The First Time For Kelly And Me free porn video

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At nineteen I was a large fellow. Again, not fat, but extremely large. While my mom was rather tall I still towered over her. It was probably due to the combination of her and my father’s genes. He was six feet nine at the time of his death. A chain broke on a logging truck as he was checking them and he was crushed by a truckload of timber. I was ten at the time. Today I am seven feet two inches tall. Thankfully I am very well proportioned so I don’t look like some freak.
My mom runs the lumber company that my grandparents started years ago and my dad inherited when they were killed in a car wreck. She is a very strict boss. Fair, but strict. At home she is very laid back and let’s me pretty much do as I please. All I have to do is get to work on time in the morning and do my chores and my life is a cakewalk. Since the nearest town to where we live is eighty miles away I don’t have much of a social life. There are a few people around where we live, but none of them are even close to my age. I get most of my entertainment via the Internet and like most guys my age a lot of that is porn. I am not really shy, but I am very uncomfortable talking to women.
One Saturday morning I was laying in bed trying to figure out what I wanted to do for the day since I was off. Unbeknownst to me my mom had taken the day off as well. She usually worked for at least a half a day on Saturdays. I decided, not knowing what was going to happen later, that I would rub one out before I got up and made myself some breakfast. Due to my size I am what I consider a little above average in the sexual equipment area although I really have no real frame of reference since I was home schooled and there isn’t anyone around here to compare myself too.
Anyway, I was lying in bed and had kicked the covers off and was well on my way to busting a nut when my mom walked by my room. I rarely close my door and this particular day I wished I had. I had my eyes closed and was picturing in my head what my mom looked like naked when I heard her clear her throat.
I looked up and there, leaning against my door frame watching me, was my mother. I froze like a deer in the headlights and for some strange reason made no attempt to cover myself. In fact, I still had my hand wrapped around my cock and stopped mid stroke. There was no denying what I was doing and I have no idea how long she had been standing there.
All I could say when my big brain started working again was, “Shit!”
Mom, being the super cool woman that she is simply said, “If you make a mess of your sheets, wash them. And next time, make sure the door is closed.” She then turned, closed my door and I heard her walk away.
I just lay there still holding my rapidly deflating cock until it was completely soft before I got up and got dressed. I went to the kitchen to get something to eat just knowing that I was going to get an earful for what I was doing. Mom was cooking breakfast and asked if I wanted some.
Quietly, with my head hung down in shame I said, “Yes ma’am.” The fact that she had seen me jerking off was bad enough, I am just glad I wasn’t putting words to what I was seeing in my head. She was standing with her back to me and I couldn’t help but notice the way her jeans were hugging her ass. I could feel myself starting to respond to what I was seeing so I had to change the subject to get my mind off her ass, quickly.
“Why aren’t you working today?”
“Eh, I thought I would take a day off and just hang out. I haven’t had a Saturday off in nearly six months. I felt like I was due. I thought you might be planning on hanging out too, I just didn’t know how much you would be hanging out.”
I blushed severely at her comment because I wasn’t exactly sure what she meant. I began to apologize, “I am so sorry mom. I didn’t know you were home. I wouldn’t have been doing that if I had known. Even with the door closed I never would have done that if I knew you were here. I am so sorry.”
She turned to me with a skillet full of bacon in her hand. As she began to put it on our plates she said to me, “There is nothing wrong with what you were doing. It is perfectly natural. That is why I am not upset. It is just not what I expected to see first thing on a Saturday morning. It actually took me by surprise. Like I said, I don’t care if you jerk off, masturbate, or whatever you want to call it. Just don’t make a mess and if you do, clean it up. And next time, whether you think I am home or not, close your door.”
I couldn’t believe it. She wasn’t mad at all. In fact it seemed to me that she didn’t care if I was rubbing one out. I let out a sigh of relief.

I was taking a rare Saturday off from work and had just got up and dressed when I headed toward the kitchen to get a pot of coffee on. There is almost nothing better to wake you up than a good cup of coffee. I walked by Kevin’s room on my way to the kitchen and just did catch some movement out of the corner of my eye. I backed up to see what it was and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I wasn’t surprised to see him masturbating he is nineteen after all. What surprised me was what he had his hand wrapped around. His father was not as tall as he is nor was he as well endowed. Adam was a good solid ten inches and fairly thick but Kevin, OH MY GOD!, he was huge. He was at least 12 inches at least. It looked like he had stacked drink cans on top of each other and covered it with skin. I have never seen a cock so large in all my life.
I couldn’t help but stop and watch. I could feel that familiar tingle down below as I watched him stroking that glorious rod. I couldn’t help but to imagine it destroying my pussy. It had been so long since I had something not made out of silicone in my cunt that it started drooling. I had to lean against the door frame to keep my balance as I could feel my knees getting weak. It took all my self-control to keep the fact that he was my son in the forefront of my mind. All I could see was that beautiful cock.
Now he is sitting in front of me and I can tell that it is starting to grow down the leg of his pants. Is that because he didn’t finish or could he have been looking at my ass while I was at the stove? Fuck! I need to get laid! Knowing that there is a pussy destroying cock like that hanging out in my house is going to drive me insane. It looks like me and the rubber avenger have a date tonight. If he hangs around where I can see him today I might have to move that date up to this afternoon.
I don’t know why I have never thought about it before now but I have never had “the talk” with him. I guess it is something I expected Adam to do.
“Honey,” I said as I sat down to eat. “Have you had the birds and the bees talk with anyone?”
He started blushing and turned about three shades of red. “Uh, no. Not really. Why?”
“I was just wondering what you know about men and women and sex. Besides what you have seen in porn on the internet.” I know it is wrong on so many levels but I have to try to figure out how to get that monster in me, and I don’t care at this point which hole it goes in. I can’t believe I am sitting here talking to my son trying to figure out a way to fuck him. I have to be careful or it could end up very bad.

I knew better than to lie to my mother. She seemed to always know. I guess she wanted to know what I knew after seeing me this morning.
“Tell me what you know. Use whatever words you know if you don’t know the right words. I am not trying to make you uncomfortable I want to help you get it right. Too many parents don’t talk to their kids about sex so you end up with pregnant teenagers or some disease that will ruin you for life. I don’t want that to happen to you.”
I was still a little uncomfortable despite what she said but I knew there was no way to get out of it.
“I know that when I guy sees a woman that turns him on he gets a hard on.” I can’t believe I just said hard on in front of my mother. “If they want to have sex he puts the hard on in her, uh, pussy, and they, uh, fuck.” Holy shit! I just said pussy and fuck too. Awesome. “Then he cums and she gets pregnant.” I sat there waiting for her response.
She sat quietly as if digesting what I had just said. She finished chewing the food she had in her mouth and then said, “Basically that is right. But, there is more to it than that. I tell you what, let’s finish eating and then we can talk about it in a little more detail in the living room. I think it might take a while.”
We finished eating in silence and when we had finished we cleaned up our mess. We each grabbed a drink out of the fridge and then went to sit in the living room. I sat in the recliner as usual and she sat on the couch and turned to face me.
“Alright,” she said. “Just so you know, I am not going to use the medically correct terms like penis and vagina. I don’t like them because I think they sound silly.”
“Uh, okay.”
“Now, what you said in there was basically correct, however, like I said, there is more to it than that. First of all, I hope that you only have sex with someone you love. Sex can be fun but you should never just go out looking for sex just to have fun. Too many people do and they end up a parent when they don’t want to be or you could end up with something that Ajax won’t get off. You with me so far?”
I could only nod. I didn’t like the idea that I could become a father if I had sex with someone I didn’t love. Scary.
“Can I assume that you have seen a naked woman on the Internet a time or two?”
Again I only nodded.
“Do you know what the parts of a woman’s sexual organ, her pussy, are?
”I know there are lips.”
“Yes, there are lips.
I could tell that my mom was having a hard time with this. I don’t know why. She is a woman and who better to teach a guy about sex that the kind of person he wants to have sex with.

I couldn’t help but think that I was in over my head. Kevin is a very intelligent guy and I know that he knows a lot of this stuff; he just doesn’t know that he knows. I guess part of the reason that I am having a hard time with this is because, to put it bluntly, I want to fuck him and have him split me in half with that monster cock of his. I am so going to hell.
I think I have figured out a way to teach him how to be a good lover and get the sex ed out of the way at the same time. I am not going to try to explain it to him. Nope. I am going to show him.
“Honey, are you a virgin?” His blushing told me the answer immediately even if his mouth did not. “It’s okay if you are. Everyone is a virgin at some point in there life. Yes, even I was a virgin once.
Look. There are several ways to do this, teach you about the birds and the bees. However, I have never understood why it always has to be a talk. Besides, talking to you about sex is not really going to give you the information you need to please your lover when it gets to that point. I have an idea and I want you to consider it carefully before you respond. It is a somewhat unconventional way to teach you what you need to know but it is probably the most effective way I know how to do it. Would you like to know what it is?”
He just sat there staring at me like he had no clue what I was talking about and just nodded his head.
“Okay. Just for the purposes of “teaching” you about this stuff, me and you are going to date. Like boyfriend and girlfriend. However, we are only going to do so in the privacy of the house. Are you okay with that?”
“Uh, mom, do you mean we have to kiss and stuff?”
He was so cute. A guy his size talking like a scared little kid.
“For educational purposes only. I want you to know how to talk to a woman and how to treat her before you even get close to having sex. Don’t worry; I am as scared about this as you are. I’ve never had to have the talk with anyone before. My mom just told me to wait for my wedding night to have sex for the first time. She said it would all come naturally to me. Fortunately I didn’t take her advice and here you are.”

My mom was telling me that her and me were going to act like girlfriend and boyfriend around the house. Holy crap. I have never kissed a girl before. What if I do it wrong? I have never even held a girls hand. I started sweating at this point and my leg started shaking.
“Calm down honey. This is a first for both of us. The first thing you have to do is talk to me. Before you ask me out on a date you have to get to know me a little bit, okay?”
“What do I ask you?”
“Whatever you want. I tell you what, let’s go outside so I can set this up right.”
She got up and headed out the door. I had no clue where she was going as she got in the truck and told me to get in as well. She fired up the truck and drove down through the woods to the creek the borders our land on the south. When she came to a clearing near the creek she backed the truck up toward the creek and stopped. She then got out and told me to follow her. She let the tailgate down and hopped up on in and sat down.
“Okay. Here is the scenario. I am a girl at the bonfire and you see me and think I am good looking. What do you do?”
I was as nervous as I have ever been. I have never approached a good looking woman and talked to her without a good reason. This was going to be harder than I thought.
“Oh, Kevin. One more thing, I am not mom right now. My name is Kelly.”
She had left the radio on in the truck and it was playing some country music. I walked away from her for a minute to get my thoughts together. I looked back to where she was sitting and from where I stood I was simply looking at a very attractive woman, one that, given the right circumstances, I would like to meet.
Nervously I walked up to her with my drink in my hand and simply said, “Hi. I’m Kevin.”
“Hi. I’m Kelly. Damn you’re tall.”
I blushed a little at that.
“Just a little. Are you here with anyone?”
Mom dropped out of character for a minute and said, “Good. You have to know who you are dealing with when you first meet someone. You don’t want to be hitting on some other guy’s girlfriend. That is very uncool. Okay, back to Kelly now. Yeah, I’m here with a couple of my girlfriends. The left me here so they could go talk to some guys they know.”
“Well that sucks. Want me to stay and keep you company until they get back?”
Back to mom mode again. “Good. Never just invite yourself to hang out with someone. Ever. That is rude. You did good asking me if I wanted you to stay. Most girls will decide the moment they meet you if they think you are worth pursuing. If they don’t think so some of them will blow you off politely by saying something like “no, I’m good” while others are not going to be so nice and they might simply say, “fuck off asshole”. Just remember, it is always her decision if she wants to be with you. Okay, back to Kelly. That would be great. Have a seat.”
I sat down on the tailgate beside Kelly and didn’t know what to do at this point. Part of me wanted to grab her and kiss her but instinctively I knew that was not what I was supposed to be doing. Mom just sat there patiently waiting for me to say something. The problem was, I didn’t know what to say.
“If you don’t know me,” mom said, “you have to ask questions to find things out.”
I got it. “So, where are you from?”
“I’m from Gilmer. You?”
“I’m from right here in Brightwood.”
“Cool. What kind of work do you do? Okay, this is a very touchy thing that Kelly is asking you. If you tell her that you work for your mom’s lumber company she might think that you have money. If that is the case you can never be sure if she is after you or the money. Don’t lie; just tell her all she needs to know. Remember, you just met her and know nothing about her. You have no idea what kind of woman she is.”
“Okay I got it. I work for a local lumber company.”
“Cool. I am an office manager for my uncles company. She just told you that she works for family and that she is an office manager. For her to be telling you that much information she wants you to know that she has a decent job and it is fairly secure so she doesn’t “need” you. That means that if she let’s you keep sitting here talking to her that she might be interested in you. Might being the key word there. There is no guarantee.”
“So, what do you do when you aren’t at work?”
“Good question. What she tells you will let you know if you have any common interests. Not a deal breaker when trying to get to know someone though if you don’t have any common interests, but it does help. I like to read, go fishing, camping, just about anything outdoors.”
“That makes two of us. What kind of stuff do you read?” I couldn’t believe how easy this is. I always thought that there was some secret formula for getting a girl to go out with you.
“You’re doing good. Asking her personal questions and actually listening to what she says instead of letting your mind drift. You’re doing good so far. Oh, one thing though.”
“My eyes are up here.” She pointed to her eyes and I blushed again. She had just busted me staring at her breasts.
“Don’t be sorry. That is a natural reaction to a girl with tits. Especially a girl with tits like these.” I couldn’t believe it as she grabbed her tits and squeezed them together and up with her elbows causing her cleavage to swell. That wasn’t the only thing that she was causing to swell. “Carry on.”
“I just asked what you like to read.”
“Oh yeah, sorry, my turn then. Well, I like Steven King.”
“That’s cool. He isn’t my first choice but he’s a good author. I generally prefer something a little less intense. I like a good mystery book that has some comedic elements to it.”
“Really? You don’t look like a reader to be honest. I figured all you would read would be Playboy.”
I could tell she was trying to make a joke so I made one back. “Nobody “reads” Playboy.”
Mom actually laughed at that joke. Cool. This time I decide that we should take this show on the road because I was starting to get hungry. I stayed in character though just to see what would happen. “Listen, this party is getting boring. You want to go get a bite to eat or something?”
Mom looked at her watch and noticed that it really was getting to be near lunchtime. She stayed in character as well when she asked, “Are you going to drive?”
“Of course. Do you need to find your friends and let them know you are going?”
“Nah. I’ll just text them. Their probably doing the horizontal bop somewhere anyway.”
I stood up and offered mom my hand. “Cool. Your chariot awaits madam.”
I walked hand in hand with her to the passenger side of the truck and opened the door for her. I knew that I needed to stay in character to see what was going to happen.
“Thank you,” she said as she climbed in. I closed the door and went to get in the other side.
“Okay Kevin, you are doing good so far. See, talking to a woman isn’t so hard if you are really just talking and not trying to just get in her pants. Woman like for you to take an interest in things they care about, even if you don’t care about them. Now, let’s go eat. I’m hungry.”
“Yes Kelly.”
We went to the restaurant that is on the highway toward Grandview and ate lunch, pretending that it was ten o’clock at night. After we ate I suggested that I should drive her home. She agreed. We went back to our house and I “dropped her off” at her front door. As she was getting out of the truck I told her, “I had a good time tonight.”
“Thanks, I did too.” She stood there for a second before I realized what I should do at this point.
“Listen, do you think we could do this again sometime? I’d really like to see you again.”
“I’d like that. Are you busy Friday night?”
“No, not at all. You want to go see a movie and maybe get dinner?”
“That would be great. Pick me up around seven?”
“I can do that. I had a good time tonight Kelly. I’ll talk to you later.” I “drove off” twenty feet to the parking spot.
Mom had already gone in the house by the time that I got out of the truck. I didn’t see her when I came through the door so I assumed that she had already gone up to her room. I decided that if I was going out on a date tonight that I should get some rest. Although I hadn’t done any physical labor my brain had been working overtime. I lay down on my bed and was out almost instantly.
“Wake up Kevin. You have a date that you have to get ready for.” I cocked one eye open and mom was standing over me wearing nothing but a smile and a towel. Needless to say, the towel didn’t go completely around her large framed body. As she turned to leave I had a perfect view of her ass. My cock instantly sprang to life. I don’t know if she did it on purpose or not but just as she was getting ready to walk out of my room the towel fell.
“Oops.” That was all she said as she bent over at the waist to pick the towel up. If my dick was hard just seeing her ass I could have cut diamonds with it after that show. Her beautiful ass and cleanly shaven pussy were staring at me. Her large tits were hanging slightly. I had always thought if my mom bent over that her tits, being as big as they were, would hang considerably but they did not. They were firmer than I would have ever imagined. She grabbed the towel up and simply walked back into her room.
I hopped out of bed and jumped in the shower. As much as I wanted to I resisted the urge to take care of business. After shaving I got dressed in a nice pair of jeans and a nice button down shirt that I didn’t tuck in. A couple of sprays of cologne and I was ready to go. I hadn’t seen mom since she had left my room so I imagined she was getting ready as well. It was then that I had an idea. If this was supposed to be a date then I should pick her up and not just escort her to the truck. I went outside and called mom’s cell phone.
When she answered it she knew who it was because of caller I.D. Still, she said, “Hello?”
I was actually a little nervous so I stuttered a little bit. “Uh, is this Kelly?”
“Yes,” she was already in character. “Who is this?”
“It’s Kevin. We met the other night at the bonfire.”
“Oh, right.” She actually sounded excited. “Are you on your way to pick me up? It’s almost seven now.”
“I’ll be pulling up in front of your house in just a second.” I backed down the driveway a ways and pulled up and parked in some random spot near the front door. “As a matter of fact, I am here now.”
“Okay. I’ll be out in a second. Bye.”

I could not believe it. I was actually getting butterflies in my stomach. I should not be this nervous going out on a “date” with my son. Although, he is a lot more handsome than I ever noticed before. I hurried to get myself together before I went out to meet him. He was really getting into this whole role-playing thing. I just hope I can keep it going as well. It is actually turning me on to hear him calling me Kelly instead of mom. I wonder if he will try to kiss Kelly tonight. God I hope so.
I was just grabbing my purse when the doorbell rang. Good job Kevin, coming to the door to get me. Very classy. I will have to remember to reward you for that. As I opened the door there he stood holding a bouquet of flowers that had obviously been a last minute thought as they were out of my flowerbed beside the porch. That’s okay though. It was a very thoughtful and romantic gesture; besides, Kelly won’t know that they are not store bought.
“Kevin, wow.” I took the flowers and made a show of sticking my nose in them and inhaling deeply. “They’re beautiful. I love them. Let me just go put these in some water and we can go. You want to come in?”
“Sure.” He stepped into the living room and looked around nervously like he had never been in here before. It was so cute. I could tell that he was as nervous as I was because he couldn’t stand still.
“Hey Kevin, could you come in here for a second please. I need a vase but it is out of my reach.”
“Anytime.” I pointed to the one I wanted that really was out of my reach without my step stool. He grabbed it and handed it down to me before I filled it with water and stuck the flowers in it.
“Thanks.” Stood on m tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the cheek. I could feel my inside flutter as my lips touched his smooth skin. He had shaved and put on cologne. Impressive.
He held the door for as we left the house and then held the door for me again when we got in the truck. My Son is such a gentleman.

I couldn’t believe how good Kelly looked. She easily looked ten years younger than she really was. She was wearing a very tight fitting pair of jeans that hugged her womanly shape perfectly. A snug fitting Virginia Tech shirt proudly displayed her chest with the “V” and the “T” each getting their own breast. There was also ample cleavage showing in the deep cut v-neck. While her back was turned I adjusted myself in case something came up, I didn’t want it to be obvious.
After we got in the truck we headed for Grandview that was 80 miles away. Along the way Kelly told me that I was doing a good job so far and that if I kept on at this rate I would be able to talk to any woman I wanted to. I wasn’t sure if I believed her but it was nice to hear her say so.
During the drive we chatted about all sorts of things. Nothing of any real importance but I did get a little better idea of who my mom was. She told me that she really did grow up in Gilmer and that she had fallen for my dad the night she graduated high school. She said that there was an after graduation party and he happened to be there. She said that since he was the only guy there that was taller than her she had to go talk to him.
About a year after they started dating she became pregnant and being the nice guy that he was, as well as being madly in love with her, he proposed. He had worked as the superintendent at the lumberyard before my grandparent’s death. His parents were ecstatic when they found out they were going to be grandparents. Her mom, on the other hand, was less than pleased. She tried to force her to have an abortion but since she was nineteen by this point there really wasn’t anything she could do. She could, however, throw her out of the house and that is exactly what she did.
Mom told me that she slept in her car that first night and that she nearly froze to death. She was scared and didn’t know what to do so she went to talk to my dad’s mom. When she told my grandma what had happened grandma hit the roof. Apparently grandma knew quite a few words that church-going ladies weren’t supposed to know. I laughed at that image. After she calmed down she told my mom that she was going to move in with her and my grandpa. A few months later her and my dad were married in a quiet ceremony in my grandparent’s backyard. Her mother didn’t attend.
I was amazed at how easy I found it to talk to my mom after I stopped calling her mom. It was as if there was some spell keeping me from saying what was on my mind. By calling her Kelly, her real name by the way, it was like I was talking to someone totally different. I told her about how I was originally terrified of her proposal but was too scared to tell her so. I then made sure to tell her that since we have began this little “experiment” that I have come to realize just how cool it really is.
We got to a little steakhouse in Grandview and went inside. When we were shown to our table I pulled out mom chair and helped her get seated before taking my own seat. I had seen it done in an old movie and the girl in the movie was impressed by the gesture. The little old lady at the table beside us smiled at me as I took my seat since her and mom were sitting across the isle from each other.
Dinner was going well and we were having a good conversation about what I wanted to do with the rest of my life when I felt something brush up against my leg. At first I thought is was just mom crossing her legs and hitting mine with her foot. When it kept going I knew that it was mom rubbing her foot up and down my leg. The result was the fact that I knew I wouldn’t be able to stand up for a few minutes at least. The one eyed beast in my pants was trying to come out and I was thinking of any and everything possible to keep it from happening. The last thing I wanted was to be in a restaurant full of people and have to get up with a hard on.
I looked at Kelly and she just smiled. She stopped rubbing her foot up and down my leg long enough to lean across the table and whisper to me, “Sometimes, when a girl really like a guy, she will do things like that to see where it leads.” With the look that was in her eyes when she said that, I didn’t know if she was being serious or not.
We finished our dinner without any further incidents and as we were walking back to the truck she told me, “When you got up to go to the restroom, the old lady that was sitting beside me said ‘you better hang on to that man, he obviously loves you more than life itself’. I looked her straight in the eyes and told her, ‘don’t worry, I will.”
I opened the door for her and she climbed in. When I got in I asked her, “What do you want to see?”
She got ready to say something and stopped. She paused for a moment and said, “I don’t know Kevin. What’s even playing?”
“Hmm, good question. I don’t really know either. I guess we will just go to the theater and figure it out once we’re there.”
“Sounds good to me.”
We went to the theater and discovered that we had picked the worst week in the world to go see a movie. There was nothing playing that we really wanted to see. I looked at Kelly and she was looking at me after noticing the dreadful selection. “You want to go do something else?” I asked her.
Her eyes lit up like it was Christmas morning. I couldn’t tell if she was really excited or if she was acting when she asked in a sultry whisper as her hand was rubbing up and down my arm, “What did you have in mind?”
I wanted to tell her that I wanted to take her somewhere and fuck her brains out but I thought I better not say that. Even if we were acting a bit she was still my mom and I didn’t want her to know that I really did want her.
“What do you want to do?” I thought I would play it safe and put the ball in her court.
“Well, we could just go for a drive. Maybe head down toward Miller’s pond and watch the stars.”
“Holy shit!” I thought to myself. I have heard of Miller’s pond and there was only one reason that people went there after dark. I know she was pretending to be a girl my age, or was she, but I wasn’t ready for that. Nervously I said, “Uh, okay.”
She leaned against me as we walked back toward the truck. I could smell whatever she washed her hair with and it smelled like honeysuckle in the springtime. That and her perfume were intoxicating and having an effect on me that I didn’t want her to notice. I opened the door for her again and after I got in we headed for Miller’s pond.

I don’t believe that I actually suggested that we go to Miller’s pond. That is where he was conceived. I’m a little nervous. I am sure he has heard the stories of what goes on there after dark. It is the lover’s lane of this neck of the woods and even the cops don’t go out there after dark. Not because it is dangerous but because the road is so rough that more than a few people have gotten stuck trying to get in or out. You definitely need a four-wheel drive to get there. Thank god we are driving the truck and not the car.
I was leaning on him as we walked back to the truck and could smell his cologne, a deep musky, and manly smell. It was making me tingle where I shouldn’t have been tingling. God I wanted him so bad. I know that is wrong but it was true. Every time that he opened a door for me or pulled out my chair, even when he stood up as I got up from the table I could feel my pussy getting wet. It was refreshing to see someone as young as him acting like a gentleman. I don’t know if he was doing it because I was his mom and I taught him to do that or if he actually did it because he knew it was the right thing to do.
I could feel the heat radiating off him as we walked to the truck. His arms were huge from all the manual labor he did in the lumberyard. He was a giant and I wanted his giant in me before the night was out.
I still couldn’t believe that he went along with this whole thing. I am an old lady compared to him and that fact that he was acting like I was someone his own age was still somewhat strange to me. Did he secretly want me as much as I did him? It really didn’t seem to hard for him to quit calling me mom and start calling me Kelly. I like hearing him call me Kelly. I t doesn’t remind me at every turn that he is my son and that what I want to do to him is, not only a sin, but also illegal in most states.

As we turned out onto the highway Kelly slid across the seat so that she was sitting right beside me. I didn’t mind since her left breast was rubbing my right arm as I shifted gears and turned the steering wheel. In fact, the fact that I had my hand almost in her crotch when I shifted to fourth gear made me want to keep stopping and starting. I am certain I could feel the heat from her pussy radiating through her jeans.
We made good time and twenty minutes later I shifted in to four-wheel drive and started easing my way down the road, at least that is what they called it, to Miller’s pond. Surprisingly there was no one else around that we could see. I drove around to the back of the pond before she pointed out an overgrown road to the right.
“If I remember correctly Kevin, if you take this road you can get to a little cove that is totally hidden from everywhere else on the pond. I used to come back here years ago with your father.”
This was the first time that she had broken character in a while, but I guess she didn’t want me to think that Kelly was some kind of slut that slept around in her younger days.
Back in character she said, “Ooh, this is exciting. Do you have any idea where this might lead?”
I knew where I wanted it to lead but instead of saying what I was thinking I said, “No idea at all. I’m just winging it here. I hope it leads somewhere good though.”
“Me too, baby. Me too.” She said that in barely a whisper and I don’t think she realized I heard it. I was getting more and more excited the farther we drove. Soon we were in a little clearing that was mostly overgrown but still big enough to turn around in without hitting anything. Off to the left we could just make out the shore of the pond. I backed up towards the shore before getting out and opening her door. Once she was out I grabbed a blanket that I kept behind the seat just in case we might need it later.
She had quit commenting on how I was doing and what I should do a while ago. I was assuming, hopefully correctly, that if I did something wrong she would stop me and tell me. I let the tailgate down and spread the blanket in the bed of the truck. We both hopped up on the tailgate and laid back, our legs hanging over the end.
“This is beautiful,” she said as she looked up at the stars.
I was looking at her and said, “It sure is.”
She looked in my direction and noticed that I was looking at her when I said that. Despite the darkness that was all around us I knew she blushed. She rolled over on her right side and I rolled over to my left. She had her head propped up on her hand and I was leaning on my elbow just admiring her beauty.
Still in character she asked, “Kevin, I know we just met, but would you be offended if I wanted to kiss you?”
What? Offended? Why in the world would I be offended? The most beautiful woman in the world to me was asking me if I would be offended if she wanted to kiss me. Only a crazy man would say yes. I kept myself from doing back flips and shouting for joy and simply said, honestly, “No Kelly. I wouldn’t be offended. In fact I feel honored that you would want to kiss me.”
With that she leaned in slowly, her lips gliding toward mine, and closed her eyes. I leaned toward her as well and could feel the butterflies in my stomach going crazy. The instant our lips touched is a moment that I will remember for the rest of life. My mind exploded like a gasoline tanker in a nitroglycerin factory. It was a hundred fireworks shows going on at once. Every nerve ending in my body was screaming in pleasure.
That first kiss only lasted for a second, or maybe a hundred years, I’m not really sure. All I knew was that I wanted it to happen again. We pulled away from each other and stared into each others eyes. I think we were both trying to gauge the reaction of the other.
“Wow. What was that?”
She replied almost out of breath, “I know, right?”
We pounced on each other at that point. I never gave thought to the fact that she was my mother. At this point she was just a beautiful woman that wanted me as much as I wanted her. Our hands began to roam over as much of each other as we could reach. Our lips were smashed together and our tongues were dancing the tango.
I could feel her enormous breasts pressed into my chest. I had to feel them. I let my right hand move up her body and only paused at her stomach long enough to see if she would object. I felt one and then quickly felt the other. There was no move to stop me. In fact she moaned into our kiss and seemed to press her breasts into my hand a little harder. I found her nipple through the thin fabric of her t-shirt and the thin bra that she was wearing. They were huge and swollen. I gently rolled one between my thumb and finger and that made her moan even more. I grabbed a handful of tit and squeezed gently. This only served to excite her even more and caused her to pres her pelvis in tightly to mine.
There was no doubt that she could feel the erection that I had from the moment we first kissed. In fact I thought that I could feel her grinding on it. I knew how far I wanted this to go but was afraid to press the issue. I was letting her lead this expedition.
I knew how far this was going to go when she broke our kiss and breathlessly said, “You have way to many fucking clothes on. Get ‘em off if you want to keep them.” She began stripping and I did the same. Seconds later we were both fully nude wrapped up in each others arms kissing and groping again.
I was running my hands through her hair and down her back until I was cupping that magnificent ass of hers. She was constantly moaning as if my touch anywhere on her body was about to send her into orgasm. I let my hands run back up her body and toward her luscious tits again, this time with nothing to keep me from really marveling at their shape and size. Her nipples were as big as dimes and nearly an inch long. I moved from the wonderfulness that was her mouth and moved my mouth to her tit. I began to suck on it hungrily as I let my hand snake its way down her flat belly to her clean-shaven pussy. It was hot and wet.
A steady flow of her womanly juices was coating my fingers as I rubbed my hand back and forth across her swollen lips. When I would make contact with her clit she would stop moving for just a second. At the same time that I slid a finger into her hole and noticed just how tight she was I could feel her fingers wrapping around the girth of my swollen cock. We began to masturbate each other slowly.
Her breathing was getting heavy as she pushed me away. I thought I had done something wrong but was assured I hadn’t when she slid down so that her face was in front of my manhood. I could only imagine what was going to happen as her mouth opened and she ran her tongue along the length of my shaft. She gabbed my erection and lifted it so that she could then lick my balls. The feeling was indescribable. She licked one and then the other before licking her way back toward the head of my cock. She was slowing stroking the parts of my dick that she had just licked until she got to the head. Before I knew what was happening she had swallowed half of my cock. I could feel it hitting the back of her throat. I knew there was no way she was going to get all of my 12 inches in her throat. Not that it was too long, but it was just too big around. She bobbed her head on my cock for a minute making sure it was good and covered in her saliva and then she did what I didn’t think was possible. She seemed to rare back and impaled her head on my throbbing member. I could feel my cock halfway to her stomach. She held it there for just a second before coming back up for air. Her eyes locked on mine as she took a breath and repeated the process again. I couldn’t believe it.
My mind was nearly in overload. I came to my senses just long enough to whimper, “Oh, god Kelly. I’m going to cum.”
She pulled her mouth of my straining cock just long enough to say, “Do it!”
That was all it took. I felt my balls tighten as I began to shoot my creamy load straight into her stomach. She pulled back so just the head was in her mouth and tried to suck the blanket into my asshole. It felt as if she was sucking the cum out of my throbbing cock instead of it shooting into her mouth. I was about ready to pass out from pleasure when, with a final lick around the head, she pulled her lips off and licked them like she had just had the best tasting food in the world.
I could barely move. She had nearly sucked the energy straight from my soul but I felt obliged to return the favor. I managed to slide us both down so that she was at the end of the tailgate and I was kneeling on the ground. This put me at the perfect height to look directly into her beautiful pussy. Without a moments hesitation I licked her for the very first time. I flattened my tongue and licked from her asshole to her clit in one fell swoop. She grabbed hold of my head with both hands. I had no idea what I was doing but paid special attention to what her body was doing. I then licked the crease where her legs met her pussy. She quivered and moaned. I knew that I didn’t want to lick her clit immediately so I took my time teasing her other parts.
I kissed down one lip and up the next. Her pussy was drooling profusely by this time. I stiffened my tongue and shoved it as far into her pussy as I could get it. She wailed in surprise and bucked her hips up in effort to get it deeper. I fucked her with my tongue until it hurt. I then clamped my mouth over her soaking hole and sucked for all I was worth. I was rewarded with a mouth full of female cum and yet I didn’t stop. She was still quivering and moaning when I shoved two very large fingers into her cunt. I hooked them upward feeling for the spot I knew would take her over the edge.
When I finally found her G-spot she orgasmed again. Her cum spilling around my fingers and I licked it up as fast as I could. It was the greatest tasting thing I had ever had in my mouth and I wanted more. Thanks to years of watching porn I knew just how to get it. I locked my mouth over her clit and began sucking on it as I flicked it with my tongue. Between that and my fingers constantly massaging her inner cum button I was rewarded with a massive orgasm that tried to drown me by spraying my face with cum. She fell silent as her back arch and her entire body went stiff. It was a good minute before she finally came down.
She looked at me with pleading eyes when they finally opened and hoarsely whispered, “Fuck me.”
Never one to refuse a lady I stood up and lined my once again hard cock up with her love tunnel. I pushed slowly until the head was just starting to open her up.
“Go slowly. That thing is going to hurt.” I looked at her with an “are you sure” look on my face. “Do it. Just go slow.”
I pushed the head of my monster inside her slowly. I could see the look of pain on her face as well as the look of pure animalistic lust. Ever so slowly I pushed forward. It was not a question of was she wet enough. It was a question of how far and how fast she could stretch.
Her pussy was tight. There was no doubt about it. There was, however, doubt on my end as to whether or not it would fit in any farther. I pulled back and pushed in a little more. She moaned and her eyes rolled back in her head. I knew in my gut that this was the way to go so I did it again. A few more pumps and a couple more inches later she orgasmed yet again. It continued this way for a few minutes. Every couple of inches she would orgasm until it felt like they weren’t individual orgasms anymore but one long continuous one. Finally I hit bottom and stopped. Her breathing was labored and shallow.
“Are you okay?” I was genuinely concerned for her at this point.
Somehow she managed to breath out, “Never been better. Fuck me now. Just go slow.”
I began to piston my cock into her unbelievably tight pussy as slow as I could. After a few minutes I could feel her loosening up a bit and she managed to tell me to go faster. I did. I began to pump into her faster and faster. Her orgasms were coming one right after another. After a few minutes she told me to stop. I didn’t want to but I reluctantly pulled out.
“Get up here and lay down.”
I crawled up into the bed of the truck and did as I was told. She straddled my waist and lifted herself up far enough to position my cock at her entrance. She eased down on it until the head was just inside. I couldn’t believe it when she slammed herself down on it until the entire thing was buried in her gut. I felt like I was in her throat. It was tight before but I must have went through her cervix it was so tight. I thought she was going to squeeze the head off. After she adjusted to the size for a moment she began to rotate her hips, grinding her clit on my pelvis as she did. Moments later I felt her rise up and impale herself again. She began raising up and slamming down on me as hard and as fast as she could.
I was mesmerized watching her giant tits bounce in time to her actions. I reached up and took one in each hand marveling at how firm yet soft they were. I tweaked her nipples and she screamed in pleasure. I pulled them a little harder and she came again.
“Pull them harder,” she managed to get out somehow, her breath as labored as it was. I pulled them even harder and she came again. I was getting close and I told her that I was about to cum again.
“Pull my nipples harder and cum in me.” I pulled them even harder and gave them a little twist and I think they heard her orgasm in the next county. The feel of her pussy convulsing on my cock was enough to cause me to erupt. I bathed her womb in my baby batter for what seemed like hours.
She passed out on my chest still impaled on my cock. I couldn’t blame her. She had been in a near state of constant orgasm for a good thirty minutes. I lay there gently rubbing her back thinking that I was the luckiest guy on the face of the planet until she finally came to.
She looked a little disoriented before asking, “Did I pass out?”
I kissed her lightly on the lips and said, “Yes my darling girlfriend, you did.”
With my slowly deflating cock still inside her she said, “Wow. That’s never happened before. We are going to have to do that again.”
Yes. This wasn’t a once in a lifetime fantasy fulfilled. I could get used to this. It was then that she burst my bubble.
“But, it’s going to have to wait until I can walk normally again. That hurt like hell, but I wouldn’t have missed it for anything in the world.” She kissed me passionately before pulling back and saying, “You know, we need to be getting home.”
“Yeah, I know.” I managed to get my thoughts in order before I said, “I’ll drop you and then head home. Can we go out again next weekend if you aren’t busy?”
“I’d love to.”
We managed to get up and get dressed, although she moved a little slowly, and then climb in the truck for the ride home. I dropped her at the door like before and went to park the truck. When I walked in the house she was standing at the end of the hallway like she was waiting for me to get inside. The minute she opened her mouth I knew that she was mom again.
“How was your date baby?”
“It was fantastic mom. Kelly is freaking awesome. We are going out again next week.”
“I’m glad to hear it. What did y’all do?”
I knew at this point that she was testing me and I knew that I would never and could never say anything to anyone about tonight. “We went to dinner and then we went to a movie.” I normally wouldn’t lie to my mother but these were extenuating circumstances to say the least, besides, she was there.
“Well, I’m glad y’all had fun.” She came over and gave me a very unmotherly kiss. “I’ll see you in the morning baby. Good night.” With that she turned and walked down the hall to her room. I went to my room and fell down on the bed.
A few minutes later I heard a light tap on the door to my room. Since the door wasn’t closed I couldn’t understand why. I turned over and looked at my mother standing there buck naked. “Come on baby. Come to bed.”
I got up and followed my mom back to her room. I shed my clothes as quick as I could and climbed under the blankets with her. I knew she was sore so I didn’t attempt to even touch her pussy. Instead I was content to wrap my arms around her and let her head rest on my arm. The smell of her hair was relaxing me, as was her steady breathing against my chest. Soon we were both blissfully asleep, exhausted from our strenuous workout.


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New Friends Met Camping With Kelly

It was June of 1982. Kelly graduated from college a couple of weeks prior. We decided to take a week-long camping trip to celebrate. With the stress of school behind her, I could sense the devil in Kelly getting ready to uncork. We were both twenty-two. We had a small pickup truck with a cap over the bed for sleeping.Even as we were loading our gear into the truck, Kelly was a constant flirt; grabbing at my butt, shaking her tits at me, you name it. We loaded the truck Saturday afternoon. When...

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Strip Club And Nude Beach Fucking With Kelly

It was late winter of 1989. Kelly and I were on vacation in Florida. We'd married after she graduated from college, and our vacations since then were pretty much just a long weekend here and there or some camping trips. This was our first “fly away” destination.A year ago, a close friend of Kelly’s at work had shared their experience visiting the famous nude beach in South Florida. Since then, Kelly was on a mission. She had been visiting the tanning beds for about six months and had an amazing...

Group Sex
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Bahamas Cruise With Kelly

It was November of 1993. Going on a cruise was something Kelly and I had talked about for some time. I wasn’t that interested but Kelly really wanted to go and have a romantic getaway for just us. “Happy wife, happy life.” How true.We had made the decision months ago to fly into Miami a day early, just to be safe. Weather in the upper Midwest can never be trusted. It turned out to be a brilliant move. We were sitting at O’Hare waiting for our flight and watching the news of the blizzard racing...

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Bahamas Cruise With Kelly

It was November of 1993. Going on a cruise was something Kelly and I had talked about for some time. I wasn’t that interested but Kelly really wanted to go and have a romantic getaway for just us. “Happy wife, happy life.” How true.We had made the decision months ago to fly into Miami a day early, just to be safe. Weather in the upper Midwest can never be trusted. It turned out to be a brilliant move. We were sitting at O’Hare waiting for our flight and watching the news of the blizzard racing...

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Twin Switch Kelly and Mark Chapters 9 13

Twin Switch: Kelly and Mark By Karen Singer Chapters 9 - 13 Chapter 9 Gary ran into the dugout and threw his stuff on the bench next to Mark. He held out his palm towards Mark. "Man, we gotta win this one!" Mark slapped Gary's hand. "Yeah, we gotta!" Gary sat down next to Mark. "Hey what's your sister doing?" "Kelly?" "Yeah. Is she here tonight?" "She's got a game tonight - back up toward the parking lot somewhere." Gary nodded. "Yeah. I might just try to...

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Kelly's Unclebykinkyangel©Kelly wrapped the robe around her body and then turned to give herself a thorough investigation on the full length mirror. The robe was made of a gauzy, almost see- through fabric and it contrasted wonderfully with her pale skin. Which made the robe even more special, was the deep V that dipped between her full, firm breasts and the hem, which hit her way above her mid-thigh, barely covering her round butt cheeks.Leaning forward, Kelly studied the way her breasts...

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Twin Switch Kelly and Mark Chapters 1 4

Twin Switch: Kelly and Mark By Karen Singer Written 24 July - 8 August 2013 Two teenage twins, one boy and one girl Looking so much alike, from their toes to their curls But the spider of fate had them caught in its web And had other ideas for the lives that they led. Chapter 1 The spider of fate, is building its web The strands that it weaves are lives that are led. With each...

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Kelly and Katie

Kelly and Katieby Denise CThere were two very different ideas of Kelly. To her friends and family, she just about perfect. Kelly was possibly the most beautiful girl on the entire campus of 20,000 students. Thick black hair flowed to her shoulders. Her body was perfect with not a bit of excess fat, a perfect ass, and B/C tits that seemed to defy gravity. Slightly olive skin gave her the appearance of being something exotic. Kelly had just finished her freshman year having rushed the most...

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Cancun with Kelly

It was February of 1998. Six of us decided to make our first trip to Cancun. We arrived toward the end of the month on a Thursday at midday. Our hotel was in the “hotel zone”. Kelly and I had an adjoining room with Bob and Lisa. Yvonne and Daniel had a room on a different floor.This all got started at our New Year’s Eve party. There were five couples there. Tequila was playing a large role in the evening’s entertainment, which somehow led to Mexico and shortly thereafter a decision that we were...

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The Community Auction With Kelly

It was March of 1995. Kelly and I were both thirty-five. We’d lived in our “new” town for about two and a half years at that time. While we had found a music club in town where we could have some fun, our limited social lives still mostly revolved around work and co-workers. In fact, it was a guy I worked with who invited Kelly and me to a substantial community fundraiser. Apparently, over the years it had turned into the social highlight of the town.Folks would get fancied up and spend the...

Straight Sex
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Twin Switch Kelly and Mark Chapters 5 8

Twin Switch: Kelly and Mark By Karen Singer Chapters 5 - 8 Chapter 5 The following morning, Janice was almost relieved to see her two twins back to being themselves again. And she spent a lot of time that morning just looking at them that way. Kelly once again looked absolutely lovely in another of her new outfits - high heels and all. She had once again repainted Kelly's nails for her the night before while Mark looked on and filled his sister in on everything the rest...

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Her Brother And His Friends Have Sex With Kelly

It was August of 1981. By the end of the week, Kelly would be packing up and heading back to Milwaukee to tackle her senior year of college. Not many weeks after her arrival she would begin interviewing for her post-graduation job, which she would begin just months later. And then spend decades as part of the working class. Something I had learned about Kelly is that one big way that she deals with anxiety is through her pussy.It happened the summer that she graduated from high school. Anxiety...

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Mowing The Lawn With Kelly

It was the summer of 2001. Kelly had been miserable for months. Her work life had been slowly deteriorating for a couple of years. As it seems is always the case, a good boss had left and the new one was an idiot. I had finally convinced her that it was okay to resign without a new job lined up. She’d worked since she was a young teenager, we were doing fine, and I hated to see her so miserable.She spent that spring cleaning every nook and cranny she could find in the house. By the time summer...

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KELLY GARRETT The Summer of 78

The Summer of 78 1978 was going to be a hot summer for me not for the summer heat but a vacation trip to hawaii was going to one.That summer Kelly decided to take a vacation trip to Hawaii little to hold while getting off the plane Kelly had a Chance Encounter with a photographer at Honolulu International Airport.The man introduce himself as Mark Gallagher.Mark: Hi i am Mark Gallagher Kelly : Hello Mark i am Kelly GarrettMark : Nice to meet you Kelly At the Airport Mark and Kelly begin to...

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Kelly finally got the boobs she was waiting for

100% fiction! Kelly finally got the boob job she had been waiting for. She was so happy to finally be the size of her mom, a full D cup. Four weeks after her surgery Kelly resumed her normal activities of going around the house braless. Only this time her nipples were even more apparent than before. She wore much tighter and sheerer tops. Every time she would catch me staring at her hot new tits she would say, "Dad, do you like them now or would you rather me have my other smaller tits than...

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Part 2 A Wild Saturday With Kelly

It was the end of January 1989. I had been out of town the weekend a few weeks previous. Kelly had spent much of that weekend with our close friends Patrick and Yvonne. They had a wild sex-fueled Saturday, the stories of which no one shared with me. Kelly just left it as, of course, the three of them had sex. It would have been odd had they not (which was true), and that was that.Yvonne called Kelly early in the week and told her that Patrick had received all of his prints back from the photo...

Group Sex
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Kelly Girl Chapter 20 Shopping for the Devil

Copyright 1999, 2002, 2003 by Wanda Cunningham. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 20: Shopping for the Devil By Wanda Cunningham Kelly made his way quickly through the crowd; he really did need to use the...

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A Week In Spain With Kelly

It was June of 1990. Kelly had won a trip to Spain through her job. They got the trip by spending money with a media company. They had an internal contest and Kelly won the trip for two. She found out back in March that she won and had been feverishly planning and hitting the gym and tanning salon ever since.We arrived on a Sunday after an overnight flight to Brussels and then a short hop to Torremolinos on Spain’s Costa Del Sol. The first item on our printed agenda was to meet up at a cocktail...

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As A SixteenYearOld Six Men Had Their Way With Kelly

It was late August of 1976. Kelly and I, who were both sixteen at the time, had been to a wild party the week before at a townhouse rented by Don and Rod. Don was dating Lori, one of Kelly’s friends. Before the party had ended I had sex with Lori, while Don and Rod had both screwed the living daylights out of a very drunk and high Kelly.Two days after that party, under many protests, I had to go on a two-week family vacation. Since Kelly and I started screwing that May we had been humping at...

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Labor Day 79 With Kelly

It was Labor Day weekend of 1979. Kelly and I were nineteen and she would soon start her sophomore year of college. Patrick and Yvonne were our best friends in the world. Since we’d first swapped partners a couple of years prior we had become regular sex partners, especially Patrick and Kelly. Yvonne typically had to be “in the mood.” Kelly, however, was always ready for sex and loved nothing more than having two cocks willing to service her.Patrick’s family had a long history of spending the...

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Kelly Bundys Sex Mutant Pesticide

********************************************************** When I saw the episode of Married With Children where Kelly's pesticides made Bud mutate and grow breasts, I knew that there was potential. But the episode dropped the ball. So I decided to continue the feminizing mutations of poor Bud. And of course, Marcy sees this as another way to torture pool Al... I appreciate any and all comments, good, bad, or...

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No TwentyFifth With Kelly

It was June of 2003. Kelly and I had decided to accept an offer from Lori and Don to visit them in Florida. We had sort of been expecting a twenty-fifth high school reunion and were really let down when we heard that wasn’t happening. Things began with us having sex when we were teenagers and we reconnected at our twentieth. Since then we’d been sharing pics and having phone sex. We were all very anxious to see each other again. Lori and Kelly worked out dates that worked on their female...

Straight Sex
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A Wild Saturday With Kelly Part 1

It was early January of 1989…“It’s okay to feel them,” Kelly said. His large hand reached down and felt the front of her panties. He gently rubbed the satin material that was covered in lace. He was lightly stroking her pubic mound. It was enough for Kelly’s clit to be in the game, but it wasn’t what she wanted.She gently wrapped her arms around his large bicep. She carefully tugged his arm, trying to get him to move his hand lower, onto her cunt. “They’re crotchless for a reason,” she...

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Working The Auction With Kelly

It was August of 1990. Kelly and I were thirty years old. We had won a trip to Spain which we took the previous June. Kelly had a ton of sex on that trip, including a public gang-gang at a nude beach. We met some new friends, including Barry who owned both a Chevy dealership and a nine-inch dong, and Scott who owned several furniture stores. Both of them were in their mid-forties. The four of us also spent Independence Day a couple of weeks later on Barry’s huge boat where Kelly was fucked...

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Flashing And Fucking At NASCAR With Kelly

It was June of 1994. Kelly and I had been talking about making a trip to a NASCAR race and we made it happen. We invited our good friend Patrick to join us for the weekend. Patrick and Yvonne had been a couple we started having sex with while still in high school. Patrick and Yvonne had split up a while ago but we were still close friends and he happily maintained his friend-with-benefits status with Kelly. Kelly and I were thirty-four. Patrick was a year younger than us.We arrived Friday...

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Kelly Bundys Saturday Morning Surprise Part

Saturday morning came early for the younger Bundy f****y members, Buck as usual was humping Marcy’s poodle, Bud had just screwed Amber and she was staggering back to her aunt’s house butt naked and tired, Bud has now crawled back into bed to cuddle up with his other warm piece of ass for the morning, he had started out fucking her, but duties called for him to service Amber and to keep her pussy happy. Kelly sl**ps soundly as usual as she normally gets back home around 2am from one of her boy...

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Kelly Bundys Saturday Morning Surprise Part

Saturday morning came early for the younger Bundy family members; Buck asusual was humping Marcy's poodle; Bud had just screwed Amber and she wasstaggering back to her aunt's house butt naked and tired; Bud has nowcrawledback into bed to cuddle up with his other warm piece of ass for themorning,he had started out fucking her, but duties called for him to service Amberand to keep her pussy happy.Kelly sleeps soundly as usual as she normally gets back home around 2amfromone of her boy friends,...

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Independence Day With Kelly Part 2 of 2

We untied and made the no-wake trip down river onto the big lake. Kelly was sitting out on the bow while Scott and I were cracking open cold ones on the aft deck. Once we were on the lake proper, Barry suggested to Kelly that she come back to the deck. Once she had a seat, he opened it up.Wow! Loud as all hell and fast! Hard to imagine something that big accelerating so quickly. We were quite a way offshore and had been barreling down the lake for maybe a half an hour when Barry slowed it down...

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Independence Day With Kelly Part 2 of 2

We untied and made the no-wake trip down river onto the big lake. Kelly was sitting out on the bow while Scott and I were cracking open cold ones on the aft deck. Once we were on the lake proper, Barry suggested to Kelly that she come back to the deck. Once she had a seat, he opened it up.Wow! Loud as all hell and fast! Hard to imagine something that big accelerating so quickly. We were quite a way offshore and had been barreling down the lake for maybe a half an hour when Barry slowed it down...

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Starting Work At A New Company With Kelly Part 1

It was the fall of 1982. Kelly, who was now twenty-two, had recently started working for a new company. The thing she thought was a little odd about this new company, was that on any given day maybe half of the women in the office were braless. And it wasn’t hard to tell. Hard nipples. Big boobs swaying. It seemed like everyone had big boobs?Occasionally someone would wear something sheer. She had already clearly seen three sets of areolae in her short time working there. Boobs seemed to be a...

Office Sex
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The Bundys DrsquoArcysndash Kelly and Marcyrsquos ldquoGirl

It’s a Spring Saturday Night in Chicago. April means a renewal of many facets of life. Baseball season starts and so the Bundy men decided to go with Jefferson and some of the other guys in the neighborhood to see the North Siders play. Peggy was visiting her relatives in Wisconsin this weekend, leaving Kelly home. Normally, this would not be a problem as Kelly was always very popular… and she did have a date. However, the guy backed out with a call a few minutes before taking her out. Some...

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