Games 3 Chuck s Gaming NightChapter 2 Chuck rsquo s Party
- 3 years ago
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Chuck walked towards a bar near to his hotel. He knew that Canal Street was the gay area of the city but he also knew that it was also the most lively area for pubs and clubs. And Chuck was happy and confident with his sexuality so he didn’t see it as a problem. Almost immediately after entering the bar and taking a seat near the corner of the bar area a very pretty and extremely busty young lady in a black v neck T shirt practically bounced up to him with a beaming smile. “What can I get for...
Steve I was having coffee in my room at the resort. I had the patio doors open, looking out from the ninth floor toward the beautiful lagoon or small harbor in front of the hotel. It was still too early for beach people, but there were workers cleaning the beach. Two tractors were dragging the sand, smoothing it out to make it more appealing to the tourists. In the harbor and at the dock were several large yachts and sailboats. None, however, rivaled the Have Mercy, the Mercy Mercy, or...
"Come live with Chuck and me, Tricia," I implored her, pulling her to me."Why, Chloe?" she pondered, putting her clothes in a trash bag. "I'm just gonna move back in with my mom.""Well, I have an idea. I have a way to make it up to him, considering I've been cheating on him. How do you feel about having a threesome with him and me? You need a place to live, and that way, you won't have to pay rent or for utilities. I already talked to Joe and Bionca about it, and as long as you're on board,...
ThreesomesSteve I was laying on my back, with Gio on my left shoulder and Juanita on my right. I could see the clock on the other side of the room showing that it was right at six AM. We were up later than usual last night. Even after coming to bed, my ladies were more active than usual, but what is normal for these women? Poor Gio, I could tell she wanted to be loved, but all she received was a lot of kisses and hugs. Our baby is more important than sex. The other girls are being almost overly...
Chuck A speaker in the room was broadcasting reveille. It had the desired effect, as I swung my foot and stump out of bed. Across from me, Lisa was sitting up, rubbing her eyes. She looked up at me and said, "Old habits are hard to break, aren't they?" Wanda was trying to pull a pillow over her head, but Lisa gave her a shake and said, "You better get up, or you won't get a shower and breakfast." Lisa looked up at me, "Since you're fast, go do your thing, and I'll go next after I...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I want to thank everyone for the amazing comments. I am so flattered. What is interesting about this story is that it is based on an actual event that happened in my career as a contract construction manager. My story occurred in Memphis TN, and I added the incest which is purely fantasy for me, but I did have a project manager who invited me to her home to cook chili and we did end up in a very hot...
Chuck was a truck driver. He had married his wife barely after graduating high school, when she got pregnant. Chuck and Mary had two kids and they weren’t the happiest of couples. They were both glad he spent so much time on the road. Mary lived a life centered on the kids, mostly. She’d been a friend of a friend. That was how she and Chuck had met one night. They fucked and she caught. Fortunately (?) she had managed to learn his name and got his phone number when she gave him hers. Chuck...
Steve I woke up several times during the night, hearing things that were normal sounds. Sure wish Chuck had stayed, I would have felt a lot more secure. Funny how a guy like that can make you feel safe. He's just a guy, a one- legged guy with a crooked smile, who is as friendly as a kitten. He can be vicious when he's on the job though. Drinking coffee at 5:55 in the morning is a good way to enjoy the day. I called down to the gate guard to see how everything was going and he said that...
Steve Oh, what a night! My lovely ladies must have thought I needed the attention as they were absolutely on fire. I think they were trying to help me set a record as they all had some of my loving and started over again. The surprise among the players was a sneaky person, as all of a sudden, when Mercy fell to the side, two large bazooms were in my face and they did not belong to Sue. Sue's mother was sitting on my pride and joy, smiling down at me. She said, "Oh, Steve, this feels so...
Chuck Penned by: Miss Deborah Leigh Johnson This was my first meeting with Chuck, and I wanted for everything to be just perfect. He had given me an idea of when he would be able to meet me at the Super 8, in Watertown, NY. I made a point of getting there three hours earlier, so that I would have a lot of time. I know how much time it takes me to make myself pretty, and I wanted to have a cushion, just in case he showed up early. I'd checked in around 9:30 a.m. I'd left home at 5:00...
Steve I had been told first by Mercy, then by Sue, that all of the women wanted to talk to me. That usually is almost instant death, or maybe it was going to be an execution, mine. At least they had waited for me to finish eating breakfast before the hanging. It was with great apprehension that I was following Sue, Kathy, and Mickey up the stairs, or more appropriately, the broad curved ladder that goes up to the salon. Mercy was at the helm, with Juanita sitting beside her . Juanita...
Steve I was sitting in the kitchen having a cup of coffee before going to bed. Sometimes it's nice to just be by yourself for a few minutes to gather your thoughts. There seems to be all kinds of things happening at once. Wes was bringing an aircraft in at the targeted price, Jeff, Abe, and Chance were creating a show of our new material for the military, there's Mark's new wind generator that appears to be the most efficient yet. Of course, hidden among all of these accomplishments is...
Steve When I relieved Sue, she pointed at the ten mile radar, then at the GPS. We were within five miles of the GPS location Chuck had set. Speaking of the devil, Chuck came to the helm and said, "I figured we would be close. We're early. I originally didn't figure on us getting here until tomorrow morning. We've really made good time." Dewey could see we were looking at something and discussing it, so he came over to check out the radar and GPS. He said, "Wow, we are close. How close...
Chuck Lisa and I were having fun doing what we liked to do when we were relaxing. We were both sitting on a little raised stage at the bottom of what was like a theater in the round. The platform had a baby grand with a bench and two chairs, with Lisa and me sitting on them. An interesting part of this is that there was absolutely no sound system. If you were looking for un-plugged, this was the ultimate. The acoustics in the theater had been designed so that what was played on the little...
Steve, Sunday mornings are always fun around home. Chuck showed up with his crew, dressed to stimulate as much as my ladies did. As breakfast was eaten, Chuck said, "I want play with the new boat. What do you think, Steve, could we take it out for a while?" People heard Chuck's request and were speaking up, "Yeah, take us out on the new boat." "Let's see if Chuck can captain his new boat." "Come on Steve and Mercy; let's help Chuck check out his boat." Sue rolled her eyes and...
Steve Chuck had come out for breakfast this morning to talk to me about something. When we had our coffee and were sitting at the bar away from people, Chuck said, "There's a bunch of things coming together all at once. Magellan called to say the boat's ready to be picked up. I've transferred funds and paid them, so we can bring it up any time." He took a sip of coffee and said, "You want to go to Hawaii for a few days, which at a minimum is a day going and a day returning. I can get...
Steve We picked up a nice wind the first day out. There was a low pressure area stalled to the northeast of us, providing us with an almost direct stiff wind from the south-southeast. If we can keep this up, we'll be home in four days easy. Chuck had the helm this morning and seemed to be contemplative about going home. I went up and handed him a fresh mug of coffee. "What's on your mind, Guy, anything to worry about?" Chuck smiled and said, "I love being out on the water, but I...
Steve Hap and Charlie had gone for a ride and came back to the park a little shook up. Hap parked his bike and came into the patio with Marge, while Charlie put his away. They went to the bar for some beer and also poured some shots. When Margie finished hers, she said she would be back as soon as she took care of Shirley. I didn't know if it was the Shirley over near them or another person, but it sounded like someone unrelated to the park. Both guys gave me a couple of sideways looks...
Steve Amazing, one night the little ones don't wake you up, and the next they wake up a couple of times. It wasn't bad either time, as Mickey and Giovanna were quickly up to take care of them. I can't imagine what Chuck is doing with ten of them in his big suite. Chuck has made some very nice plans for us, considering I thought the resort was sold out to other customers. Chuck is sneaky that way. He'll have had this planned for months now, and was able to coordinate holding the Costa...
Steve Someone was doing something to me under the covers. I opened my eyes then reached down to caress the head that was giving me pleasure. Short hair meant it was Mickey. She didn't usually do this, but enjoyed more traditional lovemaking. She continued until I was getting the feeling preceding my giving her a taste treat. I tried to pull her up, to pull her away, but she resisted, hanging on until, 'Oh yeah, that is so good.' "Oh, Mickey, that feels so good." The dark-headed...
Steve I rolled over and almost rolled off the bed. My movement, while catching myself at the last minute, woke Sue who looked at me funny. She smiled at me and asked, "What are you doing up? You were on duty until two this morning! Sleep a little more." I looked at the clock and said, "It's already six and we should be near port by now. I want to be up when we enter that lagoon at the yacht club. Chuck probably won't have a problem but I should probably be there to help tie up. Let's...
Steve I was awake around three in the morning, thinking about Chuck and Lisa. I watched them go through some really deep emotions yesterday. Every person who has gone through combat has experienced it. You hold it in and hold it in, experiencing the flashbacks and reliving the fear and adrenaline boost all over again, time and time again, whether in dreams at night or when something triggers it. Anyone who has every experienced it would have recognized that Chuck and Lisa were sitting on...
I spent most of the day looking forward to the evening’s party. The night before I’d gotten reasonably wasted at a party and had done something that I’d thought was unthinkable. Chuck and I were great flirts but we’d never done anything more than heighten our own sense of arousal in teasing others in public places, but last night we’d had a little test to see if I could get someone to make a pass a me using only body language. Of course, the body language had been amplified by a silk halter...
Steve I feel as if everything is going faster. Time was rushing by the closer it comes to the time for us to sail. When I woke up Monday morning, I felt a sense of urgency to get up, do something, prepare for something, to take care of last minute anything. Mercy hugged me and whispered, "Relax, everything is taken care of. You have wonderful people who will take care of everything while you're gone. They can call you anytime, and can even e-mail you with pictures or other information, if...
Steve I was up early, as usual, sitting in the parlor on one of the fixed stools at the bar in the suite. You know how it is; waiting for coffee to brew can seem like an eternity when you don't want to sit there and wait. There was no place else to go and nothing else to do. If I went out to the patio, I would just have to come back in. If I went back into the room, I would probably disturb someone. Wonder why I can never sleep late? Only on rare occasions can I sleep until seven or eight....
Steve It was already six thirty when I looked at the clock. Today was Saturday, but I could hear noises and people moving around in the kitchen. I did my bathroom stuff and walked out to find what looked like most of Chuck's household in the kitchen. Chuck and Lisa were peeling potatoes, some pregnant women were working with dough for some kind of treat, and Gina and Mesa were making some paper thin pancakes and wrapping them around cream cheese and fruit. I wanted to try one right then....
Steve I had just discussed the medical laboratory plant with Sue and we agreed that this was an important project. We both wanted to continue to assist Chuck in helping vets any way we could. It was past time to run into work, so I went to see how the company was functioning. A walkthrough of all the shops is always the best way to get a feel for what's going on. I saw Hank in the rear of the motor shop, painting one of Shawna's chopper creations. He was doing it from a chair with his...
The freshman class was arriving and getting settled in, there was this cute little pudgy guy from the middle of the state. He was a long way from home and his first time being so far out of reach of his family. As I was heading for my room I noticed that he was entering one on my floor. I thought it strange that a freshman would be on the fourth floor of Grants Hall, I stopped and went to investigate. I introduced my self to him 'Hi, I'm David, I'm in room 412. Are you sure you are on the...
Chuck NorrisOne time Chuck Norris was walking around in the woods looking for hippies to use as firewood. Suddenly a Kodiak Grizzly Bear crossed his path and made eye contact with Chuck Norris, Bad Idea – Chuck took out his Swiss Army Knife and stabbed the Bear in the throat. Chuck ate the Grizzly Bear and used the Grizzly Bears’ fur for a rug.If you don’t know who Chuck Norris is he is a world champion at kickboxing, karate, ninja arts, sumo wrestling, Tae Bo, street fighting, hand to hand...
Steve I had slipped out of bed while the girls were all sleeping soundly. Sue raised her head, smiled at me, looked at the clock, and lay her head back down. While I was taking a quick shower, Kathy joined me and was very amorous this morning. It wasn't long before the shower degenerated into doing her while she leaned against the wall. When we both successfully and enjoyably completed our coupling, we clung to each other as the water rained on us. Kathy said, "This is nice. Sometimes I...
Steve As soon as I stepped out on the patio, Tiny came in the back door, waving some papers while grinning his conspiratorial grin. I asked, "What are up to, Tiny? What's got you wound up so early?" "I've just heard from another Saudi sheik who is buying a new 737. The man heard we were buyers and called our office. The night customer service people transferred the call to me and we will get the new or rather new/used bird today. The Sheik's agent said we would like the price. I...
Steve Last night had been strange. Chuck was in a fight, no that wasn't right. He really didn't have a fight. That monster guy attacked him, and Chuck just tossed him. He did whack the guy in the nose, but it could have been the heel of the hand into the nose, a killing blow. We all learned that one. That wrist thing Chuck did was so quick that it was just something that happened as the big guy went over the top of him. I was sitting drinking that first cup of coffee contemplating what...
Chuck When we woke up the next morning, I went up to the galley and made coffee. Up in the main salon, I opened the sliding door to a cacophony of birds in the nearby trees. I watched a turtle run down a log into the water, and even saw a set of eyes back in the mangroves looking for something to eat. Lisa brought me a mug of coffee and we sat out on the deck, looking around at the peaceful setting. A boat would come down or go up the river, but we were fairly obscured and someone would...
I know I didn't go to sleep with Nancy on my shoulder, but she was now straddling me, totally capturing me in her pleasure center. She whispered in my ear, "Do it, Chuck. Make me a mommy again. Give me our son so you can teach him to be the crazy man you are. Do me, Chuck, make our son." Nancy was moving up and down on me with a determination that would not be denied. We began kissing and I pushed her back so I could nurse on her breasts that were still full of milk. I knew I was taking...
I was confused about something when I woke up. I couldn't remember what it was or why, but I figured that some forms with my internal music would give me answers. I went outside to stretch after putting my peg, some shorts, and a T-shirt on. It was raining, but I needed the forms enough that I ignored the steady rain and began going through them one at a time. I was going from one stance to the next as I stretched all my muscles which gave my mind time to think of what was troubling me. Oh...
My body alarm was going off, making me wonder what I needed to do. Oh yeah, sunrise. I looked at the clock and realized I should get up if I was going to get to see it all. I moved from the bed to the nearby chair and slipped my peg, shorts, and a T-shirt on. I used the bathroom for a quick pee, tooth and mouth cleaning, and a shave. I saw the sliding doors to the porch were already open when I went to the kitchen. I looked outside and saw Dewey and Steve with a chair between them. On the...
Chuck This had been a busy day. We docked in Ireland this morning and have been busy all day. The kids demanded a lot of Lisa’s and my time, as they wanted the two us to help the Irish kids to learn what they had learned. The Irish kids were lucky to have Serene to teach them at home, since she was a lot more accomplished than I had thought. That was the fun part, and then there were Julie’s adult kids. Sue had made the call for me so they could take the ferry to Ireland, be here for the...
Chuck A few days later, we were passing Gibraltar. Everyone on board was out on deck to view the sight that was so familiar from the kids' geography books, the thick yellow National Geographic magazine pictorials, and advertising. The iconic view we all remember from the Prudential Insurance ads, though, is visible only from one angle, on the Mediterranean side of the Rock. Fortunately, our course kept that view in sight for quite a while. Gibraltar looks unrecognizably different from...
I woke before six and slipped from the warm bodies, slid into my peg, used the bathroom, put some clothes on, and went outside to the grassy area. I was just beginning when Lisa and Tina joined me. A few seconds later, Don, Jan, and Wanda joined in, and Brandy and Tiani soon were stretching with us. All of us were soon bringing our last form to a close and taking our clothes off on the way to the pool. Some leisurely swam from end to end, and others powered our way back and forth until we...
Steve My pile of women was surrounding me, with Sue doing her sleeping best to smother me between her triple Zs. No boobs are that big, but Sue has enough for three or four women. Don't you just love those big balloons? I sure do. I slid to the edge of the bed without waking anyone, but knew that we needed to get up and get going this morning. We have to leave around seven-thirty. I stretched before beginning to gently wake the women. Oops, there were two extras next to Juanita. Trixie...
We had a full bus on the way to the fancy nude resort. It was about a half-hour ride that took us through some beautiful Hawaiian countryside. Kal quickly came to me upon arrival, and said, "You know this is a nudist resort, don't you?" "Sure, Kal, it's a great place to come to. I'm sure the family's planning on at least a couple of days out here while we're in Hawaii." Kai was with the big man and said, "What's the matter, big guy, don't you want to impress the ladies?" I...
I knew it wasn't morning yet since I was still very tired and sleepy. It took a minute for me to realize that I was being awakened by an enthusiastic mouth or mouths. There were giggles coming from my midsection as my ego was being given some very nice attention. One of the women came to my face and kissed me as soon as my hand swept over her body. It was Lisa who talked in my head instead of vocally. "I'm sorry to wake you, but we three missed you terribly. All three of us wanted to come...
Steve Mercy was shaking me, "Steve, Steve, wake up. Chuck may need you. I think Maria's in trouble." I sat straight up trying to think why Maria would be in trouble. Oh yeah, she's about to hatch. "What kind of trouble, Mercy, what is it?" Mercy just shook her head, "I don't know, but she just woke Chuck up. He may need us. Let's get over there to make sure they are alright." I began putting some clothes on. Sue, Kathy, Mickey, and Juanita woke, seeing Mercy and me dressing,...
It was a difficult situation. On the one hand I owed the man my life and on the other the same man had just ruined my life and I wanted to kill him. Oh God did I ever want to kill him. I'd known Chuck damned near all my life. We grew up three houses from each other on Delancy Street. We went to school together, dated the same girls and played on the same teams. We were closer than brothers. He'd had my back and I his any number of times and everyone knew that if you fucked with Chuck you...
Chuck and Sue had been married for several years, and they were still as hot as firecrackers for each other when it came to their sex life as man and wife. Unlike many couples, both Sue and Chuck were very attractive and they were certainly very attractive to each other. Chuck still found his sexy wife as hot in bed and as sexually desirable as he ever had. He loved to play around with Sue, play with her body, kiss and caress her, and he always loved it when both of them took their sexual...
Steve We had eaten a great supper and were all relaxing on the patio when Wanda came to get me. She asked if we could go somewhere to talk. Not knowing what was up, I took her to Sue's offices in the other end of the trailer from the bedrooms. Wanda and I sat down and she said, "Steve, I don't know what to do. I talked to Chuck this morning and he's been shot. Lisa, Nightfox, and him, were all shot. He says they're not too serious, but I'm not sure about that. When I called our base...
Chuck How can that be? My cell phone is ringing. I don't remember leaving it on. Jesus, who could be calling at, I lifted my head to see it was six thirty? I was on the outside of the pile of female flesh, so I was able to get up and hop to the table where my pocket stuff and cell phone was. "Hello." A sort of familiar voice said, "Hey, Chuck, how're you and that sweet Lisa doing?" Trying to figure out who this was I said, "We're all fine, ah, who is this?" "Hey man, this is...
I woke up being nearly smothered by good smelling women. The weight on my stomach was Tiani, and Brandy was on one of my shoulders. The other shoulder held Nancy, who was whispering in my ear, "I love you, Chuck. Please make me a mommy again. Please, Chuck. Let me give my mom another grand baby." I kissed Nancy and told her, "Let it happen when it happens. Let's not force anything and let this next one come on his or her own." "But this is the perfect time to do to it, Chuck. It'll...
Someone was giving me lots of kisses so I reached up pulling her to me, thinking one of the girls wanted some middle of the night loving. As I held the tiny body to me, Tiani said, "Wake up, Chuck. Your phone is going crazy over on the nightstand. It rings and buzzes and keeps ringing. Whoever is calling calls right back when it goes to voicemail. Answer it, Chuck, it must be important." I crawled out of bed and reached for the phone to look at who was calling. The phone began its ringing...
As I sat naked on the bed front of my laptop, checking my emails; a usual email message came up on my computer, it reads: 'Open immediately from Chuck'. Curious, I open the email, and its show a picture of me laying on the bed with my legs spread open. It's more like I just finish masturbated! Shock, and confused, I reply back to Chuck and ask; 'How did you get that picture?' Chuck respond; ' I snap you while you were into your devotion. Let me tell you? You made my dick very hard.' I wasn't...
Steve As I opened my eyes, I realized it was Wednesday and we would be sailing in a week. That almost scared me, thinking there were suddenly too many loose ends for me to be taking off like that. As I thought about it a little more, I realized that it will always be that way, and that's why we have good people working for us. I sat up and made a decision, the guys needed to get on their horses, or airplane in this case, and get over to Hawaii as they needed to be back at home while I'm...
Steve Ah, Wednesday morning! I was still half-asleep, but knew something was happening today. I sat up straight and said, loud enough to disturb the sleep of the ladies next to me, "We're going sailing today!" Mercy rolled over, looking up at me while stretching, and said, "Only because Chuck is back." I asked, "He is? Did he call last night?" "No, Silly, he came home while we were playing up at the hot tub. His girls should have called, and may have tried, but I think they were...
Steve As I passed through the galley, I was confronted by Glenda, still in her robe. I asked, "Are you going to stay in today?" Glenda said, "I think Martin and I have been overdoing it. The scooter thing we did yesterday helped, but we were both so tired last night that we thought we should stay home and rest a little. I can spend the day doing some dusting, and I need to wash some clothes for my man. The two of us could use the rest. I thought I might give home a call this afternoon to...
Chuck I woke up in a sweat. Remembering the night before didn't help with the PTS, with maybe a D on the end. That was close. I wonder why the bomb detonated, did it have a timer? Was there another person with a remote detonator? I doubt I'll ever know. I do know I was grateful to have carried Lisa out of the way. A heavy-breasted person was at my back and it wasn't Frieda as the belly wasn't bulging. That's when I remembered Gina. My, oh my, what do I do after hearing Giovanni's...
Steve Oh my, I have to pee very badly. I was able to slip from the pile of bodies to stand in front of the throne for about an hour. Not really, but for a couple of minutes, at least. I was about to shake it off when long arms surrounded me to take my hands away and took hold of me. A recognizable voice said, "I'll do that. As soon as I do the same, let's use the shower real quick. This morning is going to be busy with people leaving." Long, tall Kathy sat on the pot while I turned on...
Flying home with Lisa sitting next to me after telling me that she was pregnant had my head spinning. Thank goodness being on mental autopilot reminded me call in to enter the landing pattern. I released my seat belt and leaned over to Lisa when we finally landed, had the aircraft shutdown, ready to refuel and put in a hangar. "Don't give me news like that while we're flying and I can't reach over to tell you how crazy in love with you I am. This is big, really big." Lisa smiled and...
The weather decided to give us a fit on the sixth day into our voyage sailing to Hawaii. Steve was on the wheel in the indoor cockpit when he sent Judy down to wake me up. Steve showed me the disturbance that was swooping down on us when I got up in the saloon helm with him. He asked me what I wanted to do. "You've had more experience than me, Steve, but everything we've learned is to take the sail in, start the engines, and keep our bow into the seas." "Yeah, that's what Dewey taught...
I knew I hadn't done anything inappropriate with Cassie, and felt good about it, when I went downstairs this morning. She didn't need to be teased into thinking I would take her. As beautiful as she is, and as really sweet as Izzy is, I didn't want Cassie to think I was going to take her in with the rest of my ladies. Mina gave me a hug when I walked into the kitchen, and said, "You were so good to our Katrina. She told me she thought you gave her a baby yesterday. She also said you were...