TandraChapter 32 free porn video

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The ship was now almost a million kilometres astern, when we saw the first strike. It must have been a length of pipe, for debris was scattered out the far side of the ship. The screen flickered, and the ship continued till another length knocked out the shield completely. Small pieces now peppered the surface, making large holes, bodies and parts of the ship were scattered into space.

The tractor vanished, and we accelerated at max, to get out of the path of any further pieces ourselves. Five minutes later, all pieces of metal would have gone by, and we reversed course, to see how much fight was left in the light destroyer. An automatic distress signal, in Tandra, asked for help. The help we were going to give, was not what they wanted.

We matched course, and looked at the damage we had done. Gaping holes went through the ship in many places. The hangar door was open, and I saw a fighter broken up. The shield over the opening was inoperable, debris was still scattering from the stricken bay, and drifting out into space. We pulled into the boat bay, probably what the enemy wanted all the time. Carlton was safer here than he would be in front of the weapons. His thirty metre length fitting easily, into the large bay.

The AI powered suits left first, but drew no fire. Now that we knew the type of ship, we knew the layout. We were going to attack the real captain of the ship. We went through access hatches, and into the inner portion of the ship, before we met any of the present complement.

It had no shield on, and the uniform covered a body about two metres tall and looked to weigh about a hundred and ninety kilos. They did not seem the type to arm wrestle with. A large hole on one side of the body, attested that it would not be getting up. The fact that the body was in a vacuum made it even more reassuring.

We went a dozen at a time through an airlock. Three decks from the centre, we encountered our first hostile. This section held air, and I could see smoke drifting to a grill. An AI battle suit, ran him through, just like in pirate days. There was no energy discharge, to give us away. Turning the corner this changed. The AIs sped ahead, and the weapons told me that there was only minor opposition.

Turning around, I saw a door open, and one of the dog faces came out with something resembling a rifle. I stepped close, and with a backhand slash and the mechanical muscles of the suit, let its head rolled free.

"You were always a pig. For once, I want to get one first," Carl stated.

"Be my guest, the next one that comes close, is yours." There was much more opposition as we got towards the core. We stopped a floor above, and searched through the area, looking for the circuits I knew to be there.

It took a few minutes till I remembered to ask Carlton for directions. The deck was pulled back and I went in now. I did not use too much finesse, but I did not want to damage the ship too much, if we could take it. I came out to find two of the AI suits in this group down.

"You certainly took your time. This is not as much a picnic, as I thought," Carl said.

"You did want your chance," I said, as we cut a hole through the floor and dropped on the surprised soldiers below. Carl seemed to have a lot of fun cutting them up, till they started using their own shields. We had to use the heavy disintegrators at a distance, and then the edged weapons at close range.

By the time we gained the computer room hatch, the corridor was aflame with plasma. Our unit split up, and went each way, while I tackled the computer alone. I didn't have the beacon, but I did have Susan's rope. The suit's display led me to the correct place much quicker. I left the Bo and the sword on the floor, because they would be clumsy to carry in the tight places. I yanked the processor, removed the memory crystals, and started the repair sequence. The computer would be out of commission for many hours. The crystals went in a cloth bag, and after looking around, opened my suit and hung them around my neck. The suit closed, and adjusted itself to the new dimensions.

I pulled on the rope and within seconds, I was out, only to see one of the dog faces take aim at me. The sudden application of gravity outside the computer room, saved me from the bolt. I fired the disintegrator at him, momentarily blinding him, as I ran in his direction. The continuous fire from my suit kept the target from seeing my approach. I put my weapon directly on his shield over the generator, and fired. The gun blew up and pushed me back. My suit corrected, and I saw a big hole in the blackened corpse.

I picked up its weapon and found I could make it work, but it was difficult in the gauntlets. I retrieved the Bo and sword, and ran to the rest of my unit, that was without Human supervision.

"Carl, are you getting your quota?"

"About time. Did you have a nap?"

"Yes, I am fully rested now."

The weapons in my suit were largely ineffectual against the new battle suit, that came at us. Their weapons were no better though. Our mechanical augmentation was better, for they relied more on their own strength, I thought. I had been questing in all the opposition minds, and found that they were completely blocked. I felt nothing on my own mind, so they were not attacking this way either.

We had been fighting for hours. We used the controllers to manoeuvre around the opposition, and hit them from the rear with heavier weapons.

I came to a large door, and pried it open. There was no opposition, so I went in, to look for some resistance, that would attack my rear. The rest of the squad guarded the entrance. A red light came on and a conveyor started. I turned quickly and fired. A long row, of what looked like pork, disappeared. I recognized the projectors on the wall. This was a large stasis chamber, for storing their food. Bending down I scanned the floor under the continuously revolving meat, looking for any of the enemy, that would be hiding in the back. All I saw, was portions of the meat, that I had not destroyed, with my initial blast.

The hooks of meat caught my attention. The racks of ribs and haunches were small and somehow looked familiar. The conveyor continued to turn, and I examined many portions. I looked to the right, and found a Tandra girl, her legs and arms removed, and the torso hanging from a hook. Turning to the other hooks, I found many sections of Tandra flesh, hanging from them.

I was stunned at what I saw, the girl looked about the same age as Sandy or Star and the rest looked even smaller. How could this be? A haze came over me, they had killed Tuyen, and I remembered revenge.

My head violently went back and forth. Carl's voice, rose and fell, pain on my cheek, dead; all dead; they killed my girls. I felt so much pain. Let me die.

"Wake up, you son of a bitch." More pain to my cheek. I felt myself being dragged. I closed my eyes for just a second. I opened my eyes and saw a pretty sphere. I wanted to touch it, but it moved. Tired so tired.

"Henry wake up."

"Yes Mom. Just a minute."

"Henry wake up now!"

I stretched. Aah my back is so sore. My arms hurt. What is that thing on my leg? A warm bundle of hair is on my left. Black hair, and a face with big eyes.

"Roger, How ar'..."

Roger flung himself on my chest. His upper arms wrapping tightly around my neck, and his lower, my chest. "I lub you. Don' go way." My arms went around him, and I felt discomfort in each of my limbs.

Star came into the room, and I noticed for the first time, that I was back in my house. In her hands was a tray, with a single flower. She laid it beside the bed and I smelt bacon, eggs and toast.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Why are you so worried?" I had only caught a glimpse before her mind, closed to me.

"You... you were hurt, and I was worried that you wouldn't come back to us the way you left."

"How do you mean?"

Susan and Secric came into the room. Susan wiping her hands on a damp cloth. "It is about time you woke up. We have all been worrying about you. Mom said you would be alright, but most of us had our reservations."

"Mom; she's back?"

"Yes, as good as new, or maybe even better. She has some choice words for you. If she had a knee, I would be worried for my bottom, if I were you."

"What did I do?"

"Ran off half cocked, with an antique ship, armed with even more antique weapons, with half-baked plans to take on a destroyer. Mom was so mad, I thought she would kill you, if you had not almost done the job yourself."

I remembered some of the fight now. It was as if my mind wanted to hide the entire affair from me. "I feel fine. I don't remember getting hurt. I am a little sore though."

"Carl brought you back. He lost a portion of his leg, and he was carrying you."

"Oh God, Carl. How is he?"

"He was in a lot better shape than you. You ran around that ship killing everything. Your AI gathered the other battle suits with you, and the whole lot of you took the ship. Not one of the crew lived, and you even killed the little parts, that you found again and again."

"I don't remember too much of that."

"Well you did. You were burnt over much of your body. You lost both legs and an arm. The anti-gravity and the AI kept you going long enough, to finish all of them off. Mom sent Carl and Carlton back out to nudge the ship into a stable orbit. It is around one of the Langrage points, I think L2. Earth has gone on a war footing. They have footage of Mom's hull on the moon, and recordings of your escape from the moon. They now see the mangled destroyer, parked over their heads, and wonder if they are going to be invaded next."


"Didn't you hear a thing I said? You were to all intents and purposes, dead. If it were not for the autodoc, you would be, and all of us would have to carry on without you. You are so inconsiderate sometimes, I forget why I put up with you. My sisters wanted to leave you in the tank. That way, we will know you are safe. Do you know what we went through, worrying about you before you went away, and then how we worried we were, when you came back more dead than alive? We have..."

I interrupted, there would only be more of the same. "Mom is alive?"

"Yes, she is doing a lot of housework. All the things she felt were done wrong before, are getting changed. The fabricating unit is working. The food synthesiser has been given a low priority, and everything is going into armaments. While you were peacefully sleeping, Carl had installed a matter transmitter to take all the sewage, and duct into our septic system."

I had to pry hard to get around her block. Behind it, I found that she had almost gone crazy, over worrying about me, when she saw the way I came back in. I just opened my arms and said, "Come here, Honey."

She ran around to the other side of me from Roger, and cried as she let all the anguish she felt, flow out. Great racking sobs followed, and all I could do is hold her, and whisper how much I loved, and missed her.

"I was so afraid. Don't ever do that to me, again."

"I love you, but I can't promise that. The base is still not secure, and neither is the system now." Secric looked at us while she wrung her hands. I could see her desperate need for love and security. "Come here, on top."

Secric raced like a little girl, climbed on top of me, and held tight. It was her turn to cry, and cry she did. Susan and I held her, and eventually a small black arm reached out and held her too. Star was still beside the bed, wanting to feed me my breakfast, and suffering her own brand grief at the way I came back.

When Secric got over the worst of her crying I got her to trade places with Roger. I kissed the child, and held him tight. "Thank you for watching me, Roger, and thank you for telling the rest, where I was. I needed the help, or I would still be in there."

I moved him over and beckoned Star. She came cautiously into the bed, and hugged me fiercely, trying to keep me from ever leaving her again. I looked into her mind, and found a blocked portion.

"Star, what is the matter. I would never be angry at you. What are you hiding?" Her block became total and her crying got louder. He body quaking with, 'her shame', or what?

Roger, I could see was feeling jealous. I could see a baby, and he would not be able to give me one. "Star are you going to have my baby?" The crying intensified, and the women held her tight. They sympathized with the girl's feelings. Secric wanted one of her own, and Susan wanted to be first.

"Susan are you going to have one too?"

"I have been off the pill for a while, but I think my lactation has kept me from getting pregnant."

"You know, I want you to bear, some of my children." Then looking at Star. "I want you to have my baby too." Star cried again, but out of happiness. Children were a Tandra woman's prerogative, but she wanted me to love the child the way she would. She had her feet in two worlds and didn't know how I would react.

I heard the front door open, and a heavy tread, come up the steps. Carl poked his head in, and walked to the bed. He said, "Just as I figured. You get singed a little. The women all flock to you, while Doris was pissed off, that I left to go on a business trip. There is no justice at all."

I had my own big smile, and said, "I heard you hurt your leg. I am sorry to hear that, but I see you are getting around fairly well. I didn't even see your old limp."

"The company medical plan is great. The old leg had a bit too much shrapnel, and would set off the airport detectors. The new one does not have any arthritis either. I had to hide it from Doris for a while, because it was so pink. The old leg was good for some parts, and got me healed quicker than you. They cleaned up all the other stuff that was going to give me problems, later. My love life has got a lot better recently, but it will never get as good as yours."

"If you only knew, how back-breaking the labour is, you would be very happy with Doris." Susan elbowed me, then the other two, to make sure I got the point. The girls got up, and gave me room to talk to Carl. Roger was not relinquishing his position at all.

"What happened Carl? I don't remember much."

You ran around killing Dogfaces. You picked up a heavy gun, and used it to cut up anything that was alive or dead. For a while you reminded me of the terminator with his minigun. After it took too many hits, you used other weapons. I had a rough time keeping up to you, and taking out the flankers. There weren't too many after you passed. You got one leg shot off, and the AI did first aid, and kept you up. You got an arm shot off, and then the other leg later. Again the AI kept you going. You were so crazy, that the suits all went crazy too, they all felt the same way. I will always remember you with no legs, floating forward, with only one arm, and a gun in it, killing the Dogfaces. Your suit was smoking, and the other suits took the hits for you. Even after killing them all, you would not quit. If the suit hadn't failed, then you would probably still be up there, cutting the parts smaller and smaller."

"Thanks for saving me. If you remember, I went that way before. You were the one then, to save me as well."

"Well it wasn't only me. Frank, John and Johnny 2 did as much as I did."

"How did you get your leg shot up?"

"I wasn't as particular as you, about killing them. I thought that once was enough. I put a big hole through one guy. When I turned to say hello to his brother, the first one saws into my leg. Mom actually was able to repair it, and removed all the old problems."

"I am sorry for putting you through that, Carl."

"Hell, it was fun, just like the old days. I got a better leg out of the deal, and got all my other ailments fixed. How many other people besides you, can say that they stopped an invasion from the stars, and I got to fly the ship home?"

"The old days were not that fun, but we had our moments. What has been happening in the world?"

"I have been busy here. Since Charlie knew something about us, I gave him the job of making a report. I can drive to the Bay and get it, if you want? I don't think you want it over the phone."

"You're right, but we can leave it for now. Susan and I have to make the trip anyway. Her parents, and the staff have been watching the dojo long enough. I would like to tell them about, how I am finally taking her off their hands."

"You are such an asshole sometimes." Susan retorted, "My parents knew long ago that I was going to get you one way or another. This just means that they will know a date. Besides, you are not getting out of that bed. Your legs, arms and the rest of your body, are not ready yet."

"Let's find out. Carl, come over here, and help me get up."

"Roger, you will have to let go sweetheart, so that I can get up."

He reluctantly let go, and Carl helped me get to my feet. My new appendages were as Carl said, pink. There was little or no hair. My pubic hair was gone, and I looked at my dick, and noticed that I had grown while in the tank. I took faltering steps, till Secric came over and supported my other side. I guided us to the mirror, and looked at my face. The scar I had since I was a kid, was gone, as well as the gold tooth. A real one looked back at me. There were no whiskers, so somebody had to have been shaving me, or the hair was discouraged from growing. My bushy eyebrows were not as bushy any more, and my hair was very short in places, and longer in others. It would all grow-in, in time.

Secric, then Carl, left me as I tried my new legs. They felt as good as the old ones. The dark veins were not visible. The arm felt just a little slow, lucky it was not the right, even though I seldom used a pen for a signature anymore. The paunch I was trying to get rid of, was gone, and hard muscle had taken its place, when I pinched.

I could use a trip to the barber, but Susan could do a good enough job.

Well, there was one more person to thank. "Mom, I have greeted the rest. I have missed you, and I am glad you are back."

"Hello Henry. When I woke up, after integrating with all this equipment, I found that you had already gone. If you had stayed, we could have found a way to defeat Carl's Dogfaces. You took an unnecessary risk, in what you did."

"Mom, I love you, but you are full of shit. There was no way to get them in time, and you know it. Besides, it was not that bad. The Dogfaces are not used to people fighting on their ship."

"Not that bad... I saw the images from your recorder, and know everything that you saw on the ship, and the way you acted later. Who is full of shit now?"

"We... you could be right. By the way. Why did you park the ship where Earth will see it?"

"They already know of your escapades, in getting away from the other base. My hull is still in plain view. They will not know any more, by seeing a damaged ship in orbit. When the other ships, come to find out about what happened, then Earth will have had some warning."

"Did you interrogate the AI from the ship? When will they be coming?"

"I have built a device, to allow us to force it to tell us all it knows. The 'when' is just standard procedure, for a military ship."

"Mom, the uniforms were different. They could have been a clan, or even raiders of some sort."

"True, but we can't take that chance, until I find out, all I can, about the AI."

Mom told me that she had taken control of system security. She was pleased with ships getting repaired again on the moon. The moon base was shaken up, but little damaged in my escape. The ship AIs were working hard to get the boys turned into cadets.

I asked her in a private way, "What do you think of the Tandra bodies on the ship? They looked like they were being eaten, along with some others. What if they come here? I have to protect my family."

"I have done some studies. The Tandra bodies I examined, are slightly different. Their brains indicate, that they no longer use their mental powers. This may only be an isolated colony. The other bodies are of two races that I am familiar with. One is not too different from the Dogfaces themselves. From stomach contents, I know that the bodies you found, were indeed being eaten. There were three Tandra on the ship, that did have proper brain functions. They appeared to be helping the dogfaces, probably under duress. They were all dead in the first strikes."

"The Dogfaces have to die. Nobody should eat intelligent beings. They have the technology to eat anything they want, synthetically."

"I am not programmed for genocide, but over the years my own programming has changed. I tend to somewhat agree with you."

"Good. Have you done anything in designing a missile housed in a galvanized shell?"

"Yes Henry, I am ahead of you."

"There is one more thing, I am going to be a daddy soon, and would like to know, what you thought of being a grandmother." I got no reply, so I think she is still working on it.

Susan did cut my hair, and we travelled in the van to see her parents. I now wore the command suit, inactivated, under my clothes. Susan didn't want to, but wore one as well, for me. I took two small communicators with me. They were intended to be used by primitive beings, and as such, were very large, almost two centimetres square and a millimetre thick. A series of small holes were just inside the perimeter.

The van handled the same as it did in the summer. When I came to ice or snow though, it continued on as if it were a train on tracks. I knew its abilities now, and restrained myself from going faster. I didn't want to have the OPP clock me around the speed of sound. A lot of people would get even more interested, in this area, all of a sudden.

Same as Tandra
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30 days down335 to go

About 30 days ago I agreed to be locked up in chastity. One month gone and only eleven months to go in my one year agreement. My key holder dropped by to spend the afternoon with my wife and I. My key holder announced it was time for my inspection. She had me strip my clothes and go get the hand cuffs. Then when I returned she had me lock my hands behind my back. I heard the click of the hand cuff as it locked and looked up at my wife. She had a devious smile on her face. Normally when she...

2 years ago
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A coach and a quaterback

Jack sat on the bed his back against the head board. Now the head coach for his high school football team, and at 25, his years of sports and gym training left him with a hard hairy muscular body. At 6 feet his shoulders were broad and hard as steel. Big guns and thick muscled forearms. Hard chiseled pecs. Sexy cut abs with a dark trail of brown fur leading all the way to his dense pubic bush. Jack liked the way he looked with a slight 5 o'clock shadow so he managed to always keep that sexy...

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A Ghostly HauntingChapter Eight

Chapter Eight by Simon Fear Lisa and Steve Logan sat on the couch with their 13-year-old daughter between them. John Reihnholt and his 15-year-old daughter Vicky who was still just wearing her red bikini top and Jean shorts, sat on the smaller couch. Sgt. Lomack from the police dept. and Investigator Dermweiler from the State Police were standing before them going over the last bit of the details that the girls had given them. Shortly after the arrival of the police they had located...

3 years ago
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My Mature Neighbor Natalie

Over a decade ago I moved into an apartment block, it consisted of two small housing units attached by the side. The first time I looked at the building I was thoroughly unimpressed, my real estate agent was relaying useless information about the area, price and so on. I probably wouldn’t have bothered with such a bore of an apartment as I had a vast sea of opportunity within the area’s real estate. But that was all before I laid eyes on my soon to be neighbour, Natalie. Natalie wasn’t...

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New Delhi and Agra Boys

I wheeled my suitcase out of the New Delhi Oberoi Hotel, numb from a three-day publishers’ conference and more than ready for the three days of letting down and experiencing that I’d added on to my itinerary. I was checked out of the Oberoi, though, as nice as it was. I didn’t want any of my hoped-for experiencing to be mixed in with meeting any of the people who’d attended the conference with me. I was following the whispered directions of Chet. We shared a fetish that neither of us could...

3 years ago
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Games 3 Chucks Gaming NightChapter 4 Amber makes a mistake

As they all took their places again, it suddenly got a little quiet, everyone watching Chuck set his timer again. It was different this time, as each one was pretty sure it did not matter who was ahead, they had all agreed with Jackson’s idea. As they played the game, glancing over at the naked girl often, it was with a great deal of anticipation and lack of patience. As Goosh’s turn came up, he muttered, “Come on already ... I’m dying here!”. Niki, settled once again on Chuck’s lap, idly...

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My First MFM threesome turned into way more

This story is about a true event that happened in my life; however, I will not disclose the real names of the people in the story. Nobody has the right to publish or use my story without my written permission, enjoy! I met a couple who I will call Tom and Jessica the first time I went to a nudist camp north of Dallas. They were sitting in a wood line area and I was just floating around the camp look around and enjoying my first nudist experience. As I walked past them, they said hi, I said hi...

2 years ago
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Kurumbu Thanamaana 32 Vayathu Teacherai Oothen

Hi friends, enathu peyar Harish, vayathu 27 aagugirathu, en thambi school padithukondu irukiraan. En mama adikadi avanai school sendru azhaithu vara soluvaar pinbu kalaiyil schoolku azhaithu sela soluvaar. Athanaal naan avanai school azhaithu seluven, oru naal school latetaaga sendrom appozhuthu thambi ennai teacher idam vanthu late aidichunu solu liana ena veliyila nika viduvaanga endru solinaan. Sari vaada endru avanai class roomku azhaithu sendren appozhuthu thaan avalai paarthen angu irukum...

3 years ago
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My short dick is a favorite

If you have read my stories you already know that I'm a married man that has a wife ( Linda ) that fucks around. Up untill last Friday my small think penis was never useful to my wife. Once I talked her into going outside the marriage for sex she hasn't had a need for my extremely small dick. As a matter of fact she started buying me different styles of chastity devices and keeping me locked up for a month at a time. This was what I had excepted as being normal. I enjoyed hearing her tell me...

2 years ago
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Fiona puts on a show Chapter 6

Fronting up to the office was a jolt to the system after my adventures with dogs. It kept me grounded. I even welcomed the friendship of Teena who I knew wanted to make out with me. A possibility that was becoming more attractive. I decided to flirt a little bit to see what happened. Of course my other interest, being a K9 bitch, I had to keep secret. Teena was hard at work and I came up to her. “How was your weekend honey” I asked. Teena was surprised and just said “it was ok”. “Did you visit...

2 years ago
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Journey to Love

I (Eternal Lover) am in normal text and she (Lover Eternal) is in italics. We wrote this together, this is a true love story. Note: There is no sex in this first past of our story, that will come later. I looked deeply in her eyes, my lips automatically smiled and I spoke these three precious words “I love you”. I placed my left hand on her shoulder and my right palm touched her left cheek gently. My lips again said “I love you” as I lightly rubbed her skin with my thumb. I held her face...

4 years ago
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Taking a bathroom break

In the last story about my escapade with teasing a Canadian guy on cam, I mentioned in the very beginning, if you caught that, how I said that one of my original plans for the day was to go to the 4th or 5th floor of the library and masturbate in the bathroom stall...again. I owe a much clearer explanation for that.It all started on a Wednesday in October. I remember that it was a Wednesday because I was a part of this swing dance club (yes, you read that right, a swing dance club on a college...

2 years ago
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A MILF Takes A Younger Man For The Night

We hired two college boys several summers ago.   In exchange for lodging in a cabin on our farm and a small salary, they do odd jobs and then play baseball in a summer league for some of the better players in the central Atlantic Coast region.   My husband and I were going through a bit of a rough patch for some reason and he was away at a medical conference in Brussels for two weeks.   I was – along with our farm manager – coordinating work schedules and the like and was not real happy...

2 years ago
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Hope and BetrayalChapter 3

The Waterbury was a membership country club, but the restaurant was open to anyone with the money to pay the outrageous prices they charged for your dining pleasure. I’d taken a couple dates here before, so I knew the game. Today’s ticket was gonna hit me for a couple of bills; that was just the reality. But I had the money and I had a mission. I was definitely figurin’ on hooking up with one Lea Scott—long term, maybe for life: yes, love at first sight and all of that. “This is very nice,”...

4 years ago
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Ring of Rheoli Part 1

The Ring of Rheoli - Part 1 By GreenComet Prologue Kyle and Jake were extremely close ever since they were children. As teenagers they shared similar interests, mostly video games, baseball and other hobbies. You would never find one without the other, that was, until recently. Over the last year Jake had met Susie, a fairly pretty nineteen-year-old brunette. Although she had a toddler, she seemed to make Jake happy, and in return Kyle was happy for them. They were even all...

4 years ago
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The Summer Ill Never Forget Day 2 Part 1

Day 2 The next morning came. Stephanie woke up to the smell of coffee more to the point espresso. She lifted her head. Holy hell. Her head was splitting. Man did she get wasted last night. Everything was a blur. After a few moments of holding her head she took the first step and sat up. What the??? Her room was trashed. She felt something move and she looked over and saw him, Jack. Jack was all tied up. She guessed she did win last night she thought to herself. Much good it did her to enjoy...

3 years ago
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My New Relationship A Love Letter

You are a woman of rare desire. Your need to be taken and used is found in so few females my love you know what a woman is capable of. You know what limits she can be brought to. You understand what women were were born to do with the men that love them. You crave the intense burning that comes to your insides when you are taken by your man and brought to the place where he will make you become as female as you were meant to be. I know that your nipples respond first as they swell with the...

1 year ago
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Armis IoChapter 24

500 Pearl Street, New York, N.Y. To use an old movie cliché, the pages on the calendar turned. Three months later... Federal District Judge Carmela Samosa presided over her part of the Southern District of New York. She looked down at David X. Helm, of the firm of Robinson, Shapiro, Shapiro and Helm. He was standing at the plaintiff’s lectern and no one was standing at the defendant’s. The audience part of the room was filled with lawyers representing others plaintiffs. Helm: “If it please...

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A Much Awaited Sex With My Colleague

Dear readers, Thank you for admiring my previous post long back in 2014 April “sex with my big boobed neighbor”. I am here to share my new experience with you all. I joined a Software company in Bangalore. A girl joined along with me in the same month in my team. She is hot with big boobs; round and 36+ in size. She used to mingle with me a lot and we used to have coffee every day. She has a boy friend whom she married now. She is very friendly and used to poke me all the time during work and...

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MistyChapter 6 Our Surprise

Milton and I drove and talked about, what else? Girls. I was telling him about Misty's mom and what a hot woman she was. We both said to bad that she is not available for some fun. We checked out a couple of titty bars but they were both to smoky for either of us. Neither of us smokes and do not care for the smell. We went to another place, a rather country & western dance hall. Again this place was filled with smoke and as we were about to leave we got our surprise. Walking in the door...

3 years ago
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Mrs Denver Spanks Mother and Daughter Part Two

Please do read Part One first: Mrs. Denver spoke very clearly and firmly, “Mrs. Howe, you will be first now, the strokes will be more spaced out, and I repeat they will be rather harder than the first six.” Mrs. Denver smiled when she remembered of course she had given both ladies seven strokes, the seventh being the penalty they both had to pay because Mrs. Howe had stood up after the first stroke, a definite no no, and an act everyone knew was never tolerated by the Principal. Olivia had...

4 years ago
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First time for Everything Part 3

I cancelled my Pilates class to come home early, saying I didn't feel well. Well, I felt fine, just super horny. I spoke to Matt earlier in the day and he was the exact same, telling me he couldn't wait for me to get home from work to have me. "The past few weeks have been so crazy. I want to keep going! I'm wicked excited for you to get home. I bought some wine." He had said."This all started over a bottle of wine! haha. Clever honey. I've been wet constantly since the other night that you...

Oral Sex
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Exposing and Masturbating at Sams Club

So, hubby tells me this morning we need to go to the Sam's Club in Knoxville, Tennessee. He told me to be sure to dress real sexy and pack my g-spot vibrator with me. First he told me to suck him off before we left. I knew I was going to play the submissive role today. We switch it up and love to play different roles in our sex life.He stripped naked and got on the edge of the bed and instructed me to get naked as well. He told me to give him a little show while he stroked his cock to get it...

1 year ago
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For Old Time Sake

After she left; I just couldn't get her off my mind. She was the prettiest girl in our senior class; about 5'9" with shoulder length dark brown hair and dreamy brown eyes and luscious long legs. My buddies and I all dated her at one time or another. Marilyn was the biggest practical joker I ever knew; that was the reason I laughed when she said she was dying. In school she always was pulling some kind of prank. She was a fun date in more ways than one. Marilyn could give the best blowjob of...

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Finished A Tentacle Problem

"Alright Nate, take us there." "Roger that. Computer, set a course to sector 51." Our spaceship lurched, changing directions to head towards our new destination. My name's Coda, and I'm a space pirate alongside my partner, Nate. We spend our days and nights scouring the vast reaches of space in search of loot, food and hapless captives to tie up and molest for our pleasure. Sounds cruel? Maybe, but being in space for so long, with so little company tends to do some twisted things to...

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The War of the CrystalsChapter 15 Flying

It was mid-morning when Jack rolled out of bed. The three concubines had worked Jack over for hours the night before, and it had been a real group party. While one of them had been enjoying his cock, the other two were working her over also, usually with the sex toys they had bought. Jack had asked Lisa what Booker & Blakely would do for an ad campaign for the Energizer Bunny if they really wanted people to know what their batteries were being used for. The only answer he got was an...

3 years ago
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Fucking Aunt Sunita

Hi ISS readers this is Sam from Delhi. This is my first story I am writing here it’s a true incident happened to me when I was 19 and doing my BA in Delhi. I stayed in my grand ma’s village with her and because my only uncle (my mom’s brother) and his wife settled in Bangalore. Hence my parents forced me to stay with my grand ma, who’s alone and looking all agricultural work. She’s a typical village lady giving more importance to farming than household activities.In our house there are three...

1 year ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 131

A nice vehicle was the only luxury Phil had permitted himself on his western trek. He bought a Mustang convertible because he couldn’t rent a car and he wasn’t about to pay for a car service. He had already decided he was going to have it shipped back east when he left. It was time for the sensible sedan to disappear from the driving rotation – or maybe to serve if they ever went to the demolition derby. He knew he’d have a hard time convincing Hailey to give it up, though, so he figured it...

3 years ago
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Losing ItChapter 2

I had managed to reach the age of eighteen with out having one incestuous thought and then during a weekend when my parents were gone I ended up having a red-hot incestuous affair with my sister. I blackmailed my sister into finding me a girl to take my hated virginity and when she couldn't find one she did it herself. When it was over she had said, "You don't feel the least bit bad at fucking your own sister do you?" Before I could answer she said, "Of course you don't. You would have...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 29 Five Cents Please

February 2, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “Father, bless!” I said, greeting Father Basil at our usual diner in Bridgeport. “The Lord bless you, Stephen,” he said, making the sign of the cross over my upturned palms. I kissed the back of his hand and then we sat down in a booth. “I haven’t seen you for some time. I talked to Andrei but he said he doesn’t see you, and Tasha hasn’t been to church since last summer.” “A lot has happened since the last time I was at Saint Innocent of Moscow,” I...

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Becoming Her Chapter 3 my femininity dawn

Chapter 3 … my femininity dawnWill it was inevitable, but I was confused…..All my Senses, all my thoughts, all my feelings, all those screaming in my mindSaying that I am a girl !!But my mind couldn’t understand it, everything, everyone & everything around me says am a boyI understand am gay boy but that not make me a girlTill that night ……..It wasn’t a long time in that gang, till I had bigger circles of friends, friends who share the same desires and feelings Some were boy and some where...

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House Girl XIConclusion

I felt a weariness overcoming me that I could not fight. The nanobots that I have come to rely on to control my world were no longer under my control. I had been infected with a virulent strain that had replaced the command structure of my inventions, leaving me to be manipulated by… me. I know it seems odd, but until just a few hours ago, I thought I was Dr. David, pioneer in the field of manipulating human behavior, inventor, weapon designer and professor. And then I met the real Dr....

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 18

Regan unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned over to kiss Andy as soon as he stopped the car. She didn't care that her butt was in the car's side window and anyone walking past could see. She took the opportunity to run her hand up the leg of his shorts and play with his dick – which had lost its erection during the drive. Elizabeth Pena and Paul Manley were the first people to greet the couple as they walked up the house where the party was being held. Elizabeth wrapped Regan in a hug while...

4 years ago
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My Real Love Ragini Part II

Hi All Guys & Girls, This is Chhavi (Male) again! How r u all? You have read my previous post {My Real Love Ragini}. I don’t know it’s true or just fake that most of the people says that they have received many responses from the readers. Because I haven’t received a single response, but I m sure that many people’s must have read that. Anyways, I m narrating the next part of that. You have read that Me & Ragini met for the first time and we made Love to each other but without intercourse as I...

3 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 79

While the Dodgers were taking the two games in Washington from the Nationals, the Indians and Rays were locked in a struggle in the ALCS. With the additional two days needed for the Wild Card Showdown, the league had eliminated two travel days during the playoffs – one during the divisional series and one during the championship series. That meant the teams played Friday afternoon in Washington and flew back across the continent for a Saturday night game in Los Angeles. Cleveland was a lot...

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trannyslut wird in Damenunterwsche auf dem Parkplatz vergewaltigt

Einmal hatte ich auf meinem Lieblingsparkplatz bei Köln unheimliches Glück. Ca. 15 Minuten, nachdem ich dort in rosa Unterrock und Strapsen gewartet hatte, kamen zwei Gays auf mich zu und zogen mich hinter die Büsche. Einer rammte mir sofort seinen Hammer in den Mund während der zweite von hinten in mich eindrang. Während wir noch fleissig dabei waren, kam plötzlich ein dritter Mann dazu, kniete sich seitlich vor mich und verwöhnte mich oral. Zuerst spritzte der Gay, der mich von hinten fickte,...

2 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 26

"Alpha Team in position. I count three in the kitchen on the North side of the building. They're all sitting at a table, looks like they're eating." The sniper removed his hand from the throat microphone and sighted his Barrett on the girl. "Damn crime to kill a girl that pretty without getting some use out of her," he whispered to his partner, who was also sighting in. "Orders are orders." The man shrugged. "Nice slippers she's got on." He focused on the stuffed pink rabbits....

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My Mistress Made Me

My pocket is vibrating again. I hope it is instructions from her. As I reach in my pocket to get my phone my heart is beating faster and I feel my cock swelling. Check your mail is all she says. Opening my email I immediately see an image of her long legs and sexy lingerie. Her instructions are: “I want you to tease him. Walk past his office when you leave for the day and make sure he sees your hard cock bulging in your pants. Then jerk off on the drive home and cum hard just for me baby and...

1 year ago
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BellesaFilms Karla Kush Breathing Exercises

Karla’s yoga class, in its beautiful outdoor setting, was one of Isaiah and Julia’s favorite activities to do together as a couple. The poses and breathing exercises are intended to synchronize you with your partner. When Isaiah’s girlfriend Julia cancels, they’re not sure what to do. Karla decides she’ll teach him anyway, that way they could practice at home —but as she starts guiding his body he keeps looking back at her, through the corner of his eye. They take deep breaths together but he...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 27

The U.S. of A. government at work! This is an actual letter sent to a man named Ryan DeVries regarding a pond on his property. It was sent by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Quality, State of Pennsylvania. This guy's response is hilarious, but read the State's letter before you get to the response letter, you won't stop once you start. WOW Love this man. This is an actual letter: State of Pennsylvania 's letter to Mr. DeVries: SUBJECT: DEQ ... File No .97-59-0023;...

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