1:23 Ch. 02 free porn video

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Kent Orlando hoofed it across the Honolulu University campus at a near sprint. This morning, he found out the hard way that his alarm clock was busted with the time stuck at 1:23 in the morning. His stomach growled as he ran pass the Aloha Cafeteria. A heaping plate of fried rice with a side of linguisa, or better yet, the local classic loco moco, a runny egg over a hamburger patty on a bed of white rice covered with gravy and a splash of soy sauce sounded heavenly. Kent was from Ohio, but he had adapted quickly to the local fare. Too bad, his busted clock meant no breakfast today.

His first class was anthropology with Professor Lang and she hated when he came in late. It didn’t help that he had been late every time this week. Thinking of the beautiful Professor Lang warmed his blood. She reminded him of that Asian actress from Grey’s Anatomy. His friend Donny back in Byle, Ohio told him in an email that the same actress played a stripper in a movie called ‘Dancing at the Blue Iguana.’ Kent planned on checking it out the first chance he got.

Living in Honolulu for the last two years had given him a whole new appreciation of Asian women. Naturally, his thoughts went to Harriet Kono. Harriet was pure Japanese and she heated him up just as much as Professor Lang did. Pretty, petite Harriet fit right in with his new found fixation for Asian women. Anyway, he was helping Harriet with a science project thing that stimulated a person’s pleasure centers. She had some long scientific name for the device but he called it the brain tube.


‘What the fuck?’ Kent barked, stopped and backed up a few steps. Standing in front of him, blocking the sidewalk was a peacock with it’s tail in full display making a hell of a lot of noise. Kent didn’t know much about the local fauna but he was positive that peacocks were not indigenous to the Hawaiian Islands.

‘Kent,’ came a voice from behind him.

He turned and saw that it was Harriet Kono slim and cute in jeans. She wore a white lab coat over a brown t-shirt. She was dressed exactly the way he last saw her in her lab at the science building. She looked tired. He wondered if she had been up all night working on the brain tube.

‘You see the peacock?’ he asked and was about to look at the bird again when Harriet walked up to him and aggressively gripped his chin so that he couldn’t look away from her.

‘Forget the fucking bird!’ she said totally out of character. Usually, she was shy and demure around him, but today she looked focused, determined … even a little angry. ‘It’s taken me near forever to get your attention so don’t you look away, do you hear me?’

‘Whoa, girl?’ Kent said taken off guard by her crazy mood. ‘Did I break the brain tube yesterday?’

‘Kent—’ she said impatiently still holding his head still and clenching her other fist near his face like she wanted to hit him. She took a deep breath to calm herself, blinked several times and then continued speaking. ‘You never left my lab. You are still there with the brain tube helmet on. All of this is just a fantasy created by the pleasure center in your brain.’

Kent frowned as he recalled the over the top dream from last night about having sex with the beautiful Professor Lang and his cute Filipino TA.

‘I had some pretty crazy dreams last night,’ he said absently.

In a rush, all the dirty things he did with Lang and her assistant Neffie filled his head. There had been another chick there too, it was some movie star that he liked. He remembered Lang, flanked by Neffie and the other chick kneeling naked before him. In his minds eye, he vividly saw himself ejaculating on their faces.

‘It seemed so real,’ he said.

‘Kent, stop what you’re thinking!’ Harriet said. ‘It’s distracting you and I need you to stay focused on me understand?’

With effort, he pushed his dirty thoughts aside and asked, ‘Why don’t you just take the brain tube off my head and snap me out of this?’

A wave of guilt fluttered in her pretty brown eyes as she said. ‘Last time I did that there were dire side effects.’

‘So I’m not the first dude you used the brain tube on?’ Kent asked feeling hurt. Dirty thoughts flooded back and he had a vivid flash of running his hands over Nefertiti Ulamat’s brown little ass. He pushed the thought aside and asked, ‘What happened to the the other dude you used the brain tube on?’

‘He’s fine now,’ she said sounding guilty, ‘just a little afraid of escalators or any kind of moving walkways, but that’s not the point. I’ve worked out the kinks in the new version. But to play it safe, I need you to follow me back to the lab so I can put you through some mind settling exercises. And then I can remove the helmet.’

Kent barely listened as he imaged a bunch of girls in their underwear walking by.

‘Don’t look away!’ Harriet barked.

But he did. He was disappointed when he saw no women on the campus mall in their underwear. All he saw were students rushing off to class. He looked back at Harriet ready to do as she said.

‘Whoa,’ he said for Harriet was gone.

He sat on a nearby concrete bench under a banyan tree to think. ‘If none of this is real,’ he said aloud, ‘no reason to rush off to class. May as well get some breakfast after all.’

‘Dude!’ a familiar voice said. Kent wasn’t surprised to see his best friend Donny Stevenson from Ohio sitting next to him on the bench. Donny had visited him yesterday too as he did things with his sexy anthropology professor. He knew that Donny wasn’t really here, the guy had never stepped out of the state of Ohio let alone come to Honolulu to visit. Absurdly, Donny wore shorts and the ugliest aloha shirt ever made.

‘Hey, Donny,’ Kent said.

‘Hey yourself you fucking loser,’ Donny said. ‘You’re hooked up to that brain tube thing and you can bring any fantasy in your dirty little mind to life and the best you can come up with is eating breakfast?’

‘I wanted girls in their underwear but it didn’t happen,’ Kent said.

‘Be forceful dick head,’ Donny said. ‘Hey you!’ Donny called out to a passing girl with dark skin who had that beautiful mixture of Hawaiian and Asian features. The girl stopped and Donny said, ‘Tell her to strip down to her undies, dude.’

‘Ah … strip for me,’ Kent said.

‘Really?’ the girl asked with a look of contempt. ‘Don’t think so.’ She said and walked on.

‘Even in your fantasies you suck with chicks,’ Donny said.

‘I did okay with Professor Lang and her Assistant last time,’ Kent said irritated at being told by his obnoxious best friend that he sucked at picking up girls.

Donny sniffed. ‘Just barely and only after I got you rolling.’

Annoyed at Donny or whatever he represented in his own head, he called out to the departing local girl. ‘Strip down to your underwear!’

The girl stopped, turned and walked back to the bench. She gave Kent a steady look. ‘Hold my backpack,’ she said.

Kent took the backpack. The girl pulled her blouse over her head revealing a red bra that covered a perfect pair of dark brown C-cups. She kicked off her slippers, slid her shorts to the sidewalk and kicked it aside exposing a cute bottom half in shocking white silk panties. The swell of her pubic mound drew his eyes. She had flawless dark brown skin everywhere.

‘More like it, dude,’ Donny said approvingly.

The girl smiled, reached for her backpack, put her slippers back on and went on her way.

‘She left her clothes behind,’ Kent said absently watching the girl’s pretty ass as she walked away.

‘Why don’t we go find that hot Meka Okuda chick from art history class?’ Donny asked with his patented dirty leer.’

‘Go away,’ Kent said to Donny.

‘Denied again!’ Donny yelled as he blinked out of existence.

Kent liked the idea of looking up Meka Okuda. He got up and headed in the direction of the art department. On the way, h
e saw the dark skin Hawaiian-Asian girl in her underwear talking to a friend. The friend had a pleasing slim figure, dressed in jeans and a nice blouse, her features hinting at an exotic Asian mix. The woman look familiar. As he walked passed them, he gave the new woman a good long look. Then he had it! He stopped and blurted out, ‘You’re that actress from Hawaii Five-O!’

Both women gave him a cross look and went back to their conversation totally ignoring him.

‘Um … strip down for me,’ he said to the Five-O chick.

Five-O rolled her eyes, but made no move to remove her clothing.

‘Having trouble finding your alpha male center again?’ a voice came from behind him.

He turned to see Nefertiti Ulamat, the cute, petite Filipino teacher’s assistance from his anthropology class. She wore jeans and a canary yellow blouse, a bright red backpack hung from one shoulder.

‘Hey, Neffie,’ he said glumly.

‘It’s okay,’ Neffie said, ‘you’re a nice guy, far better than an alpha male jerk in my book.’

‘I was all alpha yesterday,’ he said.

Neffie gave him a sad smiled and said, ‘There was no yesterday Kent. This is all in your head.’

‘Then why can’t I get the Hawaii Five-O chick to listen to me?’

‘Maybe making people do things against their will doesn’t sit well with you,’ Neffie said.

‘Or …’ the dark skin girl in her underwear said no longer ignoring him.

‘Or what?’ Kent asked.

‘Maybe it’s your lack of imagination,’ Five-O continued.

‘You call this a lack of Imagination?’ Kent asked looking at the very real illusion of the Honolulu campus.

‘We could be anywhere,’ Underwear girl said.

‘Yeah,’ Five-O added. ‘We could be on a ship on the open sea, or New York City, or the Mediterranean, the moon even. Yet here we are on campus with you rushing off to class.’

‘And thinking of breakfast I might add,’ Donny said, suddenly among them in his ugly aloha shirt. Absurdly, he carried a backpack on one shoulder like everyone else on the campus mall.

Kent gave him a withering look.

‘Sorry,’ Donny said and winked from existence again.

‘I have a rich imagination,’ Kent said bristling. ‘I read books and see lots of movies.’

‘Mostly lots of Movies,’ Hawaii Five-O said. ‘You never crack a book if he doesn’t have to.’

‘Understandable,’ underwear girl said. ‘The dude’s a jock.’

‘Don’t be mean,’ Neffie said coming to Kent’s defense.

‘This is all in his head,’ Five-O said, ‘if anyone is being mean it’s him.’

‘We are entities that represent his conscious and sub conscious mind,’ Neffie said. ‘In a way we are all independent beings and have Kent to thank for our existence. We should be positive in our attitudes toward him.’

‘Ain’t our fault the guy’s an unimaginative jock with no clear future after college,’ Underwear girl said.

‘He clearly has issues,’ Five-O said. ‘And this new Asian girl fetish is racist and demeaning.’

‘He’s new to Hawaii,’ Neffie said, ‘and Asian girls fascinate him. And I’d hardly call his interest in us a fetish.’

‘Bet Harriet would,’ underwear said.

‘His affection for Harriet is sweet,’ Neffie said.

‘Yeah,’ Five-O said, ‘That’s why he wants to fuck her from behind and come on her face. Real sweet.’

‘Really! You are being such a jerk!’ Neffie barked. ‘Strip down to your underwear like he asked you superfluous syntax!’

‘Who you calling a syntax you cut rate Jiminy Cricket?’ Five-O said. She stepped up to Neffie and looked down at her. Five-O towered several inches above the Filipino girl.

After a short staring bout, Five-O stepped back and started to unbutton her top. Apparently, Neffie was a stronger entity in his brain. Underwear girl backed away and turned to leave.

‘Where do you think you’re going?’ Neffie asked her.

‘I’m just a random sexual cerebration called up by Kent,’ underwear said. ‘I have no interest in participating in this internal power struggle.’

‘Hang around,’ Neffie said sternly.

Underwear shrugged and hung around.

Kent felt uncomfortable and automatically looked around to see if others on the campus mall were watching this bizarre drama unfold. No one seem to take notice even though one of the participates wore only underwear and another was removing her clothing.

Then he remembered … this is just in my head … fucking weird dude.

That last thought sounded too much like his friend Donny.

Five-O was down to her underwear. No, not underwear he realized, it was a blue and yellow bikini the actress had worn in the TV show once. He remembered the scene clearly.

‘Nice,’ Neffie said, ‘You kept her slim figure and cute little A-cups.’

‘Never was into big fake boobs,’ he said.

‘You the man now,’ Neffie said. ‘They’ll do whatever you want.’

‘Kiss,’ he said to the two scantly clad women.

With no hesitation, they did his bidding. Underwear girl was several shades darker than Five-O and he enjoyed the contrast where their bodies touched.

‘Undress for me,’ Neffie said giving him her wide bright smile. ‘I wanna see you naked.’

‘What part of me is turned on by seeing myself naked?’ he asked.

‘You’re thinking too much,’ Neffie said. ‘This is dirty fantasy sex, no more than that.’

Kent pulled his shirt over his head temporarily blocking out the scene around him. When the shirt was free of his head, he found himself in a dim space lit by shimmering blue-green light. ‘What the fuck?’ he whispered.

‘The shark room at the Cleveland Aquarium,’ Neffie said.

Kent frowned and then a smile followed. ‘I made out with Ashley Grant here,’ he said.

‘She was that singer with the rock and roll band,’ Neffie clarified.

Kent nodded. ‘She even went down on me for half a minute right on that bench. Then security showed up and we ran.’ He looked at the large glassed in shark tank just as a menacing round eyed shark swam by.

‘Ashley was half Japanese,’ Neffie said. ‘Perhaps that’s when you started your fascination for Asian girls.’

‘Maybe,’ he said. ‘Speaking of Asian girls,’ he looked around, ‘where are the kissing hotties?’

Neffie waved for him to follow and she led him to a smaller chamber looking into a blue-green world of another fish tank. Floating, still pressed together and kissing were Five-O and underwear girl. Their long hair billowed and mingled around their heads become one dark sexy membrane.

‘This is a scene right out of a movie I’ve seen,’ he said with awe.

‘Underwater Vixens in Heat part three,’ Neffie said.

‘Now who doesn’t have an interesting imagination?’ he said with a touch of dirty pride even thought he had stolen the imaged from a movie … and a porno at that.

He noticed that Neffie was dressed differently, the jeans and yellow blouse she had on earlier was replaced by a form fitting dark blue full body outfit, seams and patches gave her a military look. The suit showed off her petite figure very nicely.

Neffie giggled and said, ‘Underwear girl would fill this suit much better than me.’ She did a dainty pirouette for him.

‘You have a cute butt, you look sexy,’ Kent said.

‘This is called a skin-suit. It’s an outfit you read about in a science fiction book.’

‘Celestial Bodies,’ he recalled, ‘in it was a planet named Pearl that was all ocean with no land masses. People lived in domes on the seabed.’

‘Who says you don’t read?’ Neffie said approvingly.

Kent looked at the kissing women floating in their liquid world. ‘Can they get to the surface to breath?’

‘Don’t worry, not real,’ Neffie assured him.

‘Finish undressing each other,’ he said to the floating women.

They ended their kiss, Underwear floated behind Five-O and freed her of her bra, exposing the girl’s tiny A-cups. The panties went next reveal
ing a pleasant triangle of hair that appeared jet black in the blue-green light of the fish tank. Then Five-O did the same for underwear girl.

‘Gonna have to think of her in another way,’ he said as he watched the dark shapely local girl freed of her designating underwear.

‘Her name is Oleander,’ Neffie said, ‘she sits opposite you in biology lab.’

‘Oh yeah,’ Kent said, ‘how did you know that?’

‘Silly,’ Neffie said nudging him. ‘This is your brain, you knew it that’s why.’

‘Maybe I know the name of Five-O then.’ Kent looked at the beautiful, slime Asian woman and focused on finding her name. ‘Kala? Kailua? Kalakaua? Kahala Mall? I think it’s Hawaiian.’

Neffie gave him a shrug.

The women resumed kissing.

In their watery world, their bodies were pleasing shades of silvery blue, Oleander a darker gray-silver. From the edges three naked men swam into the scene, all were darker than Oleander and fit like Olympic swimmers. All three men sported sizable erections. The men pulled the women apart. Kent watched with building pleasure as the two Asian beauties were, kissed, touched and fondled by the men.

‘I wanna join in,’ Kent said with breathy pleasure. ‘Take me to the entrance of the tank.’

‘Okay,’ Neffie said and gave him a violent shove in the direction of the aquarium glass.

He scream as he struck the glass, but instead of encountering solid resistance, he burst through like he had dropped into a swimming pool, only sideways. Instinctively he made for the surface to get air and panicked when he couldn’t find it. A hand grabbed his arm to hold him still, it was Neffie, she had joined him in the tank. Her dark blue science fiction skin-suit looked black underwater.

‘Don’t need air, just relax,’ she said.

Weirdly, he could hear her just fine like all the water around him didn’t matter. And she was right, he could breath, so he relaxed. The water was pleasantly warm, it pressed in on him, thrilling him.

‘Let’s get you Naked,’ Neffie said with a playful giggle. As she pulled and tugged at his shorts, he admired the way her skin-suit and her hair became one interesting dark mass. I didn’t take long to get him fully naked. The warm water surrounding his erection and balls felt like firm hands sending his arousal needle way into the red … he had never been so turned on in his life. Absently, he thought of Harriet and made a note to tell her that the brain tube certainly lived up to the promise of stimulating his pleasure center.

As if this crazy fantasy couldn’t get any weirder, a peacock with its tail in full bloom, walking nonchalantly at the bottom of the tank just behind the group of naked people.

‘Harriet is coming,’ Neffie said.

Kent nodded in agreement for he had figured out that the appearance of the peacock heralded Harriet’s arrival. And there she was standing on the other side of the aquarium glass looking in. He swam her way. He pressed against the glass to get a better look at her and found that he could pass through it like it wasn’t their. He stepped out of the tank and stood before Harriet dripping wet with water pooling at his feet.

‘Oh my God you’re naked!’ Harriet said. Her eyes dropped lower, ‘and erect!’ She did her best to keep her eyes on his face, but they flickered down every so many beats. ‘Um … it’s hell moving around in your head,’ she manage to say.

‘Sorry,’ he said guiltily. Harriet was no fantasy created by his pleasure center and he felt humiliated standing before her naked and hard, yet at the same time, he was highly turned on by her presents. His erection twitched and her eyes dropped briefly. She cleared her throat and said firmly, ‘This time you need to come with me.’

‘I’m kind of busy,’ Kent said. ‘Can I finish here first?’

Her eyes flickered to the aquarium filled with people behind him. ‘Oh my God! What is Nefertiti Ulamat doing in that tank with all those naked people?’

Kent was about to turn to look.

‘Don’t look away from me!’ Harriet yelled.

‘You know Neffie?’ he asked staying focused on her pretty Japanese face.

‘She attended my advanced programming and artificial intelligence seminar,’ Harriet said. Her eyes went wide as she asked, ‘And is that the actress from Hawaii Five-O going down on those guys?’

This time Kent did turn to look, and sure enough, the Five-O chick was working two cocks with gusto. He looked back at Harriet feeling sheepish for there was no denying that everything she saw was his own dirty desires.

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It's a long story but I had by now been the chastised slave to my former Mistress for over 6 months. Over that time I'd been conditioned to be more and more subservient. She seemed to take particular pleasure in humiliating me in front of others, especially her friends.Most Friday nights she'd have a gathering at her house with 2 or 3 friends. I would serve them, naked except for my collar and tiny steel chastity cage. They all had great fun teasing examining my locked little peepee. As the...

2 years ago
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Old Bhubaneswar Friend In New Avatar

Although I had written many stories in the past but for a long time I had not experimented with my writing. So I wish to know all your responses to my writing. Please do send me your comments and compliments by e-mail at , so that I can improve my own writing skills. This is going to be a short story and I hope you find it interesting. It was summer and I was unfortunately sent with my college students team to Kolkata for some technical study tour. It was mid April and you can imagine the...

Gay Male
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Bi experience

It starts off innocently enough with her friend Peter coming over for drinks, catching up on the last three months.I come home from work after a long day and find them laughing and joking already a few drinks deep.Peter encourages me to join in and catch up with them by doing some shots (never a good thing for me), I reluctantly agree and before I know it I've already downed 4 shots of tequila.Then without warning my girlfriend comes straight out and tells me what she's been talking to Peter...

2 years ago
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Hello n namskar aap sabhi jo bhi meri story ko read kar rahe ho sabhi ko specailly 30 se 40 saal ke lady ko mera payar bhara namskar.mai ek 30 saal ka rang gora meri height 5.5 inc weight 60 kg khubsurat sa insaan hun are yeh kiya mai apni tarif khud kiye jaa raha hun any way milne ke baad aap khud hi dekh lijyega baat un dino ki hai jab mai meri posting nepal mai thi to meri mulaqat mere flat ke bagal mai bari hi khubsurat lady se hui jise mai qarib 3 months se dekhta tha but meri un se baat...

3 years ago
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A Single Dad lunch at school

Introduction: I write what turns me on.. and what i hope turns HIM on. Yes this is all fictional. I am posting them here because HE has instructed me to. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do and it is always fun to hear how they affect you. PLEASE NOTE – read the themes – if they repulse you then STOP READING NOW – beacuse that is what the stories are about.. Doh It had been a long week – I had to travel for work and the kids had been at my parents. I spend almost every evening tossing and...

2 years ago
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Good Times At Cheddar High Part Two

Exploration and Discovery: Richard and Becky take some naughty selfies. Now that you've read something about Richard's background and earliest encounter with his first girlfriend (and I hope you have had time to read Part One), Richard is now moving forward to new experiences. By our junior year, most of the guys had seen their girlfriend's tits and maybe felt a little pussy. More stories surfaced at the high school about the guys who were getting laid and the girls that put out. It...

Straight Sex
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The way to end a night

I was celebrating my 18th birthday and decided to go to a nearby party in a field. There were two tents; one for the beer and the other for live bands and such. I was alone to begin with but as always randomly bumped into people I knew. I spent the night walking around between the two tents drinking and making random conversations. In between drinks I even managed to snog or fool around with random drunken women, but it never went any further than that... That is until the end of the night. It...

Straight Sex
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She’s not laying on top of my arm, so I climb off the bed and grab another gel I just-so-happened-to-have. I dab a little on my finer and reach around her giving Stacey Putnam a caress. She responds by sighing as she wakes, and slides back into me. I use the moment to grope her and give it a quick apply to her clit. While she is still waking, I manage to grope a bit more on to her nipples. “mmmph….morning. Stacey manages to get out thru the fog of waking. She knows she is still with This Man,...

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Vixen.com! Interested in some vixen porn? Sometimes referred to as “the Steven Spielberg of porn,” French adult film director and entrepreneur, Greg Lansky is known for creating the network of high-end pornography studios comprised of Blacked, Tushy, Vixen, and, more recently, Blacked Raw. Having got his start in the industry by creating successful brands and websites for Reality Kings, he did not start his own porn empire until 2014. In a matter of only four short years, though, his work has...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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My Sexy Neighbour Friend Athira

Hi, this is Rahul 54545 from Kerala to share my experience with my neighbour. I had earlier wrote about my first time with my aunt seena when I was 18. This story is how I used my friendship with my neighbour athira to satisfy my teen cock. I was 19 and athira was 18 years old. We were childhood friends too. We used to play all sort of games with other friends since childhood. Once, when we were 10 years, we played the game of parents with we acting as parents and another girl as our child. I...

2 years ago
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The Teenager And Big Boobed Neighbour Aunty Jyoti

This is a true incident which happened to me. It was a sunny Monday and my 12th board vacations. My board exams were over and I was chilling and enjoying my life as all the stress and tension were over. As usual and around 8 am, I was sleeping. My maid came and she had done with her chores. Both my parents are working so they don’t stay home much. When I woke up, I had this morning boner. But I didn’t know why I saw my neighbour aunty in my dreams and I was rock hard because of her. Anyway, I...

3 years ago
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Bens Girl

So for those of you who ignored my advice, here is some basic info about me. My name is Logan, I am about 5'10"(I stopped growing my sophomore year), well tanned, nice build, and fairly definitive muscle tone, and I have a 9 inch cock when hard. This takes place 2 years after the events with Raegen. I don't know when I first fell in love with her, all I do know is that it had happened, and there was no turning back. "I could never have her though" I thought to myself. She was...

2 years ago
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Closing the Deal

Friday afternoon when I arrived home, hubby was already there. He told me we had some celebrating to do and were going out with his clients to close a deal he’d been working on. He asked me to dress really nice for an expensive evening, and that he’d told them how sexy I was, so to really do myself up right. I got a party dress out of the closet, a little black one that he really likes and laid it out on the bed. When I got out of the shower, I noticed he had laid out my sexy black...

1 year ago
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Anya and the Fighter Part 3

That was all Anya Stolnyheva could think just now. The attractive brunette of 18 or 19 years of age now stood outside the door to a luxurious suite of over 4,000 square feet - Fernando Espa's penthouse. She wore a skimpy black dress with maximum cleavage, her long, copper-flecked hair straight and glossy as it flowed down her back. 'Can I really do this?' she wondered. For a second, all that had happened recently seemed to flash before her mind's eye. She and Kol had grown closer, but her...

1 year ago
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Ah, JAV torrents from Jav Junkies! It doesn’t matter what kind of smut you get off to because, we can all agree that the craziest, kinkiest, and the most fucked up shit comes from Japan. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. While there is still plenty of ‘normal’ porn from Japan, the majority of the adult stuff coming from the Land Of The Rising Sun seems to be of the weird, bizarre variety, some of which can jade even the most hardcore fap master. The sight of a Japanese slut with...

Porn Torrent Sites
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SexAndSubmission Alex Harper Anal Acquisition

Tall trim raven haired beauty Alex Harper goes to Xander Corvus’s huge house in the hills, his “fortress of solitude” far away from it all and no neighbors for miles. She is there to sign a shady business deal, something that includes a $10,000 bonus so she is game. Upon leaving, Alex can’t find her keys or her phone so there is no way out. Xander seduces her into thinking she is just right for a particular client, a buyer of sorts but first he needs to try her out to...

1 year ago
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Are you an Android Adult or just a human pervert looking for some new ways to jerk off using your phone? Either way, I’ve got something for you today I think you’re going to enjoy. Hell, maybe you’ve even heard of it already because the site gets millions of visitors every month. That kind of traffic tells you they’ve got something worth busting out the lube and the crusty old gym sock for, and you know how much I love to check out anything with naked chicks humping, anime footjobs, and video...

Free Sex Games
2 years ago
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DawnChapter 4 She Gets to Know Melody

What Melody had said was, "It's not so bad, Dawn; you'll get used to the taste. Meanwhile, let me clean off both of you." Two heads whiplashed toward the doorway. There stood the mistress of the household, casually leaning against the door frame. I haven't described Melody Dean for you, have I? She stood a lithe five foot four, the extra few inches above some of her friends serving her to good advantage on the tennis courts. Without a moment's thought, Dawn could see that her blonde...

2 years ago
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Walked in on my Uncles

About 10 years ago I was home alone with my twin uncles.  They are my uncles by marriage so we are about 3 years apart.  We have always watched porno’s together and have masturbated in the same room before, but that was the extent of any sexual behaviors we have ever had together.  One Monday morning I awoke to loud moaning coming from downstairs.  My room was positioned directly above the TV room so I heard everything that went on down there.  I figured my uncles were watching pornos without...

3 years ago
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Canadian Lund Se Indian Maami Ki Chudai

Hello frnds, mera naam Raj hai aaur main aaj aapko apni story batane ja raha hu. Main Canada ke Calgary city me rehta hu aaur india me Punjab se hu. Meri email id hai, koi bhi ladki aaur aunty contact kr skti hai fun ke liye alberta state me kahien bhi pehle to apni maami ke bare me bta du. Wo housewife hai aaur mama ji job karte hai maami kafi sundar aaur sexy hai rang poora gora aaur gand aaur mumme dono badde baade hai. Nd m 25 now slim 6 feet handsome attractive that my girlfrnds says ab...

4 years ago
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I Love My Nerd Pt 01

I lay motionless, breathing heavily on the bed. I look to my right and see the man I had just made love to, and I start to wonder how he had pressed all of the right buttons to create the best 1st date of my life. It all started with a Craigslist ad. I had just recently moved to Minneapolis, MN, leaving my family behind in California. That always throws everyone for a loop. I think the most asked question I have received since moving is ‘WHY WOULD YOU MOVE HERE FROM CALIFORNIA?!’ ‘Bitch...

2 years ago
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Misadventures of a Sorceress

We begin this unfortunate tale of dibochery in a strange and colorfull tower in the shape of a very erect phallus. Our heroine is getting ready to start her adventure at the very start of her adult life. As our heroine readies herself, she begins to choose what to wear. The only problem is anything can happen.

2 years ago
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Surrender Part Three Michaels Meltdown

The throb in his battered backside wasn't Michael's only reminder of his first encounter with Dominique. Every bit of his flesh, from his shoulders to his knees tingled with the effects of her particular kind of attention. He never felt more alive. Michael stepped into the street trying to resist the urge to massage his aching bottom. The memory of being paddled while draped over her knees was still fresh and he wanted the sensation of his spanking to linger as long as possible. He hailed a...

1 year ago
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Kevins Dream

Kevin's Dream I had the dream again last night. It used to be a once-in-a-while thing, now it seems like its happening every night, and I think I might be going crazy because of it. I mean, I'm a typical high-school boy, so why would I dream of being a girl? It always starts out the same - I go over to my girlfriend Tammy's house, and I change into her clothes. She doesnt seem to be freaked out by this, in fact in the dream she has a blast helping me strip the boy off of...

3 years ago
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Running on Fumes Pt 01

Chapter 1 Labor status pending?’ What on earth is going on? Kimmi Riasco thought as she watched the evil red light blink on the computer screen in her cubicle. Labor status pending! What does that mean? Kimmi looked over her shoulder to make sure none of her co-workers were close enough to see what she was doing. Not that it would matter for very long she thought. Once something like this comes up on a labor status report there’s very little time before the shit hits the fan. Kimmi silently...

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sweet little angela

She almost bounced upon the bed and began to pull me on top of her small frame work. Her smal hands eagerly undid my belt, loosened my jeans, and unzipped them in an easy fashion. "Please, let me do all the work, baby," she said as I gave into her desires. "My pussy is very small and very tight, even when it is wet," she said. I don't usually let too many men close to me because they have hurt me too often, but I really need to be fucked, and my girlfriend is in the joint still. We both...

2 years ago
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Shes ready for her close up

A few weeks ago an actress was in the news for something beside her latest movie. A day or two later when I went to bed, I had a dream about meeting her at a hotel. Part of this story is based on the dream, the rest is my made up fantasy.I was out of town on business, my presentation to be made first thing Monday morning. I pulled into the hotel late Saturday night checked in and dropped my bags in my room on the 7th floor. Although I had eaten on the plane I wondered if the restaurant...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Christie Stevens Scoring With My Hot MILF Neighbor

Christie Stevens was enjoying an afternoon sunning herself in her backyard. Jake was also enjoying his Saturday afternoon, flying his father’s drone. Christie heard this noise which she thought was a swarm of bees. It was at that point when this drone fell out of the sky landing on her lawn. On the drone was the address so she wanted to be a good neighbor and bring it back. When she knocked on the door, Jake answered and was ‘surprised’ – he refused to admit that he was...

2 years ago
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Lizzie CameChapter 4

"What the hell is your problem?" Vince said. "Why are you being like this?" "I don't have a problem, now," Gabriella replied. "I just don't need you anymore, like I already told you." "Since when, Gabby?" "I told you last night, Vince. I'm sick of you talking about Lizzie all the time. And she said you do the same thing to her, always talking about me." "You talked to Lizzie?" Gabriella nodded. "When did you talk to Lizzie?" "We texted last night after we both got...

1 year ago
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A reflection on sucking fine black cocks

I read this confession from a teenage girl here on xhamster. Basically she started to want well endowed black men from the first time she watched porn. Her teenage life was about masturbating to BBC porn and waiting until the time came to fuck her first actual black man. She did this at 16 and snce then had ten other black men, always happy, never wanting anyhting else. The girl knows what she wants. It made me reflect on my life as a bisexual man who also loves to suck beautiful cocks. For me,...

2 years ago
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San Angelo

All characters depicted in this fanciful tale are over twenty-five years of age. I am well aware that I am no Tom Cruise. I don’t have his looks, although I am taller. I don’t have anywhere near his money, although I have suddenly come into a huge fortune by my own standards. In my nearly forty years as an attorney I have not earned the thirty or so million dollars he has purportedly made portraying them in film, although financially I have done alright. I do have various complaints, but not...

4 years ago
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How Lania fell

It was obvious that Galin was in trouble, ever since the orcs brought war to the capital. A city familiar with war, Galin was fairly equal-sex in the way that miners, smiths, and even knights sometimes could be women. Enter Lania. A blue eyed, fair haired maiden that had been training as a knight since she was little. Things were tough on her and quite often she would be the brunt of jokes to the other knights, especially since her slender build and pixie-ish face didn't lend to her ability to...

3 years ago
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Carnal Curiousities Part 2

I took my time dressing, wanting to maximize my "assests" as much as possible. When I hunted, I made sure my trap was set with the perfect bait. I wanted to catch the best specimen of prey possible and to do so, you need good bait. Checking my reflection, I decided I definitely had good bait. I was dressed in an exquisitely tight black halter dress that hugged my ample rear and large chest. My tits were practically spilling out of the dress. The length was perfect as well. It was...

4 years ago
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Star BrightChapter 4

From my new perspective as an oh so much more wise, experienced, savvy and suave fourteen-year-old rather than being a mere callow stripling of 13- I found the slightly older, slightly more curvy Agatha tremendously more drool-worthy. I was smitten speechless and stupid. I was reduced to cretinism. It is ever so after girls start their jump to womanhood; at the same age as the boys yet several years advanced developmentally by all standards measurable. I recalled what Agatha had said...

2 years ago
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Our Steam Sauna Experience

We are both steaming hot in the steam sauna in this small-town Italian sauna in the middle of a very non-descript part of the south. The ‘dress-code’ was variable, most naked, but a few, like us preferring to have a towel round us! At one point, space was a bit tight, and it seemed as if all of the customers were stacked up on the benches. Until one by one they left. We are sitting side by side. Feeling you gently nudge my knee, I glance to see you as I am leaning back onto the upper bench,...

3 years ago
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The PowerChapter 6 A New Normal

To be honest, the next day Sue pretty much avoided me, sticking to her room and doing homework, not talking much later. Mom wanted to hear it all, a blow-by-blow of the whole evening, so I told her what I could, leaving out what happened when we got home. I simply said that we had talked for a bit, then gone to bed. She talked to Sue as well, but Sue kept her mouth shut as well, since Mom only commented that it sounded like we had had fun. After school on Monday, before Mom came home, I...

2 years ago
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All I Want Chapter 5

Cameron arrived at the arena about half an hour before the opening tip-off and he was greeted by his panicking teammates and the furious coaching staff. They were furious because he had missed the press conferences and practices that could’ve given the team that edge they needed to win, but they found it relatively easy to forgive him seeing as he was their franchise player and all-star. He went to the locker room and started his pre-game routine, which he did religiously. The rest of the Los...

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