First Dominatrix Session free porn video

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This story is autobiographical, it is entirely true and presented without embellishment. For most of my life I've struggled with unknowns, unknowns about myself and uncertainties. Not so much uncertainties about my gender identity, I identify as male and have no feelings to the contrary but at the same time I've also felt a strong "feminine" side to myself that I couldn't deny but tried suppress, built into those delusions of what's "masculine", what's "feminine" and how it's wrong to cross to the other side, though girls get a bit more leeway when it to crossing that line. "Tom Boys" are okay, but boys who do "girly" things are "sissies." Eventually I discovered the concept of "cross-dressing" and would take as many opportunities as I could to do it. When I was home alone I would find myself in my parents' bedroom trying on my mom's stuff. I was never caught red-handed but in hindsight I'm sure my parents knew and just never confronted me on it, there's just too many ways I could've slipped and left "tells" for them to not have known. Into adulthood the dressing and such became much more of a sexual fetish for me than anything else, I had no delusions of "passing" or anything but at times I just felt comfortable being in some form of women's clothing and putting myself in sexual fantasies of being a female, including playing a female role in intercourse, though I identify as heterosexual. (I've no sexual attraction to men, though I admit there's a couple male celebrities who I'd go for if the unlikely chance should ever present itself but I suspect plenty of men have it within them to admit that if someone like say, Bradley Cooper, approached them they wouldn't turn him down.) I've never been good at relationships, I find my anxiety and various other psychological abnormalities just makes it hard for me to really put myself out there and ask a woman out. I've been in one serious relationship and it mostly started when she mostly forced herself on me. I had gone to her dorm room to fix her computer, afterwards we were talking and she came up, sat on my lap, and just began kissing me. We ended up making out for several hours and started a relationship, we dated for almost two years before she cheated on me and things just couldn't continue. It was the second time in the relationship, the first time we worked for it but the second time there was no coming back. The first time had already caused a bit of a damper on the relationship. During our relationship we have gone to a costume party with me dressed as a cheerleader and her a football player. She had discovered my proclivities by coming across my browser history. She, mostly, accepted it but it seemed she was more wanting a "man's man" which I was not. I was too passive, I always felt like the "secondary" in the relationship. It didn't dawn on me until many, many years later (15 years later, to be exact. 15 years without any kind of serious relationship) what I wanted, but wasn't sure how to get it. I wanted to be in a "Female-Led Relationship." I'd read plenty of stories about feminine domination and such but never really latched onto it being something I wanted or something that was possible or even "real." Stories are stories, you know? So, as I began looking into it I was less and less sure on how to accomplish this, to see my fantasies, as it were, realized. As I looked into it I managed to find some groups and on-line forums for FLRs and domination and such, but it just became more and more unclear on how this was going to happen moving forward. Then I came across the website for a local dominatrix who offers Her "services" following a short vetting process and public meeting, she was -for what it was worth- sure to point out on Her website that the services she offers are non-sexual in compliance with the prostitution laws of the state we live in. "No happy endings in Her dungeon," as she put it. Somehow, through most of my life I've struggled and been mostly been unable to ask women out on dates but here I was E-Mailing a woman in order to take part in sexually-charged services. I guess in my mind any "rationalizing" of this was that buying/paying for something is different and nets a stronger likelihood of positive results than asking some acquaintance out for dinner. After a series of E-Mail exchanges we agreed on a meeting place at a local, nice, restaurant for lunch, we'd meet and have an open, frank, discussion -she assured me she wouldn't judge and I could be open with Her- and we could work out when to have an actual session. I was to arrive at the restaurant ahead of our scheduled meeting time, be respectfully dressed (no tennis shoes, hats, T-shirts, jeans, etc.) and get us a booth, leaving instructions with the hostess to escort Her to me at the table on arrival. As I sat there at the table my nerves ran wild, I was still unsure of what was going to happen or what could happen. It was still not too late, I could still back out of this okay. I had with me an envelope with the "consultation fee" in it, which included a non-refundable deposit on the session. But I was nervous. I wasn't certain or sure of myself on how the laws worked. Could I still be arrested for solicitation? I mean where do prostitution laws begin and end? What does it include? I kept glancing over my shoulder at the entryway for the restaurant looking for Her to enter, knowing what she would look like and how she would be dressed based on the pictures on Her website and E-Mail exchanges with Her. She was probably 15-20 minutes later than scheduled, but not a big deal for me, I saw Her enter and approach the hostess lectern and then she was lead to me. As she sat down in the booth opposite me I held my breath nerves were on edge. Didn't know what to feel or think. She was a beautiful woman probably my age or little older with bright red hair cut short, a little above Her shoulders. She looked at me, and said my name in question form. I confirmed it as well as confirming Her name, though not using the term "Mistress" for the sake of discretion should anyone in adjacent booths be able to hear our conversation. We got our, non-alcoholic, drinks and both the same "meal" (actually just a largish piece of carrot cake she spoke highly of) and we began our conversation. We spoke all over the map, about Her past and history, about mine, I told Her about my love-life, or lack thereof, and how I pegged it just being unable to ask women out. She smiled at me, looking up from the coffee cup she was drinking from, a stick of crystalized sugar in it she'd stir in the coffee to sweeten it, and "Yes you can." Obviously referring to how I was able to approach Her and ask Her out through Her website. A fair point on Her part but, still, different circumstances with Her than it would be with someone on the street I wanted to meet or date. But it was a nice encounter with Her where I told Her I'd not experienced any form of S&M/D&S activity before and was interested in exploring it, she smiled saying she enjoyed working with "virgins" to this stuff, I told Her my fantasies mostly centered around "feminization"/crossdressing and I was interested in exploring the masochism aspects, but was unsure of my pain levels though I suspected them to be quite high. Filled Her in on a minor seizure disorder I have that wouldn't be a problem in our interaction. (I don't go into convulsions or anything, usually I just become distant and a bit unaware for a couple seconds, but they don't occur often and shouldn't be a problem. She said she'd be in contact with me and we can proceed as I wish. It was later that night when, through E-Mail, we agreed on a time for our session and she gave me the next set of instructions, specifically what I needed to bring with me for the session. Saying it was impractical for Her to have on hand clothing to fit all possible sizes I'd need to bring my own, though she could provide wigs/makeup and the like. I'd need undergarments, a dress/skirt or whatever and shoes. She recommended I go for a lower heel if I intended to walk at all. She further said that depending on how "far" I wanted to go with the session and experience that I remove as much of my body hair as I was comfortable with and particularly if I wanted my genitals touched they should be trimmed. (Though there'd be no sexual interaction she said she still fondles/touches things but won't do it if there's too much hair there.) "You're asking yourself where you get all of these things, well the Goodwill you silly bitch!" So, first I spent a good bit of time at home trying to figure out my sizes in women's clothes, and struggled to make any kind of sense of it. Translating shoe size was easy, bust size was easy, but when it came to dress sizes and such I was at a complete loss as there seemed to be no consistency on what sizes translated to as far as inches. I don't have a woman's hips so how does that number fit into my search? I went to the Goodwill with my numbers and tried to find some things, but really couldn't find things I liked in my sizes and the stuff that was in my sizes I wasn't sure I'd calculated them correctly as the outfit didn't appear to be the right size (either too big or too small.) I wanted the "rush" of going to a store to buy these things, as she recommended for the extra thrill. I ended up just buying clothes on Amazon, I did more research on the sizes and was able to mostly figure out what would work for me and found a nice dress and shoes on Amazon. (Given my male size the female size shoes, in wide, I needed were going to be very hard to find.) I did go to a department super-store to buy undergarments and hosiery, using the self-checkout lane to purchase them; saving myself the embarrassment. It was a fairly cute dress, probably a midi-size on me, with a nice - mostly useless- belt on it. It seemed to fit me perfectly though I couldn't tell since I couldn't zip it all the way up on my own. (Seriously, why do they design dresses that way?) A bought a regular pair of slip-on stockings as they struck me as more "fun" than a set of pantyhose. I already had a mastectomy bra as I had my own set of fairly nice breast forms. I've never gone out, but I like the feeling of wearing them sometimes. The session was still a week or so away and I decided to go ahead and remove my body hair and maintain it between now and the session, reducing any "razor burns" on the day of the session and for any nicks with the razor to heel. I first went with a strong depilatory cream to remove my hair, it was one my Mistress recommended if it was the route I chose to go with, the cream was strong enough to do a good job removing hair but also gentle enough it could be used on sensitive areas like nipples and genitals. I said the hell with it and removed as much hair as I could from my neck down, leaving the hair on my forearms and on my back/anus/most of the perineum mostly from all of that being hard for me to easily reach. It'd been a long time since I've done this, I used to shave myself occasionally to more "enjoy" those times when I dressed but as it wasn't something I regularly or often did I hadn't done it in a while. When shaved I made sure to rub myself down nicely with some moisturizer, every other day from there after I'd go over myself with a razor to keep myself nicely hairless. Then the day came. My session was at 3 PM and was a 2-hour long one, I was nervous the whole day, a day off from work, and I could barely contain my excitement and nervousness. I still had that bug in the back of my brain that this could all go horribly wrong. I could still be walking into a trap that'd either see me in jail or at the very least robbed and my car stolen. But I sighed and set myself on doing this. If this was a "scam" of some sort it was an elaborate one considering the contact I had had with Her and the length of our communication. Twenty minutes or so before I left my place to go to Her "dungeon" (in an old church in some neighborhood, she said she enjoyed the blasphemy of using a church for these activities. From Google it seemed the place was listed another kind of business, likely to prevent Her neighbors from knowing what went on there, even if what she was doing was legal) I gave myself another good shave, giving myself a good, close shave, on my face, gathered up my clothing and other items in a reusable grocery sack and set off. Still very, very, nervous. I got into the area of the dungeon probably 15 minutes or so too early for arriving at a decent time without being *too* early so I drove around a bit more, circled back, and parked in the driveway of the "church." I didn't notice any other cars in the driveway or parked outside on the street. The instructions were for me to walk in the front door, put my payment in a box near the doorway inside the building's foyer, take my shoes off, and sit on a nearby bench and await to be greeted. I wasn't to call out to Her, she'd know I was there, nor was I to enter the "dungeon" (the church's sanctuary). Once I was inside I was "Hers" and needed to respect that. I walked up to the door of the building, pushed the latch and.... The door was locked. What was going on?! I didn't know what to think but I didn't do anything further and just waited there on the porch. The church was pretty much a repurposed house at the end of a regular neighborhood street. From the outside it looked like any other house, but it did have the "flair" of the type of place it was if you knew you were looking at such a place. The "Victorian" era-looking patio furniture, the colors of paint used on the front of the house, etc. It was a couple minutes I stood there when another vehicle turned the corner and parked in front of the building, through the windows I could see it was Her. She greeted me with a warm, friendly, "Hello, Mark!" and went to the door to unlock it. She said She was running late as She had a lunch meeting and tried texting me to let me know She was running late. I didn't get the text so either She dialed my number wrong or some hiccup in the phone network. Looking at her it was still striking to me how attractive she was and how she was dressed, and her starkly red hair. She had on a nice thigh- high skirt, dark-colored tights/hosiery and pretty blouse. We entered the entryway to the church, She locked the door behind us and said She'll be ready for me in a few minutes, She entered the Sanctuary of the old church, blocked by curtains between it and the entry foyer. I took out the envelope with her payment in it and placed it in a nearby box, sat down, took off my shoes and waited. I could hear her movements in the neighboring room as her heels clicked on the solid floors of the room, rummaging, and music playing for a radio she had turned on. In a curio cabinet by the pew in the waiting room there were various interesting look old-tyme sex-related devices. Including what was probably an 80-year-old or so vibrator. I don't know how long I waited in the entryway, but my heart was pounding I was still very nervous. Still wasn't sure what to feel, to think, or to expect. This could all go very wrong. I looked at my shopping bag and nervously grasped the handle to it. I then heard Her heels clicking again, this time drawing closer, She walked through the curtain and stood their looking down at me. She'd not changed Her clothes much beyond putting on a corset- looking outer-garment, She looked tall and imposing to me. She put Her hands on Her hips arched an eyebrow and said, "Ready?" I quietly, shyly, said "Yes." With a nervous nod. I rose up and followed Her through the curtain into the sanctuary. Naturally all of the pews had been removed and series of ornate couches were lining the one side of the room, on the other were various BDSM- related toys and other devices, a cage, a St. Andrew's cross, a rack with various whips and chains on it. I gulped. The far corner of the room had been converted into a kitchenette, and the front of the room was the dais the center of which was a large, regal-looking, chair with a kneeler at the foot of it. She took the bag from me, "Is this for us to play with?" "Yes." "Good. What I want you to do is go into the bathroom over there (in the other corner of the room), get undressed and then come out here to me. I want you to kneel there and wait whether I'm there or not. Do you understand?" She talked to me in a commanding tone, sort of the way a mother would give directions to a child. "Yes Mistress." She smiled and looked at me, "Good, boy." I went into the bathroom and began taking my clothes off, my hands still shaking with nervousness. Now I'm not greatly comfortable with my body. I know I'm not overly attractive and certainly not fit and I know I have undersized-looking genitals and manhood. I had a hard to revealing myself to my first girlfriend when we had sex and here I am about to walk out to an almost complete stranger. But, somehow, I trusted in Her that She would be professional towards me and that She wouldn't judge. I folded up my clothes, opened the bathroom door, walked out and placed them on a nearby bench. She was on Her chair looking solidly forward with only a slight glance my way as I stepped out. I cautious walked over to Her and got on the kneeler at her feet, I looked up to her a bit and she let out a slight smile. "Show me what you brought." Nearby was my bag so I took the items out of it, showing Her the clothing I had bought, a fairly nice dress, the pantyhose, panties, shoes and my bra and breastforms. "Are those your tits?" She asked. "Yes, Mistress." "Let me see them." I opened the box and brought them out and showed them to Her, She smiled. The forms were fairly decently sized. Probably undersized for what would realistically be "my size" but the things still were pretty big with a good bit of heft to them. With the items shown and set aside I looked up to Her, sternly She said, "Look down." I did so. "Remember that now you are mine. And you will obey me. Understand?" "Yes, Mistress." She stood-up took my hand and led me over to the area where most of the toys and such were, I looked up to watch where we were going and She turned back to me, "Don't look up. You do not look at me unless I give you permission. Understand?" "Yes, Mistress." Like an ashamed child I put my head down and let Her lead me over to a "central" or focal area in the "play section" it was the back corner of the room, red currents lined the walls, concealing what I would later find out were a variety of whips, chains, restraints and such. She positioned me in a central position in this area turned me to face more towards the center of the room and told but my hands out in front of me. I did so. She walked off and soon came back with a pair of hand cuffs, but not the kind used by police these had "grasping handles" on them and weren't connected to each other, my hands in the cuffs She walked over and pressed a switch on the wall, a loud mechanical noise filled the room mostly coming from above and behind me, I glanced up slightly to see a bar being lowered from the ceiling, in my looking I caught Her eyes. She put on a stern face and slapped me. Not too hard, but a slap none the less. She grasped my cheeks with Her hand and said, "What did I tell you?!" "Sorry, Mistress." The bar being in the position She wanted, She raised my hands and restrained them to the bar using a chains on each cuff to affix them. She then raised the bar so that my arms were over my head and I was more-or-less forced in a standing position. Not on my toes but not entirely flat-footed either. "Are you going to the doctor or anything like that anytime soon?" she asked. "No..." I answered unsure what the question was leading to. "Good." She opened what I believe was a tube of lipstick but given her question likely was some-kind-of water-proof/resistant lipstick and She drew hears around my nipples and on the bare patch of skin between my belly button and genitals. She then walked off, came back, and put a pink collar on me. I continued to avoid eye contact with Her. "This is another reminder you are mine. Now I want to inspect you. Understand?" Almost instinctively as part of human reaction and looked at her and said, "Yes, Mistress..." then I caught myself. She had given me another stern look, another slap (this one slightly harder) and she walked off. "Since you seem to have a problem with this, I'm going to have to take care of this problem." She had gotten the stockings out of my bag, brought them over and blindfolded me with them. "Now I want to inspect you." "Yes, Mistress." She walked around me, I felt Her touching parts of my body, running Her hands along it, occasionally asking me questions about things you saw. I have some benign cysts in my thighs that bulge out, looking slightly like very large tumors, but are just weird, hard globs of tissue. She asked me about them, I explained them. She asked me a little bit about my genitals, and I explained I had undescended testicles as a child and had them surgically lowered but they were still a little mispositioned. She noted how well shaved I was, my chest, underarms, legs, genitals. "Very well done." "Thank you, Mistress. I did the best I could with the depilatory cream and regular shaving. I wasn't able to get much of my back or behind, though. Sorry." "It's okay. You've done much better than most of my other boys do." She complemented my nipples and said how big and erect they were, she moved away and soon came back, I could hear the light clinking of something metallic, asked me about my pain tolerance and I responded that I thought it was pretty high depending on various things. Through gaps in my makeshift blindfold I could see down to my chest and watched as she put some nipple clamps on me. I was prepared for experiencing pain and in some ways expected it. But this pain was a bit too sharp for me. I felt I could handle slaps, spankings, and even some sharp pain but this pain was to persistent. To constant. I don't know if that's the way it's supposed to be or if I just have overly sensitive nipples. It was a couple minutes of this as She inspected me more, slapping parts of my body, when She asked, "How do you feel?" I must have looked pale and had a flop sweat or something as I could even sense it within myself, I felt myself feeling faint. "Mistress... I think the nipple things are more than I can handle." (At the time I honestly wasn't sure if they were clamps or some-kind-of piercing (though that wouldn't make any sense given no alcohol or anything was applied before piercing them.) "Okay," she said and she started to remove them, once removed she moved away and I heard/felt the bar being lowered, She took my hands out of the cuffs, led me a few feet forward and told me to get on my knees. I did so. She removed the blindfold and directed my face to look at Her. She smiled lightly, She aided me and showed me to get into a bowing/yoga-like pose and coached me into an eased breathing, knelt, breathing softly and trying to calm my nerves She told me to wait there and walked off, going into the kitchen, soon coming back with a bottle of water and a single-serving bottle of Sunny-D, She offered them to me. I took the Sunny-D, opened the bottle and began drinking it. She set the water nearby. "Kneel back down and relax." I did so. I could feel my nerves coming back to me, focusing. She bought over a nearby desk chair, sat down on it and then rested Her feet on me, using me as an ottoman. "Have you ever heard of human furniture?" "Yeah, I've read something about it." "It can be very interesting. When I have my parties, I think it's fun to have pieces of human furniture around acting as tables and seats and stuff. Sometimes the people around you can even forget you're there an regard you as such. Do you think that would be fun?" "Yes, Mistress." "How are you feeling?" "Better, Mistress, thank you." She leaned forward a bit stroking me, as if petting a dog. "I have to take care of my things." She leaned back on the chair and put Her feet in front of me, "Can you take off my shoes, please?" They were high heeled, ankle-high cute little shoes. I struggled to undo the clasps to unbuckle them, my hands being a bit too big to use the small clasps and my nerves still giving me something of a tremor. But I managed to get them off. A looked at her stocking-clad feet. "I want a foot massage." I gladly began giving her foot message, as best as I could as I wasn't sure exactly "how" to message them exactly. I was still a bit nervous in my "role" in all of this. I messaged Her for a few minutes when she said, "That's enough. Kiss them for me and we can move on." She left again and came back with a bottle of finger-nail polish and She showed me how to paint nails, using Her own pinkie as an example. It was my job to paint the rest of Her nails as best as I could. I did my best. When done She told me I had done a good job and earned my reward. To get dressed. She brought over the rest of my women's clothing and helped me to get dressed, to put on the bra, and after I put my forms in the pockets She adjusted the bra to fit me properly. She looked at me, "you do have nice tits." Since the incident with my near-fainting she had caught me catching her eyes a couple times and though gave me a stern look it seemed we'd moved on from that "rule." She lent me a garter for my stockings (even though they had the lining in them that kept them up) and zipped up my dress. She looked me up and down and said, "You look pretty good." She then tried to coach me in how to walk properly in my high-heeled shoes. I did the best I could for Her and She said, "Well, you'll get the hang of it." She sat me down on a stool, opened up a makeup kit and began applying makeup to me. As we did this we began talking about things, mostly random things but mostly talking as if we were girlfriends. She asked me stuff about my childhood and younger years, what made me want to explore this kind of experience and things of that nature. I relaxed a bit as I talked to her, opening up. Probably truly opening up with a woman for the first time in my life. She applied a good deal of foundation on me, blush, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lip stick and even a bit of concealer for my eyebrows. When She was done She gave a brownish-blonde wig and helped me up. I looked in the mirror and... Well, I looked like a guy in a dress. I mean, the clothing looked good, the make-up looked very good, the wig looked natural, but there's just too many masculine features to my face, I feel, to be ignored. (Namely my largish nose.) She complimented me on how good I looked and I played along with her. I mean, I guess I looked as good as I possibly could under the circumstances of my face and body size. I did like the way my legs looked in the hose, though. Earlier we had been talking about hair and I had told Her how much I liked red-heads and how I loved her own red-hair. As we looked in the mirror She looked like she was struck with an idea and she ran off, going to a staircase in the back of the room to an upper room, soon coming back with a redish-hair colored wig. "This is one of my personal ones, not one I use in my sessions but for you I'll make an exception." She put the wig on me, which was a little tight for me, but with it on I still looked fairly decent. "Can I take some pictures of you?" My rationality wasn't all there, so I allowed it. Not knowing what I was thinking at the time, later realizing how compromising of a position that was to put myself in. She took several pictures of me in various positions around the room, on one of the Victorian-looking couches and in various positions. Sitting, laying down, etc. In one of my sitting pictures she pulled the hem of my dress back a bit to expose the top of my stockings. She continued to try and coach me in how to walk, how to sit and even how to talk. Talking to me at times as if we were girlfriends saying, "We should go shopping sometime to get you more clothes and your own wig. I know some places we can go where you wouldn't have to worry about anyone caring what you're doing it. You won't have to pay me either!" She looked at me slyly, "Would you dress for me if we go shopping?" "I'm not sure I would be comfortable doing that, Mistress." She gave me a playful pout. During this at one time she had me layout on an ottoman, "Normally I whip bad boys here but you've been good, so I won't do that now." Laying there she ran Her hands over my back, across my butt and through the crack, grazing my genitals and slightly grasping them. She stood back a bit saying how "feminine" the visual was, other than the hair still on my ass which ruined the visual a bit. After a while of talking, practicing walking and picture taking, She instructed me back to the bathroom to change back into my men's clothes, "Unless I can convince you to go home dressed like this," She said to me with a wink. "Sorry, Mistress. I don't think I'm comfortable doing that." A playful pout. She led me to the bathroom and she got out some cold-cream and other make-up removing things, told me to get cleaned up and changed and to come back out when ready. I did so. Make-up removed, back in my men's clothes, and my stuff packed back up I went back out into the sanctuary and looked at Her. She smiled as I walked back over to her. She took me by the hands and said, "Now, I want you to take the next couple of days, think this over and let them settle with you. I'll be in contact with you and what you to tell me what you thought of your session, how you're feeling, and what you think we could do in a future session if you decide to have one." I thanked Her and told Her I would get back in touch with Her via E- Mail. She led me out of the sanctuary and back into the foyer area. She gave me a genuinely warm hug, unlocked the door and led me out. (But making sure she stood out of the open doorway incase the neighbors were to catch her in her dominatrix outfit. It was an interesting experience and though I've had a girlfriend I was sexually active with many years ago, it was probably the closest thing to intimacy I think I've had with a woman. A genuine connection. Maybe I'm messed-up thinking but I don't feel I need sexual activity to be "intimate" with someone. But just being open and sharing. I put myself out there, exposed myself and my vulnerabilities. I put out a lot more risk than I think I ever could do. I mean, when I was chained to the bar and partially suspended what was there to stop her from running into the foyer, grabbing the keys out of the heel of my shoes and going out to my car and driving off?! What's to stop her from putting the pictures of me up on social media or something? But, somehow, I got through my anxieties and trusted her. And in it all opened myself up some. We had some nice correspondence when she got back in touch with me a few days later, sending me the pictures she took, which I put in a password- protected file on my computer. It was a very fun and interesting experience. One I took part in again just a few weeks before writing this. Where again, I shared with her emotionally and opened up. Impressing her as I had been practicing walking "femininely" some and in putting together a nice outfit and buying a low high-heeled boot. In the correspondence before that session I had been saying how much I was struggling with matching clothes and figuring out my sizes, she took her dominatrix role and told me no excuses and gave me resources to use to find my sizes. Part of the second session also involved me buying some hip shapers to give me a more feminine figure, she told me sometime we may have to use a corset on me. The second session was just as much an experience as the first. Not as much of the physical stuff, some spanking, but nothing much to do with pain and a quicker dressing time. And also another point where I allowed myself to be put in an overly compromising position, she put a sensory deprivation mask on me, locked me in a smallish cage and suspended it for a few minutes. Oddly inside of it, dangling, with what sounded/felt like her putting spin on the cage I wasn't that anxious or freaked out. She took another bunch of pictures of me, we talked and shared some, and she again said we needed to go shopping together. She tried to get me to paint my toe-nails but I wasn't comfortable doing that. Again, quite the experience and shocking to myself in doing it and learning stuff about myself. I only wish I could find myself in a relationship with someone in this capacity. To be able to share with someone these things and have me be hers. Because I quite enjoy it.

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Are You My Dominatrix Ch 03

*Please read parts 1 and 2 so this story will make sense to you, also, feedback is appreciated! The past two stories had some more sexual content in them than this one. If you are only here for that then go near the ending of the story, but if you are here for the storyline begin reading here because it’s going to start to get REALLY interesting.* Day 3 Last night was absolutely amazing. I didn’t want to get out of bed so I could just daydream about what happened between my master and me, but...

3 years ago
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Futas Wild Passion 14 Dominatrix Plays with the Futa

Chapter Fourteen: Dominatrix Plays with the Futa By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! My mom and I headed up the elevator on the ride to see her boss: Ms. Petrov. A nervous flutter washed through me. My mom's warning she gave in the car hit me hard as the elevator creaked higher and higher. A nervous ripple ran through me. I was here to please my mom's boss so she could get a raise. To help out our family, but the way my mom...

1 year ago
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I found my soulmate dominatrix BDSM Sex Stories

I was a regular in the local BDSM club. It was a secret group in the locality who allowed very selective members. I was introduced to the group by one of my college mates. Back then, he only said it was a new kind of fun. I was intrigued. Little did I expect such an experience with a dominatrix. You see, my friend had no idea he has unknowingly brought in a submissive male in the right place. I was always on a lookout for partners who wanted things kinkier in bed and this was the perfect place....

4 years ago
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Debra Meets a Dominatrix

Debra so wanted to know what is was like to be disciplined as an adult. It was an ongoing fantasy of hers. Debra, 27-years-old, was so scared when she first met 43-year-old Karen at the Club. She knew it was a spanking party but that wasn’t the reason to be scared. That was because she knew she was going to experience her fantasy and was concerned it will not be what she had hoped for. She decided to go because her close friend, Lisa, suggested she attend having just a few days beforehand...

2 years ago
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But her attitude. Her attitude was all from her American father. Strong willed, head strong and fiercely individualistic. She was used to getting her way, every time, all the time. She wore a pair of black leather high cut, bikini style bottoms. Her small breasts were covered with a black leather halter exposing her toned midriff. A black leather cape adorned her slim shoulders. She stepped forward towards the kneeling female figure in front of her feet. The figure's head was...

3 years ago
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The night when I first seen a dominatrix

The night I decided to see a dominatrix. I had just recently gotten out of a three year relationship and my partner was strictly submissive, she couldn’t be dominant even if her life was on the line. Needless to say, I love being a top as well and she loved the kinkiest of role-plays. But all good things must come to an end, unfortunately. In my professional life I employ close to 100 people and which always puts me in a position of control and everyone always treats me with the utmost...

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Futas Wild PassionChapter 14 Dominatrix Plays with the Futa

My mom and I headed up the elevator on the ride to see her boss: Ms. Petrov. A nervous flutter washed through me. My mom’s warning she gave in the car hit me hard as the elevator creaked higher and higher. A nervous ripple ran through me. I was here to please my mom’s boss so she could get a raise. To help out our family, but the way my mom talked... Maybe I couldn’t handle this BDSM stuff. “It’ll be okay,” Mom said, rubbing my arm. “She won’t harm you ... Probably.” “Mom,” I groaned, my...

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Are You My Dominatrix Ch 02

*This is part 2 to a series called Are You My Dominatrix? Please read the first part so you will get full understanding of this second part. I am not sure how many parts there will be, probably until I run out of idea’s. Please give me feedback on how I can improve.* — That night my dominatrix ate dinner with me while I was in my cat suit. She asked me how I liked it and I said very much. She told me she was very tired and was going to go to bed since she had to get to work early but gave me...

3 years ago
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A Failed Dominatrix

Sitting in a white room sat a white chair, gathered around the room on the floor were hundreds of red balloons. White and red candles burned along the shelf that was at chair rail level close to 175 candles flickered and lit the room in an erotic illumination. Soft music filled the air, I believe it was Eric Clapton singing a sweet symphony of You Look Wonderful Tonight. My heels clicked on the parquet floor. I surveyed the room, it was beautiful and would be absolutely incredible by dark which...

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Meeting an Xhamster Dominatrix part 1

The following is … right now!!! I’d love for some dominatrix to read this and to play out the following scene with one of her clients/slaves. This fantasy of mine has been so vivid to me for so many years that the details are very specific. So specific, it will be a two part story; each long, each hot!!Please comment!!!! I love to hear if I have hit the nail on the head. There is Lesbianism in this, anal play, BDSM and just about EVERY fetish I have ever had!! So read it, enjoy it,...

4 years ago
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The Dominatrix Next Door

The Dominatrix Next Door! TJ Ryder chapter 1 When Billy came home from school that Friday afternoonhe saw the note on the refrigerator from his momand sighed! Oh boy! She hadn't forgotten it after all! His beautiful mother had already left as she had plannedfor a weekend workshop and she HAD remembered to leavea note for the various chores he was supposed to do. That wouldn't be so bad except for that one chorehis mother always preferred to do...

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Lunch With A Dominatrix

Lunch With A Dominatrix Copyright 2012 Christopher D.B.Previous stories in this series:  Off-Road Goddess, Paddled in the BoondocksI slipped out of work a little early in order to drive across town to meet Miss Julia for lunch.  She had called me earlier in the week to see if I was available.  Considering that the last time we spent together was at a trailer located in the middle of nowhere and she had repeatedly spanked my bare ass with a wooden paddle, the opportunity to have a normal lunch...

3 years ago
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My Transformation into a dominatrix

My Transformation into a dominatrixDay 1 of CollegeHi. My name is Lexi and this is my first day at Grad School, or degree college as some people call it. It's 6:30, half an hour before college starts. I have taken one of those performing arts courses that have unearthly hours. Fuck, I must be crazy since I am one of those people that like to laze around in bed till noon. Bruno Mars style. ?HEY LEXI GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!!?. This from Aaron, my annoying yet sweet big brother. I look at...

2 years ago
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Dominatrix Special Moments

     Coming of Age Dominatrix       Special Moments!          TJ RyderIllustrated Femdom cuckold fetish stories for Adults Only!    The shapely, mid-thirties woman addressed the class of dominatrix mothers.    "So when does a mother know when her daughter is ready to doa male by herself?"     "Well, it's a rhetorical question actually.  In a femdom majority colony like Europa, dominance over males usually beginswithin the family.  And the question can also be phrased...

2 years ago
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Dominatrix Next Door

             Dominatrix Next Door!                    TJ Ryder                      chapter 1   When Billy came home from school that Friday afternoonhe saw the note on the refrigerator from his momand sighed!  Oh boy!  She hadn't forgotten it after all.  His beautiful mother had already left as she had plannedfor a weekend workshop and she had remembered to leavea note for the various chores he was supposed to do.   That wouldn't be so bad except for that one...

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My Wife the Professional Dominatrix

"Where the fuck have you been?" growled my wife as I stepped into the house. Confused I stammered... "I...I...I've been looking for a job," I returned nervously. "Really......" She cocked an eyebrow. "Give me your phone!" she demanded. I handed over my phone nervously and watched as she tapped in my access code. It was not a complicated code but I was surprised she knew it. My fears increased knowing there were some very private things on my phone primarily my latest text to...

2 years ago
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Gigolo At Gym Tastes Wet Ass Pussy Of A Dominatrix

“No, not here, my husband might see us… Uhmm! Your fingers are magical… keep rubbing my clit, just like that, O yes….”, I said to Priya’s husband who had lifted the frock coat and had grabbed my pussy when I was washing my hands in the washbasin. “I like that chubby ass of yours, you dirty slut. I’ll spank it hard and make it red”, a coarse voice spoke to me. Strange enough, I couldn’t see the washbasin, nor did I felt the water running on my fingers. But more importantly, I thought why was...

2 years ago
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Wife turns into a wrestling dominatrix

Hi, I am Sourav. This is a true story about the transformation of my soft-spoken, timid wife into a dominatrix specialized in fetish wrestling. Now coming to the introduction. I am 5’8, an average-built guy working as a government bank clerk in Mumbai. I live in my flat (bought by my father) with my newly married wife, Supriti. Now Supriti is a very polite lady, 5’3 height but heavily built with huge melons. She belonged to a conservative Bengali family, so she always wore sarees. But I...

5 years ago
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Wife turns into a wrestling dominatrix 8211 Part 2

Hi Guys. After an overwhelming response, I have decided to continue with the previous story – Wife turns into a wrestling dominatrix. I strongly recommend that all new readers go through the previous story for continuity and to understand the theme. In this part, we continue with the kinky adventures of me and my sexy wife, Supriti. She had completely enslaved me physically, mentally as well as sexually. My body belonged to her. I was her ragdoll, and she found pleasure in humiliating me in...

3 years ago
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Cleo Benedict DominatrixChapter 3

Ralph’s erection had already been nicely rigid, by Cleo’s cruel and satisfied smile on the verdict than Brown was to hang for a murder she’d enjoyed committing, and it pulsed to full rigidity as she rose from her seat in the courtroom gallery, and transferred that smile to him. “I think a nice little initiation ceremony of your worship of me is in order, now there’s no irritations in the way.” She turned without further need for comment, or response from him, her ownership of him not...

2 years ago
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Adams Dominatrix Encounter 2

This is the sequel to Adam’s Story in which a 19 year old male becomes ensnared in a dominatrix’s web The day my stupid twin brother Adam became embroiled with Mistress Jasmine would dramatically change our well ordered and sheltered lives forever and turn us into the sexual playthings of a sadistic mistress and her followers. Adam was always submissive and from an early age sought out inappropriate web sites on the internet, that is where he discovered Mistress Jasmine. He must have...

4 years ago
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Dominatrix Justine

Good morning, this is your 9 o'clock morning call. I sit at a desk in front of a large mess of papers. I dial. Typical, I wonder what the change is this time? At last I connect on the phone, -the appointment is 10.45am, not what I thought I had agreed - indeed I would take money on it that 9.45am was what we had discussed. No doubt, once again, my fears, my timidity at the effrontery of even making a call had contributed to my own lack of concentration on such an elementary matter. Oh...

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My Sweet Dominatrix

“Will you ever let me do that myself?” she asks. “Not as long as my legs work.” I break into a big smile. Marcie smiles back. I offer her my arm as she stands up, and I close the door. I'm stunned by her: 6 feet tall, blond, shoulder-length, wavy hair, and 34B breasts. She's wearing a mostly-white, skin tight T-shirt and blue jeans, which outline her fine, almost flat ass. We walk up to her front door. She pulls out her keys, unlocks the door, and we proceed inside. After...

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Are You My Dominatrix Ch 04

*Things take a very interesting turn in this part of the story. Basically, I don’t want to spoil anything, but a lot of stuff in this story will change drastically at the end of this story. If you don’t like the spin that this story takes, I am very sorry, but things just get wilder and crazier from here. Even if you don’t like it and you liked the first three, I still recommend that you keep reading on because you may still like the series. And if you liked this one better than my last three,...

2 years ago
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Are You My Dominatrix Ch 05

*I hope you enjoy this part. Only two more until this series comes to an end. But make sure you read the seventh part carefully when time comes because it sure isn’t the end for some people!* Two Weeks Later John came into my room. I soon became used to his nightly visits. I had a feeling he was becoming fond of me as well because he seemed to be a lot more sensual instead of just fuck and leave. We started having a lot of fun with foreplay and whatnot and I had a feeling I would miss him...

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My wife in the hands of a Dominatrix

The first night I returned from a five day business trip, I noticed that my delicate wife’s buttocks had several reddish marks on…I asked Anita what had happened and she explained that she had fallen while working out at the gym and had bruised her back. But I did not believe her. I was suspecting since several weeks ago, that our sexy lesbian neighbor Martha was turning my sweet wife into a submissive slut. Somebody in the neighborhood had told me this bitch was a very slutty Dominatrix. I...

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My Dominatrix Lee Lee Sobieski

I am naked and on my hands and knees before her. A friend of mine told me that actress Lee Lee Sobieski has a sideline as a dominatrix. I could not resist. I contacted her and she agreed and here I am. She is standing before me. She has a black motorcycle hat on. Her long hair is hanging low past her shoulders. She started wearing a black a black leather jacket but took it off. She is now only wearing a low cut black bra that excellently displays her cleavage. He arms are covered by black...

4 years ago
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Danica Dominatrix

After having my first S&M session and enjoying the power that my alter-ego of Danica exuded, I wanted more. I had a few more weekends with my original transvestite sub, but I was always left with the impression that he wasn't into it as much as I was. As I cleaned up my make-up and put on my male attire one Saturday afternoon, I told him that I'd had a wonderful time with him, but our time together was at an end. He didn't protest. 'If you think it's for the best..' he meekly proclaimed. 'I...

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The Dominatrix

DomI am a nineteen year old lad who works out at the gym three times a week. I like to keep my body in top shape. When I have been sun bathing on the beach, girls would often stop and say hello, complimenting me on my physique.I have this thing about mature women you see, and often fantasised about being totally dominated by one, but had never actually done anything about making this scenario a reality....until just recently that is, when I happened across an advert in a sex magazine that I...

3 years ago
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Young Dominatrix Fucks Her Favorite Author

Hi readers, this is Nayeem again. Thank you for sending your feedback and suggestions. If you like my story you could mail me or if any women want to interact or have fun with me, mail me in the id given below. It was great talking with some of my frequent readers. If you don’t know about me, click and read all of my stories. So yeah, let me jump into the story. This story is about how a horny and young dominatrix tried to dominate me and how we had a mad sex session. After my last story, I...

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Lucky Me With Dominatrix Aditi

After my first encounter with Aditi and Preethi, we became close inside and outside the bedroom. We 3 started to hangout, went to movies and dinners together. We also went for a long drive to Coorg where I ended up in breaking their arse. Things were going normally between us but suddenly Preethi went to Mumbai to take care her ill hubby. Preethi’s absence gave me little freedom to enjoy with Aditi. I developed a fantasy of being dominated by Aditi but was heisted to open my fantasy with her....

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Posh Boy Loves Dominatrix

Posh boy loves dominatrix. Hey, readers, I’m Mr.kumaar from Coimbatore. If you feel in need of any further details please email me anytime at This is my first post here, I don’t mind if you guys think if it is a real incident or just stories, but do enjoy! FYI: this will be a long post with separate episodes. If you aren’t interested about all the detailings please excuse this one. Thanks. Zara messaged me 3 times. Exiting the conference room I called her back, right from last night her...

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Dominatrix fantasy

Recently I have been dreaming of a sexy dominatrix str****g on a nice sized strap on an making my suck it like a naughty little girl. Then bending over an letting her first finger me deep in my ass with a sexy pair of leather gloves on, making my asshole nice an relaxed before she lubes up the dildo an slowly slides it deep inside me making me gasp an moan with pleasure. I dream she calls me names spanks my ass pulls my hair an thrusts deep an hard into my ass making me scream and brings tears...

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The Dominatrixs Present

I was walking aimlessly around the center of my city, tired of work and bored of the stereotypical life revolving around me. Joyful season they say, holiday spirit they sell. No, there is neither joy, nor spirit this time of the year. At least not for me.I prefer to be alone as this is what makes me happy nowadays. I left my girlfriend because boring relationships are not something I can handle for long. Get up in the morning, coffee, work, go home, dinner, fuck a pussy for 15 minutes. Repeat....

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Wannabe Sex Addict Meets The Dominatrix 8211 Part 1

Welcome to Simraan’s saucy tales of sexual domination – The damsel who first gives sexual stress to men who want it and then release the tension with her refreshing ways that shrink the toughest of testicles! The pleasurable ass whipping those naughty men get for not obeying their sexy mistress, the wannabe sex addicts who beg for their mistress to leave them as boxes of ripped condoms keep piling up, the crazy dirty lovers who get an erection only after being humiliated abundantly, the married...

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Wannabe Sex Addict Meets The Dominatrix 8211 Part 2

The pervert guy looked outside and began to carefully examine the two people standing close to each other near the bushes. Luckily, there was no light falling on them, otherwise my manipulation tactics wouldn’t have worked! Pervert guy: What is your husband doing with my wife?! I don’t know why she had to pick that spot to chat with a stranger…Fuck you, I am leaving… Me: Then my husband will choose another day to seduce your wife. You won’t be with her always, you know… (I replied looking...

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Cleo Benedict DominatrixChapter 7

Honor Peters was not a woman to be trifled with, as was soon made evident to Lana and Cleo as the stern woman expresses her good fortune and gratitude at seeing Faulkner’s blackmailing of her, brought to a suitably fitting end. Ralph, made to kneel in a corner in obedience and listen to the conversation, maintained a throbbing erection throughout, his submissive admiration for this woman’s spiteful pleasure, the sound justification of it, and the sadistic spectacle to come, thrilling his...

1 year ago
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Watersports with a dominatrix

My 2nd enounter with WS was with a dominatrix I found listed on a website. She listed her specialities and these included WS and she was fairly local (but nit to close fir comfort) We corresponded a few times by email just so I could explain my specific fantasy, after my earlier experience where I asked a lady I visited I wanted to repeat the experience but in a more forced Dom scenario. On the day I arrived at a fairly plain and unassuming block of flats. I was slightly nervous as there were...

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Secret Dominatrixes

This story will provide a bunch of different scenarios of woman in the workplace who unbeknownst to everyone are secret dominating bitches. There will be points of view from both the secret dominants and their equally secretly submissive male co-workers or in some cases bosses. Basically the scenarios well primarily drive the type of fetish that will occur in the story though of course certain fetishes will be universal. A few examples of the ideas that will be played out in the scenarios are...

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first time web hook up crossdressing dominatrix

crossdressing has always been my secret pleasure I even had a cache of out fits make up wigs and heels. it started when I was younger but evolved as I got older, now as I got older ive refined my skills and abilities and can pass as a girl when dressed. I had fooled around with guys before but I had never dressed for one only indulging in self pleasure with toys and my fingers. when I got off work on friday I was excited for the up coming three day weekend going home to get dressed up maybe go...

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First time dominatrix

We went on one of usual shopping adventures a couple days ago so my hot wife could show off her ass to me and everyone else. She wore a very short skirt and low cut top. We went to a large department store in the city, and my wife was making her way around the store. She then said, I want to shop in the mens department but I want you to stay way back almost out of sight. She said no matter what, do not come near me while I'm shopping. I was very curious to what she was going to do, so I...

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Debra Meets a Dominatrix

Debra so wanted to know what is was like to be disciplined as an adult. It was an ongoing fantasy of hers. Debra, 27-years-old, was so scared when she first met 43-year-old Karen at the Club. She knew it was a spanking party but that wasn’t the reason to be scared. That was because she knew she was going to experience her fantasy and was concerned it will not be what she had hoped for. She decided to go because her close friend, Lisa, suggested she attend having just a few days beforehand...

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Diary of a fledgling dominatrix

;tldr: Ethan Greenburg is a fucking loser. I guess it's good I'm finally realizing this now before he managed to knock me up or worse -- marry me. He shows up last night; drunk off his ass past 3am, crashing and banging his way up the stairs, so I get up and he's sprawled out on the couch with all of his shit laying around, and I'm like WHAT THE FUCK ETHAN?! I'd give you three guesses diary, but you'd get it in one because you've heard this story before; his roommates kicked him...

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Diary of a fledgling dominatrix 2

Ethan gone. He proved himself unworthy and removed himself from the picture. I can't really articulate how I feel about this but every bit of it reinforces this.. self-awareness I'm experiencing. Like, I am an entity, a whole, stand-alone person. I used to think of Ethan as a piece of me. An extension of self that I needed; but now I think I felt that way because it wasn't Ok for me to want things. Like, I only ever deserved what I needed. Not anymore. Almost overnight I feel -- quite...

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Diary of a fledgling dominatrix 3

So I molested stupidname again. I was actually kind of surprised that he even came in today, but as a weeks-old employee he basically has 0 vacation time accrued and he already took three days when I "broke his heart" (lol), so he probably figures he's already at -3 days and he needs to hedge his bets against having to quit before I corner him in a nap room and fuck him in the ass. Believe it or not, he even tried to man up and stand-up to me today (so adorable!). Yesterday was yummy...

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Diary of a fledgling dominatrix 4

Dear Diary, The little cunt was a no-show. I guess I need to teach him what happens when he stands me up. Had an interesting little conversation with Margo today. She basically confronted me about why stupidname was crying in her office two days in a row. BTW, I'm getting a little tired of writing out stupidname, so I think I'm going to shorten it to SN if it's all the same to you Diary. I knew you'd understand. Anyway, I pretty much came clean to Margo, we're very good friends...

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Adams Dominatrix Encounter

This is how I made two 19 year old twins my sexual playthings – I will call them Adam and Cassi (not their real names). Adam has been a devotee of mine for some time; he had initially discovered me on Tumblr and then exchanged e-mails. I discovered that he lived within travelling distance of my establishment and he had been allowed to participate as a voyeur at some steamy parties. From my few exchanges with him it became apparent that he was a bi-submissive. Then I discovered that he had a...

4 years ago
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How I Became A Cross Dressed Dominatrix

Trying to find some action in a little bible-belt town in the South turned out to be a bite. In the end though, it was well worth the wait. I had been here for almost a year as I cruised just about everywhere a hot cock looking for a blowjob would hang waiting for a cocksucker. Then my journey came to an end at a park I never found before. I pulled into an open field where there were clusters of picnic tables scattered around the area far from the glow of the town’s main drag. At one...

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Diary of a fledgling dominatrix 3

Introduction: Tuesday, 9/24 Dear Diary, So I molested stupidname again. I was actually kind of surprised that he even came in today, but as a weeks-old employee he basically has 0 vacation time accrued and he already took three days when I broke his heart (lol), so he probably figures hes already at -3 days and he needs to hedge his bets against having to quit before I corner him in a nap room and fuck him in the ass. Believe it or not, he even tried to man up and stand-up to me today (so...

2 years ago
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Diary of a fledgling dominatrix 4

Introduction: Wednesday 9/25 and Thursday, 9/26 Wednesday 9/25 Dear Diary, The little cunt was a no-show. I guess I need to teach him what happens when he stands me up. Had an interesting little conversation with Margo today. She basically confronted me about why stupidname was crying in her office two days in a row. BTW, Im getting a little tired of writing out stupidname, so I think Im going to shorten it to SN if its all the same to you Diary. I knew youd understand. Anyway, I pretty...

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Diary of a fledgling dominatrix

Introduction: Tuesday, 9/17 Dear diary, ,tldr: Ethan Greenburg is a fucking loser. I guess its good Im finally realizing this now before he managed to knock me up or worse — marry me. He shows up last night, drunk off his ass past 3am, crashing and banging his way up the stairs, so I get up and hes sprawled out on the couch with all of his shit laying around, and Im like WHAT THE FUCK ETHAN?! Id give you three guesses diary, but youd get it in one because youve heard this story before, his...

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Diary of a fledgling dominatrix 2

Introduction: Friday 9/20 and Monday 9/23 Dear Diary, Ethan gone. He proved himself unworthy and removed himself from the picture. I cant really articulate how I feel about this but every bit of it reinforces this.. self-awareness Im experiencing. Like, I am an entity, a whole, stand-alone person. I used to think of Ethan as a piece of me. An extension of self that I needed, but now I think I felt that way because it wasnt Ok for me to want things. Like, I only ever deserved what I needed. Not...

5 years ago
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The Dominatrix

"Hey, check out what I picked up at the fantasia!" Sophia proclaims while carelessly throwing open the front door. The excitement in her voice is enough to pique both your's and Natalie's interests as the two of you avert your attention from the television screen. In Sophia's hands is a large black box with the words 'The Dominatrix' labeled across the side in bold red lettering while an appropriately dressed black haired woman poses beneath it. "What do you have now, Soph?" Natalie asks while...

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My Neighbour My Dominatrix 2

Scott sat at the breakfast bar watching his mother make a cake batter. Carrot and walnut cake with cottage cheese icing was his favourite. They were discussing how Scott could get more experience behind the wheel before his Drivers Licence test in three weeks. "It's only me " shouted Mrs Black as she walked through the open front door and headed to the kitchen. She sat beside Scott at the breakfast bar and placed her hand firmly on Scott's crotch. The high bench top hiding the activity from the...

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Meeting an Xhamster Dominatrix part 2

Meeting Xhamster Mistress: Part 2 This is where the action gets intense. This is where I really want to get some feed back on. I have dreamed this scene to vivid wet dream completion!!! Please comment on this, and if you have found this story, there is a Part 1 that goes before that you will want to read first!!Happy orgasms to all!!! And please make me happy by commenting, voting and tributing this for me!! Thanks!!***********************I wanted to scream. I thrashed and pulled at the...

2 years ago
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Soumya The Dominatrix 8211 Part 1

Hi this is Rahul (fake name) to tell you guys a story of how my cousin sister used me as her slave in her words. My cousin sister is Soumya (fake name). She is 24 and is dusky on the darker side. She has an incredible figure of 32c-26-34. We are keralites. Here goes. So guys my name is Soumya. We were having a festival in a local temple and my brother came to visit us. My exams just got over but still had some assignments left. My Mom went to her parent’s place and my dad was the only one at...


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