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Truda - Fighting woman
Varick - Protecting Ruler
Harman - Man of the army

Angelika arose from the other couch and walked over to Alan on unsteady legs. Varick, Truda, and Harman became concerned when her face twisted into a more worried look. "Are you alright sister," Varick asked.

"For now I am but I have to check Alan we almost lost him. I warned him not to expend as much energy as he did. Then there was the fact that he gave up as his energy was fading." Tears were now streaming down Angelika's face. "The idiot did it for me. He almost died trying to save me, if he does now I'll never forgive myself!"

Varick moved to help his sister make her way slowly over to Alan's prone form on the other couch. Kneeling down Angelika placed a hand on his chest, and the other on the side of his neck. "Is he alright? Varick asked when his sister still seemed to be concerned.

Breathing a sigh of relief Angelika slowly nodded then almost toppled over onto Alan! "I think, dear brother, I still need to lie down. The energy I gave Alan has weakened me far more than I at first thought." Varick nodded as he helped Angelika stand, then Harman joined Varick as they both helped her to her and Truda's room.

"I think we need to keep a close eye on both of them. Without him I feel we haven't a chance against the Doctor!" Varick was telling a nodding and agreeing Harman.

"I for one am glad that he finally allowed me to help you two. Did he really raze the entire building?" Harman was asking a touch of awe in his voice.

"Yes, he took out the supports, then the secondary supports. Then he watched as it collapsed almost straight down." Varick replied.

"So we're absolutely sure that the assistant is dead?" A stumbling Angelika asked.

"I would think so, considering Alan crushed the man. Until there was nothing but a pulverized wet spot of blood, bone and flesh on the floor. Yeah I'm pretty sure; I don't see any way he could come back from that!" Harman said, though to Truda and Angelika, Harman seemed a LOT happier about it then they thought he should be.

Walking out Varick looked at Harman, "We're going to have to keep a close eye on both of them. Angelika is more worried than she is letting on. Alan I think is trying to take all of this on by himself. We have to remind him that we have a stake in this also."

"Yeah but that's easier said than done. Angelika and sometimes you are the only ones that can seem to get through to him. Hell even that at times isn't really enough." Harman replied.

"I know though we are going to have to. As I said without Alan I don't feel we have much of a chance against the doctor." Varick said deep in thought.

"As strong as we've become you still think we are no match for him?" A shocked Harman said.

"According to Alan, the assistant wasn't as strong as the Doctor. Alan also said that I am the strongest of the

four of us. Harman I was having a hard time against the strongest of the assistant's men. Had it been me against the man I don't think I would have fared as well." Varick told a shocked Harman.

"You really think that the Doctor is that strong?" Harman asked.

"It's not as much strength as to the fact of what they did to us. You remember the pieces of themselves they left in us. Alan says that there are more. The most debilitating Alan has removed from us. He said the other day there are more almost as bad. What he's done so far has given us a chance but I feel we need more. Remember Alan had emotion on his side when he defeated the assistant. Then he was completely drained afterward, almost to the point of death. No my friend, we need to be better prepared." Varick told a slightly shocked Harman.

"Well, I just hope that we and Alan can finally put an end to all of it. Like he said before, I like my privacy but having those asses in my head leaves me feeling too damn vulnerable." A slightly pissed off Harman told Varick.

"I know my friend; let's just hope that Alan can do more for us." Varick replied.

Alan awoke a day and a half later with a splitting headache. Looking around he had to shake his head a few times to clear it. Where in the hell am I? Then the memories flooded back as the confrontation that he and the assistant had broke through.

"How are you feeling?" A female voice said from behind him.

Shocked Alan almost fell off the couch. "Uh..." He started as he could only stare at the exceedingly beautiful dirty blonde. Shaking his head again he started to gain more memories. "I... uh am having a bit of difficulty. Wait! Angelika? Mother?"

The woman nodded as a small look of shock lit up her eyes. "I warned you not to expend your energy like that! Damn it Alan!! This almost killed you!"

Searching as hard as he could he could feel his mind playing catch up. "It wasn't intentional I assure you mother. Just the thought of the lecherous son of a bitch capturing you let alone touching you set something off in me." The other three appeared a moment later. "I apologize to all of you. It was never my intention to go as far out of control as I did."

"Hell! I'm glad you did, bout time we gave those assholes a taste of their own medicine! OW! Why the hell did you do that...Ow! Shit!" Harman said after Truda elbowed him in the ribs.

"Here I thought you were actually growing up some! I can see I am going to have to keep correcting you!" Truda almost growled at her brother.

"As I said I am sorry that I worried all of you like I did. I am also afraid that the doctor knows that the assistant is dead. Right after I razed the building I felt another that worked for the doctor there watching. I heard him tell the doctor, yes it was him. I was hoping that we might have this as an advantage. I can see that is blown out the window now. I feel that the son of a bitch is going to be watching every damn move we make for a while. At least 'til I find his spies." Alan told them.

"Alan you really think he is preparing for us to attack him?" Angelika asked.

"I wouldn't be surprised though I do believe that we have an advantage there also. The Doctor might have touched all of you but not me. The few times I have gone back I have planted things in the Doctor much like he and the assistant had been doing to all of you. We might actually have his ass if worse comes to worse. I do need to work on all of you though. That is if you want me to?" Alan asked as he looked around.

"After what you have given back to me, yes!" Truda excitingly said.

"I have learned a few things when you opened me up Alan. Things make me want to kill that son of a bitch even more." Angelika snarled.

"For all that he has stolen from us, for the hurt and pain that have been done to yours and our family, yes I want you too." Harman growled.

"At first when we started this I was unsure. This last time we went against the assistant he had almost no control though he was reaching. As you say the Doctor is many times worse and stronger. I agree most whole heartily. We need to be prepared if we are ever to be even half normal again." Varick replied.

"Good I want to start as soon as possible." Alan started to rise off the bed and fell back weak. "Maybe, after I recover a bit more!" Alan said as Truda and Angelika snickered.

It was the next day that Alan was finally out of bed. He'd started on Truda trying to reach down to the first part of her that he freed. Figuring that the oldest was isolated and another there might increase her control. Afterward Truda had trembled for hours as many horrid memories were opened.

Over the next week Alan worked tirelessly freeing up four of the earliest parts of their psyches. Angelika and Truda kept an eye on Alan to make sure he didn't push himself too far.

It was the end the seventh day and Alan had just lain down when he heard a voice.

Popping up Alan looked around, Alan asked.

" Alan told the man.

Alan called the others and informed them of what was going on. "I'm not sure that if we go that things won't be worse. I told Emory that I'd talk to all of you, after he asked."

Angelika looked at Varick, "Do you feel that we will make things worse?"

Sighing Varick was quiet for a few minutes. "I think we should go. I also think that we are barely ready. What Alan has done this week I can feel. My resistance is higher but I don't feel high enough yet. What do you think Alan?"

"It's true you are stronger. Two of the strongest plants that were in you are gone. Except for Truda you all have the five earliest parts that are you, free. Truda has eight as of today. Yes, you are stronger but as I said there are others in you. If we were to go against the Doctor right now I feel that we would lose. Truda still has the strongest resistance against him. Mother I am afraid that you have the weakest, though now all of you can resist him, just not for long. Damn it! I need at least another week!"

"I feel that we need to go. You were going to strengthen more and maybe open up others. Maybe that will keep them safe?" Truda said.

Varick and Alan looked at each other. Recently had been a time that Truda hadn't been wrong. Alan nodded to all of them, and then sat.

Alan again nodded and reached out to Madde first feeling all the blocks he'd put up. Concentrating they were gone. Then Alan turned to Aldrich though his resistance was high he was soon open. Alan felt them both rush to Emory.

Alan told her who told her son as they prepared for the five of them to appear.

Alan nodded to the other four and they flashed out, across the world all five appeared in the building that they had all been in. Alan immediately made every gun disappear then looked at all of the people in front of him. Suddenly all of them were looking at Alan and the others.

Alan turned to Emory, "I am sorry that we had to do this but I felt it was the best way to keep all of you safe. Please explain to Madde and the others. I feel that it would be prudent if we weren't here when you do."

Emory nodded then snickered, "I am afraid that she is going to be a wild cat when I explain why you did this... Yes I think you all should leave for a time. She will understand, she won't be happy but will understand."

Alan nodded then looked at Varick for a minute. Bowing, they all flashed out just as Madde and her son Aldrich appeared at the doorway. "Damn it father! Why were we kept out of this?"

Alan and the party appeared in another bunker; Alan thought it best not to tempt fate after he'd wired the last one.

"Alright, we've been in all of our bunkers, at least I think we have. I don't recognize this one at all." Angelika said.

"I believe this is one of the first bunkers you built years ago. Varick just remembered it two days ago. It appears to be in a line toward where I felt the Doctor retreat. I'd say it is roughly 194.8 Km (121.04 miles) north of the village." Alan told them. "I believe that the Doctor was afraid that we would rediscover this bunker. He might be afraid that we could find him easier. I believe he might be right." Alan looked around a moment a look of concentration on his face. "Varick do you feel that?"

Varick stood still concentrating, "Feel anything? No I... what? What is that Alan?"

Alan smiled hugely, "I believe we are as close as we can safely be to the Doctor, without confrontation."

"WHAT!" Angelika and Truda shouted. "You just told us that we weren't ready. Yet you have us so close that we can feel him? Quite possibly he can feel us also?"

Again Alan smiled even larger. "No he can't, I believe are far too close for him to do anything. Besides as I am sure you are starting to feel we have our own hiding field!" This last part Alan said with a bit of pride. "Uncle taught me a little while we were there."

All of the other four reached out and could feel the field a lot stronger by many times more than that around the village area. Varick touched the field and added his own energy to it, as did Harman.

"Now then I think..." Alan started when there was a voice, a rather angry voice speaking to him.

Alan heard Madde say cringing at her anger.

Truda and Angelika smiled hugely at Alan they almost knew how the young woman felt that was for sure.

Alan was nodding his head,


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Poor Bob Tucker, laying spread-eagled, unknowingly, on his own bed. Incapable of movement, sight or sound except at the whims of his captors. There were several of them, he deduced, from the hands he felt on his abused body. At least two were women, Rosa and someone else. Someone who had no qualms about roughing him up, using him at her will. But who and why remained unanswered. He tried to concentrate on his surroundings but with very limited senses, this was almost impossible. Now his head...

3 years ago
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Behen Ko Chodke Randi Banaya Part 1

Hi dosto mera name sushant hai meri umar 30 hai aur me up ka rehana vala hu meri height 6.5 feet hai aur muscular body hai, mera lund ka size 8″ hai ye story kuch 5 sal phale ke hai ke kesa mena meri choti cousin bahen ko gaon ke randi banaya. Ye story ke kuch incident real hai aur kuch fantasy. Sabke real name change kardaya hai. Abhi meri bahen ke umar 23 sal hai Uska badan akdam gora hai. Aur 32 ke boobs, akdam patli kamar. Koi bhi mard dekha to uska lund khada hoke salami dega. To chalo abb...

4 years ago
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Fucked Uncounsious Cousin Sister 8211 Part II

Hi I m Azhar21 back with one more adventures sex tour of mine. Being a working job I found little time for sex.. To start Pinaz my cousin sister was premature and had a lot of health problems.. I would stay up all night with her because I was afraid she was going to stop breathing in her sleep.. I even missed my conference because she was in the hospital.. By the time I started my job she was doing a lot better and I was able to leave her with my mom without fear of something happening to her.....

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The Reason I Am A Slut Why I Love It And Why I A

The Reason I Am A Slut, Why I Love It, And Why I Am Proud To Be A Whore by, Tryce D Ankrom As of 3/15/2012 @ 3:10 am I am becomming a full time slut and whore, with the sole intent of being sexually abused and taken advantage of by as many willing people as possible to be displayed for all to see, enjoy and lust for themselves; and the reason why is because of a personal experience that became a full blown erotic, risky lifestyle and temptation that overwhelmed my soul in just the events of the...

1 year ago
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Lovely Mom

Hello every one. I have been a constant visitor to this site and i appreciate its work. I have an experience of a lifetime that i want to share with you. First of all let me introduce you to my self. I m Siddharth,22 , doing my BE from pune. This is the story of my incest experience with my mom.she is a nice built lady with a 5′ 6″ height and 44 years of age now. My father is a govt. Class 1 officer. My mother is a housewife. She has a very sexy body. She is a bit chubby, but she is too fair....

3 years ago
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Banner YearChapter 44

The night Cal got back from Cheryl's tournament, Martin sat down with him as he was having a late snack. "While you were gone, the calls started." "Calls?" Cal asked. "From football coaches," Martin said with a grin. "They were all looking for a kicker." "Am I supposed to call back?" "I told them that you had already started at your chosen school," Martin answered. "I hope that was all right." "You maybe could have saved yourself a lot of money if one of them gave me a...

3 years ago
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Take me as I am

Hi,Before we have any further contact or Xhamster friendship, I need to tell you my story:In 1968 I'm born in the Netherlands as an only c***d and lived a life full of joy. I haven't been to primary school because we had a governess... My mom learned me to swim and to ride a horse (I had my own horse). My dad learned me (if he wasn't working for his own company) how to ski. September 12, 1988 my parents died at a car crash. Before that moment my life was a fairytale, after that it looked like...

2 years ago
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Aimees Makeovers 6

Aimee's Makeovers Part six By Jena Corso Shawn took Tony's hand and they entered a crowded sports bar. Shawn immediately knew many people; high fiving them as she worked her way through the crowd and over to an open elevated small table with two stools where they sat down. As the waitress came over, she ordered them two beers as they relaxed and watched a few games on different screens around the bar. "See, isn't this better than going to the mall or something that Aimee would...

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They had been talking excitedly about their outing for weeks. Whenever Jill, Ariadne and Xenia went for lunch in the university cafeteria, the subject of their wild weekend would soon come up. I usually had lunch with them, so I followed their discussions and made a few suggestions. Jill was big and sassy, Ariadne was small and athletic, and Xenia, my favourite, was quiet and clever. I referred to them collectively as Jax. We were faculty, but young and single, and still fooled around like...

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An Unexpected Change

An Unexpected Change Al little more than two years ago, I was faced with what many men would have considered a difficult decision, which turned out to have been a blessing in disguise. Several non-malignant tumors had been found in my testicles and prostate, while they were not life threatening my Doctor assured me that they could very easily become cancerous if left unchecked. In addition, they were causing pain so ignoring them was rapidly not becoming an option. The doctor wanted...

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Long Quickies Journey into Panties

"It was nice talking with you," she said as she turned and left. Yes, this was a good party, I had already talked to three women now. I stepped over to a group of two women and a man. I stood just beside them between the woman who was talking animatedly with the man and across from the other woman who looked my type. Quiet, reserved, not too pretty and not too plain. She looked at me and I nodded hello to her. We both turned our attention to the on-going conversation. "Dear, get me a...

1 year ago
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Village Sex

Hi friends!! My name is Anupreet and I am from Mohali, Punjab. I am 36 years old, married with 1 kid who is now 10 years old. We stayed in Mohali and my family consisted of my parents and a younger brother who was pursuing a course in engineering. My parents were working in government jobs. I was an average looking fair Punjabi girl around 5 feet 4 inches tall. I was around 48-50 kgs in weight throughout my college and university years and was considered round at the right places. I hope some...

4 years ago
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Six Foot Wrong RomanceChapter 3

Four weeks. Not a lot of time for a country. Barely a wink of time for a mountain. But for a teenage girl longing to get back to her teammates, it was an eternity. The season was going to end while she was on crutches. The girls were wonderful to her showering her wish praise, hugs, and fawning over her back in school. She didn’t have a cast to sign, so some of her classmates made cardboard sleeves for the crutches to let people sign those instead. For all that silliness and support, what she...

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JulesJordan Angela White Gets Dp8217d In A Desolate Warehouse

Angela White gets DP’d by Jules & Markus in an abandoned warehouse. Angela’s decided to show us her dark side as she teases in an abandoned waterpark. She’s dressed luxurious black lingerie with matching thigh high boots as she makes her way through the desolate space, shedding her clothes as she goes. After a sexy smoke dance, Angela makes her way inside the warehouse where she finds Jules & Markus waiting for her. She makes them worship he body as she teases them with her stunning...

3 years ago
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The Life Saga Of Whore Anjali 8211 Part IV

(Please iss story ko padne s pehle iske previous 3 parts bhi pad len. thanks! )( ye story mainly meri real life p based hai jisme 30% mera imagination bhi shamil hai. since , meri English weak hai, so me stories hindi me likha karti hu jisme thora sa english bhi hota h. hope you will enjoy it like its previous parts. ) Now The story: Mom k village s aa jane k bad didi ekdum shant rahti thi. Bas hamesha books khol k padne ka dikhawa karti thi ya shayad padti bhi thi kyunki use padna bahut pasand...

4 years ago
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Sex With Horny Divorcee Part 8211 2

Hey! Thanks to all the girls and ladies for your comments and offers… ;) And guys I can’t tell you about her so dont ask me for her contact no. And all. Just enjoy. Padho.. Socho aur hilao :p So khud ka bta du.. Mai delhi ka hu. Du mai padhta hu aur 7 inch se halka bada lund hai mera. Is kahani ki heroine priya hai. Ek 32 saal ki divorcee but ek dum hot milf. Uska figure 34dd-30-36 hai. Dekh k he khada kar de waise look hai.. Almost jayden james jaisi dikhti hai. Aur sex ekdum sunny leone ki...

3 years ago
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In the Back woods

It was a cool fall day. In the peak of the deer rut. That’s when I was out hunting. Sat in my ground blind since an hour before sun up. I sat there as the sun comes across the horizon the deer start to enter the field. It was not ten minutes into legal hunting hours and this giant deer, the biggest id ever seen in my life. But I wasn’t ready for the shot. I sat there as more deer enter the area. I continue to hold off and hold off until they all moved on and out of range.So I open up my...

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Late night GYM workout

I was getting sandwiched between these two black guys and was having all my fantasies fulfilled at the same time. I was moaning ummm ahhh yess fuck me guys fuck me I am your bitch... yess fill all my holes. Hearing me say dirty words both peter and marc got excited and started fucking me hard and I said please fuck me a little more please fuck me a little more I am gonna cum soon and both said me tooo... and three of us came at a time and collapsed on the floor. I was getting late for my GYM...

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Sarah Naked In School

Sarah stood in the doorway to Mr. Leighton’s office; a corner of the large main house where the warden conducted his business.He was diligently reading a file spread across the green-hued blotter, an antique lamp off to one side casting a dim light across the stack of papers pinned under one side of the brown cover.  She could see the name on the file.  It was her’s.?You wanted to see me, sir?? The man looked up.  ?Yes, hello Sarah.  Please, come in and close the door behind you.?Sarah swung...

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stripping for Master and his friends

I asked a female friend of mine to write down her fantasy as a story. She gave me a short premise and I asked if I could work it out as real story. She agreed and here are we now. This is her fantasy with a little bit of my ideas in them, As it is her fantasy, I will write it completely from the female point of view. I stood in front of the old theatre. The building had been closed for ages and was about to be destroyed in a couple of weeks. I wondered why master made me come here, dressed...

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TimepieceChapter 35

“What are you grinning for?” asked Wendy. “I said that in East Jordan,” said Annabelle. “I don’t remember you complaining about size,” said Wendy. “She did,” I said. “She said it was a small boat.” “Oh sure,” Wendy grouched, “Take the new girl’s word.” Annabelle grinned again. Well, she was in the water, afloat. There didn’t seem to be any leaks. The riggers came and tuned the rig. She was still afloat and dry a week later. It feels like time for a watery road trip. I called the...

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Romance With Buswali Aunty

Hi all…. I am donkk back again with my second story on Indian sex stories. Sorry for my delay. But the delay was due to my time problem also as I am not a very good writer. Thanks all for the feedback. About me, I am a manager of a company. And I am from a village of Burdwan district. Any ne around Burdwan or Kolkata can contact me in my id Now coming to the story, on 25.06.20106, I was returning home from my workplace for a vacation. I was returning by a bus. The bus was totally crowded. I...

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Klassenstufe 13

Hallo. Wir haben uns entschlossen unsere Erlebnisse in Sachen Sex aufzuschreiben. Wir, das sind die Schüler der dreizehnten Klasse unseres Gymnasiums. Nicht alle waren begeistert von dieser Idee. Aber für die übernehmen wir das. Soweit uns ihre Geschichten bekannt sind. Wir sind jetzt schon einige Zeit fertig mit dem Abi. Im Nachhinein sieht man ja viele Sachen etwas anders. Damals war sicher einiges neu, fremd und peinlich. Vieles davon bestimmt schon normal. Ja, sicher die meisten von uns...


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