The Foolish Prince free porn video

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"The Foolish Prince" By Zapper Synopsis: In the golden age of Hyberia; an age of magic, swords, and sorcery there is a land in the far north. The kingdom of Vanaheim is ruled by Oberon and is enjoying a time of prosperity and relative peace. Prince Caspar is bored with his decadent life and seeks out his father's Court Sorcerer demanding an artifact to help him satisfy his every lust... mischief and chaos ensue. [This story contains elements of possession, transformation, and body-swapping. There are graphic erotic scenes that might offend some readers. ] *** Chapter One *** "Are you sure this is what you desire, my lord?" Horus asked. The sweat on his bald head gleamed in the lamp light of the tower the Court Sorcerer called home. Even though it was the middle of the night neither the prince nor the sorcerer showed any signs of being tired. "Yes. You said you've finished it, where is it?" The authoritative voice of the young, handsome, prince was spoiled by the slight slur induced by his habitual over indulgence. Despite this, his body was lean and hard and he towered over the smaller darker form Horus. He slowly hooked a rawboned hand in the loop of his trousers next to the rapier. "You didn't lie to me, did you?" His voice dripped with menace. "No, of course not. It's just, this is a powerful artifact. It took almost a year to craft and great mischief might result from its use." At this Prince Caspar grinned his brilliant smile lighting up the dark room and the hint of laughter crinkled the corner of his eyes. "I'm counting on it. My father and mother are in good health and I don't have to start acting responsible for years yet." "What of your wife? The mid-wife has predicted that she will deliver twins to you in six months. As a father, shouldn't you be more responsible?" At this the look on Caspar's face shifted. "Don't lecture me old man. You serve the King and I am his son and heir. Lest you wish chastisement, bring out the artifact." Horus bony shoulders slumped and after taking a moment to rub his beak like nose he moved to a trunk that had been sealed with wards and locked with iron. The prince watched as Horus chanted words he didn't quite catch and then pulled a long iron key from under his robes. The lock clicked open and Prince Caspar moved to peer into the trunk. Try as he might the shadows that filled the trunk prevented the prince from observing what was inside. When Horus reached in the shadows seemed to writhe and slither up his arm as if they weren't just alive, but sentient. Horus slowly pulled back a bony arm and for a moment Caspar wondered if the shadows would come out along with the hand. Abruptly, the clinging darkness fell back and Horus lifted the prize and turned to present it to Caspar. In that instant Caspar saw the glow of red power in the old man's eyes and took a step back, his hand dropping to his sword. "As you commanded, my lord." Horus offered the necklace to the prince. Caspar's eyes devoured the item. The long gold chain looked like a work of stunning craftsmanship, but the part that caught the prince's interest was the teardrop shaped crystal that hung from it. The crystal had been bound with gold and silver wire and then attached to the chain. For a moment, Caspar thought it glowed with an inner power. Then he shook his head, 'It must be a trick of the light.' he thought. "How does it work?" Still holding the artifact to the prince Horus answered, "The necklace has three powers, my prince. First is possession. When you are wearing it, touch the crystal with a hand and look at a person and whisper "Invoca." Your mind will fly like a breeze into the object of your gaze and it will be as if you were that person. When you do this your body will fall asleep until you say, "Reditum." This will cause your spirit to return to your magnificent royal flesh." Caspar's eyes lit up, but he didn't move. "That isn't exactly what I asked you to craft." "True, my lord. The second power, is transformation. This is the power you requested. Hold the crystal in one hand and touch an item of clothing, a personal possession, or the flesh of another and say, "Invoca." When you do this your royal body will change into a perfect copy that person. To end the transformation while wearing the necklace grasp it in one hand and say, "Reditum." This will return you to your masterful flesh." Now the prince grinned, "Perfect." He reached for the chain only to have Horus pull away. "There is one final power and a warning." This time the prince glared, but said nothing. Horus could see he was trying the royal patients, such as it was. With a shrug, he dropped the crystal into Caspar's outstretched hand. "The third power is the ability to exchange minds with another. Hold the crystal in your hand, speak the person's name and and say "Invoca" and your mind will inhabit that person's body while his mind moves into your royal body. To return to your royal flesh you must wear the necklace, hold it in one hand, and say "Reditum."" At this Caspar closed his fist over the crystal. "Why that last power? I didn't request it." The sorcerer shrugged, "My lord I've known you since you were a little boy. You love to cause mischief. I feared that you might become bored with the ability to transform so I added additional powers in the hope of keeping the royal curiosity satisfied." Caspar laughed. "Well done, Horus." He lifted the chain and dropped it over his head. "Now, what of this warning?" Horus was slightly surprised that the prince had been paying attention. 'Perhaps he's not as drunk as I thought.' "The warning is simple. The longer you remain within the form of another the more that body will affect you. The memories, skills, needs, wants, desires, and preferences are all locked within the physical being. I would suggest only short uses of the necklace's power until you become accustomed to it." The prince nodded, "I will heed your words." Then before Horus could finish he touched the crystal with one hand he said, "Invoca." A tingle raced through the prince's body and then he felt a wind pull him up, even though he didn't move and everything in the room remained locked in place. Then he zoomed toward Horus as he too stood frozen. The form of the old man grew bigger and bigger and then he felt a snapping sensation and he gasped. Air filled his lungs, his whole body ached and he blinked. He heard a noise and looked down to see that his body had slumped to the ground. Moving forward Caspar grimaced, "I had no idea old Horus knees ached so badly." he muttered in Horus's tenor. Stopping next to his body Caspar was relieved to see his chest rise and fall. "I look like I'm sleeping." He ran a bony hand over his bald head, "This is what it feels like to be bald? Ha!" Slowly Caspar moved around the room, he felt small, feeble, frail even. Yet every sensation was new and interesting. Caspar moved to a chair Horus must use when studying magic and settled into it. "Reditum!" Once again, the astral wind lifted Caspar's spirit up from the aged sorcerer's flesh. He flew across the room and settled into his blonde body. An instant later Caspar and Horus's eyes flew open. "W-what?" Horus gasped slowly standing. "Well, done Horus! This is indeed a princely gift!" Already on his feet Caspar looked down at the tiny sorcerer, "What did you feel, while I possessed you?" Horus shrugged, "It was like I fell asleep. Only now, if I think on it, I vaguely remember walking around the room and settling into my chair." "Excellent! Well, I'm off, the night is late, but not too late!" With that he spun about and rushed from the chamber. As the door banged shut Horus shook his head. "My prince, you are a fool. Playing with magic has consequences and you didn't hear the second part of my warning." Then he shook his head and returned to the trunk. This time he retrieved a ring, with a crystal made from the same stone as the one hanging from Caspar's necklace. Horus locked the trunk and activated the wards. When he straitened up he rubbed his back and then grinned, "I wonder what will happen when the prince discovers that the necklace will not work during the three days of the full moon?" Then he slid the ring onto his hand admiring the much smaller crystal. "I must remember to thank the prince for his sponsorship. I'd never have been able to craft the necklace or this ring without his wealth and authority backing me up!" *** Chapter Two *** Caspar practically danced as he made his way to his chambers. When he entered his quarters he barely noticed the plush carpet under his boots or the bright lamps that bathed the opulent space in warm light. He tossed his sword carelessly onto a couch and moved to stand before the large fire place. "Now for a bit of fun!" He laughed. On the way, back to his suite Caspar had walked past his father's study. Upon hearing voices, he knocked on the door. A moment later the door swung open and he saw the bearded face of Duke Alaric. Alaric was a bear of a man, taller even than prince Caspar, and known to be one of the deadliest warriors in the realm. "It is your son, my lord." "Father," Caspar exclaimed, brushing up against Alaric, as he pushed into the study. When he glanced around he saw Gunter, Knight Captain of the Royal Guard, and the fat form of Baron Otto, the third richest man in the realm. "Is this a war council?" Caspar asked eagerly. At this Otto filled the room with his booming laugh while Gunter just shook his head. "Nothing so grave my son. We are four old friends sharing a drink and talking of crops and bandits." King Oberon replied, "Will you join us?" "Nay, father, I am done in. I only stopped because I saw the light and wished to bid you a good evening." Oberon's brow furled. "What are you up to Caspar?" Caspar laughed and picked up a bottle of brandy from the table where the men sat. "Just pinching a quick libation to ease my slumber, my lord." and with that Caspar ducked out of the chamber. Now Caspar looked down at the riding gloves he'd lifted from Alaric's belt. After a moment to consider Caspar tossed his garments to one side and naked he picked up the gloves and wrapped a fist around the crystal. "Invoca." Again, a tingling sensation raced through Caspar only this time it intensified. Caught between pleasure and pain Caspar couldn't move. Then he felt his flesh shifting around. As if his body were made of clay... clay that was being reshaped. After several long seconds the tingling died away and it was over. He stumbled forward, now able to move, gasping, dizzy, and off balance. The first thing Caspar noticed was the long red beard that now tickled his chest. He lifted a powerful arm and saw that his hand was larger than normal and it now had a set of calluses from long hours of weapons practice. "I am Duke Alaric!" Caspar boomed and grinned wolfishly at the deep base that had replaced his normal refined tones. "Oh, this is too perfect!" Caspar walked over to the standing mirror to one side of the room. As he did he felt his now nine-inch, flaccid, cock swing from side-to-side. Standing in front of the mirror he ran his hands over the powerful body of the Duke. "Little wonder he's one of the deadliest warriors alive!" Then he reached between his thighs and stroked his new manhood, "I bet Annika loves this." He shook his head, "Why would the Duke be drinking with my father when he could be ravishing the fairest maiden in all the kingdom?" Caspar moved to his wardrobe drawing out a loose robe he used for the walk to the castle baths. Even this garment was tight on his now large shoulders. Once clothed Caspar took a moment to put out all but one of the lamps and, locking the door behind him, moved through the castle on silent feet. Caspar knew every passage and every corner of the castle. The halls the servants used to move unobserved through the castle and even the secret ways. The secret ways were passages built that only the royal family knew about. The closest "way" was a few feet from his chamber. Caspar pressed one heavy foot on a flagstone, while simultaneously pushing a stone in the wall, he heard a faint click. A moment later that part of the wall slid silently back and Caspar squeezed his now much larger body through the narrow opening. A few seconds later the wall closed cutting Caspar off from all light except the lamp he carried. The journey to the apartments the King had given to Duke Alaric and his wife only took a few minutes. After peering out the spy hole to ensure no one would see him Caspar returned to the normal passageway. Walking around a corner the guards by the apartment snapped to attention. They wore the tabard of Northumbria, Alaric's duchy. "My lord, are you done drinking with the King?" The younger guard asked. Caspar grunted and the second guard grinned, "An early night then?" "Aye. Is my wife, Annika, within?" "Nay my lord. When you left the feast hall with the king she returned to her room." "It has been a long day. Which apartment did the royal's give her?" "The purple suite, my lord. Just down the corridor from here." "My thanks," Caspar boomed in Alaric's jovial voice. Clapping the younger guard on the shoulder he gave the guard a wink. "I think I need to pay her a visit." At this both guards grinned openly at the man they thought was their lord. When the door to the Duchess's rooms came into view the guards stationed there came to attention. "Good evening. How fairs my lady wife?" "She is within my lord, but as to her state? I-I do not know." The older guard replied. "Then I shall discover it for myself." Caspar brushed by and opened the door. The scent of roses filled the room and the fire had been allowed to die to a faint glow. Caspar moved through the sitting room to the door that led to the bedchamber. He pushed the door open and the light from his lamp showed a canopied bed and a single form sleeping within. "M-My lord?" The sleepy question was all the confirmation Caspar needed. Setting the lamp on the table by the bed he dropped his robe, "It is I, your husband, Alaric." After a moment's hesitation, he took the necklace off and dropped it onto the robe. "I was not expecting you tonight my lord. Does the King not need your council?" "Not as much as I need you." Caspar's eyes devoured the lush curve of Annika's breasts. Lifting a large hand Caspar parted the diaphanous curtain and eased onto the bed. Annika sat up and turned toward him and Caspar saw that she was wearing a flimsy see-through garment. "By the gods, you are beautiful." "I can see my lord is in need of me." Annika giggled, reaching out with a tiny pale hand to grasp Caspar's now fully erect cock. Caspar reached up cupping Annika's delicate chin and brushed his lips to hers while Annika continued to stroke his shaft. "Oh, gods, woman!" Then gripping her nightgown with one hand, he tore it from her. "Ewk..." Annika screeched, startled, and looked up at the man she thought was her husband, with large blue eyes. Caspar ran a calloused hand over her luscious milky breast enjoying the soft heavy weight. Then he lowered his lips to a pink nipple relishing the rubbery texture as he teased it with his tongue. "Oh, my lord, where did you learn that?" 'Oh, I've got all sorts of new things for you.' Caspar thought. Using his free hand, he ran it over the curve of her hip and down between her legs. Discovering a moist heat, he used his fingers to part Annika's lower lips. "Oh, my love. I don't know what brought you to my chamber this night but, I pray you, do not stop!" Caspar found Annika's clit and stroked it he felt her respond by spreading her legs further apart and pushing up into his hand. Then he drove a single large digit into her depths. Using his thumb, he continued an assault on her clit, until at last his questing fingers found her g-spot. "O-Oh... that's it. Right there! Ohhhhh-mmmmyyyy- lllooorrrdd." Feeling this gorgeous creature at the precipice of a climax Caspar gloried in it. 'Spurn me as nothing more than a spoiled princeling?' he laughed on the inside. 'Well, the Prince shall have you! Even if you don't know who it is who visits your chamber. Let that lumbering clod of a husband wonder why he can never satisfy his wife after this night!' Before she could cum Caspar moved between Annika's milky thighs and holding his iron hard cock in one hand he guided it into her. Even with the foreplay Caspar had to be gentle. His new shaft was huge and the popping sensation as he penetrated Annika's gate left him gasping. "You are so, tight!" "Gently, my lord." Annika moaned. "It has been more than two moons since you last used my body." Then she felt the man she thought was her husband reach under her grasping her bottom for leverage, Caspar rammed his cock home! "Ahhhhh! M-My lord, t-that hurts!" "Silence wench, your body is mine!" Caspar snarled. Pulling back until he was almost out he drove back in, burying his cock balls deep within her. At this Annika lifted her legs to wrap them around his waist. Caspar's steady assault slowly transformed the pain to something else. Gradually he increased the pace, pumping faster and faster. Sweat began to cover his hairy back and Annika was now squirming with pleasure. Not satisfied Caspar pulled out, "Roll over wench. I will take you like a peasant, like a milk-maid in the fields." Lust filled her eyes at this unusual behavior and Annika eagerly rolled over. Caspar quickly mounted her from behind. Grabbing her hips for leverage he drove into her honey pot again and again. *** Caspar closed the door to his chamber and started laughing. The deep base guffaw bounced around the room causing him to laugh harder. He could see the sun starting to touch the horizon, through the glass door that led to a balcony. On his way back he'd once again passed his father's study, unsurprised that the light was still on. It was his father's habit, when his nobles visited, to spend the first night drinking. It was a perverse test of manhood, to see if they could keep up with the king. Knowing this Caspar hadn't been worried about getting caught. Then he felt between his legs. His cock was almost raw from the work he'd put it through. Then the image of an exhausted Annika sprawled like a tavern whore across her bed. The juices, sweat, cum, and a little blood, from his hard use of her body covered her. Caspar grinned as he remembered his first use of her ass. It was a virgin hole no longer. Annika's screams of pain turned to wonton, carnal, bliss as he expertly used her body. Again, and again, he'd brought her to climax. When she'd thought it was over, he drove her to yet another, higher, precipice. At last she'd cum as he rode her ass, stroking her clit with one hand while holding her hip with the other. It was a night Caspar knew Annika would never forget. He reached into the pocket of the robe and pulled out the necklace before tossing the robe to one side. Caspar strode to the mirror and placed the necklace around his neck. He growled, "Reditum!" while holding the crystal. Once again, the magic pulsed through his body and it shifted. This time, knowing what to expect he looked forward to the tingling that rushed through his frame. Frozen he watched as his skin shifted and moved. Red hair was replaced with blonde and coarse skin became smoother. Restored to his royal shape, Caspar returned to where he'd left his robe and retrieved Alaric's gloves and a new item. The gown he'd torn from Annika when wadded into a ball had fit easily into the pocket of his robe. "Now that I've had you once. I shall have you whenever I choose. I know a certain whore who would love to wear the shape of the most beautiful lady in the realm!" Caspar quickly locked the pendant and garments in his personal safe and then slid into bed. Content in the knowledge that he'd just ruined Annika for Alaric. A fitting revenge, in his mind, for the way she'd spurned him. *** Chapter Three *** Caspar sat in his favorite tavern, dressed like a commoner, but it was only a polite fiction. Everyone within the establishment knew he was their prince. It had been a week since Duck Alaric had left the castle in a fury. He refused to explain to anyone the reason for his anger but the way Annika had hidden within the carriage was all the explanation Caspar needed. The men of the northern provinces were known for being prudish, swift to anger, and perhaps a little dimmer than most. Caspar imagined Annika suggesting a repeat performance of the previous night's bed play, and Alaric's response. Caspar figured that Alaric now knew that he'd been cuckolded. Yet they had no way to even make the accusation. Even if Alaric knew it had been Caspar using magic to trick Annika, there was no way to prove it. Without that evidence an accusation would have resulted in Alaric's swift imprisonment. Still, Caspar had been careful in the days that followed his hard use of Annika. Now, however, he reached up and touched the pendant. Time to test another power. Looking around around the seedy tavern Caspar's eyes feasted upon the flesh of barmaids and whores. They came in all sizes and shapes and he loved the flesh of each kind of woman. Then his eyes fell on a dark-haired goddess. Obviously, a whore and probably an expensive one. A barbarian warrior, from Cimmeria by the look of him, scooped her up and tossed a coin to the owner of the tavern. "A room!" The fat proprietor caught the coin and bit into it before nodding. "Top of the stairs, third from the end on the left." As the guard carried his prize up Caspar looked at his drinking companions. They were "off" duty members of the royal guard. "I'm going to take a quick nap. See that no one disturbs me." "Aye, my lord." Looking up at the woman still kicking and screaming as the guard carried her, over one shoulder up the stairs, Caspar touched the crystal and whispered, "Invoca." The breeze he'd felt before blew Caspar up out of his body and across the common room. The guard had reached the top of the stairs and as Caspar approached the woman looked up. Her pale delicate face was framed by dark hair and she had the bluest eyes Caspar had ever seen. Eyes that got bigger and bigger. Then the world spun around. Caspar gasped, he had a hard time breathing, a long curtain of dark hair fell around his face. "W-What?" he tried to say, but it came out as a high-pitched squeak. "I've had enough of your squealing, Ida!" A gruff voice noted. Caspar tried to pound the back of the giant carrying him. His blows were soft and useless. "Put me down!" Until now, Caspar hadn't realized how hard it was to breath, with all his weight supported by his stomach and his soft luscious body draped over the hard shoulder of a warrior. This time as the words came out in a musical alto, in an accent new to Caspar's ear, and he realized what had happened. He'd been looking at the whore instead of the warrior when he used the crystal!" "As you wish!" Casper was tossed from the man's shoulder, his back hit the wall, and he scrambled to keep his tiny feet under him. The balance of his new body was off and the way the flesh on his chest moved and bounced was a momentary distraction. Then a strong hand pressed him into the wall and a masculine mouth covered his. Caspar could taste the onions and liver as the warrior's tongue ravished his mouth. He tried to hit at the warrior with one tiny hand, but his body wasn't moving properly. When he drew back Caspar sputtered, "W-Why you I-I'll have you whipped for that!" "Oh, is that how you want to play it, tonight? You're the struggling maiden and I'm the conquering warrior? Well, I'm game." The guard pulled off a dirty, and much stained, cloth he'd been wearing around his head, to keep the sweat from his eyes, and shoved it into Caspar's mouth. Caspar tried to pull it out but the warrior caught both of his tiny writs in his ham sized fist. Then he pulled a leather cord from his belt and wrapped it around Caspar's mouth to prevent him from spitting the rag out. "Mmph-r-ph-elease meeeee!" Caspar tried to say shaking his head. It was no use the warrior's movements were quick and practiced. Obviously, he'd been on slaving raids and knew how to capture a woman. In a few seconds, Caspar's hands and feet were professionally bound and then to his horror the barbarian picked him up as though he weighed nothing. Caspar felt the warrior kick open a door and he was flung onto a dirty bed with a straw filled mattress. He hit hard, the mattress doing little to absorb the impact, and his soft body bounced breasts bursting from the top of the tight corset that had almost contained them. Feeling the large succulent orbs on his chest and seeing the bright pink nipples it fully hit him. 'I'm a woman! God's no! I can't be a woman!' "Now, Ida, you're the one who wants to play it rough. I'm willing to play along, but I'm not paying extra!" At this the guard tossed a coin onto the floor by the bed. Then he started shedding his clothes. 'I've got to return.' Caspar thought as the realization of what was about to happen hit him. "R-ph-edit-mph-tum" he tried to say. Nothing happened. Then he felt the weight of the warrior, now completely naked, as he moved onto the bed. "Come here wench!" The irony of being called "wench" made Caspar want to scream and he rolled onto his belly, breasts, like a pair of enormous pillows, pressed into the fabric of the bed as he tried to escape. "Where do you think, you're going?" A powerful hand closed around his soft ankle and Caspar was pulled to the edge of the bed. "Trying to escape? After I paid good money? That's a bad girl." Caspar felt his skirt lift and the cold air on his soft bottom was surprisingly shocking. 'I'm not wearing small clothes.' Caspar thought in horror. SMACK... SMACK... SMACK The sting of the warrior's hand on Caspar's soft flesh made him gasp and tears sprang to his eyes. He knew what was coming and still he tried to fight. Wiggling and squirming only seemed to excite the warrior. As the spanking continued the burning on Caspar's ass shifted. Each slap sent a jolt of sensation through parts that Caspar had never had before. The sting of each impact moved through his new parts, parts he still refused to accept, exciting them. Instead of the hard sensation of his normal, royal cock, his new, soft, moist, tunnel began to ache with need. "Shall we test the waters?" "Mph-W-ph-at?" Then Caspar's eyes went wide as a finger spread his pussy lips. A part of his mind had known he now had a pussy. Yet, on a conscious level he'd refused to understand or accept what that must mean. The touch, the sensation of having a set of lips, where none previously existed, gave him no room to deny it. Caspar tried to squirm away but the barbarian held him firmly, helpless, in his strong grasp. Thick course fingers probed into him. Each stroke filled and stocked a fire of need within him. Caspar could feel his own moist juices and could stop himself from pushing into those questing fingers. "I'd say the water is warm and ready!" The knowledge that he now owned a pussy and was unavoidable. The barbarian warrior continued to spread, stroke, and tease his new feminine region. Then there was a shift, the Barbarian had found a nub of flesh just above his slit... Caspar's eyes went wide as a jolt of carnal electricity burst through him. Rubbing Caspar's clit, the barbarian pushed a second finger into his tunnel. Bucking his hips, little moans escaped the gag, Caspar desperately wanted it to stop. Never had he dreamed anything might feel so good! "Like that, do ya? Well, old Bert knows what you like. By the god's, I've had you often enough!" The probing turned into a stead pumping. With each stroke, Bert teased Caspar's clit sending increasingly intense jolts of pleasure into his soft jiggling squirming body. The pumping continued and a tension started to build and build. The damn, holding back him back broke, gasping, Caspar felt his inner muscles try to clamp down on the offending digit. His pussy spasmed and his whole body shuddered as an orgasm, unlike any he'd ever had before, rushed through him. 'I-It can't be... did I-I just cum?' "Ah, that's my girl. I'd say you're ready." Caspar felt his body being lifted like a child. Then his face was pressed into the stained and smelly straw mattress. 'W-What?' was all he could think as two powerful hands lifted his hips. On reflex Caspar pulled his knees together and under him and then tried to take the weight off his soft full chest by getting his bound hands under his large breasts. Then he felt a tug and the cord that had tied his feet together was gone. "There we go," Bert said, and Caspar felt the electric sensation of a hot cock pressed to his sensitive lower lips. He tried to move, to hold his knees together. "Still playing the virgin, are you?" With that Bret easily forced Caspar's legs apart and then with a single strong thrust Bert pushed the helmet of his cock into Caspar from behind. Caspar wanted to scream, 'Oh, god's no!' at the popping sensation, as Bert entered him, but the gage was still firmly in place. "Give me a bit more room, wench." He heard Bert say and then felt his legs forced further apart. He tried to struggle but Bert was in full command of Caspar's delectable female body. From behind Caspar felt Bert shift his weight and he buried his hot, hard, cock to the hilt in Caspar's yearning pussy. The penetration was smooth and easy since Bert wasn't too big and Ida's cunt was will used. Bert started to pick up the pace, and Caspar looking back, between his own pendulous melons. The sight was one he'd never imagined. Bert's ball sack swinging under his tummy, in time with each mighty barbaric thrust. Caspar buried his face into the lumpy mattress and closed his eyes, as the pressure built, unable to watch the impossible sight of being taken, like a peasant, from behind. This time as the sensations grew stronger, more powerful, a primal force he tried to deny, but couldn't fight, swept him up. The orgasm that crashed over him left Caspar gasping and cringing. 'N-Nothing can feel this good!' Then he felt his body being lifted and spun around to face Bert. Bert settled onto the bed and dropped Caspar onto his lap, now facing the warrior. "I wanna suck on those udders!" Corse whiskers brushed against his sensitive flesh and then Caspar felt Bert's cock impale his pussy, again. This time he didn't even try to fight it, he spread his legs straddling Bert and dropped his still bound wrists over and behind his head. Wiggling to rub his clit against the hilt of Bert's meat. The connection between breasts and pussy was like nothing Caspar had ever imagined. In a vague way, he remembered bringing women to the edge of bliss and holding them there. Using every decadent skill, he possessed to tease and then push them over. To own their bodies and dominate the weaker, feminine mind, to make each conquest his own, body, mind, and soul. This was the height of pleasure to Caspar. Women were nothing more, in Caspar's mind, than playthings for his amusement, slaves to his cock and manly touch. Now, on the receiving end of so many sensations, Caspar felt his world shifting around him. He couldn't think. All he could do was react to the carnal sensations assaulting his male mind. Abruptly, Caspar realized that his hands were free, he had no idea of when Bert had released him. Rather than claw at the gage, he ran his dainty fingers through the warrior's long hair as he continued to suck and caress Caspar's amazing tits. Riding a wave of carnality, nothing existed except cock and pussy, and the build of yet another climax. Never had he dreamt that each successive explosion of bliss might be more powerful than the last. Clenching his cunt as tightly as he could around the Bert's rod Caspar threw back his head in a muffled attempt to scream. "Ah, babe, I'm almost there." Bert tossed Caspar onto his back, not breaking the timing of his steady thrusting. Flat on his back, Bert's assault on his pussy picked up in intensity. A relentless hammering that curled his toes and caused him to wrap his long legs around Bert's athletic waist. Just as Caspar was about to cum, yet again, Bert pulled out and sent a spray of ropy white fluid into Caspar's face. His mind still dazed Caspar felt his pussy trying to clamp down on the tool that no longer filled it. The empty feeling, the sensation of a deep primordial connection, followed by the gaping loss of that connection left his body quivering and his womanhood grasping, still trying to clamp down on the missing cock. The feeling of being brought to the edge, only this time, not to be pushed over was new to Caspar. "Ida, that was great! It was like we'd never fucked before!" Bert reached down and pulled the makeshift gage off. "Now, clean me with your mouth." Caspar stared at the red rod, still dripping cum and covered with pussy juice, and whispered "Reditum." *** Chapter Four *** Caspar lunged, driving his sparring partner back. The training ground was full of warriors practicing their craft. Caspar even though a royal had been forced, under the eye of his father, to spend at least an hour a day here. Normally, he gloried in the training. His body was tall, lean, and hardened from almost twenty-five years of steady training. The maidens normally filled the balconies surrounding the ground so that they could watch as one warrior strove against another. Ordinarily, this wasn't a distraction for Caspar, except for today. It had been a month since he'd learned what a woman feels when taken by a powerful man and he couldn't get the sensations out of his mind. 'What's wrong with me?' he wondered. Just then he felt a stabbing blow to his shoulder as Kyler got past his defense and hit him with the blunt tip of a saber. "My lord, are you feeling alright?" The concern on his friend's face only made him angry. "I'm fine. Again." This time Caspar focused on the match and they were soon moving over the training ground the clash of the blunt blades sent sparks as Caspar focused. His confusion and anger had manifested in this duel and he was determined to win. Kyler was no slouch. The son of Gunter he'd been trained to fight before he could walk. Around the sparing grounds they moved and soon everyone else stopped to watch. Stepping close Kyler bound their blades in a clench, slightly taller, and much stronger from his father's non-stop training, Kyler knew he had the advantage. "What's bothering you my prince?" Rather than answer Caspar stepped across and in front of Kyler, he then twisted at the hips while holding tightly to Kyler's sword arm. The hip throw worked, but Kyler was ready. Diving forward he turned the throw into a front roll and came to his feet sword at the ready. "A draw?" At Caspar's nod, Kyler saluted. The training yard burst into applause. When Caspar looked up he saw they'd drawn a crowd. On the far balcony, he spotted his wife, the princess, Sanja. While the blonde busty Annika was considered the fairest woman in the realm, Sanja with her flaming hair and only slightly smaller chest was just a step behind. Yet, for Caspar, it was a wound that ate at him. He was the crown prince! He should have the most beautiful maiden to wife and he should be the mightiest warrior in the land. He glanced over at Kyler from the corner of his eye and wondered how the virile warrior would react to womanhood. There was a particularly lusty courtesan with an insatiable libido who might look good on Kyler. Then Sanja smiled down at her husband the prince and rubbed her slightly swollen belly. Caspar lifted his training blade in salute, but it was not to the princess. Sanja flashed a smile and waved down at her husband, blind to the woman standing just behind her. In the shadows of the balcony, to one side, was a dusky slave. A woman from the realms to the south. South of even the azure sea. Her skin was far darker than the people of Caspar's kingdom and from the moment he saw her he'd been intoxicated by her exotic beauty. The slave collar flashed in the morning sunlight a bright contrast to Nefertari's skin. After Caspar's night of passion with Annika he'd sent the court sorcerer away. That way when Alaric went looking for him Caspar informed the enraged husband that the sorcerer was gone. Horus, never one to waste an opportunity, had journeyed south to the southern-most city within the realm of Vanaheim. The city of Gildar was the center of the slave trade for the region and Horus had found Nefertari on the slave block. When he brought her to the castle Caspar knew he had to have her. As quick as a thought Nefertari vanished from behind his wife. Everyone in the Castle knew she was Horus slave and that they were from the same country. The rumors that floated around the halls had them performing blood rites and having deviate sex, under the full-moon. Caspar laughed when he heard these since he knew where Nefertari spent most of her nights. Although, as he considered it, he knew the servants had the deviate sex acts right. "Well fought, you two!" Gunter shouted coming forward. He clapped a hand on each of their shoulders. "To think I'd once despaired of teaching you the blade." This comment was directed at Caspar. "I'd say that today's work qualifies you for a master swordsman badge. I will make the recommendation to your father, the king." *** "Master, it is almost time." Nefertari's soft voice seemed to fill the dark. The shadows were alive with spirits and she shuddered to think of the things her master, Horus, had done here. The old man moved into the lamp light, the reflection from his bald ebony skull seemed more appropriate to stone than to a human. "Tell me." "The prince is a fool and is weak. He is driven by his needs and thinks of nothing except his pleasure." "This, I already know." The irritation Horus voice filled Nefertari with fear, yet she refused to let it show. "Did you know, he mistakenly took the form of a woman and experienced a woman's true pleasure?" At this the old sorcerer blinked, "No, that is, unexpected." Then after a moment stroking his chin, "I think you can use this. Play it up, goad him, when he mounts you make him believe that nothing under the heavens can feel as blissful as being taken as a woman. Then in your post coital bliss confess to him that you pity men, since they cannot know a woman's pleasure." Nefertari nodded, "This I have already done. I told him I'm not afraid of magic and for the past week he's brought out the crystal. I have taken the shape of many women, but most often when he uses me, it is as I am, or in the forms of Duchess Annika and Sonja, his wife." "Has he spoken of taking a woman's body, that you may pleasure him?" "He has not spoken of it... yet I can see it in his eyes. His desire to try it once again is a fire that will not go out." Then she laughed, "I will not let it go out." "Excellent, my slave, stoke the flame of his desire, of his need to see, feel, and experience every form of pleasure. If you can, get him to use the third power. Trade bodies with him. Then show him what a mistress trained in the House of Pleasure can do." At this the sorcerer took her chin in his bony hand lifting it so that her eyes met his, "When you take him, force him to call you Prince Caspar and address him only as salve or Nefertari. If you can get him to, make him beg, and when he begs he must call you Caspar. The magic will work on him, forcing him into the role that matches the body wears." Then an evil chuckle escaped Horus withered lips, "Once you have brought him to the heights of pleasure, ask him if he's ready to switch back. If he says no, then reluctantly agree. If he says yes, punish him, call him a stupid slave, force him to yield to your will and take his body by force. When you ravish him tell him he is a slave and unworthy of the cock you now own. Tell him you will return it when you are ready and not before. Then when you are finished order him to return to me." Nefertari bowed gesturing with her hand in a complex way that Horus knew meant she had heard his order and would obey. After Nefertari left he ran a bony finger over his ring. "Soon, very soon, I'll use you and then we shall see." *** Caspar looked out the window of his apartments fuming. He'd approached Sonja suggesting that a night spent in passion would strengthen the son growing in her womb. She'd laughed and said that wasn't how it worked and to leave mysteries of this sort to the women. The condescending attitude infuriated him. Returning to his room Caspar had polished off a bottle of brandy before a thought entered his mind. Laughing he'd moved to the window, if this plan were to work, he had to be patient. Caspar had never been a patient man, but he knew how to focus on the things he wanted. Night had fallen and most of the castle had settled in for the evening. Caspar banked the lights in his apartment and waited in the shadows. At the end of the day's feasting, before he'd tried to work his charms on the Princess Sonja, he'd watched Kyler leave the Great Hall with his arm draped around the shoulder of his favorite serving wench. The woman had the big bones of a peasant and the enormous bosom to match. Yet, Kyler had hinted that she was tireless in bed. This was something Caspar found hard to believe, and even though intrigued had no interest in testing the boast. His tastes were far more refined. Abruptly the door to a private suite across the courtyard opened. Faint yellow candle light spilled out and the curvaceous shape of a lass moved through the portal exiting Kyler's suite. A man's shadow leaned out and even though it was hard to tell in the dim light Caspar felt sure that the two shadows were sharing the parting kiss of lovers. As soon the lovers parted Caspar caught sight of Kyle's face and grasped the crystal in his hand and said, "Invoca." In an instant, he was flying through the night. He reached Kyle's door just it closed and Caspar passed through it and into the body just behind the door. Caspar's senses seemed to come alive and he staggered. Everything was slightly off. Cool air moved over his naked body and by the easy swinging of his flaccid cock Caspar knew he was still a man. Moving through the room by the light of a single candle Caspar found a mirror standing on a dresser. At the sight of Kyler's handsome face, Caspar grinned. "Well, my lad, you are the best warrior in the castle, but not for much longer!" Caspar grabbed, tunic, trousers, boots, and Kyler's sword belt and once dressed put out the light. Waiting until his eyes had adjusted to the dark Caspar made his way through the castle by the hidden passages to his own, royal suite. Safely in his own room Caspar moved to the apparently sleeping form of the prince. "I must say, you are a handsome devil, Prince Caspar!" he laughed. Caspar grunted as he picked up his own body, surprised at how heavy it was. He carried it from the balcony to the main suite and drop his sleeping form on the couch by the fireplace. Then he reached out and pulled the crystal from his own sleeping grasp. For a moment, he wondered if the spell would be broken, would breaking contact with the crystal cause him to return to his body. When nothing happened, he let out a sigh of relief. Now he moved to the table where he'd left a torn woman's nightgown. Dropping the necklace over his head he gripped the crystal in one hand and the gown in the other. "Invoca!" For a moment, nothing happened and he thought he'd done something wrong then the tingling hit him. Once again, the feeling of clay under a sculptor's hand consumed him. Flesh shifted, dark hair turned to blonde. Breasts blossomed, hips widened, and the sucking feeling in his crotch was matched by a shrinking sensation as he lost height and weight. Caspar gasped. Everything was off and wrong. Heavy breasts swung from his chest and his center of gravity was wrong. Slowly, on tiny feet, he moved through the dimly lit room to the mirror. By candle light he saw the image of the Duchess Annika wearing Kyler's too large clothes. He reached up with tiny fingers to trace the intoxicating beauty of her face. Then a wicked grin quirked the corners of his mouth and an evil giggle bubbled up. "Ah, my friend you are in for a night you will never forget!" The sound of Annika's sweet voice sent a shiver down his now delicate spine. Slowly, as if teasing a crowded hall, Caspar moved swaying his hips and twisting and spinning he sent one overly large item of male clothing to the floor after another. Once naked he moved to his royal body and returned the crystal to his former masculine hand. Then Caspar went to a cupboard where he kept a special libation. The drink was one he'd had Horus make from time to time. It was a potion designed to inflame the libido, to dampen inhibitions, to intensify every sexual sensation, and to dull the wit. He'd used it and he'd even shared it, covertly, with Sonja. When she turned down his advances one too many times, he'd slipped it into her drink and enjoyed the results. Now he lifted the bottle to his rosebud lips and drank a healthy swallow of the sweet liquid. At once Caspar could feel the fire in his veins. Still naked he moved to his own royal bed and slowly stretched out upon it. The feeling of silken sheets on his soft skin sent goose flesh rippling down his back. He crawled forward feeling the cool air on his flesh like a lover's caress. His bountiful jugs swung freely beneath him, his bright pink nipples almost touching the sheets and he felt flushed and a little drunk. From previous use, he recognized the first signs of the potion. Once in the middle of the enormous playground he rolled over feeling the weight on his chest shift and settle. Memories of the whore, Ida's, body floated through his mind. Shame, loathing, desire, and need washed through him. He remembered the comments from the slave, Nefertari, that he couldn't know a woman's pleasure and that she pitied men. "You couldn't be more wrong, you little slut!" The sound of Annika's voice speaking his words thrilled him and he reached up to rub his soft chest. Every sensation felt enhanced, the feather light touch to his breasts sent electric jolts of pleasure through his crotch and he rubbed his thigh's together trying to fill the new ache. Then he slid one hand down between his legs and gasped as his questing fingers found the soft slit. Parting moist lips he could feel the heat and need blossom tenfold and he gasped arching his back. When his gently stroking hand found the nub of Annika's clit he came in a sudden clenching rush. "O-h, g-gods the elixir is working." He gasped. For a moment, he thought about continuing his exploration of Annika's body from the inside, and then he remembered Kyler in the yard. The sting in his shoulder when Kyler bested him. Two fingers buried knuckle deep in his pussy he moaned and whispered. "Reditum." In an instant the room seemed to spin around and Caspar sat up gasping. He looked down at the crystal in his hand and laughed setting it to one side. He stood up and hurried to the bedroom. From the doorway, he saw the shadowy from of Annika naked, writhing in heat, her fingers pushing in and out of her sex, on his bed. Her body squirmed and shook caught up in the carnal heat of the potion. Laughing on the inside Caspar moved onto the bed. "Mhmmmm... oh, gods." The soft alto murmured into the darkness. "I-is this a dream?" Without answering Caspar moved between the confused woman's legs and pulled her hand away from the sopping wet pussy. Then he guided his iron hard member to her velvety lips. "Aye, you are lady Annika, and this is but a dream." Then he pushed into her, impaling the new woman on his rampant cock. "A-ahhh" she gasped eyes going wide and hands grasping the silken sheets. Knowing that Kyler was fully in the clutches of the enchanted libation and still confused at waking up in a female body, Caspar wasted no time. Reaching down to rub Annika's clit with one hand he started pumping his cock in and out of her. "Ah, Annika, long have you dreamed of submitting to your Prince. You want nothing more than to give your body to me. To be my horny little slut and obey my every command!" Caspar watched as the words seemed to sink into the dazed mind of the transformed warrior. Caspar knew the power of the potion. Kyler's mind, now fully under its influence would soon believe that he was Annika. That she was dreaming, and that she'd always wanted to give her body to the Crown Prince. "Annika?" The woman murmured and gasped as Caspar played her like a virtuoso. In a matter of seconds, she clutched the sheets lifting her hips meeting his every thrust while tossing her head from side-to-side, as her first orgasm pulsed through her, heightened by the potion. Kyler couldn't deny the carnal sensations roaring through her young body and cried out in pleasure. Then Caspar pulled out and walked across the room. When he returned, he was carrying a large mirror in a stand. He placed this by the bed along with a lamp. "I've always enjoyed watching as I train a new girl. I know you'll love this, Annika." "I-I don't think... I-I'm not... A-Annika." The voice was confused, almost more of a question than a statement. Caspar climbed onto the bed and grabbed a fist full of Kyler's blonde hair lifting his head so that he had to look into the mirror. "Who do you see?" "The D-Duchess A-Annika." "Good girl. This is because you ARE Annika. You're deepest fantasy has come true, you are in my bed. You're greatest longing, most powerful desire is to have me, your Prince, take you like a common whore and teach you what it means to be a woman. Now, get on all fours." Kyler wanted to fight, to argue, but he couldn't think and his very reflection told him that the idea that he was someone else, a man, must be wrong. His eyes met Caspar's and he... submitted. Still facing the mirror, Kyler moved onto all fours, she felt her enormous udders swing freely below her chest. Caspar moved into position behind her and she gasped when he pushed his still glistening cock into her from behind. Reaching around he once again stroked her clit only now his cock hit the bundle of nerves inside her vagina with each stroke. Kyler's eyes returned to her reflection, the Duchess Annika, her face flushed with pleasure, gasping as Caspar drove into her from behind. Quickly Kyler's body rose to the heights of pleasure. Screaming in pleasure she wanted nothing more than to stay like this, forever. "Do you want me to stop?" "N-no m-my lord." "Do you love what I'm doing to you?" "Y-Yes my lord, oh, don't stop!" As Kyler said this she tried to clamp down on Caspar's cock with her inner muscles. "Tell me your name?" "Annika." "Do you love being a woman?" "Yes." Caspar once again picked up the pace reaching under to play with Kyler's amazing breasts. "Do you love being my slut, my toy, the royal whore?" "Oh, gods... yes!" This time when Kyler spasmed in the throes of orgasmic bliss Caspar spurted into her filling her womb with his seed. As they came down from the heights of pleasure, Caspar ran his calloused hands over her soft skin. "The night is still young, my whore. You have much to learn if you wish to share my bed again!" *** Pre-dawn light filtered in through Caspar's windows when he picked up the magic neckless. Looking down at the exhausted and sleeping Kyler he grinned. "How much will he remember?" he mused. The potion had a way of leaving the body exhausted and the mind with dim memories of what had happened while under its influence. "Invoca." Sitting up Caspar shuddered, trying to ignore the fatigue, the deep ache emanating from his well-used crotch, and the strange female body he now wore. Using the pendant, he changed back into Kyler's normal body. Now free of the influences of the elixir and no longer sore he climbed off the bed. He was tired, but it was a more natural exhaustion. An exhaustion based on having spent most of the night rutting rather than sleeping. Careful to return the pendant to his sleeping body he dressed before sneaking out of the royal suite. The return to Kyler's apartments took a few minutes and once safe in Kyler's room he stripped and climbed into the young warrior's bed before whispering, "Reditum!" Sitting up and gasping Caspar looked at the well-used and crumpled bed. "Sonja thought that denying me meant a lost night of pleasure. Well, she was wrong!" After settling into his own bed Caspar's wicked mind strayed to thoughts of Sonja, and how he might use his new toy on her. *** Chapter Five *** Caspar reigned in his tall gilding and looked down the river valley. From this elevation, he could see the mighty river Vanna as it coiled around Castle Vanaheim and the town that surrounded it. The castle that Caspar called home was relatively new, having been built by his grandfather after he united the seven fiefdoms into one kingdom. The afternoon sunlight caught the waters of the Vanna setting it alight and bathing the town that grew up around the castle in a reflected beauty. The sound of hooves and the barking of the hounds interrupted his revere. Cord, Caspar's closest remaining friend and the son of the Baron of ?rDachaigh, pulled his horse to s stop a next to Caspar. The horse was blowing from the hard ride but Cord looked to be in worse shape. Several inches shorter than Caspar he had the fat of a youth who'd never been forced onto the training grounds by his father. However, Caspar knew from personal experience that. he could drink men twice his age under the table and in addition to playing the lute he knew every tavern song in the realm. At night, he made a fine drinking companion. Going hunting had been something Caspar had forced upon Cord since the departure of his friend Kyler. After forcing a woman's body onto Kyler and using him for sport, Caspar had thought his friend had convinced himself that it had all been a dream. The day after had been filled by Kyler looking strangely at Caspar and then glancing away before Caspar could catch his eye. Caspar had caught him muttering to himself and that night Kyler had gotten himself drunker than Caspar had ever seen. Still, his friend had said nothing. His work in the training yard had suffered since Kyler's mind seemed somewhere else and he'd kept glancing up into the rainbow of dresses as the women of the castle watched. By the fifth day Caspar started to wonder if he needed to act, to bring Kyler out of his strange ill mood. He considered a repeat performance, the idea of Kyler once again trapped in the lithe body of Annika, squirming under him, begging to be taken gave him a raging erection. 'Yes,' Caspar made up his mind, tonight he'd once again introduce Kyler to the many carnal pleasures he'd mastered. That afternoon a messenger had burst into the castle. King Oberon and Gunter had taken the message in the privacy of the King's study much to Caspar's annoyance. Word had travel, by servant gossip, to where Caspar sat drinking in one of the castle's gardens. The slave Nefertari brought the news to him. Besides the sorcerer, Horus, she was the only one who knew of his crystal neckless. He'd used it on her several times to cause her to take other shapes for his pleasure. Today he'd needed information and had enlisted the beautiful woman to his cause. Using the necklace, he'd caused her to take on the shape of Clove a servant who'd been with Caspar's family since before he was born. The real Clove had left the day before to visit her daughter in town. Her daughter was due to deliver her second child any day and Clove had some knowledge of midwifery. Through this deception, Caspar had discovered that Pictish raiders had come up the coast in their crude boats and were troubling the coastal towns. Knowing his father, Gunter would be dispatched to deal with the problem. What had caught Caspar off guard was that King Oberon had decided to go and had taken both Gunter and Kyler. He'd left Caspar in charge of the castle during his absence. Caspar enjoyed the responsibility, for the first day. After that the drudgery of the many duties, the Lord of the Castle was required to perform, weighed on him. Two weeks after leaving, the Warband returned. To Caspar's disappointment Kyler wasn't with them. After dealing with the raiders and setting their boats aflame. Kyler had left the warband. He'd explained to his father that he need to take some time to travel the lands of Hyboria and learn of its people. "My lord, I am famished, exhausted from the hunt and in need of refreshment. Shall we not return to the town? I know a tavern on the way to the castle with the comeliest wenches in all of Vanaheim!" Cord's comment brought Caspar back to the present and he grinned slapping his friend on the back. "Aye, I think a pint or six might go down smoothly. Tell the huntsman to return to the Castle and deliver our game to the cook. Now that the King is in residence I am free to spend the night in a tavern!" *** Caspar stumbled to his chamber. His head spun from the wine and strong drink. Yet he knew he didn't want to sleep. His mind drifted to Sanja, his wife, she had started to show the signs of being pregnant, with a nicely rounded belly, and she didn't want him sniffing around. Being turned down by his own wife was humiliating. Her words rang out in his mind. "Pah! You've spent the afternoon drinking. Now you come to me fresh from a whore demanding my attention. Get out!" At this Caspar had denied his dalliance and demanded his right as a husband. Sanja had glared at him with her bright green eyes, "You're a man. You just can't understand what I'm going through, now leave me alone." Standing alone in his chamber it hit him. She was right. There was the dim memory of a night in a whore's body, but as frightening as that had been it had also, if he were honest, been enjoyable. Then there was Nefertair's innuendos. Her blatant enjoyment of every moment she spent riding his cock and her teasing comments, that if she had a cock and he had a pussy, she'd teach him the true meaning of pleasure. During many a long night of debauchery he'd considered taking her up on her challenge, but for some reason he always held back. Perhaps she was just too eager to own a cock. Now standing in his darkened room Caspar knew he had a way to show Sanja that he did understand women. He laughed, and took the necklace from the safe where he kept it. He could understand HER far better than Sanja thought possible. Once he had the pendant on he moved through the castle to Princess Sanja's rooms. There were no guards outside her doors, none would dare to hurt the princess. Pausing Caspar knocked before entering. The sitting room was gilded in gold-leaf work with polished white wood. Even at night with only a few lamps the room felt light and airy. Caspar staggered still drunk through the room to Sanja's bedchamber, "Sanja! Wife! I have a way to resolve our problem." Caspar threw open the door and used his lamp to light the lamp on the table before moving to the one next to the mirror. Sanja sat up in bed. Her white sleeping gown clung to her luscious curves and after rubbing her eyes glared at her husband. "I'm trying to sleep. The babies, you put in me, take all my strength!" "Yes, but this is important! You said I don't know what you're going through, and I agree, I don't. Yet, I have a way to solve this." Sighing, Sanja slid her legs over the side of the bed, parted the curtains and stood up. For a moment, she rubbed her sensitive swollen breasts and then the slight bulge of her tummy. Then she glared at Caspar, "How can you, a man, solve the mystery of child birth?" "With this!" Caspar pulled a crystal pendant out from under his tunic and held it out to her. In the light the crystal caught fire and Sanja gasped. "W-What is it?" "Magic!" Caspar slurred drunkenly, a wild look in his eye. "A magic that will bring us together like nothing else." "You're drunk!" Sanja stated folding her arms below her breasts and glaring at her husband. "Now, get out." "Nay, it is true, I have partaken of the juice of the grape, but I am not drunk! Yet, if you want me to leave, then this body might, but it won't be ME." Caspar gripped the crystal in one hand and in a rush, he added, "Sanja, invoke!" This time it felt like a force pushed him and he stumbled from his body. Everything had frozen in place. Caspar looked back and saw his body holding the crystal looking large and intimidating. Then he looked over at Sanja and just then he saw a ghostly image of his wife float up away from her physical body. For a moment, they looked at each other and then a power seemed to grab Caspar just under his phantom heart and with a jerk he was drawn into Sanja's waiting body. All at once his senses came alive. He sucked air into his lungs gasping and the soft feminine sounds of he made set his heart racing. Caspar looked over as Sanja stumbled forward. She was clearly off balance in his body, and drunk. "Sanja, are you okay?" The words were soft and delicate and the sound sent a thrill through Caspar. The blonde man looked at her and blinked. "W-Why do you look like me?" Then his hands flew to his throat. "What's wrong with my voice?!" "Come with me." Caspar moved forward to take Sanja's hand. The first few steps felt odd and off. He felt a weight on his belly and the orbs on his chest moved freely bouncing in an unconstrained way beneath the sleeping gown. Taking Sanja's large male hand in his soft delicate one sent a shiver through him. The full-length mirror that Sanja used, when dressing, evaluate each new outfit, was off to one side. When they were in front of it Sanja let out a deep gasp and moved forward. Disbelief clearly written on his swiftly sobering face. Standing inches from the mirror she raised her hands to touch her face and watched the image copy her movements. "I-I'm you. I'm the royal prince. I'm Caspar!" "Yes, I told you. Magic. Now we can learn about each other." "What if I don't want to learn about you?" The words were harsh, alcohol induced, yet the ring of truth hung between them. "I need to understand you. We're not swapping back. Not for a week. You can be me, train, go to meetings, learn to debauch. I'll do needle point and try to understand what it feels like to grow a life within my body." Sanja spun around, lost her balance, and staggered to the side. She grabbed a table and then glared at Caspar. "What gives you the right to do this?" "I'm the Crown Prince. You are my wife. Obey!" The words sounded less forceful coming from his new petite form, yet S

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My Fairy Tale Date with My Handsome Prince

Handsome Prince Vincent, my hot hunk of a boyfriend, picked me up for our date at 10:00 that Saturday morning a few weeks ago. We had fucked gloriously, so many times before: he’s way too hot for me not to ride him every chance I get, but we haven’t had so many public dates. And that day promised to be our first truly romantic date together He may not have arrived in a pumpkin stagecoach with white rat horses, but I didn’t mind. My sexy prince’s company matters more to me than the grandeur of...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Sixth Prince

Introduction: Jasmine gets involved in a new situation. Okay, this is my first attempt at an erotic story, so please be kind and enjoy! If I get enough positive feedback I may write a second part. <,3 The Sixth Prince Light grey, knee high boots treaded along a roughly beaten path in the bush. Steadily breathing in the crisp morning air, Jasmine picked up her pace, wanting to arrive as soon as possible. Ferns that bowed into the side of the trail brushed against her exposed thighs while her...

3 years ago
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The Sixth Prince

The Sixth Prince Light grey, knee high boots treaded along a roughly beaten path in the bush. Steadily breathing in the crisp morning air, Jasmine picked up her pace, wanting to arrive as soon as possible. Ferns that bowed into the side of the trail brushed against her exposed thighs while her long black hair swished back and forth along the middle of her back. Her C cup breasts were tucked away under her bra, T-shirt, and femininely cut green sweater, though they still bounced slightly...

2 years ago
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Saving The Prince

William was tired of it all. He felt trapped going from table to table and talking to boring, uptight people who only wanted to speak with him since he was a prince. Pretty rich girls dressed in beautiful designer dresses gathered around him giggling and batting their eyelashes trying to catch his attention. It wasn't unusual for him to be around classy rich people day after day. Although he appreciated his luxurious lifestyle, he wished he could runaway for just one day, to where someone...

3 years ago
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The Night Prince

Meet the Vampiric Prince Vellen... An admirable young man born to privilege, sharp of mind and grace Vellen's earliest records of existence were discovered to be from the time of crusades sharing space with many Kindred royalty of Old; Vlad being one of these if we were to name names. The exact years were strangely vague as staggered the stories of this Prince and others like him were inconsistent like pages torn from history. Our dear Vellen enjoyed the mystery so much so that one could find...

4 years ago
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Girlish DelightsChapter 15 Dinner With The Prince

Princess Elaheh was bidden to dine in the Emir's suite one evening a few days later and she wondered what this might portend. He had kissed her just the once as a lover might, and she wondered if he intended to make incestuous love to her. She had drawn away in shock and surprise on that occasion, but now she considered the possibility seriously. Clearly if he wanted her in his bed, he could compel her to be there and to cooperate. The whips were all too real, and she did not care to...

4 years ago
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The Prince

As you sit next to your fathers throne, looking upon your kingdom, discussing the upcoming marriage that your father has arranged for you to the Princess Jasmine that lives within the next kingdom, to explain to your father the King, that you have heard of this Princess, and that you don’t like her that she is pompous, arrogant, and spoiled and that is using the words nicely! Your father is not detoured by your protests… Telling you that you must marry this Princess, that if you would not, that...

3 years ago
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The Lusty Prince

The Prince went out a’hunting one fine day. “A’cunting” would be much more accurate since this trip was motivated by an itching in his loins to seek pussy, not wild game. Although such trips were supposed to be for seeking a royal spouse, he was only interested in temporary mating. He made no distinction as to the status of who he copulated with by invoking the local interpretation of droit de seigneur, the right of the rulers to have sex with women of their choosing. His targets were selected...

2 years ago
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The Captive Prince

Marcus was reading in bed when his kingdom fell. It was over an hour past his bedtime, but the young prince wanted to stay up and finish his book by candelight. It was way too exciting a story to put down, all about a brave and noble lady knight who saved a peasant boy from the clutches of an evil sorceress. He had his heart in his mouth at the thrilling action scenes, and when the knight took the boy in her arms for a romantic kiss he felt his cheeks flush and his belly flutter. If only that...

1 year ago
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One Foolish Mistake By The Headmistress

Miss Hargreaves realised it had been one of her silliest decisions ever. She was forty-five-years-old and the headmistress at the local sixth form college for girls where discipline was strict, and she regularly had to cane the students. She saw caning girls, both for earning double detentions and for individual acts of misbehaviour, as very much part of her responsibility, and knew that the regime led to the girls being better behaved than in other colleges where the cane was not...

2 years ago
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Was It Foolish Or Not

Is it foolish to voluntarily go to the house of the other woman? I didn’t go there to confront her but was invited by my husband since she was having a party. I was not a kid or even a young adult; I was 31 years old. To this day, I don’t know why I did it, but I will let you decide if this was a good choice or a foolish one.Let me set the scene for you.I was returning home from a work trip and texted my husband that I was heading home. He had left me about a week prior. I wanted to talk with...

2 years ago
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Game of Moans The Stag Prince

Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister's Wedding Night - 284 AC Robert and Cersei were carried by their respective parties to the bedchamber, each group undressing the bride and groom and shouting bawdy jokes. It was only when Cersei and Robert were as naked as their name-day, did the guest reluctantly retreat out of the room and take their position outside of the door, still shouting ribald suggestions. Robert Baratheon, half-drunk, but still handsome, muscled like a maiden's fantasy, and fresh...

1 year ago
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Foolish White Knight

I was one of several people invited to a private poker game. Not an average poker-night-with-the-boys kind of game. No, an exclusive high stakes game, played on the estate of one on my good friends. Guests arrived in formal evening wear. Our host’s home was stately and beautiful. Servers and staff were precisely guided by one of the best butlers in the business. It was a classy gathering of power and influence. I knew many of the guests from my own business dealings. These men and women were...

1 year ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

2 years ago
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Foolish Weatherman

Everyone who worked at the Weather Institute, which was located just outside Fortree City in the Hoenn region, were passionate about their job, but none more so than the young manager Bart. Despite being younger than nearly everyone else who worked there, Bart was polite, kind, driven, modest, trusting, and selfless to a fault. No one doubted Bart's abilities, and everyone liked him for his personality. Bart was also incredibly open and easy to read, almost embarrassingly so. For...

4 years ago
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Foolish The Tables Are Turned

Emma Peyton was feeling really pleased with herself as she stood in front of the headmistress’s secretary’s desk who was noting on the punishment log that she was due to receive twelve strokes of the cane. Six previously had been the maximum that she had earned, but Emma had pressed several buttons and ended up with a twelve.What no one knew, except Miss Hargreaves, was that every time Emma attended the headmistress’s study to be caned, it was in fact Emma who caned Miss Hargreaves because of...

3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

2 years ago
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The Syrian Prince

       As the first light of the dawn streamed over the dunes, they found the Viscountess de Bure stretching out in languid delight over her bed of newly turned straw. The ponygirl treasured these moments in the early morning before the stablehands were awake and about. She hardly felt the pinpricks of pain from the scratchy hay; like the feel of the golden collar around her throat, the sensation had become unremarkable through long habit. The Viscountess scarcely remembered a time when she...

3 years ago
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The Prince

You awaken to a beautiful blonde standing beside your bed. She is one of the hottest girls you've ever seen, standing a slender 5'8'' with good sized breasts, about 34Cs. She sees that you've stirred and starts talking, "It's good to see you coming around, you've been out for 3 days now." "What happened? Was I in an accident?" you ask, your last memory being going to bed what must have been 3 days ago. She continued, "You have been brought to Babia, where you are last in the line of kings, the...

3 years ago
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My Prince

As for me, I was taller than Connor but not by any means a tall guy. I had jet black hair and hazel eyes that I thought kind of resembled Connor's. I was skinny and I had just got my braces off so my teeth were pretty perfect which I though made me look more attractive. Alright so on with the story. I was in my room listening to my friends talk about whatever we talked about back then. I lived alone which most saw as a rare privilege but I was always lonely. Then one of the staff members...

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A Beautiful Wish Chp 4 Frog Prince

A Beautiful Wish by 800ibgorrila Chapter 4:  Frog Prince The early summer morning light fell across George’s back and warmed him to the point of being uncomfortable.  George was awake, but he couldn’t bear to move, or breath, or open his eyes, for fear of joining the day without Dawn by his side.  Before she had told him, very naturally, that she loved him again the night before, she had promised that she would be there when he awoke.  But George was fully prepared to find that all had been a...

3 years ago
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Dragon Rider Prince

This is the sequel specifically for the sequence of events that least to this: chapter Growing and learning You are the young Prince William; son of King Tomas and Queen Alisa. You have brown hair, like your farther and green eyes like your mother. You were born at the same time as the Dragon Ling hatched. Adjacent to Your parent’s castle lived 2 dragons in an artificial cave. They were not pets or slaves they just chose to live...

3 years ago
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Emma Watson Whore for the Prince

Emma slept for most of the next day! She was no longer horny when she woke up.“Shit, that was fun! I wonder who my second trick will be!” she thought.Just then, Evan walked in.“Hello sleepy head! I trust that you enjoyed fucking ‘H’! We have another trick lined up for you for tomorrow night. He’s a Saudi Prince with a lot of money! He heard of ‘H’s experience with you and said he would pay double to have you for tomorrow night!”He made very specific costumes for you. You will be picked up...

2 years ago
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Beauty and the Prince

Beauty and the Prince By Naomi Pearce ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to my second multi-chapter project! This is an idea that struck me while doing transformation RPs with some people online some years ago, and I just now got around to writing it. I hope you enjoy the steamy plot and stay tuned until the end. Thank you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS Use ctrl+f to search the...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Wish Chp 4 Frog Prince

A Beautiful Wishby 800ibgorrilaChapter 4:  Frog PrinceThe early summer morning light fell across George's back and warmed him to the point of being uncomfortable.  George was awake, but he couldn't bear to move, or breath, or open his eyes, for fear of joining the day without Dawn by his side.  Before she had told him, very naturally, that she loved him again the night before, she had promised that she would be there when he awoke.  But George was fully prepared to find that all had been a...

3 years ago
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My son my prince

For the first time in more than five years I felt like hugging my husband. It was not with any romantic intentions but for the really exciting news he told me. After more than a year Ram, my 20 year old son will be visiting us for the festival holidays. The last twelve months have been an ordeal for me living without seeing my only son. He hadn’t scored enough marks to gain admission to any of the engineering institutions in town and hence decided to join an institution outside the state. The...

3 years ago
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Succubus Blessing Birth Of A Prince

As I lay on the floor of the old dusty floor cold, nude, and alone, my life flashed before my eyes. It was hard enough being a versatile bisexual still in the closet. It’s worse if you are a wimpy fat college teen. No matter how posh your college is, you will always find bullies who take pleasure in beating others up. I studied hard to get into the Imperial College of Management with a full scholarship. Most of the students were from rich families. I grew up in an orphanage. The rich kids...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 23 So Now You Turn Back Into Diana Prince

January 19, 1989, En-Route from LAX to ORD When the engines of the plane started, Jeri reached over and took my hand. She held it while we pushed away from the gate, and taxied for takeoff. Her grip tightened a bit as we hurtled down the runway, but nothing like the death grip she’d had on my arm for the flight out. The plane roared its way into the air and once we leveled out, Jeri’s grip loosened but she didn’t let go of my hand. “How are you doing?” I asked with a touch of...

1 year ago
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Tales of a sadistic Prince

You look down to the beautiful medieval city of Insarith from the balcony of your bedroom absentmindedly. Your room is big, and it is located in the highest place of the Resh Kar castle, a castle were all of the members of the royal family live. You smile a little, even from there the sound of the peasants doing their morning activities reaches your ears. Your name is Edmund van Karsa. You are the Third Prince of the Mer Karsan Kingdom. Your father, the King, is the ruler of one of the most...

2 years ago
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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

2 years ago
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The Corruption of Princes

The corruption of Princes By Argus Chapter 1: The Black Prophecy Rising from amongst the towering cliffs like some brooding elemental beast of old, the great castle of Regent stood tall and firm against the encroachment of the centuries. Beneath it's ancient grey walls huddled the inner city, it's own encircling walls a mere shadow of the castles grandeur. Huge barges laden with goods creaked down the mighty river Raine, as crowds bustled and jostled in the markets....

1 year ago
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Spoil The Princess! There are a variety of reasons you might want to spoil the princess. Maybe that coronavirus stimulus check is burning a hole in your pocket, or maybe your insider stock trading has been going well and you just have money to burn. Perhaps you want the joy of helping put a young mother through college, or you just want the thrill of having some mean bitch take your money while telling you how pathetic you are. Hey, I ain’t going to judge you for it. In fact, I’m about to tell...

Hookup Sites
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

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