SylvieChapter 2 free porn video

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What I have come to think of as "Our Big Change" happened a couple of months after Sylvie gave me the present of the pen set. The start of The Big Change came about because our copy machine broke down. I thought since the day of Sylvie's gift there seemed to be a subtle change between the two of us; I felt when she talked to me her voice was a littler softer than it used to be and the difference was especially noticeable when compared to how she spoke to Richard. I noticed she always came to my office first thing in the morning now and on the way home to say good night, something she rarely did before and never did with Richard.

'Our Big Change' happened just after the repair service took our broken copy machine and left a "loaner" in place. The basic problem was the loaner was massive. Besides being way too much machine for our limited needs, it was excessively large with bells and whistles we really had no need for and it would not fit in the room where we kept the old machine, so we had no choice but to leave the new one in the hallway. However, that presented a new problem as it took up so much of the hallway that when a person was using the copy machine; they also ended up blocking the passageway.

Richard hit the roof when he saw what was going on with the copy machine while I just found the whole thing humorous. Sylvie really gave the poor tech a good ass chewing and told him in no uncertain terms we wanted our old machine back ASAP. We were promised the old machine would be back no later than Tuesday of the next week. The problem was I had a large proposal I had to get done and was due to present it on Monday. Since the new loaner was so complicated and I had no idea how to use the damn thing, Sylvie promised she would come in on Saturday and help.

On Saturday, we arrived later than usual and I had stopped and brought us coffee. Even though it was a Saturday, Sylvie still wore a dress, which I felt showed a bit more cleavage than normal and looked great with her hair color. Since it was just the two of us, she seemed to be in a more relaxed mood than normal. She made several funny comments and we joked around a lot. I also noticed she had slipped off her shoes and was walking about in stocking feet.

While we were working, one time I needed to pass by her when she was using the copy machine and as I tired to get past her, she quickly stepped back, pinning me against the wall with her luscious bottom. Later when I thought over the incident, I realized how soft her bottom had felt ... even though she had on nylons, I could tell she didn't have on pantyhose. At the time, without really giving it much thought, I slapped one cheek of her shapely bottom once with an open hand to get her to move forward. Instead, Sylvia pushed back harder, wiggled her bottom back and forth against the front of my pants a couple of times and tuned her head to look over her shoulder at me. "Ummmm." She murmured. I slapped her one more time and I could have sworn I heard her sigh.

I was floored by her impudence, so much so it didn't occur to me what I had done. "Knock it off or I'll really spank you!" I told her. However, suddenly it dawned on me and I was afraid I had over stepped my bounds. "Sylvie, I am sorry ... that was not appropriate."

A grin spread over her face as she looked back at me over her shoulder ... She moved that wonderful bottom of hers one more time across the front of my pants, "Promises, promises ... that's all I ever get from you." She winked, released me and walked off.

I was stunned. What was that all about? Her actions were the most forward act she'd ever done around me. I went back to my office and as I sat at my desk musing over what had just happened, I lost track of time. I just sat and puzzled over what had occurred. Finally, I knew I had to talk to her and I got up and went to Sylvia's office to find her.

I found her in her office and her head lifted as I entered the room and she looked at me. There didn't seem to be any expression on her face as I asked, "Have you got a minute?"

"Sure ... sit down ... what's up?" She motioned for me to sit down.

I paused for a moment, trying to decide how I was going to ask her what I wanted to know. Finally, in frustration I just blurted out, "Ah ... what did you mean, I make promises to you?"

Her eyes closed and she looked down at her desk. When she finally looked up at me, she shook her head. "Paul ... I shouldn't have said anything ... forget it. Please?"

I was not going to be put off that easily. "NO! I know I shouldn't have slapped your bottom ... and for that I apologize ... but ... what have I said that made you feel I was somehow making promises?"

She leaned back in her chair, looking up at me, "Paul ... really, let's forget it." I remembered her reaction when I spanked her in the hallway. I wondered if perhaps she enjoyed being spanked.

At this point, I figured I was already in trouble if she wanted to get nasty with me, so what did I have to loose? I wanted ... no I needed to know what she'd meant by her earlier comment. "Either you tell me what you meant, or I may have to turn you over my knee." I said with a leer.

Still leaning back in her chair, Sylvie's smile seemed a bit sad as she looked at me. Pointing her finger at me, she shook her head, "And that's exactly what I mean Paul ... you say things ... you say things with an implied promise ... but you really don't mean what you say."

I was stunned. "Help me here ... if I'm doing something I'm not aware of, please tell me." I honestly didn't understand what I was doing, or saying wrong.

She came forward in her chair and looked me directly in the eyes, "Oh shit Paul ... do I have to get a club and smack you over the head? What do I have to do to get your attention? I try and dress as nice as I can every day ... I have tried to drop every hint I could to get you to notice me ... all to no avail."

"You what?" I was totally dumfounded.

"You really have no idea ... do you?"

"Idea about what?"

Sylvie leaned back once more in her chair, took a deep breath and continued, "Paul ... I don't need to work here for the money ... you know that." I nodded my head. "Did you ever wonder why I stay?"

There was a long pause as I considered her question, "Well ... a little ... I thought you just liked it here."

"I do ... I love it here..." After a very long pause, she added, "because of you!"


"Yes Paul ... oh shit..." Her face was now red and I could see she was uncomfortable with our conversation. "Now I'm embarrassed; this is a discussion I swore we'd never have. Please go away." I just sat there and looked at her. I had no idea she felt this way. Finally, she thrust out her arm and barked, "GO!"

I stood turned and wandered slowly back to my office, my mind in turmoil. All efforts now to get any presentation ready were gone out the window; actually, at this point I really didn't care any more about the presentation. When I got to my office, I sat in my chair, staring out the window. As I sat there going over the past years we'd all been together, so many things now became clear. And all this time when I could have let her know how I felt ... oh God, how could I have been so dense? All of the times I had teased her, both of us were on the same page ... both of us wanted more than just a tease.

Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore and I got up and returned to her office. She wasn't there but I could hear the copy machine running again. When I got to the hallway, I found her standing there using the machine. When she saw me, she started to move aside and I reached out and smacked her open handed across the butt. "Don't move!" I commanded her. "I need to explain a couple of things here." She stood there, staring at me.

"Sylvie ... look, all of these years I've had these ... these feelings about you ... but I was afraid to do anything about them. Since you worked for me and I didn't want to end up in a law suite, or even worse ... I might loose you ... I've just kept it to myself. I'd no idea how you felt about me; or that I was saying or doing things ... you felt were leading you on ... but I've had the same feelings as you. I've wondered about the change I have seen in you lately ... like ever since you gave me the pen set ... but again, I was afraid I would upset you." I hung my head for a second and then murmured, "I feel like such a dope. I ... ah ... well ... well, shit, I guess its too late now."

I'd had my say, so I turned and returned to my office, quietly shutting the door behind me. I felt miserable. I hadn't even realized Sylvie been there all the time, all I had to do was just see it and take advantage ... and I'd screwed it all up. I put my head on my arms on my desk and just sat there. I didn't hear my door open and I was not even aware of her being in the room with me until she was standing behind me.

Almost as a caress, she put her hands on my shoulders and pulled so I would lift my head off the desk. "Paul ... let's get out of here and go talk. OK?"


"My place is just a short walk ... come with me." I stood and followed her to the elevator. Once we were out on the street, she reached out and took my hand and we strolled along. As we walked, I realized how happy I was just being with her. How many times had I fantasized being with her, just being together?

I'd never seen her condominium, but I'd heard it was really something to behold, however, I was still stunned with the beauty of the building when we arrived. The tall building of dark glass and bronzed steel gleamed in the afternoon sunlight; it was very impressive indeed. Her door attendant even had the door open before we reached the bottom steps. "Good afternoon Ms. Johnson." He beamed down at her.

"Good afternoon Charles ... how are you today?" Sylvie warmly greeted the attendant.

"Fine mam, just fine." He continued to smile as he nodded his head towards Sylvie. As an after-thought, he nodded at me, "Afternoon Sir!"

I smiled at the portly door attendant, "Afternoon to you Charles."

We rode the elevator up in silence and when we reached the top floor, we stepped out into a large lobby with recessed lighting and soft music playing in the background. There were just two entrances off the lobby, one to the left and one to the right, both entrances with double doors. Sylvie stepped to the one entrance one the right and held a pass card in front of the lock to unlock the door. We stepped into a fair sized entryway with a beautiful intricate tile design in the floor. From there we moved through an ached entryway and then two steps down into a massive living room. The far end was a wall of total glass, which looked out over the city. The view was incredible. It was late enough in the afternoon so some lights were just starting to come on. The city lights sparkled off into the distance; I was truly impressed with the view.

"Drink?" she asked.


She showed me to a bar and I looked over what she had in stock and made my selection. After Sylvie poured some over ice, we went and settled ourselves on a large overstuffed couch. She waited for me to take a sip and then asked, "If you had feeling about me, why didn't you make a pass or something? There had to be some way you could have made your interest known."

I smiled at her, took another sip and replied, "Sylvie, first off ... in today's work environment, it's dangerous to make a pass at anyone due to sexual discrimination accusations and all. Besides, you've been a dream for Richard and me. You know what we need, even before we know we need it. The office runs without any problems ... well, except for the copy machine..." this comment brought a big smile and a small giggle. "The last thing I wanted to do was screw it up. I was afraid if I made any advances you might quit and leave. I know you don't need the job or the money anymore ... I just didn't dare take the chance."

The smile on her face was one of total irony, "Paul, like you just said, 'I don't need the job'. Do you know why I stick around; do you have any idea why I dress like I do ... every day? Even on casual Friday, I wear a dress and try to look just a nice as I can ... it was so you'd notice me."

I grinned at her, "It works ... I have ... and I won't tell you now often I fantasize about you."

Her voice was soft, "You do? Really..." the excitement in her voice was so sweet.

"Yes ... really." Our conversation continued, flowing as we jumped from subject to subject, several times Sylvie leaned over and either squeezed my arm or patted my hand. One time she stopped mid sentence, smiled and asked, "Do you have any idea how pleased I am you are here ... finally here in my apartment?"

"Really?" I asked, finding it hard to believe what she told me.

"Yes ... really."

We sat side my side on the couch and watched as night moved over the city and as the city lights filled the early evening sky, a beautiful sight spread before us. Sylvie excused herself to go to the bathroom and when she returned, I was standing at the window, staring out across the beautiful spectacle of the city as dusk continued to settle over it. She came up behind me, slipped her arms around me, and as she laid her head on my back, she squeezed. I turned and wrapped my arms around her; she still had on heels so we were now face-to-face. I looked into her eyes and then leaned forward to kiss her. Once my lips touched hers, she made a little sound ... something between a cry and a moan. I drew back and looked at her, "Are you OK?"

Same as Sylvie
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After having my mind blown and the manner in which I learned of my wife’s cheating, the sex that followed was electric. We didn’t get an opportunity to speak until later that evening, which created a strange atmosphere in the house. When we did get to speak privately later on, we both agreed that we still felt close to each other, Stacey said that she felt we needed to clear the air. I stopped her and said that no matter what she said, I still loved her and our family. She held my hands and...

2 years ago
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Treehouse Adventures 4 The Final Chapter

So after the last adventure I told you about, what would you assume? Henry and I lived happily ever after? We were meant to be together? I wish I could tell you that it was the truth, but it was far from it. Now I don’t know if our love wasn’t strong enough, or the way we wanted the world to see us too great, but there was to much riding against us. So we ended up going our separate ways. Hannah and Henry ended up getting married after all and life went back to the way it was. ______________ “I...

3 years ago
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Seducing Jennifer Pt 33

I drew a deep breath. ‘Okay, let’s think this through. We’re jumping to conclusions here. There’s no reason to assume it’s Vholes that got blown up. He’ll probably be here in a few minutes. And while we’re waiting, why don’t we go up to the roof and see if we can get cell phone service up there? No, wait. First I’ll try the land-line.’ I picked up the house phone and started punching in Vholes’ number. Carlo picked up. ‘Front desk. Ah, Mr. Jack. How can I help you?’ I imagined that I heard a...

3 years ago
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The Curtsey part V

The Curtsey Part V By Sissy Smith Maid Tabitha was dressed in a working maid's uniform. Contrary to what many think, a real sissy maid only wares a fancy French Maids uniform when serving formal affairs. The rest of the time the sissy maid is to be hard at work performing duties that could easily ruin a fancy and expensive uniform. Madam Pointed out to the two ladies that they should note the restraints placed upon Maid Tabitha. Madam said, "The restraints are not to stop Tabitha...

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My friends dad 11

Jeanette laid there for a few seconds before she said anything. I think she had never ever been so embarrassed in her life. I wasn't sure what she would say. “Hi dad, I was just passing by, and couldn't help but hear all the moaning and everything else going on in here,” Jeanette said. “But why are you in your bra and underwear and a little sweaty too. Were you masturbating while you watched us?” John asked. Then she got up and looked at us, neither one of us covered up though and she just spit...

3 years ago
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A Night To Remember

Leigh was in the kitchen doing the dishes while she watched the movie "Out of Sight." "Leigh." John sighed coming in the room. "Yeah?" She sighed, pushing her blonde hair from her face with the back of her arm. "You're not doing a good job with the dishes. Three customers have complained." John sighed. "Sorry, Boss." Leigh sighed. "Listen, you're my sister, and I love you. But, if you don't do any better I'm gonna have to let you go." John said. "Don't fire me." Leigh pleaded. "I won't. Maybe...

4 years ago
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Sabah and Rod

This was inspired by "From Whose Borne No Traveler Returns/Lilith" by Trey Galant and myself It imagines what might happen as the aftermath of a situation portrayed in the former story. Slowly, like an artic dawn, consciousness seeped back into Rod's addled but contented brain. He attempted to open his eyes, but soon gave up the effort. He felt weak, as if suffering from a high fever. That would explain the wild delusions he half remembered. He tried to recall them, but all he could...

2 years ago
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Asian and African American

Well...where do I start. She has been my cute asian princess for more than 12 years we've done everything together, cried, laughed, joked, and even caressed, but we never made love to one another even though we both saw the desire to be with each other a long time ago. Well I've always wanted to be with an asian woman but just never thought they felt attracted to black men, I asked my asian friend why is it that your culture doesn't like black men she told me "we don't think black men find us...

2 years ago
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Sissy Butt Licker Ch2

I left the office at noon, and headed over to Steph's place. I got there, and she let me in, wearing only a robe. There was porn playing on her tv and by the smell of the place, I'd say she was in the middle of one of her marathon masturbation sessions. We sat on the couch and she asked if I'd lick her bum while she finished jilling herself. After I replied yes, she layed down on the floor, belly down, put a pillow under her midsection, propping her ass up, and reached under herself to frig her...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 249 Carols Sex Education Begins

Sunday, June 19, 2005 (Continued) Ava greeted us, "Hi everyone! I didn't bring a suit..." "Did you bring your skin?" asked Julia. "I never leave home without it, haha." Ava stripped unselfconsciously, while commenting on my casts being off and asking how my leg and the broken and missing fingers were (or as I thought of them, my "here and not-here fingers"). By now "Giving Someone The Finger" was a well established joke at Dad's work. Dad had told me a couple of stories about...

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An evening with Dina and her Cuck Boi Husband the

Enjoy the conclusion to the evening.I get up I go pick up the pack of Newports I take out two cigs I had one to Dina and the other for me. Bitch boi goes now I see why she changed from Parliaments to Newports. I laughed “Light our cigarettes slave” He obliges and lights us up. I take a deep inhale and exhale a large plume of smoke towards him“Aww does that bother you slave”He replies “No mistress that’s fine”“Good then you will stay in the room whenever Dina smokes and you will light her...

2 years ago
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TandraChapter 33

Susan insistently pushed the bell. A video camera scanned the lone woman, and a speaker beside the door said, "Hello, may I help you?" Susan thought fast, they had to have an urgent reason to get her in. She yelled like a distraught mother, and said, "You have my baby. I want her back now." "You are mistaken ma'am. Please leave." "Police, police, they have kidnapped my baby. Police, police, save my baby. Pol..." The door was opened, and a large man pulled Susan into the house....

3 years ago
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The FourDay Weekend Part II Truth or Dare

I woke up freezing. Lying naked on your bed all night without any covers will do that. At about the same time as I was pulling blankets over me I suddenly remembered why I was naked. “Do you feel that hard bump, near the top? That’s your clit. That’s what you want to focus on.” “Amy… Oh my God, Amy!” “Just relax, just let it happen.” “Augh… augh!” Last night, my best friend Minda and I had gotten a little experimental. One thing led to another, and before I...

1 year ago
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Teacher Gang Raped for Revenge

I was feeling very uncomfortable; I was in a very rough part of town, but one where all my secondary school pupils live in. I was here to try and find a girl from my class who had not been in school for three weeks now, ever since I’d had to reprimand her. Truancy services had reported that she had been seen here, foolishly I had thought I could find her and talk to her. “Hello Miss,” the “Miss,” said with contempt, “what are you doing here?” I spun around and came face to face with Gavin a...

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After ten months of school and musical theatre behind us, the NFL Stadium Tour was starting in under a week. Let me give you the Readers Digest version of what has been happening: After their family summer all together, Paul and Cece, with renewed vigor and an in-home baby-sitter for Andrew, told me to go ahead and focus on Lincoln and the GSS. Jackson Heights was in their hands. Jeremy’s female assistant decided not to continue to learn any more about conducting. Principal McGowan brought...

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The other woman was a tall blonde. She was about the same height as Hank’s wife, Ana, and very pretty. She and Ana had similar builds and personality traits, which made him more attracted to her. Oddly enough, he wasn’t cheating on his wife. Ana was fully aware that he was having sex with another woman because Ana was with them. Hank thought back to their wedding day. It was the best day of his life, but he never thought he would be making love to a woman other than his wife, and he definitely...

3 years ago
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Chat Buddy Fuck Buddy

I had been talking to this guy on the internet for about 3 months. He was obviously sex crazy. We had been constantly flirting and there was definitely a sexual attraction. He lived about 2 hours away, so finally one night I drove up there. After some chit chat and a few beers/shots of whiskey, he came up from behind me and kissed me. We ended up grinding each other while I was straddling him. I was so wet and I couldn't handle it anymore. We practically ripped each other's clothes off. His...

4 years ago
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Golden Shower MomChapter 3

“Shouldn’t we go, Mom?” Lisa held his prick as they lay side by side on the blanket. “No, not yet,” she murmured, still feeling the pleasure glow. “Let’s stay here a while longer. Lisa turned on her side, facing him. She looked at his face for a moment. Mike was a handsome young boy, looking somewhat like his dad. He was trying hard to grow a moustache, but failing miserably. She stroked his cock, feeling the wetness still there from her cunt. She moved her face close to him, then ran the...

1 year ago
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The Conference

I walk to reception to check in, and stand next to you as you are checking in too. I cant help but smell your sweet perfume and run my eyes up and down your body, getting slightly aroused...You look at me and smile...I continue to check in...half listening to the receptionist, half watching you as you bend over and pick up your luggage. I check in and walk towards the lifts to take me to my room..And as you look over your shoulder, catching me looking at your ass. You look up to see me watching...

2 years ago
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Little Sisters Are Mouthy

Jamie had one hand on her cock and the other on the keyboard. She vigorously stroked her cock as she watched the image of a dark haired skinny naked Earther girl on her knees swallowing the thick cock of a big breasted blonde Futanari. Her eyes were glued to the 3D computer display and she couldn’t help moaning. “Oh, yeah, suck that cock you little fucking whore! Show me that ass ... oooh, I’d fuck that ass so fucking hard!” Jamie watched the Futanari grab the Earther girl’s hair and force her...

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Oscar MeyersChapter 4

In the middle of the night, Oscar drove the car across the Iran-Iraq border. They passed the border checkpoint without stopping. It was as if the border guards could not see the white Mercedes. After they had driven a mile past the border, Georgia let out the breath she had been holding and then said, “That was strange. Why didn’t they stop us?” “The Powers That Be do not recognize the borders imposed by men,” Oscar answered. National boundaries were a construct of men, not Gods. “You’re...

3 years ago
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First time gay fuck

Luke and I had always got on well. Sharing a mutual dislike of a girl we had both dated, but who had cheated on us both meant we had a sympathy for each other’s situation. We soon found we liked the same things though,and it was really easy for us to have a laugh together. This is the story of one time we met for a drink, which had an end neither of us would ever have imagined. It was summer, and we hadn’t seen each other for a while. We met up at a bar nearby and started having a few drinks. I...

Gay Male
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Fun with the Boys

"You done well today Toby. You're so fast on the pitch nobody can catch you." Dan said to me. "Thanks but I wish I had your strength." I replied to my bigger built friend. Quickly we had stripped to our underwear. I noticed we were all wearing briefs, better support for sports, and I couldn't help but check my friends packages. I quickly looked away hoping nobody noticed. We stuffed our dirty kit into our kit bags and walked through Pete's house to his bedroom. As we walked we talked...

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Toms Revenge

It took me some time before I could make it happen, but I had promised myself that one day I would get back at the bitch and that night the stars aligned themselves just right. Laurie looked good, but then she always did. Five foot four, blond hair and 145 pounds distributed to make her 36C/25/37 body truly mouth watering. At thirty-seven she looked more like she was in her late twenties and I could see all of the male eyes in the place linger on her. I hadn't known that this would be the...

2 years ago
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A Change of Life Part 10

A Change of Life, Part 10 by LaShaunda As I cudded with James and pressed my head against his chisled chest, I began to think that my recent sexual experience with him may have been crossing yet another threshold next to the "point of no return." It was bad enough that I (naturally a straight white male) had given a tall LeBron James-esque black man the blowjob of his life. Even worse was that my former-sons had...

1 year ago
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The Drinking Game

                                   The Drinking GameAs dominatrixes my girl friends and I like to have fun with our slaves. Fun – that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?Each week, we congregate at one or another’s place and play with our slaves. Sometimes, it’s all of ‘em – sometimes, just one provides the fun and games.There are three of us dominas, so I’ll introduce us all. First, my dearest friend, Mistress Fleur. She’s 50, blonde, almost skinny, but nice, firm breasts. Fair pubic hair and...

3 years ago
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Changed into a Slut for Cock

I dozed through all the court proceedings that day. It was all boring as hell. According to my appointed solicitor the woman pressed charges and had severe back injuries from the broken glasses and a fractured jaw. But she deserved it just like my bitch of a wife back home. The judge looked at me, disgust in his eyes. They have even got my wife to go against me, the bitch, and she even said how I abused our son as well. The judge had given me a choice either a few years in prison minimum or a...

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