Moms Boy Used To Play Baseball But Now free porn video

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"Mom! I called out as I got home from baseball practice, "I'm home!"

"Hello Danny, we have to talk," she responded, while exiting my room.

When I saw what was in her hands, I became nervous. Some of the guys I pal around with talked me into shoplifting a few things from a department store.

"Please explain where these items came from."

I should have told her I was sorry, and that it was just the one time,

But instead I said, "Tommy made me do it. He said it was a dare. I didn't want him to think I was a sissy."

The next thing I knew, I was in big, big trouble with Mom. I got into trouble before but never anything this bad.

"You are grounded young man!" she remarked. You will come home immediately after school. You had better be here when I get home."

"But I've got baseball practice after school," I pleaded. I loved playing ball with the guys and I was a pretty good fielder and I batted over 300 last season.

"You should have thought of that before becoming a criminal. I've already called your coach and told him you were grounded for the next two weeks. After I explained why, he said you would not be allowed to play this year, as an example to the other players. So, you no longer have baseball practice, and are to come home immediately after school."

I haven't held a bat or seen any of my friends since my punishment began a few weeks ago. This was some spring training. At first I thought that was the worst punishment imaginable but boy was I wrong. One day during my second week of punishment, I was a little late coming home from school and unexpectedly found mom waiting on the porch. I would usually get home about a half an hour before she did, so I had stopped by the ball field to watch a little of the practice I was missing so much. She was pissed even more. "I thought you might have learned your lesson when I had given you the ultimate punishment by taking away your baseball, yet here you are disobeying me. I guess I'll have to try something a little more unique," she said. At that, she dragged me upstairs, told me to shower and come into her room wearing my robe.

When I entered her room I saw she was looking in her drawers for something. She turned holding a pair of pink panties in her hand. "Here, put these on. I'll teach you to disobey me. You want to see who's the boss, you or me? Well now you'll know for sure that I wear the pants in this family."

Even though I begged Mom not to do that to me, she wouldn't change her mind. In a matter of minutes she had me wearing one of her old dresses too. Once I was all dressed as a girl, mom said, "You worried about your friends thinking you were a sissy, so you chose to steal. Now you won't have to worry about that anymore since you will be in dresses for the foreseeable future just like a sissy. When you come home from school, you'll find girl clothes waiting, and you will get dressed in those clothes as soon as you get home. Disobey me again and your friends will find out just what sissy you are," she informed me. "I want you all dressed when I get home or else! I'll get you a few things that fit you better tomorrow."

I asked why she was doing this to me and she said that was my punishment so I would not end up being a criminal and find myself in jail for stealing. Mom would not tell me how long she planned to keep me in girl's attire. I hated wearing those stupid clothes, especially the panties, but I didn't have any choice. Mom said she should send me to school in a dress if I argued with her, but I didn't think she could get away with sending me to school dressed like that. At least I hoped she couldn't, but I now knew better than to tempt her.

Sure enough, the next day when I got home, I found the dress on my bed along with another pair of panties. Worst yet, that day when she got home she had a few shopping bags that I knew contained things for me to wear. She had me follow her to my room and she sat on my bed.

"Here are the things I promised to buy you, Danny."

She dumped the bags out on the bed and started handing me the various items. I was surprised and worried that mom bought me so many different things, including some girl's shoes. "Put the socks and hosiery in the top drawer and the panties and bras in the second drawer of your dresser," she ordered as she handed me each item.

Then she had me get some hangers from her closet. Returning with the hangers, she showed me how to properly hang the dresses and petticoats. Then I had to hang them in my closet. She also had me neatly stack my shoeboxes in my closet.

Finally as I took each dress to hang them up, mom explained how important it was to hang them properly, what slips or petticoats I should wear underneath them, and which shoes matched the dresses. "I hope you paid attention to what I just told you young lady!"

"Young lady?" I thought. Having that many outfits meant I was in for a long punishment.

"I expect you to pick out an appropriate outfit when you get home, and to be fully and properly dressed by the time I get home, unless I get home a little early. Do you understand?" She asked.

I was in tears, but managed to answer, "Yes Mom!" So every day after I got home from school, I had to put on one of the dumb dresses she bought me, along with the appropriate underwear and shoes.

Before I continue telling you my story I should tell you a little more about myself. As you now know, my name is Danny. I'm thirteen years old and just finishing seventh grade. I am a fairly normal teenager who likes music, sports and just hanging out with my friends. I have a younger brother Mike who's eleven and a real pain in the butt. He always wanted to be just like his older brother. At least he did before mom started putting me in dresses and calling me Danielle. Now he no longer wishes to emulate his big brother. He just enjoys tormenting and teasing me incessantly, but mom warned me that I better not hit him or do anything. If I did I would find myself in dresses forever. My mom works part time in my school. She's like a secretary or an administrator or something. I always hated having her there since she could keep tabs on me all the time. My mom and dad have been divorced for almost as long as I could remember. Mom is always telling us that dad was a macho jerk and that's why she divorced him. Mike and I only get to see dad for a week each summer since he lives cross-country. Mike and I always enjoy spending time with him. We go camping, hiking, fishing, all cool stuff

Anyway, back to my current problem.

Since mom started making me come home right after school and change into girls clothing, I've become more of a recluse. Quitting my baseball team really killed me and my friends wondered what was going on, but I can't tell them the truth. I'd rather die. I'm scared to death that if any of my friends found out I was wearing dresses and stuff, the news would be all over school the next day! So I just told them I had been grounded. I'm even dreading summer vacation, which will start in a few days, since I think mom plans to keep me in dresses all summer. But even worse than wearing dresses is putting up with my stupid brother, Mike. I used to pick on him all the time; now he gets to make fun of me every damn day. Last week I found out mom even took some pictures of me getting dressed up as a girl. Mom told me she'd show them to all my friends if I didn't do exactly what she said. Mom said I better behave as a good little girl or else. Girls listen to their mother and don't fight with their younger brothers she told me. Imagine referring to me as a girl. I even hate the sound of that word. Mom also was starting to convince Mike that I liked wearing dresses. She was always saying little things like that and he actually is starting to believe her. I wanted to scream out that she was lying but I knew I would be in big trouble if I did that. Those pictures would be the ruin of me if they ever got out. I realized then that there was no way I could win.

My birthday is also coming up this week. Mom always made our birthdays a special event. We'd sometimes go to a movie or a play and then go to a nice place to eat. One year she even took me to Yankee stadium to see the Yankees play. Mom would always get dressed up for our dinner and Mike and I always wore nice clothes too. We didn't wear suits or anything but nice pants and dress shirts. I hated wearing suits but I would gladly wear a suit now instead of girl's clothes. I knew mom didn't have any fancy girls dresses for me to wear so I was pretty sure she'd let me wear one of nice pants and shirt.

The Friday before my birthday mom told Mike and me to meet her by the office right after school since she was going to drive us right home. Mike had a baseball game she cleaned his uniform yesterday and it was in his closet. She also told me she laid my clothes out on the bed at lunchtime since she had plans for me this afternoon as well. She told us to hurry since Mike's practice was early.

Sure enough when we entered the room we were now sharing (my room was being painted), Mike's uniform was in his closet and my bed had a mini-skirt, a light summer top, panties, bra, pantyhose and shoes. Mom walked up behind us and told us to hurry. Most times mom only had me wear girl's panties and a dress so this was unusual for her to have selected all of this stuff. But whenever I had to wear bras and pantyhose, I usually changed into these girlie things when Mike was in the bathroom or somewhere else. I hated for him to see me putting on these frilly girl things. He would invariably tease me whenever I had to change in front of him and I hated that. But this particular day mom quickly ran into the bathroom we shared to clean it up a little so I had no choice but to change in our room with Mike. Mike was smiling at me when he saw me step into the panties Mom selected for me to wear. I wanted to die as I pulled the pretty pink panties with little flowers on them up to my waist. I couldn't wait to hide my panties from his view so I quickly stepped into my denim mini-skirt as Mike pulled up his baseball pants. When Mike put on his undershirt, I had to endure his stares as I hooked on my bra and slipped on my top. Mike then pulled on his white baseball socks and tied his cleats. Since his socks were a lot easier to put on then my pantyhose, he got to enjoy seeing me slip them up my legs. I was so embarrassed as I sat on the edge of the bed and rolled up the pantyhose just like mom showed me. I slipped them on one foot and then the other. Since I still was not used to wearing pantyhose, I struggled as I pulled them up over my knees. Once I got them that high I realized I couldn't get them any higher unless I lifted up my tight fitting skirt. I had no choice but to lift my skirt up to be able to get the pantyhose all the way to my waist. So in spite of my embarrassment I lifted my skirt, pulled up my pantyhose and then did a little wiggle to get them snug. I knew Mike would get another good view of my pretty pink panties but I had no other choice. Mike's giggle left no doubt that he enjoyed my struggles and that he did indeed get to see my panties one more time.

As soon as I had my shoes on, Mom grabbed me and led me towards her room. As we were leaving the room she said in a voice loud enough for Mike to hear that she would do my hair and makeup like I wanted. "I know you said you want to look like the other girls in your class." She was always saying things like that to reinforce the idea that I really wanted to dress and act like a girl. Once in her room, she sat me down at her vanity and combed my hair into a feminine looking style, adding a few barrettes to hold it in place. She then took some makeup stuff and put in on my face. She said it was just some thing to give me a little color. I think she said it was blush. She then applied some light lipstick on my lips and mascara on my eyes. Mom never made me wear any makeup so I wasn't sure why she did it today. I asked her what she was doing but she told me to hush.

"I told you that we have plans this afternoon."

As Mike grabbed his baseball glove, mom handed me a purse and said let's go. Oh my God, she's not really going to make me go out is she? I mean she never made me go outside dressed like this before but she sure was now. A minute later I found myself sitting in the back seat crouching as low as possible. Mike and mom were in the front seat. I used to always get the front seat but now that I was dressing like a girl, Mike just took my place and I was too embarrassed to say something to him.

During the drive over to the field, mom asked Mike if he liked my makeup. Mike just looked at me a little strangely. "Danielle insisted on wearing makeup if she was going outside. She said all the other girls at school wear it and she wants to be just like them, right sweetie?"

As I cringed at her comments, Mike just laughed at her little lie (which he thought was true) and said I looked really cute in a real condescending way.

Once we reached the ball field, Mike jumped out of the car. Mom said we would be back before the game ended. Mike kissed mom and he waved to me as he yelled, "Bye, Danielle. Don't let any boys smudge your lipstick." I wanted to kill him for calling me that name and saying that about me. Imagine me letting a boy kiss me. Mom just laughed as she told me to sit up front with her. I almost died getting out of the car for fear that one of Mike's team mates might recognize me.

As soon as I realized that mom was not heading back towards home, I asked her where we were going. She then told me we had to go to the mall to get a nice new dress for my birthday dinner. I don't have time to buy something without you being able to try it on to make sure it fit you properly. I was practically in tears as I begged mom not to take me to the mall since a lot of the k**s hung out in there after school, but she didn't care. I told mom I didn't need a new dress for dinner.

"I can assure you honey that you will be wearing a nice new pretty dress on Saturday when we celebrate."

I pleaded with her not to do this to me but she just told me this is how bad boys get treated and it was all for my own good. "I've done a lot of research on this type of petticoat treatment and I can promise you it, it works. You were the one shoplifting and being a brat so this is the price you pay. I'd much rather have a sweet daughter than a rotten son, so you just better get used to acting like my precious little girl. If you do good it will remain our family secret but if not, all your friends will know." I cried and sobbed but to no avail. In a few minutes the car was parked and we were walking towards the mall.

I wasn't sure if mom was k**ding or serious about making me dress completely as a girl for dinner on Saturday, but since I now found myself entering the mall while wearing a mini-skirt, I kind of thought she probably wasn't k**ding.

As we entered the mall entrance, I quickly forgot about our dinner and began to worry about running into some of my friends. As we walked mom was all excited about finding me the perfect dress. I wanted to die right there but before I could Mom pulled me into the first of many girl's clothing stores. I was in constant fear that I would run into one of the girls from school as mom and I went from rack to rack. I wasn't too worried about running into any of the guys since they would never be caught alive in a girl's store. After selecting four or five dresses, mom informed me it was time to try them on. I almost fainted as she led me towards the ladies dressing room. The room was one large area with some benches and a few private stalls at the one end. Those private rooms were all taken so Mom put the dresses and her purse on the bench and told me to take off my skirt and top. Much to my relief there were no teenage girls in the room, at least I didn't see any in the open area. There were only some women and a few younger girls, maybe eight or nine years old. I breathed a sigh of relief until I realized that I would now be standing in this room in my underwear trying on dresses. Somehow I managed to get through that trial but as soon as we left the dressing room, I told mom I had to go to the bathroom. My nerves were shot and I guess that made me need to pee really bad. Mom informed me that the ladies room was right around the corner, so we could go there now. Even though I was wearing girl's clothing, I never thought about the fact that she would take me into the ladies room.

"As this is your first time going in a ladies room you must sit down when you pee or you draw unwanted attention to yourself. Remember, girls don't stand and we use toilet tissue to wipe ourselves when we are finished. And when you're done, wash your hands." I still remember how embarrassed I was sitting down to pee like a silly girl. As I sat there I could see my panties and pantyhose around my knees. So within the first half-hour of our shopping trip, I had tried on five dresses, two of which mom bought and had my first visit to a ladies room.

We continued shopping for another hour or so and I had acquired some girl's shorts, a few tops, a pair of girl's sneakers, a pair of open-toed heels, two pairs of sandals, one pair of sheer white pantyhose and the two new dresses. I thought the worse part of the entire trip was when mom took me into the sleepwear section to pick out a pale yellow baby doll nightie to wear to bed. Up to now I was still allowed to sleep in my old boys pajamas. However, the worst part was when we stopped and got my ears pierced. Mom said it was an early birthday present.

When we got back to the car I really began to believe that she planned to do what she said and that I would be wearing one of those dresses and those stupid white pantyhose at dinner on Saturday! Even worse I knew mom would have me dressing all summer now based on all the stuff she just bought. Mom said she was aware of my fear, but she had decided this is what's best for me and I had little choice but to agree. I remember she told me she didn't want me to end up like my father, a mean-spirited, tough guy, who was always in trouble.

That is not the life she had planned for her c***d.

"I know you're not too happy about celebrating your birthday this year, but traditions are important. So our tradition will continue with a few minor changes. Your hair will be done, your nails will be polished, you will have perfume on and you will be wearing your new dress. And one more thing, don't forget you live with me and you'll continue to live with me. So, if you don't want your friends to find out about your cute little panties you better do exactly what I say. Do I make myself clear, honey? And you can start right this second with your little brother, so you'd better play along or else. From now on I expect you to be mommy's perfect little girl and Mike's sister. We wouldn't want all your friends to see those pictures of you, would we?"

By now we were back at the ball field to pick up Mike. I was sick to my stomach just thinking about the rest of tonight and tomorrow. Mike, oblivious to my feelings, jumped in the car, shouting they won the game and he hit a home run. Mom was all excited for him telling him that was great and she was sure dad would love hearing about it tomorrow at dinner.

"What! Dad's coming to dinner tomorrow?" I asked.

"Oops, ruined the surprise didn't I? Yes dear, he said he was going to be in town and asked if he could join us for your birthday." she answered. "I haven't told him about your current situation, so Mr. Macho is in for a surprise too."

"But Mom. Dad won't like this one bit."

She interrupted, "He'll have a say in how I raise you as soon as he pays me the three years of back c***d support he owes. Until then I'm the boss. Neither you nor your father has a say in this matter." She then gave me a warning look.

Because of that look I just shut up. Mom made it even worse when she told me to tell Mike about all the cute things I bought at the mall. So for the remainder of the ride home I was telling my stupid little brother about my dresses, pants and shorts that I bought. Mom also had to tell him about my baby doll nightie that I would be wearing tonight. Mike cracked up when he heard that one.

When we returned home, mom told Mike to go upstairs to change and wash up for dinner. When I asked if I could change mom said there was no need for me to change since I looked so cute. Besides, girls like to help cook dinner. After dinner, I had to help her clean up and do the dishes while Mike was allowed to go watch television. As soon as we finished, mom took me upstairs to have me try on the two dresses with the white pantyhose and my new shoes. She wanted to see how it all looked together. As she walked past Mike she said to me in a loud voice that she didn't know why I was in such a hurry to try everything on again, especially my new nightgown. After I tried everything on again, Mom decided the pink and white dress would be best for dinner. She then ironed it and hung it in my closet. She told me to take a bath and put on my new nightgown and then join her downstairs to watch TV.

Mike totally cracked up when I walked into the den wearing that stupid baby doll nightie. He teased me quite a bit but I just sat there quietly and watched television. I knew I would be the one punished if I said anything so I just endured his stupid comments. However, I didn't sleep very well that night knowing what shame and embarrassment tomorrow would bring.

When I woke up that Saturday morning I felt sick to my stomach knowing what was in store for me. I couldn't decide if it was worse to get dressed into one of the casual outfits mom bought yesterday or to stay in my stupid nightie. I decided the nightie was worse so I put on a pair of pink shorts and a pretty short sleeve top with lace at the neck and sleeves. Mom and Mike were already downstairs by the time I got down. I heard Mike tell her that they had another game today. Mom said he could play but he had to be home by five to get ready for dinner.

That afternoon, Mike got his glove and left for the field on his bike. About an hour later Mom grabbed me and led me into the bathroom to wash my hair. "Its time we get started on you, honey."

When I complained that it was so early, mom just smiled and said "Now honey, you know it takes us girls a lot longer to get dressed and I know you want to look extra pretty for your birthday." Pretty! I don't think so. Being pretty was certainly not on my list of birthday wishes. But as soon as I finished showering and washing my hair, mom took me into her bedroom and sat me down at the vanity where she proceeded to set my hair in rollers. "I wanted to do this early so the curl has a chance to set. I think you'll look cute with curly hair." First she was calling me pretty and now cute. Things were going quickly from bad to worse. I felt so stupid sitting there with goofy pink curlers in my hair. I wanted to die as I sat there staring at my reflection in the mirror. As soon as she finished the last curler, she took out a bottle of bright pink nail polish and proceeded to polish my fingernails and toenails. "You know something. I think pink is your color. We'll do another coat after I finish my shower and get dressed. By then your hair should be dry enough to take out your curlers and see how you look with some curly hair.

Mom rejoined me in my room wearing her robe 30 minutes later. She watched as I applied the second coat of polish to my own nails. After I was done with this task, mom sat me down on the bed and removed one curler to see if my hair was dry yet. "It's still a little damp. I think we need to wait another half hour or so. So, lets get your started on dressing. You can at least put on your lingerie and pantyhose now."

I stepped into my panties and then removed my robe to put on my bra. As mom helped me hook it into place I asked her what she told dad about me. "I talked to him last night and told him you decided you want to spend the summer as a girl. I explained that this started out as a punishment for your thievery but after dressing this way for a few days you discovered that you enjoy showing your feminine side. He wasn't very happy but considering his situation he really can't say or do anything."

After I put on my slip, I sat on the bed to slip on my sheer white pantyhose; I asked mom how she could that. "Mom, how could you tell dad that lie? You know I hate dressing like a girl. I'm a boy, mom!"

"Well, that doesn't matter, does it? You're being punished for the summer and that's final. Your father isn't too happy about this little turn of events but he agreed not to put up a fuss. And he certainly would never consider having you live with him. You'd cramp his life style and he couldn't afford to keep you anyway especially when I told him you have been behaving much better since you became my little girl. Sit down over here so we can get your make up on. By then your hair should be dry. Now, getting back to your father. Since I told him you like all this stuff, you'll have to be on your best behavior tonight. I expect you to be the perfect f******n-year-old daughter. That means not a word of complaint from you all evening. And you better remember all your lessons and manners. I expect you to sit very ladylike, to eat slowly and daintily and to speak softly. One slip up and I'll be parading you to the ball field every night next week in a different dress. And you know I'm not k**ding."

As she continued talking, she was expertly applying makeup to my face. A little foundation was followed by a very light application of blush and a hint of brown mascara on my eyelashes. Mom then applied a light pink lipstick to my lips followed by an application of lip-gloss to make my lips shiny. "Oh, one more thing. Tonight, you will call us mommy and daddy. And I want you to do a little curtsy for your daddy when you greet him tonight."

"Curtsy? That's dumb, mom."

"Who am I?'

"I mean mommy."

"That's better. Now stand up. I will show you how to curtsy." When I didn't get up right away, mom gave me a look and said, "Or if you prefer, you can practice doing them at the ball field tomorrow."

With that I quickly stood up. Mom told me to place my right foot behind my left foot and hold my slip with my right hand and then bend my knees a little. I never felt more stupid then practicing curtsying for those few minutes. "Ok, I think you got it. You can do a few more after we fix your hair and get your dress on. In fact, let me get your dress now and then we'll do your hair so it doesn't get messed up." With that she went to the closet and brought over the pink and white dress we bought the day before at the mall. She told me to be careful not to let the dress touch my face since I already had on my makeup. She unzipped it and helped slip it on me. Once I had it on, she zipped me up and I felt trapped for the evening.

Mom sat me down again and started removing the curlers. "Wow. You're hair really holds a curl. You're going to look so pretty after we get it all combed out and styled a bit. After about 15 minutes of teasing and combing she seemed satisfied that my hair looked nice. Handing me my sandals, she said, "Here honey, put these on and then we'll let you take a look at how pretty you are."

After slipping on the dressy sandals I walked over to mirror and stood in silent shock at my reflection. I could not believe the pretty young girl in the mirror was really me. From head to toe I was all girl. All of a sudden the events of the day and the preceding week overcame me and I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. I didn't want my father to see me like this. As I started crying, mom yelled at me. "You'd better not cry young lady. I just spent all afternoon fixing you up so you look like my little princess and I will not have you ruin everything with your tears. But if insist on crying like some baby girl, I'll change you into an outfit more appropriate for a five-year-old girl and take you out like that. Do I make myself clear?"

"Sure mommy. I'm sorry. I'll stop crying."

"That's better. Why don't you sit on the bed and I'll get dressed. Your father should be here any minute now. I think our reservations were for 6:30 or 7:00. And honey, don't forget to smooth out your dress like I showed you so it doesn't get all wrinkled."

As I sat down mom slipped on her stockings and then removed her robe to finish dressing. I guess she really did think of me as a girl now since she was rummaging in her closet wearing only her lingerie looking for a dress to wear. "I want to wear something nice too since you look so pretty, Danielle."

As I sat there I couldn't help but think how horrible tonight would be. Birthdays were supposed to be fun but tonight would be no fun at all. I could not believe I would be spending such an important day dressed as a girl. And to make matters worse my dad would be there for the celebration and I had to convince him that I actually enjoyed all of this crap or else mom would take me to baseball practice dressed as a girl.

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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 10

Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter Ten Dating Driving back to San Diego Gina wanted to kill time. She did this by alternating between listening to music and talking with friends. She was telling her friend Denise about her conversation with Malissa and recapped the events of spring training. Denise laughed. "I agree you don't need a pimp, but I think it is past time that we fix you up with someone." "No thank you. I don't need a man." "Well would you prefer a woman...

3 years ago
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Ladyboys Moving to Thailand and my first Ladyboy

After living in the Netherlands for 33 years I was ready for a big change. I had been toying withthe idea of moving to another country to get away from the stress of it all for a while.I had girlfriends in the Netherlands. Wives.I had one nighters and 2 nighters. I wasn't doing bad for myself.But, there was something missing on the girl side. I love variety. I think I've been withevery kind of girl I COULD be with in the Netherlands. I started thinking about other countries.Other girls. Other...

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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 14 On The Road Again

Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 14-On The Road Again. Following her conversation with Beth, Gina was felling more confidant and upbeat about her wedding. She reminded herself that Mike was another person, and Gina was 100% woman. This fact was firmly established when she walked into a bridal shop to try on dresses during a Seals road trip in San Francisco. When she tried on the Galina Signature Beaded Brocade Mermaid Wedding Gown and saw herself in the mirror, Mike was...

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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 11 Meet The Parents

Baseball Wife to Baseball Girl Chapter 11 True to their words Gina and Nolan got together the following weekend and many more nights and weeks. They looked forward to spending every minute together and longed for the other one when they were apart. One of the things that they bonded over was baseball. Nolan described that he was named Nolan because his dad was a huge Nolan Ryan fan. His dad used to hope that he would grow up and become a major league pitcher. Gina wondered what...

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Lets Play Bondage Baseball

Let’s Play Bondage BaseballHi, my name is Christine. During my college years, I would spend summers at home working for my grandfather’s Foundation. Virtually all of my close friends, who were home for the summer, would get together about once a month for a pool party at someone’s house.On a June afternoon, the summer between my junior and senior years in college, we were all gathered for a pool party at my best friend Lisa’s house. There were about 20 of us there, probably about 50/50 girls...

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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 12 Second Thoughts

Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 12 Second Thoughts Before long it was time to start another baseball season. Gina was excited about all the things going on in her life. The Seals were disappointed that she had not left the organization to start her law practice. However, a future in law and the upcoming baseball season would have to wait, thanks to Nolan On the eve of opening day, Nolan and Gina had an early nice dinner in La Jolla. After the meal Nolan suggested that...

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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 15 The Fight Continues and Mrs Nolan reagan

Baseball Player To Baseball Wife Chapter 15- The Fight Continues and Mrs. Nolan Reagan Some of the Seals were hoping that the incident in San Francisco would blow over and that things would return to normal. They were to be disappointed. The law firm that Gina had partnered with had no intention of letting things go back to normal. With Gina's blessing the rookies retained Schultz, Bryant, and Gomez. The firm partnered with other firms in other cities who were active in...

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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 7 The Next Day

Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter 7 The Next day and Life Goes On The next morning Gina drove to work. As she battled the I-5 traffic she heard that Al Murcer would not be with the team. As the news continued her mind began to have many thoughts about the previous evening. She was experiencing many emotions and feelings, among them was relief, conflict, anger, guilt and anxiety. Relief-That she would not have to face Murcer for a couple of weeks. As soon as his five game...

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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 9 Murcer Strike 2

Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter Nine-Murcer Strike Two Gina's first Christmas as a woman was so much different than Christmases as a man. Mike, never really celebrated Christmas, never mind being an active participant in the planning of activities and festivities. Gina was active in planning and assisting in the hosting of Christmas parties. She loved the adventure of finding the right Christmas gift for those that she was becoming friends with. She even tried her hand...

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Baseball Player To Baseball Wife Chapter Six Murcer Strike One

Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter 6 - Murcer Strike One Gina was feeling good and a little concern about her job prospects with the Seals. She knew that she had performed well and she felt a strong connection with Malissa. But she couldn't shake her worries about a background check as she did not have a background. Once she was safely in her car she called out to Thomas, and asked what she was going to do about the background check? At that moment her IPhone sounded an alert...

1 year ago
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Mommy i dont want to try out for the baseball team again

Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again!!! By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly, Kellie 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old "Mom I don't want to go try out for baseball again! Every year you make me try out, and every year I don't make the team. I am always told the same thing, I am too small or too slow." I stamp my foot on the floor....

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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 17 Epilogue and End Notes

Baseball Player to Baseball Wife-End Notes I published this story on this site and one other TG site. Between the two sites I have received a number of comments and questions, which I will try to answer, and share some of my thoughts. How did I start writing on these sites? I write as a hobby on other fiction sites, mostly romantic stories. Several years ago my brother was struggling with his sexual identity, or I should say he begin going public with his struggles. He told me...

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Mommy i dont want to try out for the baseball team again Part 3

Part 3 Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again! By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly, Kellie 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old little sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old All, I added a few paragraphs from Part 1 so my story would be easier to read. I hope you enjoy my story, I am sure I missed a few spelling an especially grammar so please forgive I am trying. Hugs...

4 years ago
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Dont Mess With Baseball Gang

She lets out a shaky breath and considers her options. She’s too proud to run away, born and raised here as she was. And things have been just shaken enough with Robbie, her boyfriend, that she can’t seriously consider asking him to move in with her. But a solution is needed, fast, because the knot is closing in around her neck. Guess that’s what happens when a concerned citizen makes a – supposedly anonymous – call to the police about some gang members circling around the local bank. Five of...

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Mommy i dont want to try out for the baseball team again part 4

Part 4 Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again! By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly, Kellie 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old little sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother/Elizabeth(Liz)Wilmington 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old Alice Goodyear/ Sister Alice Principle of St. Mary's school Samantha(Sam) 5-year old girl All, I have added a few new characters to my story, I...

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Mommy I dont want to try out for the baseball team again part 7

Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again! Part 7 By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old little sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother/Elizabeth(Liz)Wilmington 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old Alice Goodyear/ Sister Alice Principle of St. Mary's school Samantha (Sam) 5-year old girl Ms. Karen ...

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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 8 Life Goes On

8 Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter 8 Life Moves On Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. Months turned into years. Before long it had been three years since Mike had become Gina. She had graduated from law school and she was enjoying life more and more. Gina befriended many of the wives that she met when doing publicity stories for the Seals. One of the pleasant surprises for Gina since becoming a woman had been the discovery of the beauty of female friendships....

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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 13 Gina Meets Beth

Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter 13 Gina meets Beth. You may want to read some of my previous story "Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister" to get some background on the characters in this chapter ****** "Be careful there. I am the one everyone should be worried about fainting.We have only a couple of minutes to be alone. My name is Beth and Thomas sent me to help you.My husband, Aaron has meetings with church leaders this afternoon. I will give you the address where we are...

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Mommy I dont want to try out for the baseball team again Part2

Part 2 Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again!!! By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly, Kellie 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old All, I added a few paragraphs from Part 1 so my story would be easier to read. I hope you enjoy my story, I am sure I missed a few spelling an especially grammar so please forgive. Hugs...

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Mommy i dont want to try out for the baseball team again part 8

Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again! Part 8 By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old little sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother/Elizabeth(Liz)Wilmington 77-years-old acts like 100 years old Alice Goodyear/ Sister Alice Principle of St. Mary's school Samantha (Sam) 5-year old girl Ms. Karen Dance...

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Mommy I dont want to try out for the baseball team again part 6

Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again! Part 6 By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old little sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother/Elizabeth(Liz)Wilmington 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old Alice Goodyear/ Sister Alice Principle of St. Mary's school Samantha (Sam) 5-year old girl Ms. Karen ...

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Girls Baseball Team Rewards Male Coach

Rick never thought of himself as a pervert and often wondered how a grown man could get so turned on by u******ed girls, especially when there are so many good looking sexing women available, at least in his area. Being a college athlete with a muscular build, he never had a problem attracting ladies and often took advantage of it. Leaving college, he was drafted by a Major League baseball team and spent six years in the minor leagues. Most people don’t realize that minor leaguers don’t get...

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Love And Baseball Chapter One

Character physical descriptionColt: a twenty-one-year-old who looks like Ashton Kutcher from that seventies show. He is 6’3, 178 pounds, dark shaggy hair that curls in the back. Caroline: a fifty-two-year-old woman who favors Marisa Tomei. Beautiful legs with a gorgeous face. Sporting brunette hair, icy blue eyes and a captivating smile.Colt: It was the summer I turned twenty-one. I was tired of college and decided I was done with stressful deadlines and studying. The only reason I was in...

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Baseball Annie in Love

Author’s notes: This is a sequel to ‘Baseball Annie.’ All characters in this work of fiction are at least 18 years old. ***** William ‘Stretch’ Simpson, the rookie first baseman with the Las Vegas Comets, felt really good about what he had done that day and the previous night. In the baseball game, the second of the home stand, he had gotten five hits in as many times at bat, including two home runs and a two-bagger, and had driven in six runs, all personal bests for him in the major...

1 year ago
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Moms Big Dicked Boyfriend

100% fiction! My name is Mike and I live with my mom. She is 60, widowed, cute, sexy and as slutty as it gets. She's 5 ft. tall, weighs about 120 lbs. with old style cat eye glasses, short gray hair, decent figure with big boobs and a nice bubble butt. Dad was very religous and controlled mine and moms live's. She had to dress very conservatively and couldn't wear makeup or be to outgoing. When dad died four years ago, mom went off the deep end. She quit the church, started dressing way to...

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Boys cant play basketball a tribute

Note: This is my third story and although English is not my fist language, I chose it anyway to reach a broader audience. I hope it works out in the end and the grammatical and spelling errors don?t distract too much. I?m not telling this because I want to be corrected via the reviews, but warn people who get distracted by these things so much that they can?t appreciate the storyline itself. This story is based on a phantasy I once had and only is written down, because Wyrdey...

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Anne Marie Kitten baseball slut

Introduction: This one happened a few years ago. Only read it if you like slutwife stories..if not..move on. It had been about four months since my wife Anne Marie had taken a cock other than mine. Her latest sexcapade was a doozy, so I thought I would share it with you. It involves some aspects of American Baseball, so I apologize to our European friends if you have no idea what the fuck I am talking about. First of all, let me tell you that in her late thirties, she is as hot and sexy as she...

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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 7

To catch the readers up: I am an 18 year old in high school ( I got held back ). My baseball coach, Coach H, caught me masturbating in the locker room after a Friday evening practice. Coach H is 58, hairy, and athletic. He tells me masturbation is natural and does it as well. We went to his office and masturbated a bit before he fucked me in the ass. Since that evening Coach H and I have gotten together in his office Friday evenings after baseball practice and masturbated and he fucking me...

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Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter ThreeThomas

Baseball Player to Baseball Girl Chapter 3 Mike meets Thomas The alarm clock rang at 6:30 am. Mike had only a few hours of sleep, but it felt like he had slept much longer than that. He jumped out of bed and took a quick shower so that he could be ready for Thomas's arrival at 7:00. Fortunately, it was an off day for the Seals, which meant Mike had a day with no obligations. He was looking forward to trying on all of his new clothes and jewelry. As he was contemplating what he...

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Baseball Season Opening Day Starts With a Bang

My girlfriend Tanya is kind of a Sports nut. She can tell you who plays for almost any team and what their Batting Average is. I used to think it was so funny to see her reading the sports pages every morning. I, on the other hand, am kind of a Baseball dumb blond. No, I am not blond. At least, not right at this moment. My name is Linda. I am almost 20 years old and I go to a State College for a business degree. I am only a freshman because I got a late start. With 4" heels, I stand 5' 10"...

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moms dirty megazine

I was 18 in 1994, living with my Mom and two younger sisters somewhere in the English suburbs. It was a hot Sunday morning and a friend had called by earlier and we had roamed the streets aimlessly for a while before visiting the local corner shop. While my friend ordered cigarettes at the counter I skulked around the magazines secretly eyeing up the porno on the top shelf. Those sexy girls looking out from those magazines made my blood blaze in my crotch. With the shop keepers back turned for...

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Moms Night Out Part 3

Things were good at our home. Mom was a very happy satisfied woman and I was happy living out any teen boys' fantasy. In addition, the large commission checks from her deals with Eduardo were about to start rolling in. Mom was trying to put away as much money as she could for my college which is why she kept us in this modest apartment these last years. By this time next year she would have my college paid for as well as the down payment on her dream home. She house she was going to retire...

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Mom Gets Angry With Pussyboy Son

Mom Gets Angry With Pussyboy SonStory about a pussyboy son who is turned into a sissy cockwhore by his mother.At 31 years of age, I shouldn’t be planning on moving back in with my mother, but I was recently divorced, my ex-wife kicked me out and I had to go down on bended knees to my mom for a roof over my head.It was with mixed feeling that I went back through the front door of my old home and my mom. Mom is 61 but still looks great and of course I wouldn’t want her to know it, but she turns...

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Moms New Girlfriend she had a dick

Moms New Girlfriend (she had a dick) * __This mom had made a new close friend when a new neighbor lady moved in. Moms daughter knew a few things about the woman, but kept quiet. The young teen brother talked to his older sister about the woman. Sis carefully started telling him about what she knew about the woman&hellip,&hellip, —- __Im Erick. I cant ever tell this story to anyone I know,.&hellip,so&hellip, I guess Ill tell it here. My mom Mandy, just had me and my older sister Carla at home...

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Moms Night Out

It was just past 6 am when the front door woke me up. As I stirred awake I figured it was Mom getting the newspaper, I pulled on some gym shorts and headed to the bathroom for my morning piss. Not always an easy thing with 17 yr old morning wood. As I stood there trying to piss I remembered I hadn't seen Mom last night. She was having dinner with a real estate client after work and she wasn't home by the time I crashed out. After my piss I was headed back to my room to get some more sleep...

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Moms Last Visit

Note : This story is completely fictional! My last telling of the exploits between mom and I was the story of how it all started when I was about 18. Now this story happened many years later. I’m now 40 yrs old, married, and have three pre-teen kids. mom and dad retired early and moved from Southern California to Arizona. Mom is 56 and dad a year older. My mother is only 18 years older than I am. The kids were almost hysterical with joy when they heard grandpa and grandma would be here this...

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Moms a Swinger

100% fiction! I grew up in Indiana where I lived with my mom and dad. Since I didn't have any brothers or sisters, I grew up sort of alone. Our neighborhood didn't have anyone my age for me to hang out with either. Mom and dad were in their late fifties and since I'd hit puberty, I'd been infatuated with my older mom. She was little, with a nice figure, big tits and a plump bubble butt. Her hair was short and she got a permanent once a month. She wore glasses and had false teeth that she would...

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Claire Kent Alias SuperSister The Return of Superboy

When a vengeful woman turned the teenage Clark Kent aka Superboy into Claire Kent aka Super-Sister, that was the last anyone ever saw of Clark, or so Supergirl believed. So why, when she travels back in time from a period when her now adult cousin is the world-famous Superwoman, does she find a Smallville in which Superboy is back, and Claire Kent is one of the town's bad girls? CLAIRE KENT, ALIAS SUPER-SISTER: THE RETURN OF SUPERBOY by BobH (c) 2006 All characters herein...

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baseball fantasy

It was Friday afternoon. I had just finished working at the ball fields, cutting the grass and raking the dirt to perfection. School had ended a couple days ago, and the weather and atmosphere were perfect. High 70’s and not a cloud in the sky. I could live forever in those types of days. There were no games on Friday’s so that I could do my job with a couple other guys and clean up the fields. Of course the others bailed and I was the one who had to do all the work, but it wasn’t terrible. I...

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Baseball Mom Orgy

Anyway, it was about 3 weeks into the baseball season when I began to notice all the hot looking girls and moms on my sons baseball team, just like every year. One game I was staring at a girls thong for a little bit longer then I should have been. When I turned to my left, I noticed Gween was watching me look at the girl. She smiled at me and gave a little laugh. I quickly became embarressed when I looked down to see my hard round nipples pocking at my white t-shirt. I wondered if Gween had...

3 years ago
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Anne Marie Kitten baseball slut

First of all, let me tell you that in her late thirties, she is as hot and sexy as she has ever been. 5'7" and 135lbs of pure sex appeal. Her legs and her ass are still those of a 25 year old, and her 34B boobs are as perky as ever. She still possesses traffic-stopping beauty and is always turning heads when in public. She has recently added blond highlights to her hair, and the effects are simply stunning. She is the classiest lady you will ever meet, but every once in a while she will act...

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Baseball apple pie Chevrolet and

Baseball, apple pie, Chevrolet and---------------Dad “Matthew Dillon---Mary Stevens, Action News 5 “ “Hey Mary” “Matt, we all saw the game, and congrats on the 7-4 win over the Indians”. “Thanks Miss Stevens” “But Matt, I think asides from the game, everyone wants to know is what was up between you and the bat boy?” I shoot a big grin and respond with “Well, Mary, I noticed that Ricky was coming out of the dugout without a batting helmet on. “I see—yes that's very good thinking on that” “Ya,...

2 years ago
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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 5

(Setting the scene: I am an 18 year old in high school on the baseball team. One Friday after practice I was caught masturbating in the locker room by my baseball coach Coach H. He is 58, hairy, and athetic. Instead of getting in trouble Coach H started to masturbate with me and eventually we ended having sex. We have had sex several times since then.)Coach H was grumpy during the next Friday night baseball practice. He did not even wait for me to ask if the two of us could get together. ...

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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 3

A recap. I am an 18 year old high school student on the school’s baseball team. Coach H, my baseball coach, is in his late 50’s, has a hairy athletic body, and a large veiny cock. Coach H caught me masturbating in the locker room after a late Friday practice. He told me that masturbation was natural before he joined me. We ended up in his office where he fucked me in the ass after tongue fucking my hole. Afterwards Coach H told me that that if I felt like masturbating with him again to...

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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 2

We had another late baseball practice the following Friday. Wondering if Coach H (late 50’s with a hairy athletic body) meant what he said that I could ask him about masturbating with him again I delayed going back to the locker room to shower off by hitting a few balls in the baseball cage. I got back to the locker room as the last of my teammates where dressing. I undressed and hit the showers. While drying off in the shower I heard a cough and it was Coach H. He told me that if I had any...

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Mommy i dont want to try out for the baseball team again part 5

Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again! Part 5 By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly, Kellie 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old little sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother/Elizabeth(Liz)Wilmington 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old Alice Goodyear/ Sister Alice Principle of St. Mary's school Samantha (Sam) 5-year old girl Ms. Karen Dance...

4 years ago
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Moms night out Part 2

,I said well mom last night well, it kind of scared me, she giggled and said honey it’s ok I’ll show you what you will want and need to know about sex, and she laid back in the tub and since there were no more bubbles she was exposed and she unplugs the drain and now is sitting with no water and says ok see my hair here and points at her bush, and says feel it but carefully, man I was shaking in excitement sitting a foot away from moms pussy and she wants me to feel it, oh gawd, so I...

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Moms night out

It was about 1:30am when I hear Monica bang open the front door totally drunk and laughing, Monica was pretty and always had a good time when she was always drinking and partying, she was pretty cool for an old lady too and she said help me get your mom in the house she’s plastered drunk, mom was laying on the walkway outside. So Monica and me drug mom in to the house, she was laughing the whole time, she was so drunk and very much covered in grime and dirt from falling down so many times...

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moms new year gang bang

Every year my mom has a New Years eve party and every year she gets really drunk and I have to carry her to bed. But this year was different. I decided just to let her get drunk and see what happens. When the new year came she was really drunk and started to give every guy at the party a new year kiss. She was wear a tight black dress and I watched as she was walking around kissing all these men that her dress started to ride up a past her ass. Some of the men started to grab and slap her ass...

1 year ago
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Moms 50th

It was moms 50th birthday, and I had a big surprise ready for her, I had organised dan to come over and fuck my mom with me, mom had been at work all day and she was ready for some birthday drinks. Mom was 50, shoulder length brown hair, natural FF boobs and a cracking ass, me and my mom Tina had always had a close relationship but adding dan Into the mix will be a big treat. Dan had posted online for a threesome, I got in contact and told him I wanted him to fuck my mom with me and it had to...

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