Serum Dippity free porn video

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Jake left the science lab hungry and exhausted.

It had been four months, and he knew he was getting into trouble. In the past few weeks, he had been neglecting his classes, and his marks were starting to suffer. As usual, these sort of thoughts only occurred to him after he had spent about thirty six hours straight in the lab.

The student union was closed, and the only place that had food this time of night was Chico's, a sort-of combination fast food and drinking hangout near the Kelly dorm. Jake debated going there; it was across campus and if they had entertainment tonight, they wouldn't let him in as he wasn't 21 yet. Then he would not only be tired and hungry, but he'd have to face the prospect of trudging all the way back to his room still hungry.

He sighed, and headed for his dorm. He might have some Pringle's or other fast food. Or better yet, his roommate may have put some food in the 'fridge.

As he walked toward his dorm, he looked wistfully at the Packer dorm. Somewhere within that building was heaven--in the form of one Jane Missen, an exquisite blonde sophomore who probably didn't even know that Jake existed.

Jake shook his head, but images of Jane--begging him to kiss her, to love her, to ravage her--started dancing in his head. After about thirty seconds, he realized the effect the daydream was having on him; an erection that would probably require him to beat off again in the bathroom. Just what he needed. SHEEESH!

He tried to peel his mind away from Jane, but found that an almost impossible task. He entered the hallway of his dorm, and walked up the two flights of stairs until he arrived at the Men's room. He decided to forgo the relief of beating his meat in the john, but he knew that he would have to take matters into his own hands later.

Jake finally entered his room, and to no surprise, his roommate wasn't there. Bill usually found some excuse to sleep in some other room--usually a room occupied by one or two nubile coeds. Bill was rather amazing that way; in fact, he was the exact opposite of Jake when it came to women. Women found Bill irresistible, and they usually didn't even seem to notice Jake at all.

Normally, two people as widely different as Jake and Bill would hardly seem to find any reason to be friends, but Bill considered Jake one of his best friends: he could confide to Jake just about anything, knowing that Jake would never consider telling a soul. And he told Jake about each and every one of his sexual escapades, which managed to fuel Jake's own fantasies... which usually had Jane in a starring role.

Jake looked into the 'fridge, and saw a carton of milk. He started to pull it out, but his eyes saw the date on the top of the carton: more than a month old. He shuddered at the thought. Looking through the other shelves didn't reveal anything any more appetizing. His stomach complained with a loud growl.

With a sigh, Jake went to the cabinet of last resort... where Bill hid his six-packs of beer. Having alcohol in the dorms was a campus no-no, but Bill had confided to Jake the location of his stash. He unhinged the small panel that hid the booty: a six pack of Budweiser.

Jake took out his wallet, fished out a dollar bill, and after pulling out a bottle of beer, he put the bill on top of the remaining five bottles. Bill wouldn't really mind.

Looking around the room, he found a bowl of microwave popcorn that Bill had apparently made the night before. Popcorn and beer, Jake thought. What a meal!

Jake popped the top off the Bud and brought his little meal to his desk. He took a swig of the beer (ugh! warm beer!) and ate a handful of popcorn. The corn was a bit stale, but still edible. Living on campus for three years had certainly made Jake accustomed to such horrible cuisine.

His stomach temporarily sated, Jake leaned back. He pulled a vial of serum from his shirt pocket. He looked at it with awe. This serum just might work.

Smiling to himself, he put the vial back into his pocket, and closed his eyes. He thought back to the beginning of the school year... and drifted off to a well-needed slumber...

Jake had met Bill the year before, although he had heard of him through the rumor mill the previous year. Bill was on the basketball team, and was rumored to be a ladies' man... and the ladies loved him. They didn't even mind sharing him, so the rumor went.

For the final semester the previous year, Jake managed to get himself into a couple of Bill's courses. Jake, being a 4.0 student, found himself able to offer Bill some help in a few of his courses, and the two quickly became friends.

They made plans to room together the next year. Bill never said anything about his old roommate, and Jake wasn't really that interested... he was glad to have access to Bill.

Jake had always been a bit curious why Bill seemed to have this magical attraction to all the coeds. Jake had himself witnessed a die-hard feminist berate Bill for what seemed like half an hour, only to have Bill smile to her, ask her out... and she accepted!

Without Bill knowing it, he became Jake's unofficial project this year. Jake studied Bill's moves, and when they talked about things, he would usually make sure that they mostly talked about Bill and his conquests. This was easy, since Bill happened to be Bill's favorite subject.

The first thing that Jake noticed was that Bill never really "went after" any of the girls. They usually sought him out. In fact, Bill's general demeanor toward girls was an I-don't-care attitude, which was not what Jake would have first suspected. Jake started to think that the girls would take Bill's attitude as sort of a challenge, which could make him more desirable to them.

This hypothesis didn't pan out a few weeks into the school year, when Bill became hopelessly enraptured by a cheerleader. She seemed, to Jake, to be the female duplicate of Bill: guys would fall all over her trying to do her favors. Bill pursued her like a romantic fool, even to the point of buying her roses. Jake figured that this would probably be Bill's first failure; the girl was a senior and had utter disdain for people like Bill.

Surprise, surprise! The cheerleader received his roses and granted Bill a five-day audience. Nobody heard from either of them until the following Monday, when an exhausted and satisfied Bill arrived back in his dorm room. Bill told Jake about the wonderful weekend with Carey, the cheerleader. They spent most of their time in bed... the entire weekend! Surprisingly, Bill seemed to lose his desire for Carey immediately afterward, and Bill's love life continued as if the event had never happened.

Since it apparently wasn't his demeanor that the girls found attractive, Jake started to look elsewhere for Bill's secret. If Bill knew the secret himself, he didn't indicate it in any way to Jake. In fact, Bill always seemed to be about as surprised as anybody else, including Jake, at how girls seemed to be attracted to him.

In his studies of Bill, Jake knew that most of the girls that Bill managed to sleep with were people that seemed repulsed by a guy like Bill to begin with. They would actually dislike him, until such time as they would actually meet him, when their attitudes would change from dislike to extreme infatuation.

A week or so after Bill's weekend with Carey, Jake and Bill had gone to the mall to do some shopping. They decided to splurge and have lunch at the restaurant in the mall.

When they got there, they were greeted by a surly waitress, who looked like she just swallowed a whole jar of pickles. When they asked for a table, she basically pointed to a table at the far end of the restaurant, and literally threw the menus at the boys.

After about ten minutes, she approached the table.

"I assume you guys are just gonna have coffee, right?"

"Actually, no. We both were going to order lunch," responded Bill.

She looked at him suspiciously. "And you boys have money to pay for this? I've dealt with you college losers before, you know!"

Bill pulled out his wallet and showed her his credit card. The waitress had the fucking nerve to take the card from him... but as she got close to Bill, her attitude suddenly changed.

"I... I'm sorry, um... Bill," she stammered, reading his name off his card. "Let me get you a glass of water... I'll be right back."

The waitress hurried back with a glass of water, which she put down in front of Bill.

"Have you decided what you are gonna have, Bill?" she asked in an almost sweet voice.

"Yeah, just a hamburger and some fries," replied Bill.

"How would you like that cooked?"

Jake piped up, "You mean, cooking it is optional?"

The waitress looked at Jake as if she had just seen him for the first time. Then she looked at Bill expectantly, waiting for his answer.

"Ahh... medium, I guess."

"OK," she said, and started for the kitchen.

"Um, miss..." Jake called after her. She stopped, turned around, and gave Jake a look that would freeze the Atlantic Ocean. Jake summoned up his courage and said, "I'll have a medium burger, too, if you don't mind."

She breathed in and out, and looked as if she were trying to control her temper. She glanced at Bill, sighed, and then turned around to head towards the kitchen.

While the burgers were cooking, the waitress found many excuses to visit their table... she brought over some ketchup; she refilled Bill's water cup. She asked Bill if there was anything else he wanted.

"Just my burger," Bill answered.

The waitress gave a giddy laugh, and headed back to the kitchen. She came back out with two plates. She practically threw one of the plates at Jake, but made a big production out of serving the other plate to Bill. Jake noticed something was different about the waitress, and as the waitress started to snuggle a little with Bill, who was steadfastly attempting to ignore her attentions, it hit Jake that the waitress wasn't wearing a bra! She must have removed it since they arrived!

Throughout the meal, the waitress kept checking in on Bill, asking him if his burger was all right. "I put on a very, VERY special sauce on it," she cooed.

"The burger's fine," he assured her.

By the time the two had finished their lunch, the waitress came back to the table with an ice cream sundae.

"We didn't order that," Jake complained.

"That's alright, it's on the house."

Bill gave Jake a sheepish look that indicated that this had probably happened before.

The boys tried to get a check from the waitress, but she arrived with a glass of water for Bill. Neither of them felt like pointing out that Bill had four glasses of water in front of him already (and there were none in front of Jake!). As she put the glass down, she said "Oops!" in an utterly unconvincing way, and spilled the water on Bill's lap.

"Oh, no! Let me get that up for you!" she grabbed a few napkins and started to rub Bill's lap. As she was bending over Bill, Jake noticed that underneath her skirt, the waitress wasn't wearing anything at all!

"There, there!" she cooed at Bill. After a few seconds, it was getting very obvious that she was rubbing Bill a bit much... in fact, she was giving him a hand job right there in the restaurant! Jake was amazed at this wanton activity.

Bill let out his breath, and asked her sternly in a strained voice for the check.

"Oh, you don't need a check... your burger is on the house."

"And Jake's too?"

"Hmmmmmm? Who?"

"Jake... the guy right over there!" Bill pointed at Jake.

The waitress froze, and then turned as if she were seeing Jake for the first time. She seemed to be aware of her situation all of a sudden, although she didn't stop rubbing Bill. In fact, her other hand was starting to work its way toward Bill's zipper.

"I think we need to leave now," Bill announced.

The waitress looked at Bill, sighed, and then got up. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you... I just didn't want the water to stain your jeans..."

"That's quite all right," Bill said, sternly. "We need to get going."

She nodded meekly, and let Bill get up. It was quite obvious that he had a huge boner from the waitress' rubbing. Nonetheless, he got up, and walked toward the door. Jake got up quickly and followed Bill out. Jake heard a male voice saying, "Miss Johnson, I'd like to have a word with you," as they left.

The encounter with the waitress replayed itself in Jake's mind for close to a week. What could possibly have changed the waitress' attitude like that? It wasn't Bill's looks, or she would have immediately fell for him.

Maybe Bill has some mental powers, Jake mused. He shook his head violently. Nah, that would be like reading minds or transmitting thoughts. But Jake was pretty sure that Bill hadn't been interested in the waitress. She wasn't much to look at, even the glimpse of her naked butt didn't seem to do anything to Jake, who was, as he admitted to himself, quite virgin.

It was only after Bill showed her his card... what was there about his silly credit card that could make her change like that? It was when she bent closer to Bill to read his card...

An idea came to Jake. It was when she got CLOSE to him! Maybe he gives off an aura that girls can't resist?

No. That couldn't be it. He'd have a hard time just walking down the street.

A few nights later, the idea blossomed in Jake's mind. He woke up and said the word "PHEROMONES!" out loud. He shook his head, in an attempt to clear his mind, and the word came back to him: Pheromones.

That's it! Jake thought. Bill's body produces an odor that make females desire him!

Jake was too excited to go back to bed. It was then that he had started his extra-curricular project.

A few days later, Jake visited the gymnasium where Bill was to have basketball practice. He managed to pick the lock leading to the janitor's room, where he found the master thermostat for the building. He put the thermostat up an additional 10 degrees. He figured that nobody would notice the increase in temperature for a few hours, near the time that Bill's practice would end. Jake smiled to himself, removed all traces that he had entered the room.

Jake returned to the gym while Bill was working out with the team. He smiled as he noticed Bill's sweat-soaked T-shirt. He was going to be able to get some samples of Bill's sweat to experiment on!

About halfway through the practice, Bill noticed Jake, commented something to the coach, who nodded to Bill. Bill ran to Jake, pulling off his T-shirt.

"Jake! The gymnasium is scorching today. You think you can find the janitor to turn down the heat?"

Jake simply said, "Sure. I thought it was kinda warm in here."

Bill indicated toward the end of the building. "The janitor's office is down that way. If you can't find him, see if you can find the heater."

Bill pulled off his T-shirt and threw it down on the stands. Jake glanced down at his prize, and then looked quickly at Bill, hoping that he hadn't let the cat out of the bag. Bill was looking at Jake hopefully.

"Oh... um, yah! I can find him for you," Jake stammered a bit.

Jake ran towards the janitor's office, and found the janitor inside looking at the thermostat. Jake smiled briefly to himself, and knocked on the door to get the Janitor's attention.

"The team wants to know if you can lower the temperature in the gym."

"Yeah. I was just about to do that. Somebody must have bumped the thermostat earlier," the janitor replied.

Jake left the office relieved. He walked back into the gym and noticed that Bill was doing some shooting drills minus his T-shirt. Jake glanced at where Bill threw the shirt, and wandered towards it. He pulled off his backpack and dragged it with him. He got to the stands, and put his pack next to the T-shirt. Five minutes later, Jake had left the gym, his pack just a little bit heavier with Bill's shirt.

Over three months later, Jake was stymied. He had extracted about as much from the arm pits of Bill's old T-shirt as he could. He had run analysis on the chemical and biological make-up of the sweat, and had compared it to his own, and found very little different between the two.

He had tried rubbing two teddy bears with each of the samples, Bill's and his own. For an experiment, he had about four freshman females "cuddle" the teddy bears and tell him what they thought. He got nowhere (and a couple of strange looks from the freshmen).

Jake spent more and more time trying to figure out where he had gone wrong. His hypothesis seemed to be sound, but no experiment seemed to corroborate it.

He sat alone in the lab, and his mind idly started daydreaming about Jane Missen. He got himself pretty worked up, and went to the lavatory to relieve himself.

He had gotten to the toilet, pulled down his pants, and found himself staring at his penis. Or, to be exact, at the base of his penis: There are sweat glands down there!

Jake's mind whirled. Was it so simple that he was collecting his samples from the wrong part of Bill's body?

As soon as the idea entered into his head, Jake had a horrible thought. How was he going to collect a pair of Bill's sweaty underwear??? The prospect revolted Jake, but he knew that he was doing this in the interests of science.

Um, yeah. More like the interests of Jake.

It took a week, but eventually Jake got his sample. (I'll excuse the reader from the gory details.)

A comparison between Bill's and Jake's "lower sweat" showed some bigger differences than between the sweat from their armpits. This was encouraging in and of itself.

Jake decided to forgo testing on teddy bears (he didn't want people to suspect what he was up to), and instead focused on analyzing the differences between the two samples.

He started to spend day and night in his lab, driven by the desire to duplicate the magic ingredient.

About a month later, Jake managed to create as much of the serum as he could. It was a tiny vial, but (Jake hoped) it should be concentrated enough to last for a few dozen applications. He had in his hands... a love potion!

With a start, Jake awoke at his desk. There was a bad taste in his mouth... oh yeah... the stale popcorn and the warm beer. Yuck! He shook his head, and suddenly remembered about the serum. Where was it? He reached into his shirt pocket and found the vial. He pulled it out of his pocket, and looked at it, reassured by its presence.

Jake yawned and realized that he was going to need some sleep. He had been up for almost two days straight. He knew from experience that sleeping in his chair was going to give him a major backache the next morning.

Without undressing, Jake dragged himself out of his chair and dropped into bed, without even pulling the covers off.

Despite Jake's desperate need for sleep, he slept fitfully, tossing and turning all night. He had many dreams of Jane Missen, who was offering her body, her eternal love, her very being... to him!

Jake woke up and found himself on the floor next to his bed. He got up, and noticed the clock read 5:!3. AM or PM??? He walked to the window. The setting sun and students wandering toward the student union indicated it was PM. Shit! It was almost evening!

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Sunshine bathed in the jasmine scented water, as was tradition here on the remote plantation that housed the 'Church' of the Sacred Womb, where her father was lone prophet, sent here to give his blessed seed to those worthy of his love. Sunshine, or Sunni as she is often called, stood and stepped out of the old porcelian tub. Drying herself off and placing the white robe, representing her purity, over her body. Not that she was technically a virgin, the churches doctor takes care to medically...

3 years ago
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My YouthChapter 13 Caroline Part 5

I called and Caroline asked me to pick her up and go to A&W. She was a little pensive getting into the car and pretty much stayed quiet the few blocks we had to go. The Bee roared along nicely, the cam giving the car a sexy shake as we idled around, looking for a place to park. Gotta love a good muscle car! Pulling into a slot on the far outside, we could see everyone as they pulled in or circled the place. I waited for Caroline to speak. “Buck, did mom tell you what she wanted to...

1 year ago
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TheDickSuckers Amber Summer I Like Older Men

You’ve had your eye on your step-daughter’s “bestie”, Amber Summer, for quite a while now. After-school study sessions. Sleepovers. Dinners with the family. Family vacations. All of it. And recently you’ve noticed Amber’s been eyeing you! Since Amber’s just had her eighteenth birthday, you’ve got a feeling it’s ON. So why did Amber show up today at your house — out of the blue — with your family gone? Is it ON? Amber starts by...

3 years ago
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In Her GenesChapter 20 Premiere

It took David a week to complete the paperwork involved with starting at USC again, and then he had to scramble to catch up with four weeks worth of material. Melanie, too, was very busy. It was her ambition to get the necessary grades to be accepted at Med School regardless of her celeb status and she spent most evenings at her desk studying. Add to this that Dani was also trying to fit into a very good prep school, and the three young people did not have much time for goofing off. By late...

2 years ago
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The Wedding PhotographerChapter 2

My first full day away from the Job I spent installing some pull up bars in the bathroom. That little chore meant I didn’t have to take the footed cane with me to use the toilet, or to get in and out of the shower. Not only that it was safer as well. While I was at it, I installed new door locks in addition to the ones already on the doors. They were heavy duty bolts. I, frankly didn’t figure I owned anything worth protecting with extra security. I did think my life was worth protecting....

2 years ago
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When daddy caught me watching

It was a typical weekend occurrence whilst growing up. Mum and dad would go out and I would be left at home with just the babysitter for company. One night as I lay in bed, I wondered what time mummy and daddy would return. I soon fell asleep only to be woken in the early hours of the morning as was often the case. Mummy and daddy had arrived back home clearly drunk and still in high spirits from their night out on the town. The babysitter had left and as mummy and daddy finally quietened...

2 years ago
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Helping out a Classmate Chapter 2

You hear Danielle leaving the shower. You’re still lying on the bed, your mind still busy with processing all the events that happened today. Danielle had come to you for help, but it turned out she also wanted something else. After giving each other some oral pleasure, the two of you cuddled. After a couple of minutes Danielle told you she would take a shower. Now, approximately twenty minutes later, she’s standing in the doorway. She’s wearing some grey sweatpants and a black sweater. Her...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 19

Weeta shyly shook my shoulder to wake me for supper. I smiled at her when I realized who it was. After shaking my head gently a time or two I thought I was conscious enough to get up without falling and I followed her toward our cooking fire where I found that eating outside where others could see us was drastically different from eating at our dining room table. Weeta pointed out a large flat rock I was to sit on and then Saytha installed Nagat beside me. I hadn't seen him much during the...

1 year ago
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Charlene part 2

A long, long time ago in a state far away... I had met this great girl, Charlene, over the summer. She was 5'3", blonde hair and was very sexy. After the story in Part 1, Charlene and I were inseparable. I was enjoying her company on every level I thought possible but was soon to learn there were many more levels to come. After our time at the County Fair, we continue our oral feast every time we could. Charlene wanted more but I was too naive (or stupid) to notice the signs. Then came the...

First Time
1 year ago
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Italian Business Visitor a primal fantasy

I get a text message in the early afternoon: "Italian executive at the Mayflower, drinks this evening?" Sounds promising, I respond immediately. Sometimes I dislike meeting for drinks, especially when meeting a client for the first time. Often, it means they're not quite at ease with what they're doing. It can become like an interview where they awkwardly and feverishly try to ask the right questions in order to reassure themselves that you're the right kind of rentboy. Not someone dangerous,...

Gay Male
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She Took It AllChapter 3

We had just made it to the brook when all three kids came running up to us. Kathy said, "Mom wants you back at the house. We kids are supposed to stay at the neighbors until you come get us." "Why?" "Mom got a call from Grandma Waters about Daddy. I think he is coming here." They ran down the path to the people next door. I waited until I saw them go inside the house. "Crap. Shelly's ex is not friendly like mine is. She even had his pay garnished to get something for the kids. I...

2 years ago
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Under One Roof

Saturday 13th October You were eighteen when your girlfriend died giving birth to your daughter, Lauren. Finding out you were going to be a dad when still feeling like a child yourself had been shocking enough. You'd fucked up and were going to have to live with the consequences. Being left alone with a baby tore your world apart. But thinking back to that time eighteen years ago, you know that you were never really alone. They say that, above all else, tragedy brings people together. Your...

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I wake up with you next to me, laying on your side with your back to me. I know we won’t always wake up in each other’s arms but when we aren’t touching in some way even just our feet, it annoys me. But I am not mad. Instead a slow smile crosses my lips as I consider how I want to be close to you.I reach between my thighs and feel my pussy getting wet thinking of what I will do to you. I taste my juices and moan because I am sweet. But this won’t be about me. Or at least, I don't intend for it...

1 year ago
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A Little Bit of Force

"No, I won't!" Evie said, as forcefully as she could, considering that she was trembling with fear. She knew that she was not going to be allowed to rise from the couch because I had shoved her back several times already. "I don't care if you want to or not, just do it." "No, it's dirty and disgusting too! I refuse to do anything nasty like that." "Listen! I not only want it. I need it, so accept that and do it." "I don't even know how to do it, and I...

3 years ago
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my boyfriend uses me again

Introduction: what a night Im Sue biguys wife, this is some of the fun I get up to while hes out being fucked by guys and woman, we both love swinging, or meeting people together or on our own, its all good fun It was wednesday evening, I was ready to head out, when John sent the room number for the Motel we meet at, with a ps, wear some thing really sexy tonight, so I grabbed my grey pleated mini, and a see tho silk top, and heels, that should turn him on I thought seeing myself in the...

2 years ago
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Daughters Pony UrgeChapter 3

Craig knocked on the door of his daughter's bedroom. "You in there, Chrissy?" Christine blinked away the sleep in her eyes. Her face flooded with shock. She gulped. "Y-yes, Daddy." She stammered. She glances at the open closet and her pile of wet clothes on the floor. She thew back the covers to close the closet door before her father came in. Then she gasped, realizing that she naked. She yanked the covers back, her face flushed, her face fixed on the door, her hands holding the...

2 years ago
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So Night Follows DayChapter 13

So Night Follows Day part 13 By T. MaskedWriter with Special Guest Author Susan Bailey “At the tender age of three, I was hooked to a machine, just to keep my mouth from spouting junk. Ha! Musta took me for a fool, cause they chucked me out of school, cause the teacher knew I had the funk. But tonight, I’m on the edge, better shut me in the fridge, cause I’m burning up! YOW! I’m burning up. With the vision in my brain, and the music in my veins, and the dirty rhythm in my...

3 years ago
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Butterfly Beach III torm Clouds Over Eden An Interlude

From the sketchbook of G. McCrossen.Day by day, the desire to be rescued fades. Here, I no longer fear being found out. I feel free. Returning to civilization is far from my mind. Carter tugged insistently on Gavin’s hand as they walked along the beach, the sound of waves crashing against the rocks before sluicing through the tide pools their constant companion. They’d left the camp after devouring a meal enhanced by the pink fruit that had become a staple for the castaways, Grant wanting to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Time with Aunt Amy

I gawked when came out onto the decking. I was sitting half-reclined on one of the loungers next to the pool. It was shady under the big parasol shade but I still had sunglasses on. And I was grateful to have them because at least they gave me some cover to mask my surprise and delight at seeing my ripe, voluptuous Aunt Amy in the two-piece swimsuit.“I hope you don’t mind,” she said from behind her own huge sunglasses, “but it’s too hot to wear mush else.”I gulped down against the inappropriate...

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A Schoolyear with Sarah

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I was really an odd, socially inept person until I was about 14. That is when my love (and sex) life really started. I remember that one day in June, right after school got out. I was hanging around at my house playing World of Warcraft on the new gateway computer I got for getting straight "A"s. I decided to log off. (or log out?) when my...

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Oleander DreamsChapter 7

“Cher, what you need is a good, strong gris-gris.” Agile fingers working a penknife over a small chunk of cypress, Frère Michel grins at me, showing the few teeth he has left. “You give me that ole bourbon you got, and I’ll make you one.” I smile and sip my bourbon and branch water, then tip the glass in his direction. “You know you can’t have it. The doctors say your liver is on its last legs as it is.” We’re sitting close to the bridge leading from Dumaine into Louis Armstrong Park. It’s...

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Home From University Part IV

Fifteen years later.My sister is now thirty-four. She took a job in Canada, straight from leaving university.  Soon afterwards, she met a man and got married. She's had a successful career in Canada but never had any children.Over the last fifteen years, we have met at family gatherings but we had never had any one-to-one time together for catching up. Out of the blue, I received an email from her. She explained her marriage had been in trouble for a few years and that there were changes...

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Fucked And Sucked Innocent Bhabhi8217s Pussy

Hi everyone, my name is Suraj. I have been reading ISS for a long time and I am a fan. I never thought it could actually work but reading ISS stories gave me a lot of courage. That’s why I am going to tell you all about a very exciting incident that happened to me about a few days ago. I recently shifted from Mumbai to Gurgaon and most of my family is situated in Delhi NCR. I have an average size penis but my stronghold is pussy licking. I have been able to blow the minds off girls with my...

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Pheli Chudai Pooja Ke Sath

Hi all ISS reader this is my first story here.mera name Raj he. me Mumbai se hu. meri age 19 yrs he. me 5.5″ ka hu. meri average body he. me ek college student hu. me abhi first year bsc-it me hu. me fair hu, good looking, mera 6″ ka laand he. mujhe sex bhut pasand he isliye me apni 1 sex ki story aapnke sath share karna chata hu. mujhe pe reply karna mumbai girls. Mera first sex mene pooja ke sath kiya tha. pooja meri dur ki relative he. wo bhi mere age ki he. uska figure kuch 32-26-32 ka...

2 years ago
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Mixed Metaphors XII

It was Sunday morning; four am when Becky got out of bed and cruised the front room like a morning watch police officer looking for bodies and various types of damage. Everyone was asleep except her mother’s housekeeper Marta, who was in the kitchen sipping her sixth cup of coffee. Marta’s husband Juan had gone home earlier as their two young daughters and their sixteen-year-old son were home alone. Marta was wondering if the sun would ever come up, as she was very sleepy and still had to...

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Silver ArrowChapter 9 The Darkest Hours

It took me a few minutes to compose myself as we rode toward our destination. "Was it a traffic accident?" I asked at length. "No, sir," Litchfield answered, but said no more. "What was it then? How did she die?" I saw the two men glance at each other before answering. "We believe your wife was murdered, Mr. Hansen," Etchevarry answered. "Oh God, no! How could that be? Who would murder her? Did this happen in our home?" "No, sir," Etchevarry responded. "She was discovered...

2 years ago
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ReunionChapter 3

Reunion: The Conclusion You should read the previous chapters before reading this one, as this is the conclusion. Amy opened the letter and stared at it. The look on her face completely changed. Her mouth was open but nothing was coming out. "What is it Amy? What's the matter?" asked Beth. "This can't be true! It has to be a mistake," said Amy as she turned white. Beth grabbed the test results. "What does it say Beth?" I asked her. She looked up at me with sadness in her...

4 years ago
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my math teacher fucking my twink ass day 3

So I'm sitting here in some pink panties with my dick popping out but I'm not ready to jerk off just yet so I figured I would tell you about the third time I fucked my high school math teacher. So this is the day after we fucked for the first time and two days after I blew him for the first time. If you want those stories, they're on my page. Anywho! Here's the story of the first of many mornings I went in for a fuck.I was only a freshman at the time so my mom had to drive me to school earlier...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 11

Most people ignored the girl who stumbled unsteadily along the sidewalk. Others openly stared at her bloodstained clothes and matted hair. Nobody offered to help. Alexa's headache was getting steadily worse. The bright headlights of the cars hurt her eyes and she felt as though she was going to throw up all the time. A yellow cab skidded and swerved at the last minute, missing her by inches. "Out of the way! Ya stoopid doped-up bitch!" The driver raged at her but she couldn't hear the...

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On MotherInLaw8217s Request

Hi…ISS Lovers… back! If you have missed my two sex stories before, it’s better to read those stories FIRST through my , although this is stand alone incident. Briefly: My wife is beautiful (36DD Type +++ all assets), but the mother-in-law looks her elder sister only! MIL is a professor and has two close friends…Vinita and Brinda. Vinita is from South and Brinda from North India. Incident continuing from the previous story, after the first day (above links) The next day my MIL came (around 11...

3 years ago
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Friends Night Over

One night my wife and I had our mutual friend over to watch a movie and have a chat, and we ended up watching some b-movie and having a good laugh taking the piss. All of a sudden a girl wearing a schoolgirl outfit appears on screen and our friend watched eagerly and states that he always had a thing for girls in uniforms.My wife then disappears upstairs for a while and comes back down wearing her schooly outfit that we use for dressup. Now on a good day my wife looks the part and can be...

2 years ago
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The revenge of Joanne Feldman part 1

The revenge of Joanne Feldman - Part I by Martyna. (c) 2013 This was the most important day on Peter's Moore life. Although he still didn't know it will be also his last. Peter was staying in a cheap hotel room in Berlin together with the US federal agent Brett Curtis. In a few hours they will leave to the Berlin Tegel airport where they would board a plane to Amsterdam and from there another plane to the US. Peter loved his life in Germany and initially he wasn't planning on...

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VacationChapter 11

Day Eleven - Thursday I woke up at seven-thirty starved again but this time I just had oatmeal and coffee after a quick shower that I finished this time. I had some more coffee out on the patio and saw the kids leave for school. Kathy came out of the house and came over in her bathrobe. I got her a cup of coffee. "Steve, I can't stand this," Kathy said "I've put you in so much danger that I can't believe you even allow me to come here and talk to you. She said in a shaky voice, "I...

3 years ago
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ReunionChapter 12

Matt sat at his new desk in the law offices of Marsden & Walker. He picked up the phone, put it down and picked it up again. He checked the number and then dialled. A receptionist answered. 'Jerry McTaggart, please.' 'Who's calling please?' 'Tell him it's an old friend.' 'One moment.' Tinny music played until Matt was put through. 'Hello?' 'Jerry. It's Matt.' 'Matt? I didn't except to hear from you after what I did.' 'It's water under the bridge, Jerry....

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