A Date In Venice free porn video

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It had been quite a few years since I had seen Regina. A lot of had come and gone during the intervening time, including both our marriages. We'd kept in touch, sporadically, often by rumor. Since we both ran in the same circles, broadly speaking, we had even run into each other a few times. I had seen her once at the Harlequin Ball in Rome, and them again coming out Club Domino in Amsterdam very late one night. She always looked good. She was never alone. Who would ever have guessed that this elegant and accomplished woman had begun her rise in life from the dim dungeons of „Das Schloss“, a comercial bondage establishment on the Reeperbahn I was managing at the time.
Regina was of a different order, even back then, from the other girls who slaved and sweated, giving and taking their share of lashes, in our little shop of pains and pleasures. Most of the others were lifers, likely to be working in some such place until their working days were done. But Regina, in addition to being the most beautiful woman on the premises, was also the most ambitious. It could see it in her penetrating blue eyes, shielded behind studious round spectacles, as she read her Stendahl between sessions while the others smoked and gossiped and worked on their nails.
Sure enough, one day she had given notice that she would be leaving soon to assume a new position, as Lady Regina Wilkes, wife of Sir Roger Wilkes, our best, not to mention richest, regular client. Sir Roger was about fifty then, Regina not quite twenty.
He had a reputation for cruel depravity well-suited to Regina's particular nature, which was as enthusiatically perverse as any I'd ever encountered. It had seemed an harmonious union until (I had heard) Sir Roger came home one day and found Regina in bed with his estate manager. This breach of class etiquette had resulted in a quick divorce, leaving Regina with a healthy settlement and a young doughter, with whom she now roamed the world, doing whatever she pleased, which was what she did best.
It was not, therefore, all that surprising to see the two of them at lunch together at Lorenzo's in Venice one golden afternoon in the last spring. It was the right place to be on an afternoon at that time of the year. Nor was it surprising to see Regina looking beautiful, blond hair spilling out from under widebrimmed hat, body regally straight and slender in a simple, rather formal white dress cut to celebrate her shape without displaying much of it. The real surprise was her doughter, dressed almost identically, in white as well. In the photograph Regina had shown me a few years back the girl, whose name was Virginia, had been a pretty, if somewhat awkward young thing, with short hair and freckles. Somewhere in between she had matured in a full-grown swan, with hair and complexion a shade lighter than her mother's, the same adriatic-blue eyes and a still-girlish figure with a few distinctly womanly curves here and there. They made quite the stunning couple, leaning together for a conspirational giggle over the passing parade of preposterously-attired tourists.
I didn't think they'd noticed me, sitting as I was in the back of the bar with my nose buried in the Herald-Tribune, until the bartender set an unordered Campari and soda at my elbow. My presence was requested at the ladies table. It was hardly the sort of request that I world be likely to turn down.
Regina greeted me with a social kiss on the cheek. Virginia's handshake was firm, her gaze direct as she looked me over. The resemblance was striking. I couldn't help thinking the old cliche about how they seemed more like sisters than mother and doughter.
Not knowing how much Virginia knew of her mother's and my past association, I started to make neutral conversation about my travels and who I'd bumped into recently. Regina brought me short.
„It's ok, John. She knows.“
I looked back and forth between them, feeling distinctly uneasy.
„It's true,“ Virginia said brightly., „mother's told me all about you, how you trained her when she was young.“
„I still am young,“ Regina corrected gently but firmly. „Virginia and I are much alike, actually. I began to see it in her when she was very young. You wouldn't believe the scene she caused, getting one of the stable boys to whip her over the hitching rail.“
„We were just playing pirates. It was all perfectly harmless,“ Virginia protested with a wide-eyed innocence that struck me as wholly artifical.
„Anyway,“ Regina continued, „knowing my own predilections so well, I felt I might as well bow to the inevitable. I've brought her up a bit in my own image, so to speak.“
I was more than a little intrigued by this notion, going so far as to wonder aloud exactly how far their similarities went. It must have been the right thing to say.
„Why don't you come over and find out for yourself. We have a place over inGiudecca for the summer. It's most interestingly furnished. I know Virginia would be pleased if you visited. Isn't that right, darling?“
„Oh yes,“ Virginia chirped, „I'd love to see if you're really as wicked as mother says.“
I ask you, how could I decline such a challenge? The very next day I took a vaporetto across the lagoon from my hotel to the adress Regina had given me. It was in the older, quieter part of town, away from the camera-clicking hoards. The house itself was a typically Venetian palazzo, with striped marble mooring posts outside the half-sunken first floor.
Regina herself welcomed me into a marble-floored foyer with stained glass windows. Today, she wore an all-concealing, floor-length black robe, buttoned at the neck, that came all the way down to what looked like some very nasty boots with truly extreme heels. She clacked up the spiraling marble staircase in them, explaining as she went. I following along.
„I've been very selective with Virginia. Left to her own devices, she'd have had her way with half the boys at school and threequarters of the girls. As it is, I've allowed her only those experiences that I felt would enhance her education.“
When we reached the top of the stairs, she turned to face me.
„That's why I asked you here. I want you to show her some of the same ruthlessness you showed me.“
„I'm very flattered.“
„You should be.“
Regina suddenly threw her arms around me and kissed me passionately, the heat of her body radiating through the thin, silky material of the robe. I kissed her back. Marveling once again at the narrowness of her waist as my arms fell around her. She only let it go on long enough to get interesting before turning to open an arched door at her back. She ushered me inside.
The chamber into which Regina led me was like something out of Sheherazade, a fantasy seraglio of huge cushions and heavy d****s. It could have been day or night, as the windows were completely covered and the only illumination came from ranks of candles arrayed around the room. And oh what those candles illuminated!
In the middle of the chamber, Virginia was tied spread-eagled between two posts, which had been festively wrapped in bright ribbons. She was completely naked but for a high, black leather collar locked onto her neck with a little silver lock, matching wrist and ankles cuffs with similar locks that held her to the post by short, gold chains, and tall-heeled black pumps with round babydoll toes. Virginia's slim body, with its small, firm, upturned breasts and flat belly, was the perfect picture of recently-ripened womanhood. Her golden tresses spilled down over her shoulders and bosom, partially hiding her flushed face. Her body was otherwise completely shaved, the better to show off her neatly symmetrical labia, and the tiny silver padlock that held them together. The hasp of the lock was pierced right through the flesh of her lower lips, forbidding entry to the pleasures therein to any but the holder of the key. Virginia's eyes rolled back and she moaned when Regina took the little lock between her fingers and gave it a slight tug.
„You see the means I've had to resort to to keep the vixen in line. Of course, knowing her, she probably just uses it as an excuse to suck more cock and take it in the ass more often, the little slut.“
With that, she gave the already-panting girl a sharp smack across the cheek with her open hand, sending Virginia's hair flying out in a great cloud as the sound of slap hung in the muffled air. Virginia shook her locks back of her face, upon which the imprint of Regina's hand was quite vivid across one cheek., and looked us straight in the eye.
„Are you going to let him fuck me?“ she asked evenly.
„Perhaps. After you've been properly whipped.“
Regina stepped back and undid her robe, leting it drop and then casually kicking it aside with the toe one of those ever-so-shy boots. Regina was otherwise bare, except for a rather severe black leather cincher around the waist and a tiny gold key on a light chain around her neck. The years had been kind to Regina. Her body, always exquisite had hardly changed in the years since I'd first seen her. Except for her breasts, which were somewhat fuller and heavier than Virginia's, their bodies were remarkably similar, smooth and perfect. For a few moments, Regina stood directly in front of Virginia, stroking and caressing the girl with the hands that, after all, knew her better than any in the world. The suction of Regina's full, sensual lips soon leased Virginia's tender, pink nipples into a blushing stiffness, while the tip of Regina's finger probed delicately above the tiny padlock insinuating itself toward Virginia's clit.
The chains rattled musically as Virginia squirmed under Regina's touch.
Ragged sighs emerged from between her pouting, parted lips. Unable to resist the impulse, I seized her face in both my hands and pressed those lips against mine. A curious little tongue slithered in between my teeth. Even the kiss felt familiar.
„Enough!,“ Regina announced abruptly, breaking of our embrace. „Pleasure must be earned. Isn't that right, Virginia?“
She gripped the young girl's chin firmly and made her look in her eyes.
„Yes, Ma'am,“ Virginia agreed hastily.
Regina turned to a low, ornate chest nearby, opened it and began laying out the contents on the Persian rug. There was a lovely riding crop in shiny, red patent leather, quite heavy with a reinforced flap. There was a cat of nine tails with flat, braiding tails and an exquisite inlaid handle. There was a razor-thin dressage with a little red cracker on the end.
„As I recall, you prefer to start with the cat,“ Regina said, offering it to me. She had been a most thoughful slave in her day, I remembered as I took it from her hand. I started to move around behind Virginia, whose eyes followed me every movement. Regina stopped me with a hand on my wrist.
„I just ask one thing,“ she said, „that you give her no less than you gave me.“
She had my word on it. Standing behind Virginia, I stroked the girl's velvety flesh with my free hand, which lingered over her small, hard rump. Her back and bottom were perfectly unmarked. She obviously hadn't been whipped in some time.
„I don't want her to become too accustomed to it, „Regina said in answer to my unasked question.
I started slowly, warming Virginia up with light strokes across the shoulders, alongside the spine, down over the upper curves of her behind, then down further so the lashes tickled her in between the thighs. The cat made a light, staccato smacking sound in time with her small gasps and squeals. Regina, meanwhile, busied herself with the front of Virginia's body, kissing and licking and stroking, working Virginia's locked-up pussy lips back and forth between her fingers. Virginia involuntarily tried to close her knees, but the chains made that quite impossible.
Her fair skin quickly turned pink, then red as the cat did its work ever more convincingly. Her moans turned to yelps as the welts began to rise, long vermillion trails etched with the weave of the braided lashes. Regina smothered Virginia's pleas with a fierce kiss on the mouth as I laid on fully, stretching out my arm, further with each slashing blow.
Satisfied with the evenness of Virginia's initial tanning in the rear, I elected to move around to the front, Regina stepped back to allow me swinging room. Virginia now looked at me with unmistakable fear, chest heaving, tears leaking from the corners of her feverish blue eyes.
„Her nipples are unusually sensitive,“ Regina offered helpfully. I slapped the cat down across the right one. Virginia fell back against the chains, letting out howl of anguish. The evenly spaced stripes across her breast looked most appealing. I gave her a matching set for the other side before moving on down over her flat little belly to her tighs. The tails of the cat brushed over the silver lock, making it dance in the candlelight. Virginia was now fully sobbing in a most fetching manner, much as Regina had when first whipped. Looking over, I could see the feral gleam in Regina's eyes as she relived her own past through the captive Virginia.
Tossing the cat aside I took up the crop, testing its weight and flexibility.
„She picked it out herself in a riding shop in London. It's her favorite.“
I held it up so Virginia could kiss the tip. She closed her eyes and puckered reverently. Tenderized as Virginia's bottom already was, even the comparatively light initial strokes of the crop produced copious new floods of tears and much shaking and rattling of chains as the sobs shook her body. With a rather bizarre sort of solicitude, Regina stepped up and put her arms around the helpless Virginia, pressing the girl's wet face against her full bosom. She stroked Virginia's hair and cooed to her while I whipped away with the crop, leaving a brilliant pattern of crimson splotches flecked with vivid purple spots. Virginia shook with each blow, but her cries were muffled by Regina's flesh.
By the time i got finished, Virginia's behind was crisscrossed with fresh, raised stripes so angry they made her jump at the lightest touch of a fingertip. I had promised no less than I gave Regina.
It was time for the crescendo that is the proper conclusion of any sound whipping. For this movement, I chose the dressage, swishing it in the air a couple of times to try it out. It hissed like a serpent. Delicate as it looked, I knew it would hurt worse than the other whips combined. Regina and I exchanged positions, her behind Virginia, holding the girl's head back by the hair so she was forced to look up and was thus unable to anticipate the pain. I took up my position in front, taking my distance to her still creamy and as yet unmarked inner thighs.
The dressage cut through the air to strike just above the knee. Virginia shriek echoed even in the thickly-curtained chamber. Her screaming had a certain, familiar melodious quality. I remembered having told Regina years before that even her scream was beautiful. The dressage struck again, higher up. I laddered the stripes up each thigh, placing them an inch or two apart.
Virginia wept and howling, twisting and writhing against the implacable chains that held her in place. I didn't stop until I'd given her a full dozen, leaving a double row of thin, nasty stripes that, I was certain, would be at least a month in fading. By th time I was done, Virginia hung limp, sobbing weakly as I released the chains and let her sink into Regina's embrace.
They held each other a moment, breast-to-breast, before Regina finally consented to the promised reward for Virginia's heroic suffering. With an hand on the shoulder, Regina pushed Virginia onto her knees in front of me, locking Virginia's wrist cuffs behind her. Virginia's kneeling, whip-striped body trembled at my feet.
„Thank him correctly,“ Regina commanded firmly. Virginia bent low to kiss my boots, small, pink tongue licking out for a taste of leather. I felt Regina's hand pulling down my zipper. Her touch had lost none of its art as she slipped my cock free. Lifting Virginia's head by the air, she pressed the bound girl's mounth to its target. She opened wide and took me in deeply. Regina knelt next to her, guiding the movements of Virginia's head as she sucked and slurped.
„That's a good girl. Remember all the things I've taught you,“ she said encouragingly. She had taught her well indeed. Looking down at Virginia's sweet, tear-stained face, I felt myself getting lost a bit too soon.
„There's something else I want,“ I said. Booth of them looked up at me. From my smile, Regina knew exactly what I wanted. She lifted the tiny key on its gold chain from around her neck. Reaching down between Virginia's open thighs, she opened the silver padlock and deftly slipped it free.
„Let's see now...“, Regina mused, remembering, „that's right, now I remember.“
She quickly positioned Virginia on all fours, head down, rump well up in the air. Kneeling next to her, Regina gently spread open the pink lips of Virginia's pussy in welcome. I sank down behind her, my lips meeting Regina's even as my cock found its way into Virginia's depth.
„All I ask is that you save a little for me,“ Regina whispered. I promise I would. It was certainly the least I could do under the circumstances.

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Date Night 3

This is a story I wrote for the enjoyment of Adults. It is the third one of a series of 7 loosely connected tales. Any comments would be welcome at [email protected] DATE NIGHT 3 Written by 4play My wife Chris and I had been having our DATE NIGHTS twice a month for several years. On these special nights we would put aside all other matters and indulge in playing kinky sex games. While originally she had come up with the idea as a means of keeping me happy, she had been...

1 year ago
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Playdates Act Dos

“Wow, who pissed in your coffee this morning?” Tara responded cheerfully. “Shut up,” Lauren answered. “I just had a bad day.” “Why?” Tara asked, pulling away from the curb. She seemed a little more concerned, although her best friend did have a knack for turning something small into the biggest deal on earth. “I failed my Spanish test.” “Oh, Lauren, no.” Tara knew how important it was for Lauren to do well on her last test. “Yeah,” Lauren said glumly. “If I don’t get at least a B+...

3 years ago
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Tara laughed, as Nick was Lauren’s flavor of the week. He was just her type, playing forward on the hockey team, cute, but not especially smart. “Is he at least a good fuck?” “How the hell would I know? Every time I have a chance of getting laid, he’s too drunk to do anything about it. Besides, I don’t think he has what it takes to get me going anyway.” “Really? That’s too bad. Why are you still with him then?” Tara asked. She has had the same boyfriend for the last 3 years. She was...

3 years ago
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Playdates Act Dos

Introduction: Lauren and Tara enjoy another taboo escapade… until theyre caught Lauren was walking down the street when a red Honda came screeching to a stop next to her. Jesus, Tara, she muttered, as she slung her backpack off her shoulder and walked toward the car. She opened the door and slid into the passengers seat. Wow, who pissed in your coffee this morning? Tara responded cheerfully. Shut up, Lauren answered. I just had a bad day. Why? Tara asked, pulling away from the curb. She seemed...

2 years ago
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Naptime. The girls were asleep downstairs. Allen and I, in a lazy state from a lunch of chicken nuggets and french fries (the girls' choice), were sprawled out next to each other on the couch, yawning and gazing at the TV.Just another rainy Sunday afternoon playdate. Allen and I had been doing this for the past two months, giving ourselves a chance at a moment of peace while the girls play with each other, on days when his wife and my girlfriend were scheduled to work.We met through our women,...

3 years ago
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Playdate with 2 couples

So I responded to an add a of a couple looking for a gang bang. We then had a chat with me to see if I will fit into the party that they are planning. After my "interview" I was given the details of the planned party. So the when the Saturday eve arrived I head of to the residents of this couple. As I arrived I was welcomed by a sexy blond woman. I was the first to arrive and they were waiting on the other people to arrive still. In the meantime we chatted and had a few drinks. As we were...

1 year ago
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I'm going to try and make this quick. This is a fucked up sarcastic fantasy, and if it turns you on, um, wow.I'm chatting on some sleezy alt site with some chippie who is obviously a cop. Cute misspelling and cartoon references that showed he studied.I dance around the issue for weeks. I'm not sending any dick pics, asking for specific info like age etc. I was real cagey. I'm not into that sort of thing but i got another agenda, so eventually i agree to meet.I know what this is. I've made...

3 years ago
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We are in the lounge and sitting on the couch! I am wearing my suit and silk boxers and you are wearing a short skirt and low cut top! God you look so good!We start by having a drink and then I take your foot and just catch a glimpse of your black thong! As I move your foot up on to my lap and start to massage it I cant stop thinking about you black thong! I start to get very randy I am starting to get very hard and you can feel it on your foot and just smile to yourself, which I don't see! I...

3 years ago
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The usual caveats apply. This is a copywrited work of transgendered fiction and may not be reproduced anywhere without the express consent of the author. LITE is closer to my original plan; the first attempt, still not finished, having morphed into a monster approaching novelette status. The characters took over and changed the plot completely. If enough people [hell, anyone at all] appreciate this effort, I will submit the longer version with some of the glossed over elements...

2 years ago
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© 2003 [email protected] -- Commercial use prohibited without author's consent. I knocked, waiting patiently, and finally I hear her slowly unlock the door. She had never seen me before so it was nice to see a smile appear from those beautiful lips. She invited me inside after saying hello and asked me to sit while she got ready as I had just woken her up from a nap. She was tall. Tall and pretty, almost taller than me but I liked that fact. It looked like she had just pulled on some thin...

1 year ago
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Swingers Date Club aka SDC Swingers aka SDC.com! Not every website that you visit in order to feed your endlessly lustful appetites has to be an orgiastic smorgasbord of whores and porn and all-out fuck fests with anal gaping and deepthroating and double penetration galore. Consider for a moment that you might take some time out of your day to become a little more enlightened about sexuality. Have you ever stopped to consider that possibility? That you might educate yourself on the nature of...

Hookup Sites
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TS Dates! One of the great things about being the internationally famous Porn Dude is that bitches always want my cock. I find it when I’m out and about, and I also find it online, and I always want it with no strings attached. Speaking of strings attached, the broads on this dating site come with that extra bonus bit dangling between the legs. Yes, ladies and gentlemen and shemales of all fuck-legal ages, TSdates.com is exactly what it sounds like.The header on TS Dates calls it a Premium...

Hookup Sites
1 year ago
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Date Night 4

This is a story that I wrote for the enjoyment of adults. Hope you enjoy it if you're 21 or more. Any feedback or comments can be sent to me at [email protected] Date Night 4 Written by 4play It had been two weeks since our wild weekend with Rachel and Jerry. They and my wife Chris had turned me into a total sex slave, using me for their sexual pleasure. I was made to dress like a woman and sexually used as a woman. My ass had been dildo raped by both women as well as Jerry's...

2 years ago
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Date Night for Nancy

My Wife, Nancy, and I have an open marriage; she can have all the sex she wants to have and I can have all that she gives me permission to have. Nancy makes no secret about our open arrangements and openly flirts even when I'm with her. The other night Nancy, her mother, and I were at dinner when Nancy spotted a guy she was interested in. Her mother thought he was cute so the flirting was on. Eventually he came over to our table with some after dinner drinks for Nancy and her mother and a...

2 years ago
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Date With Married Girl Leads To Sex

Hi all, this is Rahul here. I am not new to this site but going to write a story first time. This is the story I was thinking to do since long back, couldn’t find enough time for it. My email id is Please leave your comments to encourage me. First let me give you a brief intro about me. I am 25 years old, slim built, more than average looking guy. Basically I am from delhi, but living and working in Hyderabad since 2 yrs. I am working in a MNC here, doing usual software stuff, getting paid...

1 year ago
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Date Rape Drug

Date Rape Drug It started out innocent enough but sure changed in a hurry. I had invited three of my friends over for the afternoon to plan our science project. The teacher paired us up but that was fine because I had known all three since we started school, years ago. We didn’t hang out together because I was a nerd, Jim and Bob were jocks, and Hank was just a pervert. My mother and sister had been out shopping and asked me to help them carry bags in from the car. The guys took...

4 years ago
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Date Night With Uncle Dave

Introduction: Uncle Dave invites me to go on a date with him and his hot girlfriend. My young horizons have begun to expand. Wow! Uncle Dave just asked me to go out with him and his new girlfriend! The idea had me fairly dancing around my room. I mean, I just turned 13 and most guys didnt even look at me twice. I was skinny and except for puffy nipples, I was flat as a pancake still. So, I guess I was maybe fantasizing about going on a real date. Uncle Dave was kinda good looking, you know, for...

3 years ago
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Date night Saturday part 2

So before I tell you how my "arranged" date night went I thought I would tell you what my sweet Cuckold did. On Friday evening he took me shopping for a new sexy outfit and took me to a nice restaurant. He started to tell me all the things I should and Couldn't do. I pretty much told him that I would do anything I wanted to do and he didn't have to go with me. This pretty much put him in his place and set how the date was going to go. Finally Saturday evening arrived and I was getting so horny...

4 years ago
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Date night

It was the last Friday of the month, which only meant one thing, date night.Since they had met, Lyndsey and Steven had liked to keep things fun in the bedroom and try different things. Just one of the things they had recently started to do was date night. Once a month they would decide on a place to meet. They would turn up separately, sit in a bar and pretend they didn't’t know each other. Steven would then approach her and chat her up. Lyndsey played along, loving the excitement of it.Tonight...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Date with the Doctor

Date with the Doctor. Right at this very moment I’m all sexually excited, tingly and horny. I’ve just this second hung up the phone and it’s confirmed that my hot and horny fuck date with the Doctor will take place later tonight. The telephone conversation did get quite lively and in no time we were discussing what would occur during the evening. I’ve too go to his house all spiced up just for him and we’ll fuck, suck, lick, grope, probe and swap bodily fluids for a few hours, then hopefully I...

2 years ago
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Date with the Doctor

Date with the Doctor. Right at this very moment I’m all sexually excited, tingly and horny. I’ve just this second hung up the phone and it’s confirmed that my hot and horny fuck date with the Doctor will take place later tonight. The telephone conversation did get quite lively and in no time we were discussing what would occur during the evening. I’ve too go to his house all spiced up just for him and we’ll fuck, suck, lick, grope, probe and swap bodily fluids for a few hours, then hopefully I...

2 years ago
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Date Night 2

This is a story that I wrote for the enjoyment of adults only. Hope you enjoy it. Any comments can be sent to me at [email protected] DATE NIGHT 2 WRITTEN BY 4PLAY IT WAS FINALLY FRIDAY. It was to be our scheduled Date Night! Over the years in order to keep our sex life exciting, we had decided that twice a month we would engage in some of the kinkier aspects of sex. These nights turned me on far more than they did Chris, but she was willing to participate in order to keep me...

2 years ago
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Date Night

Date Night 1 by Emile, 2010Usual caveats apply.---Penn was right, Trent's date was gorgeous.  Not just a muscle himbo, but a blonde chiselled rugged Abercrombie type.  He had turned up in a loose 80's tank and satin shorts, gym bag slung over his shoulder, and introduced himself as Nico, or "Nick" to his friends.  Despite the winning smile and firm handshake, that made his tanned pumped skin flex erotically, Trent could see it made him a little uncomfortable offering that intimacy up.  But this...

4 years ago
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Date Night Surprise

We smiled as we watched my parent’s SUV pull away from the house, waving out the window.“I love our kid more than anything in the world, but I can’t even begin to describe how excited I am to get away from her for a weekend.”My wife wrapped her arms around my waist.“I’m sure the feeling is mutual. You’ve been on each other’s nerves all week,” she said, laughing a little. “She can go have a blast and the grandparent’s house, and you and I can just focus on enjoying each other’s company. It seems...

1 year ago
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Date with Justice

I had only been working on the set of Victoria Justice’s new show ‘Eye Candy’ for a couple of weeks when I noticed that Victoria already seemed to be taking a shine to me, always smiling flirtatiously at me and asking me what I was doing later. Well, as any man would do when a girl as sexy as her is making it clear that she would be interested in pursuing things with you, I asked her out. And much to my surprise, she said yes, so we agreed to meet for dinner and drinks at an upscale place in...

1 year ago
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Date Night With Wife Ends At A Gloryhole

Paula wasn't the kind of girl who flaunted her looks to people but she looked sensational naked and I enjoyed that privilege. We always had a great sex life but after so many years of being together and now a child taking up so much of our free time, we had to make the effort to keep things fresh between us. Having been together since high school, neither of us was very experienced but liked to joke that she would be a slut if she was single. We actually enjoyed a fair amount of kinky fun in...

2 years ago
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Date Night Delays

Date Night Delays ….. We had planned to meet in a bar after work. I get there early and find a quite part with a table and sit down to wait for my husband to arrive it’s Friday night and our long over due date night. I am wearing a low cut top, short skirt, stockings and heeled boots as I sit and get comfy I notice that my skirt has risen up my legs and the top of my stockings are showing ,I catch the bartenders eye and he comes over i order a JD and Coke which the bartender brings back over...

3 years ago
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Date a celebrity

Please add to this story. This story takes place in an alternate universe and therefore all main characters are 18 years or older. You are John Smith. You have just received an email from Celebrity Services congratulating you on winning a date with a celebrity The email reads: Dear John Doe We are happy to announce that you have won a date with a star of your choice. Please reply when you have decided who you have chosen. You have two weeks to decide. Thanks Celebrity Services staff. Ahh! You...

3 years ago
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Date a pornstar

Please add to this story if you want to. I will add whenever I have inspiration. Thanks. EDIT: This story takes place in an alternate universe in 2020 and therefore all main characters are 18 years or older. You are John Smith. You have just received an email from Pornstar Services congratulating you on winning a date with a pornstar. The email reads: Dear John Smith We are happy to announce that you have won a date with a star of your choice. Please reply when you have decided who you have...


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