Jan And John's Sexual Exploration free porn video

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Neither Jan nor I, my name is John, were in the popular cliques at school but rather a bit outside of the social mix with a few good friends that we associated with. We became friendly during high school and even went to our senior prom together. Probably one of the few plutonic couples attending. We did manage to engage in a rather perfunctory kiss at her door when the evening was over. We were the kids who worked hard, paid attention to our studies and stayed out of trouble.

After graduation we both commuted to a local community college where Jan studied to become a legal assistant and I a computer technician. We began to see each other occasionally and to attend some concerts and events together. We became fond of each other and began to date on a regular basis. It was over the Christmas holidays that first year that we both gave our virginity to each other in a fumbling effort that left both of us a bit shaken but happy and more emotionally and physically drawn to each other than ever before.

Things developed from there and our petting and sex play became a regular aspect of our relationship. We became engaged in our second year of school and married the year after we completed our schooling. We both found jobs in a city about a two hour drive from our hometown where I worked for a consulting firm and Jan a local law firm.

Now that I look back on where we started and where our relationship is now I think of some key events that, while not recognizing them at the time, sent us in directions that neither of us anticipated nor planned. We discovered things about ourselves and made some choices that satisfied immediate urges and fed our more raw internal appetites and sexual urges. Its not that I regret those decisions nor how they shaped where we are today. Its more a reflection on the unexpected things we learn about ourselves, each other and what we choose to suppress or surrender to in the course of our lives. Also, how ultimately rewarding and satisfying it is when two people find that they have compatible taste and pleasure triggers. We two found we were almost too similar to be safe for each other. At times in our journey of exploration no one seemed to be in control.

That first significant event occurred shortly before Jan and I became engaged. We attended a summer picnic with some classmates at a nearby state park. As the party began to wind down in the early evening, we took a walk on one of the trails through the forest leading down to a lake. The number of people on the trails had diminished and we could hear the voices and laughter from the picnic area behind us. When we reached the lake we walked along the shore hand in hand stopping to caress and kiss. Becoming aroused we sought more privacy and slipped into the edge of the woods along the shore. The soft rays from the setting sun filtered through the thick foliage leaving us in deepening shadows. I lowered the top of Jan’s sundress from her shoulders and down her arms exposing her firm pouting small breasts and began caressing them and gently pulling on her hardened nipples. Her dress fell to the ground about her feet and she stood before me naked but for her white bikini briefs. I drew her to me and we began to kiss passionately. Her body pressed against mine. We heard voices from a small group walking down the trail to the lake. Jan quickly moved away to pull on her dress. I stopped her, taking her by the shoulders and pulling her body back against me. “They won’t see us here” I said. She looked at me intently for a moment then began to relax as the party came closer by us. As they passed, I unfastened my shorts and let them fall to the ground. Jan lowered my briefs and began squeezing my erection. Our kisses became more passionate as sexual urgency possessed us. I bent to remove Jan’s panty. She now stood naked surrounded by nature as people’s voices echoed dimly about us. I pressed Jan against a large tree trunk and she spread her legs apart permitting my hand easy access to her very moist pussy. The first few flicks of her clitoris set off her first tremors of orgasm. I had never seen her so aroused. We began kissing again as we fondled each other into a deep state of arousal. I pressed my body against Jan’s and slowly lifted her upward as her legs wrapped around my hips I positioned the head of my dick against her wetness and slipped inside her. She moved slowly against my intruding manhood and I felt her inner walls contracting tightly about me. She began to utter little short cries with each downward movement pressing her mouth against my shoulder to muffle the sounds..

Her next climax came quickly, I could feel her body spasm against me as I held her tightly. We continued to fuck each other with a wanton abandon and hunger that I know I had never experienced. It was a time that you think, ‘It can’t get any better than this.’ People came and went along the path and on the lake shore unaware of the desperate coupling going on just out of sight nearby. Each sound or voice seemed to drive Jan more deeply into satisfying her needs as she fucked with an urgency that I did not know she possessed and she would later confess she did not know she was capable of. Finally, I could feel my climax building. I pushed deep inside her and she sensed my urgency and again her contractions became stronger as she reached her third orgasm in our afternoon coupling.

Later that night we talked about the experience. Jan admitted that her reaction to the risk of being seen or caught in such a blatant act gave her a sense of arousal and deep sexual abandon that she had no idea was possible. I shared similar reactions to the experience. As time passed we found that while private sex was fulfilling, flirting with public disclosure and risky play presented an addictive forbidden element to our satisfaction that could not be duplicated. As a result, we began to frequently seek out opportunities to duplicate the sensations of that first experience.

We made love inside our car in parking lots, once on the putting green of a golf course late at night on a picnic table at a highway rest stop after dark, inside a car wash in the middle of the afternoon. This behavior became part of our accepted routine. In the months leading up to our wedding and coming relocation.

The second event to broaden our lifestyle horizon occurred shortly after we relocated. We had a two bedroom apartment in the city and spent a lot of time on the streets, restaurants and shops nearby. While out I began to notice how men would take a second look at Jan particularly from behind. As I mentioned earlier, she had always had a very appealing ass that demanded the eye even though she dressed very conservatively. As I became more aware of the attention she was getting on the streets I found that it was in fact arousing me that she was the object of such attention. She was an attractive young woman who resembled a young teen with her girl next door looks and shy innocence.

I suggested to her on one of our outings that she purchase some more revealing outfits. She seemed surprised at my suggestion and ask why. I confessed that I had been noticing how men looked at her and told her that it was very erotic to me. Maybe it was an extension of how we both enjoyed making out and having sex in more public locations. Jan didn’t have an immediate negative or positive reaction but said “Let me think about that”.

On Friday evening the following week, Jan came home after work with a shopping bag from a trendy shop. We fixed a quick dinner and sipped wine after. Jan said “I want to get your reaction to some things. She left the room and went into our bedroom. A few minutes later she was back dressed in a short pleated skirt and low cut blouse. “Is this the sort of look you had in mind” she ask? The dress hit her a little above mid thigh exposing much of her shapely legs and flowed provocatively over her bubble ass. She turned around before me then bent forward facing away which allowed the skirt to rise slightly exposing a portion of her panty clad cheeks and the swell of her meaty little vulva. She turned to look at me and I said “Yes, you look great in that”.

She tried on two more outfits much shorter than she normally wore along with a pair of shorts that fit her snugly and which revealed a nice crescent of round ass cheek even when she stood erect. The following day Jan wore one of her new outfits when we took an afternoon stroll. I noticed several heads turn to catch an additional look at my little wife. I’ll have to say I enjoyed looking at her too. Jan continued to dress conservatively for work and most of her outings but now began to wear the new outfits on some of our trips out shopping and to restaurants and other public places. She began noticing the extra attention she received and admitted that she enjoyed the looks. Over time she added numerous other garments to her more revealing apparel. The change was also apparent in her lingerie. More thongs and sheer fabric joined her wardrobe.

Things progressed to the point that Jan would occasionally go out on her own for grocery shopping or other errands dressed more provocatively. On one occasion she was going to run out to get a few things for dinner. I suggested that she wear her shorts with a tank top and no underwear. “Really” she ask, “you want me to go out like that”?

“Sure” I said, “No one will really know but you and you might find it stimulating and fun”.

She went to change and returned in the shorts and a matching tank top and her running shoes. Her bare hard nipples were pushing against the material of her top and a nice expanse of her smooth tanned midriff was showing above the tight little shorts hugging against her pelvic area. She was a glorious site walking out of the door. I had a hard on the entire time she was gone.
I couldn’t believe how arousing it was to think of her body being appreciated by those she encountered.

Jan returned about 90 minutes later. Her face was flushed when she entered. “Everything ok” I ask. She said yes but went on to tell me that she had indeed attracted attention at the store. Her state of being bare beneath her clothes seem to really stimulate her almost making her feel naked as she encountered people. She had feelings of forbidden “nastiness” the sensations got her juices really flowing.

“Several times I had to clasp my thighs together to catch trickles of moisture running down my legs. The crotch of my shorts became soaking wet” she said.

I felt between her legs and she was indeed a soppy mess.

“I also had one guy who followed me through the store and I could tell he was photographing me with his phone.”

“What did you do” I ask.

“I walked away several times but he just followed. I eventually just stood still at a display table and let him take his pictures. “It made me feel so naughty and at the same time really aroused. It was all I could do to keep from masturbating all the way home”.

We joined in mutual passion for the next couple of hours we were in a fog of intense lovemaking. Another level of lusty behavior had been unleashed and destined to be repeated going forward.

We found occasions for Jan to ‘innocently’ show her naked body. She would try on shoes and ‘accidentally’ expose her nakedness. She would leave buttons undone revealing side views of her small perfect breasts and long nipples. Public stairways and escalators also offered opportunities for ample exposure when wearing a daringly short skirt. It was during this period that Jan also transitioned from her neatly trimmed groomed pubic region to going completely hairless incorporating frequent waxing which left her smooth and accentuated the visual enjoyment of her meaty vulva and large dark labia.

While the majority of our time was spent in the routine world of work and typical day to day activities, we now began to adventure more broadly into those activities that drove our sexual appetites. Trips to more distant shopping locations where we could innocently display Jan’s charms and engage in what we deemed to be safe, teasing public episodes. One night while returning home after a late dinner we drove down one of the older neighborhoods where large early 1900 era homes still predominated. The street was tree lined and which muted the light from the occasional street lamp casting long shadows over the sidewalks. Traffic was very sparse with only the occasional car meeting us. There seemed to be few people out on the sidewalks.

"This would be a perfect street to take a naked walk along at night” I thought out loud to Jan.

"You think so” she replied.

“Pretty dark, not much light gets through the trees and everything seems pretty quiet around the homes” I responded.

“I want to do it” Jan impulsively replied

“What” I ask somewhat surprised.

“Pull over somewhere” she answered.

I pulled into a vacant space on the curb and Jan commenced to remove her skirt and blouse stripped off her underwear and shoes.

“Sure you want to do this” I ask.

“Yes” came her answer.

“Ok, I’ll let you out and pick you up two blocks down the street, do you want to risk going that far?”

“Lets double it, make it four blocks” she said with a short nervous giggle.

Jan now sat looking at me wide eyed, completely naked down to her bare feet. She took a deep breath and grasp the door handle. When Jan opened the door the overhead light blazed on illuminating her nakedness as she slipped out and onto the sidewalk. I watched briefly as she stepped into the shadows and quickly disappeared. I started the car and slowly moved down the street toward our agreed meeting location. I met one car as I drove past the second block and another as I pulled into an opening at the end of the fourth block. I killed the lights and turned off the engine. Two other cars passed me as I waited. I heard a dog barking from the direction I had driven. I hoped Jan had not been disclosed by someone walking a dog. Time seemed to drag and I began to worry. Then suddenly the passenger door opened and there she was. Flushed with excitement and very aroused. I pulled away from the curb as the door closed and headed down the street.

“God, that was such a rush” Jan gushed. “The feel of the air on my bare skin and fear of being caught doing something like that, knowing that I had no real escape if anything happened. You want it to end and at the same time you don’t, my skin is tingling all over and my pussy is so hot. I walked down the street with fear rising inside me and when you drove by leaving me all alone and vulnerable back there I felt near panic. When a car would approach I ducked down behind park cars until they passed. I heard voices coming from near one of the houses, perhaps people on the porch. Then someone came out with a dog and it began barking, I almost froze! I got behind a tree and fortunately they made a turn and walked their dog the opposite direction. I was most exposed at intersections where there are lights and open space but didn’t encounter anyone near those.”

Jan reclined her seat and placed her feet against the dash as she spread her legs and began to urgently rub her clit while inserting fingers inside her vagina. She brought herself to orgasm at least twice on our drive home.

So now more bridges had been crossed on our journey of exploring sexual stimulation. I had opened up about my desire to have Jan express her sexuality publicly and she had found she enjoyed the experience. To that we had now added the risky element of thrill seeking. Our world was indeed expanding quickly now.

The next event that would provide more surprises occurred about three months later during a long beach weekend. Our busy schedules had prevented much time off for several weeks even taking up one or both of our weekends on some occasions. It was late summer. A time when schools are opening and summer crowds are diminishing as the days rush toward labor day and fall. We made reservations at a resort along the southern coast. The accommodations were plush and the crowd pretty much all adult couples of varying ages. We arrived on Friday afternoon, unpacked and took a brief swim in one of the resort’s pools. We had a nice quiet dinner in the hotel lounge then retired to our room and had sex before our open beachfront balcony doors with sea breeze wafting into our room. The delights provided by our coupling combined with the sounds of the surf nearby was a real panacea for our stress and we slept in sated comfort.

The next morning after a light breakfast we headed for the beach. Jan wore a little lime green string bikini which accentuated her tight little body and exposed much of her alluring rear. She drew plenty of eyes as we walked by the pool and made our way down the walkway to the beach. We went a short distance down from the resort and spread our towels on the warm sand. We reveled in the morning sun and walked along the surf wading in the water’s edge and occasionally venturing into the breakers. Eventually we returned to our towels. Jan began putting lotion on her arms, legs and bare skin then lay back to sun. I enjoyed the view of her scantily clad body, glistening with oil and specs of dried sea salt as the sun reflected off her skin. Her small breasts moved teasingly beneath their slight cover and the provocative little bulge of her vulva was outlined beneath the snug bikini bottom. My erection ached as I watched her delicious body in warm repose.

After about twenty minutes Jan turned onto her stomach and ask me to put lotion on her back. I began applying lotion to her shoulders, midriff and sides. She reached back and pulled at the string folding her top in place pulling the knot loose and allowing her bare back to be exposed. I liberally applied lotion after brushing the untied strings to fall to her sides. Next I started rubbing lotion to the back of her legs. Jan spread her legs a bit more apart to permit easy application. As I rubbed along the top of her thighs and over the expanse of her exposed cheeks I allowed my fingers to work under the edge of her bottoms pushing them inward toward her crack and exposing more skin. I probed gently between her legs working my fingers beneath her suit and brushing against her labia and fleshy vulva. “That feels good” Jan said. No other vacationers were within thirty yards of us so I continued my play. I moved the material covering her sex to one side permitting easier access to her. I began lightly pulling at her labia lips, spreading them and running a finger along her opening teasing her wetness and spreading her succulent secretions around her labia and her asshole. Jan’s pelvis began to grind against the sand and she spread her legs a bit more. Occasionally some couples or singles would stroll by between us and the ocean and I would pretend to simply be applying more lotion until they passed. We were both getting pretty aroused at this point.

Jan reached down to her hip and untied one side of her bottom then the other. The material now moved freely over her beautiful ass. “I’m going to cum right here on the beach” she gasp. Her sex was now largely uncovered and I was concerned that my play had gone on to the point that people were beginning to notice our activity. I positioned the disheveled material loosely over her crack and lay back beside her and ask “Are you enjoying this?” She whispered “Very much”.

Pushing the limits a bit further, I said, “Turn over”.

Jan briefly looked at me and slowly turned on her side facing me. She clasp her legs together to prevent her bottom from falling away completely and partially covered her breasts with her arm. She lay back while I positioned her untied top loosely over her exposed breasts and draped her bottom over her hairless mound while leaving her labia exposed. Now anyone passing close by would have a clear view of her pussy and most of her young tanned body.

I lay back and said to Jan “You know how exposed you are”

“Yes” she replied huskily.

“I’m going to leave you here and take a walk down the beach. If anyone passes by they will be able to see your bare pussy and most of your body. It’s up to you if you want to cover up. You can use my towel if you have to.” Do you understand?”

She shook her head in the affirmative. I could see that her skin was becoming flushed and her breathing was more rapid. As I got up to depart I said “Spread you legs a bit further apart”. Jan obliged and I lightly pulled and separated her large labia major to present an even more enticing picture. I then strolled away down the beach leaving Jan to deal with her situation and wondering how she would respond. I knew my absence might make voyeurs a bit bolder and would heighten the intensity of Jan’s thrill and fear level. She was horribly exposed, vulnerable and totally alone. My own emotional state was a maze of apprehension, concern, arousal and a compulsion to know that my mate was being vicariously devoured by others.

Jan would tell me later that the intensity of her feelings at that time were almost uncontrollable. Her body literally shivered from the fear, apprehension and excitement all rushing over her at once. Her breathing became very rapid and her skin flushed hot as she pondered her situation. She felt the unattached material of her bikini bottom responding to the breeze from the ocean and couldn’t be sure that her pussy now had any cover at all. She felt frozen by the thrilling fear and the rising urgency of arousal. She heard voices approaching, her body tensed an she felt the urge to cover herself but she lay still as if dozing. As the sounds came near her she took a quick look through squinted eyes and saw two older men walking just a few yards from her. As they approached their conversation stopped and Jan burned with the knowledge that her sex was being fully displayed to the view of two strangers and she was allowing it to happen. What would they do? What would she do? She felt so wanton, so nasty, so unbelievably aroused that for a moment she thought she might cry out in panic as she was watched. The men passed by and she could hear their conversation resume. The only words she could make out were “lick that pussy” and “bang that little slut all night”. The voices faded away. She felt a trickle of wetness running from her vagina as her observers walked away.

Jan lay there alone and exposed and acutely aware of other people passing close by. She could tell that one party included a woman and vaguely heard the words “ought to be arrested”, “trashy” and “somebody’s whore” as they passed. One person she could tell stopped very nearby and took some pictures with a cell phone. She was lay there anticipating the next viewer aware of the warmth and wetness building inside. She was becoming resigned to her situation and resolutely refrained from doing anything to cover herself. She was starting to anticipate and look forward to the next observer.

I walked back within view of Jan after about twenty minutes. As I approached from some distance I saw one one older man stop in front of Jan and look her over before continuing on his walk. My own erection gave away my state and that had been constant during my entire absence. As I walked closer I could see that Jan’s pussy was now completely uncovered with her bottoms draped along one hip. Her left breast was also bear with her long hard nipple jutting outward for attention. I wondered how many had enjoyed that view.

Jan got her suit back on while I busied my self gathering up our beach items. We left for the hotel probably passing some of the viewers who had appreciated or reviled Jan’s nude episode.
That afternoon the sex was non stop as Jan and I seemed to be unable to satisfy the appetite that the morning’s adventure had awakened in us. Orgasms were plentiful as pleasure was derived by mouth, genital, toys and anal. By evening we were a sated sticky mess of sexual waste. It would rank as one of the best sexual episodes thus far in our marriage.

That evening we ordered room service with a bottle of our favorite wine and dined after sunset on our ocean front balcony naked, happy and still talking about that morning’s experience. We slept in the next morning and enjoyed a more sedate time on the beach the next afternoon.
That evening we decided to enjoy a nice dinner at one of the resorts finer restaurants. Jan wore a black fitted cocktail dress with a scoop neckline and short skirt. Her jewelry consisted of a simple pearl choker. In her heels and bright lipstick she was a knock out.

Our reservation was for eight in the evening. We had a fine dinner, wine and after dinner drinks. Following dinner we drove to a nearby beach club for some music and dancing. Jan had worn a tiny black thong but was braless which allowed her poultry nipples to strain against the silky material of her top and also easily exposed her breasts to anyone standing over her or if she bent slightly forward. The restaurant wait staff and now club patrons were occasionally taking advantage of the available view throughout the evening. We danced and enjoyed ourselves for a couple of hours and shortly before midnight departed to return to the hotel. We would be driving home the following afternoon.

When we got to car we Jan turned and we embraced and kissed leaning against the passenger door. I unzipped the back of Jan’s dress and pulled her top down to her waist. I began kneading and squeezing her tender flesh as we again meshed into a deep kiss. As I opened the car door Jan finished unzipping her dress and let it drop to the ground. She tossed her dress into the backseat and got into the car wearing only her heels, thong and pearls. I quickly went around to the driver’s side and got in. Starting the car I moved to a more remote part of the parking area where there were fewer cars and lights. We began fondling and playing. Jan had a hand around my released cock and she had her legs spread widely as I probed her inner wetness and teased her aroused clit. We had been intently at this play for a few minutes and not paying attention to our surroundings. I noticed movement near our car and looked up to see a large man standing beside Jan’s window watching us and slowly stroking his cock.

I whispered to Jan, “We are being watched, there is a man looking in the car” she jolted up and looked to see the voyeur.

“He has his dick out” she gasp. “Should we go” she questioned.

“Up to you love” I said. How do you feel about being watched.”

Jan didn’t respond but watched intently the fist pumping along the shaft of the large cock, broad mushroom head pointing toward her face through the glass.

“Lets see what he does, but be ready to get out of here.” She finally answered.

The light was dim but adequate to see inside the car clearly. We cautiously continued our sex play. Our visitor continued to watch and stroke his large cock. We began to relax. Jan slowly became more responsive to the stimulation and her exposure. The electric motor hummed as she lowered her seat back while fondling her breasts with her left hand. .

I removed my busy fingers from Jan’s pussy and sat back to watch the scene playing out before me from the driver’s seat. My erection protruded from my open fly as I saw my wife and lover perform her act of self stimulation before this strange man. Her right hand now worked inside the small patch of silk fabric covering her pussy while her left played over her breasts. The man’s face was not visible to me since he was so near the side window and his height placed his hard cock in full view through the window. Jan seemed to be fixated on the cock being manipulated just inches away through the glass. Jan lowered her left hand and slipped her fingers beneath the waist band of her thong on both sides, lifted her ass up off the seat and slid her remaining scant cover past her knees and they fell over her feet at the floor. She was now displayed fully naked in front of this stranger. One hand returned to her breasts while the other pulled at her labia and stroked against her exposed little clit. This intriguing dance of self pleasure continued for a few minutes and the man began motioning for the window to be lowered. “I think he wants to have us open the window so he can touch you” I conjectured.

“What should I do, should I let him, should we go?” Jan said between her rapid breaths.

“That’s up to you” I answered “Do you want him to touch you?”

“God, I think so” she replied.

I located the window control on my side and pressed it to lower the passenger window. As the window opened, a large hand entered and began lightly rubbing Jan’s breasts and nipples. The hand engulfed Jan’s smallish breasts and her nipples were tweaked and obscenely stretched by his fingers. The hand lowered over her belly and grasp her hand from its teasing play at her clit lifting it to the window and placed it on his hard foreign cock. Jan traced her fingers over the wide smooth head and then began to pump and squeeze the shaft as the man pressed closer into the window. The hand now invaded Jan’s crotch rubbing the inside of her thighs and roughly mauled her sensitive clit. I could see Jan’s pelvis thrusting into the hand as she was stimulated and I knew that an orgasm was not long in waiting. Fingers were now thrusting into Jan’s vagina as the thumb continued to torture her sensitive nub. Jan’s pelvis began to undulate in response.

I watched in a state of shocked arousal as my lovely mate was teased and tortured by this strange invader that we had willingly permitted to access her and bring her to this current lewd state. I realized that my hand was now pumping my cock in response to the display before me.

Jan now issued little cries of pleasure as her pelvis lifted higher off the seat. I then realized that she had accepted fully four of the hand’s large fingers inside her wet vagina and was now cumming hard against the digits thrusting deeply inside her. She moaned loudly and her body seemed to freeze in a suspended state as the apex of her orgasm crashed over her. Her body shook and quivered as she released long and hard over the invasion of her body. Jan slowly sank back onto the seat and the hand withdrew from her vagina coated with her creamy wetness. The hand moved to her lips rubbing her pungent fluids over her lips and face while Joan obligingly opened her mouth allowing the hand to invade and sucked the fingers clean.

I felt my cock release a stream of cum which shot over the console and splashed onto Jan’s belly and thigh. As the hand withdrew form Jan’s mouth the hard cock at the window also released its load inside the window streaming over Jan’s breasts and down her stomach.

The man stepped back and stuffed his softening cock back into his pants, turned and slowly walked away. We sat there silent except for Jan’s heavy breathing. The episode had both shocked and thrilled us and left us in a state of confusion. Jan seemed almost in a trance. I watched her body tremble with continuing spasms from her orgasm and streaks of cum glistened against her skin in the dim light as her chest rapidly rose and fell with the rhythm of her ragged breathing. I’m not sure how much time elapsed as we sat there stunned and wasted from the rapidly occurring event while we both took stock and recovered. I started the car and drove away returning to our hotel.

After a few minutes on the road Jan said, “God I can’t believe that happened. I thought I would explode my orgasm was so intense.”

“I can’t believe my reaction either” I replied. “Watching you being touched and responding to some nameless stranger was overpowering to me. I didn’t want it and yet I couldn’t turn away. I let you get used and mauled by that guy.”

“No, you loved me and you allowed me to let something happen that I don’t think I wanted to stop. I wanted the risk, the uncertainty, the thrill and the the unbelievable sexual high that came with it and I love you for it.”

Jan was still lying naked in her reclined seat when we arrived at the hotel. We parked to the side of the resort and I told Jan to just put my jacket on as a cover and not bother with getting her dress back on. We walked through mostly vacant lobby with Jan barefoot and wearing my jacket which came down to her knees and the lapels hiding most of her breasts.

In the room we made warm and passionate love. I could taste Jan’s juices now dried around her mouth and lips spread there by the stranger and our combined cum remained dry and scabby over her belly and breasts. The weekend had been one of many firsts. In the coming weeks we would engage in and enjoy many of our sexual proclivities but did not find or seek the opportunity to engage with a third party. I think we both knew that we would at some point repeat that experience and secretly both looked forward to that occurrence. We did talk about it and came to accept that we had been more than willing participants.

Well, those are my recollections of the major events that opened new vistas in our sexual life as a couple. We had mutually demonstrated that we were unwilling to suppress our spontaneous urges and willing to experiment outside our comfort level. We shared our explorations and enabled each others fantasies to often become our reality. Over a few early years together we had learned that we shared compatible taste for sex play in public, that I was aroused by the attention that Jan received from other males, that Jan could be a compulsive exhibitionist whose excitement was heightened by added risk of discovery and the thrill of putting herself in vulnerable exposed situations. I was a devoted and enabling partner and one who was beginning to disclose more than latent cuckold tendencies.

All these elements were now part of our preferred sexual play and we incorporated them whenever the opportunity arose. We were also a very devoted, loving couple as yet blissfully unaware of future disclosures in our journey of exploration.

We would soon be confronted with another challenging event that would test us and push boundaries we had not yet imagined. I’ll leave that chapter for another time.


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Jan Mike Help Stephanie and Jimmy

[ An homage to Jan B. and her husband Mike, who over the years produced so many great videos of interracial sex, and who probably helped inspire so many single women, and married couples, to slip into the interracial/cuckolding lifestyle. ]Stephanie and Jimmy had been married for just over two years when she contacted Jan about her curiosity about experiencing sex with a black man---even though she'd married Jimmy, she admitted that she'd always thought it would be exciting to at least fuck a...

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As usual Ted rang her on Wednesday, by which time she was feeling more positive, consoled by Mike's words and subsequent passionate love making. Ted sounded hesitant and apologetic, and she smiled as the image of him tied naked to the bed with her panties over his face popped into her head. Eventually he apologetically told her that a friend had invited him to the races on this coming Saturday, so if she could make it any other day to come, that would suit him better. Feeling slightly put out,...

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Jan Has Jon While We Watch

We had first met Jon through an agency that owed us some money. According to Jon’s bio he was a part-time model, who models nude for magazines that appeal to both sexes. He insisted on being photographed by females only though, so perhaps that was a clue to his real sexuality. His bio showed some of his naked pics. He was very well hung and the pics showed him having his very erect cock pleasured by both males and females. After we showed Jan these pics she was even more determined to...

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Jan Has Jon While We Watch

We had first met Jon through an agency that owed us some money. According to Jon’s bio he was a part-time model, who models nude for magazines that appeal to both sexes. He insisted on being photographed by females only though, so perhaps that was a clue to his real sexuality. His bio showed some of his naked pics. He was very well hung and the pics showed him having his very erect cock pleasured by both males and females. After we showed Jan these pics she was even more determined to...

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Jan Jones

Cast: Jan, Paul, Peter, Penny, Mrs Haig. The new teacher arrived in town and her name is Miss Jan Jones. She is a very conservative person, age 28. Usually dresses in white underwear, white blouse, Grey skirt around the knees, and a cardigan for school. She does this to cover her figure of 36dd, 22, 30. Because of old school teasing, she tries to hide her body from others. She had been in the three teacher school for the term and was happy her first term was finalised. Two weeks...

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JanChapter 2

It was completely innocent. Pleasant also, to be sure. I'd get home at a bit before five and head to the pool, and Jan would be there. Occasionally the old couple would be there too, sometimes with their son and his wife and a grandchild, but generally Jan and I had the pool to ourselves. That was fine with me. The daily workout, twenty or thirty minutes in the pool, a good fifteen or twenty minutes of fast laps, that was good for me. After a month I noted that I seldom needed to slow down...

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JAN Part 2

This is a continuation of my story and Jan the older church going friend. Two weeks went by after sending the pictures I had taken of Jan for her to send on to her friends in the chat room.I had looked at the pictures several times and jerked of to them twice.The memory of her body stuck in my mind, and although she was not my type, there was something about her that made me wonder what she would be like to fuck.She was extremely naive and, to me, would not know much at all, and likely be a...

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Jan family

………………………………………………………………………………………….. What am I doing here? Why has everything gone wrong? Remember these words. It all started when Jan, short for Janice, started at our school. She was allocated the desk next to mine in Mrs Briggs’ sixth grade class. I was rapt. My first impression was of a vision, a mass of long blond curls, an angelic face and long legs: I was smitten. I had just turned eleven, discovered girls and was hoping that soon the girls would discover me. What? Girls notice...

1 year ago
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Jan Jim Four real Stories

Story 1 by JanI have been getting tons of email from you guys asking ME to write a story about one of our, shall we say exposing times together. I have never wrote anything like this before, and Jim has kinda explained what I should write. so here goes, and I hope you guys enjoy this one.Jim and I went to a movie one night, and I wore a miniskirt and a low cut pull over top. Yes I had panties on, but no bra. At the show, Jim had his hand up my skirt, and under my panties for most of the movie....

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Jan chapter 5

Introduction: 17 yr old twins Jan and Johnny home from school with sexy Heidi. Switching to third-person Jan Chapter 5 HOME WITH HEIDI Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, grunted 17 year old Johnny, as he drove his big hard prick again and again into the warm, grasping cunt of his sexy mother in law. He was fucking her missionary-style on his bed. He liked being on top, but he also liked every other fuck position they had used. Body positions didnt seem to matter so much, as long as it involved his cock...

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Jan Family Part 2

Thanks to those who were generous enough to comment on Part 1. ………………………………………………………………………………………. What am I doing here? Why has everything gone wrong? Remember those words. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. The day after being filmed fucking Jan and Sally’s Mum, Anne, I woke early and tore through the chores my Mum wanted me to do. I felt so good when I woke; I couldn’t stop thinking about the things Anne had taught me and the way her body had felt and the way my body had reacted to...

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Jan chapter 5

HOME WITH HEIDI “Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh,” grunted 17 year old Johnny, as he drove his big hard prick again and again into the warm, grasping cunt of his sexy mother in law. He was fucking her missionary-style on his bed. He liked being on top, but he also liked every other fuck position they had used. Body positions didn’t seem to matter so much, as long as it involved his cock being positioned inside her tight pussy. He couldn’t believe how good she felt on his the entire length of his...

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My wife, Jan, and I had been married for over five years before I got up enough courage to tell her my wildest sexual fantasy. While making love one night, I told her that I wanted to see her having sex with another man. Jan's response was very clear, "No way!" she said. Over the next several months I begged, pleaded and reasoned with her, hoping to change her mind. My wife's argument was that she was virgin when we met and it would be wrong to be intimate with another man, especially...

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Johns Wife Angie Lee episode 4

Angie Lee was due in from the states soon and John was certainly happy about seeing his wife after a five month separation. He was a bit apprehensive about how she was going to fit in with his new friends. He was sexually involved with my wife Dot and her best friend Goody. At twenty-something she was engaged to be married, but he disappeared one day. Much as she tried, she didnt think she would ever find her Prince Charming. All of the good men were married. She was easily attracted to men....

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Jan Story 4

Story 4 by JimWell, several of you have been asking for us to write about some of the things we have done. I am sure you are looking for all the naughty details, so I decided to give it a try. Oh ya, Jan is trying to put a story together too.Well, this one starts out on a nice sunny weekend. Jan and I went to our local golf course to play some twilight golf. She was wearing a very short skirt. Around the 7th hole, we noticed there was no one behind us, and no one in front of us. The hole was a...

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JAN and TED 7

The following Wednesday, Jan had just finished her usual mid week call to Uncle Ted, and Mike had been listening in. “So, he's been shopping, has he? Buying knickers for you?” he asked. “Snooping again, eh? Don't you detectives ever have a day off?” she laughed.“Yes, he has, remember he kept two pairs of mine last weekend....and I wouldn't want them back after he's been using them for you know what!” she replied. “He tried washing and ironing the first pair, and ruined them, so it's new...

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“We'd better organise something for Ted's 75th next week, Jan.” said Mike. “After all, he's your last remaining relative, so we should make it a bit special really.”“Well strictly speaking, he's not. He is my step dad's brother.” Jan replied.“Yeah, I know that,but you've called him uncle for the last thirty years, so....”“I know, I know” Jan replied. “We should do something special, I suppose. Don't know what, though.”They both thought for a while, then Jan said “I know what the dirty old...

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Introduction: STEVE CALLED HIS WIFE PLEASINGLY PLUMP Jan and Steve had been married for just over 10 years, had 3 young kids, and while they usually had good sex, it was infrequent, and as with most couples, it was at times, boring. Jan was chubby as a teen and still chubby as an adult, the years and childbirth had made her 36d teen breasts in to a luscious pair of 40dds. She had a sexual presence about her and was actually quite attractive to people that liked plus sized women, pleasingly...

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Jan Part 2 continued

Jan Part 2 continued.It had been a great afternoon. I had finally fucked Jan and discovered that deep down she was a slut.Her explanation of her feelings made sense and we talked again about how all her married life sex was more of a duty.She had enjoyed sex with her husband ,at times, but basically never felt fulfilled and up until a few weeks ago ,when taking the photos, had never considered or thought of herself as sexual, attractive or desirable, finding it surprising I referred to her...

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Johns Dream Girl chapters 21 through 22

Introduction: Johns lifelong quest to find the girl of his dreams takes some very unexpected twists and turns along the way. * * * * * Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the authors imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work. Authors...

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JAN AND TED part 2

Ted struggled out of his shirt, and Mike brought them a brandy each. Jan took a big drink, then the opening bars of “Je t'aime” started. She smiled. “Good choice, Mike!” she said. She began a slow, sensual dance, hovering over Ted, rubbing her hands over her naked body, and then turned round and stuck her bum at him. She leaned forward, knowing that he would be able to see her cunt as well. She turned and said quietly, watching his eyes,“Go on, it's your birthday. Go on, you know you want to...

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Wow! That has to be the sexiest thing I've ever seen!” Mike exclaimed. “I almost came without even touching it!” Jan looked at his firm hard on and laughed. “I can see that! So, you enjoyed it, did you, watching me acting like a total slut?” she asked. “Enjoyed it?” he replied. It was amazing!” Jan had made a very impatient Mike wait until they'd showered and were in bed, before she gave him her phone to download the video she'd taken, so that they could watch it on the TV screen in bed. As...

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Jans College Daze

I work with quite a few people from around the country. My company currently operates in 10 states across the south and Midwest. Consequently I meet some other employees that lean the same way I do. :) Jan is a petite woman in her late 50's. She is from the southeast. We were having a series of meetings about an upgrade of services. She was on my team. During a team dinner one night we go to talking and as one of the younger women in our group said that her college days were wild and...

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Copyright© 1994-2003 "Said a pornographistic young poet 'Although I perhaps do not show it, My interest in sin Is wearing quite thin, And I'll soon tell those fuckers to stow it.'" -author unknown Jan was not overly attractive. Nor was she someone I would have normally taken a passing notice in, except, I had been friends, and partners, with her husband for several years. Every woman I have ever met, I have to consider the pros and cons of a sexual relationship with her....

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Their foreplay sessions seemed to lead to one guy a lot, and she had never even slept with him. He was a man named Hanson from her work, he was younger, and had a two year crush on her, and she was more than mildly attracted to him, the only problem was, he had transferred to another store some 50 miles away. He had tried for months to fuck her, and had called her a few times after he relocated, still trying, but the most she ever did was kiss him at a Christmas party, and a steamy kiss...

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When she rang him as usual on Wednesday, he sounded quite excited. His new neighbours had asked him to join them for a drink, and he said they were very nice. He also said he'd been out shopping, but wouldn't say what for.She called to see him on Saturday, and she had hardly sat down when he excitedly gave her a small parcel, gift wrapped. Inside was a pair of panties, almost identical to the ones she'd left with him.“What...?” she started to ask. “I accidently scorched your other ones while I...

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By the time he reached the landing, they were already in Ted's bedroom. He slowly walked towards the door, then stopped as he heard Jan give out a sigh. “Yes, “ he heard her say “yes, yes!” Her moans and sighs were turning him on so much, he decided to stay outside a little longer and listen to the highly erotic sound of his wife's moans of pleasure as she had her cunt licked by another man. He held his breath, squeezed his rigid cock through his trousers, and listened. He'd often fantasised...

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JanChapter 4

SCHOOL ##Johnny## At school the next day, I couldn’t get sex out of my head. I kept getting a hard-on that pushed out on my loose boxer shorts and jeans conspicuously. I knew that my cock was uncommonly large. That usually didn’t bother me; most times I was proud of having a big cock, but right now I was damned embarrassed and wished that my stiff boner was smaller. I first tried having it point up, held against my belly at the waist by the elastic waistbands of my boxer shorts and...

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HEIDI I rose naked from Mark’s bed and stretched like a big feline, feeling almost content for the moment and almost sleepy enough to call it a night. On the bed my new husband lay on his stomach asleep and also naked. I loved to see him naked, to see the naked butt that only a short time ago had strained mightily to drive his huge, hard cock into my sex hungry pussy until I came again and again. He was one of the best lovers I ever had, which was of course one of the main reasons I...

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Jan Resurrected

It was a cold snowy mid December night. The house was silent as Jan sat on the sofa alone. She had been alone for so long that it didn’t even phase her. Having been widowed 7 months prior when her husband Roger was killed in a car accident, she had grown accustomed to spending the long snowy winter nights alone. Never had she imagined herself becoming a widow at the age of only 27. Not in a million years. Burying Roger, the man she loved more than life itself after being married less than a...

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She rang Ted the following Wednesday, as normal, just to see if everything was OK. As they were saying their goodbyes, he coyly told her that he'd been out and bought her some new knickers, he hoped she liked them, and that he had something else to show her as well. When she arrived on the Saturday afternoon, he greeted her eagerly, made her tea and seemed generally in a fussy, almost excitable, upbeat mood. After a short while, he gave her a tiny parcel. Inside was a black thong, made of...

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As you well know I have always loved Jan, I just wish I knew we lived so close I gladly would have brought her my wide to fuck and get fucked and yes we both were into bbc thanks to Reggie, as many films, videos I’ve seen on Jan, that was was a first my dear, a true gem, I guess what I love about Jan is how turned on she got when she unleashed one of her bull studs on a married white pussy and he just just ate her up, I know for a fact the husband was hearing sounds he never heard before like a...

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JanChapter 3

I found myself being pushed backward onto the bed. I finally caught my breath and enough neurons fired off for me to speak again. "Wait, Jan ... we don't have to do this..." "What, Dan? Because I'm too YOUNG?" "Uh..." There went the speech ability again. "I'm sixteen. I know girls that haven't been virgins since they were eleven. I've known girls who gave their first time to sleazeballs and lost it while they were drunk or high. D'ya have ANY idea how many girls my age are...

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JAN and TED 4

The days that followed were filled with mixed emotions for Jan. At first, of course, they were on a sexual high and fucked each other silly for three consecutive nights as they relived and retold each other the events of Ted's birthday. She told him that Ted was surprisingly very adept at using his tongue, and that he probably could last a lot longer before coming under normal circumstances. He told her that it had been the most erotic thing he had ever experienced in his life. By the fourth...

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Johns Dream Come True Lauren

Introduction: This is a continuation of Johns Dream Come True. It is not neccesary to read it but please do if you wish. I greatly appreciate any and all suggestions and comments that can help me improve my writing. Please enjoy the story and please comment or pm me at any time. 16 years later -Lauren It had been sixteen years since that wonderfully fateful day. Sixteen years that John had been thrusting his 7 inch cock into his wifes cunt. Sixteen years of pure bliss and erotic pleasure. And...

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JanChapter 5

Dan's turn: A rush. The weekend was a rush. Noting I'd ever experienced in my life compared to this. No, it's not my first sexual experience. I was married before, and before that, well, others. And since then, others. But this is beyond all that. Considering just the sexual aspect, this was the first virgin I'd ever encountered, and frankly, I was sort of scared that I'd cause her pain. I didn't. This was all in Jan's control. I did NOT seduce this girl. She was stone cold sober, as...

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JanChapter 6

Dan's Turn: I couldn't believe it. I walked back from Leona's apartment with Jan's hand on my bicep as I carried a box bearing some of her things: Toiletries. Hair dryer. Socks. Underwear. "I'll go back and get school clothes for tomorrow," Jan said to me. "You will not. We will go together. I can't believe this, Jan." "Believe what?" "Your grandmother. Leona. She seemed positively serene about this." "Baby, I told you that I had long talks with her. At first they were...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Jan en Jos spuiten in me

Wij lopen naar het terras waar Jan op ons zit te wachten, met glimmende ogen kijkt hij mij aan. Zonder iets te zeggen staat hij op en pakt mijn hand, mij achter zich aan trekkend lopen wij de keuken in. Hij drukt mij tegen de achtermuur aan en zijn lippen liggen gelijk op die van mij en zijn tong schiet snel tussen mijn lippen door. Onze tongen beginnen een ruw erotisch spel, met zijn handen trekt hij mijn broek naar onderen en laat mijn harde pik in zijn handen verdwijnen. Als hij eraan begint...

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JanChapter 4

Jan's Side: I really think that Grandma is not going to have a problem with it. Really. I'm glowing today. I mean, I'm healthy. Usually feel good. But today ... I'm, well, DIFFERENT. It's not sex. I know a girl who came to school almost a wreck after HER first time. She was messed up on several levels. Hurt physically. And the guy ... A jerk. I think they dated a couple of weeks after that and every time they went out, it was HIM wanting sex. No more hangin' out with friends. No...

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It's a shame you couldn't have brought the gear home.” he said. “How could I? You are not supposed to know about all this, are you?” she replied. “Of course...I'll just have to hope that you take plenty of video....of you in action!” She slapped his cock playfully, but quite firmly. “Ouch!” The following Saturday, she arrived a little late, and she saw him stood at the window, watching for her arrival. He opened the door eagerly. “I saw you at the window! Looking out for Jenny, were you? Hoping...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Jan and Ted 12

Still feeling warm and glowing from the hot shower, Jan stood in front of the mirror, opened her towel and stared at her naked body. She knew, at 46, that she was in pretty good shape. She exercised at home, and she and Mike went cycling or hill walking whenever they could. Her plump breasts had obviously lost their firmness, and the extra poundage around her middle and backside were a concern, but overall, she concluded, not too bad. She squeezed her breasts, feeling her nipples grow hard. She...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

2 years ago
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Jans mum found out I was in trouble I thought

We started out just to be friends but after a while things got a bit more interesting and we started to feel each other up and gradually I got to get her undressed and we both played about in the nude looking and feeling each other sex spots. She said she would not let me have sex with her –until she was 18 if we were still friends - but we had already begun to play sex games by fingering each other and masturbating. She eventually said she would let me give her oral sex but not use my...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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Jan Story 3

Story 3 by JanWell, Here is a story about a very innocent night we had a little over a year ago. Jim and I went to one of our local bars for dinner, and a few drinks. It was summer time and the weather was really nice here. A very good looking man, somewhere in his thirties came and sat next to us. We had seen him several times, and had talked to him, but had never introduced ourselves to each other. I had on my cranberry crushed velvet tube dress. (the one pictured above) Well, I had that...

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JanChapter 7

Dan's turn: I really did sleep it off, the blowjob my new wife gave me. She knows and I know that it's a crude term. Her laughter, her obvious enthusiasm, worked together for a truly memorable experience. I was almost immobilized after her eager mouth drained me. She scooted up in the bed, kissed me on the cheek. I started to turn to her. "No. Take a little nap. I got to make you a sammich!" "I was kidding." "I'm not. It's symbolic. Gotta do it." A little while later I awoke to...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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She rang Ted on the following Wednesday, and there was no answer. “He might have gone down the pub.” Mike said. The phone rang a minute later. It was Ted.”Sorry, Jan, I was in the shower. I heard it ring, but couldn't get to it. Funnily enough, I was just thinking about you when you rang me. Isn't that a coincidence?” She could tell by his voice that he was in an upbeat mood, and she knew that he was trying to tell her that he'd been masturbating when she rang. “Yes, I suppose it is!” she...

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