, and slurp oooh fuck, I was in heaven. Her lips and tongue started working their magic on that long and I could not believe what was happening. She sucked on to it, all the while playing with my balls with her nails and most importantly, kept looking at me as if to ensure I was having a good time.

Five more minutes and I was about to explode. But that would not happen. As my balls grew tighter and dick heavier, she realized what would happen if she kept sucking. She pulled out, collapsed in the bed, spread her legs and said, Come on Rahul, give it to me. Do what you have always wanted to do to me. I was surprised at her sentence “How do you know? You didn't get it when I said, you don’t know what you are missing” She winked, sat up a little bit, held my schlong and almost pulled it to her pussy. I could not believe this was happening. I played with her pussy and clit with the tip of my dick there, all the while enjoying her sexcitement and finally asked “are you ready for this? What if Ajay comes to know? Do you think he cares? She shot back. I said “No” and before her smile could end, with one smooth move, I was in her smile turned into a moan “oooohhh” and I matched her moan with my own groan “yeaahhhhh I love the warmth the dick feels when it enters the pussy for the first time. It is as if it is engulfed by warm lava and the sensation is unbelievable. With a few strokes in her in her gradually bent down and started kissing her nipples, stroking all the while. She held my head and kept saying “do it Rahul, do it yeah, do it, oh I want you, I always have. I kept stroking and as the pressure built, I started biting her nipples, instead of kissing her. She was also getting hornier and her moans got louder. Just when I could not take it anymore, I said, Sangi, I am cumming. She kept saying “harder, harder Rahul, harder aaaaaah, oooooh, yes baby cum inside, cum inside me” and I didn't care whether she wanted me to come inside her.

I just let go of all my bachelor juice inside that beautiful little heaven and with one loud groan, collapsed on her. She engulfed me with her arms and kept kissing my neck all the time. We remained in that position, me on top of her, for a few minutes, before I withdrew and dressed up again. She did so too. I said “hey, what now? I was fearing she might regret this but she was much bolder than I thought. She said, nothing, we will keep meeting and doing this as and when we want. And before I could say anything, she said, knowing me, “of course Rahul, no strings attached. You are free to call this off, whenever you want and I won’t pester you. I hugged her, drank some and left. After this, we have met many a times; have slept together a few times too. I guess even Ajay knows this, but he is Ok with it as long as he gets to do his own girlfriend.

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Zeus had chosen his bride. The only thing was, his bride was having absolutely nothing to do with him... impetuous Goddess. Hadn't he been the only God to be able to stand against their father Cronus? Hadn't he, in fact, rescued her from the belly of their father? Wasn't he the strongest and most brilliant of all the Gods ruling on Mount Olympus?Slowly his anger turned to amusement and pleasure though; for the fact that Hera still refused to wed him despite all these things was why he loved...

4 years ago
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My Mature Neighbor Sheri

I moved into my new apartment a little over a month ago. It is on the third (top) floor so I got to meet most of my neighbors. There was one who stood out. Her name was Hilary and she lived directly below me. She is very athletic, tall, blond, drop dead gorgeous, and about my age. I caught her as she was leaving for work as a nurse. I flirted with her a bit and she flirted back, so I figured it wouldn't be long before I would get to see under her scrubs and see the large breasts she was hiding...

2 years ago
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Kathys Day With Slutty Sherri

One Hot sunny afternoon I received a phone call from a girl I had met on the internet. I was elated to hear her sexy voice."Hi! Is this Kathy Hall?" she asked.I said, "Yes it is." She then said, "This is Sherri Townsend! Slutty Sherri as you know me.""Okay, Hi! Glad you called," I greeted her somewhat excitedly."I thought I would take you up on your invitation. You busy or tied up today?" she asked, making my blood run hotter than usual. I long awaited a meeting with her...

1 year ago
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Adventurous Sheryl

Adventurous Sheryl The day dawned in a splash of color and clouds. Warm sunlight glinting off the river bounced rays of color along glass canyons. It would be a hot day. The brisk walk down Wacker Drive already caused a trickle of sweat to run down his back as he hurried along. He was heading to his office and work, but his mind was far from there. It had been several months since he and Sheryl had seen each other. She lived in another city, traveled occasionally to Chicago. They met while he...

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Adventurous Sheryl

Adventurous Sheryl The day dawned in a splash of color and clouds. Warm sunlight glinting off the river bounced rays of color along glass canyons. It would be a hot day. The brisk walk down Wacker Drive already caused a trickle of sweat to run down his back as he hurried along. He was heading to his office and work, but his mind was far from there. It had been several months since he and Sheryl had seen each other. She lived in another city, traveled occasionally to Chicago. They met while he...

Straight Sex
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Nancy and Sheri

Nancy woke up. She heard the unmistakable sound of sex coming from her parents bedroom. She was disgusted by the squeaking bed and squeals of passion from her mother. Nancy covered her head with a pillow but it didn't help. Her mother was very open about sex and sometimes she told her more than she wanted to know. Nancy got out of bed and angerly marched down the hall to her parents bedroom. She was going to tell them to stop.The door was open and Nancy could see her mother's legs wrapped...

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In recent weeks I’ve had the most miserable time — so miserable I couldn’t even have husband sex. And, if you’ve followed my journal jottings at all, you’ll know that is totally not good for me! The reason for all this misery? I contracted poison ivy doing yard work and it wouldn't go away till I saw my doctor and started taking medication. That cleared it up but, after almost a month without any sex other than from my own hand, I was sex crazy. I was so ready for anything. As it happened, on...

Group Sex
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I’ve heard Cherry Pimps come up during a lot of conversations lately. Sometimes it’s among the kind of porn enthusiasts I associate with or the horny fans who DM me asking for a review of their favorite paysite. I’ve even had a few girls mention the site to me when they came by for an intimate visit on the PornDudeCasting couch. I’m not usually this late to the party, and I knew it was about goddamn time to rectify that. The joint’s getting nearly a million visits per month, so I’d know it...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Bullied by My Stepbrothers

My Mom married James when I was 12. My father had died two years earlier. He only had a small life insurance policy and our family had been struggling to get by. We moved in with James the day after the wedding. They never went on a honeymoon. I had previously met my new stepbrothers a couple of times, including at the wedding. But the following weekend was the first time that I spent any significant amount of time with them. All four were older than me, anywhere from 6 months to 5 years...

1 year ago
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The lost book of Slytherin

((note: story inspired by NilioJ (Harry potter spell book of desire‘s)) (Note 3. For the purposes of this story, all students start hogwarts at the age of 18, as Hogwarts is a High School/ College. ALL students are 18+. Salazar Slytherin was a pure-blood wizard, noted for his cunning and determination. He was regarded as one of the greatest wizards of the age, respectively as a Parselmouth and as a skilled Legilimens. Slytherin was one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft...

1 year ago
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Throbbing of Sherwood

Sir Robbin gets more than he bargains when he buries his treasure deep inside the forest. Throbbing of Sherwood I was in town when I happened to bump into Kim a girl from school. I didn’t really know her that well, despite us both being in the same form class for the final two terms. She was a nice enough girl, quite attractive. But to be honest, I thought she was a bit weird. I remember she had alopecia, where you lose all your hair. I thought it was only a temporary condition. Not so...

3 years ago
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Trading FriendsChapter 4 Sheri

(NOTE: Starting with this chapter I will be changing a bit. From now on even numbered chapters will be from the viewpoint of another member of the group. Odd numbered chapters will be POV Robert. This should give the story a slightly different feel.) Sheri: Mom and dad had started out last night trying to read me the riot act; but then they had softened and agreed that what I was doing was probably for the best. Dad said that he really didn't want me to be sexually active, but that he...

4 years ago
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Rescue the Captured Superheroes

PLEASE ACTIVATE GAME MODE! CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION! In the eternal battle between good and evil, there will always be superheroes fighting supervillains. On the side of justice are the men who have been endowed with enhanced strength, durability, intelligence, and supernatural abilities. These righteous heroes use their powers to protect the weak and helpless, and to right wrongs caused by the evil villains who seek to exploit and ruin others for their own personal benefit and power....

3 years ago
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The Boat Show 2 Cherie

This is just one story in a series telling of my life with my now ex-wife Sue. I had travelled to the boat show and had met up with Marg. We spent the Saturday together and went out together for the night after Marg’s husband, Ian went off on a fishing trip with his friends. Marg had taken me by surprise by saying she wanted me to meet with her good friend, Cherie the next day suggesting that I may like to make love to her. I was accustomed to my wife, Sue who was an extremely jealous person...

4 years ago
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First Time with Luther

It seems so long ago to be honest, and it has been ten whole years to the day almost. It was just before Christmas 1987 when I was 20 and dating David, but he went by Dave. He was nice enough and all, the family liked him. I was in love with him for sure. Our relationship was going well I thought but not everything was perfect. He would get into moods from time to time that made me question his commitment to me. As Christmas neared that year I was wondering why, during the month of December, he...

1 year ago
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Zoe Stepbrothers

Characters: Zoe: f, age 14 Noah: m, age 14, Zoe’s stepbrother James: m, age 16, Zoe’s stepbrother Keith: M, age 37; Zoe’s father Kate: F, age 36; Zoe’s stepmother Jessi: F, age 31; Zoe’s mother Jessi was seventeen years old and two months pregnant when she met Keith, my father. A week later during a passionate make-out session, he took her virginity; practically raping her or so she led him to believe. You might wonder how you rape a willing slut that planned and instigated the so-called...

1 year ago
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My Co worker Sherrie

Everyday was always the same, I'd wake up & look at the clock, I see what time it was & I'd get ready for work. Never to expect anything new or suprising. I'm 20 yrs old & I work at the mall selling shoes, I guess you could say I was a shoe salesman, but I'd perfer to call myself the cleaner, I'd do all of the jobs most of my co workers leave behind or neglect. One of my workers Sherrie, around 40yrs old, she's been working there for 25yrs & most ppl hate her for nagging at them on their jobs,...

1 year ago
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Rise of a Matriarch Chapter 12 Orcs and Panthers

Then something large and heavy almost certainly the fist one one of the Orcs smashed into her stomach knocking the wind from her body, in shock she opened her mouth to gulp in air only to have her mouth and windpipe blocked by the giant putrid cock now being forced into her mouth and throat, the combination of the shock and her convulsive choking relaxed her ass enough that she felt a new tearing pain as the huge cock at her rear forced its way in making her feel her anal ring was tearing and...

3 years ago
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Will and Cherie

I could see Jackie, well parts of her; I could recognize the corselet that she chose to wear for the evening, fragments would appear red and black between the bodies as they moved. The couple rutting on the bed next to her would move a little, the woman would arch her back in ecstasy or heave herself up crushing herself against his chest, or the man would rise up on his arms; and when they did Jackie would momentarily be exposed. Perhaps a breast would appear rolling on her chest in time to the...

3 years ago
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Fairy Godmother

This isn't one of my better stories, but it was something that was bouncing around in my head for awhile so I decided to finally write it down. Fairy Godmother By Morpheus It was late afternoon, close to the evening and I was sitting in the chair by my computer, frowning as I glanced at the clock. It was almost time, not that it was really going to make much difference to me. And though I knew that I shouldn't even be wasting my time thinking about it, I just couldn't help...

1 year ago
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Hagrid takes advantage of Hermione

Hermione: Just think of Emma Watson or google her or something Hagrid: Big guy, like 9 feet tall, kinda fat, long bristly beard and hair. Harry: Skinny, untidy black hair, glasses, scar on his forehead Ron: tall, red hair, freckles “Where are you going?” Ron asked. Hermione, one foot out the portrait hole looked back at Ron and Harry, who were playing a game of Wizard’s Chess in front of the fire in the Gryffindor common room. “I’m just going down to see Hagrid. I need...

2 years ago
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Study friends Ginny and Hermione

Hermione walked towards the libary to meet up with Ginny - who had asked Hermione if she could help her with studying for the OWLS. The mere thought of studying sent Hermione into a frenzy of delight! What would she teach the young Ginny? Transfiguration? Defense Against The Dark Arts? Oh! Hermione did not care which subject, for she loved them all. She walked into the libary and proceeded to look for Ginny - she overheard several people talking, "man, I never knew she could be that hot -...

2 years ago
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Kurts Date with Cheri

This story is written for A Horse With No Game! ***** ____Mrs. Felicia Donner lay upon a steamer chair, beside a small table littered with empty margarita glasses, and cursed the sun. The ultraviolet penetrated her eyelids, burned its way down her optic nerves, and set the ethyl alcohol in her capillaries to a boil. She felt like her head would split in two and spill her brains all over the bluestone deck. She had been out here at poolside all day long, working her tan to the point of...

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A Bath with Cherie

I was luxuriating in a steamy bath, my eyes half-closed as I savored that wonderful, sensuous feeling of complete relaxation. This was the very best time of the day, when I could shut the world away and let my thoughts drift. After awhile I allowed a hand to casually slip between my thighs, seeking out the tingling center of my cunt. The tub was carved from a large blue-white block of Carrera marble, shaped into a broad oval bowl that was now filled with hot water, made fragrant with peppermint...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 34 Harry Gets Hermione

Chapter Thirty-Four – Harry Gets Hermione Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, exhib, grope, magic, mc, reluc, spank, unif Since acquiring the fabled Spellbook of Desires from the strange and frankly disturbing salesman at the Quidditch World Cup, Harry had not once used it to seduce Hermione Granger into having some hot teenage sex with him. Ron and half...

3 years ago
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For Cheri

Cheri and I had only gotten together a few times in the few years that we had known each other. Usually, it was being at different places in our lives at different times and different parts of the country that conspired to keep us apart. The inconsistent nature of our relationship made Cheri's text message on that day even more remarkable. She wrote:"Would you like to do something very special with me?"Curious, I naturally replied positively. She had my complete attention. The response,...

2 years ago
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Harry and Hermione

Harry Potter, "The Boy Who Lived", was beyond mad. He was seethingly angry. He had just been out on a date with Cho Chang, the girl he had had a crush on since his 3rd year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry. Thing had looked up over the past few months. Cho actually seemed to be liking him! It had taken him ages to screw up the courage to ask her our, but he couldn't have wished for a better response. She had accepted immediately. However, once out on the date, Harry found...

1 year ago
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Childbirth Hypnotherapy

I was feeling much better. I usually don’t take sick days, I’m the kind of girl who shows up completely trashed sneezing and coughing, determined to make at least one coworker sick in exchange for a sick day. This one destroyed me. I couldn’t move, I was shivering, the coughs actually hurt, the medicine did nothing. I was getting older. I was twenty-nine. I know, that’s not old, but it’s the little things at first, those tiny little things you don’t notice, or at least that you shouldn’t...

2 years ago
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The Green Heron

"It was a green heron. I'm sure of it. I was strolling along towards the embankment and then saw it standing in the water. I stopped to look. It was having none of that. It flew away. But I'm certain it was a green heron. It must be lost. They live over in the Americas not in Spain. I read that last year, in 2018, one was seen over in Wales. That was only the second time they could remember it there. I've never heard of one here in Andalusia."Lorenzo wasn't a birder. He just happened to...

4 years ago
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Letter From Mistress Cherie

It's really hard when you spend your life doing things you enjoy with your partner and then, all of a sudden, they are gone. You see, I had lost my wife of many years to a drunk driver. I have gotten over my loss as best as anyone could but I so missed the opportunity to indulge in those enjoyable times we shared. No, I don't mean golfing or going out dancing. My wife and I enjoyed a very kinky life involving leather and BDSM and especially my being a crossdressed sissy in her service....

1 year ago
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Sag es nicht meinem alten Herrn

Peter ist vom Beruf Altenpfleger und ist bei einem privaten ambulanten Pflegedienst tätig.Mit seinen 55 Jahren sieht er noch gut aus. Das dunkelblonde Jahr ist immer noch voll, keine Geheimratsecken, keine grauen Strähnen. Der kleine Bauch steht ihm eigentlich sehr, wenn Peter auch etwas anderes manchmal darüber denkt, wenn er sich nackt im Spiegel sieht. Wenn er sich aber genauer im Spiegel betrachtet, so denkt er immer, dass er für sein Alter doch noch recht gut aussieht. Die paar Falten die...

2 years ago
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The Real Story of Hermione

She clearly remembered one of their first dates in the library when she convinced Viktor to meet up with her in the back of the library, a usually secluded area that was home to old, mismatched couches. Hermione was a bit nervous before Viktor showed up. None of the few students in the library had wandered to the vacant area but the idea hadn't been pushed out of her mind. She had chosen not to wear her customary robes, but went with a more casual outfit. Nothing slutty, but something a...

4 years ago
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Bathing With Cherie

I was luxuriating in a steamy bath, my eyes half-closed as I savored that wonderful, sensuous feeling of complete relaxation. This was the very best time of the day, when I could shut the world away and let my thoughts drift. After awhile I allowed a hand to casually slip between my thighs, seeking out the tingling center of my cunt. The tub was carved from a large blue-white block of Carrera marble, shaped into a broad oval bowl that was now filled with hot water, made fragrant with...

2 years ago
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Out on a Tether

Out on a Tether By Morpheus Reno Nevada, Tuesday October 2nd. High school is an utterly amazing place. Not only is it a bastion of learning and education, but also a social melting pot where you can interact with a lot of different people, giving you the opportunity to make contacts and friendships that can last a lifetime. Who am I kidding. School sucks. Maybe, if I'd been a big buff jock like my older brother Brad, then school might not have been so bad. After all, he...

1 year ago
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Throbbing Of Sherwood

I was in town when I happened to bump into Kim a girl from school. I didn’t really know her that well, despite us both being in the same form class for the final two terms. She was a nice enough girl, quite attractive. But to be honest, I thought she was a bit weird. I remember she had alopecia, where you lose all your hair. I thought it was only a temporary condition. Not so for Kim. When I think about her now, it gives me quite a thrill thinking about her always having a smooth pussy. Often,...


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