- 2 years ago
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Cindy met Lucy at her locker after school. ?Lucy, can you do me a favor??
Lucy closed her locker. ?Sure Cindy, what is it??
Cindy gave Lucy her house key. ?Can you drive over to my house and get my new tennis shoes? I forgot to bring them with me. They’re next to the dresser. I need them for cheerleader practice.?
Lucy smiled. ?Sure Cindy.?
Cindy hugged Lucy. ?Thanks.?
Lucy thought about their friendship as she drove over to Cindy’s house. She’d been Cindy’s best friend for the last two years, and spent lots of evenings talking with Cindy in her room. They grew close when Cindy’s mom, Helen, had died unexpectedly. Cindy needed someone’s shoulder to cry on, and Lucy offered hers. Lucy pulled into the driveway, let herself in the back door, and went to Cindy’s room. She found the shoes and had just shut the bedroom door when a sharp cracking sound startled her.
Curious, Lucy crept to where she thought she heard the sound. She jumped when she heard the sound again. Stifling a giggle for startling so easy, she snuck through the dining room and peered around the door into the living room. She could see Cindy’s father, George, lounging on the sofa watching television.
?Must be watching a movie,? Lucy thought. She was about to leave when she noticed the unusual outfit of the woman on the television. Curious, she got down on her hands and knees and crept as close to the television as she could without George seeing her. She knelt entranced watching two women whip and verbally abuse a man suspended in chains. Lucy’s moist, quivering pussy called out for attention. Wistfully, she crept backwards out of the room. She left as quietly as she could out the back door.
Lucy let out a big sigh as she started the car. On the way back to school, she stopped at the hardware store and had a copy of Cindy’s house key made. She hurried back to school and found Cindy dressing in the locker room. ?Here’s your shoes.?
Cindy took the shoes and the house key. ?Thanks. You’re a real friend.?
Lucy smiled. ?Don’t mention it.?
Lucy wanted some time alone to think, so she went out to the field and sat in the bleachers while Cindy and the other cheerleaders practiced. She lit a cigarette and took a puff. It felt good to relax after being cooped up in classes all day. Knowing she wasn’t supposed to smoke on school grounds made her feel even more audacious.
Lucy knew she thought different than most of the other girls. All they wanted to talk about was boys and clothes. She cared little about fashion and even less about boys. They’d ignored her until her breasts and hips developed. Even now, they still mostly ignored her and talked to her chest.
Lucy took a puff of her cigarette and fondly recalled when the most popular football players asked her out. How she dressed to show off her chest and pretended to be shocked when they wanted to get their hands on them. How she gained the well-deserved reputation of cock tease.
After the popular jocks stopped asking her out, Lucy checked out the shy boys. She’d gained confidence going out on dates, and didn’t think twice about picking out a boy and going after him. Shy boys were much more courteous on dates and lots more grateful for the interest of an attractive girl.
Lucy dated several boys before she asked Harold out. The first date was nothing special, but Lucy sensed that Harold had an unusual desire to attend to her. She cultivated that desire over the course of several months. He did homework with her, went shopping with her, and took her to Taco Bell every Friday afternoon after school. She smiled recalling all the little ways he served her.
Lucy put out her cigarette and threw the butt on the ground under the bleachers. Most of the girls quit talking and hanging around with Lucy after she started smoking. Cindy didn’t like Lucy smoking either, but she didn’t want to lose Lucy’s friendship. Lucy was cool with that, and she didn’t smoke around her friend.
Lucy looked at the copy of Cindy’s house key. She knew she enjoyed teasing boys, but she thought she was alone in her feelings. She was excited to find out that other women teased men. Lucy looked up and waved goodbye to Cindy as she walked past the bleachers with the rest of the cheerleaders. Lucy got up and walked alone to her car. Her pussy kept twitching as she thought about the movie while driving home.
Lucy skipped dinner and went right up to her room. She got on the Internet and typed ?woman whip man? into Google. She waded through dozens of pop up ads and junky photo websites before she found a couple of websites with information describing female domination. Wow, there was even a name for women that enjoyed teasing men, dominatrix. She read until her eyelids were too tired to stay open. Lucy spent the next several evenings after school studying female domination and reading female domination stories on the Internet.
Cindy invited Lucy over Sunday afternoon. They spent most of the time in Cindy’s room talking about cheerleading and college. They both planned to attend the University of Maryland in College Park in the fall. Cindy was hoping to get a cheerleading scholarship, while Lucy planned to major in Political Science and someday work on a congressional staff.
George popped his head in the room. ?Dinner time Cindy. Will Lucy be staying??
Cindy turned to Lucy. ?Would you like to have dinner with us??
George wasn’t that good a cook. Usually Lucy said no, however today she wanted a chance to observe George. ?Sure. Let me call home and let them know.?
Cindy washed up and helped her father serve dinner. Lucy called home and told her mother that she was eating over at Cindy’s.
They ate meatloaf and mashed potatoes with peas. Lucy tested George by asking for more to eat and drink. She wasn’t sure if he was just being a gracious host, or if he enjoyed serving her. After dinner Cindy cleaned up and Lucy went home.
The next Thursday, while Cindy was at cheerleader practice, Lucy went over to Cindy’s house to spy on George. She let herself in, and snuck into the living room. He was lounging on the sofa watching the same female domination movie. She took a digital camera out of her purse. The optical zoom on the camera allowed her to get close-up pictures of the women on the screen, and of George masturbating. She stifled her snickers until after the back door closed behind her.
Lucy studied the pictures after she got home. She printed some of the better shots. She lay down on the bed, closed her eyes, and masturbated; rubbing her clit sore thinking about all the things she’d read about on the Internet; things she could say and do to George.
The next Thursday couldn’t come fast enough for Lucy. She drove home after school and pulled her favorite outfit, a white wool sweater and a dull red plaid pleated mini-skirt, out of the closet. She hurriedly dressed and drove over to George’s. She let herself in and crept to the living room. She could see he was watching the same movie.
Lucy waltzed into the living room and stood in front of the sofa with her hands on her hips. ?Well, well, what do we have here??
George hurriedly zipped up his pants and turned off the television. ?Lucy, what are you doing here??
Lucy smiled at George’s awkwardness. ?The question, George, is what are you doing here? Does Cindy know what you do while she’s at cheerleader practice??
George looked down at the floor. ?No, she doesn’t.?
Lucy smiled at George’s change in attitude. ?Would you like to keep this between us, George??
George looked up at Lucy. ?Yes. What do you want??
Lucy pointed to the floor near the sofa. ?Right now I want you to strip and kneel down.?
George stood up, flustered. ?Just a minute young lady. What makes you think that you can just walk in here and command me like that??
Lucy smiled. ?The movie you’re watching. These pictures.? She handed him the prints she’d made. ?Would you like Cindy to see these??
George tore the pictures in tiny pieces. He struggled to subdue the rage in his voice. ?Get out before I throw you out.? He pointed at the door.
George’s response rattled Lucy. She put her hands on her hips and silently counted to three to calm down before responding. ?George, I’m losing my patience. Strip and kneel down or I show copies of those prints to Cindy at school tomorrow. You have ten seconds. One, two, three??
George wanted to strangle Lucy, but he realized she was serious. He didn’t want to take the chance of losing his daughter’s affection. Defeated, he started to remove his clothes and she stopped counting. He put his clothes on the sofa, knelt on the floor, and put his hands behind his back.
Lucy calmly sat down on the sofa and looked over at George. His stomach had a bit of a paunch, but his flaccid cock looked nice. She took the digital camera out of her purse and snapped a couple of pictures of him. ?Good slave. Get a soda for me.?
George got up and went to the kitchen to get a soda. He returned and put the can on the coffee table.
Lucy sighed. ?Slave, you have a lot to learn. I want my soda in a glass.?
George took the can back into the kitchen and poured the soda into a glass. He returned and put the glass on the coffee table.
Lucy sipped the cola. ?Slave, why are you standing there? Kneel when you’re not serving me.?
George knelt down on the floor by the sofa.
?That’s better. Slave, you will address me as ma’am. Is that clear??
?Yes ma’am.?
?Good. Did your wife Helen dominate you??
George looks at the floor, embarrassed. ?Yes ma’am?
?Really?? Lucy takes a sip of the cola. ?What did she do??
George thought a while before speaking. ?After we had Cindy, we had to be careful. After she fell asleep, Helen and I would go into the basement. She would suspend me from the ceiling and whip me until my back and butt were red. She’d slowly strip in front of me, sit on the sofa, and masturbate with a vibrator while I watched helplessly. After she rested, she’d get up and unchain me.?
Lucy laughed. ?She sounds like quite the tease. Do you still have all your chains and whips??
George looked up at Lucy. She looked gorgeous sitting there in her sweater and skirt. Her legs were crossed and she was slowly swinging her leg. She was wearing white socks and a new pair of white tennis shoes.
George’s cock twitched as he answered, ?Yes ma’am.?
?Is the basement still set up??
?Yes ma’am.?
Lucy smiled as she thought about all the times she watched TV in the basement with Cindy. ?Good. Get up and show me.?
George stood up and led Lucy to the basement. He got a ladder and moved some of the ceiling tiles, showing her the hooks and chains.
?Nice setup, slave. Would you like me to tease you here??
George looked down at Lucy’s protruding breasts. He imagined her suspending him and teasing him with her naked body. His cock hardened. ?Yes ma’am.?
Lucy looked up at George and tickled his stiff cock with her fingernails. ?Some other time, maybe. Clean up and come back upstairs.?
George put the ceiling tiles in place and put the ladder away. He went back upstairs and found Lucy sitting on the sofa.
Lucy looked up at George. ?Slave, put all your domination tapes and toys in a box, and bring them down here.?
?Yes ma’am.? George went upstairs and pulled down a box from the top of his bedroom closet. He gathered everything together and brought it downstairs.
?Good slave.? Lucy looked though the box. ?Has anyone dominated you since Helen died??
George suddenly looked like he’d been punched in the stomach. ?No ma’am.?
Lucy took three domination tapes from the box. ?Slave, I’ll be keeping the tapes for now. When I get here next week, I expect to see you already naked and kneeling by the sofa. I expect to find an ashtray, a lighter, and a pack of Virginia Slims Menthol 100’s on the coffee table.?
George winced. ?Do you have to smoke, ma’am? Cindy’ll notice when she comes home.?
Lucy took a crop from the box and smacked George’s thigh hard. ?That’s your problem, slave. Do what I tell you to do.?
George sighed. ?Yes ma’am.?
Lucy pulled a leather and steel object from the box. ?What’s this, slave??
?That’s a cock cage, ma’am.?
?How’s it work, slave??
George’s face reddened. ?I lock it on when my cock is soft. It keeps my cock from getting hard.?
Lucy laughed. ?That’s fantastic, slave. I want you to wear it while I’m here next week.?
?Yes ma’am.?
Lucy looked up at the clock. She knew Cindy would be home in a half hour. ?We’re done for today, slave. See you next week.? She got up and left.
George got dressed, cleaned up, and put away the toys. He was lying on the bed masturbating when he heard Cindy come through the door.
Lucy went straight up to her room when she got home. She put the first female domination tape in the VCR and sat on the bed. She lay down and rubbed her clit while she watched. She turned the tape off after her third orgasm.
Lucy took most of the weekend to get through the tapes. Her clit felt raw and sore from all her rubbing. She’d orgasmed more than she’d ever dreamed possible. The power that exuded from the woman on the tapes was intoxicating. Lying in bed at night, she orgasmed quickly thinking about the power she held over George and Harold.
Lucy was letting Harold kiss her, but nothing else. She wanted to practice on him, to tie him up and tease him. The opportunity came on Tuesday when Lucy found out her parents were on their way out to dinner. She called Harold and asked him to come over. The doorbell rang within ten minutes.
Lucy answered the door and let Harold in. He’d brought his schoolbooks, thinking they were going to study together. She grabbed his shoulders and planted her lips firmly onto his. Her tongue danced around his mouth, and he dropped his book bag on the floor.
Lucy barely let Harold catch his breath as she leaned to his ear and whispered, ?My parents are gone this evening. How’d you like to see me naked??
Harold was shocked. It was a while before he found his voice and answered, ?Wow! You bet.?
Lucy led Harold upstairs to her bedroom. She closed and locked the door while he sat on her bed. He’d never been up to her bedroom before, and was looking around at her dressing table and closet. She turned a chair around so it was facing the bed, and sat next to him. She leaned over and whispered in his ear, ?Take off your clothes and let me tie you to the chair.?
Harold winced. ?I don’t know. What are you going to do to me??
Lucy took Harold’s arm in her hands. ?Nothing. I just feel more comfortable taking off my clothes with you tied up.?
Harold hesitated. ?I’m not sure.?
Lucy kissed Harold. ?If you don’t want to see me naked, I understand. Let’s go downstairs and study.?
Lucy got up from the bed. Harold remained frozen, weighing his choice. Of course he wanted to see her naked, but he was still scared not knowing what she would do. Lust overcame fear, and he said, ?All right, I’ll let you tie me to the chair.?
Lucy watched Harold take off his shoes and socks. He stood up, took off the rest of his clothes, and sat down on the chair. She smiled seeing his stiff cock. He looked very sexy naked. He was in pretty good shape, not as well defined as some of the jocks she’d dated, but still an attractive body. She knelt down and tied his ankles to the chair with a couple of her dad’s old ties. She crawled behind the chair and tied his wrists together with another old tie.
Lucy stood up and admired Harold’s body. She felt her pussy dampen as she fought an urge to kneel and suck his cock. She reminded herself that she was teasing him. She took her time taking off her blouse and throwing it on the bed. She sat down on the bed, took off her shoes, and wiggled out of her jeans.
Lucy straddled Harold and kissed him. She let her hands roam all over his shoulders and back while they kissed. She pressed her bra into his chest and felt his stiff cock press against her pussy through her panties. After a while, in between kisses, he asked, ?I thought you were going to get naked??
Lucy laughed. ?I said I’d let you see me naked. I didn’t say when. Are you tired of kissing me already, Harold??
Harold squirmed. ?No, I like kissing you. I’d just like to see you naked.?
Probably much more than see, Lucy thought. She stood up and took off her white cotton bra and panties. She stood in front of the chair for a couple of minutes, hands on her hips, legs open, letting Harold get a good look at her ample breasts and neatly trimmed pussy.
Harold was so excited to see Lucy naked that he forgot about being bound to the chair. He remembered when he tried to reach up and touch her breasts.
Lucy smiled when she saw Harold squirm in the chair. She knew he wanted to touch and fondle her breasts, like so many other boys. Her pussy moistened thinking about how she was teasing him. She watched him struggle for a while before she lay down on the bed. Might as well give him a show, she thought.
Lucy pulled her vibrator out of the end table drawer, lay back, and held it against her clit. She took one last look at Harold, closed her eyes, and thought about how much she was teasing him. She held the vibrator firmly against her clit until she shouted and her body convulsed in an especially violent orgasm.
Harold was speechless. He’d just gotten over the shock of seeing Lucy naked when she lay down and masturbated in front of him. He’d never thought of masturbating in front of anyone before. It was something he did in secret, thinking about Lucy. He was awed that she was so casual about it that she could do it in front of him. He could smell her pussy scent after she finished and rested. His cock was so stiff; he wished he could stroke it. He wished he could touch her. Why was she teasing him like this?
When Lucy finally had the strength to lift her head from the pillow, she saw Harold sitting there, staring at her. Smiling, she sat up on the side of the bed and walked around to him. His cock was dark red, almost purple. Silently, she knelt down in front of him and took the cock into her mouth. She wanted to tease him, to make him wait for an orgasm, but he was too excited. Almost as soon as she wrapped her lips around the head of his cock, he came. She swallowed, licked her lips, stood up, and kissed him. She leaned over him and whispered in his ear, ?Did you enjoy the show??
Harold couldn’t believe she’d sucked on his cock. It was the first time that a woman ever did that for him. His voice sounded hoarse as he answered, ?Yes, very much Lucy.? He struggled a little. ?Could you untie me now??
Lucy laughed. ?Just a minute.? She put her clothes on before she knelt down and untied Harold. As soon as his hands were free he wanted to reach over and grab her breasts through her clothes, but he didn’t want her to get mad at him. He calmed down, got dressed, and they sat on the bed and kissed awhile before she took him downstairs to say goodbye. Lucy went back upstairs and masturbated herself to sleep.
Home from school on Thursday, Lucy decided to go braless and wear a sheer blouse to tease George. She sneered as she thought of him leering at her stiff nipples. She put on her red pleated skirt and drove over.
Lucy strode confidently into the living room. She smiled when she saw him kneeling naked by the sofa. She noted the cigarettes on the coffee table.
?Good slave.? Lucy purred and petted George on the head.
?Thank you ma’am.?
Lucy sat down and opened the pack of cigarettes. She took one out, lit it, and took a puff. She leaned back on the sofa and looked over at George. She saw the cock cage was pointed at her.
Lucy smiled. ?How does the cock cage feel, slave??
?The cage keeps my cock from getting hard, ma’am. It’s uncomfortable.?
Lucy took a puff of her cigarette. ?What’s getting you so hard, slave??
George took a moment to answer. ?You. Your breasts, ma’am.?
Lucy giggled and cupped her breasts in her hands. ?These boobs? You like them that much??
?Yes ma’am.?
Lucy took a puff. ?Can you pee with that thing on??
?I think so, ma’am. I’ve never tried before.?
?Where are the keys??
?Upstairs in my room, ma’am.?
?Go get them, slave.?
?Yes ma’am.?
George went upstairs and got the keys to the cock cage. He brought them downstairs and hands them to Lucy. She unhooked a thin gold necklace from around her neck, threaded it through the brass keys, and put the necklace back on. She fixed her hair and looked up at George.
Lucy took a puff of her cigarette. ?Kneel down slave. If you please me, I may unlock your cock cage before I leave.?
George knelt down by the sofa. ?Yes, ma’am.?
Lucy took her time finishing her cigarette. George tried not to stare, but a young attractive practically topless smoking woman aroused him, in spite of the cock cage.
Lucy put out her cigarette and looked over at George. ?Slave, go get a rope and a riding crop.?
?Yes ma’am.? George fetched the rope and riding crop, handed them to Lucy, and knelt down by the sofa.
Lucy got up and tied George’s wrists to his ankles. She sat down on the sofa and lit another cigarette. She took a puff and looked over at George. ?Can you get up, slave??
George squirmed. ?No ma’am.?
?Can you see the clock on the wall, slave??
?Yes ma’am.?
Lucy took a puff of her cigarette. ?When’s your daughter Cindy due home, slave??
?At 6:30, in about 45 minutes ma’am.?
?Do you want her to see you like this??
?No ma’am.?
Lucy grinned. ?Then I suggest you obey me, slave.?
George looked down at the floor. ?Yes ma’am.?
Lucy smacked George’s thigh with the crop. ?Tell me how Helen dominated you while you had the cock cage on.?
George winced. ?Yes ma’am. She’d tie me to a chair in the bedroom, lie down on the bed, and use a vibrator on her pussy while I watched. After she gave herself two or three orgasms, she’d rest for a while. She’d get up, unite me, and pull me on the bed with her. We’d kiss and rub our hands all over each other until she was horny again. She’d roll on her back and vibrate her clit while I pinched her nipples. When she was satisfied, she’d turn the vibrator off and take a nap. I would sit in the chair and watch her sleep. When she woke up, she’d tell me where she hid the key to the cock cage, and I’d unlock it.?
Lucy grinned, thinking about how she felt when she teased Harold like that. ?Damn, slave, you make my pussy so wet!? She put the cigarette out, got up, and united George. ?Stand up,? she commanded.
George stood up.
Lucy knelt in front of George and unlocked the cock cage. ?I think I’ll keep the keys.? She stood up in front of him. ?I’ll be going now. Next week, make sure you’re kneeling by the sofa wearing the cock cage with an ashtray, a lighter, and a pack of Virginia Slims Menthol 100’s on the coffee table.?
?Yes ma’am.?
Lucy left. George cleaned up the living room and was upstairs getting dressed when he heard Cindy come through the door. He went down to greet her, and stood silently when she berated him about the smell of smoke in the living room.
Every night before she went to sleep Lucy rubbed her clit mercilessly thinking about teasing Harold and George. She didn’t want George to touch her, but she was having second thoughts about Harold. She thought about him rubbing his hands all over her body, sucking her nipples, licking her clit. She could hardly wait for the week to go by.
Lucy was disappointed that her parents didn’t go out and give her another opportunity to tease Harold. The next Thursday she went straight to George’s house from school. She wanted to have as much time to tease him as she could.
Lucy smiled when she walked into the living room. George was kneeling on the floor by the sofa. She walked up behind him and saw he was wearing the cock cage. She patted him on the head and sat down. She tore open the pack of cigarettes, took one out, and lit it. She took a puff and looked over at him.
?We’re going to play in the basement tonight. Get whatever you need, including a whip.? Lucy opened her purse and pulled out her vibrator. ?I brought this. I hope you enjoy the show. I know I will.?
George got up and got a whip from upstairs. He went into the basement, got a ladder, and moved the ceiling tiles. He was standing there waiting when Lucy came down the stairs. She locked his wrists to the chains with padlocks, and moved the ladder to the side.
Lucy stood in front of George, looking him over. She took off her blouse and skirt, throwing them on the sofa. His cock perked up when she picked up the whip and swished it in the air a few times; she liked the feeling it gave her. She didn’t know what she would enjoy more, the sound of the whip or the sound of his cries.
Lucy stepped behind George and smacked his back with the whip. She saw him wince, but he didn’t make a sound. She smacked him a few times in succession, and enjoyed how each smack made him wince. She smacked his bottom as hard as she could, and he cried out. Smiling, she alternated between hard and harder smacks. Her body was glistening when she decided she’d whipped him enough. His back and bottom were a nice shade of red.
Lucy stepped around and tried to whip George’s cock, but had trouble hitting it. She tossed the whip aside and wished she had the crop. She smacked his cock with her palm until it was as stiff as the cock cage would allow.
Lucy sat down on the sofa and lit a cigarette. She took a puff and looked up at George, his head hanging and his eyes closed. ?Aren’t you going to thank me, slave??
George opened his eyes and looked at Lucy. ?I’m sorry ma’am. Thank you ma’am for whipping me.? His arms and legs twitched from the strain. His back and bottom felt warm. He hoped that she hadn’t raised welts.
?You’re welcome, slave. Beg me real nice, and I’ll take off my bra after this cigarette.?
?Thank you ma’am.? George lowered his head. ?Please take your bra off for me, ma’am.?
Lucy leaned back and closed her eyes, enjoying her cigarette while George pleaded with her to take off her bra. After she finished her cigarette, she leaned forward and reached behind her back to unsnap her bra. She pulled her arms forward and leaned back on the sofa grinning. ?I’ve changed my mind, slave. An old man like you shouldn’t be leering at teen tits anyway.?
Lucy smiled at how disappointed George looked. Even old men acted like little boys when it came to sex. She took her vibrator out of her purse and pressed it against her clit through her cotton panties. Seeing him suspended helplessly in front of her while she vibrated her clit helped her orgasm rather quickly.
George enjoyed watching Lucy masturbate. It reminded him of times past when Helen had bound and teased him.
After Lucy rested, she got up and got dressed. She got the stepladder and unlocked George from the cock cage and the restraints. While he was stretching his arms, she gathered her things, blew him a kiss and said, ?See you next week, slave.? She left and he put everything away before Cindy got home.
Lucy went over to visit Cindy late Sunday afternoon. They went up to Cindy’s room, and as soon as she closed the door, Cindy whispered to Lucy, ?I think my dad is seeing someone.?
Lucy sat down on the bed. ?What makes you think that, Cindy??
Cindy sat down next to Lucy. ?When I’ve come home from cheerleader practice the last couple of weeks, the living room reeks of cigarette smoke. Daddy knows how much I hate the smell. Who else would he let smoke but a girlfriend??
Lucy struggled to stifle a snicker. ?I don’t know.?
Cindy turned to Lucy. ?Could you do me a big favor??
?Sure Cindy, what is it??
?Could you come by next week while I’m at practice and see who Daddy has over??
Lucy wanted to laugh at the irony. She answered quickly. ?Cindy, even if I saw a woman visit, I might not know who she was? Why is this so important to you anyway??
Cindy looked down at the floor. ?I? I’m not sure. When I ask him about what he’s doing while I’m at practice, he doesn’t answer. I don’t like him sneaking around me like that. I would just feel better if I knew who Daddy was seeing.?
Me. Your daddy is my slave, Lucy thought. I wish I could tell you. She put her arms around Cindy. ?I understand. I’ll come by and see what he’s up to. I’ll be waiting for you when you get home.?
Cindy hugged Lucy. ?You have no idea how much I appreciate this. You’re the best friend in the whole world.?
Lucy returned the hug. She didn’t feel like such a good friend, but she recognized that Cindy had given her the opportunity to really torment George next Thursday. They spent the rest of the afternoon talking about their college plans.
Lucy’s parents gave her another opportunity to be with Harold when they went out to see a play Tuesday night. She called him and asked him if he wanted to come over. The doorbell rang within ten minutes.
Lucy answered the door and let Harold in. She grabbed his shoulders and planted her lips firmly onto his. Her tongue danced around his mouth, and he grabbed her shoulders and held her close.
Lucy barely let Harold catch his breath as she leaned to his ear and whispered, ?My parents are gone again this evening. Would you like to go upstairs, get naked, and fool around??
Lucy gave Harold’s crotch a quick squeeze. She smiled and cooed, ?You seem ready. I know I am.? Wordlessly, she led him upstairs to her room. She helped him out of his clothes. He sat down on the foot of the bed and watched while she took off her clothes. He reached up to touch her breasts. She took his hands and placed them firmly on her breasts. He squeezed gently, moving his hands around. She threw her head back and moaned. The sensation through her nipples was a hundred times better than anything she’d ever felt playing with herself. Why had she waited so long?
Lucy pushed Harold back on the bed, falling on top of him. They kissed and fondled each other for a long time. She couldn’t believe how good it felt to have him touch her, and he couldn’t believe that he was touching her breasts and bottom. She wanted this feeling to last forever, but the persistent tingling throughout her pussy demanded attention.
Lucy held Harold’s head in her hands. She kissed him and softly whispered, ?Would you mind eating my pussy, darling??
Harold stiffened. He wanted to please Lucy, but he had no idea how to do what she wanted. ?Uh, I’ve never done that before.?
Lucy hugged Harold. ?I understand darling. I’ll guide you.?
Harold relaxed. ?Sure.? He crawled down between her spread open legs. He stared at her pussy, unsure what to do.
Lucy silently sighed and spread her pussy lips open with her hands. ?Do you see a tiny red cock up near the top??
Harold murmured, ?Yes.?
?Good. That’s my clit. Lick it gently.?
Harold bent over and licked Lucy’s clit once. He looked up to see her reaction.
As many times as Lucy fingered her clit, she imagined she’d know how it felt to be licked. She had no idea. The sensation was so much more intense than she’d ever felt before. She was glad he only licked once. She moaned, wiggled her hips, and shouted, ?Yes darling, that’s it.?
Harold smiled, pleased with himself. He bent over and licked Lucy’s clit again. The waves of pleasure made her wiggle her hips. He licked her clit a few times before she grabbed his head and pressed his tongue against her clit while her body shivered to an orgasm.
When Lucy recovered, she pulled Harold up to her and kissed him. ?That was fantastic. Thank you.?
Harold grinned. ?You’re welcome.?
Lucy smiled and pushed Harold on his back. She crawled down to his cock and took it in her mouth. She was able to suck on it a couple of times before he ejaculated. She swallowed his come, and slid up to him. She enjoyed his chest pressing into her back, and surprisingly, she enjoyed his hand squeezing her breast and tickling her nipple. She was so content.
Harold was happy and tired. He couldn’t believe that Lucy was lying next to him, and he was fondling her breast. He was glad that Lucy was his first. She was so understanding. They cuddled for a while on her bed before he got up, got dressed, and went home.
Wednesday and Thursday blurred together for Lucy. All she could think about was dominating George. She barely heard her teachers’ lectures, and doodled in her notebook to keep her hands off her pussy. She thought she’d explode with nervous energy when the final bell rang on Thursday. She raced home, changed into her white wool sweater and red plaid skirt, and drove straight to George’s house.
She took a couple of deep breaths before she got out of the car and went inside. She grinned when she saw George kneeling by the sofa, naked. She strode into the living room, tore open the cigarettes, and lit one. The cigarette relaxed her, and she smiled, looking down at him and seeing the cock cage.
?Get me a soda, slave.?
?Yes ma’am.? George got up, poured Lucy a soda, put the glass on the coffee table, and knelt back down by the sofa.
Lucy picked up the glass and took a few sips. ?Thank you slave.?
George looked up. Lucy was beautiful sitting on the sofa. ?You’re welcome, ma’am.?
Lucy took a puff of her cigarette. ?Tell me slave, do you ever think about seeing Cindy naked??
George squirmed before he answered, ?Cindy is my daughter, ma’am. It wouldn’t be right for me to think of her like that.?
Lucy smiled. She saw George’s reaction and wished that Cindy wasn’t so naive. It’d be too much fun to tease George with his daughter’s naked body.
?I see slave. Do you think about seeing me naked??
George’s face reddened. ?Yes ma’am.?
At least he’s honest, Lucy thought. ?Do you masturbate thinking about me, slave??
George slumped. ?Yes ma’am.?
Lucy finished her cigarette, and commanded. ?Pick up the ashtray and cigarettes and follow me to your bedroom.? She got up and went upstairs while he followed.
Lucy stopped in the doorway and whistled silently as she entered the bedroom. A massive dark oak four-poster bed dominated the center of the room, surrounded by a couple of chairs, an oak chest-of-drawers, and a beautiful oak dressing table. She could see herself primping with George bound helplessly to the bed, but she had other plans now.
?Put the ashtray on the dresser and get your bondage stuff.?
?Yes ma’am.? George opened the closet door and pulled out the box. He put it on the floor by the dresser and knelt down on the floor by the foot of the bed.
Lucy sat down, leaned over, and rummaged through the box. She pulled out some cotton rope and a pair of clothespins tied together with a foot of blue yarn. She held up the clothespins and smiled. ?What are these for, slave??
George shuddered. ?Helen would tie me up and clip them on my nipples. She knew I’d do just about anything to get the clothespins off.?
Lucy grinned and put the clothespins on the dresser. ?We’ll save these for later.? She turned to George and cooed, ?Would you do anything I desired, slave??
George sighed. ?That depends on what you desire, ma’am.?
Lucy picked up a clothespin and played with it. ?Wearing these awhile should soften your attitude, slave.? She rummaged through the box until she pulled out a leather ball gag. ?This should come in handy later.? She gestured to the chair by the foot of the bed. ?Sit down, slave.?
George got up and sat down in the chair. Lucy knelt on the floor and tied his ankles to the chair legs. She crawled behind the chair and tied his wrists to the center slat. She stood up, took off her sweater and skirt, and sat on the foot of the bed in her bra and panties. She put her hands on the bed, leaned back, and seductively whispered, ?What would you do to see me naked, slave??
George’s cock twitched. ?What do you desire, ma’am??
Lucy smiled. She got up and went over to the dresser. She lit a cigarette, took a puff, and leaned against the dresser. ?That’s a good question, slave. I definitely want to watch you suffer a while.? She walked over to his side, took a puff of her cigarette, leaned over, and blew the smoke in his face. She stood up and smiled when George coughed. She took another puff and held the lit end just in front of his right nipple. ?Maybe I should burn your nipple, slave.?
George twisted his nipple away from the cigarette as much as he could. Lucy laughed and took another puff. She cupped her hands under her breasts. ?You still want to see these, slave??
George looked up at Lucy. ?Yes ma’am.?
?Then tell me how I should make you suffer, slave.?
George squirmed in the chair. ?However you desire, ma’am.?
Lucy finished her cigarette. ?I desire a lot of things, slave. Are you sure you’re up to the challenge??
George slumped in the chair. ?I hope so, ma’am.?
Lucy looked around the room to give George time to stew. She opened the closet and pulled out a couple of dresses. She walked back over to George. ?Do you think I’d look nice in these??
George wanted to shout, ?Put those away!? He didn’t want Lucy to touch Helen’s things but he was in a vulnerable position, so he decided it would be best to remain silent.
Lucy held up a dress against her body. ?I’d fill this out much better than Helen.? George felt sick watching Lucy go through Helen’s dresses.
Lucy tired of looking at Helen’s clothes. They were all so old-fashioned. She wandered around the room, looking through the chest-of-drawers. She pulled out a couple of Helen’s bras and laughed. She turned to George and cupped her breasts. ?Have you ever seen a nicer pair of boobs than these, slave??
George dejectedly answered, ?No ma’am.?
Lucy ignored George’s sullenness. She walked to the other side of the bed and pointed to the wall. ?What’s this, slave??
George lifted his head. ?That’s an old intercom, ma’am. Helen and I used to listen to Cindy when she was a child and know she was alright.?
Lucy turned the intercom on. It crackled and went silent. She left the bedroom and George heard her voice, ?Can you hear me??
Since George was tied to the chair, he couldn’t answer through the intercom. He waited until Lucy came back into the bedroom before he answered, ?Yes ma’am.?
Lucy jumped a bit. ?Yes ma’am what, slave??
?I can hear you through the intercom, ma’am.?
Lucy smiled. ?Great.?
George squirmed in his chair. ?Shouldn’t you untie me now, ma’am? Cindy will be home in twenty minutes.?
Lucy smiled. She got another cigarette from the dresser, lit it, and took a puff. ?I have a surprise for you tonight slave. Cindy invited me over to talk with her tonight. She asked me to spy on you tonight, to find out who you were seeing while she’s at practice.?
George looked up at Lucy. ?And what are you going to tell her??
Lucy smiled. ?I wish I could tell her the truth. I wish we could prance in here naked and tease you together, but I know she couldn’t handle it. Don’t worry, I’ll make something up.? She took a puff of her cigarette. ?You’ll hear us through the intercom. When we’re done, I’ll sneak back in, show you my boobs and pussy, and untie you.?
Lucy picked up the leather ball gag and buckled it around George’s head. ?This should keep you quiet while we Cindy and I talk.? She put on her sweater and skirt and was leaving when she whispered, ?Oops, I almost forgot.?
Lucy went to the dresser, picked up the clothespins and walked over in front of George. ?Wouldn’t want to forget your suffering, slave.? She pinched each of his nipples and clipped them with the clothespins. She could hear his moans through the gag. She leaned over and whispered in his ear, ?Just think, slave, your own daughter is torturing you. The longer she talks to me, the longer you have to suffer and wait for me.? She kissed him on the cheek. ?Goodnight, slave.? She turned out the light and went to wait in front of the house.
It took a while for George’s eyes to adjust to the darkness. The stinging in his nipples subsided to a dull pain. It’d been years since Helen had done this to him, and he hoped he could stand the pain. He had no choice, really. He hoped Lucy wouldn’t just go home and leave him tied up all night. God, he hoped Cindy wouldn’t check on him and see him like this.
Lucy went outside to wait for Cindy. Cindy came home a few minutes late. She smiled when she saw Lucy waiting for her. She gave her a hug, but pulled away quickly. ?Ugh, you reek of smoke.?
Lucy mumbled, ?I’m sorry Cindy. I’ve been waiting a while for you to get home and I had a cigarette or two.?
Cindy unlocked the door. ?Why don’t you go upstairs, take a shower, and put on something from my closet while I get some dinner??
Lucy called out, ?Ok, see you upstairs,? as she went upstairs to take a shower. She thought about George while she soaped her breasts and body. Afterwards, she put on one of Cindy’s sweatshirts and sweatpants. She sat on the bed and waited for Cindy to come up. She resisted the urge to peek in on George.
Cindy came bounding into the room and sat next to Lucy. ?You smell so much better. I’m sorry I made you take a shower.?
Lucy smiled. ?That’s ok, Cindy. I know how much you hate the smell of smoke.?
Cindy poked Lucy in the ribs. ?So tell me, what’s my daddy doing while I’m at practice? Where is he, anyway? He’s usually home.?
Lucy stifled a snicker. ?You were right, Cindy. This nice woman came over and went inside for a while. They both came out and went somewhere in her car.?
?Ooh, tell me all about her, Lucy.?
?Um, well, she’s about my height but a little skinner. Shoulder-length brunette hair and professional dress.
Cindy hugged Lucy. ?She sounds great. Thanks for finding out for me.? Cindy stood up. ?Why didn’t he tell me? Why is he being so secretive??
Lucy shrugged her shoulders. ?I don’t know. Maybe he wanted to be sure they liked each other before he introduced her to you. Maybe he’s worried about how you’d react.?
Cindy put her hands on Lucy’s shoulders. ?Honestly, it’s not like my mom died last month. I didn’t expect him to stay single forever. I know he has urges.? Lucy and Cindy laughed.
Lucy felt mischievous. ?Do you have urges, Cindy??
Cindy sat down on the bed. ?Sure Lucy, doesn’t everybody? Don’t you??
Lucy smiled. ?Yes, I masturbate a lot after I go to bed.?
Cindy frowned. ?I’ve tried to masturbate a few times, but nothing seems to happen. When Tommy puts his hand down there though, it feels great.?
Lucy put her arm around Cindy’s shoulders. ?Oh, really! What else have you and Tommy done??
Cindy squirmed a little. ?I love it when Tommy plays with my nipples. My pussy gets all wet and squishy when he does that. He’s eaten me a couple of times, but he really doesn’t like to do that. He’d rather use his fingers. How about you? What have you and Harold done??
Lucy lay back on the bed. ?I invited him over to my bedroom once. He ate my pussy and I gave him a blowjob. Have you blown Tommy??
Cindy giggled. ?Oh God yes, dozens of times. It’s the only way I can keep him out of my panties.?
Lucy smiled, thinking about George listening to his daughter talk about sex. ?Do you want Tommy to fuck you??
Cindy wrinkled her face. ?No. What about you? Do you want to fuck??
Lucy sat up and crossed her legs. ?I’m tempted sometimes, but no, I don’t want to mess up my life. I want to go to college and make something of myself.?
Cindy leaned back. ?So do I. I want to wait until I’m in a serious relationship to fuck.?
Lucy and Cindy talked about college and other stuff for a couple of hours. Finally, Lucy stood up and stretched. ?I think I’d better get home; it’s getting late.?
Cindy looked at the clock. ?Oh shit, look at the time.? She stood up and hugged Lucy. ?Thank you for being such a good friend. I’ll see you tomorrow.? Cindy walked Lucy down to the front door and let her out. Lucy waited twenty minutes for Cindy to settle down in bed before she snuck in the back door and snuck back into George’s bedroom.
George waited anxiously for Lucy to return. Listening to Cindy and Lucy talk was eye opening. Cindy talking about sex with her boyfriend aroused him, and his arousal disgusted him. He probably would have drifted off to sleep except for the constant pain through his nipples. He was wondering whether Lucy would come back or not when she came in and turned on the lights. His eyes snapped shut from the sudden brightness. When he opened them again, she was standing in front of him in her bra and panties, smoking a cigarette.
?Good God, Cindy can talk, can’t she. I was dying for a cigarette.? Lucy unbuckled the gag and put it on the dresser.
George squirmed in the chair. ?Could you take these clothespins off, ma’am??
Lucy grinned. She picked up the yarn and gave the clothespins a few tugs.
George yelped.
Lucy put her finger to her mouth. ?Shh. You wouldn’t want to rouse Cindy, would you??
George squirmed. ?Please take the clothespins off, ma’am.?
Lucy looked surprised. ?So soon? I thought you wanted to see me naked, slave.?
George looked up at Lucy, his eyes pleading. ?Yes ma’am, I want to see you naked.?
Lucy smiled. ?Then the clothespins stay, slave.? She took a puff of her cigarette. ?How do you feel knowing your little girl has given dozens of blowjobs to boys??
George grimaced. ?Not very well ma’am, but she is eighteen. She has her own life.?
Lucy took a puff of her cigarette, bent over, and blew the smoke in George’s face. ?And you have your life, don’t you??
George waited for the smoke to clear. ?Yes ma’am.?
Lucy put her cigarette down. ?I don’t have all night and it’s getting late.? She unhooked her bra and stepped out of her panties. She stood in front of George with her hands on her hips. ?Like what you see, slave.?
George grinned. ?Yes ma’am, you’re beautiful.?
Lucy shivered hearing George’s answer. She wasn’t accustomed to hearing anyone other than Harold compliment her. Although she enjoyed torturing George, she had trouble believing her breasts were worth the pain she’d put him through. ?Thank you, slave. Enjoy the view.?
George stared at Lucy’s ample breasts and neatly trimmed pussy until he heard her say, ?That’s enough.?
Lucy bent over and unclipped the clothespins. Her hand covered George’s mouth, muffling the screams of pain as the blood rushed back into his nipples. She got dressed while he calmed down. She kissed him on the cheek and untied him from the chair before she left.
Lucy continued to dominate George and Harold, developing her domination skills, until she and Cindy went away to college in the fall.
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Introduction: My story of discovering the pleasures of another girl. This is the story about how I started to enjoy sex and experienced love for the first time. This is my first sex story Ive ever written, but if people like it Ill probably do more about my other adventures. To be honest I intended to write about how I ended up with my sister, but as I was writing it it only felt right to let this be all about Sarah. I hope you enjoy it! I was one of the first girls in my school to develop...
After discovering something online during a porn rabbit-hole experience, I decided I wanted to try it for myself. A few weeks previous I had been clicking through different videos and stumbled upon a video suggesting squirting, which I love. So I clicked it, ready to watch a fountain gush from a beautiful pussy while a woman screams her orgasm. What I got instead was a video of a woman relieving herself. My first instinct was to quickly find a new video. After all, it was improper. No one...
WatersportsMegan and her father decided to spend the rest of weekend exploring their new relationship. Heather was disappointed about not getting to fuck Pete but understood. Heather and I spent our weekend quietly but I did explain to her about Nate. She was fascinated about the fact that a guy her own age was being seduced by me. She was also excited by this size of his cock."So when you have him trained I will get to use him too!" Heather asked with excitement at the prospect of fucking a boy.I also...
Discovering Gay CruisingBy: Londebaaz Chohan The tristate area near Warwick, Port Platt’s was riddled with the truck routes and the rest areas or the truck stops with cheap hotel like night stays with plenty of restaurants to serve the junk food for careless travelers and Ass hunters. Mike had enjoyed some foods of the rest stops on certain famous routes, since he discovered the area little over 3 years ago. It was great because he could not host anyone at home and getting at the mature age of...
This is a story continued from ‘DISCOVERING FAITH Ch. 1-12: Pt. 01. Please read that to understand the context and characters involved in this second installment. CHAPTER 13 – THE MOVIE BEGINS The following Monday, we all met at Gene’s to go over the production schedule. Glenn had arranged all of the locations and we would be shooting the offsite scenes first. Faith, being used to stage plays, was fascinated with the idea of filming out of sequence for later editing. The first week was used...
Discovering RoshanBy: Londebaaz Chohan Roshan was the most unbelievably handsome guy, in my high school senior year class. At 18, he was not as tall as I but never the less at least 5’ 9’’ and had a 135 pounds of teen jock body frame. His eyes were so green, they looked like marbles and had the most loveable dimples to show, when he smiled. Being a sports man and an athlete, he had the best choice of girls in the school as a reputation. His physical body was stunning and he was also aware of it...
It was by accident that I saw pictures of my first Ladyboy. A friend sent me pictures of some “Gurls” and I was immediately struck by how gorgeous they were. I couldn’t stop staring at them. Feelings of urgent lust flooded over me. I had never been more excited. So beautiful, so feminine and sensual. All of a sudden, I was consumed. Not only would I dream of fucking these beautiful lady’s but also thoughts of sucking their cocks began to creep into my mind.Almost immediately, I began searching...
In this episode I meet the teen girl from the neighboring farm.A few days later things got much more interesting. I was in the garden pulling weeds, hot and sweaty with my shirt off, when I heard gramps calling me from the tool shed. I was so hot I was happy to take a break. When I walked into the shed he immediately barked at me "take your pants off!"."But I"m not done in the garden" I began to argue."Boy don't get smart with me, get your pants off now". I bent down to unlace my workboots and...
I'll never forget the first time I experienced being a girl. I had been dating my girlfriend for some time, and she was very shy and quite sexually inhibited. I on the other hand was a raging deviant, and with time we had started to do more and more daring things. Using toys was first. We bought her a 7 inch pink dildo, and watching her come as she laid on the bed was so horny. A beautiful redhead, with white skin and freckles, me watching her face as the cock slid in and out of her. Seeing her...
Discovering my physics teacher: part 1(introduction) [I have tried to recreate events, localities but with same conversations. I have changed the name of the individual and places to protect the privacy] A big thanks to iss for publishing my story. Hello, readers. I’m Ajit (fake name) from Kolkata (the place is real). This is my first story on this website so please forgive my mistakes. Please feel free to write to me at my email: . I had been following iss since class ten. Everything in...
Finding the truth can be painful or pleasurable. Sometimes it can be an intense combination of both and that is where I find myself now. After a couple drinks and thinking through all this maybe I can convey what I mean.I have been married to my wife, Maggie, for 14 years. I never questioned her fidelity but admit I enjoyed how she flirted and always got the attraction of so many men. My wife is 34, only an inch over five feet tall and even after two k**s she wears a size 8 and has a set of...
Hai, this is Agil, I’m a big fan of ISS. I love to read the cheating moms and wives stories. Also I love the incest and gangbangs. I appreciate all the writers in here for giving us the ultimate pleasures of our dreams. They are the inspiration to the new writers like me. I’m not a good writer, actually this is my first try. I hope all ISS readers will forgive my mistakes. Now about the story. This is a fiction story that made up through my imagination. You can understand while reading it. Ok...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Josh and Amanda were much closer to each other than most siblings. One of the main reasons for this unusual bond they shared was due in part to their losing their parents in a car crash in the South of France when the children were still only toddlers. And as a consequence of this tragedy befalling them they were sent to live with their mother’s older sister Aunt Beverley, who, although very wealthy chose to live a frugal existence with just her cats...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! Josh and Amanda were much closer to each other than most siblings. One of the main reasons for this unusual bond they shared was due in part to their losing their parents in a car crash in the South of France when the children were still only toddlers. And as a consequence of this tragedy befalling them they were sent to live with their mother’s older sister Aunt Beverley, who, although very wealthy chose to live a frugal existence with just her cats...
IncestREGIME IMPERIA: COPYRIGHTED 2004THE EVERETTS/ CHAPTER 1?Donald? you asshole, where the fuck are you? Get your ass in here right now?? Seventeen-year-old Mary Everett was getting furious. Was her stepfather being purposely stubborn? Did he actually believe he could get away with such disobedience? Finally, Donald Everett arrived at his stepdaughter’s bedroom. He’d been down the hallway, in his own bathroom, trying to urinate through the tricky restrictive chastity device locked...
"Simon, if you're not doing anything too important, can you please give me a hand?" I heard my mother calling. As I didn't regard reading the paper as 'too important' I headed upstairs towards the sound of her voice. Mum was dressed in a tee shirt, jeans and sneakers, unusual for her, as she always sought to be well dressed."Time for a spring-clean, honey," she commented. "Will you help me to get all the junk out of this cupboard, please?"This being the location for all unwanted family debris,...
Scott Clair hated his whiteness. He wasn't able to articulate it exactly in that way; he claimed to be coming to terms with his submissive nature and his overwhelming desire to serve the Black race. Had he been a bit more self-aware, a bit more introspective, he could have accurately described his self-hatred as stemming from his inherent need to feel superior. Whiteness was his disease, magnified by a Napoleonic complex of huge proportions given his height of 5'1". He suffered from...
I wonder how much I have changed ever since I came to Bastinia. Being brought up in the United States, I would never imagine about enslaving another human being, let alone hurting them like the times before the civil war. But for past week I constantly took advantage of my slave girl Korin, and even punished her which would have been un-imaginable in United States. May be this is where I meant to be. The fact that I did all these without an elevation of heart rate or even any remorse...
*All characters are 18 or older.*I am the original author of this story.Another case solved on Law and Order, and Kate was ready to take her leave. She sighed, standing up from the lavish bed and stretching, causing alarm in Bianca.“Welp, this has been fun and all. But either your lesser half has been asked to stay later, or has lost interest in our endeavors. So I’m going to just be on my –““W-wait,” Bianca pleaded, getting up from the edge of the bed and rushing towards Kate to keep her from...
This story will tell you about my in counter with a mistress in a public session From my twenties I always wanted to be dominated by a professional mistress but was always to scared. Looking at the website of a local mistress I saw she offered a public foot fetish session. We would meet at a park she would take off her shoes and i would rub her feet at the park. I decided this would be a good first step so I decided to give her a call. After 3 rings she answered " hello" I Said " I would...
It was my second year in college and my foot fetish got stronger. Now I wanted to worship dirty feet and be dominated by them. My chemistry teacher who we will call ms Roberts was one of the hottest teachers at the college. Most importantly she had the nicest feet I've ever seen. She always wore open toed shoes to show off her pedicures. But she had a bitchy side and wasn't too find of me. I always fantasized about her dominating me and making me her foot slave but what were the chances of...
I awoke the the sound of my teenage daughters worried voice. "Daddy I had a nightmare and I'm scared! I feel so safe when you hold me, let me sleep with you, pwetty please? Normally I would've instructed her to calm down and lay close to daddy; however, my cock was still throbbing from the dream I was having. Ever since I started spying on my daughter while she masturbated late at night my dreams were full of fantasies of my vulnerable daughter. Before I could hide the erection I had from my...
Scott Clair hated his whiteness. He wasn't able to articulate it exactly in that way; he claimed to be coming to terms with his submissive nature and his overwhelming desire to serve the Black race. Had he been a bit more self-aware, a bit more introspective, he could have accurately described his self-hatred as stemming from his inherent need to feel superior. Whiteness was his disease, magnified by a Napoleonic complex of huge proportions given his height of 5'1". He suffered from narcissism...
Jenny had her pick of men prior to marriage, she stood out her statuesque physique, and her naughty sense of humor.When Jenny married, many felt it was for money, he was older, domineering and using their marriage, he dominated her and changed her personality, her forbidden fruits, once denied to many, were now available, as her sick husband turned 'Cuckold' and gave her away to men, only seeking pleasure watching them sexually abusing her, for denying them earlier in her life.Jenny told me of...