Ryan and Billy Make a Noise
- 4 years ago
- 29
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“Out here you two.”
Ryan and Billy knew they were in for a spanking. They had pushed their luck and were now going to pay the penalty for disobeying their Mum’s. Audrey sounded really annoyed.
The two boys stayed inside the tent. Audrey said again even more sharply “I will not ask you again boys, out here now.” Ryan and Billy appeared from the tent looking sheepish. Billy saw his Mum, standing, arms crossed, not happy at all he thought as he eased himself out of the tent and stood up. He stared at four women sitting on chairs right there in the garden, and it was after midnight. Ryan came out after him and they looked at each other and their mouths dropped open. They then looked across at their Mum’s and realised they were both standing by their own upright chairs, and placed right in the middle of each chair was a hairbrush, the type with the hard wooden backs. The type they had been spanked with so often. The two 16 year olds knew they were going to be spanked again but hoped it would not be in front of the other women. Ryan knew all the ladies were neighbours and each will have been kept awake by the loud music they played as they camped in the garden. Sally was there, and the lovely beautiful 17 year old Karen. Ryan smiled at her but she didn’t smile back. She looked very annoyed in fact, sitting with her arms and legs crossed. The remaining two ladies lived on the other side from Sally and Karen, they lived together, both in their sixties, pleasant enough normally but also looking cross. Both boys had their usual sinking feeling and also as usual regretted not turning the music down. Even when their Mum’s phoned them on their mobiles and they agreed to be quieter as soon as the phone call ended so they turned the sound back up. Well they had to as they could hardly hear it otherwise, and their Mum’s were at a party so they couldn’t really hear it. Of course now it was clear their neighbours had kept phoning their Mum’s, who won’t be in any kind of good mood if they came home early. The boys stayed quiet and looked at the neighbours. Three of them were their own Mum’s ages. The fourth is Karen. 17 year old Karen. Ryan fancied her something rotten. He had this thing about strong willed girls. He always fancied them. Karen is his height, slim, long legs, big breasts, with quite a tongue on her. Ryan wasn’t happy seeing her there, not if he was going to be spanked. He still remembered the spanking she had given him two weeks before. It was so embarrassing as he cried like a youngster and had an erection against her bare thighs. Audrey spoke first “Well boys, so you have made all this noise have you” she said staring at the two boys, first Ryan then Billy, daring them to speak. They remained silent which was the same as them admitting they were at fault. “So we had to come home didn’t we, and it’s your entire fault” she continued still glaring at the boys. Both 16. Both regularly spanked by their Mum’s when they are naughty. Both fearing the worst. “Well, if its noise you want then its noise you can have. Do you like noise boys?” Ryan and Billy were fairly sure Audrey didn’t mean music so they stayed quiet still. “I’ll take that as a yes then” and turned to the watching women and said “Well ladies, do you mind if we have some noise for another 30 or 40 minutes?” There were some very clear “yes’s” from the group. They didn’t mind at all. Audrey said “good” then stared at the boys and said “Right then, I think you had better take your pyjama bottoms off for this.” Karen stood up and said in a sharp tone “shall I hold them Mrs Grant?” “How very helpful Karen. Yes please” then turned to Ryan and Billy and said “boys, take them off and hand them to Karen.” 17 year old Karen smiled as she stood in front of Billy and held her hand out. Billy blushed as he pulled his pyjama bottoms down and stepped out of them. He handed them to Karen who took them with a gleeful “Thanks.” She went to stand in front of Ryan. Audrey knew well enough she did have a soft spot for him. She held her hand out, winking at the misbehaving 16 year old and also smiled as she held out her hand. Ryan stood still a moment too long and Karen asked with a sly smile “Shall I help you Ryan” and glanced at Audrey who smiled back and said “Thank you Karen, please do help him take them off.” Audrey knew Ryan fancied Karen as well. It was the way he looked at her when she was outside in the road or in the garden, licking his lips, looking deep in thought as he watched her walk by. How he was almost uncomfortable in her presence, which Audrey put down to her son being in awe of the 17 year old. So yes, having her lower her son’s pyjama bottoms would add to the lesson she was going to teach him. She smiled as Karen knelt down and yanked the pyjama bottoms down to Ryan’s ankles and as he stepped out of them his penis was only inches from her cheek. How Ryan wanted to touch Karen’s hair or even better to brush his penis across her cheek. He even felt his penis stiffen as she knelt so close to him. He desperately wanted his penis to shrivel back up, and it got worse when Karen stood up, caught his eye, looked down at his penis and winked again, before turning away from a blushing Ryan. How bad was that he thought? She won’t want to go out with him after that episode for sure. Damnation he thought. With the two boys naked below the waist Lizzie snapped “Right, hands on your head and stand in front of us, sharpish.” Ryan and Billy did as they were told knowing their bottoms were on full view for the watching women, as they faced their Mum’s. Lizzie started by scolding them both, saying how they had received several phone calls from the watching women complaining about the loud music they were playing and how it had spoiled the party they were at. “Why didn’t you turn the music down when they asked you to?” Audrey asked. The two boys suddenly focussed on Audrey who was sitting with her legs crossed holding the hairbrush and raising it up and dropping it down in to the palm of her hand with a loud thwack, time and again, as the boys became more and more distraught, as it became clearer and clearer they were going to spanked across their Mum’s laps out there in the garden and in front of the watching women. They licked their lips, scrunched up their faces, and kept saying sorry whenever Audrey or Lizzie asked a question. “Sorry?” Lizzie exclaimed. “Sorry now I suppose, but not so sorry to stop playing the music when these ladies asked you to stop, nor when we phoned you and told you to stop. Not sorry then but just sorry now. Is that right?” Of course she was right. Ryan and Billy both knew it. They had got carried away. It was such good fun in the tent on a really hot summers evening. They wanted to hear the music so didn’t care about the others. Didn’t care at all. Then. Of course now is different. Now is very different. So instead of arguing both boys just nodded and looked at the grass. The signal the two Mum’s again took to tell them the boys knew they had been naughty and were going to be punished. “Right” Audrey said. “First, walk over to the ladies and turn your backs to them, and keep those hands on your heads.” The 16 year olds trudged across the lawn and stood in front of the four women, before quickly turning around. After all they didn’t much like the four women seeing their penis’s on full view. Ryan again caught Karen’s eye who was smiling at him, belittling him he thought. The cow he thought but he didn’t show it on his face. He turned immediately and looked at the ground. “Touch your toes now you two” Audrey instructed. Both boys bent at the waist and knew their bottoms were on full view, bent over, their cracks will be spread, and their balls will be dangling down between their legs. How humiliating. What will they think when they next see the women in the street? Billy sniffed. His Mum knew he was totally embarrassed. “It’s your own fault Billy. If you hadn’t been so naughty this wouldn’t be happening” Lizzie snapped Still the boys stayed silent. This wasn’t the first time Billy had been spanked in front of other people. It had always been made clear that if he was naughty he would be spanked in front of whoever was there at the time. Grandparents very often, friends parents also many many times. So many people had seen him have his bottom tanned. This was different somehow. Ryan too had been spanked in front of a selection of other people, notably his Dad of course, and Grandparents, and had the experience two weeks ago of being spanked by Karen with her Mum Sally watching which was horrendous. Even that though was no match for this. The two other women will be sure to make comments to him in the street, maybe in ear shot of others. Ryan was getting more and more worried about that thought until he heard the snapped order from his Mum “OK boys” Audrey instructed “over here now.” They were somehow relieved they were no longer on view to the women as they walked quickly back across the lawn and stood beside their respective Mum’s. However, just to prolong the agony Audrey asked Ryan “Why are you being spanked Ryan?” Ryan looked at his Mum and said “Because I didn’t do as I was told Mum.” Lizzie asked Billy the same question and waited for her son to answer. “Same thing here Mum” was his reply. He kept a straight face but saw his flippant reply a small victory as his Mum looked across at the watching women and Billy was sure the next thing will be the instruction to go across their Mum’s laps. It wasn’t. He saw the blur of the hand a split second before he felt the pain on the side of his leg. That hurt. Really hurt. Billy gasped and he yelped before looking at his Mum. The hand was being pulled back, her lips were pursed, and she didn’t have to say anything. He knew. Victory had turned in to defeat. “Sorry Mum. I’m being spanked because I didn’t listen to you when you told me to turn the music down.” Lizzie nodded her head, pursed her lips again, and Billy knew what was going to happen just before his Mum’s hand started to travel at speed towards his leg again. There was a ccraacck as her hand hit his leg again, another gasp, another yelp, and a sob. How he hated having his legs smacked. There would be no corner time tonight the boys realised. No thinking time. They were looking at two very annoyed Mum’s and knew they would be spanked straight away this time. “Now get across our laps you two” Audrey instructed. She felt her son’s penis as he landed across her lap. It was a hot evening, her skirt was short and had ridden up her thighs as she sat down, so his penis lay on her bare legs, and she could feel how stiff it was, indeed so often was when he was being scolded and knew he was soon to make the trip across her lap. Even when her husband was watching, or a stranger, her son almost always got an erection as he was being told off. Maybe it was her strict voice. She wasn’t sure. Nor did she mind. All she knew was that she was going to discipline him, and by that she meant a good hard spanking, and after a couple of dozen spanks his erection will be gone. The two boys lay across their Mum’s laps but heard the buzz of conversation from the watching women. Ryan looked across and saw them all smiling, a satisfied smile, as though they were about to watch the most deserved spankings ever. Four ladies, all looking relaxed, joking with each other about how deserved all this was as they were looking at the two boys, their bare bottoms in particular, watching as their Mum’s rubbed their bottoms, getting ready to spank their errant sons. “Right, a good hand spanking first my lad” Audrey said as she raised her hand and brought it down firmly on her son’s bare bottom. Ryan felt the smack but as usual the first was never that hard, and always manageable. He even registered the sound of a smack from the other chair and knew Billy had got his first spank from his Aunt Lizzie. It had started, and without a gap the sound of bare palm on bare bottom was heard. Ryan looked across at the women to find their smiles even wider, knew the women were speaking to each other although the boys could not make out what was being said, but they could tell they all thought it was funny as they could see from their faces they were laughing at what ever was being said. Soon the boys were finding the hand spanks more difficult to cope with. They were squirming around on their Mum’s laps, Audrey well aware her son’s erection had gone, aiming her spanks this time slowly down one bottom cheek making sure spank after spank fell so close to the previous one it would be much stingier than if she plastered his bottom by alternate spanks on each bottom cheek. The two Mums had discussed this on the way home, to make sure each boy got roughly the same spanking. They knew they were causing great discomfort. Nor did they stop when they got to the sit spot. They carried on down the top of each boys leg right down to just above the knee, so they spanked hard the delicate back of his thighs and enjoyed the louder gasps those spanks always drew. After that they crossed over to the other leg, starting just above the knee knowing her sons hated those spanks to the back of their legs the most, then continued right up to the top of their other bottom cheek. They landed about 60 spanks by the time they had covered both sides of their bottoms and legs. Audrey looked across at Lizzie and saw Billy was struggling as well as Ryan, his bottom and legs equally reddened by the constant hand spanking. They smiled at each other as they started again at the top of the first bottom cheek and spent the next 60 spanks carefully retracing their steps, spank after spank, as they drew their first sobs from the 16 year olds. The four watching women chatted away, passing remarks about how nice it was to see the boys being torn off a strip, how red their bottoms were getting, how nicely their bottoms bounced around as the spanking continued. Karen in particular watched closely as Ryan squirmed around on his Mum’s lap, remembering what it was like having him across her own lap just two weeks before, and knowing her pussy was getting wet at that very thought. At the end of the second round the two Mum’s nodded to each other and started the third round at the top of the first bottom cheek again and the boys struggled even more, knowing another 60 spanks would be delivered. The third round was always the hardest, because whilst they struggled even more with the 60 spanks they still never knew until the very end if even a fourth round would be given. They knew it wasn’t a matter of whether they were crying. That never came in to it. It was solely dependent on how their Mum’s felt at the time. Would they give another 60 spanks or maybe their hands hurt too much? To be realistic that was rarely the case. Both Mum’s had been known to give six rounds before stopping. In essence it really depends upon how naughty the boys had been, and as the Mum’s got towards the end of the third round so they were hoping that would be the end of the hand spanking, and even though it meant it was time for the hairbrush at least the first part of their spanking ordeal was over. “Are you really sorry Ryan?” Audrey asked, rubbing her son’s bare and nicely warm bottom. “Yes Mum” came a very wet reply, and Audrey knew her son was deeply regretting his misbehaviour, although she suspected only as much as he always did part way through his spanking. Still, she had discussed it carefully with Lizzie on the journey home and they had decided tonight it should be four rounds and without saying anything they nodded again at each other and started again at the top of the first bottom cheek, and two very distraught boys started to endure the fourth round of spanks, squirming around on their Mum’s laps even more, crying out, tears filling their eyes, no longer thinking of the watching women, not even 17 year old Karen. Audrey looked up at the watching women and still saw the look of satisfaction on their faces, and certainly no sympathy for the disobedient boys. Very satisfying she thought. The fourth round of spanking came to an end and once again Audrey asked her son “I hope you are learning your lesson Ryan.” Ryan let out a loud sob and a gushing “Yes Mum, I’m really really sorry.” “Good, then let’s move on shall we?” Audrey and Lizzie knew what that meant, so did Ryan and Billy, although no one said anything. Ryan realised that whilst the hand spanking had ended the dreaded horrible hard hairbrush would now be used. Audrey and Lizzie picked up their respective hairbrush and tapped their son’s bottoms, looked up at the watching women who nodded eagerly with their approval most of whom had never seen the hairbrush used liked this and watched in awe as the two Mum’s started to spank their son’s again. This time the howls were louder, the pain much more, the tears flowed, the Mum’s kept to their task, knowing their son’s would find sitting down ever so difficult afterwards, and probably tomorrow as well, maybe even the following day. Both boys squirmed around on their Mum’s laps, regretting beyond regret their stupidity in ignoring their Mum’s instructions, promising never to disobey them ever again, their bottom cheeks bouncing as the hard hairbrush smacked home, their penis’s pressing ever harder on to the bare thighs of their Mum’s as they desperately tried to avoid the stinging blows thinking it would sting less, only to find their bottoms bounced back up to be met by the next hard spank from the hairbrush, their penis pressing down hard again on to their Mum’s bare thighs, and moments later their bottoms bouncing back up again. So it went on, spank after spank after spank, the boys howls filling the night, the watching women enjoying the punishment meted out to the two disobedient 16 year old boys, Karen even licking her lips as Ryan’s body arched up, his penis flapping beneath him only to be engulfed again by his Mum’s thighs. After 100 spanks with the hairbrush Audrey looked at the four ladies watching and spoke above the howls coming from the two boys asking “So ladies, is this hard enough for you?” One by one the ladies said “Yes it was.” Audrey looked at Lizzie, nodded, and together they set about their task again with renewed vigour. 200 spanks with the hairbrush later and both Mum’s stopped. The howling continued as they rubbed their son’s reddened and hot bottoms. Audrey and Lizzie glancing up at the audience who again nodded in satisfaction. Audrey said “Is that sufficient for you ladies?” “Yes” they answered again, this time almost together as they watched the boys still howling as they rubbed their bottoms and danced from foot to foot. Audrey looked at Karen and said “Karen, can you take Ryan across and show his bottom to the other ladies please.” A delighted Karen sprang up and went across to Audrey, took Ryan’s arm and firmly helped him up and slowly walked him across the garden, his penis stiffening as he walked, somehow enjoying being held securely by the 17 year old girl he so fancied. They got to the other women and Karen turned Ryan around and pushed his back so he doubled over, not quite touching his toes, and became another spectacle for the watching women well aware his balls were hanging down between his legs for them all to see. Lizzie said to Karen “Can you walk Billy over as well please?” Karen said to Ryan “Don’t move, or else” Then walked back over and took Billy by the arm and said “You too Billy, show the ladies your nicely reddened bottom.” Billy allowed himself to be walked over but was very embarrassed, much more so than Ryan, conscious of his penis on show. He stood next to Ryan and was bent over to more admiring comments. After a few moments of humiliation for the two boys Audrey said “OK boys, inside the house.” The watching women starting chatting happily as they took their chairs back inside, and soon the garden was empty, except for the tent that remained in place, and would do until the morning. The women said their thanks to Audrey and Lizzie and left, except for Karen who hung around a bit longer. She chatted to Audrey who asked her “So Karen, do you think the boys have really learned their lesson?” Karen let out a low laugh and looked at the two boys, as they both stood there naked below the waist rubbing their bottoms as fast as they could. Karen said in reply “I wondered if maybe they should have been spanked a bit longer Mrs Grant” she answered and smiled as both boys let out low groans. “Well boys, tell us what you think?” Audrey said. Both looked at the 17 year old. They were still naked below the waist knowing their penis’s were on view. Billy’s was now shrivelled up but Ryan’s was erect. Audrey looked at Karen and Lizzie and raised her eyebrows. Neither boy said anything. “What do you think Lizzie?” Audrey asked instead. Lizzie thought a moment and said “Well I reckon I’m going to take Billy home.” She looked at her son and added “and we can discuss all this on the way. Don’t think you are out of the woods yet young man. You might still be feeling my hairbrush again in the morning so no arguments. OK?” “Yes Mum” Billy said, hanging his head. Lizzie and Billy went upstairs to pack. Audrey looked at Karen and said “If it was your decision what would you do with Ryan then Karen?” Karen looked at Ryan and said “I’d send him to bed and discuss it again in the morning saying there was a fifty fifty chance he will be getting another spanking. After all he made you come home especially.” “I agree” Audrey said “and just to make it interesting perhaps you would like to come over and hear the discussion, and maybe help decide what happens to him.” “Really?” Karen replied gleefully. “Yes, after all your Mum tells me you have spanked both your brothers now and you treat the whole discipline objective very seriously.” “Oh I do Mrs Grant. I will only spank them when they really earn it though.” “Well then, you come over first thing and we can discuss whether Ryan gets another spanking or not.” “What, help decide, really?” said a delighted Karen. “Yes” Audrey replied, then added with a fiendish smile but loud enough for Ryan to hear “and maybe if we decide he has been naughty enough you can be the one to spank him.” Ryan groaned. Karen laughed. “OK Mrs Grant. Deal. I’ll give it a lot of thought tonight then.” She looked at Ryan with a sly smile and said to the unfortunate 16 year old “Don’t worry Ryan, I’ll be very fair.” Karen and Audrey winked at each other, laughed and said “Why? He wasn’t very fair to you making all that noise. Why be fair to him?” “Good point Mrs Grant. Very good point.” Ryan was told to go to bed and jigged away, still sobbing, madly rubbing his bottom whilst jigging from foot to foot. He went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, and seeing just how shiny red his bottom was somehow intensified the pain His bottom was very sore and after ages rubbing his throbbing cheeks he fell asleep on his stomach, his bottom stinging. He woke early and his bottom was still stinging. He remembered he will still have to face his Mum and Karen and discuss whether he needs to be spanked again. He was still rubbing his bottom when Audrey and Karen walked in to his bedroom. “Out of bed and put your hands on your head” Audrey demanded. Ryan got out of bed and as soon as he saw Karen, now in another tight sleeveless t shirt and an even shorter skirt he stood up unable to hide his feelings as he became erect his penis on full show as he had been too tired to put his pyjamas back on the night before. Audrey and Karen exchanged looks, both first eying the erect penis staring at them, then giving each other a rather annoyed look, before Audrey said in a voice he knew meant she was still angry “Well Ryan we have discussed your behaviour and we have decided you need another spanking.” Ryan groaned thinking how unfair it was that he didn’t hear the discussion, and his bottom was still throbbing from the night before. Audrey continued “Don’t moan too much young man” then after a few moments added “anyway I have spoken with Aunt Lizzie who said she was going to give Billy another spanking as she was still upset we had to get home early last night to sort you two out.” Ryan looked at the floor, not daring to say a word now. His Mum continued “And I have decided that Karen will give you your spanking today.” He now knew for sure he was going to get another spanking for sure. The trouble was he was now standing naked with his hands on his head with his Mum and 17 year old Karen were looking straight at him both shaking their heads in disbelief at the sight of his even more huge erection which he got just thinking about going across Karen’s lap. Karen looked at Audrey who nodded, walked over to Ryan and took his erect penis in her hand. Ryan didn’t dare resist but found the cool hand so erotic. Karen tugged slightly and Ryan had no choice but to follow the 17 year old. They left his bedroom and they walked to the spare room where Ryan saw a chair already in the middle of the room with a hairbrush within easy reach. “I’ll leave you to it Karen. Don’t forget, there is no need to be fair. A good hard spanking is needed. Lots of tears and you should tell him off a lot as well. Make sure he knows why he is being disciplined again.” “Yes Mrs Grant, no problem” Karen replied as she sat down. Ryan was bewildered as his Mum left the room and Karen smacked the hairbrush in to the palm of her hand. “Come on Ryan, let’s teach you a lesson you won’t forget in a hurry.” Ryan looked at the beautiful girl sitting in front of him, her skirt having risen up so her legs were bare, wearing a vest top so her bare arms were a delight to look at. He focussed on her lap as he stepped forward and bent down across bare thighs. She rubbed his bottom and said “Well on the bright side Ryan your bottom is already nice and warm so I’ll only give you a few dozen with my hand and then go straight to the hairbrush, and once I know you have a really sore bottom and are crying your eyes out I have a question for you.” Ryan squirmed around and looked up in to her eyes. She was smiling, a wicked smile, a beautifully evil smile, Ryan’s erection again stiffened, Karen raised her eyebrows to acknowledge that she felt it, raised the hairbrush and said “I’ll tell you afterwards, but keep that thought my lad because a stiff penis will come in very handy.” Ryan knew he will be in a lot of pain before he finds out what the surprise will be. Right now he was across the lap of a beautiful dominant girl who he found so sexy, and found himself wanting to obey her, to please her, and maybe the prize will be a date. He so hoped so and raised his bottom up to invite the beautiful Karen to spank him hard. When the hairbrush started its arc down towards his bare red bottom he looked away, the hairbrush bit home, the pain spread across his bottom cheek, he pressed his penis down in to her thighs and let out a gasp as his spanking began. The dominant girl wasn’t going easy on him, and he didn’t want her to. It was ok no matter how hard she spanked him and for how long. He had found his ideal girl after all. The spanking was indeed long and hard. Much harder than the spanking she first gave him when he touched her boobs. He was soon crying and begging her to stop. Of course Karen ignored his plea’s, even smiling when she saw his tears, feeling at home with the 16 year old across her lap, his reddened bottom staring up at her as she kept spanking him. Eventually she decided to stop and let him get up. Her adrenalin was flowing as she watched him slowly slide off her lap, clearly in agony, and bounce from foot to foot rubbing his bottom. She looked at him sternly and ordered “OK Ryan, let’s go to the bathroom and I will rub some cream in for you. Come on.” Ryan nodded at Karen, admired her strength, and knew he had to do as she told him. A few moments later he followed Karen into the bathroom and watched as she sat down. Ryan got the tube of cream. “Over my lap Ryan and I’ll rub it in.” Ryan was about to argue but saw Karen’s bare thighs again and realised his erection was returning as he quickly bent across her lap. She rubbed in the cream, edging her fingers between his legs, rubbing his balls, and as he lifted his tummy she engulfed his erect penis in her hand and rubbed him, knowing how aroused he was, until he gave a long gasp and she felt the hot cum on her legs. She looked down at the 16 year old and smiled at the back of his head so he didn’t see her smile. She was going to enjoy this relationship she knew. Ryan breathed heavily for a while at least until Karen snapped “Naughty boy, now get up and get dressed.” Ryan stood up and quickly pulled on his pants and trousers, then said “I’m sorry Karen really I am.” Karen looked at the sticky cum on her legs then at him and this time smiled. “You could wipe it off you know” she said. Ryan knew it was an order. “Of course Karen” Ryan said quickly, getting some toilet tissue and carefully cleaning the mess from her legs. Karen parted her legs and Ryan rubbed down her inner thighs just brushing her pussy as he did she held his hand and edged it inside her knickers and against her vaginal lips and from her look made it clear she expected Ryan to return the favour and he gently rubbed his fingers along her pussy as she quickly got to orgasm. She was still breathing heavily as she pulled down her skirt and tidied herself up, relishing the way Ryan was waiting for her to speak, acknowledging her position of authority. “Will you be better behaved in future?” Karen asked with a strict tone back in her voice. “Of course Karen” Ryan blurted out sure he would do whatever she wanted. Karen kept smiling and said “Well, if you will then do you want to be my boyfriend?” “Oh my goodness, yes of course I do” Ryan answered eagerly. “You will have to do as I say” she said sharply, “Or else” she added. “Or else what?” Ryan stammered. “I’m a bit of a control freak actually Ryan.” She waited a moment then continued “and I like my boyfriends to do as I say, and if they do, well, I’m nice to them. Very nice actually.” Ryan could feel an erection coming. Karen was looking straight at the bulge developing in his trousers before saying “But if my boyfriend doesn’t do as I say, or argues with me, then he gets what for.” “What does that mean?” Ryan asked, almost hesitantly. Quick as a flash Karen said “Oh you know, if you upset me I will have to give you another spanking. A hard one. Maybe even in front of all my friends.” Ryan had an immediate full hard on erection. He found Karen so sexy, so strong, so dominant. Maybe even as strong a woman as his Mum. Certainly she spanked him almost as hard. Ryan thought for only a moment. He really fancied Karen so decided it was worth going for. He started to picture himself being spanked again and even imagined a few girls looking on. His erection was getting stiffer at the thought of it, his penis started to throb, just with her words. He realised he found the whole suggestion of being spanked by his girlfriend exciting. He wanted Karen to spank him and maybe he will cum again, maybe he will be able to excite her as well. He knew he would earn a spanking from her, and looked forward to it. “OK” he said almost in a whisper, desperately trying to control himself. “Good” Karen said with a crisp finality in her tone that made Ryan cum right there in his pants. Karen laughed as saw the stain increase in size and at that moment knew she would certainly be spanking him again.This doesn't mean that it's impossible for him to get me pregnant, it just means that it's going to take some serious effort. I am more than willing to do what it takes, as is my husband. The problem is that his work takes him away so much that it's hard for us to really put a lot of effort into the task at hand. It's not like we don't have sex whenever he's home, we're just not seeing the results from it that we'd like to see. It was a hot summer Friday in July. Joe was out of...
Introduction: Ryan builds a harem, Red Headed twins and his 14 year old niece Just a word before you start, its long, ninety pages. You may want to take a chapter at a time. Ryan and the Red Heads (Chapter one) I got home to learn that we are getting a visitor, a visitor that will be with us for two months over the summer taking in the big city sights with my wife as her tour guide, museums, galleries, plays, in the evenings well be visiting a variety of restaurants so she can sample the...
As usual this story is my property and may not be republished or redistributed without my express permission. This story is a work of fiction, any resemblance to people living or dead is a coincidence. — Ryan loved Christmas, it was his favorite time of year. All the hustle and bustle, kids bursting with excitement and parents trying to keep up with them. That’s probably why he’d worked as one of Santa’s Elves since he was sixteen, and had continued doing it for the past ten years. He loved...
Since R.J., our son, was born, Joe had made an effort to be home more often. This weekend, though, he had to go out of town. I didn't really complain since he had been home almost non-stop for about a month or so, which was a new record. Joe left on Friday and I got up early Saturday morning to meet the construction crew downstairs. They knocked on the door a little after eight. I opened the door and there were two middle aged men standing there. "There was no chance I'd be tempted by...
Ryan and the Red Heads (Chapter one) I got home to learn that we are getting a visitor, a visitor that will be with us for two months over the summer taking in the big city sights with my wife as her tour guide; museums, galleries, plays; in the evenings we’ll be visiting a variety of restaurants so she can sample the exotic cuisines of the world available here, all of the highlights of big city life. My wife, Suzette has a twin sister Annette, identical twin, her fourteen year old...
Chapter 1 Dressed in black with a white collar and white-on-black nametag identifying her as Lucy, the slightly tentative waitress with a soft smile said goodbye and to call again, her eyelids fluttering. At that Ryan knew he only had to ask and she’d date him. Oh brother, act your age, the newcomer to the city mused. He’d welcome her company but that would almost amount to cradle snatching. ‘I’ll call again,’ he said pulling out a friendly smile instead of a flirty one and pushed five bucks...
"What the fuck is going on here? Did she just-?" Ryan stammered."Yes, she did," I answered, coming over to him. "As it turns out, Gemma would like to fuck you again too, Ryan. I can't believe you had no idea that it wasn't me, I should slap you, but I love you," I reminded him, before kissing him, and she kept his cock in her hands."What the fuck, you just let my ex blow me, and titty fuck me too?""Yes, don't you remember eye-fucking her a couple of hours ago? Wait, you aren't mad, are you? I...
ThreesomesJust then, Rob’s wife, Tricia, walked into the kitchen, having gone upstairs to attend to one of her sons. Ryan, who'd known Rob and Tricia for a few years before being introduced to Jessica by Tricia, got her attention and waved her over. “What is it,” she asked out loud. Ryan pointed down the basement stairs and out a finger to his lips. As long as Ryan had known Tricia, he'd lusted after her. She was tall (5’10), blonde, and leaner than he usually liked, but had a very cute little...
Buster and I were sitting in the cockpit in the already blistering midmorning sun. I was having coffee and watching the parade of tourists strolling by. He was watching whatever dogs watch when they are staring blankly off into space. We were tied up at the Rodney Bay Marina. The place is one of those “full service” marinas that offers everything from diesel to high end shopping. So, it attracts a lot of tourists. In the ten months since my divorce Buster had gone from companion dog to best...
Ryan preferred to live at home with the folks , a year ago he had also hypnotized his mom Joyce who was a 5ft 9 brunette with a strippers body & 40 dd fake tits ( which his step dad had bought her ) and a nice fat ass. While Bev kept her mouth full with his prick , Joyce opened the door & brought Ryan a cola , his mom was wearing a red thong bikini & 3 inch heels , she had been tanning by the pool , with Bill ( his step dad), before he had sent her text to come join them in the bedroom ....
Hello I am back again here remember me , I am Abhishek 18 male Delhi. I am posting u another story here. Hope u will enjoy. Lori had just returned from school and heard the soft noises coming from her brother’s room. The door was ajar, so she pushed it slightly open. Her eyes widened as she beheld the sight of her brother, Ryan lying on his bed masturbating and whispering her name. It had been only recently, that they had discovered their mutual desire to share their bodies with one another....
IncestNo! God damn it no! For the absolute last time Ryan I will not do it!" "Aw come on Tiffany, how do you know you won't like it? "It doesn't matter if I would like it or not Ryan. I am not going to do it and that is final." I got up from the couch and ran upstairs to the bedroom and slammed the door behind me. Then, because I was severely pissed, I turned and locked the door and then went and threw myself down on the bed. I heard Ryan coming up the stairs and then I heard the doorknob...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Completely fictional, names made up Ryan had just pulled up in the driveway when he saw his twenty-eight year old neighbor washing her car in her driveway. She had just moved in eight years ago and he was now a junior in college. They got along good, when he was younger she would sometimes ask him to rake the leaves in her yard for some cash or clean the gutters. Once during summer he had accidentally seen her change into her bikini while he cleaned out the gutters. Although, she said it...
Completely fictional, names made up Ryan had just pulled up in the driveway when he saw his twenty-eight year old neighbor washing her car in her driveway. She had just moved in eight years ago and he was now a junior in college. They got along good, when he was younger she would sometimes ask him to rake the leaves in her yard for some cash or clean the gutters. Once during summer he had accidentally seen her change into her bikini while he cleaned out the gutters. Although, she said it wasn't...
MILF'It's red, Ryan, not blue, pink, purple, or any other color. I know you've fucked her before, but just because she has her thong sticking out doesn't mean you need to eyeball it,' I thought, rolling my eyes at him. "Hey, Gemma, could you run out and get the food, pretty please?"She turned around and peeked at me. "Sure, Greta, I can't deny the bride to be. I'll be back in a bit," she said, before heading out.After we heard the door shut, I pushed him a tad. "WTF, dude?""What?" he whined, giving...
NovelsSummary – Billy and Jeffry get caught! Previous Chapter Summary – Billy and Jeffry play even more sexy games. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy...
Summary – Billy and Becky abuse poor Susie. Previous Chapter Summary – Billy and Jeffry are caught by Billy's older sister! Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into...
Summary – Billy invites Jeffry over to play some games. Previous Chapter Summary – Jeffry and Billy spy on Billy’s sexy sister and become aroused. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but...
I don't own the characters and concepts in this story. The characters, plots and setup are from the American TV series and the settings and characters are owned and copyrighted to the respective owners of the Power Rangers licenses, no claims are intended by me. I do claim ownership of what is left of the story after the copyrighted elements Saban owns are extracted from this story. (The mind swap concept for this episode came from the original Japanese episode redone in America...
Summary – Jeffry and Billy play even more sexy games. Previous Chapter Summary – Billy invites Jeffry over to play some games. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into...
Summary - The Siblings Invite Susie to a Party! Previous Chapter Summary - Susie Meets Becky’s Boyfriend Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy...
Billy's day off Krissy and billy were looking in the mirror, Krissy was watching billy, who was looking at the ultra girly girl that was staring back at her. Sara, just then walked in the room to see how her children were making out. Krissy filled her in about billy not being able to walk without heels on his feet, Sara had heard of similar situations before from people that wore very high heels for long periods. She looked at the ballet boots that billy had locked on his feet...
by MisterReason When Billy Jefferson's parents had to rush out of town to be at the side of his grandmother after she suffered a stroke, his mother's sister Diane was called upon to keep an eye on Billy and the house until his parents could return. It worked out well, because Billy was very fond of his Aunt Diane. Since her husband had divorced her several years ago, she had led a lonely life out in the sticks, so being called upon to help was a welcome break from the boring routine of her...
PART ONEBilly had been watching. Watching for over three years, as Sue had developed from awkward teenager, into the beautiful girl she had become now. he had watched as her breasts grew in size, filling out, her shirts getting tighter, the impressions of the bra she was forced to wear clearly visible at certain moments. Her waist seemed to have trimmed, as her hips had rounded. Her hair, long ands black flowed freely over her shoulders and down her back, her eyes, greener than ever.Not that...
Day OneBilly, his mother Sara and sister Krissy, moved to the country, theirnew home was quite large but isolated. This didn't bother billy toomuch, living in the country with a forest beside the property soundedlike a lot of fun. He was a bit of a computer geek, where as hismother, who managed to use the internet, really knew nothing abouteither. Nor did his older sister Krissy, so Billy was in charge ofkeeping the families computers working, he was quite good at it too.Billy was barely a year...
Billy's Hot MomChapter 1Donna waggled her ass, moving her hands up and down her body.Billy sat watching, his cock throbbing inside his pants, his eyes big and round, glittering with excitement. The very long, very slender legs of his mother moved snake-like as she turned and danced slowly. Her ass bunched and relaxed.Donna wasn't really a dancer, but she loved to dance this way at home, privately, with only her son watching. She had a natural sense of rhythm that was sensuous and arousing, her...
Chapter 1 Donna waggled her ass, moving her hands up and down her body. Billy sat watching, his cock throbbing inside his pants, hiseyes big and round, glittering with excitement. The very long,very slender legs of his mother moved snake-like as she turned anddanced slowly. Her ass bunched and relaxed. Donna wasn't really a dancer, but she loved to dance this wayat home, privately, with only her son watching. She had a naturalsense of rhythm that was...
100% FICTION The two boys lay still in complete silence as Jake sniffed around then went away back to his bed next to Butch. I'm freezing said Billy. I am too said Mat. When do you think the doctor will be back? Well...say's Mat, it has been at least five days by now. The electricity went off I say about two days ago and the generator went about a day so I would say he should be home anytime. I don't think we are going to make it he Billy said back. I wish I was dead he...
Rattling chains or Day Three Billy struggled, tugging on his wrists, but they were held firm by the leg of the chair that his sister was sitting on. With her feet wiggling under his face he was humiliated so much that he could hardly stand it. He tried turning his head, but it was not comfortable in the position he was forced to kneel in. So having no choice, his face was pressed against both of her feet, her wiggling toes were tickling his lips. The smell was not horrible, but it...
Billy manages to update his website, what happens now? *Continued from part 6, jumping in here will not make any sense. The lights were out, but they hadn't yet gone to sleep. Suddenly Robyn said to him, in a quiet voice, "Are you sleeping yet?" "No, it's hard to sleep in this cage, it is so tight, I can't get comfortable because I can't really move at all. I mean at all." She peeked over the edge of the bed. "You look cute in there though, it is like you are my pet...
I pulled up to the house in my little car and saw that the grass wasn't cut or the weeds pulled from the flower beds like they were supposed to. What the hell did Ryan do all day I wondered. I got out of the car and walked into the house. Stuff was laying around and I had cleaned the house before leaving. "Damn it!" I thought to myself. I asked him to pick up after himself today. We were supposed to be having a party here tonight and now I was going to have to clean again and make food and...
Spanking"Very," answered Billy "and fun to." "Yes, you certainly looked like you were enjoying yourself. It was almost like you wanted to show yourself to the Dr. and her nurse." Replied Cheryl. "I did mom, there was something very exciting about it." "Maybe you're an exhibitionist Billy, you know someone who enjoys exposing themselves to others." "Well, if that's what an exhibitionist is then I guess I am one." Said Billy. "Is it ok if I'm naked around the house some mom?"...
Billy gets prepped for Collage Hi, my name is Jill. I live alone in your typical quiet residential suburb. My husband died in an industrial accident three years ago that left me with quite a bit of insurance money and plenty of free time after I quit my job as a nurse at the local hospital. I don’t have many friends except for Pam that lives next door. The house on the other side of me has an older couple living there with one teenage son. The family is quiet and keep to themselves. The boy...
Day One Billy, his mother Sara and sister Krissy, moved to the country, their new home was quite large but isolated. This didn't bother billy too much, living in the country with a forest beside the property sounded like a lot of fun. He was a bit of a computer geek, where as his mother, who managed to use the internet, really knew nothing about either. Nor did his older sister Krissy, so Billy was in charge of keeping the families computers working, he was quite good at it...
The adventures of Billy, what really ended up happening. Conclusion. Billy stretched and slowly woke up, the sun was drifting in his window announcing mornings arrival. He tried to clear his foggy head, such dreams. He had been having them for a while now, very erotic dreams. They started with an idea he had and went out of control as dreams often do. He sorted through the dream from last night and became very hard again. He slipped into the bathroom to clean up and take care...
Billy has a new job. Continued from part 7. Robyn didn't see the name on the box that Kathy rolled up behind Billy, she suspected there was one behind her as well but with her collar chained to Billy's, she just couldn't turn her head to see. Kathy took a few minutes working on each box, she really wondered what they were. Then she came back to the 'school girls' who were bent over the bench in a most precarious position. "Robyn, would you like me to take that ball gag out of...
Billy goes home "Billy! You must explain this," Robyn demanded, looking again at the flower sticking out of his bum. The vivid red stripes covered his behind, he had obviously been punished severely, but by who? Her mother? Billy explained about the children, how they spanked him until her Mother appeared and then vanished, how they came back when she left and spanked him more. He told her how they were poking his behind with their sharp sticks and how one of them started to poke...
A Bouffant for Billy By Darlene leQueen Billy was nervous to say the least as he sat at his mother's vanity dressed in a pair of her ruffled frilly pink panties ad a lacy pink bra and one of her frilliest baby doll night gowns trimmed with marabou fur all over. "Now Billy, I told you time and time again if your grades did not improve by your last report card you would be punished, did you think I was kidding?" "Your grades have not improved at all." His mother snapped as she retrieved...
By Oediplex With an il-lust-ration by Pandora’s Box, Used with permission both text and picture are copyrighted material (F/m/M mother, father & son) [Billy’s parents give him a very thorough sex education lesson!] “The time is right, he’s almost fourteen.” said Billy’s father. “I guess your right. Does he know about sex yet?” Billy’s mom asked. Frank and Gail Turner were discussing their son’s need for sex education. A pair of former hippies they had met at Woodstock and...
Summary – Jeffry and Billy spy on Billy’s sexy sister and become aroused. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't fuck with other...
Billy's second day continued. He carried the load of laundry, in the basket, upstairs. He was surprised that he didn't have to carry each item up one at a time like he did when he brought the laundry downstairs. He shook his foot, the padlock wiggled against his ankle, reminding him that the high heels were locked on his feet, there was no taking them off today. Which of course meant he couldn't take off the pantyhose either, or the panties. As he turned he caught his reflection in a...
By Jimmy (t/t auth rape anal spank) =========================================================================== His name was Billy Ross, but I thought of him as Bully Ross. I had learned to hate him years before. I guess he started picking on me the first time he ever saw me. I had learned to avoid him as much as I could. No matter how much I tried to steer clear of him, he always seemed to pop up. I was at the creek once, fishing. Billy appeared out of nowhere and threw me...
She looked so amazing, I had to do a double take, was it really her? They had dyed her hair a deep scarlet, and pinned it up, exposing her curved neck with long loose ringlets falling from her temples, perfectly framing her face. She looked sexy, sultry. She was heavily made up, thick red lipstick and large dark eyes, half closed, she looked like a goddess! She wore a long white gown, which emphasised her gorgeous curves, split high at the sides, exposing white stockings as she was led before...
100% FICTION The boys were asleep when both dogs decided they were wanting to have seconds. They both woke up with a dogs tongue in their ass licking deep. Mat told Billy he is lucky to have Butch because his ass still hurts from last time. Jake is first to mount on top of Mat but this time Mat was laying face down. Jake did exactly as he did before and climbed over top of Mat and laid down. His penis was big and growing. Mat decided he was not going to give in so easy this...
Day 3 continues Robyn was giggling as billy lay on the floor, he had become overwhelmed with sensations and with what Debbie had just told him. They were going to put him in a corset, lace him up, and put stockings on him. The smell of her foot had been so intoxicating, the feelings as her other foot was caressing his leg, sliding on his pantyhose, and it was sending such powerful sensations throughout him. He just couldn't take it anymore. He was overwhelmed. Amy was concerned,...
CHAPTER 1 Until leaving for college Billy Belair lived above a grain and feed store in a small town. Two older bothers had gone into the business with their father, leaving no room for Billy, not that he wanted to have hayseeds in his hair for the remainder of his life. His mother’s married sister arrived for Billy’s graduation after learning he’d been a top student and Julia wanted to reward Billy for taking after his mother instead of his father who had two sons similar to himself – yokels....
Author's note: This story was written in the 1980's, way before 'Billy Elliot' saw the light of day! BILLY, THE BOY BALLERINA By Sylvia Who? 1. Billy Liar "Bye, bye Billy!" Melissa called cheerily as she closed the front door behind her, trotting down the path to join dad in the car for her trip to school. Meanwhile, I was staggering down the stairs still half- asleep after my early morning foray into the garden while everyone else was still in bed. I could see mum out...
Chapter 1 Billy and I had just finished having our final business meeting and discussion with my father. It hadn't gone well for any of us. It ended up with him paying us a dollar for the Mustang and telling us to stick the rest of his share of the business up our asses. We had all known that it wasn't going to turn out that well when he had shown up drunk, for an eleven o'clock morning meeting with us. In a nutshell, he had taken to treating all of his friends and acquaintances to drinks...
All rights reserved by the author. May be posted on any site for Free distribution. Send comments to [email protected]. Billy the Kid By Waldo ([email protected]) Chapter 1 - The shootout "Billy! Billy Boney! It's Sheriff Pat Garrett. Don't shoot. My posse's got the cabin surrounded. You sure as hell can't escape from all of us now, especially because of the way that we've got your hideout completely surrounded. Throw your pistols out the window and surrender to me. You know...
Life has been spectacular since that first night I felt my son's cock inside me. We have been together ever since and he has even moved back home so that we could be together more. Since he moved back into the house, our relationship had been perfect. We spend time together often and have formal dates out. We even stopped hiding we were mother and son on holidays. God, I wish we could tell everyone else back home.We are a happy couple with an amazing sex life, and have experimented with a lot...
IncestThen his father said the fatal words that Billy had dared hoped might somehow be said that eve. "Now Billy". Gail turned and looked at her husband in a wide-eye, startled expression. "That is really i****t, not education, Frank!" "Both, but let him just put the tip in, to see how a pussy feels, as a reward for doing what you asked him to do. 'Fair is fair' thought Gail and she began to spread her legs again. "Okay, Billy but just the tip, no further, you understand?" Billy nodded, too excited...
It was February or March in Connecticut, and colder than anything I could ever remember before that. All the kids were home from school, maybe it was Easter vacation or something, and we were running around outside, trying to keep ourselves warm. In our neighborhood, almost all of the parent's worked, the moms and the dads. It was kind of a housing project where we lived, the rent was cheap, and there was a long waiting list for families to get in. My Uncle Bill and Aunt Margaret lived right...
Chapter 2: Billy goes balls-deep "Oh my fucking God. I can't believe I'm doing this" say's Shante to herself. Meanwhile, Billy has lit up a cigarette. So, I go to the kitchen to get him an ashtray. I tell Billy "I'm going upstairs to take a hot shower. Billy replies: "Cool, I gotta call up my buddies anyway. Don't take too long! I get undressed and turn on the shower. I still can't believe how much cum he plastered all over me. I gotta let him know that it's not...
I loved staring at Ryan. Even though he was 19, he still had boyish looks. Bright blue eyes and a cute little permanent cowlick on his bangs, so he always looked like his hair was flipped. And for some reason, i don't know why, i loved to stare at his legs. They were skinny and hairy, but beautiful. All I wanted to do is feel up those legs. But his most sexy feature was his lips. So full and always a little big. Oh, how I wanted to kiss those lips for so long. Who would have know I would go...
Erotic(For those of you who like happy endings, this ain’t it. For those of you who want to read about sex, there is some, but it’s not erotic, at least not to me.) +++ I knew Billy Martin about all of my life, we went to first grade together and graduated from high school together. I can’t even say we were friends, in fact I never even noticed him, not really until about our freshman year in high school. Not even then, it was more of a case of me being his friend rather than the reverse. I was...
Be good post this where you will as long as you attribute it to Little Miss Vicky Kay. Billy the Bully Hollister A story by Little Miss Vicky Kay. It was the last day of sixth grade when Billy the bully Hollister threw Helen into the mud puddle. It was at recess and everybody laughed as she was sent crying to the principal's office. The beautiful new pink dress was now dripping with mud. Ellen went home humiliated, didn't get to say goodbye to her friends and picked up the nickname...
After making my best friend Tammi listen to us having sex, we both rolled over and fell asleep. I woke up around 7:30 AM, with Billy's hand squeezing my ass, and his cum still dripping from my pussy. I got out of bed and headed for the bathroom when it dawned on me "What must Tammie think of me?" I decide to take a hot bath to soothe my aching ass, and my well-stretched pussy. As I soak in my jacuzzi tub. I hear Billy on his phone, but I couldn't make out what he's saying. A few...