CastleChapter 2 free porn video

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She took a laptop computer, then went on line somehow. When she finished her research she said, "This one is an ace inhibitor. It might control your heart rate and your blood pressure. Since you aren't going to be shot at again, you might not need the other blood pressure one. However, if it goes up again, you are going to take the pills even if I have to dissolve them in your coffee.

"Most of the others are crap to make you relax. I don't figure you are going to need them anyway. I am going to keep you relaxed." She smiled a very wicked smile for a doctor. "This one," she said thrusting a white pill at me. Is for your cholesterol you need it, and you need an aspirin."

"Okay Aspirin in the morning, the white one at night." It was all foolishness, but I didn't plan to be over medicated.

"Okay, I can live with that, and I hope you can." Her words carried that medical mumbo jumbo quality meant to impress the hell out of me. It loses something when you have pulled the sawbones out of a crap hole, where she had been cowering.

"So Doc, where are you going to spend the day?"

"I have some loose ends to tie up at the Doctors Without Borders office, then I should buy some real clothes."

"Does that outfit pay you?" I asked it because I had assumed that it was a charity.

"Not really, just enough to keep the payments up on my Visa card and my student loans."

"Then do you need money?" I asked it because I felt bad for allowing her to take care of me. As you might guess, I was fiercely independent.

"How sweet of you to offer, but I always need money. I suppose it is time I try to forge a compromise in my thinking. I guess I will try to do good works and get paid for them at the same time."

"The rural clinic thing I suppose?"

"It does have an appeal these days." She seemed to enjoy looking me in the eye when she told me of her plans. Autumn was a very bold woman it seemed.

"I imagine you have the background for it. The kind of medicine you have been practicing has to have been similar."

"Hell, a good paramedic could have done what I did the last few years. But then they can do most of the stuff a family practice doctor does as well. So the short answer is, yeah I am qualified."

"If it is what you want, I hope you can find a place."

"I honestly haven't given you a chance to tell me no, have I?"

"Why would I want to say no, you do whatever you want, I owe you remember?"

"Oh, I think we are even. However if that is what it takes to get you into bed, then you owe me big time. See Jake honey, I am gonna be shameless in my pursuit of you."

"Not to worry, you are already growing on me." I smiled as warm a smile as I had in my repertoire.

"Now you go watch TV or something while I go out and take care of business." She left the house in a green scrub top over a pair of jeans. I had no idea what she had been up to while I lay in the hospital bed but it surely wasn't shopping.

I looked out the window of the apartment hidden away in a residential area somewhere in New York City. I was already bored. I hadn't done anything but rest for six days and it was maddening for me. I found a reasonably clean pair of green cotton trousers and a wrinkled but clean white shirt in my half duffle bag.

Even though the team had taken my pistol, some thoughtful person at the hospital had left a set of throwing knives in my bag. The three handleless knives were sharp as hell but hard to use without a handle. You couldn't skin a deer with them, but you could gut a man. I slipped the holder under my shirt before I left the apartment. Hell, if what I had heard was true, New York City could be as dangerous as Beirut.

Stepping out the door made me a little nervous. I had the feeling that I wasn't up to anything more than a walk in the park. It was a bad feeling but I recognized it as the feeling that most people have all the time. We all live in a world where only the most dangerous men go about armed. We trust in our luck, since calling a cop to walk you to the corner store isn't an option.

I recognized the man who stepped from the plumbing van. I walked across to a restaurant as he followed. I had spotted the restaurant sign from the window of the borrowed apartment.

"Well Robin, looks like our run is over." Allen said that taking a seat across from me in the booth.

"Well mine is for sure, but you guys can go on."

"Oh, I am sure some of us will, but it won't be the same. We were the last of the renegades. All the rest are college boys, I think."

"Yes, I have seen the milk drinkers. I don't know Vlad, in my case it might be for the best. I had already decided to retire."

"I know you had, seems you waited one trip to long." He changed the subject. "So, has the good doctor tried to kill you yet?" He was smiling.

"Not even tried to screw me to death yet. She is a bit of a flake I fear, but I am pretty sure she is harmless."

"She is, do you want to see her file." He asked it tossing a palm reader on the table.

"What can I get you two?" the middle aged waitress with the bad teeth asked.

"Coffee for me?" I handled the reader without turning it on.

"Well Robin, don't you want the details on your savior."

"Some savior, all she did was pump me full of morphine." I looked at the reader in my hand as I spoke.

"They say the aspirin, morphine, and oxygen kept you out of shock. You know that is the big killer anyway." All said without his Russian accent, it meant that he was talking out his ass not from a script.

I slipped the reader into my pocket. "Tell the Jew to take it out of my check." I returned to my coffee.

"So Robin, you gonna be headed home anytime soon?"

"Yeah, you can call off the dogs, I am leaving in a couple of days."

"Can't do it. ISC wants you alive till you leave New York at least. You know there are some people who would be more than happy to finish that heart attack for you."

"Not anymore, I am out of the business."

"Well that takes care of most of them, but a couple would see it as a personal thing."

"Yeah, it is hard to reason with some people." I smiled knowing Vlad was armed to the teeth. He was out to make sure I left New York on my feet not in a box. I had no idea if it was just a job with him or personal. It didn't really matter, I decided.

After I returned to the apartment, I struggled with the decision about the file on Autumn. I broke into laughter. It took me all that time to get the joke her mother had played on her. Autumn Daze had to be some hippy's idea of a joke. Okay a stoned old hippy's idea of a cool name. For the remainder of the afternoon I broke into laughter at the thought.

I fought off the temptation to look at that file all afternoon. Autumn rescued me by arriving home with several boxes and bags. One to the bags contained several small white cartons filled with Thai food.

"Now this is good for you, no more of that animal fat you have been eating. Now you are going to eat healthy. Even if you won't have the surgery, I will keep you alive anyway."

"No animal fat but MSG by the pound." I laughed at the face she made, but only because it brought her name to mind again.

I wanted a drink after dinner but she vetoed the idea. Since it was more or less her apartment I succumbed to the pressure. I sat with a glass of iced tea, made from the contents of a jar mixed with tap water. I know it is blasphemy but hell when in Rome.

"So what do you want to do tonight?" I asked it trying to find something to do besides nap.

"Can you play cards?" It seemed a natural question for her to ask.

I had to give it a lot of thought before I could find an answer. "I can play about ten kinds, but none that you know."

"Oh and how do you know that?"

"Most of them are native to some small country in the middle of hell." I wasn't smiling when I said it.

"Okay then, how about poker. Can you at least play poker?" she asked.

"Yes but you are so far in debt that you could afford to play with me." I remembered her mention of the visa and student loan debt.

"I had strip poker in mind." She grinned at me. When she saw my reaction she went on. "You don't think I brought you here for the intellectual conversation do you?"

She broke out the cards and I made short work of her clothing. She didn't seem the least bit embarrassed to be sitting naked in front of me.

"You lady are a lousy poker player," I suggested.

"Now what makes you think that?" she asked with a wink. That night Autumn slept with me, or I guess since it was her place, I slept with her. Either way is was nice to feel her body against me, even if I wasn't up to much else. Oh I tried, of course I was curious. The equipment worked alright, but I ran out of energy before I finished. I felt badly because I was sure autumn didn't either. As the kids on the computer would say, I took care of Autumn digitally.

Afterward she sighed deeply, then fell asleep in my arms. Having a woman sleep in my arms wasn't a totally new experience, but it was unique enough that I didn't sleep well at all. I would drift off only to find that I needed another position, since the one I occupied was uncomfortable after all. Of course the difficulty sleeping might have been all the napping that I was doing in the afternoon. I decided to drop the naps that very day.

After breakfast the next morning, I insisted on a walking tour of the neighborhood. Autumn wasn't sure about it, but she permitted it only because it was obvious that I was going with or without her. The majority of the brick apartment building seemed to be retail shops on the ground floor with apartments above.

The trip was as much a discovery voyage for her as for me. Since the apartment was borrowed, she had no idea what stores were in the neighborhood. She was able to point out only the grocery store. She explained that she had moved into the apartment only the day before I had been discharged from the hospital.

"So where did you stay for those other four days?" I was curious as I always was. That curiosity would either kill me or save my ass once day.

"With my mom, who you are going to meet in a few hours." She suddenly looked worried.

"So how did Mom feel about you moving out to stay with me?" I wasn't sure what to expect but I figured a little advance briefing might be helpful.

"Four days is one day longer than we can usually stand each other." Autumn smiled at me again. Again I couldn't read it. Smiles are usually the most easily read facial expression, but not on Autumn.

"Ah, so is Mom cooking dinner for me?" I knew I should be a little concerned about the dinner arrangements.

"Mom cook? hardly. She hasn't cooked since I left home."

"Not at all, come now Autumn aren't you being a little hard on her?"

"Jake, you don't know Mom, but one dinner is all it will take. Trust me, you two will hit it off famously."

"Why does that sound slightly like a snide remark?" I was smiling in what had to be an easy smile to read.

"I just fucking hate when you try to be tolerant. You know, I would rather you tell me how you really feel."

"Autumn you don't have a clue how I feel about things. You know we just met."

"And you don't know how thorough my Mom is." She grinned before going on. "I do admit that sometimes her butting into my life is interesting. It is amazing how much information even a minor league politician can come up with."

"Ah so Mom is a politician?" I didn't like the way the conversation was going at all.

"So what do you know about me?" I asked it grinning at her. The grin was to hide my concern.

"Nothing yet, but I expect I will know all about you soon." The grin convinced me that she had a sexual connotation in mind. I think I have figured out a couple of things though. You are a pure capitalist's lackey." She was grinning ear to ear. "Never do anything that doesn't have a payoff."

"See you do understand me. So what else do you know?"

"I know that I don't care, what you were. What is important to me is what I can make of you..."

"Good, and I don't care that you were in the left wing of hell playing humanitarian. Just don't bring any homeless people to my house for dinner."

"Then you understand that when you leave New York, I am going with you."

"Of course I understand. Why I understand I haven't a clue, but I do." I honestly didn't. It was just there somehow. It had been since she insisted that we take the dead doctor with us. When she fell to her knees and began to dig with her hand, when she saved my ass on the plane ride home, she was forever tied up in my life. How remained to be seen at that point, but she was there to stay. At least for as long as she wanted to be.

"Good, now did you bring a tie?"

"That would be about as useless to me as a knife in a gun fight," I replied.

"Dinner with my mom, is worse than any gunfight."

I simply nodded. I still suspected that mom was some kind of airhead hippie, but one with a liberal congressman friend. I knew that there was more than one old hippie in the congress. "So I need a tie for dinner with mom?"

"Not really but I think she might be inviting some others and they will have ties. If you don't mind. I don't either."

It seemed a little strange, I was in the process of revising my thinking about her mom when we spotted a street peddler up the block. He had a suitcase set up on one of those motel type folding stands. We were moving in his direction so I just ambled patiently. Lest you think it was some kind of off the wall coincidence. let me tell you I had passed dozens of them in that residential area. They sold everything from umbrellas and scarves, to small toys for the kids. The area was like a sanitary street bazaar in some foreign city. Hell parts of New York are a foreign city.

In the movie Rick said it best. When asked how he would feel about the nazis in New York, he replied, "There are some parts of New York you wouldn't like." New Yorkers are probably the hardest bunch of people in the world to control. If you are a control freak, it would make you crazy as hell.

All that to tell you the guy was selling ties. Hell a man selling ordinary ties on the street would starve. His ties were about eight inches wide with supposedly hand painted pictures. The pictures were naturally of scantily clad women.

Autumn broke into side splitting laughter when I bought one of them. The one I had was much more voluptuous than Autumn.

"I should be jealous. Even your damn tie is better built than I am."

"Aw, there is always the implant route."

"Oh, was that a complaint?" She looked hurt but just for a second. Either she had been faking the hurt or she came to the realization that I didn't care much able the box she came in.

With tie in hand we headed back to the apartment. Autumn had in her mind that I needed to rest. "Ah, before we go in, there is a store that sells my one great vice." I pointed to an grocery story which advertized Krispy Kreme donuts.

"Which vice is that?"

"The donuts of course. It is a hold over from my cop days. Come on, I'll spring for coffee and a donut."

"You spring for the donuts, I'll make the coffee."

"Fair enough," I noticed the group of young men standing near the grocery. I really should have known better than to go in, but I didn't give it near enough thought.

We were third in line for the checkout counter when they invaded the store. It should have been a quick snatch and grad of the money but they didn't seem in much of a hurry. It looked as though it was a harassment of the owner. I had a bad feeling about it all. I heard the bell on the door and realized why.

Marian came walking in just as if she were a customer. She obviously had watched from across the street and decided to intervene, or at least be close enough to make sure I didn't get myself killed. She walked to the rear of the store as if nothing was happening. The kids were just surprised enough to stare. Four of them and they didn't even seem to have a plan but they did have a leader. He was standing by the door overseeing it all.

If the four of them had guns they weren't showing them. On another day Marian and I might have made them eat their clubs and knives. On that day I wasn't in good enough shape to deal with them in a real fight. I was thinking more of letting them walk until Marian caught my eye. It was all over her face that she planned to do something stupid. It was in the smile that seemed to light her face while at the same time giving her a devilish look.

Autumn was holding onto me to try to prevent me moving. All of it happened in much less time than the telling takes. I knelt down as if I was about to toss my cookies. One of them kids laughed until I came up with the long Swedish surgical steel knife with no handle. It had a long tang which was shaped to fit the hand but no handle was attached. It was made for concealment not to skin deer or gut fish.

No one expected the resistance, at least not from a middle aged man and a younger women. While I moved to put the very sharp knife against the leaders throat, after brushing aside his sawed off bat, Marian showed the rest of them a very nasty looking stainless steel automatic pistol. She got their attention easily when she shot one of the kids in the knee. It was a trademark with her. The kid would be on crutches for a long time. The hollow point ten millimeter no doubt did a number on the knee.

"Do you think you could spot my friend the donuts?" Marian asked it of the store owner who nodded his head. "In that case Robin either cut his throat or lets get the hell out of here." It had taken her only a second to collect all the weapons. The kids were allowed to run away before the cops came. They even carried their injured friend with them. I had to hold Autumn back to keep her from going to his assistance. She was pissed.

"Let me go damn it, I'm a doctor."

"This time you aren't the only doctor around." I snapped it as the kids made the door at the run.

"He may bleed to death," Autumn shouted.

"Are you kidding, more likely he will go into shock and die." Marian said it laughing. "Robin, you want to come with me."

"No Marian, I am going to try to straighten this one out."

"Good fucking luck," Marian said as she delivered an evil smile to Autumn. "Either way we need to move the cops will be here soon I am sure."

"We probably should stay. We are staying just down the street." Autumn said that.

Marian turned to the store patrons. "It was a gang of blacks fighting with a gang of Mex, right?"

Everybody nodded their heads, some even smiled. "See nothing to worry about, I said to Autumn."

"Power to the people," Marian said as we walked quickly out of the store. "Damn Robin, I could get into this." The last was delivered in a whisper.

"We are not in the righting wrongs business." I pulled Autumn along.

"So, when are you leaving town?"

"Sooner than I had planned for sure. I am gonna pack up and spend the night in a hotel. Tomorrow I am off for home. If this one," I said that pointing to Autumn, "Still wants to go, she will be with me."

"That is probably a good thing. Somebody is gonna crack in that store."

"Bet they don't," I said.

"Hundred bucks?" Marian suggested.

"Done," I replied as Autumn and I crossed the street.

We were several yards away when she said, "Don't ever try to stop me treating an injured person again"

I took a deep breath before I answered. "Okay, you treat them and I will kill them." Might as well get in out in the open.

"What do you mean?" she was far less angry than I expected.

"If we had let you treat him, he would have still been there when the cops came. All of us would have gone to jail. He might well have had another weapon which most likely would have gotten him killed. As it is he is off to an emergency room where they have enough blood to keep him alive while they fix him up."

Autumn didn't speak, what she was thinking I didn't have a clue but she really did look pissed. I expected it would come up again if not often. We spent a little of the afternoon packing then moved to the Montpelier Hotel. It did not have a very nice view so it wasn't all that expensive. I chose it because it was a throw back to the 1950's. Even if I hadn't been born yet, I liked the times. At least what I read in books.

Finding the hotel had been simple, I just asked the cab driver. I could have walked across the street to ask my guardian but I chose to do it on my own. I had just as well get used to it, since I was gonna be on my own for the rest of my life.

Autumn seemed antsy as the time for dinner approached. I couldn't say I blamed her. She had me to worry about and she had lost her control of things. I expect she planned to take care of the invalid who had saved her. It would have made a great romance novel but alas it was not to be.

After the move we barely had time to shower and change for dinner. Autumn wore a simple black dress that looked as though it cost a small fortune, while I wore a British battle jacket with the very vulgar tie.

The Taxi dropped us at a small French restaurant. Autumn seemed to know her way around so I followed her inside. She walked right up to the man standing by the small table. He seemed to be engrossed in some kind of hand printed book. I assumed it to be the reservation book.

"Andre, is Mom in the private room?" Amber was flashing him a nervous smile.

"Of course Miss Autumn, would you like for me to escort you and your friend back?" He didn't seem enthusiastic so I was glad when Autumn shook her head. I followed the pixie as she strode across the main room to a closed door at the rear. I was more than a little surprised to find several people in the private dinning room. I would have thought nothing of it, except that the room was set up like a banquet room. There was a head table, then three smaller tables. The dozen or so people didn't come close to filling the room.

"Well, it's about time," the salt and pepper haired lady said, after she noticed us standing at the door.

Autumn closed the distance between them and then spoke. "Hello Mom, I see it is a small group of friends this time." She kissed her Mom on the cheek.

"You surely didn't expect me to be alone with you? Autumn dear you and I fight when we are alone."

"I know," was Autumn's simple answer.

"So?" her mother asked tilting her head to me.

"Mom this is Jake, Jake this is my Mom."

"Jake, my friends call me Mona, I hope I can convince you to do the same."

"No convincing needed."

"Good follow me," she demanded. I allowed Autumn to follow behind her mother. I also gave her a wicked smile as she passed me.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce my daughter the Doctor." Everyone laughed. "As you all know Autumn has been serving as a Doctor with the organization Doctors without borders. She was kidnapped and held for two weeks while working in Afghanistan. It seems some war lord took a liking to her." They all laughed again. "She is home with us now thanks to the man sitting beside her. Everyone applauded. I tried to simply wave but Mona would have none of it. She made me stand so that she would kiss me on the cheek. Now she could have done that when I was alone with her but for some reason she waited until we were all in front of the crowd. That made me rather uneasy.

I reseated myself and waited for the waiter to bring me a menu. Instead of a menu he brought food, lots of food. I had no idea what I was eating but I ate it with real gusto. I sat between Autumn and her mother during dinner. I half expected her mother to correct my table manners. She kept a close eye on me for some reason. I had a feeling that I was being examined.

The plates were taken from the table while the wine still flowed. The waiter tried to fill my glass again but I said, "Any chance you can find me a real cup of coffee?"

"Absolutely sir we have twelve varieties of coffee. I am sure whatever you desire is somewhere in the kitchen."

"How about you pretend I was driving from California to New York and stopped in Bertha's Place at two am for coffee. Do you reckon you could find that kind back there?"

"You mean the coffee that they keep for the staff. I am afraid it isn't very good. It is usually stale and burned."

"Just the way I like it. Can you bring me a very large cup, maybe in styrofoam."

The waiter smiled at my lack of breeding but nodded.

"No you don't. Waiter he will have decaf." Autumn said it sternly trying to stare us both down.

"Waiter if you bring me decaf, not only will I not drink it, but you will wear it." I turned my attention to Autumn, "Decaf is like kissing your sister. I will do most of the things you and the doctor recommend but not decaf coffee."

"Well since you quit smoking, I can live with the regular coffee, but no more than one cup a day." I could tell she didn't much like the grin I flashed at her, but she said nothing.

The waiter looked to Autumn's mother barely nodded her agreement to him. He was probably right to do so since she was paying the bill.

"So Mr. Burke, you are quite the hero I am told."

"If someone told you that Mona, you need better information. I am a far cry from a hero. I am a simple businessman."

"Now that is more like it. Mom can understand business better than heroic idealism." Autumn was looking at her mother with a smile only slightly laced with sarcasm.

"I can't help who understands what Autumn, it was a simple business deal with me. A private company that I am." I stopped a second then went on, "Was affiliated with got hired to bring out that team of doctors. I did what they paid me for, no more and no less."

"Ah well then Mister Burke this dinner seems to have been a waste," Mona said barely loud enough to be heard.

"Not for me, I had to eat anyway." I smiled broadly at her.

"Mr Burke it might interest you to know I had a check run on you." She was till using that voice just a little louder than needed.

"Ah don't tell me you have a dossier?"

"Quite extensive actually."

"I couldn't help it, a line from an old movie came to mind. "Are my eyes really blue?" She missed it completely.

"You have been involved in many things since your days in the army. Was there really a CIA connection?"

"Hardly, I don't play well in group situations."

"You were always on the right side at least according to this." She had a stack of notes.

"Right is the side with the most guns at the time." I said it trying to stay one step ahead of her.

"How can you say that Robin," Autumn replied. "Right is right, no matter who has the most might."

"I didn't come to argue with either of you ladies. I was the natural choice since I wanted to go to Afghanistan for the waters anyway."

"Mr Burke, Afghanistan is a mostly desert." Mona said it with a twinkle in her eye that led me to believe she might just know what I was doing after all.

"Ah, it does seem that I was misinformed." I smiled back as the small gathering burst into laughter. Some I thought might get it others wouldn't have a clue.

Mona lowered her voice when she asked, "So which are you Robin Hood or Richard Blane?"

"Neither, just a country boy who is willing to kill other country boys for money." Autumn shivered at the pronouncement.

"Well at least you have the good sense not to glamorize it."

"He doesn't need to mom. You weren't sitting in that hot stinking room waiting to die, so you don't know how glamorous he is."

"Autumn honey, you really should read this," Mona said it as she slipped the folded papers into her daughter's handbag.

"Yes Autumn you should read it before you travel five hundred miles into the wilderness with me."

"There is nothing there that I can't overlook or forgive."

"But I don't want you to forgive me, I want you to accept it as just me. I might have to do it again someday and I don't want you to be part of something that you cant live with." I saw Mona nod toward me as she lifted her wine glass.

"If you insist Robin?" I nodded that I did indeed. "When we get home, I will read them." Autumn gave her mother a fierce look. "You know mother, it isn't required that I be you."

"But honey, I was once you. It is just required that you see things as the are, not as you wish them to be. Mr Burke is right you don't want to walk into something you can't live with because if you do, you might well find him to be someone you can't walk away from. He is hardly the romantic figure you think he is. You will see when you read the report."

"I will read it because he wants me to, not because you want to taint who he is."

I decided that it was best for me not to speak. The file would be filled with things Autumn as a humanitarian would frown on. If they didn't send her from the room screaming, it would be a miracle. It had always been my belief that she would find me impossible to live with after about a month at the castle. I thought that it might not take that long if Slocum hadn't made enough progress for us to move at least into the basement of it. With her mother's report hanging over us, I had a feeling that it might already be over.

Same as Castle
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Du bestmmer

**Feedback och framförallt förslag på nya vinklar efterfrågas. Min fantasi är det inget fel på, men det blir roligare om det är din

1 year ago
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Omg I Love You Mom You Rock 8211 Part 3

Hello guys and girls. Shivang is here again with the 3rd story from this franchise. I am so overwhelmed by the response and I would like to thank you all for that. I am Shivang 22 from Mumbai, 6’1 with few extra kilos and my tool measuring approx upto 6’7/6’8. Any woman in or around Mumbai can mail me on or on Kik messenger where my id is shivanglongdick . Ofcourse complete privacy is what I guarantee. So friends as in the last 2 parts you saw I had been lucky enough with my mom, her friends...

4 years ago
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Hey Those Are My Favorite Panties

This is a work of adult fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. Readers who have reached the legal age of consent in their jurisdictions are welcome. This story may NOT be reproduced or posted anywhere without the express written permission of the author. Simonnedanielle1204 - All Rights Reserved. Synopsis: Paul is an absurdly small and definitely curious fifteen year old. He has this irresistible urge to discover, up close and...

4 years ago
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Trial of the Century Part III

Theresa considered what the defense team just revealed. She looked at Jessic and then the D.A. She crinkled her nose. She cleared her throat melodically and asked, “Miles, have the police questioned this officer in connection to this murder? Was he even been on their radar?”“I don’t think so.”“What?”“I mean. No. None of this was known until this point.”“Why don’t you get the chief on the horn and have him get his ass over if he isn’t already lurking around? I know word tends to travel in this...

1 year ago
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Jimmy and Doreen continued

Doreen and Jimmy became lovers with their mothers approval. Bessy knew she couldn't stop them from fucking each other. Jimmy worshipped the ground his sister walked on. Doreen's birth control pills kicked in and the kids had noisy sex every night. Doreen shouted in climax and it was upsetting to Bessy. She pushed her cunt against the bed post and got herself off. She needed a man, any man to fuck her. Jimmy was still sleeping and Bessy greeted her wet cunt."I'm not wearing any panties" the...

1 year ago
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HobyBuchanon April Storm Big Tits April Storm Dominated By Masked Man For Halloween

Big tits April Storm tells us this is her 1st rough scene. I walk up dressed in a robe and mask and slap her face and put my fingers down her throat. I put my cock all the way down her throat and make her stay there. I slap her big tits and face fuck and gag her more. I switch to POV and she sucks my cock and eats my ass and I fuck her titties and spit in her face. I bend her over and fuck her and she can’t take it and tries to pull away. I turn her over and pound her cunt some more and...

3 years ago
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The Night I Found Out For Sure I Was Gay

I just figured out I’m gay. I’ve been dating a lot of women, but I just don’t feel it with them. I mean sometimes I feel I might even be bisexual, but lately I’m feeling I really want to be with man. When I look at guys I get very excited. I love when a man has a muscular frame. I find it really sexy and exciting if a guy has defined abs. I haven’t told any of my family or even my friends that I think I’m gay. But, I’m pretty sure I am. I decided to check things out and actually go to a gay...

1 year ago
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Married Blondie satisfied by Horny Indian

By Sid Dey Nora my hot neighbor stepped out of her car in the parking lot of our luxury condo community in North Brunswick, NJ. I was picking up my mail from the mailbox near the parking lot. This happened so recently that its still fresh in my memory. First I saw her car door swing open, then her legs came out…they were so clean and silky…she was wearing a short black skirt and a blue top with a thin gold necklace and had her hair tied in a bun and black high heeled shoes. Now Nora is the...

1 year ago
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Sex With Neighbour Aunty

Hi, guys. I am a regular reader of ISS stories. This is my first story. This is about how I lost my virginity to my hot and sexy neighbor. Let’s call her Swati. She used to live with her husband and three children. She was about 5′ in height. Her figure was 36d 29 35. She was gorgeous. I used to masturbate thinking about her many times. I had seen her cleavage many times and I always used to think about sucking those boobs. I use to flirt with her and she never used to mind that. So I started...

2 years ago
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going underground

Going undergroundCHAPTER 1This story is about a young Mom named Becky and her Son Tommy,Becky was now 36 and she had devoted her life to her son when her partner left her when she became pregnant,She always made sure that tommy would never loose out with not having a Dad,Tommy became a bit of a mommy’s boy as he got older Becky knew she would always have to protect him,The k**s at school always thought he was a bit of geek and would tease him about him being a mommy’s boy,As Tommy got older he...

3 years ago
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Mommy gets it

My mother was, as usual, out drinking and I was home watching tv. My6 year old sister, Jamie, was already in bed. Then about one in themorning, my mom comes stumbling in the house and goes into her room.A few minutes later she runs into the bathroom, barely getting tothe toilet before she started barfing. No wonder my dad left us ifhe had THAT to watch all the time.After she quieted down and didn't come out, I went in to see if sheneeded help. There was mom was passed out on the floor next to...

2 years ago
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Trying anal

Mari had been dating Rick for about six weeks and could only get him to have “normal” sex. She had hinted to him that she liked to experiment and he told her that he liked things just the way they were. He seemed to blush a lot whenever she brought up the subject of sex. Mari would not give up. Rick was such a stud and had the biggest cock she had ever ridden. She wanted to experience that cock in more than just her pussy, which was the only place he would put it. One evening, Mari prepared...

4 years ago
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My Boyfriend likes to expose me Part 01

or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans Part 01 --------- Hey! My name is TT; well that’s what most people call me, my full name is Tanya Bethany Turner. I got the TT nickname from one of my friends in school. After my friends started calling me TT some of the boys started calling me Tiny Tits or Tit-less Tanya (when no teachers were around). I always used to get embarrassed and ashamed of my little breasts when one of them called me that. I’m now 23...

2 years ago
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The Preachers Family

I wake up and feel the soreness in my jaw and throat has gotten worse overnight. I stretch and look at the clock. It is a little before 8am. I amimmediately grateful that today is Saturday. I don't have to ride to schoolwith my brother Luke. I don't know how to at or what he is going to sayabout what he did to me last night. I look over towards the bathroom doorand see the light is off. I get up and go to the bathroom. I lock the doorthat connects the bathroom to his room. I stand there in...

1 year ago
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The BEST Doctors Visit Ever

So this story happened a few years ago. I was 18 at the time at the doctors office for my yearly physical. I was sitting on the table naked all but the gown with no back coverage. The doctor was asking the routine questions and he asked, "are you sexually active"? All i can do was smirk trying not to smile when I replied "No". He continued asking me questions then had me get off the table for routine check ups. When he was done checking everything it came time for the spinal test. He told me to...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Anna Chambers Can8217t Resist Stepdaddy

Saucy brunette Anna Chambers has some serious daddy issues and can’t keep her hands off mom’s boyfriends. Latest stepdad Marcus London is supposed to be tutoring the nubile nymphet but is persuaded into X-rated classroom fun by the busty teen who has some serious blowjob skills, easily deepthroating daddy’s dick. Hot for cock, the busty Penthouse chick fingers herself while taking a hard pounding, moaning loudly as she rides her man in cowgirl and smiling as he spunks all over...

4 years ago
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A Sailors Tale Chapter Five

Chapter Five They came to the end of the warehouse about to turn into the parking area for those that had cars waiting for them as ships disembarked crews and two men came around the corner, no worries, just business men by the look of it but my hackles rose a bit and my grip on her waist tightened.   One man, a particularly large man at that, came straight at them in a way that brought on fears of the unknown, now I was getting nervous.   I whispered to her “be cool, but just in case be...

3 years ago
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A Woman In Full Sharons Journey Continues Part 4 Unthinkable

A Woman In Full: Sharon's Journey Continues Part IV - Unthinkable By the weekend, Sharon had shed some of her sense of unease. Saturday morning found her in Gramercy Park, sitting with Julie and Amber while the children played. Julie's Megan and Amber's son, Jason, seemed to be spending a lot of time together. "I think he's smitten," Julie said. "And he's such a little gentleman about it." "He wouldn't dare not be," Amber said with a grin. Little Bryan began to toddle away,...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 280

Thursday was upon us, Thanksgiving Day - everyone brought a covered dish of some kind to the gym for all the employees and gym regulars to enjoy. Dad and Jason had cooked two turkeys to be sure there would be enough. All the tables and chairs we had stacked in the garage were carried over to the gym in back of Dad's pickup truck, assisted by all the able bodied men to load and unload them. All the employees at Morton Field were invited and came along to. Lisa and Mom made all the...

4 years ago
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The March of the RoseChapter 21

Aaron slowly approached Dao at his work table, shielding Dana behind him. He stopped several steps in front of The Creator and placed his hand on DeathBringer's hilt. "What are you doing here?" Aaron asked Dao menacingly. "It is my forge, after all," Dao turned from his work and replied with a smile and added. "But I am really here to see you. Good day, Your Majesty. It is nice to see you. Might I have a word alone with your mate?" "If you look over there you will find a fissure in...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Ella Reese Brittany Andrews Mackenzie Mace One Last Errand

Mackenzie Mace is accompanying her stepmom, Brittany Andrews, on errands when Brittany says she wants to make one last stop. But when they arrive at their destination, Mackenzie is a little confused since she doesn’t recognize the house. Brittany explains that it’s the house of her divorce lawyer, Ella Reese, who helped during a difficult time. Since Brittany ended up still being a part of Mackenzie’s life, Brittany wants to thank Ella for all of her hard work. Mackenzie is...

3 years ago
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Rigor MortisChapter 40

Monday morning was complete disaster. The alarm shattered what was left of my nerves. I launched a left hook at it and watched it bang into the wallpaper leaving a mark that would require some tender loving care. I didn’t know what I should do first, shower or shave. The decision was too much for my almost zombie-like state of directionless thought. I gave up and brewed a pot of coffee in automatic mode and allowed my brain go into pilotless control wishing that same ploy would work for...

1 year ago
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Made A Bitch By My BrotherInLaw

Hi guys I am Prachi, 27 years old working lady…. I used to live with my husband in Mumbai..We were having a very happy life…Sex life was also very good..Until my husband’s cousin brother visited us to stay with us he had no other place to live… He was elder by my husband…My husband was 29 and arvind…My husband brother was 37…And a divorced man.. .I use to hear from our family members that he is an alcoholic and used to beat his wife after drinking at night…So I assumed that it was the reason...

2 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 84

Althea Crenshaw loved to fly. When she’d first taken her job with Jayanesia Health and Hospitals, she’d been trepidatious about the idea of getting into a helicopter and traveling all over the island chain that made up her recently-adopted country with so little between her and a long plummet to the Earth, but it had quickly become a favorite part of her job - so much so that she’d been learning to fly the craft herself in her spare time and on her own dime. There was just so much beauty to...

2 years ago
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Farming Folk Chapter 3

Chapter Three*******​The pastor had recently come to the church from some Baptist community down South and his presence was like a breath of fresh air to the staid citizens of this small Kansas county. The ladies of the town viewed him with much interest and found his style of preaching to be most inspiring; the men, well, they were farmers and mostly took a less passionate interest and weren't too concerned about who it was spreading the good word just as long as they were being encouraged to...

1 year ago
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Young black university student get raped by a white male on her way home

Diaspora in Europe in by 10.00am the next day, and had very little time considering how little I had done. I had foolishly lost track of time writing up my essay that before I knew it, it was already 12.30pm. I would have to walk across the empty campus in the dark to get home. I wasn't too worried as I only lived across the campus, a 10 minute walk away. I left the Social Science department, outside was well lit but very dark. I wished my department was nearer to where the student bars...

2 years ago
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the suit life on deck just got suitor

We were docked in Paris. We all were really happy that we were to be in the city of love for a week. I hit on a bunch of French babes. Cody and Bailey were up in the Effile tower. The past couple of weeks Bailey was really sad but Cody couldn’t tell. Cody seemed to be into the famous places they were going to and not Bailey. The only time they really seemed to be perfect together is when they are out at sea. London didn’t seem to know any thing. She really didn’t need to because she was...

3 years ago
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Truth or Dare With DanaChapter 2

Once again, I awoke with a hangover in an unfamiliar bed, this time to find that I wasn’t alone at all. There was a hand tugging on mine, pulling me up with a physical strength that belied its owner’s twinky persona. It was definitely a man’s hand, and as I looked up at its owner, I saw the beaming face of my best friend and best man, Carlos Suarez. The sassy Puerto Rican had a big grin and then a kiss for me on the mouth, making no mistake as to his intentions, especially as he pointed the...

1 year ago
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Adventures of Miracle Steve 2

He drained the last of his coffee and looked over his shoulder as footsteps approached, it was Donald, Donald came to lean against the railing next to him, dressed in khaki Capri’s, a blue golf t-shirt and brown loafers, Donald still oozed money, confidence and respect. The two of them stared out over the blue ocean for some time and then Donald turned to him, “Do you have anybody in mind for next week?” Steve nodded, “I do, I’m just curious to know if you will approve of...

3 years ago
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Alpha Male a Continuation StoryChapter 12 Friday Evening

There’s that nice feeling when one travels home on a Friday night. Hopefully a sense of achievement from a work perspective as well as the chance for a break and relax over the weekend. As I drove home, I was amazed at the changes that had taken place through the past week, especially at work. As for my personal life, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had sex (and very fulfilling sex too) so many times and now with so many different women – an added bonus. WOW!! I found Joan in the...

1 year ago
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Dont Judge A Book Part 2 Chapter 26

Thursday 21st June 2018, Late evening in Hotel in L.A.How could this be happening? How the hell could this be happening to me? I felt nauseous with fear and dread, as I looked on sure that I was finally paying the price for my growing addiction to sharing Jill with others. The end of my marriage playing out right in front of me as Jill took the initiative and kissed Chris, the man who’d asked her to leave me and go with him to L.A. Kissed him not once, but twice.“You know, Chris. I never...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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First older girlfriend

After a harsh break up with a girl that was my age I started looking for a woman who was a little older than me. On a dating app I met this woman on an app, I was either 19 or 20 and she was 28. We talked for a little and agreed to a date. When we met along side a beach, we talked for a while and I noticed she was starting to feel me up a little. I took her hand and kissed it, she came on me strong kissing my lips and held me and that's when in my mind I was like, Wow this woman isn't going to...

3 years ago
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Muslim housewife seduces black man

Hafsah was a 30 year old Muslim housewife of Pakistani origin. Her husband's name was Osman and he had successfully reached a high position in a firm so this meant that Hafsah was fortunate enough to live in a large house and be free from having to get a job. But a downside was that Hafsah was all alone and would miss the romantic fucking sessions she had after they had their arranged marriage.Hafsah was a very fair skinned lady who had long hair, large round breasts and a firm ass. She would...

3 years ago
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This is the story of my first sexual experience with another female. I was 27 married for six years. We had a great sex life at first. We had sex several times a week. As time went by our sex life diminished in quality and quantity. My husband Dave began spending more time with the guys than me. He went out with the guys and I got to stay home with our daughter Arielle.One Friday night when Dave was out playing cards with the guys, I put Arielle to sleep and went online. Out of a combination of...

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Moguls Creepin Background

Travis Jackson was a maintenance worker at a ball bearing plant. The handsome dark-skinned man had been married to Sheila since he was thirty. That had been eight years. They had a daughter, McKenna, together. His wife also had two sons from previous relationships. The oldest, Drake, was a thug and in and out of jail. The other, Sirvaughn, was a star basketball player with a chance to hoop at a Ju-Co in Illinois. His wife was in the shower as he texted his coworker Parris.Parris Lawrence was...

3 years ago
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Cops Can Be Naughty TooChapter 6

My thoughts were disturbed when I heard Eva shout, "Okay, we can go now!" I saw her walking up to me, and she had a flashlight in her hand. "Why the flashlight?" I asked. "You will see soon enough," she answered. She took my hand and then pulled me towards the forest again. Once we went in between the trees, she let go of my hand, and I had to follow her sweet ass again. I noticed that she walked away from the South border and deeper into their part of the forest. I was glad with...

2 years ago
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Carries Reward FF

I had only been awake for a few minutes when I decided to call Carrie, my submissive girlfriend. I rolled over to reach my cell phone on the bedside table and looked at the time—10:17 a.m. She would be at work. I pressed the recent calls button and chose her number from the list.The phone rang several times. I knew she might not be able to answer right away and that it would continue to ring until it was answered. It intentionally didn’t have voicemail because I expected her to answer if the...

1 year ago
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Maintenance Check

Maintenance Check by Throne I had been playing dress-up since my late teens. It started when I moved into a small, private living space, just off the campus of my college. At age 23 I found myself in a high-paying, computer consultant position, living in a fancy apartment in a high-class high rise. My secret second life, when I changed from Barton Joyner to Beta Joy, was restricted to my bathroom, where I applied make-up, bedroom, where I dressed, living room, for flouncing about...

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Anitoles Arabian Nights

ANITOLE’S 1001 ARABIAN NIGHTS THE CAVE OF WONDERS To find the cave of wonders One must wander far and wide, Until they know the world afar And foretell the winds and tide. In gaining knowledge of this art, A true love you’ll acquire, And if purity of heart sustained you, Then your journey can transpire. Travel through the world you know Until the landmarks shift, Loose yourself in desert sands Until they form a rift, Beneath which lies the cave or wonders Where only sure shall...

3 years ago
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The Crazy And Adventurous Night Ride In Bangalore

Hello, Indian sex story readers. This is Dev.34 yrs old. I am working in Chennai. I wish to make it crisp and short..I am good looking, dusky in appearance and built up. Please read my crazy ride experience and ping or mail me on if you like it.Thank you. Recently, I was out to Bangalore for a personal training at Jaya Nagar. I could not get an accommodation and I had to share my room with another friend in a mansion. I have been pretty active on some dating sites and I got few friends there...

2 years ago
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The Algebra Teacher

Colleen threw her long Auburn hair back and smiled. “Good Work Phillip.” Basking in the glow of the praise of his favorite teacher Phillip managed a meek. “Than You Ms Ritzer”. Collen handed Phillip his paper lightly brushing against him and smiled. Collen turned to the other students. “Lisa, good Job!” Collen handed back assignments to Lisa and Kerri, the two other students in her Algebra study group. “Thank You Ms Ritzer.” Lisa and Kerri got up to leave as the hour was up....

1 year ago
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Me A Hotel whore

Me, A Hotel Whore Tired, lonely and getting ready for bed. I unlock my phone and browse a popular dating site. Bombarded with the usual dick apocalypse I almost shut it down. Then one message intrigued me. "I'm staying in your local hotel, my room number is ***, the door will be unlocked. Come in, enter the bathroom on your immediate right and get dressed for me. I'll be waiting on the bed." See why what I mean by intrigued? This was always an ideal fantasy of mine. It's zero conversation,...

3 years ago
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Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Timeby The Duck1930Once upon a time and long long ago, there was a very young girl and a very young boy, who next door to each other. They were both 4 years old. The little boy had a goldfish pond and little girl had a movie projector and some cartoon films. They both liked each other quite well and played together almost every day.The little boy really liked to watch the little girl’s cartoons and spent every afternoon he could watching them with her. The little girl would come...

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Melons in the Morning

"M...m....Melons..." My stammered exclamation hung there in the laundry room as the young woman and I stared at each other. I could not for the life of me recall her real name. She was, after all, not my son's girlfriend. If anything, she was a hanger-on, an occasional presence drinking beer or occupying a lawn chair while the boys worked on trucks. All the guys just called her "Melons" because of the balloon like breasts she so proudly paraded in front of her. While the embarrassment of her...

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After The Dressing Room

Let me tell you about an exciting evening…Karen and I agreed to meet after work, and since she didn't have a car I would drive her home. It would be over two hours till she got off work, so I had lots of time. I was too turned on to concentrate on driving but somehow I made it home okay.My mom was there waiting for Dad and as soon as he got home we would have dinner. My Mom was hot, I mean really hot, she had beautiful blue eyes and was taller than most women by about two or three inches and...

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Beach Turned Tag Team

I’m 18 and this is a story how I lost my virginity on Vacation. So I was on the beach in North Carolina tanning myself. Me and my family were there on a two week vacation. At that point I was a virgin, and I never thought I would lose my virginity on vacation. Here is my story. It was a hot day on the beach, so I decided to tan that day. I headed out to the beach and began tanning my back. Five minutes into my tanning I feel a slap on my ass (I was a little freaked out XD ). I turn around and...

2 years ago
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My Senior Prom was almost a bust. Three days before, my girlfriend had called to say that she was very sick and probably wouldn't be able to go. "Shit," I thought, "Only three days to find someone else good enough to go with?" Fortunately, my school posted a list of all the students going to prom--including whether or not they were going stag. I ran my finger down the "date" column, stopping at the blank spaces to check out their names. "Karen Stiller. No wonder she's going alone."...

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Anger Ch 02

Anger Chapter 2 – Destruction, Redemption, Grace. Author’s Note: First, I appreciate the support and the suggestions. Let me know if you are still confused about who is speaking. Second, don’t forget to let me know what you think. Third, I hope you enjoy the story. ‘Do whatever you want to me, I won’t say my word.’ I nod my head thinking about the world inside those words. I lay Jane on my bed and sit atop her stomach with my hands on her wrists looking into her eyes. I’m careful not to put...

1 year ago
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She took my hand in hers as we walked. "You are gonna love my mom. She is just like me, but twenty-two years older. She still has dirty blonde hair, nice melons, and can be sweet when she wants to be.""Really, are her hooters bigger?" I pondered, getting front of her."Yes, smartass," she replied, taking my other hand and looking into my green eyes. "She is just the most important person in the world to me. I just really want both of you to like each other, that's all. We've been seeing each...

1 year ago
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Desire Fulfilled

"Yin... Are you sure of this?" Brushing my brown hair from my face, he whispers, looking straight into my eyes. I simply make an eye contact with his charming brown eyes, and nod, saying nothing at all. That is all it takes to forget and let go of whatever reasons for his restraint he may have had. He pulls me straight into a hot and passionate kiss with our moist lips locked together as tightly as it can ever be. It all seems to last forever. I have never dreamt that I can ever feel like I...

3 years ago
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What the fuck?" I muttered out loud when, after turning on to the dirt road, I saw the girl by the edge of the road. Her long, blond hair was billowing in the wind as she knelt over a bicycle that lay on its side, the tire on its front wheel clearly flat.Slowing I took in every curve of her young body. Her little butt stretched the cloth of a pair of khaki colored hiking shorts so tautly I was afraid they were about to split. Perfect round melons I suddenly ached to put my hands on. I could...

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