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Fitting In The woman sitting next to me on the couch was about my age. She took a cigarette out of a pack, her dark fingers raising that white tube to her brown face as she smiled at me. She put her lips on that whiteness, lit it with a match, and sucked at it while my cock began to rise in my pants.. I looked across the room at the mirror on the opposite wall. I looked very white, while this woman seemed a buttery shade of brown. She exhaled a stream of smoke, and I turned back to look at her. My eyes took in her generous bosom. I wanted to see her breasts uncovered and bury my face in them, kissing and sucking them. She puffed again, then put her cigarette in an ashtray. "What do you want, Jerry?" she asked me. "What?" I asked. She unbuttoned her blouse as I stared in disbelief at her. Smiling, she reached up and undid her bra. Her big brown boobs now stuck out directly at me. "Jerry, do you want these?" she asked. My white hand started reading for her nearest brown breast. She caught it and pushed it back with a smile. "I want it," I said. "Jerry Holland," she said. "Do you want these?" I sighed. My cock pressed against my zipper. "Yes, I do," I said, and I raised my hands again. Again, she caught my hand and, with a smile, pushed it down to the sofa. Her face got serious. "Jerry James Holland," she asked. "Do you want these?" I looked at those big brown breasts, her dark nipples, and the valley between them, and I knew I never wanted anything so much in all my life. "Oh, God, I do. I want those," I said. "I really do." The woman smiled at me and nodded. She put her hands behind her head, and her breasts seemed to stick out even more. Smiling, I leaned forward and kissed her left nipple. The woman moaned and lowered her hands, putting them around my head as I began to suck. Warm and happy, my lips pulled and pulled at her nipple, while she pressed my head into her breast. Suddenly, warm liquid shot into my mouth. I began swallowing it, but there was too much. Her flesh pressed my nostrils shut, and I couldn't breathe. Her dark flesh began sticking to my face, and while I tried to pull free, I couldn't. I tried to turn my head and twist free, but she wouldn't let me move. I wanted to breathe, and I couldn't. I tried to open my mouth and scream. It was stuck to her, and nothing would give. I was going to die. "Help!" The scream came from my throat, and I screamed again as my eyes opened. I threw my blankets off and sat up, shivering. The door opened, and Mom walked in, concern written all over her face. "Are you all right, Honey?" she asked, putting her arm around me, as she sat on the bed. "Was it that nightmare again?" I looked down in embarrassment at my brown breasts and sighed. "I dreamed I was Jerry again." I made a fist and hit the bed. "I've been having this nightmare for nearly a month now," I said. "Am I going to have it for the rest of my life?" Mom hugged me, and I hugged her back. "Honey, I don't know. I never knew that this could happen. I don't know what to say." "I know," I said. "I never knew this could happen either." We sat there silently. I looked at Mom and remembered that she hadn't always been my Mom, but she had always been kind to me since my change. We just fit perfectly together, and anyone seeing us would never suspect that I hadn't emerged from her womb. "Do you want something?" Mom asked. I sighed. "I never have this nightmare more than once a night," I said. "I can probably get back to sleep now." After another hug, Mom stood up. "Goodnight, Honey," she said. I looked at her and thought again of how lucky I was. "Goodnight, Mom." XXX "Is this Adams' Business Services?" the woman on the phone asked. "Do you prepare book manuscripts?" "Yes, we do," I said. And with that, I totally changed my life. My name was Jerry Holland. I had just graduated from college in the Spring of 1983, right in the middle of a recession, and the only job I could find was typing for Adams' Business Services, a minority-owned business that provided secretarial services for other small businesses. One sideline for our business was typing term papers, theses, and dissertations. And that is how Dr. Diane Jordan found ABS and blew my life up. Well, I guess if I'm honest, it wasn't Dr. Jordan's fault. My life had gotten stuck at a crossroads. I had graduated from college and was doing a job I could have done out of high school. Frankly, I didn't fit in at ABS. I was the only white employee. I was the only male employee. I was the only person there who didn't smoke. I didn't like it there. Mrs. Adams, my boss, was fine, and my co-workers were friendly, but I just felt like the odd one out. I didn't even tell people about my job. My mom knew I worked for Adams Business Services, but she assumed I worked with and for white people. If she knew my boss was a black woman, she would have told me to quit and get a respectable job. Then there was my personal life. I was still a virgin. I had never fit in at high school, and while I had dated several girls in college, it had never gone anywhere serious. I had to get my life in gear, I would tell myself. But then nothing would happen. Meanwhile, I had Kathy sitting across from me in the office every day. She was my age, tall, and well-built. After I had been sitting across from her for a week, I started dreaming about her, or more specifically her breasts. She was a deep bosomed woman, and when my head hit the pillow at night, I would think about what Kathy looked like without her clothes, and how it would be to touch and kiss those big brown breasts of hers. Of course, I couldn't date her. My mom would throw a fit if I brought her to the house. The neighbors would throw rocks at my car if I brought her to the house. My relatives would never speak to me again if I dated her, let alone married her. But six days a week, I would sit across the office from Kathy and type. I would watch her walk back and forth from her desk to the snack room, watch her smoke, and chat when there was down time. She was a nice person, and I wanted to take our relationship to the next level. Without getting killed or kicked out of my family or neighborhood. And that was where I was when Dr. Jordan called and asked if Adams Business services prepared book manuscripts. "Yes we do," I said, and I quoted her our rates. Dr. Jordan stopped by later that day. She was a tall, intense-looking white woman who wore her graying blonde hair in cornrows and sported a tweed jacket with leather patches on the elbows. A big Barnes & Noble tote bag hung from her shoulder, and she carried a big cardboard box in her hands. "Are you the young man I talked to?" she asked, after I opened the office door for her. I took the box, which I assumed contained her manuscript, from her. It felt like she had filled it with bricks. I quickly put in on the edge of my desk, trying not to make a 'thunk.'. Dr. Jordan shook my hand and smiled. "I hope you can make sense out of my manuscript." "This is going to be a big project," I said to Dr. Jordan. "You'd better talk to Mrs. Adams." So I passed Dr. Jordan over to Mrs. Adams, and they talked for better than an hour. Dr. Jordan became our client, and we began the process of turning her manuscript into Myths and Legends of the Kashanga. Although, oddly, I ended up not having anything to do with the book. Everybody else seemed to have some part to play in it. Kathy typed up the rough draft, which Mrs. Adams proofed and consulted with Dr. Jordan about. Sharon typed up the footnotes and bibliography. I basically did the other projects that came in during that week. I have to say that I was miffed. I had caught Dr. Jordan's call, yet here I was typing mailing lists and bills for dentists, and everyone else was working on a book that actually sounded interesting. "What's that book like?" I asked Kathy, as she lit a cigarette. She expelled smoke from her nostrils. "Weird," she said. She tapped a finger against her head. "I don't know about that Dr. Jordan. There's a lot of crazy stuff in there." "Like what?" I asked. Kathy drew on her cigarette and thought for a while. "I'm just finishing up this chapter about a missionary," she finally said. "A British guy who went to Africa in Queen Victoria's time." "Okay," I said. She exhaled. "Well, I guess he wasn't really a good missionary. I mean, he goes to the land of the Kashanga, and they adopted him." "Well, that sounds okay to me," I said. Kathy took a last puff, then crushed her cigarette out in her ashtray as she exhaled. She leaned over and whispered. "He started worshipping their goddess," she said. "N'Kumba." "What?" "This missionary started worshipping N'Kumba, the fertility goddess of the Kashanga," she said, pointing at the pages she had been typing from. "That's what this Dr. Jordan says." I blinked. "I guess he wasn't a good missionary," I said. "Why did he convert?" Kathy put her hand over her mouth and laughed. "Dr. Jordan has this crazy idea," she said. "I don't believe it." "What?" Just then the phone rang, and I answered it. It turned out to be a wrong number for the department store across the street. By the time I had gotten rid of the caller, Kathy was typing away at the chapter and chuckling to herself. "So why did the missionary convert?" I asked Kathy. She stopped typing and smirked at me. Then she flipped through Dr. Jordan's manuscript until she found a page. "This is N'Kumba," she said, showing me a xerox of a drawing of a statue. I got the impression of a long, almost oval, black face, but my attention quicky descended to the two very prominent breasts that stuck out from the torso. Laughing, Kathy quickly covered the picture up. "Dr. Jordan has some weird idea about the missionary," she said. "But I just think he fell in love with a Kashanga woman." When I lay in bed that night, I thought about Kathy and N'Kumba. I had talked to Kathy more than any other woman since I had graduated from college months ago. We got along. I thought she was attractive. And I hadn't asked her out. I couldn't ask her out. She was black, and I was white, and there were just too many problems going along with that. I rolled over and thought about that missionary Kathy had talked about, the guy who had been adopted by the Kashanga and converted to the worship of N'Kumba. Now, he gave up a lot, I thought. He gave up his family, and his faith, and his status. All the things that he had grown up with, and he gave it up because he loved this Kashanga woman. I rolled over. And that was back in Queen Victoria's time, maybe over a hundred years ago. Giving up all that stuff really must have been hard for that guy. I took a deep breath. If some British guy could risk all that over a century ago, I could probably ask Kathy out. Maybe, away from the office, we'd find we didn't really have anything in common. God knows, my dates with other women hadn't led anywhere, so why should it be different with Kathy? I was probably building up barriers in my mind where nothing existed. Still, I decided before I went to sleep, I ought to tell Mrs. Adams that I was thinking of dating Kathy. She might have a policy against that. The next day was a mess. Kathy called in sick, and Dr. Jordan called to say that there had been a mix-up with the publisher, and she needed her manuscript finished a week early. Mrs. Adams walked over to my desk, puffing on a cigarette. She was a hefty woman, and it always amazed me that a tiny cigarette could calm her down like it did. "Jerry," she said. "You'll have to work on Dr. Jordan's book. You type it up, and I'll proof it. Dr. Jordan needs it tomorrow." "I'll do my best," I said. I worked at Kathy's machine. I wanted to look at the chapter about the missionary and find out what had happened to him, but I was a good guy and threw myself at the parts of the book that Kathy hadn't typed. Fortunately, that was just half of the last chapter, the conclusion, and an appendix. I have to say that Dr. Jordan was a good writer. Some of the books I've typed have been dry as dust and left me wondering why anyone would want to read them. Myths and Legends of the Kashanga had me following the author's argument with no problem. The last chapter, or at least the part of it I read, dealt with the disappearance of the Kashanga. Dr. Jordan's argument was that the Kashanga had not ceased to be but had managed to hide themselves in other populations. "As the case of the Rev. Witherwood suggests, the Kashanga had a flexible culture and identity, capable of attracting and assimilating outsiders. In the face of hostile foes, perhaps the Kashanga could dissimulate, camouflage themselves, and penetrate larger groups, thus surviving until the time came for their re-emergence at a safer time. The origin myth of the Kashanga, after all, explicitly condemns traditional warfare and inflexible ideas of identity in favor of a more fluid view of tribal belonging. "It is, perhaps, decisive that the main deity of the Kashanga was the goddess N'Kumba. Instead of simply a fertility goddess, as the first writers on the Kashanga assumed, N'Kumba combined the role of trickster with her maternal role, and, as the example of the Rev. Witherwood suggests, could bring outsiders into the Kashanga, assimilating them into the tribe whether they willed it or not." The Rev. Witherwood, I assumed, must have been that missionary Kathy was talking about, but this was the only time Dr. Jordan mentioned him in the last chapter. The conclusion compared Dr. Jordan's findings to the work of other anthropologists, and since I hadn't read the book to that point, I was kind of bored with it. "How's it going, Jerry?" Mrs. Adams asked. "Okay," I said, looking up from the word processor. "I'm nearly done with the conclusion. Then I have the Appendix." I picked up the two pieces of paper that were paperclipped together. The original typing had a number of handwritten notes, with strike-throughs and arrows all over it. "Looks like a nightmare," I said. "Well, you'll turn it into something worthwhile," Mrs. Adams said. "Be sure to read it out loud while you type it, so you know it makes sense." I noticed she was holding her purse. I glanced at the clock. It wasn't even five o'clock yet, well before Mrs. Adams usually left. "Has something come up?" I asked. "Marjorie called, and I have to pick my nieces up from daycare. I'll take them to her house and wait until she gets there." She pointed at the manuscript. "Finish it up, print it, and leave it for me on my desk. I'll come back tonight and proof it, so it'll be ready for Dr. Jordan in the morning." "Will do," I said. Mrs. Adams left, and I finished typing the conclusion. Then I looked at the Appendix. PRAYER TO N'KUMBA That was clear. The rest of the stuff on the page wasn't. There were typed words, written words, crossed out words, and arrows zipping this way and that, up and down the page. I shook my head, took a deep breath, and began typing as I read the mess out loud. "Great Mother N'Kumba, hear my prayer. Open your heart to the heart of one who loves you. Enclose me in your warmth and feed me with your love. Wash me in your warmth and bless me as your child. Let me grow to take my place with your people. Open me and let me bring forth strength for you. Let me feed your people and teach them your wisdom. Carry me to the village of the blessed when I die. Great Mother N'Kumba, this is what I ask." I looked at the paragraph after I typed it and smiled. I had gotten the sense out of the chaos that Dr. Jordan had thrown upon the page. And then my fingers kept typing, and I kept speaking the words I typed. "Great Mother N'Kumba, hear my prayer. Open your heart to the heart of one who loves you. Enclose me in your womb and wash me in your warmth. Enclose me with your flesh and bless me as a Kashanga. Let me take my place with your people. Open my flesh and let me bear strong children for you. Let me mother your people and teach them your wisdom. Carry me to the village of the blessed when I die. Great Mother N'Kumba, this is what I ask." I blinked and tried to stop typing, but my fingers kept going. I kept talking too. "Great Mother N'Kumba, hear my prayer. Open your heart to me and enclose me in your womb. Let me be washed away in your blood and emerge to the world as a true Kashanga, Open my flesh to the seed of my people and let me bear strong children, nursing them at my breast. Let me teach the children of my womb your wisdom, and carry me to the village of the blessed when I die. Great Mother N'Kumba, this is what I ask." Only now did my fingers stop and my voice fall silent. What the hell was this? I read and re-read and re-read again the three paragraphs I had typed, and each time I did, I found myself nodding with conviction. Yes, this, these words, this prayer, came from my heart. I stood up and walked from the word processor to the break room. I closed the door behind me and began kicking my shoes off. "Great Mother N'Kumba," I said. "Touch me with your heart." My heart began to pound rapidly as I let my shirt and pants fall to the ground. I took off my undershirt and noticed the dark brown spot on the left of my chest. "Enfold me in your womb and wash me with your blood." My skin became warm over my heart, and the warmth spread across my chest and around my back. It rose to my shoulders and began descending down my arms, while it spread down my legs. My skin became a deep shade of rose, and then darkened still further. I looked down at my brown skin and my heart leaped with joy as I realized I was becoming the same color as Mrs. Adams. My penis remained white as my legs became brown. I ran my fingers over my now hairless legs and became impatient. "Mother N'Kumba, open my flesh." The warmth that had coursed through me now concentrated in my phallus. That flesh now became hard and surged to an erection, but one that hurt and made me gasp in pain. I swayed on my feet and nearly fell over. An instant later, however, the skin on my penis began to flake and peel off. Staring down, I began rubbing my hand over my cock, and with each pass a layer of flesh became brittle and brushed off, dribbling down to the floor, yet disintegrating before it landed. However, it still felt good, warm and tender, and I moved my hand faster and faster over my decaying flesh, moaning and shaking as my cock got smaller and thinner. Suddenly, it was gone, and I drew my hand away from my crotch. As I did, the warmth and tenderness retreated into my belly. I stared at my dark flesh and couldn't breathe as I could feel things shifting within me down there. I raised my head and took a deep breath. I glanced at the clock on the wall and wondered when Mom would come back. I blinked. Mrs. Adams wasn't my mother, although I knew damn well she was. I was so proud to sing in the choir with her, but I remembered hearing Mom talk to Aunt Marjorie about Richard Roundtree when she thought I wasn't listening. "That man is FINE," Mom had said. I smiled, understanding what Mom had meant. I pictured Roundtree taking me in his arms and kissing me. I closed my eyes and shuddered. An image of Roundtree taking his clothes off popped into my mind. I gasped as the flesh between my legs opened. "Oh, yes," I said. "Oh, yes." I opened my eyes and looked down at my new sex. Not really believing what I was seeing, I reached down and ran my fingers through the curly dark hairs that surrounded my new lips. I took a deep breath and then rubbed these lips. I moaned as I thought of how a man's cock could push between them. The idea scared me but made me curious. Gratitude to the goddess filled my heart, and I smiled when I thought of the day when I would receive a man's seed. Would I get pregnant? I wondered, and looked down at my flat chest and small nipples. How could I nurse a child with a bosom like this? As I wondered, the warmth within me deepened, strengthened and burned brighter. It spread throughout me, and I raised my hands to my nipples, while the hair on my head grew thick and long, reaching to my shoulders. I ran my fingers through my hair as the heat within me concentrated in my nipples. I squeezed my nipples. Pleasure swept over me. I poked the flesh around them with my fingers. Closing my eyes, I imagined a small hungry mouth crying to be fed, and I wanted to pick it up and feed it from my body. "N'Kumba, dear N'Kumba, bless me." Again I shuddered and nearly fell as my chest sweat. Finally, my nipples started to puff up and stretch, growing wider across my chest. The flesh beneath them now swelled and pushed out. I gasped and moaned, trying to keep on my feet as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me. Putting my palms on my nipples, I could feel each wave of growth as my flesh pushed and grew out. A sense of love swelled up in me, and tears began to stream from my eyes as I remembered Mrs. Adams and how she had always been there for me through my life. I am loved, I told myself. I am loved, and I will love. "Bless you, N'Kumba. Thank you, O Goddess. Thank you." Finally, a coolness came upon me. I shook my head and glanced at my clothes on the floor. Baffled, I quickly got back into my panties, bra, and dress. Slipping my shoes on, I left the break room and went back to my desk. I looked at the word processor and read the prayer that I had typed. "Great Mother N'Kumba, hear the cry of a heart that is open to you. Bless me and love me. Enfold me with your people and make me yours. Great Mother, N'Kumba, answer me in your wisdom." I blinked and looked at the page in Dr. Jordan's original manuscript. I remembered that it had been marked-up and messy, but now it simply held the hand-written prayer that I had typed. The door opened, and Mrs. Adams walked in. "I'm sorry it took so long, Nicole," she said. "Did you get it typed?" "Just finished it, Mom," I said. "I think Dr. Jordan will be very happy with our work." XXX I sat on the sofa and smoked, while Jerry sat at the other end and looked at me. Actually, Jerry looked at my breasts. I could see he was pretty uncomfortable. Jerry knew what he wanted to ask for, but he didn't have the courage to do it. He was pretty shy. I took a deep drag on my cigarette and decided I had to get things going, or we'd be here all night. I exhaled and put my cigarette in the ash tray. "Jerry, what do you want?" I asked. "What?" I sighed and unbuttoned my blouse. As Jerry's eyes grew bigger, I opened my bra and let my breasts hang free. I smiled when I saw the stiffness rising in his pants. "Jerry, do you want these?" I asked. His mouth opened, and he looked kind of stupid as his hand began reaching for my left breast. I caught his hand in mine and pushed it back. "I want it," he said. I smiled at him. "Jerry Holland, do you want these?" I asked. Jerry looked like he was in agony. He could see what he wanted, but he was embarrassed or ashamed to ask for it. Finally, desire won out. "I want it," he said at last. Again he reached for my breasts, and again I caught his hand and gently pushed it down. He looked pretty funny, but I didn't want to laugh, because this was important. "Jerry James Holland," I said, "do you want these?" He looked at my breasts like he had some inkling of what was being asked and how important this was. But then he took a deep breath and answered truthfully. "Oh, God, yes. I want those," he said. "I really do." I put my hands behind my head, and Jerry's mouth nearly hit his knees as he looked at my breasts. Finally, he leaned forward and put his mouth on my left nipple. It felt good as he started to suck. I moaned and brought my hands down. I put them around Jerry's head and pressed his face against my breast. Great Mother, N'Kumba, I thought, hear the cry of a heart that is open to you. Jerry vanished. The sucking at my breast stopped. I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling. I didn't want to scream. I didn't feel like I had experienced a nightmare. Instead, my dream felt... good. Necessary even. I hadn't been Jerry this time, and I didn't think I'd ever dream about being him again. I thought about Jerry, how he had been fascinated with Kathy's big brown breasts, so fascinated that a goddess he never believed in heard his prayer and gave him some. Or rather, gave me some. I looked at my bosom and smiled, knowing that someday I would be a mother and have children who loved me. I thought about the shy person I had been and felt sorry for him for a moment. He hadn't been a happy guy, but the goddess had given him a miracle, and it was up to me to see that our story had a happy ending. "Goodbye, Jerry," I said and fell asleep. Author's Note I hope you have enjoyed "Fitting In." If you would like to read more of my work, please look for my Tales of Metamorphosis books at Amazon. "Goriod: Tales of Metamorphosis # 1" takes place in ancient times and is available now in Kindle and print. "Lorinocco: Tales of Metamorphosis # 2" takes place in the 18th Century. (Forthcoming) "Patient M: Tales of Metamorphosis # 3" takes place in the 20th Century.(Forthcoming)

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Heather’s last appointment was at a little store in LoDo. Cathy, the local sales rep who had been her guide and driver for the day, had been disappointed their day had run late. She was worried she might be late to pick up her kids from soccer practice. “Those guys are so fucking hot.” She smiled as she caught herself. “Well, you’ll see. They know their wines and their store is terrific. I’m sorry I can’t make it. Will you be alright?” Heather had said yes, rather dejectedly - she liked Cathy...

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The Great Shift Travails of Love

The Great Shift: Travails of Love By Radioactive Loner CHAPTER ONE The Windy City was living up to its name that day. Anyone who had lived in Chicago through at least one winter knew that the gales that made their home in the skies above the Windy City (which seemed to, unfortunately, abandon its residents during the hot, sultry summers when they would be most welcome) made Chicago's winters most particularly cruel. That was nothing, however, compared to the cold that was blowing...

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Let The Petals Fall Where They May

The snow was falling gently in the mountains and the windows were covered in a thin layer of ice. The fire roared in its place, warming the small cabin, as a young woman stares out into the darkness. Elizabeth was 20 and visiting her home in the North Carolina mountains. She loved it there when the winds turned cold and her cheeks remained flushed. She smiles at all the memories of sledding and skiing she had. But tonight was going to be different… Over the past few months, her desperation...

1 year ago
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BangBus Alexis Avery Good Ebony Pussy From This Bad Girlfriend

Today we found this hot ebony chick walking around the back alleys in a Miami. She claims that she was a student and was on the way back home to her boyfriend but, with a little cash offering we get her attention and get her to hop in the van for ride. This chick ends up being a terrible girlfriend as she get her to get naked and grab a hard cock kind of quick. She ends up giving Tyler a good fucking before he starts fucking her hard from different positions until she got to swallow some cum....

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Tadapti Chut Ko Garam Lund Ka Sahara

Hello, ye meri pehli sex story hai jise me aap sab ke saat share kar rahin hun. Baat un dino ki hai jab mein apne pati ke saath nai nai shadi karke unke ghar gai thi. Mere pati kafi handsome hain, aur me bhi dikhne mein kafi sexy hun. Aisa mere pati aksar bolte hain. Shadi ke baad mere pati aur mein din mein kai baar sex karte the, par jald hi office ke kaam ki wajah se vo pareshan rahne lage aur muje pura time nahin de pate the, jiski waja se mein upset rahne lagi. Kuch din baad mere pati ka...

3 years ago
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Didi Ke Sath Loose Ki Virginity

Hi everyone I’m Vishal and I am from Agra city meri age 22 hai or mai B tech final year me hu mai ek 5’9″ tall male hu meri penis ki length normal Indian penis se thodi zada hai 7 inches exactly chaliye ab mai sidhe story pe Ata hu this is my first entry to agr kuch galati ho jae to maaf kijiye ye vaakyaa aj se 4 sal pehle ka hai jab meri umar 18 thi maine 12th sandard complete kiya hi tha or result ka wait kar raha tha or chuttiyo ka maza le Raha tha tabhi ek din malum hua k tere taau g ka...

4 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 65 Beti Ki Badti Gandi Ichchaanye

Narrated by Swati Hi friends main Swati. to aap logo ne padha ki kaise akhir mujhe meri manzil mill hi gayi. Pahle papa ke sath unhe rijhane ka khel. Fir unhe uttejit karne ka khel aur fir kal raat papa ne meri gandi ichchaaye poori kar hi di. Kal raat papa ne pahli baar mujhe chodha. Ye ajeeb to hai, aur asamajik bhi. Par kal raat ke baad unke sath meri vaasna ki ichchaaye kam nahi par kafi aur bad gayi. Agle subah jab uthi to 9 baj rahe the. Uth kar kambal se nikli to jaani ki kal raat...

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The Education and Corruption of Joseph Potter chapter 4

A pound of apples and satsumas; half-a-pound of carrots and onions; a cauliflower and a bag of potatoes please, Joey.” Zoe Cooke stood shivering on the pavement in front of me. She was buttoned up against the elements in a huge red duffle coat.It was indeed freezing cold and business was slow. It was one of those days where you could easily pack up and admit defeat. In fact, I think it would have been a relief. But life goes on.I’ve known Zoe for years. She must be in her late twenties and a...

Wife Lovers
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Strapon Fucked Pegged

'Strap-on fucked'. . . the phrase alone sounds so depraved, but I found out that it doesn't have to be. Well, hell, maybe it is, but perhaps that's the fun of it! I came to this realization a few years after college, when I was dating Emma. She was short, with dirty blond hair, and a mischievous smile. She was not skinny, but not big either; she was sorta pear-shaped and curvy, which was strangely attractive when she would walk naked through her apartment. We met in a bar one night. She was...

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Thirumanam Nichayitha Pennai Sex Seithen

Kalluri padithu mudithu ithu varai entha pennaiyum kaamam seiyaamal irunthathal eppozhuthum kaama very pidithu alaigiren. Entha pen eppozhuthu kidaipaargal endru aripu athigamaaga eduthu alaigiren. En nanban oru naal avan kathaliyai santhika sendran, appozhuthu avanathu sexyaana kathiyudan thozhiyum irunthaal. Naan avaluku arimugam aanen en peyar suresh vayathu 24, naan santhitha pen peryar santhiya. Iruvarum paartha udane thee patriyathu, iruvarum pugai padam eduthu kondom. Pinbu angu irunthu...

1 year ago
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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 3

BB's Nursery and Day Care Chapter 3 Mrs. Nelson, Head Mistress Rose Valentine, Judge Marion Sanderson and Mr. Gray were on a group call in the BB's conference room. Edna and Rose were in person, Marion's screen showed her home office and as always Mr. Grays screen was blank. Mrs. Nelson was wrapping up the discussion "So we are agreed with how we handle Janice's wife?" There were nods and a sigh from Judge Marion. Mr. Gray was, as always, just an observer. He almost never spoke up...

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The Glass Elevator

I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here. co-workersChelsea tries to resist the charms of Jeremy,her jackass co-worker. I had to shake my head as Jeremy Pax came into the teachers’ lounge. I was under the impression that the new person always has to earn their place — you know, serve their time before they were accepted among the supremely ignorant with degrees, or at least that’s how I think of the staff at the elementary school I work for. It...

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Caught wearing ebony MILFs clothes

One Saturday afternoon my friend had invited me over to her apartment for lunch. She was a single mom in her early 40s. Tall, slim and dark-skinned, she wore her hair in long dreadlocks. I arrived at the apartment and around 2pm. My friend greeted me and welcomed me into the kitchen, where the meal was being prepared. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, with a padded bra underneath securing her large, firm breasts. Her bare feet glided across the floor as she prepared the ingredients and got...

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Horney Aunt Day 3 Final

I woke up early in the morning. Then I saw my aunt sleeping next to me. I started to touch her tits softly. She came to me and hugged me tightly. She putted a leg over my legs. Her pussy met with my leg. I started to rub my against her pussy. I started to kiss her neck. Then she started to talk in a sleepy voice “making a woman Horney in the morning is not a good idea. You will get blue balls in the evening. Make me horney I will suck every drop of your cum until your balls get dry”. Actually I...

2 years ago
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THE VIRUSBy Amanda WrighterTOWNHOUSE ROW – GARLAND STREETRICHMOND VIRGINIAOne Year Earlier… “Is that all you’re gonna eat?” Franklin asked as his mother sat down with her plate of toast and a glass of juice. “I already had some sausage,” she replied with a snicker as she bit into her toast. They were both still naked and Franklin was still enthused with the whole situation. His mother wasn’t a supermodel by any means, but compared to all the mothers of his friends, she was a literal hottie. ...

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Caring Doctor

That morning I woke up to a weird sensation. My penis felt bigger, but it didn’t turn out like the dream-come-true many guys hope for, on the contrary, I sensed that my limp dick was unable to extend and get hard. Pushing the covers aside, I pulled down my pyjamas to take a look and saw that my cock definitely had an unusual shape: the foreskin had swollen, covering the head with an awful amount of skin. I’m uncut, so having the head covered was not strange, but it had never looked like this. ...

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The ThreeHoled Glory Hole

Murray's tavern was a bit of an oddball. It was located in what was a bustling commercial and industrial district that fell due to economic depression and the departure of big business. What was a busy downtown soon became a barren neighborhood where large ambitious buildings were abandoned, and then claimed by locals to be turned into modest businesses. Murray's tavern was on the ground floor of a four story unoccupied office building. While it had the character of a local dingy and shabby...

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City of Love

It was all an act, well; at least that’s what it started out as. Steven and I were in Paris as tourists, as twin brother and sister tourists. We were on a two week college graduation trip that we both wanted to take before we started our daily lives. Starting our jobs and leaving our youth behind. The problem with Paris is that everyone that you see is a couple. Everyone is holding hands or kissing. Paris is the City of Love and we were on the outside looking in. So what did we do? We decided...

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A Bitch Gets Revenge

     This story is written for the enjoyment of adults only.  It is a work of fiction from the twisted folds of my brain.  Please send any comments to [email protected].  I love hearing from you.  A Bitch Gets RevengeWritten by 4Play     My wife Pat and I had been active swingers for almost 5 years and both enjoyed sex with other partners very much as well as sex with each other.  She is a good looking woman in the prime of life and men find her attractive.  We were married very young and were...

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My First Experience

Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Jon Combes, and I've been gay since my mom's fifteenth boyfriend fucked me when I was nineteen. Since a lot of you guys wanted a real story. I decided to use my personal story. This is my story about the first night. I was in bed, Mom was downstairs with Paul. I heard her scream, and ran downstairs to see if she was ok. "Get your ass back up," Paul yells. "Don't make me come-- He didn't finish because Mom interrupted him. She turned to me, "Jon,...

Gay Male
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Adventures With BBW Carla Making Me Eat My Own Cum

I got a text from Carla Friday afternoon. Her son was going to his father's and she wanted me to come over to have some fun. After work, I showered and changed and showed up at Carla's around seven pm. She looked great! She was wearing a pair of tight, black lycra shorts and a matching black halter top. Her hair was still wet from the shower, so I timed getting there perfectly. Carla invited me in and she had a bottle of wine and two glasses on the table. She poured us wine and we both drank. I...

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Manju Ne Devar Ko Choda

Hello dosto kese ho aap, mera name raj he or ye mery pehli story he. me surat ka rehne vala hoo ek student hoo, umar 19 sal he. our agar koi bhi ladki mujse friendship krna chahti hey ti meri id- he. our ab apko bor na karte huve me direct story pe ata hu ye bat ajse 1sal pehle ki he jab me 18 sal ka tha. me diwali ke din apne gav gujrat ke ek chotese gav me gaya tha, vaha me subah pahucha to mujse sab log milne aye our vha par mery manju bhabhi thi uski umar 30 sal ki he our uske do Bache he...

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The Confession Ch 11

Bill returned from his business trip a day early and did not bother to call home, he got his bag and left the airport. He drove to the local flower shop to pick up some flowers and then he drove home. As he pulled into the driveway to the house he was surprised to see the car that belonged to his boss parked in the street. His boss lost his license to his third drunk driving conviction so he hired a black ex convict to drive himself around. He figured that maybe he was dropping off some paper...

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Super heroines masturbating

(Hey everyone! I hope you guys like and enjoy this story this is just a fun idea that I don't think has been done before so looks like iam first person to do this cool! This story will feature women from both Marvel and DC caught masturbating or forced to masturbate enjoy.) Now what universe is the masturbating heroine in?

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Helping HandChapter 4

Minutes later Ed came back into the kitchen. Sarah was at the sink washing the iced tea glasses. "We do have a dish washer for that, you know," he laughed. "Just trying to keep busy," she replied. Ed reached into his pocket and pulled out four one hundred dollar bills. "Would you mind going to the grocery store and picking up some food"? He asked. "You better shop as though we have nothing to eat in the house because we don't." He smiled, "Remember your living with a bachelor now...

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Oh Becky

Andy and his eighteen-year-old daughter moved in next to me about six months ago. Andy is a lorry driver so is away from home for long periods of time, leaving Becky to look after herself. I hit it off with Andy from the first time we met. As they were unloading their stuff from the van, I took around a couple of beers and some Coke for his young daughter. From that moment, Andy and Becky often popped round for a drink and a chat on a regular basis, and similarly frequently, I went round to...

Straight Sex
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Period of AdjustmentChapter 12 Coming Back to Earth

Denis arrived home late Wednesday afternoon and we enjoyed another wonderful meal prepared by Cassie. It was her tradition to welcome her husband home from any road trip with something special, and I was the lucky addition to that table. After the meal and cleaning up the dishes, Denis and I retired to his study for a conversation. "Colin, I think I can say with some confidence that your problems with the River Riders are coming to an end. The man you encountered on Monday was freelancing....

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My Last Day with my Secretary

I'll never forget what happened on my last day as head of department.My secretary Debbie was very flirtatious. I remember walking in to her adjoining office, standing over her desk, and looking straight down her dress to see her breasts and nipples. (The dress wasn't low-cut or ostentatiously sexy, but the neck kind of opened if she leaned forward.) Her breasts were smallish, very white in contrast to her tan, and beautiful. She was not wearing a bra, but was wearing a smile. I probably...

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The Holiday Chapter 3

While both being very aroused at our last encounter we were both also in shock and didn’t quite know how to interact with the couple across the way from us. In the end we chose the cowards way out and simply didn’t deal with them. We smiled on those few occasions when we couldn’t help making eye contact as we reached for our bags in preparation to disembark, but somehow that just seemed easiest. Bags, customs and immigration were painless and our taxi ride was uneventful as it was still early...

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Constance Wendolyn CompanyChapter 17

"Colonel ... Sir. You're awfully low." "Oh Gawd, that stinks." "Sir?" "S-T-I-N-K-S ... stinks ... Lieutenant ... stinks." There was the sound of retching ... and more than a little beating and banging ... then a very loud bang and a huge sigh of relief. "RDO ... I have jettisoned the canopy..." "Sir ... are you declaring an emergency?" "Not now, I'm not. I'm fine, Lieutenant ... the aircraft is behaving ... it's going to need a really really really good wash ... and a...

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CumBang Kira Noir Second Appearance

Kira is in a bit of a conundrum. She is a slut but is now involved in a relationship. So she feels really bad about cheating on him. But she needs to suck dick so badly and one guy can’t do that. Is it really cheating to just suck cock? Not according to our past president Clinton it’s not. So Kira sends out some messages to friends about maybe popping by to get a hummer and soon enough one of them does. Then another. And another. And another. The cocks are just piling in and Kira is...

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My first fuck

My first fuck with my 16 year old sister.  It was another Friday night at our house. We had all watched a movie and cleaned up and gone to bed. Except for Madison and I. My room was the basement and her room was a connection to mine. We would always stay up late talking about family issues and boy issues. Turns out she was quite a whore. She just wanted to be loved. So every boy she dated she had let them touch her tits or rub her pussy. But she confessed she hadn't slept with any of them. This...

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Nicki gets her payback on Randi

------------------------------------ It's early morning and I'm sitting at my work table. Nicki is standing next to me in a short summer dress, her left hand resting on my left shoulder. I start to caress her left leg behind her knee, then slowly snake my hand up Nicki's thigh, occasionally stopping to lightly scratch my nails on her soft skin. My hand now snakes up further until I reach her panties... "NO!" I yell in a surprised tone, "You're not wearing any, you little devil!...

1 year ago
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Truth or Consequences

Trust me. Growing up in a house full of women wasn't easy. Especially when you're the only male, and the youngest to boot. Dad had died when I was very young, leaving mom to raise three girls and a boy pretty much by herself, though she did have help from her own twin sister, my Aunt for several years following my father's death. Twins tended to run in the family. Two of my sisters were also twins, two years older than I was, Stacy and Tracy. And then we had an older sister, who was four...

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A Slightly Different Marriage

I suppose that the best way to start this is to tell a little bit about how I look at things. I have always believed that sex is a basic human need. Not a want, but a need. As far as needs go – in my mind at least – sex is every bit as necessary to human health, physical and mental, as air, water and food. That belief carries with it the belief that sex and love – while complimentary – are not the same thing. My belief is that you can have sex without love and you can have love without...

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A Nice girl who Sucks Dicks

Pam was in her senior year of high school and nearly everyone who knew her said "Yeah, Pam is a really nice girl; she never do anything very sexy with a guy at all," but what most people didn't know was what Pam would do and most guys who went out with her soon found that fact out -- Pam definitely loved to suck a horny hard cock for all she was worth. Pam was very pretty, her body had developed very nicely over the last three years in high school and she now had a figure that always got...

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Delilahs Tribulations

My wife and I used to have a very adventurous sex life. We attended swinger parties, did erotic photography and videos, included other partners and made all manner of other wild lifestyle choices. As we've gotten older and our lives have become more full, that adventurous nature has slowly faded away. I won't bother you with too much detail, but I should give a bit of context. Thirteen years ago, I married my beautiful 18 year old fiance. I was 29 at the time and very well established in a...

4 years ago
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Baby all cum soon Party

It was a while since I spoke to you to catch up with my naughty real life diary for you.So Fat slag Tracy is close on dropping her black brat!Teeny Sue is showing her swelling belly(8 months on), proudly!I am well on my way with a bit of waddling walking as my Negro son gets bigger in me!Our lovers are still fucking us all eagerly, they are-A group of blacks for Tracy, PS she does not know the father of her brat, as she fucked loads of BBC studs, one or more managed to finish himself off in her...

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Aunty Betty Part 5

My name is Caroline. I am a striking tall golden blond girl staying with my beautiful 19 year old cousin Amanda and my very strict Aunty Betty during my summer school vacation in England in 1979. I am well into week five of my stay and my behavior and attitude have improved dramatically thanks to some very sound and well deserved thrashings from Aunty Betty. In fact Aunty Betty was so impressed by the improved conduct from both myself and Amanda that she has relaxed her previously harsh regime...

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The EX ch2 finale

Mark was right on time. Shane had spent the afternoon, working herself into a frenzy. Making herself cum two more times. She hadn't really given a lot of thought over the years, as to why she allowed herself to allow Mark to treat her the way he did. During their sessions anyway. Outside of the dominating state, Mark was loving and sweet. Affectionate lover. He was giving in every aspect of their normal sex life. She always came first. Had he not cheated on her, they would still be together and...

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My Encounter with a Forest Nymph

Growing up in Alaska, my father would take me fishing to his secret spot in the Chugach National Forest. He taught me all about the animal and plant life found there along with identifying animal tracks and witnessed the Aurora Borealis many times. He would tell tales of the wood nymphs who lived in and protected the forest. I asked him if he ever saw a wood nymph and his only response was a look of knowing.When I turned eighteen, he told me it was time for me to go on a solo one week trip and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Crissy the stepmom

Crissy always gave the impression that she was always in control and very prim and proper but the truth is that was just a cover for her being very submissive. She always wanted to please everyone and what few people realized is it was very difficult, almost impossible for Crissy to say no and she was worried that Kevin had figured that out and was continuing to test her. It would start with small things like, when Crissy told Kevin to bring all the laundry down, he told her that was...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 5 A Confrontation

Terry Smith, soon to be Terry Johnson, shared her siblings' brown hair, hers cut short, and blue eyes. She slotted neatly between Tony's six feet and Tina's 5'4", splitting the difference. The fact that they were siblings was instantly obvious to any observer. "Thought I'd find you two out here," she said, getting her younger siblings' attention. Tony and Tina shot up, both eager for some news. "Mrs. Harris said I could tell you everything so here is what we know. Rebecca is almost...

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sperm lover here

Richard here –I am a homosexual man addicted to masturbation with other homosexual men.Love to rub, squeeze, stroke, lick and suck their cocks – any age, size, shape, cut /uncut and any color – all are completely accommodated however they require.Prefer to suck for long sessions, slow, gentle, hard or fast or whatever is desired and I am a cock suck servant who will obey all and every instruction.My rewards are hot and creamy sperm loads – always eat every drop – direct from cock or from where...

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