Beetlesmith’s Ch. 12 free porn video

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The fear that held me fast in the city lost its grip with each mile I traveled home, and as I saw the comfortable, familiar surroundings of my neighborhood, I was finally feeling quite peaceful and content—the strange psychotic episode was all but forgotten.

I got home to an apparently empty house. I called out Karen’s name a few times but got no answer. However, as I made my way to the bedroom to change clothes, I heard the distinct sound of women’s laughter. I recognized one of the voices as Karen, and assumed the other was Denise—I guess she couldn’t wait until Saturday. It wasn’t Denise, however, and what I saw when I entered the bedroom stunned me into silence. Karen was on the bed, lying on her back, naked. On top of her, also naked and wrapped in her arms, was our friends’ daughter, Barbara Grant.

All I could say was, ‘What the fuck, Karen!’

Seeing and hearing my reaction, the two women giggled. Then Barbara said, in a voice of complete innocence, ‘Hi, Mr. Henry.’

I started to say, ‘Karen, what in the hell is go…,’ but Karen cut me off.

‘Well, it seems Lisa took off for the day and locked Barbara out of the house. So, after she was done with her chores, she decided to stop by instead of staying out under the hot sun. Didn’t you dear?’ Barbara just giggled a reply, laying her head onto Karen’s chest as if she were a small child seeking comfort from a maternal figure.

Right away, I knew that story was a lie. The Grants always kept a spare key to their house under a fake rock in their backyard. Lisa knew this, and I’m sure Karen knew it as well.

I looked at the two of them and knew this was wrong. Barbara wasn’t some young, anonymous girl we picked up from a coffee shop. She was daughter to our good friends. Someone we had known and even nurtured almost as a daughter since before she could drive. I was about to tell Barbara to get her clothes on and leave, when that surge of power I’ve come to know well, swept over me.

I tried to fight it back, shutting my eyes to the erotic scene before me. A sudden sickness welled up in me. I could taste the bile rising in my throat as my stomach wrenched in fits of spasm. For a moment, I thought I wouldn’t be able to hold back the sickness any longer, and would vomit right in front of them. Only when I looked at the two again in lust and want did the sickness begin to recede…

And once again, as I had experienced at Beetlesmith’s, I was standing outside of myself.

I stared at Barbara for the longest time. Her blond hair was straight and short, and its pale coloring made it look as if she wore a cap of gold, or donned a gilded halo. Lying as she was on Karen, her youthful, firm breasts pressed hard against my wife’s chest, and each time she inhaled, they seductively pushed out to the side. She had an athletic build, born from the fact she always tended toward the tomboy in her teens, and was still continually active in sports. Yet, I could still see a few pounds of baby fat through her shapely build. It lay mostly along her cheeks and buttocks, both of which dimpled whenever she smiled or of when she nervously clenched her bottom.

Karen had locked her legs around Barbara’s legs. With their legs intertwined so, when Karen spread her legs in one tantalizingly fluid motion, she spread the younger one’s as well, and thus giving me a tantalizing view.

I gazed lovingly at Barb’s firm buttocks, which protruded mound-like, smooth and pink far above the small of her back. A seductively thin, dark cleft divided the two, smooth mounds. She clenched them together tightly, as if she were afraid to show me what was between them. I smiled to myself at her nervousness, knowing she would only need the right touch and that tight cleft would freely open wide for me. Lowering my eyes from that lovely sight to another just as sweet, her bush was cropped short, and given the pale yellow color of her hair, it looked as though her pussy had no furry covering at all. I couldn’t tell how aroused she was, but I could with Karen. A heavy wetness glistened all across her outer folds and along her rose-colored thighs.

I pulled my gaze back so that I could frame both of them in a single glance. Yes, it was all wrong, so very wrong—but I no longer cared, filled as I was with desire.

Karen’s hands slid down to Barbara’s ass. She pursed her lips, as if to blow me a kiss, then gently spread Barbara’s cheeks in a teasing manner, saying, ‘It was such a nice treat I gave you yesterday, I thought I’d give you another.’

I took my suit jacket off, and sat down next to them on the bed. I ran my finger gently down the middle of Barbara’s back, starting from her shoulder blades, then moving along and through her still, tightly clenched cleft. I didn’t penetrate her, just performed a teasing glide with the tip of my finger that ended at her vulva. I pressed ever so softly at her opening, feeling it slick with her arousal.

Kissing the small of her back, I asked, ‘So, you decided to pay Karen a visit, then lo and behold you two fell into bed, naked?’

Karen laughed, ‘Well it didn’t happen quite that way, silly.’

I continued kissing Barbara’s back, moving further down toward her buttocks, ‘How then, silly?’

‘We talked for a long while, didn’t we Barb. We talked about school, and her parents, and boys. Oh, we talked a lot about boys.’

‘Just boys…No men?’ I asked, teasingly.

‘I only know boys,’ Barbara interjected, dreamily. Then she giggled, ‘Well, I know one man.’

I continued my gentle kissing, making it to the crown of one of her firm globes. She clenched her cheeks as I shifted attention with my finger to her now protruding button, ‘Only one? Who is this mystery man that has your affections?’

Karen giggled this time, ‘Seems our dear Barb has always had a crush on you, my love.’

I stopped my progress with lips and finger to look at the two of them, ‘And how did you come by that secret?’

‘Right after we kissed,’ Karen said.

‘Okay, now you have to tell me everything.’

‘Well, it was about an hour before you got home, and Barbara was helping me fix dinner. We were still talking about boys, and talking about you of course, when little Miss ‘clumsy’ here, dropped an egg on the floor. I still think you did that on purpose.’

‘Shut up you brat. I did not,’ Barbara said, laughingly.

Karen stroked Barb’s buttocks lovingly, before continuing, ‘Anyway, we both bent down to clean it up, but she was quicker and so she got to the mess ahead of me. I was still leaning over her when she stood up after gathering the broken shells, and put her face right between my boobs,’ Karen patted Barb’s ass again, saying, ‘That, I know you did on purpose.’

‘Shut up! I did not.’

Karen kissed her on the forehead, and ended her story, ‘Then it just happened.’

Kissing Barbara on the exposed corner of her mouth, then kissing Karen on the lips, I asked, ‘Who kissed who first?’

‘I kissed Karen first, after she grabbed my boobs and started playing with them.’

Karen got a mock, indignant look on her face, before saying, ‘You brat, you weren’t supposed to tell.’

I asked, ‘And how many bites of the apple did you two take?’

Barbara looked confused, but Karen knew what I meant, and answered, ‘None. We waited for you.’

I smiled, ‘Good girls. Now, show me how you two kissed.’

They slid their hands up and into the hair of the other, before pushing sweetly into each other’s lips. They started slow and soft, just a kiss with the lips, but gradually they increased their fervor, recklessly pushing their tongues together until they melded as one.

While they kissed, and positioned such as they were with one on top the other, I easily applied a finger to each button, and gently massaged both with a hand. It was such a gentle massage, a teasing fingertip that I barely rubbed against them using a slow, circular mo
tion. Karen was fully aroused, and in no time, I had rubbed her to a quiet orgasm. She made no sound and continued kissing Barbara passionately throughout, only a subtle shivering of her legs and a small squirt of her pussy were the telltale signs she had come.

Barbara took a bit longer because of her nervousness, I think. Yet, I felt her moisture continually grow as I slowly rub her with increasing pressure. Karen continued to clamp her mouth over Barbara’s, forcing her to breathe and moan forcefully through her nostrils. Now that her juices were flowing freely, I inserted a probing thumb into the opening of her vulva.

As she neared climax, Barbara’s forced nasal breathing was becoming staccato and loud. Almost as a way to augment the audible approach of her orgasm, she clenched and unclenched her buttocks almost in time with her rapid breathing. It was so adorable. I had to kiss her buttocks in approval. When I shifted my oral attentions lower, flicking a quick tongue across her perineum, I felt her legs shutter violently in orgasmic spasm.

She laid her head back on Karen’s chest, eyes closed and panting. I offered my drenched fingers to Karen, who sucked on them insatiably. As Barbara’s breathing became more normal, I stroked the small of her back while saying, ‘That was nice sweetheart, but you have to make a decision now. This and much more will happen to you if you stay, or we can end it now with no complaints or regrets. Just put on your clothes and leave, and we’ll never speak of it again. It’s your choice.’

‘I want to stay,’ she said without hesitation.

‘Very well, from now on you will address me as ‘Sir’ and Karen as ‘Mistress’ and you will speak only when spoken to. Is that understood?’

‘Yes Sir.’

Karen looked at me with flames in her eyes, knowing the direction I was taking the evening. When I had done similar things with her and Denise, I purposefully kept Karen submissive along with Denise, but now I was making her an equal partner in our sexual games.

Karen’s voice was almost melodious, as she added her own conditions, ‘We’re going to have so much fun, dear heart, as long as you do what we say. But, baby won’t get her candy if she’s unruly and headstrong. If you treat Sir and Mistress with disrespect, then nothing for you. Is that understood?’

‘Yes Mistress.’

I was amazed how easily Barbara slipped into the submissive without any hint of reservation or confusion. It was as if she had fantasized about this moment her whole, short life, and accepted her role without question. As expected, Karen slipped into the role of dominant easily enough. She had been chomping at that bit ever since our turn with Beth in the car, and I had a feeling she wanted to do this going all the way back to our first time with Gloria.

Karen kissed Barbara’s forehead while stroking her buttocks, ‘Good girl, now roll over and lay on your back.’

I took off my clothes, as the two got comfortable in their new positions. They renewed their kiss as I slid my head between Barbara’s legs. She was thoroughly aroused now. Beads of moisture glistened on her pubic hair, and all along the folds of her vulva. When she felt my tongue enter her, she let out a soft moan around Karen’s tongue, and spread her legs as wide as she could for me.

She had very thick outer labia, almost muscular in the extent that they robustly protruded away from the rest of her groin. Yet, her inner labia were very thin in comparison to the outers, but they stood out rigidly, forming a clear and well-defined triangle, framing her slick, fragrant opening. At the triangle’s apex, a very large clitoris protruded stiffly outside its protective hood. I smiled to myself when I saw her button. Thinking that even a blind, sexual neophyte would have little problem finding it, even on a night as black as pitch.

I teased her, ever so deliciously, flicking my tongue up from underneath her clit were it joined the labia, while simultaneously rubbing its sensitive upper side with a wet finger. In no time, her lower torso squirmed to the slow, mounting pleasure.

Karen asked, ‘What are you doing to her?’

I answered, mirthfully, ‘Hardly anything at all.’

Karen shifted her attentions to Barbara’s firm breasts, and used as slow and gentle a technique on Barbara’s mounds as I was doing to her vulva. I watched for a moment, as she gently massaged one of her breasts with a soft, yet firm hand, while sucking on the other with equal tenderness. The young one kept her eyes closed the whole time. At irregular intervals, Karen would switch hand with mouth, keeping Barb off balance as to where the pleasure would come next. Every so often, Karen would back away, and stare at Barbara’s angelic face as she ran a moistened finger over and around her nipples. Each time she did this, Barb would intake a sharp breathe of air through her slightly parted lips before letting out a low, protracted moan. All the while, I continued my slow tease of her clitoris with tongue and finger, keeping her legs dancing in unrequited ecstasy.

We spent a very long while teasing her—’feasting’ on her like two lions gorging ourselves over a fresh kill. When Barb’s moaning became loud and incessant, Karen became every bit the lioness. Overcome by her own excitement, Karen took both of Barbara’s breast in hand, and crushed them together hard while taking great, sucking bites from each in turn. I could hear a loud popping sound each time Karen sucked hard off Barb’s nipples, and at each place that Karen sucked, deep reddish, ovoid welts formed.

As for me, I continued the slow tease, firmly, yet slowly, stroking the dorsal side of her large, protruding clitoris with a finger. Occasionally, I swiped my tongue along its underside, adding a bit more wetness and a differing tactile flavor to her aroused pussy that augmented my tormenting finger. Her pussy and buttocks were in continual motion, as both areas clenched and unclenched obscenely each time I stroked my finger down toward the tip of her clitoris. When I added a gentle, circular rub of the very tip of her button, her muscle contractions expanded outward from her vulva, encapsulating her whole lower torso—thighs, stomach, and pelvis were now in continual, shifting, sexual motion.

Her moans came loudly, joined by a single, protracted word, ‘Oh.’ Each time, her vocalizations started low in timbre as she exhaled, yet always ending on a note a few octaves higher.

I heard Karen laugh, melodically, ‘Is Sir pleasuring you well, dear heart?’

Barb barely squeaked out, ‘Yes.’

‘Yes what, dear heart?’


Hearing the sweet timbre of arousal in her voice, I concentrated all my efforts on the very end of her clit. Pushing it firmly into, and holding it against my tongue, I stroked hard at the tip while shifting my tongue about its underside. Barb arched her back immediately, and let go with a rapid series of ‘Ohs,’ again in that sensual low to high tenor.

‘Is dear heart going to come?’

‘Oh…Yes Mistress…Yes Mistress…Yes Mistress…Oh…’

Her last ‘Oh’ was abruptly cut off by a jolting spasm that threw her belly even farther into the air, causing Karen to side further forward toward Barb’s head. Karen clamped her lips over her mouth, as the young one continued to tremble with arched back, while a fast trickle of fluid emerged from her opening, running down between the cheeks of her ass. I finished her by applying a whole, massaging hand to her vulva, and continued to rub her until her back settled down onto the bed.

Karen released her from the kiss, and asked seductively, ‘That was so sweet. Did that feel good, dear heart?’

Panting heavily, Barb replied, ‘Oh yes, Mistress.’

‘I didn’t bite you too hard?’

‘Oh no, Mistress.’

Karen ran a finger down the middle of Barb’s face in motherly fashion, while asking, ‘Do you think you can do the same for me that Sir did for you?’

arbara giggled first before answering, ‘I’ll try Mistress.’

Karen straddled Barb’s head while facing me. I laid my head on Barb’s stomach for a moment so that I could watch. Such an erotic visual, with Barb’s head framed as it was between her own breasts and Karen’s straddled legs, she began her tease of Karen by running curious fingers all about her vulva. Between long bouts of finger play, Barb would perform brief jaunts with an extended tongue, gliding it slowly from Karen’s clit to her opening, and then back again.

Karen asked, breathlessly, ‘Is this your first taste of a woman?’

‘Yes, Mistress.’

‘I would have never guessed,’ Karen said with surprised tone, closing her eyes to the pleasure of Barb’s tonguing while pinching hard at her own breasts.

Overcome with what I was seeing, I said to Barbara, ‘Bring your knees up to your chest, baby. Now spread your legs wide for me.’

Her pussy was warm, soaked, and so very tight. I easily pushed my cock all the way into her, and began a slow, evenly paced screw. Already, she was arching her back well off the bed with imbued arousal.

Leaning forward, I latched my mouth onto one of Karen’s breasts. She gasped and shuddered, and grasping both of her breasts hard, held them forward for me.

I could see that Barbara had wrapped her arms around Karen’s hips, and based on the violent, shifting machinations of her chin accompanied by the loud squishing sounds coming from Karen’s groin, Barb had pulled her face fully into Karen’s pussy, tonguing and sucking on her with delight and complete abandon.

Karen couldn’t stay in her upright position much longer. Lowering her body down, she assumed the traditional sixty-nine position with Barbara. Once positioned, Karen intently watched my cock slowly sliding in and out of Barb for a time, before loudly moaning a request, ‘Let me taste her on you.’

I pulled out of Barb, and pushed into Karen. She suck on my cock with such a voracious hunger that I almost came.

Putting a mild, chastising hand onto her head, I said, ‘No my sweet, Sir mustn’t come too quickly.’

She looked up at me with those big blue eyes, now smoldering violet and soon on their way to turning obsidian black, and said, ‘Yes Sir.’ Then she slowed her pace, licking and gently sucking Barbara’s flavor off me.

I went back into Barbara, fucking her a bit faster and harder. When I pounded all the way in, I could see her grip tighten around Karen’s hips, as her forearms and fingers left deep indentations into Karen’s thighs. Leaning a bit forward, I could just barely see the top of Barb’s head sticking out from under Karen, as it wildly shifted and pivoted about Karen’s pussy. Both of them moaned loudly and often.

After a few more hard thrusts, I pulled out of Barb again, and slid fully into Karen’s waiting mouth. She clamped her lips far down on my shaft while applying a very hard suction as I withdrew myself, sucking me clean again. Before shoving back into Barbara, I pulled Karen’s head toward my groin, putting my scrotum into her warm mouth. Now, she could suck and tongue on me to her heart’s content, and she did, accompanied with deep, throaty moans that vibrated all about my lower extremities. There was a loud ‘pop,’ when I pulled my testicles out of her mouth, causing her to giggle uncontrollably. Holding her head fast, I shoved my cock into her mouth to quell her disrespectful, mirthful exuberance, pumped it a few times, before pushing back into Barbara.

This went on for some time, shifting back and forth between Barb’s tight cunt and Karen’s delectable mouth. Toward the end this interplay, Karen slipped two fingers around Barb’s clitoris and slowly stroked it up and down. The finger manipulations combined with my hard pounding were excruciatingly pleasurable on the young woman, as Barb brought her knees all the way to her chest and held them there. By this time, I think she all but gave up on servicing Karen, succumbing to the waves of pleasure that were fast building toward climax.

‘Is Sir fucking you well, dear heart?’

Barb grunted loudly in staccato, ‘Ye…Yes…Miss…Mistress!’

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Even if I took a Wraith as a host I would still need to use the sarcophagus, the Wraith don't age and as long they feed they can live forever but Goa'uld symbiotes have a lifespan of 2,000 years. Unlike Human hosts I could keep the same Wraith host forever plus if my Wraith host feeds on a Human and kills him or her I can place that Human in my sarcophagus where that Human will be ressurected and rejuvinated and my Wraith host can feed on him or her again and again and again. Sitting on my...

2 years ago
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Angel in Disguise Chapter 2

Chapter Two "Right strip off," Amanda ordered Dale as they went into the Bedroom. "You must have had your fun by now," replied Dale. "OK then, let's forget all about it, lets think, the Police will turn up and want to question me about last night, and I will say sorry Officer I don?t know what you are talking about, I was at the local hospital with my sick Mother," replied Amanda. "Well when you put it like that I have no option," said Dale. "I think the red off the shoulder...

3 years ago
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The Green Eyed Stranger

Sarah was the office prude. All the guys in the office agreed that she had a great figure. She just needed to dress like someone her age, rather than a librarian. Walking home from work one evening, the skies suddenly opened up in a torrential downpour and she was almost immediately drenched. “Dammit!” She yelled up at the clouds as she dashed to the nearest open door she saw and went inside. Once safe from the rain, she realised she had run into the bar she passed every evening but would...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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EXPERIMENTATION LEADS TO DISCOVERY OF THE HYMENRecently, I read a story which had been posted by another user, who since has retired from xHamster. It was entitled, Losing My Virginity. It brought back a very nice memory, from my own chil**ood in the mid-sixties, which I would like to share with you. When I was el**en, I lived across the street from an ei**t-year old girl named Judy. She was always outside in her front yard so we started to hang out and play together. At the time, I had a sort...

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At the Adult Arcade

We find ourselves taking a trip to a local “Adult Book Store”. Like most, it not only has books, but also sexual aids, videos, novelties… We wander around looking at the shelves - getting ideas for future adventures and fantasies… You wear a short, short skirt; low cut top, sheer with a seductive and revealing bra on underneath and your hard nipples poking through. You draw the gaze of all the men (and women) in the place.I whisper you a dare. You bend over pretending to look at something on...

1 year ago
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Mera Pyara Sa Experience

Hello dosto, I am back on iss after a long time. Inn dino mein main maine bhot maze kiye.Ek professional escort ban gayi main. Aaj main apko meri aise hi ek kahani k baare mein batane jaa rahi hu. Agar apko meri story pasand aaye aur aap bhi muje hire karna chahta ho toh you can email me on Toh story pe aate hai. Yeh pichle saal ki baat hai.Main thodi si moti ho gayi hu (jaise apko pata hai.Itna sex karengay toh mote toh honge hi).Mere boob size aur ass ka size bhi bhad gaya hai.38-36-40.Par...

2 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 15

Laura knew that she had to go to Rina this time. Last time Rina had come to her, something Laura had thought she had no right to expect. And in fact, she had been shocked and surprised when the girl showed up at her door. But now, she knew she would never see Rina again if she herself didn't try. But what would she say? How could she possibly overcome the fierce jealousy and abandonment that Rina felt? Should she just apologize and say she didn't want it to end the way it had, without at...

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A Wedding to RememberChapter 13 Paul What Did I Do

The answer to Steph’s question involved a series of events that took place starting Saturday—a week before the big wedding. Paul stumbled onto the truth. Paul was tending bar Saturday night at the club. An old friend, Thad Higbee, stopped in for a beer and to say hi to Paul. The place wasn’t too busy, so they had a good visit. Near the end of their time together, things took a turn Paul never saw coming. “Dude! It’s so good to catch up.” “Paul, it’s been way too long.” “Hey, I’ve got next...

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Violated by My Dads br

This story took place the summer that I turned 18. I had been a cheerleader for the last three years of high school. My body was toned and I always would lay out in my tiny bikini and tan. I have blonde hair and emerald green eyes. My 34b breasts are very perky and my nipples have a mind of their own, getting hard for no apparent reason. The girls on my cheerleading squad nicknamed me RT. I think that my best attribute is my firm little behind. It has a nice little wiggle to it as I walk and it...

1 year ago
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My black lover

As the opening of my mouth comes in contact with that sweet opening between your thighs, my tongues flicks out and begins to fuck you. All you can say is: "Oh yes baby! Eat my pussy make me cum! Oh god that's so good!! Yes!!! Oh fuck yes!! There! Oh yes right there!! Like that!! Just like that!! Ohhhhhh Godddd !!! Oh yes!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Cummming baby! Suck it hard! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And your back arches and your ass lifts up off the bed as I make love to your pussy...

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Jennifer Janet L. Stickney [email protected] By the time I reached the age of 21 I was out of college and also, I had moved on from an accomplished crossdresser, to a complete woman. I am fully able to go anywhere I like dressed as Jennifer without any trouble at all. As I got ready to go out I once again set my breasts free of their restraints and let them enjoy the comfort of my padded bra. I reveled in the chance to once again totally enjoy being the woman I always should...

2 years ago
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Husband to the Fay A Halloween Story

Dear Prudence,I don’t usually write to advice columnists– actually I don’t even usually read your column– but I don’t know where else to turn. And it’s not just because the problem is sexual... well, it’s not really sexual... but it’s partly sexual. I guess you could call it sexual, but it’s mostly weird. I am writing to you for advice because I have a very weird sexual problem... but not in the kinky sex weird sort of way that people usually write to you about. This is Halloween weird.My wife...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Sarah Vandella Emma Starletto Lily Larimar A Couple Of Bad Apples

Step-sisters Emma Starletto and Lily Larimar both look bored as they sit in an empty classroom. They don’t have any work on their desks and their backpacks are on the floor. Suddenly, there’s a knock on the door. Emma and Lily are surprised when their step-mother Sarah Vandella pokes her head in. Sarah steps inside, looking stern. Shocked that they are unsupervised, Sarah is furious about the school’s lack of structure and discipline and decides to punish the girls herself....

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The ProtectorChapter 16

I was so stuffed by the time I got done eating, I was feeling sleepy and decided to take a short nap. Since I wanted to make sure the little red headed nurse didn't get into trouble, I put the empty bag under the covers where it couldn't be seen by anyone coming into the room. I had just dozed off, when I was awakened by the local vampire. She wanted to take my blood for the second time in about four hours. "Why are they drawing blood so often, Nurse? I am starting to feel like a pin...

2 years ago
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Truck Guy Beach ShowerChapter 6 After

We didn’t say much to each other on the trip home. We were both processing it all; the afternoon meant some big changes for us and our self-image as a couple. For the rest of the day we mostly just sat alone, me in the study, her in the living room, thinking while pretending to read. She also spent some time in the bathroom, taking a shower or two and maybe doing other things to clean herself inside, before going to bed early. We usually did that on Saturday nights, going to bed early then...

4 years ago
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Wife Crious About Bi Husband

My wife has always been very curious and turned on by the fact that as a teenager I had a long period where a friend and I enjoyed sucking each other's cocks. We have often talked about it and she knows how much I still love seeing a nice cock on a porn film. She sometimes tells me how nice it would have been to watch me and my friend and if we are having a fuck she gets very dirty about wanting to see me suck a cock.One evening we had watched a TV programme which featured two bi guys and so...

1 year ago
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Inkaar Karti Payal Ko Itna Seduce Kiya K Usne Meri Bajaa Daali

Hi to all..Me rajkot gujarat se hu..28 saal..Average looking middle class average guy..With thick and a bit long dick..Story desi english me likhi he taaki aap ko mazaa aaye..My partners name is payal.. Aap bhabhi ho to aap ke liye wo payalbhabhi.. Aunty ho to payalaunty.. Girl ho to payal..Esa isliye k aap ko mazaa aaye.. Saamne vaale ko agar mazaa aaya to aap ka kaam ho jayega.. Wo khush ho kar jaisa aap bologe waisa karega hi.. Der lagti he.. Lekin milta zaroor he.. Payal or me whatsapp or...

3 years ago
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Eden RescueChapter 30

"Ge' th'lan'err in wherre ye can, bu' do i' fas', Arrlen," came MacPherson's voice over the lander's communicator. "Then leave yer lock close' until I say. We'rre gaein' firrs' as soon as ye'rre on, closin' up la'err." It was now evident why the lander departures from Eden had been sequenced as they had. Nassir, as much the more experienced pilot, would have to slip his vehicle into the uncomfortably narrow slot left by Yuan, who'd taken up more than her share of the...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 64 It All Comes To A Head

July 31, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I asked. “Where else could we meet and talk privately? And openly? Without any witnesses?” “Even so, I’m not comfortable doing that because of our history AND because of the current situation. Would you object to Deborah being there? Eve would be OK as well, but I’d much rather have Deborah.” “I suppose.” “She knows our history, Julia. I told her everything because she needed to know.” “Excuse me?!” Julia...

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The making of a slut

Julie surveyed the bar and watched as the after work businessmen tried to impress the young girl sitting nervously at the bar. Julie admired her innocence as she blushed with each advance she received as she desperately tried to attract the attention of the barman, Julie stood and walked slowly over to the bar stools and slipped onto the stool next to the young woman. Smiling like a shark sensing its prey Julie muttered in a low husky voice, “Hi I’m Julie”. “Penny” the young girl...

4 years ago
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Flawed Wife

I consider myself very lucky to have such a beautiful wife, although she is only 23 years old, to my 29, she has lived her life to the full. I of course didn't know any of this until after I had married her, but after an initial shock I found it very stimulating to hear of her sexual adventures when she was younger. I sowed my fair share of wild oats in my time but its nothing compare to hers. So lets start at the being, I met her when she was just out of college and joined my company. It was...

3 years ago
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East of Nowhere Part 5 Exploring Hartford and More Revised

Sasha grabs some armor, leggings, boots and gauntlets for Winter and heads up to the front of the store and sets them on the counter and told the shopkeeper, “I want to buy these, a one-handed sword, and if you could, could you repair my armor and boots? We’re leaving sometime tomorrow.” The shopkeeper says “Would you like to sell your old armor and weapons? I can repair your things, and here is your bow, arrows, sword and armor. Give me until later tonight to repair your stuff, come back...

1 year ago
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Mom making up with dad

Note : This story is completely fictional! After weeks of arguing over their troubles, dad started sleeping on the couch. I think mom was wanting to fix things and patch up their relationship and get dad back into bed.She flirted alot but he wasnt biting. Every night he would be back on the couch at bed time. My dad or really my step dad he was forty five years old ,about 5 ft 9 inches tall.He was in decent shape, being he was a police officer.He had a pretty good size cock , seeing it a few...

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Interracial Sex

I met this young black guy on the internet in last week and he sent me couple of his 10″ cock pictures by email but since I don’t trust guys on the internet I asked him to show me his cock live on web cam and he did. I was so shocked by the size of his huge black cock that my cunt got soaking wet just looking at him image on the screen and I found my self playing with my pussy and masturbating myself just thinking of having this massive hard black cock in my wet tight cunt. I checked into a...

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New Beginnings The Maid Part 1

John stumbled through the doors of the hotel, dragging his travel case behind him. This would be the third he had tried tonight, it was close to midnight and he desperately needed a place where he could have the breakdown that he was struggling to contain. The receptionist, a bored looking woman in her mid-twenties, noticed him and immediately recognised the signs of a man in distress. She'd seen her fair share of distressed folk looking for a last minute room. She sat up straight. She also...

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The Jacker

It all started with the accident. It seems like such a cliche: getting in a car accident and finding yourself hovering over your body on an operating table; but that's more or less how it started. Sort of. The scene in the operating room wasn't when the out-of-body experience started. There was that moment of panic when you were driving to work and you felt something trying to invade your consciousness. It was that feeling of a dark, heavy presence pushing your consciousness down into a deep...

Mind Control
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Private Gina Gerson Rims and fucks her man

In Private Specials, Ass Licking Sluts, Gina Gerson has come once again to give a masterclass in rimming. This Private star knows what she wants, putting her man on all fours and treating him to a good spanking and licking. Gina really knows how to put her tongue and fingers to work, so much so that she is returned the favour with a good fuck, riding and getting rammed from behind. But this hungry slut just can’t get enough and goes back for more, finishing off her man with some more ass...

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Long Drive With Girlfriend 8211 Part II

Hello guys this is manu 19 years old again posting the second part of my story for people who havent read it plz read the story long drive with my girlfriend and then continue……And also thanks to the readers who have given good response to my story Coming to the story As i received the message from janu saying i want to see you….I replied her will be there in ten mins,she replied back no no dont come here we might get in to a problem i some how convinced her and started to her house.On my way i...

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This is a true story that happened a while back to me. I really felt like getting it out and hopefully you guys like it. Everything is true, except the names are changed as I do not want the real identities to be revealed. The story of course isn’t word for word true, I couldn’t remember all of it. There was more time in between the events that I wrote about, but I didn't include that time because there wasn't a lot of sex in those times and you guys would get bored. It's a pretty short...

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My Second time Bi Experience the Second Hour

Ok, I had just had my first Bi KISS and first CUM Kiss with Tom who was just as Happy as he could be. After our kiss, he said how much he was enjoying introducing me to the Bi life. So here we stand, my chest still sticky with the random cock's cum, my head spinning a little from what I had just done to that cock...totally naked except for shoes...with Tom who was Also totally naked as well. He said "Now, where were we?" and he took my aching cock in his hand and made me sit back on the bench...

2 years ago
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Taipei meet and fuck

In the early days of my time living in Hong Kong, I was working for a small tech start-up during the day and enjoying the notorious Wanchai nightlife in the evenings. I was also having a degree of success with a particular website for swingers. So when my boss announced that we'd be going to the Computex trade fair in Taipei, Taiwan, I contacted a local Chinese girl there who was game for a hookup.I was pissed off, to say the least, when my boss told me on the flight that we would be sharing a...

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6 My next sissy adventure

khammer1 When I last wrote of my sexipades.....I had spent a drunken night in a tent,kinda in and out of consciousness.Quite obviously,there were other things in and out of me.... After eating our breakfast,and I had dolled myself up in a denim skirt,pink blouse and white cotten panties(with little pink flowers of course).My friend, threw a few things into his athletic bag,we headed back down the hill." Where are we headed"? I inquired. "I have some people I wanted you to...

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My wedding

This is the first time I am writing and I hope you enjoy my misery and worthless life, just like so many men did. My Name is Rajesh and I am 26 years old. I got married on 1 Feb 2006 to my beautiful wife Sumana. Sumana was 23 years old then and works as a Manager in a Call Center at Bangalore. She stands about 5’3″ tall and is slim and fair with long hair, but has ample breasts and a nice perky ass. She was a very lively but soft natured person, whom everybody liked, wheras I am a quite person...

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My first threesome

Here is a story that I wrote a while back for a friend. I would love to hear some constructive criticism. This is my first story here on Lush. Hope you enjoy. So I jump out of the shower and start to towel myself off from my hot shower at this point I hear a woman screaming! I’m not sure where it is coming from so I look out the window and try to see anything in the back yard. I see nothing, but once again I hear a woman screaming and run to my room and put on a pair of loose shorts and run...

2 years ago
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The Devils PactChapter 51 The Morning Star

And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. –Revelations 6:12-13 Tuesday, August 24th, 1995 – Lucifer – The Abyss I stared at Mark Glassner's string, following his unremarkable life into the future. He was the one. I could feel it. He was lonely, desperate, and just selfish enough to be my pawn. If I made a little nudge here on May 30th, 2013, whispering into his dream,...

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