Sex Trafficking Part 5: Ryan The Collector_(1) free porn video

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Even before becoming involved in human trafficking, Morris had come to a firmly held conviction in the unpredictability of human behavior in dealing with other humans. Except for making him very wealthy, nothing had occurred in his 20 years of filling orders for clients to change that conviction. For complete strangers with whom that they had no involvement humans could be kind, giving, and sweet but when the other humans were closer as neighbors and family might be they could be heartless, cruel, and sadistic. And for some humans, exactly the opposite held true. A lot of humans could be mean and it seemed to him that the meaner the better.

He didn’t care what use the clients made of the packages he shipped to them. As long as they paid for the services he provided he was willing to continue supplying their needs. Price had never been an issue with clients. In fact he received little pushback from clients for any reason. His clients had confidence that Morris would provide quality packages in filling orders and not do anything to jeopardize their secrecy. The only criteria Morris had for accepting an order was to accept orders only from clients that were either established clients or were recommended by a client from Morris’s trust list followed by a thorough vetting by Morris himself.

Orders always included a specification but never indicated what the clients intended to do with the packages. Morris used the specifications to speculate what the packages would be used for. The price for any package depended on the uniqueness of the specification and followed the established market principle of supply and demand. For a young, pretty disease free female or male Morris figured they would be used for sex and the price ranged from 275,000 to 450,000. A specification for a healthy, athletic strong male carried a price tag of 125,000 to 175,000. For a male only capable of walking the price tag was 60,000 to 100,000. For a male capable of running the price bumped up to 110,000 to 150,000. Morris speculated that the range of uses included prey animals, human targets, gladiators, forced laborers, and of course sex slaves. The specifications for prey animals, human targets, gladiators, and forced laborers didn’t include any STI testing which made those orders the easiest to fill. The most lucrative part of his business was for sexy disease free females. If a woman came in and she proved to be diseased Morris would either ship her off to a client at a deeply discounted price which may mean free or kill her using nitrogen to asphyxiate her and then destroy the body. Killing them with nitrogen was fast, odorless, cheap, and highly effective. The only problem with nitrogen was its deceptively deadly killing power. A doctorate in industrial chemistry and toxicology from the university in Stonetown plus decades of industrial experience had given Morris the knowledge and skill to use nitrogen to render someone unconscious and then bring them back to full consciousness. He had a few close calls when he first started knocking people out but hadn’t had a problem with it in over 20 years.

If it was necessary to kill a woman their bodies were destroyed using a solution of hot sodium hydroxide followed by hydrochloric acid. He tried several other disposal methods but hot lye turned out to be the method of choice for initial digestion. Concentrated sulfuric acid was quicker but harder to cover up because of the stink. To make the lye digestion step faster a stainless steel vat left behind by the food processing operation had been placed into service. It could be pressurized which allowed the temperature to be maintained well above the 212 degree boiling point of water. At 300 degrees after a few hours in the lye digester what was left was a thick brown liquid with no traces of human flesh and bone shadows. The bone shadows consisted of calcium hydroxide which easily dissolved in hydrochloric acid leaving a solution of hydrochloric acid, water, and calcium chloride. About the only issue with destroying the bone shadows was the heat created by the reaction between a strong base and strong acid. But the stainless steel vat was jacketed so that the heat could be removed with cooling water and the temperature kept low enough that the smell was negligible. After the hot lye and hydrochloric acid the only remnants were bits of teeth fillings, some medical devices components, and a solution that could be just poured down the toilet. All the chemicals were commonly available and could be purchased at a local hardware store. Spent chemicals could be easily brought back up to the required strength and the reconditioned chemicals stored for future use.

Ryan’s end of the trafficking operation specialized in capturing males. Most of Morris’s orders were for female sex slaves and over the years Ryan had grown resentful toward Morris’s other collector, Jeff, because of his greater financial benefit from working with Morris. He promised himself that if he ever got the chance he would get rid of Jeff.

It was Monday afternoon. He had just come away from a meeting with Morris with 2 orders. Since the actual final use for the human’s was never indicated, like Morris he could only speculate based on the specification. For one the specification was for a healthy athletic male. For the other the specification included height and weight along with being healthy and athletic.

Ryan thought the best possibility of finding suitable packages for either order would be one of the fitness centers frequented by out of town guests near one of Raymond’s hotels. Because the males could be quite strong and being athletic capable of putting up a struggle, capture of an athletic male was not without its risks. When he had first gotten involved in collecting for Morris one of the captures had put up quite a struggle and almost gotten out of the cab before the nitrogen knocked him out. After that incident, Ryan added reinforcements for the bullet proof window and cab doors.

It didn’t take long for Ryan to spot a potential package that would be suitable for the second specification. Miguel had just finished a two hour workout. After getting cleaned up he stepped to the curb and raised his hand showing that he wanted a cab. Ryan had been hanging around the cab stand for several hours and passed on several other hails because they didn’t seem to be ones that would be suitable. Ryan estimated Miguel’s height at about 6 foot 3 inches and he had an athletic build like a wrestler or weight lifter. After entering the cab and taking a seat he told Ryan to take him to the downtown Center hotel. He said he wanted to use his mobile phone. Ryan had the radio turned up fairly loudly so Miguel could hear and asked him if he wanted him to shut the window. Miguel said he would appreciate it. Ryan estimated arrival at the processing center in less than 10 minutes. When they were less than 3 blocks from the processing center he estimated arrival in less than 2 minutes and activated the mobile jammer. With less than 1 block to go, he pressed the button to signal Morris. The yellow signal response indicated that he needed to circle for a block or two and that Morris was not quite ready. After circling for 2 blocks he approached the center and again signaled Morris. The green light response was a relief. He saw the inner and outer entry gates open, turned left into the garage, drove into the wire cage, and saw in the side mirror that the gate was closing.

Morris was ready with mask on and breathing air flowing. Miguel had seen all this going on but thought little of it. He had no idea what danger he was in. After Ryan got away from the cab and closed the driver side door, Morris attached the hose and opened the valve to begin the flow of nitrogen. It wasn’t until after he saw Morris with the end of a hose walking toward the trunk of the cab and heard the incoming hiss of the nitrogen that Miguel thought to fight. He turned to lay down on the seat.

If I give the window or door a couple of good kicks I might be able to force the door open.

When he saw Miguel kicking the door, Morris felt a sense of relief. The extra exertion would quickly deplete Miguel’s blood oxygen. After 2 minutes, Miguel’s head dropped to the seat. He looked unconscious.

The gurney was already in place. Morris had Ryan stand away from the cab door grasping the harness Morris had put around Miguel’s chest to help him slide Miguel onto the gurney. With Miguel on the gurney, Morris strapped him down and put the oxygen mask on him. By the time he had rolled the gurney into the processing room Miguel had started regaining consciousness. After making sure the straps were tight enough, Morris put a monitor, gag, hearing protectors, and blindfold on. All the vitals seemed to be normal.

Back on the floor he shutoff the nitrogen, opened the cab’s doors, and signaled Ryan to come to the office. The monitor didn’t seem to be getting a good signal. Morris turned to Ryan,

“I need to go check the monitor a second. I’m not getting a good signal. Come back on the garage floor with me.”

Back in the processing room he checked the signal repeater and found a loose coax connector.

That’s the problem.

There. Should be fine now.

Back in the office, he confirmed that he was getting a good signal, took out four neatly packaged bundles of 10,000 dollars, and handed them to Ryan.

“Well, you got yourself a good pay day.”

Ryan responded,

“Do you pay this much to Jeff when he makes a capture?”

Morris replied, “That is really not your business.

“But I will tell you that I pay Jeff a lot less for a single capture.

“That’s because there are more costs for the packages he collects and I can’t pay more.”

Ryan felt a sense of satisfaction.

Maybe Jeff gets more total money but I get more per capture.

“Well, I need to get on with my part of the program.

“I need for you to wait at least a day for me to deal with this one you just brought in.

“I will signal you to let you know when I’m ready.”

Ryan replied, “Okay. Thanks.”

Back on the floor, Morris took a look in the cab rear seat and gave Ryan the all clear.

As he watched Ryan’s cab leave and the exit door close he thought to himself,

Why did I give Ryan so much information?

We’ve worked together for years! That’s why.

And besides there is little that I told him that is important.

Oh well. What’s done is done. No real harm.

Back in the processing room he rolled up Miguel’s sleeve and started an IV.

Need to keep this guy hydrated and healthy.

At the processing room desk Morris went through Miguel’s bag and looked through the contacts on the cell.

Nothing to be alarmed about.

Should be able to get this guy gone tomorrow.

Need to get stats.

On the scale, he read the total.

Total is 560.

Less 300 for the gurney.

Net weight is 260.

That’s a big guy.

He check the blood pressure.

Blood pressure: 118 over 80.

Healthy too.

Back in the processing center office he sent an email to Esteban Garza with the package data and notification that he planned to ship tomorrow.

Morris woke up at his regular 530 am.

Time to check on my guest.

In the office he noted the monitor. All the vital signs seemed in line with normal readings. After a trip to the processing room and a visual inspection of Miguel he returned to the office to read emails.

Esteban had confirmed. Morris was happy that he only had the one guest to check on and that one would be going out today.

A call to the local airport.

“Hi Bill. This is Morris. I have a package to go out today. Chihuahua, Mexico. I aim to be there before 900. I’ll call if there are any changes.”

In the processing room he moved the gantry into position and attached the stretcher bar.

Miguel heard the sound of the crane. Once it was snugged up so that no slack remained Morris removed the gurney straps.

Miguel started kicking and trying to break free. It was no use.

Morris thought to himself.

You aren’t getting free, fool.

But if I was in your position, I would fight like hell too.

If you knew what was happening you would fight to the death.

Which is what will probably happen to you after you arrive at your destination.

Once in position over the crate Morris attached the restraints on the crate to the cuffs and lowered Miguel into the crate. He was happy that he had gotten the self-retracting restraints for the crate. The locking ratchet action allowed them to take up slack in one direction while preventing any slackening in the other. After removing the stretcher bar he disconnected the cuffs. Time to remove the gag. After making sure the inner and outer processing room doors were closed and donning his hearing protectors he removed the gag.

Miguel let loose at the top of his lungs.

“You mother fuckers. I’m gonna stomp a hole in your ass and piss in it.”

Miguel continued but since Morris had his hearing protectors on he could barely hear any sound coming out of Miguel’s mouth. About the only thing coming out of Miguel that he was aware of was his spit as he continued to rant and tell Morris what he was going to do to him. If he ever got a chance. Once the crate had been closed. Morris removed his hearing protectors. He wondered if Miguel was still screaming. Using a stethoscope he probed a little and thought he could hear some muffled sounds coming from the crate. With hearing protectors back in place he opened the crate and added a layer of sound proofing insulation to the top of the crate.

After closing the crate the second time and checking he couldn’t hear a thing. No muffled sounds. Nothing.

Time to lock up.

After backing the hearse to the processing room double doors and loading Miguel’s crate it was time to get Miguel to the airport for his trip.

815 am. Plenty of time.

20 minutes later he was at the airport. Another 5 minutes and the package was loaded. With the engines running smoothly Morris wondered to himself if the packages could feel or hear anything while in the crate.

Likely not. If you can’t hear them they probably can’t hear from the outside.

With the insulation in the crate they are cushioned but they may feel some vibrations.

Next time they feel or hear anything they will be delivered to their destination.

I wonder if they feel delivered or deliverance.

Back at the processing room a clean-up of the gurney, a trip to the incinerator, and it was time for a little relaxation.

I think I’ll go to the island and have lunch.

With a stuffed oysters and shrimp poor boy, fries, and a cold beer he took a seat at the table with the big umbrella where Jeff, Edie, and Sherry had enjoyed their lunch.

Morris finally had some time to think about something other than filling an order.

The business is going well but it’s not as much fun as it was.

I have more money than I will ever spend.

Maybe I’ll retire. If I can get away with it.

I wouldn’t need to sell anything. All that is here is a stuff.

If someone can figure out what it’s all for then good for them.

Just destroy all evidence of the business and leave everything else.

Fuck it!

Over a second beer, he called Ryan.

“You can get going to fill the other order.”

“I’m not at the processing center right now but I should be there after 6.”

“Happy hunting.”

Ryan waited until after 530.


I am looking for an athletic male but no height or weight specified.

Size isn’t important.

It was getting close to 730 and he thought that tonight he would come up empty. Just as he was about to call off the hunt, he saw Oliver walking by himself out of the fitness center. He looked to be about 5 feet 6 or 7. Not heavy. He was carrying a racket ball case and walked with a bit of spirit and spring in his step. Ryan pulled up to the curb next to Oliver before Oliver had even raised his hand. After entering the cab and taking a seat Oliver told Ryan to take him to the Lincoln hotel located close to the docks. Oliver had put on his headphones and was tapping his leg keeping time to the music. Ryan turned the volume down on the radio and asked him if he wanted him to close the window. Oliver told him to do whatever he wanted, he was having a good day, and expected to be having a great evening. Ryan knew that a lot of prostitutes hung around the docks and he expected that the guy was planning to spend some time inside some whore tonight. With the window shut he headed for the processing center entry gate. Oliver was indeed having a good day. He had closed on a big deal, won his racket ball match handily, and expected to get a good piece of ass tonight. Traffic was a little heavier than it had been on Monday night.

3 blocks from the center.

Estimate arrival at the processing center in less than 2 minutes.

The guy wasn’t using the cell phone but Ryan followed procedure and activated the mobile jammer. With less than 1 block to go, he pressed the button to signal Morris.

Green light. Yay!

Entry gate’s opening.

Turn left.

Drive into the wire cage.

Get out of the cab.

Close the cab door.

Oliver saw that they had entered a garage of some sort. He wanted to get going and didn’t want to deal with some stupid cab driver’s maintenance problems. If necessary he would get them to call a different cab for him.

After all, I am the customer.

If they don’t do what I want I will complain and won’t give them a tip.

I wonder why that guy has a mask on.

Oliver still had the headphones on tapping his leg and didn’t hear the nitrogen as it flowed into the cab. He knocked on the window.

No response. I wonder if that idiot realizes I’m here.

He hit the window again. The oxygen concentration was already less than 17 percent and dropping fast. He hit the window again. Morris thought to himself.

Keep hitting that window, you idiot.

After another 90 seconds, Oliver slumped over with his head on his chest.

Time to move Mr. Meathead.

After opening the cab door and strapping him down, Morris gave him oxygen and wheeled him into the processing room. The nitrogen had been flowing at full capacity for over 5 minutes; oxygen concentration was so low that oxygen was below a detectable limit. After the usual set up to make his guest secure if not comfortable, Morris went to the garage floor.

Ryan had already leaned into the back seat to move Oliver’s things to the cart. The same type of autonomic reflex that caused Miguel’s and Oliver’s blood oxygen to rapidly drop when the effect of breathing nitrogen was detected caused Ryan’s blood oxygen level to shoot down at an even faster rate. Less than 10 seconds after leaning into the rear seat he lost consciousness and collapsed onto the rear seat.

The procedures Morris developed called for him to keep his mask on and breathing air flowing until he stopped the nitrogen flow, opened all of the cab doors, and let the atmosphere in the cab return to a safe level. When he saw what had happened he pulled Ryan out of the rear seat onto the garage floor, slammed the cab door, removed his mask, and put it over Ryan’s mouth and nose. As soon as he saw that Ryan was regaining consciousness he closed the valve on the nitrogen and made sure Ryan’s breathing and vitals were recovering. Morris was angry and he let Ryan know it.

“The procedure is for you not to go near the cab until I give you the all clear.

“I got the air on you quick enough so it is likely that there is no brain damage.

“If I hadn’t seen you and moved you away you could be dead right now.

“You will probably have a headache for a while.

“Maybe it will drive home the point about how important it is when dealing with nitrogen to follow the safeguards and stick with the procedure. “

Ryan apologized.

“I had no idea how powerful and fast that stuff is.

“I promise to not deviate from the procedure again.”

“I hope not. I would hate to have your body to get rid of.”

“Aw man! I didn’t know we were that close.”

“Look! I am not joking! Next time you pull that crap I may not get to you in time or I may just let your stupid smart aleck ass die of your own stupidity and hard headedness. There are few people that know what to do to save you from death or permanent brain damage.

“I have told you more than once that nitrogen is not something to play with. But maybe you need reminding and I will do that once.

“It is a leading cause of industrial accidents. Part of the reason is that people can’t smell it, they can’t see it, and the body’s own response once lower blood oxygen concentration is detected by the body is to breathe faster which causes the rate at which the effect gets worse to accelerate.

“To make sure you’re okay you should probably plan to spend the night here at the processing center with a monitor on you.

“While I check on my new guest, get out the day bed and set up the monitor stand next to it. After you do that wait for me outside the office and I will give you your money after I check on my new guest.”

Morris went to check on Oliver in the processing room. The IV was going. He would stay hydrated and nourished all night. In the office, Morris noted the readings on Oliver’s monitor.

All good.

Ryan had come into the office.

“Here’s your 30,000.”

“I thank you. And it’s what we agreed on. But would you mind telling me why the last guy was 40,000 and this guy is 30,000?”

“It’s supply and demand. There aren’t that many as big and athletic as the 40,000 guy.

“Guys like this one are pretty common even though they think they are a special gift to the world.

“This guy will probably be a prey animal to be hunted and killed. Nothing too athletic about it except being able to run fast for a long time before they are hunted down and killed. I imagine that the people doing the hunting will be using bows or spears. Maybe dogs. Something slow and entertaining. Guns would be too quick. If the guy was only to be used as a target your cut would be a lot less. Not too much required for someone to just stand there and get shot.

“The other guy is probably going to be a gladiator.

“That’s the reason for the spec being for a bigger guy.

“He needs to be strong to survive in the pit.

“The client plans to use the bigger guy for fighting. Kind of like cock or dog fighting.

“Both these guys are destined for death and it won’t be from old age.”

Ryan thanked Morris for saving him from dying. Morris blew it off.

“Don’t mention it.

“But you really scared me.

“Now I need to get some rest.”

After helping Ryan set up his monitor and making sure he was getting a good signal in the office he turned out all lights and got into bed at his usual 930 time.

530 the next morning he was up.

Ryan’s monitor indicated everything to be okay.

A check of his guest’s monitor showed his pulse to be up a bit.

Other vitals are okay. He’s probably a little scared.

On the garage floor Morris turned on the lights over the day bed.

“Time to wake up sleeping beauty.

“I have a good number of things to do so I need you to leave now.”

“Okay. Thanks again for taking care of me.”

Morris took a look in the cab rear seat and gave Ryan the all clear.

As he watched Ryan’s cab leave and the exit door close he thought to himself,

That was close.

I probably need to get a spare oxygen supply and keep it next to the cage.

And maybe a remote cut off for the nitrogen.

Or maybe next time, I put Ryan in a crate and ship his ass off.

After sending an email to Indio in Nicaragua to let him know that he would be shipping the package today he went about getting Oliver ready for his one way trip.

Morris congratulated himself for setting things up so well.

The cuffs and crane made it easy to load these guys.

With the help of these machines and equipment, I can do this stuff myself.

After a call to the Redville airport he loaded Oliver’s crate.

On the way back after Oliver had been shipped he decided to take the rest of the day off. Back at the crab burger shop on the island he saw that Jeff was sitting by himself at an outside table. Jeff saw Morris and signaled for him to come over. He thought that this might be a good time to ask Morris if he could talk to him sometime about his future. After talking a seat at the table with Jeff, Morris broke the silence.

“I like your choice in restaurants. This is one of my favorites in the area.”

“It’s one of my favorites too.”

They continued to carry on a conversation about what other restaurants in the area they liked, the weather, and the upcoming storm season. Jeff wanted to somehow move the conversation to asking Morris if he might be willing to advise him. He decided a tricky approach wouldn’t work with Morris. Morris was way too wily for that and it might piss him off. He decided a direct approach would have the highest chance of success and decided to just jump in.

“I’ve been thinking about my future. Working with you has provided me with a good amount of money but I think I need to look beyond now and to the future.”

“I think that’s a smart thing to do. I don’t intend for this business to continue much longer. Do you have any ideas about how to go about it?”

“I think it would be good for me to get advice from someone I admire and respect. I just don’t know exactly how to ask without offending someone.”

“When I was about your age, I went through the same thing. What I found out and what I still believe is the best approach is to just be direct and honest. If it’s really someone you admire then they are probably wise enough to know if they are being played.”

“Thanks. What if the person I admire and would like to get advice from was you?”

“We have been working together for years. Sometimes you can be a bit of a pest but I chalk that up to curiosity and a willingness to learn. I am not so busy on all days to not be able to break some time out. So I would certainly be willing and even glad to help you out.”

“Wow! I don’t even know where to begin.”

“Why don’t you start by thinking about what you want your future to be and what you are willing to do to achieve that? A lot of people will say they want this or that. But they are unwilling to do much to get it. I expect that they still believe in the tooth fairy and Santa.”

Jeff asked Morris, “Do you want another beer?”

“Yes I would.”

As Jeff was getting some beers, Morris thought to himself.

Jeff seems to be at least interested in moving forward.

I’ll help for sure.

I don’t know if I should or how to let Jeff know what our history is.

Maybe in time.

But I am running out of time.

I wonder if he even suspects.

It would a surprise for him not to wonder sometimes.


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1.01 Diana, Ryan and Jamie: 1.02 Jamie, Hair Removal: 1.03 Jamie, Chair Introduction: 1.04 Jamie, Shemale Preparation: 1.05 Jamie, Chair, Preparation: 1.06 Jamie, Chair, Prostate, Rectal Enhancement: 1.07 Jamie, Chair, Breast Growth: 1.08 Jamie, Chair, Erection Enhancement: 1.09 Jamie, Chair, Feminization and Testing: 1.10 Ethan and Jamie: 1.11 Ethan, Jamie, Deep Throat: 1.12 Jamie, Ethan, The need to Suck: 1.13 Ethan, Jamie, The Mating: 1.01 Diana, Ryan and Jamie: Jamie...

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The Life of RyanChapter 2 The History of Ryan Part I The Good Luck and the Bad

Ryan Sheaffer seemed to be a ridiculously fortunate young man. He was born to self-made multi-millionaires David and Ellen Sheaffer after they had made their fortune in the real estate and investment industries, and were already in their early forties. They wanted to give their son the world; however, in many ways, having their first and only child this late in life was kind of an afterthought, once their financial empire and lavish lifestyle were fully established. David, a former Olympic...

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The Life of RyanChapter 4 The History of Ryan Part III A Little More Sex in Europe

Ryan gave his gorgeous and well-christened boat as a wedding present to two of his friends on the island who were getting married, with the agreement that if he visited the island in the future, he could always have use of it. He surprised each of several other friends with cash gifts equivalent to approximately two month’s earnings for a middle class Greek worker. None had really known how wealthy he actually was. And, he informed Spiros and Alexis that they would also be accompanying him on...

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Ryan Michelle The Good Elf

As usual this story is my property and may not be republished or redistributed without my express permission. This story is a work of fiction, any resemblance to people living or dead is a coincidence. — Ryan loved Christmas, it was his favorite time of year. All the hustle and bustle, kids bursting with excitement and parents trying to keep up with them. That’s probably why he’d worked as one of Santa’s Elves since he was sixteen, and had continued doing it for the past ten years. He loved...

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Nephew Ryan

I turned on the computer and logged onto the net. I went to my e-mail siteand checked my messages. A few work-related notes. And one thatimmediately caught my eye. It was from my nephew, Ryan.Ryan was a freshman at a college that was a few hundred miles away. Thiswas his first year away from home. While he was at college, his parents (mybrother and sister-in-law- they had adopted Ryan when he was just a fewmonths old) moved to the other coast. So, for the summer, Ryan was planningon...

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Sex Trafficking Part 3 Jeffs Pathetic Attempt

This is part 3 of a 10 part project. By itself this part is a brutal tale about Jeff’s pitiful attempt to get a sex slave. If the detailed account of the horrific disposal of someone’s dead body offends you, you might want to read something else. Jeff was aching to tell Fred about his preparations for holding a female hostage in the powder storage room but he knew that it would be a mistake unless he wanted it broadcast throughout the land. Fred’s gossipy ways would have been better...

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The Life of RyanChapter 16 Another Day at the Club

A knock at his bedroom door awoke Ryan just after 9 am. He stretched, rolled over, and asked who it was. It was Amber, and of course he told her to come on in. She pranced in, wearing a very low-cut, half-sheer, lavender slinky nightie that accented her remarkable breasts in a tantalizing way. She had a mischievous smile on her face as well, and sat on the edge of the bed. Ryan was thrilled she was here, and knew exactly what was supposed to happen next. “How long are you staying?” Ryan...

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Ryan and the Red Heads

Introduction: Ryan builds a harem, Red Headed twins and his 14 year old niece Just a word before you start, its long, ninety pages. You may want to take a chapter at a time. Ryan and the Red Heads (Chapter one) I got home to learn that we are getting a visitor, a visitor that will be with us for two months over the summer taking in the big city sights with my wife as her tour guide, museums, galleries, plays, in the evenings well be visiting a variety of restaurants so she can sample the...

1 year ago
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A blade for Ryan

100% fiction! Ryan restlessly squirmed in his chair while he waited for the principal to get off the phone. he was geting tired an it was getting dark out. He didn't like athority and he hated to answer all those questions he knew mr's snipit would be hurling at him. so what iF HE skiped class. Big deal. But what really had him hacked off was being ordered to go to the principal's office after Chief Rayborn an mr's brisk smelled pot smoke. ryan stood up and stretched his arms above his head. He...

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Ryan and Billy Make a Noise

“Out here you two.” Ryan and Billy knew they were in for a spanking. They had pushed their luck and were now going to pay the penalty for disobeying their Mum’s. Audrey sounded really annoyed. The two boys stayed inside the tent. Audrey said again even more sharply “I will not ask you again boys, out here now.” Ryan and Billy appeared from the tent looking sheepish. Billy saw his Mum, standing, arms crossed, not happy at all he thought as he eased himself out of the tent and stood up. He...

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The Life of RyanChapter 34 A Cum Contest at Sea

Ryan was always thinking up new ways to have as much sex as possible, and to challenge those around him to push their limits as well. To him, sex was not just fun ... it was healthy and vital. It charged your life force. It exercised your body in the very best way. It made you feel alive and strong, and connected to other people. Orgasms were the best and most incredible thing you could give yourself, and no matter how many he had, each one was always a special and relished experience of its...

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Erin and Ryan Lead Meagan into Her First Threesome

Despite having been out with Ryan until after 2:30 A.M. that morning and despite having received a thorough, quite painful paddling from my dad when I returned home late, I woke up early that morning as the sun rose above the horizon and its rays showed through the thin curtains that crossed my bedroom window.I looked at the clock.  6:55 A.M. the red digits read.I yawned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.  As I sat up, a twinge of uncomfortableness overwhelmed me.  My ass was still a bit...

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Ryan Silverstone

Chapter 1 Dressed in black with a white collar and white-on-black nametag identifying her as Lucy, the slightly tentative waitress with a soft smile said goodbye and to call again, her eyelids fluttering. At that Ryan knew he only had to ask and she’d date him. Oh brother, act your age, the newcomer to the city mused. He’d welcome her company but that would almost amount to cradle snatching. ‘I’ll call again,’ he said pulling out a friendly smile instead of a flirty one and pushed five bucks...

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Ryan and the Red Heads

Ryan and the Red Heads (Chapter one) I got home to learn that we are getting a visitor, a visitor that will be with us for two months over the summer taking in the big city sights with my wife as her tour guide; museums, galleries, plays; in the evenings we’ll be visiting a variety of restaurants so she can sample the exotic cuisines of the world available here, all of the highlights of big city life. My wife, Suzette has a twin sister Annette, identical twin, her fourteen year old...

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Ryan and His dad Get Spanked

“Hullo Mrs Grant.” Audrey liked Ryan’s new girlfriend Sonia, 24 years old holding down a good manager’s position at her office, and Ryan was better behaved as well, through Sonia’s influence she suspected. She had to admit that even she felt a flutter between her legs when she eyed the young lady, slim, a good figure, long flowing hair, dressed in a figure hugging sleeveless t shirt that showed off a bare flat midriff and a very short skirt revealing slim long bare legs. Audrey took a breath...

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Ryan Jessica Rob Tricia

Just then, Rob’s wife, Tricia, walked into the kitchen, having gone upstairs to attend to one of her sons. Ryan, who'd known Rob and Tricia for a few years before being introduced to Jessica by Tricia, got her attention and waved her over. “What is it,” she asked out loud. Ryan pointed down the basement stairs and out a finger to his lips. As long as Ryan had known Tricia, he'd lusted after her. She was tall (5’10), blonde, and leaner than he usually liked, but had a very cute little...

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The Life of RyanChapter 32 Miami Days 2 3

In the morning, Ryan and Danielle had sex in bed and again in the shower before heading into a long day of meetings and appointments. Ryan was a little wiped out at first from the night before, but after some coffee and a high-protein breakfast, he felt rejuvenated enough to become a major businessman for the day. Much was accomplished in the final negotiations of the terms of the merger that day, and Ryan played his part well. He knew he was more of a figurehead than anything else, but as...

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The Life of RyanChapter 23 Troublesome Twins

No one got up very early the next day, but later in the afternoon Chad came over, and he, Ryan and Matt headed down the crude stairs off the bluff behind the back yard, down to the beach. Despite living right on the beach, Ryan hadn’t been down there in a couple weeks, and it was a perfect afternoon for skimboarding. The tide was in at just the right level, and there was a long, smooth flat section of beach just a little ways down from Ryan’s house. The three young bucks spent part of the...

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Ryan And Gemma Want To Fuck II

"What the fuck is going on here? Did she just-?" Ryan stammered."Yes, she did," I answered, coming over to him. "As it turns out, Gemma would like to fuck you again too, Ryan. I can't believe you had no idea that it wasn't me, I should slap you, but I love you," I reminded him, before kissing him, and she kept his cock in her hands."What the fuck, you just let my ex blow me, and titty fuck me too?""Yes, don't you remember eye-fucking her a couple of hours ago? Wait, you aren't mad, are you? I...

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The Life of RyanChapter 27 Catching Their Breath

When Casey and Greg awoke the next morning around 10 am, they each noticed two unfortunate things. One was that they each had a whopper of a hangover with a serious headache and nausea. The second was that they were each alone in the bed they had fallen asleep in, even though a beautiful naked girl had originally been sleeping by them. Lexi had awoken much earlier, and slipped out of the condo, leaving a quick note thanking everyone for great one-night stand/orgy and giving Greg her phone...

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The Life of RyanChapter 14 A few more days

Matt was released from the hospital later that afternoon, and spent most of the next three days recuperating in bed. Amber had come up to tend to his needs, for which Ryan was thankful, especially since Kerri had left the first day for a week-long trip for a friend’s wedding. Jenna had also come down with a bad flu, and Ryan didn’t like the militant, butch lesbian nurse that his service had sent him, so he’d kicked her out and took Matt’s suggestion to call Amber. That first night, with Matt...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 7 Ryan

NOVEMBER 2001, THANKSGIVING BREAK [WHUMP] The impact of her body against mine was enough to stagger me. I just barely stayed upright, my knees threatening to buckle but holding firm while Dawn wrapped her legs around my waist and planted a volcanic kiss on my lips. And only now did I feel like I could relax. At first, I'd been rather disappointed not to find my girlfriend waiting for me at the end of the jet bridge. My heart sunk like a stone into the pit of my stomach at the thought that...

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milking of ryan pt 1

Ryan Connolly stood in the arena, stripped to his shorts, a sneer on his perfect lips. The x-treme fighting match had yet to begin, but his confidence practically glowed with the same sheen as the arena lights reflecting off the sheer layer of perspiration on his smooth chest and perfectly defined six-pack. The light caught the coppery highlights of his auburn hair as he turnes to face the crowd, emerald green eyes sparkling. He sneered again. In his head he knew that every man in the arena...

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Cody Ryan Leo

“They’re finally ready... Cody, Ryan and Leo,” the Scientist announced, making some notes briefly on his clipboard, and then asked, “But where will you keep all three clones, Sir?” “An Island,” I answered, “A little one just off Maldives... Tell me, Doctor, why did you need so many of my pictures, a video of me, and even a sample of my DNA? How am I a part of their creation?” “We factored it all in. The technical details are rather tedious to outline. But in the process of manufacturing these...

Gay Male
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Fucking Ryan

Like a fair number of the guys I’d had sex with, Ryan’s head dove straight for my cunt. We’d barely taken our clothes off and he began to lick my clit. I think they saw this on TV, Cinemax I guessed, softcore porn where the man almost always pleasured the woman before himself. Although, come to think of it, on Cinemax movies he always quit doing his work down there before she came and proceeded to fuck her in various positions for ten or fifteen minutes before he came. Although generally his...

Straight Sex
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Cody Ryan Leo

"They're finally ready... Cody, Ryan and Leo", The Scientist replied, making some notes briefly on his clipboard, and then asked, “But where will you keep all three clones, Sir?” “An Island”, I answered, “A little one just off Maldives... Tell me, doctor, why did you need so many of my pictures, a video of me, and even a sample of my DNA? How am I a part of their creation?” “We factored it all in. The technical details are rather tedious to outline. But in the process of manufacturing these...

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The Life of RyanChapter 26 After the Tournament

At the end of the tournament, the Chad/Matt/Selena/Sabrina team finished 3rd in the whole tournament, losing their semi-final round but winning their consolation game. Ryan/Derek/Jenna/Kerri played and won two more games in the consolation rounds and tied for 9th overall or something like that. Afterwards, dozens of sweaty, exhausted, tan, athletic, hot and horny young people joined together for a party on the beach, with a live band, a no-host bar, and a sort of luau complete with roast pig....

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Ryan8217s surprise

Hello I am back again here remember me , I am Abhishek 18 male Delhi. I am posting u another story here. Hope u will enjoy. Lori had just returned from school and heard the soft noises coming from her brother’s room. The door was ajar, so she pushed it slightly open. Her eyes widened as she beheld the sight of her brother, Ryan lying on his bed masturbating and whispering her name. It had been only recently, that they had discovered their mutual desire to share their bodies with one another....

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The Life of RyanChapter 22 PostGame Traffic

The effects of the intense supplement regimen Ryan had taken still lingered in his body the next morning, as evidenced by the sore, painful erection he awoke with. He thought about the last few days and realized he had had tons of pussy lately, but not much boy flesh. He buzzed Matt’s call button, and was delighted when his cute, tight friend jumped on his bed in just his underwear. “Hi boss,” Matt said, playfully. “Had some fun yesterday?” “Oh just a bit, yeah,” Ryan said sheepishly. “We...

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Ryan The Coachs Wife and Mom0

Ryan preferred to live at home with the folks , a year ago he had also hypnotized his mom Joyce who was a 5ft 9 brunette with a strippers body & 40 dd fake tits ( which his step dad had bought her ) and a nice fat ass. While Bev kept her mouth full with his prick , Joyce opened the door & brought Ryan a cola , his mom was wearing a red thong bikini & 3 inch heels , she had been tanning by the pool , with Bill ( his step dad), before he had sent her text to come join them in the bedroom ....

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The Life of RyanChapter 25 Volleyball Tournament

Ryan woke up with both his ladies snuggled up on either side of him. After they’d come back up to the house last night, he had gone to bed. Matt had headed to his suite’s bathroom for a shower, and Jenna and Kerri had decided to ambush him there, suck his cock, and fuck him good once more before he went to bed. They thought about ambushing Ryan too and waking him up for sex, but they were truly tired themselves, so they settled for crawling in bed naked with him and going to sleep. However,...

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A Ride With Ryan

"It's my party today!" Sarah shrieked down the phone.On the other end Maxine rolled her eyes. "Of course it is honey and it'll be a brilliant night. We'll have so much fun!" Sarah was her best friend, they had been friends for nearly fourteen years. Today was her twenty-first birthday party and it was going to be epic. Her parents hadn't spared a penny, and everyone who was anyone would be there."Oh my god! I can't wait for you to get here. When is your train at?" Sarah asked excitedly."About...

Straight Sex
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The Life of RyanChapter 19 Surprising Amy

When Chad left after lunch, Ryan returned to his suite and properly pampered his body with its “beauty treatments”, took care of his hair and teeth, and took stock of himself in the mirror. Satisfied that he looked incredible, with even a nice pumped-up look to his muscles after all the weight-lifting, he selected some black shorts that sagged down to his pelvic bones and hung just right, open-toed sandals, and a chain of small puka shells for his neck, and put on some cologne and his...

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Discovering Ryan

Steve felt incredibly proud of his fifteen year old daughter, Lisa, when she got a full scholarship to a highly exclusive private school. Unfortunately, the school was over three hours away by car, which meant Lisa would have to go there and live on campus. But Steve knew it was the best thing for her even if he started missing her terribly the moment he drove away from the school after moving her into her dorm room. Yet Steve wasn’t the only one who was feeling lonely with Lisa away at...

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Passion PleasureLexa and Ryan

Introduction: A simple passionate story about a very loving young couple (& thier sex life) The warmth of my blankets make it close to imposible for me to leave the comfort of freshly cleaned sheets. I could seriously stay in this state of perfection for whole days before wanting to leave. Ahhhhh, Ryan lets out an exaderated moan. He does this every morning before he slumps out of bed. Lexaaaa, wake up, he says with a grunt before throwing one of his pillows with his head barely lifted from our...

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The Life of RyanChapter 5 Creating a Ryanesque Paradise Part I

When Ryan returned from Europe, he initially found himself busy with setting up his new household, which meant meeting with realtors, interior decorators and remodeling contractors. He also had to give some attention to a variety of attorneys and financial planners who had been desperately awaiting his presence to act upon a number of plans that required his signature and input. Ryan knew he would be involved in managing his father’s real estate and investment empire to some degree, but his...

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Meeting Ryan Daley

Meeting Ryan Daley I’m here to meet Ryan Daley. Well, I’m in Massachusetts visiting my friend Evan, but I’m walking into this bar because Ryan Daley will be here. Probably. I hope. He doesn’t know he’s meeting me tonight. In fact, he knows nothing about me. However, ever since Evan told me Ryan lives in his town, I hounded him until he did enough sleuthing to find out where he would be. I showed up the day before and spent the evening with Evan and his friend Rochelle. It turns out Rochelle is...

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Ryan Gets His Wish

No! God damn it no! For the absolute last time Ryan I will not do it!" "Aw come on Tiffany, how do you know you won't like it? "It doesn't matter if I would like it or not Ryan. I am not going to do it and that is final." I got up from the couch and ran upstairs to the bedroom and slammed the door behind me. Then, because I was severely pissed, I turned and locked the door and then went and threw myself down on the bed. I heard Ryan coming up the stairs and then I heard the doorknob...

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The Life of RyanChapter 12 Ryan and His Girls

Back on Ryan’s patio, naked and enjoying a delightful dinner of barbecued chicken and shrimp, steamed veggies and some excellent wine, Jenna had told them all about the stranger who showed up and whisked Matt away. She had been curious, but not overly alarmed, by the event, but since Matt seemed to go willingly, she assumed he was a big boy and could make the choice to go somewhere with an old friend if he wanted. However, Ryan explained that there weren’t many people from Matt’s past that he...

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Ryan comes to surprise

Completely fictional, names made up Ryan had just pulled up in the driveway when he saw his twenty-eight year old neighbor washing her car in her driveway. She had just moved in eight years ago and he was now a junior in college. They got along good, when he was younger she would sometimes ask him to rake the leaves in her yard for some cash or clean the gutters. Once during summer he had accidentally seen her change into her bikini while he cleaned out the gutters. Although, she said it...

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Ryan comes to surprise

Completely fictional, names made up Ryan had just pulled up in the driveway when he saw his twenty-eight year old neighbor washing her car in her driveway. She had just moved in eight years ago and he was now a junior in college. They got along good, when he was younger she would sometimes ask him to rake the leaves in her yard for some cash or clean the gutters. Once during summer he had accidentally seen her change into her bikini while he cleaned out the gutters. Although, she said it wasn't...

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Charlene Ryan A love renewed

A few years ago, they had been lovers, when they had met on one of Ryan’s leaves. Ryan had been in the Armed Forces for 15 years and had just come back to town for a longer than usual leave.  He had been overseas and had earned some extra leave. He was a tall guy, 35 years old about 6’ 2”, with a short black military hair cut and deep brown eyes, which had shots of gold through them, depending on his mood. He had a very sharp face with a cleft in his chin.  He was a very fit man, being very big...

Love Stories
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SequelChapter 8 Elizabeth and Ryan

So there I was, sitting on the toilet, wiping my pussy dry after a relaxing pee. Except that once I was dry, I didn't stop wiping. Instead I was savoring the gentle touch of tissue against my sensitive pink lips. It took only a few seconds for me to realize that I was no longer cleaning myself up, I was masturbating. I had never realized how much fucking I really need. I mean, Artie can take care of me pretty well, and regularly, even though by now I'm pretty sure that he's fucking that...

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Ryan Part Two

You can read part one of the story here.After they finished their drinks, they left to go to a club I presumed. This was a relief to me, as I had once again gone into my fantasy mind and had him naked in my arms. I finished up my drink and headed for the doorway, grabbing my coat from the back of my stool. That's when I saw Ryan walking out of the washroom. He hadn't gone with the rest of his friends. I blushed again...

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The Life of RyanChapter 10 The Pool Boys

Jenna planned to tell Kerri all about Matt’s odd encounter when she got back, but as she pulled into the long, circular brick drive way, she saw the van for Golden Boy Pool Service parked in front. “You’ve got to be kidding,” Jenna thought to herself. Leave it to Kerri to find a new pool service by that name. They couldn’t possibly really mean that they send only ... but if they did, they’d have to be open to ... hey that’s not a bad idea ... She felt herself getting wet at the thought of...

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Ryan And Gemma Want To Fuck

'It's red, Ryan, not blue, pink, purple, or any other color. I know you've fucked her before, but just because she has her thong sticking out doesn't mean you need to eyeball it,' I thought, rolling my eyes at him. "Hey, Gemma, could you run out and get the food, pretty please?"She turned around and peeked at me. "Sure, Greta, I can't deny the bride to be. I'll be back in a bit," she said, before heading out.After we heard the door shut, I pushed him a tad. "WTF, dude?""What?" he whined, giving...


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