- 4 years ago
- 28
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What I have come to think of as "Our Big Change" happened a couple of months after Sylvie gave me the present of the pen set. The start of The Big Change came about because our copy machine broke down. I thought since the day of Sylvie's gift there seemed to be a subtle change between the two of us; I felt when she talked to me her voice was a littler softer than it used to be and the difference was especially noticeable when compared to how she spoke to Richard. I noticed she always came to my office first thing in the morning now and on the way home to say good night, something she rarely did before and never did with Richard.
'Our Big Change' happened just after the repair service took our broken copy machine and left a "loaner" in place. The basic problem was the loaner was massive. Besides being way too much machine for our limited needs, it was excessively large with bells and whistles we really had no need for and it would not fit in the room where we kept the old machine, so we had no choice but to leave the new one in the hallway. However, that presented a new problem as it took up so much of the hallway that when a person was using the copy machine; they also ended up blocking the passageway.
Richard hit the roof when he saw what was going on with the copy machine while I just found the whole thing humorous. Sylvie really gave the poor tech a good ass chewing and told him in no uncertain terms we wanted our old machine back ASAP. We were promised the old machine would be back no later than Tuesday of the next week. The problem was I had a large proposal I had to get done and was due to present it on Monday. Since the new loaner was so complicated and I had no idea how to use the damn thing, Sylvie promised she would come in on Saturday and help.
On Saturday, we arrived later than usual and I had stopped and brought us coffee. Even though it was a Saturday, Sylvie still wore a dress, which I felt showed a bit more cleavage than normal and looked great with her hair color. Since it was just the two of us, she seemed to be in a more relaxed mood than normal. She made several funny comments and we joked around a lot. I also noticed she had slipped off her shoes and was walking about in stocking feet.
While we were working, one time I needed to pass by her when she was using the copy machine and as I tired to get past her, she quickly stepped back, pinning me against the wall with her luscious bottom. Later when I thought over the incident, I realized how soft her bottom had felt ... even though she had on nylons, I could tell she didn't have on pantyhose. At the time, without really giving it much thought, I slapped one cheek of her shapely bottom once with an open hand to get her to move forward. Instead, Sylvia pushed back harder, wiggled her bottom back and forth against the front of my pants a couple of times and tuned her head to look over her shoulder at me. "Ummmm." She murmured. I slapped her one more time and I could have sworn I heard her sigh.
I was floored by her impudence, so much so it didn't occur to me what I had done. "Knock it off or I'll really spank you!" I told her. However, suddenly it dawned on me and I was afraid I had over stepped my bounds. "Sylvie, I am sorry ... that was not appropriate."
A grin spread over her face as she looked back at me over her shoulder ... She moved that wonderful bottom of hers one more time across the front of my pants, "Promises, promises ... that's all I ever get from you." She winked, released me and walked off.
I was stunned. What was that all about? Her actions were the most forward act she'd ever done around me. I went back to my office and as I sat at my desk musing over what had just happened, I lost track of time. I just sat and puzzled over what had occurred. Finally, I knew I had to talk to her and I got up and went to Sylvia's office to find her.
I found her in her office and her head lifted as I entered the room and she looked at me. There didn't seem to be any expression on her face as I asked, "Have you got a minute?"
"Sure ... sit down ... what's up?" She motioned for me to sit down.
I paused for a moment, trying to decide how I was going to ask her what I wanted to know. Finally, in frustration I just blurted out, "Ah ... what did you mean, I make promises to you?"
Her eyes closed and she looked down at her desk. When she finally looked up at me, she shook her head. "Paul ... I shouldn't have said anything ... forget it. Please?"
I was not going to be put off that easily. "NO! I know I shouldn't have slapped your bottom ... and for that I apologize ... but ... what have I said that made you feel I was somehow making promises?"
She leaned back in her chair, looking up at me, "Paul ... really, let's forget it." I remembered her reaction when I spanked her in the hallway. I wondered if perhaps she enjoyed being spanked.
At this point, I figured I was already in trouble if she wanted to get nasty with me, so what did I have to loose? I wanted ... no I needed to know what she'd meant by her earlier comment. "Either you tell me what you meant, or I may have to turn you over my knee." I said with a leer.
Still leaning back in her chair, Sylvie's smile seemed a bit sad as she looked at me. Pointing her finger at me, she shook her head, "And that's exactly what I mean Paul ... you say things ... you say things with an implied promise ... but you really don't mean what you say."
I was stunned. "Help me here ... if I'm doing something I'm not aware of, please tell me." I honestly didn't understand what I was doing, or saying wrong.
She came forward in her chair and looked me directly in the eyes, "Oh shit Paul ... do I have to get a club and smack you over the head? What do I have to do to get your attention? I try and dress as nice as I can every day ... I have tried to drop every hint I could to get you to notice me ... all to no avail."
"You what?" I was totally dumfounded.
"You really have no idea ... do you?"
"Idea about what?"
Sylvie leaned back once more in her chair, took a deep breath and continued, "Paul ... I don't need to work here for the money ... you know that." I nodded my head. "Did you ever wonder why I stay?"
There was a long pause as I considered her question, "Well ... a little ... I thought you just liked it here."
"I do ... I love it here..." After a very long pause, she added, "because of you!"
"Yes Paul ... oh shit..." Her face was now red and I could see she was uncomfortable with our conversation. "Now I'm embarrassed; this is a discussion I swore we'd never have. Please go away." I just sat there and looked at her. I had no idea she felt this way. Finally, she thrust out her arm and barked, "GO!"
I stood turned and wandered slowly back to my office, my mind in turmoil. All efforts now to get any presentation ready were gone out the window; actually, at this point I really didn't care any more about the presentation. When I got to my office, I sat in my chair, staring out the window. As I sat there going over the past years we'd all been together, so many things now became clear. And all this time when I could have let her know how I felt ... oh God, how could I have been so dense? All of the times I had teased her, both of us were on the same page ... both of us wanted more than just a tease.
Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore and I got up and returned to her office. She wasn't there but I could hear the copy machine running again. When I got to the hallway, I found her standing there using the machine. When she saw me, she started to move aside and I reached out and smacked her open handed across the butt. "Don't move!" I commanded her. "I need to explain a couple of things here." She stood there, staring at me.
"Sylvie ... look, all of these years I've had these ... these feelings about you ... but I was afraid to do anything about them. Since you worked for me and I didn't want to end up in a law suite, or even worse ... I might loose you ... I've just kept it to myself. I'd no idea how you felt about me; or that I was saying or doing things ... you felt were leading you on ... but I've had the same feelings as you. I've wondered about the change I have seen in you lately ... like ever since you gave me the pen set ... but again, I was afraid I would upset you." I hung my head for a second and then murmured, "I feel like such a dope. I ... ah ... well ... well, shit, I guess its too late now."
I'd had my say, so I turned and returned to my office, quietly shutting the door behind me. I felt miserable. I hadn't even realized Sylvie been there all the time, all I had to do was just see it and take advantage ... and I'd screwed it all up. I put my head on my arms on my desk and just sat there. I didn't hear my door open and I was not even aware of her being in the room with me until she was standing behind me.
Almost as a caress, she put her hands on my shoulders and pulled so I would lift my head off the desk. "Paul ... let's get out of here and go talk. OK?"
"My place is just a short walk ... come with me." I stood and followed her to the elevator. Once we were out on the street, she reached out and took my hand and we strolled along. As we walked, I realized how happy I was just being with her. How many times had I fantasized being with her, just being together?
I'd never seen her condominium, but I'd heard it was really something to behold, however, I was still stunned with the beauty of the building when we arrived. The tall building of dark glass and bronzed steel gleamed in the afternoon sunlight; it was very impressive indeed. Her door attendant even had the door open before we reached the bottom steps. "Good afternoon Ms. Johnson." He beamed down at her.
"Good afternoon Charles ... how are you today?" Sylvie warmly greeted the attendant.
"Fine mam, just fine." He continued to smile as he nodded his head towards Sylvie. As an after-thought, he nodded at me, "Afternoon Sir!"
I smiled at the portly door attendant, "Afternoon to you Charles."
We rode the elevator up in silence and when we reached the top floor, we stepped out into a large lobby with recessed lighting and soft music playing in the background. There were just two entrances off the lobby, one to the left and one to the right, both entrances with double doors. Sylvie stepped to the one entrance one the right and held a pass card in front of the lock to unlock the door. We stepped into a fair sized entryway with a beautiful intricate tile design in the floor. From there we moved through an ached entryway and then two steps down into a massive living room. The far end was a wall of total glass, which looked out over the city. The view was incredible. It was late enough in the afternoon so some lights were just starting to come on. The city lights sparkled off into the distance; I was truly impressed with the view.
"Drink?" she asked.
She showed me to a bar and I looked over what she had in stock and made my selection. After Sylvie poured some over ice, we went and settled ourselves on a large overstuffed couch. She waited for me to take a sip and then asked, "If you had feeling about me, why didn't you make a pass or something? There had to be some way you could have made your interest known."
I smiled at her, took another sip and replied, "Sylvie, first off ... in today's work environment, it's dangerous to make a pass at anyone due to sexual discrimination accusations and all. Besides, you've been a dream for Richard and me. You know what we need, even before we know we need it. The office runs without any problems ... well, except for the copy machine..." this comment brought a big smile and a small giggle. "The last thing I wanted to do was screw it up. I was afraid if I made any advances you might quit and leave. I know you don't need the job or the money anymore ... I just didn't dare take the chance."
The smile on her face was one of total irony, "Paul, like you just said, 'I don't need the job'. Do you know why I stick around; do you have any idea why I dress like I do ... every day? Even on casual Friday, I wear a dress and try to look just a nice as I can ... it was so you'd notice me."
I grinned at her, "It works ... I have ... and I won't tell you now often I fantasize about you."
Her voice was soft, "You do? Really..." the excitement in her voice was so sweet.
"Yes ... really." Our conversation continued, flowing as we jumped from subject to subject, several times Sylvie leaned over and either squeezed my arm or patted my hand. One time she stopped mid sentence, smiled and asked, "Do you have any idea how pleased I am you are here ... finally here in my apartment?"
"Really?" I asked, finding it hard to believe what she told me.
"Yes ... really."
We sat side my side on the couch and watched as night moved over the city and as the city lights filled the early evening sky, a beautiful sight spread before us. Sylvie excused herself to go to the bathroom and when she returned, I was standing at the window, staring out across the beautiful spectacle of the city as dusk continued to settle over it. She came up behind me, slipped her arms around me, and as she laid her head on my back, she squeezed. I turned and wrapped my arms around her; she still had on heels so we were now face-to-face. I looked into her eyes and then leaned forward to kiss her. Once my lips touched hers, she made a little sound ... something between a cry and a moan. I drew back and looked at her, "Are you OK?"
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The CPO opens the door and lets my delegation in. I was expecting there to be four of them, but there are six. Japanese businessmen often bring on translators even if they aren’t needed. In some ways, it is a bit deceitful, making people think you don’t understand what they are saying. It is also a good practice. It is easy for there to be misunderstandings if at least one person isn’t speaking their native tongue. I have no clue who the second person is that Jean-Paul brought with...
What Lesly had said to me got my mind going. What had I done to her mom on the tape that I hadn’t done to Lesly? I was thinking of only one of the episodes on the tape, the first. I got butterflies in my stomach. My little girl had seen and shared the two of us being very kinky. As I had said before my wife was very conservative in public, but she was my whore in the bed room. We had gone through the whole spectrum of sexuality. Did my daughter really want to experience all of this? A light lit...
i am shivering with anticipation by the time i knock on your door& as i wait anxiously 4 u 2 answerit gives me a moment 2 calm downjust be4 u suddenly open the door& drag me forcefully inside...u pull me up close against u& i feel the firmness of your cockpressing demandingly on2 mineas your hands grope my ass& u pull me further in2 the room..." this happens when i get the urge !! "u groanas your hand slides slowly down-ward& grips your obviously growing package..." u are...
My Sister Part 2 This is a continuation of "My Sister" it takes place immediately after Carly and Tyler leave the room and head down stairs. Again like last time, I welcome any and all comments good or bad. You can reach me at After Carly left, I laid there trying to figure out what just happened and where it was going to go. Carly was and still is an ultimate wet dream come true and I still couldn't believe I just fucked her in and out of the shower. Her pussy was amazingly tight and she...
IncestJane unpacked the last of the boxes and looked around. It wasn’t too bad for her first home. The rented one-bedroom apartment was sparsely furnished with the furniture from her room back home and some used pieces that she’d managed to pick up along the way. She felt so grown-up. 21 years old, her first job, and she was living in town, 2 hours’ drive from her parents’ house. Her life was truly going to begin now.She’d managed to get herself a job as an administrative assistant at a local mall...
I went to bed early that night which I generally did with the intention of having a long read. I devoured books at a rate of knots so was always in the library looking for more science fiction. A couple of hours immersed in a story and I would doze off as easy as pie. Tonight I found myself rereading the same line over and over as my concentration was way off. So, I gave in, put down the book and tried to go to sleep. My mother I had left downstairs watching the TV, my other, younger sisters...
Hi Friends. This happened a week ago and I wanted to share my real thing with you people. My name is Varun and I live in Delhi. I am 6 feet tall and maintaining a very good athletic body. You can contact me at (any one feeling alone can contact me) Last week there was real cold wave in Delhi and due to which I was not feeling well to go out. So decided to be at home and take rest for few days but could not as I do not have a habit of staying at home for too long. I love partying and driving....
After the events of the last few nights, Penny (Aiden Ashley) can’t take anymore, and goes to the club to confront Joanna Angel. Bartender Aaron (Small Hands) watches the whole thing as Penny storms in, slapping Joanna in the face angrily. Does she think she knows what’s BEST for Penny?! She’s NOT one of Joanna’s whores that she can just push around! Joanna tells her to calm down. Penny’s furious and there’s no calming her down, screaming in Joanna’s...
xmoviesforyouYes, it was a wet Wednesday afternoon. The rain was falling down in buckets. I love the sent of fresh rain.. The doorbell rang with a whimper and I I knew it could only be Claudette.Claudette was a lovely Belgium woman who used to babysit my step son.. When I got divorced she pleaded with me to be her lover.. I was not interested in women then, but she blew me away with her hot tongue and kisses. A beautiful adventure I wanted so much to repeat, so, Claudette and I became lovers. I would only...
So the nuns and the priests attempted to curb my voracious appetites for four years. They failed miserably. By the time I was a senior, my birthday just passed in a haze of alcohol and sex—the drinking age hadn't yet been changed from eighteen—I'd been disciplined more times than I could count, suspended from classes, and nearly expelled, twice. I was always scraping by, just barely, but it was enough for me. Father Hamilton had the task of disciplining me for my latest transgressions....
Vicky was my best friend from the time I was 10 years old on up. She did something for me that I couldn't bring myself to do for myself when I was 11 and a half years old. Vicky was 13 years old when I first told her my secret. She was just a little on the chubby side, and she had a quick laugh and was a lot of fun to play with. No one would have called her fat, she was just a red headed freckled all American girl. Vicky was the person I told first that I wanted to be a girl. When...
Time and tide wait for no man, someone once said. They were right. Add to those two fixtures, the uncertainty of weather, along with a rugged cliffside and you had a set of circumstances for the magic that was to overtake two lives, not yet aware of each other. Each was affected by the surging of their own blood, the anger in their hearts, and the urge for some incomprehensible dream. How could they know what fate had decreed for them?Brad Machin had a cosy flat not far from the beach and often...
Love StoriesPINK LIPSTICK by Throne Mick Fillmore was experiencing that odd feeling again. There was a weird tingling that ran up and down his spine, along with a mild lightheadedness. He sat down on a kitchen chair and took a deep breath. One reason he was alarmed was that his health was usually so good. He didn't smoke, drank very little alcohol, and walked every chance he got. He was short and slender, in his early 20s, with no reason he could think of to feel this way. As he waited for the...
My ex decided she wanted to work at the club. She was only going to waitress but had to dress sexy. She was 5'4, 110lbs red hair 36C tits. She decided she was going to wear her green corset a green thong and of course the matching thigh hi's attached to her garters and 6" green heels. She looked hot and left for work.She got home about 3am and still looked hot as hell. She sat on the bed and told me about her night. She said she had to see the owner first to get her outfit approved so she went...
Hi ….. I am akky height 5’10” ksrati bdan. Pichli story m maine bataya tha nisha ki chudai k bare m.Fir us raat k baad agle din dopahar ko 2 bje utha nha dho kr khana khaya. Fir raat ki jabardast chudai k bare m sochta rha. Tbhi pinki ka khayal aaya.Toshaam ko usko dekhne k bare m soch kr so gya. Shaam 6 bje pinki k ghar ki trf gya wo bahar hi baithi thi.Mujhe dekh kr uth gyi or muskurai. P- haiiiii A- hai kaisi h. . Pass m khdi uski mummy ko nmste kiya fir pinki s uski padai k bare m pucha....
Here’s my fantasy story about a real sexy woman named Kassey.My name is Denny and I’m to Jodi. We live in Knoxville, Tennessee in a quiet residential neighborhood. Next door to my right are my neighbors Kassey and Jim. We’ve known each other for about five years now and had become good friends. But there’s a problem. I have been fantasizing about fucking Kassey from the second I first met her. I mean I spent countless hours stroking my cock thinking about what Kassey’s D-cup tits look...
Jenna Foxx is ready to party. She’s got her hair done, nails done, everything did. She looks fly as hell and fresh to death. She’s going to be the bell of the ball. Uh oh. Jenna’s boyfriend Logan hasn’t been getting ready. He’s been working on his high score. Jenna is not amused, to put it mildly. Logan waste a few more minutes getting his score up and then he notices the work Jenna has put into her appearance. So much for getting ready – Logan is turned up over how fantastic Jenna looks....
xmoviesforyouGet over here, Patricia. QUICKLY GIRL! Stand in front of me. Let me look at my Slutty Girl. Pull up your skirt, Little Cunt… Pattie, look at me. DON’T look at the floor girl, look at me. You fucked your husband last night, didn’t you? You whore. Did you suck your husband’s cock? Don’t fucking lie to me, Pattie. You did, didn’t you? You licked his balls and then you sucked his cock. You got on your knees for him. I know you did. Did he fuck my girl in her ass? He fucking did, didn’t he? And...