Black Domination free porn video

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Scott Clair hated his whiteness. He wasn't able to articulate it exactly in that way; he claimed to be coming to terms with his submissive nature and his overwhelming desire to serve the Black race. Had he been a bit more self-aware, a bit more introspective, he could have accurately described his self-hatred as stemming from his inherent need to feel superior. Whiteness was his disease, magnified by a Napoleonic complex of huge proportions given his height of 5'1". He suffered from narcissism extraordinaire. In his delusional mind, the universe owed him an apology for his height and he compensated for it by singing "Woe is me," every chance he got-- the 12" extended, remix, house music version. Lying was his first nature, he could construct a tale of deceit without so much as the blink of an eye, all to make himself seem more important or to perpetuate an image of his false sense of superiority. He treated people as objects to use and didn't give a damn who was hurt, used, or annoyed in the process. He felt he was the sun, the chosen son, around whom all the world had an obligation to rotate.

He began feeling uncomfortable with his identity, with his whiteness, with the advent of interracial porn. Initially, he was outraged and angered by Black men and their enormous cocks fucking white women. He would watch in disgust at the videos of men endowed with equipment that made his tiny penis look infantile in comparison and seethe in anger, proclaiming how he hated Black men for being lazy, ignorant, criminal, and nothing more than savages. Of course, all that internal dialogue was drowned out while he was masturbating furiously for hours on end to image after image of white women screaming in pleasure and pain while having the sex of their lives with Black men. He would go to Black blogs and forums and protest that size didn't matter and Black men did not, in fact, have bigger cocks, that it was all just a myth. He took pleasure in his anonymous rants of degrading Black men for being bad fathers, for all being illiterate rappers, and he always seemed to find a way to espouse racist, hateful beliefs that made white men seem inherently and naturally superior. Immediately after taunting anyone and everyone who expressed even the slightest outrage, disbelief, or anger at his psychotic rants, he would log on to one of the numerous pay sites he subscribed to and download videos of white women being fucked by Black men in every orifice so he could jerk off.

In phase two of his awakening, he had a grand epiphany whereby he decided he was sensitive to the Black race. He became a self-proclaimed, liberal, reformed racist who insisted that he was atoning for the sins of all white men, past and present, and righting the wrongs of slavery by being submissive to Black women. His motives might have been pure except for the fact that he wasn't even capable of seeing Black women as human beings but merely things to satisfy his perversions. He watched BET, he listened to Black talk radio, and he rented every Black movie ever made so he could claim expertise on Blackness. In his submission, he would get off on the idea of black women using him, making fun of his small appendage, slapping him around, maybe even fucking him with a strapon and going home to his white world where he never interacted with another Black person. His sexuality was compartmentalized. For a few hours a month, if he was lucky, a few hours a week, he could take off his white privilege, leave it at the door, and role-play to his heart's content that he was a slave to a Black woman. When it was over, he could go home and feel absolved of his white guilt and assured that he was free of all inklings of white supremacy and racist beliefs.

In reality, he used Black women like life-like toys. He used the threat of giving them money to fuck with them. He would promise them large amounts of money and then, for no reason whatsoever, he would rescind the offer with the hopes that the women would be irate and that they would in turn then beg and plead for the money in order for him to feel powerful and in control of their lives. He would demand that they fulfill his fantasies, in exactly the way he saw fit; he thought nothing of calling on them at obscene hours of the day or night whenever he wanted to live out his submissive fantasies, stalking them, completely disrespecting their time and lives. The fact that he erroneously viewed his fetish as being submissive is what allowed him to believe that he was pardoned of his responsibility of being a total and complete asshole who wanted what he wanted, when he wanted, how he wanted, without regard, respect, or reverence to anyone else.

His fascination with the Black female body was colored by his hatred of the Black male one. The more a woman looked like a man, the more he was obsessed with being the "victim" of her abuse. If she was pumped up on steroids and bulging with muscles everywhere, if her facial features were masculine, if she wore her hair short and natural or if she was transgendered and sporting a big ole, juicy, fat cock, he would make that woman the center of his lust to the extent it would become a maniacal obsession. He would spend endless hours, furiously masturbating, thinking about being pulverized by these she-men, beaten to a bloody pulp, ****d against his will, and had no reason to associate his desires with his hatred of the Black male.

It was, in fact, his hatred of the Black male, his odious and undeniable jealousy at his strength, power, and unquestionable masculinity, all things Scott dangerously lacked, which motivated his fantasies. He wanted to destroy the Black man, to castrate him, but short of being able to do that, he could covet these women who were essentially men and feel secure in knowing that he was dominating them passively with his threats of giving and withholding money. In truth, he was worshipping the black male, just minus the penis. Many a night, he would sit at his computer, nipple clamps in place, a black butt plug firmly in place stretching his anus, stroking his small cock with his thumb and forefinger, fantasizing about taking on Mike Tyson, Kimbo Slice, or some other black boxing champion and veritably kicking their ass. He was too stupid to even acknowledge or realize that his fantasies were sexual in nature, that he was jerking off to these images because they aroused him; he could only focus on the adrenaline he felt when he imagined himself victorious over these bastions of Black masculinity. His warped, delusional mind could only comprehend that he viewed the Black male body, the muscular black male body, as his enemy.

Simultaneously, he dreamt of being a Black man. Being transformed to a Black male body, in his warped mind, would mean women, both white and black, would throw themselves at his feet, that he could fuck whomever he wanted, whenever he wanted. Never, not once did he consider that being a Black man carried more burdens and responsibilities than just standing around on the basketball court waiting for some white woman to get lost in the hood. In his mind, being a Black man was about athleticism, sexuality, and masculinity.

It was indeed a Black man who masterminded phase three of his evolution. Having "graduated" from serving masculine Black women, and compelled by his deviant urges and conflicted emotions, Scott moved on to the worship of the mythical big black cock. He became obsessed with it, all the power it represented and he CRAVED to be degraded and humiliated by Black men with nothing less than 8 inches or more of man meat. His need to be submissive to Black men became obsessive, traveling to adult book stores, bath houses, and gay bars in search of the biggest, blackest cock he could find. The men the cocks were attached to were inconsequential; it was the penis that was his object of desire. He became the proverbial slut for black cock. That was, until he responded to a particular ad on craigslist.

The ad was simple enough. "Professional Black male seeks same for LTR." It outlined the specifics of who the guy was and what he was looking for: complexion, similar interests, education, height, and age—all the average things in a personal ad. The photo section included several pictures of a tall, very attractive, dark-skinned guy with a nice house, a nice car, and a package that was so big UPS would have refused to deliver it.

Had the ad not included the picture of the cock, Scott probably would have moved on, clicking on another ad to find someone who was looking for a quick, anonymous suck or fuck in the immediate future. It was the perfect cock: uncut, heavily veined, thick, Black, and what had to be 10 inches . . . soft. Scott's mouth watered and his asspussy throbbed at the thought of feeling that huge monster invading him, pounding him, stretching him to beyond capacity, ripping him, filling him with load after load of scalding hot cum. He had to have it.

He fired off a response, quickly detailing what a fuck slut he was and how he had a hot, wet mouth perfect for sucking and a tight, hot, hole ideal for fucking. He attached a picture he found on the net of a beautiful young twink who could have been a perfect Calvin Klein model. It really didn't matter to him that he looked NOTHING like the picture, nothing mattered to him other than getting what he wanted. He waited for a response. And he waited. After two days, he figured he would send another response, this time being more explicit.

"Dear, Sir. I sent you an email the other day but it must have ended up in your spam folder or something. I'm a white, 30-something male," he lied, "who would love to drain your big cock. I'm expert at sucking cock, I have a hot white hole just ready for pounding all night long, and you can do whatever you want to me, treat me like shit, and I can take it all and then some. I especially enjoy race play and get off on being treated rough and you can even beat the crap out of me if you want. I'll kneel at your feet and worship your superior, Black cock. Anxiously awaiting your response. Submissively, Scott."

The response came quickly this time, within a few minutes. "Thanks you for your interest. I'm not looking for a sub or anything of the sort, but rather I'm looking for a long-term relationship EXACTLY like I described in my ad."

For most people, that would have been sufficient. Perhaps a few would have sent a response saying, "Fine, you don't know what you're missing," and left it at that. Scott, however, was not satisfied with that response. He became belligerent and typically arrogant. His response came in the form of an essay, describing how he was informed on Black issues, how liberal he was socially and how he supported Barack Obama. He wrote of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and the history of racism. He went on and on with statistics about Black men in the U.S. He ridiculed the man for his lack of knowledge of Black issues, not even knowing the man's position on anything. The whole objective of the correspondence was to piss this guy off. Scott was adept at being irritating, it was his weapon of choice and being rejected was not in his agenda.


No response.

He didn't even wait a full 24 hours for a response. He fired off another email, this time longer, this time more abrasive.

No response.

Outraged, Scott sat at his computer, looking at that picture of that gorgeous cock, jerking off incessantly, and figuring out ways to get under this guy's skin. That's all he wanted at this point. He wanted to annoy him, anger him, to make him frustrated and pissed off. He got a thrill from the attention, the fact that he knew he was an irritant; that was almost more arousing to him than getting fucked.

Still no response, he constructed yet another email, this time, taunting him by reverting back to his tried and true nature of being racially belligerent, claiming that the picture of the cock wasn't even real, that he probably had a tiny cock and was trying to compensate for not being a "real" black man. That would surely get a response.

And this time it did . . . instantaneously. Failure Notice. Remote host said: 554 delivery error. The mail recipient, [email protected] is not accepting emails from your account.

"How dare that black piece of shit ignore me," Scott fumed. "I'll fix him," as he sent all three of his emails again, this time, each one from one of his many other email accounts. The drama was arousing to Scott and he fisted his tiny cock in anticipation of a response. This time, he was sure to get some sort of rise out of this guy. It wasn't even about the sex anymore; it was a game of power. Scott needed to prove that he could not and would not be dismissed. He needed to put this Black guy in his place and teach him a lesson. Scott's true racist nature had surfaced again, victim of his own delusions of supremacy.

He got a real response this time, simply stating, "Okay, you win. If you want to be dominated, I'll do it. Be at my house, Friday evening, and be prepared to be pushed past your limits. In fact, you better not have any limits." He gave an address and signed the email, "Your Black Dom Daddy".

Scott masturbated endlessly, for days on end, reading those few lines like they held the key to the universe. He fantasized about what it would be like to be the plaything of a strong, Black man who towered over his diminutive size. He didn't do as he was instructed of course. That would have been anti-climactic. He wasn't going to go through with it after everything he had written, he just wanted to get off on the idea of being a white fuck slut with no limits being tortured and used by a strong, Black Daddy. So he placated himself by pulling and stroking his tiny penis, imagining unspeakable, disgusting things.

Barely a week went by when Scott's curiosity got the best of him. He sent another email and not surprisingly, it was returned as blocked. He had no less than 25 email addressed created for just such a reason so he quickly resent it from another account and this time, he apologized profusely for his abhorrent behavior. He humbled himself, "Dear, Sir, what can I do to have you forgive me? I've been arrogant and I realize that now. I'll never do it again, I promise. I want to be your boy. I want you to own me." He didn't mean a word of what he said, it was all a part of his twisted pathology.

The response was more detailed this time. "I knew your faggot ass couldn't resist. The rules are simple. For an entire weekend I'll use you in ways that you've never thought of before. You'll be my complete bitch. Bring food and beverages to fix me breakfast, lunch, and dinner the entire time you're here. You'll be dressed in slutty heels and lingerie all weekend. You'll keep your holes ready for me to use . . . in any way I see fit. If I bring my friends over, you'll service them any way they want. If I go out on a date, you'll suck my cock clean when I come home. You'll serve as my maid and make sure my place is immaculate and you'll be my footstool, ashtray, toilet, and cum dump. You'll be anything I tell you to be and you'll like it and beg for more."

Anger boiled up within Scott's soul, anger and pure, unadulterated lust. He'd never really given up his fallacy of white supremacy, he'd never really reconciled his hatred for Black men and their larger endowments, he was just going through the motions in an effort to satiate his lust for being degraded and abused. His desires to be ****d, used, and beaten until unrecognizable were symptoms of a greater evil. Scott wanted to use Black sexuality to satisfy his perverse desires; he never had any intentions of being used to satisfy the desires of a Black person.

His compulsion to be used outweighed reason as he drove around impatiently in his car for 7:00 pm exactly. Being nosey, he opened the mailbox and saw that the name on the Car and Driver Magazine was Todd Harcourt. At least he had a name to put with the description of the supposed mortgage broker, sports enthusiast, and openly gay black man he was about to meet. Scott had purchased enough food for a week, all frozen dinners and semi-prepared deli foods and the like; he wasn't a great cook and didn't want to piss this guy off by trying to be creative in the kitchen when he knew good and god damn well that anything he fixed himself would taste like crap. He wanted to leave, to turn around and go home, but he knew that if he did, he would regret it. He'd packed an overnight bag with all the lingerie and high heels he'd stolen from previous girlfriends. With such a big cock pounding him, he knew there was going to be potential for issues so he'd given himself a series of intense and painful enemas to make sure his colon was free from any shit so there wouldn't be any accidents or mess. All lubed up with a butt plug shoved in to stretch his hole, he knocked on the door.

"Yes, how can I help you?" The guy looked confused more than anything, like he wasn't expecting anyone to show up.

"I'm . . . from the internet . . . you know . . . your boy. You told me to be here for you to . . ." Scott paused mid sentence, afraid someone had played a joke on him. The guy standing before him was the guy from the pictures in the ad, but he wasn't sure exactly what was going on so he remained quiet, gripping his bags in his hands tighter and ready to make a run for it.

"Oh DAMN, I knew the picture you sent was fake but GOD DAMN. Could you have found a picture more opposite of what you look like? Shit! Oh well, get in here." The guy looked like he wanted to throw up he was so disgusted. Scott stepped inside the foyer as the door closed behind him. It was his nature to be so arrogant, so pathological in his need to misrepresent himself, that he didn't care that he sent pictures that looked nothing like his 40 something, unattractive self.

One thing was for certain, the guy hadn't lied one bit in his ad. He wasn't a millimeter shy of 6'4", he had a muscular, athletic build, bald head, dark chocolate skin and he was VERY attractive. Scott could see the picture of his fantastic cock in his mind and his tiny prick pulsed in anticipation. With the difference in height, Scott did in fact feel like a boy next to a strong Daddy. "Take off your clothes," were his only instructions.

Scott put his bags down and started to slowly undress. "Hurry up, shithead," the man bellowed and Scott began to pick up the pace. He took off his shoes and socks and pulled down his pants, standing there with nothing but a pair of tighty whities on and pitching a tent, a pup tent, but his erection was sticking out as far as possible.

"I thought I told you that you were to be dressed in women's lingerie the entire time you were in my presence, bitch."

"Yeah, but I didn't know exactly what was expected of me so I figured I would . . ." His words were cut off by a backhand that sent him flying into the wall. Real tears formed in his eyes as he felt the sting of the slap radiating on his cheek. The taste of warm blood trickled in his mouth from his cheek and he swallowed. He tried to steady himself to stand but he was disoriented and scared.

"You will be humble in my presence at all times. You will answer only when spoken to and if your answer isn't preceded by Yes, Master, or Yes, Daddy, you can be sure I'm going to discipline you much worse than that little tap. I really don't give a damn what you think, I only expect you to conform to my desires and that's it. Got it?"

A knot formed in Scott's throat. It felt like someone was choking him, no, stabbing him with a knife in his vocal chords. The words were stuck and he swallowed hard and responded, "Yes, Daddy."

Scott was already broken.

Extending his hand in what seemed to be a gesture of kindness, this exquisite male specimen helped Scott to his feet. Scott's hands were small; his fingers were stubby and short. In contrast, Todd's hands were large, not too large, but with long, graceful fingers. With his hand placed inside the much larger one, he instinctively knew what it was to be a little boy with a strong, protective parent. With tears in his eyes, Scott removed his underpants and stood covering his small penis, profoundly ashamed by its inferior size. "Move your fucking hands, let me see what you've got" were his only instructions and he instinctively covered his nipples like a teenage girl whose top had been pulled down at the neighborhood swimming pool.

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This story contains shit & urine consumption by the characters. So those who don’t like these type of hardcore, kinky, fetish stories, please don’t read… By jk It seemed that whenever they were talking about feelings or emotions, Jim was in control. Linda tried to avoid the subject, told Jim that she was too serious with Sam, her “real” boyfriend and that he was the first person she ever really loved. Jim would tell her that she couldn’t love two people at once and that because she couldn’t...

2 years ago
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Island of Domination

'Here I am,' you think. You are Valerie, an intrepid young woman with an adventurous streak and a taste for danger. After downing a few ales in the port-city of Rustil, you overheard a band of unsavoury pirates mention a so-called Island of Domination. Normally, you'd be inclined to ignore such talk as the addled talk of drunken sailors, but the way they had hushed their voices and spoken of the place in such reverence caught your attention. A few leads later, you had secured passage on a ship...

1 year ago
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Domination Sam was just sitting outside of the cafeteria at school with her backpack on, listening to music, waiting for the last bell to ring for school to get out."Hey, Sam.""Missy," Sam said, taking one headphone off her ear. "To what do I owe the pleasure?""You know what this is about. That night at the dance.""And…?""The fact that you totally flaked on our fight that was supposed to happen.""I didn't flake. Carly drank too much of the spiked punch, so I had to take her home. I'd much...

3 years ago
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My decent in to female domination

"I give you so many handjobs, you really owe me" my girlfriend said as I took off my shorts and underwear. "Haha I know, well I'm a lot hornier than you. I can't help it" I replied, and smiled down at her. "How much is one of these worth to you? 50? 100?" she asks. She is wearing running shorts, which show off her tanned and toned legs, and a tight t-shirt. I look down at her boobs, D cups on an athletic frame. "100 at least. They are amazing." She gets out the lube and pours it along the...

1 year ago
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Kinky Kitty Party Continues With Female Domination

Hello, guys, this is akshay thakur again with continuing my story so please read the previous story so you can enjoy this one also. Before starting the story I want to thank the readers for all the mails and replies you guys are sending me and also new horny connections I have developed recently it feels nice to talk to you. I received various feedbacks many of them were positive but few of them contacted me saying the story is fictional(false) but let me tell you apart from names in the story...

3 years ago
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Mistress T racial domination

Mistress T’s Black slaveBy lilguy Mistress T goes to dinner with her slaveBe Warn- Racial domination, racial slursInspired by T was sitting at a dinner table in Paris Drinking a coffee. Her pants were tight and leather and she had on a pink shirt that showed off her body and a leather coat to balance out the color. Mistress T was in sandals today and she had her toes painted nice and pink. She was a very beautiful woman, think with...

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Diapers Dresses and Domination

Diapers, Dresses, and Domination Or How in the heck did this happen to me? By Missy Satinpanties It started simply. I was fairly young, and a very successful stock broker. Thanks to some luck, a few shrewd guesses, and the guts to take a real risk, I was now sitting on a rather sizable nest egg, owned a nice house outright, and a beautiful Black Lexus. Nothing...

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Chocolate dominations

I always looked girly instead of a boy I had circlet lips and soft hands and also plump bottom I always wanted to be used by a dominant mistress with a big cock especially I always looked at ebony magazines seeing ebony Afro woman with big gigantic cocks they look delicious I always wanted bbc(big brown cock) in my mouth and ass so my mistress prepared for me to get fucked by one with a strapon that’s black and she took me to the room get me ready for it saying this cock is daddy your gonna...

3 years ago
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The Everetts A tale of severe domination

REGIME IMPERIA: COPYRIGHTED 2004THE EVERETTS/ CHAPTER 1?Donald? you asshole, where the fuck are you?  Get your ass in here right now?? Seventeen-year-old Mary Everett was getting furious.  Was her stepfather being purposely stubborn?  Did he actually believe he could get away with such disobedience?         Finally, Donald Everett arrived at his stepdaughter’s bedroom.  He’d been down the hallway, in his own bathroom, trying to urinate through the tricky restrictive chastity device locked...

2 years ago
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A New Domination

"Simon, if you're not doing anything too important, can you please give me a hand?" I heard my mother calling. As I didn't regard reading the paper as 'too important' I headed upstairs towards the sound of her voice. Mum was dressed in a tee shirt, jeans and sneakers, unusual for her, as she always sought to be well dressed."Time for a spring-clean, honey," she commented. "Will you help me to get all the junk out of this cupboard, please?"This being the location for all unwanted family debris,...

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Normally, I enjoyed the Friday night dances at the works when I was the duty manager. All I had to do was to ensure there was no trouble and to make sure the bar shut at 10.30 and the room was clear by 11.00pm so that security could release the guard dogs. I loved to dance, but tonight all the best girls seemed to have partners. But then my attention was drawn to a young lady dancing with one of the single men, she looked utterly bored, and the glance she threw me as she passed close by me...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Slave Girl Chapter 4 Domination

I wonder how much I have changed ever since I came to Bastinia. Being brought up in the United States, I would never imagine about enslaving another human being, let alone hurting them like the times before the civil war. But for past week I constantly took advantage of my slave girl Korin, and even punished her which would have been un-imaginable in United States. May be this is where I meant to be. The fact that I did all these without an elevation of heart rate or even any remorse...

4 years ago
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Hooker For Hire Lesbian Domination

*All characters are 18 or older.*I am the original author of this story.Another case solved on Law and Order, and Kate was ready to take her leave. She sighed, standing up from the lavish bed and stretching, causing alarm in Bianca.“Welp, this has been fun and all. But either your lesser half has been asked to stay later, or has lost interest in our endeavors. So I’m going to just be on my –““W-wait,” Bianca pleaded, getting up from the edge of the bed and rushing towards Kate to keep her from...

3 years ago
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Foot fetish domination

This story will tell you about my in counter with a mistress in a public session From my twenties I always wanted to be dominated by a professional mistress but was always to scared. Looking at the website of a local mistress I saw she offered a public foot fetish session. We would meet at a park she would take off her shoes and i would rub her feet at the park. I decided this would be a good first step so I decided to give her a call. After 3 rings she answered " hello" I Said " I would...

1 year ago
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Dirty feet domination

It was my second year in college and my foot fetish got stronger. Now I wanted to worship dirty feet and be dominated by them. My chemistry teacher who we will call ms Roberts was one of the hottest teachers at the college. Most importantly she had the nicest feet I've ever seen. She always wore open toed shoes to show off her pedicures. But she had a bitchy side and wasn't too find of me. I always fantasized about her dominating me and making me her foot slave but what were the chances of...

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Daughter begging for domination

I awoke the the sound of my teenage daughters worried voice. "Daddy I had a nightmare and I'm scared! I feel so safe when you hold me, let me sleep with you, pwetty please? Normally I would've instructed her to calm down and lay close to daddy; however, my cock was still throbbing from the dream I was having. Ever since I started spying on my daughter while she masturbated late at night my dreams were full of fantasies of my vulnerable daughter. Before I could hide the erection I had from my...

4 years ago
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Jennys dark secret total domination

Jenny had her pick of men prior to marriage, she stood out her statuesque physique, and her naughty sense of humor.When Jenny married, many felt it was for money, he was older, domineering and using their marriage, he dominated her and changed her personality, her forbidden fruits, once denied to many, were now available, as her sick husband turned 'Cuckold' and gave her away to men, only seeking pleasure watching them sexually abusing her, for denying them earlier in her life.Jenny told me of...

4 years ago
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Dominating My Older SisChapter 4 SisterSlaversquos Domination

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Carmelita Campo The vibrator died in my pussy. I shuddered, moaned, the rapture still rippling through me. My every breath was full of the scent of piss. That acrid reek. So much pee. It covered every bit of my body, soaked my hair, drenched my pussy. I tasted it in my mouth, felt it in my stomach. I hated how hard I had cum as Clint and his degenerate harem had urinated on me. And I hated that huge smirk on my Mi ... little sister’s face as...

2 years ago
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Introduction: Somewhat based on a true story – or at least I want it to be true I know I need it. I need to be dominated. I also need sex. Its been a couple of weeks without either and I know that emotional well being isnt as strong. That is the only reason that I can think of as to why I would have such an erotic dream, waking up with my pussy throbbing and wet. My Master knows that I have been bad – not doing my anal trainings, not following his directions, and touching my pussy without...

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Educating Stan Domination

Over the next year or so, Stan had become my willing plaything. I noticed everything that really got him turned on and I pushed it as far as I could. I got so turned on knowing that I was giving him a thorough sex education that my own orgasms were amazing. After sharing him with Judy, I was obsessed with watching him. He was more than willing to do my bidding and I was always ready to give the orders. While he was at work, I would spend time thinking of new ways to excite him, thereby turning...

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Educating Stan Part 4 domination

With the latest events involving my friend Judy, Stan and I both realized that we enjoyed her being part of his sexual education. I had been married twice before and slept with several other guys besides my ex husbands, sometimes more than one at a time, so I was experienced. Stan, on the other hand, had only been with me and then Judy so every new thing we tried was an adventure for him. He was open and didn’t question anything we did. I loved him but I also viewed him as a bit of a boy toy...

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Total Domination

"start sucking bitch" i demand, shoving you down to your knees. you wrap your mouth around the strapon and begin to suck, causing it to get to get nice and lubed for your ass. i hold onto the back of your head, shoveing the strapon down your throat, slowly fucking in and out, in and out, going faster and harder with each plunge. i then ask "you like being a filthy cum slut, dont you?!" all i can hear in reply is the mumbles and grunts as i shove the strapon deeper into your waiting throat. ...

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Nora Considers Domination

Two young women sat in a diner on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Both of them were about to start their senior years of college. Nora Meara attended the City College of New York, a public institution that was part of the city university (CUNY). It was located uptown in Manhattanville/West Harlem or whatever one chose to call that particular area.The other one, Gilda Wasserman, attended New York University (NYU), a private school in Greenwich Village. It had already developed a reputation for...

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A Lesbian Love Story of SortsChapter 4 an InterludeSome Quick Milf Domination

I got home and although I was slightly tired, my hormones controlled me. I grabbed the card of the sexy MILF saleslady Audrey and texted her. January 31 7:03PM From: Julia Hi Audrey, What time do you get off? January 31 7:05PM From: Audrey 9:30 give or take. January 31 7:09PM From: Julia I expect you to be at my condo at 10:00. January 31 7:11PM From: Audrey My husband expects me home. January 31 7:19PM From: Julia This is a one time offer. If you are not interested I understand. If you...

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The two of them drove in uneasy silence until Frank offered sullenly, "I don't see why you keeping seeing this guy!" "Don't you realize how degrading it is for me?" "I'm sorry," Dana replied, "but you know it can't be helped, and by the way, today Jack wants you to watch." "What!?!" her husband of fifteen years yelped indignantly. "I certainly will not!!!" "That's up to you of course," she answered evenly, "but he said if you didn't show up he was gonna drop in at your office and beat the crap...

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Blackhawk Hall Ch 05

Christi was barely awake when she heard the knock on her door. Looking next to her at Arilee curled up in the sheets – smiling sweetly in her sleep – the Duchess couldn't help smiling as well.Another knock jolted her out of her reverie, this one registering in her mind as something requiring a response. Christi stretched, yawned, and then rose to pull on a robe. She opened the door a crack, to see it was Ashtar who was knocking."Sorry I am being to be disturbing you at such a very much early...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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My family isn’t uber-rich, but we’re not poor by any means. Our house is pretty big and I’m a bit spoilt sometimes. I’m a bit of a nerd, I spend most of the time on my laptop, but I go out with my friends a lot too, so I’m not a complete geek. The rest of my family is fairly large; I have 10 cousins and aunts & uncles, although they don’t live very near to us. Now you know my life story, l shall begin with the actual story. My parents usually leave me home alone and I babysit for other...

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I woke up from my bed, my alarm clock was blaring and the sight of my clock showing “7:00” meant I was late. I panicked, I ran down stairs and put on adidas sweatpants and a green sweater I had lying around. I could possibly catch the public bus but I don’t know if I would make it all i know is that I need to get to School since I have finals. My mom stops me her 6’3 figure haunts over me as her D cups lower as she looks at me, her brown hair and brown eyes stares at me, her bulge is noticeable...

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Blacked Twitter 4500 613000

When you hear the name "Blacked," what does it mean to you? For those of us who love the porn industry, Blacked is pretty well-known. Not only does the studio provide its own brand of porn videos but the women that it showcases are often wearing Blacked merchandise. The classic outfit is the two-piece set of a bra and panties with Blacked as its branding on the bands.Blacked has over 638,000 followers on Twitter. Their social media account is pretty well done as far as I can tell. For a porn...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Blacks On Blondes

When I first heard the name BlacksOnBlondes, I envisioned a roundtable discussion of black porn studs talking about the blonde female talent they’ve worked with; Inside the Actors Studio where all the actors are packing BBC. Maybe that’s a little too highfalutin and intellectual, because the actual site is a whole lot better: it’s a premium site full of black dudes banging white chicks.The name’s not entirely accurate, as I can see from the auto-playing video montage at the top of the...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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Blacking Donna Pt 1

Blacking DonnabyLascivious_Gent©My name is Bill, a successful 55 year old black businessman. In my late teens I developed a strong liking for white females and ever since I have indulged myself whenever the opportunity presented itself and over the years I have enjoyed a number of extremely sexy white ladies. I am 6'4, 230lbs and very dark skinned, and even if I say so myself I am in good physical shape.Enough about me, the object of my long held lust is a married white lady named Donna. Donna...

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Blacked! Need some exclusive interracial blacked porn videos? You know, I’m not even gonna lie to you, as a white dude, I’ve always had trouble getting into videos that feature black actors fucking chicks. Not because I have a problem with it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about the swirl. It is just that, for me, I have a much easier time getting off to videos in which I can easily picture myself doing the fucking … videos where the dick doing the fucking could conceivably, with a little bit...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Alex a study in domination

She strains against the leather straps holding her to the a-frame erected in our room. Her body yearning to be free. She looks at me with that look again… my hands gently floating over her skin millimetres away from touching her. As my hands glide over her shoulders, her torso raises as if she is willing me to touch her breasts, but I shy away, keeping, just far enough away to tease her further. My lips move closer to her neck, my hot breath on her skin, a gentle touch of lips on skin, to...

2 years ago
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Young Domination

They were both only 16 years old, and had recently discovered the pleasures of sex. "Do you have any idea how much I love you? " Frankie asked Vanessa one day after smoking a few joints at his house. "How much?" answered Vanessa "Enough to give you full power over me." Frankie says. After some silence Vanessa says "I have had this one fantasy recently" "Anything" "Would you be my slave?" Frankie considered this for a second then firmly said "Yes" "Call...

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Awakening Bi Domination

I think back that normally she would have been ready when I got there but this time she is running around in a t-shirt and nothing under it. I noticed her pert little tits showing through and when she would bend over I could see her ass. I followed her to the bedroom and laid on the bed watching her go through the closet to find something to wear. “Hey, I have this dress that might fit you. Do you like it?” “Cute, let me try it on. I might need a strapless with it but I will try it...

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