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I had spent enough nights at home crying during short term breakups with Scott. I am going to enjoy it while I could just like he always does. My selfish thoughts interrupted by Ann tripping on the chair and stumbling into me. As she caught her self I looked up found myself staring at her perfect C cup tits in my face. Wow. Never noticed how nice they were before. "Congrats on those beauts." I said while leaning in trying to plant my face in her chest. Denied. She smacked me upside the head playfully and smirked.

Being so glad to have a girls night after our split I had taken a few too many shots. I got to do, drink, and say what I wanted and was on a roll. "I have to work tomorrow." Sheila whined. Ann quickly added, "Me too!" They were always out for happy hour and could care less about staying out to celebrate anything that didn't have the focus on them, I thought to myself. "Alright girls, pay yours tabs. I have to pee." I sang. I was already on my feet and focusing on walking straight as I could to the bathroom.

I squinted and focused entirely too hard on my posture and foot placement and was actually proud once I made it into the bathroom without missing a beat. Thankfully! I sloppily leaned into the wall relieved to have no one looking once in the bathroom stall. "Oh thank god." I said as I ripped off my black skinny jeans and red lace thong. "Whew. I love these underwear. So glad I wore my matching bra. So what if no one will see them. Me, myself, and I.. HOT and so are these panties." I drunkenly thought to myself. I checked my phone, checked the mirror, washed my hands, and did everything else I needed to do to get myself ready to go back out to the bar with my friends and finish up my victory lap around town.

I walked through the smoking section, past the pool tables, and rounded to the glass door back to the opposite end of the bar where my gals were sitting. My eyes squinted and I looked around the room quickly. Maybe too quickly for my drunken state. I waltzed back over to where we had been sitting and hopped up in the bar stool and ordered another beer. I looked around more intently finally and realized they were not playing darts, pool, not at the jukebox, could not have been in the bathroom of course... They left me. Those fucking bitches left me.

I sat and talked to the bartender for a bit. The place had cleared out a good bit for the moment. I heard the door open in walked in a guy who waved to the tender and walked back into the kitchen. I asked who he was and the bartender explained that he was a conductor that stopped in a few years ago because the train tracks were right behind the bar and he came back every chance he could to pick up a late meal.

I asked for my tab and went outside to call a cab. Sat on the patio and waited. I squinted and looked at my phone. 1% battery. Fuck me. Just then I heard the door open. Feeling a little frisky I cat called to the tight ass that walked by me. "Hey sweet cheeks." I looked up while smirking. The footsteps stopped and i dared to look the target in the face. He was lanky but muscular and had a chiseled jaw and cheekbones and the brightest green eyes. Once the look of surprise left his face he gave the playful look back and said, "Where ya headed?"

"Home I suppose" I said with a shrug. He took his time looking me up and down and tilted his head to the side. His expression unreadable he said "Care to share a meal and a coffee?" It was getting chilly out and I knew I could go for a meal. I figured why not? I was having a good night until a few minutes ago. Maybe I can end it with some good conversation and good food. Okay I said and followed his lead as he walked towards the train.

Once in the cabin he popped out the boxes of food and fixed up the coffee, grabbed a mug and split it for us. Dig in he said while sitting down. He took a few bites and just sat there staring at me. Not in a creepy way.. just like he was curious and content. I finished my half of a sandwich and he said "Good girl"I smiled and thanked him and was about to open my mouth to start small talk and he asked me quickly enough that I stopped and listened. His voice was that kind that demanded respect and soothed you at the same time. "Do you like being a good girl?" What aw shit here we go. This is going to get weird and Ill be leaving soon I thought. Shit. What a waste. No one says that and can actually go anywhere with it ever. Sigh.
"I would love to be a good girl for the right person." I teased not expecting him to say anything of interest. He did just that and just looked at me a smiled. "drink some coffee, finish up what food you want and then we can talk." He walked out. Meh, maybe he had to piss. Whatever. Just then I realized there were headlights but couldn't see anything else really. Hmm, guess it was my cab. I could always call another. So I sat and enjoyed my meal.

A few long moments later he returned and saw that I was done with what I wanted and he said he was going to just save his for later and cleaned up the boxes and set them to the side on the floor. I could see he was fit through his clothes. His beard a bit scruffy, but full, and it suited him well. When he turned back to me he took a few steps closer and surprised me by whispering and staring me in the eyes. I thought for a second and then realized he had really asked me what I thought he had. "Do you want to be a good girl?" I blinked hard a couple times and thought, fuck, been here before. Am I about to get roughed up? I tried to hide my reaction but I must not have been doing a good job. Before I could respond he whispered again. "Do you want to be a good girl? I won't touch you unless you ask me to." His voice was so soothing and strong. I lost my momentary fear and simply said "Yes." FUCK what am i getting myself into this time?

I leaned back in my chair to look at his face and he still had no expression. Hmm, for someone who wants to get kinky he seems like such a neutral being just standing there. Then he came to me, knelt, and kissed me. Kissed my neck and started to make his way down to my collar bone while holding the base of my head and the top of my neck in his hand. Oh so perfectly. Not too light to make me get goosebumps and not to rough to make me run. Just enough to quickly make me wet. Wet so quickly for him. My my my. This may end well after all I thought to myself as I placed one hand on his jaw and one on his shoulder blade lightly pulling him to me for encouragement. "Lets see what you can do, Mr. Conductor. I want your hands on me." I whispered to him. He looked up momentarily and his eyes lit up. After a few nibbles at my collar bone and a few light nips at my neck he stood. I almost wished I had said anything because it seemed my words had changed his pace. Shit. I thought things would get hot but seems I was wrong.

"Breathe" he said sweetly. "Don't forget to breathe." I nodded. He knelt and started to remove my boots. He sat on the floor and began massaging my feet and told me to close my eyes. I listened. "Oh who gives this kind of attention to a good quick time?" I asked trying to not moan from the amazing things his hands were doing to the muscles in my foot. "We have some time. I know the schedule. I will have you spent by the time you leave. I prefer to be memorable. Do you understand?" I nodded. I didn't want to talk. I liked hearing him. His voice alone did it for me. He moved to the next foot and I melted. Amazing. I thought this was going to be reckless and hard and mind blowing and leave me wanting more. But THIS, this was what i needed.
"You won't be able to help yourself. You will tell your friends all about this tomorrow. You will have to rub yourself over the edge for a long time thinking about what goes on here. You won't want to be anything less than my good girl again." I kept my eyes closed and just relaxed and listened. As he removed my socks and began sucking and kissing and licking every inch of my feet I tried to not pull away as best I could. It tickled so much but god damn I was getting wet. He knew just where to tease and please and put pressure. His hands switched around and around as one would hold my foot or ankle and the other would massage and caress my calf and up my thigh to my hips. Everything was getting everything it needed that he touched.
He let my feet be done when they were done.

He had to of felt the huge difference he had made. They felt like new. I opened my eyes to take a peek. He was looking right at me as he slowly got on his knees. "Close your eyes and just breathe dear." He said soothingly as he reached for my hips and began to work his magic hands on loosening them up from a tightness I didn't realize was there until it began to go away. I wanted it all I wanted to feel him all over me. But he didn't go for it. I was ready. He knew it. What was he waiting for?

As he stood I expected him to drop his pants. He made no such move. He took a couple steps back and asked me again if I was ready to be his good girl. I said, "yes." I was so relaxed and was so wet I just wanted him to strip me and take me already. "Take off your jeans." YES! i thought. Here we fucking go. I opened my eyes and tried to not take them off too fast due to the excitement I had for this. If he could do what he did to me with just the moments he was touching me with his hands he had to be an amazing fuck, right? "Take off your shirt". I stripped it and threw it across the room gently as my fingertips slipped out of the last part of that fabric was removed from me. I stood there for a second and decided I would take it upon myself to get things going and went to move towards him. "No." he said gently. I stopped and began to wonder what the deal was as he was about to make me wait too long and have to work to get me back to where I had been. "Move your panties to the side and play with your pussy like a good girl, please." I don't know why he said please like I had a choice because his tone made me so comfortable with doing such an intimate thing in front of him that I couldn't have said no if i wanted to.

As I reached with my left hand I took the time to ever so lightly rub my swollen and heated lips that needed a mans touch so bad. "Listen." he said gently. I popped my eyes open and stared back as I Gently pulled my bit of lace that was there and made sure to drag it across myself and my wetness before sliding my right hand down my hip to my belly and finally straight down to my aching clit and on to my lips. I spread my pussy juice all over. Stuck my fingers into myself and bit my lip. I needed more. I wanted to cum already. He finally broke his stare and watched while giving a slight nod and said "Good girl. Keep being a good girl and you will have what you want. Good girls get rewarded."

He must have seen the change in my mindset at that point. He knew I was there. He watched as I continued to play for a few minutes. All I could hear was myself breathing. Then he said it, "Cum." As I rubbed my clit hard and slowly I shook and whimpered and finally let out what almost sounded like a growl. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to stay standing. I splashed all over the floor all down my legs and on my feet. As I panted and my clit screamed he said, "Breathe. Don't stop." I continued wishing for him to come to me and fuck me like i needed him to. Pick me up and just fuck me. Bend me over I don't care. I played and played and teased myself again. "Cum." he said so simply. How did he know I was there? No one could read my body like this man. I came again. This time no holding back I moaned and screamed and yelled and cussed. I was so ready to cum on his dick. I looked at him while biting my lip and trying to catch my breathe. "Good girl. You ready for some more fun?" He asked as he continued to drink me in with his eyes. "Yes. Please. Yes."

He came to me and gave me the most passionate kiss I had ever experienced. I was weak for him, I wanted to be his good girl so bad. I was ready to do almost anything for this stranger. I followed his lead as he let me go as quickly as he had devoured me and spun me in one smooth movement that had me on my toes. I started to bend at the waist wanting him to strip and enter me but he instead told me to stand up. He said "up you go my girl." And bent and pulled my legs up so I was in a seated postition in his arms and he gently put me on the counter. I bent over to give him a good view and shook my ass ever so slightly at him and turned back to look and check if he was enjoying the show. He was now looking at me like he wanted to jump on me and take me and not stop until we were both nothing but a pile of body and cum and concentrated breathes and afterglow. He said "Sit." I looked at him with a confused look on my face. I followed his eyes. Just then I realized he had me positioned over a control that looked similar to a gear shift. I smiled and looked back at him with lust. "Yes. That's the look. Good girl sweety. Have a seat please."

I had always wanted to do this but never had the nerve. I scooped some juice from my still dripping pussy and rubbed it around and asked him if he would throw some spit on the knob. He smiled finally. He knew he had met his match at this moment. He knew he was in for a good time. He looked surprised and pleased. I wanted to give him what he wanted and more than what he thought he wanted. He slowly came over and put a hand on the top of my ass and layed his face on the back of my neck and kissed me. He spit in his other hand twice and I could tell he was moving it all over the knob that awaited my pussy.

He slid his fingers in and out of me a few times and I could feel his breathing change as I fought himself to not take me right then and there. He felt so nice in me I yearned for so much more of him in so many ways but I wanted to please him. I was lost. Lost in our own world. Our own time. He backed away slowly and said "Sit my girl." I lowered a hand to the knob and slid my knees further and further apart until I felt the coolness on my lips. "Wrap my pussy around it. Sit." He said and I did just that. Oh it filled me in no way I had ever felt before. No dick, no toy, no nothing had ever felt like this. The naughtiness of it and the newness of it turned me on so badly I couldn't help but slowly move up and down on the knob. He came behind me and pulled my bra down and I cupped and teased my tits. I didn't even care to look and see if he was pleased bc I was pleased and thats all I cared about as I fucked this cool object that my pussy gripped and throbbed around. I was so wet and needed to cum. Just then I realized I could see us in the reflection of the front window. He was biting his lip and loving the view he had. I could feel his rock hard cock against the small of my back and in between my ass cheeks with each rise and fall I made. I reached back and held him to me by his shoulder I grabbed and my hand slid. I grabbed the back of his neck and slid again. I loved how his skin felt under my hand that was still wet with my juices I wanted to touch him everywhere.

As I continued to move up and down on the knob he grabbed my hips and helped me along quickening my pace slightly. I ground my hips on the metal and on him. He was panting himself. "Cum." I groaned and shook and couldn't help myself. It was as soon as he said the word at this point. I was all his. I was shaking so hard I could barely move anymore. I was wearing down and he could tell. "Come here and be mine." He said as he helped me raise myself up and turn around to sit on the counter. "Breathe." He repeated again as I struggled to compose myself. He walked to the corner and grabbed a bottle of water for me. I chugged it and winced as some of the coolness escaped my lips and ran down to my still exposed chest. He licked it up and again found my mouth while I wrapped my legs around his strong sides. "Take me, I have been so good for you. Please be inside me." I begged as I tried to convince myself I could handle more. I needed him. NOW.

He smiled and his mouth found mine again as he rubbed me from my hips to my ribs and relaxed me even more. I tightened my legs around him and shoved my tounge further and explored his mouth and he returned the gesture with pleasure. I pulled back and bit his lip and sucked as soon as I had released it. Then he was ready. "Do you want your reward now?" He asked. "You have been the best girl. Such a good one." I couldn't speak I kissed him and nodded my head and gave a "Mhm." without letting go of his mouth.
He moved, shimmied and I heard his pants hit the floor. Game time. I smiled into his lips and then backed away so I could rip his shirt off of him and before it hit the ground he was back on me. He yanked at my panties and I heard the fabric cry. One more yank and I felt them give. He pulled me to him by my shoulders and i slid easily the couple inches that he wanted me closer as I put my hands down behind me and watching his jaw drop and his brow scrunch as he slammed into me that first time filling my pussy better than anything that had ever been in me. I gasped and grinned and screamed "Yes! Fuck your good little pussy." He looked me in the eye and began throwing long deep strokes into me bottoming out each time causing me to claw into him and get closer and closer to the edge of cumming each time. Finally he spoke through gritted teeth and said it. "Cum." I screamed and exploded. I had no control anylonger. I was his good girl. I faught to keep myself up on my hands and not collapse on the controls beneath me. I came and came and it felt like the sensations and shaking would never end. I throbbed around his cock again and again. He smiled and began pounding again. "This is my best little pussy. It's so good and it's mine." He said as he watched himself go in and out of me. "Cum." I didn't think I had anymore in me anywhere. I don't know how but I came again and thought I might pass out. Then I felt it. His dick was ready. He was almost going to cum. He was so swollen in me. In my already sore little pussy. I grabbed his chin and made him look up at me and said "Fill my good little pussy up. I need all of you in me right now. Cum in your pussy." I begged. He could take no more. He shook and rammed his dick into me one more time and I could feel his heat and seed. I smiled and held him closer and tighter with my legs as he shortened his strokes and just yearned to stay deep in me as he tried to catch his breath and steady himself. We exchanged a kiss and leaned into each other for a bit. A kiss to an ear. A nibble to a neck. An eyebrow. A shoulder. We knew it was time.

I gently gave him the sign by pushing his hips back and made my way to putting my feet on the floor with him helping me keep my balance. My legs were still shaking and weak. I gave a small laugh and smiled. I walked around picking up my clothes and went for my ripped underwear. Before I could get my hands on them he said, "Those stay. I will call your cab." I turned around to see him grinning. We finished our now cold coffee and he ate. We chatted for a while and found we had a lot in common but we agreed to not exchange numbers. I was on my way out when I saw headlights and he turned me around for one more kiss and we had our hands on each other again. I had to go this time. I was not waiting for another cab. I needed sleep. I was done. "Maybe in another lifetime." I said. "Thank you for tonight." He kissed my nose and said, "Ok my best girl." And let me walk to the cab. I beamed for the next few days without so much as a passing thought of my breakup with Scott. All I could do was grin and think of my night of being a good girl. Just as was promised.


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“Shocking news out of Sundance today: the indie project that two-time Academy Award-winner Corinne DeLoie directed and starred in, with her longtime friend Mattson Childers, contains a scene of explicit, unsimulated sexual activity...” “So, apparently Corinne DeLoie is a hypocrite, right? She didn’t want to take her clothes off for Conrad Brauer’s project, citing her no-nudity clause in her contract, but then she goes and has actual Mattson Childers on film in one of his projects? Someone...

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EvilAngel Rebel Rhyder Rim Job Anal Squirt

Adventurous porn star Rebel Rhyder looks adorable in tiny Daisy Duke shorts and a skimpy top. The busty butt babe strips and shows off her luscious tits. Dominant director/stud Bryan Gozzling gives her a rundown of the nastiness to come. He chokes her and feels her up, stretching Rebel’s sweet holes for the camera. She moans and makes out with him. The deviant dude stuffs his hard cock up her ass. Raunchy anal sex leads to immense rectal gaping and a throat-fucking blowjob. Dirty Rebel...

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The Strip Club

It’s been a fantasy for as long as I could remember. Yes, I still loved men – but as I got older and more secure with my own sensuality, I desired a woman’s touch. I certainly didn’t want to give up men. I didn’t even consider myself bi or even bi-curious. I just wanted – for once in my life – to feel another woman. My man had told me many times that one of his fantasies would be to watch me with another woman. He got hard just thinking of me squirming and moaning and groaning beneath a...

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At Last For Two Friends Ch 3

I awoke to the clatter of someone in my kitchen. It took me a while to remember that Rach was staying with me. I big smile crossed my face when I remembered my last thought before I finally fell asleep last night. I lay in bed daydreaming about this beautiful amazing friends of mine until I could stand it no longer, I just had to see her in the flesh. I got out of bed and headed for the bathroom before I went to investigate what the noises were that were coming from my kitchen, although I did...

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Dani Loses the Game

Dani wasn't overly fond of babysitting for the Clarks, but they did pay well so she would grit her teeth and bear it. Usually the three or four hours of torture was worth the money and Dani could use the extra cash, as her university costs were getting higher with each semester. She was 20 and in her third year in Business Law and now that summer holidays were over, so was the summer employment. During school months, she still managed to do babysitting around the neighborhood, as well as work...

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After Work Hours in the Cupboard

With the working day done, the building has started to empty as people return home to their lives. Walking into your room we exchange a smile, along with pleasantries on how the day has gone since we last spoke over lunch. We both know why I'm there with you; we always go through this routine as we watch through the window as most of the remaining staff leave or go elsewhere in the building. Our staged conversation complete, I quietly take you by the hand and lead you to the large cupboard...

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N.B. * Sorry for the lapsed time with completing this; I consequently only have myself to blame for lack of responses.......... as I lightly ran the bristles of the brush vertically through her pussy, she began to quiver. I explained this action was not for her pleasure, and proceeded to press the brush more firmly against her. My objective was to redden her lips thereby causing a slight swelling. She was a true blonde in that her pubic hair was not like hair at all, but fine, white, sparse,...

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Trophy Girlfriend Part 2

by Vanessa Evans Part 2 SATURDAY It was only after Caleb’s cock entered the still sleeping Cora again, after dawn, and them fucking to another mutual orgasm that Cora thought about asking Caleb if he had fucked one of his mates girlfriends the previous evening. However, she chickened out and only asked if they had played ‘the’ game. When Caleb answered in the affirmative Cora didn’t know if she wanted to know the answer to the question about what round 3 was and anyway, she didn’t have...

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The Seventh Aria

The Seventh AriaBy Brewt.BlacklistSeptember-October 2011The ObservatoryIT WAS as busy a day as usual, but that didn't stop me from stopping to gape. I couldn't believe what, er, whom I was seeing. It was The Trips. Right here. I didn't think they could even be alive by now, but large as life itself, here they were here in the diner. At my table. Together. I thought at the very least that by now, they would completely hate each other."Good morning, ladies. What can I start you out with?""Coffee,...

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My Crossdressing Story

My Cross-dressing StoryAll 100% true.I was about 13 when I was home alone during the day, I went into my (older) sister’s bedroom and saw her school dress on the floor. For some reason, I thought I would try it on, so I undressed, put it on, and paraded in front of the mirror (no underwear). My immature little penis got stiff, but I had yet to discover the delights of ejaculation.I walked around upstairs for about 30 minutes, then took it off and put my boy clothes back on.The next year we...

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A new Beginning0

Part one All my life I have not much luck in picking up girls. Name calling, being spit on, things of that nature. But last night at the bar when the lady slap me across the face was the finally straw. I realize then that my love life was about to change for the better. And that slut who slap me was going to get hers as well. I knew her from work. She was living with her boyfriend in a nice house on a quiet street. That was about to change forever. Norma was very beautiful standing about...

4 years ago
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A night drinking leads to unexpected

First story so be nice, but this really happened.I was out with the girlfriend drinking after work one night when she leaned over saying we need to get out of here, I could tell she was drunk which works to my advantage. I got her home and barely got her to the bedroom before I had her bent over the bed with my tongue shoved in her wet pussy, after a few minutes I moved up to her asshole. She always acts like she doesnt like to be rimmed and fingered but I know shes just trying to keep some...

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Marilyns a Working Girl

Welcome back, ladies and gents, to another action packed Marilyn installment. If you've been reading along, you know that I've left a cliffhanger in the air, yet to be resolved. What's gonna happen next? Stay tuned! Oh, and I own this thing save for non- commercial distribution rights. Please don't read this if you ain't supposed to. Marilyn's A Working Girl By Brett Lynn Marilyn was lying on her bed, relaxing after a rough day of orientation in her new dorm room. She was...

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Danny and Jenny chapter nine

"Karen?""That's me, hello Danny." she reached up and kissed me on the lips."Well, Jenny certainly wasn't lying," she said mysteriously, "You really are gorgeous."Gorgeous? Shit, I've been called many things in my life, but that has never been one of them!"Danny, do you think I could perhaps come inside please?""Sorry? Oh yes excuse me, I mean, yes dease plo come in, I mean, shit, please do come in Karen, sorry I didn't mean to shay sit, I meant - ""You're gibbering Danny," came from behind me I...

1 year ago
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The teacher

Ann Carroll strode forcefully towards her car that was situated at the far end of the fenced in 's parking facility. She tossed her brief case onto the passenger seat and after adjusting her seat belt wheeled the big Olds towards the street. She stopped at the cross walk to allow several pedestrians pass by, and just at the last moment she recognized one of her students literally sobbing as she made her way down the side walk. "What the heck.......," Ann muttered while rolling down the driver's...

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It was getting dark when she got off the train and she was the only one at the station. She went through the deserted ticket barrier and out into the car park. Apart from a taxi, there was no one there. She looked at her watch. Master had said this train, had told her it would arrive here at this time, but he was not there to pick her up. She was just about to start panicking when the taxi driver got out and shouted her name. She looked up, and walked towards him, relief replacing the...

2 years ago
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Cheap Thrills With Shriya 8211 Part 1

Hey guys, What’s up! Hope you all are doing good ;) I’m Shayan and I’d really like to share with you guys an incident which really changed my life *sexually*. This would seem a long story but the built up is necessary. So boys grab your cocks and girls keep your fingers ready. This started when I was still in college. Being the head boy I was involved in a number of activities and was quite popular in the institution. This in turn also increased my popularity among the girls as I was decently...

3 years ago
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Caught Parking Ch 05

Epilogue The weeks following the return from their Hawaiian honeymoon were busy ones for Jim and Alex. Their nights were filled with loving sex, but the days were, at times, hectic. Alex’s college classes were scheduled to start in just two weeks and she still needed to complete the admissions process. Following that, they paid a visit to the university book store. Even with his substantial financial standing, Jim had forgotten just how much college books and materials could cost. When the...

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A Buckeye in Wolverine Territory

'God, I hate it here,' Danielle thought to herself as she made her way from her last class of the day to her dorm room. It was a typically brisk November late afternoon in Ann Arbor: temperature down around forty degrees, a gentle, though sporadic breeze, and crisp, blue skies. If she weren't so biased, she would love it here. If she were honest with herself, she would admit that there was not a drastic difference between this and her hometown of Columbus, Ohio. If she could overcome the bitter...

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Through Sophies Eyes

Chapter 1: An Argument You sit in Sophie's bedroom and think back over your time spent with Sophie over the past year, trying to figure out what exactly happened. Sophie's young; maybe that's the problem. She's only 18, for God's sake - a brilliant IVR (Immersive Virtual Reality) programmer, but still, she's fucking young. There's a good 15 years difference between you. But then, she always said that's what attracted her to you - she's only attracted to older men... Ah hell, let's face it - the...

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MonstersOfCock Kate England Smoking A Monster Pipe

Kate is working at her smoke shop and has this guy coming everyday bluffing on expending big money on smoking paraphernalia when in reality he just wants to check her out and see her beautiful ass. Kate catches him and fells faltered that he’s so into her nice tight ass and wants to find out what he has to offer. To her surprise, she pulls out of his pants a huge dick that she starts to suck and smoke, literally!! He then fucks her tight little pussy and not being enough, she wants it also in...

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Note: Taking her to new places Older /Anal /Fisting Fiction Janet and I had a really nice dinner, Lobster and raw oysters with corn on the cob and it was steamed. Every bite was sweet as the next. Before during and after dinner we consumed 2 1/2 bottles of wine. You could say that all that wine made her really horny. We cleaned up and i help her dry the dishes and put them away. She said "her EX would never help her in the kitchen." I said " growing up I...

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Sara Part II

That next day as I studied my own body in the mirror after a long hot bath I started to think about what I had done the night before. Hooking was never something I considered but I started to rationalize it now. What was so wrong with it? I mean I loved sex and I certainly needed to the money. As long as I wasn’t one of those dirty, strung out girls working the parking lot at the truck stop down the road it didn’t seem so bad. Did it? The mere thought of it, the taboo, was exciting me.My plan...

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three dicks and a love triangle men in love at the launch of manhood

It was a men’s hostel where engineering students stayed. The third floor belonged to third year students. The guys had already shed the shaky sexuality of adolescence on the second floor. Now manhood was oozing out of every pore on their bodies. There was manly pride in their swanky sweat and in the strong smell that savoured it. The hairs on their underarms and groins were now boldly bushy. Electrons of emotions would readily rush at a moment’s discretion all the way from their energetic hubs...

First Time
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SalamanderChapter 14 Prisoner Mort

When I came to, I wished I hadn't. I was tied up in an old cellar in an old brick building with thick walls and high ceilings. A small skylight set into a tall shaft the only illumination. The way in and out of the room was blocked by a large wooden door. Even if I could get free, I doubted anyone could escape here without help. I heard voices outside the door, and then the sound of a key entering the lock. I went slack, and pretended to still be unconscious. "So this is the monster that...

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Harry Potter That Need Part 111

She took a steadying breath and slipped into the room, casting a quick locking spell as she entered. She smiled to herself as she noticed how vastly different the room looked in comparison to the night before. The big bed on which she’d played with her lovers and her brother was gone, a low table surrounded by a squashy sofa and arm chair in its place. Ron stood on the far side of the room, one foot propped on a window box as he looked out onto the school grounds, watching the pink and orange...

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HussiePass Khloe Kapri He8217s Almost Too Big

The lovely Khloe Kapri makes her way back to the Hussie Pass set today, and we paired her up with the still 19-year-old Damion Dayski for this interracial update. Director Johnny Robins starts things off with the interview portion of the program, followed by Khloe stripping naked & somehow diddling herself with those rather long fingernails. Damion steps into the scene with some lube for Khloe’s perky breasts & luscious backside, which she then twerks for us. Khloe then begins to...

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I Dream of Tweenie The Queen of the Sluts AwakensChapter 5

Olivia woke up, a young woman on a mission. She would try and turn her best friend today, get her cherry popped and see if she could create her very own partner in crime. Shoving the covers down and pulling her bottoms down immediately after, Olivia hunched over to look at her pussy. She'd been feeding her pussy cock for three straight days and wondered if it looked the same after all the use she'd put it through. Staring down, it looked the same, the same little tuft of blonde hair at the...

2 years ago
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Morning Surprise Pt4

Sunday morning, I woke with a slight headache. Too much to drink. I normally spend Saturday night at the police club; I have a couple of pints with my mates, sing a few rugby songs and head on home. Last night my neighbour and colleague Dave decided that we should get an Indian on the way home. We always have a couple more pints to help wash it down, that is always a mistake. My head would pound away for a few hours; I would be forced to go for a run to clear it, have a shower and I would...

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Market ForcesChapter 23 Couch Potatoes

The training was finished, the script was finished. The first version of the video was shot. It was time to show it to Clegg. Clegg sat back in his arm chair opposite the big video projection screen. "OK," he said, "let's see it." I sat in the chair alongside him and hit 'play' on the remote. The Clegg logo span around in the middle of the screen and then dissolved to show a helpless girl in a car boot. A girl standing with her hands chained over her head followed, then another shot...

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Comfort and Joy

It was Friday night around six, and I was in the grocery store -- not the big chain store, but the little one that was more expensive but had nicer produce. I’d gotten hooked on salad and was trying to lose some weight -- maybe ten or fifteen pounds, nothing amazing. I wasn’t serious about it, but I liked the raw veggies, and the pickled this and that and a bit of lunchmeat and cheese. Whatever. I was carrying a basket, because I don’t generally need much, and filling a cup from the...

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The Italian Stallion

I would like to share a new and recent experience my wife and I had on vacation - one in which I became a cuckold. I apologize for the length of the story but I hope that you will find the read worthwhile. I am 41 years old and my wife Leslie is 35. Our vacation took us to an adults-only resort on one of the islands in the Caribbean. The purpose of our vacation was to celebrate our upcoming 10th wedding anniversary. Although our anniversary is in March, we decided to go to the resort in late...

First Time
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Journey into Cuckoldry Six of the Best

I woke early the next morning as usual, leaving Alice fast asleep in our double bed. The sun was shining, the morning was still not too hot and I felt hungry so I showered, dressed and walked the mile or so into the nearest village and bought bread, milk and croissants for our breakfast. As I returned to the apartment with my purchases in a paper bag, my mind was full of plans for the coming evening. In less than twelve hours Steve would be here with a full day and, more importantly, two full...

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The LotteryChapter 82

The wing the teens occupied was a buzz at five thirty the next morning. Sally and Brad shared a hot shower, taking time to have a little fun before getting dressed for the day. Lisa lay in bed and watched Tom getting ready to go. She talked about the news of the golf course and how happy she was for her dad. Lisa stretched out on her back, put her hands behind her head and said, "Do you have time for a quickie this morning, Tom?" Tom went over to the bed, leaned down and planted a kiss on...

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ANDREA By Unknown "Why don't we dress you up like the most gorgeous woman that ever lived that is, if you want to?" "Sounds like fun." I said. "Hell, why not, let's do it!" "OK then, go to the bathroom and take a shower. Meanwhile I will go look for the stuff we need." "This is starting out pretty kinky," I thought to myself in the shower. But I didn't really care what the heck, this was something wild and crazy, something I had often fantasized about but never experienced...

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Vera ndash The Gift You Can Only Give Once

It was late four nights ago, and I had been out with a group of banking friends doing the Karaoke thing that’s done in Moscow, and after playing ‘Mafia’ with another crowd, I returned home, no worse for the wear at about 04:30. Being a Friday night, I had not cared much about the time,but upon opening the elevator, I heard some faint crying, sniffling really, in the hallway leading to my flat. It was Vera, the girl from the 3rd floor (my place is on the 8th), outside my door. Her eye make up...

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