El Of A ThingChapter 4 free porn video

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Portal to Elfrealm Lake's Edge, Grant Park, Chicago, IL

Rick was still a tiny bit pissed at Daland, but figured the least he could do was take a look at the finished stone, as he'd agreed to do on their private comm chat. He was at the Portal to Elfrealm Lake's Edge in Grant Park and after completing the transition, he was met by a deeply bowing Daland saying, "Greetings, My Lord. Thank you for coming and allow me to extend my most heartfelt apology once again for causing you any distress.'

"Oh heck, Daland. I think it was just the surprise factor that got to me. Next time just ask before you pull a bomb out of your hat." Rick replied with a grin.

"I will, My Lord," was the response. "My Lord, if you would care to sit I will show you the fruit of our labors." This said while two sturdy chairs and a white work table appeared.

When they were seated. Daland pulled a small 'treasure chest' from a pocket. It even had a tiny padlock on it. Rick was about to throw a 'Treasure Island' quip out, when Daland produced a small key and opened the chest. The sight of the magnificent stone inside smothered any off the cuff remark Rick was about to make, and he just sat in spellbound wonder. Finally breathing out, "Oh My God, it's gorgeous, Daland."

"My thanks, My Lord. I am pleased you like it. Would you care for a ring mount for the stone?" Daland queried.

"Certainly. How long will it take to complete and how much will it cost?" Rick asked.

"To answer the first part of your question. Immediately. This has always been one of my favorite designs." Daland said.

When Rick again glanced at the stone. It was to find in nestled in a mounting that combined a perfect blend of Art Deco and Art Nouveau styles. It was so exquisite that Rick decided to look at no others. "Unbelievable, it's absolutely perfect, Daland," Rick whispered.

"As for the second part of your question. I fear I don't understand the import." Stated Daland.

"Well, no one does anything for free. So, how much do I owe you for this?" Rick said, while shaking himself from his trance...

Seeing shock on the face a Dwarf was surprising enough. But, when Daland found his wits Rick was in for one of the rudest awakenings in his entire life.

Daland started with, "My Lord. Allow me to speak freely for a moment. I fear I must be blunt here."

'The very idea of one of our Folk, expecting payment from a Guardian, for anything. Just doesn't bear thinking about. You four and possibly the little one growing in Sarah Olson's womb are the only Guardians my folk are aware of in the entire five worlds. If you were to live a hundred human life spans, you could never ask enough of our folk to balance the scales. You see My Lord, we know who you are, even if you do not. You still think of yourself as just another human, but this could not be farther from the truth. Please forgive the blunt speech, My Lord. But these things needed saying."

Rick, feeling more humbled than he could ever remember, said, "Daland, please accept my thanks for this gift from your hearts."

"My Lord, you are more welcome than I could ever convey." Was the reply. Then with an eye twinkle, "But if you could pass on whether this does trigger Mage Talent in your lady. That would certainly be appreciated."

As Rick stepped back into Grant Park. He knew in his heart that his world view had just undergone another fundamental change. 'Guess the shocks never do end.' He thought.

He then placed a call to Alice, checking if she were free for dinner and arranging to pick her up at seven P. M.

TUESDAY 8:45 A. M.
Oldham Consulting, West Brook, IL

The first field reports were starting to come in. So far they were all negative. But Lawrence Oldham had learned patience over the years. As the reports were delivered, he advised his teams to continue with their assigned schedules. 'We'll find it eventually.' He thought.

TUESDAY 9:37 A. M.
Fox River Run, Aurora, IL

The council had finally traced Mitchell back to his residence. The twelve gathered around this beacon of hope for their survival. Then they set to work guiding Mitchell's thoughts in the correct patterns. In about a half hour they had dropped enough data points for one of Mitchell's famous 'hunches' to form. Acting on this, he placed a call to Oldham and informed him of the new search parameters.

Oldham then contacted his field teams. Updating them that they were now looking for anyone habitually hanging around the area of Wabash and E. Van Buren, besides people that actually worked in the area.

TUESDAY 10:31 A. M.
News Stand at Wabash and Van Buren, Chicago, IL

Mike contacted Ella by Mage comm and asked if she was out on morning class break yet. The answer coming back was that it would be another three to five minutes.

At this Mike sent, 'OK kid, yell at me in five. We need to go over the 'Demon Busters' final designs.'

'You got it Pops.' The answer came back, along with the image of a tongue sticking out, 'Talk with you in five.'

Chuckling, Mike thought, 'Well that's sure a far cry from the abused and terrified little orphan we found.'

Five minutes later Ella was back on line. 'So, what's up doc?'

'We need to decide on whether to have bows or hearts on the bomb casings. I was thinking that a little banner with 'When you Care Enough, to Send The Very Best' might be a nice touch too.'

'Seriously though, I'm pretty darn sure we have the exposure radius to where we'll get maximum coverage. I really want to get all these bugs at one shot, '

'Well, we're putting one on each cardinal point in a globe pattern, plus 'Big Mama' in the center, and with the tenth of a second delay on 'Big Mama', I'd think our coverage overlap should be in the range of 50 percent or better. You did say these bugs never travel away from the nest, except on orders from the head honcho. So, we shouldn't have any wandering stragglers to deal with. It looks like simplicity itself as far as I can tell.' Came Ella's response.

'Yeah, I know.' Mike replied, 'I just want to make certain. If I didn't think there would be an earthquake danger in our world I'd double up on the bomb load. I don't want even a cockroach to survive this event.'

'Wow. That sounds like a severe grudge, boss.' Ella responded.

Sighing Mike returned, 'No Dear, I'm not pissed at these things. I'm just tired of butting heads with these bugs. I've literally been 'on guard' for fourteen years now ... and Elnore has been keeping a lid on these pieces of garbage for so many centuries, he's lost count. Plus there is no way to change their nature. It's just time to end the problem at the source.'

'OK, I do get the point. Besides, I'm still 'the new guy'.' Ella returned, and then changed gears to, 'Mike, I need some advice. I've run head on into an abused child using rage as her first layer of defense. I can change her outlook, but how do I heal her soul?'

Mike's chuckle came back, 'The same way I did to yours, Dear One. Expose her to love.' Continuing with, 'Which reminds me, squirt. I think it's high time you quit fooling around with Al and Sarah. Don't you? You're as completely healed as you're going to get and they need a rest from the fever pitched 'Honeymoon' you've had them on. Just tone it back gradually so they don't start thinking something has gone sour with their relationship. Besides, you now have responsibility for the 'Mage In The Oven'. Miscarriage by overindulgence, is not an option.'

'What? You knew? MIKE!!' Came the outraged teen response.

When Mike's laughter scaled back a bit, he sent, 'Who do you think set that whole thing up for you, Dear? Santa, or The Easter Bunny? Besides, it worked like a charm didn't it?'

The exasperation and laughter bubbling up from Ella's soul was the only response for a few seconds, then came, 'Yeah it did. You, busybody. '

'Just keep today's theme song in mind then, 'Whistle, While You Work', ' came Mike's parting thought.

TUESDAY 1:32 P. M.
Area of Wabash and Van Buren, Chicago, IL

Teams one through seven were in place. The coverage they had on this area assured them that a mouse would not go undetected. They had already run preliminary scans. Locking in the 'Regulars' in the surveillance zone. All the other eight teams were in mobile units collecting license plate numbers and any other relevant data. The wait had begun.

TUESDAY 6:59 P. M.
1157 W. Diversey, Unit 9-C, Alice Latham's Apartment, Chicago, IL

Rick was still a bit nervous as he walked up to Alice's door. But the moment it opened and there stood his lady, it all evaporated into mist. Besides, he had the secret weapon in his pocket.

"Hi gorgeous. Wow, you look super. I've got us reservations at Gino's for seven thirty. Oh, and don't forget your coat. I wanted to show you a special spot at Grant Park afterward." Rick said while giving Alice a 'cheek nuzzle'.

"Way ahead of you Love." Alice replied with a laugh, while reaching for the coat rack.

Rick slapped himself on the side of the head, saying, "Duh, I keep forgetting how smart you really are. Come on Love, let's scoot."

As they walked into Gino's, they were met by 'Mama'. She had been a fixture here for as long as Rick could remember. "Ah, Mr. Fields and Miss. Latham. Welcome to our home. I have your table ready if you will just follow me."

She then led them to a secluded alcove. Wishing them good appetite.

The courses flowed one after another and before they knew it, they were looking at each other over dessert coffee. Rick then changed both their worlds by asking, "Alice, will you make me the happiest human on the planet, by marrying me?" While pulling the treasure chest from his pocket and opening it for her.

The hand flew to the mouth and the head nodded a 'simple yes'. Making Rick's world complete.

What followed was one of the sweetest kisses he could ever remember.

At Rick's head nod, Mama and half the wait staff, burst in with the celebration Champagne, while one of the crew played 'I Could Have Danced All Night' on a violin. A half hour later the well wishers had made their rounds and as Rick settled the bill, he leaned across the counter to give Mama a soft cheek kiss. While whispering in her ear, "Perfecto and Grazi Mama." The happy couple then took off for Grant Park and even a Chicago February didn't have a prayer of chilling these two.

As they neared the portal walking hand in hand Rick key it and asked if Alice could see anything.

She responded that she was seeing 'heat shimmer' and wondered what that could be.

Rick answered with a suggestion that they check it out, and so saying, he led her through the portal.

A Chicago February disappeared into thin air, being replaced by rolling hills of Emerald green grass and Beech tree groves. Alice's gasp of shock was also matched by almost crushing Rick's hand.

"Oh My GOD! Where are we Rick?" Alice nearly screamed.

Rick, with a smile glowing from his face said, "Welcome to the other half of my life, Dearest One."

"What? You live in OZ half the time?" Alice responded.

"No, Dear. OZ was a fantasy place. This is Elfrealm Lake's Edge and is about as real as it gets. Prince Elnore should be here in the next few minutes to welcome you and I am ... so proud of you," Rick returned.

"What? Prince, who? Proud of me, why are you proud of me? What could I possibly have done?" Came the barrage.

"Honey, think this through. How many people inhabit the Earth now? Six, maybe close to Seven Billion? After her nod, he stated, "I know of only five people on the face of the Earth, that are aware of this place or can even see it at all. You make the fifth. By the way, you might want to get used to being called, My Lady. It's going to happen a lot from now on. I knew you were special, I just didn't know how special."

Another "Oh My God!" squeal escaped from Alice. "You are serious, aren't you?"

"Very much so." Came the short reply. "Would you like to sit for a little while?" This said, while he made a comfortable love seat for them.

"You, didn't ... just do that? Did you?" Alice just about squeaked out.

"Sure did Dear, but are you ready for the best part? Soon you will be able to do this too. Come on Love, let's sit for a while to let this all sink in."

Once they had been seated for a few minutes with Alice still clutching Rick's hand and resting her head on his shoulder. Rick turned his head and asked, "My Dear, could you do something for me?"

Alice with her head still on his shoulder whispered, "I'll try Love, but right now I feel like a bowl of Jello."

"That's my girl, 'Unsinkable Molly Brown' had nothing on you. Now what I'd like you to do is concentrate on my hand. In a few seconds I'm going to create us a little snack and bring it straight to my hand. When you feel like you can't concentrate any harder then close your eyes without losing that focus. Can you do that, Love?" Rick asked.

"I'll try." Followed by an intense look crossing her face and then closed eyes along with a single head nod.

A second after the plate of 'Bolo De Sol' pastries appeared. Rick was looking into two very startled eyes, and heard the whispered, "Rainbows?"

Planting a kiss on her cheek, Rick whispered back, "Yes Love, Rainbows."

They had just finished snacking when they heard hoof beats and then caught sight of a solid white Arabian cresting the nearby hill. Riding it, was what looked like a knight in silver armor with flowing golden hair streaming behind. They rose to greet him as he dismounted.

Bowing, Rick said, "Greetings, My Lord, allow me to present my bride to be, Alice Latham."

"Honored, My Lady, Elfrealm Lake's Edge shall never be closed to you." Responded Elnore while bowing over her hand and bestowing a butterfly wing kiss. "Might I be so bold as to see the token of betrothal?" He asked.

Holding her hand up. Alice displayed the ring so recently put there.

"Marvelous. Daland has out done even himself this time." Elnore murmured. Hooking a thumb at Rick. He asked Alice, "Has this one explained what you wear?" Getting the 'no' head shake. He said, "You wear - as a betrothal ring - one of only a handful of True Red Diamonds on the face of the Earth. It is in all probability the most expensive ring ever created."

At this Alice gasped again with big eyes getting even bigger. "What?" Came the whisper.

Elnore answered her with, "I shall let your future husband be the one to drop the other shoe concerning its origin. In the meantime, may I offer you two small tokens in celebration of your upcoming marriage?"

As the head nodded again he continued, "This, My Lady, is called 'Flaran' in the Elven tongue." He said, while producing the most gorgeous flowering plant Alice had ever seen, with a scent that was a heavenly mix of: Rose, Lilac, Jasmine, Ginger and something Alice couldn't quite define. "One whiff of this flower at the end a stressful day, will simply make the stress disappear. Even as it's doing now." Said Elnore with a chuckle.

That was when it dawned on Alice that the shocks of the last few minutes were beginning to dissipate. She was with people that loved her and whom she loved back. That was all that truly mattered.

"One more gift, My Lady, with your permission, of course." Said, while lightly touching her right temple with a finger tip.

'Now speak to your future husband with your mind.' Elnore sent.

'Rick?' Alice thought.

'Right here, Love. Welcome aboard, My Dearest One.' Rick sent back.

On their return to Grant Park, Rick said, "Honey, if you ever need to return to Lake's Edge. Just come to this spot, and think, 'A Friend of Elfrealm Lake's Edge, Draws near'. The portal will appear and you can then cross over." He then said, "By the way, would you like to meet another one of the five tonight? It's only eight thirty and I'd bet he's still working the stand."

Alice pondered this for a moment. Then nodded yes, saying, "I might as well get all the shocks out of the way while I have this 'Flaran' in hand. I'll just use it like smelling salts if needed."

Rick then placed a Mage comm to Mike to make sure he was there and let him know they were coming.

TUESDAY 8:35 P. M.

News Stand at Wabash and Van Buren, Chicago, IL

Five minutes after Rick's call he and Alice pulled into the curb at the news stand.

Mike ran out to the car and hustled them into Angelo's back room, saying, "No sense freezing our butts off out there. Then called out, "Hey Angelo. Guess who's getting married?"

"What!!!" A male and female pair chorused from the break room. Followed by the appearance of Angelo and Margarethe. "Hombre!" Angelo shouted out, with a huge grin. While Margarehte just beamed that secret married woman's contentment. Angelo then turned to her and whispered, "Mi corazone, café por favor."

As Margarethe headed for the coffee maker, she turned to Rick and said, "Hey Hombre, why don't you call in the Muchacha Bebe. Is a poco fiesta, no?"

Rick turned to Alice and said, "Hang onto the flowers dear we have at least one more shock to go." Then sent a mental call to Puff. 'Party at Angelo's, kid.'

The answering, 'Wheeee ... party!!' didn't quite get done echoing in everyone's heads before the scratch at the back door sounded.

Mike had already strolled over to the door and opened up at the scratch. Then stood back as the thirty-inch tall by twelve-foot long blue missile zoomed to the center of the room while broadcasting, 'Hi folks, how's everyone?' Then catching sight of Alice she came skidding to a halt, and sent, 'Mom?'

Alice's response was the epitome of eloquence, "What?" While looking at Rick.

"Sorry, Dear. Perhaps some introductions are in order here." Rick replied. Then began with, "That younger fellow walking back from the door, is Mike. Yes, he's one of us. These fine folks are Angelo and Margarethe Catrella. They are not 'officially' part of the group, but with what they know, they might as well be. This fine strapping young lady Dragon is Puff. She's also my adopted Daughter which now makes her your step daughter. That's why you got the 'Mom' tag tossed at you. Did any of that make sense?"

"Not really, Love, but that's OK. It doesn't have to right now. All I know is that I love you and so do they. For now, that's good enough for me." Replied Alice.

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Hi girls, bhabhies, auntie aap jo bhi naam mujhe dete ho mujhe wo sab sarahniye hain, chaliye jo mujhe nya naam diya gya hai hot ad sexy girls dwara mai use apnata hu aap ki khushi meri khushi hai.. Well hot and sexy gurls, sorry haan!! Ki 2 din maine koi story post nhi ki, bohot thakaa hu yaar 2 week tak regular sex ker ke, massage kerva ker aaya hu abhi, thoda better feel ho rha hai baden se strees kamm ho gya hai maalish se toh socha chalo apni chandi garh wali stoy likhta hu, b baat aisi...

3 years ago
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Seductive Sadhna Aunty 8211 Part 2

This is the second part of Seductive Sadhna Aunty I. ….contd. I went to her room window and started my show. She was just settled on the chair removing her clothes put the headphones and opened her folder she was shocked to see the new videos. She played one and started fingering her pussy. I was surprised to see her intensity it was more as compared to yesterday because what she was watching was the best collected Indian Porn videos. This time she came too early may be she was excited that I...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 246 Pain and Good Drugs

I awoke the next morning after having slept long and hard. I took a quick shower just to get awake before I tried to drive a car. After my wake up shower. I headed off to Helen's Sit Down for breakfast. I recognized a couple of cops and paramedics from the cop out. None from the night before though. Also none with whom I felt comfortable enough to sit. So I sat alone at one of the picnic table Jack had built. I had been seated only a couple of minutes when a much younger man in the casual...

2 years ago
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Baton Rouge0

The voice startled Jack. He had been sitting at the small table in the corner. Lost in thought he had not noticed the other man taking a seat.Now he looked up and it took him a moment to realise who this bloke was. “Staff Sergeant Matthews, sorry, I was miles away.” Ryan Matthews laughed, took a big draught from his pint. “I bet.” Jack took to his pint as well, did not respond. “Will you report her missing?” “What the fuck are you talking about?” Jack's voice had gone icy and his American...

3 years ago
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Hook Unhook

Hey everyone… This story is about my mom and me. I have been studying in hostel since class 1 so as a result I only get to spend only 2 to 3 months at home.. I have always been my momma’s boy and have always helped her and never got my sexual intensions towards her. Although she is very sexy. I do not know about her breast size etc but they are quite big. The best part about her is that she is very cute… Other than my mom, my dad and I live in d house… Mom used to take a lot of care of me…...

3 years ago
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The Journal

My name is Kelly and I’m eighteen. I’m wild and love to have fun. When my friends and I go out, we’d always drink and act crazy. I've had a lot of boyfriends and even girlfriends. I’m an attractive girl. I’m about five feet six inches tall. I’m about a hundred and ten pounds. I have green eyes. I have a 34 C cup. Guys have always been interested in my breasts. I've been sexually active since I was sixteen. I’m responsible and take birth control. I always would have my boyfriend’s wear...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Seminar

Colleen Braddock sat alone at a table on the far end of the hotel’s veranda, nursing a drink and watching the setting sun drift below the horizon. The Twenty-six year old had been sitting there waiting for at least half an hour, but she resisted the temptation to check her watch to be sure. She knew that she had come down to the bar at least fifteen minutes early, but not to have done so would’ve left her with too much of a possibility of not coming at all. The cute redhead, draped in a simple...

2 years ago
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Susies Freshman YearChapter 3

Susie Brock didn't consider herself a lesbian, but her recent experiments with her roommate and the Dean did make her feel more decisively bisexual. Would she consider a long-term deal with either of them, however? That was hard to say, especially about the Dean, since it would be hard to maintain such a relationship in the face of the different positions that they held on campus. After all, she had experienced an unequal power situation with Governor Calahan before. She didn't know if that...

4 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 5

I looked over at Marian and could see the concern on her face as well. “Jaden, are you sure this is the right place? I know she got a decent sized settlement after the accident, but she could never afford a house like this.” “This is the address the rental agent gave me,” I replied. “I was shocked enough when we went to her house and found she was renting it out. The tenants have only been there a couple of weeks, so it’s a recent change. Maybe she just hasn’t had a chance to write us yet....

3 years ago
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virtual seduction

Virtual Seduction…5 by arjun Suddenly, Rahul bent his head near to me and whispered in my ear. “Mom. I wanna fuck your ass.” He was panting with effort. “You’re most welcome honey, fuck me anywhere you feel like.” Rahul withdrew his cock from my pussy. He sat back on his heels and opening my ass cheeks he buried his face between them, his tongue rapidly fluttering at my anal opening. He deposited a large chunk of his saliva over my hole and with his tongue he spread it over my opening,...

2 years ago
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Grace and the Longest TieChapter 18

Grace had stopped her narrative and refreshments were served. Then she was asked which scene of her paintings she wanted to enact out. With some trepidation she pointed to the scene of the woman being double penetrated and the third man peeing into her open mouth. She had visualized doing this with her own sons but if the pee was so awful to the taste and she threw up she didn’t want to do that with them. She wanted it to be an enjoyable experience for all participants. So this was a...

2 years ago
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Moms Milk Part 3

Mom quietly slipped into my bed, snuggling her nude body against mine and holding me silently. Since the school year had ended, she had made a practice of slipping into my bed after putting the baby down for its morning nap on days when Dan was out of town on business. It felt like mid-morning, maybe ten thirty. I rolled onto my back and stretched while she lay against me, her arm thrown over my chest. I was nude; I had stopped wearing boxers to bed on nights when Dan was out of town. Sometimes...

4 years ago
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Locked Up For The Weekend

During the 1980’s, there were archaic laws pertaining to homosexuality in the country I live in. I won’t bore you with all the statutes, but having sex with a male under the age of nineteen was a very big ‘no-no,’ at that time. For my sins, I began a relationship with an eighteen year old named Leo. He was absolutely beautiful and quite a big lad, standing six feet tall. He wasn’t effeminate but definitely preferred playing the passive role in bed. I had always been versatile, and loved...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Helena Part 3 Helenas Story

The doorbell rang at exactly one minute past 8pm. I opened the door to reveal what Helena meant by casual, and I wasn’t disappointed. It was an unseasonably warm evening for London in June, and Helena was wearing a sleeveless silky orange top and a pair of navy blue shorts, much shorter than one would expect for a woman nearing sixty, but Helena's legs could compare with a thirty-year-old's. A jacket was draped over a large black bag hanging from her shoulder. A pair of navy kitten heel...

1 year ago
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Spanked for LifeChapter 6 Bradrsquos Turn

“I want you know that I didn’t appreciate you standing behind us and eying my friend’s butt crack. Besides this instance you are a nice guy, but this is an invasion of her privacy and I must deal with it. We are all nineteen now and your naughty panty crack and bottom watching is inexcusable. “Lily what are you talking about? I did not disrespect you. Where did you get that idea?” “Don’t bother denying it you naughty boy. I saw you staring down the back of my corduroy pants looking at the...

4 years ago
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You want my Cock Bitch Gay

Ever since meeting the my lust for cock had become insatiable. I think back on that meeting with him and know that something in me had forever changed. No longer did I have the occasional thought about sucking a cock or maybe taking it in the ass. Cock, and the thought of serving powerful men was, and continues to be, on my mind most of the time. The memories of that day, how I became such a hungry slut, moaning like some whore and begging to be fucked, puts me into a constant state of...

3 years ago
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Not Today Ch 02

Still no cuckold here.Tim had spent an entire year running the events of his night of torment over in his mind. He had questions that needed to be answered, loose ends that begged to be tied. He had removed himself from their clutches on his own terms, his own power. Still, part of him felt empty.It wasn't the absence of sex getting to him. Cindy had always satisfied him, but since their split, he had discovered other women were at least her equal. There were many flavors to sample, and he...

2 years ago
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Dorm Floor Bitch

My name is Michael, and I am a bisexual. I only get romantically involved with girls; I love dating them and have had several girlfriends. Throughout high-school, I was just a perfectly normal straight k**.That all changed when I went to college.It all started during my first semester at college. I live in a dorm, and for the first three weeks I had used the communal showers without incident. I never really saw any of the other guys on my floor. Hell, I only saw my RA once!One afternoon I got...

2 years ago
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Daniel Wolf Part 6

Chapter 10 Hours later Daniel and the rest of his Cadre entered the clearing to find the Moses Family. Mal the head of the family did as Will had said and began his tale leaving nothing out. Daniel read the note Will had left. Three of the soldiers nearest to the girls size gave them extra pants and shirts. Corporal Chivey was assigned to escort them back to Fox Wood. He picked two men and departed with the family. He also had been given orders to conract the potion Mistress to test the...

2 years ago
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College Education Part 1

At the college I attended, I learned more than just the traditional studies. Among other things, I taught myself to play guitar. I was already a decent singer, and was wanting to gain some way to have live musical accompaniment at the same time. Eventually, I began playing for weeknight coffeehouses, giving impromptu concerts on the dorm porch, or joining in pick-up jam sessions with other students, giving me much-wanted experience with other performers and music styles. During school one...

2 years ago
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Mud Pigs

CHAPTER ONEI'm lying naked in the back of a van, and I'm terrified, because I've got to be a mud pig today!I've done this before - I'm pretty used to it now - but it doesn't get any easier.It seems like we've been driving for hours, and I'm quite desperate for a pee, but I've no idea how long this journey is going to go on for.There was a long straight bit - probably we were on a motorway, taking us out of the city - then a long stop, presumably while HE had his breakfast in some cafe and read...

2 years ago
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Young girlfriend fucks old geezer part 3

Finale:There were a few days between my talk with Bill and our scheduled show night. There was a lot of excitement between Katie and I, it seemed like we talked about it constantly. We went over the all the details, everything from what she should wear to make up, to different “what if” scenarios. She decided she wanted to shave her pussy completely, she thought it would be sexier for Bill that way. She also bought a special pair of panties that she would give to him as a souvenir. There...

3 years ago
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Sweet fucking in train

Hi friend here archit fr surat me apni 1 real story likh rehe hun so friend aapko agar pasand aaye to mujhe repllyy kerna plz mere emaill address merei kahni is tarh he ki. I am very fond of this ISS I had ready almost all the stories, some time I think that the stories are fake but when I remember my first incident then I think no it could be happen. So coming to the story now in Hindi. Baat us samay ki hai jab main college mein padhai karta tha mere final ke exam khatam ho gai thee aur main...

1 year ago
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Protect and Serve

Chloe groaned as she saw the red and blue lights of the police car illuminate in the rearview mirror behind her. She'd been in such a rush to get home she hadn't even realized she was speeding, but just her luck, she'd been caught.She pulled her car over to the side of the road and shielded her eyes from the bright headlights of the car as it pulled up behind her and the police officer stepped out and began walking towards Chloe's side."I'm sorry, Officer," Chloe began "I didn't...""Do you have...

2 years ago
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ShawnChapter 10

During the day the queen had to go on tours of the city and formal reception was to take place that night. That was the time the queen would make known the money for the poor clinic. Then she would talk on her feelings about the situation with the whites segregating the blacks. I would normally stay home and in this case be with Charles, Anne and Lusa. However, this time I would be at the meal because of my knighthood and Lusa would be beside me to show our family's feelings. Mom bustled...

4 years ago
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Hot Nymph Next DoorChapter 8

Unknown to Dee, Brian Morgan had been periodically fucking her little sister since the afternoon she had seduced him. "Kelly," Dee said to her one afternoon when the two girls were alone. "Are you still letting Jay Conrad fuck you?" "Gosh, yes!" said the youngster. "We fuck all the time, and a lot of other guys in the neighborhood are fucking me, too." "Do you like being fucked?" "Shit, yes! I love it." "Have you ever been fucked by an older boy?" "Not yet," lied the...

4 years ago
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Sibling RivalryChapter 8 Little Pig Let Me In

Monday arrived and Mindy dragged herself out of bed. She felt sore from the numerous fuckings she'd received two days earlier and severely depressed over being humiliated at the hands of her snot-nosed little brother James and his friends. But she had a plan. During her night of peace and solitude after returning home from the shopping mall, Mindy had devised a plot to reclaim all the evidence against her. This would limit her potential for further humiliation by reducing the arguments of...

3 years ago
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OMG IV The Corset

Pansy Pumpscock felt like a living doll. Arms extended out, standing perfectly still as Mrs. Hutchinson sprinkled powder all over her naked body, she was DaVinci's Vitruvian Man, sissified. As Pansy was being positioned into various poses, her mind drifted back to wonderfully violent face fucking she had received just a few minutes ago. It was just dreamy the way he used her mouth without any consideration for her feelings. He was a strong man, who took what he needed, and she was a...

3 years ago
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Oh My MistressChapter 3

When I opened my eyes I was seated on a narrow chair. I was still naked and completely hairless. Next to me were five women, two on my left and three on my right, and six women across from me. They too were skinny, naked and bare. But they came in a wide variety of races and body types ... They sitting on the same style of chair I was. They all had a metal plate attached to each side of their head. Unlike me, these women were seated with their legs spread wide. Their feet were shackled to...

2 years ago
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An Orgasmic Uber Ride

"Chris?" the Uber driver asked me after driving up and rolling down his window."Yes," I replied and then I got into the passenger seat next to him. I usually ride upfront in Uber rides because I get car sick easily in the back.After fastening my seat belt we were off. The guy was older, maybe mid-50s, white or Hispanic, and had a beard and mustache. I could tell he was gay from his voice and mannerisms, and from all the gay paraphernalia in his car, like the rainbow color and even the rainbow...

3 years ago
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My Sexy Horny Maid Bujji

Hi this is Rahul; this happened when I was living Hyderabad, My house maid Bujji, is a girl from a village, she was dark but with a good firm body, curvy hips, while working she would be unknowingly exposing her stomach, navel, and cleavage as she used to wear a half sari, I didn’t notice her much until one day, while I was sitting on my bed in the morning and she entered my room to clean. As she bent to sweep the floor, I noticed the deep cleavage and her boobs too; she didn’t know that her...

3 years ago
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Martyrsquos mom

If your friend’s mom is a hot MILF you just can’t get her out of your mind, your cock is dreaming of her mature pussy, and you’ve got to do something to get it!I am a 27 year old guy. I am tall and have quite a healthy figure, coz I’m going to the gym class 4 times week and each morning I go for a jogging. Due to this physical training I look much younger than my age. Any first met stranger can assume I must be around 22 years old. So, as far as you understand I have a rather good complexion....

3 years ago
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Aunt MarieChapter 5

Seeing your own mother naked is amazing! Her breasts were beautiful—practically no sag at all. Her nipples were quite large. She asked me to first lick her nipples. I readily and appreciatively responded as I tasted her skin, her nipple and I enjoyed it so much. She reached down, grabbing my firm erection and said, “That’s so much bigger than any man’s I’ve been with. I can see why Marie has feelings for you. So you two spent the morning together—in bed?” “Yes, Ruby—You and your sisters may...

1 year ago
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Neighborhood fun part 1 Introduction

My name is Mike, I am a 30 year old emergency room physician, just your average guy standing 5'7 and 170 lbs with average looks and a charming personality, but I pack a 10 inch long 5 inch diameter cock. That's one of things my wife loved about me, the way it stuffed her tiny pink cunt and stretched her little pink ass. My wife had a daughter Hayleigh, from a previous relationship but I loved her like she was my own.When my wife died in a car crash about 3 years ago, my stepdaughter Hayleigh...

2 years ago
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My LifeChapter 4

5 Months later... Summer had come and gone. It had been pretty good too. I was still cuming in my mom’s mouth daily, and since I was out of school and home most days, we were usually squeezing an extra one in there, raising my average to 4+ blow jobs a day. On top of that, my older next door neighbour, Mariola, was still paying me in oral-sex whenever I helped her with things around her house. This added an extra blow job a week on average. She had even started having me titty-fuck her....

3 years ago
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Passage to IndiaChapter 6

(Conclusion) This is the final chapter of the Montague clan. The identical triplet sisters called Faith, Hope and Charity were reasonably restored to a safe and proper existence on their family estate and their lands were productive once again. The previous entry was thought to be the final word on this unusual family, but fate has demanded that we revisit the sensuous band of well-traveled females with their curious entourage of odd followers. It is the story of Grace that holds our...

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