Sex plan gets me a high school girl and best friend s daughter
- 1 year ago
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True story! My buddy is one of those community movers and shakers, good looking fit guy, rich out the wazoo, generous to a fault, and truly possesses the midas touch. He also has a stunningly beautiful, All-American girl next door type, seventeen-year-old daughter, Hannah Rochelle. Hannah is vertically challenged, but like her Mom, more than makes up for the lack of height in the physically endowed department.
For the most part, I have been successfully retired since my late forties. But sometimes I get bored. When I do, I cherry pick substitute teaching positions at one of the local high schools. When I am at one high school in particular, the one Hannah Rochelle attends as a graduating senior, I usually bump into her in the hallway or cafeteria. I make it a point to always give her a hard time, threatening to tell her daddy wI witnessed her misbehaving in school. For the record, she is popular and very well behaved, or so I thought.
With an abundance or free time on my hands, I recently developed a penchant for porn, live porn. A couple of weeks back I was kinda scrolling through the live vids, when I was stopped dead in my tracks. You know where this is headed, right! I kept telling myself that the gorgeous naked creature on the screen must be Hannah's doppleganger. But, the longer I watched, and the more she spoke, I realized is was none other than my friend's lovely daughter.
Right before my eyes, she leaned back in her chair and spread her legs wide as her cam zoomed in close. I sat in stunned silence as her fingers slid between glistening pouty lips and sloshed about. This angelic young lady I had known since she wore diapers, was now on display for the whole world to watch. And I was part of that audience.
Hannah was moaning and grunting loudly as the self induced pleasure mounted. It quickly became apparent to me, she must be watching some guy jack off on another live stream as she masturbated for him, and the world. She was pounding her pussy as hard as she could while calling him by name. Soon, I realized I knew the boy too. He is a big lanky baseball star who was offered several full college scholarships at the ripe old age of fourteen.
My eyes were glued to the screen as her hips pumped up and down, back and forth as she talked admiringly about how big this boy's cock was. She was telling him in vivid detail all the naughty things she wanted to do with him, but was afraid to do because her Daddy would kill both of them if he found out. Hence, they just played masturbation games together, in front of any and all who wanted to watch.
My cock was throbbing. Her big tits bounced with each thrust of her pelvis. Hanna rolled her nipples between fingertips and thumb as the other hand worked her hungry cunt towards orgasm. I found myself transfixed, with pants unzipped and cock in hand, stroking madly as she neared climax. She tossed her head about, body writhing, eyes flickering open and closed as her taut abs undulated. Hannah suddenly cried out as her body shook uncontrollably. Her thighs slammed shut momentarily as her fingers pushed deeper, then as quickly as they closed, they spread wide and she yanked her fingers out and several long squirts shot towards the screen.
Hannah collapsed in exhaustion, her body only responding as impulsive, involuntary waves of washed over her from head to toe.
Dayum! I couldn't keep my eyes off her beautiful pulsing cunt. She laid flat on her back, legs splayed open, hips rolling side to side, her orgasms dripping between her ass cheeks. The view up her body, from between her legs, across her tummy to her large mounds, was exactly the view that was now my new fantasy.
Finally, Hannah leaned up on both elbows, giggling as she and this boy continued chatting. Before she left the chat, they agreed to a time to meet online for the next day to share more fun together. I made a mental note, and a commitment to attend.
A request came in the form of a voicemail left on my cell phone sometime earlier in the morning, asking if I could sub for a high school health class. In the back of my mind, I hoped to see Hannah in person and elated to see it was her school. I wasn't sure how I would react knowing what I now knew, but was eager to find out.
I picked up the teacher's notes at the front office before class and headed down the long hallway to the class room. As per my routine, I always organize myself, and check out what instructions the teacher left.
"Well, I'll be," I smiled to myself as I read the teacher's notes, "Looks like this week's lessons were on human anatomy? Should be interesting."
After completing such, I perused the class rosters for each class, hoping now, that Hannah was in one of the classes. Sure enough. Miss Hannah Rochelle's name appeared on the third period class. I hurriedly checked out the seating arrangement, and found she was on the inside of the center aisle, two rows back. Perfect!! My cock twitched as I recollected the scenes from the day before.
It seemed like thrid period would never get there. Finally, the bell rang and a herd of playful, laughing, yelling teengers filled the hallways as they stampeded towards third period. My mind was blurry with excitement. Class bell rang, but no Hannah. Tardy bell rang, still no Hannah.
"Well fuck," I muttered under my breath. I guess she wore herself out last night!
I called role and waited about ten mintues for stragglers to come in. Hannah was the only absentee, so I filled out the absentee report and sent it to the office with another student. After standing, I turned towards the chalk board and wrote instructions for the day's work. As I turned to sit back down, there stood Hannah, with the same absentee report in hand.
What, I shot her a puzzled look. She looked at me, then slowly extended her hand to give me the report. "Please Sir. If I get another tardy or absent slip sent home to my Dad, he will ground me for the rest of the semester. Plus, my eighteenth birthday party is this Sunday. He might cancel that too. Can you change this for me? Pleeeeease?"
I resisted not, the temptation to take a quick peek at her tits, before my eyes met her pleading expression. "Hannah Rochelle, are you trying to get me fired?" I laughed. "You know your Daddy..."
"Pleeeeease," Hannah continued her plea with a sad face.
"I mean, admin takes attendance seriously, as does the great state of Texas... AND your Daddy. He pays a lot in taxes for you to attend school here."
"Oh yeah. I forgot you know my Daddy," Hannah mocked, pretending to have forgotten. "You're not going to tell him are you? Please say no," begged a now greatly concerned Hannah!
I stared at her lay-me-down-and-fuck-me dreamy eyes that had started to glaze over as if tears were laying in wait, to be summoned on demand as a last resort.
Planting both palms on the desk between us, and leaning towards her, I answered in a whisper, "Hannah, just this once. I will change the attendance record to reflect you have been here the full period."
A grateful smile covered her now radiant face and her tits jiggled as she bounced up and down gleefully. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. I am glad it was you subbing today!"
"You're welcome Hannah. Now go get your work done before I change my mind."
Hannah batted her long eyelashes and shot me a not so innocent smile. "I owe you," she mouthed.
She spun and headed towards her seat a few yards away. My eyes struggled not to fixate on her perfectly rounded ass as she walked happily away. I was sure other students had been straining their nosey little ears to hear as much of the conversation as possible, and were probably watching me, to see if I was checking out her ass.
Hannah slipped into her chair, one leg under the desk, the other remaining outside the desk frame. Her posture gave me an unhindered look up her short skirt. She had on pink panties again. It made me wonder if they were the same ones I watched her push into her cunt with two fingers the night before? The same ones she soaked with her abundant juices prehaps? The same ones she took off seductively as she talked to her classmate prehaps? The same ones she twirled about on her index finger before sucking the crotch prehaps?
Silly me I reminded myself, her Daddy is rich to the bone. I doubt she wears anything more than once or twice, even undies.
I had to sit down. My cock was about to become a noticable problem. Throughout the period, Hannah caught me taking peeks up her skirt. Each time, she flashed an innocent smile, and further accomodated me, as a 'thank you' I guess.
The class bell rang and everyone jumped up to leave. I called out to Hannah, motioning her to come to my desk, standing to meet her.
"Yes Sir," a cheerful Hannah replied?
"Hannah, did you finish the class assignment?"
"No Sir, I'm sorry. I was hoping to finish at home and return tomorrow if that is ok?"
"Lucky you Hannah. I just found out a few minutes ago that your teacher will be out the rest of the week. So, I'm here for the duration. Tomorrow will be fine."
"Must be my lucky day Sir." Hannah swooned with a bat of the lashes.
"Oh really, why is that Hannah?"
"Well, you didn't report me for being tardy. I don't have to turn in my work until tomorrow. And, I think you like looking up my skirt."
I instantly turned crimson red. "What makes you think such a thing Hannah Rochelle," I asked sternly.
Hannah's eyes darted towards the bulge in my slacks and back to mine. "Oh, just a hunch, Sir!"
"You cocky lil..." I muttered.
"Little what Sir," Hannah teased with pursed lips.
I caught myself. No way should I be having such a conversation with a student, let alone the seventeen-year-old daughter of a good friend of mine.
"Hannah, if you were my daughter, I would..."
"You would what Sir?" Hannah interrupted with a wide eyed smile.
I adjusted my glasses, glancing down at the cleavage starring at me. When the fuck did that top button get undone I asked myself?
"Hannah, don't tempt fate. Have your homework and classwork completed and on this desk before class starts tomorrow. Got it?"
Hannah stuck her lower lip out in a cute little pout. "Yes Mr. Howard, but what if I don't? I mean, not on purpose of course. But what if I can't complete it by then?"
"We'll deal with it at that time Hannah. Now, off you go or you will be late to fourth period too."
"Okay Sir. Thank you again for your kindness."
The rest of the day my mind was cluttered with images of her pink panties, mixed with an unhealthy overdose of watching her fingering fucking herself to orgasm the day before. Finally, the last bell rang and class was over for the day. I have to admit, I was looking forward to seeing Hannah in person every day for the next few days. I was especially looking forward to seeing her online later.
I walked through the door of my home, glancing at the clock. 'Oh shit I said to myself, Hannah will be meeting Nick online in about fifteen minutes.' I threw together a sandwich and grabbed a beer before heading to my home office. It's a good thing the misses is out of town all week I mused.
On my way to my desk, I grabbed a towel and began sheding my clothes. My cock was already bobbing in anticipation. I just knew I was gunna blow my wad as I watched this hot young slut pound herself silly.
I logged on early, perusing through my list of favorites, getting harder by the second. My cock was throbbing at the objectification of sweet Hannah Rochelle. Sure enough, a couple of minutes before her appointed time with Nick, Hannah Rochelle came online. My cock ached for the perceived sensation of her tight hot cunt gripping my pounding cock. I wanted to feel her legs wrapped around my waist as I slammed her hot cunt full of rock hard cock. I wanted to hear her moaning, screaming my name as she had more of those body shaking orgasms.
Hannah was still in her school clothes. Her camera captured all as walked around her bedroom, informing all her viewers of her daily activities. She looked directly into the camera as she slowly unbuttoned her blouse, calling 'hello' to certain regular viewers. Her nails teased the tops of her partially exposed tits as she flirted with her fans. Comments got down and dirty quickly.
Hannah reached behind her and turned on some music as she finished unbuttoning her blouse. She pulled the front panels to the sides as she sat down, soliciting comments on her new shear lacy bra. Her nipples hardened by the fact that she was sure lots men were going to be jacking off as they watched her play.
I enlarged the screen until I could almost smell her perfume and juices. Truthfully, I would have licked the screen if I thought I could taste her for a single, solitary moment! Hannah carried on a casual conversation with her admirers as she seductively wiggled out of her skirt, exposing matching lacy panties. She stood, turning her back to the away camera and showing off the T-back and her perfect ass, to which she delivered a hot, open handed swat. I told you so I laughed to myself, she never wears the same things twice.
I just about had a heart attack as she began telling her growing audience what happened to her in third period. My once proud erection, wilted completely as she all but called me by name. I was sure her buddy Nick knew who she was describing. Afterall, I had had him in class a few times too. Fortunately, she kept my name out of the conversation, at least so far.
She sat in her vanity chair as she brushed her long brown, silky hair. Hannah never stopped talking, captivating her fans I'm sure, with every tidbit of minutia of the day she could recall. Her mannerisms reminded me of her Dad, the consumate salesman who never stops selling.
Hannah sat with one foot tucked under her, the other facilitating a methodical rocking motion of her hips as she talked. Her nails teased her young flesh, innocently brushing across hard nipples as the other hand dipped into her lap. She lowered the camera to give her audiance a view of her open thighs and the shear thin panties that so delicately kept her pouty lips in place.
I'm not sure of what Hannah was talking about because all my acutely trained eyes could 'hear', were blinded by the sight of her hot young pussy, and the matching pink polished nails that seductively caressed the outline of her swollen lips.
My cock raged. It was so fucking hard I wasn't sure I would make through the whole show. Hell, Hannah hadn't even started a show! In the background I could hear her talking, but in my head the only thing I heard was her her screaming, "Fuck me Sir!"
She zoomed the camera in as her hips began to instinctively respond to her fingers pushing her soaked panties between her lips. Hannah let out a low gasp of 'fuuccckkk', as did I. Her fingers began running up and down the length of her swollen lips, teasing them with pinches and tugs. As her hips pushed back against her fingers more vigorously, she pulled the soaked crotch to the side, exposing her full glistening cunt. Her hooded clit, noticably pronounced.
Hannah began whimpering as her index finger pushed against her hard clit, rolling it in circles, moistened liberally by her juices. She trapped her clit between her index and middle fingers, sliding up and down her wet slit. Her legs swayed opened to and fro as she drew her other foot to the chairs edge. Her swollen cunt protruding invitingly.
Her free hand moved under her bra, pushing it over her tits as two fingers slid deeper into her cunt. Nipples begged to be pinched and pulled, which she obliged. Hannah placed both feet on the edge of the desk, legs wide open as her fingers rammed her hot cunt hard and fast. With renewed vigor, I matched her rythym. We came at nearly the same time. I could not remember a time when I shot such a load so far. It splattered across my keyboard and hit the screen. It actually made a 'splat' sound.
I sat there breathing hard, as did Hannah. Then she giggled. Her beautiful tits bouncing with each recovering breath. Fans went nuts with nasty, dirty comments towards her. I actually felt angry towards them.
"Oh hey Nick", Hannah smiled as she brushed the hair from her face with one hand, "I didn't see you come in."
His muffled response was inaudible, at least to me. But I could make out laughter from both.
Then the bombshell dropped. "Hey Nick, do you remember that sub from earlier in the year that always subbed for Mrs. Wills?"
Nick was silent for a moment before answering, "You mean Mr. Howard?"
"One and the same, Nick. I had him again today for third period. He let me slide for being tardy. I was scared shitless he was going to count me absent, which would have sent my Dad off like a Roman candle. I don't need to be grounded for my eighteenth birthday part next week. Worse yet, Daddy might spank me. How fucking embarrassing is that for a Senior in highschool to have her bare ass spanked by her fucking Dad?"
Nick replied quickly in jest, "Hey you little slut, I'd spank your bare ass too."
"Ha Ha Ha Nick. I'm sure you would love to get your hands on this nice ass!"
"Wow, pretty nice of Mr. Howard don't you think? I doubt he would have done that for any guy in class. What did you do Hannah, promise to blow him after school one day?" Nick blurted in laughter.
Hannah returned the laughter, "Well, not exactly. Fact of the matter is Nick, he knows my Daddy really well, so I doubt he would jeopardize their friendship. He used to come to our house frequently before Mom and Dad divorced, plus he and Daddy still hunt together several times a year, so, I could see an accidental shooting in his future if Daddy found out Mr. Howard had done something fishy. But then again, Dad was always suspicious of how Mom acted when Mr. Howard came around."
"So, you're saying you would blow him then," Nick laughed.
"Very funny Nick."
"Answer me you lil slut," Nick said in a jokingly firm voice.
"Yeah, the thought crossed my mind a couple times today," Hannah giggled. "He called me up to his desk after class today and when he stood up, the bulge in his pants was noticable."
"I bet money right now you suck his old dick before the end of the semester you little cock sucking slut," Nick taunted.
My mind raced. My cock throbbed. What now?
The day was still young, so I headed to the mall to pick up a few items ahead of class tomorrow.
(SATURDAY MORNING) Hannah answered the phone on the second ring. "Hello." "Hannah," I breathed heavily into the phone."Hiya," Hannah whispered. "I wasn't sure you would call.""What are you doing Hannah," I asked softly."Waiting for you. I expected your call last night, Mr. Howard. I was alone and really in need of my punishment."My cock thundered to a full-blown erection instantly. "I'll be there by 10 am. Wear something comfortable."Before she could answer, I hung up.I...
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"What a neat little doll, Ashley!", Corrina exclaimed."Where'd you pick it up?" Corrina turned the odd little dollaround into the light to get a better look at it.Ruffling a page in her magazine, Ashley snuffled. "Oh, **that**old thing? I picked it up in Rhodes, on vacation with myfolks. Its older than dinosaur shit, I've been told"."Lemme see it", requested Zenobia, reaching out her hand forthe little statuette. Corrina passed it to her. "It doeslook kinda old", she commented. Ashley's little...
lisa is a slim and petite brunette,she stands at about 5'5".She has a chilren to my best friend donald,they have been on and off for years but they always get back together.i met lisa through donald,we would have drinks on a friday night together and myself and donald would work out during the week.she would always find an excuse to watch me work out as donald had gotten lazy and prefered to be in her company and have a drink instead of working out.i would be working away lifting weights...
Caught By Bestfriends MomWell it was the middle of the week and my friend had to show us something. Promised not to tell anyone. We were 16 and hormones rising. Curious how the female body works. Sure we've seen porns and stuff but it wasn't enough that we just masturbated to them. We went over to analyze some videos he had found in his parents room. We were all pretty excited. Three of us made a bet, who will get to lose their virginity first? We were all sitting around the TV right before the...
My best friend Steve,invited all the boys round for a forth of July party.Just the seven of us,drinking beer outside by the pool.It was a hot day,and the drink was flowing.Every year we have a little party for the guys,and the wives get together next door and do there own thing.were there,as we always are every year,talking shit,about cars and women,as we always do.Eventually,the subject came back to Nancy,Steves wife.We all want to fuck her,its no secret,even Steve jokes about it.She is way...
It was a typical Friday night. Amber and I were hanging out at her house like normal. It was our last weekend before school started. Our senior year it was going to be the best year yet. Amber’s older sister Jessica was in town for the weekend as well so we all were sitting around watching a movie and eating popcorn. I hardly ever seen Jessica, and kind of liked it that way. I had always been attracted to her for some reason. I wasn’t a lesbian at least I didn’t think I was. I had a boyfriend,...
It was a nice spring day. My 2 friends Jack, and Kevin and I went to a baseball game. We do everything together from fishing to watching movies and camping. But this day was different. After a great game we all went to Jack's house to spend the night. Jack is about 5 feet 10 inches tall a little chunky and he is hairy and tan. Kevin is about 5 feet 7 inches and is pale and thin. While at Jacks house we made some food watched some movies, played some video games and decided to go to bed. We were...
ok this is the most weird day i had and its true. one day me and my friend planned a sleepover at her house, we got to her bed room and she said she forgot something down stairs and she left me upstairs. im thinking "what a ass" and i hear the door across the hallway opening and their he was, her dad sexy,strong,six pack,young, and had cute brown hair,hotter then hell i blushed when he seen me and he smiled and said "oh you must be my little girls bestie" and laughed i laughed to and said yes,...
I stood in the nightclub listening to the same old repetitive music. The lights shining down on the Dancefloor. I was buzzing after the amount I'd had to drink and on the prowl for the right girl. I knew one girl was coming but she off limits to me because of being my best mates ex girlfriend, but the way I was feeling I didn't care and thought I'd have a go anyway. A few girls made there interest known but I just ignored them and carried on leaning against the side of the bar looking for the...
I stood in the nightclub listening to the same old repetitive music. The lights shining down on the Dancefloor. I was buzzing after the amount I'd had to drink and on the prowl for the right girl. I knew one girl was coming but she off limits to me because of being my best mates ex girlfriend, but the way I was feeling I didn't care and thought I'd have a go anyway. A few girls made there interest known but I just ignored them and carried on leaning against the side of the bar looking for the...
Hello friends my self sanjubaba. I am 23 years old. This is my first story on Indian Sex Stories. For feedback and any girl or aunty wants to have fun mail me at secrecy is guaranteed. About my self I’m 23 year old single guy who enjoys and obsessed to sex.i can satisfy a girls and aunties with my 6.5 inch tool. I live in ahmedabad. Girls and aunties from ahmedabad as well as from other city can contact me for sexual fun. so coming to story during my college time i had many friends who were...
My friends mom was a woman who just had gotten done with a horrible divorce. I always went to over to play video games with Zach. I always had an eye on his hot mom. She was a little chunky and tall with long curly light brown hair. I couldn't get the fantasy out of my mind of her being naked. I always imagined her rubbing her fingers on her clit, begging me to fuck her. Then again, I was 16 and didn't think I had a chance with her. That didn't stop me from eyeing her though. I loved to look at...
I had been bestfriends with this girl for probably 2 years when this happened.One day after dropping my bestfriend off at home I started talking with my bestfriends mom in her living room.her daughter was sitting next to me on the couch. Both girls were very slim, and Italian. They both stood at around 5'4. My bf had tiny A cups, while her mom had slightly larger breasts. Anyway, my bf got a call on her cell and she said she had to go pick one of her friends up. I decided to stay since an...
Hie ISS readers, I am sri and this is my first story. This is my real story between me,my girlfriend and later my bestfriend(vikas),his girlfriend(meghana),i have a sexual desire on this meghana. First of all you have to know one thing that my gf is still using petticoats sized 85 and underwear of 85 name is amrutha(name changed),we usually talk a lot in phone and one day night we are normally talking in phone and i asked a kiss, with that kiss i became hot and my rod became semi...
This is a true storyShizz and I have been best friends for 11 years. We’ve been through everything together. We’ve gone from friends, friends with benefits, dating, lovers, relationship, back to friends with benefits. That’s where it pretty much stopped. I don’t think we can ever go back to just being friends. Probably because he’s still in love with me and I’m still in love with him. I’m looking forward to seeing him this Christmas. I am so excited. I haven’t seen him since he moved to North...
Straight SexI sat in class Friday afternoon waiting for the bell to ring. It was sooo boring just sitting here in my last period. I just wanted to get out of there so I could meet up with my two best friends. My best friends names were Daniel and Rachel. Mine is Jason. I had known them since I was 8. I was now 17. Rachel and Daniel were 16. We always hung out with each other after school and I expected today to be just like any other day. Finally the bell rang! I immediately grabbed my books, dashed out...
First TimeIt all started when my mom was moving to California with her boyfriend , I didn't want to go so I moved in with my best friend, her mom, and her grandfather. It took my months to pack but finally I was out! (My best friends family and my family ed me pack.) I'm 23 and I'm basically always horny. I'm a straight A student and everything. I have huge juicy 36DDD boobs. A big fat ass. Hips to die for. Long blond & brown hair (up to my fat or skinny , I'm nicely thick with light Carmel skin. Well I...
Erotic FictionHe called me at around 7:30 PM that night, nothing unusual we had sleep overs quite often. We have been going to high school together for our whole lives, robert and I were the best of friends. We referred to each other as brothers from another mother. We bonded on many levels, especially our crazed teenage hormones. We both were incredibly horny for the most part and jacked off to porn sites 2-3 times a day. We enjoyed talking about fucking the girls in our class or our teachers, anyone who...
IncestI always thought my best friend's dad was hot. He's in his late 40's and in shape and his hair is greying at the temples, which I think is sexy and he's divorced. Last winter I went over to spend the night, but Lindsay was running late getting home from her boyfriend's house and as the weather got worse, she ended up getting snowed in. So did I. I was 18, but still lived at home. So after a couple of attempts at getting my car unstuck, I called home and let them know I was staying put. Greg was...
EroticAlright so me and my friend have been best friends for as longas i remember. We always chill or something. He is about 5-11 and im about 6-2, both kind of skinny but not to skinny. i went over to his house and we chilled till we decieded to go to bed. we were laying there and he was like "dude im so horny rite now" , my dick started to get hard, " me too man " i said " why dont you come up here with me" he said. i went up there and was wearing nothing but his boxers just like me. He rubbed his...
EroticMy best friend, while having a quite drink asks, “So, do you really like muff diving?” I splutter my drink everywhere, “Where in the hell did that come from Ed?” “Julie (his wife) said you are exceptional!” “No Ed. I’ve not touched your misses. Honest!” “Calm down. It’s what Jane (my wife) keeps telling her.” Apparently the local wives discuss their sex lives or the lack of it. My name keeps coming up and some of the wives are a little envious as their husbands take little interest in giving...
I came home one Friday evening about 10 in the evening and my older sister had two of her snooty friends over. They had some wine and hard liquor and it looked to me like they were going to get stupid drunk.I didn't really get along with my sister, she's a year older, and her friends were all full of themselves. They were really good looking, including my sister, but they knew it.I went to my room, watched some tv and drifted off.I was awakened later that night by my sister who was visibly...
My name is Rick Graves, and I am thirty-five years old and have been joyfully hitched to Madison for fifteen years. Our dearest friends, Molly and Jake Robertson were part of our wedding party. She was a "bridesmaid," him a "groomsman."A week ago, we attended their daughter's high school graduation where she gave the valedictorian speech. After the ceremony, the four of us waited for her outside the school auditorium. Congrats and embraces were naturally followed by photos, then she was...
Strap-On SexAfter School Daughter By Lyar It seems like the walk home from school is getting shorter and shorter everyday. Maybe it's because my legs have grown longer as I've grown older, or perhaps I've grown less resentful of what I know is to come. To be honest I'd prefer for the first option to be true. Every day for the past few years I've thought about going somewhere else after school. What would it really hurt if I went to one of my friend's homes instead of going home? That's a silly...
MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Location: file:///C:/23522904/Captured,Caged,MilkedandEnraged.htm Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Missy Bits Captured, Caged, Milked and Enraged (c) The Qmoq 2006 Warni= ng: This story features kidnapping, non-consensual sex, torture, lactation and brutal captivity scenes. It is based directly on an idea suggested in the forums by Slut4U: Hope you...
My name is Simon I was sitting at home waiting for some friends to arrive, in they came Steve and his wife Sally (I've always held a torch for sally big boobs and a big ass my favourite things and we had a bit of a txt thing going on and off when one or the other of us was feeling horny we would send each other pics and talk dirty!!) followed by Sheryl their daughter now I hadn't seen Sheryl for a few years and she looked just like her mother she must have been about six teen give or take a...
I Love Being Felt Up In PublicHow School Friends Initiated Me in Getting 'Shared'....... Myboobs were too big for my age ...They always attracted attention from others --It was so right from my school days.....I enjoyed guys and gals, staring at them....Loved when someone crushed them in crowd......Or touched them deliberately........When touched, I wanted the guy or gal to press them nicely to send shivers of pleasure in my whole body, and that happened most of the times........... ...
High School Friends author unknown ****** The following is a true story. I won't say what age I was, but let's say it was around the junior high/high school range. My friend John lived about half a mile down the road from my house with his father, who was divorced. John's sister had moved away to college a few months after my family had moved into town from Seattle. There was nothing unusual in the friendship, and neither of us had ever thought much about anything other than...
Everyone goes through a phase as a teenager of being attracted to a more mature women. My best mates mom Jane was that attractive older woman. She was nicley tanned, curvy and with brunette hair. Her breasts were large and im not an expert on sizes but they were like big melons!! The added bonus was that my best mates sister, Laura, had grown up into a younger version of her mom with all the similar attributes. As it was not unusual at our age i stayed round Chris' (my best mate)for the...
EroticZusammenfassung: Er ist ein erfolgreicher Bundesligaspieler und hat zudem ein seltenes Hobby. Er verf?hrt und unterwirft Frauen, um zu sehen, wie weit er ohne Zwang mit ihnen kommt. Als er die hochbegabte Valerie kennen lernt, wei? er genau: Die will er haben. Egal ob er bereits eine Sklavin hat. Als sein Versuch seine alte Sklavin loszuwerden nicht von Erfolg gekr?nt wird, beh?lt er beide. Eine scharfe Konkurrenzsituation entsteht, welche beide Sklavinnen zu unvorstellbaren Leistungen an...