Bedroom free porn video

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As Richard arrived home she was in the bedroom, late from her chores. The

weakness in her knees when she heard the door open reminded her that she should

have been at the door to greet him. She knew her punishment. She knew that

Richard would enjoy it, which is why she planned to be late. Feeling naughty,

she sat right in front of the bedroom door and let her hand caress her sex.

Imagining it was his hand, she continued, moving faster, feeling her lips puff

up and respond instantly.

"What are you doing?" Richard said, seeing her kneeling on the floor near

orgasm, something he did not want her to do without permission.

"I'm sorry Sir, I didn't mean to," she said, her lips defiantly curled into a


Richard looked down at her and spoke slowly, "Wait for me on the bed, I shall


With those words, he went downstairs, and she hurried back to the bed. She lay

there, listening to Richard in the house, boldly touching herself again.

Her lips trembled as she lay still on the bed, awaiting her Master to return.

Each of his steps echoed in her ears making her heart jump as she felt him come

closer. He laid his fingers on her hips causing her to yelp with lust, his

fingers flowing down her legs slowly. He watched as she quivered, his fingers

caressing her soft curves. Richard's eyes locked on her face, watching her as he

laced the rope around her ankles, securing them spread to each post.

As he watched, Richard saw her face color, grimacing in her fight to follow his

order not to look away.

"A lovely color," he said, "I am going to enjoy you."

Much to his delight she blushed deeper.

Richard took his finger up, teasing his captive victim as she wiggled under his

touch. Circling his fingers over her ample breasts, grazing her nipples while

she shuddered and moaned lightly between her lips. Richard leant forward,

pressing his lips roughly to hers, crushing them as he turned her nipples.

Moaning, she reached up to savor the kiss Richard gave her. Allowing his hands

to flow up her sides, he trailed over her arms and pressed her wrists to the

bedpost. Still kissing her deeply, he parted her lips with his tongue and

secured the cuffs on her. Richard grinned feeling her struggles to get free.

Stepping away from her, Richard looked down at the body before him. Each inch

writhing toward him, her moans echoing her desire to please, to be touched

again. He turned to the night table, opening the small cabinet where he kept the

nightly toys, pulling out his short crop and remote vibrator.

"Have you been a good girl?" he asked her, pushing her breasts around with the


"Y-yes S-sir," she stuttered, the anticipation of what was to come building in

her, making her aware more of her nakedness.

The air swirled around her sex, seemingly to aid in her wonderfully frustrating

torture. Her breasts shook with her labored breath, saying, "Please S-sir," as

best she could.

"Please what?" Richard asked coyly, trailing the head of the crop over her

belly, gently lapping at her sex.

She visibly shuddered, writhing on the satin sheets spread open for him,


"Please Sir, I want to cum for you," her lips mouthed as the crop tapped lightly

on her clit; the leather biting at her already swollen sex.

Grinning, Richard leant forward, whispering in her ear, "You will... we have yet

to begin."

Fanning his fingers over her quivering flesh, Richard silenced her while his

crop continued to tap. He watched as the wide leather head slapped her clit,

just rising up again for more. Placing the crop flat on her thighs, he moved

closer to rub lightly on her sides, caressing her quivering form. She writhed,

trying to direct Richard's fingers over her body in a futile attempt. Richard's

eyes gazed down at her, lifting his hands to watch her tremble, letting them

only brush her even softer. Each time his touch left her body, she moaned for

its return.

Richard stood next to the bed, his body blocking the candlelight, letting her

only see his silhouette as he reached for the vibrator. Leaning her head

forward, she only saw a darkened figure over her, feeling the cool vibrator's

head slide over her inner thigh. Stroking up and down, Richard teased her by

letting it vibrate close to her sex, yet not touching. She continued to groan,

each time her lips parted for a louder sound. Richard leant back, resting the

vibrator pointed right at her warm depths. In a flash of light, she was blinded

only to welcome the dark figure back.

In his hand, he held a gag designed to fill her mouth. A penis gag.

"Please no Sir. I will be quiet," she said, knowing that he would do it anyway.

Richard lifted her head, cupping it in his hand, holding the gag in her plain

sight, he says, "Your desire grows distracting. If I am distracted, your

punishment will last longer. Do you want that?"

Racked with need and lust, she nodded, opening her mouth for the plastic phallus

gag. Richard slipped it in, looping and securing the straps around her head.

Leaning forward, he lightly kisses her forehead, rapidly wiggling his finger

over her engorged clit. She attempted to moan, to scream her thankfulness for

his attentions, but it only came out as a muffled whimper. The gag worked.

Richard moved his lips lower, kissing her lightly, torturing her with gentle

touches. She responded by arching up to him, savoring even his beard crushing

with her skin. He feasted savagely on her breasts, mouthing them, nibbling,

concentrating on her nipples. She closed her eyes, each touch on her shooting

straight to her hungry sex. He lifted his face, pulling her nipples toward him,

her squealing echoing through the gag.

"You are as sensitive as ever," he said to her visible blush that contrasted

with the gag. Taking up the vibrator, he gently slipped it within her, roughly

pinching her nipple. She yelped, then moaned and writhed, trying to move it with

her, vainly attempting to turn it on. Richard drove it into her, stopping short

and threatening her to pull it out if she moved again. She lay still, breathing


Richard reached into the cabinet and took out his suede flogger, lifting the

crop from her thighs, trailing the ends over her breasts. She shuddered, her

body confused, wanting to move to the touch and run from it as well. In his

hand, Richard spun the flogger, causing the air to swirl around her now

sensitive breasts, catching the ever-hardening nipples occasionally. She

whimpered, wanting to beg to be allowed to cum now for Richard's pleasure, to

end her torment. Richard shifted suddenly, and while still spinning the flogger,

struck her sex and inner thighs.

She spread herself wider, trying to obscenely place her crotch where the soft

suede would land. Richard swung the flogger, causing it to strike her sex,

thighs and breasts, making the soft material lap at her blushing body. He

chuckled to himself, using the crop to awaken the area he was to strike next.

Moaning through her gag, quaking with need, her breath coming rapidly under the

assault, throwing her head back thinking that now was the time, now she could

cum, only to feel Richard stop the flogger and crop inches from her. Her eyes

wide, she looked at him, staring, pleading not to be tortured so. He just

grinned and stepped back, rolling the spanking bench next to the bed.

His hand slowly trailed over her skin, finding her attempt to push more into his

grasp. Watching her eyes carefully, he cupped her head and lifted it. She rubbed

her cheek in his palm, moaning through the gag, watching as Richard slipped the

blindfold over her eyes. Pulling it down she visibly shook, feeling his body,

the heat from his body. Releasing her mouth, he kissed her lightly, finding her

more than willing to receive.

He broke the kiss and stepped away as she lay there, quivering on the satin

sheets trying to listen for where and what he does. The shift of air played over

her skin, the creak of a small door, and then a trailing of something over her

belly. Slowly these things lowered to her sex, her head turning side to side

releasing her longing sighs. Another set of things circled around her breast,

pressing harder and wrapped around it. Five of them closed in, connecting

together for her to know it as his hand. Arching her back, she tried to give

more of herself to Richard's touch, only to feel him pull back. Sighing, she lay

back down and felt the fondling hands again, kneading her breast.

She heard his voice, seemingly from a distance, say, "Keep still my pet, and

this will be over soon."

Her lips tried to move, to bring voice that she would do as told, but it only

came out as a grunt. Kissing her, crushing her lips under his, his hands raised

to release her wrists, rubbing them softly. She lay there, suckling his tongue,

not wanting him to move away. Richard knew she could feel his chest grinding

against hers, teasing her nipples. She felt his body slide over hers, caressing

her back and lifting her up to him.

Floating in air, she felt the cold leather she knew was on the spanking bench

settle against her torso, chilling her heated breasts. On her instincts, she

hooked her arms under the bench and took hold of the handles, feeling swift and

strong fingers wrap the cuffs on her wrists. Her ass lifted, as if to welcome

what was to come, but she felt nothing come. Suddenly, cold drops fell on her

ass, causing her to shiver. Squirming, she settled into the cold of the drops,

wanting to feel the drops in one place but shocked as Richard dripped it closer

only to leave.

Humping her pelvis against the bench, she yelped as the drops came down again,

this time hotly. Like molten rock, the drops came down and burnt into her

sensitive cheeks. A hand came and slapped her ass, shaking the cheeks, giving a

slight respite from the dropping lava.

Another smack, but this was heavier. Many fingers landed across her ass. She

cringed, tensing for the next blow, only to feel it come lightly. Relaxing, she

raised her ass, hoping that whatever it was would catch her clit and relieve her


"Relax my pet," his voice echoed as another thudding and hard smack came to her.

Fighting herself, she relaxed her behind and felt the blows through her,

cascading up her body and slamming down into her sex. Moaning wantonly in time

with the spankings, she widened her legs, hoping her Master would take pleasure

in her and allow her forgiveness and end this punishment.

With a hand fanning over her ass, she relaxed more, lying against the bench,

feeling her body being kneaded, feeling this kneading course through her body,

pulsating into her sex. She felt lips brush against her ear, a soft voice she

remembered come to her, "Very good my pet, you have taken this well."

A light buzz came to her suddenly, hearing the familiar vibrator sing in the

air; she excitedly drank up his words, "Now your punishment is done. Your reward

comes now."

She squealed with delight, her body trembling awaiting his touch. The buzz

follows the line of her back up to her ears. Growing louder, the sound

encompassed her, blocking everything else. As it slowly died away, she began to

notice that a hand no longer held her ass. A heated flush radiated there, a slow

seeping of warmth came over her. A welcome fire spreading over her flesh. She

melted, her body slumping against the bench. On her upper arm, she felt the

shakes of the vibrator through her, like electricity, going to the very center

of her. Suddenly, she felt a wide smack on her ass, quaking with in her as if to

shake her very soul. Again it came, causing her to moan aloud, the hit echoing

throughout her entire body.

Her hips rocked up and down, moving involuntarily, rubbing her mound against the

padded leather of the bench. Her legs were moved, folded up under her, sticking

her ass up higher, arching her back more. She could feel her sex spread on its

own, puffed up noticeably, feeling as if it was her body. Gasping, her sex

opened to Richard, the lips seeming to reach out for him as his finger trailed

over them. Wanton with a burning need deep within, she hunched her body,

bringing herself closer to him. Sound was lost to her in this sea of sensation,

feeling hands take hold on her body, wanderers' exploring not so distant shores.

Her wrists released and rubbed, lifted up and over causing her to fall, tumble

down momentarily into a strong set of arms. The cool leather licked her back as

she was set down, her legs spread a bit wider.

Gentle kisses from lips she treasured covered her neck, lightly showering her

chest, teasing her nipples, moving ever downward. Her breath came quicker,

anticipating what was to come next. Richards mustache brushed against her mound

as she felt his breath cool her sex, stoking the fire. If she could see, her

eyes would be closed, every inch of her body connected to her one tender and

sweet spot. Her entire world revolved on this moment, the act of surviving the

punishment she wanted and giving herself for his pleasure. Thinking on how happy

he was to have her, to be given such a precious thing as herself, only

heightened her joy as a tongue began to touch her.

Moaning, more like screaming, she spoke her love for Richard with each breath.

Fighting her animal instincts, she kept her pelvis still, letting Richard savor

her hidden and most private self. Feeling his lips move from hers, she boldly

spread her legs more and tilted herself upward. She expected to feel his special

kiss, but got delightfully surprised.

With force she has only known come from him, Richard entered her with the

vibrator. She sighed, hoping that he would take her for himself, but realize

something. As she clenched to the phallus within her, she realized that it was

not the vibrator but something far better. Smiling widely and cooing with glee,

she let her arms fly upward and wrap around the body before her, bringing its

welcome weight onto her. Feeling filled and emptied, she inhaled his scent and

hers mixed on his lips. His beard scratched her cheeks and teeth closed in on

her blindfold, pulling it off. Her eyes blinked quickly, adjusting to the dim

light and Richard cam into focus.

Overwhelmed, she parted her lips, about to beg permission to cum, only to feel

Richard's finger on her lips and a light warm breath coming over her face.

"You may cum freely, my pet," he said, as his body began to force its way

further into her very welcome depths. Richard watched as her head tiled back and

eyes close. He listened as her mouth parted and a brief song of pleasure. He

held her as she trembled, feeling his orgasm fill her.

She awoke as from a daze, cradled in Richard's arms, close to his heart. Her

blurry eyes alighted onto his smiling face. She reached up and tilted her head,

kissing his neck lightly.

"Why do you enjoy this so?" he asked her, his eyes showing that he knew her


"I love you more than words can say. I want to be yours in all ways and always.

You are my Master, my lover, and my friend." Her voice came lightly, almost


"I know, but why do you provoke me into punishing you?"

"Because... being good all the time is boring. Besides, it's as much fun as the

reward after."

Her face brightened into a grin that could only make Richard chuckle. Cupping

her head in his hands, he kissed her lips deeply, his passion radiating into

her. Returning his passion, she mumbled: "Wait till next time..."

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Ivy Lebelle gets fucked RAW by Manuel! Busty pin-up babe Ivy is looking sexy as ever in her lingerie as Manuel takes pictures with his camera and admires her body. She strips out of her clothes and makes her way to the bedroom where they can get more comfortable. Manuel takes his clothes off and joins her on the bed then makes his way down to get between her legs to lick her tight little pussy. He worships her wet snatch then slides his big dick into her and pounds that horny pussy good. Ivy...

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Copywright© 11/06 Here's something new for me and I'm not sure how it will be received. I'm sure those of you familiar with my style will agree it's just not like me, but I wanted to explore some. At the same time I'm hoping this will help keep in the forefront those who pray on the innocent and the need to stop them. While I'm at it I found I have to give my villain a name. Please don't think this sick person is me, I just needed a name that could sound sinister. Read on and you'll...

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Sow and ReapInterlude 5 Yugis Account

I didn't want to ask him, but I felt badly not saying something. Mai didn't care, but Yami agreed with me that I couldn't just leave. Still, as I watched Kaiba and Yami duel at the shop, I couldn't help but think I was hurting a friend. Yami glanced at me and frowned. I knew exactly what he was thinking. His expressions are exactly my expressions. We may not think the same things at the same time, but we do show the same thoughts in the same way. Which is why I call him my other self and...

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Finalityirishmik60 It's a new year, 2158 has now become a note of the past. 2169 now brings to the present. Wife, two daughters, one son, dog and cat. A mortgage, two car payments, the regular 9 to 5. Life hasn't changed much. The same old grind. The Government has allowed me three wonderful children and a wonderful wife. The dog and cat both have learned the proper tab on the floor to step on that allows them into the backyard. A similar tab near the door on the outside acts the same way to...

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A Professor Is Blackmailed Chapter 2

A PROFESSOR IS BLACKMAILED - CHAPTER TWOBy Dawn1958Email [email protected] send your comments and suggestions, as the feedback is always appreciated. This story is revised and reposted so hopefully it gives readers a better experience. The story was written at the request of a reader and I hope I do his fantasy justice.CHAPTER TWO - MISTAKEN IDENTITYKerri was 28 years of age and nothing like this had ever happened to her. She lived a sheltered life and devoted much of her time...

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Sex on the plane

Hi, I am Ragz & this is another experience that I would love to enjoy. This is what happened I became an investor banker at one of the main broker at Bombay stock exchange. And, being in the dealers room had noticed that I am always surrounded by beautiful young women. Recently I had taken a liking to jacking-off to porn movies about barely legal teens, wishing that it were me and one of the students that I ogle every day. I would walk my office corridors whenever possible to watch those...

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HandsOnHardcore Veronica Avluv Sexy MILF DPd By Her Customers

David Perry and Ricky Mancini get lucky when their sexy card dealer Veronica Avluv is up for strip-poker and getting poked in both holes. The green-eyed American glamour pornstar prepares their pricks to pump her by using her multidick sucking skills and making them stiff for the hardcore MMF shenanigans that will require all of their stamina. The men are then up for the task of tag-teaming the Milf, pussy and ass fucking the horny brunette solo before cramming both holes with their cocks...

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Loves ShepherdChapter 6 Three Heads are Better than Two

“Come on, Joey!” I groaned. “Stop thinking about Suzi’s body!” “I can’t help it. I keep thinking about last night. Seeing her naked body in her mirror...” “Oh, Joey,” Suzi sighed. “Now you got Tim thinking it too. I swear. You guys look at Playboys all the time. What is so different?” I said, “Yours is real.” “Yeah, and it’s really sexy, too,” Joey added. “Not made-up like those Playboy girls are.” “Thanks, Joey,” Suzi said sweetly. “But you’re still not going to get another look until...

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Ami Grows Up1

Ami was a senior in high school and was heavily involved in her local church's youth group. She loved helping those in need and was always signing up for one event or another. The church was sponsoring a father/daughter dance that Friday and her dad John was going to take her. He had the whole night planned. There would be dancing and then a late dinner and they would stay the night in the five star hotel across town. Ami adored her father; he was tall, had blondish hair and was...

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The Masquerade Setup

"You know I would just break your heart," she said with a smile."I'll take that chance," he chuckled.I.Bethany was the perfect girl. All through school, she never had to work at anything. Good grades came easily, and team sports were a natural for someone with her athletic physique. Add long light-brown hair and blue baby-doll eyes to her fit 5' 5" frame, and a beautiful face with just a sprinkling of freckles across a cute upturned nose, and you had the perfect package. She turned heads...

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Mindy is looking fine as she lets herself into Jason X’s apartment. She finds him in the shower, and though Jason doesn’t notice her at first Mindy certainly notices him. By the time he turns around, Mindy is already down to her bra and thong. She can see Jason’s hardon when he lays eyes on her, so she takes her time peeling off her remaining clothes so he can enjoy the anticipation before she steps into the shower. A deep kiss only ends when Mindy sinks to her knees before...

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Educating a Coed

Educating a Coed Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I had been dressing as a girl for years, but it was only when I went to college that I was able to improve myself by going out more often. Within the first year I had mastered many of the problems I had, like makeup and hair, and was able to expand my wardrobe quite a bit. In my second year I even dated a few times, but never let things get too far, and although I was getting better, it wasn't until I found some sites on...

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The online married woman

About 9 years ago now, my ill-fated marriage broke down and I moved out. I needed to save my sanity. We had lived a loveless marriage for over 3 years by then, both of us choosing our own fun and enjoyment. There eventually was the customary family meeting where it was decided for me to move out for a while - to which I said - if I go, its for good. So I left. Nowhere to go - I called my parents up. My Father immediately stating I moved back in right away.Bags packed, credit cards...

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The Awakening of Christine

My wife, Chris, and I live in an urban center on the east coast. We're both successful lawyers who work downtown and have been married for 15 years; 14 of them in total monogamy. I am 50 years old and she is my second wife.Chris, who is 38, stands 5'5" tall, has short brunette hair, 116 lbs., beautiful legs with breasts in total proportion to her body; a lovely figure with a defined, European face...big eyes and soft lips. (Her parents came from Sweden.) We don't have any c***dren by choice....

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The letter came as a considerable surprise to Georgia. An approach from 'a leading non-profit' to administer one of their new-build schools in the Capital. Frankly, new public facilities in those particular areas of the city were as rare as hens' teeth but somehow the Foundation had secured the funding, both capital and revenue. Georgia's initial researches had told her that much but very little more. The Foundation was apparently named after someone called Taylor but there seemed very little...

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Cassidy The Working Girl

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The Business Chapter Two

Patrick wasn’t sure when he passed out, but when he awoke his arms felt as if they were on fire and his body screamed for release. His first thought was to attempt at breaking the rope again, but as he began to sway he found his strength was sapped. He felt like a ragdoll. “Hey!” He shouted out weakly. Patrick tried jerking on the rope once more, and became suddenly aware of the pipe that still rested in his ass. Suddenly he heard a door unlatch, then soft footsteps, and his door open....

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Youre the Wife Now What if Magic Wasnt Real Part 9

Part 9 I'm running through the snow as fast as I can, but it feels like I'm moving through treacle. Each step is heavy and laboured, my heart pounds and the icy air freezes my throat. The longer this goes on for, the more difficult it gets. I know it's behind me and I know if I turn round and look it in the eye, it's all over. Here I am, stuck in a perilous situation, where it's getting harder and harder to run but I don't want to acknowledge whatever it is behind me: a beast or...

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A Grandma Style Nylon Brief

I was lying on my bed dressed in a grandma style nylon brief, purple with pretty lace and a pink cotton sports bra, thinking to myself that a pink bra does not coordinate well with my purple panties. Why did I pick a pink cotton bra when I was wearing a nylon panty? I was too lazy to dig through all my bras to find a purple one. I could have just gotten up and exchanged my panty for a pink cotton brief. I know I have plenty of pink panties but I decided I'd let this bother me for a while....

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LoveHerFeet Kay Lovely Mila Monet Missing Shoes

Stealing is a big NO for housemates. However, you can’t stop yourself from stealing the beautiful shoes of your gorgeous blonde housemates, Kay Lovely and Mila Monet. You think the girls will never find out if they are missing a shoe or two. However, Kay values her personal things. She even installed a security camera in her room to catch the shoe thief. Kay quickly tells Mila that the camera in her room recorded the thief. With a piece of video evidence in Kay and Mila’s...

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A Doctors Strange TherapyChapter 4

On Friday morning, Doug woke up extra early in a very excited state; he turned over to face his beautiful wife, Pam, and lightly slid his hand up under Pam's short pyjama top and moved with them slowly towards her breasts. He was happy but surprised to find her nipples already firmly erect and sticking out from the soft tit flesh; soon his fingers closed around those firm stubs of flesh and as he squeezed his fingers closed he heard delightful purring sounds coming from his half asleep...

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To Murder and CreateChapter 5

The Sheik, in downtown San Diego, was nearly empty, as it seemed to be most weeknights. Inexplicably so, as we had found it a good (occasionally excellent) Lebanese restaurant -- something virtually unknown in Toronto. As expected, we arrived before Jim and Karen, and we were well into our drinks, discussing why this was "sheik," rather than "emir" or "pasha," which would be more appropriate, when they arrived. Hellos and ordering out of the way, we all began to snack on the pickled...

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The BreakIn II

Nick had Leah on her knees, leaving her hands tied in the figure-eight of the belt wrapped around her wrists. He pushed her hips up high and wriggled his way back under her, pressing his face to her stomach and massaging her stomach with his lips. He kissed above her bellybutton, dragging his tongue down and pushing it into her navel, tickling Leah and making her giggle. Nick reached his right hand around her hips and slapped her ass cheek hard, telling her "No laughing." Nick resumed kissing...

Straight Sex
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My Sister Trapped Part6 Restaurant Adventure

Hi guys. I would like to continue from where I left the last time. Those who are new can click this link below and read the previous stories of what happened. Next week evening I called Priya to come to my place as I wanted her to try vibrating panties in public. She came wearing blue denim shorts with a pink sleeveless top. It is evident that she didn’t wear the bra nor panty. She came to me and I told her that I love her too but was not sure at starting. She was happy and we kissed. We made...

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Sasu maa ko dubara choda

Hi Friends, This is my second encounter with my mother in law Jyoti. Dusri baar mujhe apni saas ko chodne ka maqua tab mila jab meri biwi meri maa ke ghar chali gayi thi. Use gaye ek hi din bita tha ki agle dophar ko ek baje Jyoti aa gayi. Mera ek dost mere ghar par tha. Ghar mei ghuste hi wo bedroom tak aayi aur phir safai karne lagi. Meri biwi ghar per nahi thi shayad isi wajah se. Usne sari pahan rakhi thi, kali sari aur kala hi blouse. Mere samne jab wo jhuk kar jharu laga rahi thi to mujhe...

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A Princess in Abyss

It’s dark. Luckily there’s still some moonlight. In the riven mountains wrapped by a pea-soup fog, a young lady in fancy dress was running, as if being chased by some nightmare. Suddenly she fell down. Alas! Such a pity! The expensive dress got partly stained by dirt, and somehow torn up a little bit. Never mind. It’s still a fine dress. Gorgeous, in fact. It’s a perfect dress for princess, showing her charming figure flattering. Her breath was soft as a feather and sweet like a lily. Her...

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Double Dating With the Parents Version BravoChapter 15

Karen turned down the heat under that goulash and put a lid on the green beans, to keep them warm. She found the children putting out napkins and glasses on the table. "Something to drink," she said, out loud. "Champagne seems appropriate," said Mandy. Karen looked at the girl askance. "I think not," she said. "First of all, it's not a healthy choice for me. Second, you two are much too young to start drinking. What you've already done is more than enough. And lastly, I don't...

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Stepson FantasyChapter 4 Wanda

After the incident of the face painting orgy on the basketball court by her stepson and his buddies, Peggy had to take a break from the boys for a day or two. It had been a surreal, totally spontaneous, and erotic event. She loved the eroticism but felt it would be awkward to be around them so soon after it happened, so Peggy called Wanda. She just had to meet up and tell her partner in ‘Prurient Interests’ her latest tales about the boys. Wanda was a friend from college, who never married,...

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Papa Ne Randi Banaya

Hello everyone. This is Madhvi from Bhopal. I want to narrate a true story that has happened to me. I am 22 years old. This incident happened 2 years ago which changed ma life. I m fair, 5-5 tall with good n sexy body. I was the only child of my parents. I was doing graduation that time and lived in hostel at Nashik away from my parents. My parents were very caring and loving. They used to visit once in a month. There were many college friends who always talked about sex and dirty things. We...

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