Breaking Up IS Hard To Do. free porn video

I should have taken her ultimatum more seriously. I was so certain that she would make the change with me that I took a trip out to L.A. to look for a new home. Little did I appreciate just how serious she was. And so I found a nice apartment near the beach and moved. She didn't. She was emphatic that there would be no long distance relationship as some of our friends had. Only weekends together wasn't going to get it with her and, after a few months in California, I felt the same way. I was really sorry I had been so selfish and I now begin to feel the repercussions. I had never been so unhappy in my life. I was miserable and, truth be told, knew I deserved to be.
When I told my boss that I was not going to stay in my new job, he was furious. On the spot he told me that I was fired and could come in and clean out my desk that night. I wasn't shocked. This was exactly what I had expected.
I called Amy that night and told her what had happened and that I would be moving home to North Carolina as soon as I could get my affairs in order. I hoped that my telling her this would buy me some forgiveness. But, instead, she was very cold and distant. That really hurt. But actions have consequences. At 32 I'm old enough to understand that.
I moved back to Charlotte two weeks later. I asked Amy what she thought about the chances of our getting back together--even to just date--and she said, "No way!" I asked her if I could move back into our home while it was being sold and she really let me have it. I don't know what I expected but I sure knew where I stood after that call. I tried to connect with her several times before heading back but the calls were brief and chilly. I resolved to move back home and start looking for a new job and, moreover, a new life. I even found an apartment in our old neighborhood. It was the only place I knew.
A few weeks later, after a long day of job hunting, I decided to drop by a local bar to have a drink or two and a sandwich. I was watching a baseball game on one of the bar's tv's when Amy walked out of the lady's room. I got her attention and said, "Hi." She looked into my eyes but the sparkle that I had been used to for so long was missing. I pointed to two vacant chairs at a nearby table and asked her to join me for a drink. She looked over to a guy at a table in the corner and I got the message. I felt a sense of loss that I would not be spending time with her that night. That she would be with someone else. As I left the bar an hour or so later, I noticed that her table was empty.
When it seemed that nothing else could happen to make me more miserable, Amy called me one afternoon to tell me that the contract on our home sale had fallen through. She started crying and asked me to meet her at the house. She said that she was afraid and didn't know where to turn. Frankly, I had the same feelings.
When I came through the front door, Amy was there facing me with a tear stained face and clenched fists. She lit into me and alternated between calling me an ass, crying uncontrollably, and reminding me of how stupid I had been and was. I had nothing to say in my defense, so I stood there and took the best she could dish out. I finally asked her why she had asked me over if this was what the whole evening would be like. And Amy said, "I never hated you for not loving me anymore but I hate myself for still loving you." What a gut shot. All I could do in response was tell her the truth from my heart, "I never stopped loving you either. I just lost my focus on what was important in life--and I'm sorry to say this--but I began to take you for granted. I am so sorry. Is your "still loving me" still true?"
Amy thought about this for a moment and then walked slowly to me with her eyes on mine. Her eyes looked tired and certainly didn't have their old sparkle. But she did put her arms around me and hug me. And when she said, "One time you bastard. This is the only time I can still find a place for you in my life. Never, never again. Do you understand me?" I did and I told her so.
I'd like to be able to recall an overnight reconciliation but there wasn't one. I told her that night that I wouldn't ask to stay in the house again but wanted to do that more than anything if she did too.
It took a few nights of our carefully feeling each other out but before the week was out Amy asked me to come home.
Someone once said that, "Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop." Fortunately for us, even though there were many teardrops, our love hadn't ended.
I continued to work hard on communicating better with Amy and appreciating just how great a woman she is. Things began to return to how they had been but with this major difference in my perspective. I will always love Amy and never take her for granted again. I began to understand that it takes guts to fall in love, but it takes nerve to back to the one who broke you.
And Amy had done that for me.
A few days later after a long day at my new job--yes, I found one--we met for dinner and drove home in our separate cars.
When we walked into the den, I put some music on and sat down in my old recliner. I asked Amy if she was ready to turn in when the cuts from the CD with our favorite tunes had finished.
She looked at me with one of her familiar looks and asked if I would just be comfortable moving to the couch and and bearing with her while she made some arrangements. I was tired but my anticipation kept me from feeling it. When I noticed the lights in our bedroom hall go out, I looked up. I was amazed at seeing Amy with her hair completely down and in gentle curls that ran below her shoulders. She was wearing a thin, sheer jade green gown that I had never seen before. It went to just above the knee and was perfect for her. Amy shyly smiled that sparkling smile of hers. She asked, "What do you think?" I responded, "That little green wisp you have on is very pretty but it doesn't approach how beautiful you look. Your hair is shining."
"She said that she only wore her hair that way for me. And I bought this gown just for you today. That no one else has ever seen her like that." I clearly understood her message.
She moved straight to me and kneeled on one of the cushions she pulled from the couch. Then she looked at me with a fire in her eyes that was like nothing I had ever seen in her. She asked, "You like?" I croaked back, "Very, very much." I was breathing hard and my heart was pounding. I had no idea where this was going but I was sure glad to be along for the ride. Amy gently spread my knees and softly rubbed the insides of my thighs. She put her gentle hand on my hardness and softly touched me there also. I'm glad she was gentle because I wasn't in any condition to take any more than that. Even her unzipping me was hard for me to stand. In less than a minute I was as hard as I can ever remember being. And it was just at that time that she pulled my raging cock from my pants while pulling my pants down one leg at a time. My cock was not only hard but it was pointing at my chin. Amy had me totally in her control. And she was enjoying it. And I was enjoying that for her sake as well as mine.
I pulled at her spaghetti straps and asked her, "Amy I want to see your breasts while you are going wherever you're going. That would make this even more special for me." She leaned back, smiled and looked me squarely in my eyes. "We'll talk about that later. Right now I have my hands full, literally, and it looks like you've got all you can handle too." How could I argue with her?
Then she did something that I have never experienced in quite the way she did it. She...
...eased closer to my cock and, while looking into my eyes, leaned over me and let her hair fall onto me. The feeling of her hair on my cock was almost more than I could stand. She moved her head back and forth and let her soft hair slide over my swollen cock again and again. It was a sensation like no other. After a minute or so of teasing me she asked, "Does that tickle, baby? Do you like my hair?" Not sure what question I was answering, I said to her, "Oh, yeah, Amy." She smiled a wicked smile and asked if I'd like her to do that some more and I, of course, nodded to her. She went back to teasing me with all types of motions with her hair and I knew that she had passed the "point of no return" with me.
"If you don't stop what you're doing, there's not gonna be any 'later'. Seriously..."
With that she went back to massaging my very erect cock with her soft, sweet hair.
In a minute or so, she dropped the top of her gown. She slid the head over each of her nipples and then rubbed it into a tuft of her hair gently. The she took my cock's head and, with her hand full of her hair, put her hand and hair around my cock's head and begin to massage it.
"Hey, doll, ease up or I'm going to explode."
"That's what I want you to do. Don't you want to come in my hair?"
"I hadn't thought about that, baby, but it is feeling so good..."
"It's gonna get better...."
When I knew I was one breath away from losing my control, I told her that I was going to shoot the biggest load of sperm ever. She said, "Fine. Show me. Come in my hair, baby. I want it."
And I did. I shot one tremendous spurt of sperm into her hair with some going over her head. She moaned so I gave her another spurt right in the middle of her hair. And then a smaller one. Her hair was beginning to be the bottom of a lake of sperm. So much sperm that I was shocked. But, then, having not cum for a while, there was plenty more. The next spurt was right into the top of her forehead and into the edge of the front of hair. One more caught her forehead and nose...and then I was completely out of it. If anything more happened, I don't remember it. I closed my eyes for a moment and when I reopened them I saw her rubbing some of my sperm between her thumb and forefinger. Then she took that hand and gazed at it in wonder. Almost immediately she took her other hand and did the same. She sat in front of me toying with my sperm between her fingers and looking very satisfied. That, by the way, made two of us.
After that she would play with my sperm and her hair and then lick it off her fingers. She saw me watching her and smiled. "God, that was great, baby", she said. All I could do was nod agreement.
"I love the sweet scent and warmth of your cum".
She climbed up next to me and, with her left hand around the base of my cock, she put her right hand up to my mouth and I licked my cum off of it. I wanted to show her just how much I loved my sperm and what she had done to get it. I knew she got my message. We laid back and we kissed lovingly for a long time. It was soon obvious that I was pretty well shot.
"What do you want me to do for you, Amy?"
"You've given me everything I wanted. I am so warm inside that I feel as full as I ever have. Do you know what I mean?"
"Yes, baby, but there's more to come. I want to show you my caring for you too."
And, oh, I did. But that's a story for another time...Right now I just need to go to sleep.

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