The Prince Of Valentinium free porn video

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The Prince of Valentinium


In an effort to save what remained of their drastically reduced population, the people of Valentinium decided, in the year 5571 B.C.E., to undertake the perilous task of evacuation. Though their home planet remained lush and nutrient-rich, the once immortal race had begun dying off in numbers never before seen. At first petty conflicts led to full-blown wars that ravaged entire countries and continents, turning their utopian planet some 25 light-years from Earth into a place notorious for its bloodshed.

Weakened by the near-constant fighting, the longevity that had for eons been a gift enjoyed by all the denizens of Valentinium was suddenly relegated only its rulers and those wealthy enough to stay off of the battlefields. Their women were the first to die, and of the small number who managed to survive even fewer could bear children and any born to them were entirely male. The Valentinian race was in dire straits indeed.

The planet’s namesake, Valentinus, a son of Venus, had instilled in his people the same reverence for love that his mother had passed into him. Love Above All Things. That had been his creed and through the generations it had stuck. But in these times of war, the Valentinians forgot their veneration of the amorous. Instead, they gave more regard to the tangible things in life – money, land, and the like – and thus fell prey to their own greed.

Only a few among them believed that the old ways didn’t have to be lost to the oblivion of ignorance and war. They understood that Love alone could save them. And so they fled their war-torn planet, seeking other hospitable planets and moons that might suit them.

Among the refugees were 4 children whose parents had been killed in the last attack on the high city of Amarael. At 12 years of age, Rhys Erastus was the oldest and took it upon himself to look after his younger siblings. The 5 year-old twins, Philon and Pothos, he knew would grow to be strong and capable males. It was his infant sister, Kahlia, for whom he worried most.

As the last female of their kind she might be the only hope for the survival of their race. With her eyes of amethyst and gold-kissed skin he knew she would grow to be a beautiful woman…Rhys just had to make sure she did get to grow up. He also knew that a fight for her hand could either result in another war or place her in the possession of a male who was not destined to be her mate. Rhys could never allow such a fate befall her. Her very existence had to be kept secret. He swore that he would protect her life with his own…until she found a mate to take over that precious role.

{Earth – 2169 A.D.}

“I could show you things you’ve never seen. Take you places you’ve never been. Just give me one chance, baby. I promise you won’t regret it.”

Kahlia rolled her eyes. Was this guy serious? She’d scented him as soon as he walked into The Stratosphere, a swanky restaurant that occupied the top floor and roof of the tallest building in Atlanta. Had he bathed in his cheap cologne? His hair was styled into what should have been an attractive coif, but he’d gelled it to helmet hardness. She couldn’t even begin to process the sheer wrongness of his dye-job.

At length, she shook her head. “Unfortunately,” she said in the saddest tone she could muster, “I’m meeting someone.”

It wasn’t a lie. She was meeting someone. Well, three someones.

The man, undaunted, slanted what she guessed was a sexy smirk her way, “Ditch him.”

“Can’t,” she smiled, standing from her seat at the bar and waving to the tall, dark-haired male who’d just walked in. “He’s here now.” She knew her wave might have been a little frantic, because the newcomer raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

She didn’t waste a second in distancing herself from the man who seemed to be marinating in the sickeningly sweet scent of heavy cologne.

“Took you long enough,” she snapped when she reached the front of the restaurant to stand next to her eldest brother.

Rhys laughed and held up his hands in mock surrender. “I’m 5 minutes early!” He knew full well that she’d been eager to ditch the creep at the bar.

As they followed the hostess to a rounded a booth near the windowed wall on the far side of the expansive place and took their seats, his storm grey eyes twinkled with laughter. He pulled her into a one-armed hug as soon as her butt hit the rich leather. After a kiss to her cheek, he said, “Phil and Pothos are running late, but they should be here soon.”

“Those two? Running late?” She feigned shock. “Excuse me while I find my ‘surprised’ face.”

Rhys grinned. “I know, I know. Punctuality was never one of their strong suits.”

“We’d be late for our own funerals and some such other nonsense, right?” an amused voice called from a few feet away. It was Philon.

Pothos gave a sheepish shrug from directly behind him. “I couldn’t get away from…work. Yeah, that’s it! I was working!”

Rhys frowned. “You’re making women pay you to fuck them these days? That’s beneath even you, brother.”

Pothos and Philon shared the same dark hair as their siblings, but where Rhys’ eyes were grey and Kahlia’s an exotic shade of violet, Pothos’ eyes were green and Philon’s were a pale blue. While Pothos was currently rocking a shorter cut, Philon had always worn his hair in a careless mid-length. It seemed to drive women crazy for him so Kahlia assumed that he’d simply adopted an ‘if it ain’t broke’ mentality about his hair.

“Hardy-har-har,” Pothos sneered at his older brother. “I actually was working. Eason Davenport, of Nightwood Acquisitions, has come across some particularly interesting pieces he thought we may want for the new collection. Some fantastic ancient Phoenician and Minoan scrollwork and a few miniature frescos.”

Kahlia and her brothers dabbled in many different businesses and stock ventures but their passion was art and artifact collection. Mainly, they collected anything that might lead them to others of their kind who’d made it to Earth all those many ages ago with them. Anything to solve the problem they’d come together to discuss that evening.

It had been a long time since they’d seen each other all at once and they all wished that the circumstances of this meeting could have been happier.

The fact was that Kahlia was in trouble. She had begun a process known as The Silvering. Her hair, once a waist-length fall of loose curls an uninterrupted shade of ebony, was changing. One lock near the nape of her neck was turning silver at the root. In the last 2 months that silver had grown to encompass nearly full the length of her hair. If it continued to the end before she found her mate…she would die. The Silvering, a mechanism of nature designed to control a population of immortal beings, was an indicator that her mate was nigh – either recently born or newly arrived to the planet.

It had become clear early on that human males lacked the romantic capacity to suit her Valentinian needs, which meant she needed to find a Valentinian male. The trouble was that all of the males of her kind who’d made it to Earth were, to her knowledge, sitting around that very table with her. Her brothers. Either another male had kept himself hidden from them or a new one had just arrived.

Philon cast her look of concern. “How are you feeling?”

Kahlia shrugged and answered in a calm tone, “I feel fine.” In truth, she was worried sick. Sure, she’d been gifted with a long and relatively happy life but the prospect of getting so close to being mated and dying before she ever got to experience that kind of love was devastating to her.

None of her brothers bought her unruffled act, but they didn’t press her on her emotional state either. Rhys was the one to cut to the chase.

“We need to find him.”

Pothos rested his forearms on the table and leaned forward so they alone would hear his low-spoken words. “What if he’s too young now? How much time do we have? I mean,” Pothos fumbled for the words, “don’t they have to…to…you know…culminate…each other…the mating? Er…Sex?”

Kahlia blushed but couldn’t help ribbing him. “For someone so fond of the stuff, it sure does make you nervous.”

Philon was in no mood to laugh, this talk of his sister’s potential demise having put more than a damper on the evening. “It’s different when it’s you we’re talking about!” he snapped.

Rhys shook his head. “I don’t think The Silvering was triggered by a birth.” He pulled an envelope from the inside pocket of his sleek leather jacket. “I think it’s a new arrival.”

He opened the envelope and unfolded a single piece of paper. Most of the page’s real estate was covered in black ink interspersed by a few white dots. Stars.

“I got this from my contact with NORAD. It’s a capture from roughly two months ago. There,” he said, pointing to a faint streak near the top left corner of the page. “Can you see that?”

Philon, Pothos, and Kahlia leaned closer, each of them squinting over the page. It looked like a milky smudge with a dot of slightly more substantial white on the leading edge.

“It’s looks too small to be the same kind of vessel that brought us here,” Philon pointed out.

Rhys nodded. “You’re right, but I do think it’s a Valentinian craft. I think,” he said, casting a look at Kahlia, “it’s a Chariot.”

“A single passenger?” Pothos asked in a shocked tone. The journey from Valentinium to Earth was a long one to make with a full crew. On one’s own? It would have taken a person of exceptionally strong will to accomplish such a feat.

“At any rate, this photo was snapped over the mid-Atlantic. He must have landed within a thousand miles of here,” Rhys whispered.

Kahlia worried her bottom lip between her teeth and wondered, ’Could he have come for me? Might he be searching for me even now?’

Daeryn Amator inhaled a big gulp of crisp city air. As he’d done each morning for the last 3 weeks, he weeded out the smells of pollution, grit, and desperation that assailed him. Relegating those to the background of his consciousness, he sifted through each individual scent, scanning for new ones. Searching for the one scent that would be the key to finding her. His mate.

He’d just been a boy when the Age of War reached its zenith. The son of the king, he hadn’t had the option to flee. He’d survived the destruction and lived long enough to see Valentinium’s rebuild. He’d stood by his father, pouring all of himself into restoring their civilization to its former glory. But neither all the bricks and mortar, nor all the marble and glass in the world could replace the most important things that had been lost.

Valentinium had no unmated women.

At first, the men could pretend that it didn’t matter, that they could rebuild and nature would right itself and follow suit. When that didn’t happen a kind of panic set in. No women meant no offspring. No offspring meant the eventual extinction of their race. Worse? They’d begun to remember the foundation of their identity as Valentinians. These men were lovers…they needed mates to romance and shower with affection. So far, fate had denied every last unmated male that pleasure.

Surely they hadn’t come back from the brink of annihilation to nevertheless slowly succumb to the same fate?

And so Daeryn and the others had set out in search of suitable alternatives. They visited nearby planets and experimented with mating with the women of those other worlds.

To no avail.

Not only were these other women unsuitable biologically, but the Valentinians couldn’t love them as they should. So, Daeryn turned to the scrolls, searching the archives for even the mention of a successful mating between a Valentinian and someone of ‘other’ origin. Along the way he found rumors, just blurbs of gossip here and there about a single surviving Valentinian female – an infant who escaped one of the worst battles of the war. He put it down to the desperate hopes of the poor wretches who’d realized early on what sort of crisis they were all in for.

Finally, after nearly a decade of off-and-on researching, Daeryn found a scroll written by Valentinus himself. The man had travelled to many planets before settling on the one he called home and in his travels he’d happened upon a planet called Earth. Their women, these humans, could be mated successfully in almost all aspects. He decided he would visit this Earth and see for himself.

Though the journey was long and arduous, Daeryn urged himself onward, driven by the need that hammered at him without cease. He’d grown weary of his solitary existence and the romantic soul of him hungered for his woman. And if a person went hungry long enough they began to starve.

When he’d crash landed in what he later determined to be southern Virginia he’d been quite disoriented at first. Valentinium was roughly the same size as this planet but the difference in population, both in total amount and density of inhabited areas, was vast to a laughable degree.

But then he’d felt it. The pull. He was stunned to discover that not only could he mate with a human woman but that the instincts associated with the mating bond would guide him to her.

And so using his advanced ability for acquiring knowledge and not a little telekinesis - stealing cars by starting their engines with his mind - he followed that pull. He’d arrived in Atlanta shortly thereafter and he’d been searching her out like a fiend ever since.

He closed his eyes as he concentrated. This morning he’d come to the uptown district of Buckhead. He stood atop a relatively tall building so that he could survey the area.

Coffee. Mint. Gasoline. He’d smelled it all before. Scrambled eggs. Pancakes. Orange Juice. All the scents of the morning. He couldn’t help it. His heart dropped. Another day without her…she was near, but he couldn’t find her. He was convinced that there was no greater torture.

Orchids. Makai Orchids to be exact. Fragrant and fresh, but not a scent…an impression…an identity.


He was cupping an erection before it even registered that he was hard. He’d scented her and his body’s reaction had been instantaneous. An almost cruel smile curved his lips. The hunter in his blood was intent, focused. It wouldn’t be long now. ‘Gotcha,’ he thought with an inward growl of male anticipation.

Kahlia let out a frustrated burst of air that sent a few loose strands of hair flying out of her face. She set her empty coffee mug on the table before her and stretched, reaching upwards to relieve some of the tension in her back. So far, they had one lead. It was a great one, but it was the only one.

The night before, local police in Emporia, VA had been flooded with reports of a suspected UFO crash. By the time the authorities arrived on the scene there was no sign of the crash and it was brushed off by most as nothing more than a hoax. For Kahlia and her brothers, the disappearance of the evidence of the crash was all the proof they needed that it had been a Valentinian vessel. Most spacecraft from Valentinium were equipped with cloaking and glamour capabilities – both to conceal the vehicles when they were in flight or on the ground, whether they were intact or not. They were confident that someone from their home planet was on Earth.

Unfortunately, after the reports from the people of Emporia the only other thing they had to go on was a few of those reports mentioned the sighting of a tall, golden-haired man walking south on a narrow dark road near the site of the crash that had seemingly never taken place.

South. After that, the trail went cold. She’d spent the morning combing the internet for other reports of strange sightings, either of the crash or of the man, and had come up empty. She decided to grab another k-cup for her individual-serving coffee maker but found that her last cup had been the final one in the house. Knowing she’d never be able to think without another cup, she heaved a sigh, slammed her already-socked feet into a pair of neon pink sneakers and tossed on a fleece. It was almost mid-February and the fickle Georgia weather had decided to make this day a cold one. She hoped the spandex lounge capris she had on would keep her warm enough for the short drive to Starbucks.

She punched the button for the elevator, shot down to the garage beneath the high-rise that housed her penthouse, and was in her car, a sleek Mercedes sedan, in less than 2 minutes. It was the Saturday before Valentine’s Day so there were a few people out, but traffic was light and she was pulling out of the drive-thru with a Grande White Mocha in no time. She’d just turned onto the one-lane, one-way street that circled her building when a man stepped off of the curb directly in front of her car. She’d only been doing 30 but she still had to slam on the breaks to avoid running him over.

Heart in her throat she looked up to get a good look at him and her heart stopped beating all together for a second or two.

Tall? Check. This man was at least 6’4”.

Golden-haired. Check. From the curling burnished locks on his head to the faint shadow on his jaw and the light dusting she could see on his bare chest…Golden with a capital FUCK!

‘They didn’t mention eyes the color of emerald…’

The man had stopped, the hem of the long black coat he wore skimming the surface of a murky puddle left by the rain that had passed through earlier that morning. He didn’t seem to care. He was staring at her; gaze honed only on her, an expression of…hunger on his handsome face.

Yes, it was hunger. She recognized it because, just then, she felt it, too. That and she saw the bulging evidence of his arousal pressed against the dark wash of his jeans.

An answering heat low in the clenching feminine heart of her body. A moan she was barely conscious of issuing as he stepped closer to her car, his body moving with a rolling masculinity that spoke of a cool strength.

He licked his lips and she stiffened. She’d felt that! Kahlia reached up and touched her tingling bottom lip. He smirked, his eyes drifting down to her breasts, and did it again more deliberately. She cried out at the sensation of a warm, wet tongue laving over her right nipple.

“Impossible!” they cried out unison.

Her because she’d never experienced anything like what he’d just done to her.

Him because human women weren’t susceptible to Telepathic Touch and it only worked for sexual purposes between Valentinian mated pairs.

“Fuck me,” he gasped on a mutter of shock.

She was about to take him very literally.

The electronic locks on the car clicked and when he didn’t move she reached over, eyes gone smoky and locked with his, to pop open the passenger door.

She didn’t have to ask him twice. He was in the car in less time than it took for her to question what she’d just done.

It was a wonder she didn’t crash the car on the short drive into the parking garage. She hadn’t taken her eyes off of him since he’d gracefully folded his big frame into the passenger seat. She assumed that since she hadn’t felt any jumps or bumps in the ride that she hadn’t killed anyone in her distraction.

When she brought the car to a stop in her designated space she opened the door and stepped out, only to find that he rushed over to assist her…and he was looking at her like she was crazy. She’d offended him, run all over his chivalry. ‘Oh, well,’ she thought casting him an appreciative smile, ’I’ll make it all better in just a bit…’

She had the presence of mind to let him get the door for her. Another wonder, given that her instincts were telling her to grab him by the cock and head straight for the first soft, flat surface she encountered. She wanted to be horizontal with him…now. Or vertical. Whichever…she just needed him hot, hard, and in her.

When they stepped into the elevator, she expected him to jump on her, was looking forward to it. Instead, he said, “I would know the name of my mate.” His voice was deep, low, and held a slight rasp in it that did nothing to cool the desire pooling between her thighs.

“Kahlia,” she replied, her voice gone breathy.

He reached out for her hand and gently brought it to his lips, which lingered on the back of her palm, the feel of them nothing less than a brand on her sensitive skin. When he raised his head, he drawled his own name.

“Daeryn.” Die-rinn…

She didn’t know who’d she’d become in that moment because what came out her mouth next were the words of a stranger.

“Want to hear your name a different way?”

His smirk returned…he knew exactly what she meant and he had every intention making her say his name her way.

Daeryn finally had his woman in his arms. She was soft, warm, and so sweet as she smiled into his kiss that he swore he could taste her joy. She’d pulled him to her as soon as they’d crossed the threshold into her condo and stood now with her back pressed against the wall of her foyer as they tasted one another for the first time.

He pulled back, sliding his thumb down her cheek, and ran his gaze over her face. She was more beautiful than anything he’d ever seen. He’d spent more than a decade travelling through space to get here.  To find her. Kissing her now, he knew that he’d do it a thousand times over if it brought him back to her each time.

“Didn’t even known what I was looking for,” he muttered in fascination.

She titled her head and looked at him with questioning eyes. “What?” she asked on soft laugh.

He eyed the graceful line of her neck and couldn’t resist the urge to run his tongue up the curve of her throat. She released a tortured whimper that turned into a gasp of sensual surprise when he grazed his teeth over her pulse. He trilled his tongue over the same spot and she trembled in his arms.

Finally, he lifted his head to answer her. “I knew I that I could possibly find a mate on this planet, but I was expecting a human woman. I thought the rumors of an unmated Valentinian female were just that…rumors.”

Kahlia smiled at him. “And now?”

He chuckled and grasped the nape of her neck, pulling her to him until their lips almost touched. “And now, I think that you’re the miracle I never dared to hope for.”

His fingers were in her hair and as he pulled the long curls over her shoulder something caught his eye. A single lock of silver that faded into a short bit of black.

‘The Silvering!’

His smile disappeared and a look of fury passed over his face. “I was nearly too late!” he roared, clutching her by the shoulders and crushing her to his chest.

He’d never been angrier with himself than was in that moment. ‘I shouldn’t have doubted that she might actually exist. I could have been searching for her ages ago!’ His thoughts were frantic. What if he’d lost her before he’d ever even laid eyes on her. “Oh, baby, I’m so sorry.” He repeated this into her hair, his lips pressed to the top of her head.

She pushed at his chest because she wanted to look up at him and he loosened his hold on her. Just barely, for he had no intention of letting her go.

Her face was bright, her happiness at being with him so clear. “But you did find me,” she whispered. “You’re here now and I need you now.” She reached down to cup him through his pants. “There’s only one way to stop The Silvering, Daeryn, but more importantly you must save me from this terrible need.” She gave him a squeezing caress and asked, her voice a purr, “Do you ache as I do?”

He was just about to answer her when she suddenly fell unconscious…no…not just unconscious. He didn’t have to touch her throat to know that there would be no pulse.

He shook her in his arms. ‘I can’t lose her!’ He hurried with her in his arms to the bedroom and laid her gently on the soft satin-covered mattress. Instinct took over as he began to tear off her clothes.

Nothingness. That’s all Kahlia could see, hear, and feel. She called out in her mind but there was no response. ‘I’m dying?’ Panic took hold. Minutes, hours, days? She didn’t know how much time had passed but a second would have been too long in this dark and lonely place without him.

Then, a shock to her senses. A light in the darkness. She felt something.

She felt…pleasure.

She followed the wave of decadent sensation into the light.

Daeryn passed his lips over her face and neck and as he tore off her shirt he brought his kisses to her chest. His heart was pounding with a fear the likes of which he’d never known, but something was driving him to worship her beautiful body with his mouth.

Her breasts, ample but high, were a smooth golden cream save for the dark blush of her nipples. As his lips grazed one taught bud, he watched it tighten and a sharp realization began to penetrate the haze of worry that had so far muddled his brain. He stood to rid himself of his pants. Pleasure would bring her back to him.

Placing his hand under her spine, he lifted her so that her back arched and attacked one sweet nipple with his tongue. He laved her there, groaning at the feel of her hardening bud in his mouth. Pulling back, he extended his tongue and flicked it with a feather light lick before taking it into his mouth to suck and swirl.

Gently, he nipped her with his teeth and was rewarded with a soft gasp. He felt her body tense and then she relaxed into a moan as he switched to give the same treatment to her neglected nipple.

When he lifted his head to look at her face, he saw that her eyes were fluttering open. Eyes a vibrant lilac and burning with lust met his.

“You saved me,” she said, her voice sexy and low.

He smirked and said, “I don’t think you’re out of the woods just yet,” before slowly easing himself down her body, dropping wet kisses between her breasts and lower still.

He ripped the tight black capris from her body and was delighted to find that she wore no panties. “Good,” he rumbled settling with his hands caressing her inner thighs. “I have a rather deep appreciation for pretty lace things and would have hated to have ripped them off of you.”

With that he used his hands to push her thighs up and apart. She expected him to tease her, to lick and nip her inner thighs but she felt his thumbs on her sex, felt them spread her.

And then she felt his tongue.


He ran his tongue from the bottom of her slit to her clit and latched on, rolling the pearl of flesh over his tongue. She keened helplessly as he gripped it lightly between his teeth and ran his tongue over it before sucking it back in and drawing deeply.

“Oh, god!” she shuddered at the sensations he sent coursing through her body.

He pulled back to gaze at her, at the glistening folds that seemed to weep in unbound pleasure.

“I’m going to eat you until there is nothing else in your world but my mouth.”

He pressed his thumb to her clit but didn’t move it, just let her feel the pressure there, and put his mouth to her opening. He slipped his tongue into her, thrusting it against the silken walls of her, until she bucked against his face. He pressed harder on her clit and she cried out, then he moved his thumb to pull back the hood and stretch her to further expose the most sensitive point on her body. He brought his tongue, the tip wet with her arousal, up to her pearl and lashed it with quick hard flicks that set her hips to writhing. He sucked it into his hot mouth where he continued to pummel the tiny nub with his tongue, and gently eased the middle finger of his other into her. Slowly, he pulled it in and out, twisting to feel her walls clenching and releasing with the rhythm of his incessant suckling.

He lifted his head to watch his finger’s slow penetration and waited for her to look down at him. When she did, her eyes crazed with pleasure, he growled. “Tell me what you want.”

It took her a moment to answer, her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath.

“You…know…what I want,” she moaned as he eased his finger out of her, taking the action for what it was. A threat to stop all together if she didn’t answer him.

He flicked his tongue over her clit once and said in a stern voice, “Tell me anyway.”

Hips undulating towards his face she whimpered, “I want you to make me cum.”

He added his index finger and lazily pushed into her, giving her more and somehow less as her body began to come down from the precipice. “How?”

Animal lust in those eyes of violet. “With your tongue…with your hands,” she licked her lips. “With your cock.”

He smiled. “Greedy.”


“Good.” Then he was jackhammering his fingers into her in hard, fast thrusts; his mouth back on her clit.

She screamed.

She came.

Her body was taught, back arched and hips rocking to his touch, to his kiss. He snarled against her, fighting back the urge to tear his lips from her and pound himself into that slick, demanding heat. He was jealous of his fingers, wanted to feel her clenching on his cock. ‘Soon.’

When her orgasm crested, he dug in, doubling the speed and intensity of the lashes from his tongue, pressing constantly on that spot inside of her that made her squeeze him even more tightly. She came again. And again.

Voice quivering, she moaned, “I can’t take anymore,” as he finally drew back to raise his body up her torso.

“Liar,” he drawled, sliding the rigid length of himself into her.

And he knew he was right as he watched the storm rise in her eyes once more. She lifted her other leg, spreading herself to allow him all the room he would need, her legs framing him. He drove into her slowly, his pace meant to tease and torture.

Groaning, Kahlia held onto him as he rocked inside her in slow, shallow thrusts that tempted but never delivered.

Minutes later, she lay on her back clawing at the sheets and attempting to force him deeper with her ankles locked around his back.


“I’m the one who came all this way to find you,” he reminded her. “I get to do whatever I like. Right now, I want to take you slow and easy.”

Whimpering, she attempted to reach her hand between them but he snatched it and pinned it above her head. Grabbing the other, he shackled them both at the wrist in one grip and dragged his tongue up the line of her throat.

“Naughty girl,” he growled. “I should punish you for that.”

“Please,” she begged, wriggling her hips deliciously against him. “Daeryn, please!”

He kissed her then and pulled almost all the way out. “Only because you asked so very sweetly.”

He slammed home, grinding his pelvic bone into her clit and fucking her in deep, fast thrusts that kept them in constant contact. When he released her hands to get better leverage, she reached forward to run her nails down his ripped torso. She stopped at his hips, running her hands over them to reach behind and dig her fingertips into the hard musculature of his ass.

Pulling him into her, she urged him on. “I can’t get enough of you.”

He buried his face in neck, clamping his teeth on the sensitive spot where it joined her shoulder and groaned in response. He rode her tight sheath like a man gone mad, fucking until he felt the tremors deep within, the ones the heralded the end for…and for him.

He pushed in to the hilt once more and ground into her as she came, rolling her clit between their bodies even as he began to pulse into her. They both cried out, nearly blind with the agony/pleasure of the cresting pressure that took what seemed an eternity to ease.

Using the last of his energy, he rolled, still inside her, to his back. She settled with her face pressed to the side of his neck as they both fought to catch their breath.

“That was…”

She kissed the strong column of his neck. “I don’t think I know math anymore.”

He chuckled. “Good, I’d hate to have gone stupid all by myself.”

They smiled at each other before sleep engulfed them both.

Kahlia awoke to the feel of big, warm man pressed to her back and the most delicious ache between her legs. Glancing at the clock, she saw they’d been knocked out for nearly ten hours. ‘Not surprising,’ she mused with smile.

She raised herself to sit up and then turned back to gaze down at him. He was still out, and with his jaw slack in sleep he looked almost innocent. Almost. She knew better.

She got up and padded into the bathroom, noting the storm that had begun to send rain pounding against her windows. When she emerged from the bathroom, he was still asleep but his head had turned to where she’d been laying, his brow furrowed. He missed her even in sleep. She felt something in her heart shift as she eased back onto the bed to settle on her knees beside him.

His semi-hardness was resting on one solid thigh and it looked so delicious just lying there that she couldn’t resist. She had to touch him…had to taste him.

She gently pushed his legs apart, keeping her eyes on his face. She didn’t want him awake just yet. When she had him in position, she moved to sit between his thighs. Leaning forward, she blew a soft puff of air over the length of him and watched as it twitched and stiffened a little further.

Smiling, she reached out to gently pick him up and rest him in her palm so that the perfect mushroom of his head pointed towards his abs. Lightly, she ran her index finger up from the base, tracing the line of the thick chord that ran the length of the underside of his beautiful, thickening erection. When she reached the spot just below the head she rubbed in small circles and watched the responding pulses that wracked his cock. Finally, she moved her finger to swirl in lazy patterns all over the head, spreading the thin clear liquid glistened at the tip. He shifted and sighed, but did not wake.

Leaning forward, she pulled him to her and flicked out her tongue, running it slightly over the slitted center at the tip of his erection. His muscles tensed and he grunted. Knowing that he was would be fully awake soon, she closed her lips over the head and ran her tongue in circles around the slick, taught skin. He came awake with a moan as she tightened her lips on him and sucked.

“Baby,” he gritted, reaching down to caress her cheek. He looked down and saw her hand wrapped around him, her lips curved into a smile around him. Her eyes connected with his and his peripheral vision watched what she was doing to him. Neither of them broke the eye contact. He groaned as she slid her lips further down his shaft and he fought the urge to close his eyes. He didn’t want to lose this connection with her, didn’t want to miss the look of absolute abandon that covered her face. She wanted to be doing this, getting him off. Something about that made it all the sweeter.

His mind went to mush when she slid in one motion from the middle of his length to the base, the back of her throat caressing his head. His back arched and she hummed in delight, sending a vibration coursing through his shaft that reverberated throughout his entire body.

Daeryn groaned in sync with her as she continued to hum and turn her head from side to side, rubbing her throat over him in smooth, wet caresses. Meanwhile, her tongue continued to dance around the base and middle of his shaft. Then slowly, she drew back her head exposing more of his glistening cock, the throbbing chord on the underside standing out in sharp, wet relief.

“You’re going to kill me,” he groaned as she reached the head of his cock and attacked it with her swirling, clever little tongue even as she continued to suck at him wetly.

With a sucking pop, she pulled her mouth off of him and gave him a sexy smirk. “I couldn’t possibly kill you when I need you so badly,” she purred, climbing to straddle him.

He rested his hands on her hips and squeezed when felt a drop of wetness land on the lower part of his stomach.

“You enjoyed sucking me, then?”

She pushed her wetness back, running her heat over his hardness and said, “What do you think?”

She didn’t wait for a response as she reached behind her to guide him into her, sinking down until she sat with him buried so perfectly within her. They both groaned as she bottomed out.

When she began to ride him, he did his best to lay still and let her have her way. It was so hot watching her use his body to pleasure herself. To please him.

After a time, though, he couldn’t resist the need to slam up into her. When he did, her back arched and her breasts thrust into the air. He watched the dark pink points of her nipples bounce with each hard piston of his hips. Lifting his legs behind her back, he pressed her to lean back against his thighs and when she did he cupped both breasts in his hands. She moaned so sweetly when he ran his thumbs over the taut peaks.

“Crazy,” he murmured as he picked up the pace, luxuriating in the feel of her wetness sliding over him. “You drive me crazy.”

He took his hands from her breasts – she replaced them with her own, pinching and tweaking her nipples without the merest hint of shyness – and moved them down so that he could spread her. He licked one of his thumbs and brought it back down to rub over her clit. She bucked against him, crying out as her body began to spasm, tightening around him impossibly further.

Then suddenly she clenched her teeth and reached for his hands, grasping them in her own and pressed his arms out to the bed on either side of them. Leaning over him, she stared at him with eyes gone dark as she rubbed her damp skin against his. She was beginning to go crazy with the feeling of his dick pumping, still growing within her. She drove the whole length of him. Hard, deep, short, strokes. One after the other.

She looked totally free, having completely surrendered herself to the pleasure she took from his body. How he loved her.

Her hands gripped his harder as she let out a small cry that let him know that she was right at the brink of explosion. Body tight, she slammed herself onto him one last time before screaming her pleasure.

Each contraction of hers helping him to....

He arched his back. Tensed. Turned and bit into his pillow, grunting so loud that it rivaled the sound of the roaring wind outside.

And he came.

She fell forward onto his heaving chest and released a final, sated moan.

“I love you,” she whispered several minutes later.

He smiled down at her. “I love you, too.”

She felt the impression of rose petals caressing her skin, their delicate scent intertwining with the decadent notes of chocolate. All of this was in her mind, telepathically delivered from the man who held her in his arms.

“Valentine’s Day plans?” she giggled.

“Every Day plans,” he said, grinning into her kiss.

This is my entry to 2013 Valentine’s Day Contest. Please read and vote! This is a stand-alone story, but in writing it, I think some other characters may pop up later with stories of their own. 

Comments are appreciated 

And please vote! Vote! VOTE! 


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The Sixth Prince Part 4

Introduction: Jasmine and Izial finish the mating ritual. Thank you to all of my dear fans for your support and patience! I have disabled comments for my other stories because of repeated ads, although I will leave the comments for this story open for two weeks (until December 9th, 2014) and possibly longer. And, as always, if you have any feedback or suggestions, please comment or send me a private message! I love to hear from my fans! Enjoy! <,3 linky_fangs The Sixth Prince Part Four ...

4 years ago
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Prince Dantes Birthday Gift Corrected

Pale as the moon with dark chestnut hair that rippled past her shoulders and with eyes the colour of pale violet; she was the living embodiment of his fantasies. She had long legs that were perfectly shaped, lush hips and a narrow waist. Her arms were tied above her head making her back arch and pushing her already impressive breasts into better view. The red and black corset she wore followed her divine shape like a glove and pushed her breasts up and together creating a cleavage he wanted...

1 year ago
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Prince Dantes Birthday Gift

“Hello pet...” he said softly as he took a step closer to her almost within reach. He enjoyed the helplessness of her position and felt himself harden. When she was unveiled to him at his dinner celebration he wanted to rip her clothes off and fuck her on the table. Now he was glad that he had waited, it would make it all that more pleasurable. “I’m you’re master now. I will tell you the rules of my house once and only once. If you break one or wilfully disobey me I will punish you. First,...

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Michelle, stood transfixed as Asif returned to his bedroom. Looking into Velma’s room her naked daughter lay on her bed having been used, fucked and humiliated by the Black boy.Michelle’s breasts were soar but her nipples tingled as the black prince strutted back to his room she knew and hoped that this would not be the end of his power for the week end as her son and daughter could not wait to be rid of the negro she felt a pang of guilt as her own desires .8pm saw tom arrive back from his...

4 years ago
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Prince Fucked Isha At Baroda

So now lets start the story, i live at alkapuri area in vadodara near our house we have jim , i regularly go to jim at 8 – 9 a.m, i have been going to jim from 6 months every body know me in the jim because my nature is very friendly and i have friendship with every body , it was my friends marriage on 14 november so i dint went to jim for 3 days and after 3 days as i went to jim and was doing regular excercises and at 8.15 a girl around 27 entered jim and was wearing jacket and track she...

2 years ago
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The Prince Bride V

The Prince Bride V By Missy Crystal Chapter 5 - Lady Marlyne The next morning, the Queen began her search by questioning the servants, who she expected would know the palace gossip. Indeed, with her royal assurance of confidentiality, they were eager to tattle, leading her to conclude that promiscuity was the favorite pastime of the court. Only one woman, however, was consistently mentioned as having the unusual combination of popularity and respect, and so the Queen sent for...

3 years ago
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Saving The Prince

William was tired of it all. He felt trapped going from table to table and talking to boring, uptight people who only wanted to speak with him since he was a prince. Pretty rich girls dressed in beautiful designer dresses gathered around him giggling and batting their eyelashes trying to catch his attention. It wasn't unusual for him to be around classy rich people day after day. Although he appreciated his luxurious lifestyle, he wished he could runaway for just one day, to where someone...

4 years ago
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Rapunzel the Prince climbs her tower despite bei

RapunzelBy oggbashan ©With apologies to the brothers Grimm***********************************************************Copyright Oggbashan May 2004Minor edit November 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.**********************************************************The prince...

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The Prince Bride III

The Prince Bride III By Missy Crystal Chapter 3 - Elisse Queen Charlotte found the King in the Council chamber. He was anxious to hear of her reunion with their son and dismissed his advisors, so that he could speak with her in private. Once they were alone, he instructed the royal guards outside the door to permit no one to enter. King Henry, fearless in battle, stood nervously before his wife, anticipating her anger at the harm he had caused by keeping the Prince from her....

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Prince Bonir Vol 04

Vol. 4: Defense of the Realm It was a sad day when the messenger arrived to announce that my uncle, the king, had passed away. It was also exciting, I had come to know my cousin very well when I first began my knight’s training, and now he would become King Edelbert III. I packed up with my entourage—my sister Elizabeth, my consorts Eve and Arianna, plus six guards and their captain Jauffrey—for at least two weeks stay at the royal palace. Nobles from across the land were arriving to pay...

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