Meeting An Xhamster Dominatrix = Part 2 free porn video

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Meeting Xhamster Mistress: Part 2
This is where the action gets intense. This is where I really want to get some feed back on. I have dreamed this scene to vivid wet dream completion!!! Please comment on this, and if you have found this story, there is a Part 1 that goes before that you will want to read first!!
Happy orgasms to all!!! And please make me happy by commenting, voting and tributing this for me!! Thanks!!

I wanted to scream. I thrashed and pulled at the bonds. I had been betrayed!!!
“Easy there, big guy!! This client wants a show, and to explore some… how shall I say it? Some other private fantasies. You are just here as a prop remember? Just a nameless prop for her fantasy of anonymous sex!”

My heart pounded a cadence of, “What the hell? What the hell? What the hell?”
Then she turned and said to my wife, Lauren, “Pay no attention to him. I am certain he will enjoy the show. Now about that curiosity of yours…” With that, Mistress, who was 4 inches taller than Lauren moved up to her and they gazed into each other’s eyes. I was forgotten about; but I could never forget watching that first kiss.

My wife took a half step toward Mistress and their hands met and fingers entwined. Lauren raised her chin and tilted her head just a degree or two. Her lips were soft, hungry… sexy. Mistress stepped into her and softly brushed her lips against my wife’s. This first brush, was followed by a second and the pink tip of tongues appeared as the ladies moved slowly in a dance of sensuous eroticism!!

I felt like I could not breathe. Mistress, pulled Lauren’s hands to her hips and then she put her own hands on my wife’s back. They kissed there in profile, like young lovers, with all the time of eternity in which to languish in their embrace. Small bites and nips on lower lips, tongues that danced in the air and deep in throats, they explored and played. All the while I stared in wonder at the sexual creatures before me that were erotic beyond my greatest imagining!!!

Mistress turned Lauren’s back to me and looked into my eyes as she ran her long hot tongue deep into my wife’s mouth and I heard the groans of my wife that I had not heard for more than a decade. Then, as I watched, completely bewitched, Mistress untied the knot of fabric at the nape of my wife’s neck and revealed to herself, my wife’s bountiful D cup breasts!! As I stared, I could just see the sides of my wife’s breasts as Mistress began to kiss down her throat and she lifted the weight of those freed boobs in her long fingers and hands.

In my mind, I could see Lauren’s nipples tightening the flesh around the areola and the front of Lauren’s tits. I love to watch and feel them do that! The bumps become so pronounced and her nipples pucker and lengthen in such a fashion that screams, “Suck me!” Mistress heard their cry and I watched as my wife ran her fingers through her new lover’s hair and held her gently to her breast. I could hear the noisy sucking sounds of Mistress, drawing more and more of my wife’s bountiful womanhood into her hot mouth. I could imagine the rings of red lipstick that were being smeared over her flesh. First one breast, and then after a few minutes, the other. All the while, my wife gently cupped her head to her breast and moaned as she arched her back and looked up at the ceiling.

Then Mistress stood up and lifted her own gown, up and over her head, revealing the thigh high stockings, garter belt and knee boots that were beneath. Lauren followed suit by unzipping the zip on her hip and dropping her gown to the floor in a puddle. There was nothing beneath. Nothing.

I had to remind myself to swallow as I caught my breath. “This cannot be real!! My wife would never…..” I remember thinking, but then I watched as Mistress turned my wife to sit in the chair at the foot of the bed. “Just make yourself comfortable. I think my slut boy is excited by what he sees in you!” Mistress turned and walked over to the dresser and I looked down the length of the bed at my wife. Her areolas were discolored, and it was not just from lipstick. They were darkened with the blood of lust and desire Mistress had built in her!!

“He looks like he is about to explode!” Lauren commented. “I don’t think I have ever seen balls that big or a cock that red and large before!” she added.
Mistress laughed, “All in good time. But first, let’s see about helping you attain that earth shaking orgasm you want.” She then came over and plopped herself on the floor between the chair and the foot of the bed. Put your feet up on the foot of the bed. You can watch my slave and fantasize about what he can do to you while I …. Well, let’s just say while I earn my keep!

Mistress then began rubbing and squeezing the soft padded flesh of my wife’s pussy. Other than the slit, nothing is usually evident of my wife’s pussy, just looking at her. Yet Mistress was not daunted. She squeezed a good pinch of flesh at the top of Lauren’s sex and shook it lightly then rapidly relaxed and clamped on the flesh.

Lauren’s hands were cupping her own breasts now and her fingers played lightly at first across that full flesh, and yet within seconds she was tugging in earnest!!! I was completely hypnotized. She was the very embodiment of lust and desire. I wanted her with every fiber of my being and yet….

A slap to my wife’s crotch interrupted my meditation and a second followed quickly by a third caused me to blink and surprisingly, my wife to arch her back in pleasure and a****listic lust for more! “You are a horny slut!! I bet when I open these pretty little gates to your sex, I am going to find a cauldron of the hottest potion of lust brewing inside of you, won’t I?”

My wife nodded her head and bit her lip. Mistress laughed, then opened my wife’s sex and without warning, dove tongue first into the hooded clit of my wife!!! Lauren screamed and Mistress pulled back and laughed. “You really are hot as a firecracker!! But you might want to keep it to a dull roar!!” and then she was again, wrapping her mouth over my wife’s sex and sucking on my wife’s clit. Lauren began to thrash back in forth in the chair and my cock was now bobbing in and out of my line of vision. Lauren released one breast and pulled Mistresses face into her as she began to thrust her hips up with abandon! It took only a minute for Lauren to go beyond and as the first orgasm slammed through her body, her eyes fluttered open and she stared at my cock like a sex crazed a****l in heat and ready to mount anything!!

Mistress stood up and unfolded her long frame as Lauren sagged back in the seat. I could see the cum leaking out of my wife’s sex. Mistress offered her a hand to help Lauren stand, and she did, though her legs were trembling still.
She lead Lauren to the side of the bed and grabbed my air tube and held it to my wife’s dripping snatch. “Smell that, bitch? This woman is hot and she deserves better than you. She deserves to get to be pleasured by a man, but you will have to do!!”

Mistress then reached over to the dresser and picked up a “rabbit vibrator. She had Lauren put her hands on my chest and lean over me. Then she spread my wife’s legs and flipped on the humming vibrator. Lauren arched her back and her breasts swung into my line of sight, just inches from my mouth. I could see her lips whispering “Yes. That’s it!! Oh my God. Yes do me!!” Her eyes fluttered and disappeared just beneath the half closed lids. I could not tell exactly what it was that Mistress was doing to Lauren, but it only took a couple of minutes before I saw my wife begin to convulse in ecstasy, Mistress was standing behind her and hooked my wife’s shuddering body back up into her to keep her from collapsing across me.

I was so entranced that I almost failed to realize, Lauren’s nails were digging into my flesh!! The pain was probably the only thing that kept me from spewing my seed all over, even without anyone touching me! The buzzing stopped and I watched as Mistress leaned over my wife’s shoulder. She ran her pink tongue over the lobe of my wife and she shuddered and groaned.

Mistress then whispered something in my wife’s ear, and they giggled. “Be a dear and let my friend play, while I go and freshen up.” Mistress said and winked at me. She then grabbed something off of the dresser and escaped into the bathroom.

Lauren looked down into my eyes and all I saw was lust burning in her soul. “You like the smell of my cunt, bitch?” she asked. The scent of her was filling the air tube now and I was certain I could not possibly be driven any madder. But I was wrong. Suddenly Lauren reached down and began to drag long lines of scratches across my chest!! Over and she clawed at me!! And then she alternately grabbed one nipple hard and twisted and then the other!! I was writhing beneath her onslaught now!! I was seriously afraid I was going to cum right then and there without her ever touching my cock!

But then she touched it. She slapped it hard again and again as now she was rubbing the hard end of my air hose against her clit and my air line was becoming blocked for longer and longer periods of time!! It was madness!! I moaned and roared and was closer to death than I had ever been, when Mistress came out and said, “Careful there, lover! If he can’t breathe, he can’t play either!”

My wife was panting, she was so excited. “I tell you what, I think it is time we release this demon and let him plow your pretty pussy and fill you up. He is clean of any disease and has not created a baby in well over a decade, so let’s do it right! She said, and Lauren agreed!!

In a minute I was set free and before I could attack either of the naked women, I was informed that it was time to reach the grand finale. Mistress then cleared the bed of pillows and directed Lauren to lie on her back and prepare to be fucked. She did as I looked at Mistress. She had on an odd granny panty contraption out of which a long phallus appeared. She saw my look and stepped up to me. “Put your hand on my cock, stud boy,“ she whispered with a voice choked with her own primal desires. It was vibrating. “The other end of this thing is in my cunt, driving me crazy, you get that end!!” She then bit my earlobe and I groaned.

I turned around and leaned over and my wife’s wet cunt was only inches from my face. Lauren spread it open with one hand and inserted three fingers from the other deep into her!! “I want you to fuck me here, and I want you to fuck me hard, you slut!!” she said to me. At that precise moment, Mistress pulled out my butt plug and my world spun. She shoved me up onto the bed between my wife’s thighs and my wife grabbed my throbbing cock!!

I was not at the gate to heaven long. As soon as I felt the fleshy void in front of me, I slammed my whole weight and length in as deep as I could and when my pelvic bone slammed into hers, I erupted, ball band be damned!!!

My head swam and I felt her muscles spasming and grabbing and trying to pull all of my cock into her hot pussy! As my mind began to clear, I slowly pulled back and was shocked to feel I had not lost one bit of my erection!! I was still like a man of steel!! So I began fucking my wife, as she gasped, “Yes, Oh yes!! Fuck me you bitch!! Fuck me hard!!” And I did.

I felt Mistress climb up on the bed behind me and a moment later she caught my hips as I was on the back swing. “Hang on there, you brute. You need a good fucking too, remember?!?” I did. I had wanted to be fucked by a woman… but … while fucking my wife?

She slid in just a little as my wife slid down the bed to get more of my cock in her hungry pussy. I leaned down and bit one of her large soft boobs and she moaned like a whore. Mistress then decided I had had enough time to adjust and in one movement, slammed her vibrating cock, balls deep into my anus!!

This drove me down into Lauren and I impaled her on the full length of my cock. I could feel my prostate buzzing and the root of my cock jumping as she moved her rubber cock deep inside of me. I was only able to make small movements with my own cock in and out of Lauren, but it was enough, and soon, as I felt my own jizz rising in my loins again. Suddenly Mistress slammed her body down onto my back. The sensation sent my cock jumping which caused Lauren to begin a violent orgasm as well. As the two women said the most lewd and wicked things in my ears, I erupted one last time, feeling the squirt of my wife’s cum and my own blowing back out all over my balls!!

We laid like that for maybe ten minutes. I rolled off of Lauren, but Mistress slid to Lauren’s side of me and we kissed and touched and explored.

Finally, Mistress stumbled off of the bed, into the powder room and returned a few minutes later wrapped in a terry cloth robe. I had rolled off of Lauren and now was nursing on her full breasts as she one more time was building her frigging to one more orgasm!!

Mistress chuckled and then softly clapped. “That was beautiful, but I am afraid our time together needs to come to an end. Lauren, if you would like to freshen up a bit, I’d like to have my slave meet my needs one more time.” Lauren smiled and walked shakily to the bath as she picked up her dress.

Mistress motioned me to her and said, “You have one last job. You have to bring me to the edge of an orgasm and hold me there until your wife leaves…. Or she might just see who her slut has been!!” She then undid my mask and pulled it off of my head. My hair was drenched with sweat and the air was fresh and cool as I breathed in. Mistress opened her thighs and her robe and pointed at her still wet sex. I needed no more encouragement!!

She had just pulled her robe together and closed it over the back of my head when I heard the bath door open. I could imagine my sexy wife, walking out with a smile on her face. Mistress called to her, “Lauren, I hope you enjoyed. Maybe we can try it again some time?” Her voice became progressively filled with passion as she spoke.

“Maybe. Especially if you are always able to find such men as this!! Maybe I can fuck his ass next time?” she said. I then felt Lauren run her hand over my exposed ass cheeks and then a quick couple slaps.

“Perhaps,” Mistress managed. “But for the rest of tonight, this slut is mine! I hope you understand if I don’t see you out.” She said the last barely able to control herself and I pulled back from sucking her clit and bit on her meaty pussy lips. She gasped in response.

“Oh, I can see you are busy,” Lauren chuckled. “I’ll lock the door on my way out! Ta Ta.”

When I heard the door latch closed, I latched onto the tasty pearl of a clit that was just begging for me, without hesitation, circled it twice with my tongue as I sent yet another wave of orgasms slamming through Mistress’ beautiful body!!
Please let me know what you think and any comments you may have!!

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xHamster Voyeur

Do you get a hard-on from fantasizing about scaling up a tree and peeping on that hot grandmother from across the street? Or do you feel like jerking off when you think about spying on someone via a security camera? I’m not going to call you a sick fuck, you horny bastard. Your secret is safe with me!I don’t give a fuck that you get off to the idea of watching people without their consent. You don’t have to bleed that shit into the real world to get your balls off, either. Head on over to...

Voyeur Porn Sites
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xHamster Bukkake

What’s up, you little freak! How many times a day do you fantasize about busting fat loads on a bitch’s face? It’s a shame you can’t find a girl that’ll let you do that to her! I would suggest you just pay someone, but that might not be so easy for some of us! Luckily, an almost infinite number of sluts love to show the world just how much they enjoy smearing their face in baby batter! That’s right, my friend! Tonight, you’re gonna enjoy thousands of videos featuring the nastiest cum-crazed...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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I found my soulmate dominatrix BDSM Sex Stories

I was a regular in the local BDSM club. It was a secret group in the locality who allowed very selective members. I was introduced to the group by one of my college mates. Back then, he only said it was a new kind of fun. I was intrigued. Little did I expect such an experience with a dominatrix. You see, my friend had no idea he has unknowingly brought in a submissive male in the right place. I was always on a lookout for partners who wanted things kinkier in bed and this was the perfect place....

3 years ago
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Meeting up with an Xhamster member

MY NEW FRIEND.I hadn’t been a member on Xhamster very long but in a couple of short weeks I had I met quite a few interesting people from all around the world, I hadn’t really joined to hook up with people I just enjoyed the escapism from my normal life as my husband being away for 10 months out of every year with the army it does become a little lonesome sometimes although I have quite a few good friends, but sex is missing from my life only managing to have a few discrete flings every now and...

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Meeting Bill my xHamster Friend

My xHamster friend, Bill, and I finally decided to meet. No expectations, just a drink and conversation. We had been online friends for some time and shared similar sexual interests, values and fantasies. So, we agreed on a place to meet that was half way between where we lived. We arrived at about the same time, instantly recognizing each other. It was nice to finally meet. We sat at a table in a bar that was biker-like, so we didn’t want to project the image that we were gay, or anything like...

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xHamster Vintage

Sometimes, the old ways are the best. No, that’s not me channeling your Boomer father as they bitch about the good ol’ days. It happens to be true in some cases – especially when it comes to porn.Now you might be saying to yourself, “ThePornDude, the fuck are you talking about?” Vintage porn is better than today’s smut? Hell no! We have 4K pornography and more porn released hourly than you could possibly jerk off to. These are some of the best days in porn, and they keep getting better!But...

Vintage Porn Sites
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My xHamster Journey Chapter 1

The following is the first chapter in a true story. When I came across xHamster in June of 2012, it offered me an experience far more engaging than a typical pornographic website. As an exhibitionist, having the option to create a profile to showcase my own videos, pictures, and stories while remaining safely cloaked behind the anonymity of the internet satisfied my long-repressed desires like nothing before it. Soon after joining, I learned that I could even broadcast my webcam to live...

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xHamster Lesbian

Craving some lesbian xHamster videos? I’ve been a porno expert for years now and I can confidently say that lesbian porn is always a hot category whether you’re an avid porn addict who can’t keep his hands off his dick or you prefer the occasional fap every now and then. Everyone loves seeing two hot sluts go at each other and turn their pussies inside out with their tongues without a dick in sight. Lesbian porn’s always been a true bastion of the pornography industry, and it deserves praise by...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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xHamster Pics

Looking for some xHamster photos or pictures? Nothing beats a good amateur photo gallery. You can get fancy with high production videos and VR sex games, but there’s just something so fucking hot about getting off to amateur pics. You might come across a gallery that only has 10 views that gets you diamonds. That shit is yours now. No, it’s not a video of Sasha Grey that everyone in the damn world has seen. It could be some hot as fuck college girl’s one and only set of nudes in the world!...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Debra Meets a Dominatrix

Debra so wanted to know what is was like to be disciplined as an adult. It was an ongoing fantasy of hers. Debra, 27-years-old, was so scared when she first met 43-year-old Karen at the Club. She knew it was a spanking party but that wasn’t the reason to be scared. That was because she knew she was going to experience her fantasy and was concerned it will not be what she had hoped for. She decided to go because her close friend, Lisa, suggested she attend having just a few days beforehand...

2 years ago
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My Creative Writing Journal ldquoxHamster sex conte

xHamster was throwing a contest for all the young women who had impregnation blogs. The object of this contest was to find three (3) men who would be willing to have unprotected sex with the risk of impregnating her. The rules were extensive. 1) All three men had to live in another state. Which means I had to find three men who were NOT in the state of California. 2) One of the men had to married. Another man had to be Divorced. And another had to be widowed. 3) They all had to have had sex...

1 year ago
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xHamster Cuckold

It is time to review a classic, boys and girls. I’m not covering all of XHamster, don’t worry. We’re only here to talk about the cuckold section as well as the overall quality of the cuckold content you can find on XHamster. This site’s got a reputation. To me, XHamster will always be the porn tube that doesn’t give nearly as many fucks as it should. It’s a bit of a wild west of smut. Anyone can post here and everyone is trying to use the site to drive traffic back to their own websites,...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Meeting Through Xhamster A Gushingly True Story

I have been on and off Xhamster for the past few years, under two different profiles. I had never met anyone in that time as I was convinced I was unattractive to any woman who might be on here. I swapped messages with ladies, shared videos, pictures and stories that might turn each other on, but that was as far as it went. But you never know what might happen...I began chatting to a lovely lady that I'll call Suzanne (not her real name). She was based in the Cotswolds, was married but was...

2 years ago
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How I Found My Anal Whoreslut On XHAMSTER

This story is 100% true and happened Sunday night. As you read the story you will learn of SWW's (stands for her screen name) desire to fulfill her destiny by becoming a true anal whoreslut. You will read how I accepted the responsibility of being her master and to help her fulfill her destiny. We are one and the same in terms of our passion for all things anal. She wanted me to write this story and to announce to everyone her favorite part in our chat where I said: "Hey fellas, just so...

1 year ago
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9 ndash Maire Learns about Pornography and xHamster

I took an Uber to Delilah’s. I dressed nicely wanting to impress my new boss. I was excited to learn more about porn, too. I wore my new pink corset with the white lace accents, the pink hose and platform shoes. On top, I wore a bright slimming red dress. I pulled my red hair back in a pony tail and had applied a fair amount of make-up and my false eyelashes. I thought I looked pretty stunning, if I said so myself. I walked into Delilah’s and saw Susan wave at me from across the room. I...

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Video and Story of 31215 XHamster married black

This is the true story of my XHAMSTER meet and fuck last Thursday 3/12/15. The young lady is a XHAMSTER member and married and DID NOT want to be on video. She was cheating with me. I snuck a quick video for you guys. PLEASE DO NOT ASK WHO SHE IS AS I AM NOT GOING TO TELL. I ALWAYS protect my ladies.Last Thursday I was having a hella bad day at work. I normally would just bend my intern over in a conference room, or have my new cuckold couple meet me but I had that craving for “new meat”....

1 year ago
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xHamster Pee

There are a lot of fetishes in the world, and many of them steer clear of the normality that is vanilla sex, delving deep into the depths of everything normal everyday people would consider taboo and bizarre. A lot of people like different things, and that's totally okay because it gives sexuality a wide spectrum of different affinities and preferences which can all be utilized within professionally-made XXX content for the porn industry, which not only widens the horizons of those who watch it...

Scat Porn Sites
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xHamster Black

As a passionate porn fan, I must say the internet has been a blessing in many ways. The plethora of porn sites is almost overwhelming that sometimes you’re simply fucking spoilt for choice. You want to watch a few porn tubes to help you polish the pole or see a bitch you want to bust a nut to but end up spending hours with a hard-on. It becomes even more complicated if you’re trying to find something specific in the random mix of porn clips on the free porn tubes. However, narrowing your search...

Black Porn Sites
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xHamster Creampie

I’ll never get tired of reviewing this kind of shit, I swear. You’d think that after a thousand or so reviews of creampie sections, I’d start to get sick of watching them, but there’s something about watching cum ooze out of a girl’s ass or pussy that just gets me hard every single time. Hell, I could be freshly spent, and sometimes I’ll just check out some creampie videos if I’m feeling like consuming some art, because that’s what creampies are. They’re an art form. Some people think that all...

Creampie Porn Sites
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xHamster Interracial

If you’re just sticking to fucking bitches of your same race, then you’re missing out big time. You need to sample the goddamn world when you go out and take a horny slut back to your pad. I put up this world map full of pins. I tell babes that these are all the places I’ve been to. But, really, that porcupine of a map marks off the country these girls are from. It’s nearly full at this point. One day I’ll slam some tight North Korean pussy. Seriously though, each of these girls brings...

Interracial Porn Sites
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But her attitude. Her attitude was all from her American father. Strong willed, head strong and fiercely individualistic. She was used to getting her way, every time, all the time. She wore a pair of black leather high cut, bikini style bottoms. Her small breasts were covered with a black leather halter exposing her toned midriff. A black leather cape adorned her slim shoulders. She stepped forward towards the kneeling female figure in front of her feet. The figure's head was...

3 years ago
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The night when I first seen a dominatrix

The night I decided to see a dominatrix. I had just recently gotten out of a three year relationship and my partner was strictly submissive, she couldn’t be dominant even if her life was on the line. Needless to say, I love being a top as well and she loved the kinkiest of role-plays. But all good things must come to an end, unfortunately. In my professional life I employ close to 100 people and which always puts me in a position of control and everyone always treats me with the utmost...

1 year ago
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First Dominatrix Session

This story is autobiographical, it is entirely true and presented without embellishment. For most of my life I've struggled with unknowns, unknowns about myself and uncertainties. Not so much uncertainties about my gender identity, I identify as male and have no feelings to the contrary but at the same time I've also felt a strong "feminine" side to myself that I couldn't deny but tried suppress, built into those delusions of what's "masculine", what's "feminine" and how it's wrong to...

4 years ago
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Futas Wild PassionChapter 14 Dominatrix Plays with the Futa

My mom and I headed up the elevator on the ride to see her boss: Ms. Petrov. A nervous flutter washed through me. My mom’s warning she gave in the car hit me hard as the elevator creaked higher and higher. A nervous ripple ran through me. I was here to please my mom’s boss so she could get a raise. To help out our family, but the way my mom talked... Maybe I couldn’t handle this BDSM stuff. “It’ll be okay,” Mom said, rubbing my arm. “She won’t harm you ... Probably.” “Mom,” I groaned, my...

3 years ago
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My first XHamster encounter

All stories and blog entries are based on true events. Names, dates and locations have been changed for privacy. This could potentially answer a couple of questions. How did I hear about and why have I taken so long to join XHamster?Until recently I was in a long term relationship, sadly my past caught up with me and it ended. I have been a fan of XHamster for a while. I have tried other sites but they tend to be a multitude of sites where men outnumber women 1,000 to one and profiles are links...

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My first Threesome video for Xhamster

Ok, well here goes I've always fantasized about having sex with two at the same and just been to scared to do it, but putting my naked pics of myself and videos of me and my boyfreind having sex and sharing my sex life with strangers on xhamster site has turned me and my boyfreind into exhibitionist who loves the attention and comments I get from showing off my naked pics of myself and sex acts I perform on video Its such a turn on for me to have a stranger comment or send me a picture of his...

1 year ago
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Xhamster user teenolivia and her friend Amanda at

Hi everyone, This whole story started out as a dirty comment I left for an xhamster user, teenolivia on one of her photos. I decided to make it an entire story based on that one photo in her profile which is this one: story is told to Olivia, from me. I meet you and Amanda at the park near the lake in this photo. I can’t take my eyes off of your hot little bodies and both of you girls keep looking down at my hardening cock in my shorts and...

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xHamster POV

I don’t want to feel like I’m watching some slut get railed from a cuckold viewpoint in the corner of the room. And I don’t want to have the camera zoomed in on some sweaty dude’s asshole and balls. What the hell is up with those cameramen? I swear, they find the worst goddamn angles known to man. I want to feel like I’m the one plowing pussy and choking the eager slut on the bed, and I’m sure plenty of you sex-starved bastards feel the same way. After all, it’s probably the closest you’ll ever...

POV Porn Sites

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